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Hero King Chapter 14

Hallo readers!! Phew, wow, I’ve been so busy recently I kind of don’t even know what I’m doing with my life anymore sweat sweat
Oh, I would also like to inform you guys that starting from this chapter, it seems like Silva and Mab have started adding in comments (reference notes of their own). So I have put in Al (me), Sil (for Silva) and Mab (for Mab) in each of the reference notes, letting you guys know who said what 😛

Anyhow, enough of my jabbering, enjoy the read. As per usual, comment, like, shoutout to us 🙂 See ya guys tomorrow for next chapter!

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» Chapter 14 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 191

I guess I should use this pre-chapter ramble to discuss Dungeons and Dragons!
If any of you have been following a while and have good memory you may recall Lucien Einhart, the Cavalier.
Well things have taken a strange turn for the DM because the place we happened to visit from Waterdeep handbook happened to be owned by an established Paladin of Torm! Which also just so happens to be in perfect alignment with Luciens character. Lucien himself is a squire and not actually of noble rank, so strictly speaking he needs a ‘master’ and it seems like my DM won’t need to worry about fabricating a character for that role.

Also my hero complex knight will finally get some proper action next session.

It still sucks only have two gold to my name. Literally.
Lucien has turned down all the quest rewards he could have earned so far because of his Code which he can’t break.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 36 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 190

So because I had Dungeons and Dragons today I decided to shave, and my razor broke half way through.
Luckily I managed to get the majority but basically all under my chin hasn’t been shaved. Thankfully that area doesn’t show up well on camera and the end result is that it looks like a shadow cast by my lamp rather than some plonker that’s only half shaved. But yeah that was a thing.

Also PSO2 has got me back into Valkyria again so I might need to finally buy the fourth one, and give that a play. As well as rewatch the anime which I dearly love. Welkin is one of my all time favourite characters, and the Europa at War piece of the soundtrack is so atmospheric.
I really wish it got an English release, while I was at University I actually made my own little DVD boxset for fun.
I really wanted to buy an Edelweiss model kit while I was there but the lack of space and skill prevented me, I considered buying one again recently but it’s old now and literally nowhere has any stock. Which is a shame.

Anyway that’s my pre-chapter ramble done.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 35 «

[LO] Chapter 3

What can I say, I was somehow really into translating today?

If you see any mistakes in the translation, let me know, otherwise enjoy~

I don’t think I’ve made many mistakes, bar tense mistakes.

Link to Chapter 3


Loli Elf Chapter 4

And thus, the story begins!

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» Chapter 4 «

Blue Sky Chapter 4

And so continues the adventures of Miss Britain!
Well, this chapter had some nice stuff. It was pretty fun to read if not much happening.
I only made a couple of footnote comments but I’m fond of them. You’ll understand why.
Also for some reason I almost forget to schedule this. Wonder why?
It has nothing to do with me playing an MMO too much I swear.

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» Chapter 4 «

Loli Elf Chapter 3

Another week, another chapter! Nothing really interesting happened in this chapter, just an interlude. The reincarnation will finally happen in the next chapter.

Oh, did you know? My birthday happened a few days ago! Someone should buy me a full body silicone bodysuit for research purposes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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» Chapter 3 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 71

Quna concert is still going. I like her oriental outfit this time.
Also I tried farming Nemesis gear but it was hell. Oh well.
I know they’ll be somewhat obsolete in the future anyway but one always wants the best gear don’t they? Obviously!
I’ve had no luck though….farmed an entire day and not one drop!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 71 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 70

Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear!
As I am scheduling this a Quna concert is starting in PSO2.
Sorry no random talk this time! I’m occupied!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 70 «

[LO] Chapter 2

I know this may come as a surprise, but I’ve actually released a second chapter of a teaser.

For those unaware, I haven’t jumped onto Silva’s gender-bender train…yet.


Link to Chapter 2


Life with a Tail Chapter Side Story 2

This is part 2 of the previous XX chapter. They’ve gotten themselves in quite a predicament. Well, they reap what they sow, I guess. Have fun~! (‘v’)

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter XX2 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 33

Hiya~! Today’s the day for another regular update~!
Last time on AinCiel: Our princesses had their first request with a party and while the request itself went swimmingly, the other member as quite the train wreck. Still, they managed to go back to the guild safely and get their well earned cash without any problems. Except for the fact that 4 sandbags presented themselves to the probably grumpy Ain. RIP. And with that:
What will happen next in this chapter? Will they be teaming up with the Brass, the Greater Swordsman, again? Will there be more AinCiel fluff to enjoy? …… Will they be in the guild the whole chapter again?
Find out next on: Medicine, the Boy, and……!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!
Also I definitely didn’t make the mistake of posting this as chapter 32 first. Or did I?

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 33 «

Wild Last Boss Chapter 164

A Wild Last Boss is translated by TpstT and Vecna. Both translators have agreed to allow Re:Library to list this on our site with a two weeks delay policy.

You can now read A Wild Last Boss on Re:Library at your own convenience, no more juggling between two different sites. But of course, if you wish to catch the latest update, you’d still have to visit the translators’ respective sites, unless you’re willing to wait two weeks before they’re uploaded on Re:Library.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 164 «

Life with a Tail Chapter Side Story 1

Huh, “Chapter XX1”? What the hell is that?? Well, let me explain… at least try to. They’re basically side chapters. But wait, aren’t the .5 chapters side chapters as well, you may ask. Well yes but actually no.

To simplify:
.5 chapters = Other people’s perspectives
XX chapters = Side chapters that are in the MC’s perspective, real side chapters I guess.

I don’t know much as well of how the author categorises these chapters but that’s what I’m getting from it. Anyways, enjoy~~ (-v-)

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter XX1 «

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