All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Alchemist Startover Chapter 82

New Chapter!
I almost entirely forgot to edit and schedule this chapter until after I turned off my PC and was about to prepare to sleep…
Only to see the reminder on my phone!

Except not, because wordpress keeps crashing!
So I can’t even schedule it properly!

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 1101

New Chapter!
After ReZero did the “dust explosions aren’t actually that convenient” twist making fun of the cliche of isekai protagonists defaulting to dust explosions when wanting to flex modern knowledge on unsuspecting fantasy worlders I didn’t think I’d get another amusing twist of the same type.

But this one went a step further, and had the isekai protagonist completely oblivious to existence and applications of something from Earth that other characters knew.

I am really enjoying the gimmick of the twin heroines being massive geeks who love researching objects from Earth and being really knowledgeable about them, while the protagonist is dragged along because he’s “one of those objects from Earth”.
I look forward to future chapters from this.

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» Vol. 12: Chapter 49 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 1100

New Chapter!
Chapter 1100! A milestone!
I got to celebrate with my new wifi device for my PC.
Which I then couldn’t use because we had a power outage!
Luckily it only lasted two hours, but it was annoying.

Then I installed the new wifi device!
The speeds are twice as fast as they used to be, but still half as fast as downstairs.
Hm, maybe I should try moving the device?
The instructions said to avoid ground placements so maybe I should do that?

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» Vol. 12: Chapter 48 «

Automata Maid Chapter 191

New Chapter!
If all goes well then today I should receive the powered wifi adapter thingy! Hurray!
I will test it out and compare the results and see what I like more.
Worst case scenario I can just refund and return it!

Well, that’s the entire point of the policy, no idea why I am acting evil.

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» Chapter 191 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 190

New Chapter!
I got reminded of an anime that my brain automatically sorted into “that ancient era of anime” due to what I remembered of it.
The concept and general designs felt very old school so I just accepted that I was probably right.

So I went and looked it up, and it was from 2013…

That wouldn’t be too bad, if it wasn’t for the fact the top comment on the video I used to look it up was “I remembered watching this when I was 7″…

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» Chapter 190 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 189

New Chapter!
I am so tired.
It’s been really hot all day, and it’s not pleasant.
It’s still not heat death level, but just, annoyingly warm levels.
This is what the lack of cooling methods does to a person.

If only I had decent ventilation in my room, I swear.

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» Chapter 189 «

God’s Gofer Interlude 7

New Chapter!
It’s about 5am and I should be in bed.
But instead I am discussing with some people on discord about the design philosophy of AI app logos…
I am not sure why…

I just found the topic a bit interesting because I noticed so many were using generic nondescript star sparkles as their symbol.
And the few that weren’t were all using generic nondescript wavy line shapes.

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Alchemist Startover Chapter 81

New Chapter!
It’s been really hot here the past couple of days.
At least not heat death levels.
But uncomfortably warm levels.

Like you might sweat but it’s possible to cool down as long as you’re aware it’s warm.
Sometimes I wish UK houses had AC.
Well, my house is 100 years old at least so… yeah that wasn’t a consideration.
Also my room has awful ventilation.

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Alchemist Startover Chapter 80

New Chapter!
So our new internet got installed today!
It’s usually around eight times faster than it used to be! Which is great!

Or it would be if I could use it!
The house I live in was built like a hundred years ago so it obviously wasn’t built with internet in mind, there’s no proper internet cable that runs from the downstairs to the upstairs, and the one that does is from like the 1990’s… it can only handle about 50mbps… I am the only person upstairs who uses the cable so the amount of effort to change it is too much since it would mean tearing open walls…
So anyway, I have to think of a solution now. I also tried a powerline adapter but that only gained me about 10mbps more than the old cable.

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 1099

New Chapter!
I have spent the past couple of days working with an artist on a mecha musume scifi variant of my OC.
I have got very very absorbed in it.
I never realised how many individual mecha tropes I like in designs and working out the best combination was an interesting task.
Semi-related but we also somehow ended up discussing josei female lead design tropes too…

Unrelated to that, when this goes live I should be getting my new internet installed!
I will enter the age of tomorrow! Or well, catching up with society at least.
In theory it should be ten times faster, but we’ll see, we’ll see…

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» Vol. 12: Chapter 47 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 1098

New Chapter!
I had to sacrifice my internet today.
My family wanted to stream the football match on the large projector down the end of the garden, but the cable for that location is shared with my computer, which means if I do anything on my computer at the time I completely tank their speed. Of course they wouldn’t have that when they want to watch their sport ball. So I was forced to sacrifice my rights.
Well… I just used my phone as a hotspot so in reality it had no effect on me.

But I like being dramatic.

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» Vol. 12: Chapter 46 «

Automata Maid Chapter 190

New Chapter!
I’ve been reading this manhua recently, and I really like the concept…
But it is SO chinese!

Every solution to every problem is “Make your country communist”!

“The elves have become religious racist pricks?”
“Have you considered communism?”

“The humans have become a corrupt empire?”
“Have you considered communism?”

“Your republic has become a stagnant collapsing nation?”
“Have you considered communism?”

It bothers me because the concept of this story is really good! But then it just turned into “Spread communism”

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» Chapter 190 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 188

New Chapter!
The first episode of Why Does Nobody Remember Me is out.
I need go watch it.
I am on the fence about it though, the studio isn’t one exactly known for this genre…

I am allowed to have apprehensions about it okay!
Well, I’m sure it won’t be terrible… probably.

Please this is a good manga I really enjoy it!

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» Chapter 188 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 187

New Chapter!
After the Steins;Gate event in Neural Cloud I have suddenly got loads of Steins;Gate videos thrown at me by youtube this last couple of days.
Anyway crazy how that game is 15 years old now.

15 years!
Absolutely insane.
You can feel the passage of time between the first and second game by the fact the second game uses a smartphone while the first is a flipphone.

Do kids even know what flip phones are these days?
I just gave myself psychic damage.

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» Chapter 187 «

God’s Gofer Interlude 6

New Chapter!
I saw a tweet earlier today saying “there’s a full on Boycott happening” about Mihoyo…
I had a look and it was like 1200 people signing some petition about their dislike of Genshin character designs.

Oh noooo!
I am sure Mihoyo will feel a massive financial dent from the…
checks notes
1300 people leaving from its…
turns page
63 million active players!

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