Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 134 – I just like him

“What’s going on here? Didn’t you tell me that his input method was plagiarized? Why did the newspaper clarify it?” Xu Ruoyun heard a copy of Songjiang Morning Post and questioned.

“About this… It is plagiarized, who knew that the Shuguang Corporation’s power is so huge, actually forcing the media to apologize…” Li Boliang had no more confidence anymore, even he couldn’t be sure of whether it is plagiarized or not. Although Shuguang Corporation was extremely powerful, if their software was really plagiarized, how could they make such a huge deal of apologizing and clarifying? Any other people would have just admitted their misfortune.

“Li Boliang, are you treating me like an idiot? Plagiarized? I think you have ulterior motives!” Xu Ruoyun snorted.

“Ruoyun, don’t be blinded by that fellow! This is for your own good, so you can see him for what he really is,” Li Boliang explained.

“For my own good? You did it for yourself! Li Boliang, I can clearly tell you that, from this point onward, the two of us have no relationship anymore, we aren’t even friends!” Xu Ruoyun said coldly.

“Ruoyun, don’t get angry! I admit, I’m selfish! I did it all for you! However, this is because I like you!” Li Boliang immediately got anxious, originally he thought his passionate article could cause Liu Lei’s fame to fall to the ground. He didn’t expect this problem, before this thing could be built up, it was clarified the next day, the editor Wang Deyi that held him was also arrested. This made Li Boliang infinitely speechless.

“Like me? There are many people that like me,” Xu Ruoyun was not moved at all.

“But before you met Liu Lei, wasn’t our relationship quite good? Even if we weren’t a couple, we were really good friends!” Li Boliang asked without giving up.

“It was because I thought you were a rather just person before, but I had always treated you as my older brother, there is no feelings of men and women involved!” Xu Ruoyun said without mercy.

“Heh! I think you most likely fell for that little white face, Liu Lei, right!” Li Boliang couldn’t stand it anymore and said angrily.

“I just like him, so what! I admit, are you happy now!” Xu Ruoyun left a sentence behind, before she turned around and left.

Li Boliang stood dumbly on spot, he knew that he lost, and it was a complete and utter loss. However, he could not think of the reason why he couldn’t gain Xu Ruoyun’s affection despite being so excellent. As the president of the Songjiang Computing Association, he had achievements since young, and didn’t use any relations with his family to gain a sponsor for the association from a foreign business, he, who was twenty, was far more mature than others his own age. The entire time, he didn’t have a low number of girls pursuing him, but all of them were due to his family background. Only Xu Ruoyun was not attracted by money. The reason Xu Ruoyun could become his friend at the time, was solely due to his own talent.

The first time Li Boliang came into contact with Xu Ruoyun, he was really shocked. Li Boliang have seen many beauties, but this was the first time he has met one that had both beauty and intelligence. Li Boliang had always thought of beautiful girls as flower vases, but Xu Ruoyun gave a different feeling to him. Ever since the two of them came into contact, their relationship gradually improved, Li Boliang also thought that Xu Ruoyun would become his girlfriend sooner or later, he never expected such a change in the middle.

Actually Li Boliang had immediately regretted it after sending the article attacking Shuguang Corporation to the press. Ignoring the fact that he had no actual solid evidence, if Shuguang Corporation pursued the matters, then the results would be really severe. That’s why after the newspaper was published, he didn’t show himself anymore.

That morning, I was sleeping nicely on my bed, when the sudden ringing of my mobile phone woke me up from my dreams. I was dreaming about Xia Jing having returned to my side, and the two of us were preparing to recall the feeling of that day, but then I woke up.

“Hey!” I furiously picked up the phone. I looked at my watch, it was only a little past seven. Who was it so early in the morning?

“Hey, Liu Lei. I’m Xu Ruoyun,” the pleasant female voice came from the other side of the call. However, I didn’t care much about this voice.

“You’re looking for Yanyan right, she’s not with me…” I sweat, this chick can’t have come to catch us in bed so earlier in the morning right.

“… I’m looking for you.” Xu Ruoyun said after a brief silence.

“For me? For what?” I asked weirdly. There doesn’t seem to be much relationship between her and I.

“Yeah, do you have time? I have somethings I want to ask you about,” Xu Ruoyun said.

“Now?” I crawled up from the bed and stretched.

“Yeah,” Xu Ruoyun said.

“Sure, then wait for me,” I said, then hung up. Suddenly I realized that something was wrong, and that’s…

The mobile phone rang again.

I picked up, and heard little chick Xu said angrily, “Liu Lei, why did you hang up the phone? Do you know where to find me?”

“E… About this…” I also just noticed the issue.

“Heh, the coffee shop in front of Fourth High, hurry up, take a cab. Also, bring a bit more money, you’re paying later,” she didn’t wait for me to reply before hanging up.

Ten minutes later, my Jetta parked outside the coffee shop near Fourth High.

This was where I met Chen Yong last time, I didn’t think little chick Xu also like this atmosphere.

I entered, and noticed that Xu Ruoyun, also known as little comrade lightbulb, was sitting in a couples seat in a corner drinking coffee.

I really don’t know what this chick is thinking, not sitting in so many empty double tables, and just had to sit in that spot, I don’t know what Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier would say if they saw this.

I directly walked over, and sat opposite Xu Ruoyun. I didn’t think that little chick Xu actually smiled when she saw me, handed me the menu and asked, “What do you want to order?”

This was the first time Xu Ruoyun smiled at me for no reason, causing me to not know what to do all of a sudden. I even thought about whether the person in front of me was Xu Ruoyun, this was a completely different person from the little light bulb that would oppose me for no reason normally.

“Don’t you know that it is a rude to just stare at a girl? I… am shy!” Seeing that I gazed at me, Xu Ruoyun blushed, and said awkwardly.

She really wasn’t going to give up until she shocked me, hearing this, I went completely dumb. I nearly went under the table. “You… You…” I wasn’t sure what’s going on, even though I was rather mature mentally, I was still confused by this chick. Did this person have dual personalities?


  1. N/a

Chapter 133 – Business Oppurtunities Everywhere

“After a few days? Whether or not your shop can continue to open after a few days all depends on your current performance!” Wang-ge said expressionlessly.

“Okay, okay I’ll immediately pay, immediately pay,” the coarse voice freaked, and immediately got obedient.

I told the coarse voice my bank account number, and he immediately called the bank to transfer the money.

Ten minutes later, my checked that my account indeed had an extra six hundred and eighty eight thousand and eight hundred Yuan. Then I nodded in satisfaction to Wang-ge, before taking the two girls out of the fur store. I threw the fur coat I just bought casually to the side, even if stuff of this quality was given to me, I wouldn’t take it.

The coarse voice felt terrible, no matter how stupid he is, he could tell that I called the people from the Trade and Industrial Bureau over, but he couldn’t say anything either, he was doing things by the books, and did not cross the line at all. The coarse voice sighed, and held the fine Wang-ge gave him, he really suffered a loss that he could only keep quiet about this time.

“Hubby, you were so cool just now!” Chen Weier held my hand, and stuck excitedly by my side.

“Of course, you need to look at who your hubby is!” I said proudly. I spent a million to trash a Mercedes in the morning, not even half a day has passed before getting back nearly seven hundred thousand. Although this money wasn’t much to me, it still made my mood great.

“Yeah, I had thought you only knew how to solve things with violence! Liu Lei, I never thought that you are pretty good at plotting against people!” Zhao Yanyan also said happily.

“It can’t be, is your hubby just a simple minded, fool with a developed five limbs?” I chuckled and asked.

“Five limbs? Isn’t it four limbs?” Chen Weier asked weirdly.

Zhao Yanyan has been with me longer, and had a bit of understanding ability with this sort of speech. She immediately thought of what I meant by developed five limbs, she blushed, glared at me, and said, “Pervert!”

However, Chen Weier didn’t understand, she looked weirdly at Zhao Yanyan and me, “What’s going on? What does this have to do with pervert?”

I just kept a naughty smile on the side, causing Chen Weier to hold Zhao Yanyan and ask, “Yanyan-meimei, what exactly is going on?”

Zhao Yanyan looked at me, and wasn’t sure of how to reply. This sort of thing could only be communicated with meaning and not with words, how could a girl say this out loud.

How would Chen Weier know this, she looked at the ambiguous expression between Zhao Yanyan and I, and thought that we had some secret that we were keeping from her, thus she pouted unhappily and said, “Are you two treating me as an outsider, hiding everything from me.”

Zhao Yanyan couldn’t help it, glared at me sideways, then muttered a few sentences beside Chen Weier’s ear shyly, Chen Weier’s cheeks immediately turned bright red, and said to me in dissatisfaction, “I really don’t know what’s in your head the entire day! Having such god grades despite always thinking about that!”

“Hehe, I wonder who it was that always says to me: I want… But their grades aren’t bad!” I mimicked the voice of the two girls on the bed and laughed.

“You’re still saying it!” The two girls shouted. What awaited me was series of little fists.

Ai, sometimes having a bit more wives might not be a good thing, if I had a few more in the future, wouldn’t I be beaten to death.

The two girls went on a shopping spree with my accompaniment. Originally Chen Weier wasn’t quite willing, but under Zhao Yanyan’ encouragement, the two bought a lot of the same clothes, even the same underwear. If you didn’t know you would think the two were sisters. I didn’t have any complaint, fully showing off my upstart abilities, and just kept on spending money without twitching an eyebrow. In fact, I was a little happy, I was scared that they would just walk and not buy anything, that would be even worse. I rather finish buying quickly.

Only then did I notice how great the initial idea of me buying a car was, the stuff I bought could be send to the trunk at any time Otherwise wouldn’t I, this free baggage carrier, be tired to death.

After shopping, the two girls first went back to the Zhao Yanyan’s family’s mansion in the development area, I explained to them for a bit, then raced straight to Shuguang Corporation after telling that Uncle Zhao had some business with me.

Walking out from Zhao Junsheng’s mansion, I looked at the construction area nearby, and sighed in secret. The real estate industry was immediately going into its peak, I wonder if I can get a share from it? Songjiang city in 1995 had business opportunities everywhere, casually throwing out a bit of experience from my previous life could great a millionaire. However, what I lacked right now was talented people, if an industry didn’t have a god leader, then any money and experience was pointless. This made me think of a sentence I often heard in my previous life: What’s the most important thing in this society, it’s talent!

No matter when this sentence was put, it was an unmovable truth.

According to Uncle Zhao, personnel already went over to give out the appropriate punishment to Songjaing Morning Post. They will clarify the truth on tomorrow’s newspaper. Although they have issued a callback for today’s newspaper, all of the newspaper stands already sold out, and it was pretty much impossible for a callback.

“Did you find out who was behind this?” After I closed the door, I said to Zhao Junsheng.

“It’s the result of one of their editors called Wang Deyi at their company, the person that sent the article in promised to give him twenty thousand kuai after it was done,” Zhao Junsheng said.

“Twenty thousand kuai? This fellow is too daring! Then would he dare to print some **** pics if he was given some money?” I said. This person was too easy to fool, selling the headline for twenty thousand kuai.

“That’s difference! They have their limits, it isn’t much problem printing about some insider news of businesses, but they made their mistake on printing about our Shuguang Corporation,” Zhao Junsheng said.

“What about that Wang Deyi?” I asked. I will definitely not let these petty people off easy, after all Shuguang Corporation was all established my me, it was like my children, -how could I let other people casually slander it.

“He was arrested because of bribery already,” Zhao Junsheng said.

I nodded, since the brat was caught, he can’t possibly come out that easily. Don’t look at how little his bribe seemed to be, but the crimes of defamation, abuse of power etc. was although to cause big trouble for him.

“Did they find the person that sent the article?” I asked.

“However, this person contacted Wang Deyi through the phone. However according to Wang Deyi, he hasn’t gotten the payment of twenty thousand even now, instead he got himself in trouble,” Zhao Junsheng smiled.

I’ll leave this thing temporarily like this. Following that, Songjiang Morning Post publicly apologized the next day, this incident with Shuguang Corporation also gradually faded from site. Some people even thought that this was a some sensational news by Shuguang Corporation itself.

I pretty much spent the entire winter break rolling around with Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier. I would lie on the bed holding one in each arm whenever I have nothing to do. I don’t know why I turned so lazy, could I have gone into hibernation?


  1. N/a

Chapter 132 – Who plotted against who?

I have seen the advert of this fur coat shop on television many times, and didn’t pay too much attention to it, I just remember the one sentence of “one fake will be compensated with ten”/

Now that I hold the honor card of this fur coat, I saw that there was a condition of “all of the fur coats sold from this store are real, if any fake is sold, it’ll be compensated by ten times” written on the back.

I know about Fishman brand fur coats, the real Fishman brand fur coats don’t need to be washed, and dust won’t stick onto it. Now the one the coarse voice have given me is already dirtied to this level, it was clearly fake.

I looked at the coarse voice that was happily counting money, he was smiling so much that his mouth couldn’t close. I thought in my heart, I’ll let you be happy for a while, let’s see how you’re going to cry later.

“Owner, is this coat you sold me Fishman Brand?” I stopped smiling and asked suddenly.

The coarse voice momentarily blanked and immediately said, “Yes, of course it is! Otherwise how would I give you the honor card! Our shop never sells fake stuff!”

“Oh!” I nodded in false satisfaction. What I wanted was this sentence.

Seeing that I didn’t have much reaction, the coarse voice let out a sigh of relief. He swore in his heart, you bumpkin nearly scared me to death. I thought he really saw through something.

However, my following actions was enough to shock the coarse voice. I took our Yanyan’s mobile phone, and dialed a phone number.

“Hey, Uncle Li?” I said.


“I’m Liu Lei… Yes, yes, Uncle Zhao’s…” Every time I called someone I had to use Uncle Zhao’s name. Gah, you have to know that I am Shuguang Corporation’s chairman!


“I got into some trouble in the business street next to Department Store-dasha… Yes, I got tricjed, at New Fur Plaza!”


“Sure, I’ll wait a bit,” I hung up.

“This bro, look… If you are unsatisfied, you can get a refund…” The coarse voice started worrying after hearing me make the call. He thought, this fellow is so rich, he can’t have gotten a bunch of delinquents to trash my store right? He (the shop owner) couldn’t think about making money anymore, and his attitude turned around completely.

“Refund? Why would I get a refund! Fishman Brand fur is my favorite brand… Of course, ignoring fakes,” I deliberately pretended to say “ignoring fakes” out as if it was just a coincidence.

However, from the coarse voice’s perspective, these words were like a sharp sword that directly pierced into his heard. It’s all because of his momentary great for money, he never would have thought…

“This dage, it’s all Laodi’s fault, you can be a great man and not remember a petty person’s wrongs, and let Laodi off!” The coarse voice said with a crying face. The way he addressed me also upgraded from “bro” to “dage”.

“Shop owner, what are you saying? What do you let you go? Why don’t I understand?” I laughed coldly in my heart, but still showed a confused expression.

“Aiya, you’re messing with Laodi! I have elders and youngsters… If anything happened to me, what is my family going to do!” The coarse voice nearly kneel for me.

“Say, shop owner, what are you saying that here for? What do you mean you have elders and youngsters? There’s something wrong with you right?” Now I was really confused, this shop owner can’t have split personalities right!

“Didn’t you find some people to trash my store?” Seeing that my expression didn’t look like it was acting, the coarse voice asked weirdly.

“Trash your store? Why would I trash your store! This is a lawful society, I am also a law-abiding good citizen, why would I trash your store! What are you thinking!” I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so this fellow misunderstood my meaning. He thought I called some people to trash his store.

“Ah?… Not trashing store…” Hearing that I didn’t want to trash his store, the coarse voice also got confused, who did he (Liu Lei) call if not to trash his store? He (shop owner) could only nod blankly.

Just at that moment an enforcement car from the Trade and Industrial Bureau stopped in front of New Fur Plaza, several people wearing uniforms came down from the car and directly pushed the door open and came inside.

The coarse voice immediately blanked, but then still went up to greet him, “Wang-ge, what wind blew you over!” He knew this Wang-ge, he was in charge of getting the business administration fees in this area, and wasn’t too familiar with him (the shop owner), but they had a bit of business each other, and he could say something.

The person called Wang-ge didn’t even look at the coarse voice, and directly walked in my direction.

“Hello, are you Mr. Liu?” Wang-ge asked.

“Yes, you are…” I stood up and offered a handshake.

“Chief Li asked me to come,” Wang-ge said quietly to me. It seems like this Chief Li already told my characteristics to him.

“What happened!” Wang-ge immediately resumed his professional tone. This was also a hint to me, I was in the right here, there was no need to make it seem the Trade and Industrial Bureau deliberately stood on my side. Working impartially was the best, this way no one could say anything.

I told him what had happened, then pointed out that the honor card did say a compensation of ten times behind the it.

“Is everything he said real? So your fur coat is fake?” Wang-ge held the fur coat in front of the coarse voice and said.

“About this… Wang-ge, don’t listen to his ********, I never sell fake stuff…” The coarse voice was already sweating, when he heard me mention a compensation of ten times, his heart screamed that this wasn’t good, so the newbie actions of this upstart were all acts, it was like he had already planned to plot against him once.

“Why do you have so much useless words, I’m asking you if it is real or fake!” Wang-ge said impatiently.

“… Real…” The coarse voice clearly didn’t have much confidence in his words, but still continued.

“Is it? Then we can only send it to the technical supervision bureau to be checked. This checking fee isn’t cheap, if this thing really is fake, then the fees are handled by the business! How’s it, have you thought about it carefully?” Wang-ge clearly didn’t care about the coarse voice’s reply, there were too many ways to eal with this sort of people.

“About this…” The coarse voice also hesitated, this fur cat is definitely fake! It was a counterfeit that he got from Guangzhou, he had originally wanted to sell it cheaply, but due to his momentary greed that blinded his heart, he actually wanted to treat it as a real product to rip off the customer, but got into trouble despite all his confidence.

“It’s fake!” The coarse voice hesitated for a long while, then finally admitted.

“Okay now, since you admitted it, you need to compensate the consumer immediately according to the promise! As for you selling fake stuff, it isn’t over between us,” Wang-ge took out a punishment slips and said.

“About this… Can I compensate a few days later…” The coarse voice still didn’t fully give up.


  1. N/a

Chapter 131 – Blackmail Me

I put away the mobile phone, turned back to the business street, and noticed that I lost sight of the two girls. Zhao Yanyan’s mobile phone was still with me, there was no helping it, I could only search shop by shop.

Suddenly I noticed that a lot of people surrounded the entrance of one of the shops. Originally I didn’t want to care, but when I neared, I heard a voice that I couldn’t be more familiar with.

“Don’t you need to try when buying clothes? Didn’t I just try a few extra, look at your service attitude!” Zhao Yanyan’s voice of displeasure passed into my ear.

“Buying? From the looks of it you two can’t even afford it, you just want to try a few more to feel good! Did I say anything wrong? You two just tried here and there, and got picky about this and that, my clothing shop still needs to do business!” A coarse voice roared.

“Who said we weren’t buying? How do you know we aren’t? Chen Weier also started speaking.

“Heh, you buying? Can you afford it? This is imported fur coats from Italy, costing several tens of thousands for one! If you two little girls can afford this, I’ll rip my head off,” the coarse voice sneered.

“Let’s go, Yanyan-meimei. There’s no need to get answer with this sort of people!” Weier suggested. Since there was only them two girls here, and so she didn’t want to get into trouble.

“Go? Can you go? Wanting to go after making the clothes dirty, how’s there something so simple in the world!” The coarse voice roared.

“What relationship does it have with us, your clerk didn’t catch it and it fell onto the floor!” Chen Weier immediately said anxiously seeing that the shop owner wanted to act rogue.

“We didn’t catch it? The clothes fell from your hands, what does that have to do with us? So you’re saying that if you push someone off upstairs, and he died, it’s because the people at the bottom couldn’t catch. So you have no responsibility? You have legal blindness right!” The coarse voice pointed at Chen Weier and said.

“Then what do you want? Zhao Yanyan has seen more things, and knows that the person in front wanted to blackmail her, so immediately calmed down.

“What do I want? My fur coat is the famous Italian brand —— XXXXX brand! Sixty something thousand! Now that it’s dirty, what do you say!” The coarse voice said proudly seeing that the chick in front of her fell far it.

“Sixty thousand? Who are you tricking, don’t think we don’t know anything!” Zhao Yanyan said angrily. Mommy’s fur coat is just thirty something thousand and it was better than the one in front of her by who knows how many times, could something that doesn’t even reach that level sell for sixty thousand?!

“Don’t care about if I’m tricking you or not, this is a true branded good!” The coarse voice showed a “I can sell it for however much I like” look.

“You——! Fine, then what do you say!” Zhao Yanyan was the kind of more civilized girl that didn’t want to cause trouble. This was also the reason why I didn’t know her family background for so long in my previous life.

“Call your parents, and tell them to send ten thousand over as compensations, then I’ll just admit my misfortune!” The coarse voice said as he if suffered a big loss.

“This is clearly blackmail! It’s illegal!” Chen Weier immediately refused since this guy started off immediately with ten thousand.

“Blackmail? Little girl, be careful of what you say, what do you mean blackmail? This is compensation for my loss! My fur coat is sixty thousand something, if you calculate it, I have lost a lot!” The coarse voice shook his head and said.

I knew it was my turn to appear, I managed to get a grasp of the situation. How could I let my two beautiful wives continue to get bullied by this coarse voice with bad lucker? The reason I called him bad lucker is because misfortune is about to fall upon him. A sinister plan formed in my head.

“What’s going on? My big and small wife, who wants to blackmail you?” I held my hands in front of my chest, and squeezed through the crowd, arriving beside the two girls.

“Hubby! You finally came!” The two girls looked at me happily, and each of them wrapped around one of my arms.

It was the coarse voice’s turn to momentarily blank, he could have never imagined that the two girls as beautiful as flowers were both the wives of the man in front of him. If it really was like that it would be difficult to deal with! Since this man could support two wives, then definitely wasn’t someone normal, either rich or noble. It’s all because of his greed that he caused this trouble.

“Wifeys, what’s going on?” I held one both in each arm and said. Actually I actually understood everything at the side.

Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier couldn’t help but blushing hearing I call them “Wifeys” in front of so many people. Zhao Yanyan was a bit calmer, and told me how everything came to be.

“About this… I don’t think this is actually a big deal…” The coarse voice had a bit of guilt after seeing my proud appearance.

“I was wondering what it was! Isn’t it just a fur coat! Sixty thousand kuai, that’s too cheap, I’ll beat it!” I intentionally pretended to be an upstart and said. ****, seeing that the coarse voice wanted to back down, of course I can’t let him! If he regrets it then how am I supposed to play with him!

“You said you want to buy it?” The coarse voice immediately got excited after hearing what I said. He had thought the person in front of him would get really mad, he never imagined that the person would really buy it! The coarse voice felt relieved and thought, so it’s another idiot, it’s just that he’s an upstart idiot. If I don’t rip him off furiously, then what am I supposed to do! He immediately changed his attitude, and said respectfully, “Mister, let’s talk inside!”

The other people crowding outside wanted to see a show, but they didn’t think the situation would be resolved so easily, thus all of them left sadly.

Inside the shop, the coarse voice took out the dirtied fur coat and said to me, “It’s this, it’s from the Italian XXXXX brand!”

“How much?” I raised my head to look at the fur coat, and immediately felt relieved.

“Sixty eight thousand eight hundred after discount!” The coarse voice said randomly.

I took it over to have a look, it really had dust stuck to it, which couldn’t remove by hands.

“Fine, it’s not expensive. I’ll take this, go and get the receipt and honor card for me!” I casually threw a bank card over without hesitation.

This made the coarse voice blank. He never would have imagined that the person in front of him wouldn’t even negotiate for the price, he assumed that the person would try to lower the price. The coarse voice happily received the bank card, getting extremely happy, the cost of the fur coat was not even two thousand kuai, he was making a huge profit! He didn’t think this upstart in front of him was so rich, he should have gotten more from him! From the looks of it he can take out even a hundred thousand.

However, this guy did not know my thoughts at all, under this situation, even if he asked me to spend a hundred thousand, I wouldn’t hesitate, in fact I would be even more happy.

After a while, the coarse voice finished everything, and handed me the receipt and honor card. I flipped over the honor card, and stopped my gaze on one condition, a cold smile, that went unnoticed by others, appeared at the corner of my mouth.


  1. N/a

Chapter 130 – Show them some colors

Even when I’m normally at home, I could hear the aunties from the neighborhood committee say: could the newspaper print lies!?

The reputation of a corporation was too important for its future development! If the business’s reputation falls, then no matter how good the products produced are, or how advance they are, no one would use it.

“Uncle Zhao…” I said softly. “I read it!”

“What do you think about this?” Uncle Zhao didn’t hang up this entire time, and waited for me to finish reading the newspaper.

“They saw a large tree would attract the winds. A human should be scared of being famous, a pig should be scared of getting fat, now that the business got big, there will always be people that get envious, and since they can’t beat us properly, they use some hired writers to write a few articles of ‘false news’ to fatally wound Shuguang. Our business is not the first. Both of us are very clear about whether Shuguang Input Method was original or copied from Microsoft,” I said. In my previous life when I was the CEO of Microsoft, I have seen quite a few articles slandering Microsoft, but I could ignore it completely. That’s because Microsoft was already huge, and monopolized the market. Although Shuguang was also very large, and had a lot of funds, and advance technology. It was still a business that haven’t even been established for half a year, and could not withstand this sort of issue.

“That’s right, I also understand this. I already got friends in the media we have in contact with to investigate, and figure out who was responsible for this,” Zhao Junsheng said.

“Uncle Zhao, who do you think is the mastermind behind this?” I thought about it and raised this question.

“I considered this as well, this person definitely isn’t someone from within Shuguang Corporation. Firstly, our employees have signed an NDA with the company, and would no just say stuff like that. Secondly, everyone in the company knows that our company gave Microsoft the rights to use Shuguang Pinyin Input Method. They can’t be stupid enough to go to the media and say that we stole Microsoft’s work. Isn’t that picking up a rock to smash their own feet? Therefore, it is very likely that it is someone that isn’t very familiar with us!” Zhao Junsheng analyzed.

“Not a bad analysis!” I said in admiration. This Zhao Junsheng did have quite a bit of leadership abilities, this was also the reason why I was fine with handing the company over to him. Zhao Junsheng was right, from the moment I picked up the newspaper, I already refuted the possibility of the author of this person being from within the company.

“However I don’t think it’ll be easy to find out who the mastermind is. This article should have been sent to the press anonymously or under a false name, unless the author comes forth himself, we have no other solutions,” Zhao Junsheng sighed and said.

What Zhao Junsheng said was true. This damn press would report anything for their own profits, I have seen a lot of false newspaper reports that have caused damage to a person or company, in the end the newspaper couldn’t even be bothered to apologized, and the situation was just left as it was.

“The most important thing right now is making Songjiang Morning Post make a clarification on tomorrow’s newspaper, and have a positive report, and try to protect as much reputation as we can. If we really can’t do it, then throw the contract between us and Microsoft out!” I said in an ordering manner.

“Clarification is definitely fine! The press doesn’t seem to know direction if we don’t show them some colors, I’ve already contacted people from the government to take care of these bullshitting grandsons. ****, they dare to print anything!” This was the first time Zhao Junsheng said swear words in front of me, it was clear that he was already furious. “However it might not be suitable to publish Microsoft’s contract…”

“We can’t use this last resort unless we have no other choice. Try to use your relationship to pressure other media as well, don’t let them share the news, and we can’t let the situation get escalate. It’ll be hard to handle if the entire country knows about this. Deal with the situation while it is still within the borders of Sujijang city,” I said.

“I understand. I’ll call my dad later,” Zhao Junsheng said.

I hung up, and fell into deep thoughts. Ever since Shuguang Corporation was established, it was all very smooth. The government supported us from above, and the public supported us underneath, it could be said that we never wronged anyone. Furthermore, the business of Shuguang Corporation was in the leading technology of the country, or even the world, it was impossible to have any direct conflict of interests with other company. Who could do this for no reason, and plot against Shuguang?

The editorial department of Songjiang Morning Post was already in chaos.

“Wang Deyi, you’ve got guys! Who told you to change the headline to this!” A glasses wearing middle aged man around forty years old roared while throwing a copy of Songjiang Morning Post in front of the journalist named Wang Deyi.

Wang Deyi dipped his head, and stood on the sides, afraid to even make a single sound.

“Say something? Idiot!” The middle-aged man scolded.

“Editor Chen, I-I just wanted to increase the sales of our newspaper, so I took the initiative in changing the headline…” Wang Deyi said while trembling.

“Increase sales? Is there anyone that increase sales like you? Do you want everyone at our office to be laid off? Did you get bored of this job and want to go back to farming at home? Reporting anything was fine, but reporting Shuguang Corporation? Did your brain get kicked by a donkey?

What’s Shuguang Corporation! It is the star business of our country, ignoring how powerful their relationship is, just the fact that Shuguang Corporation has solved the employment issues of six thousand something people in our city since it was established is enough to make it impossible for the government not to help Shuguang Corporation! The most important in media is facts!

You’ve done it, listening to reasons, catching at shadows! You dared to print this article that doesn’t even have an author! You could have looked more carefully when you decided to print it, you didn’t print about those cats and dogs, flowers and grass, celebrities of sports or music, you just had to pick on Shuguang Corporation! Our newspaper company is most likely screwed!” Editor Chen was so angry that his body trembled.

Wang Deyi was also covered in sweat due to fear, his heart was regretting it to the max. He received a foreign number while he was on duty at the office the previous night, and it faxed this article to Wang Deyi, asking it to be put onto the headlines of tomorrow’s Songjiang Morning Post, then he promised that Wang Deyi would be paid twenty thousand Yuan as thanks. Wang Deyi didn’t think it was any big deal, isn’t that just an article attacking someone else, it’s not like he hasn’t written any false news like this in the past, it won’t cause any big deal, and so he agreed. Yet, after this newspaper was printed today, that stranger didn’t contact him, and he didn’t even get 1 mao.

At this time, the door to the editor’s office was opened, and several people walked in.

“Editor Chen, I am from the Press and Publication Bureau, I have to conduct some investigation of the truthfulness on the article about Shuguang Corporation that was printed on today’s Songjiang Morning Post, please cooperate!” The person in the lead said.

Editor Chen sighed, he didn’t think someone would come to investigate so quickly, although the person that came spoke with courtesy, but his editor position might still be removed.

Editor Chen glared at Wang Deyi sharply, then stood up to shake hands with each and every one of the people that come in.


  1. N/a

Chapter 129 – Slandering News

“That felt too great!” I wrapped my left arm around Weier, and held Zhao Yanyan with my right.

“Don’t you just feel great? Trashing nine hundred and eighty thousand in one go!” Zhao Yanyan mocked.

“Hai! Isn’t it just nine hundred and eighty thousand? Your hubby lacks everything except money!” What I said was the truth, the dividends from Microsoft were billed into my bank account again this month. Shuguang also turned into a money printing machine under Zhao Junsheng’s leadership, continuously buying new production lines and enlarging their production, the money in the bank account just kept on increasing.

“Nine hundred and eighty thousand? Ai, it does feel great, but this money was spent too much!” Weier also sighed.

“Then you still wanted to trash as well?” I tapped Weier’s head and said.

“I… I… I also wanted to try after seeing you trash so enthusiastically!” Weier said embrassedly.

“Aiya, you two are perfect for each other! I have to stay away from you two, all of you have violent tendencies! Or else the two of you might trash me together another day!” Zhao Yanyan looked at Weier and I sideways, and hid to the side.

“Yanyan-meimei, you say I…” Weier actually started to speak coquettishly…

“Weier, who did you learn to speak like that from!” I kept sweating!

“From the jiejie beside Yu Gang just now! I felt like her way of speaking was quite fun,” Weier said.


Just when I wanted into the shopping street with the two girls, Zhao Yanyan’s phone rang. I found it really weird, no one knows Zhao Yanyan’s number except me and a few others, who would call her?

Zhao Yanyan was also very confused, and shook her head to me, he picked up the phone. However without saying much, she handed the phone to me.

“Hey…” I received it with questions, I really didn’t get it, who would call Zhao Yanyan to find me.

“Hey, I’m Zhao Junsheng!” Zhao Junsheng’s voice sounded out from the phone, “Why didn’t you turn on your phone, I started calling you from the morning, but it was shut down the entire time! You’re making me too anxious, I could only get to you through Weier without any other choice!”

Turned off? I smiled wryly, and immediately understood the reason. When Chen Weier and I fell onto that island the previous day, in order to start a fire, I used the mobile phone’s battery as the fuse. Although I brought back the mobile phone when we came back, but it had no battery, thus I through it causally on the tea table in Zhao Yanyan’s home and decided to go to the telecommunication bureau to get a battery.

“What is it? Uncle Zhao,” I asked weirdly. Logically speaking, since Shuguang Corporation has already been put onto the right track, Zhao Junsheng managed everything within the corporation, and it didn’t really need me. Shuguang Corporation’s soft and hardware development team should also have ability to develop things by themselves after getting some core information and related technical data from me, and I didn’t need to worry about it.

“There’s a small problem!” Zhao Junsheng waited a bit and said. “Did you read today’s newspaper?”

“Newspaper?” I mumbled. After reborn, I still kept the habit of checking news on the internet from my previous life, I barely cared about reading newspapers. Even though the Internet has not been popularized, I still didn’t develop the habit of reading newspapers. What’s more was that the important things that have happened these years are all imprinted in my memory, the news on newspapers were all old news to me.

“I normally don’t read newspapers,” I said to Zhao Junsheng.

“See if there’s any newspaper stand nearby, and buy a Songjiang Morning Post. There is an article slandering our corporation on it! From this morning to now, I have received countless calls from various media, some even came in person, all of them requesting us start a press conference, and give them logical explanations for this! All of them have been rejected by me temporarily!” Zhao Junsheng said anxiously.

I waved my hand, and notified Yanyan and Weier to go shopping first. The two chicks walked towards the female clothe stores hand in hand, ignoring me. I turned around, I remember that there was a newspaper stand where I parked just now. I walked quickly over there.

The parking slot was in complete chaos, a few traffic police surrounded the fish tank’s pile of “scrap metal”, and were using a tow truck to tow it away. I took a glance, and didn’t care much about it. I directly went to the newspaper stand at the entrance of the parking lot.

“A Songjiang Morning Post!” I handed over three mao and said.

“Little fellow, you’re so lucky! This is the last one! Today something big happened with our Songjiang city’s Shuguang corporation! The newspapers are selling really quick,” the old man selling the newspaper handed me a newspaper and said.

I twitched my eyebrows, how long has it been, and the entire city is already talking about it! What big thing happened with Shuguang Corporation?!

I received the newspaper, and impatiently flipped it open. Just at the front page of the newspaper a very large black heading stood out – Shuguang Input Method: Original or Copied?

My first thought was the slandering of a competitor! This Shugaung Input method was personally developed by me, although a few advantages of future input methods were fused into it by me, but in 1995, these input methods definitely have not appeared yet, a lot of the developers were actually still in school! Therefore, I was very clear about whether Shuguang input method was original, this was blatant slander!

My gaze swept down the text on the newspaper, at the start I had the attitude of placing myself outside of the situation to watch a show, and didn’t care much about this sort of rumor. You have to know that after the year 2000, as the Internet popularized, this sort of news without evidence were everywhere, there wasn’t even a lack of ones saying that the living was dead.

However, when I reached the middle of it, I couldn’t help but get worried! Even I nearly thought Shuguang Input Method was indeed copied from someone else! I couldn’t help but admit, the person writing this article was definitely good at psychological warfare! He wrote three thousand something characters, at the start was just talking about things more or less unrelated, then later on he was talking about facts, logic, and examples that all pointed their spear heads towards Shuguang Input Method! He also indirectly pointed out that although Shuguang Input Method was a product of the country, we shouldn’t treat trash as jade and be jealous of others! Although the patent laws were not fully established within the country, but this sort of rip off has already shamed the entire race’s face, and should not be toleranted by the society, morality and logic!

Basically anyone would get heated up after reading this! It completely made Shuguang Corporation as liar that has committed multiple crimes and should be killed by everyone! I think anyone with a bit of blood thirst would stand up and ask for justice.

I couldn’t help but admit that this that even I, someone that has been reborn, could not write such an amazing attack. And it was because of this, that I immediately realized the severity of the issue. Although one should not be scared of their shadow being slanted when you’re standing straight, this was a world with a mob mentality, the side effects of rumors were too huge!

If this continues, not long later, even if Shuguang didn’t copy, in the hearts of the public, the copying was still done.


  1. N/a

Chapter 128 – Smashing a Mercedes on the Streets

“Hubby, what happened?” At this moment, Chen Weier and Zhao Yanyan also got down from the car, but since the two of them were sitting at the back chatting, they didn’t notice that the person driving the Mercedes was the fish tank.

“Chen Weier!” The fish tank suddenly said while pointing at Chen Weier, who was wrapping herself around my arm intimately.

“Yu Gang?” Chen Weier also noticed then, so the person in front was the Yu Gang that she nearly sold herself to.

“Heh! ****, I had thought you were so ******* pure, you’re just a ****,” Yu Gang looked at Chen Weier who was leaning on me in despise. “However your taste is too bad, you just managed to hook one that drives Jetta! If you agreed with me then, you would be sitting on this Mercedes right now!”

“You… Yu Gang! You’re too much! He’s my boyfriend!” Chen Weier quickly explained.

“Boyfriend? Then who’s the **** on the other side? Don’t tell he it’s his jiejie or meimei!” Yu Gang pointed at Zhao Yanyan who was on my other side.

Zhao Yanyan also frowned after hearing Yu Gang’s insults. I couldn’t stand it anymore, did he treat me as non-existent? He continuously insult both of my wives, if I could still let you be then I’m crazy.

I said coldly to Yu Gang, “If you admit it was all crap that you said to my two wives, I can consider giving you another chance!”

“Haha! Crap? It looks to me that you’re crapping! Brat, you should look at your own capabilities before saying that to me, and see whether you have the right or not! Don’t think that you’re something just because you have a car, compared to me, there’s way too much difference!” Yu Gang let out a crazed laughter.

Way too much different? That’s right, way too much difference. I think no matter how hard you work, you will not be able to earn enough money compared to the amount of money I earned from that one Shuguang input method.

“How much is your Mercedes?” I asked.

“Nine hundred and eighty thousand!” Yu Gang said proudly/

That’s it, I took out a large spanner from the trunk, and rushed over. Yu Gang freaked, and thought that I was going to beat him up, he immediately ran to the side and shouted, “Ai—— What are you doing? Don’t act rashly, it’s illegal to hit people!”

“Hehe…” I laughed coldly, and thought in my heart, aren’t you going to pretend with me? Let’s see who’s richer today!

I took a deep breath, and let myself go into the superpower mode. Every time I used the superpower, not only did my speed increase a lot, the strength also became several times what it originally was as well.

I used an extremely fast speed to throw the beat the spanner against the Mercedes, and with a “dang” sound, the back lights were smashed into smithereens. Following that, the trunk, back car window, car door, were all smashed one after another. ****, I was wondering why so many people liked to trash cars in my previous life, so destruction is so fun.

Due to my actions being extremely fast, before the fish tank even realized, his Mercedes was pretty much turned into a pile of metal, even the engine was broken. Of course, there was somewhere that wasn’t touched, and that’s the oil tank. I wasn’t dumb enough to burn myself yet.

Yu Gang stared at me with his mouth wide open, and all of a sudden he forgot what he was going to say. The coquettish girl beside him also looked at the Mercedes that have turned into a pile of useless metal dumbly.

“You—— What are you doing! Stop!” Only then did the fish tank react, so his car was trashed.

I threw the spanner on the side, and stopped my superpower. The Mercedes already lacked any value in repairing it. I think if you wanted to repair it, the repair fees would definitely be higher than buying a new one.

“You-You trashed my car…” Yu Gang immediately started sweating, this Mercedes wasn’t his. Now that it’s smashed like this, what was he going to do! The brat seems so poor as well, even if he called the police to arrest him, the brat wouldn’t be able to compensate for the car!

“Yes, I trashed it! Because it was blocking in front my car!” I said expressionlessly.

But Chen Weier, who stood behind me, watched me with a face of excitement, I could be sure already that this chick definitely had violent tendencies.

“Do you know how much this car costs? Nine hundred and eighty thousand!” Yu Gang smacked his head and shouted.

“About it… can… I trash it a bit?” Chen Weier said to me with a bright red face.

This chick really is special, she definitely has the potential to be trained for SM in the future. I handed the banner to Chen Weier, and said to her, “I’m sorry, I got too excited just now, and trashed the entire thing. Just play with what’s left.”

“**** you! You ****!” Yu Gang roared, and pushed Chen Weier back, and swore. “**** it’s because of you, my car!”

Chen Weier nearly rolled over on the floor, the spanner fell onto the ground. You dared to push my wife? You don’t want to live you do? Originally I didn’t want to kill you, but it’s not up to him now.

“Get up, follow me. Let’s deal with the problem of the car first,” I said coldly to the fish tank.

The fish tank walked numbly beside me, and we arrived at the Construction Bank underneath the Department Store-dasha. Due to my VIP card, I didn’t need to queue up and directly arrived at the VIP lounge, I handed the card over to the bank clerk. “Withdraw a million!” I said.

I took over the large bag of money, and threw it directly to the fish tank and said, “Nine hundred and eighty thousand is the price of your car, buy a new one yourself. The remaining twenty thousand is your medical bill, but it might not be enough, pay the rest by yourself!”

The fish tank already went dumb looking at the pile of money in front of him. He was just getting worried about the car getting trashed, but now he was laughing like an idiot. That Mercedes have been driven for five years already, it would only sell for six-seven hundred thousand max. Now that he thinks about it, he did make a profit. It’s just that, what medical bills? The fish tank asked idiotically, “What is medical bills?”

“You’ll know later,” I swore in my heart, don’t think that you’re fine after getting the money for the car, I haven’t dealt with you about you pushing my wife. I found the chance to call Guo Qing when we went to the bank, and coincidentally, this brat was eating nearby with a bunch of his subordinates, therefore I just ordered him to do it.

I told Chen Weier and Zhao Yanyan’s hands and left the bank directly without saying anything extra. The fish tank was still smiling like an idiot there, the coquettish girl’s eyes were already glowing, and kept on starting at my face, she shouted like an anthomaniac, “Too cool, throwing up a million just to trash a Mercedes!”

I think if I don’t leave soon, then the coquettish girl would definitely not let go of me!

Ten minutes later, a lecherous man that looked like a fish tank got beaten up by a group of black clothed people, his limbs were all broken, and the hand that was used to push people had comminuted fracture.

The cash all fell onto the ground, but no one dared to go and pick it up. The guards of the shopping mall and the bank stood on the side, and didn’t dare to stop anyone. When this group of people left after beating up the person, someone in the crowd finally took out their phone and dialed 110.

All that’s left was a girl clad in sexy clothes standing next to a blood gourd, with her eyes wide opened, clearly already freaked out.


  1. N/a

Chapter 127 – Restaurant Franchise

“Weier, tell the truth, do you really like watching me fight?” I suddenly asked. These few times, I noticed that the chick Weier would always get incredibly excited whenever she talks about my battle with Liu Zhenhai’s four bodyguards.

“I…” Weier dipped her head in embarrassment. She didn’t know why, but she really did feel like that. Weier also scolded herself, this wasn’t something a lady should like! But once she thinks back to his looks at the time, she couldn’t help but get worked up. Just the previous night, she finally couldn’t resist telling the heroic actions of her loved one to Yanyan.

“If I knew that was the case, I should have beaten that guy up once before the police came,” I said regretfully.

“…” Chen Weier didn’t say anything while blushing.

“Weier, is your family still opening that Mala Tang store?” I suddenly remembered, since Weier already became my woman, then she shouldn’t do this sort of thing with a heavy workload that doesn’t earn anything.

“Yeah! Now that it has gotten colder, there are quite a few more people eating there!” With say, Chen Weier said with a happy expression. “We earned several hundred more kuai compared to last month.”

Several hundred kuai… I couldn’t help but smile wryly, several hundred kuai already made her so happy, this chick was too easy to fool.

“Tell your mom, let’s close the store,” I said.

“How could that be okay! If we close it then where are we supposed to earn money!” Chen Weier said anxiously. “It’s not like you don’t know my family situation, in order to get my dad treated, I already…” Chen Weier wanted to say that she already sold herself to let her father get treated, but then noticed that it wasn’t right, the person that bought her was the bad guy in front of him, and thus immediately got shy, she instantly understood this person’s meaning. That’s right, this guy’s so rich, is there any need of her working so hard to earn money? However, Chen Weier’s strong personality made her didn’t want to be a vase, who relied on a man to support her, that was only good to look at.

After getting in contact with Weier for so long, I naturally understood her thoughts, thus I said, “What I mean is, we should find a day to talk with Bomu, and see if we can make this kind of Mala Tang stall larger, and create a franchise catering cooperation. This way we would mainly need to control the formula and manage, while the other things can be left to others.” Saying to that, I suddenly thought of the snack chains like Sichuan Pang-dajie that would appear several years later. This was definitely an industry with a bright future! People treat food as the most important thing, although the profits I earn from high tech stuff could already be said as astronomical, but I couldn’t help but admit that, the catering industry was always one with lots of profits whether before, now or in the future, even after the year 2000, a lot of rich businessmen had begun from catering.

Although I was already really rich right now, but no one would hate getting more money. Letting Chen Weier’s mother do this Mala Tang was just to test the waters, after that beef noodles, fried chicken, cake stores or even large scale catering motherships will become my goal.

“However, that would require a lot of money right?” Hearing I say that, Chen Weier was also a bit moved as well, watching her mother wake up in the dark to operate the Mala Tang store was torture. If it was just talking about the taste of Mala Tang, if her family claimed second in Songjiang city, no one would dare to claim first! However what use is that, a little stall was always a little stall, it would have a lot of development. If they could really turn into a franchise business, then mother could work as a manager and not get so tired.

“I’ll spend the money, and establish the business, but I want some of the shares of the company,” I know about Weier’s personality, so I directly suggested this plan.

“About this… Let me talk about it with my mom back home,” Chen Weier didn’t refuse as expected. A hint of smile appeared on her face. Chen Weier felt really lucky that she found such a good home, she had only been with him for a day, but he already cared so much for her.

Zhao Yanyan didn’t feel much confusion for me spending money to help Chen Weier, although she didn’t know how rich I was, she heard from Uncle Zhao that my input method sold really well, and earned a lot. It was even sold to Microsoft, and installed into the newly released Windows 95 operating system.

I drove into the parking lot near Department Store-dasha. However, somethings are just so much of a coincidence, a lot of ignorant flies would fly in front of you. I had already gotten pissed off with that Zhou Mingyuan in the morning, but this person had no real grudge with me, so I didn’t do anything to him. The next person that appeared, had a bit of story with me. This finally made me understood what was called one cannot avoid one’s enemies.

Due to the Department-dasha being on the business street, there were a lot more cars in the parking slow, when I finally found a spot after much trouble, and was about to park the car in, a Mercedes sped out from behind me, and stuck itself into that parking spot with a speed that even radar could not reach.

**** that *******! Now I was really mad, this was the first day of driving and I already bumped into two uncivilized retards. What does Mercedes can’t as, I thought back to the trashing Mercedes incident in my previous life, if I got worked up, I will also trash your’s/

In the next second, my decision was further solidified. Because this dumb **** down came down from the Mercedes was the lecherous man, Yu Gang, that came to the Mala Tang stall with Chen Yong when I was there wanting to buy Chen Weier, don’t talk about it, he really does look like a ******* fish tank.

**** it, you aren’t walking the heaven’s path, and instead walking into hell where there isn’t a door. Since you’re looking for death, then don’t blame me for being merciless. Although from the view of other people, this fish tank and I didn’t have any deep grudge, however I was someone that was very possessive, Chen Weier is my woman, no one else should even think about it! This idiot actually wanted to spend eighty thousand to buy my wife, of course I can’t act with courtesy towards him. What’s more was that this fish tank actively pissed me off.

I opened the car door and jumped down, then said with a sullen voice, “Back the car out now, I can treat it like nothing happened.” It’s just that I was a bit soft-hearted, before doing someone in, I like to give them a chance to repent. However, up to now, no one has valued this chance. The fat and thin monks, Liu Kesheng, Li Shaojie etc. were all like this, this fish tank as well.

“****! Trashy Jetta, since the performance wasn’t able to compete up to me, stop bullshitting there.” Yu Gang pointed to my car, and said despicably.

“Yu-gege, what happened,” an extremely hot and flirtatiously-dressed woman came down from the Mercedes, immediately stuck onto Yu Gang, and said coquettishly.

“A ****** driving Jetta said I stole his parking spot,” Yu Gong said to the woman acting coquettishly while pointing at me.


  1. N/a

Chapter 126 – Fake Western B̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲

“Hold it in my ***, tell me what you’re going to do since you crashed into my car?” The cigarrete teenager pointed to the dented Honda and said.

“…” I laughed instead of getting angry! I crashed? I said, “Then what do you think?”

“Since it’s like this, pay up! Give me five thousand and this is settled,” the cigarette teenager thought that I was going to give in, and prepared to rip me off big time.

“Wait, I want to ask something first, are you paying me, or am I paying you?” I ridiculed.

“****! ********, of course you’re paying me!” The cigarette teenager swore.

I immediately slapped him, “******* speak more cleanly! I’m telling you, if you don’t give me an answer for this, don’t think about leaving!” I was really angry, he actually dared to scold me? I was in a good mood so I ******** a bit with you, if I was in a bad mood, I’ll kick you to meet my sworn old bro.

“You’ve got guts! ****! You’re not giving in when I play nice, instead you rather make me use force, since you don’t agree to settle it in private, don’t regret it!” Saying that, he spit the other half of the cigarette on the ground, stared at me. Then he noticed I was taller by him by a head, and so he held it in and didn’t explode, instead he took out a mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

“Hey, Qu-ge right? I’m Zhou Mingyuan!” The cigarette teen said into the phone.


“Yeah, I have some business with you! I am on the Yellow River Road in the development area, I was crashed by a trash Jetta!” Zhou Mingyuan said.


“En, right! You better send a tow truck over, and tow that Jetta away!” Zhou Mingyuan pretentiously hung up, and said cockily to me, “Don’t beg me when the police comes later!”

Hehe, I laughed coldly in my heart. This Zhou Mingyuan most likely called a traffic police he was familiar with over.

Not long later, the sound of sirens could be heard from a police car, behind it was a flat tow truck.

“What happened here?” A fat-faced traffic police with big ears jumped down from the police car, and said pretentiously.

“It’s like this, Qu-ge. I was driving on the road, it was all fine, when this fellow suddenly accelerated from behind and crashed into my car. Look here, such a large pit!” Zhou Mingyuan said like he was wronged.

This Qu-ge haven’t just been doing his job as the traffic police for one or two days, he easily guessed approximately what happened just now. Zhou Mingyuan definitely was bullshitting, and definitely wanted to get ahead of the other person, therefore causing the car crash! Originally Qu-ge really thought that it was the Jetta’s fault, that way it would be easy on him, from but the current situation, the Jetta had no problems, he couldn’t pick out a single little problem! Despite this, he still had to pretend a bit, after all Zhou-gongzi’s father is a oversea Chinese businessman!

“Take out your driving license!” Qu-ge roared at me.

I casually handed him the driving license, this was a crucial step, and it has to be done. However after Qu-ge opened it, he frowned, “Not even two months of driving? That’s way too short, no wonder you got into an accident!” ****, you’re making a judgement on the reason of the accident just with the driving age? Why don’t you ask me what happened?

“So according to this police officer, whoever has the shortest driving age would have to take responsibility for the accident right?” I mocked.

“This… is not what I meant!” Qu-ge also felt there was something wrong with what he had said, and it managed to allow the other party to catch on to it.

“The reason of the accident is obvious, Xiao Li, come over and record! This Jetta car with the plate number Song 0… Song 000177…” Qu-ge momentarily blanked after he finished, then turned towards me to ask quietly, “Excuse me, where does this little bro work?”

“Heh!” I snorted, and didn’t answer. However the stacked passes and permits all fell into Qu-ge’s eyes.

This type of lower number car all belonged to officials, even if the person in front of his eyes was someone driving for an official, he still couldn’t piss him off, no to mention that he really had no responsibility!

“Haihai! This Jetta was driving normally, the Honda tried to speed past, causing this traffic accident. The Honda has broken regulations, and should take responsibility of this accident. Tow this Honda away!” Qu-ge ordered loudly. Then he said to me, “This little bro, I’m sorry to have delayed you! Is there anything you need to add for the cause of this accident?”

I didn’t think that before I said anything, the situation was resolved, I had thought I needed to call Jiang Yongfu to deal with it.

The results of Qu-ge’s handling caused Zhou Mingyuan to open his mouth in shock, he only clam back to himself when that Xiao Li got ready to tow his car away, “Qu-ge, did you make a mistake! The Honda is mine!”

“That’s right, Xiao Li, quickly tow it away! Also this Mr. Zhou, please come back to the station with us to cooperate in investigation this accident!” Qu-ge sore in his heart, don’t think that just because your old man made a lot of contribution to this city’s economy, you can just do whatever you want! I’m already giving you a lot of face not asking you to compensate the other person, and you’re still unwilling?

From the tones that the two people were using, I managed to find out about this Zhou-gongzi’s identity. This fellow’s father is a returnee from overseas, and came to Songjiang city to invest and build a factory.

The owners of foreign businesses were still very awesome in the 90s, there were a lot of advantageous policies for them, even the provincial and city officials had to watch out for them due to the benefits of the economy.

It’s just that the traffic police found it difficult to piss off both sides, in a situation like this, the best choice was to treat it like normal.

However, there wasn’t really much wrong with my car, the front just had a bit of paint scrapped off. Jetta produced in the country really is awesome, the front of Zhou Mingyuan’s Honda was flattened by a large chunk, and there wasn’t much wrong with my Jetta.

My anger also dissipated a lot at the time, and I couldn’t be bothered with him, he was just a fake western ******* acting high and mighty with someone else’s power. I would see this kind of weird scenes a lot of the time, the people that are actually amazing are all easy to talk to, but their sons or direct subordinates all act pretentious, as if they are the kings of the world.

The two girls Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier didn’t even get off the car, and just chatted happily on the car. They clearly knew about my current capabilities and didn’t even worry.

“Hey, your husband went off the car to fight with someone, and here are you guys, chatting and laughing on the car, not worried at all! Aren’t you afraid of me getting bullied?” I said in dissatisfaction.

“You get bullied? But I heard from Weier-jiejie the heroic acts of you beating four bodyguards!” Zhao Yanyan looked and Chen Weier and said with a smile. Zhao Yanyan was indeed a little worried at the start, since she has not seen the heroic scene of me beating four people at once, and after seeing that Zhou Mingyuan call for help, she thought that he called people over to fight, but then seeing the police calm, she relaxed. Speaking about political influence, who can compare up to them, the Zhao family, in Songjiang province?

Chen Weier also couldn’t help but smile embarrassingly at me.


  1. N/a

Chapter 125 – Traffic Accident

When we just got to Yanyan’s home, Chen Weier was infinitely shy. She had wanted to find an excuse to go home, but after Zhao Yanyan and my convincing, she finally decided to stay.

Actually Chen Weier didn’t want to separate so quickly from me after just becoming my woman. However, this was Zhao Yanyan’s home, how could she stay so long?

After a day of tiredness, the three of us were already exhausted. Zhao Yanyan turned on the boiler and prepared to have a hot bath.

“Yanyan, let’s wash together!” I smiled lecherously and said.

“Go and die, you big pervert! Who wants to wash with you! Weier-jiejie and I will go together,” Zhao Yanyan glanced at me sideways, and snorted. Then she turned around and pulled Weier upstairs.

I know they must have gone up to the second floor to wash, if I can get in with them… What an amazing thing it’ll be. However, a thought was just a thought, if I go up now, I would definitely be shut out at the door. It was better to wait for a chance and think of another way.

I turned on the television, and flipped through a few channels, all of it were boring costume drama. I hated watching these stuff in my previous life, ignoring their writing, their speech was all in everyday language.

It was because of watching this sort of television that I had read “ambiguous” as “warmth” during middle school, and therefore getting my scolded by my dad. Only until after I started working, and reading a novel called “Very Pure and Ambiguous” did find out the pronunciation of the word, it seems like I really have to thank the author called Fishman the Second!

I turned off the television, and laid on the sofa. In the quiet mansion, I could hear the splashing sound coming from the bathroom on the second floor, it made my mind wander.

I sneakily went up the stairs and arrived at the entrance of the bathroom, just as I was getting troubled over how to get inside, I noticed that the bathroom wasn’t locked! I immediately guessed that Zhao Yanyan must have left it like that when they went in on person. I couldn’t help but laugh, this chick really had a sharp tongue and a soft heart.

Then should I strip naked and rush inside? I once saw a joke, which said that a beauty came to a man’s home to shower, and didn’t lock the door. After the man found out, after a tense mental battle, he decided to give up, because if he rushed inside then he would be an animal! However, after the beauty came out of the shower, she gazed at the man in anger and said, “You’re worse than beasts!”

Therefore, I of course should choose to rush inside, moreover the two beauties inside are my lovers!

I swiftly stripped off all my clothes, opened the bathroom door, and rushed in…

When the first ray of sunlight shone on my body through the window, I sleepily opened my eyes. Looking at the bodies of Weier and Yanyan, who were sleeping by my side, I felt incredible sweetness in my heart.

Since I was way too tired the previous night, I stretched, then fainted again.

When I woke up once again, only I was left in the room. At this moment, Zhao Yanyan wearing pajamas came in, seeing that I sat up on the bed, she asked, “Hubby, are you awake?”

“En, what time is it?” I asked. I was too impatient in stripping and going into the bathroom, that I left my watch on the tea table in the living room.

“It’s nearly eleven, lazy pig!” Zhao Yanyan giggled.

“Is it?” I jumped down from the bed, and started looking for my clothes. I suddenly noticed that Zhao Yanyan was staring at me, this gaze… I instantaneously realized that Zhao Yanyan was gazing at my naked body without blinking…

“What, you still want?” I embraced Zhao Yanyan and asked lasciviously.

“Want your ***!” Zhao Yanyan muttered. “Foods ready, get dressed quickly and come down!”

When I got dressed, and went downstairs, I smelled an alluring smell.

“Hubby, quickly come and eat!” Chen Weier’s voice sounded out from the kitchen. Following that, Zhao Yanyan brought the plates out from the kitchen.

I didn’t think that these few simple dishes were made perfect by Weier, causing me to have a lot more appetite. It seems like with Weier, this little chef, I have will have great things to eat.

After eating, I suggested to go out a bit, just to try my new car. Both girls agreed.

We got to the garage, and I familiarly backed the car out, and parked it in front of the two. This was the oldest model of Jetta, and was manual.

Looking at the “Song 000177” car plate on my car, this was a typical small number, and 7 was my favorite number! Apparently these sort of car plates all belonged to officials, and could get some privileges such as illegal parking and ignoring the red light. However, I will not easily break traffic rules, I rarely do things that played with my life.

“Yi? Hubby, when did you learn to drive? Why are you so used to it?” Zhao Yanyan asked in surprise. Zhao Yanyan couldn’t be more clear about what I’ve been doing recently, I had no time to learn to drive, and she heard that I also got the license through the back door.

I said in my heart, I drove for five or six years in my previous life, and it was in that sort of crowded place like Yanjing, where you shouldn’t even think about driving on the road if your skills were a little bad.

“Oh, I learned from the driver at my dad’s factory for a few days,” I explained.

This reason couldn’t be more logical, so Zhao Yanyan didn’t get suspicious either.

In the Songjiang city of 1995, there were a lot of cars yet. Although this was the provincial capital, there weren’t many families with their own cars, most of them were upper class people in Songjiang. However, a lot of them were Jetta, Santana etc., cars of Mercedes and BMW ranks were rarely seen. Even Zhao Junsheng only drives a Hongqi made in the country.

Just when our car drove out of the development area, a white Honda suddenly rushed over, and didn’t even signal at all after speeding past me before wanting to turn right, he actually thought I would let him! However, I didn’t act pretentious on purpose, I didn’t know this fellow wanted to right turn at all, so I accelerated and sped forward, therefore, the Honda directly crashed on the front of car.

****! This is a new car! I swore in my heart, then jumped off the car after opening the car door. There weren’t insurance for car crashes yet, so after crashing, people would have to pay themselves.

“**** you *****! Do you ******* know how to drive!” A teenager with a cigarette in his mouth jumped down from the Honda, and started swearing while pointing at my nose before I said anything.

Hearing that, I immediately got pissed! **** you, you crashed into my car, and is now pointing at me saying this and that? My expression darkened and said, “Be careful when you speak, it’s you who crashed into me right now!”

“I crashed into you? With your crap Jetta, I wouldn’t even crash it if you let me! Do you know what my car is? Honda! Imported original! Can you pay for it?” The teenager with the cigarrete said angrily.

****, isn’t it just a trashy Honda? Imported original? Duh, Quangqi doesn’t exist yet, did you make it if you didn’t import it?

“I have limited patience, I hope you will understand!” This sort of attitude looking down on others was pissing me off to the max. If it wasn’t for me intentionally controlling my emotions, I would have already wacked his head off.


  1. N/a

Chapter 124 – What? Your Mom?

I bid farewell to Fatty Wu, and arrived next to the two girls. I noticed both of them were looking at me with an evil eye. There can’t be any ploys here right?

“Liu Lei, answer honestly, what did you do to Weier-jiejie?” Zhao Yanyan asked sullenly.

“I didn’t do anything?” Saying that, I sent my gaze towards Weier, hoping to find some answer from her, but this girl actually turned her head around without even a glance I me. I could only say helplessly, “Yanyan, what happened here?”

“Didn’t do anything? Weier told me that you forcefully did that to her in the cave!” After Zhao Yanyan finished, she looked towards Chen Weier who was standing on the side.

“Forcefully?” Did I do it forcefully? It’s more like Chen Weier forcefully did that to me! Unless this chick Yanyan got jealous? However even if I forcefully did that to Chen Weier, Chen Weier wouldn’t be dumb enough to run over here to tell Zhao Yanyan right?

“How’s that! You have nothing to say right!” Zhao Yanyan scolded. “Since the thing already happened, shouldn’t you take some responsibility?”

“Take responsibility?” The more I listened, the weirder I found the situation, this chick Yanyan can’t be messing with me right?

As expected Chen Weier finally couldn’t help but laugh, Zhao Yanyan immediately laughed as well, “Of course you have to take responsibility, Weier-jiejie is already your woman, what are you planning to do?”

“What am I planning to do? Of course it’s one in the left, and one in the right, with everyone sleeping together!” I snickered, and hold the two beauty’s shoulders, this was always my dream! I was just stressing about how to talk about the issue of Chen Weier with Zhao Yanyan, I didn’t think that they have already settled it, that did save some breaths for me.

The winter camp was also forcefully stopped due to this accident, originally Weier and I had to record statements as the victims, but due to Jiang Yongfu, they only asked us a little at the scene before allowing us to return. After all, the situation was very simple, and Li Shaojie had also said what happened quite clearly. The next step is to hand Li Shaojie over to the court with the crime of wounding with intent.

The three of us got on Zhao Junsheng’s car, when he saw Chen Weier, he looked at me with a meaningful look. The intimate actions between the two girls and I were all scene by him, however seeing that his daughter not only didn’t get jealous, but held hands and even got intimate with the girl, Zhao Junsheng didn’t feel like it was right for him to say anything.

What I was considering right now was that right now Zhao Yanyan’s relationship with my mother was getting better and better, my mom already treats her as the future daughter-in-law, and even gave her the little jade amulet passed down the family. However, the problem comes here, my mom has asked multiple times that the parents of both sides should meet. Due to handling the situation with Liu Zhenhai, I didn’t have time earlier, now that I’m free, should I find a time for the parents of both sides to sit down and eat a meal?

Therefore, I said to Zhao Junsheng, “Uncle Zhao, my mom said she wants to find a chance to get you and auntie to go out for a meal!”

“What, your mom!” Zhao Junsheng trembled, and immediately stepped down on the brakes, the Hongqi stopped on the side of the road with a “gachi” sound.

If there wasn’t the stuff I said earlier, I would have thought that Zhao Junsheng was swearing. His majestic manner could be felt with just a phrase of “your mom”!

“What is it Uncle Zhao? Yanyan’s relationship with my mom is quite good as well, I think that my mom already decided her us our family’s daughter-in-law. Not to mention the two of us hehe. My mom just hopes that the parents from both sides could meet, what are you getting so worked up for?” I said in surprise.

“No, no! I just feel like you and Yanyan are still young, I’m afraid it’s not very suitable if we meet,” Zhao Junsheng forcefully explained. Even he didn’t believe this reason.

“Still young? Last time Grandpa Zhao was getting impatient to drink Yanyan and my wedding wine! Uncle Zhao, do you not want Yanyan to marry me?” I could tell that Zhao Junsheng’s actions were unusual, and mocked.

“Haha, Uncle Zhao can’t like you enough, how would I object. It’s just… It’s just that this meeting should be put on hold!” Zhao Junsheng said with a painful expression.

This is weird, did Zhao Junsheng had some secret he found it hard to say? From his look, could he be shy? That’s not possible, Zhao Junsheng could be counted as someone experienced in business, what kind of things have he not seen? Is meeting my parents really so terrifying?

Never mind, let’s talk about it later since it’s like this. Since there isn’t much loss for me either way.

“Oh yeah, Uncle Zhao, I heard that the electronics factory has a new shipment of equipment, a director like you should need to work over time right?” I said meaningfully. Although the winter camp finished earlier, we should only be home three days later according to the schedule. Therefore, I didn’t want to waste these three days, although I can easily come out after getting home, but I wanted to spend tonight with my dear Yanyan and Weier. One dragon and two phoenixes, wagaga, it should feel really great right, I thought lecherously.

“About this… Yes, I have to hurry back to the electronics factory later,” Zhao Junsheng scolded silently in his heart, just say it if you brat want to come stay over at my home, I’ll just go out. You just had to find such proper excuse, but there’s no helping it, since this brat is his boss, whatever he (Liu Lei) says to him were orders, the boss told him to work overtime, of course he had to go! However, he still said, “Your auntie also went out these few days, Uncle Zhao is going to work over time later, just stay at my home and accompany Yanyan!”

Although I promised Uncle Zhao that I wouldn’t touch Zhao Yanyan, I turned into his boss in the blink of an eye, so he could only keep an eye closed on this matter. What’s more was that he wasn’t an idiot, and he could tell ages ago that Zhao Yanyan and I already had that kind of relationship.

I laughed madly in my heart, my ploy succeeded, Uncle Zhao has to go to the factory for over time without pay again. However, I still said calmly, “Okay then! When the time comes, Yanyan and Weier can sleep in one room, I’ll sleep in the living room!”

Zhao Junsheng kept swearing in his heart, this damn brat, he actually dared to bring other women to my home! You sleep in the living room? More like the three of you will sleep together right? However, what does this brat have such great luck, this is the dream for all women! Thinking about it, Zhao Junsheng’s saliva nearly started to drip, however he immediately came back to his senses. His thought was also instantly squashed, or else if Yanyan’s mom found out then he was screwed. However, Zhao Yanyan’s personality is so like his mother, how could she allow that brat to do something so ridiculous!

However, Zhao Junsheng didn’t say anything in the end, he drove the car to the mansion in the development area, then said to me, “Go up first, I’ll go directly to the electronics factory later! Oh yeah, Xiao Liu, the car you bought have been placed in the garage at the back of the mansion ever since we took it out. You can take it for a drive tomorrow.” Saying that, he handed me a car key.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 123

Click here to start reading!

Another bonus chapter for this week to commemorate us moving to a new site!

On the side note, forgive me for not doing posting the sponsored chapter that’s in queue. Since we have a fair bit of bonus chapters this week, I have made the decision to move the sponsor chapter to next week.

In the chapter, the term “Mistress” is translated from 二奶, which is a more modern way of saying Mistress. It essentially translates to something like “second wife”.

Chapter 123 – He Got Lucky

So Fatty Wu had already sent the news of finding my through wireless communication. Hearing that I had arrived on the helicopter safely, Zhao Yanyan immediately contacted me through the phone on the helicopter.

“Liu Lei! Are you okay? You freaked me out!” After the “hey” that I said, Zhao Yanyan’s sopping and anxious voice immediately passed over from the other side of the time. Clearly it was like she had just cried.

“I… am alright!” I said, all of a sudden I felt a lot of things, the period of time that I blanked out felt like a century.

“It’s great that you’re alright! What about Weier-jiejie? Is she with you?” Zhao Yanyan said caringly.

“She’s with me,” I said. I wonder how Yanyan would feel if I tell her I XXOO’d Weier right now.

“That’s fine! See you later,” Seeing that I was fine, Zhao Yanyan’s voice became cheerful again.

I handed the walkie-talkie to Fatty Wu again, after receiving it, Fatty Wu talked into it for a few more phrases, clearly the other side has already changed people, the things Fatty Wu talked with him about where all about where to land later.

“Say Fatty Wu, aren’t you driving for your dad? Why did you change to piloting planes?” I asked weirdly.

“Who knows what my dad things, but piloting planes is for more interesting than driver cars. You have to be afraid of crashing when you’re driving cars, you never have to worry about such issues when piloting a planes,” Fatty Wu said.

I chuckled in secret, stuff like plane crash does happen quite a lot inn the future! However this was only a joke right now.

Half an hour later, the helicopter landed on a flat clearing on the top of Xixing Mountain.

When I got off the plane, Zhao Yanyan immediately came up, and hugged my tightly, ignoring the fact that Zhao Junsheng was there. Zhao Junsheng only smiled, and dind’t say anything, I found it natural. Which subordinate would dare to pick on their boss.

“Liu Lei, I thought I would never see you again!” Zhao Yanyan said with happy tears.

“Your hubby I is fortunate, how could I die to easily,” I caressed Zhao Yanyan’s back and said with a smile. However, I admire myself quite a bit, my luck was truly through the roof.

After that, Zhao Junsheng, Jiang Yongfu etc. all came to greet me. I just acted with courtesy, expressing my thanks. The one who did the most work was naturally Fatty Wu. Logically speaking Chen Weier, Zhao Yanyan and I should treat him to a meal, but I really am too tired today, so it’ll have to be another day. Thank god Fatty Wu didn’t say much to us, and only told me to study hard, then looked at Chen Weier, who was holding hands and chatting with Zhao Yanyan, with a meaningful smile, then sighed, somethings in the world are really too strange!

Actually Chen Weier has her own issues, the moment she got off the helicopter, he was pulled to the side by Zhao Yanyan, who passionately asked her tons of questions. Chen Weier had wanted to avoid Zhao Yanyan initially, since she had just done something that would have wronged her (Zhao Yanyan) with her boyfriend. However, seeing Zhao Yanyan’s passion, she wasn’t sure of what to say, and could only force a smile.

“What is it, Weier-jiejie?” Zhao Yanyan also noticed that Weier was different from usual.

“No-Nothing! I’m fine!” Chen Weier freaked, and immediately smiled. Although she already knew form me that Zhao Yanyan didn’t seem to oppose her being with me, she still felt unease.

“Why do I feel like you have something troubling you! Did Liu Lei bully you?” Zhao Yanyan stared at Chen Weier, wanting to find some sort of answer from her face. This Weier was too weird, all her answers seemed to be perfunctory. Every three sentences would only get answered with one, and this one was actually “what did you say just now?” Too unusual! A woman’s instinct tells Zhao Yanyan that Chen Weier must be hiding something from her, but what was it? Does it have something to do with Liu Lei!

“What… troubles could I have! How could Liu Lei bully me!” Chen Weier quickly shook her head, but when she mentioned “bully”, scenes of the two of them playing the “Help” game flashed across her mind, she couldn’t help but blush.

“Weier-jiejie, I open my heart to you normally, and tell you everything! Now you are hiding everything from me, I had missed you so much just now!” Seeing that the soft approach wasn’t working, Zhao Yanyan immediately used a strong one. And said solemnly.

“I…” Seeing that Zhao Yanyan actually got angry, Chen Weier clenched her teeth! It would be better to be honest with her! Just let it happen, the worst would be a scolding, saying that she was a woman that didn’t care about her face, it would be better than holding it in.

“Yanyan-meimei, I’m sorry! Liu Lei and I already… already had skinship!” Chen Weier had wanted to say had sex, but then felt like words like that shouldn’t come from a girl’s mouth.

“Ah! You two have already done that!” Zhao Yanyan pretended to be shocked and said. Actually when she noticed that Weier had a bit of trouble walking just now, she already had her suspicious, then seeing her hesitation in speaking, she (Zhao Yanyan) thought that she probably was on point about it. As expected, scaring her like this, she immediately spilled everything about.

“I… It’s my fault, I seduced Liu Lei! Sorry…” Seeing that Zhao Yanyan is angry, Chen Weier’s heart fell. Actually she could feel that although he had said the love for the two of them were equal, the one he loves most was still Zhao Yanyan. If it was because of her that Yanyan and his relationship was destroyed, then she was willing to back out. The instantaneous happiness was already enough for her.

“Heh! You think I don’t know about the huge pervert Liu Lei? There’s no need to make excuses of him, he was dripping saliva about you ages ago, finally getting the perfect opportunity after all the trouble, he wouldn’t be Liu Lei if he didn’t take the chance to eat you!” Zhao Yanyan said. However from the tone, she didn’t seem to be blaming Chen Weier.

“Yanyan-meimei, don’t get me, isn’t-isn’t it fine if I back out!” Chen Weier said nervously. The more Zhao Yanyan didn’t seem to care, the more uneased she fell.

“Back out? If Liu Lei knows that you backed out because if me, wouldn’t he divorce me!” Zhao Yanyan giggled.

“Yanyan-meiemi, what —— do your words mean?” Seeing that Zhao Yanyan suddenly laughed, Chen Weier asked in confusion.

“Weier-jiejie, congratulations on becoming Liu Lei’s second woman!” Zhao Yanyan held Chen Weier’s hands intimately and said.

“You—— Yanyan-meimei, what do you mean? Do you really not blame me?” Seeing that Zhao Yanyan didn’t get angry, but instead seemed happy, Chen Weier asked.

“Am I so petty! Ai! That huge pervert just got lucky!” Zhao Yanyan sighed.

“Thank you, Yanyan-meimei. I… I also truly love Liu Lei!” Chen Weier said with a face full of happiness. The rock in her heart finally sank, and the result was so perfect.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 122

Click here to start reading!

Another bonus chapter for this week to commemorate us moving to a new site!

On the side note, forgive me for not doing posting the sponsored chapter that’s in queue. Since we have a fair bit of bonus chapters this week, I have made the decision to move the sponsor chapter to next week.

In the chapter, the term “Mistress” is translated from 二奶, which is a more modern way of saying Mistress. It essentially translates to something like “second wife”.

Chapter 122 – The Worked Up Fatty Wu

Fatty Wu already had some confusion about the beauty sitting beside me, he was just too embarrassed to ask. At this time, hearing the beauty suddenly call me “hubby”, the freaked, and his eyes nearly fell out of their sockets, before he said in surprise, “You… This…”

I held Chen Weier close, and introduced her to Fatty Wu, “This is my girlfriend, Chen Weier.”

When I said “girlfriend”, Chen Weier’s cheeks immediately blushed. Weier had already taken off her coat, and what she was wearing underneath was the dress I bought for her at Fairyfair, she was incredibly beautiful, and was giving off an allure even more mature than Zhao Yanyan.

However Fatty Wu jumped up like a maniac, pointed to my nose and shocked, “**** you jerk, what about Zhao Yanyan! Did you dump her? Wow, Liu Lei! I, Fatty Wu, was really wrong about you! I had handed Yanyan to you in trust, so you are a ******* that likes the new and despises the old! Seeing that this girl is even more beautiful than Yanyan, you immediately dumped her—— I will definitely beat you to death today!” Due to how worked up he got in his heart, Fatty Wu begun to address me as “Liu Lei” instead of the original “Big bro”.

The helicopter was originally piloted by Fatty Wu, now that Fatty Wu had jumped up all worked up, the helicopter immediately had no one to pilot, and begun to wobble! I quickly stopped him, “Fatty Wu, sit back to the pilot seat first! Listen to my explanation!”

Fatty Wu also noticed that he got too worked up, it was no joke if the helicopter crashed! He snorted, and quickly sat back down.

“You better not answer perfunctorily with **** like Zhao Yanyan dumped you! I know about Yanyan’s personality, she will definitely not easily give up when she chooses one!” Fatty Wu said coldly.

“Fatty Wu, listen to me! It’s true that Zhao Yanyan is my girlfriend, but Chen Weier is also my girlfriend!” My expression was serious, without any hints of laughter.

“Also? You have two girlfriends? That’s even more unforgivable! You are actually two timing Yanyan behind her back, and got a mistress outside?” Fatty Wu said glaringly.

“Mistress?” I repeated this word in shock! This was only 1995, Fatty Wu actually said such a fashionable word.

“This girl, don’t get tricked by him! He already has a girlfriend!” Fatty Wu turned around and said to Chen Weier.

However to Fatty Wu’s surprise, Chen Weier actually dipped her head shyly and answered quietly, “I know…”

“En, why aren’t you leaving him if you already know… What? You said you know?” Fatty Wu freaked, then roared in anger, “****! So you seduced Liu Lei, I knew you weren’t something good, dressing so slutty, like a kitsune…”

The more Fatty Wu said, the more over the line he got, I could tell Chen Weier’s face was already paled, she might immediately cry! If this Fatty Wu wasn’t my friend, I would have jumped up and beaten him up already! However he held deep feelings towards Zhao Yanyan, and now that he thought Zhao Yanyan was heart, it was understandable for him to get so worked up. I imemdaitely coughed twice and stopped him,” Hai—— Hai——! Fatty Wu, don’t get so worked up first, actually not only Chen Weier knows about this, Zhao Yanyan also knows!”

“What! Zhao Yanyan also knows? She agreed with you getting two girlfriends?” Fatty Wu exclaimed with a face of disbelief.

“Yeah! Not only does she know, she also actively tried to get Weier and I together,” I explained.

“Ai, never mind! That chick, Yanyan, could actually do something so shocking! Since the party involved isn’t saying anything, why should I, an outsider, get so worried! As expected of my big bro, actually getting two spectaculars chick follow you so determinedly,” Fatty Wu exclaimed.

“Hehe,” I could only laugh. I thought in my heart, what does two count us, getting reborn in this life, I need to get at least eight or ten!

“Hubby, you still tell me what is special kinks?” Seeing that Fatty Wu and I stopped arguing, Chen Weier didn’t forget to ask the question she asked earlier. A women’s curiosity could really last long, she actually still remembers after so long.

“About this, special kinks is a general term, it refers to people that have unhealthy preferences in that area,” I didn’t know how to explain it, sometimes the meaning could be understood, but cannot be explained with words.

“That area? What area?” As expected, Weier didn’t understand.

“It’s the things the two of us did in the cave!” I explained, hoping that Chen Weier could get it.

“Ai.. You’re talking about it even though it’s so embarrassing,” Chen Weier hit me and said. “However they can also do that with girls in jail?”

“Hai—— Hai! It can also work between two men!” I said.

“Two men? How would two men do that sort of thing, you’re lying!” Chen Weier said weirdly.

“They can use their *****!” I whispered beside Chen Weier’s ear.

“Ya!” Chen Weier pushed me away, and said quietly, “You guys are so disgusting.

How’s this disgusting, after a few years, gay men are everywhere, they can even register for marriage outside the country. However these were all things girls from this era cannot imagine.

After a while, the chick suddenly said quietly beside my ear, “Hubby, I feel like you get extremely excited once I scream for help whenever you do that with me, does this count as special kink as well?”

I sweat, this sort of comprehension wasn’t just a little good, she could already use it so quickly.

“About this… Approximately,” I nodded and admitted.

“Then next time I’ll scream loudly! Hubby, would you like that?” Chen Weier said extremely seductively beside my year.

Hehe, I didn’t think Weier with the cold exterior was so hot when she gets it. I really found a treasure.

I suggested to Zhao Yanyan about this sort of robbers and civilian girl roleplay, however that chick wouldn’t agree no matter what. Without any solution, I could only suppress this sort of perverted desire at the bottom of my heart. I didn’t think that it was so easily fulfilled by Chen Weier today.

“Weier, if you don’t like it, then let’s do something normal,” although I really liked it, but I didn’t want to force Weier.

“Actually… Actually when I scream, it also feels really good…” When Chen Weier said all this, shy was already bright read.

I felt a sudden joy in my heart, comrade! A string of hot scenes flashed across my mind, nurse, air stewardess, maid, walonglonglong, gagagaga. I have to try all of it on Weier another day.

“Heh… Hai!” Fatty Wu’s sudden loud cough interrupted the intimacy between Weier and I.

**** you brat can’t have bronchitis right, interrupted my delusions.

I just wanted to explode, but Fatty Wu handed me a walkie-talkie like thing, and said to me, “Yanyan is asking for you!”


  1. N/a