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[Female Knight and Dark Elf] – Chapter 26

Feel that the chapters are too short? Yeah, me too actually. I’ve actually been thinking of increasing the weekly chapters from 2 to 4, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough budget yet for this project. In fact, if this keeps up, this project might even be dropped due to a lack of interest.

If you like this series and wish to support the translator, please head on to the Patreon page and make your pledge!

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» Chapter 26 «

[Female Knight and Dark Elf] – Chapter 25

Feel that the chapters are too short? Yeah, me too actually. I’ve actually been thinking of increasing the weekly chapters from 2 to 4, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough budget yet for this project. In fact, if this keeps up, this project might even be dropped due to a lack of interest.

If you like this series and wish to support the translator, please head on to the Patreon page and make your pledge!

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» Chapter 25 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 29

Luggage, check! Flight Ticket, check! Hotel Reservations, check! Places to visit, check! No Last Minute Plan, uh…

Anyways, my body and soul are now ready! Come at me, vacation! I’m now fully prepared to face you!

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» Volume 1 Chapter 29 «

Reincarnation into the Barrier Master Episode 88

Hello, Ankydon is here.

If you see any typos/errors/etc, feel free to mention them in the comment section, for they won’t be neglected.

Episode 88
Episode 88 (Ad Link)

Dragon Princess Chapter 28

Just last week, I was having a bit of a headache thinking what should I do for the upcoming month in terms of Demon Sword Maiden translation. I’ve put Nexus on the job, but apparently, the author’s writing style is vastly different from what he’s used to, so he was really slow. A few days past the deadline and he only finished 3 out of 15 commissioned chapters.

Therefore, I’ve decided to take Demon Sword Maiden back into my hand and let Nexus have a go at Dragon Princess. I believe he should be more comfortable with this style, but who knows~ We’ll see in the upcoming month.

And a few days ago, I received a message from a good friend of mine, asking me if I am still paying someone to translate Demon Sword Maiden. He told me he will get back to me after confirming a few facts with his current employer, and just yesterday, it has been confirmed that he will be working on Demon Sword Maiden for the long term!! That’s a most joyous news! With his skills and proficiency, I’ll have no worries about the future of Demon Sword Maiden anymore. But of course, to hire someone of his caliber comes with an extra price, I’m paying him a little higher than what I would to other fan translators.

And on a side note, there’s another good news for Re:Library. I’ll try to keep this short and just direct you to this link: Succubus, Levelmaker, and Hero’s Daughter join Re:Library.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 28 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 91

Tiny chapter today, don’t hate me. Silva scolded me yesterday, apparently people don’t default to opening links in a new tab like I do, so I need to manually set up all future links to open in a new tab for all the normies out there.

Now to discuss some personal stuff like I mentioned yesterday!
So a few of you may remember that I signed up for the Invaders kickstarter at the start of this month! Well recently they released a new reward package that comes with a short-story custom written by the author, for your personally! Obviously I stupidly squandered all my money on it almost instantly. The problem is, I have too many ideas for prompts! Someone help!
The story will be set in the same world and feature the characters of the novels! Only common sense limits are applied.

I’ve compiled all the ideas that have been suggested so far.
Concept 1: A duel between Theia and Yurika, showcasing the strengths and weaknesses of Technology and Magic head-to-head.
Concept 2: A research institute studying the different technology and magic systems.
Concept 3: Something about Charl because she’s a frelling adorable little sister.
Concept 4: Theia and Koutarou get stranded in London after a miscalculation when returning from the Blue Knight.
Concept 5: A press conference about Forthorthe making contact with Earth.
Concept 6: Combine concepts 4 and 3, they get stranded in London and to pass the time Koutarou reminisces about Charl to Theia.
Concept Stupid: “Have all the characters dream they swapped genders” – Silva

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 21 «

Levelmaker Chapter 78

And a New Chapter Added…
The TL is on fire at the moment so lots of chapters are being released…

Click here to start reading:
» Vol 3 Chapter 78 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 90

Did you guys see the recently finished art Silva commissioned for Demon Sword Maiden? Some of you may remember the poll that was hosted long before I became an editor here, well the results are in!

Silva even said there’s an extra NSFW version over on the Patreon!
BTW I’ve seen it and it’s very uhm…inspiring. Yes. Inspiring. I feel a strong urge to write a .5 Chapter coming on.
Not convinced to go over to the patreon yet? Well don’t worry, because if you guys support it enough then Silva plans to commission another piece of art! With extra NSFW goodness how can you possibly turn it down now? Even a single schmeckle would help!

Tomorrow I have some questions for you guys personally, so get your thinking hats on!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 20 «

Succubus, Levelmaker, and Hero’s Daughter join Re:Library!

Diz a joyous day! We got three new translators joining Re:Library with the iconic Succubus’s Life in Another World, Levelmaker, and Reborn as Hero’s Daughter! Looks like Phase 2 of Project Gender Bender is off to a smooth(?) start?

SirMetathyst is currently working on the next chapter of Succubus’s Life, it was 80% complete last I heard from him. The progress is a little slow and we expect 1 chapter monthly, but SirMetathyst is hopeful to increase his proficiency and increase his pace to 1 chapter per week.

Fenderson will continue to work on Levelmaker while Yuki edits it, so there are no changes to this novel for now. There is no fixed schedule as Fenderson joined Re:Library as a collaborator instead of a hired translator. Same with Yuki who’s currently working on Hero’s Daughter.

However, Yuki has promised that she will focus a bit more on Hero’s Daughter from now on and we can expect at least 3-7 chapters per month, so we have something to look forward to. As of now, however, Yuki is still working on re-translating the previous chapters to make up for the low-quality translations. Once that is done, we can expect some new chapters of Hero’s Daughter coming out soon 🙂

Levelmaker Chapter 74 – 77

Hi guys, Yuki here… I have come to this place to move both levelmaker and Eiyuu to this place…

The TL will still be fenderson and I will do the edits for Levelmaker, while I will do the TL for Eiyuu as usual and someone else will be doing the edits…

This place is collecting genderbenders so I decided to move this too over so the current series on my site may have decreased, it will still be fine and my series will now be all pure Yuri/Shoujo ai content XD…

There’s still the other series from other TL’s but those are fine since they were random TL’s and would only drop by from time to time…

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 74 | Chapter 75 «
» Chapter 76 | Chapter 76.5«
» Chapter 77 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 9

And I present Chapter 9 of Not Sure, Another World!
Did you know that in survival situations raw meat can actually be better for you? That’s because cooking it can actually destroy the chemical bonds inside, and if your diet is too restrictive that can actually deny you needed vitamins. This was a common problem during early Arctic expeditions.

Not that I recommend it.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 9 «

[Female Knight and Dark Elf] – Chapter 24

Hey everyone! I’m finally free from the construction on my building and all I can say is… Feels like I’m in heaven!

I hope you guys enjoy this week’s batch, definitely getting interesting in my opinion 🙂

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 24 «

[Female Knight and Dark Elf] – Chapter 23

Hey everyone! I’m finally free from the construction on my building and all I can say is… Feels like I’m in heaven!

I hope you guys enjoy this week’s batch, definitely getting interesting in my opinion 🙂

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 23 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 27

The time is almost here, just a few more weeks before I fly~
Vacation sure is an expensive hobby eh?

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 27 «

Demon Sword Maiden Illustration

You may find the Official Art and Fan Art of Demon Sword Maiden below. Click on the image to open the carousel and enlarge them.

Official Art:

Continue reading Demon Sword Maiden Illustration

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