Category Archives: Translations

[Vol.1] Chapter 7: Strange Coincidences from my Previous Life Become Even More Entangled

「…..I have been so bored recently」

In a room lit up by the red light of the setting sun, an old man was stroking his beard.

Sitting on a soft chair, the old man’s bad manners could be seen, as his legs were crossed and his feet were dirtying the chair in this process.

Perhaps tired of stroking his beard, the old man, moving his hand away, languidly stretched it towards the top of the desk.

Extending his hands to reach the tea, which had been cooled down, he grasped it and brought it to his mouth slowly.

The tea leaves used in this tea could be said to be of the highest grade. However, as it had cooled down, its flavor had thinned badly.

The old man, who had elf ears, put down the tea with a sigh.

His hand, which had nothing to do again, started stroking his beard. The beard was a little moist due to the tea.

「──Slava’s death, has it already been 30 years?…..It’s been long, far too long.」

The old man reached into rough clothes, which didn’t suit the room, and pulled out a crumpled photograph.

In there. This man, and a man who looked older than him──Slava Shijima── were in the photograph.

「──Foolish idiot. This is why human are so hopeless.」

The old man fixed the picture and placed it into his breast pocket, as it had almost been crushed.

His upper body, which had been raised in the process, looked pretty good for his age. He proceeded to throw his body onto his chair once more and it screamed in protest to his weight, though he was only an old man.

The name of this old man was Chester Prime.

He was the creator of the Primo Style 「Martial Arts」──it was also a 「Martial Art」that carved its name onto history’s books.1

Extreme Elves, Extreme Humans. Those who belong to that section…are those who never get their names written into history books.2

If Alma Shijima was the one who represented the current 「Martial Arts」generation, then Chester could be said to be of the older 「Martial Arts」generation.

──Once, Slava Shijima had an equal. It is this man, Chester.

A battle of money, authority and life that cannot be written down in history books. It’s a story of more than fifty years ago already, but the one at the top of the world not recorded in history──that is, the underworld──was this man.

Though this man was born into a family of Elves, he hurriedly worked out to reach the peak.

After continuously beating people over and over, he was soon at the top. Way too soon.

Inevitably, he met Slava Shijima.

「Damn it. I want to meet and fight that guy again.」

He gripped the handle of the chair tightly. The room where the chair was in was filled with high-quality furniture everywhere you looked──reflected in everything was emptiness.

Though I wanted this and fought for it, there’s nothing in this except emptiness.

A man more than 800 years old loosened his grip on the handle of the chair; he was lost to apathy.

In the end, everything he had worked for, the gorgeous room, high-quality furniture──all of it, it was meaningless. Such was the feeling he felt.

──It was at that time.

「Lord, are you in?」

「Ah, don’t worry. Come on in.」

「Well then, please excuse me for the intrusion──」

From the decorated double doors, a maid comes in.

If I were two hundred years younger, I probably would have asked for her hand──such were my thoughts, then I saw a letter in her hand.

「Here’s your letter, my lord.」

「I can tell by just looking. So? Who is this from?」

Unless it was a letter from someone suitable, remain indifferent and don’t bring the letter.

So Chester had implied while smiling laughingly, and all the while, the maid kept a respectful expression.



「It’s from Alma Shijima.」

「Hmm, so it’s from that ojou-chan eh? It’s the first time I’m getting a letter from her….bring it to me.」

To the unexpected name, Chester’s expression changes.

Though things were different from what he had hoped for, the letter he wanted──it would never come.

Nevertheless, it was better than what he had expected. He ordered the maid to approach with the letter and took it from her gently.

Tearing open the seal of the letter, he took out a delicate letter that didn’t seem like it was written by a 「Martial Artist」.

This is just like something a ojou-chan would do──is what Chester thought as he laughed.

The letter was written in a formal style and started with a formal greeting.

Though it was from a rival’s disciple, it was still too formal, and this was the reason Chester laughed.

It was a heartwarming letter from an old friend.

Chester, who had been reading the letter line for line, stopped at a certain sentence.

From his facial expression, all laughter disappeared.

Hoping he didn’t have holes for eyes, he kept reading that line and started shaking in excitement.

Due to Chester’s mood change, the maid standing nearby felt uneasy.


The maid, who was worried about Chester, called out to him.

This expression only came out when he was either extremely angry or the opposite──extremely joyous. The maid only knew that something exceptional has happened.

What was it this time? The answer was──

「Kukuku, kekeke kakaka! This is interesting!」

Chester laughed pleasantly from the bottom of his heart.

As the maid was confused, she took the letter from his hands and read it to see if it would give her the answers.

Eventually, she understood the reason why Chester had laughed.

「──I see.」

「Kukuku, this is interesting, I wonder what this is? It seems that the kid has the same name as that fool. In addition, that ojou-chan Alma feels that he’s similar to him.」

Chester continued roaring in laughter, having a good time from the bottom of his heart.

The fact was, Chester wasn’t a man of fun and games.

However, the person mentioned in the letter was similar to the Slava this ojou-chan admired, so what kind of person could this be?

──Meet. I want to meet him.

The thing he had lost was coming back.

Life, it was worth living this long.

The me, who had lost his colors, finally stood up from his chair and gave off a gorgeous smile.

「We’re leaving tomorrow. I don’t need to say where, do I?」

「Tomorrow? Her practice, weren’t you──er, it’s useless. Understood, I will arrange it.」

If he wanted to go, there was no way of convincing him of not going.

A smile where you couldn’t feel the carving of uncountable moths and years, just pure childishness.

The man, once revered as the strongest man in the underground, stood up──

「Eekkisheeii! Mu, did I catch a cold?」

I, who had sneezed in a way which people would think「An old man’s sneeze」, felt a strange chill down my back, muttered that.

Using my holiday, I was visiting the Arubaku mountains (The Sacred Arubaku Peaks from Chapter 5). Although I was at quite a high altitude and it was colder than it was at the ground, I was cloaked in magic, so it wasn’t a big deal.

However, I still felt a strange chill down my back and sneezed. Possible reasons for this could be that I had caught a cold or it was the place itself, but most importantly──not taking care of my own body. If one didn’t take care of oneself’s body, then the cold would not go down at all.

This was something absolute, and would never be something wrong. It never hurts to have precaution.

This was a lesson from my previous life. A disease is truly frightening and can even cause a master to go down onto his knees, despairing.

In any case, the body from my previous life had withstood years of training, whereas this body──which was 12 years old──could easily catch one. It was better not to act reckless today.

──Today, I’ll do 「Waterfall Training」again today, and practice my usage of 「Shadow Dancing」 while I’m at it.

I created multiple split bodies and made them face each other.

From what I gathered through experimentation, it seems that training this way makes my body stronger.

Though there’s almost no difference in body performance, a expected rather than in maneuverability, it seems that the problem lies in the width of our reach. The split bodies that resemble the me from my previous existence have a longer reach than the current me, so as a result I have a slight disadvantage in reach.

Anyway. I can only do actual fighting two times a week.

The knowledge about tactics gained in the boring 5 days──it had to be used when I worked out. After all, my training time was precious, and could not be wasted doing useless things.

「──Let’s go.」

I say few words every time; it seems that it’s already become a ritual for me.

Twice a week, a fight would start out this way.

I did not intend to do anything else today. So, I beat it up, and it was beaten.

As always, intense impacts could be heard from throughout the mountain.

The fighting continued until day turned into night, and I went back to the dorm with some strength to spare.

A wound was still on my body, though hidden, due to the lack of magical power to heal it.

While admonishing himself, he crawled into bed and soon, his even and steady breathing could be heard──

And so, morning comes.

Despite the fact that things don’t change every week, I feel a little depressed when I think that I have to practice boring things until it comes time again for the holidays.

I get dressed in the school uniform and leave for the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is located on the first floor of the dormitories. Because the boy and girl dormitories are separated from each other, the cafeteria I go to is filled with boys.

Today’s breakfast is──fish? It was something that I ate often during the last years of my previous existence, but recognizing anew in this life the deliciousness of its fat, I, without any particular thought, got my meal and carried it to my seat.

I looked around for Shido, but couldn’t find his figure. I guess I was too much of a kid while training during the holidays and overslept.

It couldn’t be helped; I guess I’ll eat by myself. Picking up the cold metal knife and fork, I think some thanks to the meal.3

Fumu, it has a good smell. Why is something like this made for the students….

An appetizing smell comes from the fish. I said this earlier; fish really is the best.

My nose must’ve been a stomach, because hunger was stimulated just by smelling it. While thinking so, I cut the fish into pieces with my knife and fork.

「Oh, it’s this kid. Good morning, Slava.」

….Ahh, why does this child interfere with my meal.

Hearing the voice of a demon, I stop the movement of my knife.

It has already been a month since Alma first gave me an invitation, and she hasn’t stopped sending me invites.

Because things would become noisy if she always sending me invites during meal time, I asked her to refrain from doing it, but she just swallowed those words──

Oi, the time that should be free of distractions should be breakfast.

I turned towards Alma to lodge a complaint──but I couldn’t even say a single word.

──Certainly, Alma was there. However, another face, which I 「Knew by sight」, was unexpectedly laughing there.

「Ho ~ou, so it’s this boy──hello boy. I’m Chester Prime. Something like… this gal’s master’s rival?」

The annoying beard under the nose, and height that was more or less the same in my previous life.

And, those elf ears──as well as that filthy smile, more than all else.

The one thing I should have forgotten, his face──

「What he’s saying is true. Slava, let’s get you acquainted. This was my teacher’s friend, Chester-san. He was saying that he wanted to meet you by all means when I sent him a letter, thus I went to introduce you two when he came.」

Chester Prime.

The owner of a strong fist, a fist that was worthy to be called ‘Fist King of the Underground’, as well as my rival.

And the many times I had gotten a challenge from this idiot, I couldn’t forget them.

Well, I guess it was like this. If Alma was still alive, how could this ****** old man be dead? Rather, it would be strange if he were dead.

Strange coincidences kept reviving one after another.I felt as if an unclear 「Destiny」 was pressing down on my head.


  1. TLN: From now on, his Martial Arts shall be dubbed 1st…joking 
  2. TLN: Because Alma is in history books and Slava is just the name who was her master. 
  3. TLN: Like saying ‘Itadakimasu’ in your head 

[Vol.1] Chapter 6: Destiny Creates Strange Coincidences To My Previous Life

Food. It’s one of the essential things for a living being to have in order to stay alive.

It doesn’t matter what gender, age, or race. No organism can survive without food.

A teacher once said that only plants are the exception, being the only thing to live off of light and water, but I laughed when I heard that──people could say outrageous things.

Anyway, this is one of the vital actions that an organism must do, or else it isn’t a organism.

After living off my life as a human and being reborn as an elf, I am still no exception to this action.

Here, at Arufareia Academy, we get meals three times a day; one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening.

When I was a human, I only ate two meals a day. Seeing this kind of difference brings a sort of nostalgia──such a cultural difference.

That aside, it was that time of day again.

So. It’s time for lunch.

In the classroom I was currently learning at, there was a slight merry mood, totally unlike a few moments before.

The sounds of happy children resounded in the classroom.

It was as if all the satiety that they had gotten from breakfast was a lie; they all looked happy as though they were at a festival.

I was jealous of the children who could get into such moods. Although my body was young, my mind was that of an old man, and it wasn’t my style to get into such a mood off of food.

My only purpose for living was for one reason; to wear my life down until it disappeared. This was my way of living.

…..So I say, but.

「Slava-kun, want to eat together?」(Seria)

「Oh, it’s Seria! Slava~ I also want to eat together~」(Shido)

Said the young girl and boy, respectively. Eating together with an honest friend or two wasn’t that bad.

Shido and Seria both walked over, lunch trays being held by both hands, and sat down on the same table as I.

….It used to be just Seria and I eating lunch together, but before I knew it, Shido was also eating lunch together with us.

Master always said that if one were to eat, they should eat good food with good friends. Now I understand. As the three people conversed, a small smile appeared on their mouths.

「Oh, then let’s eat together.」

As soon as I said that, the two moved vacant desks and connected it to my desk, and sat down.

The owners of the seats seem to be friends of these two. One of the owners was sitting in Shido’s seat.

Well then, let’s start eating.

♦ ♦ ♦

As we were eating, Seria asked questions about what we had learned today in class.

On the other hand, Shido asked questions pertaining to Martial Arts class, most of them being questions about how to fix his stance and movements.

These questions, to a「Martial Arts」 master like me, were just like child’s play. Thankfully, these questions were fairly simple and wouldn’t arouse one’s suspicion if I answered them.

Shido always asked me these kind of questions, and in turn, I answered them by giving him 「Advice」. Before we knew it, we were already close friends.

Thus, I started thinking that eating together during lunchtime was just an excuse to get some pointers and tips from me.

Eating was very slow process, and I thought to myself, “If I had a grandchild, would it become something like this?”

I had used to think that school only existed to restrain the present me──however, it’s very fun.

I cut my salted pork into pieces with my knife and stabbed the pieces with my fork.

I wasn’t in a hurry, so I slowly chewed the salted pork after putting it into my mouth.

「It’s gotten slightly better?」

That moment.

While we were enjoying our meal, a voice spoke out.

──Damn, we thought. Though it wasn’t the appropriate phrase.

Honestly, I wanted to enjoy my meal, but.

Behind Shido, who has an emerald hair color, was a girl with glossy black hair.

「I would also like to sit down to eat together, may I?」

The object of adoration for all elves.

The legendary martial artist, Alma Shijima, directed a smiling countenance towards me.

「It’s Alma-sama! Ah, of course!」

「You’re very good at teaching; you should teach the technique instead!」

I readily gave consent because Seria and Shido were making sparkling eyes.

It was the embodiment of a 「Martial Artist」asking for a seat, a figure that Shido admired. I didn’t have any complaints.

….For me, it felt like my daughter was asking me to eat together. I can usually refuse none of her requests──

It was my daughter’s eyes, which looked as if they were hunting prey, that had worried me.

Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this. Contrary to my feelings, I shook my head in order to get rid of this feeling.

「Slava, what’s wrong? Are you uncomfortable with me here?」

Alma laughs as if she had detected a sign of restlessness in me. I chewed the pork I had in my mouth and swallowed it.

…..Alma’s gentle laugh. When combined with a smile and her peerless beauty, it could also be said to be bewitching.

However, this was why I was feeling a sense of impending crisis. Though it was a smile that a million people would worship, to me, it was my daughter’s smile that would create some kind of trouble.

Calm down? How could one calm down when they were facing the smile of a hunter hunting prey?

However, I still can’t decline the invitation to teach. With Seria’s hopeful gaze and Shido’s 「Don’t do anything unnecessary」expression, I could not decline the request even if I wanted to. Moreover, it was my own daughter’s request.

「No, there isn’t such a thing. Please sit down.」

「Is that so…~tsu! I’ll gladly sit down~」

In the end, I accepted the request.

Alma laughs happily when she gets my permission. It was the same when she was a small child; she always laughed happily whenever she got my permission.

Alma moves to the vacant desk. To fit four people, Shido moved over a bit and created enough space for Alma to sit.

It should be noted that Alma probably didn’t think she would be rejected. After all, her food was already at the space with vacancy.

「Well then, I’ll start eating too.」

Alma, who was sitting on a small chair, behaved herself and cut the meat into smaller pieces before carrying it to her mouth.

…This is nostalgic. I used to eat meals with her the same way in my past life.

Noticing that I had recalled the scenes of how I used to have meals with her, I suddenly put on an amused expression for a second.

「Nnn? Is there something on my face?」

However, such an expression was seen by my daughter.

I didn’t feel much anger from her tone, as she had on a gentle smile. It was just a teasing tone.

「Ah, no. There isn’t anything.」

「Is that so? Then it’s all okay.」

Oops, I was too busy thinking about my previous life. Thank god Alma didn’t catch anything. Since she’s an elf, she has a long life, so she could’ve realized that I was reincarnated.

Any further, and I really would have been exposed. I really have to stop doing these suspicious actions. I braced myself to do some small talk in order not to arouse suspicion.

While we were making small talk, I found out that the ingredients actually didn’t cost much. This cooks’ arm is pretty good. While talking about this topic, lunchtime goes by.

Shido, Seria, and I. We finished our meals in this order, and what was left was Alma’s small bread.

In the middle of our small talk, Alma stuffed the bit of bread into her mouth, and the meal was finished.

I glanced at the clock──which had a bird fly out every few hours──and glanced at it. There was too much time in lunchtime.

…..That said, it was like this every day; meal times always took up more time than time spent learning. We always devoted the rest of the time to chatting.

However, it’s a little different today.

「Tasty~na, the meal, that is.」

There was some tension remaining, most likely due to Alma’s appearance. Because Seria and Shido were less talkative today (due to Alma’s appearance), I heard the sigh that Alma let out.

♦ ♦ ♦

「Now then ~to. Now that I’ve finished my meal──」

Alma’s eyes piercing gaze turned towards me.

I had guessed as much, but to do it now. Though I had already noticed it before she had sat down, her attitude had completely disappeared during the meal──or so I thought.

Alma wipes her mouth with a piece of cloth, though her mouth wasn’t all that dirty, and put it down.

Then, Alma put her face close to mine──close enough that I thought they would touch.

「Hey, Slava」

「….You’re too close, sensei.」

I try to escape by saying those words.

Alma put her hands on my shoulder, and then pulled her face a little closer; a little too close.

I can’t escape. I give up on giving an appropriate excuse to leave, and stand in place.

Shido and Seria both look confused, as they don’t know what is going on. Eh, you can only rely on yourself in situations like this, after all.

After a short while──that seemed like a long time compressed into a small amount of time──Alma’s eye color changed.

Could it be that she has already figured out my identity? While preparing for something like this, what Alma said was──

「I strive in order to find a suitable candidate for the Shijima style──would you like to become a successor?」


「I know this is sudden and all, but you have talent! Could it be that you don’t want to succeed the name of Slava of the Shijima style──the strongest in the world!?」

Would you like to become a disciple? It was that sort of thing.

There was one criteria that a disciple had to fulfill if they wanted to be invited; they had to have talent.

The people around me reacted quite strongly. What is this…maybe this is how I’m supposed to react.

「A-Awesome! Alma-sensei gave you a direct invitation! As expected of Slava!」

「Slava-kun, this is an amazing thing!」

Cried out Shido and Seria in loud voices.

When the people in the classroom heard these cries, all the eyes gathered unto Alma and I.

These eyes, without exception, showed admiration and excitement. It didn’t matter if they were teachers or children.

To get an invitation from the 「Strongest Martial Artist」(Elf), it was expected that the recipient would be talented, and there should be no reason to refuse this invitation.

However, it’s different for me.

The girl before my eyes was certainly a legendary「Martial Artist」, however, there was always someone higher ranked. The ‘someone’ higher ranked than this girl, who had her name engraved in history books, was I.

This was why I couldn’t be her disciple. After all, I am her master──though she doesn’t know it.

The thing about me being a disciple, I hadn’t even registered it. If it were any other type of discipleship/apprenticeship, I may have considered it, but there is no ‘discipleship’ for the Shijima style.[^2]

「Oh, I decline it.」

「Why!? It’s a pity that such a shining gemstone like you will be buried. Honestly speaking, you have way more talent than I do!」

Of course I did. It would even be understandable if I surpassed a teacher in 「Martial Arts」tomorrow if I tried. This was because I had already surpassed Alma a long time ago in terms of 「Martial Arts」.

Since this was a chance for Alma to further her footwork, a slight disturbance in magical power in the air was felt.

Nevertheless, I was aspiring to be the best at all times──so, such a thought as ‘I don’t want to unless it’s a strong opponent’ came to my mind.

F-for the time being, I have to get through this problem.

The method of delaying the problem was a good idea, however, it didn’t work in this situation. Therefore, I must make countermeasures.

「Or does Slava have a dream?

….If that’s the case, I can’t force it──Sorry, I should have listened to your story first.」

Fortunately, Alma, of her own accord, has shown me a way to escape.

The rope that Alma has dropped might be a trap, but for now, I can only use this to get out of the situation.

Think. Think about the best way to get out of this.

「So! Scholar. That is, I want to become a scholar──」

…..Is the answer I managed to squeeze out. However, the thought of「Wrong」came from within me.

Though, I had been reading books, but they were 「Martial Arts」books from another school, and its use was only to know the prices of the skin of monsters that I had been hunting.

I had a feeling that everyone in the classroom had a 「That doesn’t sound right」feeling.

「…..Despite only reading books about 「Martial Arts」only?」

Apparently, my actions had already been seen by Alma──I wonder when I had been observed.

Anyway, now this place is──

「I-I have plans to go to the library during lunch time, see you later!」

Let’s try escaping. Though it might be useless.

I, whose lies had been seen through, tried to escape.

If this was a 「Martial Arts」competition, no matter what, I wouldn’t have shown my back to the opponent. However, it wasn’t, so I happily escaped.

Alma’s voice could be heard behind me. My daughter hadn’t run after me because she had to fulfill her duty as a temporary teacher. Of course, my destination wasn’t the library.

「Waa! I won’t give up on you Slava!」

It was this moment that a battle of my disciple who wanted me to become a disciple, began.


Chapter 34 – Jin Beibei

“Didn’t you want to rest yesterday? The result of you taking a break was that you fell asleep. Later on, you laid down on my legs and due to me fearing that I would disturb your sleep, I didn’t wake you up….” Xiao Chen explained with a bitter smile.

“Then how did you….” Cheng Mengying thought for a bit. ‘Seems like it indeed is this matter. Yesterday, I had gotten tired of walking and wanted to take a break on the bench on the side of the road. Afterwards, I remember nothing so it seems that I was asleep.’

However, after Cheng Mengying took a glance at Xiao Chen’s crotch, she scrunched her eyebrows together and said with a hmph: “You were afraid to disturb me? Do you dare to say that you had no dirty thoughts?”

“This is a normal phenomenon called ‘morning wood’….” Xiao Chen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “That’s enough. Next time I’ll wake you up then take you home.”

At this moment, Jin Beibei had finally understood what had happened, but her mischievous eyes swept between Xiao Chen’s legs, then she talked to herself: “How is it this big? It doesn’t seem to be the same size it says in the textbook? Luckily Sister Mengying broke off the engagement, otherwise when it’s time, wouldn’t she be X’d to death!”

In the beginning, Cheng Mengying didn’t understand the meaning of what Jin Beibei was saying. What thing was so big, and wasn’t the same as it is in the textbooks? But hearing the words that came after it and looking at what direction Jin Beibei’s gaze was in, Cheng Mengying angrily stared at Jin Beibei’s eyes and ill-humoredly said: “Beibei, why is your mind so complex? All day long thinking about dirty things. Are you not thinking about giving blowjobs, only wanting to put the blame on me?”

“Of course not….but having the chance to do it is also fine. I’ve tried it with bananas, but there wasn’t anything special. It was like eating a popsicle in my childhood….” Jin Beibei muttered.

“You….” Cheng Mengying was made somewhat speechless by Jin Beibei, but suddenly remembered that Xiao Chen was also standing at the side. Thinking about the word ‘*******’ that had popped out of her mouth, she immediately blushed and coughed twice, then looked towards Xiao Chen: “Hey, what did you hear?”

“Ah?” Xiao Chen was confused for a moment: “What did you say?”

“Hmph, seems like you’re sensible!” Cheng Mengying nodded to deceive herself and others. No longer paying attention to Xiao Chen, she immediately looked towards Jin Beibei: “Beibei, why are you here so early in the morning?”

“Uncle said that you had transferred to Second High. Yesterday, I didn’t see you, so I planned to take you to school today in the early morning,.” After Jin Beibei spoke up to here, she looked at Cheng Mengying with a weird complexion: “Cousin Cheng Mengying, you’re really weird oh. You are unexpectedly on good terms with Xiao Chen? Didn’t you dislike him before?”

“Don’t talk nonsense! I’ll tell auntie about what you do to bananas if you talk more. Watch how she deals with you!” Cheng Mengying angrily replied: “He’s only this Young Lady’s personal servant. If this Young Lady wants to sleep, then he has to turn into a bed! If this Young Lady wants to eat, then he has to become a table!”
“Crap, Xiao Chen brother-in-law is a transformer?” Jin Beibei said with astonishment.

“….” Xiao Chen looked at Jin Beibei’s innocent look with a dumbfounded face. However, if he really thought that she was innocent, then he would have fallen into the trap. From infancy until now, her innocent look had swindled many dandy’s that wanted to gang up on her. They were met with bad luck and taught a lesson until they were hovering between life and death!

Therefore, Xiao Chen decided to stay away from this young demoness in order not to suffer! Previously, when he was Xiao Family’s Young Master, he did not go provoking this young demoness, but he also wasn’t afraid of her revenge. However now it’s different, he was Cheng Mengying’s servant. If this little girl didn’t see him as pleasing to the eyes and put out an order for him, then it would be a sudden and unexpected disaster.

“He’s also a Ninja Turtle….what brother-in-law? Stop speaking nonsense!” When Cheng Mengying heard how Jin Beibei addressed Xiao Chen she became shocked: “I already said that he and I don’t have any relationship!”

“Oh, Xiao Chen former brother-in-law, hello oh!” Jin Beibei nodded as she continued to talk.

“…..” Cheng Mengying was to lazy to correct her, but when Xiao Chen heard Jin Beibei calling him brother-in-law, he felt a strange feeling.

“Okay, Xiao Chen, I want to go to school with Beibei. Will you sit in the back or go to school by yourself?” Cheng Mengying asked while pointing at the back of the Beatle.

Xiao Chen glanced at the car’s small and narrow back seat and could not help but smile bitterly: “I’ll take a taxi, but you have to give me money for it.”

“I don’t have any money.” Cheng Mengying said without hesitation. How could she not know that Shen Jingxuan had given Xiao Chen 10,000 RMB before?

“Then I’ll let myself in.” After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he got ready to get on the car.

“Stingy miser! Take this as this Young Lady’s reward for you!” Cheng Mengying wanted to have an intimate conversation with Jin Beibei, so she didn’t want Xiao Chen to listen in. Otherwise, Jin Beibei would shoot off her mouth, thus making her lose face by talking about her ‘*******’ and such pop up. Therefore, Cheng Mengying pulled out her wallet, took out a 100 RMB bill and handed it to Xiao Chen: “This should be enough for when leaving school too right?”

“It’s enough.” Xiao Chen nodded. It was only 30 RMB when they were leaving on the taxi yesterday.

“Beibei, let’s go.” Cheng Mengying opened the co-pilot’s door and boarded the car with Jin Beibei.

Xiao Chen gazed after Cheng Mengying and Jin Beibei leaving, pocketed 100 RMB, then walked to the bus stop! Xiao Chen wasn’t exactly a real gentleman, he was very clear on his situation. The core of this work was no salary! 10,000 RMB truly had to be saved for later use.

“Cousin Mengying, did you really make Xiao Chen brother-in-law into your servant?” Jin Beibei asked while she was driving.

“Not brother-in-law, it’s former brother-in-law….not right, he wasn’t that either. He was just fiance before! Dead Beibei, making me turn stupid!” Cheng Mengying was unbearably angry: “You know that even though I dislike him, I also feel that he is pitiful. My grandfather, due to uncle’s matter, vented his anger on Xiao Family. That means that there has to be someone to turn into the scapegoat right? This person could only be Uncle Xiao’s son. In order to make him survive, father made him my servant.”

“Uncle isn’t afraid that you’ll fall in love over time?” Jin Beibei asked mischievously.

“How is that possible? This Young Lady doesn’t have a liking for him!” Cheng Mengying’s face turned a little red, but said without hesitation: “What this Young Lady likes is a true great hero! He’s only a waste!”

But Cheng Mengying had to admit that she was mistaken before, as seen from Xiao Chen and Ma Gangmen’s duel from yesterday. Although Xiao Chen hadn’t reached the strength of a First Layer Inner Qi, as an average person, his strength was already at the limit. If not for his innate constitution problem, it was feared that he would have been a master of First Layer Inner Qi or even higher long ago!

Xiao Chen did not have Innate Divine Strength. Other people weren’t clear on this, but as Xiao Chen’s former fiancee, Cheng Mengying was very clear on it. Not only did Xiao Chen not have Innate Divine Strength, but he was also frail and sick from childhood. Being able to have this present strength was only for Xiao Chen to go through many sufferings!

It was very difficult for Cheng Mengying to imagine Xiao Chen, this dandy Young Master, suffer through exercise!

But these words, she didn’t say out loud.

“Oh, cousin Mengying is blushing!” Jin Beibei observed.

“Drive carefully! I don’t want to be killed.” Cheng Mengying said.

Jin Beibei spit out her tongue and started to drive with devotion.

The villa area wasn’t too far away from Second High, so the car quickly arrived at the school gates. Afterwards, Cheng Mengying and Jin Beibei entered the school together.


Lou Zhenming’s complexion was very gloomy. Ma Gangmen’s injury was very heavy and he was currently lying down on a hospital bed. He also didn’t know whether Lei Dianfeng had found any people to teach Xiao Chen a lesson. In short, his mood was very gloomy. Originally, what should have been a good day to pick up girls, had unexpectedly turned into a day of suffering setbacks.

He would definitely make Xiao Chen pay a blood price! Although he had said that he would forget this matter in front of Deng Xiaokun yesterday, he would never consider such a matter as finished. Him not raising his hands, did not mean that he wouldn’t hire other people to raise their hands in secret!

If Xiao Chen was killed by wanted outlaws from the outside, then the only explanation would be that Xiao Chen had bad luck, and he, Lou Zhenming, had no relationship with it.

Seeing Cheng Mengying walk into the classroom holding bread and yogurt, it was as if Lou Zhenming had a loaded spring under his ***. He immediately got off his seat with a ‘Sou’ and trotted over to Cheng Mengying while smiling: “Mengying, you came. This yogurt and bread, although the nutrition isn’t bad, the taste isn’t that good either. How about I treat you to some porridge at the school cafeteria?”

“Little Louzi, you seem to be very rich. How about you load 100,000 RMB into my meal card?” Jin Beibei laughingly said as she jumped out from Cheng Mengying’s back. The melons on her chest jiggled, making Lou Zhenming feel a bit dizzy.

Lou Zhenming’s eyelids opened, but he didn’t dare to appreciate the beautiful scene. Cold sweat went down his forehead: “That….Jin Beibei, I didn’t bring that much money today. How about we talk about it another day?”
Lou Zhenming understood Jin Beibei very well. This young girl, in Second High, although she was Second High’s flower, Lou Zhenming had never thought of ever pursuing her. This kind of young demoness was one who gave bad luck to those who knew her!

One has to know, Jin Beibei is Jin Family’s Old Master Jin’s treasure. Old Master Jin, Jin Maoshiwang, was not a joke; he was simply a lunatic. Forty years ago, with his bare hands, he rushed into JiangHu and made a name for himself, laying down the foundation for Jin Family’s family property.

This kind of person, Lou Zhenming didn’t want to have a connection to. Whoever bullied Jin Family’s little princess, the old man go personally go to his or her house to kill. He would dare to play around with his own life and use the fighting method of making both sides perish.

Among the various families, there indeed was infighting, but it was extremely unlikely that the families would exhaust themselves just to compete to see which side was better. This kind of killing 1,000 at the loss of 800 method, harmed others but didn’t benefit oneself, Old Master Jin dared to use!

Once there was an influential son of an external Ancient Martial Family who took a fancy to Jin Beibei and wanted to forcefully do indecent things to Jin Beibei. However, the result of that was that influential son being cleaved in half by Old Master Jin.

That external Ancient Martial Family got angry and the Head of that family ordered Jin Family to hand over Jin Beibei in a set amount of time and hold a marriage between that dead influential son and Jin Beibei!

But Old Master Jin did not accept this and instead carried a machete and went ready to kill. He directly went and told the Head of that external Ancient Martial Family, ‘If you want a fight then let’s fight! Jin Family may be inferior to you, but we will use all our power and make your family damaged by half!’

Chapter 33 – Waste, Not Talking About You

Hey look, it’s another one~! Third day in a row! – raltzero

“Don’t worry about where the news came from, it is definitely accurate!” Zhao Yuliang suddenly poured himself a glass of wine, wanting to release his steam: “Xiao Chen, this kid, really has good luck. He unexpectedly turned into Cheng Mengying’s servant! Is this not giving them an opportunity to foster love?”
Zhao Yuliang really didn’t understand how the people from Cheng Family agreed on this matter! Was Cheng Family not afraid of anything happening?

“Brother Liang, I think you’re a little overly anxious right?” Chen Jinpeng shook his head and said: “Brother Liang, think about it. Originally, Cheng Mengying was Xiao Chen’s fiance and there was nothing between the two. Now that Xiao Chen has been kicked from Xiao Family, moreover has already broke off the engagement, how could Cheng Mengying have a liking for Xiao Chen this waste! I think Cheng Family should purely want to humiliate Xiao Chen!”

“Oh?” Zhao Yuliang nodded. What Chen Jinpeng had talked about, he had not thought about. It was just that he didn’t feel at ease in his heart because he sincerely liked Cheng Mengying. Although there were some ulterior motives mixed in, it couldn’t be helped. Cheng Mengying was the first girl to make Zhao Yuliang sincerely moved: “Cheng Mengying being over there is definitely is no problem, but my fear is Xiao Chen’s beastly nature!”

“Leave it, how would he dare?” Chen Jinpeng disdainfully said: “He thinks that he’s still the beforehand Young Master Xiao? Since he can compromise before Cheng Zhongming, choosing to lower his head, then it represents that he admits defeat! Besides, what love is there between a Young Lady and servant? That’s the plot of a novel! You and I are from respected families; have you ever seen any family children marry a servant?”

“That’s true….” Zhao Yuliang nodded while deep in thought.

“It is this all along! You think Xiao Chen is like Deity Lin in 《School Beauty Personal Bodyguard》? He’s a cultivator/practitioner, cultivating ‘Xuan Yuan Controlling Dragons Secret Art’. A cultivator/practitioner is a high-end and flamboyant occupation, how could Xiao Chen be worth a fart? A waste unable to cultivate Inner Qi, how would he be able to obtain Cheng Mengying’s favor?” Chen Jinpeng said in comfort, but after he finished his words, he felt that he had said too much: “That Brother Liang, I was referring to Xiao Chen as waste, not you….”

“It’s okay. Although I can’t cultivate Inner Qi, I’m stronger than Xiao Chen.” Zhao Yuliang waved his hands, not getting angry towards this topic. Instead, he nodded and said in an approving manner: “What you said isn’t wrong. It is I who had thought too much. Cheng Mengying would never look upon Xiao Chen that waste!”

“Right ah, Brother Liang, I respect you one cup!” Chen Jinpeng raised his glass towards Zhao Yuliang.

“Okay, ganbei!” Although Zhao Yuliang said this, a flash of subtle frostiness appeared in his eyes for a moment before disappearing…

Yuan Qi revolved over and over in a fixed path in Xiao Chen’s body and with each revolution, Xiao Chen’s Yuan Qi within his body became a little denser. This situation, although Xiao Chen hadn’t felt anything, Tian Lao had felt it and was very surprised: “I say Little Chenzi, something’s wrong ah!”

“What’s wrong?” Xiao Chen quickly asked as Tian Lao’s flustered voice made him frightened.

“Your Yuan Qi is increasing rapidly right? Each revolution has made it increase, but this shouldn’t be!” Tian Lao was puzzled. Logically speaking, this was an urban area and though it was the villa area with trees and a better environment, it was a far cry from a paradise dedicated to cultivation. Furthermore, even in a paradise, Tian Lao had never heard of a cultivation speed this fast!

“Is this a bad thing?” Xiao Chen thought in his heart, ‘Fast isn’t good?’ What he currently wanted the most was strength! If it was possible, he wanted to become a Seventh or Eighth Layer Inner Qi Master!

“Nothing has been discovered temporarily. However this phenomenon on the surface looks good, but if it isn’t made clear why, who knows what kind of impact it will have on your future?” Tian Lao’s voice was a little hesitant and actually didn’t sound like he was cracking a joke with Xiao Chen.

And Xiao Chen’s heart slightly shivered with fear. Right, although he hadn’t come into contact with Truth Cultivators, he had seen them within similar novels or television shows! Generally, it was either an Evil Cultivator or Demon Cultivator who had the fastest cultivation speeds. However the side-effects were great. Initially there wouldn’t be any, but later on they would be eaten up by their own Heart Devil and troubles would come one after the other!

“Then what have you discovered?” Xiao Chen asked.

“Nothing temporarily.” Tian Lao replied.

“How about….I stop cultivating now? And talk about it after you find the issue?” Xiao Chen was currently a bit hesitant. He didn’t dare to crack a joke about his own life and future.

“How would I be able to observe if you stop?” Tian Lao ill-humoredly replied: “Who told you to cultivate backwards? Forget it, continue. For the time being there isn’t an issue. If there is one, I’ll remind you.”

“Alright.” Xiao Chen actually did not want to suspend his cultivation, so upon hearing Tian Lao’s words, he felt relieved and prepared to revolve his mental mantra.

But before Xiao Chen started revolving, Xiao Chen felt a soft tender body relying upon his own body!

Xiao Chen subconsciously opened his eyes and unexpectedly discovered that it was Young Lady Cheng using his body with her head on his own legs! This feeling made one feel like an intimate couple, causing Xiao Chen’s heart to slightly speed up!

Although he was clear that Cheng Mengying was sleeping and that it was probably due to the seat back not being too comfortable, thus causing her subconsciously lay down, making this not her intention, however, Xiao Chen inevitably still had fantasies.

Xiao Chen by no means was a gentleman, but he also wouldn’t take advantage of people. The Young Lady had helped him when he was in a time of difficulty, so how could he do matters of overstepping his boundaries?

It was just that Xiao Chen wanted to lift the Young Lady up, but was afraid to wake her up. Thus, he weighed it in his mind of a long time and finally, Xiao Chen decided to continue cultivating. Putting it down in his heart and calming his mind would naturally create a conscience.

Due to Xiao Chen’s meditative strength being exceptionally strong, very quickly, Xiao Chen once again entered his cultivation state and continued to revolve “Seizing Good Fortune War Mantra”….

When the first ray of early morning sunshine smeared the earth, Xiao Chen faintly touched upon the barrier on Second Layer Qi-Training. This cultivation speed made Tian Lao speechless. It made people think that it was simply unthinkable, even though Tian Lao currently could not be considered a person.

It was the early morning and the originally quiet villa area street began to have the occasional car drive by. Of course, almost no one noticed Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying on the bench, after all nowadays, who hadn’t seen lovers on a street bench before.

A red Beetle car passed by in front of Xiao Chen, but after going not too far away, it came back and stopped in front Xiao Chen. The Beetle’s car window opened slowly, revealing an immensely shocked small face!

“Cousin Yingying? Xiao Chen?” The young girl inside the Beetle opened the door, looking stunned at the inconceivable scene: “What are….you guys doing?”

Xiao Chen became a bit embarrassed. He hadn’t expected to encounter an acquaintance here. Moreover, the person who came was Zhu Yingxiong’s cousin, as well as Cheng Mengying’s cousin, Jin Beibei!

Although this girl had a somewhat petite stature, her chest was huge. This made her seem uncoordinated and the only one phrase could describe it was ‘large-breasted loli’.

Regarding Jin Beibei, Xiao Chen didn’t know too much. Jin Family’s Little Princess, although she was Zhu Yingxiong’s cousin and Cheng Mengying’s cousin, in reality, the Nine Aristocratic Families more or less had some form of relationship via marriage. This relationship via marriage could only be maintained for one generation, or even only a few years. Therefore the juniors of the Families, were basically relatives of each other more or less, but this could be ignored.

Xiao Chen’s impression was that Cheng Mengying and Jin Beibei’s relationship was not bad. It was just that there weren’t many contacts with Xiao Chen.

Cheng Mengying had been sleeping soundly but was awakened by Jin Beibei’s cry out in alarm. She opened her eyes in confusion, but didn’t immediately raise her head from Xiao Chen’s lap, only turning her head to the side, wanting to make clear who was calling her.

“Crap, I haven’t seen anything wa….” Jin Beibei, upon seeing Cheng Mengying’s appearance, immediately jumped in fright. She covered her surprised eyes with her hands: “Sister Mengying, you’re too open! Unexpectedly giving Xiao Chen a blow——job on the sidewalk! But I haven’t seen anything.”

Cheng Mengying had just woken up and on the corners of her mouth were hanging two saliva strands. By coincidence, Xiao Chen previously had feared that Cheng Mengying would be cold, so he covered Cheng Mengying’s body with his school uniform. Therefore, at this moment, Xiao Chen’s thighs were also covered by his uniform. This kind of scene would inevitably make one’s imagination run wild.

After all, many XX videos online had situations similar to this. Being covered with a uniform, then starting XX.

 “What? Blow….blow….job?!” Cheng Mengying immediately sobered up from confusion! She immediately discovered that she had lain asleep on Xiao Chen’s lap and by coincidence, her mouth happened to hang some saliva, so it wouldn’t be strange if this was misunderstood!

 Cheng Mengying suddenly became anxious, how could she do that with Xiao Chen? Even if she was Xiao Chen’s former fiancee, it was impossible ah! She subconsciously took off the school uniform off of her and Xiao Chen’s legs, seeming to want to show Jin Beibei that she hadn’t given Xiao Chen ‘that’.

Just, even though the school uniform was taken off, however, under the uniform at Xiao Chen’s crotch section of his pants, there was a tower wanting to pierce the heavens!

Xiao Chen was a normal boy, so the Young Lady lying on his legs, made it very difficult for him to maintain his composure. Moreover, it was currently early morning and Xiao Chen hadn’t urinated yet, so this was a normal psychological phenomenon. But in Jin Beibei’s eyes, it wasn’t the same. She thought, ‘It is definitely Xiao Chen zipping up the zipper in confusion, but the crime tool has betrayed him!’

“Hee hee, Sister Mengying, covering it up makes it worse. All right, Beibei didn’t see anything.” Jin Beibei smiled mischievously, giving an ‘I understand’ look.

Cheng Mengying was madly angered and suddenly stood up from the bench, glaring at Xiao Chen: “You….you you you you….what did you do to me?”

Chapter 32 – Temptation

Wow, didn’t expect this to be coming. – raltzero

“You you you you….!!” Cheng Mengying became angry and wanted to kick Xiao Chen: “I don’t care! You’re this Young Lady’s servant, so think up a solution!”

“I’m not Doraemon….” Xiao Chen became somewhat silent: “How about we go out for a walk?”

“Let’s go!” Cheng Mengying also didn’t have a solution. When she couldn’t walk anymore, couldn’t she just make Xiao Chen to carry herself?

Thus, the two walked out of the villa area. Although the villa area had street lights, they were very dim. Cheng Mengying didn’t want to walk so closely with Xiao Chen, but she was a bit scared. After just separating, she couldn’t help but get closer to Xiao Chen….

Cheng Mengying’s heart was jumping, accelerating a bit. Today was her first time walking together with a boy during the evening. Moreover, this boy was her former fiance! Saying that Cheng Mengying wasn’t nervous was impossible.

‘He’s my servant now! A servant is nothing, where I go, he also has to go.’ Cheng Mengying comforted herself in her heart.

It was just that halfway, Young Lady Cheng somewhat could not bear it anymore. At noon, she didn’t eat too much in order to go watch the strange matter between Xiao Chen and Lou Zhenming. At night, she was tense and frightened as she stood in the gym for a long time and subsequently she went back home to the villa cold and hungry. When had Young Lady Cheng ever gone through this before?

She wasn’t a Martialist. Walking two kilometers made her really tired so she pointing at a bench at the side of the road and said: “Dying, tired to death, this Young Lady needs a break. Xiao Chen, wipe it for me!”

“Oh….” Xiao Chen bitterly smiled and conveniently took out a pack of napkins, simply wiping the bench.
The Young Lady was obviously very tired. When sitting down on the bench, she comfortably groaned and did not want to leave. However, when Xiao Chen heard the young lady’s languid groan, his lower body had a shameful reaction. The frightened Xiao Chen quickly sat next to the Young Lady, not daring to let the Young Lady see any flaws. If he did, it would be a bit disgraceful ah!

Although Xiao Chen seemed like a person who bullied men and stole their women in First High, he was, in fact, still a young virgin!

A gust of the night wind blew by and the Young Lady’s nice-smelling fragrance blew onto Xiao Chen’s face. Xiao Chen could not help but take a deep breath and heart started jumping, slightly accelerating….
Xiao Chen quickly changed his focus to the night sky lights, not daring to pay attention to the young lady again.
The villa area’s night was tranquil and silent. Most of the villas already had their lights off. Only a handful of villas in the distance still had their lights on. Looking at all that was present, Xiao Chen had the feeling of being one of the previous generation.

Being driven out of Xiao Family, becoming a cultivator of true virtue, then becoming the young lady’s servant. All of this felt so long, but in reality, it was only two days.

He originally believed that transferring to another school and being low-key while slowly cultivating and investigating the manipulator behind-the-scenes would be an easy matter. Only, he didn’t think that on the first day of the transfer, he would become enemies with a junior of the Lou Family!

However, Xiao Chen was not afraid of getting into trouble. In Tian Lao’s words, ‘Why would a Truth Cultivator be afraid of others? It was others fearing a Truth Cultivator!’

Unconsciously, Xiao Chen suddenly heard an even snoring sound near his ear. Turning his head, he found that Young Lady Cheng had fallen asleep!

The Young Lady was lying down on the roadside bench, sleeping.

On Cheng Mengying’s delicate face were two dimples from the tranquil smiling face, causing Xiao Chen to be spellbound upon seeing it.

This was Xiao Chen’s first close contact with the Young Lady. He suddenly discovered that the young lady was really beautiful and lovable. The previous him had his eyes on Lin Ke’er and Shen Jingxuan, so he had ignored the Young Lady.

Of course, this was just Xiao Chen’s survival strategy. But Xiao Chen’s heart, at this moment, really moved a bit.
Taking off his school uniform shirt, he covered the Young Lady’s body with it. The night air was cool, so Xiao Chen was afraid that the Young Lady would catch a cold. He was indifferent about it because ever since he had become a Truth Cultivator of First Layer Qi Training, Xiao Chen found that his physique was obviously better than before by manifolds….

In fact, Xiao Chen wanted to hug the Young Lady. But thinking about it, she no longer was his fiancee and there couldn’t be direct contact between men and women. What would he do if the Young Lady woke up tomorrow and got angry at him? Therefore, Xiao Chen decided to accompany the Young Lady here.

Moreover, Xiao Chen could now cultivate anywhere. Being on the bench made no difference….

“Small Chenzi, tempted?” Tian Lao’s wretched voice rang in Xiao Chen’s ears.

“How can I be tempted? Currently, she already isn’t my fiancee….” Xiao Chen bitterly smiled while replying.

“You really have no ambitions! Don’t forget what you are right now: a Truth Cultivator. An extremely flamboyant Truth Cultivator, do you still care about these?” Tian Lao responded disapprovingly due to Xiao Chen not being able to have a far vision.

“Hehe….” Xiao Chen laughed and didn’t say anything. He directly revolved the ‘Seizing Good Fortune War Mantra’ in his body, cultivating once more.

In the Anorectal Ward of First People’s Hospital in Songning City.

Ma Gangmen lay on the bed with his whole body constantly shivering. His anus that was almost kicked to **** by Xiao Chen had just been stitched twice. However, after the anesthesia wore off, what followed was a piercing pain!1

“Gangmen, how is it? Are you fine?” Lou Zhenming’s gloomy face asked Ma Gangmen after the operation finished.

“Brother Ming, I’m fi….ne!” Ma Gangmen replied with a pale face.

“Brother Ming, this matter can’t be forgotten! We have to avenge Gangmen now that he’s been beaten into this ah!” Monkey said while gnashing his teeth.

“Damn, today I was mistaken! This kid isn’t a Martialist, but he has some brute force. If it were I who raised my hands today, it would have been over!” Lou Zhenming was very confident towards his own strength: “It was just that now that I want to raise my hands, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be that easy. Deng Xiaokun, that kid, definitely is staring at us. At least for a short period of time, we can’t use this pretense to deal with Xiao Chen!”

“Then we just let off that kid like this?” Monkey was unwilling in his heart.

“Let off?” Lou Zheming cloudily said: “How can we let him off? Though we can’t raise our hands, we can find someone else to do it! Don’t forget what my family does, we can casually look for a few people. How wouldn’t we be able to torment him to death?”

“Makes sense, but if we use Lou Family’s helpers, won’t it be found out by Deng Xiaokun?” Shou Hou’s was very intelligent as he immediately discovered the flaw.

“You’ve got a point. If this is known by Deng Xiaokun, that guy would definitely incessantly pester us!” Lou Zhenming nodded: “We’re Daoists, so we have the follow the rules of Daoism. Him holding the information can make our lives miserable! How about I check if I can hire some outsiders!”

“En, this is the best way. When it’s time that he’s dead, you’ll be clean!” Monkey said with approval.

Lou Zhenming nodded and a fierce look flashed in his eyes. Monkey’s words had reminded him. If Lou Zhenming wanted to teach Xiao Chen a lesson before, then right now, Lou Zhenming already wanted to kill Xiao Chen.
Although there were only a few people that knew today’s matter, however, as long as he saw Xiao Chen, Lou Zhenming couldn’t help but think about what happened in the gym today. Only if Xiao Chen disappeared from his eyes would he be able to swallow his fears.

Growing up in an underworld environment made Lou Zhenming more sinister than other Aristocratic Family juniors. Killing, to him, was nothing out of the ordinary. Only, at school, due to school rules, he hadn’t killed anyone. At most, it was severe injury and this, under the cover of Lei Dianfeng, had not been exposed.
After thinking for a moment, Lou Zhenming pulled out his cell phone and dialed Lei Dianfeng’s phone number.
“Young Master Ming, the gym has been cleaned up. Today again it’s another person who doesn’t have eyes entering the hospital right?” Lei Dianfeng had just cleaned up the gym. Upon seeing a pool of blood, he thus asked while taking pleasure in others misfortunes.

‘Today’s person has been hit quite hard. There being so much blood, this person at least should be in the hospital!’

“Damn, drop it. The one in the hospital is Ma Gangmen!” Lou Zhenming replied in a bad mood: “Today, he fell headfirst in front of the country bumpkin!”

“Ah?” Lei Dianfeng was confuzzled for a moment, then immediately became somewhat stunned. Lou Zhenming’s strength, he knew. Although it wasn’t as good as him, it wasn’t weak either. How could he suffer a disadvantage in the hands of a country bumpkin? Isn’t this unscientific? But, Lei Dianfeng still asked with a bit of nervousness: “Young Master Ming, do you have any complications?”

If Lou Zhenming had any complications, he Lei Dianfeng wouldn’t be able to explain it. His presence in this school was to take care of Lou Zhenming!

“I have no problems because I didn’t raise my hands. If I had raised my hands, then the one lying in the hospital would be the country bumpkin!” Lou Zhenming had total confidence in his own skill: “Before, I was careless and thought that for a country bumpkin, Ma Gangmen was enough So I let them fight a round, but who would know that the country bumpkin had Innate Supernatural Strength? He absolutely had no Inner Qi, but Ma Gangmen totally did not have the strength to hit back! It really makes me angry!”

“So that’s how it is….” Lei Dianfeng let out a sigh of relief: “Young Master Ming, tell me what should be done next!”

“Teacher Lei, I want to murder him!” Lou Zhenming ferociously replied.

“Murder….” Lei Dianfeng frowned and carefully said: “Young Master Ming, this person, how to say, is the school’s student. If he died after having just had a conflict with you, then suspicions would be on you….”
“Of course it wouldn’t be our people raising their hands.” Lou Zhenming replied: “Teacher Lei, you often box in the underworld with the wanted criminals in the other cities, so you should know some of them, right? As you know, money makes the world go round….”

“Understood! Young Master Ming, I know how to do!” After Lei Dianfeng listened to it, he thought, ‘Lou Zhenming is really clever ah! If it were the wanted criminals in other cities, then the blame wouldn’t be pulled onto him and Lou Zhenming’s bodies.’

At the same time, in a private box in a bar near First High, Zhao Yuliang’s face darkened as he bumped cups with Chen Jinpeng.

“Cheng Mengying transferred and Xiao Chen was given to her as a servant?” Chen Jinpeng thought that it was inconceivable, where had this news come from?


  1. TLN: Yes, I had to put ‘to ****’ because of the word ‘anus’. 

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 153

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VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 152

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Chapter 153 – Wait, Almsgiver

“I really troubled you, I haven’t thanked you last time yet, and now you have to come in person…” I said.

“No worries, I’m rather free here,” Secretary Li joked.

“Okay then, let’s leave it like that,” I hung up the phone, and returned the mobile phone to Wu Yingying.

“You also know Uncle Li?” Wu Yingying received the phone, and said while putting it back into her bag.

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“So you know quite a lot of people!” Wu Yingying giggled. She decided to find another day to ask Fatty Wu, to see what’s the background of this person, it should be the son of a rich businessman or government official.

At this moment, Owner Zhang’s face was pretty much green, what kind of person did he wrong, it looks like not only the male has some background, that female was the same, she was able to call the people from the Industrial and Trade Bureau here with a call, he definitely ran into a huge problem. Originally he thought that these kids with a suitcase of cash were just upstarts, he never would have imagined that they actually were so amazing. Is bringing cash to go shopping the trend now?

Now that it has come to this, he has no other choice. Leave the Hong Kong side for later, since they have already cooperated for so long, that side won’t blame him too much for selling the car, he’ll just compensate with money at worst, it was better to deal with the situation at hand first.

Thinking that, Owner Zhang gave in a little and said, “Please don’t be angry, I’ll go and do handle the procedures for you immediately.”

I smiled, and threw the two hundred thousand left over to him as well, then said, “Take this two hundred thousand to handle the procedures and buy insurance, the extra is tips. Also get the car plate ready! If you say this earlier, I wouldn’t have needed to move right? It wasted so many cells!”

Owner Zhang wiped away his sweat and agreed.

Apparently, a period of time later, Owner Zhang was chosen as the model for the best service within the car market, the reason was because that regardless of the customer’s background, regardless of what they wore, he would serve them with smiles, and patiently explain everything to them…

Recently, I always feel like someone is watching me behind my back, but whenever I turn over, I wouldn’t find anyone there.

The six sense in my body tingled even more, I don’t know if it was related to my weird superpower. Anyways, I just have a feeling of being watched every single time I do out, although I tried to find the person behind it multiple times, they always ended in failure. I even got Guo Qing to get some people to pretend to be bystanders to follow me, but they didn’t notice anyone suspicious, and that feeling still remained.

I acted the same as usual this day, and stopped the car in the courtyard of the Industrial Bank, just when I got off the car, I saw a figure blink to behind the tree.

Haha! I finally found you! I was so happy at that moment, screw it, you caused me to not be able to sleep well these two days!

I pretended like nothing happened, locked the car door, and walked towards the entrance to the courtyard. Before I walked five meters, I immediately concentrated to use my superpower, and swiftly arrived behind the tree that the figure just now was hiding behind.

“Bro, it’s been tiring for you right!” I laughed coldly as I patted his shoulders.

“Ah… ****! A ghost!” The black shirted person turned around, and found the person that he was keeping a tab on appear behind him like a ghost, it nearly caused him to pee his pants! What kind of person is this, 1 second ago he was at least twenty meters away, and the next moment he was behind him.

“Shout your ***!” I swore. “Say, why are you following me!”

“I… I… I…” The black shirted man was already completely freaked out, he repeated the word “I” three times. When his big boss told him to keep tabs on someone, he thought it was something easy, he never would have thought that this person was so terrifying!

“I what!” I slapped him, and said, “Are you going to talk or not!”

“I’ll talk… I’ll talk, I’ll say everything! Big bro…. No, daye, let me go, I have old and young in my home, I really have no ill intentions!” The black shirted man already collapsed onto the floor, and begged.

“Why do you have so much ********, just answer whatever I ask you, what intentions do you have of following me?” I yelled.

“Daye, I really have no intentions, it’s just that our boss sent me over to follow you, and check in secret whether there is anyone suspicious around you!” The black shirted person said out the truth in terror.

“Sent you to follow me?! What is your boss?” I asked weirdly, I could faintly feel that there seems to be a mistake here.

“It’s Guo Qing!” The black shirted person continued to dip his head, and didn’t dare to raise it.

I sweat! I keep sweating! I sweat like a waterfall! I super duper mega sweat!

“Why did you say that earlier, ****! Get up quickly,” I swore.

“Daye, you’re going to let me go?” The black shirted person asked tremblingly.

“Of course, okay now, hurry back, stop following me,” I sent him away.

“Daye, if I return like this, Guozi-ge would skin me!” The black shirt person said with a troubled face. Before he left, he promised that he would definitely complete the mission, and it hasn’t even been half a day and now he’s being sent back, wouldn’t he get beaten up by Guozi-ge?

“Okay now, I’ll speak to him,” Saying that, I took out my mobile phone and dialed Guo Qing’s number.

Even Guo Qing has changed to Motorola 8200, but I was still using this huge model, I looked at the gigantic thing in my hand, was it time to change one? At this time, the GSM telephone feels are really robbing money, six kuai per minute, it would be nice if the signal could at least be improved, so that unlike now, I’m holding the mobile phone and still have to find signal when I make a call.

After dialing the phone, I said, “Guozi, did you send a person to follow me?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?” Guo Qing asked weirdly. Ever since the following failed the previous day, Guo Qing thought, since a open plan didn’t work, then he would do it discretely, and just didn’t tell anyone before transferring a lackey over, told him the gisps of the mission, and didn’t say anything else.

“****, why didn’t you brat say that earlier, this person nearly got beaten up by me!” I swore while laughing.

“Beaten up? Beat him up for what?” Guo Qing asked weirdly.

“How did I know who he is! I thought I caught the person following me, who knows that actually you sent him!” I said with displeasure.

“Hehe!” Guo Qing laughed, “Didn’t I do it for you, Boss!”

“Okay now, I’ll handle this myself, I’m telling the person to go back.

I’m really speechless, I thought I had caught the mastermind, and got so excited, but only then did I find out that I caught someone on my side.

“This Almsgiver, please wait!” Suddenly a dark voice sounded out from behind it, from the voice, the person was no more than two meters away from me.

This voice instantly gave me a creepy feel, and caused cold sweat to drip from my forehead.


  1. N/a

Chapter 152 – Shocked Car Shop Owner

Meanwhile, I sat on the sofa outside, and casually chatted with Wu Yingying. Wu Yingying grew up in the military camp, and was someone who wasn’t afraid of anything as well, so she wasn’t worried about what was going to happen.

After the middle-aged man finished his call, he glared at me fiercely, and thought, laugh now, it’ll be your turn to cry later. Just randomly accusing you guys of oppressing the market, disturbing public safety would be enough to have you in custody for several days.

About ten odd minutes later, we saw several people in police uniform rush over. I didn’t even raise my head at all, Wu Yingying was the same as me, the two of us were having a discussion about the car plate number, as if the car has already become ours. According to Wu Yingying’s thoughts, she can just casually get a military car plate from her dad. However, I felt that the Lamborghini itself was already eye-catching enough, if it has a military car plate as well, it would be too much. Therefore, I felt that it was better to lay low a little, worst come to worst, we’ll just get some help from Jiang Yongfu for a car plate with a nice number.

“You two dare to cause trouble here?” The person in the lead yelled. “Do you want to die?”

“Biao-ge, you came, it’s the two of them! Causing a ruckus here!” The middle-aged man said.

The muscular brute first looked greedily at the suitcase of cash on the table, and only retracted his gaze from a large while. He thought, this person is so ******* rich, if he doesn’t squeeze some out of him with such a good opportunity, what is he waiting for?

Thus, he walked towards Wu Yingying and I with a weird smile, and said “You two, come with me to the security office!”

Wu YIngying and I continued our topic, and neither of us raised our heads.

“I’m talking to the two of you! Did you ******* hear me!” The muscular brute in the leader immediately got pissed after seeing that the two people in front of him didn’t treat him as anything special, and continued to chat and laugh.

“I’m talking to you, you deaf person!” A little security guard behind couldn’t stand it anymore, so he shouted and rushed up. The first thing he did afterwards was grab my collar.

“Who are you shouting a!?” I immediately sent a kick his way. He ******* actually dared to grab my collar!

“Ah…” The guard that rushed up gave out a cry of pain, then flew away, crashing down beside the Lamborghini.

“Why did you use so much strength! Don’t trash my car!” Wu Yingying said worriedly, her expression was like as if the Lamborghini was already her personal belongings.

“You actually ******* hit people? You got sick of living right! Grab him, and teach him a good lesson in the security office!” The person in the lead also get anxious, and roared.

Only now did I straighten my messed-up collar, and stood up. I looked casually at the brute in front of me, “If you don’t want to be like your lackey just now, then you better shut up!”

“****! I don’t believe that I can’t murder you!” The brute in the lead immediately got angry, and rushed over pointing at me.

I didn’t pay attention to this kind of small fry at all, I just stood there without moving .The muscular brute called Biao-ge thought I was too shocked, so he dashed over pridefully, and raised his fist towards me.

I nimbly dodged the attack, and casually kicked, hitting Biao-ge’s crotch perfectly. Biao-ge immediately felt an overwhelming sense of pain, and laid on the floor, unable to get up.

The two lackeys behind Biao-ge looked at each other, signaling each other that they have met someone strong! However, from the looks of it, the two of them didn’t think of me as anything special. They just treated me beating Biao-ge just now as dumb luck!

The lackey behind Biao-ge suddenly picked up a metal bat and smashed it down upon me. I found it rather funny, you two communicated so long with your eyes and finally came up with this idea? Using a metal bat to hit me?

I casually reached out my hand to grab the metal bat, Lackey A pulled it a bit, but he couldn’t move it. Yet, he didn’t have any sense of worriedness, instead he had a sense of happiness on his face! I found it rather weird, of course, I immediately understood his intention!

Lackey A was diverting my attention, so I would move away! This is because Lackey B had already silently creeped behind my back, holding another metal bat, and was about to smash it onto me!

“Peng!” Before I made a move, Lackey B full heavily onto the floor, I looked around, and saw that a fire extinguisher was in Wu Yingying’s hands, she looked at Lackey B on the floor with a smirk and said, “Is your stupid bat as powerful as my fire extinguisher?”

Seeing that Wu Yingying handled the problem in front, I didn’t play around with Lackey A anymore, and forcefully flung him away, causing him to land heavily onto the well, and instantly faint.

Seeing the ferocity of us two easily handling the people that he called, the car shop owner couldn’t help but shudder. However, recalling that he is rather important in this car shop, and he has to keep his face. If he just submits now, how’s he going to survive in the industry!

Therefore, he forced himself to stay calm and say, “I old Zhang is also a tough guy in this area, ask around, there really isn’t any that dares to be cocky in front of I, old Zhang!”

“Say, Owner Zhang, I don’t know if you are a tough guy, and I don’t want to know. Because there’s no need to,” I found it a bit funny. “I’m just going to ask you know, are you going to sell this car or not?”

“This-This car is a display item, the main company has said that it can’t be sold…” Owner Zhang didn’t dare to be too forceful, the two people in front of him just beat down four muscular brutes, with his physique he was clearly not an opponent.

“If you aren’t selling it, then why did you tell is that this car’s three million and eight hundred thousand?!” Wu Yingying interrupted from the side.

“About this…” Owner Zhang was instantly placed into an awkward spot.

Owner Zhang was troubled right now, if he knew it would turn out this why, he would have settled it a bit nicer, now he truly has moved a boulder to drop on his own feet. He was really afraid of the people in front of him beating him up if he says something wrong.

“Hey, is it Uncle Li? I’m Yingying! I’m at the Huifeng car shop in the car market, and got interested in a car, but this owner refuses to sell it to be… It’s a Lamborghini sports car… Sure, then I’ll wait for you!” Wu Yingying actually added oil to the fire and dialed the phone number of Secretary Li of the Industrial and Trade Bureau.

Wu Yingying’s call was extremely loud, the angry words of Secretary Li from the other side of the phone was clearly heard by Owner Zhang, when he heard “cancelling business license”, his face was scared white.

After Wu Yingying finished speaking, I signaled her to not hang up, and directly took over the phone.

“Secretary Li, I’m Liu Lei,” I said.

“Liu Lei? Why are you with Yingying?!” Secretary Li said in surprise.

“I’m going to gift the car to her, so I ran into a bit of trouble!” I chuckled.

“Fine, wait there a little, I’ll go over in person,” Secretary Li said.


  1. N/a

Chapter 31 – You Won’t Be Hungry If You Fall Asleep

Wow, a new chapter after a month and 10 days of inactivity. – raltzero

As a result, the lost Young Lady began cursing Xiao Chen at the school gates. She treated the stone under her foot as Xiao Chen and kicked it to death!

Xiao Chen actually didn’t waste too much time. He ran fast and had already pursued her to the school gates, where he happened to hear the Young Lady ruthlessly curse him out. He could not help but break into sweat on his forehead! Kick his little brother….she can’t be that ruthless ah?

Usually Cheng Mengying isn’t this kind of vicious girl. Apparently, you can’t judge a person by their cover!
“Cough cough!” Xiao Chen coughed twice and stood behind Cheng Mengying.

“Who?” Cheng Mengying jumped in fright. She quickly turned around and discovered that it was Xiao Chen. She let out a relieved breath, but immediately tensed up again. The words that she had said in anger just before shouldn’t have been heard by this guy right? ‘If he heard it, then I’ll die of shame! I even talked about his…little brother!’

“Xiao Chen, you scared me! Appearing and disappearing so unpredictably, when did you come?” Though Cheng Mengying said these words, the last sentence was actually the most important.

“Just now, why?” Xiao Chen pretended to be nonchalant. He clearly understood in his heart that Cheng Mengying wasn’t here to hear his jokes. Moreover, she probably wanted to seize the opportunity to plead mercy for him to Lou Zhenming. Although Xiao Chen didn’t know the specifics, it could be seen from Cheng Mengying’s attitude.
However, Xiao Chen wasn’t curious. He knew that the young lady had a reason for doing so. It was nothing but sympathy towards him and in addition he was her servant, so she didn’t wish for him to have an accident. However, sympathizing with him and secretly liking him were two different matters, and Xiao Chen wasn’t so narcissistic either.

During the time he had not been driven out by Xiao Family, the Young Lady could stand him, not to mention now. Therefore, Xiao Chen didn’t bother to question her. Questioning too much would create awkwardness like misunderstanding that she liked him. Just knowing the Young Lady’s goodwill was enough.

“Nothing, I thought you were going to give up.” Cheng Mengying snorted: “This Young Lady can’t find her way home, so I’ll give you a chance. Take this Young Lady home!”

“Uncle Cheng didn’t come?” Xiao Chen felt that Cheng Mengying being so proud was funny. To be frank, Xiao Chen’s memory was good, but he knew that the villa wasn’t close to the school. Although it was only 10 minutes by car, if it was by walking, it was at least half an hour!

“Of course he didn’t come. If he came I would have gone early! Do you think that I would wait for you?” Cheng Mengying coldly replied. Of course, even if Cheng Zhongming came, Cheng Mengying would still wait for Xiao Chen but how could she openly admit it?

“Let’s see if there’s a taxi around here, so that we can ride a taxi back. If we walk from here, it would take at least half an hour. Do you have a car?” Xiao Chen used to drive to and from school, but the car has been taken away now so it suddenly felt a bit unfamiliar.

“No, before, I used to live in the school, so why would I have a car?” Cheng Mengying rolled her eyes, hmphed and said: “Do you think I’m like you, Young Master Xiao, coming and leaving school with a car every day? Using a fancy sports car to pick up girls?”

“Cough cough….not having a car is not having a car….” Xiao Chen’s thick skin turned red. It was very hard to explain.

“This Young Lady has decided to buy a car and afterwards you’ll be the driver!” Cheng Mengying thought for a bit. Not having a car was inconvenient. Formerly in First High she had lived in a school dormitory. However, Second High didn’t have such an accommodation. All of the students were commuting students, therefore a car was very important.
As they were speaking, a taxi drove over and stopped in front of Cheng Mengying and Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen skillfully boarded in the copilot seat, leaving the Young Lady sit in the back row.

The taxi driver felt that it was a little weird. ‘Isn’t this boy and girl a couple? Why aren’t they sitting together? Are they having a fight?’

Xiao Chen stated the address of the villa. The taxi driver, upon seeing that they were going to the same place, realized that it was evident that they were living together. It was estimated that they were having a fight, so the driver said while driving: “Young fellow, it seems that you and your girlfriend are having a fight?”

“Hehe….” Xiao Chen didn’t express an opinion because the relationship between him and the Young Lady was really hard to explain. How could he say that he was the Young Lady’s servant? Who would believe it? They weren’t in front of a member of an Aristocratic Family, so it would be very hard to believe that someone would have a study companion and servant….

“Don’t laugh. Having such a beautiful girlfriend, but not knowing how to appreciate and instead fighting! Don’t blame me for talking too much, I’m an experienced person!” The taxi driver sighed and said: “When I was young, I also quarrelled a lot with my wife because of some trivial stuff. We were always fighting, but when she became sick and lied on a bed unconscious, then turning into a vegetable, I could only regret endlessly….”

“Now I only regret not treasuring every moment I had, ai! But it has passed. Don’t think that I’m making a fuss, I just want to tell you this: Young people must understand how to treasure, treasure your happy times together!”

Xiao Chen was silent. Happy times? He, from infancy to now, felt that he had no happy times! From the start he was intelligent. Just because he couldn’t cultivate Inner Qi was hard and painful. Every night he would exercise, and then keep a smile the next day while pretending to be a dandy in order to reduce others hostility towards him!
However, even so, it still bought in others harassment. Saying that the families breaking their engagement was to be expected!

Would he promise to live for himself? The answer is no! Xiao Chen’s regret was that he would go back home every day just to exercise nonstop, leaving no time for him to talk to his father to chat for a bit. Thinking about it now, Xiao Chen really regretted it. His father was missing and he didn’t know when he would see him again….

“Young fellow, figured it out?” The taxi driver, upon seeing that Xiao Chen wasn’t speaking, thought that Xiao Chen had figured it out and then said: “Then I’ll stop right now so that you go to the back and sit together with your girlfriend!”

“Eh….” Xiao Chen’s bad temper disappeared after the preaching, it was really undeserved ah!

“Pu….” The young lady could not help but laugh out loud, then helped Xiao Chen out: “Shifu, thank you, but we aren’t a couple. I’m a bit tired, so I’ll lie down on the seat for a bit….”

After she finished talking, Cheng Mengying, perhaps in order to prove her words, laid her body down on the seat.
“Unexpectedly sleepy! Young fellow, you should step out and make your girlfriend lay in your arms!” After the taxi driver finished talking, he stopped the taxi. Stopping it at the roadside, he greatly forced Xiao Chen to get off, sticking with his position.

Xiao Chen couldn’t find a way out, so he could only get off to sit to the back seat. But when getting on, Young Lady Cheng actually glared at Xiao Chen’s eyes, ‘If you dare to touch me, then I’ll never forgive you!’

Fortunately seeing that Xiao Chen got off the car to go to the back, the taxi driver didn’t say too much, because they would arrived at the destination soon.

After getting off, Xiao Chen wanted to pay the fee but the young lady had given the fare first. Apparently, she had taken into consideration Xiao Chen’s economic status and didn’t force him to pay!

‘Buy a car, have to buy a car!’ The Young Lady had made up her mind. If this were always misunderstood, what would they do afterwards?

The sky had already turned dark, but the first floor villa light was open. Obviously, Ye Xiaoye was on the first floor.

Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying entered the villa together and saw that Ye Xiaoye was working on something in the kitchen.

‘She should be making dinner!’

Then the young lady suddenly realized that she hadn’t eaten dinner! When she was in her previous school, she had always eaten at the school cafeteria, but today, because she went to check up on Xiao Chen, she missed the dinnertime cafeteria. Now that she had returned home, she found herself hungry!

“Xiao Chen, go order something to eat.” The Young Lady ordered Xiao Chen.

‘Order something? Where would they order something at this time?’ Xiao Chen actually wasn’t hungry because prior to the evening self-study class, he had eaten the steamed rolls that Tang Tang had bought and the remaining lobster and abalone. However, it seems like the Young Lady had not eaten anything.

‘It can’t be helped.’

Xiao Chen went towards the kitchen to see if he could talk it over with Ye Xiaoye, so that he could bring something to eat to the Young Lady.

The glass door to the kitchen was slid opened and what made Xiao Chen frown was that he didn’t smell the scent of cooking food, but rather a heavy smell of medicinal herbs smell. Smelling this, Xiao Chen couldn’t help but choke and sneeze!

Ye Xiaoye turned her head and coldly looked at Xiao Chen’s eyes then said: “I’ll immediately go up when I finish, wait a bit!”

“Well, I just wanted to ask a question: is there any food in the villa? Or do you have any extra left from your dinner?” Xiao Chen thought in his heart, ‘Not sure if this cool little girl has any illness, unexpectedly brewing a pot of traditional Chinese medicine.’

“No.” Ye Xiaoye coldly pointed at the clay pots on the kitchen top and said to Xiao Chen: “These are my medicinal pots. Don’t use fish and meat in it. If you want to make food, go buy your own cooking utensils.”

After she finished talking, Ye Xiaoye no longer paid any more attention to Xiao Chen. After she closed the fire and poured the medicinal soup into a bowl, she proceeded to carry it out of the kitchen and directly went upstairs.

Xiao Chen shook his head. Living together with such an indifferent neighbor really was a dull matter. However there was no food in the villa and there was nothing Xiao Chen could do about it. Thus, he turned to the Young Lady and said: “There’s nothing to eat. How about we go out and eat something?”

Although Cheng Mengying didn’t want to go spend more time outside, there was nothing in the villa and there was nothing that she could do about it as well. Hatefully staring at Xiao Chen’s eyes, she replied: “How come you didn’t leave me some of the seafood banquet at noon!”

“E….” Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, thinking in his heart, ‘If I offered some to you, would you want it?’ With Young Lady Cheng’s disposition, would she be willing to eat his leftovers?

But when the two people walked out of the villa, they became dumbfounded!

Why? Because the villa area simply didn’t have any taxis passing through! The ones living in this area were mostly rich people with cars and besides, this district had very few taxis passing through, not to mention the villa area!
However, walking to the district entrance from the villa was a good three to four kilometers. For Xiao Chen, it wasn’t a problem, but for Cheng Mengying, it was a bit far.

“How about….you bear it?” Xiao Chen didn’t have a solution. The villa area was full of villas and didn’t even have a snack bar.

“How can I bear it? Being hungry when going to sleep will keep one awake!” Cheng Mengying glared at Xiao Chen’s eyes.

“You won’t be hungry if you fall asleep.” Xiao Chen said.

Chapter 30 – Proud Lovable Young Lady

“Okay Xiao Chen, this time we admit defeat!” Lou Zhenming didn’t think that this matter would turn out like this. Ma Gangmen’s strength, among the non-Fighters, was around the top. In Lou Zhenming’s opinion, as long as he exercised for some time, he would be able to successfully break through to First Layer Inner Qi Fighter. However, he didn’t think that Xiao Chen, who they had thought to be a country bumpkin without the strength to fight back, would be such a fierce figure!

Moreover, according to Lou Zhenming’s watching perspective, Xiao Chen was not a Fighter because his kick did not have Inner Qi. Him being so fierce could only be attributed to his strength being huge and his bodily reactions being more agile!

Therefore, Lou Zhenming’s loss wasn’t willingly. If it was Deng Xiaokun who had beat him up, then he wouldn’t have any ideas. Then, it would be that Ma Gangmen’s strength was not as good as the opponent, so being beat up was just beating up. On the other hand, Xiao Chen….an ordinary person, was unexpectedly powerful!

Ma Gangmen obviously had no opportunity to make a comeback and continuing would only bring disgrace, so Lou Zhenming simply admitted defeat.

“Admitting defeat? Before when we wanted to admit defeat, you disagreed. Now, according to your rules, it’s only been five minutes and there are still five more minutes. It hasn’t even been ten minutes, so how can you admit defeat?” Deng Xiaokun unrestrainedly stated Ma Gangmen’s rule from before.

Lou Zhenming looked at Deng Xiaokun’s eyes resentfully, feeling incomparable fury in his heart. ‘Damn you Ma Gangmen for not being sure of victory! You made so many rules and now it’s like picking up a rock just to drop it to your foot right? It’s like boasting that you’re a genius when you’re a trash!1



Xiao Chen once again kicked Ma Gangmen’s anus. Previously, Ma Gangmen decided not to spare person, so how could Xiao Chen let him off easily now? Hitting halfway and letting him off wasn’t part of Young Master Xiao’s disposition. Moreover, even if Xiao Chen let Ma Gangmen off, how could Lou Zhenming consider it as finished?

At most, he would admit defeat in the short term and afterwards, he would definitely be thinking about revenge. Therefore, Xiao Chen might as well be ruthless towards beating Ma Gangmen up. Creating a psychological shadow within him from abusing him would be best.

“Ao….” Screaming like a slaughtered pig, Ma Gangmen felt that his anus wasn’t his own. His anus had already split open, blood stained his pants….

Cheng Mengying somewhat could not bear to keep watching. Xiao Chen was very vicious, but Cheng Mengying also knew that if Xiao Chen hadn’t knocked Ma Gangmen onto the floor, then the one howling on the ground now would be Xiao Chen.

Apparently, although Xiao Chen was a waste because he wasn’t able to cultivate Inner Qi, his physical quality was very good. At least, it was much better than the average person.

Ma Gangmen didn’t think that when he previously set the abuse time for 10 minutes with Xiao Chen, it would become his own nightmare. Ten minutes, which had seemed to be an instant for Ma Gangmen, became incomparably slow!

Ma Gangmen was kicked from behind once again and his entire body became numb. He could only pray in the heart, ‘hurry up, hurry up’….

At last, the unendurable ten minutes passed and Ma Gangmen felt like he had come from the execution grounds. He was like a dead dog lying on the ground, gulping in air heavily!

“Kneel and lick my shoes!” Xiao Chen looked at Ma Gangmen, eyes without the slightest sympathy, and coldly said.

“Xiao Chen, leave it!” Lou Zhenming couldn’t bear it anymore: “Let’s write it off today’s matter and leave it at this, okay?”

“Okay, then in that case, forget it.” Xiao Chen nodded. Ma Gangmen’s situation now made it impossible for him to lick Xiao Chen’s shoes. He had been kicked by Xiao Chen on the ground until he couldn’t move! In addition, Xiao Chen didn’t want to force Lou Zhenming to become too anxious!

At least Lou Zhenming had clearly stated that today’s matter would be written off. Although his words weren’t so credible, within a short time, it was assured that Lou Zhenming wouldn’t find him for trouble. That alone was enough!

What Xiao Chen currently lacked the most was time! If one day he had Tian Lao’s level of strength, and the time came to face even the entirety of Lou Family, then what would there be to be afraid of?

And what happened today would probably not be spread out due to Lou Zhenming being a face-saving person. How could he tell others about this face-losing matter? Deng Xiaokun didn’t know about his identity and young lady was estimated to not speak irresponsibly, therefore Xiao Chen was very reassured.

Regarding Xiao Chen’s action on letting off Ma Gangmen, Deng Xiaokun nodded in approval. Before, when he was teaching Ma Gangmen a lesson, he didn’t make Lou Zhenming completely lose face. Being flexible was one of the characteristics of a great person.

In Deng Xiaokun’s opinion, 5 minutes and 10 minutes, although it was a large difference for Ma Gangmen, made no difference for Lou Zhenming. The person suffering was Ma Gangmen, not Lou Zhenming.

However, if Ma Gangmen kneeled and licked his shoes, the one losing face would be Lou Zhenming! Even if he endured it today, he wouldn’t let it go tomorrow. However now, the matter had passed.

“Shou Hou, open the door and deliver Gangmen to the hospital. I’ll send Young Lady Cheng home!” Lou Zhenming’s complexion was gloomy. Today’s matter was beyond his control, so he needed time to cool down.

“Yes, Brother Ming!” Shou Hou quickly ran and opened the gym door, but didn’t expect that when he opened the door, he would actually see Tang Tang standing at the doorway!

Shou Hou was confused for a bit, but didn’t say anything, thus allowing Tang Tang to rush in!

“???” When Tang Tang saw Xiao Chen’s perfectly fine appearance and the one lying on the floor with status unknown was Ma Gangmen, she immediately froze. Looking a bit startled, she looked at Deng Xiaokun: “Did you beat him up?”

“It was Xiao Chen….” Deng Xiaokun wryly smiled: “I was just buying soy sauce.”2

“Don’t say that! Today’s matter, thank you!” Xiao Chen patted Deng Xiaokun’s shoulder, seriously said.

Shou Hou walked over and lifted up Ma Gangmen, then quietly walked out of the stadium. Formerly, he often did this matter: carrying away the people that were beaten and throwing them into the hospital. But today, he was carrying his brother Ma Gangmen.

“Cheng Mengying, it’s very late. How about I take you home?” Lou Zhenming earnestly asked after he took a deep breath and used the hand gesture to invite towards Cheng Mengying.

“No need, a car will pick me up.” Cheng Mengying shook her head.

“So it’s like this ah….” Lou Zhenming didn’t have any doubts. After all, considering Cheng Mengying’s identity, if there wasn’t a private car to pick her up or she didn’t drive home herself, it would be weird. Therefore, Lou Zhenming didn’t force it. Instead, he nodded and replied: “Then see you tomorrow!”

After Lou Zhenming finished speaking, he quickly hurried towards Shou Hou’s direction to catch up. He had methods on winning over people’s hearts over. Since he wasn’t able to send Cheng Mengying home now, he naturally accompanied Ma Gangmen to the hospital. As for the gym door, there really wasn’t a need to pay attention; the night guard would come to close it.

“What’s the matter ah? How could it be that the one lying on the ground was Ma Gangmen?” Tang Tang looked at Xiao Chen with a bit of shock: “You did it?”

“En, I come from the mountains. Having enormous strength is normal because I often fight with wild animals for practice.” Xiao Chen smiled and said: “Just a bit of brute force!”

“Oh, so that’s how it is!” Deng Xiaokun nodded: “No wonder you’re so powerful and have such quick reactions, so it was like this!”

“But if it wasn’t for your social status, I’m afraid that it would be a 3 versus 1, and the one on the ground would probably be me!” Although Xiao Chen had confidence in dealing with a 3 people, now wasn’t the time to expose his strength, so on the surface he was grateful: “Xiaokun, I recognize having your kind of brother!”

“Haha, we already are good brothers! Us two and Tang Tang can be like the three sworn brothers in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!” Deng Xiaokun said laughingly.

Cheng Mengying stood alone, not knowing why, but at this moment when seeing Xiao Chen, Tang Tang, and Deng Xiaokun chatting, she felt uncomfortable in her heart. Perhaps those three were worldly people and she already wasn’t on the same level as him….

‘However, you’re still this young lady’s servant right? Being so cold to this young lady, what a *******! Actually, Xiao Chen is innocent ah. I told him not to publicly announce our relationship in school. Thinking about it, no one wants a loser fiance right?’

“What are you still doing here? Xiao Chen hasn’t been beaten, are you disappointed?” Tang Tang saw Cheng Mengying and her original smiling face turned cold.

“You guys….” Cheng Mengying stomped her foot and briskly walked to the entrance of the gym….the young lady’s chest angrily rose and fell, that’s right, she was about to explode!

Xiao Chen watched Cheng Mengying run away and faintly sighed in his heart. He wanted to catch up to her, but due to Tang Tang and Deng Xiaokun, it wasn’t good to directly leave. Apparently, Tang Tang had misunderstood the young lady!

“Xiao Chen, do you have any matters in the evening? How about we find a place to drink two cups?” Deng Xiaokun asked.

“Next time. I’m a bit tired today, so I’ll go back….” Xiao Chen hesitated before rejecting the offer. Who knows what would happen to the young lady?

“Fine, then next time!” Deng Xiaokun didn’t care. Many things had happened today and it was only Xiao Chen’s first day transferring over, so being tired was normal.

However, Tang Tang felt pensive. Her cheeks swelled and she wanted to say something, but eventually didn’t say it. Instead, she said: “Xiao Chen, go back early, see you tomorrow!”

“En.” Xiao Chen nodded and quickly ran out of the gym, running towards the young lady’s direction.

Deng Xiaokun didn’t think too much about it. He thought that Xiao Chen feared Lou Zhenming’s retaliation. But Tang Tang knew that Xiao Chen was definitely chasing after Cheng Mengying!

‘How is Cheng Mengying any good, for you to be so foolish? Didn’t you see that she came to see the excitement?’ Tang Tang felt that Xiao Chen was stupid for not seeing this! However, she also understood. After all, Cheng Mengying was Xiao Chen’s former fiancee, so he definitely still had some feelings….

“Dead Xiao Chen, rotten Xiao Chen, why didn’t you tell me you were powerful earlier. You made this young lady worry in vain and made me talk so much rubbish to Lou Zhenming! Wait for this young lady, this young lady has also learned your moves. Next time I’ll kick your little brother, kick your butt….” Cheng Mengying went to the door and found herself dumbfounded. It was midnight and she could not find the way home. Her father also hadn’t come to pick up herself, so how would she be able to go home?


  1. TLN: If anyone can figure out what the last line means, go ahead: 沒有那金剛鉆,裝什么大半蒜! 
  2. TLN: If you don’t already know, ‘I was just buying soy sauce’ is a phrase meaning ‘I was just passing by’ 

Chapter 29 – Guessing The Beginning, Not Guessing The Ending

“Okay, don’t get mad.” Xiao Chen patted Deng Xiaokun on the shoulder. Deng Xiaokun helping this far today had made Xiao Chen feel very grateful: “I agree to your condition. I’ll fight a round with ‘Horse ***’.”

“Good, you’re very good!” When Lou Zhenming heard Xiao Chen unexpectedly call Ma Gangmen “Horse ***”, he was happily enraged: “In a moment, I’ll see if you can say the words of ‘Horse ***’!”

“Keep in mind kid, you call me, Grandpa Ma, Ma Gangmen!” Ma Gangmen started moving his body, getting ready to fight. In his opinion, though Xiao Chen wasn’t admitting his mistakes right now, in a moment, he would be on his knees crying.

“Understood, Anus(gāngmén), Horse *******(pìyǎn er).” Xiao Chen nodded.

“Ma Gangmen, let’s start. It’s useless to argue with him!” Lou Zhenming waved, directly commanding Ma Gangmen.

“Heihei, okay!” Ma Gangmen coldly snickered twice, then walked towards Xiao Chen with his iron tower-like body. In his eyes, Xiao Chen had the physique of a small chicken, thus beating him up was going to be a breeze!

Deng Xiaokun was watching this with his eyes, feeling anxious in his heart. If Ma Gangmen really started, ten minutes was enough to make Xiao Chen paralyzed. At that time, everything would be too late! If Xiao Chen had any problems, how would he explain himself to Tang Tang ah! How would he be able to say that his guarantee was worth anything when the time came!

“Wait!” Deng Xiaokun clenched his teeth and made his decision. This decision was for Tang Tang! He could see that Tang Tang was very worried for Xiao Chen, therefore in order for him not to see Tang Tang sad: “I can kneel, but this kneel only represents me….”

Deng Xiaokun’s words made all the people present shocked. Lou Zhenming was shocked, the Young Lady was shocked, and even Xiao Chen himself was shocked!

Lou Zhenming really didn’t think that Deng Xiaokun would compromise for an outsider! Young Lady did not expect that Xiao Chen’s personal relations would be so good to this degree! Only Xiao Chen seemed to faintly understand. Although Deng Xiaokun had a sense of loyalty, however, it definitely wasn’t to the extent of sacrifice for a meal at noon! All of this was perhaps due to Tang Tang!

But whether or not it was, Xiao Chen was very grateful. He was very moved! Deng Xiaokun, Deng Family, he wrote it down in his heart! This favor would never be forgotten! In his most dire straits, when he became an ordinary person, Deng Xiaokun had helped himself.

“Too late! The fight has already started, whatever anyone says is useless now!” Lou Zhenming wasn’t stupid. Though Deng Xiaokun said that he would kneel, it only represented himself and did not have a relationship with Deng Family. This meant that his kneel was only worth a fart! Lou Zhenming naturally wouldn’t comply. But in order to avoid Cheng Mengying feel that he didn’t have any inconsistencies, he used the excuse that the fight had already started.

“Thank you!” Xiao Chen smiled at Deng Xiaokun and said: “In a moment, the one who kneels, begs for mercy and licks the other person’s shoes is uncertain….it’s just a pity that I’m wearing sneakers today. Licking this clean would be a little difficult!”

“Pu….” After Deng Xiaokun listened to Xiao Chen’s words, he could not help but laugh. He didn’t expect Xiao Chen to be so optimistic. However, he decided that if Xiao Chen was in a tight spot in a moment, he would forcefully take him out.

“Don’t say these useless words, quickly begin!” Lou Zhenming was looking forward to Xiao Chen’s bloody scene, thus, he could not help but impatiently shout.


Ma Gangmen’s eyes flashed with a bloodthirst! His fist maliciously punched out, ruthlessly pounding towards Xiao Chen. Ma Gangmen’s punch was done unflinchingly. As long as his punch connected, he would beat Xiao Chen to death! Daring to give him, Ma Gangmen, a nickname? Really didn’t want to live!


It was just that after Ma Gangmen swung his fist, he discovered that something was wrong. He didn’t feel the usual refreshing feeling of knocking someone down, but rather felt like he was hitting an iron sheet!

Ma Gangmen took a closer look at his own fist and saw that it was unexpectedly caught by Xiao Chen!

‘****, this kid’s reaction speed is quite fast, he could unexpectedly catch my fist!’ Ma Gangmen had underestimated him in his heart. ‘This kid’s strength is pretty strong to use only a palm to block my fist.’

But Ma Gangmen didn’t care. Sometimes fighting required skill, not just brute force. ‘Xiao Chen probably prepared himself when I was previously getting myself ready, but there won’t be a next time!’

Thinking up to here, Ma Gangmen immediately retracted his fist. He wanted to once again attack Xiao Chen and batter him to the left and right, wanting to see if he could resist it!

Only, Ma Gangmen was a bit anxious in the next moment. This was because his fist was still held by Xiao Chen’s hand! Though he wanted to pull it out, he actually couldn’t pull it out!

“Release me!” Ma Gangmen suddenly increased the amount of force used to pull his hand, wanting to take back his fist. However, he found that his fist was still inside Xiao Chen’s hand, unexpectedly motionless!

Seeing that he couldn’t pull out his right hand, Ma Gangmen didn’t move. He was forced to use his left fist. In his opinion, if Xiao Chen guarded his left fist, he would relax his vigilance and he would take the opportunity to take his right fist out.

The idea was fine, but reality is cruel. When Ma Gangmen’s left hand punched out, it was also held by Xiao Chen. He found out that the idea had become the Titanic! With both hands caught, how would he be able to hit?

“Ma Gangmen, why are you playing around? You think this is an Inner Qi fight between families?” Lou Zhenming had not experienced it personally, so it was very hard for him to think that Ma Gangmen had fallen prey to Xiao Chen, therefore he frowned and said: “Quickly push him to the floor, stop playing around!”

Not far away, Deng Xiaokun’s lips curled up into a smile. ‘This Xiao Chen has hidden quite deeply….oh, I shouldn’t say ‘hidden too deeply’.’ This was because of what Deng Xiaokun saw. Although Xiao Chen was fiercer than Ma Gangmen, Xiao Chen definitely wasn’t a Fighter. He didn’t use Inner Qi, so that is to say, he wasn’t even a First Layer Inner Qi.

This meant that Xiao Chen probably had a physique such as Innate Supernatural Strength. If such a person practiced Inner Qi, then that person’s future would be limitless ah….

Ma Gangmen was going through an unspeakable bitter suffering. He wanted to say that he had been held by Xiao Chen, but wouldn’t it sound like a joke? He was Lou Zhenming’s dignified subordinate. If it was spread that he was held by a transfer student, then Ma Gangmen would not only lose face, but also Lou Zhenming’s face.


Just as Ma Gangmen was thinking of ways to turn this around, Xiao Chen started his elimination. To be exact, Xiao Chen used his foot and kicked at Ma Gangmen’s crotch, making Ma Gangmen shout “Ao!”. Ma Gangmen’s whole body felt the pain and he jumped up, then started sweating profusely on his forehead.

Although Xiao Chen was a First Layer Qi-Training cultivating true virtue, the method of teaching others when he was a dandy was retained; directly greeting the opponent’s weakest point! But during those times it was usually Chen Jinpeng beating the opponent up, then Xiao Chen striking once more.

After kicking Ma Gangmen’s lifeblood, Xiao Chen took the opportunity to let go. Ma Gangmen directly kneeled on the floor in pain with his hands over his crotch, suffering terrible pain!

This scene, except for Deng Xiaokun who already expected it, made Lou Zhenming, Shou Hou and Cheng Mengying all open their eyes wide. Lou Zhenming also didn’t think that the one kneeling on the floor would be Ma Gangmen, moreover so rapidly!

Cheng Mengying actually knew Xiao Chen’s method of giving others a hard time: kicking the little brother of the opponent. Formerly, Cheng Mengying felt that this was shameless. She felt that Xiao Chen was completely relying on Chen Jinpeng’s, thus allowing him to oppose his opponent. Not to mention kicking the little brother of the opponent, she estimated that he wouldn’t even be able to touch the enemy’s body!

But today completely subverted Cheng Mengying’s awareness! Xiao Chen unexpectedly forced Ma Gangmen to fall on the floor? ‘This guy is so formidable and fortunately has me to worry about him, thinking up ways to help him. If not for him, I and Lou Zhenming wouldn’t have talked so much nonsense! Made this young lady infuriated! Xiao Chen, wait for this young lady….this move, this young lady has learned, wait for this young lady to kick your little brother….’

Just, after thinking up to here, Cheng Mengying’s face immediately turned red….

Although Lou Zhenming had been focusing on Ma Gangmen and Xiao Chen’s body the entire time, he had also been paying attention to Cheng Mengying from the corner of his eye. Seeing that Cheng Mengying’s face turned red after watching Ma Gangmen being knocked down, he thought that Cheng Mengying was excited to see the sight of a bloody scene!

‘Originally, Cheng Mengying really did like hot-blooded violence ah! But unfortunately, the one knocked down today is my, Lou Zhenming’s, subordinate. Thus, doesn’t this mean that my, Lou Zhenming’s, status will plummet in Cheng Mengying’s heart?’

Thinking up to here, Lou Zhenming had a fit of agitation for no reason. He cried loudly at Ma Gangmen: “Are you dead or alive?! If you’re alive, then get up for daddy and severely beat him!”

Actually, Lou Zhenming did not need to state it so clearly. Ma Gangmen already was raving mad! He had never suffered such hardship ah! He hated it ah!

‘How could it be? How could Xiao Chen be so powerful?’

Ma Gangmen bore the pain and put his hands on the ground. He prepared to get up, but didn’t expect that Xiao Chen had gone around to his back at an unknown time and used his foot to kick his *** crack!


This kick of Xiao Chen’s directly kicked Ma Gangmen’s anus with the tip of his shoe. Before Ma Gangmen had even tried to get up, he cried “Ao!” once more and his whole body flew forward, heavily skidding on the floor of the gym. His nose also started bleeding, flowing everywhere.

“Waaaah!” Ma Gangmen’s intestines were almost kicked out of his anus by Xiao Chen. As he painfully struggled on the floor, both his eyes turned red. He wanted to kill Xiao Chen, but he couldn’t even get up!


Another kick!

Just as Ma Gangmen was about to raise his head, Xiao Chen directly stepped on his head. Ma Gangmen directly had some intimate contact with the ground and this time, not only was Ma Gangmen’s nose bleeding, even his mouth was full of blood! His teeth knocked on his lips, not only scraping his lips, but also knocking out a couple of teeth!

“Brother ***, oh, no, Brother *******, how do you feel?” Xiao Chen’s shoe sole was rubbing back and forth on Ma Gangmen’s face, making Ma Gangmen unable to speak a word and only able to issue a “wu wu” sound.

Chapter 28 – Young Lady Also Spectates

“Nevertheless, call me Cheng Mengying or Young Lady Cheng. Right now, we aren’t very familiar with each other.” Cheng Mengying lightly said on the surface. In her heart, she was feeling incomparable loathing and feeling even more hateful towards Xiao Chen!

‘You *******, giving this young lady trouble on the first day, then making this young lady pretend to have affection towards Lou Zhenming. You infuriate this young lady! If not for seeing that you’re very pitiful due to Cheng Family, this young lady would be disinclined to manage your life! Hmph, do you still think that you’re the beforehand ‘Young Master Xiao’? Going to school to provoke Lou Zhenming and making this young lady plead for you after he beats you up a bit can be considered teaching you a lesson!’

“Okay, then I’ll call you Cheng Mengying!” Lou Zhenming was thinking that Cheng Mengying’s meaning was that only after they were familiar with each other would he be able to call her ‘Mengying’. Thus, he was immediately feeling very joyful.

One afternoon quickly went by and what will come, will always come.

After the evening self-study, Lou Zhenming once again went to Xiao Chen.

“Xiao Chen, this time you don’t have any arguments right? Currently, there are no lessons and school has ended, so you can come along with me right?” Because Cheng Mengying was going to be spectating, Lou Zhenming was in a very happy mood. Therefore, his tone of voice towards Xiao Chen wasn’t as bad as it was previously.

“Okay, where are we going?” Since Xiao Chen had made the decision, naturally he didn’t talk ******** with Lou Zhenming and directly stood up.

“Even if I say it, you wouldn’t know because you’re a newcomer. Just follow me!” Lou Zhenming naturally did not say that they were going to the gym. There were a lot of people in the classroom and if other people knew that he was going to the gym, he was afraid that someone would suspect how he, Lou Zhenming, would be able to get the gym keys.

One has to know, besides the occasional after school sports clubs using the gym, the gym is always locked.

“Isn’t it just going to the gym? Being so mysterious, I understand. Just go!” Deng Xiaokun lazily stood up and followed behind Xiao Chen!

Deng Xiaokun’s move made Xiao Chen a bit moved. Regardless if it was because of Tang Tang’s words or the seafood that he had eaten during lunch time, at the very least, Xiao Chen took down Deng Xiaokun’s human sentiment! Originally, Xiao Chen thought that since he had fallen, only Zhu Yingxiong would never betray his side. He didn’t expect that after just transferring to Second High, he would actually meet two like-minded friends, Tang Tang and Deng Xiaokun.

“Deng Xiaokun? Are you following to create trouble?” Seeing Deng Xiaokun also standing up, Lou Zhenming immediately frowned, and said: “This matter doesn’t concern you, stay on the side!”

“Lou Zhenming, isn’t this about the meal at noon? I also ate!” Deng Xiaokun replied: “If you think you spent a lot, then how about I treat you to a banquet some day?”

“Damn, your treat? Who do you think you are, huh?” Lou Zhenming immediately became a bit angry. If it was as usual, he would give face to Deng Xiaokun. Although Deng Family went down in the world, Deng Xiaokun was said to be a Fighter with strength higher than Lou Zhenming by a bit. Therefore, in the school, Lou Zhenming tried to not have any conflicts with Deng Xiaokun. Rabbits are quick to bite, it wasn’t worth it even if he could beat up Deng Xiaokun.1

But today, because Cheng Mengying was spectating, Lou Zhenming wanted to show off in front of Cheng Mengying. Even if this was superficially, where would he ever find another good opportunity?

If a man doesn’t step on people, how can a man show off a man’s domineering side?

“Lou Zhenming, have you eaten a gun? Apparently, it seems that even my, Deng Xiaokun’s, face is worth nothing. I kindly offered myself as the peacemaker, but since you don’t appreciate it, then I’ll take a look along with Xiao Chen. Let’s see if you can play any tricks!” Deng Xiaokun coldly replied. Although his Deng Family had declined, it was still enough to make other people wary.

Deng Xiaokun’s words immediately made Lou Zhenming knit his eyebrows! Although Lou Family is currently strong, if Deng Family went all out, then Lou Family wouldn’t feel any better! Originally, if not for Deng Family’s Deng Dao being injured and Deng Family wanting to save strength thus leaving their domain and Aristocratic Family seat on their own initiative, and instead wanted to recklessly fight it out to the end with Lou Family, although Lou Family would eventually win, it certainly would be this kind of scene right now. Not even mentioning the Aristocratic Family seat, Lou Family wouldn’t even be able to maintain their current territory! After all, to fight to the bitter end with Deng Family, Lou Family would also lose a lot of strength. By then, why would those small gangs take orders from Lou Family?

However, even though Lou Zhenming was upset, it wasn’t a good idea to get angry with Deng Xiaokun directly. He could only take a deep breath and think up countermeasures of how to stop Deng Xiaokun from interfering.

Lou Zhenming was in the front guiding with Xiao Chen and Deng Xiaokun following, and behind them were Ma Gangmen and Shou Hou. Not far away, there were even more following people, namely, Cheng Mengying and….Tang Tang!

While Tang Tang didn’t directly follow, because she worried, she followed from far away. Cheng Mengying was going to watch Lou Zhenming teach Xiao Chen a lesson, so she naturally was following in the back.

Tang Tang had discovered Cheng Mengying and Cheng Mengying had also discovered Tang Tang, but both of them weren’t familiar with each other so they didn’t talk. Because Tang Tang became friends with Xiao Chen, she had no good feelings for Cheng Mengying who had broke off an engagement with him.

Very quickly, the group arrived at the northeast corner of the school where the gym was. At that moment, the gym was very dark. Ma Gangmen took out the keys and skillfully opened the door, then opened the lights of the gym.

After Tang Tang saw Cheng Mengying also going into the gym, then unexpectedly stand on Lou Zhenming’s side, she could not help but knit her eyebrows! From the looks of it, it seemed that Cheng Mengying was a group with Lou Zhenming?

‘Could it be that it was actually Cheng Mengying finding Lou Zhenming to teach Xiao Chen a lesson? She wouldn’t be that horrible right?’

Thinking up to here, Tang Tang started disliking Cheng Mengying even further.

‘Seems like the most poisonous thing is a female’s heart, that was your former fiance!’

However, Tang Tang had forgotten that she was also a female and that she also hated her fiance Yue Shaoqun. If there was a chance, she would not hesitate to beat up Yue Shaoqun!

It was just that, in Tang Tang’s opinion, Yue Shaoqun was a hypocrite with a bellyful of dirty tricks and Xiao Chen was more genuine.

“Clang!” The gym doors closed.

Because the gym windows were very high, Tang Tang could only see the lights in the gym and couldn’t see anything in the gym. She could only lie on the door of the gym to eavesdrop, but unfortunately, she couldn’t hear anything!

Actually, seeing that Deng Xiaokun and Tang Tang following along, Young Lady Cheng was a bit surprised. She didn’t think that Xiao Chen’s interactions with people would be so good, making Tang Family’s Young Lady and Deng Family’s Young Master speak for him.

Only, these two people’s identities were even comparable to Xiao Chen’s. All of them had gone down.

“Xiao Chen, do you know why I called you here?” Lou Zhenming looked at Cheng Mengying from the corner of his eye, then began to act like he was powerful. He pulled out a toothpick and held it in his mouth, looking like a mafia boss from the movies.

“Enough Lou Zhenming, stop pretending. If you have the capability to put a cigarette in your mouth, then don’t play around with a toothpick to look cool!” Xiao Chen had not even said a thing before Deng Xiaokun started speaking: “Haven’t I already said it? If you want to say something, I’ll accompany you. Is this not about the abalone and lobster at noon? I’ll treat you on another day!”

“You….” Lou Zhenming was unbearably angry. It was not that he didn’t think of smoking, but rather that he had stopped smoking. One has to know, smoking, regarding a fighter, is very harmful. He, in order to cultivate, changed it to using toothpicks. Deng Xiaokun unexpectedly wanted to make him smoke, was this not making fun of him?

“Good! Then, let’s consider the matter at noon as finished. However, this morning, Ma Gangmen’s matter, how should we calculate this?” Lou Zhenming took a deep breath. He knew that Deng Xiaokun would pester him endlessly if he didn’t relent, but he could do nothing. Who made Deng Xiaokun also eat the meal at noon?

“How about you scold Ma Gangmen.” Deng Xiaokun made it clear that he was there to make the water muddier.

“****, scold? If you want to kill me, can I also kill you? Saying this is useless, moreover, Ma Gangmen was already scolded and it wasn’t me. How we teach him will be Ma Gangmen’s decision!” After Lou Zhenming finished talking, he looked at Ma Gangmen to his side, giving a meaningful glance to him.

“How about this, Xiao Chen. I, Grandpa Ma, don’t want to make things difficult for you. Just us two will fight one round and no matter who wins or loses, today’s matter will be forgotten, how about it?” Ma Gangmen said: “The standard outcome is this: the opponent has to kneel, beg for forgiveness, and lick the other person’s shoe. Of course, in order to prevent either side from immediately kneeling, begging for forgiveness and licking the other person’s shoe, there will be a time rule. It can only be ten minutes later, that one can surrender! Otherwise, even if one gets down, they have to suffer a beating. How about it?”

“Lou Zhenming, you think that this is fair?” Deng Xiaokun asked rhetorically: “How about this, I go up and fight one round with Ma Gangmen?”

“Get lost! Deng Xiaokun, I already gave you enough face!” Lou Zhenming cold grunted: “Is this even your business? The one who scolded Ma Gangmen in the morning is Xiao Chen, not you. However, if you kneel on the floor and give daddy three kowtows, then lick off the dust on daddy’s shoes cleanly, then daddy will let Xiao Chen off how about it? Okay?”

“You….” Deng Xiaokun’s anger from Lou Zhenming wasn’t light. This was naked humiliation! Although Deng Xiaokun was very worried for Xiao Chen, however, making him kneel was impossible. If he kneeled, it would be represented as Deng Family’s compromise to Lou Family. From then on, Deng Family’s only domain would also have to be given away!

Lou Zhenming had good calculation. If Deng Xiaokun kneeled today, Lou Family would obtain something very important. Although he, Lou Zhenming, wouldn’t get to teach Xiao Chen a lesson, failing to win Cheng Mengying’s affection, in comparison, he would rather stall his plans.

“Me, what me? I have been very fair. Xiao Chen provoked Ma Gangmen, so he and Ma Gangmen will fight a round. There aren’t any additional people bullying him, what else do you want?” Lou Zhenming turned around to Cheng Mengying after he finished saying that and asked: “Goddess Cheng, you think that I’m fair right?”

“Fa….ir.” Cheng Mengying had no other choice, she could only brace herself and say that it was fair. However, she had already decided that the moment that Xiao Chen fell on the floor, she would step forward to interfere.

“Did you hear that, Deng Xiaokun, Xiao Chen? Cheng Mengying also transferred over today, so it isn’t possible for her to be a group with me. If she says that it’s fair, then it’s fair!” Lou Zhenming said.


  1. TLN: Probably something about Deng Family attacking over Deng Xiaokun being beat up if he were beat up 

Chapter 27 – Greatly Hopeful

“It’s like this….” Tang Tang said the circumstances in the afternoon to Deng Xiaokun once more, then said afterwards: “Okay Deng Xiaokun, you don’t need to worry about this. This isn’t your problem!”

“****, Xiao Chen, you’re amazing!” After Deng Xiaokun heard the whole story, he immediately gave Xiao Chen a thumbs up: “Tricking Lou Zhenming of 200,000, you’re really daring! However, these abalone and lobster were really delicious.”

“Deng Xiaokun, are you taking pleasures in others’ misfortunes? This is amazing?” Tang Tang frowned and then turned to look at Xiao Chen, saying: “Xiao Chen, after school ends, don’t listen to Lou Zhenming and don’t go with him. I’ll take you home! Let’s see if he can do anything then!”

“Tang Tang, although your method doesn’t have an issue, avoiding it once doesn’t mean one can avoid it forever!” Deng Xiaokun interfered and said: “Dude, what you should be doing right now is to figure out how you offended Lou Zhenming. First find out why, then act appropriately to solve the problem.”

“How would I know?” Xiao Chen wryly smiled: “This morning, Ma Gangmen wanted me to pay up 10,000. However, I didn’t have the money. Then in the afternoon, they asked to treat me to a meal and as for the following matters, Tang Tang has already told you. Tell me, how did I offend him?”

“That’s true!” Deng Xiaokun couldn’t help but frown after hearing Xiao Chen’s words. Indeed, if it was according to what Xiao Chen said, there was no hatred between the two people. If anything, the hatred was just created during lunchtime.

But Lou Zhenming had no reason to treat Xiao Chen to a meal. Just for 10,000 protection money, there was no need to go to war. Treating Xiao Chen to a meal, then trying to make Xiao Chen pay for the meal was just plain stupid. Xiao Chen couldn’t even pull out 10,000 for protection money, so where would he have the money to pay for the meal?

“All right, I’ll just go along with them after school ends.” Xiao Chen indifferently said: “Deng Xiaokun, what you said is right. Avoiding them once doesn’t mean that it’s avoidable forever. It just so happens that I want to question them on why they want to bully me.”

“Xiao Chen, it’s not that I’m looking down upon you, but if you follow them tonight, it’s predicted that you won’t come in tomorrow!” Deng Xiaokun racked his brains, then said: “Xiao Chen, do you know what Lou Zhenming’s family does?”

Previous, during the morning class, Xiao Chen and Tang Tang had spoken in low voices, so Deng Xiaokun didn’t hear anything. Therefore, he didn’t know about Xiao Chen’s background. Thus, he thought Xiao Chen didn’t know about Lou Zhenming’s Aristocratic Family background.

“What do you mean?” Although Xiao Chen already knew about what Lou Zhenming’s family did, he could only pretend to not know! Truth to be told, Lou Zhenming, Ma Gangmen and Shou Hou, these three, Xiao Chen paid no attention to. He had strength equivalent to a First Layer Inner Qi! If he wanted to, he could send Lou Zhenming’s group of three to experience Western Paradise!

“Lou Zhenming belongs to Lou Family, the Lou Family of the Nine Aristocratic Families. Moreover, Lou Family has origins with the underground, occupying three-fourths of the underground land in Songning City. Such a son of a gigantic underworld enterprise, do think that going along with him will end up with a good result?” Deng Xiaokun said: “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. In the school, several students have been beaten up to the point that they had to drop out!”

Drop out? They must have been seriously hit to drop out! Xiao Chen didn’t think that this Lou Zhenming was this ruthless! When he was ‘Young Master Xiao’, he had also bullied others, but it was never so serious.

“Then tell me, what should I do?” Xiao Chen asked. Although he didn’t know why, Xiao Chen felt that Deng Xiaokun wasn’t so simple. Perhaps it was the vision of an aristocratic family junior or perhaps it was due to his intuition from cultivating true virtue.

“Speak no more!” Deng Xiaokun replied: “Since you didn’t do anything to offend him, then just ‘talk it out’. After you ‘talk it out’ openly, there won’t be any more problems.”

‘Talk it out’ was an underworld gang’s jargon for negotiation, so Xiao Chen naturally understood.

“Then what do I do if they don’t want to talk with me?” Xiao Chen asked in return.

“Sigh, one is partial to those whom presents have been accepted…who made me eat so much of that abalone and lobster at noon?” Deng Xiaokun sighed somewhat helplessly: “After school ends, I’ll go along with you.”

“You?” Xiao Chen counter-questioned.

“Dude, don’t look down on me! I am the ‘Brother Kun’ in this school and am also very famous!” Deng Xiaokun proudly stated as he patted his chest.

Tang Tang pondered for a moment, then said: “Xiao Chen, what Deng Xiaokun said is right. Get a chance to talk it out with Lou Zhenming. It isn’t an option for this to continue, so I’ll also go with you guys.”

“Come on, monitor Tang! If you go, I’ll also have to take care of you. The you right now is not Tang Family’s Young Lady Tang, okay? I, alone, will be enough for the talk in the evening!” Deng Xiaokun said.

“Let it go, Young Master Deng! Is there a difference between you and I? Don’t forget which family your Deng Family is being substituted by!” Tang Tang was intelligent. She quietly pointed out Deng Xiaokun’s identity, but had not talked about Xiao Chen’s identity. Since Xiao Chen wanted to make a fresh beginning, his identity naturally couldn’t be exposed.

However, Tang Tang wanted Xiao Chen to know what kind of person Deng Xiaokun was!

Sure enough, Xiao Chen understood. Deng Family….was the family that was replaced by Lou Family!

Deng Family was also a family affiliated with the underworld. Of course, it wasn’t entirely of an underworld nature, but it was more of a half-black/half-white existence. As for the half-white part, Deng Family had the largest Industrial Security company and Martial Hall, and as for the half-black part, it occupied a large share of Songning City. However, it did not sell drugs!

Drugs is an underworld gang’s important source of income. Deng Family did not sell any and also did not let the other factions sell. If it was sold, it would be immediately plundered. This was the reason why Deng Family was especially hated. As a result, a new underworld family arose, and under the support of an honored one, it combined with other small gangs and dealt a fatal blow to Deng Family!

Even though Deng Family wasn’t destroyed, it was damaged severely. Its influence wasn’t as it was prior to the event and Deng Family’s strongest Fighter, Deng Dao, was seriously injured. With its strength greatly reduced, it forced Deng Family to drop out of the ranks of the Nine Aristocratic Families alliance and become an ordinary family in Songning City.

What made Xiao Chen surprised, however, was that a person from Deng Family was here. It was just a mystery on how Deng Xiaokun and Deng Dao were related.

“Don’t worry about substituting or not! This Young Master is strong, at the very least the deterrent effect is still there!” Deng Xiaokun said: “I don’t believe that Lou Zhenming wants things to blow up. If I entered the hospital, my Deng Family, although it currently isn’t strong, it isn’t a soft persimmon to pinch! Don’t worry, with me, I guarantee Xiao Chen’s safety!”

After Tang Tang heard Deng Xiaokun’s words, she thought about it, then nodded, saying: “Deng Xiaokun, seems like you’re very kind. Looks like this class monitor being kind to you hasn’t been in vain! Xiao Chen, let Deng Xiaokun accompany you this evening!”

“Come on, all you do is give me some of your unsold break sticks and sesame seed cakes in the morning. How is that being kind?” Deng Xiaokun rolled his eyes: “I took the initiative simply because of the seafood I ate at noon. I don’t eat for free, okay?”

Tang Tang knew that Deng Xiaokun was a man of loyalty. But this loyalty was towards her, Tang Tang’s, words, instead of Xiao Chen. Tang Tang did not think that Deng Xiaokun would do anything for Xiao Chen since it was the first day they had met.

While Tang Tang and Deng Xiaokun seem to be buddies, these two were actually together from elementary school, middle school, and now through high school. These many years, if not for Tang Tang and Yue Shaoqun already being engaged, these two being childhood sweethearts wouldn’t be too much of a stretch.

Cheng Mengying sat in her seat, frowning due to the fact that Lou Zhenming was going to find trouble with Xiao Chen after school ended.

‘I….should I help or not? If I help, then the relationship between me and Xiao Chen would be exposed. Then Xiao Chen’s identity would be exposed…I’m afraid that this isn’t the result that Xiao Chen wants to see. But if I don’t help, then I would have to see Xiao Chen be beat up on the first day, right? Although Xiao Chen indeed needs a beating in my opinion, he is this lady’s servant, so I can’t let others hit him, right? It would only be good if this young lady beat him up herself.’

And so, Young Lady Cheng was very puzzled and ended up not paying attention in the following class, just thinking about what to do in the evening.

Only, just as Young Lady Cheng was still thinking, Lou Zhenming came over on his own initiative and sat on the empty seat next to Cheng Mengying: “Cheng Mengying, nice to meet you. My name is Lou Zhenming and I’m from Lou Family!”

After he finished saying that, Lou Zhenming put out his hand and looked at Cheng Mengying with an earnest vision.

“Oh, hello….” Cheng Mengying naturally could not shake hands with Lou Zhenming, so she just indifferently replied.

“Mengying, I, Lou Zhenming, in this school, am a very capable person. If you meet some trouble in the future, just say it to me; I’ll help you out!” Lou Zhenming said: “Of course, with your position as Young Lady Cheng, you probably won’t need me. However, if you have any problems, such as wanting to teach someone a lesson or so, I can do it for you, so that Young Lady Cheng can avoid dirting her hands!”

“Oh? I heard that you wanted to teach Xiao Chen a lesson in the evening?” Cheng Mengying wasn’t too sure how to meddle in this matter, but now that Lou Zhenming had bought it up, Cheng Mengying pretended to casually ask about the matter.

“Xiao Chen ah, that kid doesn’t know the difference between heaven and earth! At noon, he invited us to eat lunch and ended up in ordering a lot of abalone and lobster. Then he also made me pay for it thinking that I was a rich handsome guy!” Lou Zhenming naturally did not tell the truth. In his opinion, Cheng Mengying shouldn’t know the truth becase she was sitting so far away.

“Oh….” Of course Cheng Mengying did not believe that Xiao Chen would take the initiative to invite Lou Zhenming out to lunch, but she quietly said: “Oh? Then how will you teach him a lesson?”

“I’m preparing to take him to the gym. What, Mengying, are you interested in taking a look?” Lou Zhenming invited in order to curry favor with her.

“This….then I’ll come take a look….” Cheng Mengying nodded, seemingly excited. She was feeling relieved in her heart! She wanted to go because if Xiao Chen was about to be badly beaten up, she could stand up at the right opportunity to urge Lou Zhenming to stop and consider the matter as finished. She would then say that she was sick at the sight of blood and it would be predicted that Lou Zhenming would give her face.

Cheng Mengying was very clear on Lou Zhenming’s thoughts. Even at First High, when she had Xiao Chen as a fiance, she was still surrounded by pursuers. One of them, for example, was Zhao Yuliang.

“Okay Mengying, I’ll call you in the evening!” Lou Zhenming was feeling joyful in his heart. He was thinking, ‘Cheng Mengying also likes violence? It seems like it is and after thinking about it, it should be. Previously, when she had a fiance, he was a cheating tyrant looking at other girls. Since Cheng Mengying was willing to be engaged with him, then she definitely likes me!’

As for the present engagement break off, Lou Zhenming didn’t think too much about it. That was entirely the family’s behavior. How could these Aristocratic Family juniors have the right to choose who they wanted to be engaged to?

As a result, Lou Zhenming felt that him matching up with Cheng Mengying was very hopeful! Was he not Cheng Mengying’s favorite type of boy?

Chapter 26 – Turns Out You’re A Rich Guy

“Many thanks for QunShao’s reminders, I really appreciate it! Later on when you need to use this little brother, QunShao, just open your mouth!” Lou Zhenming quickly said with gratefulness.

“Well said, well said.” Yue Shaoqun waved and said: “Then you guys continue your meeting, I’ll leave first!”

“QunShao, take your time ah!” Lou Zhenming happily said.

However, Yue Shaoqun, who had turned around, curled his lip.

‘Cheng Mengying? You think she’s so easy to pursue? Not even speaking about Cheng Mengying not agreeing, even if she agreed, Cheng Family wouldn’t even have a liking for your Lou Family!’

However, these words couldn’t be said out loud. Saying them would only make Lou Zhenming unhappy.

‘It would be better to encourage him and letting him think that I am good to him!’

Inside Yue Shaoqun’s heart, he also wanted a piece. But due to having Tang Tang as a fiance, Yue Shaoqun could only endure. Yue Shaoqun, for a long time now, was a little darling before other people, an existence of what word ‘genius’. Therefore, before completely breaking off the engagement, he wouldn’t be able to pursue others.

Yue Family had already spread rumors several times of breaking off an engagement with Tang Tang after Tang Tang had grown into this appearance. If Yue Family asked her to become a daughter-in-law, wouldn’t they become laughingstocks! And Tang Family, naturally was somewhat in the wrong, so Tang’s Master had also tacitly consented in this matter.

Only, Yue Family and Tang Family currently have a cooperation. In order to maintain this cooperation, Yue Shaoqun and Tang Tang got engaged. Even though both families know that this engagement will be broken off sooner or later, it’s a way to maintain relations right now.

Tang Family being indifferent to Tang Tang moving out of the family illustrates this point.

After Yue Shaoqun left, Lou Zhenming was also lost in thought. Cheng Mengying’s identity was Cheng Family’s Young Lady, so in this case his pursuing policy should be adjusted accordingly. Fortunately his pursuing policy didn’t to a disaster.

Xiao Chen returned to the classroom building with a bag of delicacies. Just arriving at the classroom, he actually saw Tang Tang coming from the other direction with a bag of steamed rolls in hand.

“Xiao Chen? Didn’t I tell you not to leave? Why did you run about? Did Lou Zhenming try to stir up trouble with you?” Tang Tang was surprised for a moment upon seeing Xiao Chen, then asked a bit angrily.

“You didn’t eat your fill?” Xiao Chen looked at Tang Tang’s steamed rolls bag and was suddenly enlightened. No wonder Tang Tang went out before! She had only ate one steamed bun and this steamed bun also wasn’t too big, how could it be filling? But he ignored it!

“No….” Tang Tang turned a rare shade of red, saying: “This is our dinner! In the evening there is individual study time. If you don’t eat some stuff prior, you’ll be hungry.”

“Hehe, not eating one’s fill is just not being full. I also didn’t eat my fill. This isn’t what you think it is, it’s surplus of what I didn’t eat that I want to give to you.” Xiao Chen lifted up the bags in his hands and said with a smile towards Tang Tang who was currently glaring.

“Seems like you have a conscience….this is….abalone? Lobster?” After Tang Tang clearly saw what was inside the transparent food containers, she immediately stared with eyeballs almost popping out: “Xiao Chen, you have money? Even if you have some bank savings, it can’t be spent this lavishly right? Do you know how much money this costs? If you eat lavishly now, what will you do later?”

Tang Tang wasn’t happy to see these delicacies and instead exploded with rage. In her opinion, Xiao Chen had just been kicked from his family. It was reckoned that there should be some bank savings in his hand, but what would he do after these bank savings run out?

Moreover, these dishes cost at least 200,000. This money, how many days of not eating breakfast would she be able to gain this much? Tang Tang’s heart was bleeding….

“How would I have the money to buy this?” Upon seeing Tang Tang’s look, Xiao Chen immediately knew that she had misunderstood and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “This is what Lou Zhenming treated with, the remainder that I got to pack to bring back.”

“Lou Zhenming?” Tang Tang was surprised for a moment then became even more surprised: “He treated you to eat something? This can’t be? Xiao Chen, you don’t need to lie! If you want to lie to me, then we can’t be friends! Tell the truth, I won’t blame you. After all, you had lived a privileged life prior to this….”

“He really treated me!” Xiao Chen shrugged and said the situation beforehand to Tang Tang, including Lou Zhenming’s plot to screw him over.

“You’re quite clever to know to find Director Xu!” After Tang Tang listened to Xiao Chen’s words, she actually believed it and nodded, then said: “However, you’re pretty ruthless. Be careful for his retaliation over how much money you made Lou Zhenming spend!”

“What ought to come will always come. If I didn’t fool him at noon, then the person fooled would definitely be me and I wouldn’t be able to hide if I wanted to, so I might as well fool him.” Xiao Chen said somewhat helplessly: “I really don’t know how I even provoked that kid. Why would he eye me?”

“That’s true.” Tang Tang nodded: “I also feel that it’s strange; why would he eye you? But that’s okay. Inside the school, he would dare to blatantly go against you. Next time he asks you to go somewhere, it’s fine not to go. The rest of the time, I’ll help you eye him.”

“Regardless of this, eat before saying more! In a while, it’ll become cold and unappetizing.” Xiao Chen said. He is cultivating true virtue ah and using Tian Lao’s words, ‘cultivating true virtue is a rare flamboyant high-ended occupation’, why would he fear Lou Zhenming?

“Haha, then I’ll take advantage of your offer!” Tang Tang was impolite and took the bags out of Xiao Chen’s hands. Then they entered the classroom together.

Tang Tang placed the abalone and lobster on the desk. Her eyes glowed with a green light, thinking ‘good taste ah!’

Let alone high quality seafood, she hadn’t eaten meat in a long time. Tang Tang couldn’t help but directly grab abalone to satisfy her craving, put it in her mouth, delicious, it’s truly delicious!

While Xiao Chen looked at Tang Tang’s impatient appearance, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up into a slight smile. During the time he was in First High, it was Zhu Yingxiong who was very good to him. But now in Second High, it’s Tang Tang. These seafood dishes were actually what Xiao Chen specially packaged in order to take it back, otherwise he would not just eat then pack.

Although Tang Tang was a bit chubby, however, she was ‘genuine’. It made Xiao Chen feel ‘this little girl is really lovable’. At least with her, Xiao Chen could be relaxed and didn’t have to worry about being together with a beautiful girl or any type of that concern.

Having this sort of buddy is great, so Xiao Chen didn’t eat any. Before he was kicked from Xiao Family, what had he not eaten? Up to this day, he isn’t greedy about these kind of things.

However, the fragrance of abalone and lobster had attracted the attention of the male sitting in the front of Tang Tang and Xiao Chen. He turned around and somewhat surprisedly looked at the food on the desk: “Damn monitor Tang, buying this many delicious foods, did you win the lottery ah?”

“Deng Xiaokun, if you want to eat, then eat! Xiao Chen is treating!” Tang Tang had never been a stingy person. This can be seen from her giving her lunch to Xiao Chen without hesitation, therefore, Xiao Chen didn’t prevent this.

“Then I won’t be polite ah!” Deng Xiaokun was clearly familiar with her. He directly broke off a lobster claw to gnaw and said while gnawing: “Xiao Chen, I didn’t think ah, you were a rich guy. Looking at your attire, I was almost fooled by you!”

Of course with Deng Xiaokun, Xiao Chen didn’t say too much. After all, Deng Xiaokun and Xiao Chen weren’t familiar with each other.

Xiao Chen followed along and ate a few bites. Not long after, Lou Zhenming brought back Ma Gangmen and Shou Hou back to the classroom. Seeing the chewing motions of Xiao Chen’s group of three, Lou Zhenming’s eyes flashed with a trace of anger!1

‘****, eat all you want, you’ll be vomiting it out tonight!’

Heavily breathing in, Lou Zhenming quelled his anger. What these three were eating was from his own wallet ah! He didn’t even eat a bite of it ah!

“Delicious, delicious, Xiao Chen, thank you. I didn’t expect the school cafeteria’s abalone to be so delicious!” Deng Xiaokun’s said as he ate with both his mouth and hands full.

This grating sound passed through Lou Zhenming’s ears and made him burn with rage. Suppressing his anger, he sat down at his seat.

Deng Xiaokun didn’t take any note of this, however, Tang Tang saw Lou Zhenming’s expression and at this time believed Xiao Chen’s words. Lou Zhenming’s expression was as if he got screwed over.

The first class in the afternoon was self-study.

Originally, Lou Zhenming wanted to find trouble with Xiao Chen after school ended, but seeing Xiao Chen and the others overeating on the other side, it felt a bit unbearable. Thus, he walked to the front of Xiao Chen and looking at Xiao Chen with a cloudy gaze, saying: “Kid, get outside with me!”

“Outside? What do you want to do?” Of course Xiao Chen knew Lou Zhenming’s purpose. It was due to suffering a loss at noon, so Lou Zhenming wanting to teach him a lesson, but he feigned ignorance.

‘What do I want to do? Of course it’s to beat you up!’

But Lou Zhenming couldn’t say this: “You’re a newcomer, so I want to teach you some ground rules. I treated you to a meal at noon, what could I possibly do? Is it possible that you’re afraid?”

“Then say it, I didn’t transfer over on the first day because I skipped classes and got expelled.” Xiao Chen wasn’t afraid of Lou Zhenming, moreover….how wouldn’t Xiao Chen be clear on how Lou Zhenming wanted to hold him?

“Okay, then we’ll talk after school ends!” Lou Zhenming, upon seeing that Xiao Chen didn’t move, thought Xiao Chen was afraid. He could patiently wait until after school ended. At that time, he’ll have to see if Xiao Chen has any reasons to refuse. After saying that, Lou Zhenming turned around and went back to his own seat.

After Lou Zhenming walked, Deng Xiaokun turned his head and said somewhat doubtfully: “I say, dude, how did you offend Lou Zhenming? Before, wasn’t it Ma Gangmen who forced you to pay money? It was only 10,000, shouldn’t it be a piece of cake for you? Shouldn’t you just use financial power to avoid misfortune?2

In Deng Xiaokun’s opinion, Xiao Chen was a tyrant who wouldn’t blink towards this kind of lobster and abalone, how could he be short of 10,000? Why, in an instant, did Lou Zhenming personally act?

Tang Tang actually glared at Deng Xiaokun’s eyes, saying: “Where would Xiao Chen have the money to buy it? This is what Lou Zhenming bought!”

“Lou Zhenming? Then when he talked about treating Xiao Chen to a meal at noon, it was this?!” Deng Xiaokun was immediately astonished. Just like Tang Tang before, his eyes turned wide open. To him, this matter was inconceivable. Lou Zhenming inviting Xiao Chen to a meal then asking him for trouble?

This was simply unscientific! Unless Lou Zhenming’s brain either had a problem, had water in it, or was simply empty.


  1. TLN: Lanky dude/guy will now be ‘Shou Hou’ 
  2. TLN: ‘破財免災’ is an idiom meaning ‘a financial loss may prevent disaster’