Category Archives: Translations

Episode 44 Waking Up with the Beautiful Little Girl

The next morning, after they returned from the Aquamarine festival, for some reason, Seiya woke up in Lily’s bed instead of his own.

Next to Seiya, there was the child version of Lily quietly sleeping.

「Why am I inside Lily’s room?」

Seiya was wondering why he awoke inside her room.

Lily’s room is the farthest, it is further then Seiya’s and Yua’s room. That’s why it is difficult to make a mistake.

However, Lily was still inside the dreamland and he had no way to know.

「I thought I should be in my own room, but why…」

Seiya decided to thoroughly investigate his memory of the last night.

「Come to think of it….」

Last night, when he was about to fell asleep, the door opened. And the bewitching adult version of Lily entered the room.

「What’s happened, Lily?」

When he asked that, she proactively approached him.

「Ufufu, night crawling」[1] 「Don’t joke with me」

Seiya made a troubled face and Lily responded with the puffed cheeks.

「Seiya-kun is terrible. I was working hard at Amacon today, don’t you have a reward for me? 」

Lily approached the place next to Seiya with her bewitching atmosphere exponentially increasing. Any male will have his reason crumble before her.

However, Seiya answered as usual.

「For that I’m grateful, but Yua worked just as hard」
「That’s true, but I don’t have much time for myself. I spent this time for your sake and you refuse to give me a reward, Seiya-kun is so terrible~」

Lily gazed upwards at Seiya with bewitching and tragic eyes.

As she said, the time for the adult version to appear is limited. And since she spent her precious time to help him, he thought to satisfy her request.

「All right. So, what do you want to do? 」
「Thank you, Seiya-kun. Can you come to my room right now? 」

Lily made a happy face and brought Seiya to her room. And the moment they entered the room, she immediately pulled him on top of the bed.

「Seiya-kun. Sleep with me today」

Different from the usual, Lily’s expression was serious. At that moment, Seiya figured out what she wants.

What Lily wanted was an exchange of mana required by their contract. And exchanging the vast amounts of mana required time.

That’s why it happens during the night.

When Seiya obediently lied on the bed, Lily embraced him from behind and gently whispered into his ear.

「Thank you」

Seiya’s consciousness was cut off at that moment.

The time passed and he found himself in her room.

「What happened after that?」

Seiya tried to recall it but didn’t succeed. At that moment, Lily, who was sleeping next to him opened her eyes.

By the way, Lily was naked and somewhat tired, despite sleeping.

He asked such a Lily about the last night, but Lily made a “What about it?” expression.

Apparently, only adult version knows about the events of the last night.

After that, the two headed to the dining room to have breakfast.

When they reached there, Yua and her parents were already there. They seemed to have waited for everyone to gather before starting.

For breakfast, there were pancakes, eggs, sausages, and salad. As for drinks, there were fruit juice, coffee, tea, milk and so on.

After the breakfast started, Kana, Yua’s mother, spoke to Lily and Yua.

「Yua-chan, Lily-chan. How about we go shopping today with just us women? 」

To her words, Yua and Lily made a questioning expression, so Kana explained to them.

「It will be hot soon, right? Let’s buy some clothes for that. How about a one piece that will make Seiya-kun melt? 」

Kana grinned while looking at Seiya, who was troubled how to react. And Yua and Lily immediately answered.

「I’ll go…」
「I’ll go!」

Answered Yua and Lily with serious expressions. Kana watched the two’s behavior with「Ufufu」and said to Seiya.

「Seiya -kun is a blessed person」

Hearing her words, Seiya didn’t know how to react again. Seeing such a Seiya, Kana laughed with「Ufufu」again.

Seiya thought that she might be an S deep inside. [2]

After the breakfast, the female team left and Seiya was called by Raiga.

When he entered the room, he found Raiga sitting on the sofa, so he sat across him.

The conversation started soon.

「First, about yesterday. Everything was solved without a problem」

Yesterday is about the case when Seiya made the berserk audience unconscious. After that, Raiga acted as a witness and there was no accusation directed at Seiya.

「I see. I bothered you」
「Don’t worry, you’re my future son after all」

Raiga said while laughing, but soon his expression turned serious. Seeing this, Seiya also became serious.

「But the members of the association have their eyes on you」
「Association? Ah, the special association」
「That’s right」

Association is an organization of special magicians, it’s completely independent of the Holy Church.

They wield great power and even have some influence on the church’s actions. This organization has a freedom to move around uninhibited.

For example, if Aquaristan’s church wants to inquire something from Windistan’s, first things first, it needs to send the request to the Holy Church. Then, the Holy Church will receive the answer from Windistan.

Then that answer will be relayed to the Aquaristan. If the answer is positive then they can act.

This procedure alone takes a lot of time.

However, the special magicians association can act without those bothersome procedures.

You can say that the existence of the special magician association restrains the Holy Church and the Holy Church restrains the association.

This mutual restraint brings peace to the Leiria Kingdom.

Still, Seiya couldn’t help but ask.

「Why are they interested?」

Seiya couldn’t figure out why the association had its eyes on him.

However, Raiga’s answer was unexpected.

「Because I have the two of you staying with me. Lily is no problem since she is adopted, but you are a freeloader. There seem to be some guys that think you have the potential to become a special magician, so they are investigating you」
「I see. So it was something like that」

Raiga was meeting with important people of Aquaristan, but at the same time, he met a few other special magicians.

「There are currently 12 special magicians in this country. All of us wield tremendous power and if we ever fight each other, the damage will be enormous. Just like that, every clan tries to recruit the promising talents to strengthen their ranks, and I’m no exception」
「And that’s why they have their eyes on me? 」

That’s the story you can believe. Special magicians are powerful and influential. If there is a new special magician to appear, it is natural to investigate.

「That’s how it is. From the standpoint of the other special magicians, you can become a big existence one day. That’s why they will launch a thorough investigation」
「Oi oi, please spare me from this annoyance」

I finally obtained a peaceful life, there is no way I’m participating in some association, thought Seiya.

「I thought to stop them, but hiding things will make them even more suspicious. Therefore, I chose to ignore it」
「Hah, understood」

And after their conversation has ended, a green-haired servant girl, Melena, entered the room.

「Excuse me, there is a guest wishing to see you」
「Me? I didn’t receive any notice」

Facing such a person as Raiga, most of the people will make an appointment first. But he had no appointments scheduled for today.

But he still came. He either mistook the time or is an insane person.

However, Melena’s reply was something he didn’t expect.

「He is one of the thirteen apostles and he is aware of his behavior」
「One of the thirteen apostles? All right, let him in, I will meet him soon」

The atmosphere surrounding Raiga changed in a moment.


  1. Yobai. 
  2. ******. 

Episode 43 Beauty Contest

When Seiya arrived at the spectators’ seats, there were already plenty of people.

Their numbers exceeded five hundred; they took all of the seats. Just as Seiya thought to watch the contest while standing, he discovered an empty seat in the center.

Even though the seat was empty, no one approached it. For some reason, everyone chose to stand.

When he looked around, he discovered someone he knew.

「Did you come to greet some people in the beauty contest, Raiga?」[1] 「So it’s Seiya. What is happened with Lily and Yua? 」

Sitting there was a special magician as well as Yua’s father, Raiga Arunia.

The spectators took their distance from Raiga, but Seiya didn’t bother and sat next to him.

Seeing him sitting next to Raiga and casually starting a conversation, everyone around got suddenly agitated.

Some of them said「What is this brat doing!?」,「Do you want to die!?」,「Are you an idiot!?」, but Seiya didn’t hear that.

「Those two are participating in the beauty contest」

Without any care for his surroundings, Seiya answered Raiga’s previous question.

「I see. Is your target the melon bread? 」
「Kind of. By the way, what about Melena? 」
「As for her, I handed her some money, so she is sightseeing the festival right now」
「All right」

It seems that Melena is enjoying the festival. [2]

However, why is he in such a place, though Seiya. How does the greeting of important people lead him to be here? Besides, a person of Raiga’s status should usually be in the section for the important guests.

「Are you here for a job?」
「You can say that. There is a possibility that the winner will be kidnapped. I’m a countermeasure」
「I see, you are the special deterrent」
「That’s about right」

Apparently, Raiga uses his presence to deter any possible kidnappers from an action. Raiga is famous not only in Aquaristan but across the whole kingdom. He is perfect as the deterrent.

While the two were talking about those things, the beauty contest finally began.

There were nine participants. Of course, Lily and Yua were among them, but they were on a completely different level from the rest. To be honest, it’s on the level when you can only pity other participants.

And Seiya noticed something. That is, Lily’s body was bigger than usual in certain places.

Instead of the little girl, she changed into the enchanting adult version.

When she became aware of Seiya’s gaze, Lily showed him a smile. While Seiya was smiling in response, the host woman said loudly.

「All right, this year’s aquamarine beauty contest, in short「Amacon」, starts now」

When the woman said her piece, the audience erupted in loud cheers.

First is the interview, in order from left to right.

Yua is third and Lily is fifth. The interview included questions about motivation, melon bread and so on and so forth.

When the first two’s interview has ended, it was finally Yua’s turn. The host asked Yua:

「Entry number three, such a cute girl. What is your name? 」
「So you are Yua-san then. Why are you participating in the Amacon? 」
「For my fiancé……」
「Eeh, so you have a fiancé?」
「I have…」

The hall became quiet. The host big sister was troubled how to react too, adding to that, the atmosphere in the hall became somewhat weird.

「So it is for your fiancé, how wonderful. By the way, is he present in the audience right now? 」
「He is….」

The audience was looking around with  Who is it? Who is it? question in their eyes. For some reason, their stares also contained bloodlust.

Not caring about the audience, the host asked Yua「Where is he? 」. And Yua, without any hesitation, pointed at Seiya with her finger.

「Eh?! You mean, the one next to Raiga-sama?!」

The host, as well as the audience, stared there. There, next to Raiga, was the figure of Seiya with the troubled facial expression.

The audience eyed Seiya with killing intent and blood thirst, but thankfully, Raiga was there, so no one pounced on him.

At that time, Seiya though that Raiga is quite convenient. Of course, he never said that aloud.

The host gathered her courage and tried to approach Seiya.

While looking at Raiga next to him, the host woman approached Seiya step after step. And when she finally reached him, she immediately asked a question.

「Fiancé-san. Can you please say something to Yua-san? 」

Being asked that, Seiya honestly answered.

「Do your best, Yua」

When Seiya showed his support, a broad smile appeared on Yua’s face.

Her smile was dazzling. Everyone who saw her smile sent the hateful stare at Seiya, but he didn’t care.

Yua’s turn has ended and it was the turn for the next one. The fourth woman was somewhat nervous after Yua, but she tried her best.

And after her, it was the adult version of Lily’s turn. The host woman handed the mike to her and started asking questions. [3]

「The next one is number five. What is your name? 」
「It’s Lily」
「Why are you participating in the Amacon, Lily-san?」
「For the person I love, I suppose」

Answering the questions, while wearing a bewitching atmosphere, she immediately stole the attention of the males in the hall.

And after hearing Lily’s answer, just like with Yua, they started looking around with frenzied eyes.

Of course, they were looking for the person she loves.

The audience thought to vent the anger from Seiya’s case on this person instead.

「Is the person you love your boyfriend?」

The host proceeded with the questions.

「That’s wrong. We have already passed that step」

Lily answered while emanating the bewitching atmosphere. The audience perked their ears and the host asked further.

「Could it be, a fiancé?」
「That is also different」

The host tilted her head at Lily’s answer.

Further than a boyfriend but not a fiancé, just what was the answer, she thought. Without reaching any conclusion, she asked Lily.

「Then, then what is your relationship?」

Hearing the host, the audience held their breath and waited for an answer. And Lily, radiating even more allure than before, answered.

「A Mistress」

After her answer, the host froze, the same applied for the audience.

Only Seiya was making a troubled face. Lily laughed as if she was enjoying it.

「As I said, a mistress」
「A mistress? Not a fiancé? 」
「Can’t be helped. My lover has a fiancée after all」

At her answer, the audience gets even more agitated than before.

In their eyes, you could read「This beauty is a mistress!? Who is this idiot!?」. If they ever find their target, they will immediately pounce on him.

You should stop searching for that lover, thought Seiya. However, the idiot host proceeded with the questions.

「Where is that fortunate lover of yours?」

Why did you ask?! Seiya screamed in his heart. After all, he could already tell what will happen after that.

Lily flashed an evil grin and quietly pointed at Seiya.

「There, it’s Yua-chan’s fiancé. Nee, Seiya-kun♡」

In the next moment, the people in the audience became berserk.

「「「Kill……Kill…Kill him. This harem *******」」」

While shouting that, the berserk audience assaulted Seiya.

Seiya stood up and looked at the berserkers, coming at him at full power.

Seeing his plight, Raiga said.

「Don’t hurt them too much」

Raiga wasn’t worried about Seiya, he was worried about the audience.

Facing the pouncing berserker, Seiya gathered his mana.

「Mana release」

The moment Seiya muttered that the berserkers started to fall one after another. Also, the rest of the audience, excluding Raiga and Seiya, have all fainted.

What Seiya did was mana release that he used in the first day in the new academy.

Although he released only about a tenth, so no one got hurt.

The host was troubled, looking at the fainted audience.

「Etto, what should we do about the Amacon?」

The winner is determined by the votes of the audience, but everyone except Raiga and Seiya has fainted, so the total number of votes will be just two.

In that moment, Raiga proclaimed.

「I vote for Yua」
「Then I give my vote to Lily」

Raiga gave his vote for Yua and Seiya for Lily.

The troubled host looked around, but everyone except those two has fainted, so she had no choice.

「Etto, the winners are number three, Yua-san, and number five, Lily-san. You are free to receive a melon bread….This year’s Amacon ends at that. Wai…」

The host declared the results with hollow eyes.

Yua and Lily received their prizes with happy expressions, but other entries, especially from number six, had a dissatisfied expression.

With that, the Amacon with the least number of votes in history has officially ended.

「I will deal with the aftermath. Seiya, take the two and return first」

Said Raiga.

「Sorry, you have to deal with annoying things」
「Don’t worry」
「Thank you」

After thanking Raiga, he met up with Yua and Lily, who was already in her child version.

After that, just as Raiga said, they headed home.

On the way home, Yua and Lily passed their prize, the melon bread with cream, to Seiya.

「All right. Let’s eat it together」
「But Seiya wanted it…」
「It’s fine. Might as well eat some」

Yua stared at melon bread with the distressed face, then, as if being enlightened, she tore the bread in two and handed one part to Seiya.

「Like that, each can get a piece」
「Thanks, Yua」

Having said that, he received a half of melon bread from Yua.

「Lily will give a half too!」
「Is it fine?」
「Un! I got it for Seiya in the first place! 」

Lily handed a half of melon bread to Seiya with a smile!


The three headed home while eating the delicious bread.

There was a man looking at the trio from afar. It was a silver-haired man in the white armor.

This man wasn’t looking at Yua and Lily. He was looking at the blonde blue-eyed young man between them.

「As I thought, the incident hasn’t ended yet. I need to question this youth about the facility」

The silver-haired man, Bagil Eight, said that with determination.


  1. Casually ditched everyone and went to admire beauties. Nice! 
  2. Gentle reminder: Melena is green-haired servant girl. 
  3. So they have microphones here. 

Episode 42 Aquamarine Festival

At the dinner after his first day, Seiya asked Raiga about the plans for tomorrow.

「Come to think of it, do you have something planned for tomorrow?」

Since it was the day off, they didn’t plan anything yet. There, Raiga came up with a proposal.

「Then how about going in the central district tomorrow?」
「Central district?」

To Seiya’s question, Raiga swiftly provides the answer.

「It’s about time for the water maiden festival, Aquamarine」
「I have heard of it before」
「Well, it is famous after all」

Aquamarine is the famous festival held each year at the end of June; it is famous across the Leiria Kingdom

Seiya heard of this festival, but he never thought that it is held in this city.

The content of the festival is basically a parade.

They parade to show the appreciation and gratitude towards the water maiden, lots of palanquins proceed through the main street, while people perform ceremonies involving the water attribute on them.

「Shouldn’t it be held later?」

As Seiya said, there were still three weeks until the Aquamarine festival.

「The festival itself is. However, there are already shows and stalls on the main street. You can say that this is a really long festival」
「Quite long for a festival indeed」

As Raiga said, there are already people setting up stalls on the main streets, the central district is gradually turning lively.

「I don’t mind, do you?」
「If Seiya will then I will too….」
「Lily wants to go! It seems fun! 」
「Then it’s decided」

With than, the trio decided to go to the central district.

In the next day, Raiga brought the trio to the center of Moru city.

Yua’s mother, Kana, is absent since she had some things to do at home.

When they reached the city center, Raiga said.

「I will go greet some important people. Here we will split up. Feel free to play to your heart’s content」
「And you just leave us」

Complained Seiya, but Raiga said with a laugh.

「That’s because I trust you, Seiya. Properly protect Yua and Lily」
「I know even without you telling me」

When Seiya said that, Raiga went off somewhere.

The trio, who were left behind, discussed their plans.

They decided their first destination rather quickly.

The trio first went to the stall that was selling the cotton candy. That’s because Lily was too excited seeing it.

When Lily received the cotton candy from the stall owner, she started eating it with sparkling eyes. And Yua also delightedly tasted it.

Looking at the two gleefully eating the cotton candy, Seiya showed a smile.

When Yua notices his gaze, she looked alternatively between the cotton candy and Seiya and gave him just a little.

「Are you giving it to me? Thanks」

Seiya said his thanks and tried to take the cotton candy, but Yua withdrew her hands for some reason.

「Wrong, a~n…..」

Yua tried to feed him with cotton candy.

Doing it with lots of people present was quite embarrassing, but in the end, he lost and obediently complied.

「Of course」

Hearing his answer, she delightedly returned her attention to the cotton candy.

When Lily saw this, she tore off some of her candy and handed it to Seiya.

「Seiya, a~n!」

Facing Lily, he just resigned and ate it.

「Seiya, tasty?」

To her question, Seiya, of course, gave a positive answer.

「Yeah, it was tasty. Thanks, Lily」
「Un! 」

Lily nodded with a blooming smile.

Seeing him being surrounded by the beautiful girls, people stared at him with jealousy, but Seiya didn’t mind.

After that, the trio went around different stalls, and then, Seiya noticed a signboard and stopped.

Yua asked the reason Seiya stopped.

「What’s wrong….Seiya…? 」
「Nothing, just though that it’s nostalgic」
「What is….?」
「That signboard」
「Melon bread?」

What Seiya was looking at, was the signboard with melon bread written on it. However, it wasn’t just the melon bread, it also had the cream inside of it.

「Seiya, what is melon bread?」

Lily didn’t know what melon bread was, and Seiya was troubled how to answer. For now, he said.

「It’s tasty bread」

It seems Lily is unable to imagine melon bread. Well, not surprising.

「What do you mean by nostalgic….Seiya….? 」

Yua was filled with questions at his statement.

「When I was still in the Windistan I ate my lunch in the bakery. This bakery had limited sales of melon bread once in a month, a thing to look forward to. The owner always left some for me, so I was able to eat it once a month」

「Bake John」produced 30 pieces each month and Seiya was always able to eat it, their taste was superb.

When he went to the store, he was always able to receive 2 pieces, one for himself and one for Edward. [1]

Melon bread was Seiya’s and Edward’s favorite, but since he was kidnapped, he was unable to eat it any longer.

So once Seiya noticed the signboard he felt nostalgic.

「Do you want it, Seiya? 」

Asked Lily.

And Seiya earnestly answered.

「Sort of」
「Then Lily will go and get it! 」

Once Seiya affirmed, she puffed her chest out, giving off “leave it to me” feeling, but he swiftly stopped her.

「Lily, read the signboard to the end」
「Etto, contest? 」
「Yeah, that’s right」
「What’s that?」

There was:「The winner of beauty contest gets two pieces of melon bread with a cream」, but Lily had no idea what that contest was.

Therefore, Seiya earnestly gave up. But there was a concerned person close to him. That was of course Yua.

「Leave it to me, Seiya…..」
「Eh, are you going to participate?」
「Un…..For Seiya’s sake…」 [2]

Apparently, she is motivated. And if Yua is going to do it than Lily will also go.

「Lily too!」

As Lily said that she would participate too, Seiya tried to stop her.

Because if these two beautiful girls participate, the audience will flock and something will happen.

To avoid the trouble, he tried to stop them, but his persuasion was absolutely ineffective.

「You can’t think of participating today?」
「It’s fine……..It says that today is okay…」

There was a「It’s okay to apply today! It’s time to display your beauty! 」written on the signboard.

「But it will take a lot of time….」
「It’s all right! I will end it swiftly! 」

Although Lily didn’t know anything about a contest, she was filled with confidence for no apparent reason.

「Leave it to me, Seiya…..」
「Leave it to me!」

If it has escalated up to this point, Seiya couldn’t stop them anymore. [3]

「All right」

Seiya decided to give up and leave it to them.

After that, having finished their registration, he proceeded to his seat.

Yua and Lily were taken to the dressing room to change clothes. Just what would they be forced to wear, worried Seiya.


  1. Who is currently mourning your disappearance. 
  2. I cried. 
  3. Win for 2 pieces of bread. That’s some treasured bread. 

Episode 75 I Turned 18 Before I Noticed

I turned 18 before I noticed. I finally noticed it at winter, not just that, I was going to be next year soon.

Anyway, this autumn and winter we were very busy.

First about me, since there was nothing major for me to do, I became absorbed in the development of the barrier magic stones. The reason being that they became a big hit. When it were just the adventurers and a few other customers, it was enough to let Luara watch the store. The biggest problem was the number of orders from the army, royalty, and merchants. On some days, I was buried in orders. I spent a lot of my time to deal with it. I’m grateful for the harpies help in delivering the stones. Well, since it was unexpectedly profitable, let’s leave it at that.

That being said, most of the profits went into the Kurumfar territory.

As for the troublesome Kurumfar territory, Mei, Gon, and Peris were in charge of the agricultural development. I was worried at first but the seeds sprouted properly and their growth was acceptable. There were also plenty of paddy fields, the problem is whether it’s possible to grow rice on them, this matter is still being investigated.

The fishing industry, on the other hand, was faring quite splendidly. Since the port of the Kairiku city was opened, the city became much more lively. The esaraharu dishes became popular and you can see people coming all the way from the imperial capital just to taste them. The salt problem was solved and this side is also bustling.

The tax revenue from the fishing industry was somehow able to make up for the agriculture deficit.

Speaking of the happy occasion, it seems that the visitors, who tried the new dishes, spread the word and the population of the Kairiku town increased little by little. Since there were people interested in developing new lands, I went to the Kurumfar territory on my day off, fixed the land with earth magic, and had Mei spread her fertilizer around.

As for the other happy occasion, it’s possible to get「Nigari」together with the salt. Previously, I used to buy it in a drugstore but there is no need to do this anymore. I can make as much tofu as I want.

I approached the matter of the hotel very thoroughly, I have a great confidence in its success. After all, there are Rico’s servants working there with Kuena being in charge of them. Their refined movements and, of course, their bed making, cleaning, and caring skills are exceptional. They can provide services that can’t be compared to even the first-class hotels. You won’t be able to stay in another hotel once you went through their services.

Of course, there are baths and flushable toilets with warm seats in this hotel. They were used by those, who were trained by me in earth magic, it became something like a luxury treatment. [1]

I spend quite a bit of effort dealing with the sewage by digging a big hole in the ground, hardening its walls, gathering it in one place. Digging that hole took a lot from me and I collapsed midway but thanks to the magical effect of Mei’s lap pillow, I managed to somehow complete it. There, my teacher’s Falco teaching 「magic is an image」became a great hint. In essence, I was able to confirm that you can activate a spell if you have a clear image in your head. I had a great teacher and I’m truly grateful to him.

The gathered wastes turn into fertilizer thanks to Gon’s efforts. Since the sewage line was is complete, next time, I plan to connect the other building to it. To eliminate all the scooping type toilets from the territory is my hidden goal.

The hotel’s menu was a masterpiece of Peris’ making. I chose some of Rico’s servants, who were interested in cooking, and some of the people I brought from the capital and had Peris teach them the recipes. I have absolute confidence in the taste. In the future, I plan to introduce the vegetables, meat, and fish from the Kurumfar territory to the hotel.

As for the hotel itself. I hired workers to repair and remodel the building inside out. Since it was previously used as the Lord’s mansion, there were plenty of rooms but because I put an emphasis on baths and toilets there was a need to completely reform the building. Since there is magic in this world, the work took only 1 month to complete and the interior of the building changed significantly. The late Count Kurumfar would have become weak in the knees if he saw that.

The hotel is going to open its door on the second month of the year.

In addition to the projects above, Rico and her aides dealt with the matters of taxation, finances, army, police, security, firefighting, and trial. Pius and Aga were in charge of the army, Poltan and Popia were in charge of police and security, Pario used his outstanding calculating abilities to settle the taxes, Nokyu dealt with finances, Nokita with firefighting, Jokun with trials and lawsuits. Nizu and Thujin used their abilities to deal with general affairs and everyone had a job to make them occupied. The people brought from the capital worked under them. Everyone put their hopes into their work making their motivation and working efficiency quite high. There were nobles, commoners, and beastmen amongst them, Rico, who made them work together, is quite something.

When it comes to cooking in the mansion, Ferris often substituted for Peris, who was busy recently. Her cooking didn’t lose to Peris’. She wakes up early in the morning to prepare breakfast, goes shopping at noon, and welcomes the tattered us with dinner. We promised to each other that no matter how busy we are, we would always have breakfast and dinner together. Like that, we used our mealtime to confirm our plans and schedules.

At that time, there were a lot of days when Mei shut herself in the laboratory. She said that she was researching better farming tools. They were quite durable and easy to use on top of being provided for free, the farmers’ gratitude was out of bounds. Besides that, you know, big-breasted beauty and all. Her popularity amongst men isn’t to be underestimated. But what was unexpected is that she became popular with women too. Her humble and enthusiastic attitude captured people’s hearts.

In that way, the times I spent my night with Rico increased. Rico being Rico couldn’t get enough of it. Those times, despite being busy, she was always submissive. That being said, when she wasn’t able to be with me, Mei made sure to definitely appear in her place. Contrary to Rico, she released her pent-up stress without reserve and was much more aggressive. As a result, Rico, Mei, and I created a nice balance with each other.

While I was doing all of that, the year came to an end. After we used this time to take a long vacation and restore our spirits, we proceeded with the preparations to open the hotel.

With the port operating and trade expanding, the number of adventurers and tourists increased and the matter of their accommodation became urgent. For the time being, we dealt with it by creating a barrier for residential use, but, in essence, it was just a camp. There was a great number of demands for a proper inn, so I made an urgent project to construct an inn. This world doesn’t particularly celebrate the New Year. The biggest events of the country are the birthday of the emperor, birth of marriage in the royal family, or something like a coronation ceremony. Only the Daquet Company went out of the way to take a break on the New Year. Daquet Company is striving to become the greatest white company in the empire. [2]

Due to its urgency, the inn was completed around the end of the holidays. The rooms numbered around 40. There, the sea tribe and some of the women, who weren’t involved in farming, took care of its management. I don’t plan to meddle with their arrangement as long as they properly pay the taxes.

And finally, the time to open the hotel came. The honored customer number one was, unexpectedly, His Majesty the Emperor himself. Since he came here to rest in peace and quiet, he brought only the smallest number of people with him but they still took whole 16 rooms.

His Majesty brought a rather obedient and more adorable that beautiful girl with him. Most likely, she was his most loved person. According to the rumors, she seems to be a commoner. His Majesty was attracted to her simple unsophisticated nature and she fell in love with him.

His Majesty was satisfied with our services and enjoyed his three days stay quite a bit. We also called out to his servants and brought out the dishes prepared by our chef. The imperial chef cook was impressed and wanted to visit the hotel again to train himself.

In the morning of the day when His Majesty needed to return to the capital, he said

「I shall come again in the next year around the same time. The next time will be even longer. Furniture, view from the window, food. I like all of them. To the extent that I want to move the imperial palace here. No, if I move the palace, it will lose its meaning, isn’t it. Hahaha」

He said and returned to the capital in great satisfaction.

As a result, the emperor’s vacation could be considered a success. Since it was able to satisfy the emperor, the hotel has been full ever since, to the extent of people making complaints. However, there were no complaints about the dishes or services. At that time, the staff even doubted the need to listen to the complaints. That customer screamed in anger during the checkout.

「I have to go back but it’s too comfortable here to leave. How are you going to solve this!?」


  1. Not so sure about this one, to be honest. 
  2. Have no idea what white company means and too lazy to google. Something about finances maybe. 

Episode 86 Seiya’s Judgment

As the sun rose above the second district of the Dakuria, the girls were present in the dining room of the inn.

The breakfast before them included some of the finest dishes of this inn and was quite delicious. The five girls, missing one particular person, started eating breakfast first.

The dining room had several long tables in it and the girls took one for themselves.
The seating order is considered free in the dining room, so when the male customers from the same inn tried to take a seat beside them, they were turned down by Yua.

Normally, there should have been Seiya in that place but, regretfully, he wasn’t present.

The male customers, who tried to approach them, were rejected and took different seats in frustration.

By the way, the reason behind Seiya’s absence was that he told everyone to eat breakfast ahead of him and shut himself in the room.

Seiya stayed back in the room because he had things he had to do. That is to relay the gathered information to Bagil, who was on his way here.

Once he was left alone in the room, Seiya took out a tennis ball sized blue stone from his pocket. That was a telepathy stone with a direct connection to Bagil, quite a valuable article.

Seiya injected his mana into the telepathy stone and tried to establish a connection with Bagil.


The telepathy stone kept swallowing his mana with such a sound. After a few second, the link was established.

「Is this Kiritsuna Seiya?」

Tried to confirm his identity Bagil. That being said, he was sure that it was Seiya so he skipped right to the business.

「How is it? Where are you right now? 」

Bagil’s voice seemed somewhat restless. While having a bad premonition, Seiya told Bagil his location and the information he gathered.

「I’m staying in an inn in the second district of the Dakuria. The location of Moka Fenix is mostly confirmed」
「I see. What kind of place this second district is? 」
「To be honest, the technology is much more advanced compared to the Leiria Kingdom. The gap is just too wide」
「Technology? 」

Bagil couldn’t understand what he said. When talking about the technology, Bagil could only think about the magic technology and not about the machinery.

Thus, he didn’t know how to reply to that statement.

「Yeah, can you believe it? I’m in the room on the 8th floor from the ground right now. It’s surprising how people can build such structures without relying on magic」
「On the 8th floor?!」

Although Bagil was at a loss of words hearing such a number but as an apostle, he immediately recovered and talked about the plan of action.

「So, where is Moka Fenix located?」
「You need to leave the second district, cross a mountain and reach the place called the Demon King’s mansion, where she is supposedly imprisoned. I don’t know the details about this Demon King’s Mansion but it seems like a problematic place」
「I see……」
「So when will the reinforcement arrive? 」
「About that….」

Bagil’s speech suddenly became hesitant. Despite it being a telepathy, an image of Bagil’s face with a distorted expression appeared in his mind.

「What’s wrong? It’s about the time for them to cover at least a half of the distance」
「It might be hard on you but the reinforcement are likely to take a while」
「What do you mean?」

Seiya’s face hardened.

「There is a triple amount of tourist on because of the Aquamarine this year, the control over exiting and entering the dark territory became much stricter. That’s why there is a need for us to regroup in another city and start from there. We need at least three more days to reach you」

In other words, by the time he arrives, the most of the 「safe」week will be spent.

「What? What about the other apostles? 」
「The seven sages dispatched two more apostles in addition to myself but ,regretfully, they are already on the move towards the Moru city, which will take some time. Most likely, two days in they are in a hurry」
「Two days? 」

Seiya failed to hide his surprise at an unexpectedly long wait.

In Seiya’s mind, there was a plan to join with Bagil today and launch a night raid on the Demon King’s mansion. However, hearing about the two days, he didn’t know what to think anymore. This number will make things hopeless.

「Two days is too long, no matter how you look at it. Can’t you do anything? Go through the Aquamarine somehow」
「I want to do so as much as you but there are too many tourists in the Aquamarine. There are as much problems as there are tourists, we can’t leave the city in the middle of it」
「I see. Why are there so many tourists in the first place? 」

Seiya’s question didn’t came out of nowhere. The sudden increase in a number of tourists is just too convenient. Bagil was of the same opinion.

「Most likely, this is also a part of the enemy’s plan」
「Just how did they?」

This time’s crime was staged by the people of Dakuria. It should be difficult for them to move a large number of people in the Leiria Kingdom.

In that way, there is a possibility of the people of high standing in Leiria being involved. Doubts about the people of Leiria appeared in Seiya’s mind.

「This I do not know. However, there is no doubt that we stepped right into the enemy’s trap」
「Damn it…..」

At that time, two choices appeared inside of Seiya. However, both of they come with a big risk.

「What are you going to do, Bagil?」
「You should be on standby in your inn. In two days at the fastest, one of the apostles should be able to join you. After that, we will immediately launch the rescue operation」

Bagil’s choice was the best for a person, who is in charge of everything. It is important for a captain to take care of his subordinates’ lives first and commence the operation with minimal risks.

However, at the same time it increased the chances of the hostages being harmed.

After coming to this city, Seiya had a vague feeling.

The safe margin of a week involved a lot of his wishful thinking while in reality, even a second of delay was dangerous.

The level of technology in this city demonstrates it. His common sense isn’t applicable to this country. For a country that can overrun their magic horses, it’s doubtful whether they will leave Moka alive for long.

That being said, she might be still alive. That thought swirled inside his head.

「Listen, you are just an advance party, not the main force. Do you think that you need to rescue her with your current members? Do you understand, Kiritsuna Seiya? 」

Bagil received a bad premonition faced with Seiya silence and tried to nip it in a bud but it was already too late. The answer was already clear in Seiya’s mind.

「Sorry. We shall commence the operation with just a six of us. It doesn’t seem like I have a leeway to wait for your team. Every second matters」
「Wait! This is suicide! You don’t even know anything about your opponent. Besides, leaving something like this to the students of the magic academy」

Bagil’s words made sense. However, Seiya couldn’t afford to shrink back.

「Waiting for you will put Moka Fenix in peril. Besides, I’m not doing it as the student of the magic academy. I’m doing it as a friend of the Fenix family」
「That’s unforgivable. Do you mean to say that the advance team is going to abandon the mission? It’s an order from your superior, standby」

Bagil tried to stop Seiya with all his efforts.

He even went as far as to use his position as a captain to issue an order, which wasn’t like the usual him. However, Seiya, who was aware of it, made a statement to lift the responsibility for their actions from Bagil.

「Presently, Kiritsuna Seiya and his team of six shall act independently from Bagil Eight, a member of the Thirteen Apostles」

They weren’t under his command in the first place but he made sure to proclaim it just in case.

With this, there is no need for them to listen to Bagil’s orders anymore. At the same time, he made it possible for Bagil to avoid a part of the responsibility.

「Bye, I’ll contact you later」
「Wait! Kiritsuna……」

Said Seiya and one-sidedly cut off the transmission. After he controlled the stone to ignore calls from Bagil, he got down to the dining room and joined the rest.

「All right then, how should I proceed from now on」

Said Seiya while heading to the cafeteria.


Episode 85 Yua’s Worries

At 3 A.M., under the quiet and comfortable sound of the wind, Seiya opened his eyes. Next to Seiya, there was Lily, who comfortably slept with Seiya’s arm as a hugging pillow.

Looking at her appearance, Seiya made an exasperated expression.

There were four semi-double beds in Seiya’s room in the inn. Normally, three people can have one bed for each of them.

However, these three, for some reason, used the same bed.

Going back in time a little, when Selena and Seiya returned to the hotel, the night was mostly spent.

Even if it’s Seiya, after the fight with the magical beast in the morning, a fraud attempt in the guild, and gathering information in the night he made his way straight to the bed.

Due to the fatigue, he collapsed onto the bed right in his tuxedo, and, once Yua saw him in this condition, she attempted to undress him.

She did it skillfully, and in a few minutes, Seiya’s clothes changed to the ones suitable for sleeping. Seiya thanked her for her efforts and wanted to immediately fall asleep.

However, a problem occurred.

Yua stripped her black uniform, which can’t be worn by anyone except the apostle’s subordinates, and appeared before him in her pink underwear.

Seiya was on the verge of losing consciousness and didn’t see her appearance but from the rustling sounds, he understood that she changed her clothes.

In a moment when he was about to fall asleep, he felt something soft and warm touching his right arm. Seiya squeezed the last bits of power in his body, opened his eyes, and looked at his right arm.

There was a figure of Yua in pink underwear hugging his arm with a happy face. When he tried to tell her to sleep in her own bed, this time he noticed a warm feeling on his left arm.

That warmth felt even more intense, and, fighting a desperate fight against his sleepiness, he looked at his left arm.

There was a figure of Lily hugging his arm in her birthday suit. As she didn’t wear anything, the warm feeling of her breasts was directly transmitted to his left arm.

Seiya thought that a semi-double bed won’t be enough for three people but, maybe because Yua and Lily were slender, it didn’t feel that cramped.

With things as they were, Seiya decided that he didn’t have much of a choice and decided to fall sleep as it is. However, the feeling on his right hand suddenly vanished only to become warmer and softer a moment later.

Confirming his thoughts, he turned to look at his right hand once again. There he saw Yua in her naked form without her unexpectedly pink underwear.

Seiya is a man. No matter how fatigued he was, a certain part of his was bound to become active after being embraced by two peerless beauties in their birthday suits on both sides.

However, thinking about the next day, he had to rest. Such Seiya pleaded with the two in an exhausted voice.

「At least…..wear something…….」

Hearing his near-death voice, the two didn’t ignore him and decided to wear a babydoll that they were supplied with by the hotel. [1]

The two’s appearance in their babydolls was, for some reason, even more erotic than before forcing Seiya to desperately suppress the lust inside of him. They wore the clothes but it looked as if they didn’t wear anything at all.

And currently, Lily slept in her light blue babydoll on his left arm. However, there was no Yua on Seiya’s right.

Seiya surveyed the room but couldn’t find her figure. However, he did notice that the door to the verandah was opened.

He pulled out his hand in a way that won’t disturb Lily and got up from the bed.

Once he got up, he headed to the verandah as he was. As expected of a suite room, the verandah was quite spacious and provided a nice view on a part of the city.

He noticed Yua as soon as he stepped into the verandah.

She wore a cardigan on top of her pinkish babydoll and her beautiful white hair swayed under the gentle wind.

It seemed as if she was overlooking the city but she immediately noticed Seiya’s appearance. Seiya stood next to her and looked at the city.

As expected of the night, there weren’t a lot of light sources but there were some creating a beautiful scenery.

「Can’t sleep?」

Seiya said as he looked at the night view. However, there was no reaction from Yua. That’s why Seiya decided to express his gratitude first.

「For what….?」

Failing to understand the meaning, Yua tilted her head. Seiya found her appearance quite adorable.

「You recovered my fatigue, right?」
「So you noticed…..」

When Seiya woke up, he mysteriously didn’t feel tired. Even though he slept for a while, his fatigue wasn’t something that could vanish in a few hours.

At that time, he discovered some weak traces of Yua’s mana in his body. Then Seiya understood that he recovered thanks to Yua.

「Yeah, although weak, I felt your mana inside of me」

Hearing these words, Yua’s expression turned somewhat happier. Seeing Yua’s attitude, Seiya remembered a certain something.

To be precise, he felt this since the morning. Seiya felt that there was something on her mind. That’s why he asked Yua.

「Are troubled with something?」

Yua trembled at his words.

「But you know, it’s strange for Yua to compete against Lily. Besides, you were somewhat more proactive」

Seiya felt a difference in her attitude.

If it was Yua from before, she wouldn’t have minded Lily and proceeded to touch Seiya at her own pace. You can explain it as the confidence of the legal wife.

However, this time she didn’t feel at ease and was even desperate.  This made her attitude stand out and felt weird to Seiya.

「No problem……」
「Don’t lie. Talk to me. I’m you fiancé after all」

Yua planned to return to the room with a dismissive attitude but Seiya’s words made her stop. Although Seiya was only presented with her back view, he noticed something small and sparkling falling on the floor.

It was Yua’s tear reflected in the night’s illumination.


Seiya gently hugged Yua from behind. Being hugged by Seiya, Yua released her pent-up tears.

「Tell me, Yua. What is troubling you?  What makes you cry? 」

Hearing his words, Yua said with a sniff.

「Do you love me….?」

Seiya couldn’t understand these words at first. I love Yua from the bottom of my heart. Those are no doubt Seiya’s true feelings.

However, he became worried whether it reached Yua or not. Seiya shared his true thoughts.

「Yeah, I love you from the bottom of my heart」

Those were undeniably his true feelings. True feelings from the bottom of his heart without any lies or deceptions. Yua made a surprised expression for a moment but immediately continued.

「More than Selena?」
「Why are we talking about Selena here?」

Seiya was surprised at the sudden turn in the conversation. Faced with such a Seiya, Yua let her inner thoughts out.

「But you are acting together with Selena…….Selena was happy to accompany you too……..Even though I wanted to go, I couldn’t but Selena could…….
I’m of no help to you……I started to think of myself as a burden…….The more I thought about it the more I became proactive…….
I don’t want to be hated by you even more…..But my heart longs for Seiya, I ended up competing with Lily on a spur……..」

It was rare for usually quiet Yua to speak so much. However, Seiya felt how much Yua cornered herself and blamed himself.

Why didn’t I notice it sooner, he asked himself.


Seiya turned Yua around and stole her lips. Yua was surprised at his sudden action. Her ruby-like eyes opened wide.

When Seiya released Yua from the kiss, he quietly said.

「Sorry, Yua. I’m a failure of a fiancé」

Failure of a fiancée. Those words were the same words that Yua thought in her head but at the same time, the words that she didn’t want to hear the most. At this rate, I may be discarded by Seiya.

This worry appeared inside of her.

「I avoided acting together with you precisely because I treasure you, to think that this hurt you instead」

Yua didn’t know when he would tell her to break up.

I can’t live without Seiya anymore. I don’t want to part with the first youth in my life that I truly love. However, with me as I am…….

Yua’s heart was enveloped in a storm. This might be my last opportunity. She thought this on her own convenience and told Seiya.

Yua told him her true thoughts, even if it will make him hate her even more.

「i want to stay with Seiya forever…….I don’t want to lose my dearest person……..I don’t want to hand Seiya to anyone…….I want you to look at only me…..If it’s Lily then it’s okay, a little……..But I want you to love me the most…..These are my true feelings……..」

Hearing her real feelings, Seiya became surprised for a moment but immediately followed suit.

「I too love Yua, who accepted me with my heretical power. I can’t imagine you being with another man. That’s why stay beside me forever, Yua」

Those are Seiya’s true feelings.

「Seiya……thank you…….」

Tears disappeared from her eyes to be replaced by a cute smile.

Seiya touched her cheek with his right hand. After that, they kissed each other in a natural manner. This time’s kiss was gentler and deeper that the previous one. As Seiya tried to strip her of her cardigan, he was stopped by Yua.

「Lily would wake up………」
「it’s all right. She is sound asleep, she won’t wake up that easily」

Saying that Yua released his hand and left herself to Seiya. After that, a cute voice and lively sounds resounded on the verandah for a while.

There was a certain girl on the supposed-to-be-empty verandah. To be precise, she was on another verandah separated by a thin partition but she still heard the voices.

The girl couldn’t calm her heart and fall asleep after all that happened, so she decided to go to the verandah to relax.

However, forget about calming down, the voices and sounds from the verandah next to hers made her even more excited.

The girl tried to block the sounds by stuffing her ears with her smooth red hair.

(What are those two doing this late at night? They are even doing it outside……)

Thought Selena as she tried to block her ears. However, she didn’t even try to return to the room and stayed at the verandah.

The movements of her hand at that moment were secret to everyone.

Thank you for reading. This time I wrote about Yua’s true feelings, she became much more complicated than before. Yua keeps deviating farther and farther from her original setting…….
Well, leaving that aside, next time they will get out of the city and head to save Moka. (Maybe I’ll do another episode about the city) stay tuned for the next episode if it’s okay with you.


  1. I have no idea what it is. 

Episode 74 Mud Games

「All right then, what should we do about them?」

I was in the middle of deciding the geryon’s treatment. As of now, the geryon king stays in the Kurumfar mansion as a hostage. The rest of them are staying in the forest nearby, hunting, and delivering a part of the hunted animals as a tribute.  Of course, if they ever cause harm to someone, I’ll kill them. Most likely, it won’t escalate to such an extent.

Since not many amongst the geryons are able to talk, I told Rico to stay behind and listen to their reports. After that, as you might have guessed, the geryons cooperated with the harpies in hunting, foraging, and information gathering forming a good scout party.

As for the baby geryon, it managed to find his enemy. However, in the simple world of geryons, the strong is right and the weak has no say. That’s why the baby geryon had no choice but to strive to get stronger.

「By the way, what is your name?」

「A name? What is that? 」

「I see, it’s something unique to you which I can use to call you. Should I come up with one? 」

I thought about the geryon king’s name for a while…….This is getting troublesome.

「All right, you name is Geki. I shall call you Geki」


He accepted it without any objections. He doesn’t seem to mind his name too much.

「Right, you need a name too. You are……」

「By the way, this baby geryon is female」[1]

「Eh? Female? Emm…..your name is Itora」


Baby geryon seemed happy. When I asked Gon later, it seems that she was happy because she received the same treatment as the king. I ended up bringing Itora to my mansion and making her my pet. Her body would probably become bigger with time but let’s think about it when it actually happens.

Sometime after the showdown with the geryons, I brought Mei with me to the Kurumfar territory. The fall was closing in and, normally, you should hear the noise of farmers harvesting the crops. However, a layer of salt on the fields made this impossible.

Why is the situation this dire in the Kurumfar territory? I was able to hear the story of the old farmers living nearby.

Approximately three years ago, the sea water changed its course and started flowing towards the river. Such a phenomenon shouldn’t appear for no reason. At first, they were happy at being able to catch the sea fish in the river, but the river water was also used for watering the fields. Like that, the fields turned white before everyone noticed.

The already small yield decreased even further. Feeling despair, the farmers were able to somehow survive thanks to the support from Count Kurumfar. However, because of the rebellion the supply was cut off, the soldiers were routed, and the succubus appeared.

The succubus gathered the rest of the soldiers and some villagers, occupied the headquarters of the army in the mansion in the forest [2], and begun plundering everything in sight.

「The men left the villages leaving behind mostly women and elderly」

Powerlessly said the village head of the village north of us.

「The north of the mansion is a big grassland, you should be able to develop this land easily……」

「Imade village, Kurfeta village, Taipan village……Our own fields suffer from the salt damage, the men left us, it’s tough on us」

On our way back to the mansion, I discussed the measures to counteract it with Mei. According to Mei, it wasn’t enough to just remove the salt from the fields, the salt has also accumulated in the soil. Apparently, it happened because the villagers judged that nothing would grow there anymore and gave up the land.

「I prepared a lot of fertilizer but I don’t know whether it works against the salt….」

「No, it’s still too early for this. Let’s test my plan first」

From the next day, I dedicated my efforts towards the revival of the land.

First, I gathered what was left of the men and had them remove the salt from the fields and destroy the irrigation channels that drew water from the river.

While they were at it, I used earth magic to dig trenches. At the same time, I created a deep hole at the end of the trenches. Once the salt was removed, I cast a barrier on the fields. The work was finished in two weeks, and, upon seeing its completion, I made it rain inside the barrier.

The rain seeped into the earth and the water followed the trenches to flow into the huge hole. That continued for three days. Meanwhile, I created a huge rectangle that was harder than concrete and dropped it into the water to make a breakwater.

When the hole was filled up and became something like a lake, I dispelled the barriers and ordered Mei to scatter the fertilizer in the fields. After that, I dug out another trench to guide the water from the hole back into the sea.

I headed upstream and dug up a hole. There were multiple underground currents there, which I thought to use for irrigation. After digging for a while, a large amount of water gushed out of the hole. I dug around that place and searched for the source. A lot of water spilled out and became a lake. While being drenched, I dug out a trench to connect it to the other trench. Like that, another river has been created.

「You lot. From now on, you should use the water from the new river to irrigate the fields」

Everyone emotionally drew the water for the river. It seems that Mei also finished scattering the fertilizer, the fields were covered in black.

「This….is a good soil. With this, we can now grow crops」

「Say that after you grow something」

「However, with our numbers…..」

「We will help you out, uncle」

「….Then we shall welcome your help. You can use any vacant house to stay in」

Like that, the village walked on the path of revitalization.

After that, I went through the same process in Kurfeta and Taipan village and restored the land. In the process, I almost fell unconscious two times due to the lack of mana. Each time, Mei used a lap pillow to nurse me back to health. This isn’t something I need to hide but I’m not going to tell this to Rico.「I will do it too! 」she would probably say, and become my permanent lap pillow.  No, it’s not like I did something erotic to Mei. It’s just, you know, tickles my manly heart. It won’t work if Rico forces me into it. The lap pillow is a complicated matter!

By the way, it was decided to use the succubus’ mansion as a new lord’s mansion. Although the forest isn’t safe, the geryons can take care of security. The harpies too moved to the forest because it is easier for them to live there.

Originally, the journey to the forest mansion is supposed to take one day but if you use the same route and the geryons, you can arrive in 30 minutes. For that reason, I worked hard to make a road with earth magic.

As for the other mansion, I have an idea about it.

It shall function as a hotel.


  1. Of course it is, Gon. I can count important males on one hand. 
  2. Why did they build their HQ in the forest anyway? 

Episode 41 Going Home

After practical training, Seiya and his classmates returned to the classroom and waited for the homeroom teacher, Yayuna, to come.

When Seiya was preparing to go home, Aruna called out to him.

「You are awesome, Seiya-kun」
「What do you mean?」

Suddenly being praised by Aruna, Seiya couldn’t catch up. Facing such a Seiya, Connie delivered the answer from the left seat.

「You dealt with Brick in a second」
「Brick? Ah, that guy from the fan club」
「That’s right. Brick is considered to have a top-class ability in this class, and you defeated him in a moment」 [1]

Looking at Connie’s exited appearance, Seiya though that he might be entangled in the fan club one way or another.

While he was thinking these things, from the front seat, Glenn asked.

「By the way, Seiya, how did you do that?」
「It’s a secret」
「Well, of course, that’s the case」

Although was a secret, Glenn won’t hold it against him. After all, it’s normal for people to have their methods.

Insisting on an explanation is considered bad manners. In the worst case, you might even be captured by the church.

「Anyway, you are still hiding your power, right?」
「Why do you think so?」

He listened to Aruna’s question without any changes in his facial expression but was inwardly surprised.

What if she knows about the dark attribute, though Seiya and got nervous. But it was dispelled in the next second.

「I can understand after your fight with Elen. You should have seen through her movements since the beginning, am I right? 」
「Kind of」

Seiya was honestly surprised at Aruna’s observation powers. He had indeed seen through her but tried to conceal it.

But all of this was useless in front of Aruna.

「Easily dodging, getting Elen stressed and making Brick look down at you at the same time. You can’t do that if you aren’t on the completely different level from them」
「I see」

Aruna was right. He had indeed seen through Elen’s muscle movements since the beginning and she also guessed the reason for his dodging.

Seiya was already thinking on how to make his next opponent let down his guard in the first fight. Seiya though that it is the right fighting method, after his adventures in the dark territory, you can’t learn that in the magic academy.

Seiya recognized Aruna’s ability and decided to be vigilant from now on.

But it seems he shouldn’t be wary of only Aruna alone.

「The thing you used against Brick, did you learn it from somewhere?」
「No. It’s my original」
「This’s amazing. The technique you used to cut his head off is really something! Without useless movements, and unless you know the right way to cut, it is impossible! 」
「I-I see」
「That’s right!」

Although he is speaking while being overexcited, his observation skill is worth taking note of.

When Seiya cut off Brick’s head, he moved at the speed that should be impossible to perceive with human’s eyes. However, Connie was speaking as if he had actually seen it.

Aruna and Connie, there are plenty of able people around, thought Seiya.

For such a Seiya, Glenn comes forward with a proposal.

「Seiya, can you duel with me next time?」

Glenn suddenly said such a thing. Facing his unexpected proposal, Seiya asked for a reason.

「Because I have a feeling that I will be able to understand something if I fight you」
「What do you want to figure out?」
「The important thing for me to progress」
「I see. All right, let’s fight in the next time」
「Ou! Thanks」

It seems there is no need to be vigilant against Glenn, thought Seiya.

Then, the topic changed.

「But if you are this strong, shouldn’t you be scouted by the student council?」
「Come to think of it, it’s possible」

Connie agreed with Aruna’s statement. Seiya thought that this was a good opportunity and decided to ask about the student council in detail.

「What kind of people are there in the student council? 」
「Oh, Seiya-kun is interested?」

Aruna looked pleased for some reason, but Seiya answered with a disinterested face.

「Sort of」
「So it was like that. Etto, I will leave the explanation about the student council to Connie」
「Eh? 」

Connie was surprised, suddenly receiving the baton.

「Explaining is bothersome, so Connie, I leave it to you」
「Can’t help it then」

Connie looked at Aruna with dissatisfied face and started explaining. Seiya thought that he reminded him of a certain previous classmate of his.

「At present, the student council consist of three people」
「Three people?」

Even Seiya was surprised at that number.

In Senabia Magic Academy, there were more than 10 people in the student council. Compared to that, the three people is not that much. Seiya thought that he could work with that.

「Yup. Third-year president, second-year vice president, and first-year secretary」
「I met the vice president just recently」
「Did they scout you? 」

Aruna immediately reacted to that statement, but he couldn’t give her the desired answer.

「Wrong. I was treated as a suspicious person because of my new face」
「So that’s what happened」

Aruna suddenly lost interest, hearing his answer.

「They are also very strong. It is said that they are a head above other people here. They are powerful enough to defeat everyone without even fighting seriously」
「That’s scary. How about having a duel with them then, Glenn? 」

If he wanted to figure out something then it’s fine for his opponent not to be me, or so he thought. Although his real intention was to avoid unneeded fighting as much as possible, as to not accidentally reveal his dark element.

「Can’t laugh at that joke. Please excuse me of getting close to them」
「Is it so? 」
「Aah, if you want to enjoy your academy life, you better stay away from them」
「I see」

With that, he understood the reason why everyone stayed away from Selena back then.

There are sure plenty of groups that you should stay away from in this academy.

While we were talking about that, Yayuna came into the classroom and dismissed everyone. According to her, tomorrow and the day after there will be no classes, and we are to rest properly.

In the end, Seiya and Yua went to pick Lily up, the fan club and the royal guard didn’t say anything and stayed silent.

When they met up with Lily, Nari also tagged along and they ended up walking her home.

With that, Seiya’s first day after the transfer was over.


  1. I have an intense desire to type “the Brick” for some reason. 

Episode 40 Duel

When they returned to the classroom after the lunch, everyone else was present. Their homeroom teacher, Yayuna, was also there.

When Yayuna confirmed that they took their seats, she started talking.

「Everyone is finally here. I will explain the content of the next lesson. The next lesson is a duel. You are free to pick your opponent. Please, everyone, decide on your opponent. Of course, you are allowed to refuse. The fight is one on one, the location is the training field, you. Well then, everyone should proceed to the training field」

Yayuna finished her explanation and walked away first.

And as soon as she left the classroom, two people walked up to Seiya. They looked like a leader of the fan club and the royal guard.

Then, they said in a loud voice.

「「Fight with me!」」[1] 「All right」

Seiya somewhat expected that and readily accepted.

「I will release Yua-sama from you」
「For the sake of Yua-sama, I will defeat you」

It seems that these two people or these two organizations still thought that Seiya was forcing her to do this and that.

The training field of Arsenia Magic Academy wasn’t particularly different from Senabia Magic Academy.

The only difference was a stream of water flowing through it.

The training field was divided into sixteen segments, 20 square meters in size.

When Yayuna finished explaining, the fifth lesson finally started.

For his first fight, Seiya entered the space number 6.

Seiya’s first opponent is the leader-like girl from the royal guard. The moment Seiya entered the field, she started introducing herself.

「I’m the captain of the Yua-sama’ royal guard Elen Naberia. I’m from an advanced magician clan, so if you want to apologize this is your last chance」

If it was still in the past, hearing that she is a member of an advanced magician clan would have made him prostrate. But now, it is different.

After the monsters from the dark territory, a member of an advanced clan isn’t worth mentioning. Just like the girl before him.

「Mm, I see」
「Keep your attitude while you still can, soon, you won’t be able to」

The girl with long silver hair, Elen, stood opposite of Seiya, and with the start of the battle, she immediately started to chant.

「My soul of ice, right now, in my hand『Bliss』」[2]

In the next moment, an ice blade appeared in her hand.

Elen, holding Bliss in her hand, immediately closes in on the weaponless Seiya.


Seiya chose to avoid her slash by jumping back. However soon afterward, he noticed that she had a smile on her face.

「The shrine maiden of ice, answer my call『Ice Coating』」

Immediately after that, the ground behind Seiya turned into the ice and he lost his balance.

Elen grinned and slashed at Seiya again.


Seiya turned midair, landed on his left hand and propelled himself outside the ice floor.

Seeing his impressive movements, Elen said.

「You are quite capable. But you won’t be able to defeat me with just that」

Elen slashed with Bliss again.

Seiya stepped back, Elen cast the same spell and he lost his balance again.

However, Seiya performed his acrobatic movements in the same fashion and propelled himself outside. [3]

Looking at his display, Elen’s mood worsened.

「How long are you going to keep dodging?」
「I see. It seems you can’t cast this spell continuously」
「Hee, so you noticed. Yes. So what? You have been avoiding me since the beginning. Could it be that you aren’t able to attack? 」

Elen tried to provoke Seiya into action. However, Seiya wasn’t so immature as to go along with it.

「Then I will chase you until you have nowhere to escape to!」

Elen came slashing at him again, but this time, Seiya’s movements were different.

Instead of jumping back, he dodged the Bliss by a paper-thin margin. From this distance, she couldn’t use the『Ice Coating』, unless she decided to harm herself too.

Seiya was able to see through her movements and easily avoid the attack. And because of this dodge, Elen’s stress started to build up.

「Stop dodging, how about you attack me already?」
「There is no need」
「Hey, you!」

Her swordplay was becoming increasingly wilder. Looking at such an Elen, he decided to launch the counterattack.

Facing her slash from above, he dodged to the right while wrapping his left fist with the mana of light. Then, he punched Elen in the belly with considerable force.

The dull sound was heard.

With the raised power of his hand, Seiya punched Elen in the stomach the moment she was performing an overhead strike.

「This is the end」

Having accepted his punch, Elen wobbled and lost her consciousness. The moment she fainted was the moment of Seiya’s victory.

The members of the royal guard were watching Elen with stunned expressions.

After all, Elen was at the top of the class and she lost without even putting a scratch on her opponent.

No one could utter a word.

Following that, Seiya carried Elen out of the dueling space, handed her to the still stunned members of the royal guard and headed for his next duel.

When he arrived, the leader-like person from the fan club was already waiting for him.

「I’m the vice president of Yua-sama’s fan club, Brick Steashmer, the second son of an advanced magician clan. If I win, stay away from Yua-sama」

The male student that called himself Brick said so while staring at Seiya. Facing such a Brick, he asked. [4]

「And if I win?」

To his question, Brick muttered “no way” and answered while laughing.

「Hahaha, no chance. But if you somehow win, the fan club won’t bother you anymore」
「That would be nice」
「Even though I said that I watched your fight with Elen. It seems you can only evade. There is no way I will lose to someone like you」
「I see」

Already convinced that he won, Brick faced Seiya with a relaxed attitude.

He was surprised that Elen had lost, but it looked more like a duel of warriors than magicians, so Brick made a speculation.

He speculated that Seiya wasn’t able to use magic.

There is no proof, but Brick had already accepted it as a fact.

That’s why, he, who can use magic, won’t lose to Seiya.

Seiya looked at Brick with annoyed eyes.

Two groups tried to approach Yua. He can still forgive the women-only royal guard, but the fan club consists of male students that try to get close to her.

Therefore, Seiya will not be lenient towards the members of the fan club. Yua is a precious person to him and he doesn’t want to hand her to anyone, especially to men.

That’s why he decided to end this fight in a moment.

There are 10 meters between them.

The two quietly waited for the start of the duel.

Silence wraps around the surroundings, the students were holding their breath in anticipation.

And in the next second, the duel started.

「I, who received the divine protection of fire….」

With the sign to start the duel, Brick started to cast his spell, but in the next moment, his head fell off from his body.


And Brick, being unable to say another word, becomes dust and disappears. He lost his consciousness and was transferred to the seat close by.

The students in the surroundings were frozen.

They were unable to understand what happened as well as were surprised that Brick lost.

Under the stares of the frozen student, Seiya left the duel space.

What Seiya did is very simple.

At the start of the battle, he casted『Single Light』on his feet and raised their strength, closed in on Brick and slashed at his neck with Hollins, which he summoned chantless.

Both are simple spells, just without the chant.

With that, Seiya’s training came to an end.

The students around him were discussing his earlier performance, but he didn’t care.

Then, Yua approached such a Seiya.

「Good work….」

This marked the end of the first day after his transfer.


  1. One was rude, the other was normal. That doesn’t translate well though. 
  2. I hate incantations so much. 
  3. Did she think that it would work in she did it once again? 
  4. I really admire your parent who came up with that name. 

Episode 39 Lunch with the Beautiful Girls

When Seiya returned to his classroom from the principal’s office, it was already the 3rd hour.

He thought that he would manage to return before the end of the break, but Selena took too much of his time.

When he entered the classroom, all gazes gathered around him. Yua also noticed him and came close.

「Welcome back, Seiya … How was it…? 」
「It was fine」
「Then that’s good…..」

The whole class was paying attention to them.

Usually, everyone was busy with their own activities, but today was different. Everyone wanted to know about the relationship between Seiya and Yua. Therefore, the classroom was full.

Seiya and Yua completely ignored them and continued with the conversation.

「You aren’t going to self-study?」[1] 「I’m together with Seiya…..」
「I see, let’s go then」

The two decided to do self-training together and left the classroom.

The remaining classmates looked at each other and unanimously got up from their seats and followed them.

「How annoying」
「Should we run…..?」
「It seems so」

The two arrived at the fountain where Nari and Lily were just recently. However, they were not here to do self-training.

The two looked at the annoying classmates and cast their spells at the same time.

They cast『Single Light』on their feet to raise their power and jumped on the gym’s roof.


The classmates looked at two people and rushed in the direction of the gym.

However, Seiya and Yua weren’t so kind as to wait for them. They cast the same spell again and jumped on the academy building.

「I think this should work」

Having jumped on the roof, the two relaxed for a while.

Like in the Senabia Magic Academy, students were prohibited to stay on the roof. However, if no one finds out then it’s fine. The two decided to train on the rooftop.

The classmates tried to look for them, but they failed.

Seiya and Yua successfully evaded them.

「We did it somehow」
「By the way, were you all right while I was gone?」
「Seiya is a bully…..You left me…」
「Sorry about that」

Apparently, Yua was a little angry that she had to deal with her classmates while he was away.

Seiya patted Yua’s head to calm her down, but this time it didn’t produce the desired effect.

After all, Yua wanted something else.

「Here? 」

Seiya became confused at her sudden request.

Seiya was slightly apprehensive of doing it on the academy ground. However, to fix her mood he gently touched her lips with his. [2]

「Will that do?」

The two smiled and proceeded to train.

Yua practiced Seiya’s『Mantle of Light』.

Yua suffered from Lily last time, she wanted something to easily dodge powerful attacks. Still, it wasn’t that easy and she struggled quite a bit.

For Yua’s sake, Seiya was helping with all his power.

As a result, she achieved a small success. From now on, it is just a repeated practice.

Seiya decided to try a few things too, but as Yua, he didn’t achieve much.

What he tried to do was to summon Lily’s Gedo-chan. [3]

He tried to summon the dragon with mana of the water element that he received from the contract with Lily.

Nevertheless, all he could produce were small animals, forget about the dragon.

Seiya and Yua both needed some special training.

The two trained until the end of the 4th hour and went to pick up Lily.

While they were walking towards her classroom, a lot of trainees directed their jealous stares Seiya’s way, but he ignored them.

Seiya wasn’t a child to exert his pressure on the trainees.

When they arrived at Lily’s classroom, she was already waiting for them.

「Seiya! Big sister! 」

She was her usual self. Apparently, she got along well with the class.

「Oh, Lily」
「Lily, let’s have lunch」

Seiya and Lily came here to pick her up and have lunch together. Then, a certain girl asked.

「Lily’s friends?」
「Un! Seiya and big sister! 」
「Big sister? Yua-san? 」

The girl with short red hair, Nari, stared at Lily in surprise.

All of the students seemed to be the same, alternating their stares from Yua to Lily.

「Is this girl your friend?」

Seiya asked Lily and she nodded.

「That’s right!」
「Ah, my name is Nari, I am the class head here」

Nari politely greeted Seiya and Yua.

「I see. My name is Kiritsuna Seiya. Thank you for taking care of Lily」
「My name is Yua Arunia, my little sister was in your care」[4] 「No, I didn’t do much…….」[5]

Nari tenses up in the face of Yua, so Seiya gave her a way out.

「We are going to have lunch right now. Do you want to come with us? 」
「Ehh, ah, etto, is that okay?」

Nari looked at Seiya with a surprised face.

He is a student I met for the first time and she is the number one beauty of the academy, and, and, Lily is her little sister.

Nari thought, is it okay to go with these three? However, Seiya had no way to understand her troubles.

「Ah. Lily is okay with it, right? 」
「It’s decided……」
「Then, then, I accept your offer」

In that way, the four people came to a somewhat high-class restaurant outside the academy.

Although there were no other students of the academy inside, the customers still paid a lot of attention to them.

There was a lot of jealousy toward Seiya who was able to eat with two extremely beautiful girls and a cute neighbor girl.

But Seiya was already accustomed to the stares of jealousy and didn’t bother with them.

Facing such a Seiya, Nari asked.

「By the way, Seiya-senpai, are you going out with Yua-san?」

Nari’s question was normal.

The two always have their arms linked and stick to each other all the time. They should be going out however you look at it.

But Yua’s answer was way above her expectations.

「Seiya is my fiancé……」
「Kh, fiancé!?」

Nari blushed at the word; it seems it was still too early for the 14-year-old girl.

However, facing already blushing Nari, Lily delivered another bomb.

「And I am his mistress!」

Nari froze with her mouth wide open.

And the customers around them stared at Seiya with bloodthirsty eyes.

Seiya thought of them as annoying and, just for a moment, released his pressure. The customers immediately averted their eyes.

Their instincts told them that it was dangerous to continue.

Then, while Nari still wasn’t able to process the information or say anything, Seiya followed with:

「Calm down, Nari」
「What were you thinking, senpai?」[6] 「If Lily wishes for it, that is fine with me」

Those were Seiya’s true thoughts, he thought that as long as Lily wished for it, everything is fine.

The contract didn’t matter. Seiya just wanted Lily to be happy.

However, Nari, who didn’t know the circumstances, glares at Seiya.

「You are the worst」

He could read「This womanizer! 」from her eyes. But from the standpoint of a 14 years old girl, it was easy to reach that conclusion.

Nari directed her next question to Yua.

「Are you fine with this, Yua-san? Your little sister is your fiancé’s mistress」
「No problem…」
「It can’t be…」

Receiving an unexpected answer, Nari froze again, but after some time she regained her mind and asked Lily.

「Are you fine with this, Lily? You can’t marry your lover」
「Un! After all, I want to stay with both, Seiya and big sister! 」

Nari made a surprised expression. But in the next moment, she seemed to understand something and apologized to Seiya.

「If three people are of the same mind, then I don’t have the right to say anything. I apologize for my previous behavior」
「No, no. Thank you for caring about Lily this far. I’m counting on you from now on」

Nari vigorously nodded toward Seiya and made a resolution to protect Lily from the boys of her class.

After that, the four people finished their lunch, left the restaurant and returned to the academy.

「Senpai, sorry for eating my fill at your expense」
「Don’t worry」
「Yes, until we meet again」
「Bye, Lily」

Seiya and Yua parted from Nari and Lily, returned to the classroom and prepared for the next hour.


  1. Reminder. 3rd and 4th hours are self-study. 
  2. We all know you wanted to. 
  3. It’s roof and all, but is it fine to summon a giant dragon in the school? 
  4. She said something without dots! 
  5. There they are. 
  6. The next few lines were extremely confusing for me, I tried my best. 

Episode 38 The Principal of Arsenia Magic Academy

When Seiya knocked on the door of the principal’s office, there was an immediate reaction.

「Get in」

He heard a voice from the other side of the door. This was an authoritative voice.

「Excuse me」
「Excuse me!」

Seiya and Lily entered inside.

「You are finally here」

When the two entered the room, there were two men inside.

One of them held an aura of power and was sitting in the chair, the other one was standing by his side.

When Seiya and Lily entered the room and closed the door, the standing man started talking.

「Nica to meet you, Kiritsuna Seiya-kun, Lily Arunia-san. My name is Zadman; I am the head teacher of Arsenia Magic Academy. This person is」
「Leonardo, the principal」

The muscular man with scarlet hair sitting in the chair is Leonardo, the principal of the academy. You can even see his muscles through his clothes, he had quite the presence.

And the man with black edged glasses and blue hair standing next to Leonardo was Zadman. Although Zadman was not muscular, his atmosphere was powerful.

To these two people, Seiya and Lily introduced themselves.

「I’m Kiritsuna Seiya, currently staying with Arunia family」

After Seiya’s introduction, Lily continues.

「Lily Arunia!」

When they finished introducing themselves, Zadman immediately started explaining.

「Regarding the two of you, I have heard about the circumstances to a certain extent from Raiga-dono. Seiya-kun is the only one left of his family and is now under Raiga-dono’s protection. Lily-san is an orphan and was adopted by Raiga-dono as his own daughter. Am I right up to this point? 」

The two nodded at Zadman’s question.

However, this was a fictional story prepared by Raiga, Seiya’s parents have disappeared a long time ago and Lily was not an orphan.

Nevertheless, they could not tell the truth and had to go with this version.

After confirming, Zadman continued.

「Understood. With this, I have confirmed everything」

Seiya was surprised that everything was finished rather quickly and tried to leave with Lily.

But just before Seiya opened the door, Leonardo, the principal, called Seiya.

「Kiritsuna Seiya, please stay for a little longer」

Being called by Leonardo, Seiya was alerted.

Lily looked worriedly at Seiya, but Seiya smiled reassuringly to calm her down.

「All right, Lily, return to your classroom. You have a friend now, right? 」

Lily nodded and ran off to see her friend Nari in the classroom.

Confirming that Lily has run away, Seiya turned around and faced Leonardo.

In the next moment, Leonardo exerted a powerful pressure.

This pressure came attacking Seiya.

As expected from the principal of Arsenia Magic Academy, his pressure was quite stifling for Seiya, even after his experiences in Great Dalis Canyon.

Still, although it was somewhat strong, he swiftly adapted and grinned.

That smile appeared on him unconsciously and held no particular meaning.

Leonardo looked at Seiya and nodded as if convinced of something and said.

「Well, for now, sit down」
「Understood, please excuse me」

Leonardo pointed at the table in the middle of the room and encouraged Seiya to sit down. [1]

After Seiya sat down, Leonardo also moved to the same table and sat across him.

After he took his seat, he immediately continued.

「Who the hell are you?」
「I don’t understand the meaning of the question」

Because his opponent was the principal of Arsenia Magic Academy, he decided to be careful with his answers.

But Leonardo’s question was quite straight.

Seiya did not expect that and decided to play dumb.

Facing such a Seiya, Leonardo changed the attacking method.

「Let’s change the question. What kind of power do you have? 」
「The power, is it?」

Seiya thought for a moment that Leonardo was aware of his dark element but swiftly discarded it.

If he knew about the dark element, he would not have asked in such a roundabout way.

Besides, it did not seem that Leonardo knew about the dark attribute in the first place.

Sure enough, Seiya was right.

「Let’s see. You are staying with a special magician’s family. They didn’t adopt you like a trainee from a while before, right? The reason is simple. You are currently the head of the family」[2] 「That’s true, but…」

As Leonardo said, the reason why Raiga could not adopt Seiya was not only because of his identity as Yua’s fiancé but also because Seiya was the current head of Kiritsuna family.

As a rule, the head of the family couldn’t be adopted. He had no choice but to let Seiya be a freeloader.

The reason that everyone opposed Edward adopting Seiya also came from that rule.

Although there was also a question of Seiya’s ability.

「You have enough ability to stay in the special magician’s house, so you should have some power, right? I feel bad, but I looked into Kiritsuna family and found nothing. The only thing I uncovered is that there was a student with the same surname in Senabia Magic Academy, although he died after being kidnapped. Besides, that student was rather weak」

Leonardo told him about the results of the investigation, but he paid no attention to that.

「I see」

At this point, Leonardo doesn’t think of Seiya as a magician from Windistan.

According to his information, the magician from Windistan was an amateur; there was no way for a special magician to pay attention to him.

However, at the same time, there was no other information, maybe, due to some unusual circumstances, the magician from Windistan arrived at this point.

Either way, Leonardo wanted to hear the truth from Seiya.

「If you are that student, then why did you come here instead of returning to Windistan? Not even as a transfer student but a new one」 [3]

Leonardo suddenly shared his guesses.

But Seiya had nothing he could tell him.

「I can’t talk about it」
「Why so?」

Leonardo intensely stared at Seiya.

Strictly speaking, Seiya was not a transfer student, but a new one.

Seiya thought that there was a reason for that and decided to stay silent.

The silence continued for a while and Seiya opened his mouth first.

「I can’t answer, but I have a request」
「I want you to keep the information about Senabia Magic Academy a secret」

It was the same as telling Leonardo that he was the magician from Windistan, which was the highest concession he could make.

Seiya won’t tell any more than that.

Why did he say that in the first place? The reason is simple. It was for the sake of his wish.

And he had only one wish.

That is, to protect his new life.

If the fact that he survived was known in Windistan, the church and the Holy Church will come with an intention to interrogate him.

If they somehow discover his dark attribute or Yua’s holy attribute, it will become a big problem.

He wanted to avoid this situation by all means.

In the worst case, Seiya can do something with brutal methods, but he didn’t wish for that to happen.

Leonardo looked at him and asked.

「Is this your request?」

There was no reason for Leonardo to comply. In the first place, this was their first meeting.

Therefore, Leonardo asked him.

「I see. Even if I asked for a reason, you will not answer? 」
「That’s how it is」

Leonardo made a troubled face and asked the important thing.

「Let me ask the important thing. Are you my enemy? Or the academy’s enemy? 」
「Both are wrong」
「I see. Then, are you an ally? 」
「It depends, I’m an ally of Arunia family」
「I understand」

Leonardo heard his answer and smiled.

What Leonardo felt from Seiya was a loyalty to Arunia family. Seiya probably acts with Arunia family as a top priority, and he will never become an enemy unless Leonardo goes against the Arunia family.

Leonardo was convinced of that.

As long as he wasn’t an enemy, that was fine for Leonardo.

「All right, you are free to go」
「Then excuse me」

Seiya said so and left.

After he left, Zadman asked Leonardo.

「Principal, so he is after all?」
「Yes. As you expected, he is the student from Windistan」
「Just what is his purpose? 」

Zadman asked that, but he didn’t expect to receive an answer.

「I don’t know. I wonder who is he really. He has enough power to easily overwhelm the teachers but attends the academy as the student. I have no idea what Raiga is thinking」
「I will continue to investigate」
「Yeah, I will leave it to you」

Zadman left and Leonardo once again perused through the information he had on Seiya.


  1. Not on the table. 
  2. Seiya’s family. 
  3. Here I assume that Seiya just tells everyone that he is a transfer student, while on paper he is a new one. 

Episode 37 Selena

Arsenia Magic Academy is as large as Senabia Magic Academy, so you can’t see a lot of people in the corridors.

However, even if there is almost no one around, someone spotted Seiya and Lily walking hand in hand. Therefore, this someone calls out to them.

「Hey, you two over there」

Seiya and Lily thought that this person wasn’t calling for them and continued to head in the direction of principal’s office. However, the owner of the voice raised the volume and called again.

「Wait a little. Hey, you two, who are holding hands」

Seiya became aware of the voice and looked around.

There he found a few students, but Lily and Seiya were the only ones who were holding each other’s hands.

He understood that the voice was calling for him and turned in its direction. Lily also stopped and looked back.

There was a girl with beautiful red twin tails and yellow eyes like topaz.

However, her face looked angry for some reason, and the students who saw that girl swiftly left the scene.

In addition, the girl with twin tails stared straight at Seiya and Lily.

「Do you mean us?」

First things first, Seiya decided to confirm. And the red-haired girl with twin tails answered with an angry tone. [1]

「That’s right. Who else is here? 」
「You have a point」

As she said, no one except Seiya and Lily walked with connected hands.

「All right, what can I help you with?」

Seiya inquired about her intentions and the girl answered while in a bad mood.

「I haven’t seen you here before. Are you an intruder? 」
「Nope, I’m a transfer student」
「Transfer student? Why was I not made aware of this? 」
「When you are in a different class it’s hard to meet you know」

The academy is spacious enough in the first place.

Therefore, it is natural for other students to not be told about every new student, and it is natural to see an unfamiliar face from time to time.

Just what is this girl saying? Thought Seiya. And the girl declared her reason soon enough.

「It is different. I will know when a new student appears」
「Who are you? 」

Facing this unknown entity, Seiya, for a moment, thought that she was hit in the head. But seeing her serious face he understood that he guessed wrong.

Although her aura felt weaker than Seiya’s, she was quite powerful.

Just when his thoughts arrived at this point, the girl revealed an unexpected reason.

「I’m the Vice President of student council of Arsenia Magic Academy, Selena Phoenix」

The student council of the Arsenia Magic Academy

So this is the representative of the student council right here. The student council of a magic academy is different from the one in a normal academy.

The student council of the magic academy has the right to pass judgment. They are also the gathering of top class magicians of the academy

A student council also existed in Senabia Magic Academy and they were quite powerful.

By the way, Jin belongs to that same council. They are the students with impressive abilities; they also have a lot of authority in the academy grounds.

In that student council, this girl is the vice president. Thinking that her level is quite high, Seiya introduced himself.

「My name is Kiritsuna Seiya, from now on I’m a part of class 2-A」
「So your grade is the same as mine. I’m from 2-C, best regards」
「Best regards from me too. This girl is Lily; she is a trainee in the second grade. Similar to me, she is going to attend this academy from this very day」
「Oh? Glad to meet you, Lily-chan」

Selena calmly greeted Lily, despite her cuteness, and Lily greeted her back. [2]

「Nice to meet you!」

She became very friendly at this point. Selena was in a bad mood at first, but now she is the gentle vice president.

But her mood suddenly dropped again.

「By the way, are you two engaged? You were holding hands earlier」

Seiya hesitated to answer that question.

She is a part of the student council.

If he gives a wrong answer here, there will be an additional faction against him, adding to that the fan club and the royal guard.

It will be quite troublesome and Seiya wanted to avoid it.

Nevertheless, while Seiya was contemplating the answer, the beautiful little girl dropped a bomb again.

「Wrong! I’m his mistress! 」[3] 「Eh…….」

Selena suddenly solidified. It’s understandable. After all, the little girl of 14 (temporary) years old said that she was his mistress, not even a fiancée.

「This was a fun one, Lily-chan. But it is bad to joke about that」

Somehow, Selena was able to produce an answer, although with a trembling voice.

「This is not a joke! Lily is truly Seiya’s mistress! Seiya has a fiancée! 」

Lily kept revealing their circumstances. At this point, not only Selena, but also Seiya became paralyzed.

And Selena glared at Seiya while trembling.

「What is the meaning of this?」
「Even though you have a fiancée, this little girl is a mistress?」
「About that…..」

Seiya desperately searched for a way out but couldn’t find one. Because it was a fact.

「Are you a lolicon or something?」
「It’s different」

Being labeled as a lolicon, Seiya tried to come up with an excuse. But before that happened, Selena asked Lily.

「Does Lily-chan knows the meaning of the word “mistress”?」
「Un! They are doing improper things with married people! 」

Seiya’s HP was being depleted at the fast pace and Selena’s eyes were spinning in circles.

「Li-Lily-chan, does his fiancée knows about you?」

To the flustered Selena, Lily continued dropping bombs.

「Un! Big sister knows Lily! 」
「Eh, oh…Big sister!? 」
「Slow down Lily, you will cause a misunderstanding……」[4]

Somehow retaining a little bit of his HP, Seiya tried to stop Lily. But right after, he felt an intense contemptuous stare.

「Just what were you thinking about?」
「Being intimate with your fiancée’s sister and she is even so small」
「Wait, wait, wait」

Selena’s eyes were getting increasingly threatening.

As a result, Seiya’s HP further decreased. There, Lily released her final bomb to finish him off.

「Lily is fine with that. Big sister properly accepted me too! Besides, we are already connected! 」

Lily was talking about the complete contract between them, but Selena completely misunderstood her.

But to tell the truth, her adult version…. (I will leave the rest to your imagination)

Selena glared with an incredible scorn.

「I swear in the name of the Arsenia Magic Academy student council’s Vice President Selena Phoenix. Kiritsuna Seiya, the enemy of all women. The student council will not acknowledge you. Be prepared for things to come」

She left it as her final words and ran off somewhere.

Seiya headed for the principal’s office filled with indescribable emotions.


  1. Will we get an obligatory tsundere? 
  2. Is cuteness some kind of superior force? Well, yeah I guess. 
  3. You tried, Seiya. 
  4. Too late. 

Episode 36 Seiya’s Hardships

There was a heated atmosphere in class 2-A.

That was due to Yua-sama’s fan club and Yua-sama’s royal guard, of course.

For a while already, Yua was resting on Seiya’s lap and receiving his head pats. And Seiya was glad to oblige.

Of course, the two groups won’t stay silent forever.

So the two groups questioned Seiya.

「You, what do you mean about being Yua-sama’s fiancé?」
「That’s right!」

Said the members of the royal guard, while intensely staring. Apparently not just the royal guards, but the fan club was interested to hear an explanation.

「Hey you, what are you planning to do?」
「That’s right, for you to be Yua-sama’s fiancé」
「Yua-sama, if he blackmailed you, please say it!」
「The royal guard will protect you, please tell us the truth」

The fan club and the royal guard interpreted it as a blackmail and were awaiting the “truth”.

However, Yua just closed her eyes pleasantly and completely ignored them.

So the two groups had no choice but to direct their eyes at Seiya.

「Hey, immediately release Yua-sama」
「If you do that, the royal guard will let you off」
「Make a decision quickly」

Hearing the words of the royal guard, Seiya made a troubled face.

「If you want to approach Yua-sama, enter the fan club. That’s the rule of this school」
「For those who break the rules, the fan club will administer punishment!」

The two groups demanded Seiya to follow their unreasonable rules.

They even tried to scare him with punishment. But from his point of view, this punishment can’t hold a candle to the monsters of the Great Dalis Canyon.

But still, he couldn’t just erase these two groups. Erasing your classmates on your first day is rather inappropriate. [1]

In the end, the troubled Seiya turned his eyes towards Aruna pleading for help.

But Aruna looked away with a “please spare me” face, Connie and Glenn also followed suit.

Seeing Seiya’s behavior, Yua said:

「You just looked at another woman…..」
「Wait, Yua. This couldn’t be helped」

Seiya was further troubled by her unreasonableness. In response, Yua puffed her cheeks and made a displeased appeal.

「Forgive me」

When Seiya started patting her again, she immediately narrowed her eyes and relaxed. They really looked like a good couple.

However, the mood of the fan club and the royal guard was worsening by the second.

「You even called Yua-sama without honorifics…..」
「Have more respect」
「That’s right! Stop patting her head!」
「Why are you not answering?」

Being told so far, even Seiya thought of this as troublesome, so he decided to say just one thing.

He already lost his peaceful life after all.

「You are annoying」

Facing his stare, the two groups faltered for a moment. There was a faint killing intent in his eyes.

But they were magicians after all, so they immediately replied

「What do you mean by annoying?」
「Yes, we were just warning you」
「We can still protect you from the fan club」
「That’s why hurry up and release Yua-sama」[2]

Apparently, the royal guard proposed to protect him from the fan club. But he couldn’t just release Yua.

In the first place, if the two groups really fought with Seiya, the possibility of winning would be zero.

Seiya was in a completely different league from them.

However, it is difficult for adolescent boys and girls to calmly analyze his abilities. So they refused to withdraw.

「You want to have a fun school life, right?」
「Kind of」

Seeing him ignore the royal guard, the fan club asked. And Seiya answered the truth.

「Then you should enter the fan club」
「That way, we can talk to Yua-sama equally」

Seiya found this rather incomprehensible.

He couldn’t understand why he, a fiancé, should lower himself to their position.

This proposal was an absolute ********, but the two groups prompted him to answer.

「Just decide already」
「Will you accept the protection of the royal guard?」

The fan club wanted an answer. The royal guard wanted it too.

「Enter the fan club」

The whole classroom was wrapped in an unusual atmosphere.

Students outside of the royal guard and the fan club took their distance from Seiya, Aruna’s group included.

The two groups surrounded a student on his first day. But Yua ignored the commotion and continued relaxing.

But this atmosphere was blown away by a vibrant voice.


A beautiful blue-haired girl with a cheerful voice entered the classroom. And as soon as she discovered Seiya, she immediately hugged him from the back.

「Good job finding me, Lily」
「Yup! Amazing, right?!」

While clinging to Seiya’s back, Lily noticed Yua sitting on his lap.

「Ah, big sister!」

「「「「「「「「「「「「Big sister!?」」」」」」」」」」」」

Classmates were surprised at her statement and closely looked at her.

Certainly, Lily is a beautiful girl like Yua, but her appearance is quite different from Yua, so their stares were justified.

Not caring about her classmates, Yua talks to Lily.

「How is the academy, Lily?」
「It’s fun! I made a friend!」
「I’m glad…..」

Hearing that she found a friend, Seiya and Yua made a relieved face.

Seiya and Yua were worrying about her being a fairy and attending the academy, so when they heard that she made a friend, they were glad from the bottom of their hearts.

After they calmed down, Lily said:

「Seiya, let’s go to principal’s office, quickly!」
「Come to think of it. Yua, I will go meet the principal」
「All right……」

Said Yua and returned to her seat.

Seiya and Lily left the classroom, on their way they heard a voice saying「Since when does Yua-sama have a younger sister? 」[3]

Feeling sorry for Yua, Seiya heads to the principal’s office.

As they left the classroom, Lily immediately grasped his hand. And holding each other’s hands, they proceeded to principal’s office.


  1. I wish you could. 
  2. Must say, I was irritated halfway through the translation. Really want to throw a dark sphere on them. 
  3. Big misunderstanding temporarily avoided? 

Episode 35 Lily’s Class

Arsenia Magic Academy is located in the middle of the Aquaristan region in the center of Moru city.

Moru city is filled with beautiful waterways and fountains. And among the entire Leiria Kingdom, it is known as a famous sightseeing spot. There are plenty of tourists here all the time.

And currently, inside the Arsenia Magic Academy, the second lesson was in progress.

However, since there were no teachers in the trainees’ classroom, trainees were free to use this time for self-study.

But although it was in the middle of the lesson, the class was unusually noisy.

Most of the boys were desperately trying to talk with a girl in the center of a crowd.

A young girl with blue eyes and beautiful blue hair was in the center of this crowd, and she was looking around anxiously.

「Hey, Lily-san, where are you from?」
「Arunia is Yua-sama’s surname, right?」
「What magic can you use?」

They were burying this young girl under an avalanche of questions.

「Would you like to study with me?」
「Do not step ahead of everyone, how about studying with me?」
「Then how about me?」

They were trying to get close to this young girl.

And the name of a beautiful blue-haired girl was Lily. [1]

Boys were trying to approach her and start a conversation.

If you are to do something like this during the lesson, the teacher will get angry. However, there are no teachers in the trainees’ classroom.

「Etto, etto」

Lily didn’t know how to answer all these questions. That was normal. After all, Lily was living in the Great Dalis Canyon and rarely met people.

Even if someone came, adult version of Lily dealt with them, so she had no chance to converse with anyone. Especially with men.

If she switched to her adult version right now, the conversation will proceed, but then everyone will know that she is the Undine.

If that happens, there is a possibility that she will be forced to drop out. So Lily had promised to Seiya that she won’t become an adult version in the school.

「Hey, let’s train together. I am from an advanced magician family」
「I am also from an advanced magician family. Let’s work together, Lily-san」
「I am from an intermediate magician family but let’s do it together」
「Please study with me, Lily-san」

Without noticing her flustered appearance, the boys invited Lily to do self-training with increasing vigor.

The young girl, surrounded by the swarm of boys, was incredibly troubled.

「Etto, etto」

Then, a certain girl saved Lily from her predicament.

「Hey, boys. You are troubling Lily-san. As a class head I will guide her around, so you should continue your self-study」

This girl had a short red hair. She reached with her hand to Lily and said.

「Lily-san, let’s go.」

The red-haired girl tried to save her from the horde of hungry beasts.

Her eyes were as red as her beautiful hair. If you call the blue-haired Lily a sapphire, then she is a ruby.

But the boys didn’t let her escape so easily.

「Oi, wait」
「That’s right. Lily-san will study with us right now」
「Yes, even if you are a class head it’s too tyrannical」
「Right, right」

Male students complained to the red-haired girl, that tried to save Lily.

Apparently, they already decided that Lily will study with them. The girl with red hair says as if looking down on them:

「Control your urges. Or do you want to have a duel? 」

Suddenly, strong pressure was released from the girl with red hair.

It was quite powerful for a trainee, and the boys easily got intimidated.

The red-haired girl ignored the boys and brought Lily out of the classroom, into the courtyard.

There were many fountains with benches around them, and the two sat down on one of them.

「Are you alright, Lily-san? I’m sorry for our boys」

There was no pressure emanating from the red-haired girl, she looked very kind.

Lily wanted to thank the girl, but she remembered that she didn’t know her name.

「Etto, thank you. Etto….」
「Oh, sorry. I didn’t introduce myself yet. I’m your classmate and the head of the class, you can call me Nari」

The girl with red hair introduced herself as Nari.

「Thanks Nari! I’m Lily, you can call me Lily! Also, don’t be so polite! 」 [2] 「All right, best regards Lily」

Thanks to Nari, Lily regained her previous vigor.

「By the way, did you transfer from somewhere?」
「Then this is your first time in magic academy?」

When Lily answered that she was attending a magic academy for the first time, Nari suddenly assumed a sister-like atmosphere and proposed to Lily.

「I see, then I’ll show you around」
「Really? Thank you! 」

After that, they roamed around the school for the whole 2nd hour.

On the way, they were found by their homeroom teacher, but with a guidance as a reason, they were permitted to walk around.

When the two of them finished walking around the school, the chime, signaling the end of the second hour, just rang.

「It’s break right now. Let’s return to the classroom, Lily」

Hearing the word “break”, Lily remembered a certain matter.

「What’s wrong, Lily?」
「Lily should head to the principal’s office. It’s entry greetings or something」

As she said, Lily and Seiya were called to the principal’s office for a talk. Nari made an understanding expression and asked.

「Do you know where it is?」
「I don’t know, but I have a place to go before that!」
「Etto, class 2-A!」

Lily was asked to go to the principal’s office together with Seiya, so she wanted to find him first.

「I see, do you know the way?」
「It’s more or less fine!」
「Then I will go to the classroom, so please come to the classroom when you are finished」
「Thanks Nari!」
「It’s okay, we are friends after all」

After saying their goodbyes, they split up.

Nari returns to the classroom and Lily tries to locate Seiya.

Because they are bound by the contract, she can sense his location. [3]

And she found him pretty easily.


  1.  Dun dun duuun! 
  2. She meant without honorifics and polite speech (keigo). 
  3. If she becomes a yandere, Seiya-senpai will be in danger. 

Episode 34 Seiya’s Fiancée

Seeing Yua walking up to Seiya, sitting on his lap, hugging herself with his arm, the classmates became paralyzed.

Aruna was the first one to start moving.

With a surprised expression, she asked.

「Se-seiya-kun and Yua-san’s know each other!?」

It’s too late to play a fool now. So Seiya decided to tell everyone that he is staying at her house.

But before Seiya managed to do so, Yua, sitting on his lap, dropped a sudden bomb.

「Seiya is my fiancé…….」

Aruna was stunned at Yua’s statement. Judging by her face, she didn’t seem to understand anything.

And the surrounding classmates, although already surprised, completely froze.

Seiya ignored them and complained to Yua.

「Yua – 」
「Seiya is a bully……」

Seiya tried to complain, but Yua was the first one to do so…

Facing such a Yua, he retorted.

「No, you just made quite an explosive declaration」
「Explosive declaration?」
「It is about fiancé. In the morning, Raiga explicitly told us to not tell anyone」
「Come to think of it……」

I remembered! Facing her enlightened face, Seiya expresses his dissatisfaction.

「Thanks to you, my fun school life came to an end…….」
「It’s fine…….You can have fun with me……」
「That’s right……」

Seiya answered with a depressed face. It was the first time he thought that his fiancée was such an amazing person.

There, Yua, sitting on his lap, made a seductive appeal. But in the face of her appeal, Seiya just dispiritedly patted her head.

She received Seiya’s patting and made a happy expression, then she relaxed and entrusted her back to him.

At this moment Seiya completely gave up and continued to pat her head.

And while Seiya was stroking Yua’s head, the classmates finally woke up. Their eyes seemed to ask just who the hell he was. [1]

Classmates saw the relationship between Seiya and Yua and most of the students looked at them curiously, but some students were watching with a different emotion.

That is, Yua-sama’s royal guard and Yua-sama’s fan club, that were fighting just a minute ago.

From these two groups, a lot of bloodthirsty stares were directed his way.

Seiya felt slightly uncomfortable facing their bloodlust, but compared to the magical beasts in the Great Dalis Canyon, it was like a spring breeze.

Then, a chime for the second period rang, and classmates were forced to disperse.

Everyone returned to their seats with somewhat weird facial expressions.

The royal guard immediately tried to question Yua upon returning, but she assumed a dismissive attitude.

Curious eyes were directed not only at Yua, but also at Seiya. Of course, his neighbors included.

「Seiya-kun, what was that?」

Aruna and Glenn pressed Seiya for an explanation, but Connie was still frozen for some reason.

Seiya wanted to give them the answer, but he had a hard time picking the right words.

It takes a long time to explain, and his explanation involves a lot of secrets. So he decided to tell the abridged version.

「It’s just as she said」
「Oh, I see」
「Even so, that was a big surprise」
「Is it rare for a student to have a marriage agreement?」
「Well, it’s not that uncommon….」

It wasn’t a rare occurrence to have a marriage agreement while being a student.

Magician families are often interacting with each other, and they meet a lot of people since a young age. Among them, some are matching each other, while others aren’t.

If they want it, they might be allowed to engage with each other.

After the engagement, the two people will belong to one family, usually to the one with higher status.

For example, in their case, Seiya is an elementary magician, while Yua is from a special magician family, so after the marriage, he will belong to the Arunia family.

「Then isn’t it fine? 」
「It is certainly normal, but this is Yua-san we are talking about」
「That’s right. She is treated like a goddess in this school. And you are her fiancé…. 」 [2] 「Well, a lot happened and that’s how it ended up」

Aruna and Glenn’s eyes were saying「Who is this guy? 」. And Seiya was calmly waiting for the start of the 2nd lesson.

Although the chime rang, the teacher still wasn’t here. And until he came, Seiya was subjected to a variety of venomous and curious stares.

Some girls who thought of him as cute in the beginning were completely stunned right now.

And the boys of the fan club were trying to kill him with their stares.

In the meantime, the teacher finally came and the second lesson started.

The second hour began, and Seiya finally relaxed.

But Seiya didn’t know. During the next break time, a certain blue-haired beautiful little girl will bring him a new headache.


  1. Again, eyes just like to talk in this novel. 
  2. She has qualifications to be the goddess, though.