Category Archives: Demon Sword Maiden

Chapter 14 – Slash Force Sensor

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 14 – Slash Force Sensor

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 14

This chapter took more time than expected to translate due to all the unfamiliar terms, like the shikigami or Daruma Egg. I mean… I do know what they are, it’s just that the terms in Chinese are ambiguous. Had to ask around and look for references.


Changed tael to ryo
Apparently, tael is the unit used by Chinese, ryo is the Japanese equivalent of tael.

Click here to read Chapter 14 – Slash Force Sensor

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 13

Wow… just wow… I actually… got a patron, and two to boot!!! 😮
Thank you, you guys are awesome! But take note that the chapters in Patreon are unedited and without footnotes.
Not that I do that much editing when publishing it here anyways, the most I do are correcting some typos and changing the sentence structure so that they flow more smoothly.

Thoughts of the day:
My friend invited me to host this on Ziru’s Musing, your thoughts? Cast your vote below!

Click here to read Chapter 13 – Penetration Force
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Chapter 13 – Penetration Force

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 13 – Penetration Force

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 12

Yes, I know… I have published some chapters in Patreon some days ahead of time as intended early access reward for my non-existence Patron. I don’t expect anyone to subscribe to my Patreon, but I feel like it’s better than leaving it completely empty 🙂

Thoughts of the day:
Isn’t the chapter title a bit of a spoiler?

Click here to read Chapter 12 – Wooden Sword

Chapter 12 – Wooden Sword

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 12 – Wooden Sword

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 11

Schedule? What’s that? I don’t have one! I am just translating as a hobby, and I don’t want to feel pressured from doing this, so I’ll just translate at my leisure. So long as my interest in this novel has yet to wane, you can expect my pace to keep up if conditions allowed.

Thoughts of the day:
This chapter is surprisingly short…

Click here to read Chapter 11 – Samurai

Chapter 11 – Samurai

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 11 – Samurai

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 10

Happy New Year! It’s already 2019, time sure flies when you are not paying attention! Never did I expect I’d be this busy during New Year. I could barely make enough time to properly sit down and translate an hour straight.

Thoughts of the day:
Since when did fan translations become a business?

Click here to read Chapter 10 – Awaken After a Night

Chapter 10 – Awaken After a Night

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 10 – Awaken After a Night

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 9

This chapter is a little hard to translate, I think I might need a translation checker to help me with the more difficult words. Anyways, there are some interesting developments in this chapter, totally unexpected.

Thoughts of the day:
This chapter feels so long…

Click here to read Chapter 9 – The Mirror’s Domain

Chapter 9 – The Mirror’s Domain

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 9 – The Mirror’s Domain

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 8

Well, I wasn’t actually thinking of translating today, but after looking at the “suggestive” title, I just couldn’t help it ya know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thoughts of the day:
When your blood sugar level is low, don’t translate!

Click here to read Chapter 8 – Lodging, Bath, And…

Chapter 8 – Lodging, Bath, And…

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 8 – Lodging, Bath, And…

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 7

For the first time in forever, I finally went and summed up all the raw chapters available for Demon Sword Maiden, and wow am I surprised!

There’s a whopping 1759 Chapters available, and it is still ongoing. Moreover, only 172 of those chapters are available for free. The rest are put behind a paywall. But well, I guess with 172 free chapters, it would be enough to last us for at least a good year.

Click here to read Chapter 7 – Dawn at the Hillside