Category Archives: Translations

Episode 78 The Enemy Awaits in Honnoji

「The Kurumfar territory turned into something incredible」

「What do you mean?」

「The northern grassland turned into a granary. Rice, wheat, and vegetables…….they were growing as far as my eyes could see」

「On this unrecoverable land? You didn’t dream about it, right? 」

「Don’t say stupid things! I saw it with my own eyes right before I came here. There is no doubt」

「So the Kurumfar obtained a new card, which is vegetables, in addition to salt」

「That’s not everything. A lot of people gather in the Kurumfar territory with the former Lord’s mansion, which is now a hotel, in the center of it. The population is gradually increasing too. There are rumors about the mercenaries settling down there. The Kurumfar is not the same as the one in our memory anymore」

「Damn it, how annoying. This is all that Versam’s fault」

The trio of Baron Jiono, Vice Leader of the Northern Knights Oshe, and Baron Gragoleir sat inside a luxurious room in a hotel in the capital. The three were appointed to manage the Kurumfar territory before but, once they learned about its condition, immediately ditched their duties. Actually, the three are fellow classmates from the Royal School, the so-called childhood friends.

They didn’t know yet. The Kurumfar territory now had another card called「fish」.

「It will become rather troublesome if we ignore the Kurumfar territory any longer」

「No, it’s quite troublesome already. There are people, who migrated from my territory to the Kurumfar. If the outflow of people increases any further, it may put me in a predicament」

Lamented Baron Gragoleir. His territory was just north of the Kurumfar but half of it was covered in forests and mountains, the people there lived clustered on a small amount of flat lands.

「True enough, if even more people leave your already small territory it will become much harder to you」

「……I have an idea. There is a way to make Versam fall and take away all of The Kurumfar’s food. Let’s us divide the territory’s salt and vegetables between us」

「As expected of Jiono. So you stayed silent until now because you nurtured something like this! You are as wise as always」

Hahaha! Delightedly laughed Oshe. The three’s strategy meeting took place during the night.

Three days later, Baron Gragoleir asked for a meeting with a leader of the northern knights, Rafaien as Oshe stood behind him.

「It’s unusual for Baron-dono to ask for a meeting」

「No, it’s nothing much, it’s just that three days ago I was ambushed by the bandits when I tried to pass through the forest. Although I managed to somehow escape, I still need to go through that forest to return to my territory on a day after tomorrow. I thought of asking for some escorts from the knights’ order. There is no need to escort me all the way, just until I leave the forest and reach the borders of the Kurumfar territory」

「Bandits?…….I didn’t hear anything about it, though」

「Then do investigate. However, I can’t delay my return. Baron Jiono is going to make a visit to my territory. He is going to travel together with me. Normally, I would have hired some guards but this time I have a guest after all. I can’t rely on luck. That’s why I came to ask for the help from the imperial knights. Can you dispatch some of your people on this occasion? 」

「Leader, I ask of you to let me go. There are more than 100 bandits in the Kurumfar territory. I too was attacked when I was on my way to the capital. They had enough power to give as a great trouble. We can’t be negligent. Most likely, a part of them operated in the forest near the capital. We should use our troops to escort the Baron and investigate the forest」

「……Well, if it’ to escort the Baron and investigate the forest, I can spare some forces. 100 knights should be enough」

「No, captain. If it’s possible, I want to bring about 1000 of my subordinates on this mission. It would be a nice exercise for my men. I think of it as a good training opportunity」

「…..All right. However, do not spend more time than necessary. Three days at the most. After that, you are to come back」


「Thank you for your consideration, captain-dono」

In that way, Oshe received a permission to move his troops.

At the designated time in the afternoon Baron Jiono, Baron Gragoleir, and Oshe’s army departed the imperial capital.

The party steadily advanced and reached the borders of the Kurumfar territory in the evening before stopping. Then, Oshe ordered to settle a camp.

「Just according to keikaku」[1]

「There are no holes in my plan. Tomorrow, Versam’s head will definitely be separated from the rest of his body」

「That rising aristocracy deemed as an incompetent commander. It’s time to erase that stigma. I will show them my way of fighting」

「Oi oi, don’t be so fired up ahead of time」

「I know. I’m always calm」

「I hope so. Then let’s go through our plan once again. We will infiltrate the Kurumfar territory under the cover of the night. Then, we will pass through the forest and raid the mansion before the daybreak. [2] They should be in the mansion. My scouts witnessed him returning to the mansion yesterday. We are going to kill him. Also….let’s kill everyone else in the mansion. After that, we are going to return to the capital. Versam’s head and the bandits’ heads, for the bandits, we can randomly behead some people from the slums. We will carry them to the Captain Rafaien. We were attacked on the way by the bandits. Then, the bandits run away towards the Versam mansion. When we chased after them, the Marquis assumed their side and attacked us. Without any other choice, we thought and defeated his forces. Actually, the leader of the bandits was Honorary Marquis Versam all this time, or so the story goes.」

「Yeah, I know」

「After the commotion settles down, I will petition to the Emperor to manage the Kurumfar territory together with Baron Gragoleir. And after we get the Kurumfar territory, we will split its harvest and salt between us」

「But will it really go that smoothly? Prince Viras won’t stay silent」

「We are going with this plan. Versam stands out quite a bit thanks to the Emperor. There are plenty of nobles, who hate him. With Versam deemed as a traitor, the influence of Prince Viras and Prime Minister Guremont will weaken. I will aim for that and show him my support」

「If this goes well, we will profit greatly and Oshe will raise enough funds for a promotion. After all, Jiono can get the whole Kurumfar territory」

「I want to succeed by all means. I want to obtain the scenery praised by the Emperor himself when he stayed in that hotel」

「You always wanted to obtain strange things since the childhood」

「What are you saying? You just don’t understand. The value of that hotel, that is」

「Stop quarreling! For some reason, I, the great Oshe-sama, always end up as a mediator between you. It won’t be late to fight after we succeed」

「True enough」


「All right, it’s about the time to gather my men. From now on, it’s my time to shine. I will show you my skills」

「I’m expecting a lot」

「I’m counting on you!」

Late at night, the silence was broken by an emergency signal. The well-trained soldiers immediately lined up. At the same time, Oshe stood before them.

「We are going to march at night. Everyone is to equip a real sword! We are going for a bandit subjugation. The target is a mansion that serves as their lair. Kill everyone, who is inside! 」

Oshe pulled out his sword, raised his voice, and pointed towards the east.

「The bandits’ leader is Versam! Honorary Marquis Versam of the Empire! Advance! 」

1000 knight begun their march in silence.


  1. Keikaku means plan. I had to do this joke, sorry. 
  2. And trigger the harpy alarm system. 

Episode 77 Reunion

The slave market was bustling.

I sat down at the back of the hall and looked at the slaves. This time’s market was full of sex slaves and soldiers, I couldn’t spot anyone suitable for our needs.

After a short break, it was a time for crime slaves to take the stage. I don’t plan to pay a special attention to this section. That being said, it’s not like there is a zero possibility of Mei-level individuals to appear. I shouldn’t overlook him.

A while after the start, the stage turned noisy for some reason. It seems that a female crime slave went on a rampage. After a while, three slaves were dragged out to the stage but once I saw them, I received a great shock.

……The idiot heroes of the cat tribe.

The female cat is always crying. The men had swollen faces as if they just received a beating. All three wore some tattered clothes.

「Well then, number 16. A man of the cat tribe, 16 years old; a woman of the cat tribe, 15 years old; a man of the cat tribe, 17 years old. Let’s start with 5000G! 」

Unexpectedly, there was no response. In this still atmosphere, a certain noble-looking man raised his token.

「Is there anyone else? Anyone? 」


I raised my voice before I noticed.

「10000G! Is there anyone else? Anyone?……Then, the final price is 10000G! 」

We didn’t wait for the end of the event and went outside.

「Rinos, why did you buy those cat tribe people?」

「Don’t you remember, Rico? He is the cat that claimed to be a hero and caused a mess in the palace」

「There was such a thing. Are they truly those people? 」

「I don’t think I’m wrong」

I headed towards the room where people collected their purchases. After a while, we were approached by a strange-looking slave trader.

「Thank you for your purchase. Let’s complete the procedures right away」

The man said so and led us to another room.

In the same way as with Mei, I paid the money and provided my blood. Immediately after, those idiot cats were brought inside. Different from their tattered clothes from before, the men wore shirts and the woman wore one piece. They stood in a row as my blood was put on their arms and legs. Once the trader chanted the spell, my arm glowed.

「With this, the contract has been completed. If those slaves’ performance isn’t to your satisfaction, please do not hesitate to visit us as we can buy them back」

Saying that, the man gave me something like a business card and left the room.

「Thank you for purchasing us this time. We shall perform our duty with utmost effort」

「Aren’t you become quite fluent for an idiot cat」

The cats took a closer look at me.

「Ah! You’re that imprudent person from before! 」

The woman raised her voice.

「You sure have a hobby of bringing trouble upon yourself. Well, me meeting you again can be considered fate. It’s hard to talk here, let’s go outside」

We took the idiot cats, took Sonya and Ange, who were waiting for us outside, and went to the restaurant in the hotel.

「You must be hungry. You can order whatever you want」

However, the slaves seemed to hesitate. Without any other choice, I ordered the same thing that I ordered for myself.

「Still, how did you manage to become crime slaves?」

「i had a dispute with a local lord. At that time, I hurt the Lord and his retainers」

「Uwa~ This is~」

「That’s why they have so many bruises」

Apparently, the idiot cats had a hard time after separating from me. They traveled from one village to another, occasionally being deceived by people, occasionally being attacked by monsters, he said. When they reached a certain city, they were forced to join a massive monster subjugation operation. There, Willis, with his somewhat reliable sword arts, and Shera, with her healing magic, proved to be of a great use. With this as a reason, they decided to settle down in that city, Willis lived working as an escort or a guard for the merchants, Shera opened a healing business, and Yuriel made use of his education to open something like a school to teach kids how to read and write.

Since they weren’t particularly greedy, they earned just enough to sustain the three of them, Shera and Yuriel often helped for nearly nothing. As a result, they were greatly appreciated by the residents and spent their days fulfilled.

However, the Lord of the town had his eyes on Shera and wanted her to become his concubine. [1] Of course, he was adamantly rejected by all three of them but the Lord was rather persistent. And after they hardened their resolve and tried to leave the town, they were ambushed by the Lord and his people. As a result, Willis hurt the Lord’s retainers as Shera and Yuriel hurt the Lord when he tried to capture them. Following that, they were deemed criminals and were sent to be sold in the capital.

「Working for the sake of people, receiving their gratitude. It was a fulfilling life but we ended up like this. It seems that we don’t have much luck in our lives」

「There is no way that’s true. Being bought by Rinos can be considered you good luck」

「You are…..」

「The First Princess of the Hideta Empire, Ricolette」

「Ah, that tyrannical woman from before!」

「Shera! Watch your mouth! 」

Willis shut her mouth before everyone managed to react. Well, isn’t he became a good big brother.

「Judging by the fact that you call Master as Rinos and your attitude towards him…..」

「Yes, Rinos and I had a wedding」

「Ma-Marriage? Eh? Why? I was sure that he became a servant of Princess-sama…….」

After that, I told them about the events that led to our marriage.

「For such things to happen…..That being said, Master is amazing. Taking the First Princess as a wife, becoming an Honorary Marquis, managing the Second Prince’s territory……」

「If you understand this much then it’s enough. You’ve experienced a lot. If something doesn’t work, you can just try again. Still, you have grown quite a bit. It should work out with the current you」

「It was truly hard on us. But we were helped by a lot of people. Master wasn’t wrong when we were told to talk to people more」

And while everyone was enjoying the desserts, I talked about the future

「I want you to manage a store for me. Sonya and Ange will take care of the store that sells barrier magic stones. People from the army often visit that place, you shouldn’t try to take it easy. And Willis’ group will manage an ingredient store. It’s scheduled to open this autumn, so be prepared. Of course, as the fellow storekeepers, you should help each other out when the other side can’t handle it」

Everyone silently nodded.

「You shall live in the stores. However, it will take about two days to prepare a living environment, so you will stay in this hotel until then. Meanwhile, you should gather your daily necessities. Of course, you also need to buy some clothes. I will leave all the money with Gon, tell him if you need something. I’ll leave it to you, Gon」


On the next day, the five slaves went around the capital with Gon to buy all kinds of things.

As a result, I was forced to give up on creating the living quarters in the store that sells barrier magic stones due to its size. On the other hand, the warehouse had a second floor, which we decided to use instead. There is still plenty of space left even with the five of them. However, as I was worried what should I do about the kitchen and the toilet, Willis and the rest ended up buying the material themselves and making one. They might have developed it during their travels. Those guys may be surprisingly dependable.

Soon enough, Sonya and her daughter received the store from Luara and started working. There were no particular problems and it’s still functioning properly. On the contrary, since there were no more times when the store was closed due to my whims, we received an especially positive response from the merchants. In addition, Sonya can be considered a beauty. She obtained a certain popularity amongst some of the army men and merchants.

Although the warehouse was still under construction, the preparations, such as dividing the warehouse into the storage zone and selling zone, were steadily progressing. We are selling the harvested crops and vegetables through the stall that we set up outside the warehouse. This can serve as an advertisement until the store is opened, if people remember the taste, the opening will be destined to succeed, suggested Willis. I accepted his proposal and, starting from Kairiku, set up the teleportation barriers leading to the storage zone. And in the storage zone itself, I set up a refrigerating barrier trying to keep the goods fresh as long as possible.

Although there isn’t much to sell at the moment, Willis’ store is prosperous. Fortunately, there are plenty of people waiting for an official opening. As a consequence of his hardships, Willis developed a certain charm to him, creating a good impression on the customers.

From this point on, I’m going to stop calling them「idiot cats」.


  1. She is totally a cat, though. 

Episode 87 Trouble Full Throttle from the Morning!?

Another problem occurred in the cafeteria. Next to the five girls, three men sat down without their permission.

Those men wore rings and necklaces and looked quite like the players. These men forcibly approached the girls, who tried to refuse them.

Their sat in order Yua, Seiya’s seat, and Lily with Mona, Selena, and Aishi on the other side but the men took the seat next to Yua and tried to talk with her.

「Hey, at least tell me your name」
「We are staying on the seventh floor, you know」
「How about going out with us somewhere」

The brown-haired man on Seiya’s seat tried to talk to Yua only to be completely ignored.

Normally, she would have trashed the men who dared to take Seiya seat. However, since she couldn’t use her light attribute here, she decided to ignore him.

Being refused by Yua, this time, the man tried to talk to Lily on the other side.

「hey, you’re cute. What is your name? 」

Lily looked at the man with a disgusted face. From her expression, the man understood that he was completely rejected by her but contrary to Yua, he decided to start his conquest with her, since she at least answered him.

「Do you not know me? People call me Grisfon」

At these words, the customers around them, other that the five, showed their surprise.

「Oi, Grisfon is?」
「Yeah, probably」
「It can’t be, that A-rank adventurer?」
「Than the other two are B-rank adventurers」
「They are the recently trending adventurers family」
「Grisfon family, huh……」

The brown-haired man, Grisfon, grinned hearing the words of the customers. The men felt good seeing the rumor spread so far.

The surrounding customers immediately gave up upon hearing the name of the Grisfon family. Their level was just that high.

Trying to show off, he stretched his hand towards Lily. At that time, Lily became his inside his mind.

Every time the women heard his name, they immediately became his.

「How about you stop right now!」

Don! Don!

Selena, who sat across the man, pulled out her magic gun and released two bullets towards the man that still tried to reach Lily with his hand.

The guests were surprised at an unexpected turn of events but Grisfon just lifted his hand and muttered.

「『Dark Wave』」

In the next moment, the two mana bullets disappeared without a trace. Grisfon said to Selena with a depraved look in his eyes.

「Relax. After I finish with her, you are next. No need to be impatient」

Apparently, in Grisfon’s mind, they already became his women. Selena was surprised at her bullets suddenly disappearing but shot again nevertheless.

Don! Don! Don! Don!

This time she shot twice the amount, four bullets but Grisfon lifted his hand once again and muttered.

「『Dark Wave』」

Immediately after he said that the bullets disappeared without a trace, nothing was left behind. Grisfon became a bit irritated at Selena’s pointless behavior.

「It’s useless. You can’t defeat me. Obediently wait for your turn to come. At that time, I will play with you」

Having said that, Grisfon tried to touch Lily. Selena intended to attack Grisfon with her magic guns once again but Lily words stopped her in her tracks.

「It’s all right」

For a moment, Selena couldn’t understand what she just heard. But from Lily’s face, she could see a certain confidence.

Selena, who was convinced that there was a catch, sheathed her magic guns. Once he saw their behavior, Grisfon thought that they came to peace with the circumstances and carried his hand closer to Lily’s cheek.

However, at the next moment,


With such a sound accompanied by a great pressure, the trio rolled off their seats.

At that time, the two B-rank adventurers besides Grisfon lost their consciousness. Grisfon managed to somehow preserve his consciousness but couldn’t stand up revealing an unsightly posture.

「Do you have some business with my companions?」

Such words were heard in the cafeteria. The customers couldn’t comprehend what just happened and silently awaited a development.

Seiya was the one, who entered the cafeteria. Immediately after coming to the cafeteria he saw Grisfon trying to touch Lily and released his bloodlust at maximum power.


Lily and Yua turned bright with the appearance of Seiya.

Actually, the two knew that Seiya would definitely come. Yua did it with her unscientific Seiya Sensor and Lily relied on her contract with Seiya to sense his position.

That’s why Lily said that it was all right to Selena, Yua too didn’t do a thing.

「Trying to lay your hand on my companions, you sure are brave, small fry」

Anger dwelled in Seiya’s eyes, which he used to glare at Grisfon.

His contained despise as well as disdain. Being glared by Seiya, Grisfon felt his pride hurt and tried to face him.

However, that turned out to be the greatest failure in his life.

「『Dark Wave』」

Grisfon eliminated the unknown pressure and stood up. Seiya looked at Grisfon for a brief moment but immediately diverted his attention to stroking Yua’s and Lily’s heads, as they came hugging him.

「*******, who do you think I am? I’m an A-rank adventurer, Grisfon Egnozas. If you want to live, immediately release my woman and scram. If you won’t, you will disappear」

As long as I use『Dark Wave』, he isn’t an opponent of mine, thought Grisfon.

Seiya completely lost interest in such Grisfon. If he does touch Yua or Lily, Seiya will erase him without question but since it doesn’t seem like it actually happened, he wasn’t in a mood to play with him.

However, if he doesn’t agree then the story is different.

In Dakuria, Seiya’s team common sense doesn’t work. If the situation becomes beyond salvageable, he didn’t mind to show the offender the harsh reality.

「You sure are great for using the magic stone with『Dark Wave』inside of it. However, this is how true 『Dark Wave』looks like」


Seiya released his bloodlust again as he chantlessly invoked『Dark Wave』to erase a ring on his finger.

There was a magic stone in his ring, he used『Dark Wave』stored inside and acted as if he could deploy it chantlessly.

Being exposed to his bloodlust, Griffon fell on his knees once again. His face was covered in sweat, his body trembled all over, and his breathing became rough.

Since his magic stone was destroyed, Grisfon couldn’t activate『Dark Wave』again. He noticed that he tried to land his hand on someone he shouldn’t have ever messed with.

Grisfon wanted to immediately run away but Seiya’s bloodlust didn’t allow it. Thus, while being aware of the shame, he chanted the incantation for『Dark Wave』.


Although he managed to successfully activate it, the bloodlust showed no signs of disappearing.

In the first place, 『Dark Wave』isn’t supposed to be able to eliminate something without substance. He did it for the first time because Seiya lifted his bloodlust at the same time as he released the spell.

「How unsightly. Let me warn you. If you make a move on them once again, your existence itself shall disappear. I won’t use a magic stone like you did. Do you understand? 」
「Y-Yes, understood. I understand. I won’t try anything weird anymore. I promise」
「Then grab those two and disappear」

Seiya lifted his bloodlust and released Grisfon. Once released, Grisfon picked up his comrades and run away in shame.

The customers, who were left flabbergasted, stared at Seiya with round eyes.

「Who on earth are they?」
「Who knows? I don’t」
「Maybe they are S-rank adventurers」

It wasn’t an environment suitable for conversations, all of the attention was focused completely on Seiya.

Seiya, who was disinclined to stay in such an environment, took the girls with him and went to have breakfast in a store outside.

After coming to a new place, Seiya told them the gist of his conversation with Bagil as he ate breakfast.

「That’s about it from my conversation with Bagil. I will head to the rescue without waiting for other apostles to join me. I can’t force anyone. There is a great danger involved in this plan.
People may die. That’s why think for yourself. Don’t blindly follow the others, choose by your own will」

Said Seiya and looked in their eyes. The answer appeared soon enough.

「I’ll go…..I’ll follow Seiya until the end of the world…..」
「Lily too! 」

If Seiya goes then Yua and Lily will definitely follow. From their eyes, he felt a determination to never separate.

「I want to save my mother. I’m right here, I don’t want to lose mother because I waited for the reinforcements」
「I shall go too. This is my will」
「I’ll go too. Aunt took care of me a lot」

The members of the student council were determined to go.

「I see, we have full members. You won’t regret it, right? 」
「Yeah, none」
「Yes, no such things」
「Yes, it’s all right」

Everyone was mentally prepared. Seiya made sure to confirm their determination.

「Understood. The plan starts tonight. Let’s leave immediately」

In that way, the Moka Fenix rescue operation started by one boy and five girls.

Thank you for reading. At this time, I don’t know what I should do about everything. For some my reason, my head was full of thoughts about the last episode of the current chapter and the synopsis of chapter four, it was hard to write anything at all. [1] The story is on its way to a conclusion. At last, one of the Demon Kings appears in the story. Look forward to it!

Nevertheless, the author is going to become a disabled person tonight. To be precise, by the end of this day I may become a difficult person. Ah, the last feather is always the hardest…… [2]


  1. Then don’t. 
  2. I’m so confused about this passage. 

Episode 76 A New Slave

My pen ran on the paper as I was buried under a mountain of documents. I’m signing the documents that came from Rico and her crew.

Papers about army, taxes, farming, fishing, and people’s petitions……and so on and so forth, I briefly skimmed through the various documents before putting my signature on them. I’m finally doing a lord-like work.

The revival of agriculture with Mei in its center turned out to be unexpectedly successful. Daikon, cabbages, onions, and spinach that we sow during the autumn have been successfully harvested. Their taste was quite good too. That gave me the necessary confidence to increase the variety of vegetables grown on the fields. The people keep migrating to the territory, it’s not like everything proceeds smoothly but we manage to cope. At the moment, the rice grown on the paddy fields receives the bright rays of summer sunlight, I can’t wait for the autumn to harvest it.

「Well then, everyone, I have three suggestions to propose」

At dinner, I decided to tell everyone about the plan that I nurtured in my mind since a while ago.

「First, I’m thinking about opening another store in the capital」

「A store? What kind of store? 」

「A store that sells a variety of food ingredients」

There are stores selling food in the capital but they’re mostly specialized stores like rice stores, grocery stores, fish stores, and meat stores. Because they are scattered around the capital, common people need to spend quite a bit of effort to gather everything. I was longing for something like a supermarket since a while ago. And since there are none, I can just make one. The capital is short on vegetables and fish the most. If I can sell fresh vegetables and fish, the people will rejoice. Good fish and grocery stores are scarce but there are plenty of fishy stores that can’t reach the apex. [1] I didn’t like their attitude for quite a while.

The candidate for the store is already decided. There is a big warehouse on the west of the capital, about 200 meters away from my store. It seems to be a warehouse for a rice store but it’s not in use. However, it’s maintained well and stands in a place where a many people live, it bothered me for a long time. When I heard that the owner of the rice shop decided to sell this warehouse, I negotiated a much cheaper price than I expected.

Mediation from Akima of the red-light district’s Miraya helped me greatly. Apparently, she wants to establish a red-light district in the Kurumfar territory in the future. She provided me with this information in exchange for my help.

「I want to open it right after the autumn’s harvest. I have already decided on the name「Super Daquet」」

It’s not that sophisticated of a name, I can’t help but feel weird, though. Nevertheless, there is no particular problem. In that regard, it was approved without any objections.

「Second, I want to introduce a red-light district to the territory」

As expected, Rico wasn’t fond of this idea.

「You can consult with Akima from Miraya. I don’t plan to obstruct her. However, under the conditions of not hiring underage people, not using slaves, and respecting workers’ opinion. You can even say that I want for her place to be something like a salon for the people of culture. That’s why I plan to ask for an elegant external and internal appearance」

I was sure that Rico would object but she didn’t say anything and just agreed. Rather, it’s a great idea to make a place for cultured people like Ferris and Peris to gather! I was greatly surprised when I heard her saying that. Apparently, Rico was somehow convinced by turning it into a salon. [1]

「Third, I’d like to employ a slave for my new store, how is it?」

To be honest, I don’t have enough personnel to bring from the Kurumfar territory to here. I want my new store to succeed by all means. To do that, buying a slave is the best option, or so I concluded. Besides, Akima told me that the slave market would open on a day after tomorrow. I want to look at their slaves first.

「While I’m at it. I want to entrust the barrier stones store to a slave too」

「That’s reasonable. It’s better for Master to concentrate on the matters of the territory. Leaving the store to a slave is the best solution」

「What does everyone else think?」

「I think that would be for the best too. The slaves will work diligently」

「I think that Rinos-san’s method is good」

Since there were no objections, the visit to the slave market was decided on a day after tomorrow.

That night, Rico suddenly hugged me when I entered the room and pressed her face on my chest.

「…….Rico? 」

「What are you planning to do, buying a new slave?」

「I won’t really do anything. After they properly learn their duties, I don’t even mind releasing them, you know? 」


「What’s wrong?」

「……If you like them, won’t you make them into your concubines? 」

「I won’t, probably」

Rico raised her face and looked at me while breathing roughly.

「Probably? T-Then, does that mean that there is a possibility of you taking them as your concubines if you do like them? No, it’s not as if I’m going to say no, you know? I’m aware that men of high standing need to have concubines more so for Rinos who is an honorary Marquis a noble with only one concubine people may look down on you besides there is also a matter of my age it’s about time for me to step down and………[2]」

「Rico? Rico! Calm down! 」

I embraced Rico and rubbed her back.

「Afuu, haa, haa, fuu, but…..」

「I want to stay with Rico forever. Do you want to separate from me? 」

「…….Forever, forever, please stay with me forever」

I hugged Rico once again and carried her all the way to the bed in a princess carry.

Two days later, I was in the capital with Gon and Rico.

As I walked towards the slave market, I met an unexpected person. It was a slave dealer that sold Mei to me before.

「Well, well. I’m Maris from Yura firm. Thank you for your previous patronage. Are there any problems with a slave I sold to you? 」

「Forget about problems, it was a great bargain. She already became an essential person to me」

The slave dealer looked puzzled for a moment but swiftly regained his calmness.

「Are you here to participate in the slave market? In that case, my store is right there, in the back. There is still time until the slave market is opened, would you like to look at the slaves in my store? 」

Since I’m here, might as well look at them.

When we entered the store and arrived at the reception room, we were asked about our desired slave. With a good temperament, ability to judge, and preferable woman, I answered. We aimed for people with 「Education」skill. The ability to calculate is important for a store manager.

「The preparations have been completed」

Maris led us to another room. There were big wide chairs and a curtain before it. Once we took our seats, the curtain opened and 8 women in dresses appeared before us. I appraised the one by one and, surprisingly, discovered 5 people with 「Education」skill.

I look at the faces of those five. There were 2 humans, 2 rabbit beastwomen, and 1 cat beastwoman. The humans didn’t look eager and stood there with their eyes dead. One of the rabbit beastwomen was still a kid. The cat beastwoman was quite erotic. If I ever need a sex slave, she would be the right choice. She released her pheromones in full force and looked at me with moist eyes.

「All of them are aware that they will become sex slaves in the future. Except for that little girl」

「That rabbit beastgirl?」

「Correct. By the way, those two rabbit beastwomen are mother and daughter」

Looking closely, they do resemble each other. Both have a certain intelligence to them.

「Can I ask how did they land themselves into slavery?」

「She was a concubine of a certain monkey noble and the little girl is her daughter. Because she committed adultery, she was sold into slavery together with her daughter.  It’s rare to see a mother-daughter pair as slaves. I will fetch a considerable price is they make it to the stage. Because you can enjoy them both」

He sure tries to push this pair onto me. Most likely, those two are the hardest to sell. I can see his desire to sell them to me. I took a deep breath and asked them.

「Numbers from 1 to 10. How many will it be if you add them? Try calculating」



The rabbit mother and daughter immediately answered. Another person answered at the same time but she wasn’t that enthusiastic about it and even made a mistake.

「How did you calculate?」

「From 1 to 10 has 5 in the middle. If you multiply 5 by 9 and add ten, it will be 55」

Answered the mother.

「Understood. I want to by this mother-daughter pair. How much? 」

「It’s 50000G」

「Quite expensive」

「Both of them are able to calculate」

「No, aren’t they doing some strange calculations? The answer was right but the method is all over the place. It was just a coincidence. Or can you prove that such a method is right? 」

「No, this is…..」

「Besides, the other one is still a kid and can’t do much. Considering that we will need to spend quite a bit of time and effort to train and educate her, it’s too expensive. If I’m going to buy them together…..」

「You’re correct. You have a point. Then…..How about 25000G? No, how about 20000 gold? 」

It suddenly dropped below fifty percent of the starting price. I wonder if he can lower it even more. Let’s try a more forceful approach.

「U~n, when thinking about their education costs…..」

「Then how about 10000G?」

I was halved again. Is it really all right? I looked at Gon and Rico next to me. Both seems to think that this price is reasonable.

「…..Well. This much should be fine」

「Thank you very much. Then let’s finalize the purchase right away」

The women left the room as I handed the money to Maris. After a while, the mother-daughter pair appeared again in different clothes.

「You luck is good. Starting from today this gentleman is your new master」

「Thank you very much. I’m in your care」

「…..In your care」

Then, Maris muttered some spell, asked me to give him my hand, and, when I did as I was told, my hand glowed. At the same time, the hands of the pair also lit up.

「With this, the mother-daughter pair became your possession. If they will become an inconvenience to you in the future, please do not hesitate to come here and we will buy them back from you」

After a round of pleasantries, we left the store.

「What are your names?」

「Master can call us however he wants to」

「No, you should have the names that you used before. I want to call you by them if you don’t mind」

「…….It’s Sonya」


The mother is Sonya, 28 years old, has「Education」at LV2. The daughter is Ange, 8 years old, has「Education」at LV1. The daughter, most likely, had a talent for education since birth.

「I’m thinking of letting you manage a store. Let’s discuss the details as we walk」

「…..Mother’s calculations aren’t wrong! 」

「Ange!……Please forgive her, Master」

「No, Ange is right. I said it to make him lower the price. Sonya’s method isn’t wrong, it’s right. It’s amazing that you know it. You must have studied a lot」

「No, I’m just……doing it because I like it」

「I want to make use of your talent. If you grow to the extent of being able to manage a store without any problems, I don’t mind releasing you from slavery. That’s why I want you to work hard」

「Are you going to release us?」

Ange’s eyes sparkled.

「Yeah, I will also pay you a salary. However, I want you to take care of the store for at least 3 years. After that, you can stay but you can also leave for another job. Until then, I’m going to count on you」

「「Yes, Master」」

The two managed to find a new hope for their future.

While we were talking about it, we arrived at the hotel, which hosted the slave market.


  1. Guess what I was reading just a while ago. 
  2. God bless a person, who invented commas. 

Chapter 55 – Midway Through Is Cheng Yaojin

“What?!” After Xiao Chen listened to it, he couldn’t help but be startled. How could it be that kid Lou Zhenming? This guy truly was like a lingering ghost! But from the point of view that Tian Lao had communicated to him, Lou Zhenming hadn’t targeted himself this time. His targeted person was Young Lady Cheng, Cheng Mengying. He was just something chanced upon to become a funerary object.

This made Xiao Chen somewhat helpless. If he wasn’t here, then Cheng Mengying would at most be disgusted and not have any big matter. But since he was here, it was estimated that there would be a beating!

“But it doesn’t matter. Those several small subordinates aren’t even First Layer Inner Strength Martialists.” Tian Lao’s words made Xiao Chen let out a sigh of relief. But the words Tian Lao said afterwards made Xiao Chen feel like spitting out a little blood: “As long as you pay attention to the secret place over there, there is Martialist that is a bit ferocious, at Fourth Layer Inner Strength!”

“Pfft……!@#¥%……&……” Xiao Chen didn’t know what was good to say. Another Fourth Layer Inner Strength Martialist had come, was this letting him live or die?

“Can you influence this idiot’s thoughts and make him go over there to fight that hidden Fourth Layer Inner Strength Martialist?”

“Unable to influence. You’re too weak and furthermore, the circumstances this time and last time are different. The influence of a second or two has no use; before he would even be able to rush to the side of that Fourth Layer Inner Strength Martialist, he would probably awaken.” Tian Lao decisively dashed his hopes: “Think up some other solution.”

“……” Xiao Chen was speechless. Think up other solutions? How could other solutions be so easy to think up?

“Great little brother, have you finally remember what your brother confessed before he left? Have you properly thought about it?” Sha Dage was a bit impatient. This was his first time carrying out a mission, so he naturally wanted to have a perfect completion without any mistakes.

“I have actually thought about it well……but there are several people in the front that are disturbing my thoughts!” Xiao Chen’s mind came up with an plan. Immediately spreading out his hands, he spoke very helplessly. Although Xiao Chen had already played this dog-eat-dog trick twice before, besides it being well-tried, it was the third time using it, so it wouldn’t be that interesting!

The last two times were all due to Tian Lao’s influence, but this time could only be done by taking a step and watching a step. It all depended on his social skills! Thinking up to here, Xiao Chen’s deliberately showed a distressed faced and spoke.

“Oh? Who is disturbing you?” Sha Dage stared blankly, then suddenly became irritated: “Don’t trick me, where are the people?”

“Aren’t they in the front!” Xiao Chen moved forward and pointed. It just so happened that Ma Gangchuan had just brought five little brothers from the shadows out!

Sha Dage turned his head to take a look and sure enough, there were several people with bad intentions walking over. He didn’t suspect how Xiao Chen discovered this in his heart. He thought that Xiao Chen had also just seen them. After all, his attention had been on Xiao Chen’s body before and he wasn’t paying attention to whether or not the front had any people.

“Don’t move, this is a robbery!” When Ma Gangchuan saw that Xiao Chen and the others had discovered him, he immediately didn’t hide away. Instead, he shouted out to clear the way.

Sha Dage became furious! Where did this group of trash come from? Why did they come to rob at the most important time? Didn’t they see that he was interrogating? If Xiao Chen’s train of thought was interrupted and he didn’t remember where his elder brother went, how would Sha Dage be able to go back to report ‘mission completed’?

As a result, Sha Dage said to Xiao Chen: “Wait here. I’ll get rid of them, so think about it well!”

After he finished speaking, Sha Dage dashed forward and went to face Ma Gangchuan and those several hooligans!

Ma Gangchuan stared blankly. He didn’t expect this oaf to take the initiative and dash towards them. Just before, wasn’t it said that this guy was an employed migrant worker? Seeing this attitude, didn’t he resemble a bodyguard?

But seeing that Sha Dage dashing over, Ma Gangchuan didn’t think too much about it. He directly told to his several subordinates: “First take down this rash youth down for me!”

“O……” One of the subordinates in the front rushed out and promptly agreed, but just as he said half of this ‘Okay’, he caught sight of a big fist greeting his face right before his eyes. As a result, there was a “Peng!” and the subordinate was sent flying. This was completely unexpected and the subordinate didn’t guard against it!

And this hit was especially ruthless and spicy. After the subordinate hit the ground, he incessantly moaned in pain because his bones had been broken into many pieces. Under one fist, he was punched into a disabled person. Later on, he could ride in public transportation free of charge.

Ma Gangchuan looked on distracted. He didn’t think this oaf would be this amazing, directly overturning one of his subordinates. Even if it was in a situation where it was a sneak attack when not paying attention! His complexion became somewhat unsightly and he said to the other people: “Kill him for me!”

Actually, they didn’t need Ma Gangchuan’s reminder. The remaining 4 little brothers dashed and encircled Sha Dage. The collapsed little brother was their sworn brother buddy. In ordinary times they would get along but now that he had been flipped over to the ground, how could they not worry?

But the strength Sha Dage revealed nevertheless was impressive. Not waiting for these 4 little brothers to attack, Sha Dage took the initiative to attack and once again, without suspense, another little brother lied down on the floor. His eyes rolled up and he wasn’t able to say anything before immediately fainting after!

It had to be said that these little brothers and Sha Dage’s strength had a large disparity. They couldn’t even handle one move! One was a Fourth Layer Inner Strength Martialist while the others were hooligans who hadn’t even reached First Layer Inner Strength. Fundamentally, they weren’t on a level playing field.

Seeing two of the people that he had searched for be disposed of by the migrant worker by Xiao Chen’s side, Lou Zhenming was seized by anxiousness. Where had this person come from? How could he be this violent? Were migrant workers this ferocious?

But regardless of everything, Lou Zhenming couldn’t wait any longer. He had to make some response otherwise there wouldn’t be anything for him to deal with in a moment! As a result, Lou Zhenming had no other choice but to jump out ahead of time and loudly shouted: “Cheng Mengying, don’t fear, I’m here to rescue you!”

Although these words could be said to be a bit false and the current Cheng Mengying absolutely didn’t have any dangers, he couldn’t let ‘hero saving the beauty’ plan that he schemed with great difficulty go to waste. This was completely different from Lou Zhenming’s anticipation of Xiao Chen being beat up to the point of not being able to tell if he was dead or alive and Cheng Mengying receiving serious threatening.

After he finished speaking, Lou Zhenming wasn’t concerned about whatever attitude Cheng Mengying had. He directly dashing to the 3 not collapsed hooligans and started brandishing his fist!

Although those remaining several hooligans thought that the present was different from how it was planned out prior, since Lou Zhenming sent over his fist, they naturally put out an appearance of not being his match and successively fell down!

Seeing Lou Zhenming posturing, a trace of a sneer flashed past the corners of Xiao Chen’s mouth. Then, he gratefully and passionately said: “It’s Brother Lou! You came to save1 us?”

“Yes……Xiao Chen, quickly take Cheng Mengying and escape from here. Let me take care of this place!” Although Lou Zhenming didn’t want to let off Xiao Chen, this kind of circumstance made it clearly impossible to tidy up Xiao Chen, so he could only first let him run. But the words that came out from his mouth displayed much magnanimity, seeming like a hero who would rescue Xiao Chen in his times of calamity.

“Brother Lou, many thanks! Then we’ll go ahead!” After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he didn’t stay any longer. He used his left hand to pull Jin Beibei and his right hand to pull Cheng Mengying, then began running away!

Although Sha Dage was a little stupid, he wasn’t retarded. Hearing that Lou Zhenming and Xiao Chen were acquainted and hearing him call Xiao Chen as Xiao Chen, he knew that he had been fooled! Xiao Chen had no damn elder brother; it was clearly him that was Xiao Chen! The words that this kid had spoke just a moment ago was just nonsense to cheat him!

In addition, it was estimated that Xiao Chen spoke ******** in order to stall for time and wait until this whatever “Brother Lou” reinforcements arrived. As for those several robbers, they were probably an accident. This made him utterly angered! Seeing that Xiao Chen wanted to run, he didn’t bother dealing with the robbers and turned around to give chase!

However, Sha Dage’s movement in Lou Zhenming’s eyes became ‘wanting to follow after Xiao Chen to leave together’! In Lou Zhenming’s eyes, this Sha Dage was most likely Xiao Chen’s hire or helper. In front of Cheng Mengying, he was unable to teach Xiao Chen a lesson. But for this meddlesome Sha Dage that wrecked his plans, Lou Zhenming wasn’t prepared to let him off!

He lifted his hand and pulled on Sha Dage’s clothes, coldly saying: “Why are you leaving so urgently? As a robber, you must have the consciousness of being beaten!”

Lou Zhenming wasn’t stupid and immediately framed Sha Dage as a robber. In fact, he was fearing that this Sha Dage and Cheng Mengying had relations. If they had relations, then he could explain it as ‘I mistook him for a robber because I came “afterwards”. When he and Xiao Chen were together before, I didn’t see.

Moreover, the reason why Lou Zhenming dared to get rid of Sha Dage was because Sha Dage hadn’t exposed his real strength yet. After all, Sha Dage simply didn’t need to use his real strength for several hooligans. Therefore, what Lou Zhenming didn’t know, he didn’t fear.

“You and Xiao Chen are a group?” Sha Dage wrinkled his brows. Previously, he had a bad mood towards Lou Zhenming, but felt anxious to pursue Xiao Chen so he didn’t pay attention to him. However, he didn’t expect this kid to dare move against him! Was he tired of living?

“Correct! Robber, don’t run!” Lou Zhenming pretended not to understand and continued to frame Sha Dage as a robber.

But Sha Dage was clearly indifferent regarding whether or not Lou Zhenming framed him as a robber. He coldly gazed at Lou Zhenming and said: “Then you can die!”

Lou Zhenming was just about to ridicule Sha Dage as ‘fearless manner and lightning tongue” but before these words came out, Lou Zhenming’s cold sweat came out! Because Sha Dage clearly didn’t want to be entangled with Lou Zhenming, he directly exposed his real strength and prepared to kill Lou Zhenming with one fist.

Fourth Layer Inner Strength Martialist!

Lou Zhenming trembled from head to toe. He wanted to escape but both of his legs seemed to be weighed down with lead and he wasn’t able to move one step. Of course, in front of a Fourth Layer Inner Strength Martialist, he wouldn’t able to run away.

“Receive this move!” Just as Lou Zhenming turned pale in fright and believed that he was going to be finished here, Lei Dianfeng jumped out! He had also seen Sha Dage’s real strength but had no choice except to move!

In the most crucial moment, Lei Dianfeng directly jumped out and used his palm to slap towards Sha Dage! He feared that Sha Dage’s move would be harmful to Lou Zhenming, so he came out with his most formidable strength. Furthermore, the move he used was the most primitive! It was the most technique-less ‘firmly staking it all’2!


  1. TLN: In the raw, the wrong ‘jiu’ was used. The author meant to put ‘jiu(save)’ but put ‘jiu(at once/right away/etc)’ instead. This is what I feel as a Chinese person myself. . . 
  2. TLN: Last resort: plain punch/slap etc with all one’s strength behind it. 

[NYSS] Chapter 16

Here’s Chapter 16 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~


Crap, didn’t post last week because I was too busy studying for my final regent in high school and enjoying my break…

Well, I failed it anyway but I get to graduate since I already had my required credits and regents. And I’ve paid and gone to the graduation ceremony so if I don’t graduate, what do I do about the college that I already have a spot in?



Chapter 16 – Going To Yin-Yang Sect

Continue reading Chapter 16 – Going To Yin-Yang Sect


Hi guys, Raizu is here.

Sorry for the late update. Silva was on vacation last two weeks and lately, I was busy with Amayui‘s project too. m(_ _)m

Next chapter is already

Anyway, enjoy the new chapter~

Chapter 17

[Vol 1] Chapter 17

Father’s Decision

Author’s Note:
For the time being, it’s gonna use Russel’s the point of view as the third person. A father who is trying to defend his children, I think it’s really cool.

—Time goes back only a little, before Gerald returned from forest.

At that day, in the village, the usual daily life was as usual, which brought about boredom. It doesn’t have any shadow of turbulence, the situation is so peaceful and carefree as always.

The children is gathering and laughing happily in the plaza, while the adults cultivate the field with plow and hoes in their hands.

It’s scenery is like usual, surely, nobody ever thought that this situation would eventually be destroyed.

[Then, I’ll go out for a while] [Alright, Russel. Take care]

Russel went out the house like always, Cecil was holding Sierra and saw him off. She did not forget to kiss him on the left cheek.


[Lovey dovey—] Being teased by Sierra, Russel’s cheeks became bright red even though it’s their morning routine.

Russel is off to work, in the morning he often goes around the fields and houses that he rent out. Nevertheless, since the fields near the village are mostly are Russel’s land, it is impossible to go around all the fields just by half a day.

Therefore, Russel had adjusted and narrowed down the number of fields for only half a day, so he can go around all of them within seven days. Today, he planned to go through three fields in the morning.

Like that, as per usual, Russel left the house. However, one of the villagers came approaching Russel on his way to the field.

[Russel-san. Now, do you have time?] [Sure, no problem… Is there something wrong?] [You see, on the field that I rent from you, when I went there this morning, the crops are toppled over]

Russel knitted his brows hearing the villager’s report. Deep wrinkle appear in the middle of his forehead.

[Toppled over, you said?] [Yeah, it is]

According to the villager, when he went to the field this morning, all the crops in the farmland were dug up from the soil. And yet, there was no sign that the crop was eaten by something. It was as it they were being forcibly scooped out from the soil, and was thrown on the ground.

Russel listened the villager’s story and was a little doubtful.

There are certainly beasts that often ruins the farmland. Deer, wild boar, bear, or weasel. Those beasts who snatched the crops were usually being sold as human’s stock food or being sell from side to side. It’s not weird to say that the hostile creatures targeting the crops are part of the agriculture life in this village.

But, if they were only rampaging on the field without eat anything, Those are just some nasty pranks. Prank, is a cuter word for this, but the meaning is same, which is to enjoy causing trouble for others.

[Please help, Russel-san! If my field is left like this, it’ll impossible for me to harvest by this summer] [Umu. I’ll go confirm it for the time being]

Even though he didn’t completely believe him, Russel changes his destination toward the flustered villager’s field.

At this time, Russel thought about this;

What, it won’t take a lot of time. I can just simply check the field, we just need to re-plant the seeds and that’ll be the end of it. It’s certainly a heavy blow, but the summer is just starting and it’s not fatal timing yet.
It would be more miserable if this occurred during the end of summer. If you think about it, he can be considered quite lucky.

However, when they reached the field, Russel learned that his naive thought was a big mistake.

On the way to the field, Russel was unable to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling.
There is something fatally wrong here. Why do I feel so uneasy just walking past the the usual road? I feel that something big is going to happen.

— It’ll be good if it’s just my imagination.

However, the uneasy feeling was growing stronger.

When I noticed an unfamiliar footprint, the ground was unnaturally gouged out, at that time I realized that bark of many trees were whittled, my uneasiness grew bigger with each step I took.

And what I feared really happened when we reached the field.

[No way…]

The field, as the villagers said, was certainly overturned unnaturally. I understand after I saw it. At first glance, the fields that should have been leveled were ruined to the core, the crops were turned upside down, revealing their roots.

However the most important was the 『culprit』 that gathered on the field.

[A crowd of monsters…?]

What gathered there, was definitely a group of dangerous monsters. Multitudes of bizarre creatures with various colors and shapes, were assembled as if they were having a meeting.

Russel’s foot began to tremble at the situation that was beyond his expectation. The villager was also the same as him.
Fortunately, the monsters did not seem to have noticed them yet. Piipii gyagya, they just raised unpleasant voices.

While still being conscious of his feet, Russel could not peel his sight off from them. The fear of the monsters attack made his limbs froze.

[Vi, village]

Even so, he still manage to say something with a shaken voice.

[Go back to village, and inform everyone… Monsters, monsters are coming] [Y, yeah]

The villager nodded at Russel.

[Inform everyone]

Informing everyone, though I said that, my body didn’t move. I was blinded by fear, it made me unable to move.

However, I could not just stay frightened in such a place. My lovely wife is waiting for me in the house. I also have a daughter. Perhaps he might be stronger than me, but Gerald is still a “child” that I, Russel, have to protect.

Parents should be the one protecting their children. That’s why when Gerald and I encountered a demon in the forest, I picked up a weapon and confronted the demon. …… As a consequence, I exposed my miserable-self and was protected by my son.

Still. But still.

Isn’t it natural for a father to protect their family?

[Let’s go]

I gripped the villager’s hand, and took a glance at the monsters. They seems hadn’t noticed us yet.

[If we don’t inform everyone about this, the people in village won’t notice and will be attacked by the monsters] [Russel-san… You’re right]

The villager, responded and turned his glance to Russel. Both of them matched their eyes and nodded to each other, they turned their back from the monsters at the same time.

And then, they returned to the village to relay information about the monsters, but what welcomed them was —

—A flock of ugly monsters trampling the village.

[No way]

Russel was unable to say anything, he began to run towards his home immediately.

He encountered Miru on his way home.


Miru shouted at Russel.

[I can’t find Gerald! The situation is very strange, where the hell is he!] [… If it’s Gerald, I’m sure he is gonna be alright] [I will do something about it! Miru, you must hide yourself well. Understand?]

Miru was searching for Russel because she’s worried about Gerald, she nodded even though she hesitated for a moment.

She was still a young child. She should be full of anxiety right now. Even so, she still worried about her friends, it’s hard to believe that she was thinking of others despite her of current age.

[You will really do something about it, Oldman? Gerald, you will really do something about that guy, right?]

Before turning back and ran away, Miru turned her head to face Russell and left such a word.

While seeing off her brave back, Russel thought about the future of such young child.
Then what my present self is able to do, is to protect that [future]. We must survive the attacks of the demons, to protect the future of this village.

Russel’s house had not received attack from the monster yet. But, it’s only a matter of time. The monster wave will approach here soon.

[Russel! You are safe?]

When I walked into house, Cecil rushed at me with uneasy face. She held Sierra on her chest.

[Yeah. I am safe… Where is Gerald?] [Still in the forest. It’ll be good if he can return back early… Ah, but it’s dangerous to come back right now…]

Toward the sudden chaos situation, Cecil’s thought pattern was a royal mess.
Since Russel was not around, she must be feeling insecure.

I gripped her shoulder in attempt to calm her down, then I began to talk with a clear voice.

[Listen to me alright, Cecil? I need to go. This monster raid is a problem that will affect the entire village, so all the villagers need to do something in this situation. Do you understand?] [Yes. But…] [That’s why, I must fight. To protect the village, to protect you, to protect the children… So please, I want you to be here, hide yourself and keep Sierra safe. You can do it, right?] [What about Gerald?]

Cecil whispered in painful voice.

[That child, what is going happen to him?] [He is smart and a strong kid. I’m sure, he is safe by himself… I believe in him] [But] [Do you understand? I will say it one more time. I’ll fight. So, you should hide yourself and protect Sierra]

You can do it, right? Being asked by Russel, Cecil nodded while showing hesitation.

He gently raised her face and kissed her on the forehead.

[Thank you. That’s the girl I love] [Russel, I…] [I might be helpless, but as a man, as a father, as a husband — at the time like this, it’s not possible for me to ignore the situation]

In the end, Russel embraced Cecil and Sierra, before he turned around and ran out of the house.
The weapon that he chose was a pickaxe. A sharp agricultural tool used for crushing hard soil in the agriculture land.

It was impossible for me to learn magic, I am incompetent, I’m weak, but I am a heroic father. He began to run towards the crowd of monsters.

There is only one feeling burning vigorously in his chest. To repel the monsters, and protect the village where they could live peacefully.

Cecil, Sierra, and even Gerald, I won’t let those monsters lay a finger on you. Because I am— your father.

With that determination in mind, Russel exerted a lot of strength into his hands and swung the pickaxe down at the head of the approaching monster.

Author’s Note:
Next time, I will revert back to Gerald’s viewpoint.
It is a long-awaited Peerless Japanese.

Chapter 226 – Friends, Please Halt

After bidding farewell, Xiao Chen left the Pure Land. The simple and peaceful three years would definitely leave an indestructible impression in his memory.

The mountain range stretched for several tens of thousands of miles in the southwest border. Many ancient Jungle Tribe and Beastmen took up residence at this place. It was one of the most mysterious territory in the mainland.

The Pure Land was not at all located at the southwesternmost. It was actually very close to Middle Earth. If Xiao Chen was to unfold the Undying Wings and fly with all his might, he should be able to get to Middle Earth in just a single day.

However, he did not fly and chose to advance on foot. Who knows when he would be able to come back to this land again. He was a man who valued relationships, so he was somewhat reluctant to leave.

Climbing on an insecure and ancient plank walkway ⌈1⌋, Xiao Chen walked past the mountain road paved by the ancient beastmen. He felt as if he could see the traces of antiquity.

As he reached the Great Suiren Plain, he could see abundant of vegetation. It was full of vitality as far as the eyes could see. It was said that the ancestor god had once built his house on this plain, causing this land to become the most fertile place in the mainland. No matter what kind of seeds you planted, they would grow vigorously.

As he crossed the Slain Deity Valley and looked at those crumbled mountains, Xiao Chen couldn’t suppress his excitement. Just imagine, how fierce was the battle that took place here in the distant past?

More than ten days later, Xiao Chen walked out of the uncultivated land and entered the Middle Earth.

The boundless Middle Earth, it was vast and without boundary. This place was the genuine central location of the immortal’s mainland. It was a place that reflected the glories of illustrious heroes from time immemorial. It was a land that nurtured countless outstanding individuals.

There were even five powerful nations in the Middle Earth; namely Hsia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Vatican City, and Rome. The five great empires occupied eighty percent of the vast Middle Earth. The size of each nation was inestimable. Using the Great Hsia Dynasty as an example; there were at least fifty thousand miles from the north to south border, and forty thousand miles from the east to west border.

Any one of these nations was already far beyond the size of the mortal world. Without a doubt, this was a big shock to Xiao Chen.

The Hsia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty, and Zhou Dynasty was mostly occupied by the Eastern clan. While Rome was mainly by the Western clan. On the other hand, the majority of Vatican was occupied by those of mixed blood. More than half of the population that occupied the aforementioned nations however, were believers of Buddhism.

Other than the five great nations, there were many vassal states. Some were as big as ten million kilometers square, some were as small as a town with a moat. There were no less than hundreds of these tiny vassal states. However, they could only exist beyond the boundary of the five great nations.

Not many of these vassal states were capable of gaining complete independence. The most famous states among them were only the Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Mongol, Ming, and Ch’ing Dynasty. Although these eight states couldn’t be compared to the five great nations of Hsia, Shang, Zhou, Vatican, and Rome, their territory was still comparable to the nine dynasties of the mortal world.

The aforementioned, is enough to prove the vastness of Middle Earth. However, this is only true for the Middle Earth, it did not represent the entirety of the immortal’s mainland.

Moreover, to the north of the Northern Barren Land, to the west of the Western Mountainous Range, to the east of the Eastern Boundless Sea, and to the south of the Southern Uninhabited Islands, just what kind of unknown world lies beyond these territories, nobody could say for sure.

They said that, even the gods found it very difficult to enter those unknown regions.

After entering the Middle Earth, the mountainous paths were no longer arduous. It was not as unmanaged as the Southern Wasteland and the southwest border. Although there were still a lot of mountains and rivers in the Middle Earth, they were much more refined.

The mountains were covered by clouds and appeared faintly discernable. It was as if the mountain of immortals fell to the human world. The rivers were surging forward with crashing waves, as if a jade dragon was coiling around. The vast plains appeared to be boundless and full of vitality, as if the starry sky had fallen to the ground.

The mountains, valleys, and rivers painted a great picture. It was picturesque and glorious.

Xiao Chen had entered the southwest part of the Middle Earth. This was within the borders of the Great Shang Dynasty. The power of this great nation was at its peak, thus it was very peaceful.

After pushing his way through uncultivated forest for many days, he finally saw a huge city wall ahead. Xiao Chen felt extremely delighted, he was finally about to re-enter bustling human society.

This was a big city located at the southwest border of the Great Shang Dynasty. There were endless streams of horse and carriages within the city walls. Stores stood in great numbers and the sound of peddlers hawking their wares fell incessantly on the ears. The stream of people came and went without stopping, it was very bustling.

Xiao Chen directly walked into a restaurant. He chose a window seat on the second floor and listened to various fantastic stories from the other customers while enjoying his meal.

This restaurant was located on the most flourishing streets in the city walls. Many visitors would go past this area, so news traveled the fastest here.

Naturally, there were bound to be many practitioners among them.

“Hey, did you guys know, something big is about to happen.”

“What is it?”

“A major event among the practitioners, it might even involve a few great dynasties.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“Yuanshi dispatched his disciples down the mountain. Tongtian sent his disciples to the outside world. Things are going to be heated.”

“I’ve also heard about it. The Buddhist Sect is repeatedly losing their face recently. There has been no trace of those legendary figures for quite a few centuries already.”

“At present, there are no less than seven or eight big sects. If all of them were to dispatch their disciples, it will surely get very chaotic in the world of immortals.”

“Lu Bu who stands out among men, the Red Hare which stands out among horses, have you guys heard of this? They say that this guy was a general who died in the mortal world. However, his soul did not extinguish! Even when he entered the nether world, he was still an unparalleled authority that nobody dared to provoke. Not long ago, he reconstructed his corporeal body and reappeared in the living world. My master had seen it with his own eyes, Lu Bu was riding Red Hare as he paced back and forth on the ancient battlefield within the borders of the Great Zhou Dynasty. His murderous aura pierced the skies directly. Even the geese that were flying over got crushed immediately. His might is unimaginable!”

“Reportedly, the human butcher Bai Qi has also reconstructed his corporeal body and returned from the underworld with two hundred thousand soldiers. This Lord might be even more ferocious than Lu Bu!”

“Say, what do you guys think the odds of success are if historical figures like Bai Qi and Lu Bu were to face the experts from the Buddhist Sect?”

“It’s hard to say, although Bai Qi and Lu Bu’s techniques might not be as good as those of practitioners, but their ‘soul force’ is unmatched by anyone. For instance, once Bai Qi really goes crazy and go on a rampage with two hundred thousand soldiers, it would be hard to rout them even with a few senior Buddhas working together.”

While Xiao Chen was eating, he listened to their chitter-chatter quietly.

Many of these figures had showed up in legends of the past. And it was extremely possible they would make an appearance in the world once again. It was impossible for the hot-blooded youth to remain calm. He was looking forward to the day when these legendary figures would make their appearance.

Just when the practitioners were chatting in a frenzy upstairs, a thirty years old middle aged Taoist walked to the second floor. His eyes were listless and his complexion was pale. Even the whiskers that were drooping down lacked luster. He somewhat resembled a weakened god. While he was eating and drinking, he listened to everyone’s loud arrogant talk. Then he suddenly opened his mouth and said, “Everyone, the focus of the mainland now is not far from here.”

“What focus?”

The middle-aged Daoist priest smiled and said, “The Terra Empire of the South is already approaching Middle Earth. An immortal’s temple appeared in that region. Over the past few years, the practitioners of many major factions have already obtained unusual treasures from there.”

With a hissing sound, someone said resentfully, “What are you talking about, everyone in the immortal’s mainland already knew about it! However, nobody could make it into the innermost palace. After three years of ransacking, there’s hardly anything left to plunder. I even went there personally, but I couldn’t even fly up there. I could only watch at the side.”

The middle-aged Daoist priest laughed. His pale complexion and listless eyes made him look so weak and feeble as he said, “Recently, I heard that Sengen, Tongtian, and other such legendary existences were making their way over and preparing to break through the last seal.”


Cries of surprise immediately rang out on the second floor of the restaurant.

The weak-looking middle-aged Daoist priest smiled as he focused on eating and drinking.

“The huge figures are finally showing up. This won’t do, I must go and take a look no matter what.”

“We must go.”

The entire crowd had gone wild. Nobody would want to miss the chance to see what kind of treasure would come into being after the last seal of the temple was broken through. It had already been three years after all. The sky palace in the Terra Empire had stirred the hearts of many.

“Oh, that’s right. Daoist priest, did Lord Tongtian already figured out the origin of this Sky Palace? Otherwise, how is it possible for him to make a move.”

The Daoist priest smiled and said, “Of course, that is the ancestor god Youchaoshi’s Sky Palace.”

“The Sky Palace left behind by an ancestor god?!”

Everyone was shocked speechless. Soon after, many people directly put down their bowls and chopsticks, and left immediately.

In such a big restaurant, only the Daoist priest and Xiao Chen were left. Xiao Chen was not in a rush. Since the major figures were going to make their move, even if there were valuable treasures, there wouldn’t be any left for him. So what was the rush for? If he just wanted to enjoy the show, he could walk over there slowly.

The Daoist priest cast a quick glance at Xiao Chen before he proceeded to finish his meal. After that, he left in a hurry. After the meal, when Xiao Chen was wandering around the city, he ran into the middle-aged Daoist priest again. He was really putting out energy to advertise the news regarding ancestor god Youchaoshi’s Sky Palace, causing more than half of the practitioners in the city to leave.

Xiao Chen followed after him.

“How should I address this elder?”

“Poor Taoist Senxibao.”

“How come it feels so uncomfortable when I heard to his name.” Someone whispered.

There were also some who felt the name was familiar, “How come it feels so familiar, I wonder where had I heard this name before.”

Someone at the side said, “Did you forget? In the ancient times, there was a man called Saigonbao, there were countless casualties among Yuanshi and Tongtian’s disciples due to him. Although his strength was not something to write home about, anyone who ran into him would be out of luck.”

“Elder, for your name to be this weird, do you have some relationship with Saigonbao?”

“That’s my paternal grandfather.” The weak-looking Daoist priest was all smiles when he answered.

“What? The descendant of the fallen god? Oh my @#%¥…” A group of people immediately turned around and ran.

“Friends, please halt.” As soon these were heard, the group of people who just ran ten meter away halted and came back involuntarily.

It was such a bizarre event, everyone was dumbstruck. Immediately, they recalled an ancient legend regarding that fallen god. When he uttered the single sentence, “Friends, please halt,” just how many practitioners had been killed? To ordinary practitioners, this was even scarier than Tongtian’s four god slaying swords!


Episode 79 Mistake Born from Inexperience

「Leave it to me」

When Mona called Selena, she pulled out her magic guns, aimed, and fired.

With a pull of the triggers, the magic bullets flew out and decimated the monkey-like magical beasts.

「Another one appeared……」

When Yua discovered a new monkey-like magical beast, Selena pointed her magic guns in its direction, pulled the triggers and released the magic bullets again. And again, it was blown away.

Right now, the six were closing in on the Great Dakuria Empire. In the morning, they had breakfast and were on the move ever since.

On the way they passed by the two small mountains, yet didn’t encounter any magical beasts, their road was unobstructed. However, the moment they entered a forest, the attacks were coming their way non-stop.

They proceeded with Selena as the main attacker as Aishi and Lily assisted her. Like that, they were able to travel uninhibited.

Once the monster’s ranks were hit by mana bullets, they weren’t able to catch up with the six, who had their magic horses. Instead of fighting them to the end, the six decided to avoid direct confrontations as much as possible.

「One more incoming」
「I got it」

Mona discovered another magical beast.

However, the atmosphere surrounding that beast was different from the others. A magical beast that gave a feeling of being a high rank. Its appearance resembled a lion, the king of the beasts.

「Wait, bird woman. Don’t mess with this one」
「Eh? But…..」

She certainly felt that it was different from the other magical beasts, but she thought that it wasn’t that exaggerated.

As such, Selena, who was already in position to shoot, became confused at his instructions.

「Listen here, we aren’t so free to fight it. Everyone, full speed! We are going to shake it off」

Listening to his orders, everyone increased their speed to the maximum.

However, the lion-like beast didn’t let them go and chose to pursue.

Its speed was comparable to a magic horse at maximum speed, they weren’t able to open any distance.

Then, Selena and Aishi tried to aim for its legs to slow it down only to be stopped by Seiya.

Seiya ignored their questioning expressions and continued to ride at full speed.

However, they weren’t convinced and ignored his warning. They released a spell towards the lion-like beast.

「Maiden of ice『Ice and Snow』」
「Divine protection of fire『Fire Stake』」

When the two released their spells, the ground beneath the lion-like beast was covered in ice.

By covering the ground in ice, she severely inhibited its mobility.

Meanwhile, Selena tried to pierce its leg with a fire stake to completely stop it. The fire stake splendidly hit the lion-like beast and pinned it to the ground.

「How was that?」

Selena looked at Seiya with a smug expression. Aishi too, different from her usual self, looked slightly proud.

Recently, Seiya was somewhat able to distinguish emotions on Aishi’s always expressionless face.

However, Seiya wasn’t that happy over this. His expression was that of impatience.

Seeing his expression, the two wondered whether there was a need to worry so much. They thought that they would be able to escape if they pinned his down.

To these two, Seiya said as if blaming them.

「You two are idiots. Why did you act? 」
「What do you mean by idiots? We succeeded in stopping it」
「Can’t be helped. You two should stay away. Yua! I leave the support to you」

Selena and Aishi, who couldn’t comprehend its actions, didn’t know what was going on.

Mona and Lily were the same, only Yua understood the implications of this situation.

Yua immediately stopped her horse and jumped off. Seeing that his fiancée understood his idea, he smiled. However, his face hardened right after and he jumped off his horse.

When he looked at the lion-like beast again, the ground beneath it wasn’t covered in ice any longer. Selena’s fire stake was nowhere to be found too. Once Selena and Aishi noticed that they were left speechless.

「This is a lie…..」

The two were surprised at their magic disappearing without a trace.

The two didn’t know how this magical beast was able to erase their magic. They encountered the types of beasts, which were immune to magic, before, but just like Seiya, Aishi cast her spells on the environment to slow them down.

The magical beasts aren’t supposed to erase already cast spells.

The spell had successfully affected the ground below it.

However, this spell disappeared without anything left behind. This situation was beyond Aishi’s understanding.

The moment Seiya saw the lion-like beast, he remembered a certain magical beast. That beast caused them to suffer a lot in the Great Dalis Canyon before finally being defeated.

The white tiger beast with the lightning attribute. The beast before them resembled the lightning beast a lot. That’s why Seiya chose to avoid it before everything else.

Even if they are the magical beasts, a beast that can use magic is stronger than an average magician. They didn’t have time to entangle themselves with something like this.

But with Selena and Aishi having launched an attack, they had no choice but to fight. The beast wouldn’t have used magic as long as they would have kept running. However, once they showed the will to fight, it won’t restrain itself any longer.

This made their escape impossible.

「Leave it to me and Yua. The rest should watch over the surroundings. Yua, I will approach it first」
「All right…….be careful…….」

Seiya summoned his twin swords, the Hollins, and slowly walked towards the magical beast.

His movements showed no openings, yet it looked natural as if he was strolling in a city. The lion-like beast too slowly walked towards Seiya, but he could feel the thick killing intent from the beast.

The rest looked at him with worried eyes, only Yua wasn’t anxious and had a firm belief in him.

When they were separated by no more than 10 meters, Seiya moved into action. He put mana of the light attribute into his legs and accelerated, quickly shortening the distance between them.

The lion-like beast couldn’t react to his sudden acceleration and lost sight of him. In the next moment, a cut appeared on its right front leg and blood flowed out.


Feeling the pain from the cut, the magical beast roared. However, in the next moment, the wound began to regenerate and was quickly healed.

「As I thought」

Seeing it wounds recovering, he confirmed his speculations.

「Yua, it is fire-attributed」
「What are you going to do?」
「Well, I should manage by myself」
「Understood……then I’m watching you………」
「Yeah, I leave everyone in your care」

If Seiya wanted to do it by himself, Yua had no intentions to stop him. This was a proof of her trust as well as her desire to not drag him down.

Seiya in the demon king mode can immediately dispatch a monster of this caliber. But with everyone present, forget about the demon king mode, most likely, he couldn’t even show his dark attribute.

But even like that, he was stronger than Yua. That’s why she didn’t want to get in his way or be hated by him.

「This is…..wha…….」

The rest, who were still on the horses, were stunned. That voice could express the thoughts everyone had in their heads right now.


Episode 78 Tsundere!?

As a result of each group picking one person, the first 3-hour period was Aishi’s and Lily’s.

The first watchman, Aishi, looked somewhat more spirited than usual. On the other hand, Lily looked scared of Aishi.

「Best regards, Lily」
「Uh, un」

Previously, Lily received a trauma when she stayed at Nari’s house, but since Seiya and Yua were enjoying themselves, she didn’t tell them.

After roughly three hours. Seiya opened his eyes. Yua was asleep next to him. He tried to leave the tent without waking her up, but since she grabbed his sleeve, it proved to be more difficult than he expected.

Without any other choice, he took off his jacket and went outside in a shirt.

After that, Yua hugged the jacket and relaxed.

Seiya switched with Lily and sat on the riverbank.

Lily was guarding together with Aishi, returned to the tent with sleepy eyes. Most likely, she will fall asleep immediately.

When Seiya was looking at his tent, a single girl came out from the other tent.

「So you came from the student council’s side」

If front of Seiya stood Selena, who let her hair loose instead of her usual twin tails.

With the loose hair, she looked more graceful than strict. For a moment, Selena made an unpleasant expression but still sat next to him.

「And there is lolicon from your side. So you have some gentlemanly qualities after all」
「You are quite diligent yourself」
「I can’t just sit still. This operation is also for my sake」
「That’s true」

The two had such a conversation while sitting by the riverbank.

The two were discussing the rotation of guards. When the watch is split into three sections, the ones guarding in the middle receive the most of the burden.

Especially, the night watch. It was related to the matter of sleep.

Taking this time as an example. Lily and Aishi, who went first, can sleep for six hours after their shift.

Yua and Mona, who are on the last shift, can sleep for six hours before they need to guard.

However, for Seiya and Selena, who can only sleep for 3 hours before and after their shift, it is undoubtedly harder. That’s precisely why Seiya picked this time.

「Well, I’m counting on you for three hours」
「Yeah, same here」

The silence was born between them.

Only the sound of the flowing water was present. It wasn’t that surprising for silence to be born.

Although it was called a watch, they annihilated every monster they came across while they traveled. That’s why monsters were afraid to approach their camp.

Even if they do attack, with their ability it won’t be difficult to dispose of them.

「The stars are sure beautiful」

Selena looked at Seiya, who was stargazing, then also looked up. It was a beautiful sky full of stars.

Each star gave a feeling of competing with the others in brightness, thus creating a mesmerizing scenery.

「It’s true. Beautiful」
「Somehow, with this starry sky you can easily forget that you’re still in the dark territory」
「Right. Hey, lolicon」
「What? 」

Selena suddenly called him in a gentle voice.

「Thank you」
「What’s up with that all of a sudden?」

Seiya was confused at her sudden gratitude. But he wasn’t the only one confused, Selena was the same.

She herself didn’t know why she suddenly had the urge to thank him. However, she thought that she must say it and it came out from her mouth before she noticed.

「Un. Thank you for coming with us to the dark territory. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to even reach here」

Gazing at the starry sky, she mysteriously felt herself becoming more honest.

If it was the usual her, she would have strongly retorted, but right now, she was honest with herself. More than that, she just said what she thought.

「Don’t mind. I accompanied you for Nari’s sake. You should thank me after we successfully rescue her」

Selena was honest indeed.

Usually, she would have returned a strong reply, but now she just accepted his words. Whether it was due to the starry sky, she didn’t know.

However, it was sure comfortable.

「Hey, what kind of place is our destination?」
「Who knows. I don’t know that much. Nevertheless, whatever happens, I will definitely deliver everyone back to the Leiria Kingdom in one piece」
「How reassuring」

Selena didn’t want to end this comfortable time.

「Of course. If I don’t, I won’t see the end of it from that Bagil guy」
「You seem to be on good terms with each other」
「I don’t know whether we are on good terms or not, but he is a person of the trustworthy category」
「I see. Do I qualify to be in the trustworthy category? 」

The usual Selena would have taken back this question in a fluster, but she didn’t have such intentions right now. Her expression was a mix of expectation and anxiety.

「Of course. If I didn’t trust the student council, I wouldn’t have taken you with me」
「I see」

Hearing his answer, her expression was somewhat disappointed.

After that, they talked about irrelevant things and watched the sky. Seiya was lying on the riverbank and stargazing, Selena too looked at the stars while lying down.

Maybe because 3 hours have already passed, Mona and Yua came out from their tents.

When Yua saw the two stargazing next to each other, she was displeased for a moment, but immediately laid next to Seiya and grabbed his hand.

Once Selena saw that, she looked at her and Seiya’s hand but swiftly stood up and went back to her tent.

「I’m leaving it to you」

Saying this, Selena entered her tent. When Mona saw such Selena, she「Arara」looked at Seiya.

Without caring about her gaze, he grabbed Yua’s hand back. About 10 minutes after that, Seiya decided to return to his tent and sleep.

When he entered inside, he saw Lily using his jacket as a hugging pillow and patted her head.

With her head patted, she, despite still being asleep, revealed a stupid grin. While watching such Lily, he laid down and let his consciousness be embraced by the darkness.

At the same time, in another tent.

「What happened back then…….I….」

Her face was bright red and she felt extremely embarrassed.


Episode 77 Their Past

「I understood about our destination. But I want to know before everything else. Who on earth are you, no, you three? 」

Mona was firmly looking at Seiya. This question was bound to be asked eventually. Mona won’t be satisfied with a half-hearted answer.

「What do you mean by「Who are you?」」

He asked to confirm what exactly she wanted to know, even though it was meaningless. He understood what Mona wanted to hear, but it wasn’t an easy thing to tell.

Mona was aware that they weren’t too eager to tell about themselves, but for the sake of the future, she couldn’t dismiss it.

If she is to believe his story, this time their opponents were some unknown people. To raise the success rate of the operation, it was necessary to trust each other as a team. However, in the current situation, she could work with them but couldn’t trust them.

「There are a lot of things I want to hear. First, from where did you come from? You suddenly transferred to our academy and became the strongest team. I didn’t hear of any famous magicians of Kiritsuna family. Not just that, you are the fiancé of Yua-san, who is a daughter of a special magician. Just how did it come into being? 」

In reality, this question bothered not just Mona, but the whole Arsenia Magic Academy.

A mysterious magician that appeared like a comet and shook the academy with his status of Yua’s fiancé. Immediately after, he defeated the student council and became the strongest in the academy.

Mona’s questions didn’t end with just that.

「Also, what kind of magic did you use in the church? I neither heard nor saw such magic before. It looked like the magic was erased, but if there was such magic, you would have been scouted by the Holy Church long ago. Yet, you aren’t affiliated with the Holy Church. In addition, you seem to have a friendly relationship with one of the thirteen apostles, Bagil Eight-sama, and you also consider each other on equal standing. Not just that, you know the information that could only be accessed by the highest echelons of the Holy Church. Are you going to say that you are an apostle yourself? There is an apostle of the same age, but your surname is different, right? 」

Mona’s doubts grew the more she spent time around Seiya. The same applied to Aishi and Selena.

「I have something to ask too. In a fight against me, lolicon was able to calmly deal with my『Atos』. How could you remain completely unfazed against that? Any normal magician won’t be able to do it」

Selena bombarded him with the question of her own.

She was stunned when he dealt with her strongest attack, but when she thought about it later, she found it eerie how calm he was.

Selena knew only one student who was capable of something like that, but it wasn’t Seiya.

「And it’s not only you. Yua-san too. Yua-san brought out the harpoons and tent parts just a while ago, is it summoning magic? If it is summoning magic, why are you even keeping the tent parts with you? In most of the cases, summoning magic can only summon a single thing object. When you fought us, you summoned a rapier, a hammer, and a bow. How is this even possible? 」

Mona’s doubts not only concerned Seiya, but also extended to Yua. The being the pattern, the next one was for Lily. The one who questioned Lily was Aishi.

「Lily too. Are you really a magician? I could only see that as directly manipulating the water. Besides, you turned an adult. You can’t have such ability at a young age」
「Eh? 」

Lily became confused from Aishi’s questions. At this rate she was about to confess everything so Seiya intervened.

「Take it easy. You ask too fast」
「True. I apologize, I was too agitated. However, it you won’t answer, we won’t be able to entrust our backs to you」

Mona apologized for her behavior, but it seemed that she wouldn’t retreat. Selena and Aishi were the same, they firmly looked at Seiya.

「Everything that I’m about to say is the truth. I want to especially point it out」
「I understand」
「I got it」

The three properly replied. But at the same time, they were hesitant to know the answers. They were hesitant to know his true identity.

Instinctively, they understood that they should know it for the sake of the future. They perked their ears, while being nervous.

「First thing first, I did come from Aquaristan but from Windistan. I was a student of Senabia Magic Academy. That being said, I’m probably considered dead there」
「Dead? 」

Mona was full of doubts. Whether he dropped, transferred, or went missing, they shouldn’t have listed him as dead if something happened to him outside the academy.

If something happens to the student outside of the academy grounds, he would be listed as a drop out.

「That’s right」

Seiya affirmed her question. No one would record the death of a student under normal circumstances, she had no choice but to wonder about it.

Seiya, the「dead」exception, begun his explanation.

「Although no one usually records students as dead, there is a single exception to this rule」
「But it can’t be……this is impossible…」

The president of the student council, Mona, seemed to notice, but the other two weren’t aware. Mona, who understood what he implied, gazed at him with a surprised expression.

「That’s precisely what happened. I was officially「killed」in the dark territory」

Following Seiya’s statement, Selena’s and Aishi’s expression showed the understanding. The two realized the reasons behind this treatment.

The only exception to this rule for the magic academies is when「a student that was killed by a magician in the dark territory, if the body can’t be recovered, he is to not to be treated a dropout 」.

Normally, magicians should protect themselves by their own power. If something ever happens to them, it is treated as their own responsibility.

However, the incidents involving magicians in the dark territory are treated differently. When a magician due to some abnormal circumstances kills another magician, it goes beyond their own responsibility.

If his body wasn’t discovered, the possibility of him being alive still remains, as such, he won’t be dropped out.

In case he is treated as dead, the personal student file still exists. Those who left the academy by themselves or went missing need to complete a certain procedures to return to the academy. But if you wish to attend academy again after your 「death」, you can do it without any troublesome procedures.

That’s why these cases are considered as exceptions. That being said, no one had the chance to enjoy this privilege yet.

「One day, I was caught up in a ploy of a certain advanced magician clan from Freestan and brought out to their base in the dark territory together with a few of my classmates. After I escaped, I found Yua and Lily there. Once we were out of the facility, we decided to go to Aquaristan instead of Freestan. For that reason, we traveled through the dark territory」

At this point, Seiya was already lying.

Lily’s identity is a fairy and they met her in the Great Dalis Canyon. But it would be bothersome to go into the details, so he ended up saying that they met after breaking out of the facility.

The three, who listen to the story, were left speechless. That wasn’t difficult to understand. After all, they heard how he suddenly was kidnapped, suddenly escaped, and traveled through the dark territory. They didn’t know what kind of reaction they should make.

At the same time, they were able to understand something. The reason for their strong attachment to life.

The experience of Seiya and the others weren’t normal. They experienced a moment of life and death.

It was no wonder that they became stronger than the student council. Thinking about that, they realized their own naivety.

「When speaking about going to Aquaristan, you need to pass the Great Dalis Canyon first」

When they heard about the Great Dalis Canyon, the three shivered for a moment. They knew about it from the book, but were in the dark regarding the real circumstances. However, they knew that it was impossible to cross it without sufficient ability.

「When I was conquering the Great Dalis Canyon, I landed myself in a life or death crisis, and before I noticed, I broke through my limits. That’s how I obtained my current power. That power happens to be dangerous so I hide it with the help from Raiga and Bagil. This is our story」

Seiya stopped at this point.

He told the student council about their origins, but didn’t touch on the details of their ability. However, they didn’t want to ask anything else.

They weren’t sure if it was okay to dig deeper into his past.

「Tomorrow we will ride early so let’s bring an end to our discussion. We will occupy this tent, you can use the other one」

While saying that, Seiya walked towards a newly built tent. Yua and Lily followed him, and three entered inside.

However, right after that, Seiya poked out his head from the tent and told them.

「About the night watch. How about one person from each tent for 3 hours. Each shift is three hours」

The student council members looked each other in the eyes, confirmed their intentions and nodded. After that, they went inside their tent, decided the rotation and retired for the night.


Episode 76 World Chronicle

World Chronicle. It is a history of a period before the appearance of magic. Before the Leiria Kingdom was founded, there was a single god. The people worshiped the god as well as his two children.

The people back then weren’t aware of the concept of magic and weren’t able to utilize it.

One day, the god, who ruled the land for hundreds of years, died. The people thought that one of his two sons would become their leader. However, the god’s children considered each other as obstacles.

Due to that, the sons of god fought each other.

The god had a special power. Sometimes he「created objects」, sometimes he「erased objects」, sometimes「cured the disabled」, sometimes「relieved the pain and suffering」, sometimes「hardened the fragile bones」.

That’s why he was called a god.

That power was, of course, inherited by his children and used in their fight. The people felt as if the world was about to end and prayed for them to stop fighting as soon as possible.

However, the god’s children fight wasn’t about to end anytime soon. The god’s children had different powers from each other. One didn’t have the power to「erase objects」, the other wasn’t able to「create objects」.

Having the opposite powers, they recognized each other as enemies and decided to kill.

The people, who have been spectating the never-ending battle, at some day, joined it. They were driven by their desire to dispel the fear from the rest of the people.

The people pledged themselves to the god’s children, whom they believed in, and joined the fight. The god’s sons granted their respective divine protections to their followers.

That was mana. The people accepted the mana and obtained the power of god.  But only the powers of「erase objects」and「create objects」didn’t manifest in any of them.

The war escalated and involved the whole humanity. The people fought with everything on the line and the day to settle everything finally arrived. It happened after 30 years of fighting.

In the end, the god’s child, who had the power to「create objects」, killed the god’s child, who had the power to「erase objects」.

With that, the leader’s position was decided and the world was finally at peace. The new god with the power to「create objects」hunted and executed the allies of his enemy, who had the power to「erase objects」. As a result, he created a world void on any opposition.

After that, the new god married and left the world to his children. That was the beginning of the Leiria Kingdom. However, the magical beasts that appeared out of nowhere disrupted the peace and severed the god’s bloodline.

With the god’s clan destroyed, the people left the country to the god’s clan subordinates. That was the beginning of the Holy Church.

And once the Holy Church discovered anyone with the power to「create objects」, they passed a position of the leader to that person. However, for some reason every single person was female and everyone came to call them as goddesses.

That’s how the Leiria Kingdom arrived at this point.

It is compulsory knowledge in the academy. It falls under the kingdom’s history. On a side note, the reason why the country has kingdom in its name while not having any royalty is that the Holy Church still honors the god’s clan.

「But why did you suddenly remember the World Chronicle?」

Selena’s question as troubling everyone present except Seiya. Except for the privileged few, no one knows about the Great Dakuria Empire in the Leiria Kingdom. No one even thinks about such a possibility.

That’s why, following his next words, the student council members lost their words.

「But what if the god’s child with the power to「erase objects」managed to survive?」

Even Yua, who was aware of the dark element, couldn’t hide her surprise. Raiga told her about dark magic, but he never mentioned any outsiders.

He couldn’t predict how this knowledge could have affected her. That’s why he only told her about dark magic and the countermeasures against it.


Lily, instead of losing her words, felt as if she remembered something. However, her face was that of uncertainty. She didn’t show any surprise after learning about the Dakuria.

(So I ended up remembering it………)

Inside of Lily, another Lily muttered so. The adult Lily’s face was stiff. However, the child Lily didn’t hear her voice.

「Is it even possible?」
「It’s hard to believe it without any evidence」
「I don’t believe」

The student council members completely denied that possibility.

It wasn’t difficult to understand. Yua, who knows about the existence of the dark element, can perhaps associate the power to「erase objects」with it, but the student council, who doesn’t know, can’t easily accept it.

It denied their common sense. It was like saying「There were humans with wings in the past, some of them are still flying in the sky」and asking to believe in it. There was no way they could believe that.

「Well, it is indeed unbelievable, However, it is true. A part of the Holy Church believes it」
「In that case, do you have a proof? 」

Aishi sharply replied. Truth be told, it was difficult to present a proof.

For example, if Seiya showed his dark attribute and said「I’m one of them」, they might have believed him. However, that would have created trust problems and thus hindered the rescue operation.

Without any other choice, Seiya decided to proceed as it is.

「There is no evidence that I can show to you」
「Then I can’t possibly……..」
「Ah, that’s fine for now. Please listen to my story until the end」

Aishi faltered for a moment under his serious eyes. Selena and Mona didn’t say anything. Once Aishi saw that and also assumed an attitude of a listener.

Although, deep inside they considered this story quite ridiculous.

「The god’s child with the power to「erase objects」somehow survived and retreated from the territory of the current Leiria Kingdom with a group of his trusted comrades. Then, he went deep into the current dark territory」
「Didn’t he fight with the magical beasts back then? 」

Selena intended to listen quietly at first but doubted his ability to move in the dark territory unobstructed.

Even if he was a god’s child, his power wasn’t different from magic. Listening to his story, it was even closer to mana than to the magic. There was no way to survive in the dark territory with these conditions.

Instead of Seiya, Mona answered Selena’s question.

「The magical beasts didn’t exist at that time. They were the reason why the god’s bloodline died out, but there were no indication of them when the god’s child ruled the land, Selena」
「Precisely. At that time, there were no monsters in the dark territory. Even if there were some, they should have been on the level of wild beasts like tigers and bears」
「I see. Sorry for interrupting」

Selena was convinced by Mona’s argument. The World Chronicle wasn’t that important to always keep in mind, so she wasn’t sure of the exact event sequence. Yua had the same question, but since Selena asked first, there was no need for her to ask again.

「Don’t worry. The god’s child traveled a long distance from the Leiria Kingdom and established a new country there. The country was named as the Great Dakuria Empire. This country still exists」

At this point, Mona noticed.

「Then the kidnapper of Moka-san…….」

Mona finally discarded her carefree attitude from before. Previously she thought that his story was ridiculous, but now it started making sense.

Mona remembered the problem about this whole incident.

That is「Why did he aimed for Moka? Why did he choose that timing? 」. The question itself was simple. A lot of tourists came to the city of Moru due to the Aquamarine.

The church’s people became busy, but if you think that the security became weaker, you are wrong. The are strong magicians and the people affiliated with the Holy Church mixed with the crowd. The security looks lax at the surface, but they would be able to immediately react to any emergencies.

Moreover, their response would be even stronger than usual. Adding to that, 『Fenix’s Flames』is extremely important to the Holy Church.

Adding to that, 『Fenix’s Fire』is extremely important to the Holy Church. Stealing something like that before the eyes of the Holy Church is a serious provocation.

The best timing to kidnap would have been one week after the Aquamarine. At that time, the Holy Church’s people would have returned, the security would have returned to its normal state. No, thanks to the afterglow of the Aquamarine, it would have been even weaker.

However, the fact that he didn’t choose that timing hinted that he was either ignorant or wanted to pick a fight with the Holy Church.

If you pick f fight with the Holy Church, the apostles would be sent after you. There are no people, who wish for that to happen.

That means, he is ignorant. The being said, the Aquamarine is a famous festival in the whole Leiria Kingdom, you can easily investigate it beforehand. In that case, you should be able to notice that this timing is wrong.

Nevertheless, the criminal chose that timing. In short, he is stupid, or just ignorant, or both.

According to Seiya’s story, Dakuria’s people shouldn’t see the Leiria Kingdom in a good light. In that case, this incident makes sense.

Thinking up to this point, Mona started to faintly believe Seiya’s story.

「You are right. Moka Fenix was kidnapped by a person from the Dakuria」
「There is no way I can believe this」
「I agree with Selena-senpai」

The two tried to deny Seiya’s conclusion, but Mona stopped them.

「His story explains a lot of things. I find it difficult to completely reject it」

After that, Mona told them about her speculations. The two weren’t completely convinced, but they understood her logic.

「Something like this…….」
「Then the place we are heading to……..」

Towards the two, who lost their words, Seiya said.

「Right. We are heading towards the 2nd district under the Great Dakuria Empire」

The destination voiced by Seiya was something none of them could think of. They didn’t know what kind of place it is. The only thing they did know was that they need to cooperate between the six of them before even reaching there.

Yua immediately believed in the existence of the Dakuria.

It wasn’t difficult to reach that conclusion. Raiga told her only about the dark magic, but there should be people, who can use it.

It was magic unknown to the public, but since Raiga was able to teach her about it, he should have met someone who could use it before.

However, there were no rumors in the country about such an encounter. In other words, it happened outside the country.

There are no other perfect candidates except the people of the Dakuria.

「I understand…….」

Yua answered with strong determination. She put a lot of things into her determination, but the biggest one was the desire to follow after Seiya anywhere.

「Lily too!」

Lily was uneasy just a while before, but now, her vigor was with her again. Lily wasn’t different from her usual hyperactive self.

The student council felt the need to settle their thoughts. Both, Selena and Aishi, recognized that they had no choice but to believe Seiya.

「I get it」
「I understand」

Deep inside, they still weren’t ready to believe. But at the same time, they felt as if they had to.

That left Mona, but her face was even more serious than before.

「I understood about our destination. But I want to know before everything else. Who on earth are you, no, you three? 」

Mona firmly looked at Seiya. So this question finally appeared, thought Seiya.


Episode 75 Staying in the Dark Territory

When the sun was about to set, you could spot the six on a mountain path in the dark territory.

Close to the beautiful river, you could see the two tents and a bonfire. At the first glance, it looked like someone was on a pleasure outing, but it wasn’t that relaxed. It was a camping spot for the advance team for Moka Fenix rescue operation.

After they left the church, the six rode the horses for half a day.

On the way, they were looked at strangely by the gatekeepers, but once they saw the 『Request from the thirteen apostles』issued by Bagil, they immediately changed their attitude and let everyone pass.

After that, the six traveled non-stop for half a day and stopped only when the sun was about to set.

There were no humans and, most likely, monsters around the campsite, except for the six. The river quietly flowed and the fish were leisurely swimming in it. The student council was gawking at every little thing they saw during their first trip in the dark territory.

Actually, the horses weren’t ordinary horses either. The six were using a special breed of a horse called『Magic Horse』accessible only to the apostles, their direct subordinates, and the special magicians.

Unlike a normal horse, 『Magic Horse』is able to use mana. That being said, they aren’t able to generate mana themselves, so they need to be powered by the mana of the rider.

A magic horse powered by the mana is able to exert more power than usual. They might have traveled for half a day, but it would have taken 5 days on the normal horses.

Of course, they weren’t able to maintain their speed forever, that’s why they camped near the river to rest.

Naturally, they bumped into the magical beasts on the way, but since it was just a one-sided annihilation, they didn’t slow down.

Most of the time, he was leaving the monsters to the student council, but when they weren’t able to cope he intervened himself. This wasn’t very effective but was implemented to let the student council adapt to fighting the magical beasts.

The student council was able to annihilate most of the monsters, yet Selena with her magic guns was a masterpiece.

As soon as she saw a monster, she pulled out the magic guns, fired a mana bullet, it hit the monster’s head and the end.

Selena’s appearance, when she was shooting in the head every moving thing while riding a horse, resembled a cowboy.

Thanks to that, there weren’t many chances for Seiya to participate. By the way, Seiya was in charge of magic-immune boar-headed bears called boads.

In that case, Seiya used the dark magic to erase soil under their feet and create the improvised pitfalls.

While they advanced, they spotted a river and decided to camp on a riverbank.

Originally, Selena wanted to continue going forward, but she reluctantly gave up due to Mona’s persuasion. Even if they decided to camp there overnight, there was a problem of bedding. There, Yua’s holy attribute showed its usefulness.

She used the holy attribute to produce enough iron bars to construct the frames of the tents and assembled it. As to why she wasn’t able to produce the tents with the skeleton already installed, it was because of the materials being too different from each other.

In short, only one material can be produced at one time. Since Yuriel was completely metallic there was no problem, but to create metal and cloth at the same time was too difficult. That’s why she had no choice but to split the skeleton and cloth.

In this way, the rescue operation met no difficulties until now. With the bedding situation resolved, it was time to solve the food problem.

Fortunately, there was enough water due to the river, but the food was another matter. There, everyone decided to catch some fish from the river.

「All right……」

Being called by Seiya, Yua immediately guessed what he wanted. Yua activated『Holy Creation』and made a large number of harpoons. Seiya grabbed them and approached the river.

「You aren’t going to……」
「Isn’t it a little difficult to pull off?」

The student council wasn’t that optimistic about his idea. It was impossible for an amateur to succeed on his first attempt.

Instead of doing that, you can use different ways to fish, they thought. However, Seiya immediately proved them wrong, with Lily’s help that is.

「Lily, do not hold back」

As she was told, she faced the river and lifted her hands in the air with great momentum. Immediately, a part of the river rose in the air.

Lily was an Undine, a water fairy. Manipulating the water was the same as eating breakfast for her. The water was suspended in the air for a moment and then fell down into the river, fish not included.

No matter how fast the fish in the water is, it can’t do anything in the air. Seiya kept throwing the harpoons towards the fish suspended in the air one after another. In a blink of an eye, he nailed about 20 fishes.

「It can’t be happening……」
「That was amazing」
「So it wasn’t stupidity」

The student council’s members lost their words at the incredible performance.

「As expected of Seiya…….」
「Lily worked hard too!」
「Yeah, thanks, Lily」

Seiya patted Lily’s head while being stared at by Yua. And after being patted by Seiya, Lily immediately recovered. Seeing Lily enjoying by herself, Yua requested for the same treatment.

The student council started doubting their common sense, looking at this scenery.

「All right, we have the ingredients. All that is left is cooking……」

Looking at the caught fish, Seiya contemplated how to handle them. The reason being, he never had any contact with cooking before.

There he looked at his own fiancée, but he never saw her cooking before. Of course, Yua’s answer was negative. Lily didn’t require food to live in the first place, so she never bothered.

With things as they were, the student council was his only hope, but

「Can’t help it, give them to me」

Selena voluntarily stepped forward.

And after few tens of minutes, many dishes appeared before everyone. Grilled fish, boiled fish, some kind of soup and other things.

「Did the bird woman make all of these?」
「That’s right, Do you have any complaints?」
「No, just thought it is amazing」
「I-Is that so?」

Yua furrowed her brows for a moment, but no one noticed. Everyone tasted Selena’s dishes.

Seiya decided to start with the soup. The moment he tasted it, his eyes narrowed.

「Delicious! You are incredible, bird woman! 」
「Y-You think so?」
「Yeah, to the extent of wanting to eat it everyday」

After tasting her soup, Seiya displayed a wide smile. Her soup produced a great impact on him.

He felt his whole body warming up the moment he brought a spoon to his mouth,

「E-e, every day?! It is not like I did it for you! 」[1] 「Yeah, I know. I just wanted to say that it is tasty enough to want to it eat every day」
「I know」

Looking at Selena, Yua secretly swore to raise her cooking skill.

「Everyone, can I have a moment?」

However, it was time to dispel this carefree atmosphere. Seiya gathered everyone’s attention and spoke about everyone’s future actions.

「I want to talk about the things ahead of us. However, do you know the world chronicle? 」
「Is that a story about the origin of magic?」

Selena answered Seiya’s question with a question of her own.

「Right. Before the formation of the Leiria Kingdom, there was a sole god in this world. The people lived while worshipping that god」
「I know. That god had two children, who were later called god children」

Mona knew about this. In the first place, it is told in the academy’s history lessons in the beginning of your studies.

As long as you attend the history lessons, you should be aware. If you didn’t know, that indicated that you never attended in the first place. There was no way for the student council to be in that category.

Yua looked like she knew. The only one left was Lily, but she also knew for some reason.

Then, Seiya quietly told them, about the origin of everything.