Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 129 – Underground Cave

The snow-white little critter had stolen the Undying Sect’s scripture, Xiao Chen was momentarily stunned. This little critter was really born with an exceeding spiritual sense, which was specialized to look for treasures. Xiao Chen already knew this when they were on the dragon island, the rare treasures were unable to escape the hollow of its palm, even this kind of heavenly technique was unable to do so. This made people a little speechless.

“Squeak! Squeak……!” Keke blinked its big eyes innocently, seemingly saying that this was an insignificant matter. After that, it passed the crystal clear fruit that was emitting an alluring scent to Xiao Chen.

“Could this be the Cloudfire Fruit? According to legend, it takes ten years to bloom, ten years to bear fruit, and ten years to ripen.” After a careful examination, Xiao Chen had confirmed that this was indeed a Cloudfire Fruit. However, he had a kind of bad premonition.

There were about thirty of this Cloudfire Fruits all together, they were like a bunch of crystal clear red grapes. Just where did this little critter manage to find it, did it steal the fruits from an important place of the Undying Sect? If that was the case, the little critter had certainly caused a huge disaster, because since it had already retrieved a bunch of it, it must have already eaten to its fill a long time ago with its personality. Even if they returned the Cloudfire Fruits now, it was already too late.

Xiao Chen was holding the Undying Sect’s scripture and this bunch of Cloudfire Fruits, he was really speechless. This matter would not be easy to deal with.

“Didn’t I warn you before? We must not stir up any trouble at the moment, you…… why did you steal other people’s most valuable scripture?”

It was only natural for him to reprimand this snow-white little critter, it was unavoidable. Since this matter had already escalated to this point, the most important thing now was to find a remedy to pacify the situation. However, since they had already stolen the goods, might as well take a look at it. While Xiao Chen was reprimanding Keke, he began to read the legendary scripture.

However, Keke was getting dissatisfied, it took the Cloudfire Fruits back and began to enjoy the fruits by itself while panting with rage.

“Hey, don’t start throwing a tantrum, was it wrong for me to point out your mistake?”

The snow-white little critter didn’t try to justify itself, only after it ate all the Cloudfire Fruits in one breath did it pull the hem of Xiao Chen’s cloth unhurriedly, hinting him to follow it.

Xiao Chen’s heart was racing, taking the Undying Sect’s scripture with him, he followed Keke out of the residence. After they climbed over the back mountain, they kept going northward. They only arrived at their destination after going forward for more than twenty miles. Xiao Chen didn’t expect the snow-white little critter would actually bring him to a precipitous rocky mountain. Soon after, its figure flashed and brought Xiao Chen to an ancient cave.

This mountain that couldn’t be considered very tall was completely made out of rock, the ancient cave was very deep and winded around complicatedly. There were many forks in the road, it was very easy to get lost. After they walked into the cave for a really long time, Xiao Chen felt a heatwave assaulting him, there was actually a stream of hot springs in the cave.

They kept forging ahead for a while longer, the front was flickering with brilliant rays, he followed the snow-white little critter into a wide and spacious cave. Many night pearls were embedded on the rock walls, which made this place as bright as daytime in contrast.

After entering this place, Xiao Chen was startled at first, then he laughed. He saw plenty of crystal clear Cloudfire Fruits on the walls not far away from the hot spring. It was like a bunch of rubies that emitted an alluring fragrance. And that tough little dragon was half-submerged in the hot spring while letting out a hiccup. This little guy was always playing it cool, this kind of appearance was really too rare.

Xiao Chen already knew he had treated the snow-white little critter unjustly, but he was still very shocked. It seemed like calling the little critter a treasure hunting beast was more than appropriate. The Cloudfire Fruits were hidden so deep in the mountain and yet it was able to find it, it seriously made people speechless.

“Hmph!” Keke actually let out a hum like that of a human, seemingly trying to convey its dissatisfaction.

“Alright, I know I blamed you wrongly. I feel that I have given you the wrong name, it shouldn’t be Keke, ‘Tongchi’ would be a better name. I see that no treasures will be able to escape from the hollow of your palm.”

After carefully examining the cave dwelling, Xiao Chen found that there was a man-made room; the table, the chair, the bed, they were all made out of rocks. And the Undying Sect’s scripture in his hand was actually found in this place by the little-critter. He was only able to confirm it because there was a clear dust imprint left on the stone bed.

Xiao Chen suddenly laughed out loud, he knew that the Undying Sect’s divine arts was not lost, and he actually obtained a similar scripture at this place. He could very much feel at ease while using this as a practice reference.

The martial arts he practiced in was originated from the Yellow River’s ancient monolith, as well as the dragon island’s mysterious monolith. Although it seemed to have improved one step further, it was still unknown if it had been perfected yet. However, the power was still tremendous. If the other martial arts were not especially well-known, he wouldn’t have any interest in them either, but the martial arts left behind by the Demon King was still pretty attractive to him. He wanted to see what kind of unworldly divine arts did this legendary genius passed down. Perhaps he could comprehend new things by using it as an analogy, and understand some profound mysteries.

While eating the Cloudfire Fruits that could replenish the three energies, Xiao Chen studied the Undying Sect’s scripture attentively. Just by skimming through the text, he was already deeply invested. The Demon King was indeed an outstanding individual, the martial arts he created displayed originality, it was essentially different from the other sect’s martial arts.

While studying the Undying Demon Technique attentively, Xiao Chen felt as if the Demon King had passed these martial arts to him, he was deeply indulged in reading the scripture.

However, this sect’s strange arts were too mysterious and unpredictable, it was still not that bad in the beginning, but the more Xiao Chen read, the more difficult it was to understand. Not long later, he even started to see illusions, so much so that he almost threw up blood. It seemed as if there were countless demonic shriek in the surroundings, it made people’s mind sway, and the soul about to break down.

Xiao Chen took a huge breath, then he started to operate his martial arts in silence. Only after a long time did it slowly start to calm down, he sighed inwardly, this sect’s strange arts were really worthy of the Undying Sect’s scripture, it proved itself to be the heroic Demon King’s creation, it was really too bizarre. An average person would most likely collapse after reading a small chunk of the text.

He recalled a certain legend, in the mortal world, when the Demon King had just created the Undying Demon Technique, countless people had once fought for that imperfect technique, and every single one who had seen that martial arts almost had their soul broken into pieces. The Demon King’s nefarious name became even more infamous due to this.

“Scripture, divine arts!” Xiao Chen sighed.

This scripture really had originality, the glorious “Immortal Demonic Seal” explained how to use the smallest power to bring out the greatest might. Thus, allowing the weak to fight against the strong, the small to kill the big, it gave people no choice but to exclaim in admiration. This was the main reason the Undying Demon Technique became world renowned; it was an art that brought out the full potential of every power.

What Xiao Chen was most interested in was the records of the “Undying Wings”. By condensing the energy, one was able to produce a pair of Undying Wings, it allowed martial artist of Exuvia Fifth Celestial Layer to fly in the sky. This was much too attractive to Xiao Chen, to be able to fly freely in the sky was the divine ability he yearned for even in his dreams. And the answer was within this Undying Sect’s scripture.

The “Immortal Demonic Seal” and “Undying Wings” were the Undying Sect’s scripture’s most important part, it was also because of these two essential factors that this sect’s strange art was world-renowned and how it came to be the most famous divine art.

Xiao Chen only skimmed through a part of it, it was impossible for him to grasp it so quickly. However, he already had a plan, it was impossible for him to stop practicing the divine monolith’s secret arts, but he could effectively assimilate some skills.

For example, the “Immortal Demonic Seal” which was capable of bringing out the full potential of every power, this kind of skill could be assimilated with ingenuity. As for the “Undying Wings”, it was only a matter of finding out how it works, then he could make the energy pass through his back and form divine wings capable of flight. It was fairly possible to combine them.

Xiao Chen was unable to calm down, by fusing the world-shattering arts with the martial arts he practiced in, it would undoubtedly bring it up to a whole new level.

In the end, his mind was submerged in a fantastic state, he read without thoroughly understanding the Undying Sect’s scripture and mechanically embedded it into his mind. He didn’t dare to trifle with it, because it was impossible to comprehend all the profound mysteries in a short amount of time. If he tried to do it forcefully, his soul might even end up dissipated like the majority of the people.

After embedding it deep into his sea of consciousness, Xiao Chen let out a long breath. It was impossible for him to bring the scripture with him all the time, it was also impossible to come to this place everyday, the safest method was to memorize it.

After plucking a few bunches of Cloudfire Fruits, Xiao Chen let the snow-white little critter led him out of this underground labyrinth, and returned to the residence.

By the time they returned, Xiao Chen could vaguely see a figure swaying a few times in the front, that place seemed like the kitchen. That was a small kitchen that primarily served the people at the back mountain. The back mountain was an important place for the Undying Sect, it seemed like the super powerful experts were staying there. And Xiao Chen was currently staying in between the front mountain and back mountain, thus his food and drink were usually provided from that place.

He felt a little baffled to see a dubious figure this late at night, so he approached without making a sound. Arriving at a place illuminated by the lighting, his prophet-like spiritual sense caught everything.

Every night, someone would come to ask Xiao Chen what he wanted to eat the next day, and the people in the kitchen would prepare the ingredients for breakfast the night before the next day. That person actually sprinkled a lot of drug powder on the foodstuff prepared for him.

That guy seemed to be the person who was always beside Qinyi, Xiao Chen understood everything clearly in a flash; Qinyi wanted to deal with him. Waiting until that person retreated, Xiao Chen walked into the kitchen calmly. Unless it was a special drug, even if practitioners on his level were to be poisoned, they could remove it from their body at high speed.

He left after taking a little foodstuff, he caught a hare and forcefully fed it. As a result, this rabbit’s eyes immediately turned green and went on a rampage. After observing for a long time, Xiao Chen finally understood this drug powder’s function, the green-eyed male rabbit was chasing female rabbits all over the mountain.


  1. N/a

Chapter 128 – The Demon’s Identity

The Undying patriarch’s shocked expression; this kind of expression made Xiao Chen extremely shocked, could it be that he had seen the demon before? That was an expression one would make only when they were startled, but how could this be?

The Undying patriarch was only about seventy to eighty years old, and the demon was already on the dragon island for countless years, it was impossible for him to leave that place. How did the Undying patriarch come into contact with the demon before?

In that instant, Xiao Chen had a really brazen idea, could the demon actually be the Undying Faction’s ancestor, or maybe even the Demon King himself? And for the Undying patriarch to be this shocked, it must be because he had seen a statue or portrait of the demon before.

However, he quickly pushed the idea that the demon was the Undying Faction’s ancestor to the back of his head. One must know that this faction’s ancestor, the Demon King, had not existed for as long as the demon. The Demon King was a figure from one to two thousand years ago, and that demon had peeled off his skin on the dragon island more than a few dozen times. Each time he peeled off his skin, a hundred years would have passed, Oxman’s village had a clear written record of it.

“Elder, why art thou so excited, don’t tell me thou had seen this face before?” Xiao Chen opened his mouth to ask.

With the Undying patriarch’s profound ability, how could he not tell they were only three skeletons covered by peeled off skin. He slowly calmed his exhilarated mood and said, “I have seen it, I have really seen it before, but…… this is really too unbelievable! This…… This must be a coincidence, it must be a coincidence.”

The three skeletons watched all of this calmly, they had a very indifferent expression.

“You guys follow me.” The Undying patriarch was an unfathomable expert after all, he quickly recovered and became as calm as an ancient well without a ripple. He took Xiao Chen’s party towards the mountain woods, walking along the sides of the waterfall, they passed through an area filled with the fragrance of flowers and birdsong. The halls were decreasing in number as they moved on, until they arrived at the back of the mountain which was unusually quiet.

This place was definitely the Undying Faction’s most important location, although the buildings were scarce, all of them were ancient buildings, it seemed like they had been through the vicissitudes of time. The two Winged Dragons’ nest was right at this place, a young Winged Dragon was playing by itself on a rocky mountain beside a huge cave.

The smoke from burning incense rose in spirals, there was a huge copper cauldron in front of a few stone pagodas, and thick incense sticks were stuck in the cauldron. Although he couldn’t see any trace of humans, Xiao Chen’s spiritual sense informed him that there were definitely some powerful experts keeping guard at this place. He could feel some pressure in the silence, it seemed to be warning them not to act recklessly.

Pushing open a vermillion door, they entered the ancient building. After passing through a few halls, they stopped at a grand hall.

The ancient hall was very spacious and empty, it didn’t have any unnecessary decorative items. There was only an ancient painting enshrined in the center. What made Xiao Chen the most surprised was that, the figure in the ancient painting was actually of an old man with an auspicious appearance, it looked exactly the same as the demon in his aged state.

“This……” Xiao Chen was at a loss for words, could it be that there was an error with his speculated time? Could the demon really be the Undying Faction’s founder?!

The Undying patriarch first paid his respect, then he watched the ancient painting very seriously and made a minute comparison with the three skeletons.

“This is too unbelievable, they are actually exactly the same!” The Undying patriarch cried out like this.

The red mole on the right eyebrow was completely identical, and the birthmark on the left wrist was also sketched out in the portrait very clearly. All of these were completely identical to the demon skins that the three skeletons were wearing.

“Did you find these three peeled off skins on the dragon island?” The Undying patriarch inquired Xiao Chen.

“That’s right.”

“How did you guys find it?”

“We unearthed it by chance when we were digging the icy ground.”

“That is to say that this person went to the dragon island before, and disappeared from this world as a result.” The Undying patriarch seemed a little rueful.

“Who is that person, is he very strong?” Xiao Chen couldn’t help but ask, because the Undying patriarch had unfathomable strength, his entire person seemed as if he had split the space and hid in a different world, it gave people a really unrealistic feeling, and this kind of person was stirred up by the demon’s skin, it was obvious that the demon must have possessed an unbelievable status.

“Very strong, extraordinarily strong, so strong that people are unable to lift their face to look at him directly!”

Xiao Chen knew the demon must have an outstanding background, otherwise how could he be the only evil spirit that managed to escape from the ghost town. He must have been a distinguished figure during his lifetime. But after hearing the Undying patriarch’s evaluation, he was still shocked. With such a high evaluation, he might be as powerful as the Undying Faction’s founder, the Demon King.

“Just who is he?”

“Don’t ask who he is first, tell me everything you know in details before that.”

“Alright……” Xiao Chen told him everything he could. When the Undying patriarch heard this, he frowned for a moment, and was amazed the next moment.

“He was actually the only one who managed to escape from the ghost town.” The Undying patriarch thought out loud, “He was able to steadily exceed the demigod level on the sealed dragon island, this is really universally shocking. One must know that the sealing force on the dragon island could even kill a god.”

The Undying patriarch seemed to be recollecting his memories and spoke to himself, “He came from the human world by opening a spatial rift, created an otherworldly technique in the mortal world, defeated the unparalleled experts all over the world, and even after entering the world of immortals, he was still just as invincible. All the deities who came seeking for trouble were wiped off the face of earth. His actions give the later generations like us huge confidence, a man shouldn’t be afraid of god, because a man can surpass the god.”

Xiao Chen was also very excited when he heard these, all of these indicators made it clear that this person seemed to be the founder of the Undying faction, the Demon King!

“Is he the Demon King?” Xiao Chen couldn’t help but have this kind of speculation, because the Demon King’s martial art was self-taught. He was the most powerful man since times immemorial, almost none was able to catch up to him.

“Is not.”

“What?!” This made Xiao Chen feel a bit inconceivable.

“The portrait enshrined in this hall was drawn by the Demon King personally, that person’s identity was far older than the founder, the Demon King.”

These words from the Undying patriarch made Xiao Chen turn pale with fright. His status was much higher than that of the Demon King. Wasn’t the Demon King the founder of the Undying Faction? It was already beyond his capability to speculate that person’s real identity.

“Young man, you came from the human world, you should have heard of some rumors. There was a huge sect that was reputed as number one under the heaven, although it has already fall apart a really long time ago, I assume there should still be some legends. Our founder Demon King was a part of that huge sect.”

A huge sect reputed as the number one under the heaven, you mean the Demon Sect?”

“Not bad. The founder Demon King’s martial art was originally inherited from the Demon Sect. Only until later did he come up with the Undying Technique, which was claimed to be the equal of Obliterate Demon Absolute God. Although the founder had established the Undying Faction in the world of immortals, he was still grateful and never forgot about his instructor. Although that sect already fell apart a long time ago, the founder still personally drew the portrait of the Demon Sect’s founder and enshrined it in this hall.”

“The demon was…… the founder of Demon Sect?!” Xiao Chen felt his lips dried up, his voice was a little shaky, all of these were too inconceivable. The founder of Demon Sect was an unparallelled existence that once swept through the whole world.

“He was precisely the founder of the Demon Sect who once created the Obliterate Demon Absolute God, Demonic Art, and other series of unrivaled martial arts! Although the Demon Sect has fallen apart a long time ago, the remaining branches are still large sects in the world of immortals, and among the later generation disciples, the Demon King was the only one who could be on par with the founder of the Demon Sect.”

Although he had already entered the world of immortals, the Demon King was still unable to meet the founder of the Demon Sect, because the differences between their age was too great. The founder of Demon Sect had already disappeared in the world of immortals a long time ago. This was also the main reason why the Demon Sect fell apart.

The portrait in the grand hall was a way for the Demon King to convey his respect. He specially went to the ruins of the Demon Sect to search for his statue and picture to draw this portrait personally and enshrined it at this place.

“It had never occurred to me, who could have thought that the founder of Demon Sect actually died on the dragon island. No wonder there were no news about him for the past many years.” The Undying patriarch heaved a sigh. But knowing that the demon was still alive, he was still very excited, this meant that the founder of Demon Sect might return to the world of immortals several years later. If this was to spread out, it would definitely be earth-shattering news, even the Undying Demon King would reborn from the dead after hearing this news. ⌈1

The founder of Demon Sect had potential that only a few in the whole world could hope to match. Once he reincarnated from the dead, his power would inevitably make a few breakthrough consecutively once he left the dragon island, in which the power of god was sealed. Recovering his divine power back in those days wouldn’t take too much time.

Xiao Chen took advantage of the situation to ask the Undying patriarch the current situation of the Demon King.

“The founder Demon King has yet to return to the sect after eight hundred years, no one knows his current situation. If the sect is not facing a calamity, the founder will most likely not return for eternity, he has already set everything aside a long time ago.”

Next, the three skeletons took off the demon’s skin, these were the remains of the founder of the Demon Sect, no matter what they said to the patriarch of the Sect’s branch, it was impossible to continue wearing them anymore. The three skins were enshrined beside the portrait as sacred treasures.

After knowing the connection between the demon and Xiao Chen, the relationship between the Undying patriarch and him naturally had an obvious change. Although he was still as calm as an ancient well, his attitude was clearly different from before.

“I know you and Qing Cheng did not speak the truth, but it doesn’t matter, in that kind of vile environment, anything could happen. I know that Wang Hao is not satisfied with my master, as well as Qing Cheng’s, so it comes as no surprise if he wants to get rid of Qing Cheng. On the face of the founder of the Demon Sect, I will stop looking into this matter. However, if you dare to harm the Undying Faction later on, I will not hold back. The situation out there is very chaotic at present, the dispute concerning the Dragon Kings has yet to settle down, you can temporarily stay at my sect. You can leave whenever you see please.”

Saying these to Xiao Chen could already be considered to be extremely benevolent. Even if someone suspected that the tough little dragon was a Dragon King, nobody would dare to come and cause trouble, he could set his mind at ease and train at this place undisturbed.

Soon after, the Undying patriarch entered another ancient hall to search for the ancient texts. He looked through the texts seriously, but he shook his head in the end and said, “That’s strange, just where did this snow-white little critter come from? This ancient text has records of numerous celestial beasts, but there is no record of this little critter.”

Xiao Chen rummaged through the knapsack to retrieve the seven-colored jade shell, but after the Undying patriarch looked at it for a long time, he was still just as clueless. In the end, he said, “There is no one in this world who has more ancient records than the Buddhist Sect, if you get the chance in the future, you should go to the Buddhist Sect and get to the bottom of this matter.”

Xiao Chen had settled down in the Undying Faction, he meditated in silence within the bamboo house everyday. Strength represented everything in the world of immortals, if he wanted to live a good life, he must continue to make breakthroughs.

These past few days, the Undying Faction was bustling with noise, many disciples were discussing that Xiao Chen might become the son-in-law of the Undying Faction, saying that Yan Qing Cheng would marry him. This was obviously not the doings of a certain male disciple, it was the scheme of a few female disciples whose strength was second only to Yan Qing Cheng. As long as there were humans, there were rivers and lakes. As long as there were rivers and lakes, there were wars. Everything was this simple, it was the nature of human.

This made Yan Qing Cheng very humiliated and angry. At the same time, it also drove many male disciples in the Undying Faction mad.

Some disciples had already came to provoke him a few times already, but all of them were tossed aside by Keke without a trace of politeness. Xiao Chen also didn’t stop the snow-white little critter from showing off its might, because he knew those who rashly came to provoke him were just some insignificant people. A real important figure wouldn’t behave like this, even if they wanted to make their move, they would come up with a scheme first.

A week went past like this, and some important figure from the Undying Faction finally showed up. It was Qinyi’s father, Qing Zhang Feng. Just like Wang Hao and the others, he was the junior brother of the patriarch, but his age fell short of a single generation, he was only fifty years old.

Qin Zhang Feng caused a huge disturbance as soon as he arrived, claiming he wanted to punish Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng for their crime. He already knew about the death of Wang Hao from the secret reports.

For a moment, a torrential storm was raised in the Undying Sect, but with the Undying patriarch suppressing the situation, it didn’t cause too much of a ruckus. In the end, Yan Qing Cheng was even forbidden from entering the back mountain, and as an outsider, Xiao Chen was also penalized, he would be under house arrest at the Undying Faction for a year.

But, rather than saying Xiao Chen was under house arrest, it was more like they were forcibly requesting Xiao Chen to train. The Undying patriarch could still be regarded as lenient towards him, he was able to move freely in between the mountains, and the scenery was very beautiful to boot.

Xiao Chen cheerfully found a peaceful place to meditate.

But when the trees longed for peace, the wind would never cease. Night time, in a certain courtyard, Qinyi passed a bag of drug to a person beside him and said, “This much should be enough.”

After receiving the bag of drug, that person swallowed the saliva and said, “This…… is a really strong aphrodisiac, wouldn’t this much be fatal?”

Qinyi laughed and said, “Don’t worry, that guy’s power is very high, it will not be a problem.”

And just at this time, Xiao Chen was roused from his quiet meditation by the snow-white little Keke. These days Keke would always appear and disappear unpredictably, and it happened very frequently, who knew what it was doing so busily. ⌈2

The snow-white little critter was holding a crystal clear red fruit in its mouth, it was emitting a refreshing aroma, and its little beast paw was grabbing an ancient text. It had a very excited expression as it blinked its big eyes. The little critter passed the crystal clear red fruit and ancient text to Xiao Chen at the same time.

Xiao Chen looked at it strangely, and he was stunned the moment he took the ancient text, because of the few characters on the cover: Undying Demon Technique.

It was actually the Undying Faction’s secret technique, it was actually stolen by this snow-white little critter, Xiao Chen could feel his heart thumping wildly.

“Wh-Where did you find these?” Xiao Chen felt his lips a little parched, this was not a trivial problem, this little critter was really too thoughtless.


  1. Silva: That’s… a bit exaggerated 
  2. Silva: I smell trouble. 

Chapter 127 – The Undying Patriarch

Traversing for more than ten miles in the dense woodland, they avoided a lot of practitioners along the way, and finally arrived at the Undying Faction’s strategic location. They only saw the mist lingering ahead of them, the hazy luxuriant mountain was indeed a goblet of spiritual energy.

Moving on, the place was filled with fragrance of flowers and birdsong, the waterfall was surging and plunging down the mountain, it was as if they had entered the immortal’s paradise.

Xiao Chen was very excited, this was definitely a holy land. The Undying Faction’s ancestor, the Demon King, had left an epic legend behind in the mortal world, he was a really glorious and world-shattering figure. While he was still in the mortal world, he had never thought he would be able to associate with the Demon King ever. After all, that was a figure from a legend hundreds and thousands of years ago. It was too far away for him to even think about it, but now he had actually arrived at the Undying Faction’s strategic location.

Was the outstanding Demon King really living in this place?

“Is the Demon King here? Do you guys see him often?” Xiao Chen asked one of the disciple beside him, which immediately made the disciple’s face turn dark and looked at him a few times strangely, but he didn’t answer his question.

“Are you still holding a grudge? It was not me who tossed you into the ocean, it was this snow-white little critter.” Such unperturbed words made that disciple even more irritated. He ignored Xiao Chen and immediately pulled three meter apart after turning his body around.

Walking into the mountain of immortals with beautiful scenery, there were white apes hopping around happily, a herd of aged deer holding fruits in their mouth, and there were even transcendental cranes gliding through the sky. The clear spring tinkled and the halls were standing in between the mountains and rivers. And lastly, the hazy magic breath; this place was really a pure land of ultimate bliss.

All of a sudden, Xiao Chen saw two huge monsters flying in circle in the sky of this pure land. It was actually two black Winged Dragons, their body length was about seventeen to eighteen meter, the dragon wings could stretch up to thirty meter long. Their dragon scales all over their body were flickering with glorious radiance. Their pair of wings gave rise to a strong wind that blew the milky white mist away.

“Buddy, why do you guys have Winged Dragons here?” Xiao Chen was quite shocked.

One of the Undying Disciple looked at him happily and said, “These black dragons are the gatekeeper our seventh patriarch subdued.”

“What an imposing sect, to actually subdue this kind of ferocious Winged Dragons as gatekeeper, this is too amazing! These are demigods!”

At the main gate, Xiao Chen even saw a three-headed huge monster, its body was about ten meter long, adorned with black armor from head to toe, its shape was similar to that of a tiger. The beast just crouched over there quietly, it looked really ferocious. Without a doubt, this vicious beast must be a gatekeeper.

“Alas, junior sister, you finally come back safe and sound, I was so worried about you all these time.” A rather handsome young man brought a group of people to receive them at the main gate. It looked like he was an important figure. When that man swept his glance past Xiao Chen by chance, his eyes lit up.

“Qing Cheng greets senior brother Qinyi.”

“Why is junior sister treating me like an outsider, hehe, come with me to go and see the patriarch, that old man has been waiting for you for a long time. Later senior brother will hold a welcoming dinner for you to celebrate your safe return.” Qinyi said these with a smile, then he turned his head to look at the black tough little dragon and continued, “Is this a Dragon King subdued by junior sister?”

“No, that dragon was subdued by Xiao Chen.”

“Oh, we should have a good talk later with brother Xiao.” Only now did Qinyi formally turned around to face Xiao Chen.

“Very well.” Xiao Chen responded casually.

Not long after walking into this heavenly paradise, Yan Qing Cheng went to see the Undying Faction’s patriarch. Other than the second senior brother, the rest of the disciple seemed to be fearful of Qinyi.

Xiao Chen was arranged to stay at a guest house close to a green bamboo forest. After waiting for almost an hour, someone came to invite Xiao Chen, the patriarch from the Undying Faction wanted to see him. The three skeletons and two little beasts did not follow him, Xiao Chen made them stay at this place quietly.

He saw Qinyi again on the way, although the other side was greeting him with a smile, Xiao Chen’s intuition told him this Qinyi didn’t seem like a very friendly guy.

“Brother Xiao has become my junior sister’s vessel for practicing Obliterate Demon Absolute God?” Qinyi asked while on the move.

“That’s right, Miss Qing Cheng and I just happened to get caught up in this situation.”

“Oh, that’s very strange, I see that Brother Xiao seems to be much stronger than my junior sister, why would she make this kind of decision?” Speaking until here, Qinyi revealed a smile to Xiao Chen and continued, “Generally speaking, most people would choose their antagonist as a vessel for Obliterate Demon Absolute God, this way they can make a breakthrough from their former realm as quickly as possible, is there a discord between brother Xiao and my junior sister?”

Although his speech was very calm, it contained a hint of concern. But there was a deeper meaning behind those words, the provoking words just now also possessed a warning behind it.

“Is that so, was there always such a weird tradition to practice this Obliterate Demon Absolute God?” Xiao Chen smiled and continued, “But Miss Qing Cheng and I are best friend that had been through many trials and tribulations, we were only able to survive on the dragon island because we helped each other out. She said she chose me as the vessel because she believes in me, because even if she failed, she wouldn’t have to worry about being controlled by me. That is because she knows I won’t do harm to her.”

Qinyi maintained his smile and said, “Many thanks to brother Xiao for taking care of my junior sister. Otherwise the patriarch will be very broken-hearted if something happened to my junior sister. The patriarch is especially fond of her, the reason we dispatched her this time was so that she could sharpen her skills, she will be entrusted with heavy responsibility in the future, she might even become the next patriarch.”

“Is that so, I didn’t know your faction’s patriarch is that fond of miss Qing Cheng.”

The two conversed as they walked, it could even be said to be “talking nonsense”.

“What is brother Xiao’s plan for the future?” Qinyi smiled as he asked.

“I didn’t have anything planned, if your patriarch don’t mind, I am thinking of troubling you for a while longer and spend more time with miss Qing Cheng.” Xiao Chen replied without a shred of shame.

Qinyi’s face twitched involuntarily, but he quickly recovered. Xiao Chen snickered; Keep acting youngster, keep acting, let’s see how long will you be able to keep your composure.

Because Xiao Chen’s power far surpassed Yan Qing Cheng, by the time Yan Qing Cheng begin to formally practice Obliterate Demon Absolute God, her relationship with Xiao Chen will inevitably be inseparably close. It could be said that unless a miracle occurred, she will be completely under Xiao Chen’s control.

Qinyi calmed down a little, he smiled and said, “Brother Xiao shouldn’t think too much, the patriarch is very fond of junior sister, she might take over a high position in the future. Anyone who want to become the Undying Faction’s patriarch must not get too close with foreign practitioners.”

“This is such a bad news, I really admire miss Qing Cheng, the both of us have mutual feeling, but I don’t wish Qing Cheng renouncing her position as the patriarch because of me.” Xiao Chen was really shameless, he said this so naturally and seriously. Qinyi was burning up after hearing these, he really wanted to have a few round with Xiao Chen, but as the young expert of the Undying Faction, he must not be rude to the guest.

Xiao Chen did not know the disciples at the side were taking note of his words and the gossips would reach Yan Qing Cheng’s ears so quickly.

Not long later they arrived in front of a grand hall, Qinyi stopped and let the other female disciple lead Xiao Chen into the hall.

The interior grand hall was very quiet, the smoke from burning incense rose in spirals, a white-haired old man was sitting in the grand hall. His face was full of wrinkles, he seemed to be around seventy to eighty years old. The feeling he gave people was very bizarre, the old man was obviously sitting there, and yet Xiao Chen was unable to detect him. As if he was just a thin air, the old man sitting there didn’t seem to exist in the same space.

An expert, he was definitely an expert! As the Undying Faction’s patriarch, he must be at least a demigod.

“So, you are Xiao Chen?”

“Yes, greetings to senior.” Although Xiao Chen was not interested in some of the Undying Faction’s disciple, he still possessed a bit of reverence for this old man.

“It was you who killed junior brother Wang Hao?” The Undying Faction’s patriarch got straight to the point and directly asked this question.

“Er……” Xiao Chen suddenly blanked out, this matter couldn’t be avoided, everyone on the divine ship had seen him put an end to Wang Hao’s life with the God Slayer at that time. Although it was only possible because Wang Hao’s movements had been sealed by Keke, Xiao Chen clearly felt how powerful Wang Hao was. Despite how he was of the same generation as the old man before Xiao Chen’s eyes, the differences between them were as different as sky and earth, it was absolutely impossible to compare them.

Xiao Chen immediately began to talk about the event on dragon island, he had already discussed these with Yan Qing Cheng on the Sovereign King Ship, their reports must be identical.

When Xiao Chen and the Undying Faction’s patriarch were chatting, Yan Qing Cheng ran over to the grand hall while feeling bashful and angry at the same time. She already learned about the thing Xiao Chen and Qinyi were discussing. Many of the other disciples also heard about it, they were whispering that Xiao Chen might become the Undying Faction’s son-in-law.

“Junior sister, he is lying right?”

“Very well, since he was making irresponsible remarks, we will take care of him for you.”

“Too hateful, he actually dare to ruin junior sister’s reputation, we will teach him a lesson.”

Some male disciples were feeling upset, Qinyi’s face was also very ugly. It was obvious that he had a pretty high status among the younger generation of the sect, nobody dared to make any noise near him.

On the other hand, many female disciples were watching the show from the sidelines. Not only did Yan Qing Cheng get pampered by the older generation experts on usual days, she was also surrounded by many male disciples. It was a rare sight to see her get bullied.

Within the grand hall, the patriarch asked Xiao Chen many questions. After that, the castle hall became very quiet, it remained like that for a very long time. After at least a quarter of an hour later, the Undying Faction’s patriarch finally opened his mouth and asked, “A lot of people returned from the dragon island in one piece, I got a secret report not long ago, you had treated Qing Cheng as a slave on the dragon island once, was there really such a thing?”

Speaking until here, the old man was no longer illusory, as if he had passed through the space and emerged, as if his real body had just arrived at the main hall. A completely overwhelming pressure pressed down on Xiao Chen momentarily, it almost caused him to have a nervous breakdown.

“Thee only know the first, but not know the second, for the sake of survival, miss Qing Cheng and I were compelled to put on a show to give the others the misconception that we were enemies. We wanted to let them think miss Qing Cheng had lost her power.”

The patriarch of the Undying Faction gazed at Xiao Chen tenaciously for a really long time, the radiance in his eyes almost materialized, as if they were two swords that penetrated Xiao Chen’s sea of consciousness. Xiao Chen already broke out in sweat all over in a brief moment and almost collapsed from dehydration.

However, he still resisted the urge to collapse in the end, he’d rather break down than confessing the truth. Otherwise he might suffer a tragic death. Just at this moment, Xiao Chen profoundly felt that having a powerful patriarch behind the faction was really too important.

When that pressure faded away, Xiao Chen almost fell down. What made him surprised was that, he saw the Undying Faction’s patriarch as if he really entered another space and made his own body situated in an illusory state. His entire person was like a specter.

“Let’s go, I will go and see just what kind of creature was that snow-white little critter.”

Hearing the Undying Faction’s patriarch said these, Xiao Chen suddenly blanked out, Keke had actually attracted this incomprehensible elder’s attention. Who knows if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

It seemed like he had noticed Xiao Chen’s concern, the old man said softly, “I don’t have any malice, I only received the secret report not long ago. That little critter of yours is not a Dragon King, and yet it was not second after the Dragon King, I want to see what kind of creature it really is.”

When Xiao Chen walked out of the grand hall, he saw a lot of Undying disciples already surrounded the place. The majority of them had a smile, and some male disciple were glaring at him. Yan Qing Cheng even stopped him with a rather ugly expression.

“Xiao Chen, you……” Yan Qing Cheng quickly retracted her words, the other disciples also retreated to both sides respectfully without delay. That was because they saw the patriarch was coming out from behind, he was faintly discernible like the clouds and mist.

The Undying patriarch casted a few glance at everyone indifferently, and then he walked forward, Xiao Chen followed closely behind later, but first he said to Yan Qing Cheng, “Miss Qing Cheng, I will go find you later.” Then he said to everyone, “I will see everybody a while later.”

Everyone was stunned, some people even clenched their fists, but they didn’t dare to say much in the presence of the patriarch.

Xiao Chen and the Undying Faction’s patriarch quickly arrived at the bamboo residence, the tough little dragon and Keke rushed over. The Undying patriarch’s eyes immediately emitted two rays of divine light as soon as he saw the two little beasts. He stared at them without batting an eye.

The two little beasts seemed to have felt a powerful pressure, they immediately stood at the opposite side of the Undying Faction’s patriarch.

“These two little beasts are rather strange.” The Undying Faction’s patriarch muttered to himself.

“Roar……” It seemed to have felt how formidable was the patriarch of the Undying Faction, the tough little dragon let out a bellow towards him. It seemed like it wanted to have a decisive battle, which caused the old man to smile faintly and said, “Although it is not a Dragon King, it has the quality of one.”

On the other hand, Keke moved its big eyes and revolved around the old man, it seemed to be very curious as to why the old man was looking at them like that.

“This snow-white little critter is really strange, I need to check some ancient text to be able to verify its identity.”

Just at this time, the three skeletons walked out, they were wearing the demon’s casted off skin and looked monstrously thin, but when the Undying patriarch looked at their appearance clearly, he face turned pale with fright. He was more excited compared to when he saw the two little beasts, he muttered, “This…… How is this possible?!” ⌈1


  1. Silva: Oh the cliff!
    Oh double the cliff, next chapter’s title:
    The Demon’s Identity >.<

Chapter 126 – Encounter

The Sovereign King Ship slowed down quickly, it seemed like the ship really had intelligence. After getting close to the immortal’s mainland, a black light appeared and rushed towards the shore, it was just like a demonic bridge. Xiao Chen’s party were flung towards the bridge and slid down the demonic bridge.

When they stood on the shore and felt the aura of the mother earth, Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng felt like it was a thing from the distant past, they finally arrived at the immortal’s mainland safely.

“Wuu~ Wuu~” A gloomy and indistinct sound came from the Sovereign King Ship, it was bursting out with demonic rays of light, and then caused endless bluish-green waves to rise. It distanced itself without even turning back, the ocean was cleaved in two by the ship’s wake.

The three skeletons followed Xiao Chen’s instruction and put on the demon’s casted off skin, then they wore clothes made out of hide. They walked over to the continent all together. But only after marching for a few steps, dozen of human figures crowded around them from the woodland near the beach.

Xiao Chen noticed this area had previously been through a fierce battle, there were a lot of huge cracks on the shore, and many places were stained by blood.

The people that crowded around them were young men and women, each and every one of them was uncommon, the men were handsome and confident, the women were as pretty as flower, it was clearly unusual for this kind of group to appear at the seaside. It was easy to tell that they were practitioners, and each of them were not weak.

“Junior Sister……”

“Junior Sister, you actually came back safe and sound……”


A cry of surprise could be heard from the front, some people were delighted, some were shocked, they had all sorts of expression.

Oh @¥#%!

Xiao Chen felt a little speechless, he never thought they’d actually encounter the people from the Undying Faction the moment they get onshore. However, he was not frenetic. Yan Qing Cheng rushed over there quickly and excitedly exchanged a few words with them.

Right now, Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng’s fate were interlinked, it was impossible for Yan Qing Cheng to have a change of mind. On the contrary, she would do her utmost to “deny” everything that happened on the dragon island.

Yan Qing Cheng appeared very breathtaking when she stood there, although those youth could be regarded as outstanding, they still couldn’t be compared to her. A few very unfriendly gaze came from the opposite side, those came from a few young men. Although those women did not have any hostility, they still looked at Xiao Chen and company vigilantly.

Xiao Chen looked at those men fawning on Yan Qing Cheng, listening to their pick up lines calmly.

“Junior Sister, how did you ride on that kind of monster ship and come back alive?”

“It is also fortunate that you came back several months later, otherwise you would be in danger. Not long ago, when that divine ship returned, all the sects that were providing support at the vicinity of the dragon island had a fierce battle on this beach. There were countless casualties.”

“That’s right, in order to fight over those Syndicate Dragon Kings, so much blood had been spilled, even the demigods were dispatched. The shore was stained by the color of blood at that time.”

“It was too terrifying, the demigod, Fallen Angel, and even the Crimson Dragon appeared on that day……”


Although their explanations were lacking in details, Xiao Chen already knew what happened clearly. He lightly furrowed his brows, this couldn’t be considered as good news, whether Lawrence and the others were alive was still unknown. But it could still be considered lucky for him since he actually avoided a massacre.

“Junior Sister, you are awesome as expected, not only did you manage to avoid that bloody battle and returned safely, you actually subdued a Dragon King too.”

“I believe the patriarch will certainly elevate your position in the sect.”


Yan Qing Cheng felt a little embarrassed, she did not know how to break the news that the tough little dragon was not hers, she glared at Xiao Chen ferociously.

“Junior Sister, what is this dragon called, what kind of name did you give it?” A young man from the Undying Faction walked towards the tough little dragon, and said, “The names of the eleven Dragon Kings could even be said to have shaken the entire world, Amethyst Dragon King, Azure Dragon King, Winged Dragon King, and so on had spread across the entire continent. What is our Undying Faction’s Dragon King called?”

“Just imagine, when it grows up dozen of years later, even deities won’t dare to provoke it.”


At this moment, not only those young men who were fawning on Yan Qing Cheng, even those women were a little excited, they all walked towards the tough little dragon.

“Roar……!” When a man tried to pet the tough little dragon, it let out an ear-splitting roar which caused his body to shiver uncontrollably. The thunderous dragon roar made him feel a bit dazed.

“What a powerful Dragon King!”

All of them sighed in succession.

“It didn’t belong to you.” Xiao Chen finally opened his mouth at this time. At the same time, the tough little dragon paid no attention to them, and proudly got beside Xiao Chen.

“Who are you?” A few men had actually noticed Xiao Chen a long time ago, they deliberately ignored him before, however, they had no choice but to open their mouth to ask now.

“Xiao Chen.” Xiao Chen answered calmly.

“Which sect did you come from?”

“Junior Sister, it was not you who brought this Dragon King back?”

Very clearly, a few people had an ugly expression.

Yan Qing Cheng faced Xiao Chen, she seemed embarrassed and resentful. After letting out a cold snort, she answered the Undying Faction’s people, “This little dragon is not subdued by me.”

“Are you the one who subdued this little dragon?” One person casted a provocative glance at Xiao Chen.

“That’s right.”

“I don’t believe it, I only believe this is subdued by my junior sister.” The man sneered and closed in, wanting to get in between Xiao Chen and the little dragon.

“You better not stay too close to me.” Xiao Chen did not want to waste his time on this kind of person, rather than speaking nonsense, he’d rather take action. As for explaining, he believed Yan Qing Cheng would come up with something.

“How insolent, so what if I don’t keep away from you?” This was clearly a provocation.

“Then I will invite you to take a bath.” Xiao Chen didn’t say much, he grabbed that man’s collar as fast as lightning and tossed him into the ocean.

With a “splash”, the spindrift surged and that person fell into the seawater.

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”

The men at the side moved quickly and surrounded Xiao Chen.

“What are you guys doing?” Xiao Chen was not frenetic, although the few of them were pretty good, there were only two or three Exuvia Second Celestial Layer experts among them, the rest had not even breakthrough to Exuvia realm yet.

“Junior sister, just who is this guy?” While those men surrounded Xiao Chen, they also looked at three similar-looking old men. Their body stature were as thin as a match, and they had a deep set of eye sockets.

“Junior sister, did he take the Dragon King away from you by force?” These words could even be said to be false accusation, because the Undying Faction was pretty close from this place, they wanted to take the tough little dragon by force.

Just at this time the snow-white little Keke widened its big eyes and cast an angry look at these people. It quickly drew their attention.

“Is this a puppy? It looked quite adorable, it must be the pet junior sister found on the dragon island.”

“It should be a little lion, it is very intelligent as expected.”

“Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!” Keke shouted angrily, as if it was saying, “Go die! Go die! Go die!” It waved its little beast paw without holding back, the seven-colored radiance enveloped all those who pointed at it in an instant, and were tossed towards the ocean, the “splashing” sound repeated without an end in sight.

The few women who didn’t participate in this literally dropped their jaws in shock. And those people who were tossed into the ocean got back onshore with high speed, they were getting really furious due to humiliation, and about to rush over one more time.

“Alright, stop making a fuss, that little dragon was subdued by Xiao Chen, it is unrelated to us.” Yan Qing Cheng finally opened her mouth to talk.

“Junior sister……” One man called out awkwardly and resentfully, it was very obvious that he wanted to take advantage of the fact that their sect was nearby to take away the little dragon by force. Even if they were no match for him, they could send someone to invite an expert.

“You guys can stop plotting behind my back now, the little dragon is not a Dragon King, but it is certainly my partner, I will not let you guys take it away.” While saying these, Xiao Chen laughed softly, then he said without holding back, “Oh I forgot to tell you, I am actually part of the family, Yan Qing Cheng is my wife.” ⌈1

This was a quick and heavy blow to few of the men, they shouted in succession:

“What…… nonsense are you spouting?!”

“This is blasphemy!”


Yan Qing Cheng was also very resentful, she said to Xiao Chen coldly, “Please conduct yourself with dignity, don’t speak nonsense!”

“Are you saying I am wrong? Our fates are interlinked together.” Xiao Chen was not the least bit concerned, but this only made people feel even more annoyed.

However, no one else dared to approach them, they had seen what Keke was capable of. At the same time, that tough little dragon had explosive battle intent, if it was really a Dragon King, its power would be very astonishing. In addition to the three identical old men not far away, it made them lose their guts to act blindly.

“Xiao Chen, don’t force me. Otherwise……” Yan Qing Cheng was so angry that she became a little speechless.

Just at this time, a powerful energy fluctuation rushed forth from a distant place, the figure of a man arrived at the beach without any sound.

“Second senior brother!”

“Second senior brother has arrived!”


Xiao Chen felt threatened, he gazed at that figure that suddenly appeared.

That was a middle-aged man around the age of forty, he had a middle-sized body stature, appearance-wise, he was very average, but his pair of eyes were very sharp. That person was without a doubt very powerful, he gave people a deep and immeasurable feeling. Xiao Chen felt quite shocked, although this person was of the same generation as Yan Qing Cheng and the others, his age and ability were already comparable to the previous generation experts.

“Junior sister, you have returned. The patriarch knew you were safe and sound all along because of the Undying Altar, that’s why we left some disciples to stand guard at the seaside to receive you.”

Hearing these, Xiao Chen was even more shocked, the Undying Faction was truly profound and mysterious, that patriarch’s power was unfathomable, he was actually able to confirm Yan Qing Cheng, who was tens of thousands of miles away, was still alive by means of the sacrifice altar, it was really inconceivable.

“Greetings, second senior brother.” Yan Qing Cheng hastily saluted respectfully.

The Undying Faction’s second senior brother permitted Yan Qing Cheng to stand up, then he faced Xiao Chen and said, “This friend, you seem to have some relationship with my junior sister, please come with me to the Undying Faction.”

“Very well.” Xiao Chen didn’t hesitate and responded immediately, there was nothing to be afraid of.

“Then let us depart quickly.” The Undying Faction’s second senior brother looked at the tough little dragon profoundly, then he said to everyone else, “This is not a peaceful place, many practitioners are still scattered all over the place, if we keep staying at the coastal area, it will turn really ugly if they see us.”

Walking on the coastal area with flourishing forest, the immortal’s mainland seemed like a piece of desolate land.

The Undying Faction was at the South shore, it was only ten miles away from their original location. Xiao Chen was surprised to find that there were really a lot of practitioners pacing back and forth in this region.

When they were passing through the mountain woods, the Undying Faction’s second senior brother cautiously made everyone conceal themselves, a Fallen Angel flew past at lightning speed in the sky, it was lucky that they haven’t been discovered. And not long later, Xiao Chen found to his surprise, a black Winged Dragon was spiraling over the sea area not far away, fortunately it did not discover them.


  1. Silva: COUGH COUGH HACK HACK!! I see nothing, I hear nothing! 

Chapter 125 – Obliterate Demon Absolute God

“Brace for it!” Xiao Chen warned the men and beasts on the ship with a loud voice. The snow-white little Keke quickly rushed to the side of the ship to pull the little sacred tree back and embraced it tightly.

Seven-colored radiance soared into the sky, the divine ship seemed like it had cut open the space-time and approached at high speed. The ghost ship also picked up speed in that instant, it gave rise to endless wind and waves, the demonic-qi soared into the sky, and the ship proceeded high speed forward. The bluish-green ocean surged up violently, it seemed as if the two huge ancient ships had an indescribable attractive force when they ran into each other, they transformed into two light beams and collided.


Along with the thunderous noise, as if the sky and earth had turned upside down, endless bluish-green waves surged high into the sky and covered the sun. The torrents of seawater flooded the sky, bluish-green droplets sprinkled all over the place. Although the two ship didn’t really collide, it was as if they had really crashed, there were separated by ten feet, the seven-colored radiance and dark demonic-qi were clashing in a frenzy.

To some degree, they could hear a burst of dragon cry and ghost screech, the multi-colored radiance lingered on heaven and earth momentarily, and the chilly wind roared furiously the next instant. This kind of indescribable changes in the heaven and earth was incomparably astonishing, it was as if the sky and earth had turned upside down.

The boundless bluish-green ocean was full of catastrophic vibe, a powerful fluctuation that made one tremble spread far and wide, it felt as if the galaxy had fallen from the Ninth Heaven. It weighted down on them like thousands of mountains.

Just at this moment, the tough little dragon had the most peculiar behavior, when Xiao Chen and the others were striving to balance themselves, during the time when they were crouching on the ship, it stood upright and unafraid. It let out a long roar towards the divine ship ahead unceasingly, its little body actually emitted such an ear-splitting sound wave, even its pair of eyes were glinting with glorious divine radiance.

The vast and mighty destructive power ahead caused the entire sea water to boil, that was completely caused by pure power, the white ocean waves hid the sky and covered the earth, as if the end of the world had arrived. The tough little dragon was not fearful, it confronted all of these firmly.

Just when Xiao Chen and the others thought an even more terrifying clash was coming up next, the two ancient ships suddenly split up. Divine light flickered, demonic-qi rolled over and over, two ancient ships slipped past one another, but a seven-colored ray of light launched from the divine ship in that very instant. It dispersed the black light surrounding the Sovereign King Ship and swept towards the tough little dragon in a perfectly straight line.

“Get down!” Xiao Chen shouted loudly, because he could feel how dangerous that divine light was. However, the tough little dragon turned a deaf ear, it was standing there like a stone statue. The glorious divine radiance did not harm it at all, but rather enveloping it like the water ripples.

Next, another divine light launched over, this time it was not launched towards the tough little dragon, but the little sacred tree hugged tightly in the snow-white little critter’s bosom. Even Keke was wrapped up within as a result.

The dragon ship charged into the Taboo Ocean, the Sovereign King Ship proceeded to the bluish-green ocean on the other side. They actually avoided a destructive clash that was about to break out like this.

And the two little beasts were at a loss, as their body had been restrained by two divine light. Although they were already far away from that region just now, the rays of light still didn’t dissipate. Only until a little while later did they begin to struggle, they looked very much like a vigilant human when they were inspecting their current state. However, nothing abnormal happened to the two little beasts, it seemed like the seven-colored radiance did not do any harm to them.

The bluish-green wave rolled over and over, the Sovereign King Ship was getting faster and faster, its speed kept increasing after leaving the Taboo Ocean, until it transformed into a streak of black light and headed towards the immortal’s mainland.

They passed by a few island in the vast ocean from time to time, the Sovereign King Ship braved the wind and billows, as if it was soaring. Without anything to stop it, the ship let out waves of gloomy moan. A few days passed like this and they already covered tens of thousands of miles. It must be mentioned that, this plane was too vast and boundless, it was far bigger than the mortal world.

Many days passed like this, they had already covered countless miles of sea area, the Sovereign King Ship began to slow down, it felt like there was a vast and ancient vibe ahead of them.

Xiao Chen knew they were most likely getting close to the immortal’s mainland, this kind of indistinct vibe belonged to the immortal’s mainland, he was secretly shocked, this world was really not ordinary.

“Yan Qing Cheng, do you have any way to earn my trust?”

Hearing Xiao Chen asking like this, Yan Qing Cheng felt a little apprehensive, she knew if she don’t make her decision soon, Xiao Chen will not be lenient. She wanted to make her move, but she felt powerless, and yet, she was still unwilling to make a compromise.

Yan Qing Cheng remained silent for a good while, then she suddenly laughed out loud in the end, as if she had been freed of worldly worries, this was out of Xiao Chen’s expectation by a large margin.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Let’s make a deal.”

“Making a deal with me, do you even have any resources?”

Yan Qing Cheng hesitated for a really long time, then she steeled herself and said, “Have you ever heard of Obliterate Demon Absolute God?”

“Obliterate Demon Absolute God?!” Xiao Chen was quite shocked, he looked at Yan Qing Cheng without blinking his eyes and said, “I have heard of this kind of martial arts in mortal world, it was reputed as the best technique in legend.”

“The martial arts passed down in the mortal world is imperfect, it is only the Obliterate Demon, and the one circulating in the world of immortals is the Absolute God, the two of them are quite different, Obliterate Demon Absolute God can also be regarded as a supreme martial arts in the world of immortals, why don’t we make a deal with this? I will pass this technique to you, and you will set me free.”

“Haha…… What makes you think this will work?” Xiao Chen laughed heartily and said, “The so-called path to immortality, no matter how marvelous is the Obliterate Demon Absolute God, it is not appealing to me in the slightest, you must know that the best martial arts in this world of immortals is not only the Obliterate Demon Absolute God.”

Yan Qing Cheng heaved a sigh, she made her decision and said, “Alright, since this deal is off, let’s go with a different method. Since you have heard of this martial arts, you should be aware of its demonic nature and divine nature.”

“That’s right, I know of it, although this martial art is extremely formidable once it is perfected, it is also extremely “demonic”. In the course of training, it requires a human as vessel ⌈1⌋, it is very dangerous.”

“You are right, to train this Obliterate Demon Absolute God, you need a vessel to entrust a portion your soul, this is the most difficult method in every kind of martial arts, it is extremely dangerous. Moreover, in the course of training, if your skill is lower than the vessel’s, you will inevitably be controlled by the vessel, unable to resist, unable to struggle, you should know what that means. For hundreds and thousands of years, only three or four people were able to really master this technique.”

“What are you trying to say?” Xiao Chen asked.

“I want to let you be my vessel, you should know what this means, those who practiced in Obliterate Demon Absolute God must choose someone far weaker than them, and those who practiced in this martial art like me, the probability of success is too uncertain. In other words, a portion of my soul will be sent to your body, it means our fate will be interlinked, it is impossible for me to harm you, because I won’t be able to live the moment you die. Moreover, I am weaker than you, so you will not be in any danger, the one being controlled is me……”

Xiao Chen laughed, and on the other side, Yan Qing Cheng clenched her teeth. This was tantamount to making a compromise, to be controlled by Xiao Chen like this, anything could happen.

“Xiao Chen, now you should be able to believe I won’t cause any trouble for you after we enter the world of immortals right? However, I have a condition, after I entrusted a portion of my soul to your body, you may not meet up with me, we will not see each other for three years.”

Xiao Chen laughed and shook his head, “How can I let this happen! Within three years, you will have achieved many accomplishments. When that time comes, wouldn’t I have become your vessel for real, and get controlled by you at that time? I will turn into your prisoner.”

“Since ancient times, there were only two or three people who truly mastered this martial art, you overestimate me too much, and lack too much self-confidence in yourself, don’t tell me you thought I can overtake your training progress? Alright, since you lack self-confidence, we can cancel the three years agreement.” Yan Qing Cheng looked at Xiao Chen with a provocative glance, her peerless beauty possessed an alluring charm.

“As far as I know, once you started practicing the Obliterate Demon Absolute God, it will take at least one year for the restrain to take effect.” Xiao Chen wanted to give it a try. No matter how much time passed, the two would be bound by this kind of connection, as long as Yan Qing Cheng didn’t make a breakthrough, she would certainly die if he was to die. And if Yan Qing Cheng die, he would not be affected. Of course, the prerequisite is that Yan Qing Cheng will not surpass him, or fully master this martial art that none had perfected for the past hundreds and thousands of years. If he end up being controlled by Yan Qing Cheng under such an advantageous position, he’d rather bump into a bean curd and drop dead.

“Correct, it requires one year as you said, but since my soul is in your body, what are you afraid of? If something happened to you, I will meet the same fate too.” Yan Qing Cheng was betting with her own fate, she wanted to try her luck, she originally didn’t want to practice this martial arts, but she had no other alternative. Perhaps she might be controlled by Xiao Chen now, but if she can somehow master it sometime in the future, then their situation will be reversed.

“Fine, since that is the case, I have nothing else to say. However, I am a little doubtful, this martial art don’t seem like something just anyone can get that hands on.”

“Indeed, not just anyone can get their hands on this, only a few old masters in the Undying Faction know of this peculiar martial arts, other people are unaware of it. There is a profound reason why I can get my hands on it.” Yan Qing Cheng didn’t say what it was, Xiao Chen also didn’t press for an answer.

It might be a little troublesome later, but Xiao Chen broke the seal on Yan Qing Cheng, allowing her power to recover. With his current ability, he was not at all worried that she would rebel and run away.

After going through what seemed like a mirage, within that multicolored radiance, surrounded by all kinds of divine illusion, a divine light emitted from Yan Qing Cheng’s pair of eyes and entered Xiao Chen’s body, a connection was formed between the two of them in that instant.

At the same time, a vast continent appeared before their eyes, the primal aura directly blew past their face. ⌈2


  1. Silva: Literal translation for this “vessel” would be “cauldron (鼎)” 
  2. Silva: The prologue is finally over, now let the real story begins! 

Chapter 124 – Shenxiu

Finally, Keke was unable to restrain its active nature anymore, it still crossed the boundary of the burial cloth in the end and ran over to the cabin. The snow-white little critter could even be said to be extremely daring. It actually jumped onto the inextinguishable underworld lamp with a thunk and curiously surveyed from above.

“Wuu~ Wuu~” Although the mournful screech was not very loud, it still resounded clearly in Xiao Chen and company’s ears. The chilly wind brushed past with a whoosh.

In that instant, the long fur on the little critter’s snow-white body stood on end, it was frightened by the sudden sound and jumped down hastily. And on the other side, that tough little dragon was still as competitive as ever, it already poked half of its body into the cabin. Its black dragon scales flickered with specks of light, it seemed to thirst for a good fight, regardless if it was a ghost, a beast, or a human.

Xiao Chen woke with a start, he was feeling helpless, these two cubs were uncommon beasts, hoping that they would stay in one place without moving was impossible, but to audaciously explore the ship like this was really inappropriate.


A huge roar resounded, it was a terrifying sound wave filled with the breath of death, the competitive tough little dragon was pushed back from the cabin by a mysterious power. At the same time the faint ghost screech resounded, it was as if there were hundreds and thousands of people muttering and weeping simultaneously. It was exceptionally intimidating.

The snow-white little critter and tough little dragon hesitated, they were feeling demoralized from an opponent that they could not see and backed away unconsciously. ⌈1

Meanwhile, waves of black underworld fog gushed out from the cabin, they were rumbling like the black clouds. They could vaguely see dozens of malevolent shadows swaying in the fog, seemingly wanting to charge toward the two cubs.


Divine light flickered, Keke’s used its divine ability, the confinement technique, to envelop the dozens of shadows ahead in the seven-colored radiance, then it fiercely throw them into the depths of the cabin.

As if some kind of balance had been broken, a furious chilly wind roared past the originally tranquil gold ocean in an instant, the dark fog overflowed and filled the sky, the Sovereign King Ship trembled violently, a soul wrenching howl transmitted from within the cabin, the baleful aura enveloped the space in the vicinity in a flash.

The sinister and terrifying vibe made this entire region seems like the netherworld, the starlight in the sky was covered up entirely, the roar was ear-splitting, that was a genuine ghost screech, the huge ship was swaying violently, it was swaying as it forged ahead.

“Come back here at once!” Xiao Chen really started to get a little angry.

The two little beasts slowly fell back, their gaze still fixed in front nervously.

“Didn’t I tell the both of you not to go over there?”

Seeing Xiao Chen admonish it like this for the first time, the snow-white little critter felt wronged and pointed at the cabin, then it made a threatening gesture. After listening carefully, Xiao Chen finally understood what it was trying to say; There was actually a terrifying ghost peeking at them from the cabin. It was precisely because the two little beasts had discovered the ominous object did they get over there.

“Mythological beast’s intuition is as amazing as expected.” Xiao Chen couldn’t help but heave a sigh, his spiritual sense that didn’t require sight nor smell actually lose its effectiveness on the ancient ship, he was unable to find anything abnormal, he was unable to understand what kind of monstrosity lies in the depths of the cabin, and yet these two cubs could sense it clearly.

“It seems like I was wrong, let me give you some reward.” Xiao Chen broke the Snow Lotus Core in half with one hand and distributed it to them.

“Squeak……!” Keke shouted with dissatisfaction, it seemed to be saying that was its property to begin with.

After a careful observation, Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng also detected it, there really was an unknown demonic beast peeking at from the direction of the cabin. This was a very bad signal, with the speed the ancient ship was traveling at, they will need a really long time to get past the Taboo Ocean, god knows what would happen if the situation become worst than this.


The giant ship swayed violently again, it made Xiao Chen and the rest very startled, the ship was actually slanting just now, as if it was about to capsize at the Taboo Ocean. A gloomy and yet extremely terrifying sighing sound echoed from within the ancient ship. It sounded like an extremely powerful evil spirit had roused from a deep sleep.

This was some kind of silent constrain, it made people feel very strenuous just gasping for breath, it was as if they were choking.

This kind of atmosphere made Xiao Chen and company feel endlessly frightened, the situation at the moment was really too worrying, even that fearless Keke had become as quiet as a mouse. Only the tough little dragon had a blazing radiance in its pair of eyes, its battle intent was actually so high, it seemed like it was about to rush over there at any given time. It was as unyielding as the time it faced the Syndicate Dragon Kings on the dragon island.

Xiao Chen hastily restrained it, don’t joke around, this is not the situation where outside forces can go and infuriate that unknown, yet exceptionally terrifying existence in the cabin. They could only hope for the sun to rise.

However, after that terrifying baleful aura persisted for one and a half hour, it slowly dissipated again, nothing happened at all during those intervals. The black underworld fog gradually pulled back, the starlight in the sky became visible again, as if nothing had happened at all.

Occasionally, they could hear the ghost screech from the cabin, but Xiao Chen and the others preferred the situation to stay like this forever, because this kind of ghost screech was much better compared to that constraining atmosphere just a moment ago. Comparatively speaking, these ghost screech could already be considered a gentle symphony.

After all, they could clearly feel these wouldn’t be able to threaten their life, and the terrifying atmosphere that accompanied that sigh earlier was the most dangerous.

The morning sun finally rose at the horizon in the East, and the red sun jumped out from the surface of the sea, a new day had begun, that terrifying atmosphere from the previous night disappeared without a trace.

During the noon, Xiao Chen found to his joy, the radiance emitted by little sacred tree below the ship’s railing was getting more intense. The seven-colored sapling was enveloped by a gold radiance. Pulling it back onto the ship, he saw that the fourth leaf had actually budded. Maybe it might be better to call it a sprout, a few golden leaf blades were already growing.

This made people feel satisfied and joyous, they could see the little sacred tree’s growth very clearly, this was a gain that could be seen with naked eyes.

The palm-sized sapling did not grow taller at all, its tree trunk was strong and vigorous, it coiled around just like a young eastern dragon, it seemed like there was a little more breath of vicissitudes. From bottom to up, there was the inky jade leaf, the milky jade leaf, the jasper leaf, and the golden bud in succession. It was very possible that the gold jade leaf will become fully developed at the Taboo Ocean.

Of course, no one could be happier than the snow-white little critter.

Xiao Chen put the sapling outside of the ship again, he was also looking forward to the growth of the little sacred tree, he wanted to know how it would end up in its final stage. They moved forward in the boundless Taboo Ocean slowly, although something terrifying did happen on the ancient ship in the next few days, no dangers fell unto them thus far.

The time went by quickly, ten days had passed under this kind of dangerous and nervous atmosphere. The little sacred tree’s golden jade leaf was almost fully grown. The gold radiance was glorious, and it was crystal clear at the same time, as if it was a jade artifact. Boundless divine power circulated on top of the leaf.

The power it absorbed from the Taboo Ocean was not really a lot on a daily basis, but the power it accumulated over a long time was enough to let it grow.

And after travelling for so long, the huge ship also seemed to have become much faster, and the color of the Taboo Ocean also changed gradually, from gold to dull gold over time. Xiao Chen knew they were about to enter the outer region of the Taboo Ocean, it was extremely possible that they will break away from this terrifying sea area soon.

Yan Qing Cheng was terrified and joyful at the same time, the glimmer of hope was finally before her eyes, but she knew she didn’t have much time left, she must make a decision soon.

They were really about to break away from the Taboo Ocean, the color of the seawater gradually changed into dull gold, the Sovereign King Ship already traveled at speed faster than ordinary people’s jogging speed. It was very obvious the divine power declined at outer region of the Taboo Ocean, the resistance had decreased greatly.

And on the fourteenth day, something exceptionally miraculous happened, a long drawn out Buddha chant transmitted from far away.

This was really too strange, this was the Taboo Ocean, although it was located at the edge, it was impossible for someone to enter safely, and there was actually a gentle Buddha chant transmitting over.

“My body is the tree of wisdom, my heart the bright mirror’s altar……” ⌈2

The voice gradually became more distinct, it was a melodious and beautiful sound, it was the voice of a young man who seemed to be filled with endless Buddhist power. With the sound transmitting over and over, it resounded in Xiao Chen and company’s ears like a gold trumpet, it seemed to be enlightening them with perfect wisdom, it made them feel as if they had received enlightenment, as if they had come to realize something.

They only saw a transcendental figure, his white clothing was far whiter than snow. He stepped on the gold Taboo Ocean and came over, words failed to describe his otherworldly elegance. He was just like a deity descending to earth.

Closer, he was getting much closer, his figure gradually became clearer, he was wearing a monk cloth, his entire person was extremely ethereal, without being polluted by the inelegance of the mundane world, his upper body was enveloped by a dim white fog, so they were unable to see his face clearly.

“My body is the tree of wisdom, my heart the bright mirror’s altar, always wipe them to make them not be contaminated by dust.”

Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng were very shocked, someone was actually able to ride on the waves of the Taboo Ocean, this was a little unbelievable, this person must have an incomprehensible amount of magic power!

In the next instant, when they sucked in a mouthful of cold air, the breeze swept past lightly, which dispersed the fog at the upper body of the white-clothed monk, it made his entire body visible to the naked eyes, and that was actually a headless corpse…… that was a transcendental headless Buddhist monk!

The fog fluttered lightly and enveloped his upper body again in a split second, but Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng had seen the scene just now, although it was just a quick glance.

Graceful, out-of-the-world, and extremely divine, but he was actually a headless corpse, this was really too strange. Although he was overflowing with the vibe of an immortal Buddha, it made people feel a little frightened instead.

The white-clothed headless monk was as quick and agile as the deity, he went past Xiao Chen and company while riding on the wave. However, only after a short while, he turned back and returned, overtaking the ancient ship once more. After that, he kept going back and forth like this, always drifting in the surrounding of the ancient ship.

At this moment, although he gave off the vibe of a transcendence, that feeling he gave people was that of a specter, it was hard for people to think of anything positive.

“Don’t tell me…… is this the genius from the legend of Zen Buddhism……?” Yan Qing Cheng had a really ugly expression.

Xiao Chen had already realized a long time ago, this headless Buddhist monk might very possibly be that legendary Buddhist Shenxiu ⌈3⌋, who was both handsome and scholarly.

“My body is the tree of wisdom, my heart the bright mirror’s altar, always wipe them to make them not be contaminated by dust.” This phrase could even be said to be famous throughout all ages, it was well-known even among non-Buddhism.

However, scholarly Buddhist Shenxiu during that time was actually a tragic figure, when this phrase of his just came into being, it had turned into a supporting role to enhance other people’s brilliance.

“The mind and spirit are in the void, there’s nothing there in the first place, so the temptations of the world can’t blemish it.” This phrase came out from Huineng ⌈4⌋, the Sixth Patriarch of Chan Buddhism, at almost the same time, which made people slap the table and shout with praise, it completely covered up the brilliance of Buddhist Shenxiu.

Fifth Patriarch Hongren ⌈5⌋ originally wanted to pass the position to Buddhist Shenxiu, but precisely because of the phrase that was born later, he completely changed his mind, because he knew the other person might be more fitting for this position.

If Huineng was not born, Shenxiu might have walked a completely different path. Shenxiu brought about Huineng’s accomplishment that had been passed down for all eternity, but if it was not because of Shenxiu, this phrase of Huineng wouldn’t exist either.

He was a scholarly great sage from the Buddhism clan, and yet his brilliance had been completely covered up, those who were familiar with the details would never forget about this genius that had been neglected in the Buddhism clan.

“The legendary great sage from the Buddhism clan, Shenxiu……” Xiao Chen muttered to himself, he felt it was unbelievable, that was a figure from the human world a millennium ago. He never thought he’d have the chance to see him in the world of immortals, although his head was missing, although he was no longer in a normal state, Xiao Chen still felt a great wave in his heart, maybe he might be able to see more of the legendary figures in the future.

The headless monk followed them for a few dozen miles, and then gradually vanished within the Taboo Ocean, he didn’t continue to chase after them.

“What’s going on? How did this happen……” Yan Qing Cheng also felt flustered, it was hard to calm down, she spoke to herself, “The dragon island is really terrifying, for this kind of figure to actually be at the outer region of the Taboo Ocean……”

Two days later, the bluish-green waves rolled over and over in front, the color of the dull gold ocean completely changed, they had left the Taboo Ocean! They finally broke away from that cursed region, Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng were very excited. Even the two little beasts were also jumping in joy, only the three skeletons remained as still as the ancient well, they were very calm.

But just at this time, an ear-splitting dragon roar seemed to have came from the Ninth Heaven, the roar was raging in the sky above the bluish-green ocean, it caused the seawater to turn over violently.

At the distant place, a seven-colored huge ship flickered the multi-colored radiance, braving the wind and billows as it came over, it was like a huge dragon, that was actually the divine ship. The ship that once carried Yizhen, Lawrence, and the others away from the dragon island. Xiao Chen never thought he would encounter it again at this place, he had a bad premonition.

As expected, the divine ship came from outside of the Taboo Ocean and directly charged towards their direction. It caused a huge tsunami, as if trying to capsize the Sovereign King Ship.

“Shriek……” An extremely oppressive ghost screech transmitted from the Sovereign King Ship, the jet-black ghost ship wouldn’t take it lying down, it seemed to possess wisdom and let out a screech in response. ⌈6


  1. Silva: That’s right… come back here you two troublemaker… 
  2. Silva: Great help from Sum in this chapter in regards to the Buddhist chant. 
  6. Silva: ……Next chapter, a battle between two Kaiju (AKA monster ship)? 

Chapter 123 – Taboo Ocean

“This……” Yan Qing Cheng really had nothing else to say, as a matter of fact, if their position was reversed, she would find it even harder to trust Xiao Chen.

She knew there was one possibility, and that was to offer herself, maybe she could only gain the other party’s trust by connecting to him with marriage. The other side ought to know a woman as proud as her would rather die than lose her virginity. Maybe she could only gain Xiao Chen’s trust with this.

However, how would she be willing to resign herself?! Especially to this man who was once her enemy? Although she had to accept a compromise now, she still wouldn’t be able to stand that kind of outcome.

However, if she don’t do this, how will she gain the other party’s trust? With Xiao Chen’s personality, he will eliminate everything that is dangerous, he won’t allow her to live.

The Sovereign King Ship advanced slowly, it gave rise to light waves in the gold ocean. The jet-black ancient ship seemed especially eye-catching among the glorious divine radiance of the Taboo Ocean.

Looking from a distant, it seemed like a huge, upside-down black skull drifting on the sea, flickering with black light, sinister and bizarre. This was a very unusual scene, it was a very eye-catching scene, but there’s not a lot of spectators at the moment.

The deck of the ancient ship had sunk into silence, Xiao Chen was calm and unruffled in the midst of chaos, he seemed to be very relaxed and unconcerned, as if he had forgotten what happened just now. He was currently watching the gold ocean, admiring the extraordinarily beautiful and majestic gold Taboo Ocean.

However, Yan Qing Cheng knew the other party’s killing intent had yet to diminish, it was only because he had the upper hand and could kill her, who had her power sealed, at any time. She was having an intense internal conflict, she didn’t want to die, she was still young, she had unlimited future prospects, her future was filled with hope, but how could she survive this?

Did she really have to pay a great price? Yan Qing Cheng was an ambitious, and at the same time, an outstanding woman. She didn’t want to live an ordinary life, she wanted to surpass her predecessor, she wanted to explore the entire world, but she didn’t know how to get through the current crisis. Did she really have to go beyond her bottom line?

After leaving the dragon island, everything had changed, the two who originally had a subtle relationship had a lot to think about, it was not as simple as thinking about how to survive on the barren island, they had to think about the future, about everything that might happen from now on.

Everything was very tranquil, only the sound of two little monsters swallowing their food could be heard. Keke did not have much to think about, it just indulged itself in eating all kinds of strange fruits. The proud and aloof little dragon had clearly been influenced by Keke’s way of life gradually, it was no longer resisting the delicious food and enjoyed them delightfully like the snow-white little critter.

On the side of Qinguang Wang and the other two skeletons, they were sitting beside the burial cloth very quietly, they were as motionless as three fossils. It seemed like they were already in a deathly still state. They meditated like that quietly, the spiritual light in their eye sockets would flicker a few times occasionally, and the lotus insignia on their foreheads would brighten up.

Who knows just how much time had passed, the color of the sky gradually became darker, Xiao Chen also broke several unknown nuts into pieces and began to enjoy his dinner. This was a really strange feeling, at this Taboo Ocean that even demigod wouldn’t be able to set foot in, they were enjoying sweet wild fruits and drinking coconut juice while watching the sunset dyed the gold ocean with its color. It was an unusual feeling.

Nightfall, the sky was filled with specks of stars, the starry sky was filled with the breath of freedom. Xiao Chen felt his mood lightened up very much, they finally departed from the dragon island.

And just at this time, Keke suddenly cried out in fear.

Xiao Chen who was currently looking up at the sky was startled, he hastily turned around, only to see Keke taking off its treasured tree hat and calling out with a few squeaks. At the side, the tough little dragon curiously looked at it, the proud and aloof little dragon didn’t seem to be ******* after the sacred tree like those young Syndicate Dragon Kings.

“Keke, what happened?” Xiao Chen asked it doubtfully.

The snow-white little critter was still pointing at the treasured tree hat and squeaking incessantly. It seemed to be very surprised, something must have happened to the little sacred tree. Xiao Chen walked in front of it, when he squatted down to lightly touch the sapling, he immediately felt a little warmed up, it seemed like there was a ripple of energy fluctuation.

“Eh?” Xiao Chen was also filled with doubt.

Yan Qing Cheng was also very astonished, she turned her head to look over.

There was indeed a weak fluctuation that was almost undetectable, but neither Keke or Xiao Chen had ever took notice of it before, the little sacred tree seemed to be absorbing the external energy.

Under the dim light of night, Xiao Chen’s keen spiritual sense was at its peak, he finally saw it clearly, specks of faintly discernible golden light actually gathered from all directions and slowly floated towards the little sacred tree.

This was…… the energy from the gold ocean!

Xiao Chen was gobsmacked, the little sacred tree was really too mystical, it was actually capable of absorbing the Taboo Ocean’s divine power.

Because the fluctuation was too weak before, no one had noticed, but now regardless of Xiao Chen, Yan Qing Cheng, the two little monsters, or the three skeletons, all of them knew what just happened.

The snow-white little critter shouted excitedly with a few squeaks, it wanted to put the little sacred tree in the gold ocean, but it stopped its action midway while feeling vexed, because it remembered how terrifying the gold ocean was.

After completely understanding the situation, Xiao Chen felt very excited. The Taboo Ocean seemed to possess unlimited divine power, if the little sacred tree was able to absorb a little, it might be able to grow a bit.

“Let me give it a try.” Xiao Chen raised the sapling and gradually got closer to the side of the ship. Just at this time, the sacred tree emitted a fairly bright radiance, the gold specks of light it gathered had clearly increased drastically.

Xiao Chen did not dare to recklessly expose the sapling to the outside of Sovereign King Ship. After all, they had seen it with their own eyes, everything that broke away from the protection of the black light emitted by the ancient ship would disintegrate into nothingness. Even though this was the legendary sacred tree, it was hard to say it would be able to withstand that kind of divine power.

Xiao Chen’s arm was already at the side of the ship, the golden specks of light it gathered kept increasing in numbers, the little sacred tree absorbed these divine power at high speed.

Taking his chances, he moved it forward some more, it was already a little beyond the side of the ship, but it was still within the range of the black light. The golden energy gathered at an even faster rate, it was like countless of tiny fireflies flying over from all direction and pouncing at the sapling.

This was a really joyous occasion, looking at the sapling absorbing the divine power, it gave people a strong sense of satisfaction.

Keke blinked its big eyes and ran all over the place, it was extremely excited. However, it was impossible for Xiao Chen to raise the sapling like this forever. In the end, he used the burial cloth to bind the little sacred tree and hanged it at the side of the ship.

This was a really joyous night, the speck of stars decorated the blue dome of heaven, the Sovereign King Ship sailed slowly, the little sacred tree flickered with gold radiance at the back of the ship, it was already surrounded by even more specks of light.

The night breeze brushed past lightly, the depths of the Taboo Ocean was not as deathly still as they originally thought, it was windy and there was the sound of ocean wave too. Although the cabin area was filled with skyrocketing baleful aura, which made Xiao Chen and company feel their blood run cold, it was still quite peaceful at the back of the ship, under the shelter of ancestor god Suirenshi’s burial cloth. Under the gentle moonlight, the two little monsters were already sleeping soundly, the three skeletons also remained completely still.

Xiao Chen looked at Yan Qing Cheng, he wasn’t worried about being ambushed by her at all, so he fell asleep while feeling relieved. With his current spiritual sense, he would wake up the moment there was any anomaly, and the other party had her power sealed by him, she wouldn’t be able to harm him even if she wanted to.

Who knows just how long later, Xiao Chen was roused from a deep sleep, he could hear a faint shriek, it seemed like the ghost screech was fluttering in the wind. At the direction of that cabin, a huge underworld lamp was emitting dim white light, but it was unable to really illuminate that area, the deathly pale light was only limited to that narrow place.

Even further away was a dark door that seemed to be connected to the underworld, it was extremely eerie and intimidating. They couldn’t see anything beyond the door, and that gloomy ghost screech was precisely transmitted from that place. At the same time, it seemed like there was movements within the cabin, this was an atmosphere that made one’s hair stand on end, they couldn’t see anything, yet they could hear it, which made it even more terrifying.

All of a sudden, the huge Sovereign King Ship shook violently, it seemed like within the cabin, there was a huge monster who was flipping its body over while having a sweet dream. That kind of rolling sound and the ghost’s sleep talk could be heard clearly. The baleful aura surged up and covered the starlight in the sky.

The black underworld fog was drifting and lingering on the surroundings of the ancient ship. The gold seawater in the vicinity had been dyed black.

Xiao Chen was not the only one who had woken up, Yan Qing Cheng also sat up nervously, and the two little beasts looked at the cabin without batting an eye, the three skeletons’ spiritual divine light throbbed unceasingly.

This was really a ghost ship, it was actually this bizarre and terrifying. Without a doubt, there was a really terrifying existence on this ship, they could clearly see the underworld fog drifting on the entire ancient ship, if it was not because of the protection from ancestor god Suirenshi’s burial cloth, the back of the ship might already sunk into darkness.

The gloomy ghost screech resounded in a low voice, the frightening walking sound transmitted outwards unceasingly, the Sovereign King Ship finally revealed its true face.

However, it was already at the crack of dawn, the dark sky gradually regained a little vitality, and those bizarre sound slowly settled down.

Xiao Chen and the others finally let out a long breath, if that terrifying existence in the ancient ship’s cabin really came out, they might be in a really dangerous situation. Even with the shelter of the burial cloth, it was hard to guarantee they would still be safe.

Just at this time, Keke jumped onto the edge of the ancient ship, the little critter was looking for the little sacred tree. Xiao Chen was also shocked when he turned around to take a look. Who knows when it happened, but about half of the burial cloth was already hanging outside of the ship, the little sacred tree fell down and was no longer in their line of sight. It was already outside the range of the black light.

This made Xiao Chen’s heart sunk, he quickly ran over there, but he loosened up soon after. Although half of the burial cloth and little sacred tree was outside the range of the black light, they didn’t disintegrate. On the contrary, the gold radiance at the side of the ship was resplendent, the divine radiance was flickering.

It proved itself as a burial cloth encroached by the blood of ancestor god, it still looked like any ordinary burial cloth, there was no luster whatsoever, but it was not destroyed by the power of the Taboo Ocean, this was really such a rare occurrence.

And the little sacred tree was even more miraculous, due to the sheer size of the Sovereign King Ship, it was impossible for it to touch the gold ocean while hanging in the sky by half of the burial cloth. However, the gold radiance that rose from the Taboo Ocean was like water ripples which connected the sapling to the sea. It seemed as if both sides were already interlinked.

Although the energy fluctuation was not very violent, it could be seen clearly with naked eyes, there was a tiny stream of energy flowing steadily towards the sapling, the golden energy was precisely absorbed by it.

Although the divine power was not as boundless as they originally thought, the little sacred tree would still have absorbed endless amount of energy at this rate. Gathering a little and absorb it slowly, as long as there was enough time, the little sacred tree would definitely grow a little.

The sun rose from the East, the morning radiance spilled on the surface of the sea, a new day had begun, the huge ship still sailed as slowly as before.

The rising sun seemed to be dispersing unlimited vitality, it made the sinister Sovereign King Ship retract its baleful aura. The ocean was rippling with specks of gold radiance, everything seemed that auspicious and peaceful. Those who didn’t know the truth might find it hard to believe every inch of this space could crush a demigod, or even a deity.

It seemed like this kind of trip didn’t fit the snow-white little critter and the tough little dragon, because they had an active nature, the two cubs tried to cross the shelter of the burial cloth several times and looked at the direction of the cabin, but they were reprimanded by Xiao Chen every time.

Yan Qing Cheng was feeling very disorganized, she was unable to make a decision, she couldn’t make a choice, because the price was really too great. Xiao Chen didn’t know what this stunning beauty was thinking, but he did not feel anxious, he had more than enough time, maybe the other party could really help him work out a safe and dependable plan.

Sunrise and sundown, four days passed in the blink of an eye.

Another night had arrived, over the past few days, the ancient ship was very restless every night, there would inevitably be a terrifying sound transmitting over. So much so that Xiao Chen could even feel the baleful aura entering the range of the burial cloth a few times. And a few times he was even roused from a deep sleep, only to see a few terrifying shadows fixing their eyes on them from not far away.

On the fourth night, the starlight was somewhat dim, with the sound of the rising and falling wave, the ancient ship felt a little constrained, it was unusually calm.

It was already very late at night, but the ghost screech did not arise as it used to. However, Xiao Chen was unable to really fall asleep, he felt that the atmosphere was unusual. In the end, he fell into a half-asleep state.


  1. N/a

Chapter 122 – Current Situation

Xiao Chen was filled with doubts, Keke was an abandoned child, it didn’t even know its own parents, and somehow it seemed to be quarreling with the kings of dragons now? And it seemed to be contending on strong grounds, could it be that it actually knew more things than he originally thought? This was seriously too strange.

All of a sudden, Xiao Chen recalled Keke was already able to use the confinement technique the moment it was born, maybe all of these were innate intelligent. It must be because of this that the little critter knew so many things, which resulted in its current behavior.

Ten huge dragon claws were swaying back and forth on top of the snow-white little critter’s head, the green Tyrannical Dragon’s claw, the gold Monarch Lion Dragon’s claw, the silver Eight-Clawed Tyrant Dragon’s claw…… they seemed to be hesitating.

When the demon looked at all of these, he felt very unnatural, if he was besieged by ten dragons, it was impossible for him to remain as fearless as Keke.

In the end, the killing intent of the ten dragons seemed to have vanished, they pulled their destructive claws back, it was a very unbelievable scene. Their attitude was also substantially different, when they looked at the snow-white little critter, they actually had a hint of loving gaze. ⌈1

This change of event was really too fast, it made Xiao Chen and company feel a little inconceivable, even the three skeleton dropped their jaws silently.

The snow-white little critter was not the least grateful to them, it was panting with rage as it turned its plump little body, completely ignoring them. And then it actually waved its little beast paw at the tough little dragon, it seemed to be urging it to hurry up.

This scene made everyone speechless.

Finally, the tough little dragon that was covered in black dragon scales reluctantly bid farewell to the ten dragons, it turned its head back three times with each steps it took and followed the snow-white little critter along to the beach. Its pair of big eyes actually flashed with glistening tear drops, it was another little beast with intelligence!

The demon stared at the snow-white little critter for a while, and then he turned his full attention to the jet-black little dragon. It seemed like he was trying to see through its true nature, but the little dragon was very proud, it didn’t pay any attention to him at all.

“You guys get on the ship now, I pray for a pleasant journey ahead.” The demon patted Xiao Chen’s shoulders and said, “I daresay we will definitely meet again.”

The dark fog already scattered, Xiao Chen raised the ancestor god Suirenshi’s burial cloth and took the lead, taking a step on the jet-black ghost bridge. Although in that instant, he could vaguely hear the ghost screech, Xiao Chen did not feel agitated and took large strides forward. All the negative aura disappeared, the breath of ghost was retreating, their party smoothly boarded the Sovereign King Ship.

The demon yelled, “Once the person who offered their blood to summon the Sovereign King Ship boarded, the ship will set sail immediately. You guys must not randomly explore the ship, it is best if you all stay at a fixed place and set the ancestor god Suirenshi’s burial cloth beside you as a banner. You can guarantee your safety that way. Remember, you must not enter the depths of the cabin secretly by all means. It’s best to just stay on the deck.”

These words made Yan Qing Cheng feel a bit uneasy, she looked at Xiao Chen and said in a low voice, “There won’t be any problem right?”

“It should be fine if we listened to what he said.” Xiao Chen waved his hand at the demon and said, “Many thanks, see you again later.”

Yan Qing Cheng also waved her hand with a complicated expression, she was bidding farewell to this unforgettable dragon island. The three skeletons also extended their bony palm to wave a few times at the demon.

Keke jumped onto Xiao Chen’s shoulder and let out a few squeaks toward the dragon island, it seemed to be bidding farewell to its homeland too. As for the tough little dragon, it was already gleaming with tears. It faced the ten dragons and let out a roar unceasingly, it seemed completely different from its usually proud and competitive nature.

Ten dragons faced upward and let out a long roar, they looked at Xiao Chen’s party as they boarded the ghost ship and following them with their eyes as they distanced themselves from the island.

“Have a pleasant journey……” The demon yelled in a loud voice.

“See you again later!”

“Goodbye, farewell the dragon island!”

The ancient ship gradually proceeded and getting further away, they were already unable to see the dragon island clearly and it finally disappeared in the end.

Only now did Xiao Chen turn his back towards the dragon island, no matter if it was Xiao Chen or Yan Qing Cheng, they were all deeply moved. Even the three skeletons were no exception, they had been looking at the direction of the dragon island all along silently. That was where they were born after all, their past was somewhere in that place. These three skeletons were very uncommon, the spiritual light in their eye sockets throbbed unceasingly, if they reached the ultimate realm sometime in the future, maybe they might come back to the dragon island to search for their dream, they will come back to find out their real identity.

Perhaps only the snow-white little critter was the most detached among the party, it didn’t seem to be feeling sentimental and was already engrossed in drinking the coconut juice. As long as the little sacred tree was by its side, it didn’t care where it ended up. The little critter was not feeling depressed at all.

The proud and aloof tough little dragon also gradually calmed down, it was sizing up the Sovereign King Ship like Xiao Chen.

The negative aura pervaded on the ship, if it was not because of the burial cloth that was fluttering beside them, they might not be able to stay at this place for long. The ancient ship was very big, cloudy fog was lingering on the cabin, a huge underworld lamp was hanging there, emitting a dim white light which gave people a really bad feeling.

Xiao Chen remembered what the demon had told them, he didn’t want to cause too much trouble by exploring the cabin, otherwise he might endanger his life. He believed Yan Qing Cheng also wouldn’t act recklessly, the three skeletons were also very obedient, the only thing he worried about was the snow-white little critter.

“Keke, you must not play around by all means, this time we are putting our life at risk to pass through the Taboo Ocean, you absolutely cannot act recklessly. You must not go to the direction of the cabin.” Xiao Chen couldn’t help but give it a serious warning. This little critter did not know what’s good for it since birth, it was necessary to give it a heads-up in advance.

Hearing these words, Keke lifted its head to look at the direction of the cabin, its big eyes immediately lit up. ⌈2

“Stop right there, don’t try to do anything funny!” Xiao Chen had a bad feeling, so he inadvertently reminded this troublemaker.

“Squeak……!” Keke felt wronged and nodded its head, it seemed a little dispirited.

“Tough little dragon, you must look after it very carefully.” Xiao Chen gave this task to the black little dragon.

When the ancient ship passed through the gold ocean, the golden spin-drift rose up and down, it was incomparably beautiful. It was like a masterpiece sketched out by a divine pen.

Yan Qing Cheng attempted to throw a coconut fruit into the ocean. As a result, as soon as the coconut fruit was outside of the black light’s range, it disintegrated in an instant. It disappeared without a trace, not even the dusts remained.

This was a very terrifying scene, if a flesh and blood human fell into the ocean, the result would certainly be the same.

Xiao Chen secretly rejoiced, although they missed the Ancestral Dragon Divine Ship, there was still the Sovereign King Ship in the end, otherwise this kind of Taboo Ocean, even deities would find it hard to get through.

The gold ocean was not as calm as it looked from the seashore, the deeper they go, the more violent it became. The Taboo Ocean was all around them as far as the eyes could see, it was a glorious yellow, if they didn’t take the dangers into consideration, it was seriously grand and beautiful, enough to bewitch a man.

Gradually, Xiao Chen discovered a problem, the Sovereign King Ship seemed to have slowed down, as if it had encountered a great resistance. Yan Qing Cheng also discovered this problem. At first, they were very worried that something might have happened to the hull, but that shouldn’t be the case, it seemed like a bizarre power was trying to prevent the ancient ship from leaving this sea area.

Its speed was much slower compared to when the Sovereign King Ship was first summoned, it seemed like there was a force directing all of these from within the darkness. It seemed to know the ancient ship was carrying someone or something from the dragon island, so it exerted more power to stop it.

Although the speed decreased, it was not stopped completely, the ancient Sovereign King Ship was still advancing slowly. It was still a little faster compared to the normal walking speed of ordinary people.

Yan Qing Cheng frowned and said, “I originally thought we could leave the Taboo Ocean very quickly, but at this rate, it might take many days. After all, legend says the Taboo Ocean had a perimeter of at least one thousand miles.”

“Don’t be impatient, there’s no need to hurry.” Xiao Chen smiled faintly and said, “You don’t need to think about those, you should think of the problem between you and me.”

“You…… What are you doing, don’t come over here.” Yan Qing Cheng seemed to have thought of something, she backed away with lingering fear, but she didn’t dare to get too far away from the burial cloth.

“What are you thinking of? Don’t tell me you want me to put on a good show in front of the three skeletons and two little monsters? Even if you have that kind of mood, I don’t have that kind of desire. These kind of thing need to set up the mood, it depends on the surroundings.”

Yan Qing Cheng was so angry that she became speechless, the other party was clearly teasing her, and using her to regulate his state of mind.

“What do you want?”

“I was thinking if it is about time I destroyed the flower.” Speaking until here, Xiao Chen’s expression gradually became cold, he was not joking around.

And Yan Qing Cheng clearly felt the other party’s killing intent, she didn’t want to die, her heart immediately filled with fear. All the more when she was just about to break away from the dragon island, if her dream was to be shattered at this time, it was seriously too cruel.

“It seemed like there is no leeway between you and me, if I don’t kill you now, it will only cause more trouble for me.”

Yan Qing Cheng knew he was not just threatening her. Since they had left the dragon island, he wouldn’t need to worry about being alone anymore, he no longer had to spend a lifetime on a barren island by himself, he had no qualms of killing her now, it could also be said that she had no value now.

Yan Qing Cheng quickly thought of something and calmed down, then she said, “You cannot kill me. You already know, I don’t really have any attachment to Wang Zi Feng and Liew Yue, what I did last time was only to defend the honor of our faction. In other words, we don’t really have any enmity between us.”

“At that time we really don’t have enmity, but this is the reality, it is already too late to turn back.” Xiao Chen looked at her very calmly.

The more he pressed on, the more Yan Qing Cheng felt unease, she opened her mouth and said, “I promise I will not tell anyone you had once killed the people of the Undying Faction, let’s resolve all our grudges like this, there is no reason for us to fight anymore.”

“This is not a reason, it’s just an excuse to let me spare you.”

“Listen to me until the end.” Yan Qing Cheng continued, “As a matter of fact, the matter regarding Wang Zi Feng and Liew Yue is already a thing of the past. However, you killed my martial uncle Wang Hao, everyone on the divine ship had seen it, if you kill me now and enter the world of immortals, you will encounter a great lot of trouble. Only by leaving me alive will you be safe.”

“Oh? Speak.” Xiao Chen kept looking at her with a calm expression. In fact, the reason he didn’t make a move was because of this.

“Keep me alive, and I will help you clear your name.” Yan Qing Cheng already calmed down.

“How will you clear my name, how can I believe anything you said?” Xiao Chen had the upper hand, because he was in control of Yan Qing Cheng’s life or death.

“A lot of people had seen my martial uncle attacking us, and he was killed by you in the end. Regardless of the outsider’s opinions or the truth, it showed that we are on the same side, we either sink or swim together. Only by working together will we be able to break away from the Undying Faction’s desire to kill. We will push all the blame to my martial uncle, say he was jealous of the younger generation and wanted to kill me, which dragged you into it as a result, In fact, his action was very dishonorable on that day, we have many witness, the situation is very favorable for us.”

“Many people also knew I caught you as a female slave, what good would our cooperation do?

Hearing the two words, female slave, Yan Qing Cheng’s face turned red and then turned pale, she was very annoyed, but she couldn’t show it on the surface.

Yan Qing Cheng clenched her teeth and said, “Everything can be cleared, say we are in fact an alliance, at that time we were just putting on a play, it was all for surviving on the dangerous dragon island. We did that in order to provide misconception to outsiders, so that when it was necessary, we could take them by surprise. We can go find Buddhist Yizhen, Rowena, Lawrence, and the others to testify. Especially if I, the victim, says so, it is more unlikely for the outsiders to doubt us.”

Xiao Chen smiled and said, “What you said is very pleasant to hear, but who knows if you will really keep your word once we enter the world of immortals, and put me in a dangerous situation immediately. Rather than that, killing you here might be a better choice.”

“You are looking down on the Undying Faction too much, if you really killed me, in addition to martial uncle Wang Hao’s death, you will definitely meet a tragic end if they find your whereabouts. Don’t try to press your luck, I believe many people already know about your secret technique, it will inevitably spread to the Undying Faction. Unless you stop practicing martial arts from hereafter, you will eventually expose yourself.”

“Can I really break away from dangers completely if I keep you alive?” Xiao Chen was calm and cool, but his killing intent did not diminish.

“That’s right, I guarantee it will be profitable to both sides, I promise you this much.” Yan Qing Cheng vividly felt Xiao Chen’s killing intent, it forced her to come to a decision quickly. If she could keep her life, she was even willing to forget her experience as the prisoner of war.

“But I cannot trust anything you said, this is the biggest problem, if only you have a method that can convince me.”


  1. Silva: Yup… I know, the little critter is just too cute, no one can resist its cuteness, not even the demon and dragon XD 
  2. Silva: Don’t do it, please don’t do it you little beast! We just want a little peace of mind for now! Pleeeeease! 

Chapter 121 – Ancestral Dragon?

Two ancient ships with completely opposite aura, the difference was really too big. Yan Qing Cheng clenched her teeth secretly, if not because she didn’t have any other way, she definitely wouldn’t board this ancient ship. This was not made for human, it was practically a ghost ship.

It’s getting closer, much closer, the Sovereign King Ship was about to reach the shore. Its appearance was clearly reflected in Xiao Chen and the other’s eyes. The pitch-black body of the ship was carved with diagrams of ominous ghost, and the dark fog lingering around the ink-like ancient ship was raging. A huge underworld lamp was hanging on the ship, it emitted a dim white light which made the ancient ship appear even more eerie and terrifying.

After observing carefully, Xiao Chen and Yan Ching Cheng took a deep breath at the same time. They originally couldn’t see it very clearly before, only now did they realize that the Sovereign King Ship’s entire body was that of a skull opening its mouth. But the way it opened was really a little exaggerated, its arc bend like a crescent moon, and its mouth that was precisely shaped like a moon was facing the sky, forming the upper part of the hull. The other parts of the skull was submerged in the gold ocean. ⌈1

It was very easy for people to associate it with something bad, could this really be an ancient ship made out of refined giant skull?

A gloomy black light launched towards the shore from the ancient ship, it formed a deathly bridge which allowed people from the shore to board the ship.

“Get on the ship, let us meet again when the opportunity arise.” The demon smiled towards Xiao Chen.

“Many thanks!” Xiao Chen expressed his gratitude to the demon.

“Don’t mention it, this is what I ought to do, I did promise I will certainly repay the favor to Keke several folds.” The demon smiled faintly.

“Squeak……!” Keke didn’t seem to feel grateful to the demon, it was panting with rage as it ran towards a not so distant location. The little critter waved its little beast paw lightly, a seven-colored radiance appeared and enveloped a big pile of fruits at the beach, which included the coconuts, pineapples, oranges, amethyst pears, sweet dates, and so on. After that, it cheerfully ran back and delivered the small mountain of fruits to the Sovereign King Ship via the ghost bridge.

Now, the little critter’s plump little belly had already shrank, as far as food was concerned, it could even be said to be anything goes. There were many peculiar fruits that it liked, it specially requested Xiao Chen to gather those.

Seeing such a big pile of fruits being delivered to the ancient ship smoothly, Keke had a sense of accomplishment, it revealed an extremely satisfied expression.

Just when Xiao Chen and the others were about to board the ship, one after another dragon roars transmitted from their back, it was as ear-splitting as the heavenly thunder. Just when the ghost screech stopped, the dragon roars resounded, the scene was somewhat astonishing.

Xiao Chen turned around to watch, he only saw the figure of ten huge dragons showing up at the coast. They faced this place directly and let out a thunderous roar, it was actually the ten kings of dragons, which included the Tyrannical Dragon, Monarch Lion Dragon, Eight-Clawed Tyrant Dragon, Saber Dragon, and so on. There were exactly ten dragons, they were the ten true kings of dragon race!

“This is……” Yan Qing Cheng was feeling very apprehensive, her beautiful face had a hint of fear. The dragon race was so strong that even the demon wouldn’t dare to provoke, if these dragons were to attack now, the consequences would be unthinkable.

“Wu……” A faintly discernible sad calls resounded, an unremarkable little dragon was reluctant to part with the ten kings of dragon, it was actually that dark brown tough little dragon, that incomparably proud and aloof little dragon that always went around challenging others to a fight.

It was reluctant to part as it paced back and forth in front of the ten most powerful dragon kind, it was unwilling to leave.

The ten greater dragons that was second only to the Dragon King also took a step forward and encircled the little dragon. The green Tyrannical Dragon, the gold Monarch Lion Dragon, the silver Eight-Clawed Tyrant Dragon, all of them lowered their heads and licked the little dragon’s body lovingly. One after another multicolored radiance rushed into the little dragon’s body, they were also reluctant to part with it.

Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng felt relieved, the ten kings of dragons will not attack them, they are only sending the tough little dragon off.

The demon revealed an astonished expression, he looked at the dragons in front with blank expression, then he muttered, “Don’t tell me…… How is this possible! This is impossible, but……”

At the same time, Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng also thought of the same possibility, all of them revealed an unfathomable expression.

“No, I must be wrong!” After staring blankly for a while, the demon woke up from the daze. He pushed his speculation just now to the back of his head.

Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng also shook off that very idea at the same time, they opened their mouth and said simultaneously, “ It cannot be the little Ancestral Dragon!”

The demon shook his head strongly, then he faced Xiao Chen and said, “I remember you saved this little dragon once, it seems like your kindness have paid off. Although it is impossible for this little dragon to be the Ancestral Dragon, it shouldn’t be weaker than the ancient Dragon King. Since it is leaving with you, it will certainly follow you when you arrive at the immortal’s mainland. Take good care of it, I recalled a legend regarding the dragons, this little one have unlimited potential.”

Yan Qing Cheng looked at Xiao Chen with envy and jealously, anyone could tell the little dragon was a little different from its peers now, it was not the clumsy little dragon as it was before. Although it was a little different from when the eleven Dragon Kings were sent off by numerous dragons on the dragon island, there were only ten dragons this time, but each of them represented the strongest species among the dragon race. It was easy to tell that the little dragon’s identity was only known to a limited group of dragons, this little dragon was filled with mysteries.

“Just what is that little dragon, what kind of legends regarding the dragons did you recall?” Yan Qing Cheng looked at the demon, she really wanted to know the answer.

“I am also not too clear, I only saw the written records on a broken monolith found at the dragon island. It says that one dragon will not leave the dragon island along with the Dragon Kings, it will leave by itself.”

“Could that be the little Ancestral Dragon?” Yan Qing Cheng asked urgently.

“I don’t think so, that broken monolith had the terms “Dragon King”, it is impossible for them to refer to the Ancestral Dragon as a certain dragon.” Speaking until here, the demon was also not too convinced, but once he felt the power of the tough little dragon, he reaffirmed himself and said, “It is still much too weak compared to the little Dragon King, how can that be the little Ancestral Dragon? I am sure.”

Keke blinked its big eyes and curiously sized up those dragons, it already knew the tough little dragon will be going with them so it cheerfully let out a “squeak” and ran over there, it was not afraid of those ten powerful dragons at all.

Xiao Chen wanted to stop the little critter, but it was already too late, and the demon just smiled meaningfully, he wanted to see these dragon’s reaction towards the little critter, he wanted to find out just how deep was its background.

The fearless little critter that was as cute as snow-white pompom ran beside the black little dragon with high speed. It squeaked excitedly and jumped onto the little dragon’s back. After that, it ran around the little dragon, completely ignoring the ten kings of dragon that was second only to the Dragon Kings. ⌈2

The tough little dragon was very dissatisfied, it let out a few growls toward Keke, but there was little to no hint of enmity. After all, they could also be considered old acquaintances by now, it seemed to know that this naughty little critter was naturally mischievous.

However, the ten dragons fixed their eyes on the snow-white little critter’s treasured tree hat firmly. After that, they faced upwards and let out a long roar which shook the vast sky, the looked like humans that had just found the New World. Their gaze were glued on the snow-white little critter.

The ten dragons did not attack Keke for the time being, they had a strange expression when they looked at the little critter, it seemed to be filled with doubt, anger, astonishment, and all kinds of emotion.

In the end, the Eight-Clawed Tyrant Dragon was the first to make a move, it stretched its huge claw towards the snow-white little critter’s treasure tree hat, wanting to take it off. At the distant place, Xiao Chen was extremely nervous, he feared that the dragons will kill this snow-white little critter.

The little critter Keke was not scared at all, when it saw a huge dragon claw approaching itself, it just stared at the Eight-Clawed Tyrant Dragon while panting with rage, it shouted with dissatisfaction, as if it was questioning the dragon furiously.

What made everyone baffled was that the Eight-Clawed Tyrant Dragon seemed to have understood everything, it hesitated slightly and the huge dragon claw slowed down, it didn’t drop the claw immediately, but it was very reluctant, its claw was swaying back and forth on top of Keke’s head.

The other kings of dragons also had a hint of hesitation. In the end, the somewhat violent Monarch Lion Dragon extended its huge dragon claw that was flickering with gold radiance, the claw pressed towards Keke all of a sudden, it seems determined to seize back the dragon’s sacred tree.

“Squeak! Squeak……!” The snow-white little critter seemed to be extremely furious, its glittering big eyes were filled with anger, waving its little beast paw with all its strength, a seven-colored divine radiance enveloped the Monarch Lion Dragon, it wanted to stop the Monarch Lion Dragon with the confinement technique.

However, the Monarch Lion Dragon was a high-born species that was only second to the Dragon Kings, although its powerful divine ability had been sealed, its physical body was still powerful enough to make the deities tremble in fear. Although the mysterious confinement technique enveloped its huge dragon claw, the seven-colored radiance shattered into pieces in a flash. It was easily destroyed by that Monarch Lion Dragon.

At a distant place, the demon let out a sigh and said, “The dragons really are the most terrifying ones, their innate power is not something other race could hope to match.”

And on the other side, Xiao Chen was extremely anxious, he was scared that Keke would die at this point.

Although the confinement technique did not stop the Monarch Lion Dragon’s huge golden claw, this dragon stopped the claw by itself. The confinement technique exhibited by the seven-colored radiance was the dragon’s divine ability. If it was a little stronger, it would no longer be as simple as confining, it could destroy and annihilate everything in its path. If the ten dragons were not sealed, they could also use this kind of powerful dragon technique, this was a divine ability that belonged to the kings of dragons.

“Squeak! Squeak……!” Keke looked at them without a hint of fear, it was panting with rage as it used its tiny beast paw to point at them one by one. It seemed to be questioning them something. This made Xiao Chen and the demon at a distant place look at each other in dismay, they were unable to guess nor imagine the reason for the little critter to act like this.


  1. Silva: From what I imagined, the entire ship was made out of a giant skull with the deck in its mouth… 
  2. Silva: Maybe the dark brown dragon evolved and turned completely black? The author did not use “brown” in this chapter anymore… :| 

Chapter 120 – Sovereign King Ship

At the surrounding zone of the underworld fog, the demon was startled and immediately soared into the sky to look at the depths of the island.

“How did this happen…… what is it doing?!” He seemed to be very astonished.

“What’s going on? Take me up there.” Xiao Chen called out from below. Relying on his instinct, he could tell it was most likely caused by Keke.

The demon waved his hand and swept Xiao Chen up into the sky with the black fog, Xiao Chen stood along with the demon at a high place. After that, the demon brought him to the depths of the island, they stopped at the region filled with smoke and dust. At this place, they could clearly see the scene in front, a mountain peak had actually been destroyed.

The snow-white little Keke was fleeing in disarray among the range of hills, its speed was extremely fast, it was just like a streak of white light flying past. And behind it was a jet-black metal engraving, it was carrying an overflowing magic aura and chased after the little critter like a little mountain.

The forest trees behind it were destroyed, the mountain rocks were split apart, a wide avenue was opened up by the little critter and the jet-black metal engraving.

Xiao Chen felt a burst of headache, this snow-white little critter was really too undisciplined, just a few days and it already caused such a huge disturbance, this legendary jet-black metal engraving was actually found by it. The little critter was messing around too much.

Xiao Chen clearly remembered the scene at the ghost town on that day, the divine artifacts that bombarded the ghost town at that time included the Buddha’s Eternal Wheel, Ancestral Dragon Horn, Golden Halberd, and also this Metal Engraving that is emitting black fog.

How did Keke find it?

The demon also furrowed his brows and said to himself, “It is too reckless, how did this happen? The Metal Engraving is not as easy to find as the Golden Halberd, as for where to find it, I also haven’t a clue after all these years, and it is actually found by this little critter. But how can the Metal Engraving be touched so carelessly, it really is too reckless!”

At the distant place, Keke’s cries of fear could be heard from time to time, the little critter had obviously received a fright. It knew it had caused a disaster and wanted to break away at all cost, but it was an impossible wish. If it was not for the protection of the seven-colored sacred tree on its head, the snow-white little critter might already be in danger a long time ago.

“Quickly think of something to save Keke.” Xiao Chen was very anxious, he unconsciously used a commanding tone to talk to the demon.

“I also have no means of saving the little critter, my power is not enough to stop the Metal Engraving’s attack. That is one of the very few divine artifacts in this world, although its power is sealed at this dragon island, it is still not something that be can stopped by anyone.” The demon heaved a sigh, he was feeling powerless.

“Then what do we do?” Xiao Chen revealed an anxious expression.

The demon furrowed his brows, but it only lasted for a moment before he said, “I think it will certainly be unharmed.”

“What makes you say that?” Xiao Chen also gradually calmed down, because he knew getting anxious wouldn’t solve anything.

“At that time the golden halberd was unable to do anything to the both of you, and this metal engraving ought to be almost the same as the golden halberd, surely that little critter will be able to get away smoothly.” The demon speculated as such.


A rumbling sound transmitted from a distant place, a cliff was destroyed by the metal engraving, and Keke escaped into the mountain range in a hair’s breadth. It disappeared from Xiao Chen and the demon’s line of sight.

The rumbling sound echoed in the depths of the mountain range in unbroken succession, it caused tens of thousands of beasts to flee and yelp. The mountains trembled unceasingly, the smoke and dust filled the whole sky, and the dragon roars transmitted from even further away. It seemed to be their response to everything that happened at this place.

Only until a quarter of an hour later, everything finally calmed down. The explosive and rumbling sound could no longer be heard, that mountain range was extremely quiet. Even all the vicious beasts had already escaped from this region, everything was just that quiet.

Xiao Chen felt his heart sunk, the demon also had a bad premonition, he brought Xiao Chen and hastily rushed over there. They only saw a complete mess in the depths of the mountain range, the broken forest trees and the range of the caved in zone was too wide, it seemed like a calamity had just taken place in this region.

That powerful metal engraving disappeared, as if it had never appeared to begin with.

“Keke……” Xiao Chen called out loudly, “Little monster……”

A rustling sound transmitted from the destroyed woodland, a white light flashed from among the disordered leaves, a snow-white little critter sneakily poked its head out. It patted all over its body with its little paws out of lingering fear, it was really humane. After that, it let out a long breath and squeaked a few times, it seemed to be confused at the disappearance of the metal engraving.

Xiao Chen was in a good mood and found it laughable, this little critter actually knew how to be afraid. The demon brought Xiao Chen and landed over there, Keke raised its head to look at them, then it kept squeaking unceasingly, as if it was telling Xiao Chen what happened just now.

“You sure know how to invite disaster, you little devil. Keke, you are seriously too undisciplined, I am really a little scared now, if I bring you with me away from this dragon island, I really have no idea what kind of disturbance you will cause in the future.” Xiao Chen felt a bit dejected, it seemed like he could already see some of the bad things that might happen in the future.

The snow-white little critter turned its head to the other side, it seemed to be unable to accept this.

“Where did the metal engraving go?” Xiao Chen asked.

Keke blinked its big eyes and shook its head in puzzlement to express that it didn’t know.

“That was a genuine divine artifact! It couldn’t have disappeared like that golden halberd right?” Xiao Chen felt something was not right.

Keke felt a little upset, then it exposed an innocent look, its pair of eyes were filled with sincerity, it seemed to be saying it really had nothing to do with it.

Xiao Chen was completely speechless, he really didn’t know what to say anymore.

The demon searched every nook and corner of this region for about half an hour. In the end, he faced upwards and let out a long sigh, he really couldn’t understand what was going on anymore, just what did this snow-white little critter do, it actually made not one, but two divine artifacts disappear, it was really a little unbelievable.

“You really had no idea how it disappeared?” The demon looked at this young little critter doubtfully, he wanted to confirm it one more time, but once he saw that sincere and innocent look, he completely relinquished the idea to go on searching, he felt really helpless in front of this little critter. ⌈1

The demon controlled the underworld fog, sweeping Xiao Chen and Keke into the sky, then they left this place and flew towards the beach.

“Wait a moment.” Xiao Chen opened his mouth and said somewhat unnaturally to the demon, “You should know, Lunhui Wang and the other two are skeletons, if we rashly enter the immortal’s mainland like this, it might cause some unnecessary trouble. I want to borrow something from you.” ⌈2

The demon was not someone stupid either, he guessed what Xiao Chen was saying in but a split second, he couldn’t help but remain silent. Only after a long while did he finally say, “You have the nerve, you actually planned to take advantage of me. But fine, it does not matter, those casted off skin no longer served any purpose for me anyway.”

Speaking until here, he changed direction and quickly rushed towards the depths of the dragon island. This distance was practically nothing for a practitioner of his level, they quickly arrived at the peak of the snowy mountain. After digging out the ice coffin and folded the skin properly, he gave it to Xiao Chen as a present.

Although he felt a bit disgusted at the demon’s skin, Xiao Chen still received it. After all, these will be the three skeletons’ clothing from hereafter.

They quickly set off after that, flying towards the coastal area of the island.

The demonic cloud rolled at the seaside, the baleful aura soared into the sky, this place could even be said to be the underworld. One after another ghost shadows were struggling and screeching within the dark fog, the negative aura bubbled up frantically. A few especially huge shadows stood in there like small mountains, the baleful aura released by them was the thickest.

After landing on the golden beach, the demon brought Xiao Chen, Yan Qing Cheng and the others into the dark fog. He opened his mouth and said, “We will begin to summon the Sovereign King Ship now.”

Xiao Chen bit his middle finger and let the blood flow along the finger, dripping a few drops of blood on the diagram drawn by the demon. Although there were only a few dozen drops, it was already very effective.

It was as if the drop of blood had divinized, it emitted a glaring red light, and then it actually started to move at high speed, moving along the diagram like a crimson divine snake. The glaring red light moved on this gold beach at lightning speed.

In the end, the dim blood light actually spread all over the entire diagram. The black fog in the sky became thicker, the ghost screech was deafening, those huge shadows standing tall in the sky faced upward and let out a thunderous roar, which shook the heaven and earth.

The chilly wind spread far and wide, it swept towards the depths of the gold ocean, a vast and terrifying aura seemed to have crossed space-time, transmitting some kind of information there.

The wail of the ghosts and howl of the wolves made this place extremely noisy, the gloomy aura filled the entire world, it caused all the vicious beasts at the outer region of the island to tremble. It seemed as if this place had already became a true underworld.

Xiao Chen and the rest could see one after another ghost shadows swaying in their surroundings. They could vaguely see countless bones of the dead floating in the sky, the watery blood filled the whole sky, it was a genuine land of death.

Xiao Chen and the rest could barely stand even with the protection of ancestor god Suirenshi’s burial cloth. There were ghost shadows all around them, the baleful aura caused their hair to stand on end, their scalp to feel numb.

“Wuu~ Wuu~” From the distant gold ocean, a mournful screech transmitted over as a response to the ghost screech of the Nine Underworld Formation, it seemed like a huge monster was rushing over at high speed from the ocean.

“Wuu~ Wuu~” The mournful ghost screech became louder and louder, the dark fog at the lower altitude of the beach gradually raised. It allowed them to see the scene in the Taboo Ocean clearly. A mountain-like black ancient ship drifted over like a ghost. It was overflowing with baleful aura, the boundless gold Taboo Ocean began to roil violently.

Sovereign King Ship!

Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng were incomparably shocked, the legend was really true, there was really this kind of ancient ship that had experienced the vicissitudes of time. It was drifting all year round at the Taboo Ocean.

“Wuu~ Wuu~”

The Sovereign King Ship’s entire body was shiny black, just looking at it made one feel terrified, it seemed as if that place was connected to the underworld, connected to the gates of hell, it really made one scared witless. Compared to that divine ship flickering with seven-colored radiance, it was as different as the night and day.


  1. Silva: Keke used charm, it was super effective. 
  2. Silva: I bet I know what it is… how about you? xD 

Chapter 119 – Nine Underworld Formation

Because what the little dragon held with its mouth was actually a cloth, it was those dark red cloth stained by blood! ⌈1

“Don’t tell me that is Suirenshi’s burial cloth?!” Xiao Chen looked at the little dragon with amazement. This was indeed an unimaginable event, even if that was not ancestor god Suirenshi’s burial cloth, it was already miraculous for the little dragon to find this kind of burial cloth.

Keke and the little dragon were chatting and enjoying the meal. Xiao Chen carefully examined the black cloth in his hands, this really seemed like an antique that had been through the vicissitudes of time, it possessed an unbounded ancient aura. It was clearly different from the one they found in the ghost town last time, this piece of cloth didn’t have any sinister and gloomy aura, it felt like it was nothing more than an antique, there was nothing special about it.

Yan Qing Cheng walked over when she heard Xiao Chen’s shout, her jaw also dropped after she saw this piece of burial cloth.

The two little guy were currently enjoying the roasted meat, the tough little dragon seemed to have never eaten cooked food before, it was no longer being stubborn and ate with relish. At the same time, it kept replying to Keke with squeaking sound.

Finally, Keke faced Xiao Chen and pointed at the divine monolith, then it pointed at the burial cloth before it pointed at the direction of the dragon’s sacred mountain.

“You are saying this burial cloth was originally from the divine monolith and was taken by the dragons to the sacred mountain?” Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

Keke nodded its head, and then pointed at the stubborn and proud little dragon. It means that everything was told by that tough little dragon.

Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng looked at each other in shock, after that they shouted loudly at the same time, this was a truly unexpected event. This also made the two little monster look at each other in shock, after that they engrossed in eating.

“Hey hey, the both of you, leave some for me, I haven’t eat any yet.” While Xiao Chen was examining at the burial cloth carefully, he reminded the two monsters.

As a result, the two little monsters ignored him and ate even more vigorously.

When Xiao Chen appeared at the snowy mountain again, the demon practically couldn’t believe his own eyes when he looked at the burial cloth. He said excitedly, “It seems…… like the real deal. I can feel the aura of sacred blood. Even if this is not Suirenshi’s burial cloth, it might be Laozi or Buddha’s burial cloth.”

Can these even be compared? Xiao Chen was speechless.

The demon said, “Alright, anyone who wants to leave the dragon island, focus your mind on refining this burial cloth everyday. When the time comes to ride the Sovereign King Ship, you don’t need to worry about losing your soul anymore.”

“How do we refine it?” Yan Qing Cheng asked seriously, with Xiao Chen and her current ability, they had never refined a magic weapon or divine artifact before, they didn’t understand the basic.

“That is by sending your spiritual awareness to probe the burial cloth while you are meditating, your goal is to become one with the burial cloth. You guys should go now, I won’t need the sacred tree in two more months, I will return it to you at that time and help you summon the Sovereign King Ship.”

“If you really help us summon the Sovereign King Ship, then what will you do in the future, how will you leave?”

The demon smiled and said, “No matter if it was the Ancestral Dragon Divine Ship or the Sovereign King Ship, they will return to the Taboo Ocean once the mission is completed, the most important thing is to have the ability to summon them.”

Two months passed very quickly, Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng concentrated on refining the ancestor god’s burial cloth everyday, they didn’t let anything distract them. Keke and the three skeletons were also forced by Xiao Chen to stare blankly at the burial cloth everyday.

The day the demon came out from the closed-door training finally arrived, the eerie aura from the demon was indeed no more, it seemed like he had really turned into an ordinary human, but his complexion was still as pale as before.

No one could be happier than Keke, after losing and regained the little sacred tree, the little critter was so happy that it rolled all over the snowy mountain excitedly.

“I will definitely repay you several fold in the future.” The demon smiled as he said to Keke.

After that, he brought Xiao Chen and the others to the beach as fast as lightning.

“Summoning the Sovereign King Ship is more troublesome, it requires at least seven days, you guys need to be patient.” After saying these, the demon started to draw a diagram on the beach unceasingly. One after another mysterious diagrams were carved on the sandy beach. After that, he took out a dozen of broken ancient flags and set it at the crucial points of those diagrams.

Just at this instance, waves of chilly wind suddenly blew from the heaven to earth, the black clouds covered the sky, the thunder was ear-splitting. There were even more bloody billows rushing forth in the sky, words failed to describe how bizarre and scary the scene was, and this was just the beginning!

Xiao Chen absent-mindedly thought of the scene when the ghost town emerged on that day; the world was filled with negative aura, the black clouds rolled over and over, it seemed like it wanted to overwhelm the earth, there were even more bloody light that glinted constantly, the baleful aura flooded the world, it was just like the end of the world.

Is the demon really as powerful as the demigod only? Xiao Chen was filled with doubt, he was not very convinced! The demon already broke the bound countless years ago, could he really be just a single step away? Even if the ghost town had been sealed, he might have already found some kind of methods to increase his strength, otherwise how could the demon bring about such a terrifying scene?!

Yan Qing Cheng also had doubts, she was even more fearful of the demon’s strength now. It was impossible to see anything clearly within a few meter in the demonic cloud. She was filled with reverence as she looked at the demon chanting all alone at the golden beach.

The three skeletons were very calm, but the spiritual light that flickered in their skulls occasionally made it clear that they were feeling apprehensive and looking around carefully.

Keke had an inquisitive look, its big eyes blinked a few times, it was unable to understand where did the demon retrieve those broken flags, it was just like a conjuring trick that made it very puzzled.

The snow-white little critter was fearless, it ran over there without any qualms. The little critter revolved around the demon and squeaked a few times to inquire. It appeared to be taking everything that happened at this place very lightly.

“It is a very simple matter, you will naturally understand when you grow bigger, this is only a very simple divine ability. You can open up a domain that belongs only to yourself and store the items there.” ⌈2

“Squeak……!” Keke still did not understand, it shouted a few times resentfully.

The demon stopped the work he was doing, and with a “snap”, a void door with dense negative aura appeared in front of him, Keke backed away in shock hastily.

At the back, Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng vaguely saw a few terrifying objects in that sinister void door. They could vaguely see a few huge skeletal remains, and some flowing black liquid……

The demon quickly sealed the void door, he smiled and said to Keke, “Did you see it? It was that kind of space, it was but a simple divine ability for you in the future. When the time comes, you will naturally learn it by yourself.”

Keke looked at the demon drawing the ancient diagram with interest. From time to time, it would also run around Xiao Chen cheerfully, it was easy to tell the little critter was in good mood.

Half a day later, the demon had already completed a part of the ancient diagram. The negative aura in the sky became even denser, so much so that they were almost liquified. The baleful aura made Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng unable to stay at this place anymore, if they continued to stay, their soul might be devoured by the underworld fog.

They hastily spread out the ancestral god Suirenshi’s burial cloth and used it to block the underworld fog in front. This made Yan Qing Cheng feel rather embarrassed, she actually had to wrap herself in the same cloth as Xiao Chen.

The result was very obvious, without emitting any fluctuation, the seemingly very ordinary and common dark red cloth actually repelled all the negative aura, making them unable to get close.

“Wuu~ Wuu~”

The chilly wind roared furiously, and ghost screech suddenly resounded in the sky, it was transmitted through the dense dark cloud. Words failed to describe how terrifying and frightening it was.

The demon raised his head to look at the black sky with no sunlight, he spoke to himself, “Is it here?”

“W-What is coming?” Yan Qing Cheng stuttered in fright, she was feeling restless, she had never trusted this demon completely since the beginning.

“They are coming……” The demon did not say who it was, this made Yan Qing Cheng unable to find a peace of mind.

Even if Xiao Chen knew the demon wouldn’t do anything to them, he still felt a bit uneasy. After all, everything was too bizarre and terrifying.

In the dark sky, the black clouds rolled, bloody light glinted, the mournful ghost screech became even more desperate, it seemed like it was just in the sky above their head.

“Don’t be scared, you guys have the ancestor god’s burial cloth, they will not do anything to you.” The demon turned around to face the two of them and said, “These are the lost souls that were drifting around in the world, only by gathering these lost souls together will we be able to summon the Sovereign King Ship.”

The scalp numbing mournful screech got closer and closer, it seemed like they were just shouting beside their ears, this kind of situation made one unable to calm down. Even the snow-white little Keke also yelped unceasingly, as if it was trying to resist those sound. Only the three skeletons were unaffected, the ghost screech didn’t have much influence on them.


Along with the thunderous roar, the dark sky seemed to be cut open, one after another bloody rays of light appeared. Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng could vaguely see a huge shadow standing tall and upright in the sky, it was just above them as it let out a screech, this was simply inconceivable.

“Seven days…… Do we really need to wait seven days?” Yan Qing Cheng were stuttering with fright, if they had to keep watch at this place for seven days, that would be too agonizing.

The demon turned around to look at them and said, “Oh, I need seven days indeed, but you guys don’t need to wait here. You just need to come back and complete the summoning ceremony on the last day. However, you guys don’t go too far, maybe there will come a time when I need some help from you. This Nine Underworld Formation is powerful and unpredictable, I cannot master it completely.” ⌈3

“Nine Underworld Formation?!” Yan Qing Cheng cried out in alarm and said, “I had heard of this ancient formation before, it seemed to be one of the most mysterious ancient formation in legends. However…… I can’t remember the specifics.”

“The young lady is quite knowledgeable, this is passed down by a sovereign king once upon a time, it was the holy formation of a dark clan. Although what I obtained was only an incomplete formation, I can have such an accomplishment today is greatly linked to it. I just hope it can help me retrieve my past memories.”

Xiao Chen and the others quickly retreated from the seaside area. They looked at that lingering demonic cloud from a distant place, from the sky all the way to the ground was filled with darkness, they could vaguely see the shadow of the ghosts roaming about, and even hear the mournful screech of the ghost. Many frightened beasts at the coastal area of the island flee in all directions, getting further away from that area.

In the next few days, Xiao Chen and the others prepared to depart from the island by gathering a large quantity of coconut fruits. Traveling on the ocean, fresh water was essential. Even though with their current ability, they would be able to endure for a long time without food and drinks, but since they had time to prepare, why should they suffer hardship.

These past few days, the dark underworld fog became denser at the coastal area, if Xiao Chen’s party did not have ancestor god Suirenshi’s burial cloth, it was absolutely impossible for them to enter that place. The black fog were almost liquified, it felt incomparably heavy to be walking within. Yan Qing Cheng had an experiment before, she tried to force a wolf to enter that area, as a result, it scattered and dispersed like a puff of smoke in split second. One could very well imagine just how terrifying this place was.

Even Keke and the three skeletons had no choice but to take shelter in the burial cloth. Fortunately, this cloth was long enough.

The thunderous roar resounded at the seaside constantly, even the gold ocean seemed to be shaking up, the vicinity of the beach had already turned into a forbidden area.

In these few days, gigantic and vigorous illusions appeared constantly, it seemed as if this place had turned into a nation of death. Despite knowing that it was far from comparable to the ghost town, Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng still felt great dangers.

The seventh day was finally here, the demon’s formation was also completed, he had gathered enough negative aura over the past few days, and a lot of lost souls wandering at the dragon island also gathered at this place. It had satisfied the requirement to summon the Sovereign King Ship.

The dragon island seemed so peaceful, but who knows just how many powerful experts lost their life on this island in the distant past. The lost souls were sufficiently powerful.

“I need the blood from either one of you to begin the real summoning ceremony.” The demon looked at them from within the underworld fog, his face was a little pale. Drawing the ancient formation, gathering the negative aura and lost souls, it was extremely tiring. It seemed like he had almost exhausted his strength over the past few days.

“Wait a moment, Keke is not here yet.” Xiao Chen turned around to look behind.

These few days the little critter appeared and disappeared unpredictably, it always went into the depths of the dragon island by itself. Who knows just what it was doing, Xiao Chen also didn’t stop it from causing mischief, as long as it didn’t cause some disaster.

“I told it to come back earlier today, how come its still not here?” Xiao Chen looked at the direction to the depths of the dragon island doubtfully.

Just at this time, the noise of something collapsing suddenly resounded from the depths of the island, it sounded like a mountain had crumbled.


The coastal area trembled violently, as if an earthquake had just occurred. One could very well imagine just how powerful was the fluctuation that transmitted from a distant place. ⌈4


  1. Silva: …Yea… I bet we all thought it was the Ancestral Dragon Horn >.< 
  2. Silva: Ooooooh! That must be where the divine halberd is!! 
  3. Chanayh: Hard to explain; The Nine Underworld (九幽) indicates the lowest point of hell, the complete opposite of heaven. The Heaven has nine layers, the underground also has nine. “Nine Underworld” is a numeral-classifier compound. The underworld possess the meaning of isolated, and gloomy. As for the “nine” in the “Nine Underworld”, only because nine is the greatest single digit number, it is highly esteemed. Therefore, it possess the meaning of “extreme boundary”. Nine Underworld indicates the deepest depths of the underground, it is used to describe the highest and the lowest point. 
  4. Silva: Uh oh! What did that little critter do now?! 

Chapter 118 – Shocking

Three days later, they arrived at the depths of the island again.

The cloudy fog pervaded the boundless snowy mountain, one could very well imagine just how deep was the demon’s power, but Keke was hardly fearful, it panted with rage and let out a loud squeak in front of the snowy mountain with ice castle within. At the same time, it used the confinement technique to move the snowy mountain’s door.

The chilly wind swept past violently, waves of underworld fog rushed forth, it was especially frightening at the frigid snowy mountain. Yan Qing Cheng had an ugly look, she never thought Xiao Chen would actually come to provoke the demon of his own accord, he was really a lunatic!

Until the underworld fog was totally dispersed, the demon walked out. His pale face actually looked a little more lively compared to before. He asked in astonishment, “I heard the roar of the Dragon Kings, why are you guys still here?”

“We missed the divine ship, we wanted to learn more about the Sovereign King Ship from you.” Xiao Chen explained their purpose for coming. And on the other side, Keke was panting with rage, it seemed like it really wanted to pounce on the demon.

“So it was like that.” He didn’t answered Xiao Chen, but rather showed a smile to Keke and explained to it first, “Everything is very smooth, if I am fast, it will only take up to two months, it won’t take more than a year. I will return the sacred tree to you soon, it is much faster than my expectation. I will keep my promise, and definitely return the favor in the future.”

Keke nodded its head while panting with rage.

After he finished greeting Keke, the demon turned his body to face Xiao Chen and said, “I can find methods to summon the Sovereign King Ship, but I’m afraid you might not be able to bear the ghost invasion on the holy ship.” ⌈1

“Is it that serious?” Relying on his instinct, Xiao Chen knew in order to ride the Sovereign King Ship, they have to face great dangers, it is not as safe as boarding the Ancestral Dragon Divine Ship.

“That’s right, because it was originally not made for humans. The Sovereign King Ship is also called the Devil Ship, a portion of the Sovereign King’s soul was sealed on the ship. Any living person riding it will end up throwing their life if they don’t have a corresponding divine artifact.”

Yan Qing Cheng already started to understand what was going on, she felt excited and fearful at the same time, it seemed like the Sovereign King Ship might be a very bizarre and terrifying ship.

“Is it impossible even with Keke’s sacred tree?”

“Most likely not. Moreover, they might even clash, it is better for you to find a Yin-type divine artifact rather than one brimming with life force.”

“This…… where will we find something like this?” Xiao Chen couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“The ghost town……” When the demon mentioned this name, he also felt uncomfortable, it seemed like he was a little apprehensive. ⌈2

Xiao Chen immediately shook his head, with his current ability, it was already a miracle to be able to make it out last time, how could he go and seek his own death again.

The demon looked at Xiao Chen and said, “How about this? If you can wait another three or five years, I can bring you along when I leave the dragon island, I can guarantee your safety on the Sovereign King Ship.”

“Three or five years? That’s too long. Didn’t you say you need a few more months to shake off the breath of death?” Xiao Chen asked in puzzlement.

“Shaking off the breath of death only meant I don’t need to use the sacred tree anymore, it didn’t mean my ability will be perfected. You guys need to wait for very long.”

Xiao Chen didn’t know what to say, did he really have to stay on this dragon island for a few more years? He wanted to help Keke get back to sacred tree immediately and leave this place, he really didn’t want to stay on this barren island anymore.

“Is there really no other way?”

“Like I said, you just need to find Yin-type divine artifact. This kind of thing can only be found in the ghost town.”

“If I had known earlier, I should have brought the burial cloth from the ghost town along.” Xiao Chen couldn’t help but recall the bloodstained demonic cloth they obtained in the ghost town after killing an evil spirit.

“Burial cloth……” The demon’s eyes immediately lit up and asked, “What’s going on?”

Xiao Chen recounted the event on that day in details, the demon laughed grimly and said, “That kind of burial cloth can also be considered divine artifact? At most, it is only a cloth stained by the blood of a powerful deity, how can that be considered divine artifact! However, after hearing your story, I recalled something. There are some stone inscription on the island, it seems like there really is such a Yin-type divine artifact at the base of the divine monolith that sealed the island.”

“What kind of divine artifact?” Yan Qing Cheng asked, she really wanted to leave this place immediately.

“Burial cloth!” The demon answered.

“Burial cloth again? What’s the differences?” Xiao Chen asked.

“That is an item that was referred by the gods as a crazy Yin-type divine artifact, because its background is really too big.” The demon explained slowly.

This made Yan Qing Cheng even more curious, she was no longer afraid of the demon and asked, “Just how big could its background be?”

“Legend says it is Suirenshi’s burial cloth!” As soon as these words left the demon’s mouth, Xiao Chen was agape and tongue-tied. Only until a long time later did he say, “How is that possible, the ancestor god Suirenshi had passed away?!”

Yan Qing Cheng also shook her head and said, “That is certainly impossible, rumor says ancestor god Suirenshi stayed in the south desolate region of the immortal’s mainland, although he already disappeared countless years ago, it was impossible for him to die, nobody had the ability to kill him.”

The demon shook his head and said, “I don’t know the full story, this is only the legends and records of the dragon island. However, even if Suirenshi’s burial cloth is at the base of the divine monolith, you guys also wouldn’t be able to get it, because even I am unable to approach that place. Unless you have the Buddha’s Eternal Wheel, golden halberd, or other such divine artifacts to clear the way.”

When it heard about the golden halberd, Keke’s pair of big eyes widened, it helplessly and spiritlessly let out two squeaks. The golden halberd was originally acquired by it already, but it disappeared mysteriously in the end.

Leaving the snowy mountain, Xiao Chen, Yan Qing Cheng, as well as the three skeletons came to the sea of bones again. They looked at the lofty divine monolith helplessly, because they were unable to approach the divine monolith’s base at all. That place was filled with baleful aura that would crush everything that approached.

“Yan Qing Cheng, maybe we really have to spend the rest of our life on this island. We can’t completely trust the demon’s words, who knows if he will really take us with him.”

“I also don’t believe the demon’s words.” Yan Qing Cheng replied.

“If we are really trapped on this dragon island for eternity, the wedding can be done, but it’s way too lonely!” Xiao Chen sighed with sorrow.

“Just die!” Yan Qing Cheng ignored Xiao Chen and left with graceful steps. There were only the two of them left on the dragon island now, Yan Qing Cheng was no longer afraid of getting killed, she was more worried that Xiao Chen would do something to her.

In reality, Xiao Chen was a very ordinary man, he also had worldly desires, but now his mind was filled with how to escape from the dragon island, he was not as bad as Yan Qing Cheng had thought. It might be a different story if he was no longer worrying about survival.

Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang, these three skeletons felt at home wherever they ended up. They trained in the vicinity of the sea of bones quietly. Xiao Chen brought Keke to survey the vicinity on a daily basis to find a way. And Yan Qing Cheng also spent most of her time in this way.

Half a month passed in a flash, when Xiao Chen went to hunt for food in the mountain woods on this day, he actually encountered that stubborn and proud little dragon again. It was in the same situation as the last time he saw it, bruised from head to toe. However, there was no mortal wound this time, and that horn already grew a little, it was flickering with a milky white radiance, very mystical.

To his amazement, Xiao Chen found that this little dragon seemed to be much stronger compared to before, it seemed like this little dragon could really become more powerful with each battle. Maybe it could slowly transform and become stronger, maybe it could really become the most powerful dragon second only to the Dragon Kings.

“You tough little dragon, we meet again. You didn’t look as pitiful as the last time we met.” Xiao Chen fished out a Snow Lotus Core and gave it a piece. Keke was a bit dissatisfied this time and squeaked a few times, because the little dragon did not have a fatal wound this time, there was no need to waste the delicacy it hadn’t been able to enjoy.

The dark brown little dragon quietly swallowed the Snow Lotus Core, it didn’t leave immediately after that, it just looked at the kind-hearted human and beast before its eyes curiously. After all, it had been saved by Xiao Chen a few times, even though it was not really necessary.

“You foolish little dragon, why must you fight with others until you are in this sorry state every time? I wonder why are you so competitive. Sigh, how great would it be if you are a Dragon King, you can go to the dragon’s sacred mountain and help me steal the Ancestral Dragon Horn. Oh, forget about it, even a Dragon King might not necessarily be able to touch that thing.”

When the dark brown little dragon heard Xiao Chen said he wanted to steal the Ancestral Dragon Horn, it immediately became vigilant. It looked at him as if he was a scumbag.

Xiao Chen was amused by this little guy’s expression, this little dragon seemed to be very intelligent, it was able to understand his words. And just at this time, what made Xiao Chen baffled was that; Keke and the little dragon seemed to be squeaking and mumbling among themselves, it seemed as if they were having a conversation.

What made Xiao Chen more surprised was that; the dark brown little dragon also squeaked a few times, its voice was very young and tender, almost the same as Keke, it seemed to be replying to Keke.

Goodness gracious!

The two little guy could communicate?! Xiao Chen found it somewhat inconceivable.

Not long later, the dark brown little dragon turned around and left, it seemed to be very fast, it was indeed much stronger compared to before.

“Keke, what did you say to it just now?”

“Squeak! Squeak……!” Keke pointed at the direction of the sea of bones.

“You told the little dragon about the difficult situation we are facing?”

“Squeak……!” The snow-white little critter nodded its head strongly.

During the sunset, Xiao Chen was roasting the meat in the vicinity of the sea of bones. Keke’s plump little belly finally shrank a little after so many days, it could finally enjoy the delicious food happily. Just at this time, the shadow of a little dragon appeared in the deathly still forest. The dark brown little dragon actually found them at this place and quickly appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

“Come, you tough little dragon, I will treat you to some delicious food.” Xiao Chen called out to the little dragon, but he became dumbfounded in a short while later, the tough little dragon was holding something in its mouth, it was only one meter long, and that thing extended far behind the little dragon’s body.

“What? This is impossible!” Xiao Chen shouted in surprise.


  1. Silva: oh sheet! ghost invasion?! 
  2. Silva: Oh crap… they probably should have collected that burial cloth… 

Chapter 117 – Unforeseen Event

Oxman’s grandma shouted loudly, “Everyone follow the rainbow bridge to get on the boat, you must not attempt to fly onto the boat, because regardless of the sea or the sky, they are brimming with the sealing divine power. Without the protection of the divine ship’s seven-colored radiance, your body and bones will definitely be crushed.”

Nobody dared to play with their life, everyone stepped onto the divine ship by following the regulation. And just at this time, the eleven young Dragon Kings and the dragons finally finished bidding their farewell. All of them rushed onto the divine ship while uttering sad calls. After the young Dragon Kings ascended onto the divine ship, the seven-colored radiance of the divine ship glinted, it immediately started to tremble. The ship was actually going to set sail soon.

“Stop wasting time, everyone hurry it up.” The people on the divine ship shouted loudly.

Xiao Chen said to Lawrence, Yizhen, and the others, “Let’s go, we should also get on the boat.”

Just at this time, Xiao Chen suddenly had a bad premonition, he felt as if a huge bottomless cave was going to swallow him up, he tried to dodge hastily. But it was already too late, he didn’t even see the enemy clearly, because there was already no one behind them, and yet a huge scroll had already unfolded, it enveloped him, Yan Qing Cheng, and the three skeletons. A huge cracks split open in the sky and engulfed them.

“God damn it!” Xiao Chen couldn’t resist from cursing, he fell for someone’s scheme, and yet he didn’t know who the enemy was. There was nobody behind him, and in front was a chaotic group of people boarding the ship.

An indescribably huge power pulled Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng, who knows just where was it taking them to. That huge crack was about to close, Xiao Chen spared no effort to run back, but he found that it was hard to succeed.

Keke was also beside him, the snow-white little critter let out a few angry growls, it waved its two paws violently and sent out a few light screen, it seemed to have rolled up a few human figures within with a few “swishing” sound.

After the light flashed, they had completely sunk into the darkness. In this deathly still space, the time seemed to be at a standstill, Xiao Chen knew this seemed to be passing through the space.

On the beach, Lawrence and the others let out a cry of surprise, and then they got furious.

“If my guess is not wrong, someone schemed against them with a Space-Time Scroll, this is really too detestable! Sending them somewhere else at this crucial moment, it clearly shows that the schemer wants to trap them on the dragon island forever.”

Time wouldn’t wait for people, even if Lawrence and Yizhen was incomparably furious, they still couldn’t find any traces of Xiao Chen even after they searched the entire beach. And just at this time, the divine ship was going to set sail soon, they had no choice but to board the ship.

After experiencing another fantastic space-time travel, Xiao Chen felt the space in front of him suddenly brightened up. They passed through this deathly still space and reappeared in the real world.

Before their eyes were the endless primal forest, what entered their ears were the bellow of beasts.

Xiao Chen found that aside from himself, Yan Qing Cheng, and the three skeletons, there were still three white-haired old man, and Keke was pointing at them with its little paw angrily.

“Keke, was it them that plotted against us?” Xiao Chen asked. Keke nodded its head strongly. Xiao Chen almost went berserk, he didn’t even know the few people, and yet they wanted to set him up. He was beyond angry.

The three old man were also incomparably furious, one of them shouted loudly, “How did this happen? How did we also get here, it was a ten miles transportation, this place is at least ten miles from the beach, there’s not enough time for us to board the ship!”

“Martial uncle, why do you want to kill me?” This Yan Qing Cheng also shouted angrily.

The old man who was called as martial uncle by Yan Qing Cheng shouted angrily, “If the news regarding you and that youngster were to spread out, how are we to keep our face? Trapping the both of you on this dragon island is already being lenient. However, I never thought…… something so simple, we would also get caught up in it.”

They originally thought it was a simple mission, they thought they could easily get rid of the Undying faction’s disgrace, but the elderly man absolutely never thought it would turn out like this. He furiously shouted at the other two men, “The both of you are Spell Master, don’t tell me you don’t even know how to use the scroll? What kind of lousy scroll was that?!”

“Let’s stop wasting time, we might be able to catch up if we hurry it up.” Those two already flew into the sky, they wanted to head towards the direction of the beach.

Yan Qing Cheng’s martial uncle also rushed onward like a monster, he didn’t even care about killing Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng anymore.

“Squeak……!” Keke angrily waved its little paw, a dazzling light screen instantly rushed forth and enveloped them, then it pulled them back.

“Keke, just leave them alone, we should make haste.” After Xiao Chen shouted these, he quickly rushed towards the beach. Yan Qing Cheng and the three skeletons also followed closely, the three old man shouted furiously and looking at them leave. They never thought it was that little critter that made them suffered the consequences they brought upon themselves. Only until Keke and their figures completely disappeared did the three old man regain their freedom. They also rushed towards the beach immediately afterwards.

Xiao Chen still missed the divine ship in the end, the distance of ten miles was nothing to experts on his level, even if the path was blocked by forest trees, he still got back to the beach rather quickly. After bypassing those dragons, he was just in time to see the divine ship slowly setting sail and departed from the coast.

It only departed for seven to eight meter, but that seven-colored rainbow bridge on the shore was already gone, he missed the ship just like this. That was because it was impossible for him to pass through that terrifying restricted domain.

Keke seemed to have felt Xiao Chen’s despair, the snow-white little critter spared no effort to exhibit the most powerful confinement technique. It wanted to confine itself and cross this domain together with Xiao Chen. However, it was stopped by Xiao Chen, he knew the little critter’s capability, it currently don’t have that kind of power.

“Xiao Chen!”

“Xiao Chen!”


From the divine ship that was enveloped by seven-colored radiance came the voice of Lawrence and Yizhen. Goddess Lan Nuo, Rowena, the little fatty Oxman, and the others also had a regretful expression.

“How did it become like this, who were the ******** that did this?” Lawrence shouted furiously.

“Brother Xiao, I will never forget you.” The little fatty Oxman also shouted.

“Xiao Chen……” In this kind of situation, Buddhist Yizhen also had no idea what to do.

When the eleven Dragon Kings boarded the ship, the Ancestral Divine Ship sailed automatically, it was impossible to turn back.

“You must live on, if I have the what it takes in the future, I will definitely come and save you.” Lan Nuo waved her hand lightly.

This kind of promise, in other people’s ears, it might sound like an empty promise, but Xiao Chen knew Lan Nuo had that qualifications. He shouted loudly towards the divine ship, “Goodbye, see you again later, I will never forget all of you!”

There were also some who called out Yan Qing Cheng’s name, but what else could they do, she only waved her hand silently.

A lot of people were standing at the back-end of the ship and waving their hand towards the coast, among them were many acquaintances and some people they didn’t know, including Lawrence, Yizhen, Rowena, Lan Nuo, Oxman, Lande, even Zhao Lin Er and the genius Illusion Master Carlos.

Just at this time, Yan Qing Cheng’s martial uncle and the two Spell Masters also rushed to the beach, they faced upward and shouted furiously, “How did it become like this? Just how did this happen?!”

“Martial uncle Wang Hao, this is the consequences you brought upon yourself!” It was impossible for Yan Qing Cheng not to be angry, the only opportunity to leave the dragon island was actually wasted like this.

Wang Hao only wanted to dispose the two of them without trouble, he never thought it would end up like this, he was very regretful. If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have acted rashly. The two aged Spell Masters beside him were even stamping their feet. In the end, they looked at Xiao Chen and Yan Qing Cheng with an ominous glint.

The huge ship was gradually sailing away, but everyone was still able to see everything at this place. The voice of Lawrence and the others transmitted over, they were worried about Xiao Chen and reprimanding the three old man.

The Solitary Sword Demon’s voice that was transmitted over was brimming with regret, “Xiao Chen! It is such a pity! I thought in a few more years, you could become a worthy rival, it is such a pity!”

Xiao Chen said to Keke, “Confine them.”

The snow-white little critter was already panting with rage a long time ago, it didn’t hold back and confined the three with seven-colored light screen, it didn’t even give them a chance to move. Although the three were experts on the level of Historia, they were still unable to break free from Keke’s confinement technique.

“Keke, can you let my power enter the light screen and kill them?” Xiao Chen asked hopefully, if he couldn’t kill the three of them with his own hands, he wouldn’t be able to quell his anger.

The snow-white little critter nodded its head to indicate that it was possible.

Xiao Chen shouted towards the divine ship that gradually distanced itself, “Solitary Sword Demon! There is no need for you to lament, I will let you see my secret technique now.” He held the jet-black broken sword in his hand, and then he slashed it diagonally upwards. Even though there was only a single slash, it seemed as if there were hundreds and thousands of sword-qi soaring into the sky. And Keke let all of it enter the light screen.

“Ahhh……!” Miserable shrieks resounded, the flesh of Wang Hao and the two Spell Master’s right arm were scraped from the bones cleanly, only the bones remained.

The Solitary Sword Demon could see it clearly, that attack was not simply using the sword-qi to burn the flesh, it was a complicated move, the flesh was cut apart by using hundreds and thousands of dazzling knife. He was emotionally moved and shouted loudly, “Nice move! What is that sword technique called?”

“God Slayer!” Xiao Chen shouted loudly.

The divine ship gradually distanced itself, he was unable to hear the voice nor see the figure of the people on the ship clearly anymore. The seven-colored divine ship gradually faded away at the gold ocean.

Wang Hao and the other two were thrown into the Taboo Ocean in the end, even Keke’s light screen was unable to resist that kind of destructive force. The three of them were crushed in an instant.

For things to actually end up like this, it was a really shocking conclusion, Xiao Chen looked at Yan Qing Cheng, the two of them remained silent.

“The most terrifying thing on a desolate island is not having an enemy, but to be left all alone. Yan Qing Cheng, do you still want to kill me now?” Xiao Chen looked at this Undying disciple.

“It was precisely because only the two of us left, I felt all the more scared.” Yan Qing Cheng spoke bluntly.

Xiao Chen was speechless, their line of thoughts were really too different. He laughed mischievously and said, “It seems like I was being too lenient before, if I treated you as a slave at an earlier time, perhaps you might not find me that scary now. Alright, alright, I am only a man, and you are only a woman, let us have a talk between man and woman.”

“You…… don’t mess with me! Or I’ll commit suicide immediately.” Yan Qing Cheng’s voice was a little shaky.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and said, “If you want to commit suicide, go ahead and do it. I won’t stop you.”

“You……” Yan Qing Cheng’s frail and elegant body backed away unceasingly.

Being forced to stay on the dragon island, Xiao Chen was indeed very depressed in the beginning, but now he already adjusted his mood, because he knew there was still the “Sovereign King Ship” that could take him away from this place. As a result, he still had the mood to tease Yan Qing Cheng and said, “Woman, just what are you thinking? Am I that scary?”

The three skeletons looked at each other in dismay, they followed Xiao Chen closely.

Knowing that Xiao Chen was teasing her, Yan Qing Cheng angrily turned her head to one side. And on the other side, Xiao Chen carried Keke and walked forward, then he said, “Little monster, it seems like we will be staying on the dragon island for a while, at least until you get your little sacred tree back.”

When Keke heard the “little sacred tree”, it immediately became spirited and ignored the “little monster”. It cheerfully ran all over the place and then followed Xiao Chen towards the snowy mountain.

Yan Qing Cheng followed closely behind.

“Hey, woman, why are you following me? Aren’t you afraid that something will happen? You better keep far away from me, the sooner the better. Otherwise, you will be in great danger.”

“You sealed more than half of my power, if I don’t follow you, then what? Waiting for the monster to eat me?” Yan Qing Cheng replied unhappily.

“You want to kill me, and I am not such a cruel person, I am unwilling to kill you, so I can only seal your power. How about this, why don’t you just commit suicide? We don’t need to make things difficult for both of us.”

Yan Qing Cheng was speechless, she felt that the man before her eyes was too hateful. This was a clear indication that he was using her to modulate his emotions and stave off depression.

Presently, it was impossible for Xiao Chen to kill Yan Qing Cheng, the demon said he needed at least one year to shake off the breath of death. In other words, he had to stay on this dragon island for one year if they wanted to get Keke’s sacred tree back. If it was only him, he would be bored to death, leaving Yan Qing Cheng alive, even as an enemy, he wouldn’t feel so lonely at the very least.

“Xiao Chen, I warn you, don’t you dare try to do anything to me.”

Xiao Chen sneered at her and said, “You are warning me? Oh please, rather than warning, it’s more like enticing me. Just relax, after a long period of misery and oppression on the isolated island, we will have something to talk about, you will not be disappointed.”

This kind of reply was misleading, it made Yan Qing Cheng worried and fearful, but she felt even more humiliated and angry.


  1. N/a

Chapter 116 – Summoning Divine Ship

So it was like this, Xiao Chen was very worried for Lan Nuo.

“Don’t need to worry about me, once we leave this place, I believe I will smoothly enter the realm of immortal not long later.” Lan Nuo smiled confidently, it was like the spring wind brushing the willow tree, it gave people a warm feeling.

The grudges between Zhao Lin Er was actually dissolved like this, it was not something Xiao Chen could have expected. But they were rather unwilling in the bottom of their heart, they only didn’t want to waste Lan Nuo’s good intention.

Xiao Chen headed back to the coconut grove, but his mind was still filled with Lan Nuo’s figure. He admired this kind of proud goddess very much, if only he could take this kind of girl as his wife…… Sweet-tempered, kindhearted, and intelligent, anyone would fall for her. But he quickly shook this thought off, how could he think about something like this? However, he quickly changed his line of thought, how could he not have this kind of thought, perhaps everyone would have yearned for this kind of wonderful woman.

Xiao Chen couldn’t help but recall all kinds of legend regarding Lan Nuo. She was the legendary figure of Yanhuang Dynasty, her name had already circulated to every corners of the world for many years. She was exceptionally charming, a natural-born genius, At the age of twenty, she traveled around the world with a sword, none were able to fight her on equal term.

But it was also during that year, Lan Nuo practiced the legendary ⌈Divine Dominion⌋ and caused her power to become half crippled. Her body gradually became weaker. Soon after, Lan Nuo was resolved to freeze herself in a bottomless ice valley.

A miracle happened to Lan Nuo, thirteen years later, she came out of the ice cave full of life, her complexion was as devastatingly beautiful as in the past. Her peerless beauty didn’t undergo any changes of time, the thirteen years of time passed just like a snap of a finger to her.

She was frozen for thirteen years, the time goes by, yet her rosy cheeks remained youthful!

Returning to the coconut grove, he turned back to watch unconsciously, Xiao Chen saw Lan Nuo, Zhao Lin Er, and Psychic Lanyu walking together. At the same time, he also saw a green-haired youth not far from them. Xiao Chen was surprised, wasn’t that the old treant from the treant’s valley that evolved into blood and flesh human? Could it be that he planned to leave the dragon island too? That was definitely an expert close to the level of demigod!

The sunset dyed the horizon red, the boundless gold ocean moved up and down. There were many practitioners in the vicinity of the beach, almost everyone had rushed over. ⌈1

Keke was sitting at the back of the little unicorn which galloped left and right on the golden beach. It was fearless in the face of those young Syndicate Dragon King, with the support of Keke’s miraculous confinement technique, the little unicorn had a huge boost of confidence. It kept galloping and jumping in the vicinity of the Tyrant Dragon King and Winged Dragon King. Keke even left a few footprints on the body of a few Dragon Kings.

Zhao Lin Er was very annoyed, seeing her beloved little unicorn being rode by that person’s spoiled little critter, it made her a little unhappy. But looking at that adorable little thing, she was unable to really flare up.

“Roar……!” The sky piercing dragon roar caused the gold ocean to become restless, a golden little dragon ran over to the seaside. There were another three young Dragon Kings behind it. Everyone at the seaside knew the older generation experts had arrived, these were the Syndicate Dragon King they had subdued.

Along with the Gold Dragon King’s roar, the other Dragon Kings also became restless, all of them ran towards the beach. Those Dragon Kings gathered in one place, an astonishing battle intent broke out immediately, they actually wanted to fight.

This was not a good event, the master of each Dragon King rushed over to separate them by force. Otherwise there would inevitably be a tragedy. In the end, those eleven Dragon Kings seemed to have come to a compromise, they didn’t attack each other and walked all over the place at the sandy shore.

This was a rarely seen scenario, after all, there were more than ten Syndicate Dragon Kings! To be able to see just one of these legendary dragon was already not bad, but now so many had gathered in one place. Maybe it didn’t seem like a big deal now, but after ten years or hundred years later, the later generations would definitely gasp in surprise. That was because, these little Dragon King would have grown into a powerful existence that even deities were scared of. And these powerful Dragon Kings once gathered on a certain beach.

Everyone at this place might not have these kind of thoughts now, but their offsprings would certainly use this as the topic of a conversation; Their ancestor had once witnessed this scenario. Of course, they would certainly also talk about a certain little critter……

Keke played happily on the beach, Xiao Chen just let it be, it was very hard to break the snow-white little critter away from its disappointed mood, he didn’t want to break its happy mood. However, after the four little Dragon Kings of the older generation experts arrived, Keke began to cause some trouble again.

It actually transformed into a streak of light and stepped on the body of the four Dragon Kings one by one. It seemed like it wanted to make it clear to the people, that it had left its footprint on the body of the eleven Dragon Kings once, as if it wanted to leave a “legend of the little critter” for the later generations.

The four newcomers burst into rage, and the other seven Dragon Kings at a distant place were taking delight in their misfortune. They had experienced this before, they had been provoked by that hateful little critter once. Even that Winged Dragon King that could fly was not an exception.

The night descended, many stars decorated the blue dome of heaven, the night breeze was so gentle, but nobody was able to fall asleep, because they will finally leave the dragon island tomorrow.

Xiao Chen laid in the coconut grove on his back, then he said to himself, “Let’s hope everything go smoothly.” ⌈2

The little fatty Oxman said, “Just relax, those group of old fellows are already here, it is unlikely for them to stall for time again. As a matter of fact, they are a little scared now, because in the vicinity of the snow mountain the demon lived in seclusion, the cloudy fog had become denser these past few days, they are also scared that some unforeseen event will occur.”

“The demon! Sigh…” Xiao Chen let out a breath, he always felt a little sorry for Keke.

This was a suffocating night, and also a night filled with expectation.

Early morning, when the first ray of light spilled on the beach, almost everyone opened their eyes. Everyone started to gather on the golden beach and moved away from the coconut grove. Many people were using net made out of vines to carry a huge bag of coconut fruits to keep as drinking water while on the sea.

There were a hundred plus people altogether, and in front of everyone was eleven young Dragon Kings, each of them was mystical and out of ordinary.

Amethyst Dragon King, Black Dragon King, Azure Dragon King, Jade Dragon King, Red Dragon King, Winged Dragon King, Tyrant Dragon King and so on stood in a straight line. They faced upwards and let out a long roar. The ear-splitting roar took shape as a bizarre power and reverberated in the sky fiercely. The roar was transmitted to the distant ocean.

Every practitioners had no choice but to temporarily seal off their sense of hearing. Otherwise none of them would be able to bear the terrifying sound waves emitted by eleven Dragon Kings simultaneously, despite them being so young.

It sounded like nine heavenly thunder were rumbling over the gold ocean, and nine volcanoes were piercing through the surface of the earth. The oppressive Dragon King’s roar transmitted far and wide, it made this gold ocean rage violently.

The bizarre energy fluctuation wavered in between the heaven and earth, it made everyone believed that the legend of nine Dragon Kings summoning the divine ship was real. Otherwise it wouldn’t be this miraculous.

The heaven and earth seemed to possess an incomparably vast and ancient aura, it seemed like an unknown mysterious power was transmitting some kind of message to a distant location.

“Roar……!” The Dragon King’s roar lasted for a long time. The entire dragon island was trembling slightly. The Dragon King’s roar seemed to pierce through the space-time and transmitted their willpower along.

Among the ear-splitting Dragon King’s roar, a sound that couldn’t be regarded as harmonious suddenly emerged.

“Squeak! Squeak……!” Nobody knew when it happened, but the snow-white little critter had already ran in front of the line and became the leading cast of the eleven Dragon Kings unknowingly. It was actually trying to imitate them and devoted all of its being to face upwards and let out a long squeak. But its voice was really too soft and immature, it sounded like an infant that was learning how to talk.

However, what made everyone most shocked was that, the snow-white little critter’s voice clearly resounded in between the heaven and earth, it did not get pressed down by the eleven Dragon Kings’ voice at all. The “squeaking” sound could be heard clearly, it was like a naive child singing the folk song sincerely.

Everyone wanted to stop it, but just at this time, from the vast golden ocean, a loud dragon roar resounded. It was like a great heavenly tone that transmitted from ancient times, it made one’s soul tremble.

A huge imperial boat that was blossoming with seven-colored radiance braved the wind and billows, it appeared on the surface of the gold ocean from thin air, as if it really pierced through the space-time and came from the ancient era.

Many people were moved to tears, that huge divine ship was similar to an imposing small mountain, it seemed like a real Ancestral Dragon. It was currently crossing the Taboo Ocean and approaching this place.

It was indeed a huge divine ship that shaped like the Ancestral Dragon, the ship glinted with seven-colored radiance and illuminated the entire Taboo Ocean. Thousand miles of sea area fluctuated violently due to its appearance, but the divine ship was still sailing smoothly, it didn’t sway in the slightest.

The legend was true, with nine kings gathered together, they could summon the divine ship built from the Ancestral Dragon’s bone and Heavenly Tree. It could bring everyone through the terrifying Taboo Ocean and depart from the dragon island.

Eleven young Syndicate Dragon Kings already stopped their roars, and Keke ran to Xiao Chen’s side. But just at this time, even more world-shaking dragon roars transmitted from their back. There were countless huge dragons in the coconut grove, the green Tyrannical Dragon, the gold Monarch Lion Dragon, the bluish-green Saber Dragon, the purple Thunder Dragon…… numerous wild dragons gathered at this place. The baleful aura soared into the sky, huge dragon shadows occupied the entire seaside coconut grove. ⌈3

Everyone became pale, what did these dragons want, why did they gather at this place, could it be that they wanted to kill everyone?

However, what made everyone felt a bit relieved was that all the seemingly terrifying dragons did not approach, they only let out a roar in that coconut grove and observed the situation. The eleven young Dragon Kings also let out a roar immediately afterwards and ran towards the coconut grove at high speed. They seemed a bit reluctant to part.

At this moment, everyone finally understood, those huge dragons seemed to have come to see the young Dragon Kings off. The eleven young Dragon Kings rushed into the pack of dragons, and let out a sad growl, they seemed reluctant to part from the dragons. The adult dragon’s roars were also filled with sadness and reluctance.

It’s getting closer, much closer, the legendary Ancestral Dragon Divine Ship finally reached the shore. A seven-colored divine light transformed into a rainbow bridge, it extended from the divine ship to the shore. ⌈4


  1. Silva: Why do I keep having a bad feeling that this is just a calm before the storm? It’s too peaceful, it gives me the heebie-jeebies. 
  2. Silva: This is a flag I tell ya! A flag! 
  3. Silva: GULP! 
  4. Silva: ZOMG-OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG! It’s finally hereeeee!
    Oh but wait~ look at the title of the next chapter: Unforeseen Event!
    Oh sheet! 

Chapter 115 – The Identity of the Mysterious Woman

All of a sudden, a beautiful blonde-haired man that was as blazing as the sun entered Xiao Chen’s line of sight. He passed through the dense coconut grove and arrived at this region. It was actually Spell Master Lande.

Xiao Chen restrained his smile, he just sat there and looked at him before he opened his mouth, and said, “You really have the guts to actually appear in front of me, do you want to challenge me?”

Lawrence, Oxman, Yizhen, and Rowena were still joking together, they did not become tense due to Lande’s arrival. That was because they were confident in their strength, with these few people sitting together, even Solitary Sword Demon wouldn’t come to openly provoke them.

“Alright, I will apologize for my frivolous behavior before, but I actually don’t need to apologize, because you already gave me the deepest and most painful lesson. You must know that you were very ruthless during that battle, you broke at least thirty bones of mine.” The blonde-haired beautiful man, Lande, did not seem very embarrassed when he said these. He sat opposite of Xiao Chen unhurriedly, his pair of sapphire eyes appeared very sincere as he said, “A few days ago, I still wanted to find you to take revenge, but now I finally thought it through. The hatred between us was really not worth it. We are about to leave the dragon island soon, there is nothing more exciting and joyous than leaving here alive. Let us forget about all the unpleasant things between us after we leave the dragon island. It was only because I was too arrogant and conceited, I have already suffered enough as a result, I don’t want to keep making more mistake. I came here today to dissolve our past resentment.” ⌈1

Xiao Chen said, “If it was not because I had no other choice, who would want to face you in a life and death battle? If you are sincere, then I will accept your proposal and dissolve our grudges.”

Lawrence’s somewhat sickly face revealed a smile and said, “Lande, I have heard of you before, but I never regarded you as anyone important until now. I can easily take your life within twenty moves. However, seeing your action today, I couldn’t help but see you in a new light. It is easy to take but hard to let go, it proved that you have made a mental breakthrough to some extend.”

“That means I have the opportunity to befriend such a beautiful man, and not as an enemy anymore?” Rowena smiled charmingly.

Lande nodded his head with a smile, “I was desperate before, thinking that we will be trapped on the dragon island forever. But to my surprise, I unexpectedly found that we can leave this island, it really had a big impact on my mental state, I can finally look at things from different perspective, and be more open-minded.” ⌈2

“Lawrence, you might need to get your eyes checked, Lande did not only make a mental breakthrough, his ability might advance by leaps and bounds over the next few years, he’s a demigod that is gradually awakening, a descendant of god.”

“Seems like my little secret had been exposed by you.” It was impossible for Lande to deny.

“A natural born demigod? Lande, I adore you so much!” Rowena discharged electricity3⌋ from her eyes, trying to hook his soul.

“Really? Let’s forget about our rivalry, I will definitely go and swap pointers with you frequently.” Buddhist Yizhen also opened his mouth in shock.

“Huh? Let me take a good long look at the face of a demigod.” The little fatty walked in front and sized up Lande very seriously. It made everyone unable to restrain a smile, it must be mentioned that Oxman was very good at setting the atmosphere.

In this course of events, the beautiful Yan Qing Cheng remained silent. ⌈4⌋ She didn’t say a single word nor did she cast a glance at Lande.

“Brother Xiao, I have a presumptuous request. Can you set my junior sister, Yan Qing Cheng, free? We are about to leave the dragon island soon, let us forget about all the unhappy things in the past.” Lande looked at Xiao Chen earnestly.

“I also did not plan to make an enemy out of her before, but since it has already become like this, it is impossible for me to release her now.” Xiao Chen refused by saying, “Do you believe our enmity can be resolved now? Do you think she will let it go like this?”

In fact, Xiao Chen was a little troubled regarding how to deal with Yan Qing Cheng. A lot of people on dragon island knew Xiao Chen had taken Yan Qing Cheng as captive, it was fine since everyone was trapped on the dragon island. However, everyone was about to enter the immortal’s mainland, the Undying Alliance could even be said to be a powerful force. In the event that the news of Yan Ching Cheng being held captive were to spread out once they enter the immortal’s mainland, it might bring a lot of trouble to him. How about killing her now? That would only be inviting more trouble than necessary. This was the reason why he didn’t act blindly without thinking until now.

These few days, Rowena, Lawrence, and the rest had come up with a plan for Xiao Chen; That was to leave them with no option but to accept it, he will tie a knot with Yan Qing Cheng and become a married couple for real. This way, they could avoid any dangers in the future. According to what they said; Xiao Chen, you will become the son-in-law of the Undying Faction, and not treating Yan Qing Cheng as a slave. How will the Undying Faction find any reason to come and cause trouble for you? Of course, the prerequisite was for Yan Qing Cheng to act lovey-dovey on the outside.

However, to make Yan Qing Cheng cooperate? That was impossible!

Of course, there was another fatal part; Xiao Chen had killed Wang Zi Feng and Liew Yue, the two experts from the Undying Alliance. Although the word did not spread out, there was a key person who knew the inside story. That was precisely Zhao Lin Er. At that time, it was her who passed the news to Yan Qing Cheng. If they don’t seal her mouth, things will definitely turn for the worst.

Just when Xiao Chen thought of Zhao Lin Er, she really appeared. She actually entered the coconut grove, and that snow-white unicorn was following far behind her. It was unwilling to approach the crowd, it looked over a little timidly.

Xiao Chen almost couldn’t believe his eyes, the peerless Imperial Angel actually appeared in front of him, it was way too unusual. The grudges between them could only be settled with life and death. At that time, they were really at each other’s neck.

Xiao Chen jumped up immediately, if it was not for Zhao Lin Er, he definitely wouldn’t end up in this world. He couldn’t remain calm and said coldly, “You actually dare to show up here?!”

The devastatingly beautiful Imperial Angel had a really cold expression as she said, “I came here to dissolve our grudges.” ⌈5

Not only was Xiao Chen dumbstruck, even the few people beside him were at a loss for words. What was happening today? Why did everyone come to dissolve the grudges? Lande was still pardonable, since it was originally caused by his arrogance. But Zhao Lin Er and Xiao Chen were always at each other’s neck, how could this kind of enmity be dissolved? And it seemed like the person herself was unwilling to let it go.

Even Lande felt a bit inconceivable, even though he was the first to come, their temper was completely different.

“You want to resolve our grudges?” Xiao Chen wanted to laugh, but he didn’t.

“Please come with me to meet someone.” After saying these, Zhao Lin Er no longer paid attention to Xiao Chen and walked over to the beach.

A graceful figure was standing over there calmly, the figure seemed proud and aloof, and yet it was out-of-this-world. There was a purple young dragon beside her, she was looking at the golden ocean. It was that woman who could control the law of time, but the colorful mist was not lingering on her body at the moment. Only because she was facing the coconut grove with her back, everyone was still unable to see her face.

It was not a trap, everyone did not follow him. Xiao Chen took large strides towards the beach.

Just at this time Keke rubbed its hazy big eyes, it finally woke up. When it looked at the young unicorn that was as bright as jade in front, its glittering big eyes immediately lit up. It flew over there with a swish, and landed on the back of the young unicorn.

The young unicorn was startled like a little rabbit, it wanted to run away, but it realized it wouldn’t be able to throw off Keke who was already on its back. It felt anguished as it turned its head, but when it saw Keke’s appearance, its fear dissipated. It looked at the naughty little critter curiously. The two cute little thing looked at each other face to face, they had a very amusing expression.

Xiao Chen followed Zhao Lin Er one step at a time and arrived in front of the golden ocean. He finally saw the face of the mysterious woman clearly. He became dumbfounded in that very instant, how could this be possible, how could it be her?!

She had a beauty that was hard to describe with words, it was impossible to describe how good-looking was her appearance, she was a stunning beauty that couldn’t be described with mere words. She was a goblet of Spiritual Energy, her entire person looked like a mist and far away, she was obviously in front of him, yet it felt like she was high in the clouds. This was a genuine transcendental aura.

In reality, the appearance of Zhao Lin Er and Yan Qing Cheng could already be considered the most stunning under the heaven. It was impossible for the person in front of him to be more beautiful, but her distinctive traits made her surpass the former two by leaps and bounds. This was a charm the ordinary people could never hope to achieve, it seemed like she was already not a living person with blood and flesh, but rather the most outstanding masterpiece in Heaven.

She was actually the extremely gifted Goddess Lan Nuo!! It was precisely because she caused a distortion in space that Xiao Chen and Zhao Lin Er wound up in this world.

“Are you surprised?” Lan Nuo smiled faintly, like a beautiful rainbow that was let off from the ice and snow, she was very dazzling.

“Really…… Surprised.” Xiao Chen replied as such.

“When I distorted the space on that day, I saw the both of you rushing in when I took a step forward. I originally wanted to stop the both of you, but I realized it was already impossible to turn back, I could only bring the two of you with me. Unexpectedly, you guys became enemy. We all came from the human world, I don’t want to see you guys facing each other in a life and death battle. I want to let the both of you make up.”

Xiao Chen highly respected this extremely gifted goddess. This was the only expert that could create a spatial distortion with martial arts in the human world after many long years of silence. Moreover, it was this kind of peerless and lovely young lady, he admired and respected her deeply. Xiao Chen started by saying, “I originally was unwilling to make an enemy out of her, the result today could be said to be caused by her. I am not trying to push the blame, this is the fact.”

“Hmph! If it was not because you killed my maid that was as close to me as my blood sister, why would I even care?!” Zhao Lin Er’s beautiful face was brimming with anger.

“If it was not because your subordinates were relying on force to bully others, if they didn’t besiege me, why would I even make a move? It was a righteous self-defense, how could I care about my enemy’s situation?” Xiao Chen opposed with equal harshness.

“Alright, the both of you don’t bring up the things from the past anymore.” The proud goddess Lan Nuo smiled faintly and said, “I just wanted to ask the both of you, I intent to help the both of you reconcile, are you willing to make up?”

After a period of silence, the both of them nodded. They revered Lan Nuo very much.

“Good, since the both of you are willing, then please forget about all the unhappy events in the past, the both of you are prohibited to fight from now on, will you promise me this?” ⌈6

Lan Nuo sincerely tried to help them. The two vowed not to fight anymore in the end. This outcome made the both of them very regretful, it was not something they could have imagined in the past. However, not fighting anymore doesn’t mean they will become close friends, it is impossible for them to get intimate with each other.

In regards to Lan Nuo’s ability, Xiao Chen was full of doubts. One must know that she was a goddess that was able to create a spatial distortion. And someone with her ability was only able to suppress the Solitary Sword Demon.

However, he quickly understood after listening to Lan Nuo’s brief story.

When Lan Nuo distorted the space, she had already reached the legendary Nirvana realm.

One who reached this realm would become neither dead or alive, their body and mind would be trapped in the brink of death. They would linger around the boundary of life and death to comprehend the profound meaning between life and death. If one thoroughly comprehended the secrets of life and death, they would become an immortal with one more step. However, if they failed, they might be consigned to eternal damnation, their body and soul would be entirely wiped out.

At the same time, the practitioners who are on this level, their ability are neither strong or weak. Their power are very unstable, when they are strong, they can unleash powers equivalent to Immortalis. When they are weak, their divine ability was even weaker than practitioners of Historia realm.

The realm of Nirvana was regarded by the practitioners as the greatest opportunity, but also the most ruthless one. Those who solved the riddles of life and death would break out of their cocoons and transform into butterflies. They would attain immortality and live on forever. Those who couldn’t comprehend the secrets would be annihilated at this point, it was a cruel reality.

After Lan Nuo, who was at the Nirvana realm, created a spatial distortion and entered the dragon island, she found that her power was still very unstable. She didn’t know the secrets of the dragon island; This place sealed every god-level power, when the boundless sealing power rushed towards her, she originally tried to resist, which almost caused this proud goddess to die on this barren island.

Lan Nuo suffered an enormous loss on this dragon island, the ability that she cultivated all her life was narrowly overthrown. However, she was innately gifted after all, while she was caught between life and death, she quickly discovered the nature of the problem and voluntarily sealed her power by herself. Only then did the boundless sealing power have less influence on her.

But even so, that sealing power still suppressed her power to Nirvana’s lowest fluctuation range. One must know that Nirvana level practitioners could become as strong as the immortals, but they could also get as weak as Historia level expert. The lowest fluctuation range of Nirvana was close to the Historia realm. And the heavy damage she suffered for now was also hard to recover from.


  1. Silva: Wow that was one long paragraph, he sure talks a lot (of nonsense) 
  2. Silva: Yes, the majority of the readers should learn from this guy and change your narrow point of view. 
  3. Silva: If you don’t get what this means; it means she’s being flirtatious.
    Chanayh: I think ogle is the better word.
  4. Chanayh: Just “Yan Qing Cheng remained silent” is okay. Why do Chen Dong always use some words descrbing the beauty in front of “Yan Qing Cheng”. We all know she is a beauty. @#%¥ 
  5. Silva: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!
    The grudges of stealing the unicorn from our MC is unforgivable!! Because of you, so many readers had dropped this novel! Do you think you can be forgiven now?! rawr!
    Ok take a chill pill, me~
    Chanayh: It seems Xiao Chen will be a harem king and Zhao Lin Er is his queen. XD
    Dropped the novel? You didn’t translate Chen Dong’s explaination? He said only virgin could get the unicorn and the MC would get a better partner.
    Silva: I did translate that part but some readers didn’t read it. Whatever the case, the act of stealing the cute little unicorn from the MC should be a crime! 😛
  6. Silva: why… for some reason… this feels like marriage ceremony….
    Chanayh: When I first read this chapter, I thought Zhao Lin Er is the heroine.