Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 72 – Sacred Mountain

The Tyrannical Dragon and Monarch Lion Dragon were very close to one another, but they actually did not start a strive. What made people even more amazed was that there was still another powerful dragon nearby. A Saber Dragon that looked like a green jade mountain was standing on an elevated position, and roaring while facing the sky.

It could extend up to forty meter long, to describe its appearance more accurately, it looked like a huge crocodile with half of its body upright. But of course, there was a really big difference, on top of its head was a really sharp jasper horn of about ten meter long. This was the divine sword that it was born with, it could even be said that nothing can bar its path. This was also the origin of its name, the Saber Dragon.

Moreover, on both sides of its body, there were rows of sharp bony outgrowth. Each and every one of them was a few meter long, it could prevent a powerful enemy from getting close. If necessary, it could even be used to clash against the enemy, it was a formidable weapon! Even though the Saber Dragon’s size fall short of the Tyrannical Dragon and Monarch Lion Dragon, with so many sharp horns all over its body, it still wouldn’t fall behind the other two if they were to fight.

These three dragons were the kings among the dragon race, and there were still a few more dragons snarling in the mountain range nearby. It indicated that they were most likely not weaker than these three dragons. Moreover, there were clearly other ancient beasts here that were capable of standing off against the fierce dragon. Xiao Chen could vaguely see a few monsters already.

“What are they doing? Why are they all gathering here……” Xiao Chen’s mind was filled with questions.

“Squeak……!” Keke jumped on top of Xiao Chen’s shoulder, and used one tiny paw to point ahead, seemingly trying to express its opinion.

Xiao Chen found that it was actually pointing at midair, he felt incomparably astonished, and asked, “Keke, why are you pointing at the sky, there are no giant birds nor Winged Dragons there?”

Keke blinked its glittering big eyes, and kept squeaking while pointing at the midair.

“Keke, what are you doing?” Xiao Chen was puzzled.

Keke felt like it wasted its energy, it angrily used its tiny paws to pull Xiao Chen’s hair, and then jumped down from his shoulder. It ran towards the direction of the three skeletons.

Xiao Chen shook his head in puzzlement, but just at this time, he suddenly found an incomparably magnificent mountain in midair. It was a breathtaking and ancient sacred mountain.

Xiao Chen was gobsmacked, how did this happen? However, when he stood straight and raised his head to watch, that huge mountain suddenly disappeared.

“The angle of view?!” Xiao Chen started to move his footstep, changing his position continuously. After a dozen of tries, he finally saw that hazy sacred mountain again.

“Strange, could there be some kind of divine formation at work? Otherwise, how could it bring about this kind of result. The same region could actually only be seen in a few spots.”

That sacred mountain left a deep impression in Xiao Chen’s heart, it was really too magnificent. Even on the one thousand five hundred meter tall Heavenly Tree’s stump, they had to raise their head to watch.

The mist was very cloudy there, not a single vegetation nor birds and beasts could be seen. One could already feel it from a distant, that place was deathly still. One could see many broken historic sites, such as the majestic castles, but due to the vicissitudes of time, some of the magnificent buildings were already collapsing.

The sacred mountain was grand and lofty, it possessed a majestic aura. From halfway up the mountain until the top were filled with the ancient ruins, it emitted an awe-inspiring and deathly still aura, making that place seems incomparably mysterious.

And those vicious dragon as well as the ancient beasts, were located at the foot of the sacred mountain.

It was very obvious, the reason they gathered here must be due to the sacred mountain.

The dense fog sealed the sacred mountain, the roar of the dragons and beasts made people feel demoralized.

Xiao Chen kept moving around on the surface of the broken ancient tree. He only found three spots where he could see the sacred mountain within hundred meter square. This was very miraculous, according to his speculation, there must be a divine formation sealing that place.

“Keke, you seen that sacred mountain before?”

Keke shook its head, it jumped on top of Lunhui Wang’s skull with a swift sound, and once again sized up the sacred mountain curiously.

“Were those monsters always there before?” Xiao Chen asked one more time, he really wanted to know if those ancient beasts just recently got here, or were they always pacing back and forth around the sacred mountain.

Keke nodded its head, that means to say this region had always been the settlement of the ancient beasts.

“It seems like that sacred mountain did not just appear recently, those ancient beasts must have known about it a long time ago.” Xiao Chen couldn’t help but think, this is a sealed dragon island, countless years ago, those dragon race were capable of flaunting their strength before the deities! If that was the case, those ancient and mysterious castle on top of the majestic sacred mountain, if they were not built by the dragon race, then they must be the castle of the ancient deities!

And there was a Heavenly Tree in front of the sacred mountain, one couldn’t help but be lost in boundless fanciful thoughts. The dragons were sealed on this island most likely had something to do with the Heavenly Ancient Tree.

Xiao Chen’s party climbed down from the Heavenly Ancient Tree, they stealthily moved towards the direction of the sacred mountain. Naturally, they took the long way around those ancient beasts, they had no choice but to avoid those vicious dragons and beasts.

Only, after they circled around a large area, and once again got close to the sacred mountain that was concealed in the empty sky, they found that there were vicious beasts around no matter from which direction. Looking from a distant, the shadow of a huge monster could be seen swaying in the mountain woods. A cruel fiendish aura pervaded in the woods, that must be a terrifying beast that had killed myriads of living things.

Xiao Chen grudgingly become aware that they were unable to get near the sacred mountain. There were monsters roaming around in all direction. Whether Keke was really a muddle-head, or it really had nothing to fear in Heaven or Earth, it actually wanted to force its way through. If not for Xiao Chen who pulled it tenaciously, this little critter would already run over there like a wisp of smoke.

It was already nightfall, the beastly roar had become much fewer, the mountain range trembled violently, many monsters had left that place while letting out a snarl. Each and every one of them returned to their nest respectively.

The moonlight was as gentle as the water, Xiao Chen and the gang decided to make their move, they would seldomly get this kind of opportunity. He decided to get close to the sacred mountain during the night. The forest trees were very sparse in this mountain range, the area without any vegetation was stepped on by the monsters until it became as hard as the rock. Those were the path of the ancient beasts.

The imposing sacred mountain in front of them was intermittently visible. The bright moonlight lit up the area, the mountain ranges in the vicinity seemed as if they were covered by a layer of hazy veil.

“Roar……!” A loud roar suddenly resounded, it almost caused Xiao Chen to go deaf. The leaves flew about everywhere in the mountain range, the inexhaustible fiendish aura spread over a large area. That Monarch Lion Dragon was actually still here. It was facing the moon and letting out a roar while facing the direction of the sacred mountain. Almost all the faint yellow radiance from its head to toe had transformed into a dazzling golden light. An inexhaustible bloody odor pervaded the air, it was clearly the evil aura that comes together with a killing machine.

It seemed like it wanted to dash up the sacred mountain. After the series of roar, it suddenly scuttled across the ground, it truly felt as if the heaven and earth were shaking, even the mountain ranges in the vicinity were trembling. The mountain-like Monarch Lion Dragon knocked down endless amount of forest trees. It emitted a resplendent golden light, and dashed up the sacred mountain. However, the draconic roar suddenly faded away, the presence of the Monarch Lion Dragon was gone in a short while.

A fifty meter long dragon just evaporated in the thin air!

Not even a single sound could be heard, it was deathly silent!

The Monarch Lion Dragon disappeared without a trace, it was as if it had charged into an unknown world.


  1. N/a

Chapter 71 – Den of Vicious Beast

Seeing Keke act like this, Xiao Chen also felt a bit sour, the three skeletons squatted around the little critter. In their eyes, the way the reckless little devil acted was very strange.

“Wuwu……” As if Keke had been wounded, it curled into a snow-white pompom and started to whimper.

Xiao Chen may treat his enemy as cold as steel, but he was still sincere to the people around him. Even though Keke was a little critter, they had spent a long time together, he had already thought of it as a fantastic “child”.

“Keke, don’t be scared……” Xiao Chen crouched down, and pulled Keke into his embrace.

As if Keke had found something to rely on, it sobbed incessantly, and buried its head deep within Xiao Chen’s embrace. It appeared as miserable as the first time Xiao Chen saw this little critter, resembling a child that had been abandoned.

“Clack! Clack……!” The three skeletons looked at each other in dismay, they were always wary of this little critter, but the scene before their eyes made them incomparably astounded.

Xiao Chen attempted to inquire over and over again, after spending a great amount of time, he could more or less figure out what was going on. Keke seemed like an “abandoned child”. It knew that it was born from here, but it had never met its parent before. As soon as the pitiful thing was born, it climbed down the divine tree and lost its way in the mountains. After that, it wandered to the border zone of the island.

And today it had found its way back, but it never thought it still wouldn’t be able to see its parent at this place. This made the little critter, with abundance of emotion, to feel very disappointed, that’s why it felt so wronged.

“Keke, don’t be disappointed……” Xiao Chen smiled, and said, “I am the same as you, I can never be together with my family again. We will be a family from now on. You are one valiant little monster, you must not feel aggrieved like this, you must be strong.”


Xiao Chen’s words immediately changed Keke’s mood as expected, it furiously brandished its little paws, baring its fangs and claws to threaten Xiao Chen. Apparently, it was very dissatisfied to be addressed as a “little monster”. Xiao Chen found this method to be very effective, it immediately shifted Keke’s attention.

“Let’s go and take a look at the nest of the little monster, and also the origin of the divine sapling.” Xiao Chen carried Keke, and wandered around the broken tree with the three skeletons.

Keke furiously jumped down from Xiao Chen’s body, then it happily ran towards the heart of the broken tree like a wild colt. It really was a child, it recovered from its disappointment so quickly.

The surface of the broken Heavenly Tree was incomparably flat and smooth. Xiao Chen was shocked to discover that there were some shattered eggshells in the heart of the stump. It was as crystal clear as seven-colored divine jade, a faint multicolored radiance was lingering on the eggshells.

Keke was a little reluctant to leave and mischievously rolled around the broken jade-like shell. Xiao Chen couldn’t help but open his mouth widely in shock, Keke was actually born from a divine jade-like colored egg!

Keke looked like a little lion, and also somewhat like a little tiger, it was covered in a snow-white fur that was as bright as jade from top to bottom. No matter how you see it, the little critter doesn’t seem like it was born from a colored egg. It would make sense if it was covered in scales from head to toe, but the fact really isn’t so.

It has such an impressive origin! Xiao Chen believed Keke’s origin wouldn’t be so simple. It might be the descendant of some super powerful monster. Otherwise how could it be born in a nest full of dragons and ancient beasts around! The roar of dragons and beasts kept resounding in the vicinity.

Keke who was rolling around the broken jade-like shell suddenly recalled something. It took off the “treasured tree” from its head, and planted it beside the broken shell. The divine sapling immediately rooted itself on the surface of the black jade-like stump.

“Are you telling me, the divine sproutling was excavated from here?” Xiao Chen looked at Keke in awe.

Keke nodded its head strongly, its big glittering eyes blinked a few times.

The Heavenly Tree was already dried up and dead, the divine sproutling was unable to draw out any life energy from it. Xiao Chen was immediately dumbfounded when he saw the divine sproutling, this…… divine sproutling was born from the stump, it was as if the spring had comes upon a withered tree, it seemed to have evolved and entered a different stage of Nirvana. This divine sapling seemed like a different tree species from the ancient Heavenly Tree! This is a genuine divine tree not only in name, but also in reality, no wonder it did not die even after it had been uprooted.

However, the sapling was a little unfortunate, it became the “ration” of this abandoned child in the end. After Keke was born, it survived by sucking the energy from these jade leaves. After roughly understanding everything, Xiao Chen couldn’t help but heave a sigh, could it be that Keke’s parents deliberately left this “ration” behind for it?

A mysterious little beast, it most likely wouldn’t be much weaker than those legendary Syndicate Dragon King. Xiao Chen thought of that kind of thing.

“Hehe……” Keke was rolling back and forth between the broken shell. It seemed like it had completely got over its disappointment, it giggled in a cheerful mood like it always did in the past.

“Time to get up, don’t roll around anymore.” Xiao Chen pulled Keke up from the ground, then he gathered the pile of colored shells in the same place, and said, “This is your identification, I will keep them for you.” He tore a piece of cloth, and wrapped the eggshell within before he attached the cloth to his back.

“Roar……” The powerful dragon roar caused the mountain ridge in the vicinity to shake. High up in the sky, the burst of sound wave was especially great, they could clearly feel the quiver in the stream of air.

“Let’s go over there and take a look.”

The dragon roar came from the mountain range in the East, Xiao Chen and the gang walked over on the surface of the ancient Heavenly Tree’s stump. When they arrived at the edge, they surveyed the scene from an elevated position.

A few huge monsters with scales all over their body, flickering with hazy divine radiance, are currently moving about at the mountain range in a not so distant place. They are only a few hundred meter apart from one another, but they didn’t get into a strive, this is a very abnormal scene. Those are but a few vicious dragons! They are normally very tyrannical and won’t let other ancient beasts enter their territory.

Xiao Chen was incomparably shocked, he already saw that greenish Tyrannical Dragon clearly, its huge draconic body could extend up to fifty meter long, the indistinct green divine radiance made it appear especially terrifying.

Not far away from the green Tyrannical Dragon, there was a huge monster just as big. Its imposing demeanour was not inferior to the Tyrannical Dragon, as if it was made out of brass, it was flickering with a light yellow radiance from head to toe.

It looked exactly like a mighty lion, but it couldn’t be a lion, it was covered in dragon scales that were flickering with yellow radiance from head to toe. Its lion head was very fierce, the pair of blue eyes were as imposing as the will-o’-wisp. Its “lion’s mane” was completely made up of huge bony outgrowths!

Four of its thick and powerful claws were like four huge pillars, each one required seven to eight people to wrap their arms around it. From its entire body, except for the glittering yellow scales, and that crocodile-like giant tail, this vicious dragon looked exactly like a gigantic lion.

Xiao Chen recognized it at a single glance, that was the legendary Monarch Lion Dragon, it was absolutely not weaker than the Tyrannical Dragon. It was uncommon even among the powerful dragon race.

The Tyrannical Dragon and Monarch Lion Dragon were very close to one another, but they actually did not start a strive. What made people even more amazed was that there was still another powerful dragon nearby. A Saber Dragon that looked like a green jade mountain was standing on an elevated position, and roaring while facing the sky.


  1. N/a

Chapter 70 – Heavenly Tree

After pushing their way through a wide expanse of primitive mountain woods, Xiao Chen and the rest are gradually getting close to their destination.

“Squeak! Squeak……!” Keke jumped on top of Xiao Chen’s shoulder, and pointed at a mountain range in front of him.




Suddenly, a draconic roar was transmitted from that mountain range. It caused the entire mountain to shake, the forest trees to wave around hysterically, and dead leaves to swirl in the air.

There are definitely more than one ancient dragon there, judging from the sound, there are actually around seven to eight dragons!

Xiao Chen grumbled inwardly, it seems like he really walked into the den of monsters. Keke’s origin appeared to be extremely big!

The lotus insignia on the foreheads of the three skeletons suddenly flickered, they vigilantly watched their surroundings. Their joints were producing creaking sounds, they clearly felt the dangers ahead.

“Keke, you really lived in a den of monsters before? Just what kind of little monster are you?”

Keke seemed extremely dissatisfied that Xiao Chen called it a little monster, it angrily jumped onto Xiao Chen’s head, and then it scratched his head frantically, causing Xiao Chen’s long hair to become a complete mess.

“Alright, alright, you win.” Xiao Chen hastily grabbed the little critter, and put it on the ground.

After they entered the mountainous region, they could clearly make out a lot of huge paw prints. Without a doubt, all of them belong to the fierce dragons! After passing through a mountain range, Xiao Chen saw a very shocking scene, there was a black mountain ridge flickering with black radiance continuously cut across a few mountain range! The entire mountain ridge is flickering with specks of light, it is actually as sparkling and translucent as a black jade.

Keke cheerfully jumped back and forth between Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang’s head. It seems like they have already arrived at its place of origin. After that, it jumped down joyfully, and ran towards the black jade mountain ridge. Xiao Chen and the three skeletons followed closely behind, since they are already here anyway, it is impossible to stop now due to the roar of dragons in the vicinity.

But, when they get close to that black jade mountain ridge, Xiao Chen was completely dumbfounded. He found that the so-called black mountain ridge actually looked like…… a tree trunk! A chunk of it was lying flat on the mountains, it was actually a huge tree trunk flickering with black radiance!

After they got nearer to the mountain ridge, Xiao Chen was shocked to find that the black mountain ridge was really a tree trunk. One can find several huge twigs separating from the trunk along the way.

This is simply inconceivable!

The tree trunk is actually as bulky as a mountain ridge, if this huge tree that is flickering with black radiance is still alive, if it is still standing, just how tall would it be? Perhaps it might even pierce through the skies! This can be rated as a Heavenly Tree!

Not far ahead from here is a piece of collapsed mountain region, it seems like a terrifying earthquake occurred here. Almost all the mountain peaks had already crumbled, even the towering rocky mountains were full of huge cracks, most of the area already sank down. If not for those crumbled rocky mountains, this place can be considered an extremely big basin. It is very bizarre within the basin, although it is filled with rocks, and even if there are soil, no plant is growing at all, it is a piece of dead land.

And the Heavenly Tree only extended until here, any traces of that incomparably big treetop were already gone a long time ago. It seems like it was buried along with the collapsed mountain region ahead. People couldn’t help but be lost in thoughts, and suspect if some kind of big disaster had broken out in this place before. Something big enough that could cause endless amount of mountain peaks to collapse and the Heavenly Tree to fall.

“Eh, where did Keke go?” Xiao Chen suddenly found that Keke had disappeared.

“Clack! Clack……!” Lunhui Wang moved its lower jaw up and down, and pointed at the other side of the divine tree, hinting that Keke had rushed to the direction of the tree roots.

“Let’s go, we also go take a look.” Xiao Chen and the three skeletons quickly ran after Keke.

Even though that black jade-like Heavenly Tree already dried up a long time ago, and toppled over the mountain range, it is still as high as the mountain peak, it really is too humongous. It is like a mountain ridge across the horizon, it is even more imposing than most of the mountain range here.

Xiao Chen and the others make their way through the dense mountain woods, they advanced for no less than eight to nine miles before they finally arrived near the ancient tree’s roots. And this eight to nine miles does not represent the entirety of the tree trunk. After all, there are still the trunk, and the crown that was completely destroyed.

The Heavenly Tree’s roots are just as stunning, the stump on the surface is actually as majestic as a mountain. Regardless of the thickness and height, it is comparable to the mountain range in the vicinity, it is a truly shocking scene! Few enormous roots that are exposed on the ground practically looked like one after another mountain ridges, they didn’t even enter the underground at the distant mountain, one couldn’t help but feel flabbergasted looking at this scene.



The draconic roar transmitted from nearby, it seems to come from seven to eight fierce dragons. Not only that, there were also the shriek of other monsters, it is as ear-splitting as the heavenly thunder. They dared to make a sound in the dragon’s territory, they must be some ancient beasts not inferior to the fierce dragon!

This place is really as Xiao Chen had expected, it really is the den of monsters!

“What about Keke, where did it go?” Xiao Chen looked everywhere, he was truly worried that Keke had entered the mountain range, into the territory of the vicious beasts.

“Clack! Clack……” Qinguang Wang moved its lower jaw, and pointed at the Heavenly Tree’s stump.

The divine tree’s stump emits the same black radiance, it is as crystal clear as a black jade. Xiao Chen raised his head to look, only to discover Keke is climbing up the smooth mountain-like tree trunk like an agile monkey. It already climbed close to one kilometer.

The three skeletons were also eager to give it a try, they wanted to climb up and get to the bottom of this matter. Xiao Chen laughed and said, “Alright, let us go up and take a look at this little monster’s nest.”

Only someone with their ability would be able to climb up the tree trunk, normal people wouldn’t be able to do it. That is because the tree trunk is as sleek as a jade, it is hard to exert any strength.

The divine tree’s stump is about one thousand five hundred meter high, and most of the mountain range on the Dragon Island are lower than one thousand three hundred meter. The tree stump is a little taller than all the one thousand meter tall mountain range nearby. When Xiao Chen and the rest climbed up the tree trunk, they were shocked once again. He found that the peak of the stump is incomparably smooth, as if it was cut off by a sharp weapon. There can’t be any other reason!

The divine tree’s trunk is as thick as a mountain, it was chopped off in half, this is really too inconceivable. People couldn’t help but associate it with many many things……

The surface is extraordinary wide, and is also flickering with black radiance similar to the color of the tree trunk, it resembles a tall mountain with flat roof. Keke seems overwhelmed in the distant place, it is moving around without an aim. Xiao Chen walked over, and found its glittering big eyes were filled with a perplexed look. It looked just like a child who lost its way home, it is somewhat delicate and charming.

“Keke, what is going on?”

There was hardly a time where Keke was not mischievous, but now it is quietly leaning down, and curled up into a ball, it actually started to make a sobbing sound. It resembles a lonely child who had just lost its mother. It is just lying there motionlessly, tears are actually rolling down from its big eyes. ⌈1


  1. Awtz… Don’t worry, Papa Xiao Chen is here for you :'( 

Chapter 69 – Approaching Keke’s Old Home

A monster capable of controlling the gale! Xiao Chen shouted in dismay loudly, if his conjecture was not wrong, this is undoubtedly a huge snake! According to legend, a divine snake who had reached enlightenment was capable of separating the plants, and made a path for itself.

Xiao Chen embraced Keke and ran away as soon as he turned around, the three skeletons followed closely behind. Like a few streak of light smoke, they escaped from that area in the blink of an eye. Through the dancing tree shadows, he turned his head around to watch, he could only see a huge green snake rushing out from the bamboo forest, with body as thick as a house!

The part of its body that was raised high up into the sky was already ten meter tall, the green scales were flickering with a terrifying light, each scale was as big as a palm-leaf, its huge head in the sky was looking down on the herd of wild elephants. Its washbowl sized bloody-red eyes were emitting a terrifying fiendish ray. The thick venomous fangs in its wide mouth were all about half a meter long, all of them looked like an incredibly sharp sword. Its scarlet forked tongue was about four to five meter long, extending and retracting indefinitely, it was incomparably terrifying!

It directly throw its long body across the bamboo forest to the other side of the river bank, it resembled a huge dam blocking the path of the wild elephants. And around the huge snake, on the tip of the bamboo branches, and among the underbrush, there are infinite numbers of tiny green shadows wiggling around, there are actually so many tiny green snakes!

In a distant place, Xiao Chen couldn’t help but suck in a mouthful of cold air, this giant green snake is actually a Trimeresurus!

Viper Trimeresurus, they are normally only half a meter long. Even though they are very small, they are extremely poisonous. It is very rare for them to grow up to two meter long, and now this enormous Trimeresurus is actually as thick as a house, and its huge body is hidden from view by the bamboo forest, who knows just how long is actually is!

This is really too frightening, it is very hard to imagine just how long it had lived!

This is most likely a monster that had lived on since the ancient times! It definitely have enough strength to confront some of the fierce dragons!

Having their escape route completely blocked off, the wild elephants’ sad calls penetrated this entire area. In the end, half of the herd turned around and rushed towards the river. At the same time, the huge Trimeresurus also started to move.

As soon as its head stretched forward, the five meter long forked tongue immediately caught a wild elephant. After that, it opened its huge mouth to the extreme, the thick and sharp venomous fangs flickered with terrifying rays, and swallowed the entire elephant head in a single bite.

The scene is extremely bloody and scary, the huge snake’s venomous fangs immediately paralyzed the wild elephant’s body, making it lose its ability to struggle in an instant. After that, it devoured the fresh elephant bit by bit!

A snake devouring an elephant!

The huge Trimeresurus that lived since the ancient times, actually devoured a wild elephant, this is really too shocking and terrifying!

The herd of elephants ran away in a panic, some of them fled into the river, and was carried downstream, some of them rammed against the dam-like body that was blocking their path, they wanted to force their way through and get away from here.

When the huge green shadow flipped over, a gale rushed forth from the bamboo forest, carrying with it a fishy smell that made people want to vomit. The earth trembled constantly, the bamboo forest swayed hysterically, endless amount of bamboo leaves fluttered in the air. The huge snake winded its body around four wild elephants in a flash.

The wild elephants uttered a sad call, they struggled to get free, but in the end they lost their strength, and became motionless.

That huge bloody mouth once more open up to the limit, devouring the four elephants one after another. This bloody and cruel scene caused the other elephants to feel incomparably frightened, all of them were trembling in fear. In the end, they crouched down on the ground, and wailed unceasingly.

The ancient snake, Trimeresurus, seemed like it didn’t want to completely exterminate them, five elephants were already enough to satisfy its hunger. Its huge body slowly moved towards the depths of the bamboo forest, gradually disappearing in the shadow of the woods.

It was as if the herd of elephants had been granted an amnesty, they ran for their life in a panicked state. The earth started to tremble, the forest trees on the riverside swayed hysterically, the dead leaves filled the whole sky!

Xiao Chen’s entire body was shaking to the core, after this event he finally knows, even if an area seemed tranquil and peaceful, it is still just as dangerous. One couldn’t help but be cautious on this island, there are too many ancient beasts concealing themselves in the endless mountain woods!

Keke struggled free from Xiao Chen’s both hands, it climbed up the top of a green bamboo like an agile monkey to look at the giant snake. Regarding this, Xiao Chen was already used to it. Even though Keke looked like a lion and a tiger, it was capable of walking upright. Sometimes it even resembled a little monkey, this little critter is really such a freak.

“Squeak! Squeak……” It mumbled to itself excitedly, as if it was trying to express its happy mood.

“What’s going on, Keke?” Xiao Chen looked towards it in amazement.

Keke nimbly jumped down, it pointed at itself and the divine sapling, and then towards the mountain woods in front. This made Xiao Chen feel completely puzzled, he spent a lot of time to get the rough idea, ahead of them should most likely be the divine sapling and Keke’s old home!

“Keke, you were born from here?” Xiao Chen looked at it in amazement, he always wanted to know the origin of this little critter. Who knows, maybe the secrets surrounding Keke would come to light if they went to explore its place of origin.

Keke blinked its glittering big eyes, and nodded its head strongly. At the same time, it is also pointing at the divine sapling. One can see that it is very excited.

Xiao Chen also felt a little happy, if the divine sapling really originated from Keke’s native place, then could there be some more treasured trees there? The three skeletons also surrounded them, it seemed like they also hope to visit Keke’s place of origin.

“Squeak! Squeak……!” This time, Keke walked in the front. It seems like it wants to lead the way.

Xiao Chen laughed out loud, seeing how this little critter is so eager to get home. Most likely it lost its way at that time, that’s how it ended up in the outer region of the Dragon Island. This little critter is really such a muddle-headed.

Keke is simply too fearless, it actually wanted to directly push its way through the ancient snake’s habitat. Xiao Chen hastily blocked its path, and then they took a detour. This make the little critter keeps squeaking unhappily. He really can’t figure out if this little critter is not scared of the vicious snake, or is it really a little muddle-head.

The vicious beasts are increasing in numbers as they keep going, Xiao Chen couldn’t help but doubt, did Keke come from the nest of a vicious beast? On the way, they discover many terrifying monsters, some of them are even bigger than ancient dragon. They are absolutely capable of striving against the vicious dragon!

Suddenly, a gale was raised abruptly, the giant trees in the mountain woods trembled, the leaves swirled in the air, many beasts ran away in a frenzy. Xiao Chen raised his head to see, only to discover a huge bird flying past at high-speed while sticking close to the mountain woods. It is covered by bright fiery feathers from head to toe, its body is actually about the same as the Sacred Dragon, its body is about ten meter long, and its pair of wings could stretch up to thirty meter long! ⌈1

Keke is not scared in the slightest, it is curling up like a snow-white pompom and rolling on the lawn excitedly. This shows that they should be close to its home now.

After advancing for another mile, when they pushed their way through a gloomy swamp, they found a ten meter long golden centipede with body as thick as a water bucket. It is currently curling up in the gloomy woodland. This is really too shocking, a centipede can actually grow up to this extent, this is simply inconceivable! This is definitely a terrifying poisonous insect that had lived since the ancient times. Perhaps even a vicious dragon would take a detour once they encountered it!

The woodland is extremely gloomy, the huge centipede is flickering with a bizarre golden luster. Its outer shell is as hard as steel, Xiao Chen saw how it easily snapped a giant ancient tree, it is like an unstoppable giant metallic creature! Its several hundred pairs of insectoid legs were as sharp as knife, it just lightly wiggle around, and the rocks in the swamp were chopped into pieces.

Xiao Chen was convinced, that Keke’s old home should be a den of monsters, there were more and more ancient beasts around here.


  1. T-that’s… a Phoenix!! 

Chapter 68 – Movement in the East

“Is it not possible now?” Xiao Chen laughed.

“Hehe, so it turns out you are actually not honest. I always thought you were a decisive, and cold-blooded expert.” Rowena is absolutely a beauty through and through, her flirtatious expression emitted a peculiar charm. Even if Xiao Chen had willpower as strong as steel, his heart couldn’t help but waver.

Rowena left with a flirtatious expressions, she walked as leisurely as a lotus, graceful and elegant, her slender leg, perfectly round buttocks, delicate waist, and indistinct curve, gave Xiao Chen an incomparably sexy view of her back. ⌈1

That was indeed an extraordinary beautiful woman with unlimited charm. Her lovely side already far surpassed her own beauty, even though her appearance is not comparable to Zhao Lin Er and Yang Qing Cheng, her enticing ability already far surpasses them. ⌈2

Xiao Chen looked at his own heroic figure reflected on the creek, and quickly calmed down. The both of them were only trying to use each other, their alliance is nothing but for show.

The news of Xiao Chen destroying three alliances in a single night gave rise to a huge wave. His strength makes everyone realize that this youth who did not join any alliance is not to be trifled with, he is not someone they should provoke! Speaking from a certain point of view, Xiao Chen’s name had already been carved deeply into everyone’s heart, he had already become the main topic discussed by everyone.

Many people are aware that when Yan Qing Cheng, Carlos, and Wharton return, there will inevitably be a big storm. They will definitely not leave the matter at that, a lot of people are expecting a battle from breaking out, it will certainly be a showdown of the highest level.

Undoubtedly, Xiao Chen had already become a well-known figure on the Dragon Island. It caused many alliances to pay close attention to his action, and he attracted the sights of every young practitioners, male and female alike.

Xiao Chen naturally knew people were talking about him. These past two days, he kept roaming around the assembly point of the alliances. He was closely paying attention to the current situation. And then, after having a meat feast with Yizhen and Yichi to his heart’s content, he left this place.

Yan Qing Cheng and the rest should be back soon, Xiao Chen decided to disappear for a period of time, seizing every moment to train, and let them be driven to madness by themselves first. After finding the three skeletons in the deathly still forest, they went to the sea of bones. Xiao Chen wanted to go give Lawrence a greeting first, but he found that Lawrence had already left this place.

And the other practitioners who were the first to enter the depths of the Dragon Island had also disappeared without a trace. It is probably due to the practitioners from the outer region moving here, more and more people are showing up here frequently, this is no longer a good place to train quietly.

The figures around the vicinity of the divine monolith are mostly practitioners that entered afterwards.

Xiao Chen retrieved Keke, who was fast asleep, from within a pile of the Tyrannical Dragon’s skeleton that was close to the divine monolith.

“Squeak! Squeak……!” Since its good night sleep was disturbed, Keke fiercely waved its little paw, and squeaked resentfully.

“Keke, how about I bring you to eat something good?” Xiao Chen began to release an “aromatic bait” in order to take Keke away. This snow-white, hairy tiger-like, and lion-like exotic little critter, is really too marvelous. Xiao Chen wanted to keep it beside him no matter what.

This is something that cannot be helped, this little critter was not really following him all along, it only followed him due to curiosity. He must constantly let this little critter experience something new.

Hearing that it can enjoy some delicious food, Keke’s big glittering eyes immediately flickered with one after another tiny stars. ⌈3⌋ It keeps blinking its eyes incessantly, it couldn’t help but swallow its saliva with a “gulp”. ⌈4

Xiao Chen couldn’t help but smile all of a sudden, this little critter is really too funny. But just at this time, Keke lowered its head dejectedly, stroking its plump little belly in agony. At that time, it devoured too much Sweet Dew of Life, it is still not completely digested yet, so it is unable to enjoy the delicacy.

“I have a way to help you get rid of your sufferings, but it will certainly take some time.”

The light immediately returned to Keke’s eyes, it keeps squeaking, as if it was questioning whether Xiao Chen really had the ability to do it.

“Don’t worry, I can definitely help you resolves your problem. But of course, I need your treasured tree.” Xiao Chen pointed at the ‘treasured tree hat’ that Keke wore on its head.

Keke immediately took off the treasured tree, and tossed it over to Xiao Chen without a care in the world. If the divine sapling had intelligence, it will inevitably wish to cry, the little critter doesn’t seem to care about it at all.

“We cannot do it here, we need to find a quiet place so we won’t be disturbed. Besides, I also need some time to think.”

Just like that, Xiao Chen and his party began their journey. The little critter would turn around to look at the divine monolith from time to time, but it still left this place in the end. In the depths of the island, they can hear the dragon’s roar from time to time, Xiao Chen wanted to try his luck, and see if he can retrieve a few dragon eggs. ⌈5

While they are making their way through the deathly still forest, Xiao Chen felt extremely baffled. This place is so exuberant, yet it is so quiet, not even a bird could be seen, could it be because it is close to the sea of bones?

The tall ancient trees in this area require a few dozen people to wrap their arms around it. The trees are definitely a few millennium old, they are not one bit inferior to the trees in the treant’s valley. But not a single treant is roaming around, evidently no treant had ever successfully evolve from here.

This time, Xiao Chen did not go to the northern side, towards where the alliances are inhabiting. They left from the other side of the deathly still forest, on the east side. They walked for a few dozen miles before they finally left this incomparably quiet forest.

Arriving at the outside world brimming with vitality, one could feel the differences right away. A small stream is flowing with “Drip! Drip! Plop! Plop!” sound, the heavily scented fragrance of flowers, the cheerful birdsong, as well as the roar of the beasts, all of them make this world appear full of vitality.

Even though they could hear the roar of the dragons resounding from the mountains from time to time, they still couldn’t pinpoint the exact location after walking for dozen of miles. Terrifying beasts on the other hand, they encountered a lot of them. Most of them are some kind of ancient beasts, Xiao Chen suspect some of them could even contend against a fierce dragon!

Soon after, Xiao Chen discovered a river in the mountain woods, he followed the river eastwards. The green bamboo gradually become more on both sides of the shore, while the other forest trees gradually become lesser.

It lasted until they advanced for another few miles, their surroundings already turned into a wide expanse of bamboo forest. In this area, the monsters have become lesser, while there are more herbivorous animals.

The green bamboo, bluish-green river, and low shrubs. In addition to the melodious birdsong, and the moose-like animals that are not frightened by human, all of them make this place seem very harmonious and peaceful. On this Dragon Island filled with monsters, it is very rare to find this kind of peaceful zone.

There are twenty plus wild elephants on the other side of the riverbank drinking water, their pure white tusks are flickering with a faint luster. The sturdy body of the elephants lining up in a row resembled a lofty wall.

But just at this time, the pack of elephants suddenly become restless, it seems like the wild elephants had been frightened by something, all of them released a long trumpet as they turned around to flee right away.

Xiao Chen clearly felt something abnormal, he could feel a fishy smell assaulting his nostrils. A gale suddenly blew from the bamboo forest in front, a path actually appeared in the middle of the bamboo forest, all the bamboo automatically fell towards both sides, it appears incomparably bizarre. ⌈6


  1. Silva: YAY~! She finally left! She finally LEFT!!! 
  2. Silva: Can I skip this paragraph? Please? Pwetty Pwetty Please? 
  3. Silva: Aw… so cute~ I need this little thing to cure my wounded heart. 
  4. Silva: Am I weird? To be turned off by a woman, but get all excited over a little critter? 
  5. Silva: Ohh~! And the egg poacher is on the move again! 
  6. Silva: Oh goody pie… what’s going to happen now… 

Chapter 67 – Stunning Beauty

The next day, most of the alliance had received the news, everyone was incomparably shocked.

They could not make out Xiao Chen’s appearance clearly on the dark rainy night, but with that tall and straight figure, as well as that terrifying strength, the first thing that came to people’s mind was him.

When the news spread out, the founder of the Phantom Alliance, Carlos, and the founder of the Throwing Knife Alliance, Wharton, will definitely bring a few experts to join up with Yan Qing Cheng. It was very easy to guess that Xiao Chen did this on purpose.

This time, Xiao Chen’s terrifying strength really caused many people to shake in their boots incessantly.

Xiao Chen is taking a stroll in the mountain forest after the rain, and breathing in the fresh air. He let the three skeletons return to the deathly still forest to continue their training. He continued to search for Spell Master Lande in the area where many of the alliances are gathering together, all in accordance to the information leaked by one practitioner at death door. Unfortunately, he was unable to find any clue.

This important figure from the Undying Alliance, even though he had suffered a serious injury from the battle last time, he was still able to escape last night’s massacre. From start to finish, Xiao Chen was never able to find any traces of him.

The sun already rose a long time ago, the torrential rain last night made the sky appear even brighter. The cries of the beasts resounded in the ancient forest, hundreds of birds are singing among the exquisite flowers and trees, different areas have different scenery.

Even though he was roaming around an area where a lot of alliances are gathering together, Xiao Chen painstakingly concealed his tracks, so he was not discovered. It lasted until he was enjoying his lunch beside a jasper-like streamlet, the others only realized he was here due to the smoke raised by the bonfire.

An elegant and lovely figure passed through the emerald-green forest with graceful steps. She walked past the fragrant flowering shrub, she arrived at the flowing streamlet, and appeared before Xiao Chen.

This extremely heavenly and lovely woman possesses an irresistible temperament and charm, the word “beautiful” and “charming” can’t even begin to describe how truly enchanting she is. Her flirtatious expression, her gentle and lovely bearing, it was as if she was the incarnation of spring water itself, she can be said to be the most beautiful woman of her generation. ⌈1

Her delicate and exquisite body was faintly discernible under the almost translucent silky black long skirt. Her curvy body, as well as her exposed skin are flickering with an enticing luster, people couldn’t help but be lost in fanciful thoughts.

“Brother Xiao, move aside. Sitting beside a creek alone, are you not going to welcome me?” Her pair of lips are rosy and seductive, her jade-like teeth were exposed when she smiled. Her mesmerizing eyes under the long long eyelashes contain an irresistible charm.

So what if she is the most beautiful woman under the heaven, with Xiao Chen’s personality, it is impossible to entice him with charisma. Xiao Chen smiled as he looked at her, and said, “You must be the founder of Red Powder Alliance, Rowena ⌈2⌋, correct?”

Rowena smiled gently, it was truly enticing, that tender and loving face was like a combination of the spring water’s tranquility and beauty, she was extremely lovable. Her delicate and charming face was so beautiful that it was practically a beauty extract.

“I didn’t expect Brother Xiao actually knows my name.”

“Each and every member of the Red Powder Alliance is graceful and beautiful, and the beauty of founder Rowena can even turn all living things upside down, how could I not know.”

The breeze gently brushed past, and the rippling of the creek-side flowers created waves of fragrance. Rowena’s silk dress fluttered in the wind, clearly revealing and outlining her beautiful and sexy figure. Her slender jade-like legs seemed to be completely made out of gold. Her round and full buttocks provoked countless wild and fanciful thoughts from afar. Her small waist was slender and soft. ⌈3⌋ Her well-rounded and plump boobs were sticking up on one end, it let one’s imagination roam wildly.

Rowena smiled charmingly and said, “Turning all living things upside down…… Is Brother Xiao secretly mocking us as vixen?”

“No way, I am honestly praising you.”

“Hehe……” Rowena laughed cutely, her exquisite body is like a delicate willow brushed by a light breeze, “We sent someone to invite Brother Xiao before, but Brother Xiao looked down on weak woman like us, and didn’t take notice of us. Therefore, I came to find you personally today.”

“Lord Rowena, you are making things difficult for me. Your union is full of beautiful woman, how can a lone man like me join?”

“Brother Xiao, you are not frank enough. Last time we obviously did not request you to join Red Powder Alliance, we only want to ally ourselves with you. You cannot pull out like this.”

“If that is the case, then it must be my negligence, that was wrong of me.” Xiao Chen nodded his head and laughed, then he said, “If we form an alliance in the dark, then I have no qualms about it. One more friend, one more route to take. Since we are trapped on the Dragon Island, we ought to be looking out for each other. However, I am a trouble maker, some people always come to find trouble for me, are you not worried that they will bring some inconvenience for you?”

“How could I not.” Rowena cast a glance at Xiao Chen shyly, it was a bewitching and amorous glance. Any average person would have their heart stolen at that moment, “Those people you offended all have great influence. The Undying disciple Yan Qing Cheng. The young expert from the Barbarian Tribe, Chaos. The young expert from the Jungle Tribe, Yaluo De. And now you even offended the genius Illusion Master Carlos, as well as the successor of Xiao Li the Flying Dagger, Wharton. One after another harder to deal with.”

“Since you knew, you still want to form an alliance with me?”

“Wouldn’t it be better to provide help in somebody’s hour of need instead of decorating something that is already perfect? If we extend our goodwill after you have overcome your adversity, you might not have good impression of us. And since your circumstances is not favorable at the moment, if I form an alliance with you, and help you in a desperate situation, I presume you wouldn’t not do anything when I run into trouble in the future?” These words from Rowena are very “practical”, but only in this way could they show their sincerity. If they tried to deceive Xiao Chen, it will only earn his disdain. Both of them are intelligent people, they knew this method is the most effective to earn one’s trust.

“Oh? That means you want to form an alliance with me now, stand on the same battlefront, and make an enemy out of Yan Qing Cheng and the rest?” Xiao Chen repressed his smile and looked at Rowena.

“Hehe, I suspect I won’t have a long life.” Rowena laughed gently, then she said, “We will form an alliance in secret, unless one of us get caught up in a life or death situation, we need not help each other. I am serious, if one day, you really are at death’s door, I will come to help you.”

Xiao Chen finally laughed, she is a practical diplomat who loves to gamble. Rowena evaluated his formidable strength, she doubt Xiao Chen will get caught up in a sticky situation during this time of crisis. She might not even need to help him, and forming an alliance with him now is most ideal. She wouldn’t have to waste any resources, and would gain a formidable ally in the future, she has hit a jackpot!

“Very well, then we will form an alliance in secret. Who knows in a few days later, Yan Qing Cheng, Carlos, and Wharton might push me to the brink of death. I might need to come and seek asylum from you.”

Rowena’s lovely expression flipped for a moment, but she quickly recovered, and smiled, “I believe in your strength, you will certainly come out unscathed.”

Xiao Chen smiled, and didn’t say what he was thinking of. This exceptionally beautiful girl has most likely formed an alliance with many people in secret. But it is not possible for him to point it out so bluntly, he still had to “sincerely” cope with it on the surface.

The fishes are swimming here and there in the clear streamlet. The fragrance of the flowers and plants on both sides of the shores pervaded the air. This place is peaceful and lively.

The bare arms of Rowena are as delicate as clear water, they are suffused with an enticing luster, revealing her incomparably appealing youthfulness. Her neck is as white and smooth as a swan, the color of her lovely face is like a flower in full bloom, she laughed and said, “From henceforth we are allies, but this is a secret only between you and me, you cannot let anyone else know.” ⌈4

“Of course, this is a secret between you and me, but it is not really necessary for you to form an alliance with me. An incomparably beautiful woman like you, nobody would have the heart to kill you.”

“Woman like me. Hehe. Is in more dangers than you could imagine. I always feel like I am surrounded by a flock of wolf, who knows when I will be swallowed.” Rowena started to giggle, and said, “That’s why I need to get ready as soon as possible. Hehe. Who knows when will I be forced to find a backer to support me soon.”

Of course Xiao Chen knows what she meant by backer. Among the beautiful girls who delved into the Dragon Island, perhaps a majority of them will meet this kind of fate.

Rowena smiled gently and said, “Xiao Chen, I wish you will become stronger and stronger. I might come and find you to be my backer.”


  1. Silva: Huff… huff… I nearly died translating this… Chen Dong uses such difficult terms to describe the characters each and every fricking times >.< 
  2. Silva: sh… the readers will never be able to guess I westernized Liu Ruyan’s name. 
  3. Silva: Translated by FatChinee, I literally drop dead from translating too many of these lines…
    FatChinee: I can’t believe I did this, I must be bored out of my mind!
  4. Silva: Please… no more… Just kill me now! The readers will never understand the pain of us translators who translated these line. :'(
    These line are fine to read, I have nothing against them, but once you start translating…… 

Chapter 66 – Cannot be Stopped

Yizhen and Yichi took a quick glance at each other, Xiao Chen is really daring, they admire this kind of person. Buddhist Yizhen faced him, and said, “Including Lande, there are three people who are not dispatched from the Undying Alliance. But you have to be careful, the Phantom Alliance and Throwing Knife Alliance which are on good terms with them, are stationed near the Undying Alliance.”

After pressing on for more details, Xiao Chen found out the Phantom Alliance was founded by a Psychic named Carlos. His innate ability is a secretive and unpredictable Illusion Technique. It is hard to differentiate what is real and what is not, it is impossible to defend effectively. According to Buddhist Yizhen, Carlos is very powerful, he is one of the well-known figure in the West. Perhaps not much youngster on the Dragon Island can match up to him.

As for the founder of the Throwing Knife Alliance, Wharton, his background is just as great. He is actually the successor of the legendary figure, Li Xunhuan. Who have never heard of Li Xunhuan, who doesn’t know of him? Xiao Li the Flying Dagger, never missed a target throughout his entire life. In the end, he shattered the space with his throwing knife, and entered the world of immortals, leaving behind a legend for all eternity.

Even in the world of immortals, it is hard to imagine anyone capable of evading Xiao Li’s Flying Dagger. According to legend, when he just entered the world of immortals, he shocked the world by eliminating an esteemed god with his throwing knife! As the successor of Li Xunhuan, no practitioners dare to treat Wharton lightly. After all, Xiao Li’s Flying Dagger never missed the target, he had terrified several generations of practitioners!

Xiao Chen knitted his brows, and think aloud, “Carlos, the founder of Phantom Alliance, a talented Psychic. Wharton, successor of Xiao Li the Flying Dagger, it is impossible to guard against it.”

Buddhist Yichi suddenly recalled something important, and said, “Strangely, all traces of Carlos and Wharton have disappeared for the past few days.”

The three suddenly thought of something at the same time, Buddhist Yizhen said, “Don’t move around rashly, I will send some people to probe around.”

Two hours later, Buddhist Yizhen received the news, Carlos and Wharton had indeed disappeared for a few days.

“Hey, maybe they are together with Yan Qing Cheng.” Xiao Chen sneered coldly, and said, “They really regard me too highly!”

“Don’t act rashly, I will send some people to find out more.” Buddhist Yizhen once more send someone from Dharma Alliance to investigate.

When the night fell, they finally received some definite news, someone saw Carlos and Wharton brought some people along with them, and entered the same mountain range together with the Undying Alliance.

“They really wanted to eliminate me by acting together!” Xiao Chen stood in front of the window of a tree house, looking at the remaining sunshine of the setting sun. Then he said, “If that is the case, I also don’t need to be humble, since they have already set out simultaneously, then I will dispose of their remaining troops!”

“Don’t be impatient, maybe Carlos and Wharton were only going after the Syndicate Dragon King. Your rash action might induce more enemy upon yourself.” Yizhen advised against it.

“I know what to do, the Undying Alliance will surely come to find me, I don’t like to wait till the last moment to retaliate. If the remaining members of the Phantom Alliance and Throwing Knife Alliance did not get involved, then I wouldn’t go find trouble for them either. If they did, then don’t blame me for being ruthless.” Xiao Chen is very decisive, especially regarding this kind of life and death matter, he will never show his enemy any mercy.

~Nightfall, a vast sky full of stars~

The sea of forest is still as chaotic as before, the howl of all kinds of monsters are rising and falling in succession within the mountain woods. There are even some unknown giant monsters causing the earth to shake while they chased after their prey. One after another bloody scene is laid out in the mountain woods.

Xiao Chen brought the three skeletons into the ancient forest and quietly moved along, they entered the mountain range without catching the attention of numerous alliances. After that they discovered the traces of the Undying Alliance.

A few black clouds were slowly floating over here, the starlight was blocked off, the ancient forest sink into darkness. Seems like there will be a heavy rain tonight. And just at this time, Xiao Chen and the three skeletons already arrived at the Undying Alliance’s location.

“Rumble, rumble!”

The lightning fell from the sky, streaking across the darkness, lighting up the night sky. Xiao Chen took large strides forward, he waved the substitute sword in his hand, the dazzling sword aura immediately illuminated the mountainous region while also simultaneously reflecting off of the lightning. The huge sword aura instantly cut the tree house ahead into half!

“Who the hell?!”

Two humanoid figures quickly rushed out, Xiao Chen gazed at them coldly. He didn’t find Lande’s figure among them, he took large strides and searched in the vicinity. He left the two practitioners to the three skeletons that are about to breakthrough to the Third Celestial Layer of Exuvia.

“You are…… Somebody help!” The two members of the Undying Alliance felt extremely terrified. They never thought the fiendish star would come and find them himself. They shouted in terror, hoping the Phantom Alliance and Throwing Knife Alliance would come and help them.

The cry alarmed the alliances in the vicinity, quite a few people are surveying the scene from a distant place. Among the Phantom Alliance and Throwing Knife Alliance, some members who stayed behind rushed over here at lightning speed.

“Argh……!” The miserable shriek was transmitted through a long distance in the night. Even if the sound of thunder echoes from time to time, it is also hard to conceal the scream.

Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang are already close to the boundary of Exuvia Third Celestial Layer, killing two members of the Undying Alliance who are at best, the Second Celestial Layer of Exuvia, is as easy as stealing candy from an infant. In a short period of time, they directly rip one of the practitioners into half.

“Rumble, rumble!”

The lightning danced wildly, the electric light make the three skeletons seemed even paler in contrast, many people could clearly see their figures from a distant place. The deathly pale skeletons, in addition to the miserable shriek, were incomparably terrifying!

The lightning flickered, heavy rain started to fall.

When the members of Phantom Alliance and Throwing Knife Alliance ⌈1⌋ arrived on the scene, the pouring rain make it hard to cover up the stench of blood. Under the illumination of the wildly brandishing lightning, they can see two corpses that had been ripped apart under the foot of the three snow-white skeletons. The blood mixed with the rain water, staining the ground red. And not far away…… there is a tall and straight demonic figure behind them!

Xiao Chen suddenly turned around, and said with an incomparably cold voice, “You guys want to eliminate me?!” His right hand is like a blade, the moment he waved it forward, the bright sword aura seemed as if it had fused with the lightning in the sky. Under the glaring rays of light, the entire mountain woods started to tremble! Xiao Chen is like a death god!




The miserable shriek echoes constantly, Exuvia Fifth Celestial Layer, it is unstoppable, it cannot be stopped!

Under the dark rainy night, under the flashes of lightning and heavy rain, Xiao Chen’s tall and straight figures had been deeply carved in the hearts of all the onlookers. This is a one-sided massacre!

After that, Xiao Chen walked over to the Phantom Alliance with large strides. The terrifying sword aura had fused with the lightning in the sky, Xiao Chen seemed like a demon god under the rainy night! The sword light flashed, everywhere it passed through, the mountain trees would collapse and lie flat on the ground, the tree house would break into pieces, and blood would burst forth. After that, he headed towards the Throwing Knife Alliance, with as much murderous aura as before, the light of blood spurted everywhere!

This dark rainy night is filled with the pungent smell of blood, even the rain water cannot erase the smell. This piece of mountain range is pervaded by the stench of blood, one could even smell it at a distance from here. Many alliances are in the vicinity, there are many onlookers, the demonic figure that appeared under the flashes of the lightning left an indelible impression in their heart.

Under this rainy night, the Undying Alliance, Phantom Alliance, and the Throwing Knife Alliance are annihilated!


  1. Silva: The author really is drunk, not only did he mistook Yan Qing Cheng as Zhao Lin Er in the previous chapter, and now he mistook the Throwing Knife Alliance as The Avenger XD
    Chanayh: Well…. he may make a mistake, but someone(the editor of the raw that you find) corrected it. 

Chapter 65 – Taking the Initiative

Xiao Chen and Lawrence were completely exhausted, after having sufficient rest, Lawrence entered the black cloud again to continue training in the vile environment. The Spiritual Power of the Void protected his body, his entire person is as motionless as a fossil. And Xiao Chen on the other hand continued to roam around the enchanted black cloud.

The battle earlier was fast and brief, and it was carried out in the sealed-space, so the three skeletons and Keke were not alarmed. Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang didn’t follow after Xiao Chen. The restricted area where the divine monolith is located seems to have a great influence on them, it caused their state of mind to be very uneasy. Keke also didn’t follow Xiao Chen, it is pacing back and forth all alone at a distant place.

After circling around the divine monolith, Xiao Chen discovered that it is not possible to enter the restricted area. At most they can only enter a few meter like Lawrence, and would be stopped by a terrifying destructive aura!

When Xiao Chen returned, Keke approached while squeaking unceasingly. It pointed at the hundred meter tall divine monolith in front of it, and keep gesturing non-stop, it seems to have found something.

“Clatter! Clatter!”

Keke seemed to be very dissatisfied that Xiao Chen did not understand what it means. It actually started to throw a tantrum, it stubbornly broke the ten meter tall skeleton beside it. In the end, it even waved its snow-white little paws fiercely, but it didn’t possess the slightest bit of violent nature. Xiao Chen couldn’t help but chuckle at this laughable scene, then he stroked the little guy’s hairy body.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen continuously roam around the sea of bones, searching for the secrets of this place. But of course, he spent the majority of his time training around the vicinity of the divine monolith, using the destructive aura emitted by the divine monolith to arouse his hidden potential. The surrounding of the restricted area is indeed a great place to train.

During these past few days, Xiao Chen discovered that there are indeed practitioners other than Lawrence in this area. He knew that they must be true experts that entered the depths of the island since a long time ago. They must be very confident with their own ability.

Keke did not really follow Xiao Chen, it is merely brimming with curiosity regarding all the fresh experience. These past few days it keeps wandering around the divine monolith, letting out a “Squeak! Squeak!” sound from its mouth unceasingly, it seems to be thinking about something aloud. Xiao Chen just let it be, this exotic little critter is not something that can be subdued with brute strength.

And the three skeletons seem very unwilling to get close to the divine monolith, they are even unwilling to enter this sea of bones. They chose to meditate in the deathly still forest neighboring the sea of bones. The lotus insignia on the foreheads are getting brighter and brighter, one can clearly see the sign that they are about to make a breakthrough.

On the eighth day, a few more humanoid figures could be seen within the sea of bones, and a few dozen practitioners also appeared in the deathly still forest, filling this incomparably quiet and deathly region with more vitality.

The people from the outer region finally arrived!

Within a mountain forest a few dozen miles from here, there are even more humanoid figures roaming about. Many people had found a suitable base to train and built wooden houses at the mountain woods. The people from the outer region actually migrated to the depths of the Dragon Island!

Actually, this is something very obvious, since all of them had been trapped on the Dragon Island, this signify that they had no choice but to spend the rest of their life here. And there are plenty of monsters running amuck on the island, only by gathering together in the same region would they be able to guarantee their own safety.

The Dragon Island is vast, they needed to explore all the area sooner or later, it is impossible for them to only limit themselves to the outer region of the island. This time, they marched to the heart of the island, it was what everyone had decided. In the future, they plan to explore all the area one after another.

Of course, it is impossible for every practitioners to follow the masses, quite a few people had already departed by themselves.

Several hundred people scattered over more than ten mountain ranges, each and every alliance is separated by quite a few distance. This area is close neighbor of the deathly still forest, it is a few dozen miles away from the sea of bones. When Xiao Chen made an appearance, it immediately aroused everyone’s attention. Since the battle last time, every alliances became aware of his formidable strength. He is a “sharp sword” not to be trifled with.

Xiao Chen discovered all the practitioners that he came across had a peculiar expression in their eyes. Later, he found out from the mouth of an alliance founder who wanted to recruit him, that Yan Qing Cheng had declared she will lead the Undying Alliance to play a “Hide and Seek” game with him that last for a month. And after disappearing for so many days, he actually came here openly, people couldn’t help but feel perplexed.

Xiao Chen felt really shocked when he received the news, the thing he was worried about is finally happening. The restrictions were set up by various alliances to prevent someone to rise as the king, but it is still heading towards a bad direction. Even though it seems like the alliance is being restricted on the surface, as long as one has enough power, they can still control everything in the dark!

It is only because the rules had just been set, nobody wants to be the first to break the rules. But now that something like this had happened, it will be unavoidable in the future, everything will be controlled in the dark. This is the main reason why Xiao Chen chose to leave immediately after the battle, he already expected this to happen sooner or later.

He had already speculated, all kinds of restrictions from before are only effective for a period of time only. It will eventually be broken by various schemers behind the scenes, the Dragon Island will be extremely cruel in the future! The people who are brimming with desires, and the schemers who are unwilling to remain idle, will eventually gather some alliances together in secret to form a powerful force.

It is very obvious that once they have ascertained the situation on the Dragon Island, there will inevitably be another terrifying big purge, the powerful forces will lit the fire in the dark. When that time comes, half of the six to seven hundred people now will probably lose their life in the uproar!

Xiao Chen became aware of the upcoming crisis, he felt that it might finally be the time to establish an alliance. But all the genuine experts had long been fished by other people. After carefully reflecting upon it, he felt that it might not be necessary to establish an alliance. As long as he can pull a few experts as powerful as Lawrence to look out for each other, it will be much better than forming an alliance!

Lawrence definitely had the strength to single-handedly fight with an average alliance. If three or five experts of this level come together, nobody will dare to provoke them.

Xiao Chen’s appearance aroused the attention of many people, but in order to prevent needless inconvenience, he immediately disappeared in front of everyone. He spent a lot of time to locate the site of Yizhen and Yichi’s Dharma Alliance.

Two monks with transcendental auras are currently enjoying their lunch. Without a doubt, it is dishes with generous amounts of meat and fish. It is really not in harmony with their transcendental auras, every time Xiao Chen see them like this, he couldn’t help but laugh.

“What a rare guest.”

“Come and eat some vegetarian food with us.”

The two monks are very passionate, Xiao Chen felt a bit dumbfounded. Before them is such a sumptuous meat feast, yet they are able to say vegetarian food, these two monks are really carefree. Having a lunch with them, Xiao Chen was able to get many information from these two monks. As expected, Yan Qing Cheng led a group of people to track down Xiao Chen, but it seems like they chase after the wrong direction, they actually didn’t come to the depths of the Dragon Island, they entered a primitive mountain range halfway on the road.

Buddhist Yichi speculated that Yan Qing Cheng and the rest most likely discovered the tracks of a young Syndicate Dragon King, and wanted to capture it. Even though they are unable to leave the Dragon Island now, if they can subdue a Syndicate Dragon King, who would dare to go make trouble for them when the young dragon completely evolved? As long as the Ancestral Dragon doesn’t make an appearance, the Syndicate Dragon will become an extremely terrifying king without a rival.

After finishing their meal, Xiao Chen sipped a cup of coconut juice, and inquired Buddhist Yizhen, “Will the Undying Alliance be going all out?”

“Are you going to……” Buddhist Yizhen quickly understood what Xiao Chen was thinking.

“Since they already make their moves against me, why should I be polite with them?! I have already inflicted a serious injury on Lande, he wouldn’t be able to team up with Yan Qing Cheng anymore, I want to dispose of their remaining troops.”

Translator’s Note:

The author actually mistook Yan Qing Cheng as Zhao Lin Er in this chapter! XD

Chapter 64 – God of the North Star

Lawrence’s complexion turned pale, the sweat soaked his long hair, causing the tuft of hairs to stick together. He floated up with difficulty, and dodged to one side of this space.

Xiao Chen is currently suffering from extreme pain, it seems as if his body is really going to collapse at any give time, but he is unable to figure out how to get out of the space controlled by Lawrence. He lifted up his right hand with difficulty, the terrifying power of space caused his right hand to shudder, the nerves are palpitating violently, he exhausted a lot of strength just to lift his right hand, he pointed it at Lawrence and shoot a resplendent sword aura to towards him, in hope of penetrating him.

Right now Lawrence had also lost his composure, he is soaked by sweat from head to toe, the sweat had already evaporated into mist and concealed him. Seeing that resplendent sword aura charging towards him, he lay out a green radiance in the mid-air with difficulty, and then the charging divine radiance faded away with a “Clang!” The green radiance also break into pieces in midair, the power originated from the space had stopped the attack!

Since the beginning until now, only a short time had passed, but for the two in question, it feels like a century had already passed, they already feel like falling apart.

Lawrence felt extremely exhausted, he didn’t think he would encounter this kind of powerful enemy, the Space Shattering Technique was actually unable to deal with the opponent. At last, he gritted his teeth and moved both hands with difficulty to perform a complicated manoeuvre. He emitted one after another green divine radiance, and formed multitudes of divine blades which whirled towards Xiao Chen!

This is a rain of swords formed by the Spiritual Power of the Space! If the Spiritual Power is strong enough, it is completely capable of shattering the space! Even though Lawrence did not have enough power to shatter the space, this kind of powerful void sword is enough to one up experts of the same level!

At this moment, Xiao Chen could really feel death approaching, the frail looking Lawrence is really too powerful, he is the most terrifying opponent he had come across!

Xiao Chen never thought of giving up, even if he was right before death’s door, he will also do his utmost to struggle, that is his personality.

His arms turned translucent, one can clearly see the flow of blood, his trembling arm bones, and the circulation of energy. There is a possibility that he will collapse at any time, but in this moment, Xiao Chen had no other choice. He raised his Exuvia Fifth Celestial Layer power to the limit, both of his hands actually break through the confinement of the space. Even if his body might collapse, Xiao Chen still waved his arms without hesitation. He drew one after another mysterious magic circle in succession.

Brilliant starlight appeared in this space, and seven of the brightest stars appeared in front of Xiao Chen. The North Star Constellation rotated rapidly to protect him, they formed a piece of gorgeous light screen! The entire space was set off by the dazzling divine radiance!

Xiao Chen felt rather excited, he dubbed this North Star Constellation light screen as a “Sealed God”. Originally, it was very hard to successfully draw up this kind of magic circle, but when his life is at stake here, his hidden potential has awaken, he actually successfully drew up this “God of the North Star”. ⌈1

After reaching a certain level, the void sword created from the Spiritual Power of the space is claimed to be unstoppable. Even deities are not able to stop it once it reached the highest level! Even though Lawrence is not that powerful yet, this kind of terrifying rain of swords is also astonishing enough.

“Rip! Rip!” The sound of space getting ripped apart resembled the demonic sound of death! However, something unexpected happen, the layer upon layer of sword rain actually resemble the rainwater going back to the ocean when they make contact with the “Sealed God Light Screen”. All of them were melted and absorbed by the resplendent light screen!

The glaring radiance in front of Xiao Chen is like ten brilliant suns shining upon the world at the same time. It makes people unable to open their eyes, the sword rain transformed into a pure Spiritual Power in the “scoop” of the North Star Constellation. ⌈2⌋ ⌈3⌋ After that it actually lost its way in the “spoon handle” of the North Star Constellation!

Xiao Chen keep waving his hands unceasingly, performing one after another mysterious manoeuvre, as if he was attempting to rip the space apart! The North Star Constellation Diagram become incomparably hazy, then it actually emitted a terrifying energy fluctuation in that instant. It fused with the Void Spiritual Power from before, and was launched from one end of the spoon handle!

Xiao Chen fused his own power and Lawrence’s power together! The resplendent light beam is like an unstoppable divine sword, it swept past Lawrence’s ear, and then firmly clashed with the light wall behind him.

With a loud rumbling sound, the hundred meter square of bizarre space collapsed, it faded away into nothingness. When everything returned to normal, Xiao Chen appeared in the middle of the sea of bones. The bones all over his body are echoing with “Prick! Prick! Pluck! Pluck!” sound. His body endured until the end, and didn’t collapse, his entire person is like the cutting edge of a sword as he looked at the opponent in front of him.

Lawrence’s body swayed for a few times, then he firmly fixed his gaze on the ground, he also fixed his eyes on Xiao Chen. After a long time he finally opened his mouth to talk, “You win, didn’t expect an Exuvia Fifth Celestial Layer Void Master, would actually lose to an Exuvia Fifth Celestial Layer Martial Artist.” However, he was not dejected, and continued, “Actually, I am not much weaker than you!”

“Is Void Master that special?” Xiao Chen feel that the somewhat ghastly Lawrence is a bit too conceited.

Lawrence laughed bitterly, since he lost after all, he could only mock himself, “I admit I lose to you, but you need not to mock me. Void Master is reputed to be unparalleled among practitioners of the same level. We are the king among the king, both of us are Exuvia Fifth Celestial Layer, and yet…… I lost to you today, it makes me feel really ashamed.”

“I am not mocking you, up until now I have never heard that a Void Master is the king among practitioners of the same level. Because, I come from the human world……”

Xiao Chen could see that Lawrence did not give rise to any resentment due to his loss. He did not label Xiao Chen as an enemy due to this, so he also gradually become more mild. If one is not forced into something, who would willingly want to make an enemy out of somebody?

“You are actually from the mortal world……”

After a few simple discussion, Xiao Chen finally understand what does a Void Master represent. They are indeed the king among the practitioners, and they are as rare as the phoenix feather and unicorn horn. However, he beat a Void Master who are reputed to be unparalleled on the same level today, he is overflowing with confidence, it is possible to break a legend!

At the same time, Lawrence also heard about many things that happened on the Dragon Island recently from Xiao Chen. He entered the depths of the Dragon Island a very long time ago, since the island had been sealed, he has been training close to the divine monolith all along.

“Alliance? Restriction? There will still be a bloody battle sooner or later, the majority of the people might not live for long on the Dragon Island!”

“Since brother Law has already guessed, how about to look out for each other in the future?”

“Very well, I also don’t want to make an enemy out of you.” After a big battle, the complexion of Lawrence became even paler.

“I also did not wish to make a terrifying enemy such as you.” What Xiao Chen said is the truth, the Void Master is the most powerful enemy he had ever come across.


  1. Selutu: Hidden potential = Plot Armor 
  2.  References for those who are confused with the scoop, this is how the constellation looks like: 
  3. Silva: It looks exactly like a scoop.
    Selutu: Don’t you mean “Spoon”? XD
    Silva: well… damn… 

Chapter 63 – Void Master

A humanoid figure that resembles stone statue!

A green radiance swept across from within the black cloud, Xiao Chen instantly jumped backwards, and dodged that dangerous attack. He braced his muscles, bright aura emitted from his fingertips, the glorious radiance caused both palms to look almost transparent. He already finished his preparation to battle.

The black cloud rose with a bubbling motion, that fossil-like figure slowly turned its body around, the originally lifeless body is now gradually emitting life energy. This is a twenty plus years old youngster, his stature is tall and slim, as if he wasn’t exposed to much sunshine, his complexion is somewhat pale, it gives people a gruesome feeling.

“Who are you?” Xiao Chen asked.

“And who- are you?” The ghastly youth returned the question.

Xiao Chen regained his composure. This tall, and somewhat ghastly youth should be a human. Just now he was most likely training, the unusual training method caused his life energy to slow down, thus it seemed as if he had severed his life force.

“Xiao Chen!” Xiao Chen introduced himself, then he sized up the ghastly youth before his eyes and asked, “Why did you attack me?” Xiao Chen could tell from the opposing side’s attire, he should be one of the young experts that is trapped on this Dragon Island. However, he arrived at the heart of the island much earlier than him. In order to develop his own ability, it seemed like the opposing side picked this place to train intentionally.


The ghastly youth snorted coldly, as if gravity does not affect him, he floated out from the black cloud like a ghost. Green radiance suddenly burst out from his entire body. In that instant, Xiao Chen felt the sky spins and the earth goes round, it felt as if the spacetime is distorted!

However, Xiao Chen had already prepared to engage in battle a long time ago, he did not panic, like a divine falcon who soared above the gorge, he quickly balanced his body even under critical circumstances. The scene before his eyes already undergo huge changes, Xiao Chen discovered that he had entered some unknown space. Drizzle of green light encompassed his surroundings, it seems like he has entered some kind of chaotic space.

This is a hundred meter square of bizarre space, the blue sky and white clouds does not exist in this space, and so is the ground. The only thing all around him is the hazy radiance. Under his foot is also the same, the green radiance is flickering everywhere.

The ghastly youth stood in front of him, he seemed very easy-going and calm as he observed Xiao Chen. This is not an illusion, it is a genuine space, Xiao Chen felt extremely shocked. The instant he was trapped in this space, he raised his right hand high into the sky, a brilliant radiance circulated around his arm, it was as if his flesh had turned transparent, the veins and bones can actually be seen clearly with naked eyes, the powerful energy circulating around his arm can be seen clearly. After that the divine radiance exploded, he dropped his arm down from the sky, the glaring radiance violently slashed one side of the sealed-space.

The terrifying attack slashed the green-colored light wall on one side of the sealed-space, it caused this space to shake violently. Many small cracks appeared on the light wall, but they were restored immediately. Xiao Chen and the ghastly youth almost fell down on the ground.

“Very strong!” The ghastly youth started to talk, “You are an expert among the younger generation!”

“Just who are you, why are you doing this to me?” Xiao Chen had attempted to break out, but it seems this sealed-space is not that easy to break out. He no longer try to attack the ghastly youth impatiently, he wanted to understand the situation first.

“Void Master Lawrence.” After the ghastly youth introduced himself, he continued, “Recently, a lot of new face show up close to the Divine Monolith. One can’t train peacefully here, some people do not deserve to be here.”

Xiao Chen find out from his speech, there are already some other people who had entered the depths of the Dragon Island. And it seems like some people frequently show up here. One can tell, Lawrence does not know about Xiao Chen, he must have entered the depths of the Dragon Island a long time ago, and does not know about the things that happened at the border recently.

“I don’t want to randomly engage in battle!” Xiao Chen said indifferently.

“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice, you can leave if you beat me, otherwise I will personally send you to the sea of bones.” Lawrence is very calm, even though he gives people a gruesome feeling, he seemed to possess an unquestionable strength. However, one can see that he did not have any murderous intent, it seems like he merely wished there won’t be too many people here, so they won’t disturb his training.

“Alright, fine, let me give it a try and see how strong I really am!” Xiao Chen did not waste time on words, some matter can only be settled with action.


The rays of light flashed, Lawrence emitted one after another green radiance. Following that, this sealed-space become much brighter. Xiao Chen felt as if he was confined, the hazy radiance enveloped his body like a tide, it makes him unable to move a muscle. There is a powerful compression force, it makes him feel suffocated.

A Psychic is truly terrifying, their unique ability are inherent, Lawrence clearly possessed the innate ability to control space. Xiao Chen feel this opponent is very terrifying.

If other people find out that there is a Void Master here, ⌈1⌋ they will certainly be incomparably shocked, because this kind of people is the most terrifying! This kind of people is the king among their peers, they possessed an incomparably powerful ability the moment they were born. If they make use of the space around them appropriately, they can grasp their opponent’s fate! Everyone lives within the space, if the opponent is trapped in the space they controlled, the Void Master will be invincible!

The Void Master is as rare as the phoenix feather and unicorn horn, legend says when they trained until a certain level, the space they can control will keep expanding, from a few meter to a few hundred meter…… And when they reached a certain realm, they will directly ascend to godhood!

The space Lawrence controlled is merely a hundred meter square, it is a sealed-space. Even though the encirclement is limited, he possessed absolute authority within this space.

Xiao Chen’s body is compressed by the powerful space, even if his physical body is strong, he is still suppressed by the terrifying force until his bones started to make a creaking sound. The space is tearing his body apart with powerful force!

“Do not resist, I will send you off to the sea of bones.” Lawrence said with a tranquil expression.

“Hmph!” Xiao Chen snorted coldly, searing divine flame throbbed all over his body. His entire person looked like a dazzling sun, his tall and straight body emitted endless amount of divine radiance. Even though not much time had passed within this space, Xiao Chen felt as if this will be his most difficult fight to date. He spared no effort to resist the powerful tearing force of the space, as if his physical body had divinized, it radiated an incomparably glaring radiance. He utilized his secret technique to the limit, continuously emitting divine radiance that resemble a raging sacred flame.

Lawrence’s expression changed, his originally ghastly complexion, appear even paler now. Sweat started to seep out from his forehead, controlling this space to trap an expert like Xiao Chen require him to consume a lot of Spiritual Power. At this moment he felt extremely strenuous.

Just around this time, Xiao Chen finally moved with difficulty, he walked unsteadily. He walked over to Lawrence one step at a time, it was as if he was carrying a heavy mountain on his back. The space shook violently with every step he took, at the same time Xiao Chen was also swaying left and right. His bones keep producing a creaking noise unceasingly, there is a possibility that his body might collapse at any given time.


  1. Selutu: Why use “Void”? Wouldn’t “Space” be better?
    Silva: I don’t know, but Space sounds a lot weirder to me.
    And here’s a rare comment from Chanayh! “Programmer”
    What does that mean? 

Chapter 62 – Divine Monolith in the Sea of Bones

Xiao Chen picked a fight with The Avenger, and came out as the victor, he became the hottest celebrity on the Dragon Island. And now the news regarding his “Hide and Seek” game with the Undying Alliance led by Yan Qing Cheng attracted the attention of many alliances. Many practitioners are looking forward to the following “game”!

Many alliances started to march towards the inner part of the island, since they are destined to spend a lifetime on the Dragon Island, after everyone gradually calmed down, they started to think about their future. They wanted to search for a suitable training ground on the Dragon Island.

However, Xiao Chen had no idea what is happening at the border zone of the island right now, as he had already entered the heart of the Dragon Island. He didn’t consider what Yan Qing Cheng said as anything important and completely ditched her. If she wants to play so much, let her play by herself.

The vast sea of bones caused his entire person to stare dumbfoundedly. Human-shaped skeletons, dried up bones of the giant bird, skeletal remains of the monster, divine dragon bones…… they resemble a pure white snow as far as the eyes can see. There are skeletal remains as small as two meter, or as big as fifty to sixty meter, there are even some up to a hundred meter! The endless bones of the dead filled the entirety of this land.

There is a thick baleful aura leaking from the sea of bones, it gave rise to a bone-chilling fear. Everything before his eyes is too inconceivable, it gives people an extreme fear!

Even though it is exactly midday now, it is extremely cold and gloomy here. Even the sunshine appear deathly pale in this area, it doesn’t feel warm in the slightest. Not even a single sound could be heard, this area is deathly silent. This is a genuine sea of death!

Even though the tall ancient trees behind him are incomparably lush and flourishing, they are also deathly still, no wind blew past this area at all, it is extremely unnatural. In addition to the hazy snow mountain at a distant place, words can’t even begin describe how terrifying this place actually is!

“Snap! Snap……!”

Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang seemed to be very uneasy, they keep moving their joints unceasingly. The Spiritual Light within their skulls are flickering constantly, and the lotus insignia on their foreheads keep producing glorious divine radiance, they keep throbbing again and again like the fireworks.

Keke curled into a snow-white pompom, and lie on top of Lunhui Wang’s head. It blinked its pair of glittering big eyes, and curiously sized up this world of white bones. Lastly, it extended one of its tiny paw, and point at the majestic stone monolith in the depths of the sea of bones. It let out a “Squeak! Squeak!” sound from its mouth.

Xiao Chen had naturally noticed that awe-inspiring and frightening stone monolith a long time ago. That stone monolith gave him a bone-chilling fear, it seems as if there is a strange power affecting his state of mind from that stone monolith.

“Let’s go and take a look!” Xiao Chen decided to forge ahead, since they already entered this sea of bones anyway, there is nothing else to be afraid of, they might as well get to the bottom of the matter.

The endless skeletal remains filled the entire area, they let out a creaking sound when one stepped on top of them. Just listening to this sound make one’s hair stand on end. Who knows how many years had already passed, many bones were already disintegrated, the ground is filled with a thick layer of snow-white ash, it make the endless remains appear even more terrifying!

Every inch of land is white in color, there is not a single vegetation in sight, waves of baleful aura leaked from the bony ground. The deeper they go, the denser the baleful aura become. In the end, hazy black clouds emerged from the bony ground, it make this eerie sea of death extremely terrifying.

They finally arrived next to the huge stone monolith after going forward for a few miles. Xiao Chen stopped his footstep as soon as they got here, he did not stop due to fear, it was due to the black fog, it seemed to have transformed into an energy vortex within the bones of the dead. Xiao Chen grabbed a piece of bone and toss it in front, and it was crushed in a split second!

They are still one mile away from the ancient stone monolith, a bizarre energy flow is preventing them from going forward! The black cloud is like the very image of a ghost, it keeps rolling over and over in front of them. It would even produce a mournful screech from time to time, the screech resembled cry of an evil spirit.

The spiritual light of Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang are flashing on and off with an indefinite frequency, one can see that they seemed to be very uneasy.

“Screech……!” A bone-chilling screech resounded, one five meter tall sinister skeleton is struggling within the black cloud, and then it collapsed in an instant.

“Shriek……!” A girl with disheveled hair is struggling and howling in grief, her upper body is seven to eight meter long, and it was covered with green-colored scales. The lower half of her body is actually a ten meter long snake tail! Even though her appearance is very pretty, and incomparably beautiful, she seemed very sinister at the moment. Along with her screech, all of the green-colored scales on her body are peeled off, scarlet blood are flowing out, after that her entire body exploded, leaving behind a wide expanse of bloody mist in the sky.

Soon after, a fifty meter long purple Tyrannical Dragon let out a world shaking roar. It is turning over and over in the thundering black cloud, it is swallowing and spewing out waves after waves of terrifying radiance that almost tore the space apart. It is indeed earth-shattering, it possessed abundant of tyrannical strength, but in the end it still crumbled with a loud bang, transforming into endless rain of blood!

“Everything’s an illusion!” When Xiao Chen shut his pair of eyes, and opened it again, that terrifying scene before him faded away. The thundering black cloud really possesses a bizarre power.

“Perhaps it is replaying the history!” Xiao Chen didn’t dare to push forward, after all that black vortex is real. It is capable of crushing the skeletons, he’s afraid that even his body is not strong enough to resist.

“This island is known as Dragon Island, it is an uncultivated era, the Heavenly Monolith had eternally sealed the island! It is capable of sealing the Magic Power of the Dragon race that is as powerful as the deities, and confine them on this uninhabited island forever.”

Yizhen’s word reverberated in Xiao Chen’s mind, he knew that the hundred meter tall ancient monolith in front of him should be the terrifying divine monolith that sealed the Dragon Island!

Separated by one mile, they are unable to see the ancient monolith clearly. One after another belt-like magical cloud is lingering around, they can only make out the figure of the tall and majestic monolith.

This make Xiao Chen feel incomparably regretful! Since he heard the Dragon Island was sealed by a divine monolith, he had this outrageous mental association. Heavenly Monolith, Eternal Restrain: Yellow River…… and this Heavenly Monolith, Eternal Restrain: Dragon Island! Could they have some sort of connection? Could they have a common origin?

Xiao Chen had a pressing desire, he wanted to see the real face of the ancient monolith. To see if there is a similar Qi-Training Diagram behind the monolith! However, he was blocked off by the black cloud, he is unable to push his way through.

It seems like this place has a great influence on the three skeletons, they stood motionless in their original place. And Keke on the other hand seems to be very interested in this place. It climbed on top of a ten meter tall skeleton, and watch the ancient monolith in front of it attentively.

Xiao Chen stood in his original position for a good while, then he started to move, and begin to go around the stone monolith. He found out the area around the ancient monolith is a forbidden region. It is impossible to enter, he picked up a few meter long giant bone, and threw it for not more than ten meter into the black cloud, but it melted instantly like a snowflake under the scorching sun!

One can do naught but retreat after seeing such a devastating power!

When Xiao Chen arrived at the west side of the ancient monolith, the hair on his entire body suddenly stand on end, he could sense danger approaching! In that instant, he suddenly found a fossil-like figure standing within the forbidden black cloud region. It is very close to him, and it’s definitely not an illusion!


  1. N/a

Chapter 61 – Divine Tree Infiltrate the Body

Xiao Chen looked at her quietly, he didn’t say a single word. Two glints of divine light emitted from within Yan Qing Cheng’s pupils. An incomparably powerful pressure charge over here at high-speed, this power originated from the spirit, it clashed with Xiao Chen’s powerful soul. This is a clash between two souls, this is a confrontation between Spiritual Powers.

The forest trees between the two were like ice under the scorching sun, they melted at lightning speed.


Their soul power retreated as smoothly as the tide, Xiao Chen was looking a bit pale. After all, he just had a big battle a moment ago, he is not in his peak state to engage in another fight.

Yan Qing Cheng started to talk, “Since all kinds of rules are already set up on the Dragon Island, we will do everything in accordance with the rules. From tomorrow onwards, we will play a game, if you can survive after ten days of continuous assault from the Undying Alliance, I will forget about all our previous grudges.”

Xiao Chen knew she already learn about the death of Wang Zi Feng and Liew Yue, Even though the relationship between the apprentices is like water and fire, they are still from the same faction. Their senior brother and sister had been killed, this problem involves their school’s dignity.

As soon as she finish what she wants to say, Yan Qing Cheng fluttered gracefully, and disappeared within the woods.

A game of hide and seek, to hell with it! Xiao Chen quickly returned to his own hiding place.

The first thing Xiao Chen did when he returned to his dwelling was to borrow the treasured tree from Keke. The little critter couldn’t care less and threw it towards him, Xiao Chen let the treasured tree take root in a woodland. He sat in front of the treasured tree, and began to operate the secret technique to absorb the spiritual aura of the treasured tree, quickly recovering his own strength.

For who knows how long later, when Xiao Chen opened his pair of eyes, he discovered to his surprise that the divine tree is missing! He could vaguely feel something is not right around his chest. Xiao Chen was gobsmacked when he inspected his internal organs, the divine sproutling actually mysteriously entered his body! It emitted a glorious bright radiance within his body, it didn’t have any conflict with his internal organs.

The Shang Hill Acupoint at the left foot, and the right foot, the Center Palace Acupoint at the chest, and the left Shoulder Well Acupoint, it seems like there is a light energy linking the four divinized acupuncture points and divine tree together. Apparently, they have formed some kind of subtle equilibrium in between them, the worldly energy is being sucked into his body unceasingly.

Xiao Chen had already recovered his strength, but now he felt fear and trepidation in the face of disaster. After all, a sproutling had just entered his body! However, when he started to feel nervous and stopped operating the secret technique, the divine sproutling actually exited from his body, and rooted itself on the ground.

Too miraculous!

Xiao Chen was very astonished.

Tonight, no matter how many times he tried again, he did not successfully draw the divine tree into his body.

After a few big battle, it is time to time to lay low and start training. Xiao Chen decided to enter the depths of the Dragon Island to train, perhaps he might come across some stroke of luck, such as acquiring some dragon eggs. He treated Yan Qing Cheng’s words like wind past his ears. The next morning, he begin his new journey with the three skeletons, Keke also followed them lazily.

The beautiful Yan Qing Cheng had a really sour expression, she was actually ditched by others. Xiao Chen didn’t take her words seriously at all, he already disappeared for three days.

Yan Qing Cheng stood in front of a waterfall, she revealed a faint smile. After that she walked in front of an alliance member, and gave him some instruction. Soon after she also left the waterfall, and begin to put everything into order.

On this day, a lot of alliance already learn about the “Hide and Seek” game between Xiao Chen and the Undying Alliance. It last for one month, everything was set up by Yan Qing Cheng, some people testify that this is all real. One can easily see Yan Qing Cheng’s influence from this, she forged all the deception and completely legalized this game.

At the moment, Xiao Chen already entered the depths of the island, but he didn’t reach the heart yet. The Dragon Island is extremely vast, on the way he saw plenty of exotic birds and monsters, he even discovered twenty plus Sacred Dragon, and all of them came from a different breed! He ran into danger many times, and encountered even more terrifying monsters.

At this time, he still didn’t know that Yan Qing Cheng had led a group of people to chase after him.

On the fourth morning, the mist is lingering on the woods, it was covering the mountain forest like a layer of translucent silk. Along with the rise of the sun, the vapor-like mist was like a multicolored cloud, it actually radiated an extraordinary splendor.

However, this kind of beautiful scenery did not last for long, the glittering mist dissipated slowly along with the light breeze.

A new day is about to begin, under the morning sun, hundreds of birds are singing in the woods. The fresh fragrance of flowers and plants filled the air, this place seemed exceptionally auspicious and peaceful at first sight. However, Xiao Chen knew that great dangers are lurking around in the endless mountain forest. Many unknown monsters could appear at any given time.

After enjoying the sumptuous breakfast, Xiao Chen started his journey again, heading towards the heart of the island.

In the afternoon, Xiao Chen discovered a river in the mountain forest. He advanced towards the depths of the island by going along with the river. After advancing for approximately ten miles, there are more and more ancient trees on both side of the shores. Each tree requires seven to eight people to wrap their arm around it. The further he went, the more ancient the trees are.

After advancing for a few miles, the course of the river changed direction, Xiao Chen still continued forging ahead. The ancient trees reached great heights, at this place, each ancient tree requires more than ten people to wrap their arm around it. They are not inferior in any aspects when compared with those ancient trees in the treant’s valley.

This is an exuberant green ocean, Xiao Chen reckon that he should be getting close to the heart of the Dragon Island.

Keke curiously sized up the condition of its immediate surrounding. Its pair of glittering big eyes blinked unceasingly, the three skeletons also seemed to have felt something. They became very uneasy since entering this region.

Xiao Chen also sensed something is not right a long time ago, this forest area is very abnormal, this place is full of tall ancient trees, it is a sea of forest as far as the eyes can see. But not a single bird and beast roam around this area, this place is very quiet, deathly quiet. There is not even a trace of wind!

The deathly still ancient tree, each and every one of them are a millennium old. After advancing for roughly ten miles, Xiao Chen felt as if they almost reached the exit. Sure enough, advancing for not more than one miles later, they walked out from the sea of forest.

When he saw the scene right before him, Xiao Chen was immediately dumbstruck!

In front of his vision is a sea of white bones, human skeletons without arms and legs, ten meter long dried up bones of giant birds, fifty to sixty meter long dragon bones, the skeletal remains resembled the pure white snow as far as the eyes can see. This seemed like an ancient battlefield that was kept in good condition! In the depths of the sea of bones, a huge and majestic stone monolith stood there, with belt-shaped black cloud lingering around……

What make people most astonished is not only limited to these, on the west side of the boundless sea of bones, there is actually a big snow mountain. The snowflakes are dancing in the breeze, the mountain is covered by a haze. There is actually a snow mountain on this tropical island, this is really too unbelievable.


  1. N/a

Chapter 60 – Absolute Strength!

Lande shouted not good, and continue to chant his incantation. A terrifying purple lightning and black flame covered the entire sky. He wanted to get free from Xiao Chen’s binding. However, he found out to his surprise that is the power of a Fifth Celestial Layer! It steadily suppressed his Fourth Celestial Layer magic power, it possessed an overwhelming dominance!

In regards to the Spell Master, it is a catastrophe to be captured by a Martial Artist. Their close combat ability is very inferior, their physical body is too weak compared to a Martial Artist. Long distant attack is their optimum attack style. ⌈1

Lande don’t want to die, he knew Xiao Chen was very ruthless when he executed his attack. Right now, he couldn’t help but consume his own life force to cast a life saving spell.

“Divine Armor, protect myself!”

Dazzling radiance burst out from Lande’s body, the bright radiance condensed into a divine armor, covering up his entire body, and protecting him from any harm.

At the same time, Xiao Chen swept him down onto the ground, with the most extreme method, he performed a roundhouse kick, and firmly kicked his head.

Even if he was protected by the divine armor, Lande still let out a painful groan. He was sent rolling away for ten meter by the fierce roundhouse kick. It makes Lande felt a bit dizzy, he nearly fell down among the broken branches and withered leaves.

Not giving him the chance to soar into the sky, Xiao Chen already trod on the empty sky, and followed up with a drop kick. He directly smashed Lande onto the ground, then Xiao Chen exerted his strength to stamp on his stomach, and kick him until he was rolling on the ground.

The divine armor was almost shattered by the kicks, the light energy flickered violently. Lande felt as if two of his ribs had been broken, the pain almost caused him to scream. A majestic blond-haired pretty boy with strength to match, he had never been treated like this before, this is no longer a match, this is practically a one-sided thrashing. This is a huge disgrace in regards to him.

Xiao Chen is going wild!

A terrifying radiance is lingering all over his body, his long hair danced hysterically, he is releasing a powerful aura. He pulled Lande up from the ground with one hand. After that, a Straight Punch, Hook Punch, Feint Punch, Slashing Punch, Sewer Punch…… a set of ferocious combo attack followed one after another. Lande was already sent flying more than twenty meter away, Xiao Chen followed closely in this entire process, and executed his combo attack!

If not for the divine armor, Lande might already be crushed a long time ago. Even his flesh might turn into a muddy blood! Even if that was the case, the incomparably powerful force still penetrated the light armor, breaking at least fifteen of his bones.

This is a frenzied thrashing. No, this already exceeded simple thrashing, this is a merciless trouncing!

The once conceited Lande is starting to become frantic, everything was brought onto him by himself. It is him who wanted to test Xiao Chen’s “ability”, the end result does not only end in his defeat, he was even beaten to a pulp.

His dignity was completely trampled upon!

Lande is ashamed to the extreme, he was once high up on top, looking down on Xiao Chen, but now he got wildly thrashed by the person in question. Their position had now switched, it almost made him pass out from anger.

He was kicked high up in the sky, followed up by a roundhouse kick towards the ground, and then another kick lifted him up before he even touched the ground…… In the end, Xiao Chen stepped on Lande’s stomach, he lightly waved one of his hand to show Lande who is beneath him, then he said with a bit of contempt, “You… are not… worthy!”

Xiao Chen used the same attitude to talk to Lande, which makes him want to smash his head against the ground. He felt embarrassed, upset, and furious all at the same time…… His ego had been completely trampled, he was thoroughly defeated.

Xiao Chen decided to kill him, he don’t believe that he wouldn’t be able to shatter the divine armor. If Yan Qing Cheng wants to avenge Lande in the future, then bring it on! Right now, he didn’t want to let a powerful enemy keep on living, since they have already fought until this extend today, if he let Lande go, they will inevitably become mortal enemy in the future.

Lande didn’t want to die, in the most crucial point, everyone possessed a strong will to live. He didn’t hesitate to risk half of his life in order to escape from here. He fully executed the forbidden spell, forcefully extracting his life force to replenish the divine armor. A dazzling divine radiance burst out from his body! His body is as dazzling as the golden sun, he struggled violently to get free from under Xiao Chen’s foot.

Xiao Chen is determined to kill him, he vowed to kill Lande no matter what. He violently landed a punched, directly blasting Lande into the crumbled ground. However, this method didn’t manage to smash Lande into pieces, it was as if he was wearing a divine turtle’s shell. The dense radiance around his body is unimaginably tough.

Another hit!

Show no mercy! Even though Xiao Chen cannot break the light screen, he still kept attacking. Both of his legs were buried deep into the ground, a terrifying energy kept penetrating through the light screen, a few more of Lande’s bones were snapped off.

Lande was furious, he wished he could commit suicide! In the end, he burned his own life force, and voluntarily entered the depths of the ground. After that he bore through the underground, and emerged from the surface not far away, he flew towards the sky like a meteor. He streak across the vast sky to escape from here, he used his life force as a source of energy!

Unable to catch up to him, Xiao Chen didn’t make much effort to go after him. He just calmly watch him disappear in the distant sky. He knew that even if Lande escaped, he will still be a useless person within half a year later. Too much bones in his body had shattered into small pieces, there is nothing much to worry about.

The disabled Lande will inevitably taste the suffering of the loser, this kind of mental trauma will be even more effective than killing these kind of arrogant practitioners. This might be the biggest punishment for his haughty and conceited attitude before.

Many alliances are on top of the valley, all the audiences started to shout in excitement, everyone was flaring up with respect. This was a marvelous battle.

Xiao Chen challenged The Avenger, and achieved complete victory!

Many alliances started to make their move, they wanted to pull Xiao Chen into their group. This kind of powerful expert on the Dragon Island is definitely a sharp sword worth fighting for.

Xiao Chen didn’t even turn back and took large strides to walk out of the valley.

As soon as he arrived at the valley’s entrance, he left a few afterimages in the woods, and disappeared in front of everyone. He wanted to avoid the alliances that might try to recruit him. However, the founder of many alliances already knew this was going to happen, so they send out people to stop him in the distant mountain forest, hoping that he will accept their invitation.

Among them are some abnormally powerful alliances, such as the “Invincible Alliance” founded by Dugu Qiubai’s descendant, or the “Throwing Knife Alliance” founded by the descendant of Li Xunhuan, etc.

There was also no lack of alliances filled with beautiful girls, such as the “Blue Rain Alliance”. The founder Lanyu left a profound impression in Xiao Chen’s mind. She is a gentle and sweet-tempered beauty, she is the complete opposite of Zhao Lin Er and Yan Qing Cheng. She is as gentle and beautiful as the water.

There was also the “Red Powder Alliance”……

Xiao Chen didn’t want to offend anyone, so he expressed his gratitude for their invitation first, and then indirectly rejected.

In the end, Xiao Chen finally break away from all the people, he wanted to return to the secret hiding place. He consumed too much energy in this battle, if he stay in this area for too long, he might be in danger.

On the way he was stopped by a devastatingly beautiful, and well-developed girl. Her purple dress was fluttering about in the breeze, her entire person seemed like a goblet of intelligence, she was overflowing with a graceful aura. That person was actually Yan Qing Cheng!


  1. Selutu: Classic melee vs. range attitude. 

Chapter 59 – The Last One

Xiao Chen pressed forwards with large strides, the entire mountain woods shook along with his movement. He was as heavy as a giant, the powerful pressure caused Gu Luo and the other two to feel agitated. They were almost unable to breathe.

Gu Luo was scared stiff, he can already predict the outcome of this match, but he still had no other choice but to struggle like a cornered beast!

Xiao Chen’s body emitted a bright divine radiance, he left behind one after another afterimages in the woods, evading Psychic Li Ling Feng and Spell Master Carter’s attack. He kept appearing around Gu Luo, and bombarding him with the dazzling radiance on both hands until he spit out a mouthful of blood again and again. Gu Luo could barely stand up anymore.

“Hah……!” Gu Luo howled loudly, and threw himself at Xiao Chen. The forest trees in the surrounding were destroyed in that instant, he raised his power to the limit, hoping to inflict a heavy injury on Xiao Chen.

However, Gu Luo’s effort was put to waste when a resplendent divine radiance soared into the sky. Xiao Chen waved his left arm with all his might like a heavenly blade, the several meter long glorious divine radiance slashed across the sky. It swept past Gu Luo’s body in that instant, he was diagonally cut off from the shoulder! The top half flew no less than ten meter away, splashing a large amount of blood everywhere. The two halves of the corpse finally fell on top of the broken branches and withered leaves.

Gu Luo’s life had come to an end! The founder of The Avenger had fallen, this means that Xiao Chen had won against an alliance single-handedly!

A commotion break out on top of the valley, this is a cruel and intense battle, everyone could feel Xiao Chen’s superiority and dreadfulness, they couldn’t help but let out an applause.

But the fight did not end there, Xiao Chen and Psychic Li Ling Feng, as well as Spell Master Carter, are still fighting fiercely.

Dazzling radiance fell down from above the woodland unceasingly, lightning, energy blade, Netherworld Flame…… all kinds of magic attack were unleashed, Carter exhausted himself to frantically conjure one spell after another.

Psychic Li Ling Feng also unleashed his exotic abilities unceasingly, since the confinement technique had failed, he used his powerful Spiritual Power to build all kinds of illusion in the valley. He wanted to draw Xiao Chen into the dangerous territory. He even used his Spiritual Power to form a huge energy blade, and controlled it to hack and slash in the valley.

This battle persisted for a really long time, Xiao Chen formed one after another mysterious magic circle with both hands, glorious starlight glittered all around his body, the glorious light screen formed by the star diagram is very sturdy, it completely blocked all the attacks that come from the sky.

As for all kinds of spiritual illusion, it didn’t have too much effects on Xiao Chen due to his strong willpower.

After Xiao Chen raised his power from the Fourth Celestial Layer of Exuvia, to the Fifth Celestial Layer, a dazzling sword radiance soared into the sky. Both of Xiao Chen’s hands emitted glorious divine radiance, the peerless sword radiance penetrated Spell Master Carter’s body in that instant. As for the other resplendent sword radiance, it directly chop Psychic Li Ling Feng’s body into half. Two corpse fell from the sky, the intense battle have finally come to a conclusion.

The power of the Fifth Celestial Layer of Exuvia have overwhelming dominance. When they want to kill, nobody can stop them. The moment he disposed of two powerful enemy at the same time, numerous practitioners on top of the valley remained silent in shock, then they burst into a clamor.

Xiao Chen won a duel against an entire alliance!

This caused a lot of alliances on top of the valley to feel shocked endlessly, there are even more people who are immersed in the fight, their blood are boiling, as if they personally went through a bloody war. A single person challenging an entire alliance!

There are sounds of cheering, whistling, and shouting…… the top layer of the valley became very noisy.

Xiao Chen did not leave the valley, he walked into the depths of the valley instead. A lot of alliances were paying close attention from the top of the valley, everyone felt something was not right. However, they quickly recalled there is still one survival from The Avenger who entered the depths of the valley.

He’s just a pawn, is it necessary to kill him? ⌈1

Very soon, everyone was shocked to discover that they were very wrong, it was impossible for that survival to be a pawn!

An intense battle finally break out!

Since Xiao Chen entered this valley and battled with Gu Luo’s party, he discovered this person is different from the rest. He killed the other weaker practitioners, but only this person was able to escape.

Sure enough, after he disposed of everyone else, and entered the depths of the valley, he discovered this person was already waiting for him a long time ago.

Without saying as much as a single word, the fierce battle break out. That person is actually a terrifying Spell Master! Soon after, Xiao Chen discovered to his surprise, that man who is covering half of his face with the disheveled hair is actually Lande, the guy who was together with Yan Qing Cheng.

He already used a charcoal ash to dye his blond hair black, his jade-like cheeks were also dyed red with grass juice. In addition, he covered his face with the disheveled hair, even Xiao Chen did not notice it was him before. Moreover, he never thought that he would make his move.

A golden-haired pretty boy who was as dazzling as the blazing sun, would actually go as far as disguising himself like this.

“Lande, why are you attacking me?”

“I’m willing to risk it! I have no regrets!” ⌈2⌋ Lande is still as arrogant as before, he is extremely conceited, and didn’t want to bother explaining.

“Hmph, I wish you won’t be as conceited as you are now after the battle!”

Xiao Chen didn’t have anything to be scared of, since Lande had come to find trouble by himself, and is still as conceited as before, then there is nothing else to say. The only thing to do, is to use absolute strength to suppress him, and smash his arrogant attitude into pieces.

A bright divine radiance burst out from the woodland, the dazzling radiance is like a raging ocean waves rolling over and over. A large expanse of mountain woods were destroyed instantly, endless amount of radiance submerged that place.

That energy fluctuation is not something a practitioner at the Third Celestial Layer of Exuvia is capable of!

This is a battle between two experts beyond the Fourth Celestial Layer of Exuvia!

Each and every experts from the alliances were incomparably shocked.

This battle is extremely intense!

The stones bore through the sky in the valley, huge trees fell constantly, dazzling radiance burst out in succession, the huge trees were even uprooted from time to time, defying the gravity and rose into the sky, and then was destroyed in midair!

The last person from The Avenger is actually the true key figure, he is actually the most terrifying expert, he is actually able to fight on equal ground with Xiao Chen. This make every audience here lose their composure.

However, Lande is too careless, when the battle entered a stalemate, he would voluntarily swoop down from the sky, and bombard Xiao Chen with his spell in close range. The entire sky is filled with bright radiance, terrifying energy descended in a grandiose manner, this entire woodland is enveloped by a divine radiance. The forest tree in this area were almost entirely wrecked!

And just around this time, Xiao Chen finally revealed his true strength. He raised his power to the Fifth Celestial Layer, a tyrannical blast of light rose into the sky, the dazzling radiance actually engulfed Lande!


  1. Silva: Of course, a pawn will become a queen if they venture deep into the enemy’s territory. 
  2. Silva: It sounds like a confession here. It literally says, “I am willing, I love you,” in Chinese… 

Chapter 58 – Challenging an Alliance

Gu Luo had a malicious gaze, he looked at Xiao Chen with bitter resentment, and said, “Since you already agreed to fight, we will face each other in a life and death battle when the time comes!”

It is meaningless to say more than this, Xiao Chen only nodded his head. After that, he seemed to have thought of something, and said, “I am facing ten people individually, it is impossible for me to have a direct confrontation with all of you. If we make the entire Dragon Island into the war zone, the battlefront seems a little too big. How about this, let us compromise a little, and choose a sealed up valley to start the war. What do you think?” However, only god knows if he really don’t have to guts to face them head on.

Gu Luo was originally planning to fight Xiao Chen head on, but after hearing his opinion, it seems like he wants to use the hit-and-run tactics. This make him feel very inappropriate, but after hearing that kind of compromise, he immediately consented. In a sealed up valley, he is but an easy target for The Avenger.

Xiao Chen turned around to face the audiences, and exclaimed, “We will select a sealed up valley to do battle, the kind that is not too big nor too small……” He quickly expressed his opinion to the audiences.

The mountain range moved up and down within the Dragon Island, there is no shortage of valley. They quickly found a suitable location, the horizontal and vertical length within the valley is about three to four miles. Dense jungle covered the entire valley, it is full of vitality, it is a pretty good place to conduct a life and death battle here.

Many alliances chose this valley because the trees are not very crowded, they do not want to miss an interesting battle due to the exuberant forest trees. Standing on top of the valley, they can see everything that is happening inside. However, this is a little bit unfair to Xiao Chen who did not want to fight recklessly. After all, the cover provided by a reasonable terrain is more important for a single person.

The battle is finally beginning, Xiao Chen’s performance caused everyone to drop their jaws. He didn’t adopt the guerrilla warfare tactics, he actually dashed towards Gu Luo and the rest as soon as it began.

At present, Xiao Chen’s body is enveloped by a bright divine radiance that looked just like a raging flame. His entire person is filled with an outrageous battle intent. The murderous aura pervaded the entire forest, the tree leaves were ravaged by an invisible murderous aura and withered one after another. The green leaves fell gently as far as the eyes can see!

A powerful intimidating aura! The scene that shatters the will of the people!

Both sides clashed with one another, when they were still a few meter away, Xiao Chen violently brandished both hands like a blade. Two incomparably sharp point slashed through the air like the resplendent rainbow light. In that instant, it swept past the neck of one member from The Avenger. The head rose high up into the sky, it flew ten meter away from the body, surge of blood spurted up to three meter high.

Absolutely shocking!

As soon as Xiao Chen approached them, he killed one of the experts among their group right away. He is like a undefeatable ⌈1⌋ Demon Lord, his long black hair swayed with the wind, and danced about hysterically.

Gu Luo, Psychic Li Ling Feng, and Spell Master Carter, launched their attacks continuously. An endless stream of berserking energy filled with killing intent were executed one after another. Their target is undoubtedly Xiao Chen. He left an afterimage in his original position, and disappeared in an instant. After that, he ambushed them with a dazzling radiance from the other side, a wide expanse of forest trees were destroyed in an instant, the terrifying radiance had submerged that area!

The Fifth Celestial Layer of Exuvia! This is an overwhelming dominance, it makes Xiao Chen as terrifying as a war-god!

Two experts in the frontmost position of Gu Luo’s party throw up blood, and retreat in defeat. Just when one of them moved five steps backward, his entire body suddenly split up into pieces, he actually collapsed in that instant! As for the other person, he also met the same fate after retreating for seven steps. Their eyes were brimming with a frightened look even after their death!

Everything happened too quickly, the battle has only just began, and Gu Luo’s party already lost three people. This is a terrifying result, one person picking a fight with an alliance, and he is actually capable of dominating everyone!

A commotion break out on top of the valley, everyone was very shocked, Xiao Chen is practically a killing machine, he possessed an overwhelming strength!

Within the valley, Xiao Chen restrained his own power, and very naturally exhibit power up to the Fourth Celestial Layer. Almost no one discovered this kind of power shift, since Xiao Chen had only been using power up to the Fourth Celestial Layer of Exuvia all along.

“Everyone gather together, don’t separate!” Gu Luo shouted loudly. At this moment, he felt cold sweat rolling down from his spine. Xiao Chen is too terrifying, picking a valley to do battle was part of his plot!

Who says Xiao Chen is afraid to face them head on, the reason he chose to fight in a valley is because he is afraid that Gu Luo and the rest will run away due to fear after he exposed his true strength. At the moment, the audiences on top of the valley guessed the reason why Xiao Chen chose to fight here.

This is indeed the case in reality, Xiao Chen possessed the strength of Fifth Celestial Layer, he is not afraid of this alliance at all! However, he only revealed the strength of Fourth Celestial Layer at this time, he wanted to keep this a secret, so that he can give his opponent a “pleasant surprise” when the time is right.

Gu Luo propped himself with the double-edged sword, the sword aura fluctuated indefinitely. He didn’t have any scrolls left, he could only rely on his base power to fight. Psychic Li Ling Feng floated in the sky, a green radiance rushed forth from his entire body, raising his Spiritual Power to the limit. Spell Master Carter was also in midair, chanting an incantation unceasingly, a ferocious magic attack is about to descend.

And just at this time, Xiao Chen disappeared immediately, he is changing his position in the woods unceasingly, and began to slaughter everyone apart from these three experts. He decided to dispose of the weaker practitioners first, and then go all-out to defeat Carter and Li Ling Feng that are capable of flying.

Gu Luo, Carter, and Li Ling Feng, began their all-out assault. They didn’t want to let Xiao Chen exterminate them one by one. Carter finished his incantation, one after another terrifying lightning hacked downwards in a frenzy, chasing after Xiao Chen. At the same time, one after another energy blade fell like a meteor shower.

Xiao Chen kept changing his position, leaving one after another afterimages on the ground. He dodged endless stream of magic attack, and went after the few remaining practitioners.

Psychic possessed innate Spiritual Power, after fostering that Spiritual Power for innumerable days, all kinds of exotic ability could take shape. Now, Li Ling Feng is trying to use that powerful exotic ability to confine Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was indeed restrained, he felt his body gradually become as heavy as a mountain. It is difficult to even move a single step, his movement become very sluggish. If not for the searing divine flame throbbing outside of his body, he might have been ripped apart by the energy blades dropped by Carter.

“Hah……!” ⌈2⌋ Xiao Chen howled loudly, his entire body shook, and broke the mysterious energy that was confining him. And Psychic Li Ling Feng who was in midair suffered a recoil, he spit out a big mouthful of blood. His strength is truly powerful, but the person he is attacking, is actually a practitioner at the Fifth Celestial Layer of Exuvia. He is two level stronger than him.

In a short period of time, Xiao Chen killed six practitioners from The Avenger. Except Gu Luo, Li Ling Feng, and Carter, only one more practitioner who ran into the depths of the valley is left from the opposing side.

Now is the time to settle the dispute between Gu Luo and him.


  1. I originally write “an undefeatable” but WordPress Proofread says otherwise. 
  2. Original Chinese word literally translates to “Ah”, but that sounds kind of gay, hence I changed it to “Hah!!!!”