Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 108 – Undead Emperor

“What is going on?” Xiao Chen asked. Even though he was unwilling to make a deal with the demon, there were things he couldn’t resist asking.

“The blood of god was ignited in the mortal body. This is the awakening of divinity. That is to say, the so-called divine inheritance. The descendant of god will receive a portion of their ancestor’s power.”

This news made Xiao Chen a little surprised, but not as shocked as earlier. He opened his mouth to ask, “He is really strong?”

The demon said very calmly, “No matter how powerful his ancestor was, it is impossible for him to manifest the same power after it had been passed down through the generations. It is already pretty good if he can reach the demigod level before thirty years old. But if he wants to make further improvements, he must break through the confinement of his own blood. Otherwise he will not be able advance any step further.”

Xiao Chen suddenly realized, wasn’t this the demigod that Buddhist Yizhen and Lawrence had told him about? Some people were naturally born as a demigod, they were the descendant of god, along with their growth, they would receive the power passed down to them from their ancestor.

However, this kind of family was very rare, and not every generation possessed this kind of power. Because along with the passage of time, the blood of god hidden within the body of the clan would become thinner and thinner along with each generation. Having one who awakened to divinity every few dozen generations was already good enough.

Who was in the thatched cottage, what level was he now, was it someone he knew? Xiao Chen really wanted to step forward to probe around.

“It was merely the awakening of the deity’s power source, to become a real demigod, he must wait until thirty years old at the very least. His power didn’t increase by much at the moment, if I want to kill him, it would be as simple as crushing a little tick. Maybe even you can do it.” The demon had an easygoing tone, it seemed like he didn’t even take someone who had hope of becoming demigod seriously. This was the qualifications of the strong.

Xiao Chen walked over with large strides, he wanted to get to the bottom of this matter. And just at this time, the gold light completely vanished. A figure broke out from the roof of the thatched cottage and soared into the sky.

“Lande!” Xiao Chen was really too astonished, it was actually the golden-haired pretty boy, Lande. He had a pretty deep discord with the person in question.

“Xiao Chen!” Lande floated high in the sky and looked below. He was also filled with surprise, he never thought he would encounter Xiao Chen at this place. Without any superfluous words, a golden light poured down like torrents.

“God Slayer!” Xiao Chen shouted softly, one after another multicolored light rushed forth from both of his hands. The sword shadows soared into the sky soon after and destroyed those golden light wave. After that, Lande had actually been counterattacked.

Lande hastily soared into the sky and flee towards a distant location. “Let’s fight again at the next opportunity.” Lande’s voice was transmitted from far away. It didn’t contain resentment and indignation, his mood seemed to be very calm, it seemed like he had already forgotten how he suffered a crushing defeat at that time.

“I will wait for you any time.” Xiao Chen replied. To actually make an enemy out of someone who might become a demigod, it was really out of his expectation. However, it was not really that unexpected if he thought about it carefully, Yan Qing Cheng was extraordinary, if Lande didn’t have potential, why would she interact with him? It was certainly because she had an eye on the possibility of him becoming a demigod in the future.

However…… a demigod was nothing to be afraid of. Xiao Chen believed as long as he worked hard, so what if the other party possessed the bloodline of the god? One of the killing moves he practiced was even called the God Slayer, how could he be afraid of a demigod? As long as he practiced it to the highest level, there was nothing to be afraid of.

After a day, Xiao Chen finally arrived at the treant’s valley. However, he was disappointed to find that the green haired man had already left this place, the few treants also disappeared without a trace. And of course, it was impossible to find Zhao Lin Er who escaped to the outer region of the dragon island before anyone else.

“Are you trying to find that old treant to deal with me?” The demon was really unpredictable, he appeared at the treant’s valley without a sound and said, “He was indeed quite strong, but even if he had transformed into human, he is still not my opponent. I will make it clear to you, if he finds the small sacred tree, he will definitely fight over it too, because he is a treant, he needs it more than me. Who knows, he might just shed all pretense and make a move without any qualms.”

Xiao Chen didn’t reply, he just walked at the outer region of the dragon island aimlessly. In reality, he was searching for the whereabouts of those treants carefully.

“Are you really going to find him and make the two of us fight over it?” The demon laughed and said, “If that is the case, I will be very happy to see him kill you and snatch the sacred tree away from you. Then all of this will be unrelated to me. I will find him some other time and take it by force, this can also be considered taking revenge for you. Of course, I will save this little critter.”

Keke was sleeping soundly, otherwise the little critter will certainly rush over there.

Xiao Chen looked around the outer region of the dragon island for several days, but there was nothing to be gained. Soon after, Xiao Chen arrived at a gloomy swamp several times, but he had to fall back every time. That was the deathly swamp Lunhui Wang and the other two skeletons formerly lived.

Regarding that ten meter tall Undead Emperor with a pair of rotten wings, the impression it left in Xiao Chen’s heart was really too deep. Even though he didn’t really see it on that day, the terrifying scene it brought about was enough to prove its strength. It was a terrifying existence Xiao Chen thought to be as powerful as dragons.

Could he really borrow his power? Xiao Chen was really uncertain. If he didn’t deal with it properly, he would anger a killing fiend, it might be as terrifying as the demon!

The night sky was filled with many stars, Xiao Chen finally arrived at the deathly swamp again. He didn’t have any time to tarry, the demon was obviously getting impatient. If he don’t find a way to eliminate the demon soon, his life will be in danger.

These past few days Keke was like an obedient baby, it spent more than half of the day in deep sleep. Xiao Chen knew the little critter might be meditating really earnestly with its strange sleeping meditation method.

The undead miasma drifted in the air, it was fluttering like a black ribbon. The gloomy swamp was very quiet, no birds and beasts dare to get close.

The demon looked at Xiao Chen with a smile yet not a smile, he followed behind Xiao Chen unhurriedly. These past two days he had been following Xiao Chen closely, he was no longer following him secretly.

After a slight hesitation, Xiao Chen held his breath and took large strides into the swamp. A layer of light screen appeared, it protected him and Keke who was sleeping soundly. He stepped on the muddy ground and forged ahead. The path was filled with dried up bones, he could occasionally see a few deathly pale moonlight that spilled into the darkness.

He finally entered the heart of the swamp, Xiao Chen looked at a pile of bones before him. He felt a chill in his heart, that kind of baleful aura that directly penetrated one’s heart was really bizarre. It was like a black flame throbbing on the pile of bones. He knew the ten meter tall Undead Emperor was under that pile of bones.

Turning his head to look at the demon, the desire to retreat welled up in Xiao Chen’s heart, because the evil spirit clearly knew about this place and yet it wasn’t fearful. This was already enough to answer his question.

“Heh-heh……” Although the demon tried to laugh as gently as possible, it still seemed very gloomy under the dead of the night in this deathly swamp. “I think you better fall back, otherwise when the Undead Emperor come out, the undead miasma it releases might harm you. I haven’t greeted this old friend of mine for quite a while already, let’s have a chat about the old times with him today.”

Xiao Chen was completely speechless, the two of them were actually friends. He silently retreated and felt a bit sorrowful in his heart. It might be futile to find someone on this island capable of restraining this demon.

“Old friend, I came to see you.” The demon lightly waved his hand, those big pile of bones all floated up and shifted to the other side. The black underworld fog violently surged up from the underground, it was rolling over and over like raging black fireworks.

A ghost whistle that made one’s scalp feel numb transmitted from the underground, then the demonic cloud covered up the moon, endless amount of black fog soared into the sky in an instant. It completely blocked the moonlight that spilled through the branches and leaves of the tall ancient trees.

A huge monster appeared from the swamp, its ten meter tall body emitted a baleful aura. Although he was a little far away, and the black fog was lingering around, Xiao Chen could still see the rotten body of the Undead Emperor, as well as that pair of huge rotten wings. The negative vibe spread far and wide, the terrifying black power assailed the deathly swamp, and the mournful screech sent a chill down people’s spine.

He was unable to see the head and face, it was hard to guess his emotional state. However, the pressure emitted by him and his power could be felt vividly. This Undead Emperor might really be capable of defeating the demon, but…… would they fight?

Could he be an angel in his previous life? Xiao Chen thought of something like this, otherwise how would it have a pair of wings, but the body was really too huge. Maybe before the dragon island was sealed, a big battle took place on this island and the Undead Emperor might have fallen in that time period.

Two ice-cold rays of light shot towards Xiao Chen like sharp swords, it seemed like the Undead Emperor wanted to get rid of him.

“Old friend, relax. Don’t lower yourself to his level, it was I who wanted to see you.” The demon calmly stood in front of the Undead Emperor.

Its ice-cold gaze shifted direction, the Undead Emperor and demon walked over to a distant place. It seemed like they really were old friends. Xiao Chen’s final hope had been dispelled.

However, just after they left for a short period of time, an explosive sound suddenly echoed from the distant swamp. That was the sound of forest tree getting crushed! Inexhaustible cloudy fog spread far and wide, a violent energy fluctuation rolled over and over.

The Undead Emperor and demon exchanged blows!

Xiao Chen chose to get away from the swamp immediately, his speed was extremely fast, it was seriously like the wind and lightning. He got away the swamp in almost a moment.

That pair of undead brothers actually fought against each other, there’s no news better than this. Xiao Chen went to a highland and jumped onto the crown of a ten meter tall huge tree to survey the deathly swamp from an elevated position.

The inexhaustible cloudy fog rolled over and over, it actually submerged that entire area where the fight took place. It was impossible to see the battle progress, one could tell the intensity of the battle only because of the violent energy fluctuation.

When the dense deathly underworld fog rolled westward unceasingly, the original battlefield became visible to naked eyes. It seemed like a meteor had fallen within that hundred meter radius. The ground had sunk down for who knows how many meter, it already turned into a huge hole. It was pitch-black and god knows how many meter deep.

One could imagine just how powerful was the Undead Emperor and demon, not only did they destroy every tangible thing on the ground, even the area itself caved in.

There were figures of human swaying in the distant place. There were still some practitioners at the outer region of the island. This intense battle startled them, but those people retreated at lightning speed after sensing the thick deathly aura. One could tell that they were very careful.

The intense battle lasted for a quarter of an hour, Xiao Chen was looking forward to the death of the demon.

However, he guessed wrong again, when the underworld fog dissipated, a three hundred meter wide hole appeared on the spot. The Undead Emperor and demon were actually sitting beside the hole as they talked about something.

Although he couldn’t see clearly, he was still able to feel that kind of atmosphere. They don’t seem to be mortal enemy, he could occasionally hear that eerie laughter. The two evil spirits seemed to be hitting it off.

How could that be?

Xiao Chen remained puzzled even after thinking it over a hundred times, the two evil spirits were having a life and death bout just a moment ago, and now they were actually on a friendly term in the blink of an eye. This change of atmosphere was really too fast.

“Haha…… I will definitely not forget about you when I break free, we are the closest friend.” The demon’s hearty laugh transmitted from a distant place.

Soon after, the demonic cloud rolled over and over. The Undead Emperor returned to the underground. A chilly wind brushed past, green leaves fell and withered, the demon appeared on the crown of a huge tree. He was not far away from Xiao Chen. The demon sat on the branch and said, “Have you thought about it carefully? I am already at the limit of my patience. If you can convince the little critter to willingly lend me the sacred tree for one year, he too will get a generous reward.”

Xiao Chen maintained his calm, would they really be able to get the sacred tree back after giving it to the demon? It seemed like Keke and the sacred tree were inseparable, do they really have to make a compromise in order to survive?

“Other than the dragons and those primal beasts on this dragon island, nobody can threaten me. However, the dragons will not do anything to me. And you have seen it yourself, the Undead Emperor and I are on friendly term. Every time I rebirthed, I will come here to swap pointers with him. He is my greatest ally.”

“Who is he? What kind of person was he?”

Hearing these, the demon raised his head to look at the bright moon in the sky. He let out an indistinct sigh and said, “I don’t even know who am I. How would I know about him? I only know I escaped from the ghost town. And he is a corpse that rotted countless years ago……” Speaking until here, the demon actually revealed a distressed expression. It seemed like he was really not an evil spirit, but a pitiful youth.


  1. N/a

Chapter 107 – A Different Young Dragon

Sure enough, what Xiao Chen was worried about came true. A sky piercing dragon roar streaked across the vast sky, a golden ray flickered as a Monarch Lion Dragon appeared in this region at high-speed, it was carrying a sky-rocketing baleful aura. A wide expanse of forest trees tumbled down, frightened screams transmitted over, a few practitioners among them were ripped apart by that mountain-like Monarch Lion Dragon in almost a split second.

Its huge draconic body seemed like it was made out of brass. A single attack immediately razed a wide expanse of mountain woods to the ground. The mountainous region trembled violently, the other few practitioners who managed to get away also couldn’t escape from their imminent fate. They were trampled by the Monarch Lion Dragon and turned into meat paste.

Xiao Chen became speechless, the price the practitioners had to pay to leave this dragon island was really too high. Even if they could find nine Dragon Kings in the end, they would most likely lose more than half of their people.

The evil spirit appeared on the sacred tree’s stump without making any sound. Xiao Chen didn’t pay attention to him and left from the other side. After that, he quietly waited until the nightfall.

When the moonlight spilled down, the vicinity of the Sacred Mountain was especially calm. The roars of the dragons and monsters no longer resounded. Xiao Chen passed through the forest and arrived at the foot of the imposing Sacred Mountain. Xiao Chen once more felt that familiar yet terrifying aura.

That’s right, although it was faintly discernible, the aura was very similar to that of the ghost town. If they wanted to enter the ghost town again, this may serve as an entrance, but who would voluntarily follow the path to their own doom?

“Do you want to tempt me to enter the dangerous zone?” The demon stood at a forest not far away, and looked at Xiao Chen calmly. He had lived for countless years, it was impossible for him to fall for this.

Xiao Chen never thought of enclosing the demon in the ghost town again, he only came here to see if there was any terrifying power sealed on the Sacred Mountain that was capable of destroying the evil spirit. However, he stopped his footstep at the foot of the mountain, the peculiar aura emitted by the Sacred Mountain seemed much stronger than last time.

That mountain’s dark red body seemed like it was encroached by blood. Those ruins on the Sacred Mountain were imprinted with the vicissitudes of time, they emitted boundless ancient aura which made the heart quiver.

Keke shook its head towards Xiao Chen. The intelligent little critter had a very keen intuition. Its body that was as bright as white jade flickered with multicolored light as it hinted Xiao Chen not to take another step forward.

His hope was dashed, Xiao Chen knew if he rashly advanced this time, he might lose his life here. He chose to fall back and return by following their former path. When they got close to the Heavenly Tree, the roar of a young dragon attracted Xiao Chen’s attention.

Under the brilliance of the moonlight, it seemed like a layer of silk had spread over the entire mountain woods. He could clearly see the battle between young dragons in the vicinity of the sacred tree’s stump. Moreover, there were actually three dragons! The roars were precisely produced by them.

This immediately caught Xiao Chen’s attention, this was but in the vicinity of the sacred mountain. Who knows if there might be a Syndicate Dragon King among them. He moved stealthily and slowly approached that place. As a result, he was utterly astonished, there were actually two Dragon Kings among the three young dragons. They were currently having a battle. Although the third young dragon was not a Dragon King, it was exceptionally fierce. It actually joined the Dragon King’s battle, they were having an intense battle royal. ⌈1

One young Dragon King flickered with red light from head to toe, it was pulsing like the blazing flame. Its Ancestral Dragon head was really eye-catching, just judging from its draconic body, it was hard to tell what kind of dragon it was.

As for the other young Dragon King, its entire body flickered with golden light, as if it was made out of gold. The Ancestral Dragon head was also just as eye-catching. Its body looked like a little lion, but of course, it was impossible to find any fur on its body, it was completely covered by golden dragon scales.

Xiao Chen was unable to guess the origin of the Red Dragon King, but in regards to the Gold Dragon King, he immediately thought of Monarch Lion Dragon. Moreover, it was most likely born from the other egg in that valley he visited before.

The two young Dragon Kings was close to one meter long, but their power were enough to make experts at the level of Seventh Celestial Layer to feel fearful. The restriction of the seal didn’t apply to them, their divinity won over their brutality, they were capable of releasing some dragon-specific attack-type magic.

No wonder this was the dragon’s holy land, Xiao Chen heaved a sigh. All the powerful dragons gathered in this place, thus it increased the probability that Dragon Kings will be born in this place compared to other places. Two Dragon Kings actually appeared in such a short period of time, if including Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen’s Azure Dragon King and Jade Dragon King, then this place alone had given birth to at least four Syndicate Dragon Kings.

Could the little Ancestral Dragon also appear in this region? Xiao Chen possessed a little expectation towards this, but he also knew the chance of seeing the little Ancestral Dragon was much lower than seeing nine Syndicate Dragon Kings together.

“Roar……!” The young dragon let out a roar, the battle was very intense. What made Xiao Chen rather astonished was that; That young dragon that was obviously not a Syndicate Dragon King was actually that tenacious. It was clearly weaker than the other two, it already received a fatal wound, but it still rushed over there and joined the battle between the two Dragon Kings.

It was a really strange young dragon, it was actually so tenacious and stubborn. It joined the fray without a care for its own life. It was seemingly a very ordinary, the dark brown draconic body was riddled with scars. Its body was like that of a panther, its head also looked a little similar to the Ancestral Dragon, but it didn’t have a single horn, its power and speed were also unable to compare with the two Dragon Kings. It was also unable to use any simple dragon magic. A lot of dragon scales had already fallen from its body, it was badly damaged, and its body did not emit the least bit of light. It was even inferior compared to other dragons.

However, this little dragon was really too tenacious and stubborn, every time it fell onto the pool of blood, it rose and charged into the fray again. It lasted until the two Dragon Kings were infuriated, they seemed to be very angry at this weak third-wheel that kept interfering with their real fight. They let out a lethal attack towards the dark brown young dragon at the same time.

With a wail, the unremarkable young dragon fell on the ground, it was unable to get up anymore. Xiao Chen sighed with sorrow, the rise of the Dragon King was really a cruel process. Many of their kind will fall during their transformation and advancement. And the legendary Ancestral Dragon might even experience a crueller fate. After all, it had to face the challenge of at least nine Syndicate Dragon Kings!

The young dragon’s battle and cries had been heard by the dragons in the vicinity, but they didn’t come to interfere and let this cruel battle continue. This seemed to be the dragon’s law of survival.

In the end, the young Dragon Kings were scarred and separated from one another, they finally left. The mountain woods turned silent, only the cries of the weak little dragon could be heard. It was not dead yet, the little dragon was just at the vicinity of the sacred tree’s stump, the dragon blood had already dyed the ground red.

Xiao Chen walked over there, he found that the young dragon was already about to die. The condition of its injury was seriously too grave, a few terrible cuts on its chest were whirling around, the multicolored internal organs already exposed itself. It was clearly unable to hold on much longer.

“Squeak……!” Keke exerted its strength to pull the lower hem of Xiao Chen’s cloth. Its glittering big eyes were brimming with sympathy.

“You want me to save it?”

Keke nodded its head strongly.

“I also wanted to save it, but its injury is seriously too grave, it is impossible to bring it back to life.” Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly. He knew the young dragon’s situation made Keke empathize with it. This place was Keke’s place of origin, it was an abandoned child, and the little dragon’s situation right now was very similar. It was like it had already been sentenced to death penalty, and nobody cared about it, as if it had been abandoned by the world.

“Squeak……!” Keke still continued to shake Xiao Chen’s foot. After that, it took off the treasured tree from its head and carefully placed the little sacred tree at the edge of the young dragon’s mouth. Keke inserted the black leaf into the young dragon’s mouth.

“Slurp! Slurp……!” The dying little dragon started to suck the black leaf. Its consciousness was already fuzzy a long time ago, this seemed to be some kind of instinct.

One after another radiance flowed from the little sacred tree into the young dragon’s body. The originally unconscious little dragon opened its eyes. First, it looked at Keke and Xiao Chen in puzzlement, then it vigilantly tried to move its injured draconic body, but it didn’t success, the sharp pain caused it to whine a few times.

Keke tried to pass the little sacred tree to the side of its mouth again, but the young dragon stubbornly turned its head.

“Squeak……!” Keke panted with rage and pointed at the wound with its little paw. It didn’t expect the dying little dragon would shake its head to refuse Keke’s good intention. Then it proudly lifted its head, but unfortunately, it fell back on the ground powerlessly.

Such an interesting young dragon. Even when it was about to die, it was still so proud and aloof.

Keke was very dumbfounded, it helped him with good intentions, and yet the receiving party was like this. The little critter angrily put the treasured tree away. And on the other side, Xiao Chen sighed with sorrow. He opened the close-fitting package and took out the shiny Snow Lotus Core from within. This was supposed to be Keke’s delicacy, but since the little critter’s belly was filled to the brim by the Sweet Dew of Life, it was unable to enjoy the Snow Lotus Core. Xiao Chen had been keeping it all along.

“Let’s try giving it some Snow Lotus Core.”

Keke blinked its big eyes, and then nodded its head to convey its approval.

Xiao Chen forcefully pulled the stubborn young dragon’s mouth apart and stuffed the Snow Lotus Core into its mouth. This was a rarely seen natural spiritual item, it possessed an unimaginable effect, but the dark brown little dragon spit it out. It didn’t want to accept any help at all.

Xiao Chen was speechless at this conduct, he picked up the Snow Lotus Core that fell on the grass and crushed it, then he applied it on the wound. However, the young dragon violently rolled around and rubbed those Snow Lotus Core off from its body. A lot of blood gushed out from its wound, this young dragon was too stubborn.

In the end, Xiao Chen forcefully stuffed a Snow Lotus Core into its mouth and used pure energy to force it down the throat. He stood up and said to Keke, “Let’s go, we already tried everything in our power.”

Although they already moved very far away from there, they could still hear the proud little dragon’s painful cries. It was obvious that it wouldn’t be able to live past this night with that kind of injury.

Early morning, Xiao Chen woke up from his meditative state, the gentle sunlight spilled on the forest. The specks of golden light that leaked through the branches and leaves were like pieces of gold. Keke also rubbed its eyes half-consciously and lazily got up from among the flowers and plants.

Unable to find any power to fend off the demon in the dragon’s Sacred Mountain, Xiao Chen decided to head to the next destination; The Treant’s Valley at the outer region of the island. He will never forget what he saw that night, the twenty meter tall old treant evolved into a flesh and blood human with green hair. The powerful energy fluctuation emitted by him at that time indicated that he was inevitable a powerful existence. Xiao Chen always believed that old treant might be able to contend against the dragon. Maybe he will be able to fend off the demon!

The dragon island was really too big, in addition to the dense forest and all kinds of monsters roaming around, one had to be very careful. It required at least a few days to safely arrived at the outer region of the island.

He finally arrived at the outer region of the island after three days. When he was passing through a valley with beautiful scenery, he found something very unusual. Golden rays of light flowed from a thatched cottage in the valley like ripples of water. It seemed like there was a golden fountain there, waves of auspicious aura made the birds and beasts in the valley calm down. This was seriously too miraculous, it was hard to imagine what happened in the thatched cottage.

The entire valley was filled with verdant orchid tree, there were all kinds of colorful flowers ranging from pink to yellow ⌈2⌋ among the grove. It was filled with flowering trees, and the glistening green leaves made the colorful flowers exceptionally beautiful in contrast. The flower buds were brimming with an intoxicating fragrance.

In addition to that golden mist that bubbled up unceasingly, a layer of mysterious veil had been spread over the entire flower valley. This place seemed like a fairyland, it was auspicious and peaceful.

Xiao Chen continued to observe quietly in the vicinity, Keke wanted to run over there several times, but was stopped by Xiao Chen. Just at this time, the pale looking demon appeared without a sound. Although the black fog did not rush forth, there were still some indistinct sinister aura. He gazed at the thatched cottage attentively and said, “That is the breath of god.”

These words made Xiao Chen incomparably shocked, the breath of god, how was that possible? Could it be that there were still some deities on the dragon island? Didn’t this place suppress the power of god? It was impossible for this kind of existence to be here!

“This is really the breath of god!” The demon squinted his eyes and emitted two cold light.

Xiao Chen’s heart stirred up, would they be able to end the demon’s life just like this? If it was really a god, it should be able to destroy this demon that couldn’t breakthrough to the god realm successfully.

The golden brilliance gradually became weaker, the auspicious aura in the thatched cottage also became gentler and gradually dispersed.

“Oh, I finally understand, this is the awakening of divinity.” The demon’s stiff body finally relaxed. The cold light from his pair of eyes also faded away.


  1. Silva: I’m starting to have doubts on whether or not Xiao Chen is really the ancestral dragon… if that’s not a Dragon King nor an Ancestral Dragon, then what kind of dragon is it? 
  2. Silva: Super redundant, Chen Dong was obviously just writing all these to fill the word count: dark red, rose red, purple, light purple, pure white, orange, etc… 

Chapter 106 – Seeking Power

Speechless…… Totally speechless.

Habit was not easy to change, Xiao Chen really didn’t know what to say to this little critter anymore. He really wanted to pull its hairy ear to awaken it, but he restrained himself in the end. This little critter was born not long ago, it was still too young, having this kind of habit was normal.

It seemed like the demon had completely disappeared, it didn’t show up all along, but Xiao Chen knew it was certainly in the vicinity. The sun sets in the West, the twilight dyed half of the sky red. Xiao Chen walked in the mountain woods aimlessly, he gradually calmed down as he listened to the bellow of the vicious beasts at a distant place. Having a demon following him around, he couldn’t go back to Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen’s side at the moment.

After Xiao Chen left, the old woman, the little fatty, the Solitary Sword Demon, and the others immediately began to move. The demon’s words couldn’t be trusted, they wanted gather all the experts together and mobilize everyone to search for the Syndicate Dragon Kings. If they can really gather nine Dragon Kings, then leaving this dragon island is no longer a dream.

On this night, many practitioners received news that made them extremely moved. They finally had hope of escaping from this dragon island, this seriously raised their morale. But of course, regarding the appearance of the demon, everyone had a sense of foreboding, which fueled their desire to leave this place as soon as possible.

This was a very lively night, everyone who received the news was unable to fall asleep. All of them wanted to find the Syndicate Dragon Kings urgently.

Without a doubt, when nine young Dragon Kings were gathered, the curtains shall rise!

During the midnight, an open-air fire was throbbing, Xiao Chen sat in front of the flame and meditated calmly. And that snow-white little monster, Keke, was still maintaining the cross-legged posture with the treasured tree on top of its head. It sat on Xiao Chen’s shoulder and let out a sweet sounding snore. It appeared cute and laughable at the same time.

However, Xiao Chen found that Keke was not really sleeping, because he noticed the ripple-like multicolored radiance that was lingering around the little critter all along fluctuated unceasingly. Moreover, the sapling on its head actually turned from its previously dim state to the now brilliant state since a long time ago. It seemed like there was a fantastic connection between the two.

Could it be that it really knows some kind of peculiar training method? Xiao Chen speculated inwardly, he had heard of this before; The dragons and some uncommon races would inherit a training method specific to their race the moment they were born. Keke should be one of those uncommon race.

Chilly wind brushed past, the temperature in the forest rapidly declined, it blew past like the winter’s cold wind. There was a bone-chilling nip in the air, the open-air fire throbbed violently and changed into pale green in a flash, it was very eerie.

Without any sound, the evil spirit sat at the opposite side of the open-air fire. It was only one meter away from Xiao Chen.

“A thousand years ago when I saw the sacred tree, it only had a single black leaf. A thousand years later, it already have three divine leaves.” The demon’s pale complexion was emphasized even further by the throbbing flame. If he said he was not a ghost, nobody would believe him.

Without a doubt, Xiao Chen was hooked by his words. At this very moment, he was absolutely fearless. It was a matter that will happen sooner or later, there’s no point in avoiding it. He opened his mouth to ask, “You saw it at the Heavenly Tree?”

“That’s right, I found it on the stump of the Sacred Tree. The sapling is precisely the stump’s alternate rebirth. However, it’s already not the same Sacred Tree, because it has six more luster compared to the Heavenly Tree.” The demon’s reply affirmed Xiao Chen’s conjecture at that time.

“Although legend says the Heavenly Tree was the dragon’s Sacred Tree, it didn’t belong to the dragons originally. The Sacred Tree was transplanted by the dragons on this island.” The indistinct ghost whistle recounted the tale unhurriedly. The demon was in deep thoughts after saying these, then he said with a perplexed expression, “I actually know this much……”

His behavior made Xiao Chen flabbergasted. And just at this time Keke finally woke up. When it saw the demon was sitting just across of them, the little critter almost wanted to jump over there. Xiao Chen stopped it hastily and asked the demon, “You seemed to have forgotten a lot of thing……”

The demon recovered from his brief bewilderment, he nodded his head and then he shook his head. A negative aura swept past as he said, “Regarding my memories from the ancient times, it was a piece of blank. I can only remember that I escaped from the ghost town.”

Xiao Chen felt a bit disappointed, he wouldn’t be able to draw out the secret of the ghost town from him.

Fog lingered in the mountain woods and merged with the gloomy aura released by the demon. It made this area really bewitching. After a long period of silence, the demon broke the ice and said, “I believe you are an intelligent man. You should know that I don’t want to take it by force, but that doesn’t mean I really don’t dare to make a move. I only wish to borrow the sacred tree from your hands, I will certainly return the favor in at most one year. Moreover, there will certainly be a generous reward.”

“What are you worried about?” Xiao Chen couldn’t understand no matter how much he thought about it.

“Although it is true that my memories regarding the distant past is a piece of blank, I still know who can I provoke and who I should not provoke.” The demon said very directly, “I didn’t dare to start a feud with the dragons, that’s why I was unwilling to kill the two Dragon Kings. Same as the former, I felt apprehensive towards this little critter, I am not willing to provoke its parents.”

Keke’s glittering big eyes immediately filled with hope, it seemed to be loathing the demon no more. Its long eyelashes were quivering, it was listening attentively, it seemed like it really wanted to know the whereabout of its parents.

Xiao Chen understood the little critter’s frame of mind and asked the demon, “You know of Keke’s origin?”

“I don’t know, but I can be sure this little critter is certainly not weaker than Syndicate Dragon King. Its parents ought to be existences on equal footing with a matured Dragon King, otherwise I doubt they would dare to touch the dragon’s sacred tree. When I saw the sacred tree sprouting the black leaf a thousand years ago, I also found a seven-colored egg. It was side by side with the little sacred tree, they were sealed together by a mysterious power. I suspect that should be Keke.” After the demon said these, he got a good look at the little critter.

Keke blinked its big eyes half-consciously, and on the other side, Xiao Chen was shocked. One thousand years ago, Keke was already born in this world as the jade egg? However, he had already interacted with Keke, the little critter was indeed born not too long ago. If that’s the case, then doesn’t that mean the seven-colored jade egg had nurtured it for at least a thousand years?

Keke’s identity had always been a mystery.

“How long is required for dragons to break out of their shell?” Xiao Chen wanted to use those dragons to compare with Keke.

“That is hard to say, generally speaking it requires at least several hundred years, but since the dragon island had been sealed, this standard will be completely shattered, because there will be a bizarre power at work this time. All the dragon eggs on the dragon island will crack in the shortest possible time and give birth to the young dragons. What they needed ultimately was the nourishment of the boundless worldly essence. If they were provided with endless spiritual energy, maybe the eggshell would crack in just a few days.”

A few days in contrast to hundred years was really somewhat exaggerated. Thinking about it carefully, comparing several hundred years to a thousand years, Keke couldn’t really be considered to be in defiance of the natural order.

“Squeak……” The little critter cried out softly, it had a somewhat lonely expression, it seemed to be thinking about its parents again. Its miserable appearance made people want to spoil it.

“After learning all these, you should understand now, I really only wanted to borrow it.” The demon fixed its eyes of Xiao Chen and said, “I am fearful of its parents, but I don’t feel apprehensive towards you. Killing you won’t bring any trouble to me.”

Hearing these words, the little critter broke free from the sense of loss, it fiercely waved its little paws at the demon.

Xiao Chen was fearless and said, “You want to kill me? Keke will remember you and avenge me in the future. I understand why you don’t dare to do anything to it, otherwise you will certainly be trapped in a hopeless situation with its parent’s divine ability.”

With a sigh, the demon faded away along with a cloudy fog. An indistinct ghost whistle transmitted from the forest not far away, “Whether it really have a parent or not, or whether if its parents are still alive, it is very hard to say. I was only being too cautious before. My patience have limits, I won’t give you too long to reconsider. If…… you insist on shedding blood, then I will not be lenient!”

The dragon’s Sacred Mountain, it was lofty and majestic. The atmosphere was intimidating, it seemed like a huge divine pillar that supported the heaven and earth.

Xiao Chen brought Keke back to this region again. Standing on the thousand meter high Heavenly Tree’s stump, he looked at the majestic Sacred Mountain at the correct position.

The demon’s words last night made Xiao Chen realize he will not become hostile for a short period of time. He could ignore the threat for a few days. The reason he came here was to find a powerful force to suppress the demon. He placed his hopes on the experts among the dragons, but to his dismay, those Greater Dragons, such as the Tyrannical Dragon, the Monarch Lion Dragon, the Saber Dragon, etc. had also lost the divine ability they displayed at the ghost town. Their brutality won over their divinity at present, he certainly won’t be able to communicate with them.

Without a doubt, the demon also followed them. Even though he couldn’t find his whereabouts, Xiao Chen could feel he was just nearby.


A dragon roar transmitted from a distant place, it was a young dragon according to his intuition. Looking down at the shadows dancing in the forest below, Xiao Chen could see the figures of a few practitioners. They seemed to be pursuing a golden young dragon. The two words “Dragon King” immediately surfaced in Xiao Chen’s mind. The practitioners should have obtained the news that they could summon the divine ship by gathering nine Dragon Kings, but chasing the young Dragon King until this region was really too reckless.

This region seemed to be the dragon’s holy land, not only was there the powerful Tyrannical Dragon, Monarch Lion Dragon, and so on, this place was filled with primal beasts as powerful as the dragons. The consequences will be dire if they run into them.


  1. N/a

Chapter 105 – Sacred Dragon Tree

Xiao Chen gave a cold snort in return, “That is not a funny joke.”

“I had transformed continuously over the countless years, what I am looking forward to the most was to be reborn under the sun. I am no longer a corpse now, I have blood and flesh, I really don’t want to go on killing anymore.”

“How do you explain about the few people you killed at the village entrance?”

“They attack me first, that woman shrouded in colorful mist can be my witness.” The demon heaved a sigh.

Xiao Chen remains unmoved and said, “Stop acting as if you had no other choice. You once murdered so many people, how could a demon’s nature be changed so easily? Besides, if you really restrained your ominous nature, why would you force me to hand over the sapling?”

The underworld fog around the demon became denser, the dense negative aura pervaded the surrounding once more, he then said with an indistinct voice, “The seal on the dragon island suppressed my power. It made me unable to break through the shackles smoothly. That’s why at the intervals of every hundred years, I need to absorb the Yang energy. Although I already have a living body with flesh and blood, I still don’t have the vitality. If I cannot get the nourishment from the sacred tree, I have no choice but to absorb extensive amount of Yang energy again. But I really don’t want to continue this massacre.”

“You are telling one lie after another.” Xiao Chen was not very convinced by his words.

“Why should I lie to you?” The demon’s pale face that was exposed from the black fog seemed very sincere, he sighed and said, “So what if you have Syndicate Dragon King to protect you? Their blood can indeed harm me, but will they be able to protect you forever? You guys should know if I really wanted to kill you, there were plenty of opportunities. Besides, what about the other people on the island, who will protect them, if I really wanted to kill, who can obstruct me?”

“Are you threatening us?”

“If that’s what you want to think, then so be it.” The demon sighed unceasingly. It sent a chill that made people’s blood run cold, he was a genuine demon, every words couldn’t be taken lightly, reaping life was a commonplace for him.

“Someone is coming……” After saying this, the demon faded away without a sound. After that, a scream resounded from the jungle in front of the village. The old woman and old man’s face turned pale on the spot, it was obviously the people from their village.

“Stop it, you demon!” The little fatty shouted loudly. He led the Black Dragon King into the forest. Xiao Chen and the others also followed closely.

The gloomy black fog rushed forth from the forest, the demon appeared again, ten meter in front of everyone. His pale face was very undisturbed, like nothing had happened at all. It made people felt a chill in their heart.

“Why don’t you give the sacred tree to me now. I will give it back after I have no more use for it, I guarantee I will not harm anymore living person from now on. I will try my best to be a good person.” A sincere expression emerged on the cheeks that didn’t have any hint of blood. The demon was very serious and sincere, one was unable to tell if he was acting.

The old woman and old man were very furious, the clansmen who shouted just now was clearly dead, their body shuddered slightly. Xiao Chen and the Solitary Sword Demon found this to be really ridiculous. A demon that once killed people like scything flax actually wanted to reform and start afresh……

“What is this sacred tree that you are talking about. Do you really need it that badly?” The little fatty questioned.

“Alas, that is the dragon’s sacred tree, I really need it badly, that is the only thing on this dragon island that can turn me into a living person.” The demon was always sighing as he spoke. It seemed like he was very anxious, it didn’t have any resemblance to the heartless him when he was making his move. It gave people a misconception that he was just a lonesome man.

“The dragon’s sacred tree.” Once these few words came out from his mouth, a huge wave immediately surged up in everyone’s heart. Naturally, the most excited ones were the two young Dragon Kings. Their pair of eyes were emitting substantive divine radiance as they slowly pressed on towards Xiao Chen and Keke.

Keke broke free from Xiao Chen’s embrace and jumped onto the ground while panting with rage. The little critter was not scared of the two Dragon Kings as it stared at them with the treasured tree on its head. Although Keke was usually lively and cute, it emitted an invisible pressure at the moment. The little critter actually wanted to carry out a battle to defend its honor, it wanted to confront two dragons at the same time.

Xiao Chen knew Keke had a powerful defensive power, he would also have a hard time breaking free if he was trapped. But he never saw Keke using any kind of offensive power before, he didn’t want it to fight with the two Dragon Kings. After all, it was still too young.

But when Xiao Chen reached out his hand to pull Keke, he was repelled by a light screen. Keke’s spotlessly white jade-like body was flickering with seven colored radiance. It was as if a seven-colored sacred fire was throbbing outside of the little guy’s body. It actually emitted an astonishing battle intent.

This had never happened before, Keke was always lively and mischievous. “Competitive” does not sit well with it, but Keke’s current behavior had overturned its former conduct.

The Amethyst Dragon was flickering with purple radiance, the Black Dragon King flickered with black radiance, they were still closing in.

The dragon’s sacred tree was really too enticing, everyone on the spot was unable to calm down, but they knew they couldn’t let the Dragon Kings fight each other. The woman shrouded in colorful mist and that little fatty tried to dissuade the two Dragon Kings unceasingly.

However, the two Dragon Kings remain unmoved, that was the dragon’s sacred tree, and now it was under the control of an unknown little critter like this, they felt that it was a great humiliation for the dragons.

“Squeak……!” Just at this time, Keke let out a young and tender cry. It extended one little paw to point at the treasured tree on its head, and then pointed in front, at the forest that was pervaded by negative aura. After that, it dashed over there first. The two Dragon Kings gathered their thoughts before they let out a roar and rushed towards the evil spirit.

Keke waved its little paws to draw two seven-colored light screen that enveloped the evil spirit in the underworld fog. And the young Dragon Kings’ horns also burst out with glaring rays of light. The rays of light transformed into perfectly straight light beams and shot towards the evil spirit. It seemed like they wanted to decide the outcome with this method, they wanted to find out who was the true king by defeating the evil spirit.

The black fog rolled over and over violently, the demon faded away from his original place. But the three divine beasts seemed to be able to lock onto his aura. They followed after him into the forest, under the roar of the Dragon Kings, under the sound of falling ancient trees, that place was dazzled by rays of light, and leaves were swirling in the air.

Suddenly, like the wind rolled up the clouds, the underworld fog floated over at high-speed. The demon appeared in front of Xiao Chen and the others without making any sound. The cold aura locked onto the few of them, they felt as if an avalanche had weighed down on their body.

Keke transformed into a streak of light and appeared on Xiao Chen’s shoulder. The two Dragon King also came back respectively, the demon then faded away without a sound. All of this happened in an instant.

“You guys saw it already, if I wanted to kill you just now, I had plenty of opportunity, but I didn’t do it.” The demon heaved a sigh at a distant place and said, “The Dragon Kings are too young, although their blood can restrain me, they cannot do anything to me as long as I am fully prepared. On the contrary, if I wanted to kill them, they will certainly be in danger. However…… I do not want to offend the dragons.”

That was indeed the case, the demon had immeasurable strength.

At this time, everyone started to hesitate. In the end, all of them looked at Xiao Chen and Keke. They are the most crucial point of this event, everything will be decided by them.

Keke was panting with rage on Xiao Chen’s shoulder as it widened its glittering big eyes, it casted an angry look at the demon in the cloudy fog. The sapling was a sacred tree that had accompanied it since birth, it was also its ration, and the only thing that’s been accompanying it all along since it was abandoned by its parent. Don’t look at how it was uncaring of the sapling most of the time, when someone really wanted to fight over it, Keke will not comply no matter what.

“Little guy, I only wanted to borrow it. I will definitely return it to you. And I will certainly repay you several-fold.” The demon revealed a gentle expression, he revealed a slight smile to Keke. This made the few people on the spot a little astonished. The demon seemed to attach more importance to Keke than the two Dragon Kings.

Xiao Chen looked at the few people beside him, he quickly understood everyone’s intention after taking a quick glance. Even the most stubborn Solitary Sword Demon wanted to reach a compromise. The demon was really deep and immeasurable, they didn’t stand a chance against him. Although they didn’t know if what he said was true or false, it was still a hope anyhow.

After everyone’s opinion was made clear to him, Xiao Chen became silent. After that, he embraced Keke who was panting with rage tightly to prevent it from rushing over there. He said to the demon, “If your target is the sacred tree, then just come at me. This has nothing to do with the others. We will discuss this further after changing location. No matter what happens, I ask of you not to harm the others. This is the very least you can do to show your sincerity.”

The demon’s pale face turned slightly red, he nodded slightly and said, “My only target is the sacred tree, if other people don’t hinder me, or attack me, I will absolutely not harm them.”

An impending storm was actually eased up like this, Xiao Chen didn’t turn around and took large strides out of the village. The two Dragon Kings roared as they chased after Xiao Chen, they didn’t want to let the sacred tree fall onto other people’s hand.

The little fatty hastily chased after the Black Dragon King to appease it. He spent a great deal of effort to convince it to fall back. As a matter of fact, even though the Dragon Kings are young, they already have intelligence. It knew deep down that it didn’t have enough power to retrieve the Sacred Dragon Tree.

“I wish you can come back safe and sound, I really wanted to make friend with you. I am called Oxman.” The silly little fatty said to Xiao Chen in a low voice as he fell back.

Oxman was a rather funny name ⌈1⌋, but Xiao Chen didn’t have the mood to laugh. He nodded lightly and said, “The next time we meet, we will be friend. My name is Xiao Chen.”

The woman shrouded in colorful mist also walked over, but it was not to take the Amethyst Dragon King away. On the contrary, she wanted it to accompany Xiao Chen and protect him if necessary.

“I appreciate your kindness, but Keke is as powerful as a Dragon King, if Keke cannot restrain the evil spirit, even an additional Dragon King will not help in the least.” Xiao Chen felt the mysterious woman was indeed good-natured. He told her about the other two Dragon Kings with a voice only the two could hear. Soon after, he walked over to the mountain woods alone, that demon had already went ahead of them.

Keke, the snow-white little critter, was extremely intelligent. It clearly knew what happened just now, it unwillingly took off the treasured tree from its head, then it hugged it tightly for a really long time. After that, it reluctantly handed it over to Xiao Chen, it had a really dejected expression. ⌈2

Xiao Chen smiled and said, “You little monster, this is the sacred tree that had accompanied you since birth, how can we give it to others so easily? Besides, that guy is a demon, we cannot believe anything he said, we cannot make a deal with him.”

Keke was unhappy to be called a little monster, it angrily grabbed his long hair and pulled it lightly. Soon after, it still handed over the treasured tree to Xiao Chen.

“Don’t worry, you little monster. We don’t need to hand over the sacred tree yet. He was definitely concerned about something, otherwise on what basis would a demon use kind words to talk with us, and not seize it by force.”

“Squeak……!” Keke’s big eyes suddenly lightened up, its long eyelashes flickered unceasingly. But in the end, it became dispirited again as it lowered its head. It funnily compared its height to the evil spirit’s height, it seemed to be saying it really was too young at the moment, and that it wouldn’t be able to defeat the demon.

Xiao Chen found its action to be very amusing, he laughed and said, “You were always sleeping all day long, and those Dragon Kings were fighting almost everyday; They thought of every possible methods to make themselves stronger. You are not inferior to them, you just need to work hard. If you want to have enough strength to fight off the demon, you cannot be lazy from now on.”

The snow-white little critter angrily grabbed Xiao Chen’s long hair and pulled it lightly, then out of his expectation, the little critter actually nodded its head seriously. It put on the treasured tree hat and jumped from Xiao Chen’s arm to his shoulder. It earnestly sat in meditation and began to harmonize its breathing.

That’s right, it was sitting in meditation and harmonizing its breathing!

This made Xiao Chen so shocked that his jaw literally dropped. Keke was actually sitting like the practitioners. Its pair of glittering big eyes were shut, the long eyelashes were no longer flickering. Moreover, its entire body burst out with faint multicolored radiance, as if it had already submerged in an ethereal boundary.

Xiao Chen’s current state of mind already couldn’t be described with mere words, the shock Keke gave to him was really too much. How could this little critter manifest something like this?

However, after walking for a few miles in the jungle, Xiao Chen became completely speechless again. That was because he heard a slight snoring sound, the little critter actually fell asleep on his shoulder. ⌈3

Speechless…… Totally speechless.

Habit was not easy to change, Xiao Chen really didn’t know what to say to this little critter anymore.


  1. Silva: Since they said it themselves it was a “funny” name, I decided to westernize it so that it really is funny. If I use the Chinese name, Niuren, nobody would find it funny right? Since nobody understand what it means! 
  2. Silva: Awtz… my heart cringe when I read this… 
  3. Silva: Hahahahaha, Oh my God! That was priceless XD 

Chapter 104 – Demon

Since the dragon island had been sealed, no Ancestral Dragon and Dragon King had ever appeared. The legend finally began once more after countless years. The people who came to the dragon island this time was not to explore the island, their goal was the Ancestral Dragon and Dragon King.

“Granny, we don’t need to fear him anymore, at least we have the ability to defend ourselves this time, I will go find Blackie.” The little fatty said without thinking, then he rushed into the village as quick as lightning.

A dragon roar transmitted from the jungle behind the village, not long later the little fatty led a one meter long young black dragon over. The scales all over the little dragon’s body were flickering with black radiance. Its entire body was shiny black, its head looked like the Ancestral Dragon, yet its body looked like a leopard or a tiger. Of course, it was impossible for it to possess any fur, it was completely covered in dragon scales. ⌈1

It was a Dragon King without a doubt, it was pointless to guess what kind of dragon it was, because there was a huge difference between the Dragon King and the previous generation.

The people in this village had actually found a Dragon King already, one could tell they were preparing for this a long time ago. The black Dragon King was only a little smaller than the Amethyst Dragon King. It was very possible this might be the second Dragon King that was born on the dragon island. It possessed a clear advantage to compete for the position of the Dragon Emperor.

When the Amethyst Dragon King and Black Dragon King met each other in the eyes, they immediately let out a growl. The enmity between them was very deep. This was something unavoidable, the battle between the kings of dragons was the cruelest, the Syndicate Dragon King will inevitably fight to the death upon reaching a certain stage in growth.

The woman shrouded in colorful mist and little fatty hastily appeased the young Dragon Kings, preventing them from breaking out into a fight. And just at this time, Keke’s glittering big eyes suddenly widened, the two Dragon Kings also seemed to be on guard as they looked towards the same direction as Keke; The jungle outside of the village.

Keke scuttled onto the Amethyst Dragon King’s back with a “swish”. It used its two paws to rub the wound to smear its paws with a bit of the Dragon King’s blood. Then it transformed into a streak of white light and dashed towards the jungle outside of the village while the Amethyst Dragon King let out a roar in frustration.

The black fog fluctuated in the jungle violently, many forest trees were destroyed in but a moment. Keke transformed into a streak of white light and ran back to the village. And then a youth with pale complexion appeared from the jungle, his chest had a few bloody hole, that was caused by the Amethyst Dragon King’s blood. And his left arm had a tiny paw print, that was clearly Keke’s masterpiece. His pair of eyes emitted two soul wrenching rays of light. He gazed at Keke and the two Syndicate Dragon King, then he faded away in his original position without making any sound.

“It is him!” Xiao Chen and the woman shrouded in colorful mist opened their mouth simultaneously.

“It’s him, it’s that evil spirit……” The old woman was emotional as she said, “I saw the written records regarding the evil spirit left by our ancestors, it included a simple drawing about him. It is precisely because of him that many of our ancestors were dead!”

The constant arrival and retreat of the evil spirit made everyone felt very uneasy. Although it had backed off for now, it was hard to say whether it will show up again or not.

The potency of the Dragon King’s blood made Xiao Chen and the others utterly astonished. It was really capable of restraining this kind of terrifying demon. One could imagine just how powerful the Dragon Kings would become once they reached maturity. And Keke’s performance made everyone flabbergasted, it was actually able to discover the evil spirit before everyone and the Dragon King.

Keke was currently rubbing its little paws desperately, trying to rid the bloodstain from its snow-white fur. After that, it beautifully ignored the Amethyst Dragon King’s growl, and mischievously jumped onto the Black Dragon King’s back, then it waved its little paw at the Amethyst Dragon King. Before the two Dragon Kings got furious, Xiao Chen hastily grabbed it. This little guy was seriously too unruly.

The few of them returned to the village, they went to a different courtyard this time. There was a field of grapevines in the courtyard, the leaves were emerald-green, and many crystal clear purple grapes were hanging on the vines. They were as shiny as the agate crystals.

The few of them sat around a stone table below the grapevines. They began to go over the plan in details, they must eliminate the demon, or else everyone will be in danger.

Xiao Chen said, “The demon suffered a heavy damage from the Dragon King’s blood, this is our chance, we must gather everyone on the dragon island to deal with him.”

After the calamity in the ghost town, there were still hundred plus practitioners on the dragon island. That was because they didn’t get close to the sea of bones. If all of them unite as one, that will definitely be a powerful force.

It was rare for the Solitary Sword Demon to lay down his pride. He also felt the threat of death, he completely agreed with Xiao Chen’s proposal.

The mysterious woman whose entire body was shrouded by the colorful mist nodded and said, “We can also form a truce with another group of experts.”

Xiao Chen and the Solitary Sword Demon did not understand, they looked at her doubtfully. The old woman at the side smiled and said, “The young lady is a true expert, but your ability seemed to fluctuate sharply, it made people unable to ascertain your true power.” ⌈2⌋ She squinted her eyes and said, “Other than the group of young experts that entered the dragon island, there are still thirty plus Zephyrus level old masters here.”

The Solitary Sword Demon nodded, he understood in a flash. According to the agreement between all parties, the old masters cannot get involved in anything that happened on the island. Only the youth generation will fight over the Dragon Kings, the older generation could only provide support at the boundless ocean. These people clearly infiltrated the island secretly and didn’t follow the rules.

“I will get in touch with them, I know those people’s movement.” The old man at the side started to talk.

The old woman said, “Our most important goal now is to search for nine Dragon Kings, with nine kings together, we will be able to summon the legendary divine ship and leave this mysterious yet terrifying island for good.”

According to legend, the divine ship made from the Ancestral Dragon’s bones and Heavenly Tree had been drifting in the Taboo Ocean all along. It had withstood the vicissitudes of time, only this kind of boat could bring everyone on the island away from the Taboo Ocean. This was what the old woman’s ancestors found in the written records of a ruined ancient village.

The Ancestral Dragon’s bone was without a doubt, the dragon’s sacred bone. As for the Heavenly Tree, it was as Xiao Chen had thought, it was indeed referring to that divine tree at Keke’s old home; That tree trunk that was as wide as a lofty mountain.

The few of them discussed for a long time, but the most pressing matter was that; Would they be able to leave this village safely? The evil ghost might be lingering in the vicinity of the village.

“Don’t tell me we have to bring the Dragon Kings along to go and gather everyone?” The Solitary Sword Demon exerted his strength to grab his metal sword, his fingers got a little pale.

Everyone turned silent, as a matter of fact, they were already facing a death threat. The evil spirit will definitely not let them off, he suffered a heavy injury because of them. It was a great shame and humiliation for a demon who had survived for countless years.

Just at this time, Keke widened its glittering big eyes again. At the same time, the Amethyst Dragon King and Black Dragon King also let out a growl. A burst of chilly wind blew into the courtyard, the negative aura pervaded in the vicinity of the grapevines.

The Amethyst Dragon King was ready to go this time, it didn’t wait for Keke to scuttle across its body, it was the first to dash out. The Black Dragon King let out a growl and followed closely behind. Keke did not feel pressing at all, it jumped onto the grapevine and looked at the two Dragon Kings yelling on the street.

The negative aura already scattered away, the evil spirit retreated again. However, the few people in the courtyard still felt a nip in the air, they felt the entire village was already filled with the breath of death.

“This will not work, we will eventually make a careless mistake if this keeps up. Without the two Dragon Kings with us, we won’t be able to deal with that demon.” The silly little fatty expressed his opinion, he was clearly not as foolish as his outer appearance dictated.

“Not good, this is really bad!” The old man furrowed his brows and said, “Our clansmen outside will be returning soon, if they encountered the evil spirit, they will certainly not be able to escape its evil clutches.”

Soon after, they got up and rushed towards the village entrance. They prepared to provide support to the people returning to the village. The chicken cries and dog barks already couldn’t be heard in spacious and empty village, it was deathly silent. It was just like an abandoned land left to return to unchecked growth.

“He’s coming!” Xiao Chen shouted. It was because Keke jumped onto his shoulder and used its little paw to pull his long hair. Its glittering big eyes were gazing at the street ahead.

The evil spirit stopped hiding after it has been found, the black fog rolled over and over, waves of bone-chilling negative aura surged up violently. Everyone could feel the nip in the air, the two Dragon Kings let out a roar constantly, they were not afraid of the fiendish aura. If nobody stopped them, they would have dashed over there a long time ago.

The evil spirit was already within hundred meter range. Although the underworld fog was raging and blocked the scorching sunlight from spilling down, Xiao Chen could still “see” him clearly. That was due of his spiritual sense that didn’t require sight and sound.

The one in the cloudy fog was indeed that youth he saw at the sea of bones. His left wrist had an eye-catching birthmark. His pair of eyes were somewhat empty. He seemed to have experienced the changes of time, without examining carefully, it was hard to imagine he was a demon that had lived for countless years. The more one looked at him, the more frightening they felt.

“Give him to me…… And I’ll let everyone off.” A faint ghost whistle transmitted from the black fog. Although it was the voice of a young man, it was lacking of vitality. It sounded like the echo of the chilly wind that blew into the ancient residence from a broken window. As the words reached everyone, it was as if a cold air had entered their body, it made them felt a chill down their spine.

The chilly wind bubbled up, the black fog in front of the demon dispersed a little, they could clearly see the arms he stretched out; It was pointing at Xiao Chen. ⌈3

“You mean me?” Xiao Chen felt something was not good, for what reason did the evil spirit want him for.

The chilly wind swept past again, the pale face within the underworld fog revealed itself before everyone’s eyes. He slowly shook his head, his right arm moved slightly. Keke jumped down from Xiao Chen’s shoulder while panting with rage. It actually dashed forward without any hint of fear, it was squeaking non-stop, as if asking the evil spirit something. At the same time, it waved its little paw and a dazzling radiance enveloped the evil spirit. ⌈4

The fog rolled over and over, the evil spirit faded away without making any sound. The strength displayed by a combat ready evil spirit was unfathomably deep. Keke waved its little paw on the street fiercely, it was very angry, and yet it seemed somewhat adorable. Xiao Chen hastily carried Keke back in his arms. The mysteries surrounding Keke were continuously increasing, he didn’t want anything to happen to this little critter.

The few people beside Xiao Chen were endlessly shocked, the demon seemed to be a little afraid of Keke. But Keke was not a Dragon King, could it be that its blood or body could restrain the demonic fiend?

“I cannot comply to your request, nobody shall harm Keke.” Xiao Chen faced the spacious and empty street ahead as he shouted. It was not only for the evil spirit, it was also to make himself clear to the few people around him.

A conspicuous figure of the evil spirit appeared at the street far away. The ghost whistles transmitted from the cloudy fog, “I want that sacred tree on top of its head, give that sproutling to me, and I promise not to harm a single soul hereafter.”

Everyone’s gaze focused on Keke, the treasured tree on its head did not emit any radiance at the moment, it was just like an ordinary plant, It was nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone originally thought it was because this naughty little critter was running everywhere and the sproutling was stuck on its head by accident. Only now did they knew there was much more to it, even the demon was tempted by it.

At the same time Xiao Chen was feeling surprised, his heart was brimming with doubts, but he didn’t even think twice about it. It was impossible for him to comply. He asked, “Why should we give it to you? How are we supposed to believe anything you said?!”

“I pledge I will not harm anyone on the dragon island after I get the sacred tree, otherwise my body and soul will extinguish.” The evil spirit’s voice transmitted from the black fog.

The old man said in a low voice, “According to the written records, the evil spirit cannot break their oath, he made a pledge before and never go back on his words.” It was very obvious that the old man was afraid of the evil spirit, he wanted to reach a compromise.

“Can you even believe in a demon’s pledge?” Xiao Chen turned his head around and asked coldly.

This made the old man and old woman’s aged face turn as red as apple. They were indeed very scared of the evil spirit, whether the evil spirit would violate his pledge or not was not something they could be really certain of. However, their clansmen shall come back any time soon, and the evil spirit is in the vicinity, this is definitely a life threatening danger for those people.

The underworld fog dispersed, the demon turned his head around to look at the direction of the divine monolith that was located at the heart of the island, then he said, “I will not go back on my pledge, otherwise I will be punished!”

“You are a demon, how can I believe you, people often said not to make a deal with demon.” Xiao Chen was carrying Keke in his arms, he wanted to draw back, but Keke on the other hand was restless, it was struggling to get free and wanted to dash over there. It didn’t seem to be afraid of the evil spirit in the underworld fog.

“Alas, I’m not a demon, I’m a human.” The indistinct ghost whistle heaved a sigh.

Xiao Chen gave a cold snort in return, “That is not a funny joke.”

“I had transformed continuously over the countless years, what I am looking forward to the most is to reborn under the sun. I am no longer a corpse now, I have blood and flesh, I really don’t want to go on killing anymore.”


  1. Silva: And that makes four Dragon King. 
  2. Silva: She must be at Nirvana stage! 
  3. Silva: The evil spirit knew Xiao Chen is the Ancestral Dragon!!!!!!!!!!! (Still not enough exclamation marks!!!) 
  4. Silva: Oh? …It was actually after Keke? That’s boring~~~ 

Chapter 103 – Secret

The Solitary Sword Demon was speechless.

As for Keke who was looking all over the place on Xiao Chen’s shoulder, its glittering big eyes immediately turned perfectly round as soon as it heard these two words, the Ancestral Dragon. It waved its little paws exaggeratedly, that meant it was totally not convinced.

“Why is the village so quiet?” Xiao Chen noticed how there were seventy to eighty households, but he only saw three to five people after entering the village. ⌈1

“Although there are a lot of houses, the population already declined. In the end, there’s not even thirty people left in the entire village.” The old woman let out a long breath.

Just at this time, a white-haired old man floated into the courtyard like a specter. That was an aged Psychic.

“Fourth Grandpa……!” The little fatty called out without thinking.

The old man answered briefly, then he furrowed his brows and said, “Not good, that evil spirit has reborn, I found his traces.”

“What evil spirit?” The Solitary Sword Demon asked.

“An ancient evil spirit, it has lived for countless years, it was the only malicious spirit that had escaped from the ghost town.”

The old man’s words immediately made Xiao Chen felt a chill. He recalled that old ghost that had undergone several metamorphosis at the snowy mountain. It seemed to have followed them here……

The evil spirit had existed for countless years, it came from the ghost town, it actually originated from the ancient era. This piece of news was really terrifying, it made people tremble in the face of disaster.

Back in those days, the village was originally not located here. Rather, it was in a valley with much prettier scenery, but they found a few dozen stone coffins when they dug the land to build the foundations. Only after they suffered a disaster did they move to this forest.

And not more than three months later, the evil spirit appeared. That was the beginning of the village’s nightmare, they were like animals that were reared in the pen. One or two people would disappear from time to time, the villagers knew it was the evil spirit that snatched those people’s life.

The old woman’s ancestors also tried to resist before, they once thought of ways to eliminate the evil spirit, but everything ended up in failure. Moreover, they invited an even more terrible retribution, it was a dark history etched in their memories for all eternity.

As the old woman slowly explained, Xiao Chen and the Solitary Sword Demon’s expression became heavier. The reappearance of that terrifying evil spirit will definitely be a great threat to their life on the dragon island. The old woman let out a breath, as if she had just woken up from a nightmare. It seemed like a few more wrinkles appeared on her aged cheeks.

In those dark times, the old woman’s ancestors found a few historical remains of some ancient village. There were some written records in those desolate ancient village, only then did they found out the evil spirit was an ancient departed soul, the only evil spirit that escaped from the ghost town, it was not an opponent they could hope to defeat.

Imagine this, if there were people trapped on the dragon island in each generation. And those people’s death were associated with the evil spirit, then some clues will more or less be left behind.

According to ancient legend, some powerful evil spirits could forcibly absorb the vitality of the living, allowing their ghost-like body to transform unceasingly and thereby returning to the sun again. This kind of evil spirit were called Demon. Those written records left behind in the ruined ancient village validated this legend. It was very obvious that the evil spirits on the dragon island were all demons.

Fortunately the malicious spirit couldn’t wreak havoc for a long period, it was only for one year. When the time passed, it would search for a desolate place and fell into a deep sleep. It would continue to sleep like that for a few hundred years until the transformation took place. After that, it will emerge from the coffin again to assimilate the Yang energy.

The old woman’s ancestors had experienced this calamity twice, which caused the population to decline. If they were to go through this one more time, then even after the remaining twenty to thirty people die, it wouldn’t even meet the demon’s minimum requirement. A complete annihilation was only a matter of time.

“If you say it like that, aren’t we toasted?” Although the Solitary Sword Demon asked like this, he didn’t carry a hint of fear. He was an unfriendly guy, a genuine cold-hearted guy.

“According to some written records we found later, we only have one chance at present.” The old woman took a sip of tea to moisten her dry lips, then she said, “The first three months when he casted off his skin was his weakest period, only during this time would we have a chance of defeating him. Otherwise he will be unparalleled after this time limit. We wouldn’t even stand a chance, he will become a genuine demon.”

The demon had already undergone dozens of transformation, he normally would have reached the perfect realm by now and became an existence that even the god wouldn’t dare to provoke. But because the dragon island was sealed, the demon was unable to break through the shackles. It was firmly suppressed at the realm of demigod, and the demon himself didn’t dare to take the risks and breakthrough forcefully. Otherwise the consequences will be dire, the power of god is not permitted on the dragon island.

Exuvia, Historia, Zephyrus, Nirvana, and Immortalis. The Zephyrus realm of the five major realms was also known as demigod realm. The gap between the practitioners on the island and the demon was as clear as day.

“Within the period of three months? Then we don’t have much time left……” Xiao Chen told them everything he saw on the snowy mountain.

The old woman and old man were appalled, they revealed a terrified expression. The old woman said, “He…… already morphed at an earlier time?! If what you said is true, then two months might have passed already, it seems we…… don’t even have a month left.”

The old man was gathering snow lotus in the vicinity of the snowy mountain, that’s how he found the traces left behind by the evil spirit, but he didn’t discover the three ice coffins in question.

Xiao Chen lowered his voice and asked, “Is there a birthmark at his left wrist?”

“According to what they say…… yes!”

“Then we’re in trouble, when I came to this place, it seems like…… that guy had followed us.”

This news from Xiao Chen was like a comet falling into the tranquil ocean, the heart of the few people on the spot was palpitating like crazy. Their expression took a disastrous turn, chill ran down their spine, and they quickly swept their eyes across all four directions.

The entire area turned deathly silent.

Only Keke was looking all over the place with its glittering big eyes without a care in the world.

Xiao Chen lowered his voice to the greatest extent, and said, “Since he is that powerful, couldn’t we get help from other forces to deal with him? A few days ago, the dragons displayed an out of the ordinary divine ability!”

This was a proposal, and also an inquiry, why did the dragons recover their former power within those few days, it was still a mystery to him. He was completely uninformed regarding the mysterious ghost town.

“The ghost town…… it was the ghost town!” The old man sighed lightly, and said, “Everything was because of the ghost town. I mean, think about it, that demon came from the ghost town.”

The old man didn’t say much, as a matter of fact, they also didn’t know much. All their information was passed down by their ancestors. At the intervals of every hundred years, the seal on the dragon island would be lifted temporarily. The dragons would recover their divine ability on the day of the ghost festival for a short amount of time and attack the ghost town later. They wanted to destroy the divine monolith, as for what kind of secret it was hiding, outsiders like them was unable to find out.

As for the Brass Trigrams, the jet-black Metal Engravings, the golden Divine Halberd, and other legendary divine artifacts, they were also unable to find out where were these hidden. The mysterious dragon island was hiding a lot of secrets, even if they expended a great effort to unearth everything, they also wouldn’t be able to unearth all the secrets. This island seemed to be hiding a gargantuan secret.

“The dragon island’s divine monolith should be an important clue……” The Solitary Sword Demon thought out loud.

“This misfortune came too suddenly, a disaster shall strike again.” The old woman’s aged face became frailer as she said, “There is a bizarre energy suppressing the power of god on the dragon island. Although they are mainly directed against the dragons, other races had also been affected greatly. Beginning from our ancestor’s era, regardless of how much talent one possessed, they wouldn’t be able to get past Zephyrus Third Celestial Layer.” It was very obvious that nobody on the dragon island had enough power to confront the demon.

Just at this time, the sound of ripping air could be heard from the entrance to the village. Everyone could clearly see a few resplendent sword-qi soaring into the sky. At the same time, they could hear an angry shout, as well as the loud sound of building collapsing, which was then followed by a scream. After that, they could hear the ear-splitting dragon roar.

The old woman, the old man, Xiao Chen, the Solitary Sword Demon, and the little fatty rushed out of the courtyard and ran towards the village entrance at lightning speed.

They only saw a few corpses that had been ripped apart at the village entrance, they were scattered on the collapsed buildings. The body of the woman shrouded in colorful mist trembled slightly, then she threw up a mouthful of blood. She clearly just received the injuries. The Amethyst Dragon King was accompanying her, it also had scars on its body, there were some scales and dragon blood on the ground.

The old woman and the other villagers wore a sorrowful expression, they gathered the corpses together, then they sized up the woman shrouded in colorful mist and the Amethyst Dragon King.

“Is this a Dragon King?”


“What happened just now?”

The woman shrouded in colorful mist was really mysterious, Xiao Chen encountered her several times, but he was still unable to see her real face. The colorful mist was lingering on her body from beginning to end, she appeared incomparably transcendental and mysterious.

“Just now a man with really dense negative aura got over here……”

As the woman shrouded in colorful mist recounted the event, everyone quickly associated it with the demon! Even though he was still in his weakest period, he was still so powerful. The three people in the village entrance were ripped apart by him in almost an instant. And the woman who could control the law of time also sustained a heavy injury, if the wounded Amethyst Dragon King’s blood did not unexpectedly penetrate that evil spirit in the most crucial moment, she might be ripped apart in that moment too. ⌈2

“The Dragon King’s blood can actually restrain him, this is such a wondrous news.” The old woman’s tangerine-like wrinkled skin twitched. It was easy to tell that she was very excited, but it seemed somewhat terrifying. That wrinkled cheeks were almost contorted, she laughed with a quack and said, “This is seriously such a wondrous news, this might be our only way to defeat him. We only knew the mixture of nine Dragon Kings’ blood can lift our curse, but we never thought it can be used to restrain the evil spirit too, kakaka……”


  1. Silva: When he asked this question, it somehow reminded me of the Little Red Riding Hood… 
  2. Silva: I did not translate this wrongly right? Did we just find the demon’s weakness? 

Chapter 102 – Native Peoples of Sacred Island

Chaos was about three meter tall, he was a powerful beastman brimming with wildness. He had a pair of wolf ears, and a long tiger tail. And the person that was glancing around behind him was actually a fatty! His stature was not lofty at all, he was short and stout. People get the feeling that he was especially simple and honest, even when he was glancing around, he seemed a bit foolish and stupid.

This was too strange! Xiao Chen could indeed sense Chaos’ aura from his body, but why was the body a different person? Suddenly, he felt a nip in the air and quivered momentarily. Could it be that Chaos was already dead, and then resurrected with a different corpse? After all, he experienced too many strange and terrifying things during the ghost town’s calamity. He instinctively thought of something like this. In addition, there was also the bizarre fact regarding the snowy mountain’s old ghost, how could he not let his imagination run wild.

The simple-minded fatty circled around the sea of bones. After that, he actually crossed the sea of bones, and walked towards the Southernmost direction. Xiao Chen was not too familiar with the Southern part of the island, he had never explored that region before. However, he went after him this time, and decided to find out the origin of this little fatty that possessed Chaos’ aura.

When he was following the little fatty, Xiao Chen found that the Solitary Sword Demon and the mysterious woman shrouded in colorful mist were also following closely. They didn’t even try to avoid him. When they crossed the sea of bones, and entered the mountain woods, Xiao Chen walked over to them, and said straightforwardly, “I suspect there is an evil spirit borrowing corpse to return from the grave. That’s why I came after him, what about the both of you?”

The Solitary Sword Demon sneered, “Heh, likewise! I could feel the aura from a certain beastman that left a little impression in me from his body. But that body doesn’t belong to that person.”

“I also chased after him for the same reason.” The mysterious woman answered like this.

Xiao Chen was finally convinced, his feeling was not wrong, something strange was going on here.

The silly little fatty was not as simple as his outer appearance dictated. He seemed to be very perceptive, he constantly changed his direction in the mountain woods for fear that someone was tailing him. This made Keke that was following at Xiao Chen’s side blink its glittering big eyes unceasingly, it seemed to find this very fascinating.

They kept going southward for about an hour or more, only then did the little fatty enter a wide mountain forest. He was no longer turning left and right, but Xiao Chen and the others were not worried at all, it seemed like they had already reached their destination. But just at this time, Keke jumped onto Xiao Chen’s shoulder. It extended one of its little paw to pull his long hair. After that, it kept glancing backward with its big eyes.

Xiao Chen’s heart skipped a beat, he pretended to stop and probe around. Not long later, the snowy mountain’s old ghost entered his perceptive range, he could clearly “see” him following them.

This was definitely not good, Xiao Chen saw the Solitary Sword Demon and that mysterious woman in front, it seemed like they didn’t know the existence of this old ghost yet. Xiao Chen remained calm and collected, he continued to follow them. Not long later, they found a small village in the ancient forest. The surroundings were enclosed by ancient trees, it would be hard to find this village if they didn’t search thoroughly.

The small village only had about seventy to eighty household. They could hear the cries of chicken and barking dog. It was brimming with the scent of countryside. It made Xiao Chen felt as if it was a lifetime ago, there was actually a small mountain village brimming with livelihood on this kind of uncivilized dragon island, it was a bit unreal.

“Cough! Cough……!” A fit of coughing transmitted over, a specter-like old woman appeared behind Xiao Chen and the others. She sighed faintly and said, “Youngster, why are you guys following my grandson?”

Xiao Chen felt heavy-hearted, his foresight ability did allow him to detect the old woman in advance, but the other person was seriously too fast. He clearly saw a figure approaching them from the forest like a wisp of smoke.

The Solitary Sword Demon held his metal sword and retreated to the side, pulling some distance from the old woman. And all traces of that mysterious woman shrouded in colorful mist were long gone, it seemed like her ability was really outstanding. She already concealed herself from the old woman in advance.

“We don’t have any evil intention, we only wanted to investigate something.” Xiao Chen was very calm. He looked at this crooked old woman with white hair before him.

“You want to investigate our village?” The old woman’s voice was somewhat cold.

“No.” Xiao Chen decided not to beat about the bush. It was not necessary to cover up the truth with some excuses, he said, “We felt the aura of an acquaintance from the body of the little fatty. We thought it was very strange, so we followed after him. We wanted to find out what is going on.”

“You felt the aura of an acquaintance, don’t tell me that so-called acquaintance was your friend?” Although the old woman was speaking quite gently, Xiao Chen’s prophet-like spiritual sense could feel a trace of danger.

“No, truth be told, he was my foe. Between me and him, only one of us would be able to keep on living.”

“Oh…” The old woman nodded her head. At the same time, Xiao Chen felt the danger faded away.

“How about you?” The old woman turned her head to look at the Solitary Sword Demon.

Although the Solitary Sword Demon was conceited, he also didn’t want to stir up trouble with a powerful enemy without clearly understanding the opponent’s strength. He used his index finger to point at Xiao Chen and said, “I am the same as him.”

“My intuition tells me you guys are not lying. Then this will be easy to deal with, I don’t mind telling you. That beastman known as Chaos was killed by me. I implanted two of the ancient beast souls from his body into my grandson.”

Xiao Chen and the Solitary Sword Demon what a little shocked, they had once heard some beastman had ancient beast soul sealed within their body. It was indeed possible to forcefully remove them and implant them in other people’s body.

“My grandson is also the descendant of a beastman. His body has an ancient beast soul. That Chaos didn’t know what’s good for him, he wanted to swallow up my grandson’s beast soul. As a result, he was captured alive by my grandson, I punished him like such after bringing him back to the village.”

Xiao Chen and the Solitary Sword Demon were speechless, Chaos was truly too unfortunate. He actually met this kind of fate.

“Let’s go, we rarely get any visitors, let’s go to the village and drink some tea. I know you guys surely have a lot to ask me.” The old woman walked forward as she said these.

“Granny, may I ask; Are you guys living on this dragon island all along?”

The old woman looked at Xiao Chen, her tangerine-like face revealed a smile, and said, “I knew you were going to ask this. Our ancestors were like you, they came from the mainland. As a result, they were trapped on the island, we are their descendants.”

Although he already thought of the possibility, Xiao Chen still couldn’t help but feel amazed. It seemed like he could see his own future already. Is he going to spend the rest of his life trapped on this island?

“Something’s amiss, the dragon island was unsealed not long ago, why didn’t you guys leave?” Xiao Chen thought of this question.

“How to leave? Living on this island for a long period of time, our physique will change. It was just like a curse, we cannot leave this island.” The old woman let out a breath as she speak.

“Don’t tell me there is no other way?”

“There is, if you guys can subdue nine Syndicate Dragon King, even if this island is already sealed, you will be able to safely depart from this island.”

“Is that true?” The Solitary Sword Demon who remained silent until now also couldn’t help but open his mouth to ask.

“The mixture of nine Dragon King’s blood can lift the curse of us later generations.” The old woman looks absent-minded, she was a little excited.

As they were talking, they entered the village. Although there were the sound of chicken cries and barking dogs, the figures of human was sparse. It appeared lacking of vitality, it felt a little lonely.

That silly little fatty walked over from a courtyard, and asked, “Grandma, they are……”

“You silly little boy, you were usually quick-witted, but today you didn’t even realize you were being tailed.”

“They were following me?!” The little fatty was somewhat vexed, then he appeared a little silly again. However, Xiao Chen didn’t look down on him. This little fatty might be those kind of people that act like a hog to eat the tiger. Otherwise it was impossible for him to get rid of Chaos.

The old woman brought Xiao Chen’s party into the courtyard. She prompted them to take a sit beside the stone table, then she made the little fatty prepare the tea. Only then did she begin to talk slowly with Xiao Chen’s party.

“The dragon island is sealed, even the sea area in the vicinity had also turned into the Taboo Ocean. Regardless of man or ship, everything that attempted to enter will be destroyed. But according to legend, there is a divine ship that can cross the Taboo Ocean.” The old woman gave Xiao Chen’s party a sliver of hope.

“What kind of ship?”

“It was a divine ship built from the Ancestral Dragon’s bone and Heavenly Tree. It was drifting in the middle of the Taboo Ocean all along. It already drifted for countless years. It can bring everyone on the island out of the Taboo Ocean.”

“How do we find this divine ship?” The Solitary Sword Demon asked.

The old woman took a sip of the tea, then she said unhurriedly, “Didn’t I say it before? You need nine Dragon King, they can work as one to summon the divine ship that drifted in the Taboo Ocean.”

“Then don’t you suppose we have a high chance of leaving here?!” The Solitary Sword Demon was very excited.

Then the old woman poured cold water, “The prerequisite is that you guys must first find nine Dragon Kings, and have them listen to what you said. You must make them agree to summon the divine ship for you.”

This was definitely an extremely difficult challenge. At that time, how many people wished to subdue the Amethyst Dragon King, and yet none were able to subdue it. Of course, if the Solitary Sword Demon knew Xiao Chen and his party had obtained two Dragon Kings, he definitely couldn’t resist his urge to throw up blood.

“Is there nothing else we can use as replacement?”

“There is, if you guys can find the legendary young Ancestral Dragon, it is also possible. One Ancestral Dragon can produce the same result as nine Dragon Kings.” The old woman said very calmly.


  1. N/a

Chapter 101 – After a Mysterious Week

Xiao Chen decided to go probe around the vicinity of the ghost town, he must get to the bottom of this, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to feel at peace.

Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen didn’t plan to explore for ghost town for a short period of time. Their most important mission now was to nurture the young Dragon Kings. Only until the two young Syndicate Dragon Kings had enough power to protect themselves would they be willing to leave their side. They needed to seek for a place to train, the situation on the dragon island was very complicated at the moment, only strength represents everything.

After the calamity in the ghost town, as well as that massacre previously, several hundred practitioners on dragon island died. Now, there were merely a little over a hundred practitioners on the entire dragon island. Almost all of these people were lone wolves. If they also participated in the battle that day, and were forced into the ghost town, perhaps there would only be a few practitioners left on the dragon island now.

Xiao Chen originally wanted to go probe around the vicinity of the ghost town, but he found that area was still brimming with baleful aura, the bloody radiance was unpleasant to the eyes. He changed his mind in the end, that place was too dangerous at the moment, he decided to not take any risks temporarily.

When the few of them walked in the mountain woods, they were shocked to find that; The rain of blood did not fall on these region at all. It seemed like only the sea of bones and that deathly still forest were affected by that rarely seen rain of blood. The few of them heaved a sigh, that region was seriously too dangerous, and that night they massacred until that place by chance. It was indeed following the path to their own doom.

There were many beautiful landscapes on the dragon island, Xiao Chen and the gang found a spiritual mountain pretty quickly. The fine woods were flourishing, the wisteria were all over the place, it could even be said to be the intoxication of a beautiful spring day. The spiritual energy was dense, that was even a waterfall in between.

After experiencing the calamity in the ghost town, everyone felt delightful to see this kind of beautiful spiritual land, their body and mind loosened up.

There was a crystal clear lake in the bamboo forest. Xiao Chen was currently free-swimming in the middle of the lake. He washed off the dirty blood all over his body, it seemed like his spirit had also received a baptism. His mind was empty and calm, he unconsciously operated his secret technique, the entire water surface was rippling. Xiao Chen was shrouded by the drizzling mist.

Soon after, the lake water calmed down again. It seemed like he had become a part of the tiny lake, the surrounding fishes were no longer afraid of him; They were swimming beside him. Xiao Chen felt as if he had really merged with the heaven and earth, and became a part of nature. In the end, he submerged into the bottom of the lake, and sunk into a fantastic martial zone. His entire person already no longer require to breathe, endless spiritual energy entered his body from the skin, the impure energies were discharged by nature.

God knows how much time had passed, Xiao Chen finally opened his two eyes and rose from the bottom of the lake. After he surfaced, the golden rays of light spilled from the East. It allowed him to take a bath under the dazzling morning sun.

Lawrence who was jogging at the side of the lake was incomparably shocked and said, “Don’t tell me you were in the lake the entire night?”

“Oh? I guess that was the case, I also never thought I would actually lie dormant from yesterday evening until now.” Xiao Chen flung his dripping wet long hair, and walked towards the shore. The surface of his body was flickering with a crystal clear luster, it was like a layer of jade flower had been smeared on his body.

“It seemed like you had undergone a peculiar transformation.”

“I also felt as if some transformation had taken place.” But Xiao Chen was unable to pinpoint accurately what kind of changes had taken place. However, just at this time he said, “Yizhen is also coming over here.” After saying these, he blanked out for a moment, because he was unable to see Yizhen nor could he hear the voice, yet he was completely sense Yizhen getting close.

Sure enough, Yizhen walked over from a bamboo forest not far away, which confirmed the feeling he had a moment ago.

Lawrence was dumbstruck. Only until Yizhen appeared in his line of sight did he discover him. Practitioners on their level were nimble, they normally wouldn’t make any sound when walking. And Xiao Chen actually relied on his spiritual sense to find Yizhen approaching in advance. Although the distance was not too far, this kind of foresight with spiritual sense was still really miraculous.

“Our good captive is really so diligent, she is actually preparing breakfast for us. There are Mongolian gazelle’s leg, deer breast…… coconut juice……” Xiao Chen spelled it out one by one. Lawrence quickly rushed into the bamboo forest, and found that it was exactly as Xiao Chen had said; Under Rowena’s supervision, Yan Qing Cheng was preparing those breakfast.

In regards to Xiao Chen’s conspicuous spiritual sense, Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen were extremely shocked.

“Without your eyes nor your ears, how far can you perceive?” Lawrence asked.

“I guess roughly a hundred meter or more.”

“How terrifying, no one will be able to mount a sneak attack on you from hereafter.” Buddhist Yizhen was deeply moved as he said, “This seemed to be an ability that only surfaced when one reached the Historia realm.”

Exuvia, Historia, Zephyrus, Nirvana, and Immortalis were regarded as the five major realms for the practitioners. Once they entered the Historia realm, the practitioners would gain some bizarre divine ability. Xiao Chen’s ability to sense the surroundings without sight or sound could be considered as a kind of divine ability. ⌈1

Xiao Chen just made a breakthrough to Exuvia Seventh Celestial Layer not long ago, there were still some distance from the Historia realm. And yet a divine ability had already emerged, this was definitely a rare event.

“Time to eat……” The extraordinarily beautiful Rowena called out to the three men from the bamboo forest.

Enjoying the sumptuous breakfast served by beautiful woman while appreciating the fragrance of flowers and birdsong not far away, as well as the clear mountain spring, they felt extremely pleased. Their nervous mood in the past few days finally eased up.

At this entrancing and flourishing spiritual land, Xiao Chen trained with a relaxed mind. His pure energy became more and more condensed, after his martial technique improved, he felt that he was able to absorb the worldly essence much faster than before.

It must be mentioned that Rowena was really “responsible and diligent”, she actually wanted to turn Yan Qing Cheng into a gorgeous woman. She diligently gave her instructions everyday, which made Yan Qing Cheng clench her teeth in anger. ⌈2

The three skeletons were training, Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen were also training, everyone was striving to increase their own strength. According to what Lawrence had said, training for one year on the dragon island was equivalent to three-five years of training in the past, because they might die if they didn’t have enough strength at this place. Everyone had no other choice but be forced to devise ways to make a breakthrough as soon as possible.

Only Keke was the most leisure, it would go provoke the two young Dragon Kings when it had nothing to do, which caused the birds and beasts in this region to run away frantically due to the dragon roars.

“Xiao Chen, are you using the true God Slayer Technique?”

Yizhen was currently swapping pointers with Xiao Chen, he saw how Xiao Chen used the God Slayer Technique before. He was very surprised after the enquiry, and said, “Legend says that after the God Slayer Technique reach a certain level, it was possible to slay a god efficiently. It is an extremely terrifying killing move, but nobody was capable of mastering it.”

Yizhen saw how Xiao Chen was already able to display such a huge power with his current ability, he was indeed somewhat fearful. Xiao Chen didn’t hide anything and passed this technique to him, but Buddhist Yizhen was unable to display its full power with his Buddhism Law. It seemed like this killing move was specially customized for those who trained in the divine monolith’s law.

After hearing Xiao Chen’s presentation, there were still three techniques as powerful as God Slayer; The Chaotic Patterns, Demon Suppression, and Death Blow, Buddhist Yizhen was truly a bit speechless. In fact, Xiao Chen only focused on practicing the God Slayer at the moment, because one technique could evolve into endless variation, he still haven’t grasped the essence of this first technique.

Actually, after the life and death experience in the ghost town, Buddhist Yizhen had reaped a huge benefit too. The ancient scripture in the Buddha’s Eternal Wheel had embedded in his heart for eternity. At the same time, the Buddha’s Eternal Wheel had increased his power from the Fifth Celestial Layer directly to the Seventh Celestial Layer. ⌈3

After training on this beautiful spiritual mountain for a few days, Xiao Chen and the others clearly felt the baleful aura in the heart of the island had become weaker. And this was already the seventh days since the ghost town appeared.

Xiao Chen hurriedly left this place, and made his way to the vicinity of the sea of bones in order to look around. As for Lawrence and Yizhen, because of the Azure Dragon King and Jade Dragon King, they stayed behind. The three skeletons also didn’t leave, and continued to train at this place. Only Keke followed Xiao Chen delightfully.

With his current ability, a few dozen miles were nothing. He quickly entered the deathly still forest, and arrived just before the sea of bones.

A few dozen practitioners concealed themselves at this place, they were all watching the ghost town from the sidelines. They paid close attention to everything that happened there. Xiao Chen arrived just on time, the sea of blood in the sky slowly retreated, and the Brass Trigrams, Divine Halberd, and Metal Engravings in the ghost town transformed into three light beams and left the ghost town. As for Buddha’s Eternal Wheel, it embedded itself back onto the ancient city gate.

Soon after, all the dragons flew out from the ghost town, their divine ability seemed to be weakening at lightning speed. They actually landed on the ground as soon as they left the ghost town. The last to fly out of the ancient city was the Ancestral Dragon’s Horn and Ancestral Dragon’s Claw. They flew towards the direction of the sacred mountain.

Everyone was incomparably shocked, the dragons really seemed to have lost their divine ability, they merely recovered their divine ability for seven days, and then returned to their original state. Regardless of the kings of dragons such as the Monarch Lion Dragon and the Tyrannical Dragon, or the common dragons such as the Elephans Draco and the others, all of them were using brute force to run towards a distant location. Not a single dragon were able to fly again.

Seven days!

Such a mysterious seven days!

How did something like these happen?!

The ghost town in the middle of the sea of bones also gradually became duller over time. In the end, it actually completely disappeared in the boundless sea of bones. Only the hundred meter tall ancient divine monolith stood there. Everything had disappeared, as if nothing happened in the first place. However, regardless of the deathly still forest, or the boundless sea of bones, the traces from the rain of blood remained, this was the only evidence that left behind.

Only until a long time later, when the dragons distanced themselves, and the forest became quiet, did the practitioners dare to approach the sea of bones. They wanted to get to the bottom of the matter. Among the dozens of practitioner, the majority of them did not enter the ghost town. When the rain of blood descended, they didn’t enter this terrifying ominous land. Spell Master Schroder and Psychic Lanyu was among the group. Xiao Chen had met these two before, he was unable to recognize the rest.

Xiao Chen also entered the sea of bones, he found the Solitary Sword Demon at this place, as well as that mysterious woman shrouded in colorful mist. Almost all the survivors who had entered the ancient city before were present, they were the most concerned regarding these.

All of a sudden, Xiao Chen felt someone was spying on him. This was his foresight ability without relying on sight and sound. This was the new divine ability that came into his possession recently. Fifty meter behind him, a young man with pale complexion was currently sizing him up.

Even though they were still a distance apart, Xiao Chen could feel this guy was extremely dangerous. He had a feeling that even the Solitary Sword Demon was not a match for him.

Although he didn’t turn around to watch, he already clearly captured that person’s appearance with his spiritual sense. That was a twenty plus year old youngster, he was medium-sized, and couldn’t be considered handsome. His complexion was abnormally pale, it seemed like there was no flowing blood.

For some reason, a weird feeling welled up in Xiao Chen’s heart, it felt like he had seen this person before, but he couldn’t recall it at the moment. The youth with abnormally pale complexion was clearly not spying on Xiao Chen alone, he also spied on Solitary Sword Demon, Lanyu, Schroder, and the other experts, all of these were clearly sensed by Xiao Chen. ⌈4

What was he doing? Xiao Chen remained calm and collected, he continued to use his foresight ability to observe him. All of a sudden, Xiao Chen’s pair of eyes emitted two divine light, he felt a nip in the air. He “saw” the red birthmark on the left wrist of the youth, it was identical to a shocking memory in his mind. ⌈5

He once excavated thee ice coffins at the snowy mountain. Each coffin had a piece of casted off human skin. All the three human skins had this kind of red birthmark on their left wrist, it was exactly the same. At last, Xiao Chen finally realized why he felt this youth looked so familiar. If this youth had more wrinkles on his pale cheeks, and had thinly spread white hair, then he would look exactly the same as those three human skin.

It was the old ghost in the ice coffins!

Xiao Chen secretly sucked in a mouthful of cold air, how did this happen? His original speculation actually came true, this kind of bizarre old ghost actually existed! If that was the case, then doesn’t that mean this old ghost had lived on this dragon island all along? That means he had lived for at least a few hundred years!

But why did he spy on me? Xiao Chen had this kind of doubts. Being watched by this kind of bizarre old ghost, anyone would feel a sense of danger. God knows just what was this old ghost planning.

Looking at how young the old ghost was one more time, and yet so pale, it really looked like a living corpse. Words couldn’t even describe how eerie and frightening it was. In the end, the old ghost distanced himself, and disappeared from this sea of bones.

This was a great misfortune, he must think of a way to defend himself, or even eliminate the old ghost. Just when Xiao Chen’s state of mind was very unstable, he felt a very familiar aura, it seemed like the Barbarian Tribe’s young expert Chaos was glancing left and right not far behind him. However, Xiao Chen was completely gobsmacked, even though the aura was very much like that of Chaos’, that was not the same person! ⌈6


  1. Silva: Ain’t this the Magic Perception? They should be a pretty common ability in most of the recent stories~ I guess this story really takes place a really long time in the past 😛  
  2. Silva: I couldn’t help but think; Rowena is so dead once Yan Qing Cheng break free. 
  3. Silva: Hew~ Hew~ That’s a huge jump of level~ 
  4. Silva: I had the weirdest feeling that it was that Treant… 
  5. Silva: Ok guess not… 
  6. Silva: What?! Did Chaos get eaten by an evil spirit or something? 

Chapter 100 – Harvesting Dragon King

On that afternoon, the few of them decided to leave the ice and snow world, and return to the exuberant mountain woods brimming with vitality. Just at this time, Xiao Chen recalled the three dragon eggs he buried at this snowy mountain. The Monarch Lion Dragon’s egg had already been refined by him. The Tyrannical Dragon, Saber Dragon, and Thunder Dragon’s egg were still preserved in good condition at this place.

When they heard Xiao Chen mentioned this. Not only was Rowena startled and excited, even Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen were emotionally moved. They heard about the battle that unfolded on the snowy mountain due to the dragon eggs before, but they never thought Xiao Chen actually managed to get so many dragon eggs.

When everyone entered that region, all of them stopped at the same time. That was because they could feel the fluctuation of life, it was precisely on that mountain peak where Xiao Chen said he buried the dragon eggs. They thought of the same possibility simultaneously……

They quickly rushed up, Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen followed Xiao Chen’s instruction, and destroyed a thick layer of ice. A snowy cave revealed itself.

After clearing up the ice and snow at the tunnel entrance, dazzling rays of light immediately overflowed. Three magical dragon eggs were as beautiful as jade. The green Tyrannical Dragon’s egg flickered with glorious divine radiance. It was crystal clear, and as eye-catching as a green moon. An intoxicating radiance was circulating on the Saber Dragon’s jasper-like eggshell, it had a striking resemblance with spiritual jadeite. Purple splendor was lingering on the Thunder Dragon’s egg. It was extraordinarily beautiful, as if it was carved out of amethyst.

And just at this time, the fluctuation of life became more intense. It actually originated from the Tyrannical Dragon and Saber Dragon’s eggs. Xiao Chen and the rest were right on the mark, a young dragon or two was about to be born.

“This…… the temperature is so low here, and yet they are able to break free from the shell. This is inconceivable.” Lawrence sighed in awe.

Buddhist Yizhen explained, “The temperature have nothing to do with it. The dragon eggs will absorb the worldly essence by itself, when they collected sufficient spiritual energy, the young dragon will break free from the shell by itself.”

Xiao Chen also never thought it would become like this.


The sound of cracking eggshell could be heard, a small crack appeared on the Tyrannical Dragon’s egg. A green divine radiance emitted from the crack.

Xiao Chen hastily called everyone out of the cave, he told Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen at the entrance of the cave, “I have a feeling, that Tyrannical Dragon’s egg might produce a young dragon king. I believe the first person it see will leave a deep impression in its heart. Among the two of you, who wants to go in and obtain this opportunity?”

What this signify was very obvious; They might be able to subdue a dragon king, nobody would remain unstirred at such an opportunity! Rowena who was at the side felt really envious and jealous. But she knew a Dragon King was too precious, there wouldn’t be an opportunity for her.

“Brother Xiao, you should go in by yourself.” Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen unanimously decided.

“No. You guys had seen it yourself, Keke was not inferior to Dragon Kings. You guys make a decision quickly, or you might miss the opportunity.” Keke’s magical ability was obvious to all. Xiao Chen was speaking the truth.

Buddhist Yizhen said, “Brother Law, you go. You are a Void Master. Your only weakness is that your physique is inferior to Martial Artist. If you have a Dragon King at your side, you will inevitably be unparalleled. You will become a genuine war king.”

“No. I already heard this a long time ago. Buddhist had mythological beasts as protector of Buddhism law. If you have a Dragon King beside you, your Buddhist Divine Power will rise tremendously.”

The two of them declined each other’s kindness. Xiao Chen laughed and said, “Don’t argue anymore, it seems like there are two life fluctuations. They are almost just as powerful, but one of them will be born soon. Lawrence, you go first. The other one belong to Yizhen.”

Just at this time, Lawrence and the others also felt it. The other fluctuation of life also became more intense. It seemed like it was also about to break out from the shell. Lawrence no longer declined. He entered the ancient cave with large strides. And just at this time, the sound of cracking eggshell sped up.

A cry of shock transmitted outwards, Lawrence had seen the young dragon born with his own eyes.


A dragon roar transmitted outwards, Lawrence embraced the half meter long green colored young dragon and walked out. The young dragon seemed a little perplexed, but it didn’t attack Lawrence.

“It’s a Dragon King!” Buddhist Yizhen and Rowena cried out at the same time.

Syndicate Dragon King were born with extraordinary gifts, they were substantially different from the rest of the dragons. This green colored young dragon did not resemble a Tyrannical Dragon at all. Its dragon head was similar to that of the Ancestral Dragon, it was almost the same. A pair of green dragon horns shone with resplendent rays of light. Its body looked similar to Tyrannical Dragon. It was flickering with green radiance. The moment it was born, it began to absorb the worldly essence frantically. The spiritual essence gathered from all directions.

Lawrence quickly operated his spiritual energy to “feed” it, allowing the little dragon king to absorb it frantically. This was a joyous and shocking occasion.

“I will call you the Azure Dragon King from now on.” Lawrence said happily.

And Yizhen did not say much to Xiao Chen, he already entered the icy cave, waiting for the young Saber Dragon to break free from the shell. Without a doubt, that was definitely a Dragon King, because its life fluctuation was not much weaker than the Azure Dragon King’s.

If these were to spread out, everyone would certainly feel incomparably shocked. The dragon eggs fetched by Xiao Chen was really as the rumor says. The “Dragon King Cultivation Plan” was successfully carried out, but this was actually unintentional.

“Crack! Crack!”

The sound of cracking eggshell transmitted from the icy cave. A dragon roar followed soon after. Another young Dragon King had been born, Buddhist Yizhen embraced the little dragon and came out, it was also about half a meter long. Green radiance was lingering on its entire body, the dragon head was also similar to that of the Ancestral Dragon, it had a pair of jasper-like dragon horns, its draconic body resembled the Saber Dragon; It had many sharp bony outgrowths, it gave Buddhist Yizhen no other choice but to be careful when embracing it, lest he be stabbed.

“Then I will call you the Jade Dragon King from now on.” Buddhist Yizhen was very happy. He also began to operate his pure energy to “feed” the young dragon king, allowing it to absorb it frantically.

“Xiao Chen, could you give the remaining young dragon to me? All of you already have a powerful Dragon King anyways.” Rowena was acting shyly, she kept casting flirtatious glance to Xiao Chen.

“If a young dragon will really be born, I can give it to you.” Xiao Chen replied like this. But in reality, he knew it was not highly possible, because he couldn’t feel a trace of life fluctuation from the Thunder Dragon’s egg.

However, Rowena already ran into the icy cave happily. Only until a long time later did they hear her startled scream, “How did this happen?!”

Xiao Chen walked into the cave, he only saw Rowena using one hand to lightly drag the huge purple dragon egg. It seemed like she didn’t use too much strength.

“Why is it so light?” She was filled with doubt.

When Xiao Chen received the Thunder Dragon’s egg, he furrowed his brows. This dragon egg was indeed too light. Moreover, the life essence inside the egg was not very much. There was practically no life fluctuation transmitted outwards.

“Don’t tell me the life energy within had been fought over by the two Dragon Kings?!” Xiao Chen had this kind of thoughts. After all, an ordinary dragon couldn’t be compared to the Dragon King. Since the dragons were born, they needed to absorb a great amount of worldly essence. In the face of two Dragon Kings, this dragon egg couldn’t be preserved anymore.

When Rowena heard this, she immediately became dejected. She was extremely disappointed. ⌈1

And outside of the icy cave right now, the Azure Dragon King and Jade Dragon King had already absorbed enough spiritual energy. They could walk by themselves already.

Keke also ran over from a distant place, it curiously sized up the two Dragon Kings. The Azure Dragon King and Jade Dragon King seemed to possess an enmity against one another. They faced each other and it seemed like they would break into a fierce battle any moment now. Lawrence and Yizhen hastily separated them.

Dragon King and Ancestral Dragon will fight for supremacy. At the same time, the fierce battle would also occur among the Dragon Kings. Right now, they definitely cannot allow them to be hostile to one another, if they were to fight, both will suffer a disastrous loss regardless of who win or lose.

Lawrence and Yizhen were fully aware of the legend regarding the Ancestral Dragon and Syndicate Dragon King. The young Dragon King will gain an ability to protect themselves not long after they were born, then they will leave the dragon nest by themselves. From then on, they will keep fighting and grow up in dangerous environment.

The young Dragon Kings might have a favorable impression of them now, but it was hard to say whether they will leave on their own accord or not. Therefore, the two of them decided they must establish a tight relationship with the Dragon Kings, just like that mysterious woman and that Amethyst Dragon King.

“This is truly unbelievable. To see two Dragon Kings born on the same day. I find it a little hard to believe.” Lawrence sighed in awe.

“It was indeed very amazing.” Buddhist Yizhen also spoke like this.

“I found these eggs at the vicinity of the sacred mountain. The dragons and monsters roaming around that place were the most powerful of their kinds. How could their later generations be any ordinary dragons!” Xiao Chen already had this kind of premonition a long time ago. He knew if the little dragons were to be born from the dragon eggs he looted, they will most likely be Dragon Kings.

The young Dragon Kings could already run as fast as the wind, they seriously lived up to their name as the mythological beasts in legend. Even though they were only half a meter long, they were already bigger than Keke.

“Squeak! Squeak……!” Keke was jumping from the head of one dragon to another, it felt very strange. It seemed to be extremely happy to have two new playmates.

But the two proud Dragon Kings were not very happy, they resented that little critter for stepping on their head. They were even angrier that Keke was taking them to be mounts. However, they found that they were unable to do anything to that snow-white little critter. Its speed was much faster than them.



Dragon roars pierced the sky, it nearly caused an avalanche. Even though the Syndicate Dragon Kings were very young, they possessed incomparable strength.

When the few of them left the snowy mountain, they stood at the tallest peak to survey the sea of bones. That place was still shrouded by bloody light. It seemed like the battle had not ceased yet. This was indeed an earth rending battle.

Why did the rain of blood fell that night? How did the dragons who had been sealed recover their divine ability? And most importantly, why did they attack that incomparably terrifying ghost town simultaneously? What was the thing that was suppressed by the divine monolith…… The few of them were filled with questions. It was really not easy to get out alive this time.


  1. Silva: Oh Xiao Chen… you heartbreaker… XD  

Chapter 99 – Breakthrough to Seventh Celestial Layer

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”

Keke’s status increased greatly. Everyone looked at it more passionate than ever. How they wished they could just embrace the little critter in their bosom and take it away. Unfortunately, the little critter didn’t understand their ways of thinking at all. It blinked its glittering big eyes and looked at everyone innocently. It seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied being stared by everyone like that. It waved its little paws at everyone while “squeaking” resentfully to protest.

Everyone had different thoughts, and began to push their way forward again. However, they were getting closer to those densely packed castle halls below.


Light and shadow flickered. Xiao Chen disappeared, but he was pulled back by Keke in the nick of time. However, it seemed to be struggling a little. Only after the mysterious woman, Lawrence, and Buddhist Yizhen hastily offered their support did they manage to drag Xiao Chen back in the end.

“Not good, we can’t go on like this. Otherwise none of us would be able to get to the mountain foot alive.” Xiao Chen halted his footstep. He didn’t want to die, it was only because Keke was capable of saving him did he dare to take the lead. But now, it was getting more strenuous for Keke, it will eventually slip up if they keep up like this.

“Then what do we do? Don’t tell me we’re just going to wait for our impending death here?”

Everyone was feeling anxious, they didn’t have any ways out.

“Guys, look over there…… it seems like a sacrifice altar!” The extraordinarily beautiful Rowena suddenly cried out in shock.

The huge sacred mountain region was very vast, behind a pile of rubble at a distant place, it seemed like there really was a sacrifice altar. It was made by piling up dark brown rocks.

Everyone walked over there cautiously. In the end, they looked at each other in dismay, that place…… seriously had a sacrifice altar that was about ten meter tall. It was emitting unbounded ancient aura.

Xiao Chen said, “Rather than waiting for our impending death here, we might as well make a bet!”

“Heh. Let’s take our chance then!” The Solitary Sword Demon agreed. Even if he was conceited and arrogant, he also had no other way to get out of this alive.

Everyone walked on top of the ancient sacrifice altar together, a gloomy baleful aura was transmitted from above. It seemed like it had once been stained by blood. Even though countless years had passed, they were still able to see the dried up bloodstain.

But when dozen of people got to the top of the altar, the ancient sacrifice altar didn’t have any response. It seemed like nothing more than an ordinary altar.

“Blood sacrifice! It seemed like this altar requires blood to activate.” Someone proposed this kind of idea because they saw the dried up bloodstain on the sacrifice altar.

“Very well, then each of us will spill some blood on the altar.”

Everyone pierced their finger tip, and let the blood drop spill on the altar. Although the blood was limited, they could clearly feel the changes of the sacrifice altar. Its entire body actually turned red and burst forth with bloody light.

At the same time, the stars in the sky actually shot down one after another light beams. All the light beams gathered on the ancient sacrifice altar. The bloody light then soared into the sky, glaring bloody radiance emerged from this area. Meanwhile, a bizarre image came into their view, everyone actually saw the ghost town. All of their faces turned pale at the thought that they will be sent back to the ghost town. This made them feel very discouraged.

Fortunately, that was just an image, it was not their destination.

The intense battle in the ghost town was still ongoing. The Buddha’s Eternal Wheel, the Ancestral Dragon’s Horn, and the Brass Trigrams were still bombarding the divine monolith. The dragons were also making their moves. An endless swarm of evil spirits who carried sky-rending baleful aura were approaching the divine monolith.

What made everyone even more terrified was that; There was actually a sea of blood hovering on top of the ghost town. It the center of the sea of blood, there was a mountain of bones. And on the mountain of bones, there was an ancient castle emitting dense negative aura.

This…… made everyone stupefied. Wasn’t this the diagram carved on the divine monolith? The real thing actually appeared!

They clearly saw the picture carved on the surface of the divine monolith while they were in the ghost town. Therefore, they were able to recall those images in their mind.

What was carved at the uppermost of the divine monolith was an ocean of blood as far as the eyes could see, there were hundreds and thousand layers of raging waves. A mountain of bones stood at the center of the bloody ocean. And in the center, the dragons were galloping in the skies. It seemed like they were wailing. Many people and deities were also struggling. Below the dragons and those deities was a ghost town. The demonic aura was dense, the pitch-black gate to hell was half-opened. It was completely lifeless beyond the gate, it was a world of complete darkness. And below the ghost town, there was an auspicious land. The castle was idle, the resplendent divine trees and jade-like grasses were all over the place. However, not much was outlined. It was already at the bottom-most of the divine monolith, it was hard to observe more of the vast land.

Right now, the sea of blood and mountain of bones had made an appearance. The ghost town also appeared. Could it be that there was really a pure land underneath the ghost town? Everyone was full of doubts.

All of these indicated the picture recorded on the divine monolith was real!

Glaring bloody light flashed. The light beams shot down by the stars in the sky were absorbed by the ancient sacrifice altar. After that, it emitted blazing rays of light, everyone was unable to open their eyes anymore. But they knew that they will be sent to an unknown area.

Certainly, they were putting their lives on the line. After all, the sacrifice altar was not supposed to be used to travel back and forth. It seemed to be used for sending offerings. If their deduction was correct, their situation was extremely dangerous, because it was very possible that they will be delivered to the door of the Saint Demon as an offering. However, they didn’t have any other choice, they could only take the bet!

They were crossing the empty space once more, and it was pretty much the same as the last time. The light beams flew past in the endless void sky like shooting stars. It seemed like countless stars were flickering as they forged ahead, it felt as if they were pushing their way through under the resplendent starry sky.

The time was already twisted. It made people unable to understand whether the time was passing by quickly, or if the time was flowing slowly. It lasted until a glaring radiance burst out. After they came out from this bizarre space, all of these finally came to an end.

The cold air whizzed past. The snowflake danced in the breeze. A vast expanse of whiteness was now present before everyone’s eyes. They actually found themselves at the great snow mountain.

This is…… the great snow mountain at the West side of the sea of bones!

The Sacred Mountain at the East, the sea of bones in the center, and the Great Snow Mountain at the West, these three formed a straight line. These were extremely unusual locations on the dragon island, Xiao Chen never thought these three actually had a great connection.

Everyone was anxious and frightened. They didn’t know if they had really came out alive this time around. It was currently at the crack of dawn, the East already exposed marble white color of the dawn sky. The cold wind roared furiously on the snow mountain, the snowflakes danced wildly. This snowy world was particularly cold.

“Will there be any terrifying existence here? Will we be…… eaten up as offerings?” One practitioner’s voice was somewhat shaky. They faced death again and again in such a short period of time, it already made him lose heart. He was unable to endure anymore psychological damage than this.

After the series of dangers, only sixteen people were able to get this far. And this included Qinguang Wang, Lunhui Wang, and the other skeleton. If they only count those who were completely “human”, then there were only thirteen of them.

When everyone was feeling somewhat nervous, Keke let out a cheer. It stepped on the Amethyst Dragon King’s head and jumped onto the snowy ground. It happily rolled on the ground, it was like a happy little snowman. The young Amethyst Dragon King was very unhappy. It let out a growl towards Keke who was much smaller than it, but it didn’t launch an attack.

The time passed by peacefully. The blizzard already came to a stop. The morning sun rose from the East and gave off a golden radiance. It was a morning filled with hope.

Everyone cautiously trod on the snowy ground, they climbed on top of a snowy peak to survey the green hills at the distant place. They didn’t encounter any danger here.

“There’s no restriction here, we are saved.” One practitioner shouted happily.

Illusion Master Carlos was the first to soar into the sky. He quickly flew towards a distant location. After he was convinced that they were no longer in any immediate danger, he couldn’t help but run away as soon as possible. Otherwise he and Xiao Chen will definitely engage in a life and death battle, since they already don’t have any common interest.

“Haha……” The Solitary Sword Demon laughed heartily, his sonorous voice was like trembling metal. He looked at Buddhist Yizhen, Xiao Chen, and the rest before he lifted his metal sword and left at lightning speed. The woman shrouded in colorful mist also left swiftly with the Amethyst Dragon King. Soon after, the survivors left one after another.

Rowena didn’t leave, she revealed a heartfelt smile. She used her lily-white hand to tightly secure Yan Qing Cheng’s hands, preventing her from running away. This made Yan Qing Cheng hate her to the point that the root of her teeth was itching.

“We finally escaped!” As soon as Lawrence finished these words, he fell onto the snowy ground. His wound was not light. At the same time, because he was exhausted, and that he was physically weak to begin with, he fell asleep the moment he relaxed.

“One new life, one transformation.” It seemed like Buddhist Yizhen gained an insight, he welcomed the morning sun and sat on the snowy ground.

As a Martial Artist, Xiao Chen had a physique far more powerful than ordinary people. Even though he felt a bit exhausted, he didn’t have the desire to take a rest. The God Slayer, Chaotic Patterns, Demon Suppression, and Death Blow; These four killing techniques were enticing him like an ancient spell. He rushed in between the snowy mountain to smooth out his body, then he began to practice these four killing techniques on the heavenly diagram of the divine monolith.

Under the morning sun. At the snowy field. Xiao Chen’s body seemed like a mosquito. ⌈1⌋ He jumped to the summit of a snowy mountain, and left one after another afterimages. He pushed his way through like a streak of divine radiance. With a rumbling sound, the summit of the snowy mountain was actually destroyed. His momentum was extremely great!

At a distant place, Rowena and Yan Qing Cheng’s face already discolored. Buddhist Yizhen who was currently sitting in meditation also felt emotionally moved.

Xiao Chen stood on top of the snowy mountain, his tall and lofty figure was covered by the golden radiance of the morning sun. It looked like he was adorned with a layer of divine armor. Just now, he clearly felt the power of the four killing moves. He merely used the first “God Slayer” only, and it already drained all of his strength. However, it was extremely powerful. He actually destroyed the mountain peak!

If he could use these four killing moves without a limit, then he would be peerless among those of the same generation.

After resting for sufficient time, Xiao Chen proceeded to practice the second killing move, “Chaotic Patterns”. But it was the same as before, his innate power was unable to keep up. Only a fraction of power was displayed before the power in his body ran dry. Due to this, he was really looking forward to the day he could fully control these four killing moves; God Slayer, Chaotic Patterns, Demon Suppression, and Death Blow. He was unable to exhibit their full power right now, and yet they were already so terrifying. If he was really able to fully control them, then just how powerful would they become?

After practicing two of the killing moves, the God Slayer and Chaotic Patterns, even after Xiao Chen had sufficient rest, he felt his qi and blood was having adverse reaction. His body seemed somewhat unstable. He naturally knew what was going on. He had this kind of feeling a really long time ago. Whenever he practiced a powerful technique, he would feel like this. And precisely because of this, he deduced it was because of the technique he practiced in; It seemed to be imperfect, there ought to have a follow-up.

To be able to come out alive after charging into the ghost town this time. It truly turned into a great opportunity for Xiao Chen. He was actually able to find the continuation of the qi-training diagram bestowed by heaven.

Xiao Chen calmly stood on the snowy peak. The qi-training method bestowed by heaven was very special, it didn’t require one to sit in meditation to practice. That heavenly diagram embedded into the depths of his mind reappeared at this moment. He began to operate the secret technique in accordance to the diagram.

It was truly like water and milk blended together. It was really the continuation of the qi-training diagram he found previously. It was completely compatible with the former qi-training method. Xiao Chen felt his entire body was extremely relaxed, the adverse reaction between his qi and blood from earlier completely calmed down.

He stood like that for half a day, his surroundings was flickering with multi-colored radiance. It made the snowy ground brightly lit in contrast to the surroundings. All the spiritual energy was forcefully gathered together and rushed into his body. In the end, Xiao Chen’s two legs actually parted three-inch from the ground, and floated in the sky. A faint luster was circulating around his body, every inch of his skin was like divine jade.

In the afternoon, Xiao Chen finally woke up from that mysterious martial domain. A layer of crystal clear radiance circulated around his entire body. He actually broke through to the Seventh Celestial Layer very naturally. All because his secret technique improved one step further, he breakthrough to a new level very naturally.

Lawrence also woke up a long time ago. He kept drawing one after another diagrams on the snowy ground as if he had been possessed by the devil. It was a very mysterious space magic that was recorded on the stone fence. It could be considered a priceless treasure for him, Xiao Chen and Yizhen didn’t disturb him. They let him remain submerged in that selfless domain.

Two days had passed without any water and rice, Buddhist Yizhen hunted a few Snow Rabbit, he and Xiao Chen used their pure energy to melt the snow and washed the rabbit meat. After that, they operated the secret technique and used the blazing divine radiance to roast the rabbit meat. This could also be considered some kind of unconventional practices.

The aroma of the meat finally woken Lawrence from that “selfless” domain. His stomach betrayed his wisdom and called out with a “grumbling” sound. The remarkably beautiful captive, Yan Qing Cheng, didn’t get mistreated at all, and she also didn’t regard anyone as outsider. She sat along with everyone and enjoyed the meal.

Only Keke was looking at everyone miserably, it painfully stroked its round and bulging little belly. After that, it used its pair of little paws to cover its eyes. ⌈2

To live on after a calamity, everyone felt deeply moved. They finally escaped from the ghost town. Even if they were at this ice and snow world, they still felt the life was so vivid. A genuine world with vitality and energy was just too great.


  1. Silva: It originally says mosquito dragon, but dragon feels redundant and meaningless. It probably mean Xiao Chen’s figure was so small that it looked like a mosquito. 
  2. Silva: There it is!!! Keke’s signature move! It’s super effective! 

Chapter 98 – Passing through the Space

“Keke, how come you’re here?” Xiao Chen was really worried about it earlier.

Keke was panting with rage as it pointed at him, and then pointing at itself. Its expression was so cute and funny, it was “squeaking” unceasingly like a sulky child. It seemed to be blaming him for abandoning it.

After Keke jumped over, a huge commotion already broke out below the sacrifice altar. It seemed like the evil spirits that rushed out from the former residences wanted to cross the blood river and rush to the top of the altar. This made all the practitioners incomparably frightened. But fortunately, they only let out a few angry snarl and did chase any further.

“Aw~ so cute!” The exceptionally beautiful Rowena smiled enchantingly. She walked over here and embraced Keke, but the little critter didn’t seem to appreciate the soft feeling of her breasts, it directly jumped on top of her head instead.

This made Rowena felt embarrassed and humiliated. In the end, it was Buddhist Yizhen’s bald head that helped her broke away from this predicament. With a “swish”, Keke jumped on top of his head, it even jumped on top of his head a few times due to curiosity. Buddhist Yizhen was not angry at all, he was all smile. It seemed like he had really became a monk that transcended worldliness.

“Keke, don’t mess around.” Xiao Chen grabbed Keke down from Buddhist Yizhen’s head. However, Keke fixed its gaze on the Amethyst Dragon King in the end. It looked at the legendary king of dragons without a hint of fear. Moreover, it was extremely daring as it hopped onto the Dragon King’s head. This gave everyone another great shock, just what was this little critter’s origin for it to be so fearless?!

“Roar……!” The Amethyst Dragon King raged, it shook its dragon head with all its might. It wanted to throw Keke down. For the Amethyst Dragon King, this was a type of serious provocation. As the future Dragon King, how could it let a little critter ride on top of its head. It was truly intolerable.

“Keke……” Xiao Chen was almost speechless. This little critter was really too naughty. How could it be so fearless? He quickly grabbed Keke forcefully in order to prevent the Amethyst Dragon King from going crazy. Facing such an angry Amethyst Dragon King, Keke waved its little paw without a care in the world. It seemed to be saying; I don’t want to play with you anymore.

Everyone became speechless watching these event unfold.

And just at this time, the bloody sun shifted to the middle of the sky. One after another bloody light descended, the sacrifice altar also burst forth with endless bloody radiance. In the end, everyone felt everything around them were covered in the color of blood. They were unable to see anything else.

The space was distorted, it seemed as if the time had also twisted. Everyone felt as if they had entered a space-time tunnel, a bizarre feeling sprouted in their heart.

The bloody light became the only thing before their eyes. Who knows how much time had passed, everyone felt as if they were walking on the clouds. It seemed as if they were pushing their way through at high-speed. When the bloody light finally faded away, what appeared before them was an empty space. It was like they had returned from ancient times, there was no scenery within this unusual space. Except for their breathing sound, it was deathly silent in this pitch-black space.

It felt like a hundred million years had passed, yet it felt like only a few seconds had passed, everyone was experiencing a space-time disorder. Soon after, countless light beam streaked through the sky beside everyone like one after another shooting stars. Xiao Chen and the rest felt as if they were travelling through time and space.

They quickly pushed their way through just like this. It felt as if time had already stopped, they couldn’t feel the flow of time anymore. Everyone’s heartbeat and breathing also seemed to have stopped.

Who knows when it started, the surrounding space began to twist, one after another ripples of energy fluctuation approached, but the energy ripples did not harm the body of anyone. It brushed past their skin like soft water ripple. ⌈1


With a burst of loud rumbling sound, a glaring radiance suddenly burst out, everyone couldn’t help but shut their eyes.

When everyone opened their eyes again, cool breeze brushed past their face, the moonlight was gentle, this was a peaceful night. The sky was filled with many stars, the moonlight spilled down like the water, everything was so auspicious and peaceful.

It really felt as if it was a lifetime ago, the soaring bloody light, the gloomy baleful aura, the endless stream of evil spirits…… they all disappeared without a trace.

Everyone found themselves on the summit of a huge mountain. There was a pavilion not far away, and a small bridge with running water. There was also the refreshing fragrance of flowers. Under the calm starry sky, everything seemed so beautiful, everyone had escaped from the ghost town. ⌈2

“We finally got out……” Someone shouted excitedly.

Xiao Chen found this place somewhat familiar, and Keke who was sitting on top of Lunhui Wang’s head was a little restless, it stayed on alert and looked all around. It was rare for the insensitive Keke to show this kind of expression.

One practitioner happily ran towards the clear spring nearby, but just when he passed the ancient hall at the side, he suddenly disappeared in thin air. This unforeseen event made everyone’s expression change, their happy expression vanished from the face of the earth. ⌈3

At the same time, a Psychic also disappeared in the sky. The sky was just as terrifying!

“Don’t move around randomly! Don’t get close to those ancient halls!” Xiao Chen yelled loudly, he finally remembered, this was the sacred mountain! This was the place where many dragons roamed around previously, it was very close to Keke’s home; the Heavenly Tree. At that time, he almost lost his life at the foot of the mountain.

How did they get here, and why was it already night-time, could they really have traveled through space-time, and spent more than half a day? Everyone had this kind of doubts.

The Amethyst Dragon King also let out a growl, it also hinted everyone not to act blindly without thinking. It seemed to be a little fearful of this sacred mountain.

The fine trees were exuberant on top of the sacred mountain, the waterfall was surging down the mountain, and there were many pavilion halls. It seemed just like a fairyland, but everyone felt fearful in their heart instead.

“This is really eccentric, the entire scenery looked picturesque, but the bottom seemed so desolate.” One practitioner who stood at the precipice thought out loud as he looked down.

It was like he said, the top of the sacred mountain had so many grand halls, but the bottom was very desolate. There was almost no vegetation, the huge sacred mountain was all brownish. It was somewhat strange.

It was clearly visible, all those halls had been through the vicissitudes of time, some were already collapsed.

“Where is this, what the hell is going on?” The practitioners were very uneasy. “We passed through the space and arrived at this unknown place.” Psychic Lawrence was most proficient in the power of space, he positively announced his verdict to everyone.

The mysterious woman who was proficient in time said, “We spent a lot of time to reach this place.”

Now, they could finally understand why it instantly turned from noon to night.

Xiao Chen didn’t conceal anything, he shared his experience at the foot of the sacred mountain last time. Right now, their fate was interlinked, only by working together as a group would they have a chance of survival.

Not far away, the mysterious woman whose entire body was shrouded by colorful mist lightly stroked the Amethyst Dragon King’s horn. She attempted to communicate with it, and she finally came back after a long time, then she said, “The Amethyst Dragon King unintentionally charged into an ancient hall at the foot of the mountain and after that, it mysteriously arrived at the ghost town’s sacrifice altar.” ⌈4

Everyone became silent, the Amethyst Dragon King entered the ghost town from the foot of the mountain, and yet when they came back from the ghost town, they arrived at the peak of the sacred mountain. How are they supposed to get down safely?

With Xiao Chen’s experience. As well as how those practitioners disappeared in thin air earlier, all of these indicates that it would be difficult and dangerous to get to the mountain foot.

“Let’s probe around carefully as we descend, this place should not be as dangerous as the ghost town.” Someone proposed this kind of idea. The other people hesitated for a moment, but they still decided to go along with it.

However, just when they covered a distance of roughly hundred meter, a miserable cry resounded. The person at the frontmost disappeared in thin air. And there was no ancient hall in the vicinity, this was really somewhat frightening. They were still on the summit, they had just left from the precipitous area, they hadn’t really descended yet.

Looking at all the ancient halls below the mountain, everyone started to feel dizzy, they finally felt a sense of danger.

“Life or death will be decided by fate. Let’s go!” One practitioner was very courageous, he actually took the lead. This time everyone advanced for nearly fifty meter, then the practitioner who took the lead disappeared in thin air. He didn’t even had enough time to shout.

“How did this happen?!” Everyone were somewhat terrified, nobody was willing to take the lead now.

“Let me take the lead.” The mysterious woman shrouded in colorful mist walked in front without hesitation, everyone couldn’t help but admire her courage.

“No, let me do it.” Xiao Chen walked out from the crowd just at this time, because he recalled what happened last time; Keke had saved him twice in the most crucial moment. He put Keke on the ground and said, “Little monster, you should stay a little far away from me, you must save me at the crucial moment.”

“Squeak! Squeak!” Keke was very dissatisfied to be called a little monster by Xiao Chen. It grabbed Xiao Chen’s long hair lightly and pulled it. After that, it nodded and blinked its big eyes as it got to the back of the line. Soon after, it jumped onto the back of the Amethyst Dragon King without restrain.

“Roar……!” The Amethyst Dragon King was completely enraged, this little critter actually dared to offend it again and again. It really made this Dragon King furious, how it wished it could tear the little critter apart immediately.

“Don’t get angry.” The woman shrouded in colorful mist appeased the Amethyst Dragon King who was about to go on a rampage, she said, “It is much smaller than you, let it have its way for a bit, a Dragon King must have a Dragon King’s elegance.” Very clearly, the mysterious woman treated the Amethyst Dragon King as a child throwing a tantrum.

The Amethyst Dragon King let out a growl, then it turned around to take a quick glance at Keke. It seemed like Keke was no longer provoking it and sitting on its back quietly. Keke was currently keeping an eye on Xiao Chen nervously.

After changing their direction, they walked down the mountain for about ten meter. Xiao Chen’s figure suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, that area burst forth with divine radiance. Keke had made its move! It actually dragged Xiao Chen back.

Everyone was dumbstruck, they couldn’t believe their eyes and looked at this cute little critter. Even the Amethyst Dragon King also exposed an astonished expression, it turned its head around to look at Keke who was on its back.

“Hehe……” Keke laughed out like an innocent child.

Xiao Chen who had just paid a visit to the gates of hell seemed to have sensed something, he turned around and said, “Just now I felt like I was enveloped by inexhaustible baleful aura. It was the same aura as in the ghost town. If we disappeared in thin air at the sacred mountain, we might end up in that ghost town again. Moreover, we might end up in a more dangerous place.”

From this, it could be seen that the quiet sacred mountain was also brimming with danger. A bit of carelessness would mean losing their life.

It was incomparably thrilling as they advanced for more than two hundred meter, Xiao Chen disappeared in thin air three times, but he was pulled back by Keke’s bizarre ability. However, something bad happened, because Keke “squeaked” and using a gesture to tell Xiao Chen that it was getting more and more strenuous.

All of them couldn’t help but feel anxious, if they keep going until the waist of the mountain, the ancient halls would increase in numbers. It was impossible to avoid them all. Everyone had already analysed the regular pattern, the closer to the halls, the more dangerous it became. How would they be able to leave the sacred mountain like this?!

When Keke pulled Xiao Chen back for the sixth time, the Amethyst Dragon King exposed an astonished expression. It noticed how Keke had a completely different expression from before. After that, it actually emitted a divine radiance and pulled one practitioner walking in front back from the netherworld.

It was actually a divine ability similar to Keke’s very own, but it was not as powerful as when Keke used it. Everyone looked at the Amethyst Dragon King in awe. They couldn’t help praise the Syndicate Dragon King, it truly lived up to its name, it actually learned Keke’s skill in such a short about of time.

But when it heard everyone’s compliment, the Amethyst Dragon King exposed a rarely seen ashamed and upset expression.

The mysterious woman was very close with the Amethyst Dragon King, she could more or less guess the reason it felt ashamed, so she asked, “Was Keke using the dragon’s divine ability?” ⌈5

The Amethyst Dragon King nodded its head in distress.

Seeing this as a result, everyone seemed to have petrified. Keke was actually using the dragon’s divine ability!

“I thought that was the case, when we were in the ghost town, I saw the Monarch Lion Dragon and Tyrannical Dragon using this kind of skill to confine, destroy, and exterminate everything.”

Not only was all the practitioners looking at Keke in awe, even Xiao Chen who walked in front stopped his footstep and turned around to look at that cute little snow-white critter. And just at this time, Keke became a little muddle-headed, it opened its eyes widely and looked at everyone in puzzlement. It had an innocent look.

Buddhist Yizhen recited the chant, and said, “I once saw an ancient scripture regarding the records of exotic beasts. It seemed like there were two or three exotic beasts that were as strong as dragons. They possessed unparalleled inborn intelligence, and could practice the divine ability of every race. I believe Keke might be one of those race, but it’s a pity that the ancient scripture was based on Buddhist doctrine, the record was lacking in details. It didn’t describe the exotic beasts’ appearance and name in detail.”


  1. Silva: Seriously… I wonder what’s going to happen now… are they going to be sent hundred years into the future? 
  2. Silva: Could this be the auspicious land below the well? 
  3. Silva: Oh noes… it was that sacred mountain!! 
  4. Silva: Oops…. that means those poor guys are back to the ghost town…. my condolences… 
  5. Silva: Gasp… Keke is a dragon? 

Chapter 97 – Heavenly Diagrams Appeared

The young Amethyst Dragon was the legendary Syndicate Dragon King. With it at their side, even if those dragons found them, they wouldn’t be attacked. Everyone comforted themselves like this. The Yin Warriors and Celestial Warriors at the back seemed to be anxious, they were unwilling to approach this place, and watched from a distant.

Letting out a growl, the Amethyst Dragon King moved away from the vicinity of the divine monolith. It ran towards the upstream of the blood river. This blood river with a nauseating smell could even be said to have nine bend eighteen curves. It was incomparably twisted.


With a loud sound, the rays of light soared into the sky from the divine monolith. The divine halberd with resplendent golden light and that jet-black metal engraving were sent flying away. Xiao Chen felt very excited, because at the time the divine monolith lit up, they arrived at the back of the divine monolith. He could vaguely see some diagrams within the divine radiance!

He was extremely excited at the moment, that was the continuation of the qi-training diagram bestowed by heaven. It was the piece of secret technique he had yearned for all along. The divine monolith on the dragon island really had some big connection with the ancient monolith in the Yellow River.

“Xiao Chen, what are you blanking out for?! Let’s go!” Lawrence noticed Xiao Chen was standing there with blank expression, he couldn’t help but pull his shirt.

“You guys go first. I will come after you soon.” Xiao Chen was absent-minded, his attention was fully focused on that indistinct qi-training diagram.

“Are you crazy?!” Lawrence exerted his strength to push Xiao Chen.

The Solitary Sword Demon at the side laughed grimly and said, “Hmhmhm. You wanted to memorize the qi-training diagram on the ancient monolith? I advise you to forget about it. Each and every practitioners who tried to practice the qi-training diagram on the dragon island’s ancient monolith ended up dead.”

Buddhist Yizhen also walked over when he heard these, then he said, “Xiao Chen, don’t be absurd and try to memorize the qi-training diagram, that is a technique that cannot be practiced. According to legend, someone had obtained the diagrams in the past. But all those who practiced this technique died tragically.”

“It doesn’t matter, you guys go first.” It was as if Xiao Chen had been possessed by ghost. His gaze was fixed at the ancient divine monolith firmly. But those diagrams already faded away as the rays of light receded.

Just at this time, a cry of alarm transmitted from the front. It seemed like the Amethyst Dragon King had led everyone to a bizarre location. Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen glanced at one another, then they pulled Xiao Chen at both sides and walked forward. It was easy to tell they were worried something would happen to Xiao Chen.

And just at this time, the Ancestral Dragon’s Horn, Buddha’s Eternal Wheel, Brass Trigram…… as well as numerous dragon’s spell bombarded the divine monolith again. The dazzling rays of light rose from the ancient monolith, the heavenly diagram appeared again!

This time, two terrifying rays of light shot out from Xiao Chen’s pair of eyes. It was just like an essence, his mind seemed to have left his body along with the two divine light. At this moment, he felt a large quantity of ancient aura pouncing on him directly. An ancient stone inscription deeply embedded into his brain.

That’s right, that was the follow-up of the martial arts he practiced! Moreover, he found four new techniques in that complicated diagram. It was four mysterious killing moves. Although there were only four moves, it meant the whole world to Xiao Chen.

It was impossible for Xiao Chen to completely assimilate the follow-up heavenly qi-training diagram in such a short period of time. He could only firmly embed them in his brain. However, he felt a sense of deja vu in regards to that four killing moves. After thinking about it for a while, it seemed like he had seen this One Scale: Half Claw before.

The first move from the four killing moves had a striking resemblance with the God Slayer Technique. But it was much more simpler than the God Slayer Technique. The more Xiao Chen analyzed, the more fearful he felt. The God Slayer Technique he found at the stone fence previously, when compared to the first move on the divine monolith, they were worlds apart. They couldn’t even be compared, it was hard to express just how profound it was with mere words.

Soon after, Xiao Chen found that the four killing moves on the divine monolith, a little trace of each could be found in the killing moves recorded on the stone fence. The second move of the four killing techniques actually had a little resemblance with “Chaotic Three-Way Patterns”. The third move of the four killing techniques actually had a little resemblance with “Eight Laws of Demon Suppression”. And the last of the killing techniques actually had a little resemblance with “Five Death Blow”.

The four killing techniques on the ancient divine monolith only required four signs, but so much skills had derived from such a simple diagram. Maybe this was the so-called main path.

The legendary Chaotic Three-Way Pattern, Eight Laws of Demon Suppression, Five Death Blow, etc were all evolved from one of the four killing techniques. And who knows just how many fold more refined were these techniques.

The main path is simple…… the main path is simple! Xiao Chen kept muttering these few words. In the end, he dubbed the four killing moves as: God Slayer, Chaotic Patterns, Demon Suppression, and Death Blow!

“What are you muttering to yourself?”

Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen who were pulling Xiao Chen couldn’t help but shake him a few times after seeing his absent-minded look. Xiao Chen finally woke up from that kind of state. He gradually calmed down, and said, “I am fine.” Only then did Lawrence and Buddhist Yizhen let go of him.

“What happened over there?” Xiao Chen looked ahead of him in shock, they were already a few hundred meter behind. The bloody light soared to the heavens ahead of them.

“The Amethyst Dragon King drew us here, who knows; there might really be a way to get out of here.”

In this area, the amount of ancient buildings decreased. The blood river nearby pervaded with negative aura, bloody fog drifted around. The soaring bloody light in front seemed to possess an ancient platform brimming with oppressive aura.

Xiao Chen and the others quickly rushed over there. They found out that was actually an ancient sacrifice altar. It was made by piling black boulders on top of one another, the height was at least twenty meter tall. It was brimming with the vicissitudes of time. It was surrounded by two meter tall stone monoliths. And the soaring bloody light was precisely emitted by those stone monoliths. It was like they were shielding the ancient sacrifice altar.

The blood river was connected to the ancient sacrifice altar, then it flowed towards the distant location. It seemed like the bloody light had great connection to the blood river. People couldn’t help but suspect, could this be the legendary blood sacrifice? Could it be that the blood river was made for the purpose of powering this ancient sacrifice altar?

Nearly all the survivors in the ancient city followed the Dragon King and escaped to this place. But there were only seventeen to eighteen people left. The rest were no longer alive. Xiao Chen found his enemy, the genius Illusion Master, Carlos, at this place. But the two of them didn’t start a fight, this is not the best time to settle their personal enmity.

The Amethyst Dragon King let out a growl, then it actually jumped, and leapt over the blood river. It crossed the stone monolith, and rushed into the bloody light. Then it got in front of the ancient sacrifice altar. It turned around and let out a few growl, it seemed to be asking everyone to follow.

Dozens of practitioners looked at each other in dismay, could they leave the ghost town by running to the sacrifice altar? That seemed unlikely. However, they didn’t have much time to think over it, because waves of stampeding sound was transmitted from a distant place. The Celestial Warriors and Yin Warriors took a long detour from the divine monolith and finally arrived here. Furthermore, even more evil spirits were also rushing over. The sky was also covered by the densely packed skeleton birds.

What’s more shocking was that. Many of the former residences were no longer at a standstill. Waves of mournful roars were transmitted from those residences, those were definitely some super powerful monsters!

The practitioners were no longer hesitant. Since they are already here, might as well give it a try along with the Amethyst Dragon King. Dozens of people jumped over the sea of blood in succession and crossed the stone monolith.

Everyone followed the Amethyst Dragon King along the ancient stone steps and got to the top of the sacrifice altar. The stone altar that had endured the wind and frost over countless years had diagrams of the sun, the moon, and stars carved on the surface. Not only that, there were also many drawings of ancient figures, but they were unable to guess what it was.

When they walked on top of the sacrifice altar, everyone also noticed many bloody diagrams depicting dragons being offered as sacrifices to the gods. This made the Amethyst Dragon King very angry, it kept letting out a growl.

Just at this time, a big crowd of evil spirits arrived in front of the sacrifice altar. Black fog rolled over and over, the gloomy fiendish aura pervaded the air. And the sky was also covered by a black cloud. Not only was there the skeleton birds, there were also many other unknown evil spirits that could fly. All of them were staring at the sacrifice altar fiercely. But none of them had unleashed their attacks yet.

“What’s going on? Why do I feel something fishy is going on.” Someone said with bewildered look, “These monsters are swarming around us, don’t tell me…… are they going to treat us as live offerings?”

The evil spirits kept increasing in numbers. In the end, they let out a shriek. It made this place tremble unceasingly. Even the Amethyst Dragon King seemed somewhat anxious now, it kept raising its head to look around. Through the gap between the evil spirits in the sky, they could see the bloody sun was about to suspend over the ancient city.

When the bloody sun gradually approached the center, the bloody light of the ancient sacrifice altar glinted incessantly. This sacrifice altar that had existed for god knows how many years was crazily drawing the surrounding blood river as if it had come to life. Dazzling rays of light rushed up.

The evil spirits that were besieging them raised an upheaval. Their mournful screech kept resounding non-stop. It seemed like they were watching a live sacrifice from taking place.

Just at this time, the building complex very close to the sacrifice altar suddenly turned chaotic. A violent rumbling noise resounded, the most majestic former residence in the center suddenly collapsed. The mournful screech was deafening, it seemed like another unique monster was born.

Everyone were overwhelmed with shock. This is something that never happened before since they entered the ancient city. Right now, even though many former residences were letting out a bizarre sound, they haven’t collapsed yet.

Following that, a streak of white light rushed out. They could only see a hairy and adorable little critter jumping from the rooftop of one building to another. The snow-white little critter was panting with rage while blinking its pair of glittering big eyes. It looked at that ruins and let out a “Squeak! Squeak!” sound that transmitted to everyone’s ears. ⌈1

“Shriek……!” The screech of the malicious spirit caused the evil spirits in the sky to tremble. They almost fell onto the ground. They could only see a tall man wearing ancient armor crawling out from that ruins.


“How could this be?!”

“That is……”

Everyone turned pale with fright. Because that was a headless angel, and yet it was actually able to let out a sound. Moreover, he had a pair of golden wings, that means he must be a god as depicted in legends! Why was he in the former residence? And where did his head go? But after a careful observation, they couldn’t sense a trace of holy aura from him. His entire body was brimming with terrifying baleful aura.

The headless golden-winged angel threw itself at the snow-white little critter. It destroyed that former residence in a flash, endless amount of smoke and dust were blasted into the air. The little critter seemed to be extremely fast, the headless angel’s golden wings were actually unable to catch up. In the end, the little critter rushed into another former residence, the headless angel also followed into the residence.

Every former residences had a super powerful monster in it. Along with the collapse of a few former residences, several monsters wearing ancient peasant clothing already rushed out. One couldn’t find anything special about them, but their terrifying strength made people felt very fearful. They were so much stronger than those evil spirits everyone had encountered before.

A seemingly very adorable snow-white little critter actually made such a huge ruckus. And it was actually able to come out in one piece even after entering a few former residences. It was completely inconceivable.

“Keke……!” Xiao Chen cried out in fear. He already recognized Keke, he absolutely never thought of the possibility that the little critter had actually entered the ancient city too.

Some people had seen this little critter following Xiao Chen before. They suddenly recalled it at the moment. But they never thought this little critter was so mystical. One must know that many practitioners who entered the former residences never seen the light again. They were reduced to the evil spirit’s ration. But this adorable little critter actually ran inside again and again, it really made everyone speechless.

Not only does it seem to be fearless, it appeared to be panting with rage. It was extremely cute and mystical.

Keke heard Xiao Chen calling out its name, it blinked its glittering eyes and looked over. After that, it ran over cheerfully as if it had found its close relative. It stepped on one after another former residences along the way.

Things have gotten really rowdy. The golden-winged headless angel and other monsters pursued at the rear, they frantically destroyed several haunted house along the way. The smoke and dust soared into the heavens at that area.

Everyone was completely dumbstruck, this little critter…… was too unrestrained. Or was it because it was too pure and adorable? It actually rushed over here without a care in the world, all the while stirring up such a huge commotion on the way. Everyone was completely speechless.

While Xiao Chen was feeling anxious for Keke, he was also secretly guessing at the same time; Could those few people behind the golden-winged headless angel be celestial beings back in those time? After all, he was able to recognize one of them before. Even though these few people had unfamiliar faces, it was hard to say they don’t have similar status.


One after another former residences collapsed in succession. Keke was almost caught by one evil spirit, Xiao Chen was extremely nervous. In the end, he couldn’t stand it anymore and wanted to jump out of the sacrifice altar to provide support for Keke.

“Don’t go!” Lawrence and the woman shrouded in colorful mist stopped him at the same time. Xiao Chen was stopped by the power of Space and Time.

Fortunately, Keke was in good health. Moreover, it actually had enough time to angrily wave its little paw at the golden-winged angel.

In the end, Keke transformed into a streak of white light with a swish. It actually flew across a few dozen meter in the sky. It directly passed the blockade in front of the sacrifice altar, and leaped one more time to jump over the blood river. Then it ran towards the top of the sacrifice altar.

Keke was really too mystical. Its entire body was snow-white, that spotlessly white fur was flickering with a crystal clear luster. It was as if the fur was carved out attentively from soft and pure agate. Adding on to that, its pair of glittering big eyes made it extremely adorable. This little critter was seriously a goblet of intelligence.


  1. Silva: …. What the hell?! Was Keke sleeping in that house? puhahaha, this little critter never failed to impress XD 

Chapter 96 – Amethyst Dragon King

The dragons that are currently attacking the divine monolith at the core of the ancient city noticed the abnormal situation in this area. A Monarch Lion Dragon with golden scales all over its body rushed over. It opened its mouth and spouted a golden ray. The blazing radiance made the practitioners unable to open their eyes.

The mournful screech of ghosts resounded. Hundreds of skeleton birds fell from the sky, their feathers fluttered about and danced in the sky. In the face of the king of dragons, the Monarch Lion Dragon, all the skeleton birds flew off like rockets. And that thirty meter tall demon was also dominated by the Monarch Lion Dragon’s intimidating aura, it stopped its footstep.

The Monarch Lion Dragon let out another roar, a golden rain of light fell from the sky, its target was the gigantic demon. The rain of light was as terrifying as unstoppable sword-qi. The huge demon had no other choice but to fall back at lightning speed.

However, it seemed like the Monarch Lion Dragon did not plan to let him go. It suddenly swooped down from the sky, a streak of enormous golden ray cuts through the void like lightning. Everyone felt their vision blurred. After that, they heard a loud “splashing” sound. The billows from the blood river soared into the sky, the Monarch Lion Dragon actually swept the huge demon into the blood river.

When the demon let out a mournful screech, bubbles surfaced on the blood river as if it was boiling. The demon struggled violently, it seemed like a monster was pulling his huge body into the river. The bloody waves rolled over and over. It finally calmed down after a while, that thirty meter huge demon was silenced in the blood river.

The Monarch Lion Dragon in the sky coldly swept its eyes across the young practitioners. But it didn’t attack them, the reason it rushed over here was to wipe out the evil spirits. In the end, the majestic Monarch Lion Dragon flickered with golden radiance, and ran towards the core of the ancient city in the sky.

Not far away, the three skeletons slowly reassembled their framework, and exercised their joints. The survivors were in a dreamy state, to find a way out from a desperate strait, all of them were brimming with joy.

However, their smiles were frozen again in the next instant, because a gloomy fiendish aura pressed towards this place once more. Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang were extremely fast at this moment, they reassembled their framework with a “clattering” sound, and then rushed beside Xiao Chen in the blink of an eye.

At a distant place, fifty plus Yin Warriors adorned with the ancient armor were closing in one step at a time. Although the bronze and iron spear in their hands were rusty, they still contained a skyrocketing murderous aura. It was as if they had vowed to massacre anything in their paths, even if it was a Dragon King.

And behind the Yin Warriors, there was another fifty Celestial Warriors. They were also wearing similar ancient armor that carried the vicissitudes of time. They looked almost like an ancient fossil. The killing intent was similarly skyrocketing.

Everyone did not know how powerful was the Celestial Warrior, but they had already experienced the strength of the Yin Warrior. And now so many of the Yin Warriors and Celestial Warriors had come together, it was impossible for them to resist.

Moreover, the eyes of these Celestial Warriors and Yin Warriors were very clear. This means that they are very clear-headed. The Yin Warriors they killed earlier were far from comparable to these warriors! It was very possible that any of these Celestial Warriors and Yin Warriors could wipe the floor with them!

Xiao Chen lamented inwardly. This is really a ghost town, even if the deity ventured too deeply, they might not be able to leave without a hitch.

“Let’s run!” Someone shouted. All of them ran forward along the ancient street. Facing this many Celestial Warriors and Yin Warriors head-on was equivalent to suicide.

It was not only the Celestial Warrior and Yin Warrior that were closing in, those skeleton birds that were scattered by the Monarch Lion Dragon started to gather together and flew towards this region once more. Even the Spell Master and Psychic had no other choice but to fly at low altitude, otherwise they’d be sitting ducks for the several hundreds of skeleton birds.

Xiao Chen and the rest were running quickly on the ancient street, this moment was indeed a great escape with their life on the line. Even though the Yin Warrior and Celestial Warrior’s pace were not fast, they still closed in the distance with ease, as if they possessed the Ground Shrink ability.

The skeleton birds in the sky were increasing in numbers. Already a few hundreds were assembled. They started to launch their attacks on Xiao Chen and the gang again. At the same time, evil spirits lingering with black fog rushed out from the alleys every now and then. God knows just how powerful were these evil spirits. They also gathered in the same place and chased after the group of practitioners. ⌈1

At the central zone. The divine monolith trembled violently. The entire ancient city shook slightly. And the door of many former residences also opened with “creaking” sounds at this time. That was a very bad signal, it seemed like the monsters that always remained idle until now were finally making their move.

At the same time, waves of trembling sound transmitted from a distant place, it sounded like the stampede of numerous huge monsters.

At this moment, the baleful aura in the ancient city skyrocketed, the deathly aura filled the air, all the evil spirits became restless. Xiao Chen and the rest felt they were caught up in a desperate strait, if this goes on, where else could they run to? It was only a matter of time until they were wiped out.

The cry of a young dragon transmitted over. That’s right. It was a soft and immature cry. That was obviously the cry of a young dragon. With a flash of purple light, a one meter long young dragon rushed over, it was shrouded by purple clouds. Its appearance was very much identical to the legendary Qilin.

It possessed a deer-like and horse-like body, four wolf-like feet, and dragon scales, but it also possessed some distinctive differences from the legendary Qilin; It had a crocodile-shaped divine tail. The resplendent purple radiance was glorious, its scales were gorgeous, and the pair of amethyst horn on the side of its head resembled the antler. Its head looked just like the legendary Ancestral Dragon’s!

It was actually the Amethyst Dragon King, many practitioners here had once encountered this little dragon. And Yan Qing Cheng, along with Carlos and Wharton, even tried to ambush this Syndicate Dragon King. But they still failed to subdue it in the end.

Although the young Amethyst Dragon King was only one meter long, it emitted a powerful dragon-qi. It possessed a pressure worthy of the king of the beast. It looked at everyone vigilantly, and then cheerfully ran beside the mysterious woman shrouded in colorful mist. It intimately rubbed against the side of the mysterious woman. ⌈2

This outcome made everyone stupefied. The Amethyst Dragon King was actually subdued by her!

That was but the first Dragon King they encountered on this dragon island, it might be the very first Syndicate Dragon King to be born. That means it might be the young Ancestral Dragon’s most powerful adversary. So much so that it might even take down the young Ancestral Dragon and replace it. If it can grow up smoothly, it will definitely become a terrifying existence that even the god don’t dare to provoke.

The young Amethyst Dragon King turned around and ran forward. It seemed to be guiding the mysterious woman shrouded in colorful mist.

“Everyone follow me.” The mysterious woman’s angelic voice transmitted outwards, then she ran after the Amethyst Dragon King.

The monsters and evil spirit behind them continued the chase, and as for those skeleton birds in the sky that saw the young Syndicate Dragon King, they started to hesitate. They were afraid of drawing the attention of those fully grown dragons behind the young Dragon King.

The Yin Warriors and Celestial Warriors did not stop, and those evil spirits covered by black fog were even more fearless, they also quickly closed in. The Amethyst Dragon King suddenly turned its body around. Purple divine flame pulsed all over its body, then it let out a roar towards the evil spirits at the rear.

Although its gentle cry was soft and immature, when it gets angry, the roar was as ear-splitting as the sudden clap of thunder that resounded in the heavens. It caused those evil spirits to slow down their footsteps in the twinkling of an eye. The Amethyst Dragon King’s appearance made them recall some ancient memories.

Everyone had noticed, the young Amethyst Dragon King actually led everyone to the vicinity of the divine monolith. It caused many evil spirits to stop advancing as a result. Only the Yin Warriors and Celestial Warriors chased after them with a pace that was not too slow nor too fast.

“Can this Dragon King be trusted?” Someone raised a question.

The young Amethyst Dragon King turned its head around to take a glimpse at the practitioner and let out a growl. It was very sensitive to sound, and possessed expressions like that of a human. This made Xiao Chen thought about Keke, that adorable little beast couldn’t still be sleeping right? Let’s hope nothing bad happened to it.

“If we don’t believe it now, then what other choice do we have?” Someone refuted.

“You guys just keep moving, it will not do harm to us.” The mysterious woman shrouded in colorful mist had a really gentle voice, while advancing as if she was flying, she gently caressed the dragon horn of the Amethyst Dragon King.

“How did you subdue it?” Someone finally couldn’t resist and asked. One must know many people originally planned to subdue this Amethyst Dragon King. But all of them failed in the end.

The mysterious woman was flabbergasted as she said, “I have never subdued it. I only treated it as a friend, that’s why it would frequently appear beside me when we were at the mountain woods out there. But… I never thought it also entered the ancient city, it seemed to be showing us the way now.”

The practitioners looked at each other in dismay when that heard what she said. The mysterious woman had such a pure characteristic, she actually obtained the trust of the Amethyst Dragon King like this. It seriously made people jealous and envious of her. But some people were not convinced, if not for the Dragon King, then for what reason would she enter the dragon island. ⌈3

“I wonder why you guys were always at each other’s neck, especially you, Solitary Sword Demon. If I didn’t stop you several times, you might have killed even more.” The mysterious woman had some complaints for the Solitary Sword Demon.

These words caused to other practitioners to feel amazed. Could this girl really be that pure-hearted? Could she really be an oddball from some noble family? Even though they have their doubts, they didn’t think about it too much. It is more important to run for their life now.

“Hmph!” The Solitary Sword Demon only gave a snort in return.

Xiao Chen felt all the more familiar with this mysterious woman, but he just couldn’t recall where he met her before. ⌈4⌋ He had seen many female practitioners on this dragon island, perhaps she was among one of them.

As they were talking, everyone had already been led by the young Amethyst Dragon King to the vicinity of the divine monolith. But of course, the so-called “vicinity” was a place where the energy rays couldn’t reach. Rays of light flickered in front of them, the Buddha’s Eternal Wheel, Brass Trigrams, etc were still bombarding the divine monolith. High up in the sky, there were even more dragons……


  1. Silva: Even I wanted to cry now, the situation seemed more hopeless than ever… 
  2. Silva: Gasp… she subdued the Dragon King! 
  3. Silva: 120% confirmed, she is Lan Nuo!!!
    Chanayh: Why?
    Silva: Who else can she be other than Lan Nuo? It can’t be possible for her to end up in a different place from Xiao Chen and Zhao Lin Er, she opened the portal after all. 
  4. Silva: Oh c’mon, are you a blockhead? It’s Lan Nuo I tell ya! 

Chapter 95 – Desperate Straits

“Overlapping Space!” Lawrence saw how the Law of Time slowed down the Yin Warrior, his pair of eyes immediately burned with passion. The void power surged up violently. When the power of space and time merged together, glaring rays of light burst out, it was more powerful than anyone could have imagined.


The sound of something disintegrated could be heard, a little less than half of the Yin Warrior’s ancient armor was actually burst open. Its sturdy body was exposed to the air, that bronze-colored skin emitted waves of black fog.

Xiao Chen also made his move around this time, he jumped into the sky, and swooped towards the Yin Warrior. He launched the God Slayer Technique without blinking an eyes, a few blazing divine radiance tore the space apart. At the same time, the Solitary Sword Demon also waved his metal sword towards the Yin Warrior. As for Buddhist Yizhen, he shot an incomparably huge Buddha Palm forward.

The Yin Warrior felt dangers approaching, after a part of the armor had been cracked, most of his strength seemed to have dissipated. It waved the ancient bronze spear in its hand to resist the attacks. However, within this glaring rays of light, the remaining armor was thoroughly destroyed. The ancient bronze spear in his hand also snapped in half. His bronze-colored body was exposed to the air, and then his body actually began to age slowly. One after another hideous wrinkles emerged, even his muscles gradually started to wither.

“We finally encountered some living person and not an evil spirit.” The Solitary Sword Demon’s voice was very cold, it seemed like he encountered the evil spirits before. The claw marks on his body were very terrifying.

The Yin Warrior had an incomparably bewildered expression, it seemed like his soul was devoured. Following closely, that weak soul fluctuation in his body disappeared. After that, his sturdy body completely deteriorated, only skin and bones were left in the end. ⌈1⌋ Will-o’-wisp flickered in his pair of eyes, and then an incomparably baleful aura burst out from his body.

A practitioner said in surprise, “How did this happen? He lost his life force, and it seemed like…… he transformed into an evil spirit!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a deep and low growl emitted from the Yin Warrior’s mouth. It seemed like he had obtained a new life as he dashed towards everyone with a sinister look.

Xiao Chen who just fell from the sky was the first to receive the attack. But Xiao Chen was not fearful at all, he had already seen the evil spirit before. As long as it was not those figures from the former residence, or those evil spirits with demonic item like the burial cloth, he should be able to handle ordinary evil spirit.

He attacked with the God Slayer Technique, it seemed as if both of his hands had transformed into Heavenly Blades, they were unstoppable and extremely sharp. The blazing rays of light were swung down, and chopped the corpse warrior’s two arms in an instant. After that, Xiao Chen sent a roundhouse kick and destroyed the corpse warrior’s head, sending him flying away.

The corpse warrior was far weaker without the ancient armor, he was unable to threaten the practitioners at all. The Solitary Sword Demon destroyed that headless corpse warrior with a single strike.

The battle ended like this, everyone understood after actual combat. If they wanted to kill the Yin Warrior, they needed to destroyed the armor first, otherwise they wouldn’t stand a chance.

The place became very quiet, all of them had a really ugly expression. After all, they were only able to kill one Yin Warrior after cooperating as a group. And they saw more than hundreds of Yin Warrior and Celestial Warrior when they entered the ghost town. If all of those warriors were to gang up on them, the consequences would be unthinkable.

In addition to those evil spirit that came out from time to time, as well as those terrifying huge monsters, their situation didn’t seem too bright. After all, there were too many monsters in this ghost town. The Yin Warrior was far from the most threatening, those unknown monsters were what they were most afraid of.

“Why did the Yin Warrior possess life force, but once their armor was taken off, they would die immediately and transform into an evil spirit?” One practitioner raised the question, this was also what puzzled everyone.

“We can tell the ancient city had existed since untold time, and those Yin Warrior might have lived just as long. The reason they were able to live for so long might be because those armor was able to preserve their body in that condition all this time.”

Someone proposed this kind of idea, even though it might not necessarily be true, it still made some sense. This made some people among them gave birth to some schemes. Should they plunder the Yin Warrior’s armor, or gather the broken ancient armor on the ground……

But… without giving them the time to think, the earth suddenly produced a rumbling noise and shook violently. A frosty gale blew over, the building in the vicinity began to tremble, and the wretched fiendish aura surged up violently. The deep and low shriek resembled the explosive thunder that caused people’s soul to tremble.

Without any hesitation, all the practitioners rushed into an alley, and evacuated from this ancient street. Just when they distanced themselves from that area, they could feel enormous monsters passing by. That area shook violently as if an earthquake had just taken place.

“This is much more terrifying than the Yin Warriors, and who knows how many more of these terrifying monsters are out there. Even if a god enter this ancient city, it’s hard to say whether they can get out alive!” One practitioner groaned in fear, he was already somewhat desperate.

The mysterious woman who was shrouded in colorful mist advised everyone with her heavenly voice, “No matter what happens, do not attempt to hide in the former residence.”

Everyone nodded in consent, because many who entered the former residence never came out again. But Xiao Chen had a different feeling from everyone else. He did see a legendary immortal that was enshrined and worshiped in the mortal world with his own eyes after all. And he seemed to be the owner of that deadly residence…… He felt the mysterious woman shrouded in colorful mist had also discovered this kind of secret.

“Squawk……!” Gloomy howls resounded above everyone’s head, three skeleton birds were swooping towards them at high-speed. They had skinny body and huge wings, they seemed very ferocious and menacing.

“Hmph! These damnable thing again!” The Solitary Sword Demon snorted coldly. When he brandished his metal sword upward, the space distorted, as if it was about to break into pieces. A “domain” created by his powerful force was launched toward the sky. It emitted a powerful energy fluctuation, and enveloped two skeleton birds in an instant. After that, a bone snapping sound transmitted outwards. The ghost’s feathers filled the sky, shattered skeletal remains fell toward the ground. It was not hard to tell how powerful and terrifying was the Solitary Sword Demon, it made Lawrence at the side couldn’t help but admit the Solitary Sword Demon was stronger than him.

The other skeleton bird was pulled towards the ground by the giant Buddha’s hand created by Buddhist Yizhen. It was then pulverized on the ground. The three skeleton birds were destroyed, but the mysterious woman shrouded in colorful mist helplessly cried out, “We might be in danger.”

Everyone raised their guards. Before the three skeleton birds attacked them just now, it seemed like they were calling out for help. Everyone quickly rushed towards an alley, wanting to leave this area as soon as possible, but it seemed like they were too late. There was no time for them to run.

Waves of chilly wind swept down from the skies, a bone-chilling air enveloped everyone on the ground. The blood-colored sky was filled by the skeleton birds, they plunged towards the ground like a mass of black cloud. There were at least a thousand of them altogether.

How were they supposed to fight like this? Even if all of these evil spirits just drop themselves towards the ground, it was already enough to drown everyone to death. Moreover, each one of them was just as ferocious.

“This is it, we’re done for!” One practitioner was in despair. In the end, he actually rushed into one of the former residences at the side. But… as soon as he entered, a miserable shriek resounded. Following that, the “cracking” sound of bones was transmitted outwards. It seemed like a monster was gnawing at the skeleton of the dead.

Everyone’s face turned pale, nobody else dared to rush into the surrounding former residences. All the practitioners ran forward at high-speed, wanting to get far away from the death threat coming from the sky.

But… even the Psychic and Spell Master capable of flight found that it was a fruitless effort. Those skeleton birds were really too fast, while producing waves of bone-chilling wind, they quickly outflanked the practitioners and cut off their path.

The shadow and chilly wind were everywhere. The mournful sound made people’s scalp feel numb, the chill even ran through their spine. Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang pulled the lower hem of Xiao Chen’s shirt, then they pointed at the blood river in front. After that, the three of them broke themselves into pieces and mingled with the bones on the street. The three of them began to play dead.

“Must we plunge into the blood river?” Xiao Chen thought out loud. There was no need to think much, it was obvious that the blood river was not a benevolent place. Maybe there would be even more ferocious ghosts in the river. However, there was no other way, he could only rush over there.

The skeleton birds swooped down, everyone began to suffer from the relentless attacks. One after another netherworld light spouted from their mouth and were launched toward everyone. Right now, all of them couldn’t help but reveal their most powerful technique. Otherwise, they might perish right here and now.

The woman shrouded in colorful mist used her Law of Time to stop the skeleton birds in the sky. The practitioners below sent one after another dazzling rays of light to rip apart those motionless monsters. After that, the Solitary Sword Demon’s sword-qi also soared into the sky, after an invisible “domain” enveloped those damnable creatures, the sound of cracking bones reverberated unceasingly. The skeletal remains kept falling non-stop.

Xiao Chen’s God Slayer Technique, Lawrence’s Law of Space, and Buddhist Yizhen’s Divine Ability were also exhibited to the fullest extent. The blazing rays of light soared into the sky unceasingly. One after another skeleton birds fell, but there was an endless stream of monsters, it was impossible to annihilate them all.

Few of them were hit by the deathly rays, it left a terrifying wound on their body. Everyone attacked and retreated at the same time, they were gradually rushing towards the blood river not far away.

The rapid blood river smelled incomparably fishy, bloody mist pervaded the air. The smell of rotten corpse assailed everyone’s nostrils. It seriously gave people the impulse to throw up the food they consumed the previous day.

Where else could they run if they don’t plunge into the river? One seriously wounded practitioner couldn’t stand it anymore and jumped into the surging river first, but something frightening happened. As soon as he jumped into the river, a huge shadow quickly rushed over in the blood river. A demonic claw about the size of a millstone grabbed the practitioner. It snapped the practitioner in half on the surface of the water, and then it sunk into the blood river.

This scene seriously scared everyone to death, all of them couldn’t help but feel fearful. This scene was really too scary, they didn’t see what was that creature at all, they only saw a huge demonic claw…… The ghost town was really too frightening.

Waves of chilly wind swept down from the skies, the thousand plus skeleton birds were still swooping down non-stop, but nobody dared to jump into the blood river anymore.

Right now, even Xiao Chen, Lawrence, and the Solitary Sword Demon were wounded. As for Yan Qing Cheng and Rowena, if not for the protection of the woman shrouded in colorful mist, they might be dead a long time ago.

In regards to that mysterious woman who could control the Law of Time, Xiao Chen felt a sense of deja vu for some reason. ⌈2⌋ But he didn’t have the time to think about it at the moment, the evil spirits in the sky pushed him to the edge of danger. Under this kind of circumstances, his God Slayer Technique became more and more refined. He was able to exhibit a terrifying power, the blazing divine radiance kept tearing the monsters in the sky, a large quantity of the skeleton bird’s dismembered body already fell all around him.

“Bang! Bang! Bang……!” The earth was shaking, even the buildings near the blood river were shaking. A huge monster walked over from a distant place. A huge shadow was cast on the ground, the earth trembled for a moment with each steps it took.

That was indeed a terrifying giant demon, it was about thirty meter tall, its humanoid body was covered by white bony scales, only its head was not covered by the scale. A layer of dried skin was sticking close to the skull. What little yellow hair it had swayed with the wind. Its deep eye-sockets were emitting bloody red radiance, it seemed incomparably cruel.

And along his tailbone was a huge tail about ten meter long. It was also covered in bony scales,it looked just like a huge crocodile tail. Along with his movement, the earth trembled violently. The demonic aura spread in all direction, some skeleton birds in the vicinity were scared and flew higher into the sky.

When it rains, it pours. ⌈3⌋ This is the worst case scenario for Xiao Chen and the rest. They were already caught up in a desperate strait due to thousand plus skeleton birds, and now this kind of huge monster came. The situation seemed more hopeless than ever.

“Damn it!” The conceited Solitary Sword Demon couldn’t help but let out a curse, because the feeling of fear rose in his heart. He felt death was fast approaching, it seemed like they really had no way out of this now. ⌈4

“We’re dead…… There’s no hope of survival……” Someone already indulged in grief.

Indeed, under this kind of circumstances, it seriously made people lose all hope.

While killing the skeleton birds that swooped down unceasingly, Xiao Chen looked at everything calmly. He was not fearful in the face of death, he only felt regretful that he couldn’t go explore the land of immortals. Are they going to die in this ancient city? He felt somewhat regretful and unwilling to die.

The earth trembled violently, the thirty meter tall demon already got in front of them, a huge shadow was casted on the ground. He tried to trample everyone with a sinister-looking face.

“Roar……!” All of a sudden, the dragon roar shook the heavens. A glaring golden explosion of light flashed through the sky! ⌈5


  1. Well I don’t have a better words to describe it, but it literally mean really skinny people like this: CLICK HERE! 
  2. Silva: She must be Lan Nuo, I called it! 
  3. An idiom: When something good or bad occurs, it usually occurs more than once and often within a short period of time. 
  4. Silva: How is Chen Dong going to fix this mess now…… 
    Chanayh: Calm down bro 

Chapter 94 – Spiritual Divine Light

It was already too late for Lawrence’s assistance, all of this happened too fast. Just now he was sent flying very far away, he was too far away from Xiao Chen, the void power wouldn’t be able to reach this area. As for Rowena who was at the sideline, she didn’t have that kind of power.

But just at this time, three streaks of white light rushed into the sky like three streaks of lightning. The three skeletons that didn’t make a move until now finally made their move after Xiao Chen was caught up in danger. Since the battle began until now, the three fellows watched at the sideline, they were unusually calm. It seemed like they were looking for the evil spirit’s weak point.


They bumped into the evil spirit at the same time, six bony claws violently tore apart the burial cloth, and saved Xiao Chen from the dangers of being wrapped. At the same time, Xiao Chen quickly took action. After his legs clashed a few times with the evil spirit’s legs, he sent a horizontal slash towards the evil spirit’s throat with his left hand.

By the time they landed on the ground, Xiao Chen’s right palm had already broken free from the burial cloth. The three skeletons split up and tore the burial cloth from three different directions. They wanted to tear it apart from the evil spirit’s body.

The burial cloth was a bizarre cursed item, the three skeletons had seen everything clearly, and Xiao Chen already had a profound understanding. He almost paid a huge price because of this just now, he also started to tear the evil cloth that was covered in black bloodstain.

The black netherworld light flickered, the burial cloth actually let out a screech. It was an incomparably mournful screech, just hearing it caused people’s scalp to feel numb. The black fog violently rolled over and over in this alley.

“Shriek……!” The evil spirit seemed very anxious, the burial cloth trembled violently in hope of destroying Xiao Chen and the rest.

Just at this time Lawrence also rushed over, the overlapping space enveloped it again. The green rays of light made the evil spirit felt as if it was caught up in a swamp.

“Quick! Pull the burial cloth apart, he is not as strong as we thought, his power came from this evil cloth!” Xiao Chen yelled at Lawrence. He was able to uncover this secret during close combat. It was the burial cloth which granted the evil spirit this kind of power.

“What…… The burial cloth?!” Lawrence kept sending the green-colored void power to confine the burial cloth and pulled it outward with all his might.

“Shriek……!” The evil spirit bellowed in rage, the burial cloth that covered its face was already tore apart by Lunhui Wang. Half of its rotten face was exposed. Eerie green light emitted from its eye sockets, and the messy blood-colored hair was spiky. This kind of rotten corpse was especially intimidating. It was a genuine evil spirit.

The evil spirit was getting desperate, if the burial cloth was torn apart, his power will diminish substantially. He struggled intensely, and then spouted a few yellowish gas from his mouth. It transformed into a glaring light sword that attacked Xiao Chen and Lawrence. This was the strongest demonic-qi he accumulated in his body.

It forced Xiao Chen and the rest to fall back.

“Shriek……!” The evil spirit screeched loudly. The instant Xiao Chen and Lawrence were forced to take a step back, he shook the burial cloth with all his might. The inexhaustible aura of death spread all over the place, the black fog rolled, and pushed Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang away in an instant.

“Clatter! Clatter!” The three skeletons’ framework collapsed and scattered on the street. The white bones all over the ground were especially unpleasant to the eyes.

Xiao Chen was downhearted, but his tension immediately loosened up after he notice that framework was not destroyed. They were just separated from the joints, and he actually saw Qinguang Wang’s skull flickering with specks of radiance. It seemed to be telling him that they were fine.

Three cunning skeletons…… Xiao Chen no longer worried about them.

The evil spirit viciously gazed at Xiao Chen and Lawrence. Then it dragged its rotten legs and walked towards them in large strides. Traces of yellowish dead water was left on the surface of the ground. Its full attention was focused on the two people ahead. But just at this time, when he was about to get past the three skeletons’ skull, the skulls jumped up at high-speed, and shot towards the evil spirit like three streaks of white light.

At the same time, Xiao Chen and Lawrence also made their moves. A blazing sword-qi and light rain enveloped the evil spirit.

The evil spirit let out a screech, it waved one demonic claw towards the three skeletons’ skull. The other demonic claw was used to fend off Xiao Chen and Lawrence’s attack. As expected, the skulls were sent flying by him, but three spiritual light shot out from the skulls like three streaks of lightning and pierced the evil spirit’s eyes.

“Shriek…..!” Like it received a devastating attack, the evil spirit suddenly fell to the ground while facing upwards. It rolled around like crazy on the alley.

Without any delay, Xiao Chen rushed over quickly and grasped the burial cloth firmly. And then he pulled it in one breath, the burial cloth flipped over, it produced a flapping sound, and gave rise to thick black fog. It finally separated from the body of the evil spirit. Lawrence also rushed over and used void power to confine the burial cloth in a tiny space.

After losing the burial cloth, the evil spirit’s body was completely exposed. It was a truly frightening scene. Half of its body was completely swollen, it was already rotten. And the other half was like a dried up tangerine skin. The parched skin was sticking to the framework which gave off a black light.

It was sinister and scary!

The evil spirit was still rolling on the ground, Xiao Chen took a step forward. He stepped on the evil spirit’s neck ruthlessly. With a “snap”, the sinister ghost head tumbled down. At the same time, three spiritual light rushed out from the evil spirit’s eyes, and entered three skulls on the ground.

The evil spirit which had its head and body separated still did not become motionless. It actually struggled to get free, its headless body stood up straight, and pounced on Xiao Chen as fiercely as before. After losing the burial cloth, it was far weaker than its former self. It was already unable to threaten Xiao Chen’s life.

Xiao Chen jumped high into the sky, he moved his hands unceasingly, and then threw the seal downward with all his might. A blazing divine radiance descended, and then with a “boom”, the evil spirit was torn apart.

Even though they knew the evil spirit wouldn’t pose any threat to them after losing the burial cloth, Lawrence was still very shocked to see this killing move of Xiao Chen. He couldn’t help but ask, “Why did I never see you use this killing move before?”

Xiao Chen descended from the sky, and said, “How would I dare to use it before, this is a technique I saw on the fence around the divine monolith. It seemed to be the legendary God Slayer Technique. I never practiced it before, how would I dare to use it on the evil spirit? Just now I felt there was no more dangers, so I’m just using it as a test. Who could have thought that the God Slayer Technique was this powerful. Indeed, the better secret technique requires one with compatible ability to exhibit its full potential.

“Is that so……” Lawrence smiled slightly with his somewhat sickly yet handsome face. He had recorded many diagrams regarding the space from the fence at that plaza. It will surely be beneficial if given some time.

And Xiao Chen had also recorded quite a few killing moves. Not only was there the God Slayer Technique, there were also the Chaotic Three-Way Patterns, Eight Laws of Demon Suppression, etc.

After the evil spirit was ripped apart, the black fog dissipated quickly. Rowena and Yan Qing Cheng also came closer at this time. They felt very fearful just looking at the remains on the ground. And Xiao Chen destroyed the head with another attack.

Lawrence opened up the sealed space, and threw the burial cloth onto the ground. All of them could feel a bizarre energy fluctuation.

Yan Qing Cheng was watching this battle from the sideline all along, she seemed somewhat excited. She couldn’t help but start to talk, “This burial cloth was handed down from ancient times, not only was it still in good condition to this day, it is bearing a frightening demonic-qi and powerful energy. It was definitely stained by the blood of an extraordinary figure.”

“Not bad, it was definitely encroached by the blood of a super powerful experts. Otherwise it wouldn’t be this terrifying and bizarre.” Lawrence spoke until here, then he turned his attention to the three skeletons at the side, and said, “It was thanks to the three of them. Otherwise we would be in a really dangerous situation just now. It never occurred to me that their spiritual lights are so strong. This is clearly a sign that they will be able to evolve into Sovereign Kings.”

The three skeletons slowly assembled their framework. After that, they stretched their joints comically. But everyone clearly looked at them differently now, these three skeletons were definitely a perfect example of disguising oneself as swine to eat the tiger.

“Was it really a ghost? I couldn’t feel any soul fluctuation from their body……” Lawrence whispered to himself. The condition of his injury was getting worse after this battle, he seemed a little weak.

Xiao Chen also pondered for a while before he opened his mouth and said, “Maybe it was because the baleful aura in the ghost town was too heavy, which stirred up the residual thoughts within those corpse, and took shape of such a terrifying evil spirit. Perhaps…… the ghosts in the folklore were formed like this.”

Soon after, their gaze fell back to the burial cloth again. Judging from how easily Xiao Chen destroyed the evil spirit in the end, the evil spirit was not really that strong. The only reason they were unable to defeat it in the beginning was because this bloodstained burial cloth increased the power of the evil spirit.

“This adult evil spirit is not much stronger than the young evil spirit we eliminated earlier. It was only because of this cursed item, how do we deal with it?” Lawrence asked Xiao Chen.

In regards to this kind of demonic item that was filled with fiendish aura, no one had a favorable impression of it. Nobody was willing to use it as weapon. It didn’t seem too likely for it to be refined either. Perhaps only an evil spirit would be able to refine it.

“How about giving it to the three of you?” Xiao Chen looked towards Qinguang Wang and the other two skeletons.

“Clack! Clack!” The three skeletons moved their jaws unceasingly. They waved their hands to refuse. At the same time, the lotus insignia on their foreheads emitted resplendent divine radiance. It made their framework appear as bright as the white jade, not a single trace of sinister aura could be found. On the contrary, they looked like the most perfect masterpiece under the heaven.

All of them thought it was weird, skeletons brimming with divine aura, it was really strange.

In the end, they used a slab to cover the burial cloth in the alley, then they quickly left this place. But… when they were about to turn at a corner, Xiao Chen clearly heard the door of a former residence opening with a “creak”. He suddenly turned around to take a look. He only saw a man wearing ancient cloth, he pulled that burial cloth from under the slab quickly, and floated back into the former residence.

In that instant, Xiao Chen felt a chill down his spine, because he saw the real face of that person clearly in the last second. It was actually a legendary immortal that had a golden statue in the human world! But… within that instance, he didn’t feel any immortality on the other party’s body. He also didn’t feel any soul fluctuation, there was only a sinister baleful aura.

Xiao Chen quickly caught up with Lawrence and the rest, leaving that alley behind him. However, he was unable to remain calm, just what kind of place was this ancient city? Why…… Why did it become like this?! Just now, he definitely didn’t see wrongly. His state of mind fluctuated violently, he thought of many possibilities, but he didn’t tell Lawrence and the rest what he saw earlier, because that will only increase the anxiety.

They pushed their way through the ancient street, Xiao Chen became more cautious than ever. They remained at a respectful distance from the door of every former residences. It was hard to say what would be hiding in the former residence, it was even harder to predict what kind of dangers exist in this ancient city.

All of a sudden, waves of yelling noise entered their ears. The sound of battle was transmitted from an ancient street not far away, it seemed like there were quite a few people.

“The line is empty, sit empty, silent movement are all empty. It would go head to head. Like the cranial longitudinal sword cut spring……”

Xiao Chen heard Buddhist Yizhen’s voice. He walked out from this alley, and looked towards that ancient street. He only saw seven to eight practitioners having a fierce battle with two Yin Warriors. Buddhist Yizhen and Solitary Sword Demon were among them, they had laid down their desire for revenge at this moment, and worked together to confront a powerful enemy. Even that mysterious woman who was shrouded by colorful mist was among them.

The Yin Warrior was like an ancient fossil, their entire body was covered by the armor. He was standing at the same spot without moving an inch. The ancient bronze spear in his hand emitted one after another brilliance. It gave a hard time for a few young experts.

If it was not because the woman who was shrouded by colorful mist using the Law of Time to slow down its movement, those few people would already be in a dangerous situation. The Solitary Sword Demon was showing off his ability like a sharp sword, and the sword in his hand even caused the space to distort. His long sword emitted a whistling sound. He was definitely the strongest among the group.

Buddhist Yizhen seemed transcendental, when he was soaring in the sky, he seemed like the Gods and Buddhas. Lotus flower light were actually floating in his immediate surrounding. His entire person was brimming with Buddha nature. Thousands of Buddha Palm kept attacking that Yin Warrior. After he received enlightenment from the Buddha’s Eternal Wheel, he had successfully transformed. He is not much weaker than Solitary Sword Demon now.

Xiao Chen and Lawrence walked forward with large strides, their only hope for survival now is to work together. They decided to join the fighting group.

They had no choice but to admit, the Yin Warrior was indeed very strong. Only one of them was able to resist eight young experts, and it seemed like he was not very clear-headed. He definitely had a super terrifying strength. They were unable to read his state of mind, he looked like a stone statue no matter how they looked at him. One person fighting against eight experts, and he was still as silent and indifferent as in the past……


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