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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 42

Ahh… That hits the spot! A break is nice isn’t it? Though I say that, I was actually planning to take the break and translate at my leisure so I could build up some stockpile, but who’d have thought, I really went and slacked for one whole week without touching the novel.

Even if I can trick myself into thinking that I’m still fine, I can’t trick my body after all. But it was a well-deserved break. I was finally able to take some time to update the Wiki page since nobody wanted to take up the job of managing it.

Thought of the day:
Maybe I should recruit an editor after all? Not only to help check my grammar but to manage the Wiki page as well 😛

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Starting Anew as the New Me Vol. 1 Chapter 5

Good Morning.
Here’s the fifth chapter of Starting Anew
I think I will keep posting at this time, because I don’t really know when I’ll get home each day.
So yeah

Please enjoy

To read the chapter, click here

Starting Anew as the New Me Vol. 1 Chapter 4

Good Morning, everyone.

Here’s the next Chapter of Starting Anew, this time a little earlier.
Please enjoy

To read the chapter click here

Starting Anew as the New Me Vol. 1 Chapter 3

Hello there,
Here’s the next Chapter of Starting Anew.


To read the Chapter, click here

Starting Anew as the New Me Vol. 1 Chapter 2

Hey there!

Here is the second chapter of Starting Anew as the New Me.
By the way, this volume is called “The Demon Lord that got chosen by the Angel’s Sword”.
I forgot to mention that, I believe.
Anyway, enjoy

To read the chapter, click here

[New Series] Starting Anew as the New Me

Hello, KonnoAren here.

Sadly the webnovel version of Bu ni Mi got taken down, so I decided on a new Project, which is this.
It’s comparatively short, but I still hope you are able to enjoy it

Chapter 1

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 41

Never expect they’d be a day when I actually look forward to weekdays more than the weekends and public holidays, but these hellish days are finally over. I can finally throw back and relax now.

I need to give myself a pat on the back for keeping up with one or two chapters per week despite the busy schedule, but now that the tension is gone, I’m all burnt out and I believe I deserve a good rest. With that said, pardon me for taking next week off and won’t be releasing any chapters.

Thoughts of the day:
I love-hate short chapters. I love it for the fact that I can translate short chapters quickly. I hate it for the fact that short chapters usually contain many difficult words.

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 40

Well, it took quite a while for Ziru to notice that I’ve stopped posting on his site. He sure was angry though, as he rightfully should. He blocked me after saying everything he had to so I had no chance to explain. I suppose it was a pretty mature choice to avoid escalating possible conflict further than necessary. Though I do have a few things to clarify.

1) I did specifically tell him that I won’t be making Ziru’s Musing my new home and that I will pull out any time if things don’t go well.

2) My conscience was indeed hurt due to his spartan editing, but that was not the reason why I stopped hosting on his site, if that was the case, I would have said something and stopped the collaboration before it went public.

3) What made me stop posting on his site was because I don’t feel welcomed there. It has got nothing to do with how busy he was or anything, and I wasn’t even expecting a full review of the novel when I asked him to read it. All I expected from him was just a simple introduction of the novel and the translator, a welcome message of the sort. It’s something he should have done without me deliberately telling him to, it’s what should be expected of everyone when a new employee joins their company/team. Is he really expecting me to go up to him and say, “Hey Ziru, I just joined your team, aren’t you going to introduce me to your company?”

4) I don’t hate Ziru or anything, I only hoped he could have done a better job at entertaining his team.

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