Category Archives: Translations

Episode 1 Prologue

The dead red-brown ground spreads all over the area, dried land where plants and trees are nowhere to be found. The only things in sight are big red rocks and mountains.

There is no sign of people around. In this desolate land, Seiya was standing with a single girl.

A girl standing next to Seiya has beautiful white hair, beautiful red eyes and a beautiful face that can fascinate people.

Her height is a bit low, but the girl can be expressed in one sentence, absolutely beautiful.

The appearance of such a girl was a true opposite to Seiya with blond hair and blue eyes.


White haired red eyed beauty calls on Seiya while pointing forward. Seiya looks at the direction pointed to by Yua, a girl with scarlet red eyes, and finds something there.

In this direction was a large horde of animals like cattle. And the horde was approaching at the high speed towards them. Their number was about 3000.

「Magical beasts again」
「It seems so……」

Said Seiya looking at the large horde of cow-like magical beasts.

Magical beast is an animal-like living being in a dark territory, a place where no man lives, they’re powerful enough to easily deal with ordinary people.

It depends on the species but basically, the weakest ones need a team of average magicians to defeat it. However, the monsters that come closer to the Seiya are not the weakest however you look at it

Three thousand beasts were approaching Seiya and Yua.

「Seiya…what shall we do?」
「I’ll deal with them」

Seiya starts manipulating magical powers inside his body while lifting the right hand towards the horde of beasts. Yua does not do anything and is just watching Seiya with a relieved face.

「 『Dark Wave 』」

Immediately after Seiya said the name of the spell, horde of close to 3000 beasts that was approaching at a high speed toward the two of them disappeared in a flash.

Only the dust was left from the gigantic running horde.

Seeing this Yua said.

「After all, darkness attribute sure is convenient ……」
「Sure enough. That what you should expect from the power of heretics」

Said Seiya while looking at his right hand.

Magic Language ch.14 part 2

Greetings everyone. I’m the new part timer, Raizu.

I’ll helping on Magic Language for awhile, it’s quite interesting plot. The story  pace is also good.
Oh yeah, Sarah and Silva mentioned that there will be childpr0n on this series,
well, let’s looking forward for it together since I am also bit curious. 😡

if you are also enjoy and like it, please give me your support by commenting on the page~

Anyway, enjoy Magic Language Chapter 14 Part 2~

Translator: Raizu
Editor: Silva

Coming Soon

coming soon

Episode 80 Magical Beasts Have Their Own Pride

Facing a beast capable of wielding mana, Lily and, of course, the student council members were greatly surprised. The existence of the magic-resistant beasts was already a shock for them, forget about the beasts capable of casting magic.

Seiya was able to figure out that this beast was of the fire element thanks to the previous attack of Aishi and Selena. Aishi’s『Ice and Snow』is a spell that freezes the target by calming down the particles to the extreme and taking away their heat.

The magical beast didn’t freeze as expected but erased the spell until there was nothing left. At this point, it either erased the spell using the dark attribute or activated the particles using the fire attribute.

The next was Selena’s『Fire Stake』, which did stab through its foot.

But this『Fire Stake』too disappeared without any trace. Because『Fire Stake』can’t be melted in the same way as『Ice and Snow』, the dark attribute needs to be involved.

However, why didn’t it erase the spells before they even hit it?

There, Seiya came up with a theory. Maybe, this magical beast is fire-attributed and able to absorb fire magic, which is of the same element as it.

If so, the disappearance of the spell and regeneration of the wound can be explained. Seiya wounded the beast to confirm his suspicions and, as expected, it was able to activate its regenerative powers to quickly close the wound.

「I can erase it but I need to think about the future」

Seiya muttered something to himself. Yua didn’t know what he meant but she believed him and retreated to the back.


The beast released a low growl and stared at Seiya as it released its bloodlust that was even denser than before.

Despite the fact that it wasn’t directed at them, Selena and company felt had a hard time breathing. Just how strong the pressure put on Seiya is, they thought.

However, Seiya didn’t seem to be affected at all.

A grin emerged on Seiya’s face.

When the magical beast saw his smile, it felt as if it messed with someone it shouldn’t have.

Despite its continuous growls, the killing intent disappeared as if it was never present. The student council members felt it dissipating and were finally able to catch a breath.

「As I thought」

At that time, Seiya confirmed something. It wasn’t something that he could logically explain, it was just his intuition but he felt that it must be true.

The lion-like magical beast didn’t understand that it was overwhelmed by his killing intent, but it intuitively felt that at this rate it would be killed by this human for sure.

But magical beasts have their own pride. The pride of the king of the magical beasts in this area. As long as this pride still exists, the magical beast won’t retreat. Even if it will be killed.


The magical beast roared and a change occurred. Its mane ignited and a flame appeared on the tip of its tail, truly the king of the beasts.

It wasn’t only its looks, the pressure of the king of the beast was also present.

The beast took the initiative and launched itself towards Seiya. Seiya avoided to the side and slashed with the Hollins, but the wound ended up swiftly regenerating.

The magical beast knew that its wound will close, that’s why it launched such a reckless attack.

The magical beast tried to graze him with its claw, but Seiya dodged and slashed at its face. The beast’s movement faltered for a moment but it immediately regenerated and proceeded with a new attack.

Seiya tried to find an opening while dodging its attacks but couldn’t immediately discover anything.

At that moment, the beast’s attack pattern changed. It only used its teeth and claws before but now it added the breath to the mix.

When Seiya thought that he managed to avoid its claw, it released a fire breath from its mouth.

Seiya slashed at its breath while dodging to the side as he threw another Hollins at it. However, the Hollins only grazed its leg producing a small wound.

The beast activated its regenerative powers and the wound disappeared in a blink of an eye. At that time, the magical beast didn’t notice. It didn’t notice that the speed of its regeneration became slower than before.

Seiya immediately summoned another Hollins to replace the one he threw.

The magical beast delivered a new attack. Different from the last breath, it had much more power behind it.

Against this breath, Seiya deployed two『Wall of Light』to protect himself. The attack competed against the defense. However, in the next moment, it broke through『Wall of Light』and reached Seiya.


Called Yua while being worried about her fiancé. However, the worry that she won’t be able to do anything attacked her heart and made her hesitate.

Different from Yua, who was in this condition, a certain girl said from the back.

「Get a grip, lolicon『Atos』」

Selena cast a spell as she scolded him. When she saw that his defense wouldn’t be able to hold, she started to chant her strongest attacking spell.

Right after the red lasers were shot from her magic guns, they split and spread in a zigzag pattern.

The lasers that spread around suddenly turned and attacked the magical beast. They numbered about twenty thousand. Twenty thousand lasers poured on the magical beast like rain.

When the magical beast noticed the lasers, it immediately chose to retreat. However, the red lasers bent once again and closed in on the magical beast.

The beast immediately realized that it had a tracking property and cast a new spell.


Right after its growl, multiple magic circles appeared around it and something stepped out of them.

Although small, they were its body doubles made of completely out of the fire. Despite being relatively low in number, they managed to disperse the might of Atos.

The red lasers collided with the body doubles and destroyed them one after another.

Only about a hundred of lasers made it to the beast itself. To deal with them, the main body released a breath and completely erased them.

「It can’t be……」

Selena received a shock at a simple magical beast being able to deal with her strongest spell. It was her second time using Atos and the second time it was destroyed.

More than that, she tried to use it even earlier, before she met Seiya, but she didn’t even have a chance to unleash it.

She was on the verge of losing confidence in herself, but since it wasn’t the right time for the stray thought, she immediately switched her gears.

With Seiya incapacitated and『Atos』destroyed, there was a need for remaining members to cooperate and resist the beast, thought Selena.

However, Selena’s resolve ended up being unneeded. The reason being, the magical beast suddenly stumbled and fell right before her eyes.


Selena spaced out. The same was true for the rest.

「That was a saver, bird woman」

Selena looked in the direction of the voice and saw Seiya still unharmed, despite receiving the attack.

「What do you mean? Are you all right? 」
「I’m uninjured. Also, this beast won’t be able to move anymore」
「What did you do? 」
「What do you mean?  I just fought normally. It simply run out of mana」

As Seiya said, the beast run out of mana. However, even beast should be able to notice when they mana is about to run out.

Normally, it should have been able to feel the remaining amount. However, this beast wasn’t able to. Of course, it didn’t happen without any reason.

In reality, Seiya channeled water-attributed mana inside of its body with each slash of the Hollins.

Once inside its body, water-attributed mana calmed down its own mana. That’s why, when the beast tried to activate its regeneration with calm mana, it took much more mana to achieve the effect.

As a result, it wasted much more mana that it thought it did, which caused the mana deficiency.

However, according to Seiya’s plan, it should have taken more time. By receiving the attack, he planned to make the beast relax his guard and cast its spells one after another to finish him.

But thanks to Selena’s『Atos』it wasted its mana faster than expected.

Seiya stabbed the fallen beast and poured mana of the water attribute inside of it. Its insides gradually calmed down and it lost its consciousness.

Seiya bound the beast with a rope and had Aishi enclose it in the ice.

「Are you going to bring it with us?」

Mona raised a voice of surprise, but faced with such a Mona, Seiya calmly stated his reason.

「Of course. We are traveling towards an unknown place. Naturally, the currency is also different. Let’s sell this beast to make some money」
「So that’s how it is」
「I see」

Seiya’s answer managed to convince Mona and Aishi. The moment he decided to fight this beast, he also decided to use it to procure funds.

Therefore, he aimed to exhaust its mana and capture it intact.

After that, they didn’t encounter any problems and finally saw the second district of the Great Dakuria Empire.

「There really is a city in the middle of the dark territory」

Although he had some prior knowledge, Seiya was still surprised. The same was true for the rest of the team.

「Here, my mother……..」

Muttered Selena as she clenched her fists. Seeing her like this, Seiya said while riding forward on his horse.

「All right then, let’s go」

They proceeded forward to enter the second district.


No references, my brain doesn’t work today.

Chapter 3 Dacuria 2nd District Arc

Chapter 2 Arsenia Magic Academy Arc

Extra Chapter An Incident Happening Behind the Scene

Chapter 1 Encounter and a New Life

Outcast Magician and the Power of Heretics

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No Image Outcast Magician and the Power of Heretics (落ちこぼれ魔法師と異端の力) is a Japanese Web Novel written by Takamaki (高巻 柚宇). It is ongoing with 234 Chapters.

Category:  Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, School Life, Supernatural

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Seiya, an outcast magician, was kidnapped together with his classmates one day and his life was in danger. But at that time, the original power of Seiya was awakened and he escaped safely from the crisis! But that power was treated as heretical, Seiya was no longer an outcast, he became a heretical magician, a subject of hatred by the country.
Continue reading Outcast Magician and the Power of Heretics

[Vol.2] Chapter 26.5 – Bonus: A Different Battle

“Well then, shall we go, Cheryl-chan?”
“……Yup. Hot spring, fun”

The beautiful moon brightened the area like a spotlight in the dark mountains.
An elven girl, who boasts peerless beauty which is still insufficient to describe her, and a half-elven, half-Majin girl, who gave of a mysterious radiance, stood there together.
Both of them were only wearing a towel and the limps which were illuminated by the moonlight were beautiful in an artistic sense rather than a sexual one.
From their appearance, one could assume they were about to take a bath. One could also say, walking around the cold mountain dressed like that was rather reckless.

That girl who swung her golden thread like hair from side to side barely covering anything of her body despite– No, because she usually concealed those abundant curves from the public under her robe, now seemed like she was flaunting her magnificent beauty.
In contrast to that golden haired girl, the white haired girl accompanying her possessed a childish body with close to none curves whatsoever. However, on the other hand, through her gracefulness and reserved nature, a certain majesty is born which made her fascinating while still being a little girl.

They were two girls who would even put a goddess’ beauty to shame.
The golden haired girl was called Sonia and the white haired girl’s name was Cheryl.

“……But is that really fine? Grandfather told me to never show my naked body to a man”

Among those two, Cheryl seemed puzzled and sent questioning looks towards Sonia.
Although they seemed to be young appearance- and character wise, but those two who carried elven blood within them were much older than they appeared to be.
Because of that effect the elven sense of virtue differed greatly from their outward appearance and was firmly rooted in their culture.

“Right, normally one shouldn’t do that. But Cheryl-chan……Eehm, have you ever taken a bath together with your grandfather?”
“I, have”
“Hm hm, so if it’s with siblings, parents and people you’re close with then you don’t have to mind it.
Slava-kun is also like a big brother to you, right Cheryl-chan?”
“That’s……Right. But I’m a year older so I’m the big sister……”

Sonia smiled at Cheryl who proudly stuck out her non-existent chest and snorted.

“Fufu, well, anyway, it’s okay with people like him. So, if you understood shall we continue? Our bodies will get cold”
“……Hot spring!……Huh? But what about Sonia?”

When she said the word “hot spring”, for which she held high expectations as she never saw one before, Cheryl threw up her right hand while still holding onto her towel.
……However, despite her still being a child she seemed to have noticed the incongruity in Sonia’s words.

Certainly, Slava and Cheryl were close childhood friends. Their relationship was like that of a parent and child or siblings, very close.
Then, what is Slava, whom she just recently met, to Sonia?
Cheryl looked doubtful as she felt this was a little unconvincing somehow.

Sonia who got asked something like this by a child softened her eyes for just an instant.
However, she quickly recovered.

“Me, you ask?……I’m, let’s see. I’d want to be his future wife, just kidding.”

She covered her cheeks dyed in vermilion with both her hands.
Young Cheryl didn’t really know if that was the answer to her question but– she didn’t like it for some reason.

“Come on, let’s hurry. If we don’t hurry Slava-kun might leave before we get there, you know?
You want to bath together with him, right?”

But Cheryl was still just a child for an elf blessed with longevity. She seemed to have decided to give priority to spending time with her favourite boy without being swayed by some passing emotion.
Silence was circulating between them for a while.
Despite the small steps Cheryl took, their destination wasn’t far anymore and it soon entered those two’s field of vision.

What they saw was — Not sure if one could classify him as a boy– the elven boy they were talking about just now.

“Yes, good, good. Looks like he just entered……”

Sonia who spotted Slava unconsciously hid behind a bush and lowered her voice.
Cheryl, who didn’t quite understand why she did this, copied her. Feeling embarrassed in front of the opposite gender dressed like this was natural after all.

“Fufu, “Aah~”, he said. He’s an old man on the inside after all, huh?”

Usually, Slava would have noticed those two but as he was bathing in the hot spring, which he professed to love, he let his guard down.
Still, Salva was a slightly special boy who would instantly get ready for battle if any of those two emitted any malicious intent. Those two observed Slava without being that careless.

“Still……If you look closely, he looks cool even though he’s young”

Sonia muttered as if she looked at a completely different person than before when she looked at Slava from that angle.
She unconsciously held her breath while she observed the bathing Slava’s profile.
Certainly, his face, while still being childish, was well formed.
Every part of him was honed without a flaw reminding one of an excellent sword, those sharp contours were reminiscent of a body thoroughly put through training. His copper coloured hair which was cut short so that it won’t get in the way, though not very decorative, had a functional beauty to it and fit the boy called Slava very well.
……What Sonia liked the most, however, were his eyes.
It was precisely because she knew Slava’s circumstances that she noticed the charm of those aggressive and solemn eyes which normally couldn’t be found on a young boy’s face. And yet, those eyes seemed to contain some sorrow mixed with deep affection.

An elf’s lifespan is long. However, because of that life ends up feeling dull.
Sonia hated that. She didn’t want to live a meaningless life. That’s why Slava’s eyes, which harboured a great variety of emotions, and inevitably his mind as well seemed attractive to her.

What was he thinking about now?
He looked up at the moon, his eyes, which were tinged in a deep sorrow, glued to it as if he tried to absorb its light.
If possible I’d like to watch him like this forever. The moment she thought that a strong pull on her arm brought Sonia back to reality.

“……Right. If we stay here we’ll get cold.”

It was Cheryl who pulled at her arm. Cheryl, who tilted her head and directed questioning eyes towards Sonia, seemed to be a little cold.

That’s right, they were here dressed like this to bath together with the boy who was soaking in the hot water.
Sonia who was reminded of that became slightly red again.

It was embarrassing for her to expose her skin in front of the man she fell in love with. That was only natural, as Sonia hadn’t really experienced love before she met Slava.
For Sonia, whose beauty even made a goddess look pale next to her, it wasn’t unusual for men to show up with the desire to court her.
But the men who made advances towards her always only wanted to get to know her after seeing her face. Before she noticed, Sonia got a really dull impression of that thing called love.
While she was like that this boy called Slava appeared before her.
A special kind of boy who, while still being an elf, had a very strong air about him. The more Sonia spoke and listened to him the more interested she got in him.
As she listened she found out his special circumstance of being a “former human”. So while being of the same long-lived elven race he was an “elderly boy”.
And — that absurd strength. Slava’s fist which broke Sonia’s mask smashed in the door which closed off the maiden’s heart within her.
Sonia who experienced “love” for the first time was fired up to such an extent one couldn’t imagine her usually being very calm.
──If I miss him here I’ll have to spend this long life always compromising. Sonia having such conviction was a matter of course.
Be assertive, don’t regret anything, live strongly! Like that this reckless assault came to be.

“A, alright, let’s go, Cheryl-chan”
When the girl — She travelled together with Slava– Cheryl nodded in agreement Sonia slightly changed her position.
She was embarrassed to go out just as is so she circled around and approached Slava from behind.
Then the girl’s first love started to progress.
As she encountered Slava under the moonlight, seeming calm, they exchanged their mutual intentions with each other.

Before long, that surprisingly pleasant time passed and Slava, who was soaking in hot water, stood up.
The hot spring made him feel so relaxed he completely forgot to cover his front. Or is it the habit of an old man no one would look at in that way? Old habits die hard.
Sonia hastily covered her eyes.
──However, Being interested in sex for the first time (Cheryl had yet to understand that concept) Sonia felt restless and spread out her fingers.

At that time, a cracking sound containing some moisture, sounding like a palm strike, was reverberating through the mountains.
The source of that sound was the boy who strangely attracted the girl’s gaze.
When Sonia opened her eyes behind her hands she saw–

The figure of Slava hitting his back with a slightly wet towel, which he wore on his head up until a while ago, through his crotch.
……Why did that gesture of which she didn’t understand the purpose seem so natural as if it was a habit?
“Like an old man….” is the impression it gave of and reaffirming the fact again that Slava is an old man who’s a hot spring enthusiast.

……However, love is said to be blind, isn’t it? As this gesture seemed cute to her, for some reason, Sonia let out a sigh.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 138

Here’s the fourth of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

Remember to click on “Next Chapter” to read the teaser for the next chapter~!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 137

Here’s the fourth of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 136

Here’s the third of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 135

Here’s the second of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 134

Here’s the first of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!