Category Archives: Translations


Author note: There will 5 to 6 more chapters of Kaoru’s childhood, then we will move on to the adventure outside of the village. Please bear with me till then.

Translator note: I will be dropping this series as I am no longer enjoying this story. But I will release this teaser as part 1 and hope another translator will pick it up from part 2 onwards. Thanks for all the support!

P.S. (to answer some questions) I have read ahead, and this is not a story I would enjoy. I tried to continue translating but then I will not be enjoying myself, which is the point of me translating. Sorry for dropping it, but if there is no one translating this series after 3 months, I will try to pick it up again.

Click here to read

[Vol 1] Chapter 14

When we enter the living room, Sierra and Father were having a meal. They had a surprised expression when they turned their eyes onto me.

“Gerald, are you feeling better now?”

“Yeah, I feel great”

I nodded to Father words as I sat on my chair.

As soon as I sat down, Mother brought in hot soup and bread for me. Just the smell of it multiplied my appetite by ten folds.

Well, it’s only natural, seeing I have not eaten anything for three days now.

Both of my hands naturally stretched out towards the dish. I ate the bread like a caveman while every so often, gulping down the slightly sweet corn soup.

“Geho, goho” ⌈1

“Ahh, mou, eat slowly Gerald-chan, it won’t disappear you don’t have to rush”

“Ugh, s-sorry”

Struggling to swallow the food, Mother used a handkerchief and help wiped my mouth.

…… Even though I know that I’m childish, I still tried to act like a grown-up. Possibly because they think that my action of overdoing myself was amusing, Father and Mother ended up chuckling.

“By the way, Otou-san, Okaa-san”

While slowly finishing the rest of the food, I told Father and Mother.

“I am able to perceive æther now”

After saying that, Father’s expression changed from surprise to joy.

“Gerald…… You” ⌈2

Father looked at me with an expression as if he was about to cry and then he proceeded to wipe his eyes (though there were no tears flowing).

“I see, you are becoming a man too……”

He muttered to himself.

But I understood Father’s feelings. To be more precise, I am starting to understand his feelings.

Now, I am able to perceive æther, something which I could not have done before.

At least, I am『Like a Magician』. There is no doubt that becoming a magician means I am growing up.

“Otou-san, will I become a good man?”

“Ahh, to grow, to grow into such a splendid young man…… as expected of my son”



Hishi!3⌋ While seeing two men embracing each other, Mother muttered to herself while having an amazed face.

“Mmm, man sure are blockheads……”

You would think that he is getting excited at such a trivial thing. But this is an important matter between Father and me.

Be that as it may, I decided to not give Mother any more chance of making fun of me, I untied my arms from Father’s back and returned them back to my side.

Then, Father, with all his might, suddenly pulled himself back to me.


“Gerald, I…… I used to wish to become a magician back in my glory days a long time ago”

I see. After I looked at him, I understood.

Ever since I started using magic, the tension started to rise. But having been told by your son that he is also able to perceive aether now, it was enough to make you cry.

I love and respect the place where the heart of a boy is kept in Father like that. I really want to become an adult who does not forget purity, like my father.

“But I lacked the talent…… to understand the magic language. But surprisingly, my son has been granted the dream I always yearned for. For parents, there is no greater joy than this. Thank you very much!”

My face became red after hearing Father’s thankful words. I wonder why such straightforward and to the point words of gratitude could be this embarrassing.

Aware of my own embarrassed expression, Mother displayed a smile over on the other side of the table while giggling.

“Oh? Nii-tan and Rachel getting along? Sierra too!”

Sierra clung onto my back and squeezed tightly. What a cute little creature, I feel happy just being close to her.

“Nii-tan, Nii~tan”

Sierra rubs her cheeks on my back. Even if the action is not visible, I could imagine. Her actions seem to make my chest warm and relaxed. Sierra is clad in a soothing aura. I see, I can perceive æther regardless of senses.

If such a thing is considered.

“…… Nii-tan, smewwy”


“Well, it can’t be helped since you have not washed your body in three days”


Sierra moved away from my back. Mother’s strangely calm comment seemed to be the finishing blow to me.

However, Sierra getting away from my back somehow managed to help me regain my composure. While sitting on the chair and extending the spoon for the soup again, I decided to『look』at everyone.

And then I saw it, three people covered in æther.

Father is……Unfortunately, his æther is considerably low. The faint light he emitted was coloured dark grey. However somewhere deep down, despite him being a romanticist, he gives off a feeling of being a serious father.

He said he didn’t have the talent for it, but even if he knew the language of magic, but with the size of this æther, he won’t be able to use very strong magic techniques.

I saw it when Mother entered the room, but the æther given off was in a warm orange colour.

Still, the feeling I get from Mother’s æther is so gentle that it feels like it envelopes you to the brim with magnanimity. Warm, gentle……I like colours of that feeling.

Next, I move my eyes to Sierra—incredible.

Unlike my bright silver light, her æther is so strong to the point you’d be hard pressed to question whether it was a halo or not. Even though I’m know magic on some extent, but, it’s still so dazzling.

According to the grimoire, anyone during infancy/early childhood has a talent for magic. From there, as you’re growing older, both of your talent and æther light gradually grow smaller, until you’re dead.

In that sense, Sierra who’s still two years old has such a strong æther light.

However, by continuously looking at other people’s æther like this, I somehow managed to sense my own æther.–



Even though it is a good practice to shut myself in the room and pour æther into the spell, there’s a special feeling when perceiving other people’s æther. I notice there are differences on individual æther in color and light. Moreover, this magical light can show us the innerself of the person, it’s pretty interesting.

Even so, why could I suddenly perceive æther…?

That’s remind me, I think I have an idea about it.

The sign that I felt before the big wild boar appears. And also, there was some indigo color-like thing which wrapped the body of that low-tier monster.
Don’t tell me, at that time I already….

[… Nee, Father. I want to ask something] [Nn? What is it Gerald?] [There was something shiny in the body of the giant wild boar, do you know about it?] [Light, eh?… No, I don’t remember there is something like that…]


[『Protect him with the Divine Protection』] [O,oh!? Gerald, what magic did you use on me this time?]

When I cast the incantation, golden light wraps around my father’s body.

Disregard my surprised… No, my excited father, I turned around to mother and Sierra.

[Hey, do you see golden light that wraps around father’s body?] [Eh, I don’t understand] [Light? Sierra dunno] [Un. I see. Thank you both of you. I think I understand for the time being] [What do you understand?]

Toward me who understood something, my mother just inclined her neck in curiousity, I think I understood it to some extent.

When I was attacked by the Giant Wild Boar, most likely I could already sense the æther so I was able to do it. For example, the moment where I cast strengthening magic on my father’s body.

And then, if I encounter another Giant Wild Boar, I think I might be able to recognize the magic that giant wild boar possessed. Perhaps, the reason I could perceive æther was because the magic sensory organ or something developed rapidly.

However, as the result, my body can’t endure the rapid change, thus I have fallen asleep for the three days due to that.

When I told my conjecture to my father and mother, they both consent with [I see] together.

[More importantly, Gerald is really smart to be able to understand that kind of magic. Moreover, possessing the understanding to predict about anything at this age. Oh dear, you will grow into someone amazing in the future] [Well yeah… I wonder where did we make mistake in raising you?]

Oi, what do you mean by that, mom.

[This kind of smart Gerald, mom don’t want it… Mom prefer the cute and foolish Gerald] [What about Sierra? Is Sierra cute?] [Yeah, of course! Sierra is the cutest in the world!] [Ehehe, Onii-tan, thank you]

Sierra’s smiling face at that time was really dangerous.
Mou, really, even though it’s bad manner during eating, I want to embrace her, rub my face on her, and pat her adorable head.

[Saa, Sierra, come!]

Therefore, I straightened my body stance and open both of my arms on Sierra.
But, my expectation has been betrayed.



[Eh, Sierra. Come here, Oniichan will hug you~ I’ll hold you up tightly, you know?] [Yaada]


[W, why… Why, Sierra….Do you hate, Oniichan?] [Mmm, but I like you Onitan?] [Then, why…] [Smelly] [Haha. You’ve been rejected, Gerald]

My father’s hand slapped my back when I was depressed due to her words.

…. Moreover, to slap my back while being on strengthened body, it’s more painful than usual.
The effect of magic, I experienced it for the first time.

After the Princess of our home said [Smelly] to me, I went outside with full stomach.

I wanted to try various magics which I was able to perceive at once, but for the time being let’s wash my body first.

Anyway, it’s natural to think that Sierra is my most precious girl. That kind of Sierra said such things, there is no way that I am alright with it.
… Well, when I said something like that, my father responded [I won’t give my daughter to you! I will never hands her to a man like you!], it somewhat made me speechless.

Anyway, I draw water to the tub from the well in the garden, I put the dry medical herbs inside. I carried the tub to the sink place, and began to wipe my body with a wet cloth.

What is a sink place? To put it simply, it’s a place like bathroom without bathtub. The surface of the floor was made by smooth stones, and there was cloth covering the surrounding to prevent being seen from outside.

The people in this village usually brought their hot water or cold water to this sink place and wash their body. Even though there is no custom to use bathtub, there’s no feeling of lingering dirt after cleaning up, thanks to the medical herbs which serve as the soap.

… Well, the moment I can use magic to make my body clean, there will be no need to use the sink place again.

[What a nice weather…]

Although it’s quite hot.

It feels very cool and pleasant when I wipe the skin with water the moment it starts to burn slightly. This somehow feels like I am really living.

When I am still washing my body and cooling myself, I feel a sign of magic from someone approaching me.

[O, Gerald! You, you did something bad, didn’t you?]

When I heard the voice, a familiar face looks into me between the clothes which surrounded the sink place.

[Na, nu, nwaaaa!?] [Uo, why so sudden Gerald!? Why in the face!]

I was surprised so I instinctively threw the water in the tub toward the face. The face that thrust out between the clothes was pushed back by great power.

…More like, that kind of saying is triggering some lewd/guilty thinking. for now I think it’ll be better to stop?

[M,m,m,miru!? What are you doing while I am still washing my naked body…]

I was surprised, and kept talking like a machinegun. Naturally, I was hiding the crotches with both of my hands.

[Don’t be such a letdown, we’re already this close. right?] [Nuwaa!? Again!?]

Miru shows her face again from between the clothes. She also raised a miserable scream a moment ago.
The eyes that she shows on me, it’s unsuitable for the sunny weather like now.

[… Such a pathetic voice for a man] [It’s because I am a man so I don’t want to be seen by you!] [? What do you mean?] [… It’s alright if you don’t know it]

Miruriru— a.k.a Miru, five years old. She is a girl.
She has a pair of confident eyes and red hair, an active-type… and is a girl who is same age as me.

It’s natural for this village to have other childrens, my five-years old self included.
Among them, since we’re on same age, I often play together with Miru.

[Nn? What is with it’s alright if I don’t know? Oh well, let’s go play outside. You don’t need to wash your body now] [… It’s perhaps not important, but I want to ask something. Why do you suddenly barge-in here without permission?] [I asked Cecil] [So suspicious…]

To call by name instead of [Your mother], as expected from Miru, she don’t have any timidness.

Although I was amazed, I received my change of clothes from Miru and said [I will change clothes for the time being], and I went back to the sink place.

When I got out, there is a ball being held by Miru, there is a fresh smile on her tanned face.

[… It’s so hot outside, are you not bothered by it?] [That’s why it’s a fine weather!] [In addition, you’re always full of unreasonableness] [It’s because this is such a fine weather! Then, what about you Gerald? Why are you suddenly washing your body right now?]

Usually, people wash their body in the morning or the evening. There are not many people in the village washing their body during daytime.

[A… It’s because today has fine weather I guess]

It’s a hot day.

[You got it! During good weather like this, I’ll go crazy if I don’t play outside] [Who is it. The one who always ignore people when they are talking] [A man won’t mention trivial detail like that]

That kind of word, it’ll be treated as sexual harassment in my previous life.

Well, I don’t have any objection to play with Miru. I have slept for three days so I want to move my body for a little.

Therefore, I don’t have any reason to decline her invitation either.

— Though, suddenly I’m thinking something.

When I put power in my eyes to see Miru… From her, I see red light shining.

As I thought? Apparently, there is individual variation on the color of æther. I don’t know yet if it’s related with their character or personality. Or that they’re dependant on their strength.

But still, red hair and red æther, it matches Miru well. It’s because her red æther is brilliant and beautiful, I was unintentionally fascinated by it.

[Ah? Oi, Gerald. Why are you looking at me like that?] [Etto, sorry] [? What do you mean? Moreover, your face is red? Is the heat getting to you?] [Uh! It’s a fine weather after all!]

It’s really hot, you know. Though I don’t want to say it.

[More importantly, let’s go play now! Hurry-up!] [Yeah, oi, wait for me~ Don’t leave me, stupid!]

I heard her voice when I begin to walk quickly. But, instead of reducing my speed, I increase my pace further and keep walking.

It’s because, well. If she were to catch up… ah, such a fine weather, it’s so hot.

I don’t plan to say it.


  1. Choking noises 
  2. There is no proper TL for お前ってやつは 
  3. Sound effect of sudden hugging 

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 42

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

If you’re liking the novel, do go over to the NovelUpdates page to rate it and add it to your reading list!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

Chapter 43 – Daxing Gang’s Li Dalong

I nodded, and thus the three of us went two separate ways to the sample area at the hall to order. I went with Chen Weier and Liu Yue, Fatty Wu went with Zhong Yang.

“Weier, what do you want to eat?” I looked at the huge number of items on the menu and asked.

Chen Weier looked at the prices on the menu, then frowned slightly. I knew that this girlie is frugal, thus I smiled, “Weier, your husband, I, is already very rich. You don’t need to save so much. Although being frugal is a good thing, but people should enjoy when it’s time to do so, or else, what’s the point of earning so much money!”

“However… Hubby, you have to feed a large family later, how can I be wasteful! We should think about the future!” Chen Weier said seriously.

I felt slightly moved, Weier was truly thinking of me, as for myself, I had enough money to become the richest in the world, yet I was still hiding it from them, I really shouldn’t be! I think I have to find a chance to let them in on it!

“Weier, don’t worry, ignoring that it’s just Yanyan and you just now, even if there’s another eight or ten, I can still feed you all!” I said.
“You just know how to argue, if you find so many, see if Yanyan-meimei let you off!” Chen Weier pouted.

Liu Yue was shocked to the side, she never would have thought that I would say these sorts of things in front of Chen Weier. What’s more, Chen Weier didn’t seem angry at all. To be fair, she didn’t know the process of us getting to know each other, strictly speaking, Chen Weier is the third in the relationship, she naturally wouldn’t object to me finding other girls, otherwise, she wouldn’t be with me in the first place.

“What’s more, Fatty Wu is treating, this hotel belongs to their army, we don’t have to mind about anything!” I grasped Chen Weier’s hand and said.

Even so, Chen Weier still couldn’t quite let it go. She only ordered a few common dishes, and nothing like seafood or any other expensive dishes. Despite that, she was still shocked by its prices as she whispered to me, “Hubby, the dishes here are too expensive, such a normal dish is enough to afford a meal in my mom’s restaurant!”

Hearing Chen Weier say that, my eyes flashed. Oh yeah, Yanjing’s living costs is among the highest in the country, why not get Chen Weier’s family to open a large restaurant in Yanjing city, that would be so much better than Songjiang. However, this was only a thought, I have to discuss it with Mother Chen about the details.

“****, one really can’t avoid their enemies!” A rough voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts. I raised my head and looked over following the sound, it was actually the “Shen-ge” us four bros form the dorm that had been beaten half to death!

“Boss, it’s him. It’s this brat that beat our bros up last time!” Shen-ge pointed at me and said to a middle-aged man beside him.

“A Shen!” The boss beside Shen-ge signaled him to not act so anxious.

At this moment, Chen Weier hid behind me in fear, while Liu Yue didn’t move at all and stood by my side, watching that boss and Shen-ge.

“This one is Li Dalong, the hall master of Daxing Gang’s White Dragon Hall, which path is little bro from?” Li Dalong walked over respectfully and said to me.

“Me? Hehe, I’m just a student in Huaxia, my family is not local,” I answered honestly.

“Oh?” Li Dalong momentarily blanked. He had assumed that I was the young master of some powerful person, he didn’t think that I would answer like this. Thus, he continued to ask, “Then your respectful parents?”

“Hehe, my parents run a factory back home,” I knew what Li Dalong was thinking, he clearly just wanted to know my background to see if he can offend me.

Hearing me say that, Li Dalong instantly knew that my family didn’t have any amazing people in business or politics. He thought to himself, what’s amazing about a factory owner, the most they can be is an upstart. Therefore, he already made the decision to teach the person in front of him a fierce lesson to get even!

This time, Li Dalong had come out with a large group of subordinates, he had a huge advantage in numbers. What’s more, seeing that I was alone, he felt the chance was even harder to come by! That’s why, he immediately said to me with a cold expression, “Brat, I heard you were amazing, last time the four of you beat up my people, there are still two in the hospital now, what are we going to do about this?”

I couldn’t help but laugh after hearing that, “Haha, what a joke, your people got beaten up since they were weak, and you’re asking me what to do? Your lackeys have some brain issues, why do you have brain issues as well?”

Li Dalong’s face went pale, as if he was going to explode. However, he still held himself back and said to me solemnly, “Brat, don’t you know what we do? Do you know what us, Daxing Gang, does in Yanjing?”

“You guys? Aren’t you just mobs?” I asked. “There’s really something wrong with your brain. You don’t even know what you do, and you’re asking me?”

My words clearly infuriated Li Dalong as he said in rage, “You still dare to speak to me like that despite knowing that I’m the mob?”

“Yeah, since you are part of the underworld, you should know the rules, your lackey that was called something Shen, he caused trouble for us and got beaten up by us. That’s his uselessness. Since he lost face for you, you should be teaching him a lesson!” I said.

“Heng! Our internal issues are none of your business! Come, bring this little ******* back, and bring his two birds back with him!” Li Dalong waved his hand as a large group of subordinates rushed over.

“Stop!” Zhang Yang and Fatty Wu were ordering over there, when they suddenly saw a large group of people gathering around us, it seems like some sort of argument seemed to have happened. Due to a police’s instincts, he quickly ran over with Fatty Wu, after seeing that it was Daxing Gang’s Li Dalong, he quickly spoke up. “Li Dalong, what are you doing!”

Li Dalong turned his head back, it was actually the police chief, he frowned, but did not show any hint of fear. He chuckled, “So Captain Zhong glorified arrived. However, our Daxing Gang’s internal issues is something you shouldn’t get involved in!”

Seeing that Dalong did not give him face at all, Zhong Yang couldn’t help but get angry. However, there was no helping it, Daxing Gang had a huge backing supporting it behind them, he had wanted to gather people in the police force to attack them, but before any movements, a lot of people came over to advise against it. Even if they took action, someone would have tipped them off ages ago. It was very difficult to gather any valuable evidence of them performing crimes, and this was the reason why the Daxing Gang acted so cockily in public.

“Li Dalong, don’t not take face when given it. I don’t believe that you dare to do anything too much in front of me, a police captain!’ Zhong Yang said solemnly.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 43 – Daxing Gang’s Li Dalong

[Vol. 4] Chapter 4 – Military Exercise IV

Fitz-Morris Fitzgerald, a knight also known as “F” rode up the hill on his horse.
 40 other Imperial Guard knights rode after the Imperial Guard Order’s leader.

“Don’t loosen the reins! We have to take the fort before our opponent no matter what!”

 They intended to occupy the fort on top of the Alamos hill.
 Nals, the tactician, told them in a sharp voice that it’s absolutely necessary for the strategy to occupy the fort.
 As the biggest advantage of letting the cavalry act independently was their higher mobility F could understand that fact.

“Leader, we’re close to the fort!”

 A knight riding diagonally behind F raised a loud voice.
 It was the gigantic knight in his late 20s wielding a long Halberd who got defeated by Carlo in the Sword Fighting Competition’s semi-finals.
 He was the only Imperial Guard Captain appointed to the red army, which was led by Carlo, becoming F’s adjutant.

“Alright, occupy the fort. Shoot up the signal as soon as you’re done!”

 The horsemen surged inside and confirmed that the other party had yet to come occupy the fort.
 As per the rules as soon as one team was able to occupy the fort they had to immediately shoot up a signal in one’s team’s colour.
 On F’s order one of the knights shot up a red signal.

“Phew, looks like the first mission was successful.”

“Honestly, I’m tired. However, thank goodness that the other team hasn’t come yet. Well, it’s natural as we spurted here on horses.”

 Together with his adjutant F looked down from the fort but couldn’t see the other team.
 Even though they should be slower because there were foot soldiers and archers mixed in their unit but it was rather weird that one couldn’t see them at all from this hill.

“Still, for the tactician’s words to turn out to be true. Even the fact that we won’t be able to see the other army”

 In the case of such a development F received rather strange instructions from Nals.

“Isn’t it fine? If you can’t see the other army around after you occupied the fort and shot up the signal then there’s no need to protect it afterwards.”

“Why? We’ll lose if the fort gets taken.”

“It’s fine. The knight leader should always be ready to let the cavalry charge as soon as you receive a signal.”

 While recalling this exchange with Nals before their departure F ordered his adjutant.

“Tell everyone to take a short break and to prepare to be able to leave here and charge at any time when ordered.”

“Is that really fine? No one will be here then.”

“Well, it’s fine, probably”

“I’ll obey the leader’s orders, though I don’t quite understand it.”

(Honestly, I also want to know whether this will be fine)

 That is what F unintentionally whispered in his heart.

(PoV – Carlo)

“A red signal went up. It seems like we succeeded.”

 Nals answered my, Carlo’s words.

“It’s natural for us to be successful till here. The problems start from this point on”

“Does Marcus really not aim for the fort?”

“I’m not 100% sure but I’m probably not mistaken.”

“The reason?”

“The General knows that we’ll use the cavalry independently. Given that, it’s only natural for us to arrive at the fort first. I think it’s rather hard to conquer a fort with 50 knights occupying it.”

“Well, that’s right”

“What can we do to break this deadlock? That’s that General’s character. The possibility of him simply using force is rather low. I’m pretty sure he’ll want to attack us from behind.”

“Why would he attack our back?”

“The General and Sir Lunos have great confidence in the Knights’ might making them greatly underestimate the infantry’s and archers’ power. Well, I’ll explain the rest later. Let’s patiently wait for the reports to arrive here.”

 After a few minutes, one horseman of the reconnaissance unit returned.

“Reporting! I discovered an enemy military unit in the forest on the south side, their numbers are approximately 200!”

“Is that so, can you tell us their exact location?”

 Nals listened to the knight as he showed the enemy’s location on a map lying on the desk.
 As I watched from the side I could tell that their position was rather far from here.”

“As expected”

“Well then, shall I take the soldiers and meet them?”

 Nals shook his head left and right as he heard my words.

“The report from the north side has yet to arrive. Before we have that report we can’t make a move.”

 Nals answered leisurely.

“The ones scouting the north should return soon. Shall we get ready?”

 Hearing Nals’ words I also stood up.

“Is it really fine to take everyone with us? If we leave this place unguarded and fall it’s our immediate defeat, isn’t it?”

“It’s alright. If enemies are approaching from the north side the reconnaissance unit would have return sooner. The fact they haven’t returned after this long means that the rest stayed back in the camp to protect it.”

 Just as we had this exchange the two knights scouting the north side returned.

“Reporting, No enemy soldiers were sighted on the north side till the enemy’s camp!”

“I see, as I thought. Did you see the enemy’s camp?”

“Though it looks like some soldiers were protecting the enemy’s camp their numbers are unknown as we couldn’t get closer. My apologies.”

“Thank you. I know you’re tired but could you deliver this letter to the knight leader inside the fort next?”


 The knight took off with the letter Nals prepared.

“So, shall we begin?”


  1. N/a

Chapter 42 – Young Master Zhong

Not long later, Chen Weier ran over carrying a bouquet of flowers in her hands. I shook my head, received the flowers and changed it with the wilted flowers in the vase, “Weier, you’re so frugal normally, yet you’ll actually buy this sort of stuff.”

Chen Weier smiled and said, “I just hope that Yanyan-meimei can wake up as quickly as possible.”

I understood her intentions, so I held her hand lightly.

I felt very fortunate that my women didn’t have any jealous mindset, this made me very satisfied. Otherwise, if it was like those concubines in the palace of the olden days, they would just wish for each other to die off quicker.

Chen Weier also knew that Liu Yue do what she did intentionally that day, adding onto the fact that she has been accompanying Zhao Yanyan at the hospital every day, they didn’t have any more barriers between them, and thus they got more familiar.

When it was four something, Fatty Wu called and said that he organized everything. He already booked a room at a hotel run by the military region, so we just had to go there directly.

I hung up, considered about it a little, then decided to bring Liu Yue along as well. Or else, this girlie wouldn’t have anything to eat at the hospital. Thus, I said to her, “Liu Yue, an old friend called me out to eat, come along!”

Liu Yue hesitated a bit, then said, “That’s not so good, they didn’t invite me.”

Hearing that, Chen Weier said, “Liu Yue-meimei, come together, the person we’re eating with is one of Liu Lei’s little bro before, so we all know each other, it’s alright!”

Upon hearing that, Liu Yue looked at me and then finally agreed after seeing me nod with a smile.

That night, I drove with Chen Weier and Liu Yue to the hotel Fatty Wu talked about. The hotels at the capital was much grander than Guobing hotel in Songjiang, although I also stayed in a hotel at Yanjing city when I came with Zhao Yanyan last time to participate in the National Teenage Computing Competition, the place to stay was organized by the association, so the hotel wasn’t as grand.

The guards at the entrance of the hotel weren’t normal either. They get into contact with my upper-class people normally, so their eyes were sharp, seeing my limited-edition Land Rover, they immediately came over respectfully to direct me to the park. When they saw me, who was in the car, they couldn’t help but blank, he never would have thought that the person within the car was so young. However, they quickly resumed their normal smiles, perhaps in their minds, they thought that I was the young master of a certain corporation!

Fatty Wu had been waiting at the hall already, beside him stood a twenty something years old young man. Seeing me come over, he immediately went up to greet me.

“Fatty, you’re making you use a lot of money today, from the looks of this hotel, you’re going to have to bleed!” I went up, patted Fatty Wu’s shoulder and joked.

“Hehe, you don’t know, do you? This hotel is the business of our company, it’s all under my control!” Fatty Wu said proudly.

I thought about it, that’s true, it’s the business of their company, where’s the logic in making the company commander pay to eat!

“Look, the two of us were too occupied in joking, I forgot to introduce a bro to you!” Fatty Wu said as he pointed to the person behind him. “Boss, let me introduce you, this is Zhong Yang, he’s a comrade of mine back in the days, but now he changed paths and works with the police. He’s an operatives captain now. However, this old man is a truly powerful person in the military region, and he’s my boss, the important chief!”

“So it’s Young Master Zhong, it’s a pleasure to meet you! I believe you already know my name, haha!” I reached out my hand and shook hands with Zhong Yang. Since it’s Fatty Wu’s friend, then he’s definitely someone I could be friends with. What’s more, I don’t feel that sort of young master air from him.

“Aiya, say, Xiao Liu, what Young Master Zhong, my dad’s my dad, I’m me, you make it sound like I only became a captain because of him!’ Zhong Yang smiled wryly.

“Hehe, Boss, Zhong Yang speaks the truth, he did get to his position with his own ability. Everyone in the department knows about him. As for his dad, the guy even tried to pull him back when he was promoted to captain, and specifically called their chief to tell them that he’s too young, and unsuitable to take up too much responsibility!” Fatty Wu laughed. “This kid has been a captain for a year now and he still gotten rid of the word ‘acting’ in front of his title!”

“Say, Fatty, that’s not right, why do you have to poke my sore spot every time we meet someone. My dad is just against me! The higher-ups has already agreed, yet he found out and actually got someone to tell the chief that I have to be watched over for some time. It’s been a year now, and it’s still not over!” Zhong Yang shook his head and said.

Only then did I start to admire Zhong Yang, it seems like it truly was like Fatty Wu said, this fellow did have some ability. Otherwise, he couldn’t possibly have become a captain at the age of twenty. However, I did know about the way some military families acted. They fought for lifetimes, and gave humongous contributions to the country. However, when they get in a position high up, they stand straight and never use the power in their hands to open the backdoor for their children, they might even intentionally make them go through trials and tribulations.

“You’re older than me, so I’ll call you Zhong-dage!” I said.

“Don’t, don’t dage me. Fatty calls me Yang-zi, so call me that as well. Otherwise, I am really not used to it!” Zhong Yang immediately stopped me.

“Alright, then I’ll do that!” I nodded. Since Zhong Yang started off as a soldier, his personality must be rather straight, there was no reason to argue over a manner of address.

Although Fatty Wu already know Chen Weier, it was Zhong Yang’s first time meeting her. Adding onto the new Liu Yue, I reintroduced both of them to Fatty Wu and Zhong Yang.

Zhong Yang’s expression looked like he was going to go dumb when he saw Chen Weier and Liu Yue. He saw quite a lot of beauties normally, but not ones as outstanding as them. However, he was someone that has experienced the world, so his expression returned to normal quickly and said a bit enviously, “Xiao Liu is so fortunate, finding such a pretty wife!” Then he pulled me to the side and whispered, “Is the girl that came with you single? How about introducing me? Look, I’m way past twenty, and still don’t have another half, I…”

Although there wasn’t anything going on between Liu Yue and I, I had some sort of unspeakable feeling for her, so of course I wouldn’t leave her for someone us! Thus, before he finished, I stopped him and said, “Yang-zo, actually, I…”

Zhong Yang has stayed in Yanjing for a while, and is a princeling kind of person as well, so he didn’t lack experience getting into contact with rich second generations. A lot of girls followed these people as well, so Zhong Yang naturally misunderstood that to be the relationship between Liu Yue and I. Therefore, he smiled understandingly and patted my shoulders, “Don’t worry, having a mistress is not illegal!”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry after hearing that. This guy has occupational disease! However, I didn’t retort, just let it be a misunderstanding! Isn’t that the kind of effect I want?”

“Oh yeah, boss, let’s go over there and order first!” said Fatty Wu.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 42 – Young Master Zhong

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 41

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

If you’re liking the novel, do go over to the NovelUpdates page to rate it and add it to your reading list!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles V01C06-07

Here’s the chapter 6 and 7.

Chapter 7 – Encounter

 「And that’s what happened」
 「It must have been difficult. But there is no reason to worry about. Since it’s not only humans who kill their own species. Moreover, the life of an ant and a human are the same. You will not have to worry too much if you think it’s the same as eating a meal, isn’t that right?」
 「I understand what you mean, but… Humans can’t be classified so easily」

Of course, it’s not like I feel sorry for that man, I do not think about that at all. I do not regret having killed him.
If the same thing happened, the result would be the same.

However, I feel an indescribable discomfort.
It must be the gift of having received a moral education.

 「Umu. You’re fine like this. If after having killed you would not have had any kind of discomfort, you’d be a abnormal. A child raised by an abnormal would become an abnormal. However, don’t waver. Because it would be pointless」
The Griffon snorted as he said that.

 「By the way, you only came to report such a thing?」
 「No, there is something…. Something I want you to see」
I showed him the branch of the tree that I brought.
It is a branch of tree as fat as the arm of an adult.

I broke it in front of the Griffon’s eyes.

 「And what about that?」
 「No, no, this is obviously strange. In what world is there a ten-year-old boy with such strength!!」
 「Is that so? But this one has seen a clan composed of only humans capables of knocking down trees with only one arm」
 「Absolutely it can’t be a human, that」
Are not you confusing them with orcs or trolls?
Not that I know if there are such races in this world.

 「Hmm, be relieved. Those fellows have already left this land for more than three hundred years ago. It seems that some of them went north, and others to the east」
 「Now I can be relieved」
If these fellows appear, then no matter how much I think, I do not feel like I could beat them even if I muster all my courage.

 「So, you came to show off your marvelous strength?」
 「No, it’s not like that. I have come to ask why I have obtained this superhuman strength」
Just a moment ago, I was a normal ten year old child.
But recently I have obtained this superhuman strength.
Now that I think about it, I have this uncomfortable feeling that was growing little by little since when we went to trade iron swords for iron farming tools… or so I felt.

But I feel like it suddenly changed after I woke up.

And that is the reason why I came to visit this Griffon who has lived for more than thousands of years, since it may know something about this strange ocurrence.

 「It’s your body, isn’t it? If you don’t understand, how do you expect me to? But if I have to guess the answer, I’d say it’s a blessing. Since ancient times, any strange incident that happened were attributed to blessings」
Any strange incident… That’s a suitable definition of a blessing.

 「You’re a lost person, right? So it’s only natural that you at least have one blessing. All the lost people I’ve known so far, they all had a blessing. However, this is unexpected. I had thought that your power was going to be related to your soul since you were a reincarnated person… But it’s a physical strenght type, huh? So it should not be related to a blessing」
 「It’s not possible that I have more than one?」

Even though I still do not understand how rare they can be, the Griffon in front of me has a few. So it would not be unusual for me to have few too.

 「Holders of blessings are divided into two types. Either they have one, or they have several blessings. It’s very rare to see people with more than two or three. Excluding your superhuman strength, you are not aware of having another, isn’t that right? So your assumption is impossible」
My idea has been rejected.
I would hate to be grouped with those cheat-type ******** race, so everything is okay. Besides, the importance of making effort would be lost.
It’s not like I’m disappointed at all!

 「Did you finish saying everything you wanted?」
 「Yeah. Now I have to digest it. I will reflect about it alone」
I left behind the Griffon’s nest.


 「What I will say now is『Good morning』. You’ll say it without the 『Blessing of Language』」
Tetra frowns when I tried imitating what she said.

 「Your pronunciation is wrong. In the middle and at the end. Listen more attentively」
Tetra says good morning again in the language of this diferent world.
I say it once more as I pay more attention to the accent of the middle part and the end.

 「That tone. Repeat it one more time」 
 「『Good morning』『Good morning』」

Right now I’m learning the language of this other world.
Sometimes I forget that it is possible for me to have a conversation with Tetra using the 『Blessing of Language』.
In other words, I can not do anything if I do not have the blessing.
However, this blessing was only borrowed. This mean that it would be nothing strange to lose the ability to communicate.

Of course, it would be problematic to lose the ability at any time.
And this is why Tetra is teaching me.

And the reason for which Tetra was chosen was because she was the only one who has dominated the honorific, humble, and polite language.
Why is she able to use them? It’s a mystery.
But for now it is a mystery that is not worth worrying about.

This is quite difficult.
Since the pronunciation is not similar to Japanese or English, it is very difficult to progress.
Will I be able to speak the language after practicing it for a few years?
But even so, using that path did not work for me in English.

 「Hey leader, what are you doing?」
 「We are practicing the language」
I answered Ron’s question. Ron tilted his head in confusion.
It can’t be helped, so I explained about the 『Blessing of Language』 to Ron, and he nodded. Usually, you forget about such a setting. I understand those feelings.

 「Hey, Tetra. Can you teach me too?」
 「But you can talk normally, don’t you?」 
 「I’m bad with honorifics」
Ron scratched his head in shame.

 「To think that you are worried about such things. It will rain tomorrow…? It will be a good time for the newly planted turnips」
 「After all, I’m the subleader, right? So, I want to know how to use the words」
At the same time that Ron said that, an angry voice echoed.
 「Oi, the subleader is me!!」
It was Roswald.

 「What did you say!? You are the one who exposed the leader to a dangerous situation, isn’t it right?」
 「Shut up! If we talk about sword training, I’m stronger than you!」
 「You’re making a mistake. You can’t even defeat the leader」
 「Even so, I’m more capable than you. Right, nii-san?」
 「I’m the subleader, isn’t it right, leader?」

What’s up with them.
Is not it obvious that I can not decide who will be the subleader with just taking into account their swormanship skills? Rather, it would be too dangerous to appoint them as a sub leader.

 「Learn how to speak. The first one to learn will be the subleader」
After saying so, the two approached Tetra.
 「Teach us fast!!」
 「Wait a second. Right now, I’m in the middle of teaching how to speak to Almus」
As they saw them arguing, one by one, the children began to approach.

 「U-Um… I also want to be the subleader!」
 「Me too, me too!!」
Gram and Soyon insisted in a loud voice.

At the end, knowing that no one did anything all day long, it was decided to form a study group.

 「No, nothing」
In fact, this girl was the subleader…


It was that night.
I woke up feeling a discomfort in my face.

When I opened my eyes, several butterfly (Perhaps moths) were fluttering.
Moreover, one of them was emitting a green light. It was strange.

Seeing me waking up, the butterfly went fluttering towards the entrance of the pit house.
Feeling relieved, I closed my eyes.

Then, I began to feel a discomfort in my nose. When I opened my eyes, the butterfly’s eyes and mine met. And again, the butterfly went fluttering towards the house’s entrance.

At last, after the butterfly repeated it five times the same action I noticed.

 「Are you calling me?」

As if asserting it, the butterfly went out.

…It seems that it will not let me sleep if I do not follow it.
I attached the iron sword to my waist and then I followed the butterfly.


 「Until where on the earth will you make me follow you?」
An hour has passed since I started to follow the butterfly.
It was only the moonlight and the green light that butterfly’s scales emmited that showed me the way.

 「Wait a moment, I will mark the way」
Each time I advanced ten steps, I left a mark on a three with my sword. I do not think this butterfly is planning to make me a lost child, but… But there is a possibility that I will lose my way back.

After following it for a while, the trees stopped appearing.
In front of me in an open field, was a small lake.

The water of the lake was shining thanks to the light of the moon, and while it was surrounded by mystery, it also induced fear.

Suddenly, something on the opposite shore of the lake caught my eyes.
In that place was a little girl with puple-red hair.
She looked like she were asleep with her back on a three.

The butterfly that emitted green light approached her, stopping in the hair of the little girl.
At the same time the green light dissapeared, the little girl got up.

Her purple-red hair was illuminated by the moonlight.

His appearance was beautiful and mysterious.
It would not be a joke to say that she could be the goddess of the moon and the lake.

 「I am glad to meet you… I wonder if my greeting was okay. Griffon’s emmisary-sama」
The girl laughed in a mischievous way.


  1. N/a

Chapter 6 – Hunt, hunting and collecting

Standing ten meters from me there is a wooden plank.
I draw the bow while staring at that plank.
I push the arrow to the limit, then I aim carefully and I shot.

The arrow magnificently passed beside the plank and disappeared into the forest.


「Leader, you suck. This is already the tenth time」
「S-Shut up! Then, are you able to do it!?」
I pressed the bow against Ron-kun.

The art of using a bow is very complicated.
I have to use all my strength if I want to be able to pull the bowstring.
But if I do not use all my strength the bow wavers.

It’s not that I suck at this, but is that the bow is difficult to use!

Ron-kun pulls the arrow to the limit, and takes aim.
And finally shoots.

The arrow sinks to the ground right next to the plank.

「So, Ron-kun can’t do it too. It seems like we will not be able to go hunting. What to do? This is troubling」
「Don’t say it with such happy face! You’re so childish!!」
「But I’m a kid, you know?」
「But with the mind of an adult!!」
What an annoying fellow. The mind is something that is pulled by the body!!

When Ron-kun and I were busy quarreling, Gram-kun came and stole our bow.
And without saying a word, he stretched the bow and fired.
The arrow hit the target splendidly.

「It has to be a lie!!」
「That he can do it’s strange!!」
「E-Even if you tell me that…」
A coincidence. It has to be a coincidence.
There is no possibility that Gram who at first glance seems to have slow reflexes to hit anything.

「Try to do it again」
Gram-kun nods, and again he prepares the arrow.
The arrow hit the target easily.

This is obviously not a fluke…

「You were able to easily stretch the bow string which is even for me something difficult to do, and not only that, you have even been able to hit the plank that I could not even touch… Could it be that you… really have good reflexes?」
「Eh? Y-Yeah… Maybe…」
What do you mean with maybe! Be more confident.

「Please, teach me the trick」
「Um… You don’t use the arm to pull the bow, you use your back」
Stretch the bowstring with your back?
I had Gram-kun taught me patiently and in details.

And then I was able to pull the bow easily.
But I did not hit it either.

Oh well. Let’s leave the hunting to Gram-kun.

「We will lose Griffon support after three years. And then we will not be able to eat meat anymore. Whether we are able to eat meat or not will depend on your ability. Please work hard!」
I said that while patting Gram-kun’s shoulders.
Gram-kun nods with a nervous expression.

「But isn’t there only one bow? It would be difficult if it’s just Gram-kun. We must get more」
「Now now, don’t panic. I also thought about it. For now I want you to look at this」
「What is it? A pouch?」
「It’s a slingshot⌈[^1]⌋ 
The Griffon is always hunting animals like rabbits on his own initiative for our sake. So I used the skin of the skinned animal to make this slingshot.
Though the structure is simple, I went through a hard time making it.

「You use it like this」
I put the stone in the sling and swayed my arm in a big way.
The stone went considerably far.

「If you train, you may even be able to drop at least one or two birds. And not to say that it is easy to make it. I’ve already made three. So if you all help me, In a blink of an eye, we can all have one」
All the children came to me, asking me to let them try it too.
Well, what can I say? It’s hard to be a popular guy.


「Yeah, I’ve caught!! Look! It’s pretty big…」
I look around the feet of Ron-kun.
There were five fish bigger than the ones I had caught…

「Leader is just really bad at this. Really bad」
「Don’t say it twice!!」
My heart would not be able to bear it.

「Since we only have two fishing rods, it would be better for someone else to grab the one from the leader」
It’s a sound argument…

However, fishing alone will not fill our stomachs.
So it’s not that important.
And it’s not because this is frustrating!

「Can’t be helped, all right, I’ll give it to Soyon-chan. It’s okay even if you two have a lovey-dovey fishing date」
「Wha-! What are you saying, leader! Soyon and I are not like that」
Ron-kun blushes.
Alright, I won.

I was soaked in the sense of superiority.


「This herb can be eaten. That fruit will give you a stomach ache, but you can eliminate the toxin if you soak it in water」
「As expected from the Griffon-sama. By the way, does Griffon-sama eat anything other than meat?」
「Naturally. There are times when this one feel like eating herbs too」
As expected from the Griffon.
The Griffon eats healthily.
Or rather, it has the upper body of a bird, so it would not be uncommon for it to eat nut.
But wait, even if the Griffon is a bird, the bird continues to be a bird of prey, so is not that strange?

Now that I think about it, how should I classify this fellow, a mammal or as a bird?
Does it matter?

「Why have you come to ask such things? Was not that you were going to cultivate?」
「It’s difficult to cultivate with the climatic changes. And it’s not like I’m very well informed about agriculture. There is also the possibility of failing. Therefore, this is like an insurance」

Since these children were abandoned due to a famine.
In addition, there is no certainty that the same will not happen again in our fields.

「Umu, is that so? Then this one will slowly return to its territory. Since this one is sleepy」
The Griffon said so and flapped his wings.
In a blink of an eye the Griffon flew away.

「I should also go back slowly」
It happened at the moment when I was about to go to the village.
I heard a scream.

This is Roswald-kun’s voice!!

I started running.
I grasp with my hands the iron sword I brought for my self-protection.

No matter what kind of animal it is, they are all weak on the face.
So, surely they will escape if I hit them in the face.
But if the animal goes berserk… I’ll make Roswald-kun escape first. After all, this is a life that was supposed to have been lost already.

As I ran, several voices were brought by the wind towards me.
「Oi, don’t run stupid brat!」
「Stop it!! There is no point in kidnapping me. I was abandoned by my parents! They will never give you food!!」
「You’re an idiot! I already know that. You have a lot of iron swords, right?」

The opponent is a human!
Damn, was it a mistake to show off those iron swords?

But a human is weaker than a bear or a wolf.
I let out a sigh of relief.

At last the time has come to use the kendo I learned from the director of the orphanage.

A man and Roswald-kun enter my field of vision. It’s a relief. Roswald-kun is safe and sound. The man was also alone.
Moreover, I was able to position myself behind the back of the man.

I took out the slingshot. And since Roswald-kun is being protected by the back of the man, I do not have to worry about hitting him. I can throw without worries.

The stone thrown from the slingshot struck the man’s head splendidly.
「It hurts!!」
The man released Roswald-kun and held his head.

「Roswald-kun!! Before it’s too late!」
On saying that, Roswald-kun came running to my side.

Now we must escape quickly.


「Wait! Stupid brats!!」
This is bad, he will catch us!

After all, there is no way that a child can beat an adult in terms of running.
The distance is getting shorter.

「Keep running, Roswald-kun! I’ll stop him」
「Do it fast!!」
Hearing my shout, Roswald-kun began to run at full speed. That’s all right.

「Oh, you are stalling for time so your friend can escape? You make me cry. However, look at you, you’re making such a lovely face, isn’t it?」
With a stick of a tree in one hand, the man laughs.
Even for it to be the stick of a tree, this is considerably thick. Depending on where he hits me, it’s an instant death.

「Let me ask you something. What is your goal?」
「Take away the swords from your hands」
「And then?」
「Exchange those swords for food. I don’t feel like working in the field. And I’ll get a few slaves. But since you’ve appeared, I’ll have to change my plans」
「I understand. Now I’m relieved」
「It means that in addition to being an idiot you are trash!」

I pulled out the iron sword and quickly get close to the man.
The man tried to defend himself using the stick but it was too late.
My sword tore up the man’s flesh together with the wooden stick.

I once again raised my sword, thrusting it into the heart.
Fresh blood blew upwards.


「Thanks god he relaxed his guard」
If you talk about fighting, what should be considered first is your physique. The taller one has the advantage of looking down at the other party, since a large build can display more power.
If you take into account the difference between our ability with the sword and the quality between our weapons, then, they are worlds apart.
But nevertheless, this guy was careless.

There is no difference between two novices as long as one approaches.
In reality, the one that caused the murder, is not a martial artist expert or anything like that.
The one who stabs first is the one who wins.

「I had no other choice. My *** would have been violated if I had not done something. And If our swords had been stolen, we could starve too. And not only that, if our location had been discovered a large number of adults could come too. This was a necessary murder. I had no other choice」

I justify myself. That I’m right. That there was no other way but to do this.

I look down at the body.
The next moment, I was assaulted with a terrible desire to vomit.

So I throw up.
I threw everything I had in my stomach.

This does not mean that I have sympathy for this guy. It is natural for such a garbage to die.
It’s just that doing something that I’m not used to makes me feel bad.

「Leader!! Are you okay!?」
I heard Ron-kun’s voice.
In front of me were children carrying iron swords.

Roswald-kun looked also lively.

「It’s alright. I’m fine」
Immediately after saying that, I fainted.


I do not know my parents’ faces.

My guardians were the teachers of the orphanage.

Sometimes when I see children crying for wanting to see their parents, I feel lonely.
And the reason is because I’ve never met them in my entire life.

For what reason have they abandoned me?

Perhaps they could not raise me financially?
Or it could be that my mother was a minor?
Or could it be that I was the result of a violation?

I wonder if they abandoned me in the same way as I am making excuses for having killed a person.
After all, the child of a frog is still a frog.


「Uu… Where I am?」
「!!! Almus has woken up!!」
The loud cry of Tetra-chan entered my ears.
What’s going on? You guys are very noisy! Let me sleep a little longer.

While making a rattling noise, the childen began to gather around me.
「What. Why are you all so flustered?」
「Even though three days passed, leader was still asleep」
Three days?
Why I slept so much…?

Ah, I see. It’s because I’ve killed a person.
Is that why I fainted?

Even if I remember, I do not feel like throwing up.
It may be that sleeping three days has restored my spirit.

「Nii-san! Are you alright?」
Roswald-kun came to look into my face.
Nii-san… It has a good sound.

「I’m fine, you see? Sorry for making you worry」
I patted Roswald-kun’s head.

Roswald-kun jumped to my chest in tears.
「I was worried, you know! I thought that my brother had died because of me… And I!!!」
「I’m sorry. I did something I was not used to, so I only got tired. I can start working from today」

I said so while still patting Roswald-kun’s head.

If it were possible, I would have wanted him to call me dad…


  1. [^1]:A forked stick with an elastic band attached for shooting small stones

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 40

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

Chapter 41 – Joining the Society

Yang Shuzhuang and his older brother are both sons-in-law that have married into the Liu family, so Yang Wei and his senior biaoge couldn’t be closer, but in an event, his senior biaoge pissed off someone, and actually got beaten until he’s disabled. Even his senior uncle got pulled in. That’s why Yang Wei had the rules of “don’t piss off anyone he can’t afford to” for himself within Huaxia University. The successor of the Ding family of the Six Renowned Families, Ding Wenfeng, was naturally one of the people he can’t piss off, but there was nothing to fear from this near student, so he casually brought the topic onto him.

While I looked at the face in for a beating in front of me, I don’t know why, but I felt like it was rather familiar? Did I beat him up before? Originally I wanted to teach him a lesson, since ever since Zhao Yanyan got into an accident, my calm mood started to become violent again, otherwise, I wouldn’t have gone to compete with the instructor in martial arts.

I looked at Yang Wei for a while, but forced myself to hold it in. Yet, Yang Wei didn’t think so, he thought that I was scared, and got even more prideful. Although he didn’t dare to bully the rich second generations from the Six Renowned Families that were amazing people like his old man, he was still very cocky in front of new students like this. Thus, he said, “How is it, brat, scared? I’m telling you, you better not join that something Wushu Society, or else it would be bad if any accidents happened!”

This was essentially threatening me! However, just who was I? Ever since I was reborn, there has been too much people that threatened me, yet I’m still fine. However, those who threatened me did not end up well.

I looked at Yang Wei and said, “I already decided to join Huaxia Wushu Society, if you think you’re capable, then let’s do this. After a while, we’ll have a friendly competition, your karate society should send a few people, and our society will send a few people. We’ll have a fight and see whose stronger.”

The moment I said this, not only Yang Wei blanked, even Ding Wenfeng blanked. Ding Wenfeng was clear about Huaxia Wushu Society’s power, aside from himself who was better at fighting, others were just there for the show, there aren’t many that actually practiced, they all treated it as a play to stay fit. If that wasn’t the case, he really wanted to fight with Yang Wei and them.
Yang Wei was confused. I actually said such provoking words, he thought that as a new student, I would definitely be scared of him, the karate society club president, he didn’t think that not only was I not scared, I actually challenged him. That wasn’t right. He couldn’t help but reconsider properly, did I actually have some sort of backing, otherwise, I shouldn’t have dared to say such words!

However, after thinking about it a lot, he couldn’t think of a reason! Yang Wei was very careful, he already looked over all of the new students in first year and remembered all of the new students with powerful families, the person in front of him was not there!

He instantly understood, this person must be an idiot, he isn’t scared of anything, young people were hot blooded and it was rather easy for them to do something impulsive, so he calmed down and said, “Okay, I had this thought as well! I just don’t know what President Ding thinks?”

Seeing that the situation has evolved to this, if he doesn’t agree, then he is clearly scared of Yang Wei! He could only sigh in his heart and pretend like he didn’t care, “Sparring is natural, I have waited long for this day!” At the same time, he thought to himself, if it really doesn’t work out, then he can only go by himself!

Yang Wei laughed coldly then left. After he walked away, Ding Wenfeng said to me with a troubled expression, “Little bro, you really screwed me over! Our society has to fight them after what you casually said. Although I’m not scared of Yang Wei, the overall strength of our society…”

Seeing him say that, I understood, it seems like pure Huaxia martial arts was not very popular, his Huaxia Wushu Society might just have him!

I patted Ding Wenfeng’s shoulders and said, “It’s alright, isn’t there me? What’s more, I can get a few people in here as well, they’re all great talents!”

Just as I said it, Ouyang Tianqi and co. walked over. When they saw me, they said, “Boss, you didn’t leave yet?”

Ding Wenfeng was speaking to me at the time, when he saw Ouyang Tianqi come over to call me boss, he was shocked. You have to know, the people from the Six Renowned Famileis all know each other, and now a family’s successor actually called someone else boss, that’s too shocking!

Of course I didn’t know that Ding Wenfeng and Ouyang Tianqi knew each other already, seeing them come over, I quickly introduced them, “President Ding, this is my bros from the dorm. I was talking about them, they are all pretty good, I’ll get them to join the society!”

“Ai? Wenfeng, why are you here? Also, why are you with our boss?” Ouyang Tianqi also asked in confusion after seeing Ding Wenfeng.

“What?! He’s… your boss?” Ding Wenfeng asked.

“Hehe, we elected him at the dorm, is there an issue with it?” Ouyang Tianqi smiled.

“No…” Ding Wenfeng shook his head.

“You know each other?” Seeing them chatting, I was confused as well.

“Yeah, we knew each other since a young age, it could be said that our families are great friends!” Ouyang Tianqi nodded.

“That’s even better, Tianqi, I already joined Ding-dage’s Wushu society, join as well!” I said.

“That’s natural, us four bros from the dorm will not separate!” said Huang Wenjing before Ouyang Tianqi could say anything.

Ouyang Tianqi also smiled and nodded, “Huang Wenjing is right, since boss joined, we should not stay out either. What’s more, it’s your society Brother Ding, I naturally have to go and support it!”

Hearing that, Ding Wenfeng was very happy. With Ouyang Tianqi’s participation, the Wushu society’s power will increase greatly, this way, they didn’t have to be scared of any karate society!

Since I was going to eat with Fatty Wu at night, I said my goodbyes to them after some chitchat.

I called Chen Weier and told her about meeting Fatty Wu. She was also very happy after hearing that, since Fatty Wu was our savior, Chen Weier said she was going to thank him properly.

I drove my newly bought Land Rover to the hospital to see Zhao Yanyan, where Liu Yue was constantly by her side. After chatting a bit with her, Chen Weier called and said that she was worried. I had planned to drive to get her, but she said it was fine for her to take a taxi, since she could come over to see Zhao Yanyan as well.

Since the school wasn’t far from the hospital, I also agreed.


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Continue reading Chapter 41 – Joining the Society

[Vol. 4] Chapter 3 – Military Exercise III

“It’s almost time”

 General Marcus stood in front of his army which raised the blue war flags while looking towards the fort on the hill and murmured.
 The Imperial Guard’s captain, Lunos, waited beside him.
 A few minutes later black smoke was visible in the blue sky above the fort.
 Lunos who saw that directed a few words towards Marcus.

“It went up, didn’t it?”

“Umu. I’m counting on you.”

“Yes, I’ll be off then”

 After having bowed to Marcus lightly Lunos turned to the soldiers and raised his voice.

“Let’s go! Raid unit, follow me! We might encounter the enemy on the way so, Captains of all departments, you can’t let your guard down!”


“Then, let’s go!”

 Thus Lunos led the soldiers out of the camp.
 They took the route going around the south side of the hill.
 By the way, the distance between the red and blue camp to the fort would be about 1,5 kilometres in a straight line.
 Although it’s not that far one has to climb up that steep slope.
 Taking the route around the south side of the hill the distance to the opposing camp is approximately 5 kilometres.
 As their army is a mix of archers, cavalry and infantry the blue army led by Marcus and Lunos will take around one hour.

“What fine weather, the sunlight is warm.”

 While on his horse Lunos unintentionally muttered.
 One could see the blue winter sky shining through the trees if one looked up.
 The wind wasn’t as cold as the sun was shining from the south unceasingly, fortunately.
 In summer the sunlight is interrupted by the tree’s leaves but now in winter all of them fell and the sunlight is able to shine through.
 The Alamos hill in itself was grassland on which only a few trees were able to grow but at its foot a forest spread out.
 Right now Lunos was leading the soldiers on the boundary between the grassland and the forest area.
 He was riding along the forest so that the archers and infantry can advance easily.

“However, the others did nothing but some strange training. Did Sir Lunos see that?”

 An adjutant who was riding next to him started to talk.
 The man in his late 30s seemed serious and grew a beard.
 He was also an Imperial Guard Order’s captain.

“Yeah, I saw it. He lined his infantry up and just let them walk.”

“Yeah, they were going in circles again and again while executing these movements and strides. How on earth are they going to fight with that? What a laughingstock.”

 Lunos fell silent without answering the adjutant who seemed amused.
 He didn’t think that their master Carlo would do something without any reason behind it.
 When he witnessed Carlo’s skill as he uncovered Viscount Gerg’s crimes Lunos came to the conclusion that Carlo has the mysterious talent to think deeply.

(What is the meaning behind that training, what measures did Carlo-sama take?)

 This marching training was based on the knowledge Carlo (=Ryosukes) obtained from a book of his original world “The infantry’s leadership decides over a battle’s victory or defeat”.
 The infantry in this world were basically commoners half-forcibly drafted so their moral is pretty low.
 It was a normal occurance for them to flee in all directions as soon as the situation seemed to be a little disadvantagous making it impossible to maintain a front.
 If we were to fight a battle with the Barbarians who mostly consist out of cavalry it’s obvious that the infantry won’t be able to keep up with their horses’ movements which makes it impossible for them to hold formation ending with the infantry eventually fleeing.
 What Marcus was concerned about the matte of separating the cavalry from the infantry was that he believed the foot soldiers would be impossible to control if the commanders, the knights, were gone.
 Ryosuke’s answer to that was the marching training of the infantry but Lunos didn’t know about that at this time.

“Well, the infantry and archers are just a disorderly gathering of some people with their commanders, the knights, gone, we can’t lose”

 At the moment Lunos answered the adjutant he noticed some kind of ruckus at the front of them.

“What happened? Report to me what happened here.”

 Having been told that a knight came galloping over from the front.
 He stopped his horse next to Lunos and started to report.

“There are some foot soldiers making a fuss saying they saw enemy riders”

“What? Their numbers?”

“It’s just one horseman.”

“Just one horseman, you say? Could it be that they were mistaken? It can’t be that there’s just one horseman acting alone.”

 While the adjutant was amazed by this ridiculous story Lunos wore a difficult expression and started thinking.

(Are you telling me they just moved one horseman of the cavalry? It’s hard to believe that they would divide the cavalry for some reconnaissance soldiers……Did the cavalry unit come here as well without aiming for the top? If so, then it’s just like we expected.)

 As he thought so the adjutant raised his voice.

“A red beacon got shot up from the fort. Seems like they were aiming for the fort with the horsemen after all.”

“I see, If it’s like this everything is going as planned. Later the infantry and archers will follow them as reinforcement. Their camp should be insufficiently guarded by then. Let’s hurry and head there!”

 Lunos commanded the party to raise their marching speed.


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VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 39

Hey everyone, like I have said in the announcement post of the previous chapter(s), there will be two versions of this chapter. You can read about the reason for this in the previous announcement post of Volume 2 Chapter 38.

Here’s the first version (PC raws version) the chapter of the day!

Here’s the second version (phone app raws version) the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

Chapter 40 – Huaxia Wushu Society

“Sure, I’ll call Weier and get her to go too. To be honest, I haven’t thanked you the last time you saved us!” I said. “Don’t drink too much again and make me pay tonight, though!”

“Haha, it won’t happen, with my alcohol tolerance, how could I fall down so easily!’ Fatty Wu laughed.

Before I managed to leave the school gates, someone found me. It really was like in a song, the news in school passed around the quickest.

“That student, wait a moment!” The student ran over and said to me. From the looks of it, he wasn’t a new student in first year, because new students were all wearing camouflage clothing for military training, yet he wore casual clothes.

“Is there any issues?” I asked in confusion.

“It’s like this, I am the president of the Huaxia Wushu Society in Huaxia University, let me introduce myself, I am called Ding Wenfeng, I’m a second year law student. I passed by here just now and managed to see the contest between you and that instructor. Since I felt that you are talented in martial arts, I sincerely invite you to join our society!” The student in casual wear introduced himself.

About this… It seems like this guy is alright, I don’t think I’ll have any losses if I join, what’s more is that I wanted to experience the feeling of being university like back then, thus I answered swiftly, “of course, but since I have my stuff to do, I might not be able to go to club activities often!”

“That’s alright, our Wushu Society is a place where power matters, if you have enough power, then you naturally don’t need to participate in the training normally, it’s enough to represent the school to participate in competitions, there isn’t that many times in a year!” Ding Wenfeng said.

“Enter competitions…” To be honest, I didn’t really want to show myself in front of people. However, remembering that I also entered a lot of competitions in my past life, but there were not many that actually knew me, meaning that not a lot of people paid attention to students, I agreed. “Sure!”

Seeing that I agreed to enter the society, Ding Wenfeng was also very happy. He joyously reached out his right now, “Welcome, please introduce yourself!”

I shook hands with him, and just as I was about to speak, I heard a mocking voice rang out from behind us, “Haha, say, President Ding, your society is amazing, already putting your hands on the new students when you can’t find anyone. They haven’t even finished military training yet, and you’re already asking him to join. You really accept anyone, this sort of thingy can also practice martial arts?”

Hearing that, Ding Wenfeng couldn’t help but frown, even I couldn’t help but get a bit angry! What do you mean by saying that thingy like me can also practice martial arts? Although I didn’t know any specific martial art moves, my mental power, which is the internal energy that is spoken of in the past, is very powerful, furthermore, I am confident that no organism can surpass my speed on this planet!

I turned my head back and saw a face that looked like it definitely needed a beating. There was even a bandage on the age—— No, it should be a bandage that represented something, normally Japanese and Koreans liked to tie these stuff of their head, I don’t know which country’s martial arts this bro, that needs a beating, practices.

“Yang Wei, when did your karate society start getting involved with the business of our Huaxia Wushu Society?” Ding Wenfeng was rather civilized and didn’t immediately explode, if it was someone with a bad temper, they would have started beating him already.

“I’m getting depressed, in the martial arts societies within our Huaxia University, your Huaxia Wushu Society is the weakest, you might as well disband it, you are taking funding every year, you might as well give it to our Karate Society, this way we can get a few more sports on the national competition!” said Yang Wei.

“Our Huaxia Wushu Society will also get prizes!” Ding Wenfeng thought about it and said. Actually, with his current ability, getting a prize in the national sanda competitions was very easy, the main problem is that he trained in ancient Huaxia martial arts since a young age, all of his moves are old ones, he doesn’t have any knowledge for real sanda. Even if he wanted to learn, he could accidentally use those moves that he practiced since youth, if he went to participate in competitions like this, it would definitely cause shock in the society, this was something he didn’t want to see.

However, most of the students now worshipped foreigners, and ignored real Huaxia Wushu, instead, they go and study some stuff like juda, karate, or taekwondo that developed from ancient huaxia martial arts.

Although Huaxia’s ancient martial arts have fallen, the new type has also risen. That was sanda. Sanda is also called free-hand, there were a lot of names for it in Huaxia history, such as “xiangpu”, “shoubo”, “baida” (hakuda), “duichai” and “jiji” etc. Since a lot of contests used a ring, it was also called “ring combat” between the civilians. Yet, there is a fundamental difference between the current sanda and traditional sanda.

The current sanda is a sports competition that has two people use the kicks, hits, throws, defence etc. from martial arts compete within a certain set of rules, it is an important portion of Huaxia’s martial arts.

The current sanda is rather similar to USA’s mixed martial arts, it can even go into competition together. Of course, since Huaxia’s sanda had evolved from ancient martial arts, so its practitioners were among the top of the world for similar combat events!

“Ha! With this new brat?” Although Yang Wei mocked Huaxia Wushu Society openly, he didn’t dare to do that directly to Ding Wenfeng, because he has heard people say that Ding Wenfeng is not weak, he just doesn’t make a move easily. Although this is just a rumor, but Yang Wei has always been cowardly, he never offend anyone he can’t afford to. This is related to the education he received since he was young, as a branch family of the Liu family of the Six Renowned Families, his father taught him from a young age that he is a son that was married into the Liu family, Yang Wei is only a branch of the Liu family, born from a Liu woman, so the family head has never put any importance onto him. However, the chance has come, in Yang Wei’s generation, the Liu family doesn’t have a single male, perhaps this is Yang Wei’s chance to become the next family head. Yet, this is only their thought, the family head of the Liu family has never thought of handing the family properties to someone with a foreign surname. Or else, wouldn’t they be mocked to death by the other renowned families? Was the huge Liu family supposed to be changed to the Yang family?

It was because of this that Yang Wei’s father had taught Yang Wei since a young age that he had to be clear about his position first! Although the Yang family is beyond amazing compared to normal civilians, Yang Wei’s father Yang Shuzhuang was the director of a medium size company. This company is actually the property of the Liu family, he was just in charge of managing it. Despite that, it gave Yang Wei a lot of face in front of his friends.

At the start, when Yang Wei did not take his father’s advice to heart, but even since something happened to his biaoge, he toned down his actions a lot.


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Continue reading Chapter 40 – Huaxia Wushu Society