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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 39

I actually wanted to translate three chapters this week so I can have more leeway next week, but alas, this chapter has so many terms in regards to tea ceremony and gave me a run for my money. It doesn’t help at all that this chapter is 1.5 times longer than usual and my brain just gave up thinking from overworking. This chapter alone ended up taking me 4 days to translate. Good thing I only released one chapter last week and the other chapter was half completed already.

Thoughts of the day:
I heard sugar is nutrient for the brain, I wonder how true is that?

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 38

If you see me inputting a lot of comments in the chapters, that’s me getting stressed out in the middle of translating and had to find a way to vent it out.

Anyways, moving on to business. I have given this offer to someone who left a comment in Patreon, but he never did reply back, so I’ll be giving this opportunity to the first comer. Now that I’ve gotten a fair amount of patrons, I can afford to spend up to 50 dollars per month to buy the VIP chapters off another reader, at the rate of 1 dollar per chapter. Do note that I can buy all thousands of VIP chapters from the publisher for not more than 60 dollars, then why am I spending 50 dollars per month to buy only 50 chapters from a reader instead? Isn’t that counterproductive?

It’s simple, what I need is a raw text file, the image format of the raw from the publisher is not what I’m looking for, and it’d slow down the translation pace too. (I’ll explain more on this in the next post).

If you’re interested to take up this job, please send a sample text file to [email protected]
Preferably Volume 2 Chapter 18, the first VIP chapter of Demon Sword Maiden. I need to check the text file against the raw from the Publisher to determine if the accuracy is high enough for me to pay for the future chapters. Once approved, I will send you an email for confirmation and we can discuss the payment method and delivery method after that.

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 37

Yep, I don’t have a schedule. Even though I was releasing 2 chapters at a fixed time per week, I do not want to set anything in the stone because it will only end up pressuring myself, and I know for a fact that I can’t keep a schedule. If I don’t have one to begin with, nobody will expect anything, and nobody will be disappointed if I am late with my chapter release.

Same goes with Patreon, please be reminded that becoming my patron is 100% voluntary and the rewards are not guaranteed. You only get early access to as many chapters as I have translated. For only 3 dollars, you will gain access to everything I have. Be it 1 chapter, 2 chapters, or 10 chapters, it will cost you nothing more than 3 dollars per month. I will not ask for more to get early access to more chapters as that would be contradictory to everything I said prior to this.

For now, I find that translating one chapter with an average of 3k words in 2-3 days to be manageable, so you can continue to expect this steady pace for a while. That is unless real life gets in the way or the author increases the chapter length, I hope not right?

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 36

I have so many things to say but there’s just not enough column to contain all my rant. But the really short version is that life sucks so expect only 1 chapter next week.

Anyone who cared to read the long version; there are two reasons:

Real hell is starting tomorrow. From tomorrow morning until mid-April, I have to wake up at 4am and get to work by 5am during the weekends, including Friday.

Why do I need to get to work so early you ask? Well… You know how some people will line up in front of the shop before dawn in order to buy a limited item right? This isn’t really the case but it works as an analogy.

I have to wake up early in order to collect the annual subscription fees from all those customers.

With that said, I will apologize in advance if I can’t keep up with the chapter release. Since I needed to wake up early, I obviously needed to sleep early, so I won’t be able to translate until late night. I normally start translating after work, at approximately 7pm until 11pm.

Faulty Laptop
The other reason is that my old laptop used for translating breaks down on me. I personally reformatted the laptop and wasted one valuable day on it. The next day, the CMOS battery died and I got the accursed 5 beeps every time I start up the laptop. I tried to screw open the laptop but I got “screwed over” instead. Took me a good hour to figure out how to unfasten the keyboard, cause ya know, laptop keyboard is really tricky to unfasten. After finally getting through that ordeal, I thought everything else would be a breeze, but who knew… two screws got stuck in there and I was unable to screw them open, imagine the frustration I was feeling then, I tried various ways to unlock those screws, but to no avail. After one good hour of meaningless struggle, I finally decided to just drop it at the IT store tomorrow, I’ll just pass on this headache to them for a frigging 50 bucks.

Don’t you just hate it when your PC or web server goes wonky on you when everything was working fine just the other day?

Thoughts of the day:
I said that I don’t have a schedule, but I am somehow keeping up with two chapters a week. Mind Blown

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 35

Translating is easy, that’s what every bilingual person must have thought of at least once. I can finish reading a chapter in 30 minutes, I should be able to finish translating one chapter with just the same amount of time.

However, it is not that easy in reality. The words don’t get automatically translated in your head, the structure of the sentence is different in both languages and you have to think of the most appropriate words to use in order to translate each sentence without losing its meaning. One sentence which can take you 3 seconds to read will take you 3 minutes to translate. One chapter that can take you 10 minutes to read can take you 4 hours to translate.

I have a friend who told me he could translate a single chapter in 30 minutes, so I gave him a project and asked him to translate it for me. I asked him the next day, he told me it’s not done. I asked him again the day after the next, he’s still not done. And this process repeated for a month and he’s still haven’t provided me with a single chapter.

Translating sound like an easy job, but it’s actually not. You have to stop whenever a new term come out and do some research to see if there’s an official translation of said terms and if there is not, you have to think of how should you translate that word. I especially hate any words with the “神 (literally: god)” character in it. Any terms with that “god” character attached may come in several meanings and is very ambiguous. To name a few, it can be “consciousness”, “mind”, “spiritual power”, “shikigami”, “eyesight”, “temple”, “expression”, or literally “god”.

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 34

Rain is a blessing from heaven. I almost died from heatstroke at work just now, no kidding. It was so hot I could feel the heat getting into my head. Why can’t the weather play nice and lower the temperature to a moderate degree! Don’t you just hate summer? It’s so hot to an unreasonable degree! What’s worst than summer is that you are in a tropical country where summer is prevalent 365 days a year.

Thoughts of the day:
I wish spring would come to me, in both meanings. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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[HCLS] Chapter 96

Here’s Chapter 96 of High Comprehension Low Strength~

God, does anyone even still read this anymore? Anyway, still looking for someone interested in taking over this project which is still on its last wheels.

On another note, I’m working on Chapter 98. I’m doing my darned best to hit Chapter 100 under the pressure of school, work, and life. I guess I’m not good enough in terms of time management.


Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 33

Yes, I guess many of you have been wondering why I haven’t been posting on Ziru’s Musings. There are various reasons but I guess the main reason had to be this: It’s just not worth the hassle.

What? That wouldn’t cut it? Okay… here goes the nagging.

Posting on three sites at once is quite a lot of work actually, and there are little to no benefits to gain. Wait, what do you mean three? Not two? Yeah, three! I included Patreon in the equation. I mean, I wouldn’t mind posting on three sites if there are actually some benefits to gain, people do work a little harder and deal with the hassle if there’s something to gain right?

My main goal, which is to spread awareness of this novel to more audience didn’t go so well. Even after posting on Ziru’s Musings, the number of readers is still more or less about the same. I guess that’s pretty much to be expected, most readers came from Novel Updates after all. And Ziru doesn’t seem all that excited to have me over, he didn’t even bother reading Demon Sword Maiden, give a short review of the novel, and make a post to announce me moving over. Well okay, he did read a bit when I asked him to, but only the first few paragraphs and his grammar nazi habit kicks in.

Remember the friend I told you who said my English is not that good? Yup, that’s the culprit in the flesh. Though I appreciate it when someone tells me something is not right and correct my sentence, I do not appreciate someone who is literally changing every single sentence I translated, it just makes me lose my confidence you know… He literally went and changed almost all the sentence he read through in Chapter 1. I can show you the chat log with his “correction” on Chapter 1 if you so wish.

I know it was not his intention to “diss” my English, but it still made me feel bad and hurts my confidence.

Thoughts of the day:
Wow the author literally used a Japanese character in this chapter’s title.

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 32

Wao… what just happened? The site just went “Error 520” for the entire day and got me panicked at work. After I got back and spent a few hours trying to fix it, and then without really accomplishing anything in the end, the site health just went back to normal. What gives… I wasted all day worrying and trying to find out what is the issue and it just up and fixed by itself…

What an unproductive day it is… I am already as busy as I can get, yet this site was toying with me for an entire day 🙁

I’m thinking that maybe it’s time to move this website to another server soon. I just don’t have the time to take care of this site while working full-time and translating simultaneously. It is better if I just move to a managed server so I can have professionals looking after my site for me while I do my own thing, even if it is a lot more expensive than unmanaged server…

Changed Bathrobe to Yukata (Suggested by IB)

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 31

Well, this is nothing new as it’s always been this busy at work every year from February to April. Anyway, just a heads up. Starting from this week, I will be required to work even during the weekends until the end of April.

Since I do not translate during the weekends, I doubt it will affect the current release frequency. But who knows, translating is still considered a “work” no matter how nice you try to put it and there’s a possibility I will need to work overtime during weekdays as well. There’s also the chance that I might have another mental breakdown from overworking and go into a slump. Anyway, I will try to keep up the translation without putting too much mental stress on myself.

Thoughts of the day:
What do you guys think of Progressive Web App (PWA)?

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 30

This is the last chapter of the Night Arc of Volume 1, the next chapter will be the beginning of the next arc. I have no idea what’s the actual translation of the next arc yet mainly because the title remains as ambiguous as ever, so I’ll just leave the arc name as blank for now until we read deeper into it and figure out the content of the following arc.

Though if you insist, the literal translation would be Rising Moon Arc I suppose? Rising Moon eh, looks like we can expect something related to the moon in the next arc…

P.S. And no, this is not the end of Volume 1. There’s still many more chapters to come in Volume 1. The first volume has been separated into many different arcs, and each arc comes with at least 30 to 50 chapters.

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Chapter 30 Mysterious Runes

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 29

The answer to the thoughts of the day last week; what’s the biggest taboo for a translator? I’ve gotten a lot of interesting answers and the taboo varies from person to person.

But personally, to me, I think the biggest taboo for a translator has to be indulging in reading a novel or manga. Whenever I picked up a new series to read and get attached to it, I’d forgo everything else and indulge myself in reading throughout the days and weeks until I finally finish all the chapters. That includes my full-time work, translating, and even sleep.

When I picked up a new novel to read, I always find myself reading EVERYWHERE, literally everywhere, when I’m in the car, at work, at home, at a restaurant, at a party, in a meeting, and even on the bed. It be like I’m totally possessed by something that propels me to read until the end as soon as possible.

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Chapter 29 First Battle: One vs Four

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 28

Hm… anyone interested in taking up the role of managing the Wiki page of Demon Sword Maiden? You can find the syntax for the infobox in this link, use that when you’re creating a new page for characters and don’t forget to add the categories so that they will appear in the appropriate category page.

Thoughts of the day:
Do you know what’s the biggest taboo for a translator?

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Chapter 28 Trap

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 27

Is everyone out there surfing the web safely? Did you check the site’s reputation first before visiting it for the first time? No? Don’t worry, WOT Web of Trust has you covered! It can protect you from potentially harmful sites and let you check if a website is safe before you reach it.

It is not completely foolproof since the site’s reputation is mostly rated by its hundreds of thousands of users, but at the very least, you can view the site’s reputation as rated by the users before accessing it.

WOT Services have saved me from accessing harmful (virus/scam) sites on several occasions and let me know what to expect when visiting new sites for the first time. So why am I telling you this now? Of course, it’s because I wish you’d download the extension/app and rate Re:Library on WOT 😉

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Chapter 27 Archery, Horsemanship, and Taro

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 26

Chinese New Year turned out to be as busy as expected, glad I translated these chapters ahead of time and scheduled them sparsely.

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Chapter 26 Slicing Teacup

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