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VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 43

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

If you’re liking the novel, do go over to the NovelUpdates page to rate it and add it to your reading list!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had three great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~


Author note: There will 5 to 6 more chapters of Kaoru’s childhood, then we will move on to the adventure outside of the village. Please bear with me till then.

Translator note: I will be dropping this series as I am no longer enjoying this story. But I will release this teaser as part 1 and hope another translator will pick it up from part 2 onwards. Thanks for all the support!

P.S. (to answer some questions) I have read ahead, and this is not a story I would enjoy. I tried to continue translating but then I will not be enjoying myself, which is the point of me translating. Sorry for dropping it, but if there is no one translating this series after 3 months, I will try to pick it up again.

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VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 42

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

If you’re liking the novel, do go over to the NovelUpdates page to rate it and add it to your reading list!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 41

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

If you’re liking the novel, do go over to the NovelUpdates page to rate it and add it to your reading list!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles V01C06-07

Here’s the chapter 6 and 7.

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 40

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 39

Hey everyone, like I have said in the announcement post of the previous chapter(s), there will be two versions of this chapter. You can read about the reason for this in the previous announcement post of Volume 2 Chapter 38.

Here’s the first version (PC raws version) the chapter of the day!

Here’s the second version (phone app raws version) the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

[NYSS] Chapter 8

Here’s Chapter 8 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~

One of the readers messaged Re:Library about my erratic releases and whether I could release faster.

Here’s my response:

  1. I know I’m being an ******* about it, but I have a life too, I need to fill out college applications, though that has been finished.
  2. Midterms coming up, need to study.
  3. It’s just a hobby.
  4. Wish I could translate every second of my free time, but I do want to relax from my real life job by sleeping and enjoying other novels too.

But I do try to translate when I can.

And for those who worshipped the kitchen god yesterday, hope you had a lucky worship.


VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 38

Hey everyone, today (and the next) chapters are rather special. It’s because I’ll be releasing two versions of each chapter. There is a reason behind it. Normally speaking, I use raws directly on the PC site of Qidian. However, while I was translating these chapters, I noticed that it was extremely different from what I remember reading before. That’s why I flipped forward a few chapters, and it turns out that the event that I thought was missing from the chapters was actually referenced.

That’s why I turned to the Qidian App on my phone. Guess what? Volume 2 of the novel is structured in a completely different way for some reason, but it was what I had read before. That’s why, the only conclusion I can come from this is that while the author was editing the novel, he missed the reference to the event in a future chapter. Hence, in order for you guys not to get confused, I have translated both versions of the chapters.

Here’s the first version (PC raws version) the chapter of the day!

Here’s the second version (phone app raws version) the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter! (Take note, there is two teaser chapters today because of the two different versions of the chapter~)

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 37

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. I’ve had two great submissions so far, I hope more comes in~

Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles V01C04-05

Hello everybody! I’m the new guy in the website! I don’t have to much to say for now so, I just hope you enjoy this novel!

Want to go the TOC to see the synopsis:

But If you are already up to date then you can continue reading from the new chapters!

And seriously that chapter 5 is really long!! Almost like three chapters in one!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 36

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. And… As sad as I am to say this, I still didn’t get a single submission :/

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 35

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. And… As sad as I am to say this, I still didn’t get a single submission :/

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 34

Here’s the chapter of the day!

Click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Remember, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, nearly half of the time limit is gone. And… As sad as I am to say this, I still didn’t get a single submission :/

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 33

Here’s the next of the sponsored chapters. Thanks, Michael!

The sponsored queue has been cleared!

Like I have started last week, click on “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter!

Guys, the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art contest is ongoing, a 1/3 of the time has past already! Do send me some submissions~

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