Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 148 – Madman

It was impossible to kill them in the middle of the street, but it was even more impossible not to retaliate after being provoked by the few soldiers!

Xiao Chen did not break out and followed them to the riverside at the inner city. The captain, along with a few soldiers, were waiting there. After seeing Xiao Chen, the captain didn’t offer any explanation whatsoever and tried to lash Xiao Chen’s face with the horsewhip. At the same time, the captain yelled, “This thing doesn’t know life from death!”


The captain stared blankly. His whip hadn’t even touched the other person yet, and a big handprint already appeared on his face. The slap on the face resounded loud and clear.

“You dare to hit me?!” The captain found it a little unbelievable. He was extremely angry as he lifted the whip to lash at Xiao Chen one more time.

“You *******!”

Under this kind of circumstances, Xiao Chen felt that they were unable to talk things out. There was no need to talk, there was nothing to talk about.


It was another big slap in the face. Xiao Chen slapped the captain on the face ruthlessly.

The captain’s whip still hadn’t touched Xiao Chen yet.

“Damn it!” Two slaps on the face made the captain so angry that his veins were practically about to burst open. He was the soldier of Prince Li, he had never been treated like this. It was always him who beat the others, never had there been anyone who dared to touch him.


It was yet another big slap in the face. The captain could literally see stars floating before his two eyes.

“Shring! Shring!”

In the surroundings the sound of the soldiers drawing their swords could be heard. Eight soldiers lifted their shiny longswords and quickly approached. Without waiting for the captain’s order, they ruthlessly tried to cut down Xiao Chen.

“Clang! Clang! Clang……”

The ringing sound of metal resounded. Eight shiny longswords were snapped off one after another. All of their faces changed color immediately. Seeing Xiao Chen actually broke their longswords with his palm, they knew they had encountered a huge disaster.

“Slap! Slap!”

Xiao Chen had already grabbed that captain by the collar. Without any superfluous words, Xiao Chen continuously slapped him four times. Then he said very fiercely, “Who do you think you are? Do you honestly believe that being the soldier of the prince is that amazing?!”

“Boy, you committed a huge crime. Release me at once!”

“Huge crime?!” Xiao Chen sneered, “Just who do you think you are?!”

Looking at the captain’s vengeful expression, Xiao Chen flared up. While gripping onto him, he slapped him in the face two more times. It caused the captain to lose his bearings.

“I am the soldier of Prince Li. The crime of offending Prince Li is beheading!” The captain was still very stubborn and roared at Xiao Chen. At the same time, he was struggling to get free, but it was impossible for him to get away from the clutches of an Eighth Celestial Layer expert like Xiao Chen.

“And here I thought you were the emperor or the representative of the imperial court!” Since he had already beaten him to a pulp, how could he back out now? Xiao Chen slapped him another four times. A few of the captain’s tooth already flew out a long time ago.

The eight soldiers at the side were flabbergasted. They were cowering at the same time. When had they ever received this kind of treatment in the National Capital of Terra? They had a sense of foreboding as they silently cursed; the south desolate region was really incomparably uncivilized. They even dared to hit the soldiers of Prince Li, not even regarding it as a matter of any importance.

After losing half of his teeth, the captain finally caved in. He didn’t dare to retaliate anymore and answered every question that was asked.

“Is that true? It was not incited by your lord, instead you were entrusted with this mission by the townspeople?”

“I swear, everything I said was the truth. I shouldn’t have accepted that five hundred gold coins due to greed. That wretched swine sought out my help and said that they wanted to teach the scammer a lesson. How was I supposed to know it was an expert on your level……?”

In the end, the captain had said everything that needed to be said. He knew he had provoked a fierce person. At this south desolate region, they refused to accept the beneficial influence of the sovereign. If the other party was truly barbarous and killed him on the spot, that would be too unjustified.

“Tell me everything you know about that guy.”

After the captain finished explaining, Xiao Chen grabbed him and violently flung him into the river. As for the other eight soldiers, after they suffered a certain level of physical pain, Xiao Chen also threw them into the river.

It was really too much to kill people within the city walls without a qualm, so he did not harm these people’s life, but this kind of punishment couldn’t be avoided. Although the other party were the soldiers of the prince, he wasn’t scared at all. The south desolate region could even be said to be a remote region where the central power could not reach. The geographic environment was really too remote.

Although the Celestial City was a great power in the southern part of the immortal’s mainland, it was still out of the supreme ruler’s reach. Therefore, the Celestial City had always been half-independent. The city lord ruled half of the south desolate region. The major powers at this place didn’t even take Terra Empire seriously.


The Dragon Kings unexpectedly appeared in Celestial City, there was even a glimpse of quite a few little sacred beasts. As well as the warbeast tournament that would begin three months later. It stirred up the clouds from all directions. Many people were rushing over from the northern side.

Terra Empire’s Prince Aeon of the First Rank had a successful political career and was in possession of an extremely powerful warbeast. Although he was dissatisfied to pay lip service to the lord of Celestial City, he still came to Celestial City and was one of the first powerful figures to arrive.

Celestial City was a half-independent nation, the city lord Liu Daoming had never shown any respect towards the imperial family. Prince Aeon of the First Rank was very discontent with him. That was because the city lord of Celestial City was actually playing deaf-mute and didn’t go to greet him. Although Aeon came to the south desolate region in secret, a lot of major powers in the city already knew about it, so how could the city lord Liu Daoming not know?

Aeon was only twenty plus years old, and he already had great status. How could he not get angry to receive this kind of treatment? However, he was enduring it silently for the past few days. He already got in touch with a few major powers. Today, in order to show his good faith, he invited the youngsters from a few influential families to dinner.

Even if these families had great influence, they were still the residents of Terra Empire after all. Therefore, it was a given that they would proactively make the youngsters in their family attend. Consequently, they were not worried of offending the city lord, Liu Daoming.

This was a private gathering, every attendant was an elite of some influential family.

Just at this time, Aeon suddenly received some news. He was so angry that his complexion changed abruptly as he shouted, “Imprudent!”

Not all the invitees were present yet. Only a few had arrived just a moment ago. Seeing Aeon’s ugly expression, a beautiful girl opened her mouth to inquire, “Is something the matter, you Highness?”

“Someone threw our personal soldiers into the river.” Although Aeon’s words were calm, every young men and women at this place were not any ordinary person, how could they not feel his repressed emotions?

“Hoh? Just who would be so daring to offend the prince’s prestige?” A man who seemed to be a little drunk asked.

Aeon had already endured this kind of treatment from the city lord Liu Daoming for several days now, and this kind of thing happened today, he was in an extremely bad mood.


Without a doubt, the one who threw the prince’s soldiers into the river was Xiao Chen. He was currently wandering around the town, looking for the ruffian with a scarred face as described by the captain.

He found the ruffian quite easily, because the scarred face was usually roaming about on that street. He didn’t even try to hide. Xiao Chen could already guess a few things so he didn’t make his move impatiently. He intercepted the ruffian in an unassuming alley. The scarred face did not see his visage clearly.

After sealing the scarred face’s acupuncture points, Xiao Chen fiercely punched him on the face first. Then he shouted, “Have you ever bribed Prince Li’s soldiers?”

The scarred face was already beaten to a pulp. He had momentarily been “blinded” and couldn’t see anything. He answered Xiao Chen’s every questions obediently.

The scarred face was the little ringleader of a certain major power in the city. However, the one who incited the scarred face to handle this matter was another person.

“So that was really the case……” Xiao Chen was a little angry. He didn’t want to continue the investigation, because he knew that the schemers should have already erased their traces.

Prince Li’s soldiers, scarred face, and the one “behind” scarred face, they were just some insignificant side characters. However, it was true that they came from some rather influential families.

Someone was setting up Xiao Chen, and making trouble for him on purpose. If he acted on impulse and continued to investigate, he would have offended a large quantity of nobodies. Although the nobodies were not scary, they could still be put to some special use sometimes. It was hard to say, who knew if he might end up provoking the major powers affiliated with them.

Like now for example, Prince Aeon of the First Rank was already furious. He endured city lord Liu Daoming’s treatment for several days already. And now a “ruffian” in Celestial City actually dared to make a move against his soldiers. This was really intolerable. If this was spread out, he would become a laughing stock. It’s not that he didn’t think of the possibility that this was the provocation of the city lord, but he had to respond to this kind of provocation.

This was the power of nobodies. As it should be, the few imperial soldiers described Xiao Chen as the “evil tyrant” of the city.

When the prince’s imperial bodyguards led a squadron of soldiers to go arrest Xiao Chen on the streets, the youthful Prince Li was feeling a bit rueful; Did he made a big fuss over a minor issue?

When Xiao Chen was intercepted by this squadron on the street, he immediately raged. The so-called Terra Empire had already granted Celestial City half-independence, and these people actually dared to exert their influence on the main street so arrogantly without distinguishing between right and wrong. Such a tyranny. If they were so courageous, they might as well just go and retake the Celestial City.

“Please tell your so-called prince to go back and investigate properly. Ask the soldiers whom I beat what was really going on! I am a low-profile person, I do not want to cause any unnecessary trouble, but that doesn’t mean I am afraid of getting involved!”

Low-profile, that was definitely a sign of mockery! That was what everyone in the prince’s squadron lamented about; “low-profile” my ***, you don’t even pay any attention to the prince, much too arrogant!

There was nothing to say, they immediately exerted their influence. All of these people rushed up at once. They expected to beat this city’s evil tyrant into submission very soon.

However, other than the prince’s imperial bodyguards being Exuvia Fourth Celestial Layer experts, the others were the so-called “elite troops”. They were nothing more than ants compared to the practitioners, how could they ever hope to seize Xiao Chen?

In only a moment, plenty of people were lying flat on the main street. Even the prince’s imperial bodyguards were no exception. Xiao Chen stepped on their bodies without a trace of politeness, then he said, “Tell this to your prince, I am a very low-profile person, don’t provoke me!”

Mother f—! The people lying on the ground really wanted to curse at him. Low-profile, that was obviously a sign of mockery! Just who was this person? He’s crazy!

Less than half an hour later, when Prince Aeon of the First Rank saw this group of badly battered people, he was so angry that even his nose distorted.

“He said that he is very low-profile? He asked me not to provoke him?!” After smashing the coffee table in front of him, he roared furiously, “A hoodlum in the city actually dares to be so discourteous to me, he’s courting death!”

However, he suddenly recalled something and said to the personal guards, “Go and investigate those few people properly. Find out what is really going on.”

Aeon knew these soldier’s revolting behavior. That military officer who came back first definitely was not speaking the truth, but he did not feel like looking into it. After all, they were still his people. Before they punish the dog, they had to pay attention to the owner first. It was precisely because he wanted to find the evil tyrant in the city to settle the bill. However, this time, since that hoodlum asked him to investigate properly, then he might as well do as he said. Maybe there was really some inside story.

“Your Highness, why are you angry?” A young man inquired.

There were more or less eight to nine young men and young ladies invited to the evening party. These were the elite figures of certain influential families. Despite their young age, they were very experienced.

“A hoodlum in the city is looking down on our authority!” Aeon already determined that it was prompted by city lord Liu Daoming. He asked these people with a very ugly expression, “You guys are citizens of Celestial City, have you ever heard of the hoodlum called Xiao Chen?”

These young men and young ladies were stirred up. After hearing these words, each of them had a different expression.

“Ah, it’s him!” A blue-haired girl cried out in surprise.

“Katalina, you have heard of this hoodlum? Is he very famous in this city?” Aeon asked. He was quite fond of this baby girl from the Mander Family. He felt that this beautiful young lady was frank and sincere. She was not sophisticated like the others.

“Of course I’ve heard of him. He is definitely a super bad hoodlum. The most famous evil tyrant in the city!” Katalina was panting with rage. At the same time, her cheeks were a little flushed.

The other young men and young ladies from the other families only revealed a faint smile, but they didn’t say anything. People on the upper circle like them could get wind of anything.

A few days ago, the baby girl from the Mander Family experienced hardship. She bet herself and became other people’s attendant as a prize, these people had already heard of it.

It was impossible for Aeon to miss these people’s peculiar expression. He opened his mouth to ask the man beside him, “Zhuge Ming, do you know this guy?”

That youngster seemed like he had drank a little too much. His complexion was really pale, and there were dark circles under his eyes, but no one dared to look down on him. They all knew his family was very powerful.

“Oh? I’ve heard of this guy, it seems…… he’s very arrogant!” Zhuge Ming said unenthusiastically.

Everyone present had different opinions, but they knew that Zhuge Ming was intentionally hoping that Xiao Chen would rise in revolt.

“Hoodlum, evil tyrant, arrogant……” Although Aeon was very furious, he slowly calmed down. Everyone present was the younger generation from some major power in the south desolate region, this egotistical guy coming out from their mouth was definitely not as simple as a hooligan.

“Fairsnow, do you know this guy?” Aeon asked again.

This was an extremely beautiful girl. If Xiao Chen was present, he would definitely be very shocked. That was because this girl looked exactly like Fairsky. Her beautiful face, her snow-white skin, her clear eyes and long eyelashes, her lily-white nose, her rosy lips, and her beautiful black hair that flowed down like a waterfall, she was precisely Fairsky’s twin sister.

“Oh? I seem to have heard of him.” Fairsnow frowned.

“Reporting in, Lady Yan Qingcheng has arrived.”

“Please enter!”

Fairsnow smiled and said, “Your Highness might want to ask Lady Qingcheng, she might know something.”


That was Aeon’s first impression of Yan Qingcheng. The girl who came from the Undying Sect was really too beautiful. Her beauty could even captivate the birds and beasts, hide the moon and shame the flowers. In addition to the other extremely beautiful ladies in the hall, the entire hall seemed to have become more dazzling.


  1. N/a

Chapter 147 – Imprint of Dao

God Slayer, although it was only a single technique, it was extremely profound. This technique was developed after numerous hard work and revisions. This was a highly generalized essence of the invisible Dao. Rather than an attack pattern, it might be better to say it was the materialized form of the “Imprint of Dao”!

Xiao Chen had practiced the God Slayer, the Chaotic Patterns, the Demon Suppression, and the Death Blow for quite some time now. Although he could already comprehend some of the mysteries included among these and use them to attack the enemies, it could also be said that he hadn’t really engraved this Imprint of Dao into his very being.

He had comprehended the Imprint of Dao’s killing method, but he still hadn’t grasped the real essence. After all, this was really too hard. They were battle stances without a form, even those of Immortalis realm would have difficulties comprehending the true meaning behind these.

Although the Imprint of Dao didn’t get engraved into his being, Xiao Chen was able to get a deep understanding in regards to the method to restrain enemies after nearly one year of training. Especially the Imprint of Dao’s first technique, the God Slayer. He was able to comprehend it the most.

When facing a powerful enemy at the Eight Celestial Layer, Xiao Chen had never underestimated him once.The moment he heard the other side shouting the name of the skill, he felt a sense of danger enveloping him and didn’t hesitate to launch God Slayer, one of the four major techniques.

The more dangerous the situation, the calmer Xiao Chen became. In a world of nothingness, his inner world became a piece of blank, as if he had detached from the battlefield and became a spectator. However, his hand had already executed the Imprint of Dao.

God Slayer, it was a remarkable technique. The first move of the four major techniques, just as its name implied, the main aspect lied in the word, “Slayer”. One after another multicolored radiances illuminated the sky in a flash.

Although the sun had already set in the west, and the color of the sky already darkened, this area was incomparably bright. It was as if there were countless stars converging in midair. The glorious radiance that illuminated everything like the sun was exceptionally beautiful.

However, this wasn’t really the divine kind of beauty, this was the ray of death as seen in a perilous situation. The tranquility was broken in a short moment; the thunderous light rumbled in the sky and the murderous aura soared.

The violent energy went out of control. As if there was a fissure, the dojo started to shake violently. It was easy to imagine just how fierce the confrontation in the sky was this time around.

This technique of Lambda, Yin Yang Annihilation, could be said to be one of the top-notch mystic arts under the heaven. It was a very unpredictable ability. If an average person was to receive this attack, even their bones would cease to exist.

One of his palm was pitch-black like ink, the other one was as clear as white jade. Two completely different colors appeared on his left and right palms. A tsunami-like violent energy burst out and induced a seven-layered energy storm. It felt as if the space itself had twisted, as if the door to hell had opened in the sky as it tried to engulf Xiao Chen.

Everyone on the ground could feel the powerful pressure and energy turbulence. It could be said that the fluctuation from the Yin Yang Annihilation was the very first to drop down and cause the fissures on the dojo.

It was a very terrifying move. Lambda merely flipped his palms a little, and such a frightening aftermath was the result.

Xiao Chen clearly saw an underworld temple floating in the sky. In front of the gloomy ancient temple, those huge and sinister demon sculptures appeared vivid and lifelike. A gigantic black door seemed to be opening towards Xiao Chen.

This was definitely the most bizarre battle Xiao Chen ever had. A single Yin Yang Annihilation technique could actually draw out such a terrifying illusion, it was truly outrageous. The powerful attractive force behind the gate seemed as if it was about to crush him.

The Imprint of Dao, God Slayer, cut through the darkness of the ancient temple like a golden sun. It streaked across the vast sky on top of this illusion, weakening the destructive force unceasingly!

The rays of light emitted by the God Slayer were especially eye-catching in the darkness. Each and every ray of light actually looked as if they were real swords and blades. However, they were miniature-sized swords and blades. The longest was only three inches!

It was very bizarre! There were countless divine swords and heavenly blades, but none of them looked identical. All of them were unique in their own way, it was as if they had pierced through space-time and arrived from the ancient era.

It was a bizarre confrontation. It was a confrontation between illusions! However, the power coming from the illusions were real.

Lambda was endlessly shocked. Yin Yang Annihilation technique was Mander Family’s foundation. The reason Mander Family didn’t fall for several hundred years in the south desolate region, the reason they became more and more powerful, it was closely related to how they were in control of this divine art. Only with enough power would their family be able to stand taller and steadier.

Yin Yang Annihilation was a mystic art from the ancient legends. Its name had shook the south desolate region for countless years. It was obtained by someone in their family inadvertently.

Facing someone on the same level, so long as they executed this move, even the Time Benders and Void Masters had to fall back. As for the other people, it was needless to say it, there were only a very few capable of fending it off.

However, today, Lambda was completely dumbstruck. The underworld temple illusion that emerged in the empty sky was slowly collapsing. Those thousands upon thousands of three inches swords and blades destroyed every obstruction and crushed anything in their path.

The space crumbled apart!

After ten continuous collision sounds, the sky slowly recovered its former tranquility. Traces of blood could be seen spilling from the corner of Xiao Chen’s mouth. This was the first time he had sustained an injury after his secret arts had advanced by leaps and bounds.

Lambda had a really pale face. He stood in the sky unmovingly, then he suddenly fell backwards while a big mouthful of blood spurted out. He fell from midair head first.

It was very obvious that he lost, he was completely defeated!

“It’s over!”

“The Eighth Celestial Layer Lambda has actually been defeated!”

“The rankings of the youth generation experts in the south desolate region is going to be revised! Xiao Chen’s name will be engraved right behind that freak from the Mander Family, the Solitary Sword Demon, and the others.”

“One more twenty odd years Eighth Celestial Layer expert!”

“How formidable!”

The North Style Academy’s central dojo had already turned very rowdy. Everyone was endlessly shocked. Xiao Chen defeated the four grand experts in a consecutive match, and even downed Lambda. The rankings of the top-notch youth experts in the south desolate region would have to be revised!

“Oh my god! Can this freak actually be about the same level as Katalina’s eldest brother?” Zhuge Liang pulled his neck back with a bit of lingering fear.

Fairsky heaved a sigh. He was a pretty powerful practitioner himself, so he understood the situation the most. He said, “Why don’t you give up now? For him to be this powerful, he must have a great power backing him up. Otherwise, how could he obtain such a powerful secret art. The older generation experts in the south desolate region have misgivings about each other. They would not make their moves as they wished. Killing a few people from the youth generation is going to be a walk in the park for him. I advise you to not get any crooked thoughts towards the tough little dragon.”

“Brother!” The blue-haired young lady, Katalina, quickly ran towards the center of the field.

Lambda, who just fell from the sky, had already been received by someone. Looking at Katalina who was getting closer, he forced a weak smile and said, “Never thought he was this strong……”

“Brother, are you alright? This is all my fault. After big brother comes back……”

“He was already holding back just now. Otherwise I wouldn’t even live to see another day……”

At a distant place, a few old men from the North Style Academy were looking at each other. Then their expressions became serious. One of them was muttering to himself for a while before he said, “That move just now… was it the God Slayer?!”

“It, it’s very likely!”

“Yin Yang Annihilation technique has shaken the south desolate region. Never had it occurred to me that it would come across a nemesis.”

“Lambda must have held back a little. We can’t be sure of the outcome.”

“Might I remind you, Yin Yang Annihilation is the Mander Family’s secret treasure!”


The dojo was extremely noisy, the students from the North Style Academy, the Wargod Academy, and even the White Elk Academy were having a dispute. The North Style Academy suffered a huge defeat, and the words from the students of the other two academies were inappropriate. It almost led to a conflict. They almost spurred into action by the negative remarks, and even wanted to make the experts that the North Style Academy secretly fostered to come out and fight.

Seeing that Xiao Chen was descending from the sky, Fairsky and the fatty ran over there quickly.

“Let’s get out of here quickly. You have made your name known with this fight today, but it’s going to get very troublesome now. It is better to lie low until the fuss dies down.”

Xiao Chen nodded his head. Taking Tenax and Keke along, he followed the two of them and quickly ran towards the outside of the North Style Academy.

Nobody dared to stop Xiao Chen. The tyrannical display just now gave them a lingering fear. Nobody wanted to have their arms and legs broken.

After exiting the North Style Academy’s gate, the fatty let out a long breath and said, “Brother, if you are this strong, you should have told me earlier. Heh heh, now I can openly come to this educational street to look at the young sisters. What’s more to be afraid of……” Thinking about this point, the fatty let out a mischievous laughter.

The handsome Fairsky smacked his forehead. He was having a slight headache as he muttered, “I really don’t know if it was a good idea or bad idea to arrange your house at the educational street. It will definitely be bustling with noise and excitement later on.” He turned his body around and said, “I originally wanted to invite you both to the Spellbind Castle, but it is better to lie low for now until the fuss dies down. Otherwise we might cause some trouble. We should have a proper gathering several days later.”

Without a doubt, Xiao Chen’s name had already been posted on the bulletin board of the three big academies. A lot of people were paying attention to him. These past few days, he had led a reclusive life and indulged in training all day long.

Of course, there were times when he had to go out, such as to go out and eat. He was unwilling to upset his own stomach. He went out to eat every single day. Despite how he was staying low-key and found some unassuming place to eat, some troubles still couldn’t be avoided.

“The person in front, halt!”

A few soldiers ran over. Their full-bodied armors were giving off a metallic shine, the longswords in their hands were shiny.

“We suspect you might be related to a vicious case, please come with us.”

These people were definitely up to no good. Looking at the sneer on the soldiers before his eyes, Xiao Chen could easily tell that they were intentionally framing him.

“Do you guys have any evidence?”

“You’ll know once we get there, hurry it up.”

Mother f—! Xiao Chen was a little annoyed. Someone was making trouble for him on purpose. Although he didn’t care about these soldiers before his eyes, he didn’t want to kill them in the middle of the street.

That’s right, thinking about it carefully, he really couldn’t act recklessly. As for who had the most power within the city walls, it was definitely the lord of Celestial City.

“Hurry!” One of the ordinary soldier at the side roared with impatience.

Xiao Chen looked at them calmly, then he said in a deep voice, “Let’s see if you guys can keep up this arrogant act.”

“I am the soldier of Prince Li ⌈1⌋, even if I kill you right here and now, I will not be condemned!” One of the soldiers had a very fierce expression.

“I dare you to say it one more time?!” Xiao Chen took a step forward. When he was in the mortal world, he even dared to kill an imperial princess, let alone the soldiers of some prince in the world of immortals.

Although these soldiers were arrogant and bossy, they felt their entire body break out in cold sweat after Xiao Chen’s sharp eyes swept past them. A few of them were flapping their mouths, they actually swallowed the foul language that they were about to say.


  1. Prince Li is supposed to be a title of the sort: 

Chapter 146 – Human-shaped Tyrannical Dragon

One hit knock out!

Xiao Chen stood calmly on the field, and Rex, on the other hand, was sent flying away. Lambda, who was at the side, transformed into a streak of light and rushed over there to catch Rex. Traces of blood could be seen spilling from the corner of Rex’s mouth. Although there was no danger to his life, he clearly couldn’t fight anymore.

It was extremely noisy outside of the field since a while ago. Everyone was incomparably shocked. Rex was a student of North Style Academy. A Sixth Celestial Layer practitioner could already be considered an expert in the academy. It’s not that there was no one who could surpass him, it’s that he was defeated in a single move. It was only natural that people would be flabbergasted.

The news spread out really fast. In a short period of time, almost a thousand people already gathered at the central dojo.

“I will go next!” Another one of the four grand experts stepped forward. Medium build, somewhat thin, ordinary appearance, but his eyes possessed a hint of sharpness. He announced his name as he entered the field, “I am Maple.” This person was very straightforward. He didn’t say any superfluous words and his figure turned illusory in an instant. It was as if his entire person had transformed into a shadow. It made people unable to seize his aura.

The spectators already started their heated discussion.

“Maple is a natural Psychic. A Sixth Celestial Layer expert. Only a few in the institution are a worthy match for him. He’s in control of a terrifying divine ability!”

“He can hide his own whereabouts, and kill people from the shadows!”


These people were discussing in a low voice, so it was only natural that the two in the field didn’t hear it. Under everyone’s attentive gaze, Maple’s figure suddenly disappeared and became invisible.

The sunset glow dyed the sky red. The red afterglow shone upon the dojo and made the entire field scarlet red. Everyone was dumbstruck, they couldn’t find Maple’s vestiges anymore.

Just at this instance, Xiao Chen suddenly moved. He quickly moved away from the center of the field, and landed five meters away as light as a feather. A glaring ray of light swept past the place he was just standing a moment ago. Clearly, Maple had launched a razor-sharp attack.

But after missing the target, that ray of light disappeared in a flash and didn’t leave behind any fluctuation. Xiao Chen couldn’t help but knit his brows.

The field turned quiet all of a sudden. The spectators had stopped their discussions and watched everything quietly. This was a special match, Xiao Chen might be powerful, but the opponent was invisible. He still possessed a certain threat to him.


A dazzling lightning slashed through the air. The lower hem of Xiao Chen’s cloth turned into ash in an instant. If he was half a step slower, his body might have turned into charcoal. Nobody doubted the power of that lightning. The smell of ozone drifted in the air.

Dodging one attack after another by a hair’s breadth, Xiao Chen furrowed his brows again.

The dojo became extremely quiet, so much so that everyone’s breathing sounds could even be heard. All the spectators were nervously paying attention to every details, because the outcome of the battle might be decided at any second.


A resplendent sword-qi suddenly appeared in the empty space and slashed towards Xiao Chen’s neck. But the instant it approached, Xiao Chen’s body bent in an unfathomable arc like a soft vine and avoided it by a hair’s breadth. Following that, he turned around as quick as a cheetah and pounced at the direction where the sword-qi came from.

Although the sword-qi already faded away, and Maple’s vestiges had disappeared a long time ago, Xiao Chen seemed to have already locked onto him. He headed straight for a certain space. Without any unnecessary movement, he attacked with a punch; simple and direct. The fist was crystal clear and emitted a glorious radiance. A “rattling” sound could be heard as he ruthlessly smashed down on the empty space.

A groan could be heard. Maple’s figure reappeared as he fell back at lightning speed. One of his arm was twisted in a weird position. His bone had obviously been broken by Xiao Chen’s punch.

“Very good!” This was Xiao Chen’s evaluation of Maple. Even though the opponent was only a Sixth Celestial Layer, he possessed the ability to make himself invisible. This was something Xiao Chen regarded as important.

However, Maple was feeling incomparably furious when he heard these. The opponent was a few years younger than himself, and yet the way he spoke was like an elder giving directions to the younger generation. “Again!” He didn’t think he had been defeated yet. He concealed his figure at lightning speed and disappeared on the spot again.

“You are not my opponent.” Xiao Chen spoke towards an empty space. It caused Maple who was hiding there to jolt. He hastily changed his position.

Seeing that he didn’t plan to pull back, Xiao Chen didn’t waste his breath anymore. He had already executed his presence perception divine ability at this time. Maple’s every actions were clearly caught by him.

If Maple knew that Xiao Chen deliberately sealed his spiritual sense just now, he would definitely be dumbstruck. He would never have thought that Xiao Chen was using him to sharpen his reaction speed. He simply did not regard him as an opponent on the same level.

Of course, Xiao Chen would never openly declare he had this kind of divine ability. He would never let others know that he had the ability to detect other’s presence without sound and sight.


An energy storm spread all over the dojo, Xiao Chen’s fist had sent the invisible Maple flying away. The sound of rattling bones resounded clearly in the dojo.

Maple’s other arm also drooped down. At the same time, both of his legs were deformed and there were many fractures all over his body.

The spectators made a huge ruckus. This guy known as Xiao Chen was practically a human-shaped weapon! Maple’s strength was extremely outstanding in the North Style Academy, there were really very few who could actually suppress him.

However, he was beaten by Xiao Chen as if he was a scarecrow. This was somewhat unbelievable. Could this guy’s body actually be made out of steel?

Looking at Xiao Chen’s lofty figure, as well as his handsome appearance, he didn’t seem like a vicious person that underwent the steel skin training. However…… his performance was extremely vicious like that of a beast. A little bit more and his tendons would have detached from the bone!

The unreasonably beautiful Fairsky took a deep breath, then he muttered, “This dude is really fierce!” He turned his head to face Zhuge Liang at the side and said, “Fatty, you better be careful. When the time comes, you better don’t come up with any noxious plan against the tough little dragon. Otherwise you wouldn’t even be able to keep your swine arms and legs anymore. If you run into him, careful that your pig head might even be smashed.”

“He’s practically not a human!” The blue-haired Katalina at the side widened her watery big eyes. She bit her red lips with all her might. Her pearly white teeth were crystal clear, and her cute little nose were twitching. She appeared somewhat adorable. She resentfully mumbled to herself, “Don’t tell me this guy is made of iron? He’s so strong. Will cousin be able to beat him……?”

At the moment, the North Style Academy was already like a boiling cauldron of voices. More than half of the students had rushed over. The dojo was already filled to the point that not one drop of water could trickle through.

North Style Academy was a close neighbor with Wargod Academy and White Elk Academy. The news of the confrontation between the four grand experts and an unknown expert already spread to the other two academies. Many students had already climbed the wall and rushed over. They wanted to see which madman dared to come “pick a fight” with the North Style Academy.

It was impossible for Maple to continue fighting. It looked as if he was practically stomped by a Tyrannical Dragon, there were fractures all over his body.

The third person entered the field with large strides. He had a tall stature and a rough appearance. He possessed an air of a bandit. That person was very straightforward and said, “Ryuuji, en garde!”


He attacked with the fist. The fist cut through the space like a comet. The purple radiance left a streak of light like a rainbow.

Xiao Chen didn’t dodge it, he met the attack head on with his own fist. The firmly clenched fist was glittering and the skin was as clear as jade. Although it did not erupt with battle aura, it still emitted a thunderous rumbling noise.


A direct confrontation! The two fists collided together! Xiao Chen did not move a tiny bit. Ryuuji on the other hand, fell back seven to eight steps. His arm was trembling like crazy. Although his right arm did not suffer a fracture, the swelling was very obvious. His right palm was suffering from an internal bleeding.

Everyone outside of the field took a deep breath.

“This guy is practically a human-shaped Tyrannical Dragon!”

“Ryuuji is a Seventh Celestial Layer expert, he is nicknamed as the Iron Fist, but he was actually pushed back by this guy’s fist. He’s a beast!”

“Ryuuji could be considered the strongest in our academy. He’s actually being pushed back by that guy. He’s really such a beast!”

“Wrong, Ryuuji is a Seventh Celestial Layer expert. He is the strongest among the outer courtyard. The two trump cards that are secretly fostered in the inner courtyard should be stronger than him.”

Without a doubt, Xiao Chen’s fist had pushed back the strongest in the outer courtyard and dominated all the spectators.

“This violent gorilla, he’s practically a wild beast!” The Mander Family’s baby girl muttered apprehensively in a low voice.


The sound of air being slashed transmitted outwards. Ryuuji actually soared into the sky. He was floating in midair and lifted his hand to shoot down one purple light after another towards Xiao Chen. Many people outside the field were very shocked. It was obvious that other than a few people, nobody knew that this martial arts expert was also a Psychic.

Ryuuji didn’t dare to have a direct confrontation with Xiao Chen anymore. He flew in a circle in the sky, diving down occasionally, in hope of draining Xiao Chen of his strength.

However, that was just his wishful thinking. When everyone cried out in surprise, Ryuuji was already dumbstruck. Xiao Chen actually unfolded a pair of energy wings and soared into the sky, flying directly towards him.

“My god! This human-shaped Tyrannical Dragon is practically unrivalled! He can actually fly!”

“You don’t understand anything, that is the Undying Sect’s miraculous technique. He actually mastered the Undying Divine Wings. That is practically the bane of all Psychics and Spell Masters. A human-shaped Tyrannical Dragon that knows how to fly is too terrifying!”


If Xiao Chen listened attentively, he would surely get angry. Everyone had already treated him as a human-shaped Tyrannical Dragon, an unparallelled vicious beast.

Ryuuji wanted to dodge, but since the Undying Divine Wings had already been unfolded, where else could he run? Xiao Chen’s speed was really too fast. Everyone only blinked their eyes for a moment, and Xiao Chen already clashed with the Seventh Celestial Layer Ryuuji. Sword-qi were brandished left and right between them. The surging aura pervaded the air, and the strong light dazzled the eyes.

The energy flow in the sky rumbled violently. It surged up unceasingly and produced thunderous explosions.

Ryuuji was a Seventh Celestial Layer expert after all. He exchanged a few dozen blows with Xiao Chen, but he was still unable to withstand it in the end. He was sent flying away by a roaring fist, blood sprinkled everywhere.

All the spectators were practitioners, their eyesight were especially sharp. They had already seen Ryuuji’s deformed arms. Clearly, both of his arms were fractured.

“Ryuuji also suffered a fracture!”

“This guy is way too strong. I doubt even the two trump cards in the inner courtyard can beat him.”

“Mother f—, this guy is a real beast!”

At this time, many students from the Wargod Academy and the White Elk Academy had also arrived. After looking at this scene, they started to cry out loud one after another.

“Dude, you are so strong. Even the number one expert in the North Style Academy’s outer courtyard has been defeated by you. Come on, bro! You might as well go straight to the inner courtyard.”

“Bro, let us have a friendly chat later. I am from the White Elk Academy.”

“Buddy, you are practically a human-shaped Tyrannical Dragon. Too strong! You even left the North Style Academy’s experts speechless. This big sister will root for you!”


When everyone from the North Style Academy heard these people’s words, they glared at them in succession.

“Oi, that brat from the Wargod Academy. What are you roaring about?!”

“This guy from the White Elk Academy, you still dare to come to our academy? Did you forget what happened last time? You sneaked into our academy’s female dorm and was chased off after you took a beating.”

A female student interrupted, “Ceh, it’s not like the North Style Academy is a restricted area, why wouldn’t we be here? Hey, the tyrannical bro in the field, fight on! Later we will go to the White Elk Academy and this older sister will introduce some pretty juniors to you.”


It was very noisy outside of the dojo.

Among the unbearable noise, Lambda walked into the field. Although he was not very handsome, he had a different kind of temperament. He was incomparably calm and possessed the air of a master.

“I said that if you could beat the three of them, I would not make things difficult for you today.”

“You might let me off today, but you will probably come find me again tomorrow.”

“I indeed plan to make a future appointment to have a contest with you.”

“I knew you would say that. There is no better day than this, let’s settle this today, once and for all.”

The two’s voice clearly transmitted to the outside, the dojo immediately quieted down.

Who was Lambda? An Eighth Celestial Layer expert. If he did not just graduate from the North Style Academy, the number one expert in the outer courtyard was definitely him.

Lambda smiled faintly and said, “Good! Very straightforward. Then we’ll do it today. Do you need to rest?”

“No need, let’s begin right away!” Xiao Chen took a single step forward. As if he had the Ground Shrink divine ability, he covered ten meters in a single tiny step.

Strong wind rose as his right hand made a diagonal slash. The right hand was flickering with a glorious metallic luster. Xiao Chen didn’t dare to look down on Lambda, he was an expert on the same level as him.


Lambda was as light as the leaf carried by the wind. He moved along with the wind and drifted eight meters apart. Xiao Chen jumped high into the sky, and swept over with both legs in front. His legs looked as if they were made out of steel, if anyone received a direct hit from that, their bones would inevitably be shattered.

Lambda had obviously seen through it; Xiao Chen was very wild and violent. His power was formidable, yet unrestrained. He was unwilling to exchange blows with him. He shifted a few feet horizontally, and then jumped high into the sky. He made a somersault in the sky, his legs were like a pair of scissors. They separated into two sides and cut towards Xiao Chen’s waist like a pair of scissors.

All of these happened in two shakes of a lamb’s tail ⌈1⌋, it was unimaginably fast. Many people could only see a few afterimages, they couldn’t see the specific movements of the fight clearly.

Xiao Chen was really cool-headed. Scissors leg was the most basic attack pattern. Every martial artist knew it possessed unparallelled power, but only a few could use it properly. Xiao Chen did not panic, he did not dodge. On the contrary, he suddenly shifted horizontally in midair, increasing his speed as he knocked against Lambda.

“This guy is really too fierce!”

“Strong! This dude is the real deal!”

“Truly a human-shaped Tyrannical Dragon! So crazy!”


The experts outside of the field had seen everything clearly. A lot of people were having a discussion. Especially those from the White Elk Academy and the Wargod Academy, they had no qualms when they opened their mouths to speak.

Xiao Chen rushed forward like this, his waist directly ran in between Lambda’s two legs. This was the most spicy method to neutralize the scissors leg. Before Lambda’s leg could cut him, his body would have already bumped into his weakest spot. ⌈2

“Wild beast!” Katalina mumbled.

One after another, many people cried out in alarm.

Lambda was an expert after all, he never thought Xiao Chen would be this fierce. He quickly adjusted his posture and as if his body had suddenly weighed ten thousand kilograms, he quickly fell towards the ground and avoided Xiao Chen’s fierce attack.

At the same time, Xiao Chen dived head first. Both of his palms were as sharp as blades. The resplendent rays of light made his two palms flicker like jewels.

The surging energy looked as if it had materialized. It was smashing down like a ten ton giant hammer. The ground was making a cracking sound. The invisible energy already caused a fissure on the ground, one after another huge cracks appeared.

The strong breeze caused Lambda’s long hair to flutter hysterically. It was already impossible for him to dodge. That mountain-like energy had already enveloped him from above. He could only exchange blows with him, there was no room for cowering.


As if two mountains had collided, the turbulent gale and energy surged up violently. The bright rays of light caused everyone to cover their eyes. The terrifying incorporeal power spread out wildly.

The innermost spectators suffered the aftereffects, their body trembled as they got pushed back involuntarily. Many people were affected, the dojo burst into disorder.

In the center of the field, after Xiao Chen and Lambda exchanged a fierce blow, the two of them tangled together like two streaks of lightning. The afterimages and shadows of the palms swirled in the air. The glaring rays of light exploded unceasingly.

The two exchanged one intense blow after another.

“They’re flying… they’re flying!”

“It’s the El Volar Cloth. I never thought that Lambda actually had this kind of rare item.”

Cries of alarm transmitted from the outside. Lambda actually jumped and flew into the sky. Xiao Chen unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and also defied the laws of gravity. The both of them began to fight in the sky.

Almost all of the students of the North Style Academy had arrived at the central dojo. A lot of experts from the White Elk Academy and the Wargod Academy also arrived. Even the older generation experts of the academies were startled and began to pay close attention to this fight.

“Xiao Chen, you are finished!” Lambda was so confident that it couldn’t be described with words as he yelled, “Yin Yang Element ———— Annihilation!”

Xiao Chen felt very uneasy, he also yelled, “God Slayer!”


  2. Silva: OUCH! OOO! OUCH! So fierce! 

Chapter 145 – Four Grand Experts

The North Style Academy was founded eight hundred years ago. It was one of the most powerful forces in Celestial City nowadays. It was said that the academy was founded by some scattered practitioners at that time.

The founders all possessed extraordinary strength. They did not have a powerful backer, all of them were some uncommon “hermit”. When facing big sects with long history, their individual power seemed somewhat weak. Precisely because of this very reason, some like-minded people gathered together and founded the North Style Academy in the Celestial City. After several hundreds years of growth, they had already turned into a big sect in the south desolate region. It could even be said to be incomprehensible.

In these eight hundred years, the North Style Academy had taken in numerous styles of training methods. After the elders in the institution studied them intensively, they created a few dozen top-notch techniques by getting rid of the weeds and keeping the flowers.

As for the Wargod Academy and the White Elk Academy adjacent to the North Style Academy, they both had their own histories.

The North Style Academy took up a huge space. The ancient fence was like a city wall and extended to both sides without an end in sight. The main gate was tall and imposing. It was just directly in front of Xiao Chen’s residence, only separated by a street.

Going across this educational street, Xiao Chen and company entered the North Style Academy with the baby brat of the Mander Family in the lead.

It was already the evening, the course of the day in the North Style Academy had already ended. It was the time for the students to relax. A lot of young men and young ladies were entering and exiting the academy. When they saw the blue-haired Katalina, many people greeted her rather warmly. It was easy to tell that she had quite the reputation in this academy.

There were also a lot of people staring at the fatty and Fairsky with unfriendly gazes. It was easy to tell that these two hedonistic sons were not very well-received. Even Xiao Chen who was following them got glared at a few times.

“Come, come, want to see an expert’s showdown? Want to see an Eight Celestial Layer expert persecute the perverts? Then come with me!” The blue-haired Katalina shouted as soon as she entered the North Style Academy, and waved her hands at everyone present.

“My god, does this brat from the Mander Family have to be this cruel?” The fatty felt a little uneasy. He and Fairsky were a pair of peeping toms, they frequently came to this place to steal a glance at the beautiful girls. So much so that they even came to take a stroll in the academy sometimes. Although they didn’t do any immoral act, their public reputation was nothing short of bad. When people started to surround them from all sides, he started to have a little guilty conscience.

Fairsky was not particularly scared. After all, he was a practitioner with considerable strength. Although he was somewhat crestfallen, he still had a faint smile on his beautiful face. It seemed like he couldn’t care less.

“Little brat, where is your big brother? Hurry and lead the way.” Xiao Chen didn’t care if there was an audiences or not. It made no differences.

“Come, everyone come with me to see our academy’s absolute expert defeating the perverts.” The baby girl of the Mander Family shouted with all her might. As if she had already anticipated Xiao Chen’s crushing defeat, she used this as a pretext to vent.

More and more people gathered. Everyone followed them into the inner part of the academy.

It must be mentioned, the North Style Academy was really out of the ordinary. Along the sides of the road, they passed by one hall after another. He had already seen seven or eight dojos, and even three extraordinarily beautiful gardens with different styles; The rocky mountain was simple and unadorned, the clear spring flowed into the huge courtyard, the fine woods were verdant, and the pavilions were as faintly discernable as the underground palaces of ghouls.

“Go to the central dojo, everyone come and watch.” The blue-haired young lady was getting more and more excited as she saw more people rushing towards them. She cast a provocative glance towards Xiao Chen and said, “You arrogant hedonistic son, you will be defeated today. Who told you to humiliate me, I will return it to you in a moment.”

Xiao Chen found it to be somewhat laughable. This brat was truly headstrong and unruly.

But the fatty and Fairsky were already in doubt. The fatty whispered, “Is that freak really back? That doesn’t seem like it, it is impossible for him to be this bombastic. He would definitely not let this little brat act arbitrarily regardless of the rules.”

Fairsky asked doubtfully, “Katalina, is it really your big brother that wants to have a showdown with Xiao Chen?”

“Of course!”

The central dojo was extremely big. There was a sapphire-like lake beside the big hall. It appeared solemn and calm, lotus flowers were growing in the lake. The boat at the side of the lake caused a few ripples. The dojo was brimming with murderous aura. That was the aura left behind by the practitioners of the North Style Academy over many years.

Katalina, Fairsky, and everyone else had already come to a halt. Only Xiao Chen continued to take large strides into the center of the dojo. He stood in the center without saying a word as he swept his eyes over everyone.

Just at this time, a shocked voice suddenly transmitted from the crowd, “It is actually the four grand experts!”

“It really is the four grand experts!”


The fatty and Fairsky were also a little flabbergasted. They faced Katalina and said, “What’s wrong with you? Why are they the experts of the North Style Academy? And four of them appeared at once, where is your big brother?”

“You tell me, among the four of them, who’s not my brother?”

“They are only your cousins, and not your blood related brother.”

“But they are also my older brothers, and they are not any weaker than my blood related brother.” Katalina was smiling gleefully.

The fatty was a little depressed and said, “Xiao Chen is dead for sure.”

Fairsky faced Katalina and said, “This brat from Mander’s Family, aren’t you a little too shameless? You actually went to find him. He is already thirty years old, he is already one generation older than us. Why don’t you just go and find your uncle directly?!”

“Nonsense, big brother Lambda is only twenty nine years old. According to the unwritten rule of the mainland, he should still be considered the youth generation. Asking him to deal with Xiao Chen is not undue.” Katalina’s face was filled with a smile. Her pair of beautiful big eyes already bent into the crescent moon shape.

“F—! An expert half a generation older…… The Mander Family is despicable!” The fatty cursed in a low voice.

The four grand experts entered the field unhurriedly. They surrounded Xiao Chen from four sides.

Lambda stood with his hands at the back. His expression was cold and proud. Though he couldn’t be considered as handsome, he possessed the air of an expert.

The other three were also six to seven years older than Xiao Chen. They looked like they were around twenty five to twenty six years old. Their temperament was also out of ordinary.

Hearing that it was Lambda and the others at the central dojo, many other students rushed over at high speed. They wanted to see who actually dared to confront Lambda, an Eighth Celestial Layer expert.

“All four of you can come at once!” Although Xiao Chen’s voice was not loud, it clearly resounded in the dojo.

There were already eight hundred people gathered at the site. They caused an uproar as soon as they heard these words. Wasn’t this youngster being too arrogant? He actually planned to fight the four grand experts by himself. One must know that Lambda was an Eight Celestial Layer expert. Only a few would be able to stand up to him among the youth generation.

“Who is this guy? He’s actually so arrogant.”

“I heard he won over that baby girl from Mander Family as an attendant. He really has guts. Does he not fear that once that brat’s freak of an older brother comes back, he will go find him to settle the debt?”

“Don’t need to wait for Katalina’s freak of an older brother to come back. This Lambda should be more than enough. He’s also an Eight Celestial Layer expert.”

“Just where did this Xiao Chen guy came from?!”

Xiao Chen’s name already spread all over the North Style Academy in an instant. Many male and female audiences were making inquiries about his origin.

The pervert group, Fairsky and the fatty; their eyes were turning left and right. The fatty couldn’t hold back anymore and said, “So it is actually that easy to attract beautiful young ladies, just look at those beautiful girls…… Alas, I wonder when will I be able to make them pay attention to me.”

“Wait ‘till you succeed your family’s Amber Warbeast Castle, the beautiful girls will naturally crowd around you.” Fairsky mercilessly brought him back to reality.

In the field, Lambda raised an eyebrow and said calmly, “I am almost ten years older than you. If I really make my move, it will be nothing more than bullying. I will let my three friends over there to fight with you one on one. If you can win, then I will not make things difficult for you.” He was very conceited. He responded to Xiao Chen’s ravings just now with these words.

“Then the three of you can come at once.” Xiao Chen was very calm, his words were very direct.

“This Xiao brat, don’t be so arrogant. Lambda was being modest to you, and yet you don’t know what is good for yourself. Let me, Rex, be the first to answer you!” A blue-clothed man with black hair moved like the wind. He left behind a blue afterimage in his original position and rushed towards Xiao Chen.

“Rex made his move, twenty five years old, Sixth Celestial Layer expert!” The people outside the field were making a racket. Many people knew he was the North Style Academy’s expert.

“He’s most proficient in the Ichor Blade. Quick, look! He’s about to execute it!”

A blood blade was rumbling like a bloody cloud, it was drizzling with bloody fog. The space in front of Rex was engulfed by the color of blood. The red lightning was crisscrossing in the dojo. Eighty genuine light blades slashed the air. The frantic bloody sword waves gathered together and formed a terrifying blade screen as they were launched towards Xiao Chen.

The surprised yell of the audiences already transmitted from the outside of the field. One sword-qi after another slashed through the space. The glorious radiance already caused everyone to narrow their eyes and watch what was happening in the field nervously.

No complicated maneuver, no intense collision as they expected, and no shocking energy fluctuation. They only saw a glaring ray of light flickering within the bloody light. Xiao Chen’s palm actually passed through layers upon layers of the blade screen and destroyed the sword-qi without making any sound!

“Demonic Seal!”

“It is actually the Undying Sect’s Demonic Seal!”

“When did an expert like this emerge from the Undying Sect?!”

There were some experienced and knowledgeable persons outside of the field. They already cried out in surprise.

Demonic Seal, the methodology was not affected by the body. As long as the heart was not extinguished, the body would not extinguish! It was a valuable secret art for the weak to resist the strong!

“This guy’s power is more profound than Rex’s. He’s using the unrivalled secret arts, his superiority is unquestionable!”


When everyone was shouting in surprise, Xiao Chen took a step forward. When he flipped his hand over, Rex’s bloody blade broke down like fragile glassware. His entire person was like he had sustained a lightning strike; his body trembled violently before he was sent flying away.

With only a single strike, a Sixth Celestial Layer expert was defeated!

Numerous spectators caused an uproar. Many of them didn’t dare to believe the fact before their eyes.

“Rex was actually defeated, one hit knock out!” ⌈1


Hearing the racket at this place, many more people in the academy rushed over.


  1. Silva: I wanted to type OHKO XD 

Chapter 144 – Lecher

In a short half an hour later, Xiao Chen had already become a celebrity in the warbeast street. He actually made Katalina, the Mander Family’s baby girl, into his attendant. It made the spectators flabbergasted. They were secretly exclaiming that this youngster seriously had guts. Although the crowd was just adding fuel to the fire, he actually dared to do it. He’s really getting tired of living or what?

What’s more, this youngster, whose origin was unknown, actually did not understand the current circumstances. He was openly taking a stroll everywhere with the beautiful attendant. He appeared free and relaxed. It made the group of youngsters so envious that they started to drool.

“This arrogant guy is really too evil!’ The blue-haired girl furrowed her curvy eyebrows. Her vivid big eyes contained a hint of anger as she shouted, “You actually dared to make me your attendant?!”

“If you agree to bet, you must accept to lose. You must understand this logic. If you want to back out, you are free to leave. I didn’t force you to stay. But if you want me to cancel our bet, that’s a no go!” Xiao Chen had an unruly expression. After that, he went for a walk with the two little beasts, checking stuff out left and right.

“Admit defeat, admit defeat!” The crowd behind them shouted at the same time.

“Attaboy, just you wait, you will come to regret this later.” The blue-haired girl was no longer as prideful as a little phoenix. She was practically an ostrich at the moment. She lowered her beautiful face as much as possible and followed behind Xiao Chen, afraid that someone might recognize her. But how was that possible? Following behind them was a big crowd of rich kids spreading the news while laughing hehehaha, as if people didn’t already know. All of these rich kids had old grudges with the blue-haired girl.

Xiao Chen turned his head around to look at the crowd of rich kids following behind. He yelled at one unreasonably handsome boy, “Pretty boy…… speak up if you need something.”

That youngster was indeed very handsome. His age was about the same as Xiao Chen’s, he looked only about twenty years old. His long hair flowed down like waterfall, his skin was as pale as the snow, and his eyes were like limpid autumn waters. He had a slender figure, if not because of the Adam’s apple, Xiao Chen might mistook him as a beautiful girl in men’s cloth. He was seriously so beautiful that it was completely messed up. Even the young ladies would get jealous looking at him.

“Buddy, I am called Fairsky. We may be familiar with each other, but business is business. You cannot randomly call out to me. Otherwise, I’m not done with you.” That extremely beautiful hedonistic son walked over. Although he was speaking like this, he was still smiling. Just now, it was him who bought the rainbow crane for six thousand gold coins. It was easy to tell that he had some powerful backer. He was intentionally opposing the blue-haired girl, Katalina.

“Pretty boy, just you wait. I am not done with you yet. Nobody dared to buy it, but you actually dared to buy my rainbow crane and ruin my reputation. Hmph! When my elder brother returns, I will make him flatten you.” Katalina furiously shouted at Fairsky.

Xiao Chen could tell that they had a few conflicts in the past, but he didn’t care about those. Xiao Chen warmly said to Fairsky, “Pretty boy, I need your help. This is my first time in Celestial City so I’m not familiar with a lot of things. I want to buy a real estate, can you introduce some to me?”

“No problem, leave it to me.” The handsome Fairsky promised unreservedly. He was obviously not an ordinary guy. He had already made out Xiao Chen’s extraordinary strength. He came from a big family, and was interested in making friends with this kind of people.

The south desolate region had thousands of miles of territories, there was no lack of land, but that was outside of the Celestial City. It was a different story inside the Celestial City, in it, land could even be said to be extremely expensive.

Not only did all the wealthy ones in the south desolate region wanted to move to this place, even the aristocrats and millionaires from the mainland wanted to buy a real estate here. That was because there were many ancient legends in Celestial City. Legend has it that this was the Imperial City where the dragon veins gathered. There was a great benefit to live at this place, but nobody was able to speak out the particulars.

With two gold coins, one could fill their desk with a first class feast. One could very well imagine just how much wealth six thousand gold coins represented. Even so, Xiao Chen owed Fairsky five thousand gold coins after purchasing a courtyard.

It was as costly as eleven thousand gold coins!

However, Xiao Chen was rather fond of the three courtyards, the pavilions, and the bridge in the garden.

“Don’t feel bad about it brother. It is because I want to get on your good side, and know that you are on friendly term with that ******* Zhuge Liang, that I am willing to part with my treasure.” The unreasonably beautiful Fairsky seemed a little reluctant and said, “Do you know what kind of place this is?”

Speaking until here, his eyes suddenly lit up. It was extremely inharmonious with his beautiful appearance as he whispered, “This is but the Celestial City’s educational street. Raise your head to look across the street. Take a look at what’s over there.”

There was an unending ancient fence on the other side. There were lots of huge ancient castles beyond the fence. It looked nothing short of the Imperial City. The entrance was facing right here, exactly in front of Xiao Chen’s house. Looking through the gate that was widely open, they could see some young men and young ladies.

“This is the renowned North Style Academy. Adjacent to it are the Wargod Academy and the White Elk Academy. If you ask where to find the most expensive territory in Celestial City, look no further than this educational street. The three big academies are right here, the girls inside are as beautiful as the clouds! If not because my tigress fiancee knows about this place, I wouldn’t resell it to you even if you killed me. Sitting at the gate every day at nightfall, looking at the beautiful ladies entering and exiting the academy one after another, such bliss. When you are bored, you can even sneak into the three big academies. Just thinking about it fills me with happiness!”

Pfft, Xiao Chen was really speechless. This unreasonably beautiful youngster was really such a lecher. However, it was true that his heart was itching when hearing his words. In regards to men, this place was really a treasure. It was truly a beautiful thing to stand in front of the gate to look at the beautiful ladies come and go quietly.

“Lecher!” The blue-haired Katalina curled her lips and said, “You and that pig head Zhuge Liang always come here to act as voyeurs. Both of you are already in the three big academy’s blacklist. If not because they know you have the warbeast castle behind you, the people here would already cut you into eight pieces. Pretty boy, just you wait. I will let that mad woman Pamela know you called her a tigress.”

“You dare……”


The blue-haired Katalina left gloomily. Even though Fairsky’s ridicule was not effective, she still ran away. Using that brat’s words, Xiao Chen didn’t seem like a good guy. He actually walked together with this perverted pretty boy. Her chastity would be in danger if she stayed at this place any longer. She would come back to settle the debt several days later.

“How did that brat get enrolled in the North Style Academy?”

“She is a student of the North Style Academy. But because she is the baby girl of the Mander Family, she is wild and barbarous. Skipping class is quite common for her.”

Fairsky also left.

Xiao Chen had finally settled down in Celestial City at last.

Everything was readily available in this courtyard. There was no need for him to decorate it again. When everything had finally calmed down, he began to fiddle with the white-shelled tortoise. After calming his heart, he shut his eyes and gripped that black chain with both hands. He used his spiritual sense to probe the black chain.

The dark iron chain was only as thick as a few hair strands, but at this moment, it seemed to have been magnified ten million times as it drew closer to Xiao Chen. In front of his keen spiritual sense was a pitch black as far as the eyes could see.

Within the darkness, many small letters were gradually emitting glorious rays of light. It was so bright that Xiao Chen felt his third eye had been pricked. It was a little hard to discern those letters.

Gritting his teeth, Xiao Chen kept calming down his undulating mind and made himself enter an ethereal state. He tried his best to probe forward with his spiritual sense.


Extreme pain!

It felt as if the spiritual sense was being eroded!

As if the body was about to be ripped apart!

The sweat gushed out from his pores unceasingly. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen was thoroughly drenched. This made him feel worse than going through a desperate fight. His entire body was already trembling violently, as if he could collapse and fall apart at any time.


Xiao Chen finally saw the letters on the black chain clearly, but other than the “dragon” that frequently appeared, he couldn’t recognize the other characters! The complicated calligraphic style and strokes were practically like that of a divine document. Who knows how many centuries ago were these old characters used. He was simply unable to understand the meaning of these words.

The letters were densely packed. The black chain was only as thick as seven or eight strains of hair, and only about one foot long. It was actually carved with old characters from who knows when. Ordinary people were simply unable to see it at all with their eyes.

Even someone at Xiao Chen’s level, if they didn’t have an especially powerful spiritual sense, it was also impossible for them to pry into this secret.

Out of ordinary, this was definitely out of the ordinary!

After Xiao Chen withdrew his spiritual sense from that endless black zone with some difficulty, he almost collapsed. Only until one hour later did he recover. What made him surprised was that his spiritual sense seemed to have become much more condensed. His mind was feeling very refreshed!

Prying at the secret of the iron chain could actually help him develop his spiritual sense. He felt that it was necessary to make it a compulsory course for his daily activities.

After taking a bath, Xiao Chen looked at this fist-sized white-shelled tortoise. He was no longer looking at it contemptuously.

“Could it be a dragon?!” He had this kind of unfathomable thought in his heart. It was a very ridiculous conjecture, it was a bold and imaginative line of thought. The main reason was because he saw many “dragon” characters carved on the iron chain. And the tortoise was locked up by this iron chain.

“Who cares what you are, since I bought you, I will call you ‘Larcenist’ from now on.” Looking at the little tortoise sticking its head out and looking around sneakily, Xiao Chen gave it this kind of name.

Tenax was not concerned in the least. Keke was always rolling here and there as it looked at the tortoise. It seemed like Keke wanted to find some kind of secret or treasure from the tortoise’s body. However, Keke also couldn’t find anything special, it was just some kind of premonition only. It didn’t really sensed any substantial thing.

When night fell, the sunset dyed the sky red.

The fatty and Fairsky laughed heartily as they arrived at Xiao Chen’s residence. They sat on the balcony of the third floor contentedly and pulled Xiao Chen along to look at the students going through the gate of North Style Academy. Their eyes lit up unceasingly.

“Wow! That girl is too beautiful. Those curves. That shape. It’s too sexy!”

“Hoh, here comes a pretty girl from a respectful family. She’s quite youthful, and she has a special taste. Alas, it’s such a shame that she’s wasted on a cow dung. There’s an ugly man beside her.”

“Quick, look! That is definitely the most beautiful figure seen from behind. Just looking at her back makes one’s imagination run wild. Look at the way she walks, graceful and elegant. Just looking at her makes me drool. My god, why is it her? Mother f—! It’s that shameless girl, such a bad luck. Nobody is coming out anymore when she showed up.”


The ******* fatty and pretty boy were practically two lechers. Their drool overflowed non-stop as they kept assessing the girls.

“Brother, you are so strong.” After half a day later, the fatty finally regained himself. He faced Xiao Chen and said, “You actually beat the baby girl from Mander Family and treated her as your attendant. It was truly satisfying, haha…… I always hoped someone would stand up and teach her a lesson, it seems like the Heavens have finally opened its eyes. Such a pity I didn’t see it with my own eyes. Otherwise, I would definitely taunt her nicely. Haha…… but brother, you should be careful. That brat is as crafty and unruly as it comes. Your average people don’t dare to provoke her. Did you know? She has a blood brother who is reputed as one of the strongest youths in the south desolate region. Other than that freak Solitary Sword Demon and a few others, nobody can stand up to him.”

Goodness gracious!

Xiao Chen only realized it now, it seemed like he got into quite a troublesome situation.

Mander Family was in control of the “Beast King Castle”, it was one of the major powers in Celestial City. Katalina was directly related to the Mander Family, she was pampered by the elders of the family, and moreover, with her unparalleled big brother whose name had spread throughout the south desolate region, she became especially ill-mannered.

“Quick, look! Another one with an exquisite body came out.” Fairsky shouted.

The fatty and Xiao Chen also couldn’t help but take a look without delay.

“Oh my god!”

“Mother f—! Why is it that brat Katalina, such bad luck!”

The fatty and Fairsky seemed to have shouted at the same time.

“Come, let me formally introduce you.” The fatty turned his head to face Xiao Chen and said, “This is Fairsky from the ‘Antarctic Warbeast Castle’. He is a genuine hedonistic son. Just like Katalina, he is the direct descendant of a renowned family. Unlike me, who is far from the core of the family.”

After a brief introduction, the three of them started to converse like close brothers.

“We must make the most of our time to train Tenax. I heard that three months from now the Celestial City will hold a large-scale warbeast competition. You will gain a generous reward for every win you achieve. This is no longer a contest between a few warbeast castles. Even the people from a few big cities in the northern side will come. I even heard it will be a battle between sacred beasts. Of course, they will be ranked accordingly. From what I heard through the grapevine, the Dragon Kings and powerful sacred beast with little to no difference in power level will engage in a life or death battle……”

“It will definitely shake the whole world. Rather than saying it is a warbeast competition, it would be better to say it is the confrontation between the major powers. It is definitely a perfect stage for them to compete fiercely and display their power……”

“Without a doubt, Celestial City will enter turbulent times! I heard many powerful youth practitioners will come along with the elders of their respective clan. It might very well lead to a big confrontation between the youth practitioners.”

Xiao Chen was very expectant for this day to come.

“You arrogant fellow, I am here again!”

The three of them were still in the middle of the conversation when the blue-haired Katalina burst into the courtyard. She poked her tiny waist into the building and blinked her watery big eyes as she shouted loudly, “Xiao Chen, my elder brother will come and have a decisive battle with you. Come down here at once and accept defeat. The venue is at the public square of the North Style Academy. Don’t forget to bring that cute little lion along.”

“My god, that brat really went to look for her elder brother. We are in deep s—.” The fatty shrank back.

Fairsky’s hand shook momentarily and the tea spilled on the ground.

“What is there to be scared about, let us go and take a look.” Xiao Chen’s power had increased drastically in recent days. He really wanted to find a powerful opponent to have a few bouts. And that blue-haired girl’s brother was an existence on the same level as the Solitary Sword Demon. It was just as he wished.

“Come, let us go to North Style Academy’s public square.”


  1. N/a

Chapter 143 – Winning Over a Beautiful Attendant

Seeing Keke like this, Xiao Chen immediately wanted to purchase the white shelled tortoise. One must know that the snow-white little critter had always been the nemesis of any spiritual items. Its insight was always spot on. Keke had most likely discovered the little tortoise’s uncommon trait. Otherwise, how would it be so interested in this little tortoise?

However, Xiao Chen was afraid that it would arouse the seller’s suspicion, so he burst into loud laughter and said, “I have been searching for so long. Haha, I have finally found a white-shelled tortoise. I hear that white tortoise soup is a great tonic.”

The white little tortoise on the ground trembled slightly, as if it had been terrified, but no people took notice of it.

And after the few buyers who just got over wanting to ask for the price heard this, their face immediately became dull as they moved back. The seller even rolled his eyes and said dispiritedly, “I say little brother, this is a warbeast, not some tonic. I think you are at the wrong place.”

“No, no. Since you are going to sell it, might as well sell it as a drug ingredient.”

Whether it was the shopkeeper or the people beside him, they became speechless as they heard him.

“Alright, how much are you willing to pay?”

“A tortoise about this size… I will take it for two gold coins.”

“You… Do you think you are buying vegetables? Just scram!” The seller helplessly waved his hand.

“What, two gold coins are still not enough? You can buy a sumptuous feast with two gold coins. Although a white tortoise is rare, it shouldn’t be too expensive.” Xiao Chen casually flipped the little tortoise over. He found that this fist-sized little thing was really a little outstanding. Its pair of black eyes flickered and it looked very intelligent. It was looking at him timidly, as if it was scared to be turned into a soup.

“Buddy, what I have here is a warbeast. The price you opened is too ridiculous. You had better just move aside.” The seller thought he had encountered a scammer.

“This little tortoise is a warbeast? It is only fist-sized, no sharp teeth nor sharp claws, how can it fight? Who are you trying to deceive? You can’t just go and randomly grab anything to sell here.”

The shopkeeper also felt very embarrassed and said, “Although it is not very powerful, it is still a warbeast. It can defeat opponents much bigger than itself.”

Hearing these, seven to eight people immediately surrounded the stall.

Xiao Chen asked indifferently, “What did it defeat?”

“It defeated a vicious dog and a golden pheasant.”

“My god, what kind of joke is this? The little warbeasts that other people are trying to sell are valuable breeds, capable of killing giant monsters around seven to eight meters long. What about yours? It really makes one speechless. In the end of the day, this little tortoise only knows how to imitate the dog and steal the chicken. Just look at the way it pulled its head back, it looks like a little thief.”

The people at the side roared with laughter. Nobody stood in a circle to continue watching, everyone had scattered without exception.

The shopkeeper flushed with anger as he heard these. He tried to justify himself, “I originally planned to sell this little tortoise in a ‘buy one get one free’ sale. I didn’t plan to cheat anyone and sell it by itself. How about you buy this young Grand Wolf instead, I will give you this little tortoise, free of charge. I don’t care if you take it home to stew it or to impress the ladies, it is a good thing.”

“Hey boss, you sure are interesting. I will offer five gold coins, I only want to buy the little tortoise to make a stew. As for the little Grand Wolf, just forget about it. I don’t want to eat dog meat.”

“Just take it and scram!’ The shopkeeper waved his hand strongly. He really couldn’t stand Xiao Chen anymore. If he let Xiao Chen stay for a moment longer, the people around would start thinking he was selling tonics instead of warbeasts.”

“Then please unlock the chains. Is it necessary to go as far as locking up a little tortoise?” Xiao Chen found that on the little tortoise’s white shell, there was a small hole near the position of its neck. It was tied up with a black and meticulous chain.

“I will say this in advance, if it gets away after I unchain the lock, then it is not my business anymore.” The shopkeeper muttered resentfully, “This little tortoise was really bizarre. When it ran, it was as fast as a gust. I originally thought it was something good. But who knew, it only knows how to imitate the dog and steal the chicken.”

“So it was true?” Xiao Chen began to laugh.

“Exactly, I lost so many gold coins due to it.”

“Hey, this little thing is quite greedy.” Xiao Chen carefully sized up the little tortoise. He could already tell that this white little tortoise was out of the ordinary, because no matter how he looked at the chain and the tiny hole on its shell, they looked quite old.

Only after he paid the shopkeeper and grabbed the little tortoise with his hands did Xiao Chen ask, “Boss, where did you catch this tortoise?”

“I bought it from a drug dealer.”

“This is really a drug ingredient? That means I was right since the beginning.”

The shopkeeper revealed a rarely seen embarrassed expression and said awkwardly, “When that drug dealer excavated a rarely seen old ginseng king, this little tortoise was also dug out at the same time.”

“My god, it was dug out?!” Xiao Chen pondered for a while, then he asked, “Were you the one who put on the chain?”

“No, it was already there when I bought it. It should be that drug dealer who put it on.”

Xiao Chen didn’t say anything else. He carried the little tortoise, and left along with Keke and Tenax. Just by relying on his feelings alone, he felt that he had just struck a big fortune!

He was actually unable to destroy those tiny chains. With his current ability, it was a little inconceivable. Soon after, he observed carefully with his keen spiritual sense and found small letters that couldn’t be seen with naked eyes on the iron chain. That chain was definitely not put on by the drug dealer.

After walking for a while, Xiao Chen found an anomaly with his keen intuition. There were actually people tailing him from behind.

“Who could it be?” Xiao Chen remained calm and collected. He continued to walk at the same pace.

The power levels in the Celestial City were complicated and very tricky. Not only was there the powerful Warbeast Castles, there were also a few practitioner institutions. So much so that there were even crowned brothels like the Moonflower Castle and the Spellbind Castle. The most important thing was that all of the major powers had deployed some people to the south desolate region, including big sects like the Undying Sect. It was seriously a very complicated place.

“Lord Xiao, please come to a halt.”

Xiao Chen turned around and found that the one running over was a youngster who he was not acquainted with. The youngster seemed like a person of mixed blood; with long blue hair and black pupils. Seemed like that person was born with an innate sense of arrogance and superiority.

“You need something from me?”

“My family’s old father asked for you.”

“Who is your family’s old father?”

“You will know if you meet him.”

“Sorry, if you don’t want to say it, I will not even give it a second thought.”

The youngster carried an air of arrogance and said, “In this Celestial City, nobody dares to defy my family.”

Xiao Chen turned around and ignored him. He continued to walk and said, “If I say I’m not going, then I’m not going.” Facing such a hostile invitation, he didn’t want to take his chances.

“Don’t you regret it.” After saying these, the youngster left at high speed.

Within the Celestial City, in a place filled with castles, the voice of an old man transmitted from within a big hall, “He’s not coming?”

“That’s right, and his attitude was very arrogant.” That was precisely the man who extended an invitation to Xiao Chen.

“Hoh… quite an impetuous youngster.” The aged voice was as calm as an ancient well.

“He is looking down on us, we can’t let him off that easily.” The young man complained.

A young girl’s voice resounded in the big hall, “He is the Vindex of the Undying Sect. According to the major power’s unwritten rule, the previous generations cannot lightly touch the youth generation. Otherwise it will lead to an all-out war, it will become very chaotic. Uuu, this guy is quite troublesome. According to his display on the dragon island, his power should be at least Exuvia Sixth Celestial Layer or Seventh Celestial Layer. He could be considered an expert among the youth generation.”

After a while, that old man’s voice rang out, “According to what happened on the dragon island, that snow-white little critter is very unusual. It should be just as powerful as a Dragon King, our Warbeast Castle really needs it. The older generation definitely cannot make their move, otherwise the Undying Sect will not sit back and watch. We can only let the youth generation settle this among themselves. Or maybe…… you guys should think of a way to pull him here.”

The young man retorted, “Hmph! So what if he has reached Exuvia Seventh Celestial Layer? We have a young expert here that is as famous in the south desolate region as the Solitary Sword Demon. Killing him is just as easy as chopping vegetables. Just let us youth generation handle him by ourselves.”

The young girl’s voice followed up, “No, unless it is absolutely necessary, we must not do this.”

“It’s too late. By the time I came back, my little sister already left……” The young man’s voice carried a hint of mockery.

“How can she go with her current ability? How could you let her go? This will become a big problem……” The young girl seemed a little resentful.

“That guy will only move if we let her suffer a bit.”


Xiao Chen was still leisurely taking a stroll and looking at all kinds of exotic warbeasts. But just at this time, he suddenly felt a peculiar fluctuation coming from the sky.

Many people raised their head to look up. They only saw a colorful giant bird that looked like a red-crowned crane descending. It was actually flying towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen appeased Tenax, then he pressed Keke down before he lifted his hand to launch a golden sword-qi towards the sky. The multi-colored giant bird quickly dodged to the side and landed not far away. It caused many people in the surroundings to take shelter one after another.

“So you are that arrogant Xiao Chen?” The young lady with blue hair was as prideful as a little phoenix. She walked over while crossing her hands under her well developed breasts. She was petite, but her curves were exquisite. She looked very sweet with her long eyelashes and her vivid big eyes, but her expression was too arrogant.

Xiao Chen was sure that he never met this girl before.

“Eh? Isn’t that the little troublemaker from the Mander Family?”

“That’s her alright. Her family is the sole holder of a warbeast castle, which is the symbol of strength. So it’s only normal if she’s a little bossy and domineering.”

“This girl is such a troublemaker.”


“Do you have business with me?” Xiao Chen asked.

“My seventh brother came to invite you to my house, and I heard you were arrogant?”

Xiao Chen was speechless, when did he ever act arrogant?

“Hmph! Don’t think just because you are the Vindex of the Undying Sect, nobody would dare to do something to you. There is no rule between the peers, I will teach you a lesson today.” The blue-haired girl walked over with elegant steps.

Xiao Chen thought for a little and was able to speculate a lot of things. It seemed like the older generation from every major power couldn’t make their move carelessly. If that was the case, he could seize this opportunity! If the youth generation came to cause trouble, he could beat the young ones without worrying about the old ones.

Thinking thus far, Xiao Chen asked indifferently, “Which family’s spoiled little brat are you? Always causing trouble all over the place, what if someone catches you and sells you off?”

The blue-haired girl was clearly used to ordering people. Hearing Xiao Chen’s words, her curvy eyebrows immediately creased and she reprimanded, “This guy is really too hateful. Just wait till you see my power, I must teach this rich playboy a proper lesson.”

Xiao Chen was speechless. This little brat really knew how to distort the truth deliberately. Just who was the rich kid, and who was the castle bodyguard? But as his power raised, his mental state also improved. It was not easy to make his mood swing. He laughed and said, “You spoiled brat, you are looking for a beating.”

The blue-haired girl glared at him with her vivid big eyes, then she said angrily, “You are just as my seventh brother described, pretentious and arrogant. Hmph! This young lady will teach you a lesson.”

“Stop talking and come. I’m getting tired of waiting.”

Xiao Chen’s easygoing attitude made the girl even more furious. She said, “I don’t want to fight with you with nothing to gain. Why don’t we make a deal? If I beat you black and blue, you will give that cute little lion to me.” She looked at Keke without restrain. She exposed an incomparably delighted expression, her big eyes already bent into the shape of a crescent moon.

“What if you lose?”

“How can this young lady ever lose? Nobody of the same generation ever won against me.”

“More like, other people let you win. Haha…” Xiao Chen laughed out loud. He felt that this brat was very interesting.

“Come! If I lose, I will give you my prized crane.” The young girl pointed at the multi-colored crane not far away before she continued, “That is a super warbeast.”

“Good, give me your worst.”

“You have the cheek to look down on me.” The blue-haired girl was like a specter. Her speed was very fast as she threw herself towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was shocked, that young lady was not as weak as she looked. She had actually reached Exuvia Fourth Celestial Layer, but the difference between them was still far too big. His figure swayed slightly and Xiao Chen left an afterimage in his original position. The blue-haired girl did not panic, she whirled high up into the sky. She danced as graceful as the angel in the sky as she sent one hundred and eight palm strike towards Xiao Chen.

However, all of these were stopped by a single palm blade. Xiao Chen lightly waved the palm blade and sent her flying away. At the same time, the palm swept past her ear. The ear accessory was taken off and appeared in the palm of his hand.

“Ooooh! She lost… she lost…!”

“That pipsqueak from the Mander Family lost……”

The crowd all around the place started to make a ruckus.

The blue-haired girl could only stamp her feet due to anger.

“Alright, I didn’t pay attention. I will let you take the win this time, by a fluke. My prized crane belongs to you for the time being. One more time, I will win it back.”

Xiao Chen was amused by this sweet, yet arrogant brat. He smiled and said, “What else can you lose?”

“Become his wife if you lose!”

“Marry him if you lose!”


The crowd was adding fuel to the fire and shouted all at once. It caused the blue-haired girl to look at them resentfully.

Half an hour later, within the Mander Family; a few youngsters were having a willy-nilly discussion.

“Little sister caused trouble again. She lost her beloved rainbow crane and it was directly sold by that repulsive guy in the warbeast market. That was but a super warbeast!”

“Someone actually dared to purchase little sister’s thing?”

“What else do the rich kids in the city not dare to do?”

“What’s worst is that little sister lost something else.”

“What else did she lose?”

“Not sure, I only know that she has become that shameless man’s attendant. She is currently out there shopping with him!”


  1. N/a

Chapter 142 – Too excessive

This was bound to be a chaotic night. The snow-white little Keke and Tenax moved swiftly in the shadows without making any sound. They were a bizarre race to begin with and their inherent intelligence allowed them to completely avoid danger.

The Moonflower Castle was vast and filled with one hall after another. All kinds of beauties gathered at this place, it was truly the paradise every men yearned for. An alluring fragrance lingered in the vast halls.

However, the two little beasts were not interested in these. They relied on their instinct to keep forging ahead, because the question asked by Yan Qingcheng when she was still conscious was clearly transmitted to their sharp ears. They wanted to find the Dragon King that was hidden in the Moonflower Castle.

But the halls and gardens of the imperial castle-like establishment were really too big. They spent a really long time inspecting every nook and corner, but they were still unable to pinpoint their target. They could only feel it vaguely.


Under the peaceful night, within the Intoxicating House, Yan Qingcheng seemed to be sleep talking. Right now, she was entangled with Xiao Chen and their position was very dubious.

The others were also in a drunken state. Only the fragrance of flowers lingered in the main hall. It was very quiet.

In the latter of the night, the two little beasts found an underground labyrinth. They could feel the breath of a Dragon King coming from the underground labyrinth with their sharp spiritual sense. And just at this time, a few shadows rushed over from ten big gardens. The two little beasts discovered the men coming and decided to withdraw quietly.

Only after they saw the few men enter the underground labyrinth in succession did they follow suit. However, because of the gloomy beast roar that was transmitted from the underground labyrinth, they quickly ran back to the Intoxicating House like startled rabbits.

The Moonflower Castle was no longer peaceful. On this very night, at the deepest parts of the halls, a few dozens of human figures swayed on the ground and in the sky. But the disturbance only lasted for a moment, it was easy to imagine the formidable power of the Moonflower Castle.

The morning sun shone upon the world. The sunlight shone through the crystal glass of the Moonflower hall, and was reflected by the mirrors within the hall. It made the radiance of the rising sun sprinkle over every corner of the hall.

Yan Qingcheng woke up feeling hazy, she could feel that she was embracing a hug pillow, but something felt off; Why was there body temperature? She was clearly still muddle-headed. After dazing for two seconds, she slowly opened her pair of charming eyes. In that instant, she almost let out a shriek.

She actually slept in Xiao Chen’s embrace for one night. This scene could almost drive one crazy. For a proud woman like her, it was practically impossible to imagine. But she was still an uncommon woman to the end. She was able to remain calm and unmoving in this situation. After a careful observation, she found that Xiao Chen was still soundly asleep.

She felt ashamed and resentful as she pulled her slender hand out of Xiao Chen’s cloth. After that, she lifted her lily-white right palm. She really wanted to slap him and completely dispose of this guy who always suppressed her. She had suffered so many humiliations and grievances because of this man.

However, she felt powerless in the end and dropped her arm. Obliterate Demon Absolute God had already started, the other party was her vessel. If something happened to him, she would meet the same fate. Right now, their fates were interlinked, for better or for worst.

Yan Qingcheng was extremely angry as she separated herself from Xiao Chen, but she didn’t dare to make any drastic movements. If the other person involved was roused from his sleep, it would be even more awkward.

However, the big hand that extended slightly into her cloth caused her to grind her silver teeth. A shadow hung over her beautiful face. Although the hand wasn’t touching her body at this moment, god knows if she was safe the entire night.

“This pig head, he slept like a log!” Yan Qingcheng expended a great deal of effort to push over the thigh that was over her body. But just at this time, Xiao Chen also seemed to have woken up. It looked like he was stretching, both of his arms were extended.

She didn’t have enough time to move that big hand away from her cloth. And now she discovered to her astonishment, that big hand had actually……

“Kya……!” Yan Qingcheng let out a cry.

She kicked Xiao Chen away at once, then she jumped up like a startled rabbit. Although her posture was extremely elegant, her beautiful face looked exhausted.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes in a daze. Yan Qingcheng’s glare looked like it could kill. After stretching his arms for a bit, Xiao Chen said in a daze, “I am aching all over, feels like a Tyrannical Dragon was lying on top of me the entire night.”

Yan Qingcheng was extremely angry, she could literally flip out at any moment now.

“You… *******!”

However, Xiao Chen’s next words caused her to lose her will to be angry. She wished she could just run away immediately.

“Just now I had a strange dream; I caught a big white rabbit……” Xiao Chen looked at his right hand and said to himself strangely, “It felt soft and tender……”

“This immoral man should just go to hell!” Yan Qingcheng’s long hair flowed down like a waterfall. It was jet-black and bright. But her face was already bright red like she had one drink too much. Her pair of eyes were watery, and she actually acted the same as a normal girl when she was angry. She held on to her plump chest firmly, as if she was afraid to be attacked.

“What does it matter to you if I caught a rabbit in my dream?!” Xiao Chen was still looking at his right hand, seemingly reflecting on the aftertaste.

“Drop dead!” Yan Qingcheng felt ashamed and resentful as she threw a fruit on the jade table towards Xiao Chen. After that, she turned her slender body around and ran out of the Intoxicating House like a gust. Her voice transmitted from far away, “Xiao Chen, you just wait. As long as you are still in Celestial City, this lady right here isn’t done with you yet!”

“Hahaha……” Seeing Yan Qingcheng run away in a sorry figure, Xiao Chen roused himself from his dazed state. His expression was incomparably sharp, he was obviously wide awake as he laughed at the top of his lung.

Just at this time, Carmina and Lyria also woke up in succession. They revealed a faint smile, but it seemed a little ambiguous.

The fatty broke away from the girls at his side and crawled up. He was at a complete loss and said in a daze, “This is such a great loss, we actually got drunk and slept for the night here. This is not good, lady Lyria, lady Carmina, this is really a great loss. We actually didn’t enter the chamber.”

The lucid and elegant Lyria, the lovely and sexy Carmina; they only smiled and said at the same time, “You can’t blame us for this. It was you who got yourself drunk.”

The color of the day had already brightened up. After freshening up for a bit, Xiao Chen and the fatty left the Intoxicating House.

In the rose garden, the fragrance of flowers permeated the air, the birdsongs were pleasant to listen to. The pavilions and the bridge over the running water appeared exceptionally harmonious under the morning sun.

“Lord Zhuge, please come visit Moonflower Castle again.”

“Brother Xiao, we will definitely meet again.”

From the Intoxicating House, the pleasant voice of the beautiful Carmina and the classy Lyria could be heard.

On the most bustling street of Celestial City, there was a stream of people even early in the morning. This place was always like this; the daytime had the daytime’s activities, the nighttime had the nighttime’s passion.

“Brother Xiao, just where did that little girl who dressed up as a man come from? She actually got all of us drunk. It is such a pity!” The fatty was still feeling very regretful for not entering the chamber. He was extremely angry as he said, “Wait till I get a promotion, I will definitely live there everyday. So much so that the legendary empress might even come to see me. Wuu~ Wuu~ It was all that little girl’s fault, but she was so beautiful to the point where it seemed sinful. Is there anything between the two of you?”

Listening to the fatty’s chattering, Xiao Chen really wanted to laugh out loud. However, he couldn’t really bring himself to laugh, because he saw Yan Qingcheng again. She was clenching her teeth and glaring at him on the other side of the street.

“Wait a moment, I will be back soon.” Xiao Chen walked over there and looked at Yan Qingcheng, whose beauty was enough to make the sun lose its splendor. Then he asked, “Are you waiting for me?”

“Pooh! You immoral guy, who would wait for you!” Although she was still in men’s clothes, she was just as beautiful. Yan Qingcheng’s cheeks were flushed as she said angrily, “The patriarch’s message; If you encounter any danger in the Celestial City, just tell them you are the Vindex of the Undying Sect.” She was very dissatisfied with the patriarch’s decision, and said with annoyance, “The patriarch is really too much, I really don’t know why he treats you like this. I seriously want to punch you in the face.”

Xiao Chen laughed heartily, he really liked seeing Yan Qingcheng depressed like this.

“Just you wait, I will make you pay sooner or later!” Yan Qingcheng cast an angry glance at Xiao Chen, then she disappeared at the corner of the street as soon as she turned around.

“Brother Xiao, I have some urgent business. I will come and find you tonight.” The fatty waved his hand across the street. He shouted towards Xiao Chen, “You stay at that tavern, make sure you don’t change location.” Soon after, he hurriedly left with an underling.

Xiao Chen brought the two little beasts along and leisurely walked on this bustling street. Looking at the stream of people come and go, he kept pondering in his heart: “I expect not long in the future, the Celestial City will go through a turbulent time. With the Dragon Kings and Sacred Beasts gathered here, the experts will also gather here accordingly.” He had a premonition that the clouds would inevitably gather from all directions.

After having their breakfast, Xiao Chen and company entered a marketplace filled with thunderous roars of beasts. There was a vast crowd at that place, that was a free market where they could buy and sell warbeasts.

It was really too noisy, this place was incomparably rowdy. At places where a big crowd gathered, there was a huge cage with an exotic giant creature within.

“Ceh, those people are too old-fashioned.” A handsome blond was walking side by side with a blue-haired girl. A few attendants were following behind them.

Xiao Chen was not far away from them. He could hear their conversation clearly.

“How could a really good warbeast be locked in a cage? The more powerful the giant creatures, the harder it is to lock them up. So what if they are ten meters long, it is merely to scare those who don’t know the ropes.” The voice of the blond guy seemed to be filled with disdain.

The blue-haired girl curled her lips resentfully, “Then why did you come here in the first place?”

The blond guy looked forward with his ocean blue eyes, and said, “Of course I’m here to dig for treasures. Let’s go to the place where they sell the cubs. Maybe we might get lucky and find some high quality warbeasts. Those sellers might not know the warbeasts’ quality. In the past ten years, two people were able to buy a young sacred beast here.”

“Really? How can that be?” The beautiful blue-haired girl blinked her big eyes. She was brimming with surprise and was not entirely convinced. ⌈1

“Cousin, you just arrived at the Celestial City and don’t understand the circumstances, but that was the truth. The south desolate region is different from the other places. This place is surrounded by thousand miles of primitive forest, with many exotic beasts roaming around. This place is one of the best locations to look for warbeasts. A lot of mountain people made a living by catching wild beasts. They would spend all year round looking for exotic beasts in the mountains and sell it in the town. Of course, it is impossible for them to catch the powerful exotic beasts, but they have their own methods. They can frequently find some young intellectual beasts. And if they are lucky, they might even find some rare cub. Maybe you might find it hard to believe, the young sacred beasts I told you about earlier were picked up by the mountain people in the great mountain. They didn’t know the value and sold it as ordinary cubs here at the Celestial City. If it was seen by those who knew the ropes, they would have undoubtedly found a great treasure among the pile of cheaply-priced old books.”

“Ceh, ten years and only two little sacred beasts were found. You also want to come across this kind of lucky stroke?” Although the blue-haired girl was excited and looking forward to it, she still had to deliver the last blow.

“I didn’t say I wanted to try my luck and dig out some sacred beasts. One can only come across such things in the right place at the right time. However, it is true that we can frequently find some pretty powerful young intellectual beasts here.”

Xiao Chen secretly nodded his head when he heard these. This place was indeed a good place for a treasure hunt. Since there was no special event around the proximity, he brought the two little beasts and casually followed the two of them towards the area where they bought and sold cubs.

The standards at this place were clearly much higher. There were no metal cages, nor beast roars. On the contrary, there were a lot of small crystal houses. There were all kinds of little animals at this place, some of them were only as big as the palm, and some hadn’t even opened their eyes yet.

Goodness gracious!

Xiao Chen felt a little speechless. It seemed like the warbeast industry was really completely standardized. Even the cubs were carefully selected for quality. Xiao Chen found that, after he arrived at this place, many people were sizing up Tenax and Keke beside him.

“Let’s go and see if we can find some treasure.” Xiao Chen smiled and whispered to the two little beasts, “I will be counting on your insight today.”

“Come and see, it’s a young Aurarius Wolf!” A one foot long golden little fox with an ominous glint in its blue eyes was locked in a small crystal house. And its owner was trying to peddle it.

“The ancient and exotic Alba Rhinoceros, come get it while it’s still young.” To the side, in a small crystal house, there was a white rhinoceros about one meter long. Its body was almost transparent and flickering with specks of radiance from head to toe. It was also being peddled.

“Tricollus ⌈2⌋, the intellectual species that knows how to use magic……” Next was a little lion with golden fur, its entire body was sparkling as if it was made out of gold. Its three heads were exactly the same, fierce and extraordinary. Its body length was no more than fifty meters long, and its owner was also trying to peddle it.

Xiao Chen could already tell, those little beasts were very uncommon. It seemed like they were sealed by some kind of power. Otherwise their owner wouldn’t even think of putting them in the small crystal houses. Anyone could tell these little beasts were very powerful at first glance. That’s why so many people were surrounding them. Of course, the price was naturally sky-high.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath after taking a quick look. He definitely couldn’t afford it at all, that was indeed a sky-high price!

The starting price was actually a hundred thousand gold coins!

All of a sudden, Keke started to run. It ran forward without even looking back. The stream of people there was sparse in comparison.

When Xiao Chen caught up, he found that Keke was currently flipping over a little tortoise with white shell. The little tortoise was about the size of a fist. It was rolling all over the blanket that was spread on the ground. ⌈3

Seeing that the little tortoise was not put in a small crystal house, Xiao Chen immediately rushed over there and shouted, “Boss, how much is the tortoise, I’m buying it!” ⌈4


  1. Silva: I have a bad feeling about these two… 
  2. Silva: Tricollus (Cat), Cerberus (Dog)… heh heh… what fitting name… 
  3. Silva: Yep…. first it was Keke, the white little hamster tiger, and then the tough little dragon. Next is the phoenix… and now a tortoise… it’s definitely about the four legendary beasts! 
  4. Silva: I hope nothing bad happens. Somehow, I get this funny feeling that blond guy just now would also want to buy this tortoise and then… TROUBLE ABOUNDS! 

Chapter 141 – Intoxicated

Xiao Chen did not resist, his body was very relaxed. He was not an inflexible moralist. He faced all of these with a smile, feeling the youthful energy of Carmina who tangled with him. Her fiery hair gently brushed past his face, it felt soft and ticklish. The body contact made him feel enraptured.

Carmina was like a lively fairy. While revealing a charming smile, she twisted her jade-like body. After falling into Xiao Chen’s embrace, she whirled away with a graceful dance step. Looking at the fatty who was already dumbstruck, she giggled and lightly clapped her hands.

Eight beautiful young ladies walked into the hall in a line. They looked to be at their prime, at around eighteen to nineteen years old. They were each holding two plates on their hands and delivered sixteen exquisite dishes. There were also two bottles of fine liquor.

Carmina twisted her soft and slender waist as she got beside the jade table. She pulled Xiao Chen along and sat together with him. She was practically sitting in Xiao Chen’s embrace. This sexy and graceful pretty girl was really extremely captivating.

Looking at the fatty who was laughing foolishly, Carmina lightly tapped the jade table. Four young ladies appeared in the hall with lively dance steps. They centered around the fatty and pulled him beside the jade table. The fatty was laughing mischievously all along.

Drinking fine liquor with the accompany of beautiful women, this kind of situation was truly the ultimate pleasure.

Carmina smiled sweetly, her entire body was so tender it felt like a drop of water. She stretched her arm and raised it gently, her jade-like body was almost leaning against Xiao Chen’s chest. She extended her slender fingers to hold onto the wine cup, then she delivered it towards the side of Xiao Chen’s mouth as she said with a sweet voice, “Please enjoy.” She looked at Xiao Chen with her bright and intelligent eyes without blinking.

The fatty on the other side was also surrounded by four girls. One of them even sat on his lap. It made the fatty’s head spin. Looking at how Carmina was treating Xiao Chen, the fatty was so surprised that his fats trembled. It seemed like he was the one who had received the lady luck.

Although he was accompanied by a beautiful woman and was sitting in a cluster of flowers, Xiao Chen still remained very calm. Carmina’s ability as a practitioner was promising as expected, she was actually at the realm of Exuvia already. Although it was hard to guess her real power, it was already enough to answer a certain question. To make a practitioner like this to greet the client with a smile, there must be a big problem. It could even be said that the Moonflower Castle was not an ordinary place.

The ******* fatty on the other side had already toasted again and again with the four girls. The lovely laughter and the sound of toasting blended together. The fatty’s eyes were already emitting green light as he swept his glance past the four beautiful girls.

“Why is Lord Xiao so quiet? Have a drink.” Carmina was like a beautiful snake. Her snow-white arm was holding the wine-cup before Xiao Chen’s eyes and made a beautiful maneuver. Even if she was sitting beside Xiao Chen, part of her limbs were still able to make such a beautiful posture.

“Brother, you should let it all out. You don’t know how envious is this big brother of you. How I wish I could just switch places with you.” The fatty smiled and said, “Miss Carmina, I’ll leave my brother to you.”

The young girls who were around the fatty opened their mouths to say in succession, “All of us will offer one cup to Lord Xiao.”

For a moment, this place was bustling with noise and excitement, how very lively. The bewitching dance, when paired together with the beautiful song of the lute, it was truly intoxicating.

At the distance, there was a fairy maiden as beautiful as the ice and snow. Nearby, there was a bewitching maiden that was sexy and bold. The sound of cheers filled the Intoxicating House.

Xiao Chen was not an inflexible guy. He was only taking a guess at how powerful the Moonflower Castle was, so he was absent-minded for a short while. Now that he had regained his consciousness, he completely let loose. This was the so-called ‘to join in the fun’. Being too old-fashioned was not good for people and himself.

“Your enchanting beauty has intoxicated the mortal realm.
When the spring breeze blows, the willows sway,
Bravery is short-lived while a woman’s love is everlasting,
My will to fight has wavered……”

Carmila danced lightly like a butterfly. When paired along with the pleasant song, it was enough to intoxicate a man. She started to dance right beside Xiao Chen. The other girls were also wrapped around the fatty as they started to dance. They even pulled the fatty and made him dance along clumsily.

And just at this time, a few more girls appeared. They sat in front of the few musical instruments on the classical stage and started to play the song in place of Lyria. Lyria herself stepped into the center of the hall and started to dance. Her dance was very elegant and substantially different from the passionate dance of Carmina. Her movements were as gentle as the wind, like a willow that had been brushed into motion.

At the same time, another four girls came into the hall. They got behind Lyria and started to move as in a dance with their frail bodies. Carmina brought the other four girls along with her to Lyria’s side.

In but a moment, the hall was filled with music and dance, it made one unable to free themselves from the intoxication. Especially when Lyria, who possessed a beautiful voice, also joined the dance, it really made one feel the extraordinary charm. The discrepancy between her and Carmina was too big, which gave people an extremely distinctive perception.

What made people even more intoxicated was that, Lyria also entangled herself with Xiao Chen. A girl who seemed ice-cold actually possessed this kind of attitude, it really made one surprised.

He could feel that soft body as well as the delicate fragrance. Such an intimate body contact could make anyone’s imagination run wild.

The fatty at the side was very astonished. After thinking for a while, it seemed like he thought of something.

Only until Lyria had separated from Xiao Chen, and joined up with Carmina to dance in the center of the hall did the fatty said in a low voice, “Something’s not right, they never treated any client like this before.”

Xiao Chen didn’t say anything, but he had raised his guard. He could only think of one possibility. The people of this place might have already heard of his achievements on the dragon island. But it was nothing to worry about, that was not a secret. If one had enough power, they could probably find out everything that happened on the dragon island. The only thing he was concerned about was that he had no idea what they were planning. Could it be that they wanted to entice him, or could they tell that Keke and Tenax were out of the ordinary?

Keke and Tenax at the side didn’t understand what was going on at all. They only curiously watched the dancing-girls while sitting on the soft chair.

While appreciating the pretty girls dancing in front, the fatty chatted with Xiao Chen. Their topics mostly covered some things pertaining the warbeasts.

“The circumstances in Celestial City right now are very complicated. The Dragon Kings actually made an appearance. There are even quite a few people who brought their sacred beasts here. If Tenax can come out on top. Oh, that will be so……” In the end, the fatty was talking in his sleep.

“Do you know how many Dragon Kings have come altogether?”

“More or less around two. I investigated for a long time, but I couldn’t find their origins. I couldn’t even find any records of the two Dragon Kings’ battles. It is classified as top-secret by a few warbeast castles. Even my family is no exception. Those antiques didn’t want me to get in touch with the Dragon Kings.”

Xiao Chen frowned as he heard these. He originally wanted to use the fatty’s connection to get to the bottom of this, but he never thought they’d be this cautious.

“Tenax definitely cannot clash with those sacred beasts at the moment. What we should do now is to quickly awaken its hidden potential. From a professional’s point of view, its power has been greatly suppressed. I believe that if we develop it properly, it will absolutely not be inferior to those sacred beasts.” The fatty had become serious for once. Looking at Tenax at the side, he came to this conclusion.

Xiao Chen was toasted by those girls in the Intoxicating House unceasingly. He started to feel a little dizzy. It seemed like they knew he was a practitioner, so they didn’t permit him to use his secret arts to break down the wine. In the end, he helplessly looked for an excuse to go out and take a breather. He wanted to distil the wine.

The moonlight was gentle. The entire sky was filled with stars.

Just at this time, he actually saw a familiar figure. That person was also standing beside the flowerbed and distilling the wine.

“What are you doing here?!” The voice was as elegant as the sounds of nature, but it was filled with hostility. There was a hint of surprise and anger, it seemed like that person felt animosity towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was surprised, it was actually Yan Qingcheng who was dressed up as a man. He laughed at once and said, “So it was you, chick.”

Although the beautiful Yan Qingcheng was dressing up as a man, it was still impossible to conceal her beauty. Her smooth skin, her clear eyes, her slender body, as well as her beautiful face, they were like the fresh blooms after winter. She was as beautiful as the naturally formed jade. She was truly elegant and ethereal. The men’s clothes only served to enhance her beauty. Right now, she was like a goblet of intelligence. It even made the bright moon in the sky lose its splendor.

When Xiao Chen said the word “chick”, he was being very sarcastic. In this kind of place, it made the word even more meaningful. It made Yan Qingcheng extremely angry.

“You… you… shameless beast!” Yan Qingcheng was very furious, she felt humiliated.

Xiao Chen found this to be very amusing. In the past, they were either in a life and death battle or he was suppressing her with overwhelming strength. This was his first time seeing this side of her, he wanted to tease her even more, “What? Is this unacceptable? Little girl, you don’t have the qualifications to say that to me. Didn’t you also come to this kind of place? But I am curious, why did a girl come to this kind of place? Could it be because you have a peculiar ‘taste’?”

It seemed like Yan Qingcheng had drank too much, her face was flushed and her eyes were somewhat watery. Hearing these words from Xiao Chen made her so angry that her feet became unstable. After swaying for a little while, she cursed in a low voice, “You scoundrel…. You immoral beast! Do you think everyone comes here only to do bad things like you?!”

There were three halls in the rose garden; Intoxicating House, Thousand Sweets Chamber, and Graceful Chamber. Xiao Chen looked around and found that Yan Qing Cheng came from the Graceful Chamber. He laughed and said, “Then what did you come here for? To recite poems and paint with the others? Or to come and have a tea party?”

“It’s none of your business!”

“I guess you do have a peculiar taste after all……”


Yan Qingcheng transformed into a purple light and slashed at Xiao Chen five times with her palm blade. She left behind one elegant afterimage after another in the rose garden. But the series of attacks were all blocked by Xiao Chen. In the end, he even grabbed her wrist.

“Let go! I’m not going to argue with you. This is not an ordinary place, nobody dares to cause trouble here.” Yan Qingcheng said in a low voice. She was furious and resentful that her wrist had been grabbed, but she didn’t dare to raise her voice.

It was easy to tell that she was drunk. Her cheeks were flushed, and the fragrance of the girl had been covered up by the smell of wine. It was obvious that she had a little too much to drink.

“Don’t make your move if you know you can’t beat me.” Xiao Chen turned around and left. At the same time, he mumbled, “Be careful. A girl shouldn’t come to this kind of place. Your patriarch had betrothed you to me……”

Although the voice was low, Yan Qingcheng could hear everything clearly. She already drank until her head went dizzy, there was no hint of her usual clear-headedness as she shouted, “Don’t talk nonsense. Otherwise I’m not done with you!”

“I am not making this up. Didn’t you start practicing the Obliterate Demon Absolute God already? Your patriarch already told me, you cannot be too far away from me…… When that time comes, other than me, who else can you marry……”

Although Xiao Chen whispered with a faintly discernible voice, it was heard by Yan Qingcheng. She immediately blowed up, “How can the patriarch be like this, he even told you these…… Xiao Chen, you are talking nonsense, I’m going to kill you at all cost!”

“Hah! As if I’m scared?!” Xiao Chen looked at her with a provocative glance, then he continued to walk towards the Intoxicating House. He thought about the reason why Yan Qingcheng came to this kind of place while walking, there must had been some reason.”

Yan Qingcheng forced the wine out of her body, then she also walked towards the Intoxicating House, and said, “Fine! I really am not done with you today, but we will not fight with martial arts. Since we are at this place, we will follow the rules here. Let’s have a drinking contest.”

Xiao Chen saw Yan Qingcheng ran over. Although she had already forced the wine out of her body system, she still hadn’t really sobered up. He only looked at her provocatively. The frivolous words that came later caused Yan Qingcheng to run over while panting with rage.

“Little girl, can you really?”

“Didn’t expect that this scoundrel was this repulsive. I will make you drunk for one month straight!”

When the fatty saw that Xiao Chen came back with a youth, he was in a daze. On the other hand, Lyria and Carmina had a peculiar expression. It seemed like they had figured something out. The eight gorgeous dancing-girls at the side had incomparably passionate eyes. That was because Yan Qingcheng was seriously too beautiful and charming.

After a long time later, the fatty started to chuckle. He could already tell that this was a genuine stunning beauty. He whispered to Xiao Chen, “Brother, you are so capable. This kind of outstanding beauty can really make one feel ashamed of one’s inferiority. She’s so beautiful that it makes people feel dizzy just looking at her. And you are actually able to bring her to this kind of place……”

Yan Qingcheng didn’t say much after she entered the hall. She just kept pouring wine and drank ten cups in succession. After that, she looked at Xiao Chen provocatively. Each cup could hold a bottle or two of wine. In other words, she downed half a kilo of strong wine in one breath.

Xiao Chen also didn’t say much and drank ten cups in succession. Looking at the two drinking, Carmina, Lyria, and the other girls cheered for them. The fatty even incited them.

This was a chaotic drinking bout. Not long later, Carmina got beside Xiao Chen and said, “Where did this pretty friend of yours come from? Her alcohol tolerance is quite high. I went to the Graceful Chamber just now and all the sisters were dead drunk on the ground. They were all done in by her.”

“Everyone in the hall, come and drink.” While Yan Qingcheng didn’t have the intention to let Xiao Chen go, it seemed like she wouldn’t let the fatty, Lyria, Carmina, and the others off either.

Carmina and Lyria had a barely tolerable expression. They made the beautiful girls at the side go up and drink with Yan Qingcheng. But Yan Qingcheng grabbed the two of them, and didn’t let them escape. It seemed like she wanted to make Xiao Chen drunk and make the two of them go down with him. As for the fatty, he was already seeing stars.

“I know you girls are practitioners, no one is allowed to cheat in a drinking bout. I will not let you go and purify the wine.” Yan Qing Cheng looked at everyone provocatively, but her cheeks were already flushed.

It was pretty lively within the Intoxicating House. The fatty was the very first to fall down on the red carpet not far away. He was hugging two gorgeous girls with saliva overflowing from his mouth.

Another drinking bout was about to begin. A stunning beauty dressing as a man, while drinking along with two exceptionally beautiful girls, she forced Xiao Chen to drink. It was exceptionally bewitching.

Yan Qingcheng’s alcohol tolerance really made Xiao Chen dumbstruck. He resigned to his fate and fell on the ground. He was extremely angry as he thought to himself: Mother @#%¥, this woman… sure can drink. I’m actually drunk…

In the end, Yan Qingcheng propped up Carmina and Lyria who were already drunk. She emitted two rays of peculiar light from her eyes. If Xiao Chen was clear-headed, he would have known that it was a hypnotization technique. It could make one speak out the secrets in their heart.

She looked face to face with Lyria, then she asked in a barely audible voice, “Talk, is it true that the Moonflower Castle is hiding a Dragon King……?”

“Yes… That’s right…”

Yan Qingcheng was also spent. After getting a satisfied answer, she also collapsed and fell towards Xiao Chen……

The hall gradually became quiet. Other than the three girls on the classical stage, everyone else was already drunk.

Keke and Tenax were a little puzzled. They were enjoying the fine food at the side and quietly looked at these events unfolding.

The three girls on the classical stage looked at each other in dismay. After that, they walked over and took a glance at Xiao Chen first. One of the girls said, “He has the heroic spirit of a man, but not as handsome as the other one.”

Their sight fixed on Yan Qingcheng’s body. Looking at her dream-like face, one of the girls sighed, “Is he really a man? If he is actually a woman, I would lose all my confidence. He’s really too pretty.”

They couldn’t help but caress Yan Qingcheng’s jade-like face with their slender fingers. However, they retracted their hands as if electrocuted, and shouted in surprise, “A woman, she’s actually a woman!”

“No wonder. How can a man be this pretty? She’s really too beautiful!”

“I bet only the legendary flower empress in the Moonflower Castle can be compared to her.”

“The empress of the Spellbind Castle should also be comparable.”

Looking at the beautiful Yan Qingcheng, the three of them were very jealous.

“Making my heart beat for nothing. And she’s actually a woman. Hmph! Unforgivable.”

Hearing these words, the youngest among them who were only sixteen or seventeen years old giggled naughtily and said, “Why don’t we do this instead?” ⌈1

Speaking until here, they started to fiddle with Yan Qingcheng’s posture.

Yan Qingcheng was originally on top of Xiao Chen, but after getting fiddled by them, their posture became incomparably dubious. Not only was Yan Qingcheng caught in Xiao Chen’s embrace, one of her hands was inserted into Xiao Chen’s cloth. And Xiao Chen’s bulky hand was buried into Yan Qing Cheng’s bra by that naughty girl.

“Hehe… I look forward to the time they wake up.”

“Aren’t we a little too wicked? Hehehe.”

“No, it’s pretty fun. Hehe……”

After the three girls left the hall. Keke and Tenax’s eyes lit up. They quietly left this place and moved stealthily into the depths of the Moonflower Castle. ⌈2


  1. Silva: I think I know where this is going… 
  2. Silva: Trouble abounds! 

Chapter 140 – Transcendental Beauty

The Moonflower Castle occupied too much space, it was practically a temple in heaven. Carvings of dragons and phoenixes lined up at both sides of the marble steps, all the way from that golden entrance to the main street. This was definitely not allowed in the mortal world. Only the imperial household could make use of dragon and phoenix marble steps.

The glazed roof tile and golden door were gleaming with luster. The magnificent castle was unusually imposing, but it didn’t feel overwhelming. Outside of the golden door, sixteen good-looking girls were standing on both sides of the marble steps. In each side were lined eight girls. Their attitudes could even be said to have nothing in common. Some were passionate and busty, others were sweet and attractive, there were also some cute and charming ones. It was extremely alluring, each of them had their own merits.

“Hehe…… How about it?” The fatty smiled complacently and said, “These are only the little ones used for entertaining the customer. The real beauties are in the castle.”

The marble passage and golden door made those lovely young ladies even more beautiful and seductive in contrast. It truly deserved to be called the highest quality brothel as the fatty had said.

Xiao Chen secretly clicked his tongue and followed the fatty into the castle. The inside could be said to be richly ornamented, the gold and jade were glorious in splendor. It was not something the red light districts on the mortal world could compare to. This was entirely built with the imperial castle in mind.

The fatty already passed that tomcat to his subordinates. And those subordinates automatically stopped outside of the main hall. They didn’t follow them into the castle, it seemed like people of their status were not allowed to enter.

Within the castle, huge flower vases were lined up in front of the screens. ⌈1⌋ The surfaces of the flower vases were smooth and crystal clear. There were even some very rare pictures of celebrities hanging on the walls. The clients did not make any noise, the sound of moaning couldn’t be heard, this didn’t seem like a brothel at all.

“So it was actually Lord Zhuge who had graced us with your presence.” A beautiful lady around the age of twenty five or twenty six came to greet them. She didn’t have the bewitching smile commonly found on prostitutes. It was the kind of light smile that made one feel comfortable. Her red lips, white teeth, and glittering eyes were very pleasing.

Even in the mortal world, Xiao Chen had never went to the red light district before. He could be said to have lived his life cleanly. However, he had also heard of a few things regarding the red light district. Was this the rumored brothel keeper? But she didn’t look like one no matter how he looked at her. She didn’t have that kind of seductive charm, her image was more like that of a sweet-tempered and talented girl.

“Shirley! Long time no see. You still remember me? Little brother missed you so much.” Zhuge Liang’s pair of eyes immediately lit up.

“How can I forget about Lord Zhuge, you are one of our esteemed clients.” Her smile contained a hint of flattery. It caused the fatty’s stout body to shudder. He couldn’t help but take two steps forward. It seemed like he wanted to take one more step, but he still endured it in the end. He seemed somewhat apprehensive as he chuckled and said, “Shirley, you sure know how to talk. With my social status, I can only come a few times annually. Every client here is from some renowned family or another, I do not deserve to be called an esteemed client.”

“Hehe, Lord Zhuge is too modest. Everyone knows about Zhuge Liang from the Amber Warbeast Castle; a pair of discerning eyes, the most capable huntsman. In a short few years, you have already found more than ten extraordinary warbeasts. You are the star of Celestial City.”

The fatty started to chuckle, clearly feeling very cheerful.

“Lord Zhuge, you still haven’t introduced this friend of yours to me.”

“My bad, my bad. He is Xiao Chen, a practitioner with unlimited potential. He even has the financial backing of a rare warbeast.” The fatty chuckled and introduced to Xiao Chen, “This is one of the eight most beautiful flowers in the Moonflower Castle, Lady Shirley. She is a famous person in Celestial City.”

Hearing the few words, “rare warbeast”, lady Shirley was clearly excited, but that peculiar expression disappeared quickly. She smiled lightly and said, “Greetings to Lord Xiao. Lord Xiao seems like a character of strength, one look is all I need to see that you’re a talented person. I’m sure your name will spread all over Celestial City in the future.”

“Greetings to miss Shirley.” Xiao Chen was very calm, but he was secretly observing this girl. That was because when she just entered the room, her expression changed slightly when she looked at Xiao Chen. Could it be that she had heard of him before? Xiao Chen became wary of her.

Shirley stared at Tenax with her clear eyes. The astonishment in her eyes was hard to cover up, she seemed to be very amazed and said, “This must be that rare warbeast you were talking about. Although I don’t understand too much about warbeasts, I have heard of many things. Based on this basis, I have a feeling that if this little beast is nurtured properly, its name will definitely shake the entire world sooner or later. Congratulations in advance, Lord Xiao.”

“Then can we please ask of lady Shirley to compromise, and allow us to go in with the little beasts?”

“No problem. If it was anyone else, I would definitely not allow it. Warbeasts are not allowed in the Moonflower Castle, but just this time, I will make an exception for both of you. After all, such a rare warbeast should be kept beside you.” Soon after, she smiled gently and said, “Please come in, I will no longer waste your valuable time.”

There were many halls in the Moonflower Castle, each occupied a wide area. After passing through this hall, Xiao Chen and company were led to the back. The halls in the courtyard were linked by the hallway. Little bridge was built above the running water. The pavilion was filled with mountains of flowers, it could be said to be refined yet beautiful.

“Was that courtesan just now the brothel keeper?” Xiao Chen asked the fatty in a low voice.

Zhuge Liang jolted for a moment. He looked at the pretty girl who was leading the way before he said to Xiao Chen with a voice only the two of them could hear, “Mother f——! Lower your voice buddy! It’s fine as long as you know, but if they hear what you said, they might peel off our skin! The power behind them is quite big. This Moonflower Castle is definitely powerful enough to stand side by side with a few warbeast castles.

For a brothel to actually be this large-scale, Xiao Chen was seriously a little shocked. Looking at the fatty’s apprehensive appearance, it was easy to tell that this “Flower Castle” not only looked imposing on the outside, even the power inside must be one that not many people dared to provoke.

“Oh, I understand. I can already tell, that courtesan was indeed out of the ordinary. No matter how I looked at her, she didn’t look like a prostitute. Her image was more like that of a talented beauty than a brothel keeper.”

It seemed like the pure girl who was leading the way in front heard these words, she turned around to cast a glance at Xiao Chen.

When the fatty heard these, he hastily grabbed Xiao Chen’s hand and said in a low voice, “I say brother, stop speaking nonsense! This is not the kind of brothel you think it is. The courtesans here have really high status, they normally don’t meet with just any clients and only exchange a few words with the esteemed guests. You mustn’t provoke them, they will never sell themselves short. Only the area behind here is the real brothel.”

After passing through four halls in total, Xiao Chen and company finally came to a stop. They could already hear the sound of singing and dancing at this place, and yet they were still unable to hear the sound of moaning.

Someone came to receive them in the big hall. A beautiful girl using a tray to hold up a booklet arrived in front of them. She said with a melodious voice, “Please choose your courtesan.”

The fatty was startled and asked, “We can choose today?”

“That’s right, courtesan Shirley has instructed us to properly entertain the two lords.” The girl was only fifteen to sixteen years old, she was at a delicate age. The girl was sizing up the two of them curiously.

“Brother, we sure have good luck today.” The fatty smiled and explained to Xiao Chen, “There are ten big gardens in the Moonflower Castle. Normally, it is the girls in the gardens who choose the person they want to meet, not the other way around. Only those first class clients get the privilege to choose.” ⌈2

Xiao Chen found it a little hard to understand. Why was the root and branch inverted? How did they do business like this? Was it because the men who came to this place were cheap? It was actually them who got picked by the courtesan instead. He felt that it was too absurd. Who was the one that got to enjoy in the end?

As if he could see Xiao Chen’s dissatisfaction, the fatty smiled and said, “Even if we don’t get the right to choose, the girls here will not let the clients leave disappointed. Otherwise how would they dare to do this.” Soon after, he lowered his voice, “No matter what kind of business, as long as they can make it to the top, they will have this kind of boldness and vision. Of course, they will ultimately guarantee the client’s satisfaction.”

“Did the lords make up their minds?”

The fatty flipped the beauties list, and then he said, “Then I will choose the ⌈Intoxicating House⌋ from the ⌈Rose Garden⌋.”

Following a crooked lane that lead to an isolated place, they passed through two castle halls. The fragrance of flowers ahead was thick and penetrated deeply into their hearts. There was a small stream and the flowers were colorful and lovely. Naturally, the one that bloomed the most abundant was still the rose. The fragrance from hundreds of flowers lingered in the rose garden.

The fatty explained to Xiao Chen, “There are ten big gardens in the Moonflower Castle. Each garden has a few bedrooms or women’s chambers. The one I chose is the Intoxicating House of the rose garden. I have already heard one of the girls there is delicate and charming, the other one is lucid and elegant. They are a rare ice and fire pair. Definitely the two queens of this rose garden.”

The quality was so carefully selected, Xiao Chen was extremely amazed. This place was really out of ordinary.

“Please enter.” A cunning voice rang out from beside them. Xiao Chen turned around just to see a youngster with red lips and white teeth. However, that voice really left a bad impression, it was too sissy.

The fatty Zhuge Liang laughed secretly and explained in a low voice, “This is the court eunuch of the rose garden. He can walk around the garden, but cannot enter the ⌈bedroom⌋ or ⌈chamber⌋.”

Xiao Chen felt a little dizzy, they even had a court eunuch. This…… was completely built according to the standards of the imperial castle.

There were three halls in the rose garden, namely; Intoxicating House, Thousand Sweets Chamber, and Graceful Chamber. Although there were a limited number of courtesans, the expenditure was really high. A single bedroom or chamber could cost an ordinary people up to half a year of their living expenses.

Walking past the quiet flower garden with dwarf bamboos growing alongside the road, they arrived in front of the entrance to the Intoxicating House. The court eunuch stopped and did not continue forward. The bluish-green curtain was spread open by the two servant girls at both sides as they invited Xiao Chen and company into the house.

It was already nighttime. Regardless of the garden or within the house, the bewitching rose lamps were already lit up.

With regards to the two who brought along two little beasts, the servant girls were very curious and kept sizing them up.

“Please enter the art hall.” The servant girls led the way in front.

The fatty started to explain again, “The art hall is the place where we can appreciate art in the Intoxicating House. After that, we will go to the bed chamber. Hehe…… Let us go drink and appreciate some art first.”

When Xiao Chen and the fatty stepped into the splendid and magnificent hall, a jingling sound rang out. It was a gentle and beautiful sound, as if it was the sound of nine fairies descending.

“Your enchanting beauty has intoxicated the mortal realm.
When the spring breeze blows, the willows sway,
Bravery is short-lived while a woman’s love is everlasting,
My will to fight has wavered……” ⌈3

The musical notes from the lute entered their ears. At the same time, a bewitching song started to play.

A faint fragrance was drifting in the castle hall. It was as enticing as the sweet smell of orchids. On top of the classical stage, there was an elegant girl with black hair that flowed like a waterfall and pupils like that of water. She was brimming with wisdom and single-mindedly devoted to playing the lute. Without any trace of carelessness, there was only the flowery rhythm of the verse.

“This is the Intoxicating House’s lady Lyria.” The fatty introduced in a low voice. At the same time, he chuckled and said, “How about it? This trip is worth it, right? This kind of girl is usually kept hidden from the public eyes, there’s no way we can see her on ordinary days.”

Xiao Chen lamented, this kind of girl was indeed hard to see. If she was put elsewhere, nobody would be able to tell she was a courtesan. She looked like a girl from a wealthy family, a princess that was raised in a noble house. However, from what the fatty was saying, Lyria was merely one of the queen of flowers in the rose garden of Moonflower Castle. One couldn’t help but feel shocked and exclaim in admiration.

The fragrance drifted into the hall as a figure came out from behind the screen with graceful dance steps. Her three sizes were well proportioned. She was so beautiful that it made one feel dizzy. Her figure was as pretty as a picture. Her fiery long hair fluttered about like the passionate flame. Her beautiful face was incomparably sweet and charming. Her pair of eyes were so clear, as if they could start talking any time. Her exquisite nose stood out. She was licking her moist red lips with her tongue, it could even be said to be extremely lovely. Her snow-white neck was like jade, and her boobies stood upright. Her waist was thin and curvy, and her buttocks were perfectly round. She had long and slender legs.

This was definitely an alluring woman. She wore a black fishnet style skintight dress, which exposed most of her snow-white skin. Her exquisite curves were clearly outlined, a white scarf was draped over her shoulders and fluttered along with her dance steps. It made her flicker with unlimited youthfulness and vitality.

Her fiery long hair and snow-white skin, when paired with the black fishnet style skintight dress and the fluffy white scarf, it gave people an intense visual impact.

“This is Carmina. Just like Lyria, she is the queen of the rose garden.”

She was really as passionate and bold as fire. The complete opposite of Lyria.

While the musical notes of the lute were playing, Lyria was also sizing up the two clients with her beautiful and intelligent eyes. Her jade-like fingers were skipping on the string like the fairies, it was gentle and coordinated. Words failed to describe how spectacular it was.

While Carmina’s dance grew bolder and more passionate, her graceful, delicate body had already danced over. She twirled around Xiao Chen and the fatty like an exquisite butterfly.

The music and dance from the queens of flowers could already be considered the best treatment, there was no need for any flowery words. This was already enough to intoxicate a man.

Xiao Chen could already tell; Carmina should be a practitioner, and a pretty powerful one to boot. Otherwise it was impossible for her sweet and charming body to be this flexible. Dancing around in circle, Carmina had already got beside Xiao Chen. She twisted her hands around Xiao Chen’s body and made a very daring action; she lightly pecked Xiao Chen’s earlobe. Her body was incomparably hot, and carrying with it, a hint of fragrance. Her hands twisted around Xiao Chen like a vine. The eyes of the fatty, who was just at the side, already widened. He gulped down the saliva with difficulty.


  1. Chanayh: Screen (屏风) 
  2. Silva: Why do I have this feeling that Rowena is just around the corner… 
  3. Silva: 4 hours spent on this… hahaha… >.<
    Chanayh: Well, listen. Just give up. 

Chapter 139 – Celestial City

The south desolate mountain woods, cutting across thousands of miles, it was vast without boundary.

Xiao Chen and company passed through many mountains and a great number of ravines. Walking past the endless sea of greenery, they could finally see the Celestial City.

The magnificent Celestial City, it was brimming with the vicissitudes of time. The city wall was tall and massive, it was about thirty meters tall, and more than ten steeds could run side by side on top of it. The tall city gate was even more majestic, it was just like a watchtower that fell from the heaven dome; simple yet imposing. It was truly fitting for such a famous city.

The moat was about ten meters wide, and a few dozen meters deep. Although the moat was filled with water lilies, and a shoal of fish was moving about, if one examined carefully, they could actually see ferocious crocodiles and bloodthirsty fishes roaming about.

Without a doubt, Celestial City was a grand and majestic ancient city. It was the most renowned city in the south desolate region.

There were all kinds of legends regarding this ancient city. It was possible to tell just from its name, “Celestial City”, that it had a connection to the celestial emperor. The ancient city was shrouded in a veil of mystery.

“We’re finally here.”

While looking at the big city in front, Xiao Chen walked over there with Tenax and company.

Walking past the suspension bridge, they got through the moat and entered the city gate. Surprisingly, no one came to interrogate or block this lone man.

Celestial City was a bustling and thriving ancient city; there was an endless stream of horses and carriages, the main street was bustling with activities, a great number of stores stood at both sides of the avenue, and the sound of merchants touting their wares could be heard.

“High quality lesser dragon skin, only for a hundred gold coins.”

“Thousand year ginseng, genuine old ginseng king.”

“New restaurant open for business, big discount on the first day of opening……”

“The strongest warbeast……”

“Candied fruits……”

It was truly a lively and bustling big city; people of all ages were crowded together on the streets. There were all kinds of people, it could even be said there were many different kinds of races. There were blondies with blue eyes, black-haired persons with tanned skin, green hair, yellow hair, and even the tall and bulky beastmen.

Xiao Chen and company pushed their way through the crowd. They were truly overwhelmed. He spent most of his recent days in the desolate forest, it felt so long since he entered this kind of big city.

The Celestial City had a population close to two million people. It was a big city not just in name, but also in reality. Just imagine how much resources they had to spend on a daily basis. Apart from importing the resources from many cities and towns in the surroundings, the most important was still the Grand Canal that flowed from the North. The canal made it possible to import an endless stream of supplies.

“Let’s go, we will be staying here for a long time.” Xiao Chen was very fond of the flourishing Celestial City. He led Qinguang Wang and company to forge ahead.

The crowd did not have any peculiar expression when they saw Keke and Tenax, because that was more than normal. There were quite a few warbeast castles in Celestial City, it was an extremely common practice to have a warbeast. In fact, there were so many people with exotic creatures on the main street.

Xiao Chen and company took up residence in a big tavern. After freshening up, they prepared to go take a stroll and familiarize themselves with the big city. The three skeletons did not accompany them, they were not interested in the city. The two little beasts on the other hand, were looking forward to explore this bustling city. All of these fresh experiences roused their curiosity. They followed Xiao Chen and set out together.

They walked about randomly, and asked for the direction to the warbeast street. They inevitably had to pass through the antique street to get there. The majority of the people who came to this place were the middle-aged and elderly people. Only these people would like antiques. Xiao Chen conveniently bought a few pendants on the way. Ignoring Keke and Tenax’s opposition, Xiao Chen put the pendants on them. There was a certain charm when the crystal clear ancient jades were paired up with them.

All of a sudden, Xiao Chen saw a familiar back figure at the corner of the street.

“Eh, how come she is also here?”

That was actually Yan Qing Cheng. She obviously hadn’t noticed Xiao Chen yet. Xiao Chen was in deep thought and observed at a distant place for a while. He found the imprint of the Undying Sect hidden in an antique store. That was obviously the Undying Sect’s little communication point.

Warbeast street; one warbeast arena after another lined up on both sides of the street. Loud beastly roars transmitted from the inside occasionally. Endless streams of people were coming and going on the main street, it was practically a boiling cauldron of voices. This place was clearly more bustling than the other areas of the city.

The color of the sky already darkened, but this was the warbeast street, everything had just begun. There were even more people participating in the warbeast arena at night. Xiao Chen felt a little hungry, he brought the two little beasts and stepped into a restaurant. The restaurant was facing the street and business seemed very good.

He did not choose a private room, instead Xiao Chen chose a seat by the window on the second floor. He listened to the others bragging while enjoying the meal.

“Hey, that was really too strange. That Lynx Dragon was not really a dragon, and yet, no worthy adversary appeared even after it swept the entire arena. What’s more, it is still in the growing stage.”

“In my opinion, that Lynx Dragon is still not a match for that gold-furred beast in the Hughes Warbeast Arena. That one is really too savage. It is still just a cub, but it tore apart a lesser dragon king that was about ten times its body weight.”

“That Frost Dracolion that appeared in the Morass Warbeast Arena was also very terrifying. It was only two meters long, but it actually crushed a fifteen meters long primal beast.”

“A lot of intellectual beasts have appeared in the warbeast arenas recently. All of them are of the rarely seen variety. I suppose if they are nurtured properly, they might grow up into a sacred beast later.”

“Exactly! The monsters that appeared recently are very strong, and they are still in the infancy stage. I bet they could be sold for a sky-high price. I wonder if those owners will sell them or not.”

“Hoh… although they are very powerful, they are only challenging some nameless warbeast arenas. Only those who can come out alive after challenging those warbeast castles can be regarded as out of ordinary.”

“Don’t you guys find it strange? How come all kinds of intellectual beasts appeared in Celestial City at the same time? And they all are of those rarely seen varieties. As far as I know, those might really be young sacred beasts. One that is capable of standing side by side the dragons and phoenixes.”

“Hush, lower your voice! I have also heard the rumors that there might be a few young sacred beasts that came from those big cities in the North. I don’t know whether it is true or not.”

“I heard on the grapevine that it was because the young Dragon Kings had made an appearance in those warbeast castles before. I suppose those people brought the sacred beasts here in hope of challenging the young Dragon Kings.”

“Is that true?! Those young Dragon Kings that came from the dragon island actually appeared here? How many have shown up?”

“I don’t know how many have showed up, but they definitely did make an appearance. Those people definitely brought the young sacred beasts here to challenge the little Dragon Kings. You should know that if they let the young sacred beasts fight with the little Dragon Kings, it will definitely allow the young sacred beasts to grow up faster.”

“It really makes people look forward to it. You think it’s possible for a sacred beast more powerful than the Dragon Kings to appear? Otherwise it is impossible for those people to take the risks.”

“I can’t wait! If that is really true, I daresay the warbeast castles in other big cities will respond instantly and rush towards Celestial City. When that time comes, there will definitely be a good show. Just think about it, the strongest warbeasts from a few dozen big cities, sacred beast versus sacred beast, dragon king versus dragon king, sacred beast versus dragon king. There’s so much to look forward to!”


Everyone in the restaurant was discussing spiritedly. It was exactly the time for dinner, every kind of news spread the fastest at this kind of occasion.

Xiao Chen felt this meal was really worth it. He got to hear many useful information. The Dragon Kings had appeared at this place, but which ones could they be? When he was still on the dragon island, Xiao Chen had seen those eleven Dragon Kings. He even knew who those Dragon Kings were following.

However, he heard that a chaotic warfare took place after the divine ship sent those people back to the immortal’s mainland. In order to fight over the Dragon Kings, even demigods had made their moves. Some Dragon Kings had probably changed owner a long time ago. It was still unknown whether Lawrence and Yizhen came out unscathed.

Sitting by the window, everything on the main street could be seen clearly. Although the color of the sky had already darkened, the stream of people was still flowing without an end in sight. Many warbeast arenas were already brightly lit.

“******* fatty……” Xiao Chen shouted. He actually saw the ******* fatty Zhuge Liang. That guy was currently holding a snow-white tomcat and taking a stroll. Behind him were a few bulky men leading a few lesser dragons. He looked like a self-indulgent guy.

“What the f—, WHO dares insult me?!” Surely, not many people had called this ******* fatty like this before. That’s why he started to look for the person immediately after hearing “******* fatty”. He spotted Xiao Chen on the second floor of the restaurant just as he raised his head. Zhuge Liang’s eyes immediately glinted with gold radiance, as if he had seen a big pile of gold coins laying right before his eyes.

“So it was brother Xiao, hahaha…… this is too good, I finally see you again.” It was easy to tell the ******* fatty was very surprised. His two eyes emitted green light as he shouted, “Did you bring Tenax with you?”

When Xiao Chen and the ******* fatty left the restaurant together, they heard people talking behind their back, “Isn’t that the fatty from Amber Warbeast Castle? That guy’s eyesight is very keen. Don’t tell me, those little beasts with the youngster just now are some rarely seen warbeasts?”

Haha……” The ******* fatty was especially joyful. When he looked at Tenax, it was as if he had been slapped by money and beautiful women. After that, he turned his head back to look at Xiao Chen, and said, “Brother, I’m really too happy to be able to see you again. Last time was really too close. Damn it, we actually got lost in the uncultivated jungle and almost couldn’t make it back anymore. Forget about it, we should have a good talk tonight. This night is on me, this fat brother will let you play until you drop.”

The fatty was carrying the snow-white tomcat and walked beside Xiao Chen. He introduced from time to time, “When it comes to the most flourishing district, look no further than this area of Celestial City. There’s no place better than this. I’m not just talking about the warbeast castles. The best restaurants, red light districts, and casinos can be found here. Hehe, this fat brother will bring you to the best place to have fun……”

Looking at the ******* fatty’s smile, Keke really wanted to go up there and scratch him for a little while. It was stopped by Xiao Chen just in the nick of time. The tough little dragon was also grinding its teeth at the fatty constantly.

Not long later, they arrived in front of a dazzling castle. Xiao Chen was a little dumbstruck. This…… seemed like a castle only the imperial household would be permitted to build, if it was in the mortal world, that is. It was really too grand and magnificent.

“Hehe, how about it?” The fatty smiled — that was a lascivious smile no matter how they looked at it — before he continued, “This is the ⌈Moonflower Castle⌋, we will let loose at this place tonight. After a few days, we will go to the ⌈Spellbind Castle⌋ to appreciate some flowers. Hehe…… brother, I am indeed spending money in large amounts. You must know that even I am only willing to come to this kind of place once or twice a year. The standard here is the absolute best in the entire continent.” ⌈1


  1. Silva: P-Pink chapter incoming? 

Chapter 138 – None can Resist

A youth in his prime, with high status, was always the most arrogant guy. How could they not be?

Kadiva was from a rather famous family in the Celestial City, he always did whatever he wanted to do. This time, he kept this a secret from his family and led his trusted aide to come and search for some legendary warbeast in the south desolate region. Never did he expect most of his soldiers would perish after entering the south desolate region for only a dozen of days. Only five of them remained, and when he saw the tough little dragon today, how could he not tell that Tenax was out of the ordinary.

After secretly watching Tenax challenging a few vicious beasts and emerging victorious, Kadiva had already come to a conclusion; this must be the strongest type among the inferior dragons, it should have at least one-third of dragon blood flowing in its veins, or perhaps it might be a real dragon stranded in the south desolate region.

When he thought about the dragons in the south desolate region, his blood started to boil. Legend said that in the ancient past, a few incomparably powerful dragons did not get sealed on the dragon island, they lived in seclusion at the south desolate region. If this tough little dragon was their descendent……

Kadiva was so excited that he couldn’t stop his body from shaking. The descendent of the most powerful ancient dragon that escaped the fate of getting sealed on the dragon island, this was simply a blessing from the heavens. If he could subdue this tough little dragon, perhaps it might not even be inferior to those genuine Dragon Kings that departed from the dragon island.

The descendent of the strongest dragon!

After Kadiva had this deduction, he immediately led his trusted aide into action. They stealthily caught up to Tenax and surrounded it from every direction. What made him most happy was that the tough little dragon was very keen and discovered them in the first moments, and yet, it didn’t run away. It provoked them and took the initiative to take up a challenge. With such an arrogant personality, it made Kadiva even more convinced. It might really be the descendent of those dragons!

They must be decisive, they must not miss this chance and let it get away.

The battle to subdue the descendent of the strongest dragon had thus began.

However, just when it looked like everything went smoothly, an outsider like this unexpectedly appeared. Kadiva was in a really bad mood, the Celestial City was known as the biggest city in the south desolate region, and he came from one of the largest and most influential families in the Celestial City. He was always the one making others yield to him, how could he tolerate other people meddling in his business.

Despite seeing that Xiao Chen’s ability was very profound, his superiority complex made him unable to think highly of any practitioners.

“I am telling to truth, look at how it is following me so familiarly. If this is a wild beast, how is it possible for it to acknowledge me so easily.” Xiao Chen tried to explain one last time. He didn’t want to get into a conflict if at all possible.

But the blond-haired youth at the opposite side did not buy it, he was still as arrogant as before and said impatiently, “Stop wasting my time, I found it first and you still want to vie for it? This is obviously a wild beast. I don’t want to make things hard for you, the ancient road is over there, you can be on your way. Let’s not get in each other’s way.”

Kadiva’s words were very obvious; Scram, I have already laid my eyes on this warbeast, if you don’t leave now, you won’t be able to so anymore.

How could Xiao Chen not understand his underlying meaning? The other party clearly wanted to rely on his status and the experts beside him to forcefully take over Tenax. This was the truth of the world, strength represented everything. If it was any ordinary young practitioner, they might have yielded already. That was because they could recognize the family crest on the left sleeve of the youngster. That was the emblem of a powerful family in the Celestial City, a super influential family that controlled a warbeast castle, it was an existence that many practitioners were unwilling to provoke.

But Xiao Chen did not know of this, and even if he knew, it meant nothing to him. With his personality and the strength he currently possessed, he wouldn’t hesitate to dispose of them, because it was impossible for him to hand over Tenax to the other party. The more he came to understand the tough little beast, the more he became interested in Tenax. He was expecting some kind of possibility to take place.

Once he made his decision, he wouldn’t continue to drag his feet in the mud. Knowing that it was unlikely for the other party to change their mind, Xiao Chen immediately assumed a battle stance. The glaring rays of light emitted from his body were throbbing like the blazing flame, and yet, they looked like a divine armor protecting him from harm. At this moment, they were unable to look at Xiao Chen from up close.

“Hey, this joker is so arrogant, he actually took the initiative.” Kadiva was very angry. Nobody had ever provoked him before, it was always him doing the provocation. Especially this guy who looked like a hermit no matter how he looked at him, this guy actually dared to offend him.

Kadiva was an expert at the level of Exuvia Third Celestial Layer, he could be considered an expert among the youth generation, especially among the nobility. However, this “expert” depended on who he was dealing with. He did not know how deep was Xiao Chen’s power, but the man beside him had already felt it ever so faintly. That man was his shadow, a bodyguard who grew up along with him. He was a Sixth Celestial Layer expert who specialized in protecting him. He was one of the bodyguards that were nurtured by their family since young age, and was very loyal to the family.

“Young master……” Kadiva’s bodyguard lightly pulled the lower hem of his shirt, then he said in a low voice, “This guy is more powerful than me and he has already revealed killing intent.”

Speaking until here, the bodyguard faced Xiao Chen, and said, “We are from the Reagan family. Will this friend be willing to sell us this warbeast? We will not treat you unfairly.” Obviously, he had already detected Xiao Chen’s killing intent. He was fully aware of how very terrifying was this man before his eyes and didn’t want to fight with Xiao Chen. Because the bodyguards grew up with their respective masters since childhood, they could speak on behalf of their masters sometimes.

“That is impossible.” Xiao Chen refused very bluntly.

“Arrest him!” Kadiva of the Reagan Family couldn’t tolerate it any longer, he directly issued the order.

The girls floating in the sky were Psychics, they were very beautiful and seemed to be persons of mixed blood. They possessed the classical beauty of the East, and also the noble traits of the West, but even so, their charming appearances couldn’t be concealed. Their pupils were bright and intelligent, and their light blue hair were fluttering like water ripples.

They were the collateral relatives of the Reagan family, their blood relationship with this influential family of Celestial City was already thinned out a long time ago. However, due to their strength and outstanding appearance, they were still appreciated by the family and so they frequently mingled together with a few direct descendants of the Reagan family. As far as this chaotic relationship between man and woman was concerned, the elder of the Reagan family always turned a blind eye to it.

Three of the female Psychics dropped three rays of green light, they launched spiritual attacks and took the initiative to attack Xiao Chen.

Meanwhile, Kadiva already raised a sharp sword and rushed over personally.

Xiao Chen quickly dodged to the side to avoid the attacks from the three Psychics, then he rushed straight towards Kadiva. His fingers emitted a glaring sword-qi as if they were a double-edged sword. Xiao Chen attacked this youth from the Reagan family with a diagonal slash.

The sword-qi produced a sharp sound as it cut through the air. The face of the bodyguard at the side turned pale. He could clearly feel Xiao Chen’s terrifying strength at this very moment. After a loud shout, he raised his speed to the limit. His speed already surpassed that of Kadiva. After concentrating his power in the metal sword held in his hand, the sword became translucent and actually started to tremble. The sword-qi was extremely rich and powerful. He faced Xiao Chen head on with this strike.


The sound of the sword-qi slashing the air was exceptionally ear-piercing!

However, the bodyguard’s sword-qi was simply unable to stop the sword-qi emitted from Xiao Chen’s adamantium-like fingers. The adamantium fingers smashed a few dozens of sword-qi and then it made direct contact with the sharp sword held by the bodyguard.

With a clear crisp sound, the sword in the bodyguard’s hand exploded like the fireworks. The energy flow dispersed in all directions when the sword was destroyed. As if the bodyguard had been hit by a stormy sea, his body trembled violently. He could see a gold radiance rushing into his hand from that sword hilt. The bodyguard fell back at high speed. Although his right arm trembled incessantly, he used some kind of excellent martial art to neutralize the terrifying energy that entered his body.

His will was completely crushed at this moment, he clearly felt that he was far from being Xiao Chen’s opponent. He cried out in alarm, “Are you Windfeathers or the Solitary Sword Demon…… or perhaps Zhao Chongyang?”

He continuously declared the names of a few first-rate youth experts of the Southern region. He was truly a little apprehensive towards someone with such strength.

But Xiao Chen did not stop there, he continued to forge ahead like a sharp blade. He suddenly clenched his fist and sent the punch directly towards Kadiva. At this moment, Kadiva also coincidentally got before his eyes.

With an explosive sound, the long sword broke into pieces. Xiao Chen passed through the shattered light screen and bumped into Kadiva’s palm.

“Snap! Snap!”

The sound of bones snapping could be heard, it was especially ear-piercing in this occasion.

A spiral energy directly flowed into Kadiva’s right arm. His arm already turned into twisted dough. ⌈1⌋ Although the arm did not break into pieces, it was already deformed. That arm was completely useless now.

“Ah!!!!!!” Kadiva screamed at the top of his lung, his face distorted in pain.

This series of movements happened in only an instant. It was so quick that they could see nothing but a blur. Regardless of whether it was the bodyguard or the three female Psychics in the sky, they could only launch a single attack. There was simply not enough time to offer support to Kadiva.

“Run! Quick!” The bodyguard pushed Kadiva who was still screaming to the side, then he rushed forward by himself. He knew this enemy was really too formidable, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop him. The three Psychics dived down from the sky. After securing Kadiva, they immediately flew towards the sky.

Tenax finally made its move. A divine radiance emitted from its single horn and shot down one female Psychic from the sky with a “swoosh”. After that, it rushed over there fiercely.

At the same time, a human figure jumped down from a tall tree at a distant place. The one who hid there was Lunhui Wang. The sneak attack caused one female Psychic to stagger, but she still didn’t fall down in the end.

Xiao Chen rushed forward like a demon, going straight for the bodyguard who remained behind without any flashy movement. The palm blade was as sharp as a divine blade, the glaring rays of light directly collided with the bodyguard’s fist. Another bone snapping sound reverberated. Along with a gloomy snort, the bodyguard was sent flying away.

“My friend, anyone can make mistakes, you should forgive them when possible.” The bodyguard was holding his already twisted arm.

Xiao Chen was really calm, and said, “If people don’t offend me, I will not make trouble for them. It’s not like I didn’t give you a chance, but you guys insisted on forcing my hand.”

“You…… You must know that the Reagan family is very powerful. Kadiva is the seventh grandson of the chief…… the chief pampered him a lot.”

“Exactly because I know you guys come from a powerful family that I cannot let a single one of you get away.”

The bodyguard immediately understood Xiao Chen’s intention. Since they already made their moves, it was impossible to turn back anymore. The most effective method to silence them was to kill them all.

“Kill!” The bodyguard rushed over again without a hint of fear.

But that was clearly a futile effort. There was no chance for someone at the Exuvia Sixth Celestial Layer to win against an expert at the peak of Exuvia Eighth Celestial Layer.

Xiao Chen was like flickering light and passing shadows. With the palm blade in front, his entire body almost seemed transparent. Transforming into an unstoppable divine blade, he dashed forward in a straight line.

His speed was really too fast. What’s more, with the bodyguard’s own speed, it resulted with a “pfff” as blood gushed forth. The bodyguard was actually chopped in half. His upper body and lower body fell at opposite sides.

Xiao Chen directly bore through his body. With the divine radiance protecting his body, he did not get encroached by the blood. With such speed and power, if he was seen by his peers, they would certainly be shocked.

With his speed not decreasing, Xiao Chen unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and flew towards the sky. ⌈2

It was a very funny scene, by the time he caught up, he found that the two female Psychics were already trapped in the sky by a ball of light. It was actually Keke who just returned after finding some spiritual items. It found them running away from the party so it undertook the task to capture them.

And Kadiva had actually used a scroll to fly high into the sky, and flee towards the Celestial City.

Xiao Chen sneered. With the Undying Divine Wing as his trump card, how could he let Kadiva escape? Increasing his speed to the limit, he quickly caught up to Kadiva.

“Where do you think you are going?”

Hearing the lofty sound behind him, Kadiva turned his head around to take a look. He was so scared that his soul had literally left his body. Xiao Chen spread out a pair of divine wing while emitting killing intent. He was already not more than three meters behind Kadiva.

He never thought that Xiao Chen could actually fly, this kind of martial artist was really too terrifying. At this moment, he no longer had an arrogant look in his face. There was only fear.


His terrified expression continued to spread. Kadiva detested himself very much at this moment. If he was not that arrogant just now, perhaps they could’ve avoided this terrifying situation.

He recalled what the elders in the family had warned him; “Don’t rashly make an enemy out of practitioners outside of Celestial City. The foundation of the family is only at Celestial City, the outside world is still not something we can control.”

“Don’t kill me!”

“Give me a reason.”

Looking at Xiao Chen’s ice-cold expression, Kadiva’s body shuddered. Even the flying scroll that was carrying him started to sway.

“I come from the Reagan family. If you kill me, you will be in huge trouble.”

“There will be more trouble if I don’t kill you!”

Without any more superfluous words, Xiao Chen made his move. A chilly divine light flashed through and blood splashed everywhere. Kadiva’s head flew out. ⌈3

The scroll that was carrying the headless corpse fell towards the ground diagonally.

Xiao Chen flew back the way he came.

He hinted for Keke to release one of the Psychics. Xiao Chen wanted to try if he could catch up to a Psychic with the Undying Divine Wings. That charming girl let out a screech and made a run for it while sticking close to the forest. She witnessed everything just now, she was already extremely scared of Xiao Chen. Right now, she only wished she could return to the Celestial City as soon as possible.

Xiao Chen obviously wouldn’t give her such an opportunity. He unfolded the Undying Divine Wings, increased his speed to the limit, and caught up to the female Psychic in almost an instant. At this moment, Xiao Chen did not show any kindness; blood splashed everywhere, the pretty female Psychic was also chopped in half. Her corpse fell in the mountain woods.

Xiao Chen was very satisfied with the Undying Divine Wings. This was practically the Psychics and Spell Master’s nemesis. He believed this would definitely become their worst nightmare.

A clean sweep; three female Psychics, one bodyguard, and Kadiva, all of them were exterminated. Xiao Chen had a mood swing. He didn’t think he was ruthless, because it was justified self-defense, it was all for survival.

Because he had killed these people, Xiao Chen did not feel anxious on his journey. Only until half a month later did they slow down their pace. After that, in another five more days, they finally left the south desolate region. The Celestial City was already in sight.


  1. Chanayh: 
  2. Silva: Damn… that series of combo attack… 
  3. Silva: Is this the first time a named character died in the same chapter he was introduced?
    Chanayh: xDDD 

Chapter 137 – Tyranny

Two multi-colored rays of light shot down from the sky, the glittering light quickly engulfing Keke and the tough little dragon. The two little beasts were tossed into the phoenix nest on top of the tree.

“I ask the sacred phoenix to forgive the two of them.” Xiao Chen really didn’t want to stay at this place for much longer. He wanted to leave with the two little beasts.

However, the phoenix girl had some other plan. Her voice was no longer ice-cold; it was as sweet-sounding as heavenly music, “You wait here for some time. As another one of the same kind of sacred species, I will whip them into shape. Otherwise it will cost them dearly one of these days.” ⌈1

The so-called “whipping them into shape” made Xiao Chen dumbstruck. Keke and the tough little dragon almost threw up blood; the two little things even rolled their eyes. The phoenix girl actually wanted them to incubate the phoenix egg with their power source.

She made the two little guys incubate an egg!

At that time, the two little beasts were angry at her. They were but individuals who even dared to oppose the heavens!

They really wanted to smash the phoenix egg to bits at that time, but they found that a divine power was at work and were practically unable to damage even a fraction of the egg. On the contrary, their powers were absorbed by the phoenix egg, and they somehow ended up incubating the egg instead.

The two little beasts were so angry that they couldn’t bear it, so they shouted in a loud voice.

Ethereal mist flickered, the sacred phoenix lightly waved her divine wings, and a floating isle appeared from thin air; there were many exotic flowers in full bloom on the isle, jade grass-covered the land, red-crowned cranes were dancing in the breeze, and white apes were jumping from tree to tree. It was a world filled with the fragrance of flowers and pleasant birdsong. There were even some pavilions and kiosks, as well as a small bridge across running water. It was practically the very image of heaven itself.

Specks of splendor were circulating around the floating sacred isle. It floated up and down just above the phoenix nest. The phoenix girl turned around and flew towards the isle. Before she ascended onto the isle, she had already transformed into a graceful young lady, but Xiao Chen and company were unable to see her real visage. They could only see her pretty back figure as she walked away gracefully.

The two pitiful little guys suffered the consequences they had brought upon themselves for the first time, but they were also helpless in this situation. They were imprisoned by the sacred phoenix’s power source. It was impossible to even get away from the phoenix nest. Moreover, they must constantly operate the power source hidden within their body to resist it, otherwise the halo of light around them would keep shrinking, squeezing them and making them suffer.

And the multi-colored radiance released by them, after circulating one loop in the phoenix nest, would all flow towards that phoenix egg. This was tantamount to incubating the phoenix egg indirectly.

The two little beasts were incomparably depressed, and yet, it was impossible for anyone to take them away.

Xiao Chen was incomparably astonished. The phoenix nest was actually not as simple as its outer appearance dictated. It was actually merged with a mysterious and unfathomable ancient spell. The reason it was made out of pure spiritual items was so that it could gather even more spiritual power.

Just from a quick look, Xiao Chen could feel how marvelous it was. The golden ginseng kings, millennium fleeceflower roots and other such spiritual items on the phoenix nest hadn’t even dried up yet; they were blending with the spiritual energy and glowed with life force. By absorbing the essence of the sun and moon, as well as the splendor of the stars, a steady flow of essence was delivered to the phoenix egg located in the nest.

The phoenix nest was practically a treasure to amass spiritual energy!

After observing for the whole day, Xiao Chen finally affirmed his speculations. Sunshine, moonlight, and the essence of the plants flowed continuously like water ripples, so much so that even the essence from mother earth had bubbled up. Naturally, the most eye-catching event was during the night. At that time he could clearly see starlight gathering at the phoenix nest from the sky one after another. It made this place incomparably bright, as if the bright moon was just right in front of him.

Ten days passed in a flash as the three skeletons meditated quietly under the parasol tree. Xiao Chen trained painstakingly on top of the phoenix tree. The spiritual energy at this place was dense. It was an exceptionally good place to train.

The two little beasts had already lost their will to be angry a long time ago; they were really scared of the phoenix girl now. Even incubating an egg could turn into some kind of torment. Although this was also tantamount to training, they only wished they could get away immediately.

During this period of time, that floating isle was intermittently visible, and its position was not fixed either. It seemed to go from place to place like the clouds, always drifting within a radius of ten miles.

Xiao Chen was deeply shocked, this sacred phoenix’s ability was really too terrifying. He couldn’t estimate just how powerful she really was.

On the fifteenth day, the sacred phoenix flew out of the isle. She transformed back into a phoenix while she was still quite some distance away. Then with a flash of light, she appeared in the phoenix nest. She smiled gently and asked, “Will you two little young’uns yield?”

Her voice was melodious and sweet. It was very pleasant to listen to, but it undoubtedly sounded like the sneers of a demon to the two little beasts. They quickly nodded their head in sync and didn’t dare to throw a tantrum anymore.

“Good boys, hehe.”

A multi-colored radiance flickered. Keke and the tough little dragon were engulfed by the light and sent back to the ground.

“Eh…?” The phoenix girl found that the fluctuation of life inside the colorful egg was now stronger than ever. It surpassed her expectations. She looked at the two little beasts on the ground and said, “I almost made an error of judgment. Hoh? You guys are more uncommon than I thought. Could it be……”

The two little beasts did not pay attention to her as they were itching to leave this place immediately, but Xiao Chen was listening attentively. He wanted to know Keke and the tough little dragon’s origin. He only saw the phoenix girl pucker up her brows. It seemed she couldn’t be sure, so there was no conclusion whatsoever. On the contrary, she had taken notice of the dim little tree on Keke’s head.

Multi-colored rays of light flickered, and the sapling flew towards the sky. The phoenix girl lightly waved her wings and a divine light was launched towards the sapling. A rainbow-colored radiance immediately soared into the sky from the sapling. The inky jade leaf, the white jade leaf, the jasper leaf, and the gold leaf were flourishing with brilliant rays. ⌈2

“Ah…!” The phoenix girl cried out in surprise for the first time, “This is…… did the sacred tree of legends reincarnate?” She was clearly very shocked.

Just when Keke was about to get anxious, she quickly sent the little sacred tree back. It seemed like she was feeling very apprehensive. It caused the little snow-white critter to feel very confused. It originally thought the phoenix girl would rob it of the treasured tree; never in its wildest dreams would it have imagined the phoenix girl to give it back just like this.

“You guys may leave.” It seemed like the phoenix girl didn’t want them to stay for long.

Xiao Chen opened his mouth to ask, “Can I ask the sacred phoenix to give us some directions? We wanted to go to the Celestial City, but we lost our way in the south desolate region.”

“Very well, I will take you to the ancient road that leads to the Celestial City.” But just at this time, the sacred phoenix furrowed her brows again. She whispered to herself, “It seems like I really underestimated you guys too much.” While speaking, she ignored the two little beasts on the ground. She turned towards Xiao Chen instead and said, “Let me take a look at the sacred burial cloth you are carrying.”

That burial cloth did not emit any fluctuations of life, but it was still perceived by the phoenix girl; her power was truly god-like. Xiao Chen retrieved the item and lightly waved his hand. The burial cloth transformed into a light beam and soared into the sky.

The phoenix girl received it and looked at it over and over again, then she returned it back to Xiao Chen without saying anything more.

Suddenly, countless strip of auspicious rays appeared between the heaven and earth. Xiao Chen and company were shrouded within the rays of light. They could hear the sound of the wind rustling beside their ears. They landed on a broken ancient road about half an hour later.

A beautiful phoenix feather fell gently from the sky. It landed right in Xiao Chen’s hand. The feather had a smooth surface, and there was an indistinct fragrance.

“Sorry to have wasted your time. Take this feather as a present, you can think of it as compensation.”

A heavenly voice transmitted from the sky. The instant the phoenix girl turned around, she transformed into a dream-like girl. Her back figure was out-of-the-world as she floated away gracefully.

Keke watched the back figure of the sacred phoenix impatiently. Seeing that she didn’t return the spiritual items it collected by itself, it felt incomparably disappointed. In the end, it looked at the multi-colored feather in Xiao Chen’s hand and mumbled to itself, as if it was saying this is unfair.

Xiao Chen looked pensive.

Three days later, Xiao Chen and company had already traveled several hundred miles. With their speed, this was not considered quick. The main reason was that they didn’t make haste on their journey. On the way, the tough little dragon would occasionally go into the forest to fight with the vicious beasts. And then there’s also little Keke, who would go to look for spiritual grass from time to time.

However, this kind of leisure journey didn’t last for long. There were still eight hundred miles before they arrived at the Celestial City.

The tough little dragon let out an angry roar from the jungle ahead. It seemed like it had encountered great danger. Xiao Chen hastily rushed over there, guessing that it must have encountered a powerful creature. ⌈3

But he quickly overthrew that very idea after getting close to the forest. He saw five young practitioners surrounding the tough little dragon. ⌈4

They were definitely a group of experts. Three of the girls among them were psychics. All three of them were floating in the sky and enveloped the tough little dragon within a barrier. They wanted to keep the tough little dragon in place. The tough little dragon’s movement was very sluggish. And the other two on the ground did not hesitate to attack the tough little dragon, so it was riddled with scars.

Exuvia Second Celestial Layer!


Exuvia Sixth Celestial Layer!

Xiao Chen was alarmed, the weakest among these five youngsters was at the Exuvia Second Celestial Layer, and one of them had actually reached the Exuvia Sixth Celestial Layer. They were undoubtedly experts among the youth. Otherwise, how was it possible for them to keep the tough little dragon in place and even injure its thick-skinned body.

Xiao Chen rushed over like a streak of lightning, leaving an afterimage in the jungle. His palm blade swept through the forest like thunder. The forest trees collapsed under the glaring rays of light, and a gale rose abruptly.

That was no doubt the power of the Exuvia Eight Celestial Layer!

He broke the barrier in an instant and saved Tenax ⌈5⌋, the tough little dragon, whose entire body was stained by blood, from a dangerous situation.

Xiao Chen entered the fray to protect Tenax, the tough little dragon. His towering figure remained motionless as he fixed his eyes on the few people.

Looking at this uninvited guest who appeared like the wind and lightning, the few of them were gobsmacked.

“Who are you? Mind your own business!” One man among the group seemed very unhappy, and he stared at Xiao Chen resentfully.

Xiao Chen also looked at him. Looking at the bearings of everyone present, this guy seemed to be the leader of the group, but he was definitely not the strongest. That was because his power was only at the Exuvia Third Celestial Layer, and the Sixth Celestial Layer expert was right beside him.

“I think there is a misunderstanding between us.” Xiao Chen muttered to himself for a bit, then he said, “This warbeast is my partner. It is not a wild beast in the uncultivated forest. I hope everyone can kindly overlook this.”

It was still that young man who was thought to be the leader who opened his mouth to talk, “Your partner? Hmph! What a joke!” He was very arrogant and didn’t put Xiao Chen in his eyes. He said with a cold voice, “This is a warbeast the great me laid my eyes on. It is an untamed beast found in the forest, it is mine!”

Xiao Chen didn’t say anything immediately, but he was already calculating in his mind whether or not he could eliminate all of them if conflict was to break out. That was because these people were so very arrogant, and it seemed like they had quite a bit of background. They were a little too tyrannical, and it seemed like reconciliation was out of the question.


  1. Silva: Wehehehe…. about time someone teach the little critter a lesson xD 
  2. Silva: I got a really bad feeling about this… 
  3. Silva: I have a feeling it’s a poacher. 
  4. Silva: Looks like I was right 
  5. Silva: It doesn’t seem like Xiao Chen will give this tough little dragon any other name, so I will just call him Tenax for now. It is latin word for “tough” and “tenacious”. 

Chapter 136 – Snooping around the Phoenix Lair

After exploring the south desolate region for another two days, Xiao Chen and company finally left the evil forest. They arrived at a mountain range with incomparably beautiful scenery. This kind of sophisticated zone was rarely seen, the long howl of the beasts couldn’t be heard, nor was there any exotic creature roaming around.

The mountains in this area were lush and verdant, the leaves were as green as jade, fine woods grew left and right. It was practically a place filled with treasures, such as ginseng and reishi mushrooms. This made the snow-white little critter so happy that it skipped a few times. Yanluo Wang and the other two skeletons were already carrying a few bags of good stuff for that little critter.

In this area, they could see red-crowned cranes holding reishi mushrooms in their mouths, aged deers carrying spiritual grasses on their heads, and white apes holding peaches of immortality in both hands. It was practically the so-called paradise.

At this auspicious and peaceful land, all they could see were some meek and docile animals. They didn’t find any ferocious beasts, Xiao Chen even started to think there might be a celestial being living in seclusion at this place. The outcome was slightly disappointing, he couldn’t find any cave dwelling nor traces of an immortal.

Keke and the tough little dragon called out at the same time, then they quickly rushed ahead. They only saw a group of tall trees ahead. Although they were thinly spread, each tree could reach up to a hundred meters tall. The vines were folding over in layers, the fragrance of flowers and birdsong made this place seem especially peaceful.

And on top of the tallest tree, there was actually an enormous bird nest. It was as big as three buildings put together. The most peculiar thing about the nest was not its sheer size, but rather the fact that it was glinting with multicolored light.

After getting closer, they could finally see it clearly, the materials used to make the bird’s nest were really too extravagant. It was actually made out of Goldblaze Lotus, Silverthread Grass, Amethyst Fairy Orchid, and other such materials. There were even quite a few millennium fleeceflower roots, reishi mushrooms, ginsengs, and other pure spiritual items hanging on top of the nest. This gigantic bird nest was practically a gold mine!

No wonder the two little beasts rushed ahead so urgently, even Xiao Chen’s heart was thumping non-stop. This was so extravagant that it made one speechless. Just what kind of mythical beast would build this kind of nest, could it be a sacred bird?!

“Whoosh! Whoosh!”

The little critter was really too fast, it already grabbed the king-sized sack it requested Xiao Chen to prepare previously and dashed to the top of the giant tree (Mainly because it felt very regretful when they left the Undying Sect, it felt that the spiritual items the small sack was able to contain were really too few). What made Xiao Chen most surprised was that the tough little dragon also knew how to climb trees, it was already on top of the giant tree, at the vicinity of the bird’s nest.

“Get back here quickly, don’t act recklessly.” Xiao Chen shouted.

However, how could the two little beasts care about such things now, they just grabbed anything they liked, such as the millennium fleeceflower root or ginseng king, and stuffed it into their mouths. All the while filling up the king-sized sack with all the items they could find.

Xiao Chen unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and flew into the sky, but the two little beasts had already filled up the king-sized sack at this time. Asking them to return those spiritual items to the respective owner would be even harder than reaching the sky.

“The both of you…” Xiao Chen felt a little helpless and continued, “…only know how to stir up trouble. Since you are unwilling to return the items, then let’s leave as quickly as possible.”

“Whoosh! Whoosh!”

They were very obedient this time. After quickly getting down the tree, they ran ahead of Xiao Chen and the three skeletons.

“This time you guys were really too rash, did you know what kind of bird’s nest was that?” Xiao Chen reprimanded them while running, “That place was full of parasol trees, if my guess is not wrong, that was definitely a phoenix nest. Do you guys know that it is an existence on equal footing with the dragons?! If we get discovered, the consequences will be very grave. This is not the dragon island, the phoenixes are not sealed like the dragons, each and every one of them is an existence comparable to gods.”

The two little beasts seemed to know about the phoenixes, they nodded their head strongly to express their understanding.

After running for more than thirty miles, Xiao Chen felt something was not right. He could feel a weak life fluctuation among them. Turning back to look at the king-sized sack carried by Qinguang Wang, he could actually see a faintly discernible radiance emitting from the sack. ⌈1

He stopped his footsteps doubtfully, he had a really bad premonition. He opened that king-sized sack quickly, and after spreading open the pile of spiritual items with both hands, he found a colorful egg about the size of a head. It was flickering with specks of multicolored radiance, the life fluctuation was precisely emitted by it.

Xiao Chen immediately felt a pang of headache, he could overlook it if the two little beasts only stole some spiritual items, but damn, they were so thorough and even stole the phoenix egg.

How could the phoenix not get angry when it returned?! A phoenix capable of building that kind of nest, it was definitely not an ordinary phoenix.

“The two of you……” Xiao Chen was practically howling at them, “Which one of you stole the phoenix egg?”

The two little beasts seemed to be aware that they got into huge trouble. Their reaction was surprisingly quick, they pointed at each other simultaneously. ⌈2⌋ They didn’t dare to admit it was their fault. This made Xiao Chen completely lose his will to be angry, he really didn’t know what to say anymore.

Both the snow-white little critter and the tough little dragon pointed at the path behind Xiao Chen, it seemed like they were asking him if they should go and return it?

However, the cry of the phoenix already transmitted from that direction at this time, how were they supposed to return it now? Just make a run for it! Xiao Chen unfolded the Undying Divine Wings, he carried the two little guys with both hands, made Qinguang Wang held onto his waist, and the other two skeletons to hold on to his thigh. Then he flapped the divine wings and flew at lightning speed while sticking close to the ground. He didn’t dare to fly into the sky, if they were to be discovered by the phoenix, it would certainly catch up to them.

After flying for a few dozen miles, Xiao Chen was so incredibly tired that he felt as if his waist was about to snap. The Undying Divine Wings were getting dimmer over time. However, the cry of the phoenix was getting closer by the seconds, it seemed like it had already locked onto them……

Xiao Chen’s Undying Divine Wings already lost all of its radiance, if not because his skill was profound, he would be unable to endure it anymore. After all, he had just mastered the Undying Divine Wings not too long ago, and flying with this much load was really a little strenuous.

What made Xiao Chen most depressed was that; the two little beasts felt that the experience of flying was very fresh and exciting, it seemed like they didn’t realize they were currently running away from a phoenix that was said to be comparable to the dragons.

The cry of the phoenix was getting much closer, it seemed like it had already discovered their trace. Xiao Chen rested for a while and struggled to refresh himself, then he executed the secret art once again, his entire body was flickering with rays of light, the purple Undying Divine Wings extended from his back once more. Of course, the wings were materialized from energy, they were not a part of his body.

While advancing at lightning speed in the dense jungle, the shadows of the forest trees went in reverse continuously. They were flying while hiding their presence, Xiao Chen had already increased the speed to the limit, but the cry of the phoenix kept resounding from behind, they were simply unable to break away from the phoenix.

Xiao Chen clenched his teeth and flew for more than one hundred and fifty miles, he was already unable to go on much longer. He felt the three skeletons weighing down on him like three little mountains, he felt that even the two little beasts started to weigh ten thousand kilograms.

After flying for another ten miles, Xiao Chen helplessly landed on the ground, no longer trying to run. He could already tell, the phoenix had already locked onto him, it was completely capable of overtaking him. It seemed to be tormenting him on purpose, forcing him to flee in fear. If this kept up, he would either die from exhaustion or have a nervous breakdown.

After a long time later, a presence with powerful pressure descended from the sky, the multi-colored radiance was as intense as the glaring sun, it made one unable to look up and see the figure of the phoenix directly. The voice of a girl coldly resounded from the rays of light, “Why are you not running anymore, go on~ Eh……?” As if she had discovered something, a sound of astonishment came from the colorful radiance.

Soon after, the multi-colored radiance launched towards them. Although Xiao Chen did not resist, the tough little dragon and the snow-white little critter were struggling with all their might. But regardless of the tough little dragon’s extreme speed or Keke’s confinement technique, they were unable to fend off the colorful radiance.

They were enveloped by countless rays of light, the sound of wind brushing past their ears resounded, Xiao Chen and company had already been lifted off the ground. They flew through the sky at extreme speed and seemed to have come to a stop in what felt like an instant. After that, they found themselves below that emerald green parasol tree.

They found themselves back at the dwelling of the phoenix. The tallest parasol tree was glinting with green light, its entire body was emitting the breath of life. The multi-colored radiance was lingering on the gigantic phoenix nest at the top of tree.

“You guys have the impertinence to break into my sacred place, and even harm my niece, how dare you!” The multi-colored radiance floated in the sky, a cold voice transmitted from within. The figure within seemed to be overlooking Xiao Chen and company.

Eh, she’s not the little phoenix’s parent? Xiao Chen was a little surprised. But he still felt a pang of headache, wondering how should he resolve this problem. The phoenix girl in the sky was an existence equivalent to gods. All these happened because of the snow-white little critter and the tough little dragon, but it was impossible for him to push the blame to them just to save his skin.

Thinking for a while, Xiao Chen opened his mouth to explain, “Miss phoenix, please allow me to explain, we didn’t have any intention to harm anyone. All these happened because these two little things were a little too mischievous…….” He pointed at Keke and the tough little dragon before he continued, “They originally only wanted to take some spiritual items to ease their hunger, but they unexpectedly collected the phoenix egg as well during the confusion.”

“Looking for something to ease their hunger? Then why must you come here to steal?” The girl’s voice was as cold as before.

“We got lost in the south desolate region, we are already unable to find a way out. We only got here by chance. You can see these two are not some ordinary beasts, they must eat some spiritual items everyday. Just when we found the phoenix nest, the two little beasts had already rushed over there, I wasn’t able to stop them in time.”

The snow-white little critter at the side nodded its head strongly, it looked so very innocent, as if it was saying that was indeed the case. Soon after, it opened the king-sized sack and cautiously retrieved the phoenix egg that was not much smaller than it, then it lifted the egg to present it to the phoenix. The tough little dragon seemed to know it was in the wrong. Moreover, it seemed to be aware that the phoenix girl in the sky was an existence that couldn’t be provoked. It was rare for the tough little dragon to stay in one place obediently. Its attitude was like day and night compared to before, where it would just go and challenge opponents stronger than itself.

The phoenix in the sky did not seem to be worried that they would break the phoenix egg. She never demanded them to hand over the egg since she overtook them, only now did she send a multi-colored radiance down from the sky to receive the egg.

“Hmph, if it were not for the friendship between the sacred beasts of the same kind, I definitely wouldn’t forgive you lot that easily.” The glaring multi-colored radiance in the sky gradually became dimmer, the phoenix girl finally revealed herself.

Xiao Chen knew she was talking about the tough little dragon and Keke.

This was an incomparably beautiful multi-colored phoenix, a dream-like luster was circulating around the colorful divine feathers. The captivating holy aura enveloped her entire body, it gave one an auspicious and peaceful feeling. It was no longer as imposing as it was just moments ago.

“Many thanks to Miss Phoenix’s magnanimity.” Xiao Chen expressed his thanks, he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

“Hmph! I didn’t say I will let you off.” The multi-colored divine phoenix was about three meters long. She was extremely graceful and looked like a peerless beauty while flying in the sky. Light waves circulated in the phoenix’s eyes as she said. “You guys must pay a little price to make amends for your mistake.”


The king-sized sack on the ground flew high up into the sky, heading towards the phoenix nest. Those millennium fleeceflower roots, golden ginseng kings, and amethyst lotus seeds were all returned to the phoenix nest that flickered with colorful splendor.

Keke blinked its big eyes, that kind of reluctance in its eyes was plain to see. The tough little dragon was also feeling very regretful, it silently watched as all of this was happening, but it also had no other choice, those were not their stuffs to begin with.

But that was no all, the multi-colored radiance flickered again, the three sacks carried by Qinguang Wang and the other two skeletons also flew towards the phoenix nest.

The snow-white little Keke became anxious right away, these were not plundered from the phoenix nest. It spent a lot of effort to look for these in the south desolate mountain during the past few days, although it was far from comparable to the spiritual items found in the phoenix nest, these were still something it worked hard to acquire by itself. It immediately shouted with a “squeak” and waved its little paws repeatedly to use the confinement technique, in hope of taking those sacks back.

At the same time, the tough little dragon also made its move. A resplendent ray of light actually emitted from its single horn and launched towards the sky. Xiao Chen had only seen the tough little dragon fight with brute strength before, occasionally using some dragon martial skill, this was the first time Xiao Chen had seen the tough little dragon using a divine ability.

But even if the two little beasts worked together, it was impossible for them to win against the sacred phoenix in the sky. Perhaps even an unsealed adult dragon wouldn’t be a match for the phoenix. Those spiritual items continued to fly towards the sky without any resistance.

Keke was really heartbroken, it let out a few “squeaks” in anger, seemingly trying to say those belonged to it.

The tough little dragon also had no other choice, although its battle intent was high and did not hesitate to issue a challenge to the sacred phoenix in the sky, the unfathomable phoenix girl just ignored its challenge. On the contrary, she just smiled gently and said, “Wait till my niece is born, then you can go and challenge it.”

They felt so helpless!

They failed to steal the phoenix egg and lost three sacks of spiritual items as compensation. Keke was panting with rage, it silently waved its little paws at the phoenix girl a few times, then it turned around and wanted to leave. Although the tough little dragon’s battle intent was high, the others simply paid no attention to it. The tough little dragon felt that it was unable to muster the strength.

The two of them caused the phoenix girl smile due to anger. She said, “The two of you disturbed by niece, and yet you look as if you were wronged, seriously… the both of you are asking to be spanked!”


  1. Silva: Ohhhh! Xiao Chen is gonna get a phoenix pet!!! 
  2. Silva: Hahahahaha, they are so cute xD 

Chapter 135 – Beast Examination

They were currently situated in a private room. A long table was especially laid out for the two little beasts, with various kinds of delicacies not inferior to the ones the fatty and Xiao Chen were having. As for Lunhui Wang and the other two skeletons, they just stood there like a tree trunk, not touching the food or drinks. The fatty also did not pry much.

The fatty clearly noticed the two little beasts’ fluctuating mood, he asked Xiao Chen in a low voice, “I say brother, do these two little beasts possess intelligence? Why do I feel that I could hear them grinding their teeth towards me?”

“It is not your imagination, this is a fact. You treated a very terrifying little beast as a kitten, and another one as a source of money, how could they not want to bite you?”

In short, this was supposed to be a really pleasant party, the ******* fatty had expressed enough goodwill, he promised Xiao Chen that he could satisfy the tough little dragon’s need by providing it with an opponent everyday, but it did not require the tough little dragon to show up in the warbeast stadium to perform.

The fatty was born in a family with great influence over the warbeasts, although he was not from the main family, he had great talent on this warbeast business. He possessed a sharp intuition, the instant he saw the tough little dragon, his blood boiled for some reason. He felt that he might have just found a treasure that hadn’t been opened yet.

If his intuition was accurate, and somehow unearthed a super powerful warbeast, then his position in the family would inevitably rise many times over. He would inevitably attract the attention of the clan leader and elder. Although it was most likely impossible to claim the position of clan leader, his power and position would rise by a wide margin.

In regards to the request raised by Xiao Chen, he was not worried at all, that was meant to be. The more powerful the warbeast, the more potential the warbeast possessed, the more they couldn’t let it get onto the stage voluntarily. Only this way would they be able to entice more people.

“I say brother, we have said all there is that needs to be said, I have also accepted all your conditions, why don’t we go and see the tough little dragon’s potential?”

The tough little dragon was a little unwilling, it didn’t have a favorable impression of the ******* fatty.

“Don’t worry too much, you tough little dragon, this is all for your own good. The only thing you are lacking to evolve into a Dragon King is a worthy rival. They will keep making arrangements for you in the future.” Xiao Chen lightly patted the tough little dragon’s scales and softly whispered beside its ear.

The tough little dragon blinked its eyes, then it nodded strongly and agreed happily.

This battle maniac! Xiao Chen heaved a sigh.

“I am only representing the family and came to patrol, I didn’t bring any especially powerful warbeast with me. I’m not sure if there is any intellectual beast in this town that is worthy of taking the stage.”

Not long later they arrived at the warbeast arena, from far away they could already hear the roars of the beasts, as well as the excited shouts and shrieks of people.

It was really bursting with popularity!

Warbeasts, they truly deserved to be called the most powerful industry on the mainland.

This place was very big, it was divided into a few battle arenas. Each arena was filled with a multitude of people. All the spectators were cheering as if they were crazed.

Fatty Zhuge Liang quickly found the person in charge of this arena and arranged a “beast examination” with him. The so-called “beast examination” was a language of the trade. It had the meaning of testing the potential of a new intellectual beast.

After knowing the fatty was sent over to patrol by the main family, the person in charge of this place didn’t dare to be negligent and hastily arranged the venue. Beast examination was not something an outsider was allowed to watch, so they got far away from the battle arena.

Because the main target of a beast examination was normally a new intellectual beast on recommendation, their wild nature hadn’t be eliminated yet, nobody could put them under control. Thus, the examination usually took place in a huge iron cage.

But it was impossible for the tough little dragon to receive this kind of treatment, let’s not mention how the tough little dragon would create a big disturbance by itself, even Xiao Chen wouldn’t agree to it. In the end, they directly carried out the beast examination outdoors.

The manager of the warbeast arena saw that the tough little dragon was only about one meter long, it was so very small, so he made a big deal over a minor issue. As a result, he didn’t send out any ferocious beasts in the beginning. He only released an ordinary leopard. Regarding this, the ******* fatty Zhuge Liang didn’t say much. He only chuckled as he overlooked everything, he wanted to see the tough little dragon’s true strength and was more than happy to see it fight a few more rounds.

The result was very shocking, the tough little dragon only bared its teeth, and that leopard fell onto the ground, paralyzed.

Everyone was extremely shocked, only Xiao Chen knew what the tough little dragon did just now. It felt that it was looked down upon and was getting angry. The tough little dragon emitted an invisible dragon-qi, how could this ordinary beast not be afraid? Its legs immediately gave up and collapsed. ⌈1

The manager of the warbeast arena wiped off the cold sweat. The second time he directly released five male lions. The result was as astonishing as ever, the tough little dragon swung its tail five times and sent all five of the male lions flying.

Looking at this single-horned little beast with a panther-like body, the warbeast arena manager was at a loss for words. A one meter long little beast actually possessed this much power, it was simply inconceivable.

The ******* fatty was so happy that his smile distorted, what kind of exotic creatures had he not seen before? He knew some exotic creatures couldn’t be judged from their size alone, all the more when it came to a powerful warbeast. Clearly, the tough little dragon’s potential was beyond measure, the initial result of the beast examination made him very satisfied.

The warbeast arena manager was already dripping with sweat. This time, he did not try to estimate the tough little dragon’s strength anymore. He directly sent out the most powerful warbeast at this place. That was a giant wolf with white fur, its body length was about six meters long. It was the tallest in the arena and looked down at everyone present. Its pair of wolf eyes were flickering with green light, exceptionally awe-inspiring. At the same time, its four limbs were very special, they were actually covered by scales. One could tell it was a fierce character in a single glance.

“ARH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…” The white wolf was clearly very intelligent, it seemed like it could feel that the tough little dragon was not any ordinary beast. It didn’t look down on the tough little dragon because of its size. After a long howl, it transformed into a streak of white light and pounced over.


The tough little dragon left an afterimage in its original position and dodged the attack. Xiao Chen who was watching the battle narrowed his eyes. This was definitely the dragon martial skill as described by the Winged Dragon couple.The tough little dragon’s movement just now was very special, it was using the substitution technique like a real human expert.

“ARH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…” The white wolf let out a long howl, it actually spouted flames from its mouth. It was a bizarre species as expected, it was capable of using magic spells.

The tough little dragon dodged again with lightning speed, it didn’t try to use brute force as it did in the past. The tough little dragon transformed into a streak of black light and moved as quick as the lightning. It got near the giant wolf several times and left behind a few terrifying wounds on its body.

The white wolf faced the sky and let out a bellow of rage. The scales on its four limbs suddenly gave off glorious divine light at this time, then it actually took off from the ground.

It was truly an exotic creature, it actually possessed this kind of ability. The white wolf was very strong without a doubt. The tough little dragon was caught up in a passive situation, it could only take a defensive stance and get thrashed around. It was unable to reach the giant wolf that was flying in the sky.

The warbeast arena manager gradually revealed a smile on his face. After all, if no warbeast could suppress this one meter long single-horned beast in this arena, he would have lost all his face.

However, his smile didn’t last for long. The giant wolf in the sky seemed like it wanted to deliver the last hit and put an end to this battle. It pounced towards the little dragon that was always in a defensive stance with its claw.

Just at this time, the tough little dragon suddenly exploded. The scales all over its body were flickering with brilliant rays. It actually jumped into the sky to face the giant wolf that was pouncing at it. After running through the gaps of its paws, the tough little dragon ruthlessly sent an attack towards the giant wolf’s chest. Blood gushed out like a waterfall, the giant wolf let out a snarl and fell onto the ground.

“Bravo! Bravo!!” The fatty clapped his hands and said, “Endure the attack and look for a chance to deliver the fatal strike. This is the skill only those warbeasts that have experienced countless battles possess. The tough little dragon is really too talented, it was practically born to fight, fighting is its way of life.”

Soon after, he waved his hand to hint the warbeast arena manager to step down, then he looked at the tough little dragon with a passionate gaze and said, “I will turn you into a celebrity, I will make those upper-class ladies to squeal for you, and those men to go crazy for you.”

No matter how Xiao Chen looked at him, he could only see a guy that had gone crazy due to greed.

“Haha…… When we get to the Celestial City later, I will treat you to the best wine, and request the prettiest girl to look after you……”

It seemed like the snow-white little critter couldn’t watch any longer. It directly jumped onto his head and used its paws to mess up his hair, then it jumped onto Xiao Chen’s shoulder.

The fatty was not angry at all, he chuckled and said, “Oops, forgot my manners… but this little beast is really too promising. Although the trump card of this warbeast arena is nothing compared to the one in the warbeast castle, it was more than enough to verify the tough little dragon’s potential. After all, it is still so young, it has a very long path ahead of it. It has unlimited potential! Hoh? It has a panther-like body, a Tyrannical Dragon’s tail, its head looks a little similar to the Dragon King, and yet, it only has one horn, this little guy couldn’t be…… a real dragon right?”

Profiteer Zhuge Liang looked at the tough little dragon doubtfully. It must be mentioned that this guy had a very keen insight in regards to beasts, he was naturally gifted in this field of work.

“You can just think of it as a dragon if you like.”

Hearing Xiao Chen say it like this, the fatty chuckled and dispelled his doubt. But he said confidently, “This little beast’s potential is unlikely to be inferior to a dragon, I believe it might even grow into a legendary sacred beast. At that time, even fighting against a dragon will not be a big problem. Wahahaha, it is I who discovered this tough little dragon. At that time, even the blurry old man from the main house might send a few outstandingly beautiful female practitioners to protect me. Hehehe… hehehehehe…”

The fatty just kept laughing at the corner by himself. When he suddenly heard the sound of grinding teeth again, he found that the tough little dragon was staring at him. He hurriedly shut his mouth.

“Brother Xiao, why don’t we become sworn brothers. We ask not the same day of birth, but we seek to die together.” ⌈2

This *******, what a profiteer. After seeing the tough little dragon’s potential, he wanted to strengthen their friendship in this way. Xiao Chen cursed silently.

Naturally, Xiao Chen did not become sworn brothers with this guy, but it’s not like Xiao Chen disliked this ******* fatty. After all, this guy was still pretty friendly.

“Brother Xiao, when we get back to the Celestial City later, we must dig out the tough little dragon’s potential. Let me think…… the first match…… Callas, that scoundrel’s Senarius Lion ⌈3⌋ should be a fitting opponent. That warbeast is unparalleled among the smaller sized warbeasts. The tough little dragon is still young, after going through a rigorous training and becomes a little stronger, we can use it to deal with that little beast king. The Celestial City is, oh so big, the population exceed millions, it is equivalent to the biggest city in the Southern part of immortal’s mainland. There are quite a few warbeast castles, we will have much to do at that time.” The fatty was already starting to scheme.

The fatty and Xiao Chen talked about many things, the fatty’s last words were, “Brother Xiao, wait here for some time, it won’t take more than five to seven days. After that, we can go to the Celestial City together.”

Aside from coming to inspect the family business, Zhuge Liang also received orders to gather as much information of any exotic beasts in the southern desolate region of immortal’s mainland. They intended to send some experts from Zhuge’s family to come and look for exotic beasts in the future. If those exotic beasts really existed, and if they could catch one, it would be an unimaginably huge harvest for them.

Actually, the fatty had already accomplished his mission, but because he was very eager, he wanted to personally go to the south desolate region to explore.

Xiao Chen originally planned to stay in this town for a few days anyway. Of course he didn’t have a problem after listening to the fatty’s explanation.

The time passed quickly, ten days passed in the blink of an eye. The fatty never showed up, it already exceeded the time limit he had set. As a result, Xiao Chen waited for another five days, but he didn’t see a shadow of the fatty during this past month.

During this period, Xiao Chen once went to the warbeast arena to inquire, but he didn’t get any news whatsoever. At that place he experienced the popularity of the warbeast industry again. He thought that if he failed to secure any source of income, he could bring the tough little dragon to the warbeast arena to fight a few rounds, then they wouldn’t need to worry about clothes and food.

Twenty days had passed, there was still no news regarding Zhuge Liang. Xiao Chen felt that it was pointless to keep on waiting, this ******* fatty had most likely gotten lost in the south desolate region.

Xiao Chen started his journey towards the Celestial City. The distance to that place was roughly two thousand miles and a little. It seemed like there were only a few big towns on the way. That was because the rumors from the south desolate region were ominous, so the population was especially sparse.

Legend said the ancestor god Suirenshi was living in the south desolate region, but Xiao Chen, who had just returned from the dragon island, had a hint of doubt. The burial cloth he had with him belonged to the person in question, if that was really true, then the ancestor god Suirenshi should have passed away already.

The south desolate region rarely got in touch with the outside world, the road was very worn out, some areas didn’t even have a road. On the third or fourth days since Xiao Chen and company left, they actually couldn’t find the road anymore.

But Keke and the tough little dragon were like fishes back in the water. The spiritual items that were looted from the Undying Sect had already been finished by them. Keke could frequently find some unusual treasure in the south desolate forest, and the tough little dragon would go and challenge vicious beasts everyday. Fortunately, they hadn’t ran into any especially powerful vicious beast.

However, Xiao Chen was getting a little anxious and frightened. It was very likely for them to get lost in the south desolate region if they didn’t follow the road. The vicious beasts they encountered were getting more ferocious by the seconds, there were actually quite a few primal species. This showed that they had already entered the depths of the south desolate region.

During this time, the fatty Zhuge Liang finally returned to the town with three of his men, their clothes were ragged without exception. A few of them managed to make it back after getting lost in the desolate jungle for almost twenty days.

When he found out that Xiao Chen had already left, he felt a bit anxious. At the same time, he received a letter transmitted from the Celestial City via a flying pigeon. The content of the letter said someone brought a Dragon King and arrived at the Celestial City. It had already made an appearance in three warbeast castles. It was as if the fatty had just taken a dose of aphrodisiac, he hurriedly went on his way; one was that he wanted to catch up to Xiao Chen, two was that he wanted to see the Dragon King immediately.


  1. Silva: I wanted to use some Chinese proverbs here, but don’t know what to use… something about turning as soft as tofu… 
  2. Some kind of poem from the three kingdom. 
  3. Literal translation, the Six Eyed Golden Pupil Lion King 

Chapter 134 – Legend of Warbeast


Keke threw the “rice cake” in its other paw to the ******* fatty’s face.

“Hey, not only is it intelligent, it even has an air of arrogance, I like this little pup very much. Er… or is it a kitten?” The ******* fatty was not angry at all, he continued to ask excitedly.

“This is an incomparably fierce little lion.”

Hearing Xiao Chen say these, the snow-white little critter rolled its eyes. If Xiao Chen was not related to it, a sticky cake would surely fly towards his face.

“How can that be? There’s no lion like this; snow-white like jade. It doesn’t even have a mane.”

The snow-white little critter no longer paid any attention to them, it jumped onto Qinguang Wang’ shoulder with a thud and continued to finish off the delicacies.

“Don’t tell me it’s the legendary Jade Lion! Hey, it actually climbed up a tree?”

What kind of eyes did the ******* fatty have, was that a tree? Even Qinguang Wang wanted to throw a piece of sticky cake at him. Unfortunately, it didn’t have any. ⌈1

This ******* fatty really seemed like a profiteer, his eyes were already glinting like a gold coin. He excitedly ran around in circles with Keke as the center. As a result, he accidentally bumped into the tough little dragon at the side. This proud and aloof little dragon frequently ate the spiritual items found by Keke, it could even be said to be repaying the little critter, with a little bit of strength, it sent the fatty flying away.

“Ouch! Who bumped into me?” The fatty complained as he got up.

At the same time, a disturbance broke out not far away. A few dozen people rushed over and surrounded Xiao Chen quickly. Two were accompanied by cherished cats, some were pulling huge hounds, and two of them even took along four to five meters long Yellow Earth Dragons. Of course, those couldn’t be considered as genuine dragons, they were merely from a lesser dragon species that looked like giant lizard.

“Young master, are you okay?” Those people quickly surrounded him.

Those few hounds that were as big as a calf already charged towards the tough little dragon.

“Stop! What are you guys trying to do?!” This fatty didn’t seem that wicked, he hastily stopped them.

But it was already too late, with the tough little dragon’s arrogance, it was always the one doing the provocation, how could it let others offend it? However, towards these kinds of common beasts, it wasn’t even worth killing. It just waved its tail three times beautifully.

“Pow! Pow! Pow!”

The three giant hounds were sent flying seven to eight meters away. They became listless as soon as they hit the ground. They faintly felt a frightening dragon-qi when their bodies made contact.

The ******* fatty’s eyes immediately lit up, the two Yellow Earth Dragons at the side charged over, but he didn’t stop them this time. On the contrary, he looked on without blinking an eye.

“Bang! Bang!”

With two banging noises, two huge Yellow Earth Dragons were also sent flying by the tough little dragon.

“Good! This is too wonderful!” It was as if the ******* fatty had taken an aphrodisiac, his eyes emitted green light. The way he looked at the tough little dragon was more passionate than when he looked at Keke. He said excitedly, “This is a top-notch warbeast, it seemed to be a lesser dragon, but I estimate that it has at least one-fifth of pure dragon blood in its body. I’m going to be rich, I’m going to be rich, hahaha……” ⌈2

Xiao Chen looked at this ******* fatty dumbfoundedly. After that, he just took the tough little dragon and company to go on their way.

“Brother, don’t go.” The fatty chased after them, then he promptly explained with over-enthusiasm, “Just blame me for being so pleased as to lose my sense of measure. Haha, but I really am too happy. It seems like this single-horned little beast hasn’t cast off its baby teeth yet, if that is the case, then this is really too rare. I am saying the both of us will get rich, seriously. You must believe in my insight, if you let me carry out the activities, this little beast can bring us a great amount of gold coins.” ⌈3

Xiao Chen didn’t say much to him, this guy was obviously a profiteer, one must not make a deal with them.

“Brother, don’t go. You must believe me.” The fatty intimately followed beside Xiao Chen, he kept going on and on, “Brother, do you know who I am? I am reputed as the warbeast master with great strategic insight.”

Ignoring him, Xiao Chen continued onward.

“You must know that our family has even established the Warbeast Castle in Celestial City, the biggest city in the southern part of the continent. We definitely have enough power.”

“Warbeast Castle?” Xiao Chen felt a little baffled and asked, “Is it common practice to have a warbeast in the mainland?”

This time was the fatty’s turn to look at Xiao Chen with eyes that one normally used to look at an idiot, the surrounding people also revealed peculiar expressions. This made Xiao Chen feel a little uneasy.

“I say, brother, did you just came out from a forest cave?”

Mother f—! Xiao Chen was really speechless, this guy actually used sarcastic remarks to say he was a prehistoric person.

“Who doesn’t know that warbeasts are the most thriving industry in the immortal’s mainland?!” The ******* fatty spoke like a specialist, “Not only do the wealthy and powerful ones like to watch the warbeasts, even the commoners actively participate. Many people try to catch an unusual beast to make a living. Let’s not even talk about the practitioners, they could even stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw just to get an intellectual beast with super fighting strength.”

After listening to the fatty’s very patient explanation, Xiao Chen finally understood that it was common practice to have a warbeast. The owner of every big warbeast stadium had inseparably close connections with the practitioners, because they were in control of many powerful and exotic creatures. This was very attractive for the practitioners, some sects frequently spent a huge amount just to buy some intellectual beasts.

Many practitioners on the mainland were raising intellectual beasts, those were their loyal partners in battle after all. In order to establish the Warbeast Castle, the owner would require a huge power. Most of the factions were unwilling to provoke them, because they were capable of providing top-notch intellectual beasts.

According to rumors, anyone who dared to establish the Warbeast Castle were certain to have a super vicious beast not inferior to dragons, so much so that rumors said they even had a sacred beast.

“Let me tell you a little secret of this industry.” The ******* fatty whispered mysteriously, “Those who dared to establish a Warbeast Castle did not only have sacred beasts on the same level as dragons, they are certain to have a genuine dragon.”

This really made Xiao Chen very astonished.

Seeing that he was already emotionally affected, the fatty struck while the iron was hot, “Brother, the moment I laid my eyes on you, I felt like we could hit it off, it could even be said to be familiarity at first sight. How about this, why don’t we go find a place to drink a few cups and chat?”

“Very well, how should I address this plump brother?” Xiao Chen was not piqued by the wealth, it was to make a future plan for this tough little dragon. If it was as the ******* fatty said, that it was a common practice to keep a warbeast around, then the immortal’s mainland was too suitable for this proud little dragon. Even after leaving the dragon island, it didn’t have to worry about finding a rival.

With a little bit of effort, the two had already became close brothers. The fatty had a name that would cause people to spit out blood, he was called: Zhuge Liang. ⌈4

It was rare for him to reveal a bashful expression like this, he said, “My parents wanted me to become a little clever, so they gave me this name.”

After talking for a bit, he found that the reason why Zhuge Liang was also well-known in the world of immortals was very simple. A certain practitioner who broke the bounds of space-time and arrived at the world of immortals had published the “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” from the human world. It soon became a very influential masterpiece.

Xiao Chen and the fatty Zhuge Liang chatted while they ate, at last, they finally touched upon the topic he was most concerned about. Wasn’t the dragon island sealed? How was it possible for the Warbeast Castle to possess any dragons? Could they be Winged Dragons?

But a single word from the fatty made him completely speechless.

“All the insiders know about our family’s trump card, there is an unparallelled Tyrannical Dragon within the Warbeast Castle.”

“How can that be?!” Xiao Chen didn’t believe it and asked, “How can a Tyrannical Dragon appear on the mainland, didn’t they get sealed on the dragon island?”

“Brother, did you really just come out from a forest cave?”

Mother f—! Using this kind of phrase again, Xiao Chen really wanted to kick him once or twice.

“Oh, my bad my bad, I had forgotten……” ******* fatty Zhuge Liang muttered under his breath, “Most people don’t know of this, only those who established the Warbeast Castle know of this information.”

“Stop leaving me in suspense, why don’t you tell me what is going on?”

“Brother, you should have heard of the disturbance on the dragon island not long ago right?”

“Of course.”

“This was not the first time the seal on the dragon island had been lifted. The seal has been lifted several times every few hundred years. Although no Dragon Kings were born in the past, there were still many ordinary young dragons. Hehe…… do you understand what I mean now?” The fatty narrowed his eyes and smiled, he sipped the drink with a slurp.

“You are saying the predecessor once brought the young dragons out of the dragon island?”

“Clever! It is exactly as you said, not only did they grew up in the mainland, they even had offsprings. But most of them are in the hands of some influential factions, ordinary people have never even heard of them.”

“Then doesn’t that means there’s no shortage of dragons on the immortal’s mainland now?”

“Of course, but there’s not that many to be honest. Moreover, other than the Winged Dragons, even if the other dragons keep far away from the dragon island, they are still under the power of the seal and unable to display the divine abilities they once had. But just by relying on their physical body and strength, even a top-notch sacred beast is not their match. But of course, it also depends on the dragon species, the Tyrannical Dragon I am talking about is not fully grown yet, and not even demigod can destroy its corporeal body.”

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, it seemed like he had underestimated the dragon’s power. He asked, “What kind of major powers are in possession of dragons?”

“Those who have authority, those who have money, and those powerful factions. And of course, the Warbeast Castle has the monopoly. This is also the reason why the warbeast industry has that much influence.” The ******* fatty stressed the statement again. Those capable of establishing the Warbeast Castle inevitably possessed formidable strength and inside information.

While drinking and chatting, Xiao Chen finally understood the position of the warbeast industry on the immortal’s mainland. They could be considered one of the most powerful industries on the mainland. So much so that, even some of the powerful factions would engage in business with them, or even serve under a certain Warbeast Castle.

This ******* fatty was very talkative, he spoke about many fantastic stories regarding the warbeast industry, but the more he listened, the more he felt like the fatty was just shooting off his mouth. A few examples; this guy boasted how there was once a warbeast master who dominated a phoenix from their family’s Warbeast Castle and destroyed a city for revenge. There’s another one; it was about how a warbeast master who once raised an unknown beast. As a result, when the little beast was fully grown during the warbeast master’s later years, it was actually capable of standing up to a Tyrannical Dragon. He talked about how they defeated the Tyrannical Dragon in the stadium of their hated enemy.

The ******* fatty talked about many similar legends, although Xiao Chen did not really believe what he said, he could tell that the warbeast industry had great influence. To sum it all up, the “water” of the warbeast industry was very deep.

Xiao Chen really looked forward to it, it seemed like the tough little dragon had an abundance of opponents now. The existence of the warbeast industry was really too suitable for the tough little dragon, it could even be said to be a blessing.

“How about it brother Xiao, why don’t you sell that single-horned little beast to me, I will give you a fair price.”

Xiao Chen stared blankly and said, “Why should I sell it to you?”

“Aiyou, hey, I talked for half of the day, my saliva almost dried up, and you still don’t understand? The warbeast industry has deep connections, you wouldn’t be able to cross the river by yourself, you will save a lot of trouble by selling it to me. I guarantee you will have no shortage of money to spend during your lifetime.”

This ******* fatty was really a profiteer, Xiao Chen cursed inwardly and then he said, “I am not selling.”

At the same time, he raised his guard. This ******* fatty must have realized this tough little dragon was not ordinary. That’s why he was willing to spend a great deal of effort to sweet talk him. Could it be that this guy already realized this was a genuine dragon? However, there were many dragon subspecies on the mainland, the tough little dragon’s appearance shouldn’t be too eye-catching.

After coaxing and pestering him for a while, the fatty also noticed that Xiao Chen wouldn’t sell the tough little dragon no matter what. Then he finally said resentfully, “Alas, pity my saliva, you still can’t get the point after talking so much, what a scatterbrain.”

“You want me to kick you?” Although Xiao Chen felt that this ******* fatty was very friendly, he was a bit annoying.

“Just kidding, heh-heh. How about this, why don’t we sign a contract? That single-horned little beast still belongs to you, but I will be responsible for it.”

Xiao Chen had already categorized him as a damned profiteer a long time ago, he definitely wouldn’t sign a contract with him. He said, “If you can offer an optimal condition, I can make a verbal agreement, and the tough little dragon will be in your care, but I will absolutely not sign a contract.”

“So it is called the tough little dragon, interesting, it indeed has a resemblance to a dragon. However, I say brother, aren’t you a little too inauthentic? There’s no such thing as a verbal agreement, only a written contract would be effective.”

“I always comply with the agreement, I like to make deals with honest people. If you have good faith, then you won’t care about the contract.”

These words checkmated the fatty Zhuge Liang, he said embarrassedly, “So brother, you really didn’t just come out from a forest cave after all.”

“You *******, those words again, don’t make me kick you, you damned fatty!”

Next, Xiao Chen and this profiteer Zhuge Liang began to talk. He came to understand more regarding the warbeasts. The more he listened, the more he thought this industry was specially created for the tough little dragon.

However, on the other side, the tough little dragon was grinding its teeth as it looked at the ******* fatty. Keke was also looking at him with an ugly expression.


  1. Silva: Haha. Qinguang Wang, so cute xD 
  2. Silva: Okay… can we kill this fatty now? 
  3. Silva: Can we seriously kill him now? 
  4. Zhuge Liang (181-234), military leader and prime minister of Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉 during the Three Kingdoms period / the main hero of the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义, where he is portrayed as a sage and military genius / mastermind