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Loli Elf Chapter 1

Sorry for the long wait~! Loli Elf is finally ready to get serialized weekly! I’m sure if you’ve looked at the Character Sheet, you’d probably already know what to expect from the first few chapters. Though I will still say it in case you weren’t expecting it: BEWARE OF YANDARE!! YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!!

With that out of the way, please enjoy the read. This series will get published at this time every week, you’ll only get 1 chapter per week so the story progression might feel slow and stagnant at times, but hey, world building is important right? This hasn’t been officially confirmed but we might have a new translator working on this series next month and possibly push it to two chapters per week.

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» Chapter 1 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 67

Have you guys been playing the english release of Phantasy Star Online 2?
It’s got so many problems on PC, so many.
The compulsory integration with XBOX Live was a disaster decision, did you know that not even the friend function works in game?
You can’t add friends on Phantasy Star Online! You have to add XBOX friends, and to do that you need to load the external app! What kind of logic is that?!

Well I have been enjoying it at least. Though I picked Ranger as my class planning to farm some half decent gear before switching to Force as my main but I’ve sort of grown comfortable with this class. Oops. Might have to rethink all my future plans haha.

The funniest part is that the game is US only and has no in game store. So if I want to give them money for stuff I have to open the US Microsoft store, buy a third party US gift card and redeem it to get anything from them.
Like they refuse to take my foreign money.

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» Chapter 67 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 66

So just after I finished scheduling this something amusing happened, you can read the old pre-chapter ramble below if you want.
I’ve actually updated this ramble about four times as the situation has been constantly changing in the past eight or so hours.
What happened that made me change the entire thing? Well.
Some run of the mill tier MTL’r is taking over Levelmaker. Though they were a bit rude and took a roundabout route. Fenderson (the translator for Levelmaker) himself has pretty much decided to stand down.

Anyway it got quite heated, there was a lot of contest over how things should be handled.
There have been a couple of people begging for us to return to apparently. My apologies to those folks. So anyway, Fenderson started translating Levelmaker for fun and will never have a proper schedule so since someone is after taking over he’s just going to step down.

If you guys are lucky this extra attention on Levelmaker might cause a release soon, but more than likely Fenderson is just going to focus on other things now that Levelmaker has been taken off his hands.
I know that a few of you will be upset by this news given the obvious disparity in quality but maybe things will improve. Silva himself (the owner of ReLibrary) has decided to drop reading.

Anyway, just a heads up for our loyal fans.
MTL makes my editor eyes bleed.
Continue reading Not Sure, Another World Chapter 66

Life with a Tail Chapter 39

Ahh, here’s the diabetes. I thought it disappeared. Natsuki and Ruti are so damn cute and wholesome. Enjoy~ (~v~)

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» Chapter 39 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 31

Hiya~! It’s Saturday my mates, and here it is, your regular dose of AinCiel!
Last time on Two as One Princesses: After Cielmer’s (Ain’s) Hunter Pub debut, we have a short time-skip leading to today’s chapter. During is unseen time, we learn from our tipsy guild duo that Ciel (or most likely Ain) has adorably struggled with a tent, that Ain’s really working on the cosmetic side of sorcery, and that a certain newbie party has split up, with the three member group seemingly having more promise that the other member with a “superior” Job. And with that:
What are our princesses up to in this chapter? Will we be seeing the guild backroom once again? Maybe another few chapters in the guild? And will we see how our princesses would handle the cooperation test in the near future>
Find out what happens on: Party and……!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

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» Chapter 31 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 38.5

Hmm, hmm, hmm~ Another .5 chapter? Don’t mind if I do. This chapter is in Nera’s POV. The leader doesn’t seem too bad sometimes. Enjoy~!(^ー^)

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» Chapter 38.5 «

My Loli Brother Chapter 3

Two chapters in one day, yaaay!! Now I’m dead tired, I’m going to fall dead on my bed, don’t disturb me for the next 4 hours. Good night~

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» Chapter 3 «

My Loli Brother Chapter 2

Finally cleared up my schedule for the week. The more novels we pick up at Re:Library, the busier I become. I have to do a quality check on all the chapters and make sure they’re readable before I pass them to the editor, and that’s a whole lot of work considering we now have more than a dozen ongoing series. I spent most of my weekdays going through all the novels before I can secure some time for myself to transalte.

Anyway, that’s enough ranting for me, here’s Chapter 2 of My Loli Brother, enjoy the read! Also, please continue to drop me more recommendations for the next teaser novel to translate. I will try to do at least a few chapters of each one that caught my interest, so long as I have the time.

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» Chapter 2 «

Pupil of the Wiseman Chapter 69 (Part 1)

Oh boy, I have lots of news to share with you guys this week. Let me explain:

  1. I will be taking over the publishing of the chapters from Silva. It’s mainly because Silva is lazy and is publishing other novels. So please kindly take care of me from now on~ (\o/)

  2. The previous chapters of “Pupil of the Wiseman” aka Wiseman will be re-translated by Nomad, our current translator. This is because the earlier chapters translated by other translators are quite bad and as such, it was quite difficult for the editors, including myself, to proofread and edit it. It placed quite a burden on us since we had to MTL and refer to Japanese dictionaries every sentence for some chapters. Even then, it took quite a bit of time. Hence, we’re raising the white flag and letting Nomad re-translate the earlier chapters. We’ll see how it goes and also, you could give your opinions on this if you like. I’d be happy to read them.
    Note: This will in high likelihood not affect the current schedule of Wiseman. The schedule will still remain one chapter every Friday.

  3. We’ve gotten explicit permission from the previous translators to remove the links of their chapters on Novel Updates and replace it with ours. So yeah, we’re close to taking over the Wiseman WN. (^-^)

  4. Last but not least, have you heard?! Wiseman will be getting an anime adaptation!!! Exciting news, a new gender bender anime~! It’ll take some time but it’s happening nonetheless. Fingers crossed that they don’t mess this one up like how Arifureta went.

That’s all for the news, here’s the new chapter~ Enjoy~! (~v~//)

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» Chapter 69 (Part 1) «

Dragon Princess Chapter 94

Almost scheduled this for 18 hours late.
Luckily for you, I didn’t.

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» Chapter 94 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 82

So this was the Lost Post.
Luckily it has been found, so you just have the Lost Pause (in releases).

Chapter 76~80 will be translated by Yuki. Chapters 78 to 80 has been proofread by Mui. Due to Aurum failing to meet his deadline again, he will no longer be the official translator beyond chapter 82.

P.S. Have you guys checked out the awesome illustration provided by Mui?
I love the bathing scene from Volume 3. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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» Chapter 82 «

Two as One Princesses Interlude 6

HAHAHAHAHA! It’s Wednesday my guys, and here’s a chapter for you~
There’s no deep reason for this, though it is because it’s another interlude and I want to forward the story instead of posting this one this week, but you can fully blame my impulsive, short sighted brain for wanting to do this today.
Anyway, last time: Carol POV recollecting what happened during a short time-skip with alcohol on hand. Our princesses just sleeping on the cold hard ground when camping out, which is the usual for them but absolutely appalling for the POV Mage and Ain (Most likely) being cutely struggling with a tent when prompted to set it up. More information about the mysterious newbie party.
And so on this interlude: Where is this going from here? Why another Interlude? And who’s POV are we going to be in next?
Find out what happens on: ……..!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

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» Interlude «

Hero’s Redo Chapter 3 [2]

The MC is too relaxed and trusting.

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» Chapter 3 [2] «

Your Gateway to Gender Bender Novels