Category Archives: Translations

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 161

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Sponsored Chapter! Thanks Jimmy!

Here is the potential teaser list, I would love to hear your thoughts about which one you are interested in seeing a teaser for, which not. Also any other suggestions are much appreciated.

Chapter 161 – It’ll scare you to death if I say it

“The two just now? Can you compare up to them?” The guard snorted and said in disdain.

“What about them? Why don’t you ask them for the invitations, and ask us for it?” Zhao Yanyan was also a bit angry. Even a guard had an ox’s temper, what Guobin Hotel, they are just looking down on people.

“It’ll scare you to death if I say it! Do you see the door? Out of those two, one of them is Songjiang Province’s real estate magnate Wang Youwei’s gongzi, Wang Weicheng, as for the other, is the gongzi of this hotel’s general manager!” The guard said angrily.

“Hahahaha!” I laughed a lot after hearing that, it wasn’t a pretense, it was because this was very funny. One is a real estate magnate, the other is the hotel manager, in other words they are just extras, the real organizer is my Shuguang Corporation!

“What are you laughing at?” The guard looked at me and asked in confusion.

“Do you know who is organizing this party?” I asked meaningfully.

“Organizing? Why are you asking this!” The guard asked without understanding.

“Nonsense! I’m telling you, this is the young lady of Shuguang Corporation’s Director Zhao!” I didn’t want to ******** with the guard.

“Ah!” The guard momentarily blanked. How could he not know that the organizer for the concert is Shuguang Corporation, and now hearing this person say it, he did start to lack confidence.

“Yanyan, why are you guys standing at the door? Why aren’t you coming in?” At this moment, Uncle Zhao’s driver old Gao saw us and walked over.

“Uncle Zhao, this guard isn’t letting us in,” Zhao Yanyan said in annoyance.

“About this… Gao-ge, I’m just doing things by the book!” The guard quickly explained. He didn’t know other people, but he couldn’t not recognize the person in front of him. The driver of Shuguang Corporation’s CEO, he didn’t lack meeting with him.

Since the banquet is private, it wasn’t very big in scale. Old Gao led us into the banquet hall, Zhao Yanyan and I were not unfamiliar with this sort of situation, but it was Chen Weier’s first time attending such an official private gathering, so she wasn’t quite used to it. She dipped her head while entering and was a little shy.

Since Su Yingzi didn’t appear yet the banquet didn’t officially start. The people inside chatted in small groups, all of them making friends with those that they can use in the future. That Wang Weicheng stood beside the window, holding a glass of red wine and was flirting with a very slutty girl. Rate-eye was lecherously starting at that girl’s chest.

It looks like this Wang Weicheng’s taste is not unusually low, even doing this sort of goods.

“Zhao-xiaojie, can you give face to this lowly one and be my partner?” A male voice full of magnetism entered my ears. Zhao-xiaojie? Isn’t that my wife? My impression of this person instantly dropped, the magnetic voice also turned feminine.

“Sorry, she is my partner,” I raised my head and said to the person that have come mercilessly. I checked the person out, he was about the same age as me, and was wearing a black suit, it was obvious from first sight that the price isn’t cheap. He could be said as quite handsome, especially that educated feel, giving others a polite atmosphere.

“Ah!” The person momentarily blanked, and checked me out at the same time as I checked him out. However, even after quite a while, he still couldn’t recall a person like me in Songjiang Province’s upper class. Thus he said weirdly but still politely, “Sorry, it’s this one’s mistake. I wonder how should I address mister?”

“I’m called Liu Lei,” From the looks of it, this person isn’t some sordid person, and my impression of him improved quite a bit. Thus I reached out my hand.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you, here is this one’s name card,” That person shook hands with me, took out a name card from his pocket and said politely while handing it over to me with two hands.

I took a look, on it wrote: Songjiang City Xingyu Cultural Media Development Limited, Chairman of the Board, Wang Yu.

“Oh, so it’s Chairman Wang, forgive my rudeness!” I replied with courtesy. However, I subconsciously placed this person into the section of young but accomplished people in my heard. The bad impression from the start was wiped clean.

“What Chairman Wang, it’s just messing around. I wonder where does Mr. Liu work?” Wang Yu shook his head and said humbly. Despite that, I could still tell that this person was a bit happy being flattered.

“Me? I’m just a student,” I chuckled.

“It can’t be that simple right, you even got the prideful Zhao-xiaojie to be your partner, Mr. Liu…” Wang Yu’s mind simulated infinite possibilities, who exactly is this person?

“Prideful?” I repeated in confusion, why couldn’t I tell.

“Yeah. Our Chasing Zhao Alliance has already pursued Zhao-xiaojie for so any years, yet I haven’t seen anyone succeed in asking her out…” Wang Yu explained.

“Wait, what did you say? Chasing Zhao Alliance? What is that?” I sweat, why is there such an organization?

“Wang Yu, what are you saying!” Zhao Yanyan interrupted.

“I won’t say anymore, no more,” I didn’t think that the blabbering Wang Yu instantly acted like a mouse that saw a cat.

“Ai, Wangnv, what are you doing!” Just as we were talking, a voice sounded out from behind my back.

“Wu-ge, can you not say my nickname in front of my idol!” Wang Yu frowned and said unwillingly.

“Idol? Yanyan also came?” Since we had our backs to him, so the only person he saw was Wang Yu.

Following that, I heard the person that came say, “Big bro, Dasao…es, you guys also came.”

The person that came was Fatty Wu, seeing Zhao Yanyan, he originally wanted to say Dasao, but then he saw Chen Weier, who he met the other day, and thus said Dasaoes in a hurry.

“Dasao? What’s this!” Wang Yu asked weirdly, but he had a bad feeling in his heart.

“Wangnv, don’t you know? Zhao Yanyan already belongs to someone!” Fatty Wu clapped Wang Yu’s shoulders and said.

“That means… we have no hope?” Wang Yu momentarily blanked, and said disappointedly. He felt something amiss just now, it was his first time seeing Zhao Yanyan out appear alone with a boy, he already had a foreboding feeling then, he never would have thought that it would become reality.

“Okay now, Wangnv, don’t be upset. I heard there’s quite a few beauties in this banquet today, take this chance to get along with one,” Fatty Wu comforted.

Wang Yu shook his head, picked up a glass of beer bitterly, then chugged it down. I was a bit worried seeing his appearance. I also clearly understood his feeling right now, did I have this sort of feeling in my previous life?

“Is he alright?” I said asked Fatty Wu worriedly.

“He’s fine, what could happen. Let him be, he’ll be fine in a moment,” Fatty Wu said uncaringly, it looks like he was already used to it.

“Oh yeah, I heard that there’s a Chasing Zhao Alliance? What’s that? I asked without giving up.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 160

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Sponsored Chapter! Thanks Jimmy!

On another note, how interested will you guys be for teaser series? I have a few that I want to see translated, so I plan to do a few teasers to see how it goes. Might pick one or at most two of them up as a side project later.

Need for opinions on the above.

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 159

Click here to start reading!

Sponsored Chapter! Thanks Jimmy and Joey!

On another note, how interested will you guys be for teaser series? I have a few that I want to see translated, so I plan to do a few teasers to see how it goes. Might pick one or at most two of them up as a side project later.

Need for opinions on the above.

Chapter 160 – Written Proof

I even saw Su Yingzi raising her eyebrows at me in protest! I was speechless, did I really look that easy to bully?

While I was speechless, the concert neared to it’s closure… But due to the fan’s passion, Su Yingzi couldn’t help but add two more songs before the concert ends.

After the concert finished, there was a private party. Of course it was already an unspoken real of the current entertainment industry. The organizer also organized this, since in the party, the organizer can also come into contact with a lot of the local upper class, and could help build a good foundation for future co-operations. This was also convenient for the children of these famous people, thus these second generations also became the common guests of this sort of private party.

Since Shuguang Corporation is the organizer of this concert, Uncle Zhao must attend it. It was hard to imagine the expression that Zhao Yanyan would have later when she finds out that this concert was actually organized by her father’s company, it will definitely be interesting.

“Liu Lei, is there a private gathering after the concert finishes?” Zhao Yanyan asked thoughtfully.

“Yeah! How’d you know?” I haven’t told her and Weier about this yet, I wanted to give them a surprise.

“Oh! Can we go?” Zhao Yanyan said to me.

Actually, as Grandpa Zhao’s granddaughter, and the daughter of Shuguang Corporation’s CEO, she can totally attend the gathering with these identities. But since she asked this, she treated her identity as my woman, and me as her support. This made me really happy, and it also satisfied my machismo.

“Of course we can, my Yanyan,” I said with a smile.

“Who’s your Yanyan! Thick face!” Zhao Yanyan pouted.

“Of course it’s you!” I said.

“When did I become yours? Do you have evidence? Receipt? Honor card?” Zhao Yanyan looked at me sideways and said.

“Of course I do!” I said assuredly.

“Yi?” Zhao Yanyan asked weirdly after hearing me say that, “You have what?”

“Evidence!” I said proudly. “It’s even handwritten by someone!”

“Handwritten proof?!” Zhao Yanyan got even more confused, in her memories she didn’t sign any contract with him!

“Hehe! Lunch box… English notes… Test… Reward!” I teased.

“Ah!” Zhao Yanyan also remembered, and her face turned red. It was that day, when Zhao Yanyan gave out her first kiss in the woods behind the school.

“Times passed by so quickly!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah! We’ve been together for half a year in the blink of an eye!” Zhao Yanyan said reminiscently. “You were so terrible then! Making me walk step by step into your trap of feelings…”

“When did I! You were the one who said you lived me first!” I chuckled.

“Heh! I don’t care about you!” Zhao Yanyan stomped her foot, and said shyly.

“… Can the two of you wait till we get home before thinking back about this nostalgic past!” Chen Weier interrupted with a hint of jealousy.

“Weier, it’s your turn when we get back home! A rainy night… Liu Lei, say that you don’t like me!” I imitated Weier’s voice and said.

“You’re terrible!” This time it was Chen Weier’s turn to be shy.

“Oh yeah, Liu Lei! You haven’t told me yet, how are we going to enter that private party?” Zhao Yanyan asked weirdly. From her perspective, although I earned a lot of money writing the software, how could I know so many upper-class people?

“You’ll know when we get there!” I said mysteriously. Actually isn’t it because her dad is Zhao Junsheng!

When we exited the sports stadium, can got the parking lot of Songjiang University. I just opened the car door, then heard a whistle. I raised my head and looked, it was actually the gongzi-ges that were sitting beside me on the concert.

I frowned, but held it in and didn’t explode.

I didn’t think that these people would think that I am a ***** after seeing my lack of reaction, and act even more over the top.

“You’re driving a ****** Jetta and yet you’re still picking up girls!” That person called Cheng-ge said.

“Yeah, the two girls over there rare so pretty, how could they follow that little white face? Looking at how clear this little white face is, he definitely eats soft rice! Why not follow me instead, she’ll get a great life, and I’ll let her know what a real woman is,” Rat-eye said lecherously.

“Rat, ******* be more quiet! That girl seems like the provincial party committee’s Zhao Limin’s granddaughter! Don’t just say stuff like that!” Cheng-ge frowned.

I started up the car, and drove directly to Songjiang Guobin Hotel, which was also where the private party was held.

“Yanyan, do you know the two people just now?” I said with displeasure.

“I’ve seen the fatter one before, he’s called Huang Weicheng. I don’t know the other one,” Zhao Yanyan thought about it and said.

“What does his family do?” A brat this cocky wasn’t too commonly seen, it was clear that he was a young master spoiled by his family.

“Huang Weicheng’s father is one of Songjiang province’s top ten private entrepreneurs, the same one my dad had gotten into. The company is for real estate, it seem to be really big. However, I heard dad and grandpa mention normally that Huang Weicheng’s father started off in the underworld. Hubby, promise me, don’t attract some unneeded trouble okay? Think about Weier-jiejie and I, and how worried we’ll get! If something happened to you, what should the two of us do!” Zhao Yanyan said to me worriedly.

“Don’t worry, I’m just asking,” I said, but I didn’t think that in my heart. Real estate, it was convenient that I wanted to develop in this area, this Huang Weicheng might be an opportunity. Heh, it’s great if you end up pissing me off, or else I really have no reason to treat you as a stepping stone.

Underworld? Originally I might have been a little scared, but it was different now. When Footy was teaching me to use superpowers, he once told me that even if my body was cut into several hundred pieces, I could still restore it back. Of course, this must be under my permission, or else when a knife hacks onto my body, the only thing that might turn into smithereens is that knife.

It looks like Huang Weicheng’s family is not just a little rich, he actually drove a Mercedes. It’s just that the color was a bit dull. It might be due to the different taste, I feel like it doesn’t look as good as my Jetta.

When I parked the car in the parking lot of Guobing Hotel, and arrived at the banquet hall holding the party, Huang Weicheng led Rat-eye in, Zhao Yanyan, Chen Weier and I just wanted to go in, but was stopped by the guard at the door, “Sorry, this is a private party, you can’t just go in. Please show your invitations.”

Invitations? Zhao Junsheng didn’t said you needed invitations? What’s more, that something Huang Weicheng didn’t show an invitation either!

“The people just now didn’t have invitations either?” Before I said anything, Chen Weier first said.


  1. N/a

Chapter 159 – You were so dumb just now

“To sing with me! Oh yeah, which of my songs are you more familiar with?” Su Yingzi blinked her eyes and said.

“None of them…” I answered honestly.

“You’ve never heard my songs?!” Su Yingzi also momentarily blanked after hearing me say that! She finally understood the reason why this person didn’t want to go on stage! He just doesn’t know how to sing her songs! Was he not her fan? Then why did he come to her concert, and also sat in the center of the VIP seats!

“I have…” I paused, then said. “But it was today, like just now, on the concert…”

Su Yingozi raised her eyebrows after hearing it, it could be seen that she was slightly angry! I think if it isn’t on the concert, she would definitely beat me up.

“You…!” Su Yingzi go speechless from anger, at the same time she felt a sense of disappointment! Who was she! The superstar at the center of attention, other people don’t even get the chance to flatter her, and the person in front actually doesn’t acre, and didn’t treat her as anything, and never even heard her song! From the looks of it, he probably doesn’t even know who she is!

Actually I really didn’t know who she is! If Su Yingzi knew my thought, she would definitely die of anger.

“Can I back?” Seeing her angry expression with her face bright red, but couldn’t help but force a smile, I smiled and said.

“No!” Su Yingzi didn’t even know herself why she would say that. Revenge? Possibly.

“Xiaojie, making me go on like that is embarrassing both of us!” I said, saying that, I turned around to leave.

“I said no, so no! If you don’t know how to sing then just stand on the side!” Seeing that I was about to turn around, she actually pulled my hand in the head of the moment and forcefully dragged me onto the stage.

Of course, these small actions beneath the stage would not be seen by those people far away. Or else, they saw that their goddess actually pulled a male stranger’s hand, who knows what commotion would be caused!

However, those gongzi-ges that sat beside my saw everything clearly.

“**** look at that girl, Su Yingzi, eyeing with that little white face, and are even holding hands!”

“Didn’t they say this bird, Su Yingzi, is quite pure!”

“Pure your ***, she’s just a ******* ****! I will ******* throw a hundred thousand out, and I guarantee that she’ll wash herself clean and wait for me on the bed!”

“Look at the two of their expression, they are probably discussion where they would go to **** after the concert ends!”


These discussions made Zhao Yanyan, who was sitting on the side, frown, however she was very clear about these people’s actions, and was already used to it.

It could be heard as they continued on.

“Cheng-ge, I heard that there’s a private party after the concert ends!” A shorty with rat eyes said.

“Oh yeah! There does seem to be an activity like that! Do you have any ideas?” The person called Cheng-ge asked.

“Hehe, Cheng-ge, look at this!” Rat-eye took out a small square box from his pocket and said mysteriously. “This is the newest aphrodisiac from outside, they say the effects are amazing!”

“Is this thingy good? The last time you gave some to me, you said it’s great, and amazing. But when I gave it to a classmate in my mei’s class, nothing happened. It resulted in my not getting ******, and instead got slapped!” Cheng-ge said with dissatisfaction.

“It’s definitely good this time! I already tried it once on my bird, ****, she really was insatiable, we screwed the entire night! I nearly died from tiredness!” Rat-eye bragged.

“Really?” Cheng-ge’s eyes lit up.

“Could it be false! I can lie to anyone, but I wouldn’t dare to lie to you! They say virgins will turn into molls!” Rat-eye said proudly.

“Hehe! Brat! Not bad! When the time comes, I’ll get the dry one, but I’ll definitely let you get the wet one!” Cheng-ge said.

“Thank you Cheng-ge!” Rat-eye nodded. “But us doing that, aren’t we afraid of that girl Su Yingzi causing trouble? Her family background isn’t a joke!”

“Relax! It isn’t once or twice that I’ll ****** a celebrity! What trouble can be caused? The most important thing for people like them is fame, if they really got *****, they can only keep quiet! It’s impossible for them to advertise it around!” Cheng-ge said confidently.

“But Su Yingzi is different! Her dad is Su Yuanchao!” Rat-eye was still a bit worried.

“Now you don’t understand! The family fame is even more important for these daxiaojie that came from rich families!” Cheng-ge said with assertion. “What’s more, it looks like that girl Su Yingzi is also a ****, we ***** her? We can say that she ***** us!”

“Cheng-ge really have his ways!” Rat-eye said respectfully.

I followed Su Yingzi onto the stage, and looked around, this line of site is not a little wide1

Su Yingzi also looked at the man beside her weirdly, actually it should be the boy. Everyone, including herself, would be nervous as hell the first time they go onto the stage and face people! Yet the person beside her didn’t seem to be affected, he acted very naturally. His age looks about the same as her, so he should still be a student, where did he get this kind of confidence from?

She did not know that if it was me from before, I would definitely be shuddering facing this sort of situation! However, after getting reborn, I was different, what sort of situations have I not faced in my previous life? I will still be perfectly fine with seven tens of thousands of employees. This sort of situation is a simple matter.

“The following song, is the main song in the new album I released February the previous year…”

Before Su Yingzi finished, I could hear the crowd shouting, “Season of the Heart…” It could be seen how heated up these fans were!

****! These people are too supportive, but I, who doesn’t know anything, stood on the stage, there was too big of a difference right?

When the music started, I just stood dumbly beside Su Yingzi, I was as blank as you could get! Looking at Su Yingzi’s beautiful dance beside me, I was like a bodyguard that surveyed the surroundings expressionlessly.

When it finally finished, I returned to the VIP seat under a lot of weird gazes. At that time, I didn’t notice anything, but a few days later, when I saw the recording of Su YIngzi’s concert, I finally knew how idiotic I was! A dumb kid wearing a track suit stood dumbly beside the beautiful superstar, and who know which ******* cameraman actually gave me a closeup shot, my expression was completely blank at the time. The first moment I thought at the time was that, if the person on TV was not me, I would shout out “******!” without hesitation.

Of course, I didn’t have that feeling at the time, although I didn’t sing a single line on the stage, but that cold expression must have been really cool!

However, Zhao Yanyan’s sentence struck me, “Hubby, you were so dumb just now!”


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 158

Click here to start reading!

Well hard drive isn’t getting fixed any time soon, I got it checked and they say it might be because stuff inside is loose, and so it’s not too big of a deal, so I’m just checking the price to see what it is in Guangzhou first before deciding where I’m going to get it checked. Alas, life moves on, here are the chapters for this week.

On another note, how interested will you guys be for teaser series? I have a few that I want to see translated, so I plan to do a few teasers to see how it goes. Might pick one or at most two of them up as a side project later.

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 157

Click here to start reading!

Well hard drive isn’t getting fixed any time soon, I got it checked and they say it might be because stuff inside is loose, and so it’s not too big of a deal, so I’m just checking the price to see what it is in Guangzhou first before deciding where I’m going to get it checked. Alas, life moves on, here are the chapters for this week.

On another note, how interested will you guys be for teaser series? I have a few that I want to see translated, so I plan to do a few teasers to see how it goes. Might pick one or at most two of them up as a side project later.

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 156

Click here to start reading!

Well hard drive isn’t getting fixed any time soon, I got it checked and they say it might be because stuff inside is loose, and so it’s not too big of a deal, so I’m just checking the price to see what it is in Guangzhou first before deciding where I’m going to get it checked. Alas, life moves on, here are the chapters for this week.

On another note, how interested will you guys be for teaser series? I have a few that I want to see translated, so I plan to do a few teasers to see how it goes. Might pick one or at most two of them up as a side project later.

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 155

Click here to start reading!

Well hard drive isn’t getting fixed any time soon, I got it checked and they say it might be because stuff inside is loose, and so it’s not too big of a deal, so I’m just checking the price to see what it is in Guangzhou first before deciding where I’m going to get it checked. Alas, life moves on, here are the chapters for this week.

On another note, how interested will you guys be for teaser series? I have a few that I want to see translated, so I plan to do a few teasers to see how it goes. Might pick one or at most two of them up as a side project later.

Chapter 190 – Marriage Proposal

“You… just go and die!” Yan Qingcheng glared at Xiao Chen. However, Xiao Chen found a hint of craftiness behind her beautiful eyes.


Like a flickering light and passing shadows, Xiao Chen left an afterimage in his original location and rushed in front of Yan Qingcheng, then he grabbed her lily-white hands. And just at this time, a lightning landed on his original location with a rumble.

“When I was at your Undying Sect’s headquarters, I have already seen this kind of mystic art. You think I will fall for it?”

“Unhand me!”

“No way!”

“Xiao Chen, you scoundrel…”

“If you curse me again, then don’t blame me for turning into a real tyrant and satisfy your expectation!”

“Who’s expecting what? Go to hell, drop dead! You are really too shameless!” Yan Qingcheng was extremely ashamed and resentful as she continued to struggle.

“Let’s go. We’re going to see the elder.”

“If you want to go, then go by yourself. Unhand me!”

“How can you not go? You are the reason I come to your sect today.”

“Xiao Chen, you *******!” Yan Qingcheng was really a little scared now. This negligent guy actually wanted to go and meet the elder now.

“If was your Undying Sect who spread the rumor that you have been betrothed to me. Because of this, I was almost killed by the ancient spear Pasteur.”

Xiao Chen and Yan Qingcheng flew past the garden in the sky. Their sleeves were brushed by the wind. The man was handsome, the woman was like a fairy, they seemed to be the perfect match.

“Hey, isn’t that junior sister Yan Qingcheng? Am I seeing things? Why is she flying side by side with a man!”

“Junior sister Yan is actually flying side by side with a man…”

“I am going to challenge that guy!”


There’s plenty practitioners of the Undying Sect below. After seeing this scene, few of the male disciples felt heartbreak.

When Yan Qingcheng heard those words, she narrowly fell from the sky.

“Xiao Chen, you *******. Let go of me.”


The two of them had mastered the Undying Divine Wings. They flew past the gardens at lightning speed and arrived in front of a big hall in the blink of an eye. Then they landed as light as a feather.

The Undying Sect’s elder had already received the report. He sent someone to lead the two into the main hall.

Within the ancient hall, many demon god’s portraits were enshrined. Impressively, the one enshrined in the centermost was a gold statue of the Undying Demon King in battle stance. He looked handsome and outstanding. The lonesome look in his eyes was so vivid that it felt as if it had traveled through time and reflected upon the hearts of the later generations.

Naturally, that arrogant appearance had been carved even more vivid. A hint of loftiness could be seen among the loneliness. It was as if every living things in the world were under his foot, as if nobody in the world deserved to face him at his best!

The Demon King had shaken quite a few generations. When he just founded the sect, he had slaughtered a lot of demon gods. He was very good at power play. He raided the sacred island’s palace alone and was bathed in the blood of the deities. He was genuinely worshipped by the people of the Undying Sect, regardless of gender and age!

For the men, they wanted to reach the summit and look down on the multitude of hills! This was the dream of every men in the Undying Sect. Who wouldn’t want to recreate the former glory of the Demon King?

The girls also became proud and arrogant due to the existence of the Demon King. In their heart, only this kind of man was a good fit for them.

Xiao Chen stood in the main hall and silently paid his respect in front of the Demon King’s statue.

“Did you finally start to become aware of your own insignificance in front of the Demon King?” Yan Qingcheng used this chance to shake off Xiao Chen’s palm.

“The Demon King is worthy of my respect. This is how a man should be. Proud, ambitious, famous, and powerful. However, I don’t have superstitious belief in the Demon King, he is but a man who reached that height through hard work. Everyone has a different path, my goal is not to become the Demon King, I am myself.”

“You sure know how to talk. However, it is pointless. Show it with your action, not words!” Yan Qingcheng hurled back.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, “You can witness it step by step when we are together in the future.” He resumed his negligent appearance and the sharp expression on his face just now was gone.

“Xiao Chen, I will say it one more time. There is nothing between the two of us. I will definitely make you crouch under my foot one of these days!” Yan Qingcheng had endured silently for a very long time. Nobody had ever opposed her like this. And now, all her inner feelings had finally burst out.

“Haha…” Xiao Chen laughed out loud and said, “In that case, does that mean I should make you crouch under my foot first?”

“You… I’m going to kill you!” Yan Qingcheng’s beautiful face was covered with frostiness. Her lily-white body was trembling slightly.

Just at this time, a disciple of the Undying Sect came out from the back of the palace hall and said, “The master is asking Lord Xiao to come in.”

At the back of the palace hall, a sixty plus years old elder with remarkable appearance was quietly sitting on the mat. He was actually that elder who called himself Liu Qingfeng. He had once saved the middle-aged man, who wanted to take revenge for the Gold Dragon King, from Xiao Chen’s hand.

He sat on the mat calmly and rolled his sleeve noiselessly. Then, two mats immediately floated up and landed in front of Xiao Chen and Yan Qingcheng.

“Xiao Chen, what is the reason for your visit today?”

Naturally, Xiao Chen couldn’t say something as shameful as “receiving my wife” anymore. That was only to rouse up the proud Yan Qingcheng.

“This junior had once been under the care of the patriarch, I ought to come pay a visit to the Undying Sect’s branch in Celestial City.”

Liu Qingfeng nodded his head and started to chat with Xiao Chen leisurely.

Yan Qingcheng was so angry that the roots of her teeth started to itch. Xiao Chen was teasing her wantonly earlier, but now, he’s actually deadly earnest. She originally thought he would act indifferent in front of Liu Qingfeng and not give any respect to the elder of the Undying Sect. If that was the case, then he would be severely punished. However, she didn’t expect Xiao Chen would behave himself. He didn’t show any disrespect and was chatting with Liu Qingfeng on friendly terms.

Liu Qingfeng said earnestly, “Recently, you’ve been too reckless. You should learn to hold back a little. There’s a lot of things you cannot do rashly.”

“The senior’s advice, I will take it to heart.”

“Oh? You really don’t have any other business for coming to the Undying Sect?”

“Of course there is!” Following that, Xiao Chen tactfully conveyed his purpose in coming. Although he didn’t say the few words, “To take my wife home,” that was clearly what he meant.

Yan Qingcheng almost dropped the teacup in her hands. This guy was really too shameful, he actually dared to bring this matter up!

Liu Qingfeng’s hands also shook slightly. Wasn’t this guy a little too “straightforward”? Couldn’t he be a little more “evasive”?

“Regarding this matter…”

“The ancient spear Pasteur…”

Yan Qingcheng was endlessly resentful. This guy was extremely daring. He actually had the intention of pushing the blame of getting penetrated by Pasteur to the Undying Sect. This was the reason he dropped in to propose marriage.

“Master…” Yan Qingcheng was in an uncomfortable situation. Looking at Liu Qingfeng smiling from beginning to end, she couldn’t help but raise her voice.

On the other hand, Xiao Chen was surprised. Liu Qingfeng was actually Yan Qingcheng’s master. This was indeed out of his expectation!

“Generally, I don’t oppose this marriage!” Liu Qingfeng declared his opinion.

Startled, Xiao Chen immediately looked at him blankly. He didn’t expect his proposal would be successful. All of this was only to give vent to his accumulated dissatisfaction. The Undying Sect clearly used him as an excuse to evade the brothers who held the ancient spear Pasteur. Although he didn’t dare to criticize them violently, mocking them was still unavoidable. However, he didn’t expect the other party actually didn’t turn him down.

“Master…” Yan Qingcheng became anxious. It was simply unimaginable for her to marry to Xiao Chen. Even if she had to make a compromise last time, now that she had returned to the immortal’s mainland, how could she continue to make herself feel wronged?

“Oh, we must not be too hasty regarding this matter. I feel that it is better to wait till Qingcheng master the Obliterate Demon Absolute God first. When two spend a long time together, love will bloom naturally.”

Hearing these, Xiao Chen almost sprayed out the tea in his mouth. Wasn’t this old fellow too crafty? If he wanted to refuse, just say it! Why be so corny?

On the other side, Yan Qingcheng was delighted and reproachful at the same time. Master really didn’t know how to speak. What “when two spend a long time together, love will bloom naturally”? Who would “bloom romantic feelings” for this guy?!

Xiao Chen originally came to this place to mock Yan Qingcheng to begin with. He was not so naive to think he could actually take Yan Qingcheng as a wife. Since his goal had more or less accomplished, he chuckled and said, “Yan Qingcheng, you really don’t want to marry me? If you really don’t want to, then I will take my leave.”

“In your dream!” She was as beautiful as the angel and as proud as the fairy. Yan Qingcheng’s beautiful face was brimming with ice-cold expression as she said proudly, “I would rather marry off to a beggar or an army ruffian than marrying you!”

Xiao Chen originally wanted to take his leave just like this. However, after hearing these words from Yan Qingcheng, he felt furious and said with a smile, “Good, very ambitious indeed. So high and mighty! Not long later, I am going to leave the Celestial City. I hope that lady Qingcheng will not follow me along the way again. I don’t want to interfere with your adequate life.”

These words caused Yan Qingcheng to be speechless for a moment. After practicing the Obliterate Demon Absolute God, she was really inseparable from this so-called vessel.


As he said these, Xiao Chen had already saluted to Liu Qingfeng and left the main hall.

“Mister Xiao, don’t be so smug! I will find a way to settle this!”

“Then I will congratulate you in advance. Actually, we can already be considered acquaintance. If you can’t stand it anymore, you can continue to be my attendant. Of course, the prerequisite is that you don’t weep endlessly and keep shouting you want to marry me.”

Xiao Chen had resumed the negligent appearance which Yan Qingcheng detested bitterly. He felt that he was a little small-minded just now. After all, he was a man. So be it if he only mocked this arrogant beauty, but it was no worthwhile to take it too seriously. He burst into loud laughter as he soared into the sky and flew towards a distant location.

Yan Qingcheng was gnashing her teeth. How she wished she could pull Xiao Chen down from the sky at once.

“Mister Xiao, I will not let you get away with this!”

“Come and find me any time. I am currently thinking about my future seriously. If you are too late, you can only become a concubine.” As the voice faded away, Xiao Chen’s figure disappeared in the sky.

“Go to hell!” Yan Qingcheng’s smooth forehead was covered with black lines.

The next day, because the snow-white little Keke was snoozing around and missed the time to get on the stage, its qualification to compete was mercilessly stripped off. When Xiao Chen found the little thing, it was soundly asleep at the backstage. He had no other choice but to take it home.

However, the little critter was very dissatisfied. The unwillingness in its eyes was undisguised. Xiao Chen knew he had to pay close attention to it. Otherwise it might cause some trouble again.

Four days later, the grand battle had finally reached its climax. The spectators’ mood were rising up and down every day, and the warbeast castle was filled to the brim.

The first round of the grand battle dropped its curtain at last. On the fifth day, the second round of the grand battle began!

The first battle today was between the Golden Lion King and the black tortoise.

The strength of these two cubs were gravely underestimated at that time. They were the victors of the standard beast kings. Presently, they were genuinely the strongest and most popular among the young beast kings.

And now, these two powerful warbeasts actually clashed. It could even be said to be a fierce battle between giants.

The Golden Lion King looked extremely fierce. Although it was only one meter long, it had a bearing like that of a natural-born king. Similarly, the golden fur all over its body was dazzling, so much so that the gold radiance made people unable to open their eyes. It crouched there unmovingly like an immemorial sacred mountain, which gave people a great pressure!

It had three lion heads and each of them appeared mighty. It made people intimidated at first glance, especially that vertical eyes on its foreheads. When it blinked, the brilliant rays made even the older generation experts to get cold feet. Everyone unanimously determined that, this was definitely an extremely exotic beast. Perhaps, its odds of success were very high even if it faced the Dragon Kings!

As for that mysterious tortoise, nobody dared to look down on it anymore. That was because an older generation warrior had clarified it clearly, this was the direct descendant of the Black Tortoise. It was a natural-born sacred beast and had unlimited potential!

Along with the sound of the drum, this battle had begun. The entire body of the Golden Lion King radiated. Although it hadn’t moved a fraction, it had, without a doubt, already became the sole attention of the audience. The stage was brimming with golden radiance. The aura of the Lion King made every spectators feel pressured.

The Black Tortoise was as quick as lightning. It started to rotate like a sharp disk blade as it flew towards the Golden Lion King.


The Golden Lion King moved with lightning speed. With a swipe of its claw, it ruthlessly hit the Black Tortoise.


The deafening noise had shaken up the entire warbeast palace. The Black Tortoise’s shell was truly indestructible, it was practically impossible to break through.

The qi of earth rumbled as yellowish rays of light appeared around the Black Tortoise. The energy fluctuated violently in the Black Tortoise’s surroundings. The essence of earth gave rise to a yellow light, which was launched towards the Golden Lion King. The black tortoiseshell was bewitching. It was so dark that it made people break out in cold sweat. The energy fluctuation passed through the barrier in front of the stage and made every spectators feel palpitated.

This kind of young sacred beast was too terrifying. It already possessed this much power at present. Who knew what kind of realm it could reach once it was fully grown!


The aura of mother earth was majestic, the momentum was extremely shocking. In a split second, the Golden Lion King had been sent flying and rammed against the barrier surrounding the warbeast stage.

A burst of violent energy fluctuation rumbled. The barrier almost broke down and the spectators burst into clamor. The Black Tortoise was really too powerful. It was actually capable of manipulating such a tyrannical power.

And surprisingly, the Golden Lion King did not get crushed like they had expected. The glaring golden light glinted as the Lion King shook its lustrous fur. It jumped up from the ground and was practically unharmed!

With the speed of lightning, the Golden Lion King ran across the field and let out a thunderous rumble. The entire warbeast stage was trembling. The Golden Lion King got in front of the Black Tortoise in a split second and brandished its lion claw violently.


The Black Tortoise was sent flying, but it was still safe and sound. It was impossible to destroy the tortoiseshell.

The eyes of the Lion King glinted as two threatening lights were emitted. It scuttled across the field and bit the Black Tortoise in the sky. Then, it swung its head violently and flung the Black Tortoise. However, the tortoise shell still remained in one piece.

The Black Tortoise amassed the yellowish rays of light again and gave rise to an even more violent earth essence that drowned the Golden Lion King.


The Golden Lion King was sent flying towards the sky. A mouthful of gold-colored blood was coughed out from the center-head. However, its militaristic body was still as vigorous as before. It didn’t have much influence on its performance.

But also because of this, the Golden Lion King became furious!

Along with the world-shaking lion roar, the barrier around the warbeast stage was destroyed. The vertical eye at the Golden Lion King’s center-head opened in that instant and a blazing, bloody-qi was launched. It was like a light of destruction that destroyed the Black Tortoise’s shell in a split second!


The entire body of the Black Tortoise burst open!

Crushing defeat!

The Black Tortoise, one most powerful sacred beast that was recognized by everyone, died on the warbeast stage. The Golden Lion King achieved victory with indisputable strength.

The entire stadium turned deathly silent. The Golden Lion King was too powerful!

It barely opened one of its vertical eyes and it was already enough to penetrate the Black Tortoise who was known for its defense. Who else among the young sacred beasts could be a worthy match for it?!

Xiao Chen also felt downcast. Even he was not confident that he would be able to withstand that destructive attack just now! And that was merely one out of three of the Golden Lion King’s vertical eyes!


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VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 154

Click here to start reading!

Well hard drive isn’t getting fixed any time soon, I got it checked and they say it might be because stuff inside is loose, and so it’s not too big of a deal, so I’m just checking the price to see what it is in Guangzhou first before deciding where I’m going to get it checked. Alas, life moves on, here are the chapters for this week.

On another note, how interested will you guys be for teaser series? I have a few that I want to see translated, so I plan to do a few teasers to see how it goes. Might pick one or at most two of them up as a side project later.

Chapter 158 – Calling me?

Although I tried my hardest not to make my mind wander, but Su Yingzi really was too beautiful! Unknowingly, I actually turned on my x-ray vision, and looked through Su Yingzi’s clothes, directly onto her beautiful body.

Following that I focused my spiritual energy on my eyes, ignoring Su Yingzi’s clothes a piece at a time, my breathing also became more erratic, because on Su Yingzi’s body, only a piece of underwear remains!

Su Yingzi’s white underwear gradually surfaced in front of my eyes… It can’t be! There was actually a pink Hello Kitty printed on the white underwear! White colored cartoon image underwear?!

So childish? ***** don’t wear these sorts of underwear right… Could it be that I was wrong? This little girl is still a virgin? I continued to look up, I faint! Su Yinzi was actually wearing a vest and not a bra, a typical little girl!

Looking at these, I couldn’t think anymore, half of my lust was also extinguished. Could it be that this Su Yingzi is an unique kind? But how did she get so popular?

Su Yingzi was still passionately performing on the stage, she didn’t know that her entire body was looked over by a pervert with ill intentions… After the few main songs, the concert entered a peak never seen before… Even the two chicks Zhao Yanyan and Weier were fully immersed.

I was the only person in the entire stadium that wasn’t affected by the atmosphere, I was too busy fantasizing, and didn’t listen to what Su Yingzi was singing at all.

“For the next song, I want to find an audience to come onto the stage and sing with me…”

Before Su Yingzi finished, the crowd heated up! Going up onto the stage together, what a glorified chance it is! Everyone got excited.

“Me! Me!” Just as Su Yingzi’s words ended, volunteering voices rushed out like the tide.

“Su Yingzi! Pick me!”

“Yingzi! Here!”


“Everyone, don’t get anxious…” Su Yingzi wavecd her hand. “Due to where everyone is, I can only pick someone on the first few rows!”

“Ai—— !” A sigh rang throughout the crowd.

With it, discussion also arose.

“The first few roles? Isn’t that the VIP seats!”

“Yeah! How could something this good happen to us!”

“I think it must have been deliberately organized by the organizers, there’s no helping it, they are the VIPs!”

However the discussion immediately stopped, these people are all Su Yingzi’s supporters, and would naturally support her decision.

I could see Su Yingzi’s figure walk towards the VIP seats, all of a sudden , the perverted gongzi all got worked up, every single one of them reached out lecherously, with a face full of perverted anticipation.

I think in the first few rows of VIP seats, only I acted a bit without care, perhaps even a bit reluctant, everyone else, including Zhao Yanyan and them, all showed an anticipating expression. Actually I’m not unwilling, being asked by a beauty, that is a great thing, it’s just that she is asking someone to go onto the stage and sing with her, that kind of sucks! I’m not afraid of singing, after all I was a famous school singer during university in my previous life, but the current situation is that I haven’t heard a single song of hers, so don’t mention singing together! Making me go up there, isn’t that just to embarrass myself!

Although I dipped my heard, and pretended to be inconspicuous, but sometimes things just don’t go your way, the more you hide, the more it’ll find you!

“Mister, don’t you want to go up the stage?” A sweet voice rang out in front of me.

“Me?” I subconsciously lifted my head up, only then did I realize Su Yingzi was only four or five meters in front of me.

Actually, Su Yingzi already felt strange about the person sitting at the center VIP seats when she was on stage, other people would try their hardest to get this chance when they hear that they could go on the stage with her. However, this person dips his head instead, and deliberately hides, as if he’s terrified of being picked. This confused Su Yingzi a lot, and thus wanted to find out the reason.

Sometimes, a woman’s curiosity would be very powerful, but at the same time, curiosity killed the cat. At this moment, Su Yingzi didn’t know that her sudden curiosity changed her original path of life.

“Yeah, other people would try their hardest to get this chance, don’t you want to?” Su Yingzi said to me with a smile.

“About this…” I didn’t know how to answer.

“Just this mister!” Seeing my stuttering look, Su Yingzi suddenly got playful, and announced with the mic, “Let this sir come and sing with me!”

I was shocked! It can’t be, what’s the chances of this! Why was I chosen out of so many people?! Isn’t this making me lose face in front of my two wives! I was discovered even though I pretended to be so insignificant! Xx the xx!

At this moment, the entire stadium was also shocked! The few gongzis beside me even more so! They waved their hands so hard that they nearly turned into “the girls with fluttering wings”, but Su Yingzi ignored them, and instead reached out to this nameless boy beside them.

I looked at Su Yingzi, who was looking at me with an expression both laughing and not laughing, it was the expression when I child managed to succeeded with something naughty! Actually, Su Yingzi did have that feeling, she thought, don’t you want to hide? I will make you come up!

At this moment, it wouldn’t be suitable if I refused, tens of thousands of eyes are watching me, if I damaged Su Yingzi’s face, then wouldn’t these people beat me! ****, isn’t it just going on stage? What’s the big deal. I clenched my teeth and stood up.

Just when I walked to the line divider, two staffs helped me temporarily lift it up, allowing me to crawl over. I could feel the envious glances, which were about to spurt fire, that the gongzi-ges have behind me, this finally is actually not bad!

This is the first time I got into close contact with Su Yingzi, although she’s a superstar that’s the center of attention, I didn’t feel any sense of suppression, because I just treated her as a beauty, as for her celebrity identity, I just have never heard about her before.

“Xiaojie, you are deliberately messing with me right!” When I was walking towards the center of the stage with Su Yingzi, I took the opportunity and said quietly.

“…” Su Yingzi momentarily blanked, she didn’t think that I would say that! It wasn’t the first time she sang with fans, but those fans were either nervous or extremely excited, not a single person was as calm as the person in front of her, able to speak with her before getting on the stage. However, Su Yingzi’s shock was only momentary, she very quickly returned to normal. Then she said a bit naughtily, “So what!”

“…” This time it was I who was speechless, I didn’t think that she would just straight out admit it! The words I prepared beforehand were all useless!

“Why are you making me go on stage!” I could only ask the following question, which was also the most crucial one.


  1. N/a

Chapter 157 – Concert

After we showed our tickets after entering the stadium, workers immediately led us into the staff-only path. All of the people around us looked at us with envy.

“Is their ticket fake?” A person furthest away asked without understanding.

“Hai! Bro, don’t joke! Their ticket are VIP tickets, I was rather close just now, and could see it clearly!” A young man waiting to enter said.

“Yeah, didn’t you see the workers’ respectful attitude! It was clearly serving a VIP! Would they treat them like that if it was fake!” Another young man also said.

“Aiya! I had to get a through a lot of trouble to get a normal seat! I’m so jealous, I heard that everyone on the VIP seats can get an album signed by Su Yingzi!” The first young man said jealously.

“Okay now! Stop getting envious, those people much be the young masters and ladies of rich families! We’ll never get treatment like that…”

Under the guidance of the workers, the three of us arrived at the VIP seats of the sports stadium. Most of the seats were prepared for provincial officials, but provincial officials normally wouldn’t attend this sort of celebrity concert, most of the ones that come would be their children.

A group of young people sat beside us. Seeing that I sat down, they were all very surprised. That’s because the children of provincial officials and rich businessmen were all very familiar with each other, and often go to gatherings. Seeing a new face like me, they couldn’t help but be surprised, when they saw Zhao Yanyan beside me finally understood. Then seeing Zhao Yanyan and I get intimate, their gazes couldn’t help but be filled with contempt, and poison. Zhao Yanyan is the number one target in the princeling’s mind. Now that they see her get intimate with a boy, all of them were dissatisfied with it, but it wasn’t the place to lash out. So they could only chat among themselves.

The lights gradually dampened, and the stadium also quieted down. Even the bragging boys beside us have shut up. This group of people wasn’t just a little lecherous, **** I thought I was perverted enough, I only understood what is sexual maniac today. These people don’t look old, but they just get more and more impressive when talking that kind of experience. All of them claim to have gotten on with this or that star, and slept with this or that model, even the details were described clearly. Their brags are over the top, and extreme. It even made Zhao Yanyan, who was sitting on the side, frown, you have to know that Zhao Yanyan is not a little virgin girl that hasn’t experienced anything, but even she had her face red. It could be seen how lecherous these people are, if it wasn’t due to Uncle Zhao’s face, their consequence would be not much better than Yang Kaiyuan.

“Su Yingzi——!” I don’t know who called out in the lead, and following that the calls of “Su Yingzi”, “Su Yingzi” echoed throughout the entire stadium.

Thirty seconds later, the stage lights at the center of the stadium lighted up, and within the mist, a podium slowly rose with the elegant music…

The stadium once again boiled!

“Su Yingzi came out!” Someone shouted, following that was thousands of shouts, “Su Yinzi, I love you!”

The name “Su Yingzi” formed from glow sticks could be seen clearly all over the audience seats, infinite lights flickered in the air, forming a gorgeous scene. This made me think of concerts of superstars in the Hong Kong Coliseum I saw in my previous life! Who exactly is this Su Yingzi? She was able gain the achievement that others cannot in a life time in just half a year!

As the music ended, a girl incomparably beautiful stood at the center of the stage. She was Su Yingzi, the main character of tonight.

Although I already have two beauty wives, I was still surprised by the appearance of the girl in front of me! There was actually a woman so perfect in the world! I couldn’t help but use my superpower, turning my eyes into binoculars, in order to closer examine this beauty that should only belong in heavens, but was on earth for some reason.

“Heh! Weier-jiejie, look at this fellow, his saliva is dripping! If I knew this earlier, I wouldn’t let him come!” Zhao Yanyan’s pout pulled me back from my blunder

“Yanyan-meimei, but I feel like, if Su Yingzi can…” Saying to that point, Chen Weier’s face couldn’t help but turn red.

Zhao Yanyan is also very crafty, how could she now hear what Chen Weier alluded to, she glanced at me sideways and said, “I don’t object, I just fear that this fellow doesn’t have that much charm!”

I could only smile wryly, even if you are willing I wouldn’t be. I have already heard that a lot of celebrities had very terrible private lives, their appearances appear so innocent, and are even more virgin than virgins, but in secret they are more lewd that any ones. Sex parties, the news of them selling their bodies for money is just everywhere, of course, it is undeniable that some of them are slander, but most of them even had photos printed, in front of the evidence, any denial is futile.

Although I was a bit interested in Su Yingzi’s beauty, but I don’t find to find a wife that would always give me a green hat to wear. I don’t have other issues, it’s just that machismo is rather severe, I strongly believe that no matter what a woman is like before, as long as she had intercourse with me, then that woman can only belong to me. Therefore, I cannot allow a woman to get xxoo’d with other men after having intercourse with me, it would be someone put a green hat on me.

“Hello, friends in Songjiang province, I am Su Yingzi…” Su Yingzi said sweetly.

“Yingzi! Yingzi!” Before Su Yingzi finished, the crowd got worked up, their cheers rose up, and the excited crowd made the stadium in the middle of winter boil.

Looking at the worked-up people, I couldn’t help but feel a bit of contempt. The Su Yingzi you all like might just get ridden the moment the concert finishes. Is this thought kind of like saying the grape is sour when I can’t eat it?

Su Yingzi placed her finger in front of her mouth, and made a shush action, as expected the crowd quieted down a lot.

“Songjiang city, this is the last stop of the national touring concert! I didn’t think that there are so many people that likes me even in the north, I’m so happy! Thank you, all the friends who like Yingzi, without you guys, Yingzi wouldn’t have today! The first song, “Thank you for loving me” is for everyone…” As Su Yingzi finished talking, the music started. A thunderous clap once again rang out throughout the stadium.

Although Su Yingzi’s fresh image made it very difficult for people to link it with other darker things. However, I don’t know why but I just kept on thinking in that direction, thinking about what Su Yingzi looks like without clothes on, thinking about her and I…

I couldn’t help but be shocked that I had this thought, what was up with me? I have to quickly calm myself down and stop wandering thoughts.


  1. N/a

Chapter 156 – Superstar Su Yingzi

“What else is it, martial uncle?” Footy immediately turned back, and said respectfully.

“How do I find you?” I asked.

“This is simple, martial uncle, you just have to silently call out martial nephew’s name, and then martial nephew will immediately appear in front of you,” Footy said.

“Okay, I understand, you can leave now. Also, don’t just randomly follow me around when you have nothing to do, it’s kind of scary,” I waved my hand and said.

“I understand, I understand!” Footy quickly answered, and respectfully watched me leave.

“Footy!” Just when I got home, I silently called out in my heart.

I instantly saw a black figure fly in front of me, “Martial uncle, you were looking for me?” Footy asked respectfully.

“It’s nothing, I was just testing,” I chuckled in my heart, this is great, it looks like I have stuff to play with now.

“——“ Footy said, “Martial uncle, then can martial nephew leave?”

“Yes, go,” I waved my hand.

Footy instantly disappeared.

These few days, Footy taught me many uses of the superpower I have in my body, such as invisibility, flying, phasing through walls, x-ray vision etc., as well as their uses.

Although I asked him many times about where the superpower in my body came from, the old man would avoid the topic, or threaten me with suicide, but was unwilling to speak out the truth no matter what. I could only leave it.

It was already the weekend in the blink of the eye, I went to get Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier early in the morning. I spent the past two days at home with Footy learning how to use my superpower, and pretty much didn’t go out, the two chicks were a bit unwilling.

“Say, where did you go these few days?” Zhao Yanyan stuck onto my body like a little swallow the moment she got on the car.

“I stayed at home,” I answered honestly.

“At home? How could you be so well behaved! Say, did you hook up with another girl!” Zhao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and said while glaring at me.

“How could I!” I don’t know if Wu Yingying counts, but if I really bring her home, then it’ll be lots of trouble for me.

“Okay, Yanyan-meimei, don’t put him on the spot,” Chen Weier helped me out.

“Heh, Weier-jiejie, you don’t know him that well, this fellow is really lecherous!” Zhao Yanyan glanced at me sideways and said.

“You still make opportunities even though you know I am lecherous,” I know Yanyan all too much, although she says that, but she still listens to me in her heart. A perfect model wife.

“Heh!” Zhao Yanyan turned her head around and stopped caring about me after seeing my shamelessness.

Su Yingzi entering the entertainment industry was a complete accident. As the sole daughter of the chairman of the second largest corporation in the entire country, Su Electronics, she could completely live the life of a daxiaojie without worries.

During Autumn in the previous year, Su Yingzi had a sudden interest and entered a youth singing competition sponsored by Su Electronics, the result was that Su Yingzi getting the first place. There is definitely an element of pleasing the Su corporation, but Su Yingzi’s performance was truly perfect as well, whether it was her appearance or her voice, there was no wrong to her being crowned the winner.

Only the people in the industry knows how dark the entertainment industry is. Using their bodies to gain opportunities to rise has already become the unspoken rules for new girls, but Yu Yingzi is an exception. She has the halo of being the daxiaojie of the Su family, under her father’s protection, there was no need to pretend with anyone, instead a lot of people already line up to display their good will.

A lot of people said that Su Yingzi got popular due to her father, but it is undeniable that her beautiful appearance and sweet singing voice is another to make her fans wild.

No matter what, Su Yingzi is has gotten popular, and popular to the extreme. In less than half a year, her fans already spread throughout the country. What was most unbelievable was that even though there is a lot of news about Su Yingzi, and a lot of hype about her, there hasn’t been any rumors!

Su Yingzi’s background was far too big, the daxiaojie of Su Corporation! This caused those sons of rich families to merely watch on. Most of the celebrities could be dealt with using money, when in front of money, a lot of pure and innocent girls in the entertainment industry would become ***** *****, as well as the lovers of those rich sons for a night. However, Su Yingzi didn’t lack money at all! Su Corporation, the second largest corporation within the country, the leading business of electronic manufacture! If you say Su Yingzi lack money, then it would be like Japan deny their history of invading China, only idiots would believe it.

If you say if Su Yingzi doesn’t thirst for a sensational relationship, that would be a lie. The higher people stand, the lonelier they are. Su Yingzi’s daxiaojie halo does not allow her to casually get a boyfriend, now with the identity of a superstar, it would be impossible to get into a relationship right?

Actually, in Su Yingzi’s mind, he doesn’t need that much money, because she already had a lot of it. He doesn’t have to be the center of everyone’s attention, because she is famous enough. He only needs to be nice to her, care for her, protect her, and help to carry her burdens when she’s in trouble, that’s enough. However, this person just hasn’t appeared. The only people that have appeared are those villains that are after her beauty or assets.

The destination of Su Yingzi’s touring concert is the provincial capital of Songjiang province – Songjiang city. Originally due to it being rather far, her company didn’t prepare to organize a concert in Songjiang. However, as someone who grew up in the south, Su Yingzi has never seen snow, obviously, she wouldn’t give up this chance, thus Songjiang city became the final stop for the concert.

However, Su YIngzi would have never thought that such a coincidental decision made her meet a man in Songjiang, a man that she will always be entangled within her life…

The location of the concert is the stadium in Songjiang University. The sports stadium in Songjiang University is the largest sports stadium within the Songjiang province, covering 20000 square meters. All of the sports and cultural performances would be held here.

Looking at the large crowd of people outside the sports stadium, I never would have imagined that a little celebrity would have so many supporters. Furthermore, I have never heard of this Su Yingzi in my previous life!

“Hubby, what ticket did you buy?” Zhao Yanyan held me and asked.

Hehe, it seems like this chick doesn’t know that her father’s company organized this concert yet!

“I don’t know, someone else got it for me,” When Uncle Zhao gave me the tickets, I stuffed it into my pocket without looking, I don’t know what seats I got either. I took the tickets out from my pocket and handed it to Zhao Yanyan.

Chen Weier immediately looked over, and showed a surprise expression, “Wow! This is actually the VIP seats on the first row! Hubby, how did you get these tickets? A lot of my good friends couldn’t even get the standing tickets for outside the stadium! You actually bought VIP seats, and three of them at a time! I should have gotten you to help if I found out about this earlier!”

I could only smile wryly, was I supposed to tell her that I organized this concert?


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