Category Archives: Translations

[Vol 1] Chapter 4 – Opportunities

TL: Benguin
Editors: Chichén Itzá

“Extraordinary acts require extraordinary actions.” – Excerpt from Remarks of the Emperor

While everyone was somewhat unsure of Wufeng’s actions, he had already started on the second phase of his strategy. With his current rank, he will not be able to realize all his goals, which is why he has begun preparing to ensure his promotion. However, for his ambition to come to fruition, the training of the recruits could not be neglected, which is why he had left Liang Chongxin in charge.

The ranks directly above that of a company commander are those at the battalion level. However, Wufeng was not aiming to be one of the staff officers from the battalion; instead, he aims to become the commander of the battalion itself. That being said, to be promoted even one rank higher at the moment with his promotion was not long ago was quite hard, to be promoted two ranks directly to the position of the battalion commander could be said to be near impossible. The decision of who can be appointed to that type of rank lies at the brigade level, which in turn, reports to the divisional command. Thus, if he wants to quickly rise up the ranks, he must carefully prepare connections at the division command.

The encampment of the third division lies just outside the north gates. The commander is an old-fashioned middle-aged aristocrat named Hockel, a relative of the minister Pike from the Department of Military Affairs. He lives inside the city and is rarely seen in the headquarters, only dropping by on Mondays to delegate the work to his deputies. His most trusted aide is called Djabou, a lazy, selfish, and greedy individual, who has earned the hate of all the other staff officers. However, since he has the backing of Hockel, there’s nothing that could really be done.

After evaluating all his options, Wufeng decided that he would approach this individual, sending out street informants to trail Djabou. He learned through the reports that Djabou has the habit of going to a tea shop in the eastern part of the city called Moon Gazing Pavilion in the afternoons to listen the storytellers. Wufeng also started going to the Moon Gazing Pavilion every afternoon, changing outfits each day to prevent suspicion. During his observations, Wufeng found that true to the rumors, Djabou is a very stingy person, only ordering the cheapest jasmine tea, occupying the best table, and refusing to tip the storytellers. If not for the accommodating nature of the Pavilion, how could an individual such as this be allowed to remain inside?

Wufeng sometimes would also sit by Djabou’s side. They would occasionally be discussing the tale being told by the storytellers, the most popular being the epic of how the six great families of the eastern continent united to form the great Tanghe Empire over four hundred years ago.

By Wufeng’s design, after less than a month, the constant interactions between the two had made them into good acquaintances. Wufeng would also sometimes pay for Djabou’s tea and tip the storytellers in his stead, but when Djabou offers to return the favor, Wufeng always refused.

Djabou isn’t a slow individual either, and during one of their sessions, he asked Wufeng if there was something that he needed help with. Feeling that their relationship is strong enough, Wufeng didn’t hide anything, directly revealing his ambition for higher promotion as well as his desire to seek Djabou’s help. After some consideration, Djabou felt that there was no risk about his request, only possible gains, so he agreed to Wufeng’s appeal.

Wufeng’s plan was simple, what he needed from Djabou was to convince commander Hockel to visit the Fourth Brigade for an inspection of the troops. With Djabou’s compliments of Wufeng’s successes and recommendations for promotion, Hockel without a doubt will agree. Under no extraordinary circumstance, all that is needed for the appointment of a lieutenant colonel of a battalion is the assent of the major general of the division. As such, since Wufeng is confident of his prior preparations with his company, all that is needed now for the plan to success is the Djabou’s positive influence with Hockel. They agreed that as soon both sides are ready, they would carry out the plan.

As Wufeng finishes his planning with Djabou, Liang Chongxin and the rest of the company’s three-month intensive training is also coming to an end. When Wufeng evaluated the troops, he found that they were even better than his original expectations. Seeing this, Wufeng is both pleased with his correct choice of aide and confident in the success of his plans for promotion.
At the ceremony announcing the end of the training, Wufeng also read out the list of names of those who displayed great abilities, complimenting them on their successes, and promising to recommend them for better positions.

At the same time, Wufeng also got in contact with Djabou, giving green light for their operation. A week later, the Fourth Brigade of the Third Division received notice that the General of the Division will personally inspect the troops of their brigade. Because of Hockel’s general lack of participation in affairs of the division, the brigade leadership placed great importance in this visit, giving special attention to ensure that the preparations were exemplary.

Three days later, Major General Hockel arrived along with the rest of the divisional staff. During the inspection, Hockel asked to see the progress of the new recruits, a request that the Fifth Battalion was only too happy to oblige. During their performance, the discipline, skill, and energy displayed by Wufeng’s company was both commendable and clearly better than the rest, gaining the approval of officers.

Similarly, General Hockel was also very pleased. Seizing this opportunity, Djabou greatly complimented Wufeng. After learning that Wufeng was also born from the aristocratic class, Hockel felt that not only was Wufeng young and talented, but also have great pedigree, making him a young talent that should be nurtured. Immediately, Hockel proposed to the other officers of the Battalion that Wufeng should be promoted to a more important position.

As the General made this proposal, the rest of the Divisional staff also expressed their approval. Seeing this, the Brigade leadership immediately took action, immediately approving the Wufeng’s promotion to the command of the Fifth Battalion of the Third Division, Fourth Brigade. The current battalion commander was transferred to the second battalion, the command of the second transferred to the first. The first battalion commander was promoted onto the Brigade staff. Under Wufeng’s recommendations, Liang Chongxin was also promoted to replace him as company leader.

As noon rolled around, the Fourth battalion leaders invited the division leaders to dine at the famous Raising Immortal Pavilion. Wufeng was forced to attend as well. During the celebration, Wufeng toasted for the rest of his superiors, an act that was encouraged among the others as well. Just before they dispersed Wufeng discreetly handed a purse filled with a hundred ducats to Djabou, which he knowingly accepted.

In two short years, Wufeng had been promoted from a regular soldier to the commander of a force that is almost a thousand strong men. He became the pride of all the recruits, gaining their utmost respect. During the ceremony where he accepted his appointment, Wufeng gave a speech:

“Brothers, two years ago, I was just like the rest of you sitting here. However, with two years of hard work and opportunities, I was fortunate enough to become everyone’s leader. I’m not in any way smarter than everyone here, but the one thing I do know is being diligent. I hope that everyone will become like me, willing to put in the effort to grasp these opportunities.
When you walk onto the battlefield, you will face many opportunities, but their size is proportional to their risk. The enemy will not go easy on you simply because you are a recruit. I hope that when the time comes for you to be baptized in fire and blood, you will face that test as a real warrior, grasping those opportunities with your own ability. Only with your own sweat and tears now will you be able to be bleed less on the battlefield and grasp more opportunities.
I hope everyone will aspire to your comrades in the third company, to surpass them. Brothers, don’t waste any more time, for opportunities are created with our own two hands. Work for the sake of your own future!”

After his speech, the crowd immediately roared their approval. When looking back at this moment, historians didn’t feel that the wording were all that elegant. However, due to the way that it was delivered, it had raised the enthusiasm of the soldiers, paving the way to future success.

The year 689 did not remain peaceful. Just as Wufeng was leading his men into another round of intensive exercise, an unpredictable event disrupted his plans. The young nineteen-year-old was unexpectedly thrown into the slaughter of the battlefield, but this would also become an opportunity to boost his own authority.

As Autumn approaches, the nation was supposed to go into harvesting season. However, because of the drought and plague of locust in the Northern parts of the Empire along the Yanyun, Beiyuan, and Heshou commanderies, many prefectures was unable to harvest a single grain of crop. Yet, in order to prepare for future wars with the Luo Bei nomads to the North and the West, the Empire not only refuse to lower the tax but even took more from the warehouses of the wealthy, causing the price to skyrocket. As minor protests erupted all over the region, they were put down with an iron fist, greatly destabilizing the realm.

On the Libya prairies north of the Empire lies several nations. While their strength couldn’t be compared to the Tanghe Empire, they couldn’t be neglected either. The inhabitants of these nations were also quite different from that of the Empire. Descendants of another race that migrated here, these groups were the products of intermarriage between its original people and those of Caucasian complexion.

The culture, religion, history of these nations was also quite similar, leading to good relations between them. Located to the north and northeast of the empire, they are the Cisro Empire, Karman Empire, Poole Kingdom, and the Dorton Kingdom with Karman Empire being the strongest. While the Dorton Kingdom remain neutral, all the other nations have a tense relationship with the Empire, leading to many conflicts, the most recent one being seven years ago. The only nation that has an amicable relationship with the Empire is Jalocke Dukedom, nesting between the Karman Empire and the Poole Kingdom.

Karman Empire’s capital is the city of Budley, and on the Stanley Avenue lies a magnificent building, the Prime Minister’s Palace. To the eastern part of the building is a secret room, and in it sits a short and stubby middle-aged man, listening to the reports of another man with great attention.

“Right now the small riots have already been suppressed by the local police. However, with support from the intelligence of our operatives, a few has managed to band together forming a sizable revolt, but…” The man stopped his report here.

Turning his attention to the man, “What? If you have something, then speak.”

“Your subordinate doesn’t think that they will be successful even if they band together.”

“Oh, and why is that?”

“They are only farmers and slaves. While some of them are capable, even if we provide them with intelligence, without training and supplies they will only face failure.”

“This problem doesn’t require your attention, you only need to continue to provide them with intelligence. However, limit yourself to just give them intelligence, do not get more entangled, we cannot allow anyone to find out our involvement. Remember these words and immediately report any big change.”

“Your subordinate remembers, if there’s nothing else, then I’ll leave first.”

“Alright, remember to rest, you need to take care of your health.”

“Thanking the Prime Minister for his care.”

As the man left the secret room, the stubby man fell into deep thought, “I had never really had any hope for that group of rubble, this scheme’s only point is the exhaust the Empire’s supplies, the more prolonged, the better. Opportunities are created by men.”

If not for introductions from others, then no one will believe that the short stubby man sitting here was actually the Prime Minister of the Karman Empire who holds the nickname of “Minister Iron Hand”, Gomez.


Chapter 8 – Master, I’m going

Continue reading Chapter 8 – Master, I’m going

[NYSS] Chapter 8

Here’s Chapter 8 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~

One of the readers messaged Re:Library about my erratic releases and whether I could release faster.

Here’s my response:

  1. I know I’m being an ******* about it, but I have a life too, I need to fill out college applications, though that has been finished.
  2. Midterms coming up, need to study.
  3. It’s just a hobby.
  4. Wish I could translate every second of my free time, but I do want to relax from my real life job by sleeping and enjoying other novels too.

But I do try to translate when I can.

And for those who worshipped the kitchen god yesterday, hope you had a lucky worship.


[Vol. 4] Chapter 2 – Military Exercise II

Meanwhile, General Marcus and the Imperial Guard’s first corps’ captain, Lunos, were on the east side of the hill.
 They were talking over a desk behind which soldiers holding blue war flags were lined up.

“General, what’s the strategy?”

“Umu, right. First about Carlo-sama’s move. Since splitting up the cavalry is a centrepiece of this time’s military reform they’ll probably use tactics making use of the cavalry’s high mobility, no doubt”


“Letting the cavalry act independently is surely effective in terms of speed. But on the other hand, their numbers won’t be high, no matter how much of an elite group the Imperial Guard Order is they won’t be able to do a frontal attack.”

 As Marcus said this he pointed at the centre of the map which was lying on the desk.

“They’ll most certainly try to take the fort right from the beginning.”

“There’s no doubt that they would be able to conquer the fort with their speed. How troubling.”

“Right. Although they are no more than 50 it’ll be time consuming to remove the Imperial Guard Order’s knights once they confined themselves in the fort.”

“Soon after reinforcement would arrive. In that case it would be even harder to remove them.”

“That’s right, look here”

 Marcus drew a big arc going around the hill’s south.

“We will go south around the hill without aiming for the fort but directly aiming for their camp”

“I see, attacking their back, is it?”

 By the way, one has won if one succeeds in conquering the opposing team’s camp and fired up a beacon.

“However, what if the opposing team has the same idea?”

“No matter how fast they are they just have 50 horseman. We’ll leave one third of our soldiers in the camp to prepare for that case.”

“So we protect our camp with 100 soldiers while attacking the opposing camp with 200.”

“That’s right, I leave those soldiers to you, Lunos. Even if Carlo-sama puts the other 250 soldiers other than the cavalry corps inside the camp they are just the mish-mash of people called farmer soldiers and the commander also hasn’t experienced real warfare yet so it’s just a disorderly mass not worthy to be afraid of.”

“Even if we encounter the cavalry party we’re definitely able to break through with this difference in military power.”

“If the cavalry acts independently from the infantry the difference in speed increases as well as the risk of their individual defeat. Let’s make use of that, shall we?”

 The strategic plan was completed and Marcus stood in front of the soldiers together with Lunos and started to talk.

“Everyone should have heard about Carlo-sama’s live-changing military reform by now. I think there are some among the Imperial Guard Order who aren’t satisfied with this. The purpose of this exercise is to show those people the effectiveness of this new formation. In other words – -”

 General Marcus paused for a bit and then raised his voice.

“This time our role is to be defeated. They expect us to overwhelmingly lose for us to understand that “This military reform was right after all” in the end!”

 Hearing Marcus’ words the soldiers start to murmur.
 That’s natural as they were told that one’s role was to lose.
 Lunos unintentionally asked Marcus in a low voice.

(Is it fine for you to talk that frankly? Does the General intend to win?)

(Well, watch)

 Marcus raised his voice once more.

“However. This one doesn’t intend to take defeat so easily! I got permission from Carlo-sama to fight with all we got. How is it, gentlemen? Don’t you want to win and get Carlo-sama down from his high horse?!”

 The soldiers murmuring became louder.

“Let’s show them how a magnificent victory looks like right at this place, gentlemen! That’s right, let’s give everyone a reward if we win! Gentlemen, do you feel like winning now?!”

『Ooooh- -!』

 As they answered to Marcus’ question the soldiers pushed up their fists.
 Then, following this, Lunos also shouted.

“You guys, if we win this today we’ll get to drink some delicious liquor tonight!”

『Oooooh- -!』

“You can see off the past year with a good feeling with this money!”


“That’s good, this isn’t just some exercise! We’ll certainly win while treating this like an actual battle!”


“Umu, everyone seems to be in high spirits.”

 As he saw the surge of the soldiers’ morale, General Marcus contentedly stroked his beard.

“That’s right, this much should be enough”

“Well then, it should be time soon. Please prepare the raiding party.”

“Certainly. I’ll entrust the camp’s defence to you.”

 Like this, they got ready.
 They only waited for the beacon signalling the exercise’s start to be shot from the fort.


  1. N/a

[Vol. 4] Chapter 1 – Military Exercise I

“The end of the year is finally approaching”

 Even though I didn’t call him that old man, General Marcus, came over to Carlo’s, my room.
 He sat down without waiting for my permission as always and suddenly said something like that.

“You’re right, is there anything else?”

“No, well, it’s about the thing we talked about. I thought it’s time soon”

 The thing we talked about?
 What does he mean by “the thing we talked about”……Ah!?

“The exercise, is it?”

“Right, right, that”

 Marcus said joyfully.
 After that whole matter with the labyrinth, I completely forgot about that (sweats).
 But that being said, this old man who bent forward seemed to absolutely look forward to that.

“A, about that matter, let’s leave it to Nals. Pikaru, please call Nals!”

 The bald Pikaru immediately went and got Nals.

“What can I do for you?”

“Nals, how’s the matter with the exercise going?”

“Yeah, everything is in place. We can execute it anytime.”

 What a relief, I’m saved!
 If Nals also forgot about that this would have been a serious problem.

“So, how do we do this?”

“There’s the Alamos hill north of Braham. We’ll use the fort on the hilltop.”

“Ho hoh, and then?”

“The General and Sir Lunos as well as Carlo-sama and Sir Fitzgerald respectively lead their army and set up their camp on the east and west side of the hill. The team which is able to conquer the fort wins.”

 The Alamos hill is a big hill in the vicinity of Braham’s northern part and the fort (even though it’s called that it seems to be rather small) will be the key element in a battle against the northern Barbarian riders in a defensive battle.
 The army led by General Marcus and Lunos starts in the hill’s west and the new regiment led by me (Carlo) and F starts in the hill’s east.

 As for the numbers, the cavalry consists out of 50 Imperial Guard Order’s knights, the infantry was made out of 150 farmer-soldiers and the archer unit had 100 members in them totalling in 300 soldiers.
 We would let our armies clash and whoever dominated the fort within 4 hours, the duration of the exercise, wins.
 However, if one’s camp got taken by the other team one loses.
 By the way, as this is an exercise all the weapons are made of wood, there was paint smeared on swords as well as on spears and arrows and when either the torso’s armour or helmet got colour on them one has to withdraw.
 This totally feels like a survival game.⌈1

“In other words there are three important things one has to consider. Protecting the base, attacking the opponent and conquering the fort.”

“How very interesting. So, Nals, will you be on Carlo-sama’s side?”

“Yes, as this is my chance to show my skills as a tactician.”

“Fine, let’s have a good look at your skills. Then, when shall we start?”

 That old man is really motivated.
 But this side won’t lose either, I’m depending on you, Nals.

“There are still preparations to be done so how about in a week?”

“I have no objections. Is that fine, Carlo-sama?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Then it’s decided, until next week.”

 Like this, we decided on a date for the military exercise.

“Well, then, I’ll excuse myself and discuss some things with Lunos. I’m looking forward to the day”

“Yeah, we won’t lose.”

“Please don’t hold a grudge in case Carlo-sama does lose, hohoho. Well then, I’ll take my leave.”

“Nals, do you have a plan?”

“Let’s see, well, please look forward to it”

 Nals grinned and winked.

 ――The day of the exercise.
 F and I were in full armour and reached our camp together with Nals.
 In front of us were 50 people mounting horses and 250 foot soldiers and archers, in total 300 soldiers.
 The red war flags towering over the 50 mounted soldiers carrying spears and bows was a magnificent view.
 Though for an army this isn’t a big amount of soldiers but when one thinks that one has to lead them it’s a different matter.
 If this were an actual war the number would be greater.

“It’s quite the sight looking at it like this, isn’t it? Is everything ready?”

“Yes, according to prior instructions I selected 20% of the cavalry, 10 soldiers to form the reconnaissance corps.”

 F answered calmly.
 I see, Looks like the high-speed reconnaissance corps was lined up in the back.
 They were all rather small but fearless and seemed to be agile.
 The Alamos hill in front of us was bigger than I thought.
 The Fort in question could subtly be seen on the top.
 It’s quite the long distance and the inclination is unexpectedly steep.

“So this is a long spear, huh? It’s certainly long.”

“It is five meters long after all, but in training it was really effective.”

 The length of the spears the foot soldiers carried were five meters, which is very long.
 F seemed to be surprised when he was told this but it seems its effects were visible in actual training.

“Is it strong?”

“Yeah, this will be our key to achieve victory. This infantry unit will be led by Carlo-sama.”

 Nals said proudly.

“That’s all good but how do we win?”

“How to win, huh…?”

 After having thought a little, Nals started to grin and answered my question.

“Completely, let’s overwhelmingly win”


  1. Stuff like paintball 

Chapter 207 – False Play Come True

The Fair family had arrived, they looked at Xiao Chen with eccentric expressions. The few courtyards around Xiao Chen’s house had already been purchased by a few major families. The dragon’s roar just now had already alarmed these people. Although they didn’t know the full story, they could roughly guess what had taken place.

This was equivalent to receiving a big slap on the face by that Draco fellow. He was like this thirty years ago, and he is still like this thirty years later. Draco didn’t know the concept of apprehension, his every action was reckless.

Since this kind of thing had already happened… the people from the Fair family left in haste. They must report this to the family lord immediately.

“What?” When Faircloud heard these words, his face changed colour abruptly and he destroyed the entire hall with a wave of his hand. He stood on top of the ruins blankly, his expression ashen. In the end, he gnashed his teeth and said, “Draco, you dare to play us for a fool?! You are but only a mixed breed; half human, half dragon. If not because there’s an old dragon behind your back, you would have died a million times!”

The other major clans who received the news also flew into rage out of humiliation. It made these major clans detest Draco bitterly. He blew up a big bubble and made everyone flatter it. As a result, like the clowns they were, everyone’s secrets were exposed under the sun.

“That wretched Draco!”

“The dragons should really be completely wiped out, they are too arrogant!”


Similar cursing remarks were transmitted from many clans.

This matter covered their head and face in dirt. This was too embarrassing, all of them were played for a fool by Draco.

Especially the Fair family, it was impossible for them to stop halfway; to marry off their daughter or not? The invitation cards had already been sent all over the Celestial City. Everyone with a head and a face had already received the news.

There were some who rejoiced in other people’s misfortune, and some who sneered at them. This was the peace right before the storm in Celestial City. Every major clan was on the verge of exploding at any given time.

Of course, the one who had it the worst was the Fair family. They were being played for a fool. Right now, they really wished they could hang up Draco and behead him with a blade.

Faircloud remained silent above the ruins for a long time. He clenched his knuckles so tight that they had turned pale. In the end, he let out a nasty sigh and said, “Draco, just you wait. Once I reach the realm of immortal, I will definitely settle this with you. I don’t believe you will hide in the Southern Wasteland forever!”

“My lord… what to do now?” The underling at the side was trembling with fear as he asked cautiously.

Just at this time, the other members of the Fair family rushed over after receiving the news. The younger generation didn’t have enough qualifications to stand here. As for the middle-aged generation, there was a few dozen of them.

“This is mortifying!”

“This slap on the face is too much, perhaps it has already become the joke of the year.”

“Big bro, let’s cancel this wedding ceremony at once!”

“That’s right, you can’t marry off Snowy just like this. How can we let her marry that boy with no background for nothing. I will go and kill him later!”

“Shut up!” Faircloud shouted with an ice-cold voice. The imposing family lord made everyone quiet down immediately. “If we break a marriage promise like this, how would everyone in Celestial City view us?”

“But… this boy with no background is unworthy of joining our family by marriage. What benefits will he bring to our family?”

Of course, not everyone was opposed to this marriage. Someone opened their mouth and said, “Even if the dragons are out of the picture, so what? Isn’t there still the founder of the Demon Sect? Besides, he also has three sacred beasts. In addition to that, Xiao Chen showed great promise, and possesses unnatural gifts. In the future, his name will surely shake the world. This should be enough!”

However, the absolute majority were laughing grimly.

“It is obvious that his relationship with the founder of the Demon Sect is the same as with the dragon’s. It is but a false rumor spread out to make a fool out of us. The three sacred beasts were taken by Draco to the Southern Wasteland. They don’t belong to Xiao Chen anymore. So what if he shows great promises? He has already provoked someone he shouldn’t provoke. Do you think he can survive this? It is not necessary for our family to make a great enemy because of him.”

Everyone unanimously wanted to stop the marriage. Faircloud got annoyed the more he listened. In the end, he shouted, “Enough! Stop quarreling anymore, the wedding will continue!”

“Big brother… are you crazy?! How can you let this be?”

“Family lord…”

Faircloud swept his eyes over everyone coldly, and said, “Snowy is my daughter, how can I not care about her more so than any one of you? For such a thing to happen, if we immediately break the marriage, everyone in the South will jeer at us. That would be too humiliating.”

“But my lord… what about the two people outside of the city?”

Faircloud said very firmly, “We will continue with the wedding as a show of formality. We must not let other people look down on us. Snowy can always remarry in the future.”

“Big brother, are you saying… after the formality is over, we will kick Xiao Chen out?”

Although Faircloud was over fifty years old, the magical arts their family practiced were too mystical after all. He didn’t look like an elderly person, on the contrary, he looked like a thirty year old handsome man. However, he was not masculine and seemed more feminine.

Faircloud had a cold glint in his eyes as he said, “That would be too obvious and cause gossips to go around. You guys quickly get in touch with the tiger duo outside of the city and explain everything to them. They will naturally know what to do after that. We will be able to preserve our face. As for whether Xiao Chen can make it out alive, that depends on his luck.”

In fact, many of the major powers wanted to see the Fair family making a fool of themselves. The families that wanted to immediately dispose of Xiao Chen were making supreme effort to exercise restraint. If the Fair family kicked Xiao Chen out, then their reputation will certainly take a huge fall. It wouldn’t be too late to make their move then.

The Fair family’s decision to proceed with the wedding made the majority of the clans unable to make any sense of the matter. Never had they thought the Fair family would be so “generous”. Could it be that they really wanted to be forced to suffer in silence? Were they not afraid of inciting the hatred of Middle Earth’s Tiger clan?

In the backyard of the Fair family, the extremely glamorous Fairsnow had a frosty expression across her entire face. With a wave of her lily-white hand, an explosion of light appeared and a large area of plants were chopped. The leaves were fluttering about in the sky gracefully.

“I am actually going to marry him!”

“Sis, don’t be angry.” Fairsky got behind her and said, “You should know that father also doesn’t have any choice…”

Fairsnow smiled coldly, and walked towards her room while treading across a field of exotic flowers with agile steps.

Xiao Chen quietly looked at the people all around. He was very uncooperative and didn’t want to enter the Fair family’s mansion. However, he was followed closely by a seventy to eighty year old elder. This was an older generation expert of the Fair family. He was completely focused on Xiao Chen and forced him to take part in this absurd wedding.

All the guests were wearing meaningful smiles. They chuckled as they looked on at the event. They knew that a good show was just beginning. They wanted to see how long the Fair family can keep this up.

Xiao Chen was very calm. He knew that the Fair family was not that benevolent. And that the major clans in the city were even worse. They didn’t dispose of him before now because the time had yet to come. And the Fair family’s action was even weirder. By no means did he believe that, this was just a simple wedding.

Maybe when the wedding was proceeding, the tiger woman would storm in and behead him, thus putting an end to the wedding. Thinking until here, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a chill in his heart. Had the Fair family also thought about this? Definitely! If they wanted to make a good show out of it, they might have already sent someone to get in touch with the tiger woman. Xiao Chen had thought of all possible scenarios in this very instant.

This hand from the Fair family was really well-played. They could totally save face and naturally turn this crisis around! That’s right, if Xiao Chen himself was killed during the wedding ceremony, everyone would only know who the murderer was, and the Fair family would be spared from breaking the marriage promise. Their reputation might even rise because of this. If there’s anyone to blame, then they could only blame Xiao Chen for having a short life and how he didn’t have the good fortune to take Fairsnow as his wife.

Such an awful scheme, the Fair family was such a schemer! Xiao Chen inwardly heaved a sigh.

There’s nothing for him to be scared of. Even if he had to die, he had to make the Fair family suffer a difficult situation. Just when he wanted to make his move, the old man behind him patted his shoulders lightly, and whispered, “Preserve some strength and get ready to run. Our family will not go to extremes. Whether you live or not, that depends on your own luck.”

Xiao Chen looked at him coldly, then he quieted down again. Only a little bit of time was needed to cause the Fair family to be stuck in a dilemma. Even if the old man was telling a lie to make him settle down, he still has many opportunities later on.

In the glorious hall, the excellent wine and exotic delicacies were being delivered to the guests unceasingly. The atmosphere was lively and didn’t make it seem like it was a pretense.

The host and guests were in harmonious relations. Every now and then, people would go make fun of the Fair family’s head, saying that he had found a good son-in-law, and that ten years later, their family would have secured their strongest asset.

Everyone toasted with Faircloud in succession and congratulated him occasionally. Faircloud put on a fake smile, he wished he could crush the wine cup in his hand and pound it into the face of these old fools.

Of course, Xiao Chen’s surroundings also had many people who toasted with him in succession. Their words were so passionate that it allowed him to experience what was known as genuinely shameless hypocrites. The expressions of many people made him feel disgusted.

However, he had no choice by to wear a smile and put on an act like an actor.

Xiao Chen felt a little melancholic. This suffering was hard to put into words. Since he was young, he rarely ever cried, but now, he suddenly had a gloomy feeling and felt somewhat miserable. A dignified man like him, was actually forced into this kind of situation.

Just like an actor, he had to conceal his feelings and put on a show by himself in the limelight. When in fact, he was actually a pitiful man.

Ordinarily, the impression he gave people was that of a firm and decisive person. When confronting enemies, he was cold hearted, but who would have known, under the cover of his coldness, he could also feel sorrowful like ordinary people?

It was a very sarcastic wedding ceremony. Everyone was waiting and watch passively, but they had to make supreme effort to put on a play.

However, even when night fell, the people dispatched by Fair family still did not come back. There’s not even the need to mention it, but the tiger duo hadn’t shown up to kill Xiao Chen yet. ⌈1

Faircloud’s expression became all the gloomier. Could it be that they really had to proceed with the wedding? If this keeps up, the pretense will really turn into a reality. Was this not tantamount to lifting a rock to smash his own leg? His intuition was telling him that some accident might have occurred. After finding an appropriate time, he left the hall and secretly instructed others to dispatch some powerful spies to find out what’s going on.

The stars filled the entire sky as the crystal lamp illuminated the glorious hall. Everyone was toasting and the atmosphere was very lively.

And somebody shouted, “It’s about time to enter the bridal room, we cannot waste such a precious spring night!”

“That’s right, the spring night is invaluable.”

“Invite the groom and the bride to enter the bridal room!”


Many people started to create a disturbance, wanting to go disturb the privacy of bridal room. ⌈2

The people of the major clans could already tell, the Fair family was deliberately stalling for time. Perhaps they were expecting outsiders to come and put a stop to this wedding ceremony. Since that was the case, how could they let the Fair family’s wish be fulfilled. Whenever it’s possible to push forward, they should push without holding back. One after another, the guests were demanding the married couple to enter the bridal room.

The members of the Fair family finally couldn’t keep up the facade anymore. They were enmeshed in a trap of their own devising! Things had actually escalated to this degree, what were the spies doing, why hadn’t the tiger woman come to kill Xiao Chen yet?!

This was truly a very nerve-wracking moment.

They were practically unable to delay it much longer. The married couple had already finished paying their respects to the elders. If they still don’t let them enter the bridal room, they really couldn’t keep their heads high anymore.

In the end, Faircloud ground his teeth and left while tucking his sleeves, making his younger brother take charge of the venue.

The old foxes at present were ganging up as if they had became evil spirits. Even their eyes had become fiery as they shouted in succession. The middle-aged group also followed suit and made it so the Fair family had no other choice but to let the married couple enter the bridal room.

“We want to disturb the privacy of bridal room!”


The atmosphere was fairly festive. Everyone was in a jolly mood.

Xiao Chen calmly watched as all of this unfolds. He was very taciturn.

Just at this time, a tall figure with a broadsword on his back walked towards him. With no traces of politeness, he pushed the young people beside Xiao Chen away.

“Cheers, I wish you long life!” Dugu Jianmo drained the cup in one gulp after saying this. Seeing that Xiao Chen also drained his cup, he left with large strides.

Xiao Chen remained silent. This might be the only sincere toast he had in this wedding ceremony.

Nobody dared to provoke Dugu Jianmo. Although the Solitary clan was very low-key, they were more or less one of the primary clans in the South. Even when Draco was running amok in Celestial City thirty years ago, he didn’t cause any inconveniences to Dugu Jianmo’s father.

If they really angered the Solitary clan, according to their nature, maybe a few dozen people carrying broadswords would storm into the South Wasteland without saying a word. So what if they had an old dragon keeping watch? The Solitary clan’s ancestor definitely had enough strength to take on the strongest creature in the Southern Wasteland!

As he was being shoved by everyone, Xiao Chen was pushed into the backyard. He’s about to enter the bridal room.

The fragrance of flowers drifted in the air. The arrangement of the garden made the backyard relaxing and beautiful. The path ran across a clear, small lake. After crossing over the marble bridge, and walking past a long flower garden, Xiao Chen arrived in front of an elaborate building.

“Haha…” He suddenly laughed out loud. There was a hint of dismay, but even more was a grimness and a feeling of decisiveness. ‘Alright, if you guys want to play, I will play with you. To the bridal room we go!’


  1. Silva: Could it be… Draco? Nay… must be some other schemers…
    Fade: Maybe the Undying Sect helped him? 
  2. Silva: Chinese custom where guests banter with and play pranks on the newlyweds.
    Fade: I have not seen this yet, really want to now.
    Silva: well, I remember there was a certain wedding planner with some of those videos as sample, but I can’t remember which one exactly… unfortunately! It would be a great reference… 

[Vol. 3] Chapter 13 – Reminiscence

After we left the Labyrinth we parted with the beautiful priestess of darkness on our way back to Braham.
 We stopped by the adventurer’s guild to report about our exploration.

“Hehehe, it turned out to be quite the amount of money”

 Crescent Moon looked happy.
 Well, of course, as Kitora told her “I don’t need my share so I’ll give it to you” she got double the amount.
 It seems like the spider webs my seniors carried her with much hardship got sold for a small amount of money.
 As my seniors had to carry their spool car swords in one hand over their heads on our whole way home they looked dispirited and bitter but Crescent Moon didn’t care about that.
 Moreover, the promised reward they got was a share for one person divided between them and Pick.
 While crying Bass said, “Let’s never do this again. We’ll never go out with big sis again”.

 Like this, I distributed the shares and returned to the hideout.

“Ehm……Welcome back, Akatsuki-sama”

 I met up with Elsa.
 Not being used to calling me “Akatsuki” yet her figure is innocent and cute.
 As it was been a while since I last saw her I’m also rather tense.
 Though I honestly wanted to hug and kiss her but I couldn’t because I was somewhat embarrassed.

“I’m back. Were you feeling lonely?”

“A little. But I took some walks and was able to see some interesting things. I’m now pretty familiar with this area.”

“I see, I’m sorry for leaving you alone. But I have to go back to the mansion again soon”

“Ah, that’s right, isn’t it…….? But I’m fine.”

 Elsa gave me a stout-hearted answer.
 I feel sorry for always having to leave Elsa alone.
 But I can’t take her with me.

“Elsa, how are your grandparents?”

“According to the letters, Grandfather seems to recover well. I don’t know the details because I wasn’t able to meet them recently.”

 I took out the pouch containing my share of this time’s reward and put it in front of Elsa.

“This money is?”

 Elsa looked inside it before asking me.

“Elsa, take this and return to your grandparents.”

“Eh? That means……”

 Elsa’s eyes filled with tears at that moment.

“That’s not it, I don’t want to kick you out, Elsa. I’m just worried that you’ll be too lonely being alone like this all the time”

“But……Is that alright? And this is so much”

“Yeah, I don’t mind. Also, Elsa. Additionally, if your grandfather’s fine again could you come over together?”

“That’s, ehm, there’s the shop, after all”

“Yeah, that’s why couldn’t you try doing business here? I’ll take care of the money”

 Elsa’s eyes get round in surprise.
 Well, yeah, it’s kind of sudden.
 I also just came up with that.

 But isn’t that quite the good idea?
 If her grandparents came to this town Elsa would be able to meet them a lot more without a doubt.
 Elsa would also be able to help with the shop as she has a lot of free time.

“But to cause you so much trouble”

“It’s fine. I promised Doloa that I’d give it my all to make you happy, Elsa”


“That’s not it. I’m Akatsuki. I told you, right?”

 Without saying anything Elsa embraced me.
 I unintentionally thought about taking her to the bed……That’s what I thought but I couldn’t move one step forward.
 Aah, how cowardly.
 How long will I stay a virgin? (Teary eyed)

“Anyway, you should return first and talk it over with them. I think that’s a good idea.”

“Yes, thank you very much! I’ll talk with them”

“That’s right. As I’ll return to the mansion lock the door to this house well when you leave.”
“Yes, have a good trip”

 I put on my mask, changed my clothes and left the hideout.
 After I walked for some time I took off the mask and returned to the mansion.

“My, where on earth have you been up until now?!”

 As soon as I arrived at the mansion I was discovered by Melissa.
 No, shouldn’t it be fine because I’m not a kid anymore?
 So what if I left without saying anything and being away for some days.
 I also wrote a letter saying “I’m going out for a bit, don’t look for me”, right?

“What’s the meaning of this? Leaving behind all the work and just going out!”

 Then bald, I mean, Pikaru came over while showing his anger on his face.
 No, Pikaru being bald is true.
 Though I try not to call him that out of kindness even while he’s that angry.
If I tell him “I went into a dungeon” he’d get even angrier.

“Ahh, I got it, I got it. I’m tired so let me lie down in my room.”

 I left Melissa and Pikaru behind and went to my bedroom.
 I asked Mirea-san who I met on my way to bring me some tea and then shut myself up in my room.
 I originally had some shut-in tendencies.
 I felt relieved to be alone in my room.

“Sorry, I kept you waiting. I’ll put it here.”

 After a few minutes, Mirea-san brought the tea.
 A cookie was lying beside it.
 Such consideration sure is nice.
 As expected from a mother, or something like that.

“Thank you. Is Lucia-chan well?”

“Thanks to you she’s really well. I’m only troubled by her selfishness.”

“I see, it’s good that she’s lively. Is there anything in your life that you’re troubled with?”

 Mirea-san strongly shook her head and said.

“There’s nothing at all. I’m really grateful and can’t thank you enough”

 Mirea-san deeply lowered her head and left.

 After a long time I fell back on my bed and started to think.
 I thought about having met a lot of people after having reincarnated as the villain Margrave Carlo de Medici.
 It’s quite different from my original world’s me who only go to and fro between my home and the company every day without having a single friend.
 Though among the people I met were a lot of characters of m novel “Yuusha Tensei” but there were also a lot of people not mentioned in it.

 The first person I met was the 17-year-old maid, Reina. Though she’s a beautiful girl she’s a BL enthusiast and would pant while watching Carlo (me), F and Lunos. Moreover, her embarrassing side suddenly got revealed.

 Next was the head maid, Melissa. Though I think she’s a really good person and always thinking about me she recently started nagging a lot. Well, like a mother, I guess?

 The Butler, Pikaru. He’s a reliable bald-headed person not only possessing a high ability in managing the mansion but also high administrative power. Though I’m calling him bald in my mind I won’t say it to his fac. It’s kind of troubling that he’s too serious and inflexible sometimes.

 F, the leader of the Imperial Guard Order. The strongest knight of this Kingdom called Sir Fitz-Morris Fitzgerald, a hard-to-say name. A straitlaced, stiff, handsome guy who’s not used to women. But he is a reliable man.

 A stubborn old man looking like the first generation captain of the space battleship YaOto⌈1⌋ and the former leader of the Imperial Guard Order, General Marcus.
Furthermore, his love for causing mischief is hard to get rid of. But he’s also a capable person one can leave the strategic conduct to.

 The masked female mercenary, Crescent Moon. She seems to be similar to the masked mercenary, Akatsuki, who appears in my novel. She’s greedy and loves money. But she’s strong. She got the best twin mountains going Purun Purun and Boing Boing. A sight for sore eyes.

 The son of one of the peasants under Carlo, Doji. He’s a little slow countryman but he’s highly loyal. He has a great body and is able to swing around axes and clubs with his Herculean strength. One of the few people who know that “Carlo” is also “The masked mercenary, Akatsuki”.

 The cat girl magician, Knopf. Melissa’s niece who is half Cat Person and half Human. She looks young but she’s actually a 30-year-old researcher/mad scientist. It’s currently unknown whether she has a tail. My first magic teacher who uses elementary but super powerful magic.

 The Captain of the Imperial Guard Order’s first corps, Lunos. The number 1 man women want to marry and said to be the best swordsman of Braham (But he got defeated by F). He’s a handsome man who’s popular with the women, which is vexing but useful.

 White King and Reus are my pets. White King is my favourite horse with a big body and grey fur. It’s smart and powerful. Reus is the usually invisible baby salamander spirit. I made a contract with him and he grants me the power of fire magic.

 The duo, Bass and Drum. My seniors as villains. They were originally homeless thieves who kidnapped for a living but after having lost to Akatsuki they became the executives of the evil organisation of subordinates “the Rabbit Group”. I can’t bring myself to hate them even though they are villains.
The hobbit thief, Pick. Like my seniors, she’s part of the “Rabbit Group” and she looks really young outwardly but she’s actually rather old on the inside. Her abilities as a thief are reliable and I (As Akatsuki) use her to communicate with the Rabbit Group.

 My tactician, Nals. He’s not only in charge of strategic matters but also diplomacy and logistics. He likes making figurines and his wooden figurines are rather good. I put him in charge of designing my castle and public work.

 The beautiful priestess of darkness, Kitora. A new comrade (?) with whom we explored the dungeon. Though she is an otherworldly beautiful girl she has the hobby of collecting human bones and making skeletons (?). Considerably strong-minded.

 Then there is Elsa who became my mistress. The girl with whom I had my first kiss with (But nothing more than that). After redeeming her from a brothel of the Capital Ruan she lived in Akatsuki’s hideout in Braham. An absolutely good girl.

 The mother and daughter pair I saved from my seniors together with Crescent Moon who became maids at this place, Mirea-san and her daughter Lucia. By the way, Mirea-san is a good looking widow and Lucia-chan is a cute girl.

 Yeah, that’s it.
 I only listed those who are close to me and became my comrades but there are a lot more huh?
 But there are some people I’m interested in as well.
 I can’t leave out Moulin Rouge’s Onee-san Rozea-san and Fawn Pavilion’s Diva Felica-chan.
 I didn’t go meet them much recently.

 Every one of them is a good characters.
 I wonder what kind of story I’m able to create with these people from now on…….
 While I thought about such things as an author I fell asleep.


  1. Reference to Uchu Senkan Yamato. Meant is Okita Juzo 

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 38

Hey everyone, today (and the next) chapters are rather special. It’s because I’ll be releasing two versions of each chapter. There is a reason behind it. Normally speaking, I use raws directly on the PC site of Qidian. However, while I was translating these chapters, I noticed that it was extremely different from what I remember reading before. That’s why I flipped forward a few chapters, and it turns out that the event that I thought was missing from the chapters was actually referenced.

That’s why I turned to the Qidian App on my phone. Guess what? Volume 2 of the novel is structured in a completely different way for some reason, but it was what I had read before. That’s why, the only conclusion I can come from this is that while the author was editing the novel, he missed the reference to the event in a future chapter. Hence, in order for you guys not to get confused, I have translated both versions of the chapters.

Here’s the first version (PC raws version) the chapter of the day!

Here’s the second version (phone app raws version) the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter! (Take note, there is two teaser chapters today because of the two different versions of the chapter~)

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

Chapter 39.5 – Meeting my little bro

In shock, Zhang Chengman quickly ordered Li Qiang, “Li Qiang, why aren’t you restraining your students, quickly take him away!” With that, he quickly gave Li Qiang a cue! However, he did forget that his subordinate, LI Qiang, someone that lost to me. If I really wanted to rush over, how could he stop me!

However, Zhang Chengman might have forgotten, but it didn’t mean Li Qiang forgot! During the contest just now, the moment that person chopped down on his throat, there was an unforgettable feeling of death! This experience caused Li Qiang, who has not truly been on the battle field, feel the threat of death! This threat was something he will never forget in his life!

Li Qiang forced himself to walk over and prayed, please don’t let this brat get pushed to the corner, otherwise, he’s screwed!

“What are you guys doing, quickly, let him come over!” Seeing that his subordinate was actually going to block his boss’s path, quickly ordered.

At this moment, when Li Qiang hurt Wu Tian’s words, he was truly too happy, he didn’t want to anger this dangerous fellow again, god knows how he learnt those weird martial arts.

“Boss… E—— Old Liu, why are you here!” Fatty Wu said “Boss” naturally, but then realized that his identity was different now, his subordinates were around him, so calling someone else “Boss” didn’t seem quite right. It made him sound like a mobster, thus he quickly corrected himself.

Hearing Fatty Wu call me boss, I was very happy in my heart, it seems like I didn’t accept this little bro for nothing, I also knew that he couldn’t call me that in this situation, so I smiled understandingly, “Fatty Wu, you called me Old Liu, I don’t think I’m that old, right?”

“Haha, it’s a mistake, a mistake!” Fatty Wu smiled. “Liu Lei, why did you come here?”

“Me? For the military training, I am a new student in Huaxia University right now!” I said.

“Hmm… It seems like we haven’t met for two years, that’s right, you should be going to university, oh yeah, where’s Zhao Yanyan? Did she not come to Huaxia University? The three of us haven’t met for so long, I’ll treat tonight, and treat you and saozi…s for a meal,” When Wu Tian said half of what he was going to say, he suddenly remembered I didn’t only have one wife, thus added “s” after saozi.

Hearing Fatty Wu mentioned Zhao Yanyan, my expression darkened.

Seeing my expression, Fatty Wu found it rather strange, thus he quickly asked, “Liu Lei, what happened?”

“Wu Tian, Zhao Yanyan got in a car accident!” I sighed. “Although she has left the danger period, but I don’t know why, she still hasn’t woken up yet…”

“What!” Wu Tian got worked up. “What did you say, Zhao Yanyan got in a car accident! When was this? How is she now?”

“Just a few days ago, she’s in the hospital right now, but the doctor said she’s fine, waking up is just a matter of time,” I said.

“What exactly happened? She was fine, why would she suddenly get into a car crash!” Fatty Wu said anxiously. Although he already lost all thoughts of getting Zhao Yanyan as his girlfriend, he still cared a lot for her, so he was very worked up right now.

Thus, I told Fatty Wu about how Chen Zelong crashed into her. Hearing that Fatty Wu said in an extremely angry manner, “That son of a *****, laozi’s going to take the troops there to bomb his Chen’s Corporation!”

“I already decided to take revenge on him, I’m going to Hong Kong these two days!” I said. “Oh yeah, I have to ask for leave from you, the major chief, I won’t be able to participate in the military training these few days!”

“This isn’t an issue, I’ll tell them now!” Fatty Wu then said to Zhang Chengman, “Company Commander Zhang, this student has some business at home, he won’t participate in the military training these few days, don’t worry, he already trained in the things for military training!”

Seeing the battalion commander say it, how could he not agree. Within the military, an extra level was enough to destroy you! What he was most worried about was that me telling Fatty Wu about what happened just now, otherwise their company might be screwed! From the looks of it, I must be old friends with Battalion Commander Wu, Zhang Chengman felt a silent regret. He should he scodled Li Qiang harshly, then allow the request for leave, this way, the student might even help him put in a few good words in front of Battalion Commander Wu. Yet, now… Ai!

“Yes, Battalion Commander!” said Zhang Chengman quickly.

Fatty Wu nodded and didn’t say anymore to him. This allowed him to calm down quite a bit, it seems like I didn’t speak about what happened just now.

“Oh yeah, Fatty Wu, how did you get promoted to Battalion Commander in the two years we didn’t meet? This promotion is a bit too quick, right?” Could it be because of your dad?” I remember that Fatty Wu’s dad was a commander of the battalion in Songjiang province.

“Ugh! What are you thinking, although you can go through the backdoor in the army, no matter what, it’s impossible for me to rise to a battalion commander from a normal soldier!” Fatty Wu shook his head and smiled. “No matter how capable my dad is, it’s impossible for him to get me the position of a battalion commander, what’s more, I even got transferred to Yanjing!”

Thinking about it, he was right, how could they go through the back door to become an important official so easily, otherwise, how were they supposed to place the many young masters of the commanders.

“My old man threw me to pilot a helicopter for a while, then pilot a plane for a while, after that, I got promoted to a platoon commander. Then, during a mission, I made a huge achievement, with my dad’s work, I irregularly got promoted two levels, so now, your little bro, I, is already a battalion commander, I didn’t bring shame to you, right?” Fatty Wu said proudly.

I nodded, so it’s like this, it seems like he made a military contribution, then since his dad was also very powerful, his dad used this to help him get a good position.

“Oh yeah, did you got your passport and the plane ticket to Hong Kong? Do you need me to send you over with a military plane?” Fatty Wu said.

“No need, Yanjing city’s government is cooperation with Uncle Zhao, they organized it for me,” I said.

“That’s good, then I don’t need to worry, if the government of the capital can’t do this, then there’s nothing I can help you with,” Fatty Wu smiled. “How about it, let’s not think about it for now, I’ll treat tonight, let’s have a drink?”


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 39.5 – Meeting my little bro

Chapter 39 – It’s actually Fatty Wu

“Wait, Company Commander Zhang!” Seeing that Zhang Chengman was going to turn around and leave, I quickly stopped him. My issues wasn’t solve yet, how could I let him go.

“What is it?” Zhang Chengman asked.

“Can I not attend the military training?” I asked.

“You… can’t !” Although Zhang Chengman was troubled, due to the people in the military often being caring of their subordinates, if they made a mistake, the commanders can scold them, but he still could not agree to these sorts of request of not participating in military training.

I was a bit speechless, did I run the five rounds for nothing? The instructor also looked at me apologetically, since he promised me before, and now, since Company Commander Zhang disagreed, he couldn’t help it.

At that moment, I noticed that the instructor was pretty nice, he was like a man! I smiled towards him, and expressed that it was alright.

Seeing that I didn’t get angry, the instructor smiled kindly. Thus, the grudge between the two of us were solved.

Just when we were standing there, we heard the sound of cars from not far away, their battalion commander must have arrived!

A military car pulled over, all of the instructors, including Company Commander Zhang Chengman, all got their students to rest on stop, then quickly walked up to and formed a line beside the car.

At this moment, a slightly chubby young man wearing a colonel military uniform got off… When I looked over, I thought something went wrong with my vision! That was because, the person that got off was actually Fatty Wu!

When did this fellow come over to Yanjing, and got promoted to battalion commander? Thinking back, I did not see Fatty Wu after I got into a fight with Wu Yingying that time, first of it, it was because I didn’t have much free time, the second reason was that it was weird for me to go to their home. Seeing him again, I was rather worked up, since this guy was my little bro, I just don’t know if he admits it now. No matter what, I was still very happy to meet him here.

“Fatty Wu!” I ran over and shouted.

Hearing someone suddenly call his nickname, Fatty Wu blanked. Ever since he was transferred to Yanjing to be the battalion commander of a certain battalion, regardless of him being in front of his superiors or his subordinates, it was always very serious, no one knew that his nickname was Fatty Wu.

Fatty Wu looked over following the voice, and saw me, running towards him, causing him to isnatntly smiled.

“Boss… E—— Old Liu, why are you here!” Fatty Wu said “Boss” naturally, but then realized that his identity was different now, his subordinates were around him, so calling someone else “Boss” didn’t seem quite right. It made him sound like a delinquent, thus he quickly corrected himself.

Hearing Fatty Wu call me boss, I was very happy in my heart, it seems like I didn’t accept this little bro for nothing, I also knew that he couldn’t call me that in this situation, so I smiled understandingly, “Fatty Wu, you called me Old Liu, I don’t think I’m that old, right?”

“Haha, it’s a mistake, a mistake!” Fatty Wu smiled. “Liu Lei, why did you come here?”

“Me? For the military training, I am a new student in Huaxia University right now!” I said.

“Hmm… It seems like we haven’t met for two years, that’s right, you should be going to university, oh yeah, where’s Zhao Yanyan? Did she not come to Huaxia University? The three of us haven’t met for so long, I’ll treat tonight, and treat you and saozi…s for a meal,” When Wu Tian said half of what he was going to say, he suddenly remembered I didn’t only have one wife, thus added “s” after saozi.

Hearing Fatty Wu mentioned Zhao Yanyan, my expression darkened.

Seeing my expression, Fatty Wu found it rather strange, thus he quickly asked, “Liu Lei, what happened?”

“Wu Tian, Zhao Yanyan got in a car accident!” I sighed. “Although she has left the danger period, but I don’t know why, she still hasn’t woken up yet…”

“What!” Wu Tian got worked up. “What did you say, Zhao Yanyan got in a car accident! When was this? How is she now?”

“Just a few days ago, she’s in the hospital right now, but the doctor said she’s fine, waking up is just a matter of time,” I said.

“What exactly happened? She was fine, why would she suddenly get into a car crash!” Fatty Wu said anxiously. Although he already lost all thoughts of getting Zhao Yanyan as his girlfriend, he still cared a lot for her, so he was very worked up right now.

Thus, I told Fatty Wu about how Chen Zelong crashed into her. Hearing that Fatty Wu said in an extremely angry manner, “That son of a *****, laozi’s going to take the troops there to bomb his Chen’s Corporation!”

“I already decided to take revenge on him, I’m going to Hong Kong these two days!” I said. “Oh yeah, I have to ask for leave from you, the major chief, I won’t be able to participate in the military training these few days!”

“This isn’t an issue, I’ll tell them now!” Fatty Wu then said to Zhang Chengman, “Company Commander Zhang, this student has some business at home, he won’t participate in the military training these few days, don’t worry, he already trained in the things for military training!”

Seeing the battalion commander say it, how could he not agree. Thus, he quickly said, “Yes, Battalion Commander!”

“Oh yeah, Fatty Wu, how did you get promoted to Battalion Commander in the two years we didn’t meet? This promotion is a bit too quick, right?” Could it be because of your dad?” I remember that Fatty Wu’s dad was a commander of the battalion in Songjiang province.

“Ugh! What are you thinking, although you can go through the backdoor in the army, no matter what, it’s impossible for me to rise to a battalion commander from a normal soldier!” Fatty Wu shook his head and smiled. “No matter how capable my dad is, it’s impossible for him to get me the position of a battalion commander, what’s more, I even got transferred to Yanjing!”

Thinking about it, he was right, how could they go through the back door to become an important official so easily, otherwise, how were they supposed to place the many young masters of the commanders.

“My old man threw me to pilot a helicopter for a while, then pilot a plane for a while, after that, I got promoted to a platoon commander. Then, during a mission, I made a huge achievement, with my dad’s work, I irregularly got promoted two levels, so now, your little bro, I, is already a battalion commander, I didn’t bring shame to you, right?” Fatty Wu said proudly.

I nodded, so it’s like this, it seems like he made a military contribution, then since his dad was also very powerful, his dad used this to help him get a good position.

“Oh yeah, did you got your passport and the plane ticket to Hong Kong? Do you need me to send you over with a military plane?” Fatty Wu said.

“No need, Yanjing city’s government is cooperation with Uncle Zhao, they organized it for me,” I said.

“That’s good, then I don’t need to worry, if the government of the capital can’t do this, then there’s nothing I can help you with,” Fatty Wu smiled. “How about it, let’s not think about it for now, I’ll treat tonight, let’s have a drink?”


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 39 – It’s actually Fatty Wu

Chapter 38.5 – Martial Arts Contest with the Instructor

The instructor thought that I was some kind of rich brat, he didn’t think it would be like this! However, hearing my explanation, he got even more angry, after all, who told me to I retorted him to his face? Thus, he couldn’t help but say, “Since it’s like that, then I won’t say too much. However, since you came to military training, you have to do as my rules says, you didn’t come to military training for two days, so I will punish you by making you run five rounds around the field!”

You have to know, the large sports field for military training has a circumference of ten thousand meters per round, making a normal university student run fifty thousand meter was a mission that couldn’t be achieved, even new soldiers can’t manage to run that much!

I looked coldly at the instructor, “Don’t you think that it’s too much?” I was clear about my own ability, making me run fifty thousand meters, don’t even talk about fifty thousand meters, even if it was a million meters, it would be like child’s play. If I can use teleportation, that’s just a few second’s worth of work, if I use the time stopping super power, I would be even faster than the speed of light. However, what pissed me off was that the instructor actually made things so difficult for me. It wasn’t much for me, wouldn’t any other university student get tired to death by him?

Sure, I didn’t come to military training on the first day, I should be punished, but isn’t this method of punishment a bit too much?

“Too much?” When the instructor said this, he also regretted he, he felt like he didn’t really need to fight with a student, the student wasn’t his soldier, even if he was his soldier, they couldn’t possibly run fifty thousand meter. However, since he has already said it, he could only continue forcefully, “If you can’t run it, then your grades for military training is blanked!”

“And if I do manage to run it?” I said provokingly.

“Run it?” The instructor didn’t believe that I could run fifty thousand meters at all, thus he casually said. “If you run it, then you can do whatever you want, I’ll give you Outstanding for your military training!”

“Sure, it’s a promise!” I said. I had to immediately go to Hong Kong to deal with the Chen family, so I didn’t have too much time to waste on military training, what I needed was for him to say that!

Under the instructor’s shocked gaze, I started running. The classmates in class also started worrying for me, since most of those who could get into Huaxia University were nerds, their fitness were very poor. That’s why, when they saw me run, they all revealed shocked expressions.

At this moment, only my bros from the room, Ouyang Tianqi and co. didn’t worry, they knew about my physique, although fifty thousand meters was very long, it probably wouldn’t be able to stop me!

Of course I will not disappoint them, I deliberately did not use any powers and ran with pure stamina. Even so, my speed was shocking, so I couldn’t help but slow down, since I didn’t want to shock the world, and have people treat me as the future Olympics champion! However, this really felt terrible, I could clearly run faster, yet I had to pretend to only be able to run slower.

Despite me running at a slow pace, it already was unbelievable for the people there. They didn’t find it much at the start, since there are loads of students that could run ten thousand meters, but I actually finished the second and third round without stopping. This wasn’t much, but what shocked people was that I kept the same pace the entire time, in other words, I was running at a constant speed.

Aside from Ouyang Tianqi, that has had strict martial arts training since a young age, that has noticed, most people didn’t pay much attention, but the instructor was different, they would often have this sort of constant speed running training, but that would have a lot of soldiers training together, so it was rather easy for them to control the speed. It wasn’t so easy for a person to control their speed when they were running alone. Adding onto the loss of stamina later on, normal people couldn’t keep it the same at all!

After I finished running the five rounds, the classmates in the class all let out a long cheer, while disregarding the military training regulations. All of them felt happy and proud for me!

I waved my hand to signal my classmates to be quiet, since their physique was different to mine, I can’t let them ask for trouble due to me. I turned around to the instructor and said, “How is it, comrade instructor, shouldn’t you fulfill your promise?”

Saying that, the instructor momentarily blanked, what he said just now were all things he said in anger. He didn’t believe that I could run fifty thousand meters like it was nothing, so he instantly lost words, and went bright red. He was just a deputy company commander, the chief of this military training was the company commander, he did not have the right to decide whether a student would participate in the military training or not! If the company commander knew, couldn’t he be scolded to death! Thus, he said, “Alright, Liu Lei, go back in line and properly participate in the military training, then I’ll ignore what happened before!”

I looked at the instructor and laughed coldly, this fellow clearly wanted to be shameless and go back on his words.

“Comrade instructor, it’s not an issue of ignoring what happened, do you want to go back on what you said in front of so many people?” I said.

The instructor was extremely pissed, he didn’t think that this student actually reorted him to the face in front of so many people. Originally, he had thought that he would give the student a step down, so btoh sides would just ignore this. He didn’t think that the student would actually go on about it! Thus, he said angrily, “I’m the instructor, what I say is the actual decision. Don’t think that you’re amazing after running fifty thousand meters, I’m telling you, compared to me, you’re mothing!”

Even thought my temper was good, I couldn’t help but get pissed. Ever since I was reborn, nobody dared to talk to me like that!

“Then let’s compete, see who’s the nothing,” I gazed directly as the instructor and said.

“Heng, I’m the deputy company commander of the army, others would just say that I’m bullying you if I compete with you. So, you can choose whatever you want to compete in!” The instructor said cockily.

“Sure, then let’s not compete in anything else. Let’s use sanda!” I said. You have to know, before learning superpowers, I was already a sanda champion in my previous life.

The instructor couldn’t help but laugh loudly in his heart upon hearing that, sanda with a soldier? Isn’t that asking to die? The warriors of the army often traded blows! He knew that this was his only chance of turning back, or else he really would fall in the student’s hand. Now, he was completely confident, because he’s called the “Sanda King” in the military, and is invincible. Thus, he quickly agreed and said, “Sure! Then just sanda!” At this moment, he didn’t care about what rules or not, if he refused, then he would lose even more face.

This time, even my bros from the dorm couldn’t help but get worried for me. Even if they know that I was very good at fighting, my opponents were just rascals then, how could they compared up to trained soldiers! Ouyang Tianqi was also silently worrying, since he knew about the power of the people in the military clearly. It wasn’t a joke, only someone like him, who has been strictly trained in ancient martial arts could defeat them. Ouyang Tianqi never thought that I would raise such a method of competition, he kept on trying to give me a cue, but I merely replied with a gaze that told him to not worry.

“Alright, since you chose this yourself, then let’s start. If you lose, then participate in the military training properly!” said the instructor. “How about this, I’ll give you three blows for you to use your maximum potential to attack me, after three blows, if you could not defeat me, then I’ll be merciless!”

Use my maximum potential? I laughed coldly in my heart, if I use my full power, then he would become a corpse, or even not even a corpse.

However, since I just came to Huaxia University, I can’t act too out of the ordinary. Or else, it would be troublesome if someone sees and force me to enter the Asian Games or the Olympics! Thus, I got in a sanda posture and dashed towards the instructor.

I punched onto the instructor’s chest. Although it seem beyond plain, as if it was the punch of a beginner, the instructor was silently shocked, he actually couldn’t dodge this plain-looking punch, since the speed of the punch was too fast.

Thus, my punch landed properly on the instructor’s chest. Although I didn’t even use ten percent of my strength, even so, the instructor called out in pain silently. My punch hit him like a metal hammer, he felt his throat move subconsciously, but forced himself not to cough up blood.

From the eyes of the outsider, he was going easy on me, so deliberately ate a punch!

My punch fully enraged the instructor, he couldn’t care about the promise of three blows, and lifted his foot to kick me.

I felt contempt in my heart, why does this person not keep his promise. However, I merely laughed coldly, and easily dodged his kick. Then I arrived behind him, and performed a hand knife onto his neck without any strength.

“If this was on the battlefield, you’re already dead,” I said expressionlessly.

The instructor was shocked! He had a taste of my power, if I used that power to chop at his neck, he would definitely lose his life, you have to know, the neck is one of the most fragile parts of the human body.

The instructor’s expression was pale, but he couldn’t help but admit, the student in front of him was no normal student, he couldn’t stand up to him at all! He could tell that the student didn’t go at him with his full power, he was just pretending.

Just as I was about to say something, I heard a solemn call, “Li Qiang, what are you doing!”

Li Qiang was the instructor’s name, when he heard the call, he immediately turned around to salute, “Company Commander Zhang!”

So the person that came was the chief instructor of our military training, Company Commander Zhang Chengman.

“Li Qiang, what are you doing? Why you fighting with a student?” Zhang Chengman asked angrily.

“Report, sir, I…” Li Qiang really felt troubled about the explanation, since what he did was against the rules of military training, what’s more was that he even lsot to a student, how could he say that!

However, him unable to speak does not mean I couldn’t. Seeing Li Qiang’s look, even if he lost, he didn’t plan to let me off. Thus, I might as well tell his chief directly! Thus, I told him what had happened.

“Li Qiang, is what he said all true?” Zhang Chengman asked with a dark expression.

“Company commander, about this…” Li Qiang stuttered.

“Yes or no!” Seeing Li Qiang’s look, he knew that it must have been more or less it.

“Y-Yes!” Li Qiang answered.

“Heng, I’ll deal with you when we get back. Now, one of the battalion commander of our military region is coming to inspect out military training, get prepared!” Zhang Chengman said.

“Wait, Company Commander Zhang!” Seeing that Zhang Chengman was going to turn around and leave, I quickly stopped him. My issues wasn’t solve yet, how could I let him go.

“What is it?” Zhang Chengman asked.

“Can I not attend the military training?” I asked.

“You… can’t !” Although Zhang Chengman was troubled, due to the people in the military often being caring of their subordinates, if they made a mistake, the commanders can scold them, but he still could not agree to these sorts of request of not participating in military training.

“So Company Commander Zhang and your subordinate are all people that don’t keep their promises, fine, isn’t the battalion commander coming, I’ll tell him directly!” I said coldly.

Hearing my words, Zhang Chengman shuddered, but then thought, how could he have a chance to speak with the battalion commander. Thus, he stopped worrying and said, ‘Please!” With that, he turned and left. Originally, he was pissed enough that his subordinate lost, how could he agree to a student’s demand.

However, I didn’t listen to them either, how could I truly be tied down by anyone! I merely gave the school face, since the two soldiers were so biased, then I’ve been nice enough, they can’t blame me for not giving them face. If I can’t to leave, can they stop me! I think that even if I don’t participate in military training, the school can’t expel me with this reason!

Just as I was about to say my goodbyes to my bros from the dorm, I heard the sound of cars from not far away, their battalion commander must have arrived!

I didn’t truly wanted to tell on them, I’m not such a pointless person, I merely wanted to scare him.

A military car pulled over, all of the instructors, including Company Commander Zhang Chengman, all got their students to rest on stop, then quickly walked up to and formed a line beside the car.

At this moment, a slightly chubby young man wearing a colonel military uniform got off… When I looked over, I thought something went wrong with my vision!! ****!! It’s actually Fatty Wu!!!

When did this fellow come over to Yanjing, and got promoted to battalion commander? Thinking back, I did not see Fatty Wu after I got into a fight with Wu Yingying that time, first of it, it was because I didn’t have much free time, the second reason was that it was weird for me to go to their home. Seeing him again, I was rather worked up, since this guy was my little bro, I just don’t know if he admits it now. No matter what, I was still very happy to meet him here.

“Fatty Wu!” I ran over and shouted.
Hearing someone suddenly call his nickname, Fatty Wu blanked. Ever since he was transferred to Yanjing to be the battalion commander of a certain battalion, regardless of him being in front of his superiors or his subordinates, it was always very serious, no one knew that his nickname was Fatty Wu.

Fatty Wu looked over following the voice, and saw me, running towards him, causing him to instantly smile.

Although that Company Commander Zhang heard me shout “Fatty Wu”, he didn’t know who this “Fatty Wu” was. Since he didn’t know that his superior had the nickname of “Fatty Wu”, thus he didn’t think he that direction. He thought that I ran over to tell on him, and instantly got shocked. He thought to himself, this student is something, I had thought that he was just saying, I didn’t think that he really came over!


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 38.5 – Martial Arts Contest with the Instructor

[Vol. 3] Chapter 12 – Stone Labyrinth V

“Kitora’s reasoning seems justified. That being the case it doesn’t sound like a bad idea to attack.”

 As I said that Crescent Moon nodded strongly.

“That’s right, even if what you said is wrong we can’t start anything if we don’t move!”

“But don’t you think this situation is also dangerous?”

 As I thought, Knopf is cool-headed.

“Of course it is. That’s why we surprise them and look at the situation.”

 I explained my strategy.

“It’s rather simple. Crescent Moon and I will first approach the den. But we’ll just go in and lure them out. If there are higher-ranked guys among them they’ll come out here as well, right? Even if those fellows don’t come out Knopf will throw fireballs at them from behind. Add oxygen to them and put all your strength into it.”

“I see, first you pull them out and then from behind “Baaang”, huh? How nice.”

 Crescent Moon who listened to me smirked.
 She seemed to like this strategy.

“There seemed to be a considerable amount inside so like this one will have it easier. I’ll throw rocks with my sling from the right”

“Then I’ll cast weakening magic on those guys. That seems to be particularly effective against Goblins.”

 Like this, we created a rough strategy.
 We left the room and returned to the corner from some time ago.

“Crescent Moon, don’t get too close to the fence. You’ll get caught up in Knopf’s magic otherwise.”

“I know about that young lady’s power well. I’m not such a daredevil.”

“Well then, are you ready?”

 First Crescent Moon and I, weapons in hand, jumped out.
 We rushed towards the fence.
 The Goblin sentries who discovered us let out a hoarse cry and ran towards us while swinging their weapons.

“This close is fine, right?”

 We stopped when we reached a suitable distance from the fence and hit the Goblins.
 Following the sentries Goblins came jumping out from beyond the fence.


“Hey, how many are they!”

 Crescent Moon shouted.
 It’s like Kitora expected, there aren’t any high-ranking monsters among them but the amount of Goblins is humongous.
 Forty, no, a little more than forty goblins instantly started to attack us.
 With this momentum it seems like there are still more.
 Isn’t that kind of bad――?

 Shurushurushuru, Dagaaaaaaaan!

 As I thought that fireballs came flying over our heads and exploded on the fence.
 Followed by a huge explosion sound a large number of Goblins got blown away.
 It’s like the special effects in a Hero, no, war movie.

“Now, let’s go, Crescent Moon!”

 We cut down the Goblins which looked back in surprise.
 Additionally, the Goblins got warped in black smoke.
 The ones who got touched by that smoke lost their power and their movements grew dull.
 The power of dark magic sure is great.
 We have to make sure not to touch that.

 We cut down the now dizzy goblins and threw them away.
 When I swung my Great Sword with both hands using all my power two or three Goblins got blown away every time.
 The stones which Pick was throwing hit yet another Goblin knocking it out.

 As Crescent Moon was dancing with her two weapons in her hands she slaughtered the Goblins.
 I exterminated most of the Goblins coming my way so I had room to enjoy the view of those wonderfully shaking giant twin mountains with wide eyes.
 Though I couldn’t really see clearly because we were inside the dungeon but they are as sexy as ever.

“Haa, haa, something like this, huh?”

 As she defeated many of them Crescent Moon was gasping.
 Every time she did her huge twin mountains shook.
 It’s truly a mystery.
 That fellow’s personality is like that but her skin is as smooth as a student council’s vice president’s behind (abbreviated).

“Alright, shall we go inside then?”

We climbed over the blown up fence’s debris and entered the Goblin nest.
 Because of Knopf’s extra-large fireball exploding the surrounding area was in a wretched state.
 She’s already a weapon.
 Let’s ask her later if she could help me fight against the Barbarians and the conservational nobles.
 Thinking like that it was the right choice to have told Knopf “Carlo = Akatsuki”.

“Looks like there’s nothing particularly valuable left.”

 As Crescent Moon said that she seemed disappointed from the bottom of her heart.

“That’s it, this!”

 Kitora was eagerly looking around the debris while saying that in a joyful voice.
 She held some kind of blackish ball in her hands.

“What’s that? Can you sell it?”

 You really only care about that, huh?

“About this, this is a pearl able to distribute magical power. Someone gave the Goblins magical power using this.”

“For what purpose did you look for that?”

 Kitora answered Knopf’s question with a smile.

“For now that’s a secret. But it’s something good”

 Other than this there wasn’t much to get here and eventually the Goblin nest’s exploration ended.

“So, what are we going to do now? There’s a high possibility of there being a strong one in the back, aright?”

 Everyone was brooding over Pick’s words.

“Since we don’t know what kind of enemy it is I think we should be careful.”

 Knopf is still keeping her cool.

“The profit of that would be so-so, the reward given for this exploration is quite reasonable. We can always come back here as well.”

“That’s rare, Crescent Moon. I thought you’d want to go further to earn more money, though”

 As I questioned her Crescent Moon replied slightly shy.

“Hehe, up till now I was far too greedy and I made some bitter experiences because of that on many occasions.”

“Haha, is that so? What about you, Kitora?”

“Honestly, I’m rather interested in these depths I have a feeling I might get a good familiar there. But I got these bones and this pearl so I can return first. My only condition is that you take me with you when you intend to go back here again. Is that fine?”

 Well, my seniors are waiting up there and we shouldn’t keep them waiting for much longer.
 Also if that enemy is much stronger I’d like to bring the reliable F with me to this place.
 So shall we leave it at that for the time being?

“Alright, then shall we go back for the time being?”

It was a considerably complicated labyrinth but we were able to easily find our way back because I diligently mapped everything out.
 From time to time we met some remaining Goblins but we exterminated them without any problems.

“We’re there, it was here, right?”

 When I looked up I saw the trap hole wide open and my seniors looking down through it.

“Head, big sis, welcome back!”

“I let the rope down now”

 We used the rope thrown down by my seniors to climb up.
 Pick and I quickly climb up then pull up Kitora and Knopf with four people.

“Compared to your appearance you’re surprisingly heavy.”

“What are you saying? You’re just too weak!”

 As I teased Kitora she gave me that retort.
 Even a priestess of darkness can be that cute.
 Though her hobby of collecting human bones isn’t cute at all.

 Finally Crescent Moon climbed up and with that all the members were gathered.

“We kept you waiting”

“No, how was it down there?”

 While returning to the entrance Crescent Moon and Pick talked about the events having taken place at the bottom of the hole.

“Weell, I got a bit impatient when I saw that amount of Goblins.”

“Right? But that Baaaaang from before!”

“Right, right, there can’t be such a powerful fireball, right?”

“That’s right, that’s like cheating. It’s just too amazing, Knopf-san!”

“Such a thing, that’s just……”

 The cat girl Knopf got embarrassed by Pick’s and Crescent Moon’s praise.
 Her ears becoming all Funyan was pretty cute.
 But that power sure is like a cheat.

“Weeell, I’d like to see that!”

“Right, I want to see it, too”

 I feel like my seniors will get caught in the explosion if one happens or is that just my imagination?

 Like this, my first Dungeon exploration ended.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 37

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

Chapter 38 – Getting rid of the misunderstanding

The instructor thought that I was some kind of rich brat, he didn’t think it would be like this! However, hearing my explanation, he got even more angry, after all, who told me to I retorted him to his face? Thus, he couldn’t help but say, “Since it’s like that, then I won’t say too much. However, since you came to military training, you have to do as my rules says, you didn’t come to military training for two days, so I will punish you by making you run five rounds around the field!”

You have to know, the large sports field for military training has a circumference of ten thousand meters per round, making a normal university student run fifty thousand meter was a mission that couldn’t be achieved, even new soldiers can’t manage to run that much!

I looked coldly at the instructor, “Don’t you think that it’s too much?” I was clear about my own ability, making me run fifty thousand meters, don’t even talk about fifty thousand meters, even if it was a million meters, it would be like child’s play. If I can use teleportation, that’s just a few second’s worth of work, if I use the time stopping super power, I would be even faster than the speed of light. However, what pissed me off was that the instructor actually made things so difficult for me. It wasn’t much for me, wouldn’t any other university student get tired to death by him?

Sure, I didn’t come to military training on the first day, I should be punished, but isn’t this method of punishment a bit too much?

“Too much?” When the instructor said this, he also regretted he, he felt like he didn’t really need to fight with a student, the student wasn’t his soldier, even if he was his soldier, they couldn’t possibly run fifty thousand meter. However, since he has already said it, he could only continue forcefully, “If you can’t run it, then your grades for military training is blanked!”

“And if I do manage to run it?” I said provokingly.

“Run it?” The instructor didn’t believe that I could run fifty thousand meters at all, thus he casually said. “If you run it, then you can do whatever you want, I’ll give you Outstanding for your military training!”

“Sure, it’s a promise!” I said. I had to immediately go to Hong Kong to deal with the Chen family, so I didn’t have too much time to waste on military training, what I needed was for him to say that!

Under the instructor’s shocked gaze, I started running. The classmates in class also started worrying for me, since most of those who could get into Huaxia University were nerds, their fitness were very poor. That’s why, when they saw me run, they all revealed shocked expressions.

At this moment, only my bros from the room, Ouyang Tianqi and co. didn’t worry, they knew about my physique, although fifty thousand meters was very long, it probably wouldn’t be able to stop me!

Of course I will not disappoint them, I deliberately did not use any powers and ran with pure stamina. Even so, my speed was shocking, so I couldn’t help but slow down, since I didn’t want to shock the world, and have people treat me as the future Olympics champion! However, this really felt terrible, I could clearly run faster, yet I had to pretend to only be able to run slower.

Despite me running at a slow pace, it already was unbelievable for the people there. They didn’t find it much at the start, since there are loads of students that could run ten thousand meters, but I actually finished the second and third round without stopping. This wasn’t much, but what shocked people was that I kept the same pace the entire time, in other words, I was running at a constant speed.

Aside from Ouyang Tianqi, that has had strict martial arts training since a young age, that has noticed, most people didn’t pay much attention, but the instructor was different, they would often have this sort of constant speed running training, but that would have a lot of soldiers training together, so it was rather easy for them to control the speed. It wasn’t so easy for a person to control their speed when they were running alone. Adding onto the loss of stamina later on, normal people couldn’t keep it the same at all!

After I finished running the five rounds, the classmates in the class all let out a long cheer, while disregarding the military training regulations. All of them felt happy and proud for me!

I waved my hand to signal my classmates to be quiet, since their physique was different to mine, I can’t let them ask for trouble due to me. I turned around to the instructor and said, “How is it, comrade instructor, shouldn’t you fulfill your promise?”

Saying that, the instructor momentarily blanked, what he said just now were all things he said in anger. He didn’t believe that I could run fifty thousand meters like it was nothing, so he instantly lost words, and went bright red. He was just a deputy company commander, the chief of this military training was the company commander, he did not have the right to decide whether a student would participate in the military training or not! If the company commander knew, couldn’t he be scolded to death!

However, since he said it, as a soldier, he naturally had to keep his word. That’s why he was really troubled. It seems like the company commander was right, he was a bit too impulsive at times, now he was stuck on spot.

Yet, after thinking about it for a long time, the instructor still said, “Alright, from today onwards, you don’t need to participate in military training anymore, I will also treat your grade of military training as outstanding!”

“Oh!” The entire class cheered, while I stood on the side, silently looking at the instructor, while feeling a bit troubled.

Although this instructor was a bit impulsive, but it’s not like I didn’t do any wrongs. Since he could keep his promise in the end and say that I don’t need to participate in military training anymore, I could tell that he someone that kept his word.

Yet, from his expression, I could tell that he would get scolded doing this. Should I continue participating in military training or not? I was also troubled.

Just as I was about to say something, I heard a solemn call, “Li Qiang, what are you doing!”

Li Qiang was the instructor’s name, when he heard the call, he immediately turned around to salute, “Company Commander Zhang!”

So the person that came was the chief instructor of our military training, Company Commander Zhang Chengman.

“Li Qiang, what are you doing? Why are the students all so rowdy together?” Zhang Chengman asked angrily.

“Report, sir, I…” Li Qiang really felt troubled about the explanation, since what he did was against the rules of military training, letting a student off and promising him an outstanding grade in military training, how could he say that!

Seeing the instructor’s troubled expression, I decided to help him out, but whether Company Commander Zhang will continue putting fault on him was outside of my control. Therefore, I told him what happened.

“Li Qiang, is what he said all true?” Zhang Chengman asked with a dark expression.

“Company commander, about this…” Li Qiang stuttered.

“Yes or no!” Seeing Li Qiang’s look, he knew that it must have been more or less it.

“Y-Yes!” Li Qiang answered.

“You impulsive person! Look, the student is putting in a good word for you, I’ll deal with you later. Now, one of the battalion commander of our military region is coming to inspect out military training, get prepared!” Zhang Chengman said.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 38 – Getting rid of the misunderstanding

Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles V01C04-05

Hello everybody! I’m the new guy in the website! I don’t have to much to say for now so, I just hope you enjoy this novel!

Want to go the TOC to see the synopsis:

But If you are already up to date then you can continue reading from the new chapters!

And seriously that chapter 5 is really long!! Almost like three chapters in one!