Category Archives: Dragon Princess

Chapter 27 – My Excellent Teacher

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Author: We Ain’t Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1720 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1185 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 27

The time is almost here, just a few more weeks before I fly~
Vacation sure is an expensive hobby eh?

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» Volume 1 Chapter 27 «

Chapter 26 – The Conspiracy Behind my Birth

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Author: We Ain’t Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1671 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1119 words

Continue reading Chapter 26 – The Conspiracy Behind my Birth

Dragon Princess Chapter 26

This chapter is a little bit of a side chapter, but I wouldn’t recommend skipping it. There’s a huge plot twist in this chapter!

Just a quick update, the light/dark mode toggle button is now fully functional, what do you think? Pretty neat right? Which mode are you using? Light mode or Dark mode? Let us know by casting your vote below 🙂

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» Volume 1 Chapter 26 «

[crowdsignal poll=10438745]

Dragon Princess Chapter 25

It is my misfortune to be born under a dad who doesn’t respect the law and is trying to make me do bad things to borderline illegal things. Maybe that’s why I grew up totally opposite of my dad, learning from his bad example and swearing to myself that I’ll never turn out like him.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 25 «

Chapter 25 – My Intelligent Teacher (Part 3)

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Author: We Ain’t Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 2265 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1567 words

Continue reading Chapter 25 – My Intelligent Teacher (Part 3)

Dragon Princess Chapter 24

Hah! How are you liking the dark mode now? You asked for it, and I listened. Went and hired a programmer to change the theme to dark mode by default. The toggle button is still in development but it should be available before the day ends. If you prefer to read in light mode, you will be able to find the toggle button at the top menu navigation after it has been implemented.

If you are touched by my dedication to providing the greatest reading experience to the readers, feel free to turn off your Adblocker and shower me with your love and support. Much love.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 24 «

Chapter 24 – My Intelligent Teacher (Part 2)

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Author: We Ain’t Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 2004 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1291 words

Continue reading Chapter 24 – My Intelligent Teacher (Part 2)

Chapter 23 – My Intelligent Teacher (Part 1)

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1707 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1166 words

Continue reading Chapter 23 – My Intelligent Teacher (Part 1)

Dragon Princess Chapter 23

Lo and Behold, we finally have a volunteer editor for Dragon Princess! Introduced to me by our creepy friendly stalker, Ender. Let us put our hand together to welcome the newest addition to our editorial team, impatientreader123, also known as Imp, our very own Lil Red Riding Hood Imp.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 23 «

Chapter 22 – My Sweet Voice

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 2024 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1369 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 22

Did you know? The diamond may be the hardest material on earth, but they are as brittle as glass. How can that be? That’s so contradictory! Well, it’s true though, because unlike metal, the diamond can’t deform and spread out the impact area, which causes it to be brittle. For more info, watch this video:

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» Volume 1 Chapter 22 «

Chapter 21 – I am Supposed to be the Main Character (Part 2)

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 2000 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1261 words

Continue reading Chapter 21 – I am Supposed to be the Main Character (Part 2)

Dragon Princess Chapter 21

Would anyone love some Visual Novel game for free? Then check out this post! Robinxen has a bit of a mini-event, with 2 visual novel keys on the line. The keys still haven’t been claimed yet, so if you know the answer, go and claim your free gifts now 🙂

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» Volume 1 Chapter 21 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 20

It was the greatest feeling ever to wake up to a piece of good news. I remember that day when I just woke up and checked my phone, then I saw this headline: SPIDERMAN IS BACK IN MCU!

You can’t imagine how happy I was when I read that news just when I got out of the bed, it definitely made my day. And what could’ve made my day better? Another GREAT NEWS! It was also later that day a leak that Ash Ketchum will continue starring in the next season of the Pokemon series was released.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 20 «