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Dragon Princess Chapter 11

Readers of Dragon Princess, in case you haven’t already been informed, a new Japanese Gender Bender novel will be published on 1st September. You can find the novel page and synopsis in the following link:
The Life of a Female Knight and Dark Elf

Please look forward to it.

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 11 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 10

I had plans to go to Hong Kong Disneyland next year, then I stumbled upon a piece of disturbing news regarding Hong Kong rioters getting violent with the police officers. Yeah… no thank you, I guess I will put off Hong Kong as a holiday destination for a while…

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 10 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 72

I truly hate making last-minute vacation plans, I wonder why men in general, always do this. My father always asked me to book for flight tickets at the last minutes, and then there’s my friend, who told me to plan for a vacation trip to Penang and Melaka since July, but we still haven’t gotten around to book flight tickets and hotel rooms since his passport is still pending.

I hate the idea of booking for flight tickets and hotel rooms at the last minutes because they tend to be more expensive and harder to find a good deal.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 2 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 71

Well, ladies and gentlemen, wait… do ladies even read this series? Anyways, that’s not important. Just wanted to let you all know that the 3rd project has been unanimously decided by the Patrons. Remember how I told you I might be hiring a Japanese translator to translate a Japanese Gender Bender series with my own pocket money? The talk has proceeded smoothly since then, to my demise, and now the third Gender Bender project on Re:Library has already been decided to be ‘The Life of a Female Knight and a Dark Elf‘.

Click on the link above to be redirected to the novel page, where you can find the synopsis. This series will probably begin publishing on 1st September.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 1 «

For those interested in the poll results, here they are:
Continue reading Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 71

Dragon Princess Chapter 9

Someone told me to copy/paste a random joke from Google if I have nothing to say, so I heeded his advice and did just that:

Every time the person next to you turns the page, make a strange sound, or a beep.

I don’t know about you, but I laughed when I read that 😋

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 9 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 8

When you are publishing 4 chapters per week, you really do run out of things to say so quickly. Well, there’s nothing to see here, just click the link below and enjoy reading~

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 8 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 70

Oh right, has anyone noticed the artistic touch I’ve done to the site banner? I’m not sure about you, but I’m quite fond of it. I changed the banner several times and finally settled with this. Then I spent hours staring at it.

Though it’s a shame that the banner is a little too small when viewed on mobile devices. But anyway, gimme your honest opinion, what do you guys think of it?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 40 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 69

The next chapter will be the last chapter of the second arc. We will be moving to the third arc starting from Chapter 71.

The following arc will be the third arc of volume 1 known as Crimson Arc, when translated literally. There will be twenty-seven chapters in this arc. Then the last arc of volume 1 can be translated as either Soul or Spiritual Arc, with fifty-eight chapters in total. After that, we will finally be moving on to volume 2, where the VIP chapters are starting.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 39 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 7

Ran out of things to say, but enjoy reading regardless.

Thought of the day:
The boba girl song is surprisingly good.

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 7 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 6

Work has been getting busy and I often find myself getting back home at around 7pm in the evening these days. Adding on to that, the workload on Re:Library is also increasing ever since putting my plans into action. The only relief I got from all these is that Dragon Princess has short chapters for now, so I am still somehow managing despite the busy schedules.

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 6 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 68

We just got a new editor for Demon Sword Maiden, please welcome the newest addition to our team, Robinxen. His work isn’t as detailed and throughout as Deximus, but he got the speed and decent English skills to back him up. With this, we probably wouldn’t have to worry about getting new editors for a good while.

And as a side note, we are now 79% towards our next Patreon goal. Reaching that goal will increase the weekly release of Demon Sword Maiden from two chapters to three.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 38 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 67

I have weak tear glands, I always found myself tearing up whenever I watch Fairy Tail, even in scenes that not actually remotely tear-jerking. My eyes will get wet just from the sight of a character crying on the other side of the screen.

Although I do have to admit that Fairy Tail, despite being shunned by some fans for whatever reason, has great characters development. Because otherwise, there’s just no way you’d be able to invoke tears in the audience if the characters have a shallow background. I once wished I could reach that level of writing one day, where my fiction could move the readers with an emotional roller coaster.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 37 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
Demon Sword Maiden Fanart Commission
The Future of Re:Library

Dragon Princess Chapter 5

There’s a lot more of you reading both of the series I am currently publishing than I thought. As the translator, I am very honored that you guys are sticking with me 🙂

Currently, the chapters of Dragon Princess seems to be averaging at 1.5k source words per chapter, which is pretty short in its own right. I’m not sure how long this will keep up and if the chapter length will increase in the future, but hey, as a translator, I actually like short chapters as they are less stressful to translate.

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 5 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

Dragon Princess Chapter 4

How many readers of Demon Sword Maiden is reading Dragon Princess right now? Or are they waiting for more chapters to build up first before they start reading? Raise your hand if you are reading both Demon Sword Maiden and Dragon Princess! Let me know your presence 🙂

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 4 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 66

I think I might need another editor for Demon Sword Maiden soon. I mean, I don’t have a problem with the current editor, he does great and high-quality work, but he also has other commitments so he works on the slow side. I’m thinking that maybe I should hire another editor to help ease up his work and also for preparation when we reached the next Patreon goal.

Okay, the next goal hasn’t actually been determined yet but obviously, I’d be increasing the amount of commissioned chapters per week when we do reach that goal. So I will need more than 1 editor to help keep up with the increasing workload. If you are interested to apply, please fill in the form in this post and submit your application.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 36 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
Demon Sword Maiden Fanart Commission
The Future of Re:Library

Your Gateway to Gender Bender Novels