Category Archives: Translations

[Vol. 3] Chapter 4 – Ruins

On the third day after we started our trip the flat road gradually turned into a slope.
 Now we approached a gentle hill.

“Hey, you guys, do you know where we are?”

 Crescent Moon talked to my seniors.
 That face is telling me she’s planning something.
 I gradually came to understand her despite the mask.

“No, I don’t know. Does big sis know?”

“Here’s a famous place. Don’t you know about the Orlea hill?”

“Back then there was a huge battle at this place, right? It was called the Battle of Orlea.”

“What’s with that? I never heard about this. Was it like this, big sis?”

 Oh, Drum-senpai is quite the knowledgeable person.
 On the other hand, Bass-senpai is the type who strayed from the right path.⌈1
 I bet he only did bad things when he was still in school.⌈2

“That’s right, back then a huge battle between nobles took place here.”

“So what’s with that, big sis?”

 Crescent Moon grins at Bass-senpai’s question.
 Oh boy, my senior got caught in her trap.

“About this, at this place……they appear. When night falls, you know?”

“Wh, what about them appearing? Come on, please don’t make fun of me, big sis”

“Tha, that’s right. We aren’t afraid of that kind of stuff, we’re already adults after all.”⌈3

 That’s not what your expression tells us, seniors.

“It was a big battle so does that mean a large number of people died here?”

 Knopf comfortably listened to this.
 Ehm, you don’t have to carry on with this topic.

“……That’s right. It was a fierce battle until the middle but then a betrayal happened and it became unilateral.”

 The faces of Pick and my seniors listening to Crescent Moon’s story were a little too serious.

“Countless bodies of murdered soldiers and commanders rolled down the hill and it is said the river was dyed red. Look, it should be the river we crossed over just a while ago.”

“Eeeeh?! I drank out of it.”

“Well, you probably don’t have to worry. Since then these bodies wander around when night falls. Saying things like, where is the traitor?”

“Please stooop, I’m not good with stuff like this!”

“Wha, what are you saying Pick, that’s just superstition. Hey, Head?”

 Drum, please don’t call me over.
 I was talked to but I decided to ignore it.
 Honestly, I’m not good with those kinds of stories as well.
 I don’t have any supernatural senses, though.⌈4

“Huh? Why is Akatsuki looking the other way? Could it be that you’re weak against this as well?”

 Why does that fellow look so happy?⌈5
 But if I reacted now I would just do what she wants me to.
 I thoroughly ignored Crescent Moon.

“The clouds are somehow looking weird.”

 When I heard the cat girl Knopf’s voice I turned to look at the sky and black clouds suddenly appeared.

“That’s bad, we’ll get caught in it.”

 At Crescent Moon’s exclamation, everyone put on their mantle’s hood in a hurry.
 At that time I got off and put a leather cloth over the baggage.
 We hurried our horses but the rain became more intense.
 It wasn’t much but a hood and mantle had to do.
 It’s inconvenient that rain gear like umbrellas and raincoats don’t exist here.

“Is there anywhere we can take shelter in?”

“Head, there’s a building!”

 When I looked in the direction they pointed in I could clearly see the shadow of a building behind the hill.

“Alright, we can take shelter from the rain there”

 We moved towards the building.

“This, was this originally a church?”

 As I approached it seems to be a ruin abandoned a long time ago.
 As Pick said, it seemed to have been a church.
 The door was locked with a simple lock but Pick opened it in no time and we were able to enter.

“Oh, this somehow looks promising.”

 Bass-senpai joyfully said this.
 We got into a large room which I thought was originally the sanctuary.
 Several broken banks were lined up there.
 There was nothing enshrined on the shelf in the front, I wonder if someone stole it.
 Although it was leaking here and there but at least we had a roof over our heads and it’s far better than outside.
 We put down our baggage at a place without leaks and then took a break.

 Bass, Drum and Pick, those three tore off a part of the floor boards then broke some chairs and used them as firewood to light a fire.
 It’s blasphemous but it’s good to against the cold.⌈6
 Thanks to that I can warm up my body and feel a little more comfortable.

“Finding this good place really saved us.”

“This is probably a church destroyed at the time of that battle.”

 Following Knopf’s words Crescent Moon looked around and started talking happily.
 The rain got better but the sun was covered and it got really dark.

“Let’s see, looks like this place wasn’t used in quite the long time.”

“It’s kind of creepy.”

 My seniors are still pretty shaken by that story from a while ago.

“Hey, you guys, go look if you can find some food in this room somewhere”

 Crescent Moon smirked while she instructed my seniors.

“I don’t want to! There shouldn’t be any food in a place like this anyway.”

“That’s right, how long ago do you think it was that people lived here?”

 Seniors, don’t resist.
 Of course, I definitely don’t want to go either.
 In the end, we boiled some water and made dinner with the things we brought.

“But for such a place to appear like this.”

 ……It’s starting again, those ambiguous statements of Crescent Moon.
 I feigned ignorance but my seniors reacted to this brilliantly.
 That’s why, be good and enjoy yourself, seniors.

“The, there’s no way that something will appear here, right?”

“That’s right, this place is a church in the first place?!”

 Joyfully listening to my senior’s reactions Crescent Moon answered.

“You guys don’t know about it, huh? In the first place, a church is where ghosts gather. Besides, there were several sword cuts and traces of blood smeared on the chairs and the floor. Didn’t you notice?”

“Eeh? I didn’t notice that at all. Drum, did you notice anything?”

“No, I didn’t notice anything. Where did you see that?”

 My seniors shook their heads.
 Oh boy, they completely fell for Crescent Moon’s trap.

“Now that you say it I definitely saw some cuts on the chair I broke a while ago.”

 Pick said this fearfully.
 Knopf read a book on her own while Pick was taken as well.
 Crescent Moon nodded as she heard this and continued to talk.

“There’s no doubt about that. The soldiers who lost escaped to this place. Then this place got raided by the winning side……”

 I heard the sound of three people gulping.

“Some of them died here while resisting. Then……”
Crescent Moon looked in the direction of the door in the before continuing her sentence.

“The remaining ones surely escaped through there. However, they were completely outnumbered. I bet behind those doors are heaps of corpses.”

“Please stop it, big sis!”

“That’s right, don’t scare us like that. What will you do if we can’t sleep?!”⌈7

“Hehehe, you guys will take turns to stand guard today, though”⌈8

“That’s unfair! To be awake all alone in a place like this! Big bro’s, I leave it to you!”

“Wait a minute, Pick, don’t decide it so forcibly! That’s it, Drum, you’ll keep watch alone. I’ll do it tomorrow and you can rest.”

“You, what are you saying? Then you do it today and I’ll do it tomorrow.”

 Finally, a quarrel between friends broke out.
 I stared into the other direction as to not get involved in this too much.


“Hey, did you hear that sound just now?”

“D, d, don’t do that, big sis, even if you told us that, there’s no way something would actually come out.”

“Th, tha, that’s right, I know you enjoy scaring us.”



“I, I definitely heard something. No doubt. From where, from wheeere?!”

“I think I heard it from there”

 The place Pick pointed at was — The door in the back.

“I also heard it. Hey, Mister Akatsuki, let’s go and look what’s going on back there”

“That’s impossible! Head, big sis, because you’re still young please go ahead!”

“That’s right, it’s hopeless even if we go! So, please!”

 My seniors desperately begged me but I only said a few words.

“Bass, Drum, go search the back a little.”

“Tha, that’s, Head!”

“That’s mean, that’s so mean, Head!”

 Even if you yell and cry I won’t change my mind.
 I’m the villain Carlo, I don’t mind if you have a grudge against me.⌈9
 I mean, there’s no way in hell I go there!


  1. Meaning, he became a delinquent and skipped school 
  2. Ya know, maybe he never went cause money? 
  3. Heeeh, is that so? 
  4. He can’t see ghosts and that stuff 
  5. Cause it’s fun teasing people like this~ 
  6. Pff, I bet God won’t mind 
  7. Heh, laugh at you? 
  8. Ah~ as fun as that sounds no one will get sleep that way~ 
  9. Though they are able to **** you over? Selling info to others etc. Well, they wanted to desperately come with him 

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 25

Here’s the chapter of the day, enjoy~

Like I have started last week, click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is going on. I would really appreciate it if I could get some submissions… >_<

Also, do check out my other translated novel over at volarenovels – Special Forces Spirit! If you haven’t read my post of potential teasers I might do before, it is a military novel about the events surrounding a Special Forces soldier in China that has left his unit without any xianxia/supernatural/fantasy elements to it!

Chapter 26 – Changes in thoughts

“I…! Weier, this is for your good, you haven’t walked out of the school gates, so you don’t understand this. Once you walk out of the school gates, you are foreign here, and don’t have much financial basis, do you want to suffer with this brat!” Zhang Tianyang said.

“So, according to you, as long as your family is not in Yanjing, after graduation, you’ll always suffer?” I sneered after hearing that.

“I didn’t say that, but someone like you who only knows how to trick girls with flowery words might!” Zhang Tianyang was clearly dissatisfied with me interrupting his impassioned words towards Chen Weier.

“I’ll give you ten seconds, **** off, I don’t want to see you ever again!” I had no interest to ******** with this sort of people anyways, since pursuing girls in university was his right, and I can’t interfere with his freedom. However, I hated this sort of people that raises their status and push down that of others’ just because they have a bit of basis, since he was focusing me all the time, I had no need to act courteous with him.

“Aiyo? You dare to act cocky with me?” Zhang Tianyang didn’t think that the first year student in front of him dared to threaten him. No matter what, he was the President of the StarCraft Society at Huaxia University, someone who was rather famous in the computing faculty, when has he been treated like this. He immediately got pissed and swore while pointing at me, “Brat, don’t not take face when given it, if you want to continue in the computing faculty, then you better shut up, and don’t act like a *****! I’m telling you, the faculty leader of computing has a great relationship, a sentence from me can cause you to be kicked out! I really don’t know how to got into Huaxia, however, from your appearance, you probably won’t starve after graduation. I misjudged just now, you should be pretty popular if you go and be a male prostitute at nightclubs?”

“Three seconds left!” I looked at my watch and said. “Two seconds, one second.” Then I raised my head, looked expressionlessly towards Zhang Tianyang and said, “Times up, you’re still within my sights.”

With that, I lifted my right foot lightly, causing Zhang Tianyang’s body to shoot out like a super ultra cannonball, passing through the entrance of the restaurant, directly crashing onto the other side of the road without stopping.

The strength I used was very small, since this person didn’t have any major grudge with me, there was no need of me to completely **** him over. What’s more, Yanjing wasn’t Songjiang, and it isn’t my territory, I had no power in neither the legal side or illegal side. I wasn’t scared of anything, but if I push him against the corner, causing him to hurt the people around me in secret, then that’s not worth it at all.

The people that came with Zhang Tianyang was originally chuckled, suddenly seeing Zhang Tianyang flew away, they were shocked, and only reacted after a while. Only then, did one of them stand up and shout, “Hey, why did you hit people?”

“I didn’t hit him, I just taught him a lesson,” I said plainly.

“You! Heng, you are also a student in Huaxia University, right, which faculty, which class are you from?” One of the students wearing glasses said.

“I know, I saw him at Feiyu with Zhang Tianyang today, this brat said that he’s in the same class with Chu Gao, he seems to be called something like Liu Lei, President Li, you have to reflect this to the school, you can’t let this brat continue acting lawlessly like this!” The first person that stood up hurriedly answered.

“That’s right! Daring to hit the genius student in our computing faculty, I think he probably doesn’t want to go to school at Huaxia anymore, as the computing faculty’s student council president, I will definitely reflect this to the faculty!” The student with glasses nodded.

“President Li, let’s not waste our breath with this brat, hurry up and see how Zhang Tianyang is, since we know what this brat is called, are we still afraid of him running away, let’s talk care of him slowly when we get back!” Another student said.

“Heng heng! Very well, listen up, the one called Liu Lei, just wait for your punishment!” The glasses wearing student, also known as President Li, said, then walked out of the restaurant.

Seeing that President Li’s prideful look, he clearly wasn’t anything good, he might just be like Zhang Tianyang, who acts cockily just because he has some sort of position at school. Although he hasn’t gotten to the point of beating up students, this gang of people were definitely a cocky bunch. Otherwise, as the student council president of a faculty, how could he be biased towards one side without finding out the situation and tell the other side to wait for his punishment.

I couldn’t be bothered to waste my breath with these people, thus I said, “Do whatever you want, I’ll be free any time!” Then I suddenly thought of something, so I raised my hand and said, “President Li, wait a bit!”

Hearing that I called him, President Li thought I thought it through and wanted to submit, thus he turned around with an air on arrogance and said, “What else is there?”

“Tell that Zhang Tianyang, I keep my promises, if I see him again bullshitting with me, I will kick him again!” I said with a peaceful sounding tone.

“You! You *******…” President Li wanted to swear, but once he thought about he is a student council president, and this might become dirt on him, he quickly stopped himself and said, “I will tell him, I’m just afraid that you won’t have the chance to continue staying at Huaxia University! Our Huaxia University doesn’t welcome mule students like you!”

I smiled faintly and didn’t say anything. I think that even if I wanted to drop out, the school wouldn’t agree! There has never been a single student that got such a high grade in the national matriculation exam ever since it was put into use in 1978, I think that the moment I step out of Huaxia University, a lot of other universities would immediately fight over my entry, this would most likely deal a huge blow to Huaxia University’s reputation as well.

After those people left, Chen Weier asked strangely, “Hubby, why did your temper improve so much?” In recent years, Chen Weier has been going to school in Yanjing, although she would return to Songjiang every holiday, she wasn’t with me every day, and nothing special happened, and that’s why she felt really strange about my current change in temper.

Zhao Yanyan didn’t think it was anything special and just looked at me with a smile.

“En,” I nodded without denying anything. When I was just reborn at the age of high school, I always wanted to get a chance to let out all the stress built up in my previous life, so I often did things that I didn’t dare to do before. As time moved on, this desire gradually dampened.

Back then, I came back from the dead and returned to my high school days, so I always had an indescribable desire to let everything out. That’s why I always got into fights with these worthless people. Now, especially after gaining these powers, I no longer wanted to care about these worthless people. When your enemies are beyond weak in front of you, you would no longer care about them.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 26 – Changes in thoughts

[Vol. 3] Chapter 3 – Departure

“Big bro Akatsuki, long time no see! So, what can we do for you today?”

 The female hobbit thief, Pick who returned came over to greet me.
 Outwardly she looks like an innocent little girl as always.
 If you know what’s inside it’s fine but if you don’t you’ll get completely deceived by this.

“Yeah, I have some work for you so I came over to meet you.”

“Eh, you wanted to see me? I’m happy”

 For some reason, Bass and Drum were staring at us while Pick kept on grinning.
 She was acting like she didn’t notice Bass and Drum.

“As I thought it’s like that, huh? Big bro Akatsuki and I were perfectly in sync at that time with the Troll after all.”

“Hey, Pick, don’t be so impudent and call the Head big bro”

“That’s right, please say something as well, Head, she can’t use that kind of tone.”

“Hehe, though it was big bro Akatsuki who said, “You’re my little sister so call me like this”. Right, Big. Bro?”⌈1

 Well, I certainly told you to say this when people would ask you.
 Even so, I also told you not to act so familiarly.

“Your lock-picking skills are necessary for this job”

“What kind of job is it?”

Seeming interested, Drum and Bass both seriously listened.

“We took the Labyrinth exploration quest. It’s S rank.”

“Is that true?! Will big sis Crescent Moon also go?”

“This time Crescent Moon and also the magician Knopf will come with us”

“I want to go! Big bro Akatsuki, Big sis Crescent Moon and Knopf-san, with those members we are the strongest!”⌈2

“Is that so? Then come to the adventurer’s guild tomorrow morning.”

 I intended to return now that I finished my business here but then I noticed that my seniors looked like they wanted to say something.

“You guys, is there something wrong?”

“Head, isn’t that a little too much?”

“That’s right, that’s right, why is it just that fellow? Moreover, even though she looks like a kid she’s already quite old, you know?”⌈3

 What, why are they getting angry at me for choosing Pick?

“What’s with you? Being old doesn’t really matter! Generally, it’s Big bro’s and the other’s job.”

“Only you move out with the head, isn’t that too cunning?”

“Besides, since this job is already stable it’s alright if we aren’t there.”

 Hey, hey, don’t fight for such a reason.

“Head, please. Leave this place to Bass and please take me with you.”

“Hey, Drum, what do you think you are doing?! Head, please take this one- -”

 Jeez, two big, old men acting selfishly like children.
 Well, it should be fine if it’s just a few more people.
 But Crescent Moon might start complaining because her reward share will decrease.

“I don’t particularly mind taking you but is really everything going well here?”

“Yes, there are the things I told the Head a while ago when you came back but there are no particular problems.”

“As I said before, there are already three people in my group but there’s only one reward, would it still be enough if I take you with me?”

“As it’s an S ranked dungeon it should be enough. Please, take me with you, okay~?”⌈4

 Bass senpai, even if you try talking in a sweet voice it’s not cute at all!

“Well, can’t be helped, so please properly arrange everything till tomorrow”

“Yes, I’ll tell that guy, Flute”

 Ah, that guy with the name which doesn’t fit in.⌈5

“Then come to the adventurer’s guild tomorrow morning, you three. Don’t be late.”

“All right. Hehe, I wonder what snacks I should take with me.”

You, this isn’t a field trip!

 When I went to the guild the next morning everyone already gathered.
 Crescent Moon seemed to be complaining to the Rabbit Group’s members.

“Sorry I kept you waiting”

“Hey, Mister Akatsuki, is it true that you want to take those guys with us?!”

“No, Big sis⌈6⌋ Crescent Moon, don’t say that”

“That’s right, we’ll work hard.”

 As expected, my seniors feel deep gratitude towards Crescent Moon as well.

“Well, isn’t it fine? If we explore the S-type labyrinth our baggage will increase so I think it’s fine.”

“Ah, no, well, you’re right……”

 When the cat girl magician Knopf tried to mediate Crescent Moon gave in.
 For Crescent Moon Knopf is like an absolute weakness.

“Head, it somehow looks like Big sis Crescent Moon is acting reserved in front of this little magician girl.”

 Bass-senpai whispered to me in a low voice.
 Pretty observant, that senior.

“It seems like Knopf’s way of fighting had a big impact on her the last time.”

“Heeh, on that big sis Crescent Moon? She doesn’t look like it, but is this young girl actually amazing?”

“Big bro Bass, you shouldn’t judge someone by their appearance. That magician instantly killed a Troll with one magic spell I never saw before.”

 Pick is right.
 Seniors, don’t get blown away by Knopf.
 I feel scared when imagining Knopf’s boosted magic exploding in the labyrinth’s narrow corridors.

“Head, we prepared these horses for this occasion.”

 As expected, Drum is solid.
 In times like this, he’s reliable.

“Then, shall we leave? The destination is the Mcbell Earldom.

 We started galloping on our horses.
 Though it’s a trotting speed as it’s a considerable distance.
 The Mcbell Earldom is located in the far south of Carlo’s territory.
 It seems like the population is concentrated in valleys and flatland surrounded by mountains.

“Speaking of the Mcbell Earldom, I heard Kouga village is located there.”

 While Drum was riding beside me he started to talk.

“Hoh, do you know about the shadow corps?”

“That’s because we are in the same line of work, needs a thief to know a thief kind of.”

 Bass also joined in into our conversation.

“The shadow corps? That sounds kind of scary.”

 Knopf didn’t seem like she heard of them.
 By the way, I had Knopf ride behind Crescent Moon.
 Thanks to that Crescent Moon didn’t have her usual force behind her.

“The shadow corps is an organisation specialised in underground work such as killing people destroying things and spreading or gathering information. It’s said that their headquarters, Kouga village, is in the Mcbell Earldom.”

 Crescent Moon’s attitude towards her is completely different than towards me.
 She gave her information free of charge.

“Did you have any connection with the shadow corps?”

“I didn’t. I just heard some rumours.”

“We didn’t have any direct contact with them either.”

 Even though they are in the same line of work the Rabbit Group isn’t as severe as the Shadow corps.
 If an opponent defeats them losing means dying.

“I had some fights with them from time to time. I got my revenge each time.”

 If it’s Crescent moon I somehow feel like it’s possible.
 But every time, you said. How many times did that happen?
Then is it really fine for you to go to such a place?

“That somewhat sounds like a frightening place. I’m kind of scared.”

“No, for me your magic is more……”

 I heard Crescent Moon muttering without Knopf behind her hearing it.
 Yeah, that air gun was pretty frightening, huh?
 Well, the only firearm they know in this world are bows so I know it’s impossible for them to know about this but I do.

“When will we arrive?”

“If we continue like this I think we’ll be there in four days.”

 As long as four days, to be honest, I’m sick and tired of this.
 I wasn’t a person who was going out much in the first place.
 There was also the thing that I didn’t have any friends to hang out with.
 So I spend my days reading light novels and manga, playing games and making figurines for fun inside my house.
 I never thought something like this would happen in my life.⌈7

 When it was night we would camp outside to take a rest.
 Since the three members of the Rabbit group said they would take turns standing guard I left it to them.
 I wonder if it was a good idea to take them with us like this.
 They told me something like the Head shouldn’t be doing this and then they took my baggage and carried it for me.

 Like this, the journey towards the labyrinth went smoothly.


  1. So Pick uses the word Aniki and in this last sentence, she said A.Ni.Ki spelling it out kind of. It wouldn’t sound as good in English so it’s like this. 
  2. Can’t say I haven’t missed Pick~ on another note I think I never mentioned it but Knopf is a German word meaning button, which I think, for some reason, is cute. 
  3. Aw, are they jealous Head-sama isn’t taking them out to play~? Well it’s probably money though 
  4. Imagining some old bearded dude looking at him with upturned eyes going heey~ please take me with you~ kaaay~…… 
  5. Because everyone else has the name of rock themed instruments like Guitar, Drum, Bass etc. 
  6. Anego 
  7. Be prepared for anything~ 

Coming Soon

coming soon

Aspirations for Nation and Beauty

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Aspirations for Nation and Beauty Aspirations for Nation and Beauty (江山美人志) is a Chinese Web Novel written by Reagan (瑞根). It is completed with 1603 Chapters.

Category: Fantasy

Other links:
Raw Source

In a fantastic world containing countless cultures, with empires vying for hegemony, and numerous experts aspire to become legends.

Being together for too long will lead to separation, while being together long enough will lead to a connection…

​In these times of trouble, many heroes, practitioners, and scholars alike show their skill, striving to become the best…

The winner still remains unknown.
For the survival of a people.
For the strength of a nation.
For the existence of an ideal world.

Watch how one man starts a journey to become a legend.

Continue reading Aspirations for Nation and Beauty

[Vol. 3] Chapter 2 – Exploration Quest

“Then, I’m off. Keep the door locked.”

“Yes, have a nice trip”

 I missed my chance to kiss for the third time after all before I left for the adventurer’s guild.
 Crescent Moon who left earlier was waiting inside the guild but her gaze was as cold as before.

“Yo, you came, Mister Popular. I got tired of waiting”

 I wanted to say something but I stopped myself as it would have been useless.
 I generally hate arguing with others.

“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. So, did you get the Labyrinth exploration quest?”

“Yeah. Mister Akatsuki has never been to a labyrinth, right?”⌈1

“That’s right. I planned to go to one though”

 I wanted to become an adventurer to enter a labyrinth in the first place which Pikaru forbid me so I had to join the guild under a pseudonym.
 I wanted to gain some experience in the labyrinth before I would meet the Hero Kazuma.

“So Akatsuki doesn’t even know the basics of exploring a labyrinth?”

“Yeah, you could say that”

 Though I wasn’t able to look that much in front of Elsa, but this roundness is excellent as I thought.
 Her two perfect mountains and that fascinating valley they produced.

“Then as a veteran it’s my duty to carefully explain everything to Mr. Newbie here, right?”⌈2

 Crescent Moon proudly stuck her chest out.
 I don’t know why but it seemed like her mood got slightly better.
 I mean, why are you holding out your right hand?
 I don’t really have any other choice so I gave her one gold coin.⌈3

“Hehe, thank you as always.”

 When the money reached her hand she her mood got even better.
 But to always get one gold coin or 100,000 yen taken is a serious matter.
 Though this greedy mercenary wouldn’t be convinced if it was just one silver coin equivalent to 2,000 yen.
 I don’t even want to think about gold coins being something equal to silver coins to me some time soon.

“Hey, what are you thinking? So, when a labyrinth is found a quest to investigate it is given out.”

“Yeah. What should one check while investigating?”

“Let’s see, what you can find in it, how big it is, how many floors it has and so on.”

“I see, so you’re saying anything is fine? Is it fine to take back things from monsters I defeated inside?”

“Naturally. Moreover, the reward increases depending on what you subdued.”

 Even if you defeat this world’s monsters it’s not like they would drop money or magic stones.
 Instead, things like fangs and leather turn into material and one gets a bonus depending on the strength and number of the defeated monsters and the degree of danger.
 Apart from the rewards of the guild’s quest this is how adventurers earn money.

“So, a new labyrinth was found this time around and an exploration quest got extensively handed out.”

“Is it a usual occurrence for a labyrinth to be discovered?”

“Are you stupid? There’s no way that would be the case, right? A new labyrinth might be found once every few years, it’s that rare. You are lucky, Mister.”

 Often a labyrinth is made by a monster settling down in naturally formed cave or limestone cave or the like.
 If the monsters settled in it have a high propagative power and are of humanoid form like Goblins, Gnomes and Orcs they dig holes and expand the cave by themselves and may create multiple layers.
 It’s the most commonly seen labyrinth called A type.

 In the case of such A type labyrinths almost only the same kind of monsters inhabit it.
 Though there are some rare cases where a large number of Goblins are led by some Orcs.
 In A type labyrinths, valuable things like magic items and treasures are hardly found.
 Once it got investigated and emptied out the labyrinth will stay empty.
 After some time passes other monsters might settle down in it again.

“Moreover, it seems like the one this time is slightly different”

 According to the preliminary investigation conducted before the quest was handed out various kinds of monsters were confirmed to inhabit it.
 Besides, the cave itself doesn’t look like something that formed naturally.

“It’s categorized as S type and it seems to be considerably big.”

 The S type different from the spontaneously made A type “is something intentionally made”.
 A high ranking magician or an extremely strong monster possessing intelligence might have made it.

Because they want to protect or hide something special like their residence in the deepest part they kill adventurers who come to investigate it and take their equipment.

 Various types of monsters are placed in it and the deeper you get the higher the danger.
 Often there are dangerous traps and many locked doors so lock-picking skills are essential.

“How is it, there’s no way someone would want to miss out on that, right? Those who are talented already headed there one after the other and I also want to go there as soon as possible. Because letting other people steal all the sweet spots is unacceptable.”

 In the case of S type labyrinths requests outside of the adventurer’s guild are widely spread.
 When I asked where the labyrinth is located this time I was told that it was discovered in Earl Mcbell’s territory.
 Kouga village, the hometown of the assassins which got send after me, the dark corps, is located in that mantis guy’s territory so I’m interested.

“Some preparations are necessary. Let’s take Knopf, Pick and some other guys with us.”⌈4

“That cat-eared magician and the hobbit thief. That thief’s lock picking skills were indeed brilliant and though that magician seems a little strange but she’s skilled. It would have been great if she could use recovery magic but healing spells are of the light magic system so they can’t be used if one isn’t a priest. I’m bad in dealing with priests.”

 A priest would certainly be a bad match for that miserly mercenary.
 However, Crescent Moon still seems to have trouble dealing with Knopf.
 It looks like the air rifle magic had a great impact on her.

“Then I shall invite Knopf and Pick tomorrow. Shall we depart on the day after tomorrow?”

“Though I want to hurry and go as soon as possible but it can’t be helped. Okay, then I go collect some information tomorrow”

 Crescent Moon invited me to dinner and after we ate together I returned to Carlo’s mansion.⌈5
 I wanted to also invite Elsa but I didn’t because then Crescent Moon’s mood would only grow worse.
 I wonder if Elsa is eating properly.

 The next day I left the mansion while wearing the mask, borrowed a horse and first went to the windmill Knopf was living in.

“–That’s the story, so, do you want to come with us?”

“Of course, I want to come. Investigating an S type labyrinth is something one could only rarely experience after all.”

“Then is it fine with you to wait tomorrow morning at the adventurer’s guild?”

“Understood, I’ll get ready.”

 Next I went to the Rabbit group’s hiding place.
 It’s been a long time since I came here.

“Aah! Isn’t that the head?! Hey everyone, Head Akatsuki came over!”

“Long time no see. Is Pick present?”

“She went out but she should come back any minute now. Please enter.”

 My two seniors Bass and Drum greeted me.
 The thin and fidgety Bass and the strongly build, calm Drum.
 A perfect combination as always, seniors.

“How’s work?”

“Hehehe, it’s going really well. Especially the quick horse delivery is profitable as well as increasing the customer’s good opinion of us.”

“On the other hand our income as thieves became less. Recently the number of caravans trying to skip paying the tariff decreased and it’s getting harder to earn money.”

 Though it’s good that the merchants paying the tariff increased but ironically the money earned by the Rabbit group decreased.

“The highway connecting the Capital and Braham will soon get a stone pavement. If that happens not only will transportation of people and good via carriage become popular but also dispatching mounted messengers.”

“Ooh, is that true? I never heard about that rumour.”

“Hehe, it can’t be wrong if it’s information from the Head, right? Because the head and this town’s influential people are well connected.”

 Well connected, as I’m the feudal lord it’s natural that I’m familiar with this information.

“Yeah, there’s no doubt about that. It will be completed next spring so arrange a carriage and a horse as soon as possible.”


 If this goes well it might be able to substitute for their decreased income as thieves.

“What about information gathering?”

“About that, there are rumours about this territory’s feudal lord Carlo and the other nobles are about to battle against each other”

“That’s right, it’s a sign that there is conflict between the nobles.”

Hoh, my seniors are pretty good.
 But there’s already rumours about that?
 Though the matters with the king and the engagement aren’t known yet I have to work carefully in more than one way.

“Is that so? Carefully investigate this matter again. I found a shop which could become a new source for information–”

 I was talking about Doloa of “the goddess’s hall”.

“Stop by there and listen to the hostess’ rumours. It’s a high-class shop so avoid making careless mistakes repeatedly.”

“A luxurious brothel, I always wanted to see one~”

 Hey hey, Bass-senpai, you can’t do anything, absolutely not.
 I have to remind Doloa to not let them do anything.
 As we had such a discussion the female hobbit thief Pick returned.

“Big bro, long time no see! So, how can I help you today?”


  1. So regarding the Mister here. Crescent Moon sometimes referres to him as Akatsuki no dan’na sometimes which is used when referring to a male customer of sorts. So until I found something better I’m going to continue using mister 
  2. Bye-bye money? 
  3. Bye-bye money. 
  4. Yeees, Knopf~ 
  5. Oh? She spend money on you~ though she did take quite the sum 

Chapter 204 – Brilliant Show

Draco had left, and Xiao Chen sunk into deep thoughts. Someone wanted to make a move against them, making it so that they are unable to leave the Celestial City. Doesn’t that mean the one sticking out for the White Tiger is not here yet? It seems that… there are still powerful figures out there, but who could that be?

“Three days later, you guys behave yourselves and go with him, don’t make me angry.” Xiao Chen didn’t want the two little beasts to be harmed. They left the dragon island together and arrived at this unfamiliar world. They experienced a lot together, Xiao Chen had already considered them as partners, so much so that he even looked upon them as his childrens.

Tenax stubbornly shook its head. Keke even directly grabbed Xiao Chen’s clothing. Their attitude was firm and distinct.

Since that old man in the South Wasteland had already declared, no man would be permitted to take a single step into the depths of the South, Xiao Chen wouldn’t hold on to any hope. That kind of person always kept their words.

The time limit was three days. What path should he take after three days? Xiao Chen didn’t know whether the danger would fall upon him or not.

The unknown enemy had yet to show himself, but his house was suddenly hit by a few waves of visitors. First of all, it was Zhuge fatty, he ran over with a smug face and invited Xiao Chen to attend the Zhuge family’s banquet in the evening.

Zhuge fatty just sat down and Fairsky had also ran into Xiao Chen’s residence as fast as lightning. He shouted as soon as he entered, “Xiao Chen, please come to my house later for an afternoon tea.

Soon after, the pretty boy Lazio also appeared. He also issued a similar invitation as he invited Xiao Chen to go and have a seat in the Mander Family’s house.

What made Xiao Chen most surprised was that, even the Reagan family sent someone over. Moreover, it was a middle-aged man. He was Hofmann’s uncle. A lot of disagreeable things had occurred between them in the past, they wanted to invite Xiao Chen over and have a talk to properly dissolve the past misunderstanding.

The most unexpected thing was that, even the two courtesans from the Moonflower Castle had arrived, it was Lyria and Carmina. They invited Xiao Chen to go over in the evening. Carmina was even casting a flirtatious glance at him as she said, “Brother Xiao, you will not miss the appointment right? You still remember the promise for when you beat Windfeathers last time?” Her tone of voice was very ambiguous and made people lost in fanciful thoughts.

For the same purpose as the others, someone from the city lord’s manor also arrived. The third son Liu Yu invited Xiao Chen to go to the Paradise Spa in the evening.


There were also many sects he had never encountered before who sent people to give Xiao Chen an invitation card.

Xiao Chen was sweating profusely as he looked at these people doubtfully. Could it be that these people had taken the wrong medicine? They seemed to be impatient to curry his favor!

He knew many people wanted to win over him. As far as the clan was concerned, it they could get Xiao Chen to serve them, their clan would have benefited from this greatly. If Xiao Chen placed himself into the hands of their sect, it was equivalent to getting control over Tenax and the Azure Dragon King simultaneously. And there was even the law-defying little beast, Keke. They would get three sacred beasts with unlimited potential in one fell swoop!

However, was there really a need to band together?! After all, he was situated at the eye of the storm and had offended a very powerful enemy. These major powers should have waited and see how the situation turned out first.

“I say… all of you…”

Xiao Chen just opened his mouth and was interrupted by Hofmann’s uncle. This middle-aged man from the Reagan family was really a smooth talker, “Little brother Xiao, by all means, you don’t need to be polite with me. You can think of me like your soul brother. Although we have some misunderstanding in the past, there’s a so-called proverb; no discord, no concord. Only then would this be called a predestined relationship! If you are still so angry at Hofmann that it’s unbearable, come with me immediately and trample him to your heart’s content. I already don’t have good impression of that boy to begin with. Little brother Xiao, you teaching him a lesson could also serve as disciplining him on our behalf.”

Xiao Chen was a little speechless. At that time, this family sent a few Historia level experts to dispose of him. And later, they even sent an old man over to kill him personally. How did he make it so that it really sounded like a predestined relationship?

Zhuge fatty’s big belly shook randomly as he walked over to hold Xiao Chen’s arm. Then he turned around to face those people, “This fat gentleman will let you know. I am the very first to get acquainted with brother Xiao. It could even be said we are brought together by fate. I was already acquainted with him over at the South Sea. I am more familiar with him than any of you!”

These words made Xiao Chen break out in goose bumps all over. ⌈1

Fairsky also squeezed in from the crowd and hold on to Xiao Chen’s other arm as he said, “It was I who gave this house to brother Xiao as a present. As for our relationship, there’s no need to mention it.” ⌈2

“Pig head fatty! ******* transvestite!” Someone from among the crowd cursed in a low voice.

“Mother f—! Who dares to scold me?” Zhuge fatty was searching for the perpetrator angrily.

“Who was it? Show yourself!” Fairsky was utterly discomfited.


The courtyard was a complete mess. Even beauties like Carmina and Lyria were joining in the fun.

Xiao Chen heaved a sigh. This world was very realistic, these people’s action and scheme… it was easily understandable. It must be because of Draco. Maybe someone recognized his identity and gave rise to a misconception.

After Slovak saw Draco in Celestial City, the news spread like wildfire and allowed many big clans to receive the secret report. Within the city, who knows just how many pair of eyes were watching Draco’s every moment.

Just who was Draco, how could he not have noticed that he was being tailed? However, he didn’t seem to care and arrived at Xiao Chen’s residence through the front door.

This undoubtedly gave every major power in the Celestial City a misunderstanding; that Xiao Chen really had some relationship with that old man in the South Wasteland. No wonder his previous actions were so similar to Draco’s. Now the person himself had even visited him personally.

Due to this misunderstanding, all doubts in regards to Xiao Chen’s identity had been thoroughly eliminated.

As a matter of fact, the aforementioned was only one of the reason, there was another reason he had yet to call to mind.

The major powers in the Celestial City could even be said to have many eyes and ears. At this most crucial moment, they actually unearthed a major secret from the Undying Sect. The legendary founder of the Demon Sect was actually still alive, and he had an unusual friendship with Xiao Chen!

The major powers in the Celestial City knew Xiao Chen and the Undying Sect had a special relationship. And exactly on this very day, they used a huge amount of money to purchase the internal news from the Undying Sect. How could they not be convinced?

This was undoubtedly a shocking news!

However, there’s no way for everyone to know that the founder of the Demon Sect had already reincarnated as a demon and was still on the dragon island. They completely took it for granted and conducted a false mental association.

The founder of the Demon Sect and that existence in the South Wasteland, they were peerless experts that had withdrawn from worldly affairs. If the legends were true, they were unconditionally the strongest under the sun.

These two news were spread out on the same day. How could these big clans not be shaken? They felt Xiao Chen was all the more extraordinary, to actually have such unusual relationship with those two fierce characters. As if agreed by chance, everyone immediately dispatched groups of people to scout him, in fear that they would be one step slower than the others.

So what if they eyed Xiao Chen covetously and made some powerful enemies in turn? These big clans no longer cared. Even if there was really a White Tiger clan, so what? They have the protection of the dragons! Even the founder of the Demon Sect was behind them, so what was there to worry about?!

Furthermore, some clans believed that Xiao Chen also had the backing of the Phoenixes. After all, someone had once seen Xiao Chen carrying a phoenix feather with his own eyes.

Xiao Chen only knew one of the reasons, he didn’t know they had some other motives. However, he knew that there’s no such “friendship”. In this cruel world of immortals, everything was very realistic.

After sending everyone off politely, Xiao Chen laughed at himself. He was originally on the edge of a risky circumstance, but now everyone was so “crazed” over him. He really didn’t know what kind of expressions everyone would wear after knowing the truth.

“The dragons… he really have an unusual friendship with that existence in the South Wasteland?”

In the Undying Sect, Yan Qingcheng’s master, Liu Qingfeng, was unable to maintain his calm demeanor anymore. He wore a dissatisfied expression.

“Who leaked these information?”

It would be impossible to find out in a short time. The news that the founder of the Demon Sect was still alive was a secret only a very few elders in the Undying Sect knew about.

“What?” Liu Qingfeng suddenly received a report when he was contemplating. Many people tried to scout Xiao Chen, what’s more excessive was that, some people even wanted to marry off their daughters to entice this man who had suddenly become a mighty figure.

Liu Qingfeng spoke to himself, “If the dragons step in, Xiao Chen’s safety is all but assured. If he got pulled in by some big clan, it would be equivalent to taking control over three sacred beasts, especially that snow-white little critter with unimaginable future accomplishment. What’s more, they could establish some kind of connections with the dragons. Marrying off a daughter is really too worth it… Summon Qingcheng at once. Xiao Chen is closest to our sect to begin with. For all of these to happen so suddenly, if we don’t take the initiatives, perhaps the three sacred beasts will really fall into other people’s hands.”

“However… senior brother, didn’t the patriarch said so? We must treat Xiao Chen with utmost sincerity and not talk about benefit or loss…” An elder to the side issued a different opinion.

“Life itself is a drama, when it is necessary, we have to put up a show. It is very difficult to say what one means.” Speaking until here, Liu Qingfeng added, “Anyway… it’s fine as long as we don’t bring harm to Xiao Chen.”

Not long later, the fairy-like Yan Qingcheng had arrived at the big hall. Liu Qingfeng made everyone leave the hall with a wave of his hand.

Some disciples vaguely heard Yan Qingcheng’s voice, “No… I don’t want to!”

Some with sharp ears even heard Liu Qingfeng’s voice, “Qingcheng, you should…”

At present, Xiao Chen was getting pulled by two acquaintances. He felt somewhat helpless and awkward.

Even though they were friends, their family’s benefits seemed to be more important. Fairsky and Zhuge fatty wanted to invite Xiao Chen to their family before the others.

Not long later, one of the pearls of the South, Fairsnow, arrived personally. Peerless in style, graceful, and unmatched in beauty.

Zhuge fatty secretly heaved a sigh. He pulled Xiao Chen to one side and sincerely said in a low voice, “I am not from the direct line of the Zhuge family, I am forced into this. As a friend, let me give you a word of advice. You must not be enticed by Fairsnow, this girl is really…”

Speaking until here, the fatty stopped speaking. That was because Fairsnow had already arrived in the front. The fatty immediately scrammed.


  1. Silva: hahaha, is this the start of BL? 
  2. Silva: A THREE WAY BL!!! 

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