Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 113 – Are we going to die?

I waved towards Chen Weier and called, “Weier, come down here as well!”

“I-I’m scared!” Chen Weier hugged the tree trunk and said while trembling, “I-I feel so scared after you went down, I-I won’t fall down right?”

“Of course you won’t, hold tight, and slowly crawl towards me, it’ll be fine if you’re careful,” I comforted her and said.

Hearing my words, Chen Weier carefully moved a bit, then immediately stopped, she said to me in a crying tone, “Liu Lei… I’m scared! I don’t dare to move!”

Ai~! I sight, there’s no helping it, I could only say, “Weier, don’t move, wait for me tot go over!”

I took off the redundant arm guards and knee guards, then crawled on the branch of the huge tree once again. With the experience just now, I managed to climb up much easier.

“Weier, give me your hands!” I said to Chen Weier, and reached a hand over.

Chen Weier carefully reached her hand over, and pulled me firmly. I carefully walked backwards, a step at a time, while Chen Weier also moved slowly with my pace.

I was very careful, and tried to flatten my body, in fear of this tree snapping under our combined weight. Although I was already really slow, the entire tree brach still creaked under Weier and my pressure, and wobbled up and down.

At the very moment when one of my foot was about to reach the boulder, I heard a crack, and the entire tree branch snapped. Chen Weier and I fell down with the branch.

“Ah!” Chen Weier screamed loudly as she held my hand…

The two of us dangled by the cliff falling the snapping of the branch, luckily, the branch didn’t completely snap, there were still some fibres that were connected with the bark, although it wouldn’t snap in the short term, but it definitely wasn’t far off from snapping.

I difficulty pulled the branch with my right hand, and Chen Weier with my left as I dangled in mid air.

I tried, but I couldn’t muster up any strength with one hand, not to mention I still had to pull Chen Weier.

“Weier, can you hug me? I can’t use any strength with one hand!” I said to Chen Weier.

“Liu Lei, release me, don’t care about me! Neither of us can get up if you do this!” Chen Weier also noticed the severity of the situation, and calmed down quite a lot.

“No, how can I leave you!” Originally I wanted to get Chen Weier to hug me, but from the looks of it, I really can’t let go, god knows if this chick would jump down once I let go.

“Liu Lei, leave me, if you die, Yanyan-meimei will be really sad!” Chen Weier complained.

“No! I definitely cannot just leave you!” I said with assurance, without giving her any space of negeotiation.

“But…” Chen Weier frowned.

“Weier, hold onto me tightly with both hands, if you release yourself, I can very responsibly tell you that I will jump down with you!” I ordered resolutely.

“Ai…!” Chen Weier sighed, and slowly moved one hand to my waist, held tight, then very slowly released my hand. Finally both of her hands were tightly holding onto my waist.

I let out a sigh of relief, “Weier, hold tight, I’m going to start climbing now.”

“En. Be careful,” Chen Weier said quietly. “Why didn’t you just leave me…”

“Because, I will not permit the ones I love to leave me!” In the brink of death, I couldn’t think too much, and declared truthfully.

I could clearly feel like that Chen Weier’s body suddenly trembled, and the hands held me even tighter. I took a deep breath, and started using all my strength to climb up. Two meters… One meter, I was about to reach the edge of the snapped branch! I joyfully sped up my actions, but an accident occurred, I didn’t think that at the nick of the moment, the branch snapped not even twenty centimeters in front of my eyes. With a crack, alongside the infinite snow on the branch, Chen Weier and my body hastily fell.

I helplessly released my hands, and wrapped it around Chen Weier’s hand around my waist. The next moment, perhaps I would once again met my old bro Yama!

I only felt Chen Weier and I accelerate downwards, du to its weight, that branch accelerated slower than Chen Weier and I, I could clearly see it spinning on top of my head.

All of a second, my mind was incomparably clear, the fear in my heart was swept away. Death was so real to me, and so close! However I couldn’t be more clear about the result, and that’s another meeting with my old bro Yama, I wonder what he would think when he sees me again.

“Liu Lei, I love you!” Chen Weier suddenly shouted loudly. “I love you!”

Chen Weier smiled, her tears sky in the air and became shiny droplets of water that flew in the air. The moment before her death, she finally spoke out that feeling that has long been buried in her heart, she had nothing more to hide from death, and no more regrets. Dying with her loved one, is that not one sort of happiness?

“Weier, we definitely won’t die!” At that moment, I felt that intense feeling from Chen Weier, which ignited hope within my heart once more. ****, even something so lucky as getting reborn happened to me, how could I so easily roll over?

Chen Weier didn’t answer me, and just held be tightly. I also closed my eyes, and enjoyed the warmth of the moment.

A hundred meters, fifty meters, the ground was already extremely clear, Chen Weier and I still maintained the extremely fast falling speed. There was no hope, after w hit the ground, Weier and I would definitely die.

“Weier, if there is an underworld, would you marry me?” In the last moment of my life, I said to Chen Weier.

“En… I will,” Chen Weier also knew that we were about to die. However she didn’t know that we would be brought to the underworld after we die. Although we would need to be wandering spirits for a very long time, but with old bro Yama looking over me, I was royalty in the underworld, being an awesome ghost wasn’t bad, not to mention that I have Weier accompanying me.

With a “pa” sound, Chen Weier fell onto the ground first, then it was me. Just when I closed my eyes to peacefully welcome death, the freezing cold pierced through my body!

I sneezed, and my entire person cleared up a lot. So we didn’t die, what was underneath our feet wasn’t land, but water. The land we saw was actually a very thin layer of ice on the water!

Due to the impact, Weier and I quickly fell into the water, the lake water was freezing cold, and the current was swift. Weier’s face was completely red due to choking on water.

However I managed to held my breath at the critical moment, although the lake water was cold, I had the experience of winter swimming in my previous life, so it wasn’t anything special, I relaxed a bit, and got used to it.


  1. N/a

Chapter 112 – In the nick of time

However, in an instant I felt the lack of all resistances around my body, which had turned into the sound of the wind, I lost consciousness…

When I came to my senses, I noticed my entire body was beyond sore, I couldn’t feel my limbs at all. I couldn’t even use my hands. Could it be… that I lost my limbs?

I instinctively opened my eyes, good, my arm was still firmly growing from my body. Chen Weier was laying on top of me at the moment, causing my limbs to have remained in the same position for a long time, leading to an inadequate supply of blood their, thus it felt numb.

Where was I? Were the two of us dead? However I immediately refuted this idea. I had died once already, and know what the underworld is like, this clearly wasn’t it. That means that we were still alive.

When I recalled what happened, the first thing I felt was regret, at such a dangerous moment, I actually forgot about my superpower, if I used it just now, Chen Weier and I definitely wouldn’t have fallen off the cliff.

However regret is useless, the most urgent issue right now is to hurry up and discover where I am. I turned my head around to the side and looked, then was immediately shocked! I was actually right beside the cliff! At that moment I was still lying on the tree branch of a huge tree with Chen Weier! Behind us was a cliff of several hundred meters.

I was wondering why didn’t I die, so I got hung on a tree! Or else even if I am sworn brothers with Yama, it wouldn’t have been easy to escape death.

I couldn’t helped but be covered in cold sweat! This Li Shaojie was really merciless, if Chen Weier and I really fell to our deaths, he would definitely have committed murder!

“Weier——“ I used the stiff hands that had just slightly recovered to pat Chen Weier on her back, and call out used a dry voice.

Weier didn’t respond. I continued calling several more times, but there was still no reply. Could Weier have died? A terrible though surfaced in my mind.

Impossible! Weier fell on me, if anyone should be dead it’s me, Weier definitely fainted! Thinking to that point, I immediately calmed down, and turned my head to look at Weier’s face, but Weier had with her face towards the sky, it was possible to see her face from my position.

I reached my hand, and placed before Weier’s chest, on her bulging breasts. However I swear I definitely wasn’t acting indecent, I just wanted to test for Weier’s heartbeat. I admit the time I took was slightly longer, but I was definitely serious! Thank god, Weier’s heart rate was normal, she might have fainted from fright.

The current situation was definitely very dangerous, I could feel the branches shaking and hear “zhizhi” sounds when ever the wind blew. I couldn’t be sure that this tree could continue to withstand it all and not snap!

I calmed my inner self and looked surveyed the surroundings. This tree was grown from a boulder on the cliff, and that boulder became a small platform!

My whole body was stiff from being clown by the cold wind, that place would be a rather good shelter if I could get on that platform! If I just continued to stay on the branch, even if it doesn’t snap, we would freeze to our deaths sooner or later.

Thinking about that, I shook Chen Weier’s body a few times, “Weier, wake up! Or else we would freeze to our death!”

It might have because of my larger actions and worked up voice this time, Chen Weier actually reacted!

“Liu Leo… Is it you?” Chen Weier asked weakly.

“It’s me, Weier, we got flung off the cliff!” I said.

“Did we die? Where is this? The underworld?” Chen Weier asked meekly.

“We didn’t die! We got hung on a branch! Weier are you okay? Can you move? We have to quickly think of a way to leave this tree!” The moment Chen Weier moved, I heard the sound of the branches creaking underneath me.

“Ah… Sorry,” Chen Weier also noticed she was on top of me right now. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, but Weier, there is something I have to say to you!” I said seriously.

“What is it?!” Weier was scared by me.

“You should lose weight!” I laughed terribly.

“You’re terrible~! Look at what time it is, you still have the heart to crack jokes!” Weier pouted then wanted to turn around and hit me.

The branches beneath me started resisting, scaring Weier so much that she stopped off her movements, and then she looked at me with a pale face, her legs also turned around to press down upon me, the posture was extremely ambiguous, it was like the normal position with the girl on top and the guy on the bottom! However Chen Weier didn’t dare to casually move, she just continued riding on top of me ambiguously. Furthermore, her stomach was also pressing down on my lower body.

Having been stimulated, I immediately had a reaction… Don’t say something like having these thoughts even in danger, this was a normal biological reaction!

Chen Weier also felt my reaction, how could an eighteen years old girl not understand! Her pale cheeks immediately had a hint of redness. What’s worse was that I couldn’t even move under these circumstances.

“Sorry…” I said apologetically.

“…” Chen Weier shook her head helplessly, her entire face revealed how shy she was, but also how she was unable to do anything.

With this extra scene, I only felt like my entire body was boiling, the original stiffness completely disappeared! Looking at Chen Weier’s bright red cheeks, I feel like she also felt like that right now! My lower body was furiously poking at her stomach, if she didn’t react like that, then I should start suspecting if she was actually a woman.

“Still cold?” I asked with a smile.

“…” Weier still didn’t say anything, but she hook her head.

“Try to move a bit right now, and see if we can switch a position! I will think of a way to climb up from the tree, or else we would both fall later when the tree snaps!” I said.

“En…” Weier nodded, and started slowing up my body, unfortunately, her stomach actually slid up and down from that area!

Waves of pleasure assault me, an absurd thought actually popped up in my head, and that’s how amazing it would be to XX on his branch! However that was just a thought for a split second before I waved it away, doing that was definitely looking to die!

I quickly calmed my heart, and my lower body gradually softened.

Chen Weier also felt my change, and smiled at me with a red face, then carefully slid to my side, I finally could move my body!

I first sat up, untied the ski boards at my feet, then threw them away, I wasted 600 something kuai to buy these stuff. However I couldn’t care too much right now, nothing is more important than living. I then helped Chen Weier untie it, and threw them down.

After doing all that, I carefully grabbed hold of the branch beside me, then slowly inched downwards, it was fortunate that I went rock climbing before in my previous life, so it could be said that I climbed up the tree with easy.

I finally followed the tree trunk and climbed down, and stepped onto the rock! The feeling of safety was so good, although I was someone that had died once, but the feeling of being alive was great!


  1. N/a

Chapter 111 – You Two Go and Die

However all of this was pointless moves in my eyes, even if he just continued to gaze on, I could still rush over and easily deal with him, but I had the thought of acting like a cat playing with a mouse, the difference between us was far too great, so great that I couldn’t even get in the mood to make a move on him.

Li Shaojie finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and madly dashed towards me. This time he did get a bit smarter, and didn’t attack me in close range, he leaped him at a distance of three or four meters away from me, and sent a kick towards me.

Since he took the initiative to attack, I was no longer merciful, who made it so that he has such a bad memory? He was clearly a loser by my hands, yet still wanted to struggle against me. The moment I made a move, I firmly caught Li Shaojie’s foot, and used a bit of strength to throw him landing, causing him to land five or six meters away at the edge of the ski field.

There wasn’t much snow there, so it must have been quite a bit for that Li Shaojie to suffer.

“Li Shaojie, you lost,” I pointed to Li Shaojie, who was far away, and said without emotions.

Li Shaojie struggled a bit, as if wanting to say something, but his body immediately felt pain, causing his expression to twist, and so he only stared at me with a poisonous gaze.

I ignored him, turned around and said to Zhao Yanyan and co., “Let’s go to ski.”

Zhao Yanyan asked while worriedly pointing at Li Shaojie, “Is he alright?”

“He’s fine, he won’t die. Didn’t you see that he can still move,” I said casually. Dealing with Li Shaojie didn’t cause me much, I just taught him a lesson. I won’t do stuff like killing people, if I really caused some sort of ****, even Zhao Yanyan’s grandpa wouldn’t stand on my side.

Although Chen Weier was worried, her face was bright red, could it be that this chick likes to watch me fight? I remember she was also like that at Liu Zhenhai’s place, she got so excited from my fight with the bodyguards.

I pulled Zhao Yanyan and Weier, then found a rather isolated slope that wasn’t very steep. The snow was also rather thick. This is the edge of the ski field, although there were any boundaries, but a bit further was the cliff with no one there. The place we were at was rather safe, it was unlike the center of the ski field, where the snow has already turned hard.

“Weier, be a bit more careful, and try to move slowly on this slope, I’ll hold you,” I reached out my hand and said to Weier. Actually the number one thing that people avoided during skiing was pulling someone, if one of them was a newbie that doesn’t know how to ski, then when he falls, so would the other person.

“I…” Weier was still terrified, and didn’t move a single step forward. People with a fear of heights normally wouldn’t be good at balancing, Weier was the same, and kept on trembling.

“How about this, Weier, I’ll demonstrate it for you!” Seeing Weier stand in the slow as if she was suffering, I helplessly shook my head, and said to Zhao Yanyan. “Yanyan, hold Weier, don’t let her fall.”

“Weier, look, like this, keep the ski boards parallel, first take a step at a time and move forward slowly, the Li Shaojie just now might now know how to ski, but he did well!” I demonstrated to Chen Weier with a smile.

Hearing I mention Li Shaojie, Weier immediately recalled that idiotic walking posture, and started laughing. The atmosphere also relaxed quite a bit. Under Zhao Yanyan and my help, Chen Weier started to be able to move forward slowly, at the end, she no longer needed our help.

I then taught Weier several simple moves, Chen Weier was not dumb, its just that her balance was a little poor. After several trials, she already familiarized herself with the movements. After that was plow gliding and plow turning, these were all basic movements in skiing, I demonstrated them one by one for Chen Weier.

About an hour something later, Chen Weier no longer needed Zhao Yanyan and my help and started gliding on the slope by herself.

“Let’s fine a slightly steeper slope to practice,” Zhao Yanyan suggested. We were just there to coach Weier anyway, this kind of gentle slope had no challenge for a master like Zhao Yanyan.

“Let’s not go?” I said worriedly looking at Chen Weier.

“It’s alright, I also want to try,” Chen Weier already abandoned her fright then, and was fully enjoying the fun skiing brought .

I checked out the surroundings. The slope was at the edge of the ski field, the cliff wasn’t far away. If we don’t intentionally move over there, we wouldn’t be in much danger.

Zhao Yanyan finally relaxed her shoulders, and started skiing. She smiled to me, then skied down first.

“Want to try?” I said to Weier.

Chen Weier looked down, and was overcome with a sense of dizziness. She clenched her teeth and said softly to me, “Liu Lei, can you hold me?”

“Okay!” I happily held Weier’s hand, this was the result I wanted.

With my support, Weier started slowly gliding down the mountain.

“**** your mom, you two bitches, a dog couples, go and die!” Suddenly Li Shaojie’s hateful voice ran out behind us, right after that, I felt a powerful force that was pushed towards Chen Weier and I!

I immediately lost my balance, but was still able to remain a hint of calmness, I quickly stuck the ski stick in the ground to maintain my balance, but Chen Weier wasn’t as calm as me, her body immediately fell.

“Screw you mom, I don’t believe you won’t die!”

I tried with all my might to hold Weier when I felt a heavy kick behind me, I instantly fell, and fell down the slope with Chen Weier, and rolled towards the slope…

Since the force Chen Weier and I had to withstand wasn’t equal, Chen Weier fell down first, and thus we actually slid down towards Chen Weier’s side! That side was the cliff of Xixing Mountain, the cliff was only several tens of meters away! Chen Weier and I were still rolling down unstoppably!

If I let go of Chen Weier’s hand, then I could potentially change the direction I was sliding down, but I didn’t do that. I couldn’t live alone and leave Chen Weier! Seeing the cliff approach closer and closer, a thought flashed across my mind: Was Chen Weier and I really going to fall to our deaths here today?

Heh, I closed my eyes! I don’t believe it, would my old bro Yama would really let me die this easily?


  1. N/a

Chapter 110 – Li Shaojie’s Revenge

“Weier, I’ll teach you?” I reached out my hand, and said to Weier who was sitting on a pile of snow.

“**** off! Even if she needs teaching, it’s not for you!” I didn’t even need to turn my head to know that this voice belonged to the annoying LI Shaojie.

This guy randomly ran over. That’s right, this guy actually ran over wearing the ski boards and ran over like flip flop flip flop. He was just like a huge duck. If I didn’t know this guy is truly a ******, I might even have thought that he invented a new skiing method.

“You ******, stay away from Chen Weier, or else I’ll beat you to death,” Li Shaojie ran in front of us panting, and after seeing that there’s no one around, he regained his pretentious mouth and shouted at me while pointing.

“Say, Li Shaojie-tongxue, I put over with you over and over because you are in the same class at Chen Weier, but you can’t be so endless right?” I couldn’t be bothered with this piece of trash before, this type of person was simply too weak for me, I could deal with him with several moves.

“Heh, with your **** look, I don’t know what ******* luck you had managing to get Zhao Yanyan. But I’m warning you, you better stay away from Chen Weier, now take your bird and **** off, Chen Weier isn’t someone a poor **** like you can reach!” Li Shaojie deliberately touched the ski google that he spent 500 kuai to buy and said.

Saying bad stuff about me was fine, he actually dragged Zhao Yanyan into it, from his meaning it seems like he was saying Zhao Yanyan had no taste so she got with me? Isn’t that looking to die?

“Li Shaojie, you will pay for what you have said today,” I said calmly.

“****! You dare to threaten me? **** this, I haven’t been scared! I’m telling you, immediately apologize to me, then everything’s fine, it’s all good, or else I can kill you don’t you believe me?” Li Shaojie shouted.

“Haha——“ I laughed instead of getting angry, this was the most interesting joke I’ve heard. Do you think you are the underworld? I’m poor? Only an upstart like you would flaunt about how rich you are everywhere.

“What are you laughing about! I’ll make you cry later,” LI Shaojie glanced around, all the other students were far away, Li Bingfeng was also teaching other to ski, no one was paying attention towards this side. Li Shaojie was relieved now, if I don’t teach you brat who doesn’t know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is, you won’t know how great I Li Shaojie is right? I am a sanda master, looking at the person in front of me who was so frail, isn’t it going to be like a game to beat him up?

“You asked for it, don’t blame me for being merciless!” Li Shaojie cracked his knuckles and took off the ski boards, moved around a bit. He was an idiot in this rgard, and the ski boards would get in the way when fighting.

“Wait——“ Seeing that he was getting ready to fight, I felt like there was something that should be made clear before we fight.

“What? Scared! If you’re scared then **** off, if you leave now I won’t do anything to you!” Seeing that I said stop, Li Shaojie thought I was scared, and said proudly there.

“Hehe, Li-tongxue, before we trade moves, I feel like something has to made clear first,” I cleared my throat and said.

“What do you want to say? Last words? Haha!” Li Shaojie didn’t care at all.

“I can accompany you in fighting, but whoever loses has to stay away from Chen Weier! Also the loser can’t take revenge afterwards,” I felt like I had to clarify it first, I didn’t want the second Liu Kesheng to appear. Although I wasn’t scared from him taking revenge on me afterwards, but the less of this sort of troublesome thing the better.

“Okay! That’s a promise! However it seems like you said it just for yourself right?” Li Shaojie laughed.

“Are you ready?” I don’t know why, but these words popped out from my mouth again.

“I’m ready…” Li Shaojie replied subconsciously, however the moment those words left his mouth, he felt something amiss, like he was made a fool. As expected, Chen Weier and Zhao Yanyan already started laughing.

“****! You asked for it! Today I will beat you until your mother doesn’t recognize you!” Li Shaojie waved his fist with anger and shame, then dashed towards me.

I didn’t even need to use my superpower to know where his weakness was with at this speed. With Li Shaojie’s ability, he was a third rated sanda person at max.

Li Shaojie’s threw a punch towards my abdomen, and then closely followed it with his right leg that wanted to attack my lower body. This brat is really black hearted, using a killer move immediately, and wanted me to become impotent. However wanting to hurt me with this level of ability, that’s simply too naïve! No matter what, I was a teenage sanda champion in my previous life, don’t talk about Li Shaojie, even if his shifu was here I could easily deal with him!

I casually lifted my left foot, just as Li Shaojie was got in front of me, and quickly kicked, blocking his knee. Then I used my hand to grab the fist he threw out, and used a bit of strength, Li Shaojie immediately flew up, and fell onto the snow.

I barely even used ten percent of my strength, and I haven’t even started counterattacking, and only put up the necessary defense I needed to do. Even so, Li Shaojie still stumbled. Luckily the ground was covered in soft snow, or else if he fell onto a cement floor, that would be enough for Li-tongxue to suffer, at the very least his pelvis bone would have cracked.

Li Shaojie didn’t take too long before quickly crawling up from the ground, he didn’t even wipe away the snow on him, and just directly jumped up, and wanted to attack me once again.

“Stop!” I immediately shouted. “Say Li-tongxue, isn’t it enough for today? It looks like you aren’t capable of being my opponent, why do you have to make a fool of yourself?”

“Heh, don’t get so full of yourself! Just now it was too slippery, I got careless, but this time you won’t be so lucky, I will not easily let you go today!”

Chen Weier and Zhao Yanyan were very clear about my abilities, so they stood behind me without a tiny bit of fright, actually they were even looking at Li Shaojie and I with interest, from the look of excitement and heat in Chen Weier’s eyes, she seems to wish I can quickly beat this Li Shaojie up!

Li Shaojie adjusted his posture, and got ready again, but this time he didn’t randomly attach, he just gazed at me, in search of a chance to make a move. It looks like this Li Shaojie wasn’t a complete idiot, he at least understood the techniques needed to contest with someone.


  1. N/a

Chapter 109 – Finding Fault

Only then did Chen Weier slowly, causing her to noticed that she was still ambiguously hugged. “Ah!” Chen Weier subconsciously screamed, and quickly escaped from my embrace.

I was only scared just now, so I hid in his arms. Chen Weier comforted herself in her heart.

Zhao Yanyan’s cable car arrived to the mountain top right after us. The chick jumped down from the car while giggling, and arrived in front of me, she mischievously looked at me and the blushing Chen Weier, “Weier-jiejie, did this bad guy bully you?”

“N-No!” Chen Weier would freak out from Zhao Yanyan’s every single word, the winter camp haven’t even started, she was already scared twice, this is the third time. Zhao Yanyan seemed to grasp her thoughts perfection, if she really stood up and said that she (Chen Weier) shouldn’t seduce her boyfriend, perhaps she (Chen Weier) would feel better. What she was most afraid of was the current situation, Zhao Yanyan clearly knows about it all, yet not only did she push Liu Lei towards her, and also seemed to agree with her liking Liu Lei.

“Yanyan, stop joking around. Do you have gum? Weier is afraid of heights, and haven’t recovered,” I looked at Chen Weier and noticed that her face was still white.

Zhao Yanyan took out a pack of Doublemint gum, and handed it respectively to Chen Weier and I, then also took out a piece and placed it in her own mouth. Gum was a very popular thing in 1995, young people all treated it as a type of fashion, pushing the Dada Bubblegum that was once really popular out of its historical stage.

Due to the cold temperature, the mint flavored gum was rather cool when placed into the mouth, but Chen Weier seemed to enjoy it, her knitted eyebrows seemed to relax quite a bit, despite her face being rather pale, it still reddened a lot.

The winds of the snowy mountain blew against Chen Weier’s hair, lifting it into the air like an ice fairy. All of the sudden, I couldn’t help but be awestruck.

“Weier, you’re so beautiful,” I exclaimed, and softly helped her comb down her hair as I looked passionately at her beautiful face.

“Liu Lei…” Chen Weier shockingly gazed at me, and murmured.

“Hai——Hai——!” Zhao Yanyan coughed twice.

Chen Weier immediately subconsciously pushed me away, and stood on the side, then looked towards Zhao Yanyan while being unsure of what to do, with her face full of resentment.

“There are people behind, be a bit more careful you two. If you are going to get intimate, you have to find somewhere where there isn’t anyone!” Zhao Yanyan pointed at the cable cars coming up and said.

“Hehe,” I laughed dryly and scratched my head, then whispered beside Zhao Yanyan’s ear, “Did you get jealous?”

“Heh! Stop pretending after you’ve been benefitted,” Zhao Yanyan’s crab hands pinched my waist once again as she glared at me. “If I was jealous I wouldn’t have pushed you to onto the same car.”

“Aiya!” I exclaimed in pain.

“Heh, Weier-jiejie, let us ignore this pervert! Come, let’s go skiing!” With that, Zhao Yanyan pulled Chen Weier towards the entrance of the ski field without looking at me.

I shook my head and followed behind, a woman’s heart was truly like a needle in the ocean. Not only did I not understand Weier’s thoughts, now I was even starting to get confused on what Zhao Yanyan was doing.

I carried the luggage for the three of us, this ski board truly so ******* heavy, it was at least twenty to twenty five kilograms. With all the miscellaneous equipment as well, I was like an armored car, and moved forward slowly with large and small bags hanging from my body.

Suddenly, a figure dashed out from behind me, ****, I nearly fell over. I raised my head to look, it was the ****** Li Shaojie looking at me with a smirk. Li Shaojie waved his hand and said, “You’re a snail now aye, this is the result of being pretentious!” After saying that, he quickly walked forward.

He actually dared to mock me?! I’m a snail? I’ll let you see what is a supersonic snail today. I took a deep breath and focused, the scene before me changed, and gradually became unusually slow. Li Shaojie was stepping forward with a speed even more snail than a snail, one of his leg was still in midair.

I slowly walked in front of him, surpassing him by ten odd meters, then I let out a sigh and returned to normal. I turned my head back, and raised my middle finger towards the Li Shaojie behind me, then started walking forward without turning back again.

“Ah!” LI Shaojie looked at me with wide eyes. He felt something was not right just now, a black figure used a speed faster than lightning to speed in front from behind his back. After noticing that the person was me, he was really shocked, and kept on using his hands to rub his eyes.

“You are slower than a snail,” I left a sentence behind before I hurried towards Zhao Yanyan and co.. When I am using my superpower, the movements of everything else was extremely slow to me, in other words, my speed would become unusually quick for everything else. So I became a shadow in Li Shaojie’s eyes.

I finished changing into the ski suit, and put on the wristbands and knee guards. Zhao Yanyan was also like me, and wore the things like she knew what she was doing, from the familiarity she showed, she must have skied before. However this was very normal, Zhao Junsheng was an entrepreneur before he followed me, Skiing was a trendy sport among rich people in 1995.

Yet Chen Weier struggled for a long time and still couldn’t put it on, but she was too embarrassed to say anything, and thus only looked helplessly towards Zhao Yanyan. However Zhao Yanyan turned her head around like she didn’t see anything.

Ai! I sighed. This chick was deliberately creating a chance for me again.

I walked over, picked up the outfit from Chen Weier’s hands. I carefully put it on her. Chen Weier stood there, unmoving, and allowed me to do as I please. Her cheeks that were red due to the weather became even more red.

After I finished helping Weier, I noticed that when everyone arrived, Han Bingfeng begun to teach people how to wear the ski equipment. Seeing that we had finished wearing it all, Li Shaojie didn’t want to lose to us and put it all on as well, however what made me confused was that this ****** actually wore the knee and arm guards inside the ski suit, causing him to look so chubby like a huge panda. Only after hearing Han Bingfeng’s explanation, did he realize he made a huge fool of himself.

I put on the ski board, and stretched out, then I skied around in the snow for a little bit. It felt pretty good, although I haven’t been able to show the level I could do during university in my previous life, I did ski alright. I haven’t touched this sport for nearly tens years, it’s already great that I haven’t fallen over.

Zhao Yanyan also stabilized her ski boards, and was talking to Chen Weier.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Weier doesn’t know how to ski! Come over and help!” Zhao Yanyan shouted towards me.

She doesn’t know how to ski?! Haha, that’s great for me. An image surfaced in my mind – a couple romantically holding hands in the snow… Hehe, the free coach is here!


  1. N/a

Chapter 108 – Cable Car

Six eighty? Are you kidding me! That inferior good Li Shaojie bought was three thousand eight hundred, and this ski board of better quality was only sold to me for six eighty?

“How much?” I asked once again with uncertainty, this was way too cheap.

“Six eighty! The price is already really fair, you are also in the industry, so I don’t need to say too much about the quality of this ski board,” that owner thought that I found it too expensive, and immediately explained.

“Oh!” I nodded, more or less understanding what he meant. Although the quality of the ski board was very good, but because of its color and looks, a lot of people asked about it. I really got a great deal, although I’m really rich, I can’t just carelessly spend money right?

“Then give us three pairs!” I said to the owner.

“Three pairs?” The owner was shocked to the point that his mouth was wide open. Although he didn’t make much off this ski board, being able to deal with the stocks quickly was still a very joyous thing.

“Liu Lei, why are you buying so many?” Although Chen Weier felt that one might have been for her when I said three pairs, she still couldn’t help but ask.

“Weier-jiejie, of course he bought one for each of the three of us!” Before I said anything, Zhao Yanyan explained with a smie.

“For me… me…!” Chen Weier subconsciously wanted to refused, but she couldn’t open her mouth. In fact, she had a hint of joy from the depths of her heart. However since she had already rejected Li Shaojie just now, accepting Liu Lei’s offer was clearly going to cause a misunderstanding. Therefore she still said, “Then never mind, I can’t casually take someone else’s thing…”

“Hehe, Weier-jiejie! It’s not the first time you accept something from him, that set of clothes from Fairyfair…” Zhao Yanyan said beside Chen Weier’s ear like she was doing a prank.

“Ah!” Chen Weier was so shocked that she nearly sat on the floor, and said frantically, “How-how did you know?”

“Wouldn’t you know just looking at what you’re wearing inside your down jacket!” Zhao Yanyan glared at Chen Weier’s chest and said.

“…” Chen Weier blushed, she randomly took this set of clothes out, and wore it inside. Did she wear it for that person? She wasn’t even sure herself.

Zhao Yanyan smiled and said, “When Liu Lei and I went shopping the other day, I also got interested in this set of clothes.”

The shop owner took out three pairs of ski boards, and handed it to us. Chen Weier also picked up a pair with a red face.

“Weier, you actually accepted the ski board he bought for you!” Li Shaojie exclaimed.

“Weier is our great friend, why can’t we buy it for her? As for you, Weier this, Weier that, does she have anything to do with you?” Zhao Yanyan argued.

“Heh! Weier, even if they are good friends of yours, you still need to think about the safety of your life! Buying a six hundred something kuai ski board is essentially kidding with your laugh! Look at my ski board, so very solid! Then look at the one he bought for you, so light, just like cardboard,” Li Shaojie said.

I laughed coldly in my heart, it isn’t even sure who would be in life threatening danger when we start skiing later. Just with your aluminum sheet, it’ll be weird if you don’t fall to your death! However I didn’t want to tell him, a dead ****** is one less ******. Before I said anything, Li Shaojie pointed the spearhead towards me, “What’s with you? If you don’t have money then don’t get pretentious and buy stuff hre! Buying stuff for girls, you should look at if you have the ability first! Six eighty for a pair! Even three pairs isn’t worth as much as one pair of mine, even if you want to commit suicide, don’t drag Weier into it!”

“If you don’t feel alright with it, then spend some money and buy it for Weier, I have nothing against it! But don’t just crap in front of me,” I have no idea about how to describe this fellow, he managed to get the top ten in the year even with this intelligence, the world really is big, is there some ******* problem with his brain!

Li Shaojie snorted, and stopped talking. I was rather confused, why didn’t this brat continue to argue with me? If I knew that he ran out of money, I would have definitely pushed him until he can’t stand anymore.

I took out a bankcard and handed it to the sop owner. I am a person that returned from the next century, I also retained my habit from my previous life when I go out, I always carry a few bankcards no matter where I went, and barely bring any cash.

“About this, we can’t swipe cards here!” The shop owner looked at the bankcard in my hand with a troubled expression. He finally sold out three pairs of this backlog, if I didn’t have cash, this transaction wouldn’t succeed.

Zhao Yanyan knows that I have this habit, and didn’t say anything, instead she took out her purse from her pocket, counted two thousand and handed it to the shop owner, “Three pairs for two thousand then.”

The shop owner received the cash, how would he dare to say know, it was great that he could sell it out, it doesn’t matter if he makes any profit or not.

Li Shaojie glared at me with disdain, what he meant was that I was someone who only knew how to eat soft rice, of course I couldn’t let him be, so I angrily returned his glare. How is this type of upstart who carries a huge stack of cash not scared of getting robbed?

I then picked three pairs of ski goggles, ski shoes and wristbands, kneecaps etc. Of course all of them are products that were cheap but with good quality. Li Shaojie also pretentiously followed my lead to buy these stuff, it’s just that the ones he bought were once again inferior products that he thought were high clas goods.

The other people all rented ski equipment with Han Bingfeng’s organization, I took a lot, the quality weren’t bad. It was comparable to the Fishman brand.

We would only get to the ski field at the top of the mountain by cable car, each cable car could only sit two people, I don’t know if Zhao Yanyan did it intentionally, she pushed Chen Weier and I into the same car, and then winked at me with a meaningful look.

The cable car gradually slid along the track towards the top of the mountain, underneath our feet were several hundred meters of air. Although the cable car was completely shut, Chen Weier still subconsciously leaned her body towards me, her hands tightly gripping the handle, as she was too worried to even move, in fear of falling down.

“Weier…” I said.

“En,” Chen Weier answered worriedly,tiny droplets of sweat formed on her forehead.

“Do you have acrophobia?” I looked at Weier’s trembling body and asked.

“En,” Chen Weier answered quietly once again.

I put my large hands on top of Weier’s hands, and gripped it lightly. The other arm grabbed Weier into my arms.

“Don’t…” Chen Weier wanted to push me away, just as a word came out of her mouth, the cable car coincidentally trembled at the attachment point of the track. This caused Weier to immediately grip my hand tightly, and didn’t dare to move, allowing me to continue hugging her.

We could see the full view of Xixing mountain on the cable car, the entire mountain was covered with whit, due to the low gradient of the slow, and the lack of vegetation, it was a natural paradise for skiing. I wanted to let Chen Weier see this beautiful scenery as well, but Chen Weier kept her eyes closed the entire time, and didn’t dare to open them.

“We’re here,” I patted Chen Weier’s back and said. At this time, the cable car already slid to the mountain top.


  1. N/a

Chapter 107 – Fishman Brand Ski Board

“Pu——“ This person was truly an illiterate! I nearly laughed out loud, would ski boards within the country in 1995 be separated into male and female use? It was all the same, and only had difference in models. Only after 1997 did I see a female ski boards designed specifically for girls, this type of ski boards were usually lighter, and the board themselves were softer, the position of the holder was slightly more forward, this type of design not only improved the stability, but also made it easier to turn. However I would guess that even the sports shop owners would have never heard of ski boards specifically for female use in this era.

“About this, ski boards are for both genders!” The owner said with a difficult expression, clearly the boy in front of him was a rich person, so he spoke rather tactfully.

Although he was already really tactful, Li Shaojie’s expression still worsened a lot, then looking at me who was trying hard not to laugh on the side, it was clear that I was laughing at his ignorance.

“Of course I know it’s for both genders, I just wanted you to help me find a pair suitable for girls to use!” Li Shaojie explained rather diffidently.

“Okay! I’ll help you get it,” how could the owner not have heard past Li Shaojie’s explanation, but with business right in front of him, only an idiot would poke a hole through it.

“See if this is okay, it’s a Chevrolet product, definitely high class! Look at the material of the board, it’s made of aluminium!” The owner patted the ski board and said.

Chevrolet? Do you think you’re selling a car? It was a typical product of inferior quality. I took a glance at it, and knew that it was definitely the worst of the worst, the board had no tenacity at all.

“Oh! Not bad, not bad!” Li Shaojie pretended like he really understood it, then waved his hand and said, “En, very tough, it doesn’t change shape at all!”

“Ha… Ha…” I finally couldn’t hold back my laughter, and started chuckling, the owner’s face had already turned red.

“This little bro! Ski board is about tenacity…” The boss reminded Li Shaojie quietly.

“Heh! I know, that’s why this is too ******* hard! Hurry and find a softer one for me, I want the softest one!” Li Shaojie said loudly.

“Ha… Ha…” I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t stand straight. The owner couldn’t do anything but explain to Li Shaojie with an awkward expression, “Ski boards are all about being just right, being too soft will make it unable to withstand anything!”

“Oh… I know! What I mean is comparatively soft!” Li Shaojie said with a red face.

“This pair of Chevrolet is an excellent ski board, look at this aluminum, it’s definitely improved! It’s original!” The moment the owner started talking about products, he started exaggerating again, especially since the buyer in front of him was a layman, if he didn’t rip him off severely then what was he supposed to do?

“I know, I know, I knew this was a good product once I saw it, how much is it?” LI Shaojie said shamelessly.

“Three thousand eight hundred! How’s that, the price is fair aye?” The owner smiled servilely. This ski cost three hundred and eighty, since the idiot in front of him wanted to buy it, then he should rip him off more.

“Ah, not expensive, not expensive at all! Such a wonderful ski board for only three thousand eight hundred, it’s worth it!” Li Shaojie didn’t think that a pair of ski board would b three thousand something kuai, he thought that this would be like ice skates and even the most expensive ones would only cost several hundred, or a thousand, this one pair was nearly four thousand, this was two months of pocket money for him! Thinking about how he only have five thousand something kuai in his bank card, he felt a bit speechless, however he can’t retract what he bragged about doing, if he could buy for Chen Weier, yet not for himself, how much face would he lose! Yet if he doesn’t buy it for Weier, he would have even less face. Li Shaojie clenched his teeth and said, “Weier, what do you think about this?”

“There’s no need, Li Shaojie-tongxue, I will not accept anything you give!” Chen Weier used the phrase “Lishaojie-tongxue” to clarify their relationship, meaning that don’t always call me Weier, I have nothing to do with you, and it is impossible for me to accept what you give me.

“About this… okay,” Li Shaojie let out a long sigh of relief in his heart, although Chen Weier didn’t give him any face at all and refused him, it was better than her accepting it and he being unable to afford it.

“Then do you still want it?” Seeing that Chen Weier didn’t want it, the owner said disappointedly. Such a large amount of money was instantly gone.

“Yeah, find a pair for me!” Li Shaojie had wanted to buy a ski board for himself as well.

“Okay, I’ll go immediately!” The owner’s face was once again filled with a joyous smile as he happily turned around to find the ski board from the shelf.

“Owner, let me see that “Fishman” ski board on your shelf,” I pointed at the ski board on the bottom of the shelf and said.

“Oh, this? This isn’t that good,” the owner unwillingly took it out from the bottom of the shelf for me to see.

“This doesn’t look any special? It looks rather dumb, the owner had also said that this is bad!” Zhao Yanyan looked weirdly at the ski board in my hands and said to me.

“Hehe, he might have said that because he doesn’t earn that much from it! Yanyan, look, this pair of ski board is also made mostly with aluminum, but it has a special kind of light wood added in the middle, hence ensuring a good elasticity and tenacity! Also on the sides of the ski board is all made of improved ABS material, improving the impact resistance and ductility,” I explained. I have seen Fishman ski board in my previous life, it was already a world class brand then, yet it has no become famous in 1995 yet, since the cost of it wasn’t cheap, and it didn’t look great, it cold only have fallen to the very bottom of the shelf.

“How do you know so much?” Chen Weier interrupted weirdly on the side.

“Hehe, you…” Zhao Yanyan giggled, and whispered something beside Chen Weier’s ear. Chen Weier’s cheeks immediately blushed, and quickly shook her head, “How is that fine!”

“Yanyan, what did you say to her just now?” I asked weirdly.

“Nothing, hehe,” Zhao Yanyan raised her head again as she said that, her gaze moved towards Chen Weier, whose head immediately dipped again.

I really didn’t get it, what did the two girls say. I should find a chance to ask Zhao Yanyan by herself, this chick has no more secrets once she gets onto the bed.

“Owner, how much is this ski board?” I pointed to the Fishman ski board in my hand and said.

“This…” The boss already found out that I was a professional from the words I said just now, so it was impossible to earn a lot from me. Instead of saying a really high cost and scare me away, it was better to sell more at a cheaper price, and sell it as long as he made a profit. Even if he didn’t sell it, other shops would, I was clearly different from the idiot just now.

“I’ll give it to you for six hundred and eighty kuai!” The owner clenched his teeth and said a price like that. This ski board had cost six hundred kuai to buy it in, but it didn’t look as pretty as those crappy goods that cost three four hundred kuai, although the quality was better, most of the skiers here were amateurs, and didn’t understand this, he had hoped to make a good profit from these ski board, but it has nearly been three months, and he has only sold a pair, and it was sold to someone he knows for its cost.


  1. N/a

Chapter 106 – Ski Board

I don’t know if Zhao Yanyan did it intentionally, she immediately pulled Chen Weier who was by my side. Chen Weier freaked out immediately, her heart nearly jumped out from her throat. She was chatting happily with Liu Lei on the car just now, Zhao Yanyan couldn’t have misunderstood something so came to make a punitive expedition right? When it comes to that, if she was asked if she likes Liu Lei, how should she answer? She did had a promise with Liu Lei that looked fine, but was just a lie to herself, would Zhao Yanyan notice anything?

“Weier-jiejie, let us stay in a room okay?” Zhao Yanyan pulled Chen Weier’s arm and said calmly.

“Oh… About this… Okay!” Chen Weier originally wanted to refuse, however she thought that if she really refused, then isn’t that being guilty?

“That’s great, I always hear Liu Lei mention you, I can finally witness Weier-jiejie’s beauty!” Zhao Yanyan smiled like she was not smiling as she checked Chen Weier out.

However this sentence turned into a huge mockery in Chen Weier’s ears, she immediately remembered the hug that night, and felt like she was a mistress that was caught by their wife, and felt truly ashamed. She couldn’t help but get annoyed in her heard: Liu Lei you idiot, how can you mention another girl in front of your own girlfriend!

“I… Yanyan-meimei, I’ve wronged you, I won’t bother Liu Lei ever again!” Chen Weier clenched her teeth, and said determinedly to Zhao Yanyan.

“Weier-jiejie, what are you saying?” Zhao Yanyan asked in confusion.

“Yanyan-meiemi, didn’t you come to make a punitive expedition against me?” Chen Weier also said in confusion with a blushed face.

“Punitive expedition? Why would I do that!” Zhao Yanyan only understood now, so Chen Weier was scared that she misunderstood her relationship with Liu Lei. However since Chen Weier did this, it showed that Chen Weier did hold Liu Lei in her heart, that bad guy really got lucky!

“Oh…” Chen Weier understood now that she thought too much into it. It’s all her fault that she got impulsive and spilled everything out. That’s great, originally there was barely any relationship, now due to her own explanations it just became more and more suspicious.

Although Chen Weier was older than Zhao Yanyan, she still had a little girl’s mindset, how could she compare with Zhao Yanyan in terms of schemes. Zhao Yanyan didn’t continued to ask about anything either, and pretended that she didn’t know anything, she just held Chen Weier’s hand and intimately stood at the side. This did allow the nervous Chen Weier to let out a sigh of relief.

It was like the rest of the boys had planned this, all of them found their rooming partners. There was one that was sick, who didn’t come, hence leaving me by myself.

There was nothing Han Bingfeng could do about it even after knowing that, he shared a room with the school’s driver, and could only leave me alone in a room.

I know these people intentionally isolated me. That Li Shaojie seemed to have quite a bit of influence on these people, and thus creating a one-sided situation. However I do want to thank him, by giving me a standard room all to myself, this would be convenient for me to XXOO with Zhao Yanyan at night.

When I placed down my backpack, someone knocked on my door. I opened it and took, Zhao Yanyan was giggling while looking at me, beside her was Chen Weier.

“Dean Han told everyone to go downstairs to rent equipment together,” Zhao Yanyan said to me.

“Okay,” I closed the door as I went out, tied the key to my wrist, and went downstairs with them. The moment we got down, the weird combination of the three of us received the murderous gaze of the various boys. Normally I was rather low-key in school, and don’t often come to school, so not many people know that Zhao Yanyan was my girlfriend. This group of people had just seen me chatting happily with Chen Weier, and now were walking very close to the first place of the school beauty leaderboard, how could they not get annoyed? Zhao Yanyan was essentially the embodiment of perfection in Fourth High, and was a goddess in the hearts of these people, compared to Chen Weier, Zhao Yanyan made people feel more surreal, and was someone that could only be watched from a distance. If it wasn’t for my rebirth, Zhao Yanyan would hold a similar image in my heart as well.

Everyone was thinking about one question right now, which is that this pervert didn’t just have enough after teasing Chen Weier, and now actually started flirting with Zhao Yanyan. If it wasn’t due to Han Bingfeng waiting downstairs, these people would have definitely ran up and beat me till I’m swollen.

However Zhao Yanyan’s next sentence immediately dowsed their tiny bit of hope. Zhao Yanyan wrapped herself around my arm, and said in an extremely feminine voice to me, “Hubby, the skis for rent aren’t very good, let’s buy a pair ourselves okay?”

The moment Zhao Yanyan used this tone to speak to me, I knew that she wanted something from me. I don’t know whom did this chick learn it from, I had completely not notice. Only afterwards did I know the criminal mastermind behind it, when I found out I nearly died of an internal bleeding in my brain, because the one who taught Zhao Yanyan this move was my mother!

However with Zhao Yanyan’s family background, the money to buy a pair of ski board was negligible, even though Zhao Junsheng was my subordinate, with his salary every year, it was still enough to let their entire family spend without restraint. The meaning of Zhao Yanyan wanting me to buy it for her was naturally different, buying something yourself and having the one you love most buy it for you had a big difference.

“Sure!” I joyfully answered. Zhao Yanyan’s suggestion was good, a pair of suitable ski equipment wasn’t just comfortable, but was also much safer. I experienced this deeply in my previous life, even if Zhao Yanyan didn’t ask me, I would have considered buying suitable ski equipment myself.

When everyone saw Zhao Yanyan and my actions, although they were jealous in their hearts, they still let out a sigh of relief, especially that Li Shaojie. This means that, I, as Zhao Yanyan’s boyfriend, didn’t have any relationship with Chen Weier. The reason I chatted and laughed with Chen Weier was only because Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier are good friends. They had no idea that Zhao Yanyan only went to get to know Chen Weier because of me.

“I knew you were the best hubby!” Seeing that Zhao Yanyan agreed with her request, she happily kissed me on the cheek, and completely ignored the gaze of the perverts surrounding us.

On the journey, Zhao Yanyan and I chatted and laughed while we followed the other people to the ski equipment store. Chen Weier was pulled along by Zhao Yanyan, and since she was too embarrassed to say anything, she only awkwardly followed us.

Just when we were focusing on picking ski equipment, that Li Shaojie once again appeared beside us. “Weier, let me buy you a pair of ski boards!” Li Shaojie said.

“No need…” Chen Weier shook her head and refused.

“Owner, do you have some ski boards for girls?” Li Shaojie said proudly.


  1. N/a

Chapter 105 – Sorry

The gazes of these people made me recall the moment when first year just started and I became Zhao Yanyan’s desk mate, these people all thought that I was a toad that wanted to eat swan meat, but after Zhao Yanyan became my wife, that group of people couldn’t help but accept reality. It was the same now, from the moment I sat down next to Chen Weier, they all wanted me be destroyed, they finally got a chance, yet the scene they imagined did not appear before them.

Just as I was getting full of myself, that Li Shaojie couldn’t restrain the flames of anger in his heart and rushed over, pointed at me and said, “Brat, you actually dare to flirt with Chen Weier in public, are you treating us as non-existent?”

Chen Weier and I looked at this samarian that stood up with a face full of surprise.

Meanwhile, Li Shaojie was clenching his fists and starting at me , the rascal delinquent trash that flirted with Chen Weier, with a face full of anger, all the while clenching his teeth, if he had long hair, the scene of his hair sticking up in anger would definitely occur.

“I-I… was not… that… by him…” Before I said anything, Chen Weier already said while blushing. It was clear that she felt the term “tease” was not very polite, and changed it to “that”.

“Weier, you don’t need to be afraid! Did this bad guy threaten you? Don’t worry, just tell us, there’s so many of us here, are we supposed to be afraid of him?” LI Shaojie said passionately.

“That’s right! We definitely can’t not do anything about it!”

“Definitely cannot allow the pervert to succeed!”

“Yeah! We’re not afraid of him…”

Humans are afraid of people taking the lead in fanning the flames, as long as one stood up, then there will immediately be a group of people that answers him. Beating a dog fallen into water was something nobody would give up.

“Let me speak, the person in front of me, are you the world police or the universal superman? Even if I am a rascal, you don’t need to stand up and point fingers right?” I said with disdain.

“Being a samarian is the duty of every civilian, don’t you agree!?” Li Shaojie turned around to the supporters and said.

“Yes! We all support you!” The people behind Li Shaojie answered.

“Now you’re all of one heart?” I said speechlessly. They are supposed to be all rivals in love, why are they now working so well together.

“Heh! How’s that? You scared? If you’re scared then stay far away from Chen Weier!” Li Shaojie said with a hateful gaze.

“Ai—— What’s with you students? Do you not want to participate in thee winter camp anymore? If you don’t want to then say it, you can get off the car now!” The Han Bingfeng that was falling asleep on the copilot seat quickly came over to scold when he heard the unusual fire-powdery atmosphere.

“Dean Han!” Seeing the dean walk over, Li Shaojie didn’t dare to act cocky anymore, and immediately said politely.

“Heh! Are you all still good students? Are there good students like you? Getting full of yourself after getting the first ten? You think you can start fighting now you got into the top ten? Tell me what’s going on!” Han Bingfeng glared at Li Shaojie and said.

“Uhmm…” Li Shaojie didn’t know how to answer, was he supposed to tell the dean that he was jealous of this one before him?

“Okay now, don’t make up excuses for me, I have no effort to listen to it either. Conduct yourself well, or else get off the car immediately!” Han Bingfeng did not forget to glance sideways at me. What he meant was that I was also definitely at fault here, so I should pay attention too!

“I understand, Dean Han,” Li Shaojie kept on nodding. All the while he continued to mad in his heart, this pervert got lucky.

The entire journey, under the hateful gaze of Li Shaojie and co., I chatted with Chen Weier.

“Weier, let me tell you a joke!” I chuckled and said.

“I’m not listening!” Chen Weier said subconsciously, because it had a hint of lewdness when I told her a joke last time, the hick subconsciously refused after hearing that I was going to tell her a joke.

“It’ll definitely be a proper joke this time! I promise to old man Yama,” I swore.

“Puchi——“ Chen Weier couldn’t help but laugh after hearing that. “You’re so weird, other people all swear using all types of deities, this is the first time I heard that someone swear using Yama!”

“Hehe! You don’t understand, Yama is in charge of a person’s life or death, so using him to sweat is using my own life to sweat right?” I explained. Actually the reason I dared to swear using my old bro Yama was because I know he can’t do anything to me. If I dragged in any other deities, if they get annoyed, then it’s no joke.

“Oh, then say it,” seeing how real I made it sound, she also believed it.

“Once upon a time, there was a child, he sleeps and wakes up early, and studies well, and improves everyday…” Saying to that point, I intentionally paused.

“Then?” Hearing that, Chen Weier wanted to know the result quickly.

“Then died,” I said.

“Died? How did he die?” Chen Weier asked weirdly.

“Yeah, this joke is, once upon a time, there was a child, he sleeps and wake up early, studies hard, and improves everyday, then died,” I said seriously.

“He… He…. You call this a joke! Ha… Ha… There is no relationship between the two, it’s so funny,” Chen Weier finally understood the meaning of the joke, and laughed endlessly.

Cold jests weren’t popular yet in this era, I subconsciously told her one that I saw on the Internet in my previous life. The funny point here was no on it’s actual meaning, but on the part “then died”, this had nothing to do with the first half at all!

“Then do you still want to listen?” I beat the iron while it’s hot and said. It was this easy to make a girl like you in this era, you could get the beauty’s laughter with a few sentences. It’s not like a few years later when the Internet is popularized, all of the little girls have ben trained like thousand year ginseng, extremely bright.

“En, then say another one! But I already say I won’t listen to those!” Wen Chen Weier said that, she blushed, and immediately dipped her head.

“Hehe, okay…” Therefore I told the jokes I heard in my previous life such as the mouse becoming an aviator for their children, and thus got married to the bat; and the frog marrying the turtle so their children could live longer etc. to Zhao Yanyan. Chen Weier covered her mouth, and kept on laughing, while complaining to me about where I heard so many weird jokes.

I know Li Shaojie was still clenching his teeth towards me not far away, and Weier’s other pursuers were still angered. However what does that have to do with me?

The car gradually drove towards the Xixing Mountain Ski field, and stopped in front of hotel. It looks like the school was rather willing to spend money, each of the standard rooms in this class of hotel would cost at least three hundred, furthermore it was the peak season of the ski field.

“Everyone get off! Boys and girls get into separate pairs, two people per room!” Han Bingfeng ordered us after he got off.


  1. N/a

Chapter 104 – Standing Up

“Oh,” I nodded and said. “Then since you aren’t sitting, I’m going. Since standing the entire journey is going to be exhausting.”

I had no time to waste with him, it was a hundred something kilometers from Xixing mountain, I had to find a place to sit down and rest quickly/

“…” The boy beside me looked at me with a face full of pity, as if he could already predict my expression when I hit a wall.

Thus, under everyone’s gaze, I arrived at the seat beside Chen Weier, “Can I sit here?”

“En?” Chen Weier raised her head to look at me, then immediately dipped her head again, she actually blushed.

“If you want to sit then sit… Why are you asking me…” Chen Weier played with the edge of her clothes, and said quietly, her voice sounding really sweet.

Everyone on the bus stared in our direction in astonishment, their gaze full of confusion and suspicious, and mostly envy. The cold beauty Chen Weier that usually ignored boys actually got shy in front of this boy!

I completely disregarded everyone’s reaction, and sat down beside Chen Weier.

“Why did you also join this winter camp?” I asked Chen Weier in curiousity.

“Can’t-Can’t I join?” Chen Weier didn’t know how to reply in that moment either, she didn’t want to go when she saw the notice of this winter camp, but for some reason, once she thought that Liu Lei might also go, she just went and sighed up. Even though Chen Weier comforted herself that he doesn’t like her, and she can’t like him, but she still came. Just at that moment when he talked to her, she actually got a bit smug in her heart.

“Of course the first place in third year, Miss Chen Weier, can join, who would dare to stop her!” I joked.

“Hmmph! You are just mocking me, you’re so much better than me in academics,” Chen Weier snorted.

“How am I better, I always skip school, it’s already really nice that I haven’t been expelled,” I answered honestly.

“Heh, you’re doing it on purpose! You can get such good grades without going to class, is that a roundabout way of saying I’m too dumb?” Chen Weier glanced sideways at me.

“How could I compare a problematic student like myself to the all rounded Chen Weier!” I flattered.

“That’s more like it!” Chen Weier sighed while saying that.

“Hehe…” I was under the piercing gaze of everyone the entire journey as I chatted with Chen Weier. Afterwards I truly felt a bit sleepy, and just gradually fell asleep. Recently I always lack sleep, I don’t know if my parents did it on purpose, but I feel like there was a plot behind this.

Ever since my mom found out about me having a relationship surpassing that of friends with Zhao Yanyan, she often called Zhao Yanyan using all kind of excuses, put it in a better way, it was to discuss about womanly matters, and Zhao Yanyan gradually became a frequent visitor to my home.

There was even a time during a weekend, while I was still sleeping on the bed, a naked body suddenly slipped into my blanket, I was so scared that I immediately woke up, and noticed that the person in front of me was Zhao Yanyan, who was giggling and looking at me while being butt naked.

The things that followed was completely natural, after Zhao Yanyan and I finished getting intimate and put on our clothes to go and eat breakfast in the kitchen, I noticed my mom was staring at me with a gaze I could not understand, causing goosebumps to appear all over my body.

What made me faint the most was that my mom actually said something that nearly made me swallow my chopsticks, what she said was, Yanyan is still a young girl, can she take you for so long?

Zhao Yanyan and I nearly found a hole in the ground to crawl into. When the chick was having her ******, she actually shouted out, and it was definitely heard by my mom who was standing by the door with ulterior motives.

I could only awkwardly smile, I can’t say that actually it was Zhao Yanyan who kept asking for it right.

These coincidences happened more and more often, my mom even specially prepared a key to our home for the chick, to let her enter freely, in other words, my mom has already started treating Zhao Yanyan as her future daughter-in-law, the mother and daughter-in-law relationship is extremely good.

Not only that, every time my mom and dad are going out, they would specifically call the chick, and tell her that they were going back that night, I feel like that is essentially just a hint, but I could do nothing about my mother’s methods.

Just talk about these few days after the exams, my mom and dad always went out at night as if it was planned, causing me to always be sleep deprived. Hence I fell asleep on the car just now.

When I woke up, I noticed that I was leaning on something very soft, I opened my eyes to look and found out that my head was actually in Chen Weier’s arms. Chen Weier was helplessly looking at me with her face bright red, it’s as awkward as you can possibly imagine. The worst thing was that my saliva actually flowed out, causing the chest portion of her sweater to be completely wet.

I immediately sat up and smiled apologetically, “Sorry, I fell asleep.”

“It’s-It’s okay,” Chen Weier lowered her head and said quietly to me like she didn’t dare to look at me.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” I wiped away the saliva on my mouth, and took out a pack of tissue form my pocket, took out a piece of tissue and prepared to wipe away the saliva I left behind on Chen Weier’s chest.

“It’s better if I do it,” just as my hand came into contact with Chen Weier’s soft chest, she immediately pushed my hand away like she was electrocuted. I only then realized how indecent my subconscious action was, although it was with the intention of helping, but I was already the typical pervert in the eyes of many boys. However I could use my life to swear to my old bro Yama that everything I did was natural instinct, there was no sense of perversity in them. The militia that were already really pissed off seeing me sleep in Chen Weier’s arms finally found a chance to unleash their rage, all of them were cracking their knuckles and getting ready, they were just waiting for the moment that Chen Weier screams “pervert” so they can gang up on me, and beat me till I don’t have a single place unharmed.

However the reality disappointed them, aside from having a shy expression, Chen Weier had no other reactions, furthermore after I handed over the tissue, and she wiped her clothes clean, she actually said softly to me, “I was afraid to wake you up, so I didn’t dare to disturb your sleep.

Chen Weier’s words completely broke the glasses of Weier’s various pursues, so Chen Weier also have such a soft side, but what made them unable to tolerate was that Chen Weier’s attitude towards this boy that was seemingly not special was extremely ambiguous!

However, how would they see where I was special? I will never tell anyone about my rebirth.


  1. N/a

Chapter 103 – The Shy Weier

“How do you participate? Are you going?” I immediately asked.

“AI! I do want to go, but they aren’t letting me go!” Guo Qing sighed.

“Not letting you go? Does attending this winter camp have some kind of requirements?” I asked weirdly.

“Yeah! The school organized this to encourage students to study hard, only the top ten students in each year can attend, and it’s completely free! Boss, you and Dasao can travel using public expenses!” Guo Qing said in envy.

I was wondering why I never heard about this in my previous life, I got the eight place if you counted up from the bottom in the year, this type of activities had nothing to do with me.

“Du… Du… Du!” In the early morning, I was awakened by the hurried rang of my phone. Having my phone turned on 24 hours is a habit left behind from my previous life as a CEO, no matter what time someone may call my phone back then, especially those fellows on the board, who’s country’s time was exactly opposite from here, thereby creating the situation where I would be fully energized whenever my phone rings.

“Hello, I’m Liu Lei…” I habitually picked up the phone and answered.

“En? What are you saying? Hubby, get up quickly! We said we would go to school together!” Zhao Yanyan said sweetly in the phone.

I only remembered then that today was the day of the school’s winter camp. I made a deal with Zhao Yanyan the previous day to meet her under my home at eight in the morning.

“Where are you?” I hurriedly crawled up from the bed, and started looking for my clothes.

“I’m dowsntairs from your home, I’m freezing here. Okay now, I’m going to hang up, my hand is cold. Hurry and come down!” Zhao Yanyan hung up.

I used the fastest possible sped to clean up myself in the bathroom and got dressed in less than ten minutes. I couldn’t help but feeling happy that I developed this habit in university in my previous life.

When I got downstairs, I saw that Zhao Yanyan was standing not far away, breathing into her hands, and after seeing me come up, she happily leaped onto me, and said while twitching her eyebrows, “Why were you so slow, look at how red my hands are from the cold, help me warm it up.” After saying that, she placed her hands into my coat.

“I was fast already, from the moment you hung up till I got down here, I used less than ten minutes,” I explained.

“Impossible, I counted, it was at least half an hour!” Zhao Yanyan pouted.

“Okay, okay half an hour then half an hour!” I couldn’t do anything when a girl was being illogical.

“That’s more like it. Hurry, or we won’t make it,” Zhao Yanyan took out her hands from my coat and into the pockets of her down jacket, then ran to the side to the road to stop a cab.

There were many taxis in Songjiang at this time yet, the models were all very old Xiali or Lada, Jetta and Santana were not used as taxis yet. Although there were no starting price or meters at the time yet, and it cost five kuai no matter where you went in the city, but you couldn’t help but had to admit that the taxi drivers did earn quite a bit of money in 1995.

“To Fourth High!” We finally stopped a taxi that slowly approached, so thus I said to the driver after getting on.

“Little bro, you should change a car, they’re repairing the road around Fourth High, the road’s a rather difficult one. Taking you there once would let me take two customers already,” the driver said like he was troubled.

Actually my home wasn’t far from Fourth High, if it was before, this definitely wouldn’t be said. However recently they were building a bridge near there, so no taxi drivers were willing to take the job.

I looked at the time, it was already ten past eight, the school said to gather at half past eight. If I change a car then we definitely wouldn’t make it, and there was no guarantee to get on in the first place.

“I’ll give you double the fees, please hurry,” I said to the driver.

“Oh? Sure! I promise I won’t delay you!” Hearing that I would pay additional fees, the driver immediately smiled. Taking one job that equals two, who would be unwilling! If he rejected this, he couldn’t be sure to even get two jobs. Anyone would be willing.

“Bro, sit still, I’m about to drive!” The driver stepped down on the pedal, and drove the car like a rocket, and we flew out instantly, I was rather suspicious if this fellow was an amateur F1 driver, he changed it to fourth gear when we just started.

“We’re there!” I was just about to sleep when I heard the driver said by my ear.

I opened my eyes and looked around, we really were at the entrance to Fourth High. I took out 10 kua for the driver, and then looked at the watch, it was eight eighteen, the power of money was huge, the trip that would have took fifteen minutes only took this guy eight minutes.

A large bus was waiting on the playground, after Zhao Yanyan and I got on, we noticed the car was full, there were even a few people standing. But surprisingly, Chen Weier also came, and there was an empty seat beside her!

Zhao Yanyan giggly gave me a cue, and pointed to beside Chen Weier, before running to the back row to squish beside a few girls she was familiar with.

“Why aren’t you sitting?” I pointed at the seat beside Chen Weier and asked one of the boys standing.
“Bro, you’re in first year right?” That boy asked.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” I do look rather mature though.

“That’s right! You have no idea, Chen Weier is a famous cold beauty in our school, there are way too many people pursuing her. However there aren’t many that actually dare to approach her. Sitting with her is like kicking on an iron board! Apparently someone asked her how can they become her boyfriend? Guess what she said? She said that they must surpass her in academics! Isn’t that a joke? She’s never been second,” the boy twitched his mouth and said.

“Oh? Is that so?” Why couldn’t I tell? The feeling Chen Weier gave me was rather casual, but sometimes she was really hot, I couldn’t help but think of the hug that night.

“Excuse me, Miss Chen Weier, could you give me some face and allow me to sit next to you?” Just as we were speaking, a boy that just got on walked next to Chen Weier.

“It’s not about giving face or not, if you think you have the right to sit here then sit,” Chen Weier glared at the boy that just got on.

The flirting boy only awkwardly stood to the side, however it seems like he was already used to this sort of thing, he only seemed ashamed for a split second before returning to normal.

“Hey, another one that hit the wall! This guy is called Li Shaojie, he’s in the same class as Chen Weier, and is one of Chen Weier’s loyal fans. Apparently his family is really rich, I saw him come to school in a Mercedes one day,” the boy beside me talked endlessly.

“How do you know so much?” I found it really weird, this guy have the talent to be a paparazzi.

“Hehe, about that… actually I’m also one of Chen Weier’s admirers!” The boy on the side said.


  1. N/a

Chapter 102 – End of Term Exams

The person just now was so interesting, Wu Yingying said while blushing. He could just leave without paying, but he actually took the initiative to come over and pay. However that person was terrible, he actually tricked this daxiaojie for her name. The most infuriating thing was how he came to dine with two beauties. Thinking to that point, Wu Yingying murmured in her heart, what does it matter to me that he came to eat with a few beauties! However whenever Wu Yingying thought of that evil smile, her heart couldn’t help but skip a beat…

“Weier, give me a bowl of Mala Tang,” I handed two kuai to Chen Weier.

“Chen Weier smiled and waved her hand, then returned the money to me, and said, “No coriander, and you want mushroom, kohlrabi, bean curd and a bit of glutton right?”

“En, why do you remember it so clearly?” I asked weirdly.

Chen Weier blushed and immediately changed the topic, “Why do you have so much time today?”

“I missed you so I came,” I said.

Chen Weier’s body shuddered, and dipped her head as she was afraid to look at me, then she said quietly, “You… promised that you don’t like me.”

“I didn’t say I like you, I just said I miss you,” I pretended to be an idiot and said.

“That-that’s not okay either,” Chen Weier shook her head and said, “Aiya, you got made me lose concentration, now the Mala Tang all got overcooked!” Chen Weier quickly took out the small basket from the pot, but noticed that everything in it has already been dehydrated.

“I’ll make another bowl for you,” Chen Weier frowned and said.

“No need, I’ll just eat it, how wasteful is it to throw it!” I snatched the basket from Chen Weier’s hand, poured it into a bowl, then added some seasoning on top of it.

“Yang Kaiyuan’s family didn’t cause anymore trouble for you right?” Chen Weier said worriedly.

“No, it probably will be peaceful for a while,” I said as I ate. However this type of overcooked Mala Tang was quite nice.

“Oh,” Chen Weier nodded, and was unsure of what to say anymore. She just looked dumbly at me.

What was going on with Chen Weier? I could be sure that I was in her heart, but yet she always kept a relationship that was close to yet distance from me, and still lied to herself by making me admit that I don’t like her, could she had some sort of trouble? There are quite a number of people right now, I must find a chance another day to make sense of this.

The end of term exams finally arrived. I often hoped for the holidays to arrive quicker in my previous life, yet wished the end of term exams would come later. Now that I think about it, it was rather contradictory, but people would often grow up in contradictions.

I did the test paper that was just like all the other ones, directly using the formulae for Math, Chemistry and Physics, I could get the Chinese and English questions right even with my eyes closed.

“This student, why are you sleeping during the test? It has only started for ten minutes, even if you can’t do anything, you still have to pretend a bit! What’s more, even if you can’t do the other questions, you can still guess a few of the multiple choice right?” I laid on the table and was just about to sleep when the deafening roar of the invigilator for the exam rang out beside my ear.

“I guessed all the ones I should,” I replied without lifting my head.

“What do you mean by guessing all the ones that you should? What about the others? You can’t not know any of the fill in the blanks right? Even if you don’t, you…” The invigilator got so angry that he nearly said “even if you don’t, you can still copy a few”.

“There isn’t anymore I can guess, how about you help me look for it?” I got up, handed the test paper to the invigilator then laid back down to sleep.

“I’ll help you find? Heh! I’ve never seen students like you before, I’m telling you, since you handed the paper to me, I’ll treat it as you handing it in!” The invigilator saw that I actually continued to sleep, and shouted loudly in anger.

“Do as you want,” I said. To be honest, I was so sleepy. When Zhao Yanyan told me that she had nobody home yesterday afterschool, I knew that the chick wanted it again, and thus I was pestered by this little lioness in heat the entire night, and only slept in the morning. I didn’t think that Zhao Yanyan was actually full of energy when we came to school in the morning, yet I was already yawning all over the place. I just don’t understand, why did Uncle Zhao always choose to leave the day before a test, isn’t this just messing with me.

The invigilator was shocked beyond belief after taking a glimpse, the math paper was already completely full, even the extra question at the end was solved. Only looking at the student’s name once again did he know that the person in front of him was the rumored Liu Lei, who either missed class or sleep through them yet could still achieve first in the year.

The attitude of the invigilator immediately changed and said softly to me, “Quickly put on your coat, don’t catch a cold.” The school was relying on this student to achieve a good grade, he might even be the future first place of the Matriculation exams, so he should be pissed off. This type of student would be popular where every he went, if he made him unhappy and thus caused him to move to the competitor Middle School of X University, then he (the invigilator) would have committed a grave crime.

“Oh,” I replied and didn’t think much of it. I’ve seen situations like this in my previous life, the teachers always care a lot more for students with good grads.

The results of the end of term exams were as I expected, full marks for Math, Physics and Chemistry, 98 marks for Chinese, I was already very pleased with my results. However I did surprisingly loose 3 marks in English. When Ye Xiaoxiao handed me the paper, she said apologetically to me that since the teacher marking the paper didn’t recognize one of the words on my composition, I was deducted marks. I was extremely speechless at that moment, deducting marks just because you didn’t know it? However Ye Xiaoxiao said when the paper was given to her, the results have been set, and could not be changed.

Never mind, I won’t bother with it, even so I was still the first in the year, Zhao Yanyan was still firmly in second place, but she improved a lot from before, this time she was only 20 marks away from me.

Due to the experience last time, the moment I mentioned the parents-teachers consultation, my parents immediately argued over it, the thing that they once were unwilling to do now turned into something they fought over doing.

Finally my dad used the excuse that it was always him that went every single time, so it was easier to communicate to teachers, and won this opportunity.

“Boss, the school organized a winter camp, have you heard about it?” On the final day of the term, I finally saw Guo Qing when we were receiving our reports.

“What? Winter camp? Who said that?” I asked in confusion. Why haven’t I heard about this winter camp in my previous life?

“The notice have been out, it’s on the advertisement board!” Guo Qing said.

“Oh, I was wondering why there are so many people surrounding that place, where’s the winter camp to?” I nodded my head, and said understandingly.

“To Xixing Mountain to ski!” Guo Qing said. “Apparently the scene is really beautiful there! The ski resort was newly built this year!”

“Ski?” This idea wasn’t bad, I was an amateur enthusiast of the university ski club, and also attended a few competitions, although it couldn’t be said that I was godly at it, but I could still do as I pleased. After I started working the chances to ski gradually decreased, sometimes I could only go once a year. I have never touched a ski after becoming CEO. Now that Guo Qing mentioned it, I immediately got interested.


  1. N/a

Chapter 101 – Teasing the Cashier Lady

“Ruoyun, if I didn’t guess it wrong, this Li Boliang must be your pursuer!” Zhao Yanyan smiled mysteriously and said.

“Yanyan-ji, how-how did you know!” The little light bulb opened her mouth wide in shock.

“Look at how much he’s willing to work for you, who wouldn’t be able to tell!” Zhao Yanyan giggled. “Quickly tell us, what is it about this Li Boliang?”

“What, Yanyan-jie. Don’t just say stuff, I don’t really have much relationship with him,” Xu Ruoyun pouted. “He is the chairman of the Songjiang city Computing Association, I am a member of the association.”

“But why do we feel like that Li Boliang’s relationship with you isn’t normal?” Zhao Yanyan raised her eyebrows, I immediately said.

“There’s no way, I… I…” Xu Ruoyun quickly shook her head.

“Hehe, don’t worry, Ruoyun-meimei, I understand, you must have someone else you like,” Zhao Yanyan continued to tease her.

“No, no, how could I have that… Ah!” Xu Ruoyun’s face became bright red.

“Okay now, you two. Quickly eat some lobsters, or else I’ll finish it all?” I pointed to the lobster that I had already finished a third of, and said. This lobster was truly delicious, I couldn’t help but eat a bit more.

Hearing me say that, Zhao Yanyan and Xu Ruoyun quickly took up their chopsticks, and started sweeping the lobsters.

After we were full, I stood up, and waved towards Li Boliang and them, Li Boliang quickly dipped his head. I kept laughing in my heart after seeing that, is this brat scared of me going over to get him to pay the bill?

I took out an Industrial Bank bankcard and handed it to the cashier.

“Sir, didn’t the mister at table 23 said he would pay your bill?” The cashier lady hook her hand and said.

“Look at how he’s so terrified that he doesn’t even dare to lift his head, do you think he will still pay for me?” I pointed towards Li Boliang’s direction and said.

“He——“ The cashier lady looked over, and couldn’t help but giggle. When she lift her head to look at Li Boliang, Li Boliang also looked over here, the moment their gaze met, Li Boliang immediately dipped his head and pretended that nothing was going on.

“Look, I took the initiative to pay the bill with you guys in order to prevent your hotel from making a loss, shouldn’t we get a discount?” I smiled and said. Actually whether or not we get a discount didn’t matter to me, the main thing was that I saw that this cashier lady looked quite pretty, and so I wanted to tease her.

“Oh, about this, sir, then I’ll help you ask the manager?” The girl smiled at me professionally.

“Okay,” I said.

“Hey, you can eat a ten thousand kuai lobster, why do you care about this money!” Xu Ruoyun pouted.

“Hehe, I think there’s eighty percent chance that he saw that the girl is good looking, so he wanted to say a few more words with her,” Zhao Yanyan glared at me with a smile that didn’t seem like a smile.

“I… Aren’t I just being diligent and thrifty!” I said awkwardly. Why did this Zhao Yanyan understand me so well, she could even tell this.

“Sir, we can give you ten percent off,” the cashier girl ran back, and said to me.

“Is twenty percent not okay?” I asked.

“Ten percent off is already a membership treatment,” the cashier girl explained.

“Then fifteen percent?” I continued to ask.

“That won’t do,” the cashier girl continued to explain.

“What’s your name?”

“Wu Yingying,” the cashier girl answered subconsciously.

“Hehe, okay, ten percent then ten percent!” I handed my card over and smiled evilly.

Wu Yingying blushed bright red, she actually told her name to a stranger by accident.

“I’m giving you the card?” I looked at Wu Yingying who didn’t know what to do.

“Oh,” Wu Yingying answered then received the bank card and said, “Our hotel’s POS machine can’t swipe it since we aren’t connected.”

I only just remembered that it was 1995, Unionpay didn’t appear yet, only the few banks that have a contract with the hotel would use their card here. I exchanged it for a Huaxia Bank bankcard and handed it over, I don’t know if I can use this, if I still couldn’t then I’ll be screwed, however I still didn’t understand, did people really bring several tens of thousands of cash to came here and eat?

“Huaxia bank is fine, please wait a moment,” Wu Yingying swiped the card across the POS machine, and returned the card to me, then said. “Please input the password.”

I finished inputting the password and signed on the receipt.

“Bye!” I waved my hands towards Wu Yingying and left Dynasty Seafood.

“Go back to school?” I said to the two little beauties.

“It’s nearly two, how are we going to go back!” Xu Ruoyun took a glance at her watch and said. “Yanyan-jie, how about we ditch class to go shopping?”

“Sure, I just wanted to buy something,” Zhao Yanyan said, then looked at me with an adorable expression.

I quickly turned my head away, and started humming. Last time when we went to the cultural park I nearly got tired to death, I can’t accompany these two chicks to go out and wander again.

“Hubby——“ Zhao Yanyan stuck onto me and started acting spoiled.

“Let’s… get back to class,” the fragrance from Zhao Yanyan’s body passed over, and made me feel a bit suffocated.

“Heh, don’t think I don’t know about you flirting with that Wu Yingying. I didn’t think you would attract so many women, I decided again, you aren’t allowed to accept that Chen Weier or Xia Jing,” Zhao Yanyan immediately darkened her expression and said to me.

“Hai… Hai! Occasionally skipping class once isn’t a big deal,” I immediately changed my mind.

“It seems like you don’t skip rarely either!” Sunlight returned back onto Zhao Yanyan’s face, the chick kissed me on my cheeks, and said slowly beside my ear, “The decision just now is cancelled.”

The three of us got on a taxi that was waiting by the road. “To Department Dalou,” Zhao Yanyan said to the driver.

I spend the afternoon walking around with Zhao Yanyan and co., although my legs were numb, nothing was wrong with Zhao Yanyan and the little light bulb. They all say men are scared of shopping with women because they are worried about the money in their pockets, I would rather Zhao Yanyan buy a bit more, but the chick just look and doesn’t buy, and continued looking store by store.

“Just buy what caught your sight, it’s not like we don’t have money, Zhao-daxiaojie?” I said when I couldn’t stand the suffering anymore.

“But nothing did!” Zhao Yanyan pouted and said.

“I think all of them look quite nice?!” I said.

“With your taste. Look at how you are dressed like a hobo,” Zhao Yanyan mocked, how could she not know what I was thinking.

“Yes, only my taste would have you in my sights,” I snickered. Zhao Yanyan dug a hole and jumped into it herself.

“You, are so annoying!” Zhao Yanyan said as she rained hammers on my body. Women had this advantage, when they can’t argue with someone they can solve the issue with violence.

Finally, Zhao Yanyan stealthily bought a bra when the little light bulb when to the bathroom, after paying for it, Zhao Yanyan whispered to me, “That place of mine actually gotten bigger again, the ones I wore before are a bit small.”

I got really happy after that, after this chick became a woman, her chest truly started enlarging.

“Is it all thanks to me often helping you massage?” I asked while laughing naughtily.

“Massage what?” It was at that moment that the little light bulb walked out of the bathroom and heard what I asked.

“Nothing much, nothing much. I just said I’m about to be tired to death, and really want someone to help me massage,” I chuckled and said.


  1. N/a

Chapter 100 – Li Boliang’s Embarassment

“Ruoyun, he’s a genius person at computing! He just came back from studying abroad in Fusang, he is already a Fusangese Chinese!”

**** this, the moment I heard the words Fusangese Chinese my heart felt annoyed, he’s not willing to be a good descendant of Yanhuang, and just had to get a islander nationality!

“Fusangese Chinese?” Yu Ruoyun repeated this rather intricate phrase.

“Hehe, basically the returnees we talk about!” Li Boliang did not notice Xu Ruoyun’s dissatisfaction at all, and continued.

“Puchi…!” I just had a sip of the tea, and it was all spit onto the floor, sea turtle clique? This brat does look ******* like a sea turtle!

“Huaxia people really are uncivilized! Actually spitting onto the floor. In our Fusang Empire, this type of action will be looked down upon, I really feel ashamed for my kin!” The sea turtle looked at me expressionlessly and mocked.

“This Brother ******* that returned form the Island country seem very civilised!” Huaxia people are uncivilized? You are actually talking about others while forgetting your own ancestors? The world really is so big that all kinds of shameless people exist.

“You…! Why are you insulting people?” The sea turtle poined to me and shouted.

“Insulting people? I didn’t insult people? Where are people? It seemed like this old bro was just telling me that you are part of the sea turtle clique right? Is there a difference between sea turtle and *******?” I pointed at Li Boliang and asked idiotically.

“Gege…” Zhao Yanyan couldn’t hold it in anymore and started laughing while covering her mouth.

“Haha…!” Even Xu Ruoyun started laughing really hard after hearing that.

The sea turtle’s face because extremely colorful like a purple eggplant, and starting taking deep breaths due to anger. Li Boliang could only act awkwardly on the side due to unsure of helping either side, and didn’t know what to say.

“Is there a need to act like this, I was just making a joke,” a was pretty much done with venting, what’s more is that joining which country was his freedom. There should b a limit to making jokes, that Li Boliang seemed to be the little light bulb’s friend, there was no need to push him too hard.

“Heh!” The sea turtle said, “Is this the way you Huaxia people treat guests?”

I kept sweating! This fellow actually said you Huaxia people, I finally understood what the new Han traitors are like, however this person really does look like an islander.

“Ruoyun, this is Mr. Gotou Mitsuo, he’s preparing to invest a million Huaxia currency into our Computing Association, the simple plan right now is to turn the association into a software company,” Li Boliang was worried about me arguing with that sea turtle again, and quickly told us the sea turtle’s identity.

This fellow not only got a Fusangese name, but was going to act as a foreign investor. I immediately understood Li Boliang’s intent once he spoke like that. Li Boliang wanted to warn me that this was a foreign investor for to our Songjiang, if you scare away this god of money, then it was opposing the people of Songjiang!

“Oh! So it’s Mr. Gotou! I meant no offense just now, no offense, I hope that Mr. Gotou would forgive me.” Invest a million? This number was no small fund even in Songjiang in 1995. Why would this kind of person who forgot about his ancestry invest back in the country? I suddenly wanted to see what this sea turtle was going to do, and thus pretended to say humble.

“Hehe, you Huaxia people just open their eyes at money, it’s fine, it’s fine, I wouldn’t fuss over it with you guys,” the sea turtle’s pride was largely satisfied, and thus he coolly waved his hand.

“Ruoyun, he’s just treating you to this?” Li Boliang lost a lot of face due to what I said just now, so once he saw the three courses of seafood on our table, he immediately showed an expression of disdain.

The three courses of seafood the little light bulb ordered are all food within a hundred yuan for commoners, the most expensive crab was only 38 yuan per 500g. However although these seafood were cheap, I found them really delicious.

“Li-laodi, didn’t you say we are going to eat crabs that costs three hundred something per 500g?” The sea turtle also added something in a timely fashion.

“Ai! Ruoyun, come over and eat with us. Let’s order a few more expensive dishes!” Li Boliang made a “please” gesture.

“No need, I’m already full,” I could tell the little light bulb felt disgusted by the sea turtle as well.
“Oh, so it’s like this! Waitress!” Li Boliang shouted, “Put their bill on me.”

“Okay,” the waitress walked over and nodded.

“No need for that, I can still pay this amount of money,” ****, you don’t need to do this to pursue a girl right?

“I say, this little bro, how much could your input method sell? Five thousand kuai at max right! Bro, you really are saving up, ordering a hundred something kuai worth of stuff,” Li Boliang looked down at me and said.

“I didn’t sell it for five thousand okay, I say why does your computing association like to ask about my input method? If you think I’m poor, then you can treat. Even a feng of money is very important to me!” I said speechlessly. How did it come back onto the input method.

“Heh. Ruoyun, how about adding something?” Seeing that I agreed, Li Boliang was unusually happy.

“No need, we still have a dish that hasn’t come yet,” just as I said, Caocao was arrived.

“Sir, excuse me, first grade lobster. Please enjoy,” the waitress placed a super large plate on our table.

“This…” Li Boliang took a glimpse and was immediately shocked. This first grade lobster is the most famous dish at Dynasty Seafood Palace, it was impossible for him not to know the price of the dish.

“What is it? Li-xiong? Sit down and eat together? This is top class lobster, nine thousand eight hundred for one. Ze~ Ze~!” I picked up a piece and placed it in my mouth, and tasted it, then showed a really blissful expression and said. “Too delicious, this is the best thing on either, I wonder if the island country have this kind of lobster? Mr. Gotou, try some?”

“… Did you do it on purpose? Deliberately adding a dish after hearing that I could treat?” LI Boliang’s face immediately paled.

“We ordered this dish ages ago, I can testify,” to my surprise, the little light bulb actually got annoyed. “You were standing there the whole time, did any of us go off to order?”

“This…” this made Li Boliang completely speechless.

“Bro, if you don’t want to spend money then don’t stand here, even if your waist doesn’t hurt, we still have to eat lobster,” I waved my hand and said to LI Boliang.

“Mr. Gotou, can you lend me some money first?” Li Boliang turned around and whispered to the sea turtle.

“I didn’t bring any money when I came out, I only have Japanese Yen, you know that,” the sea turtle showed a helpless expression.

“Heh!” Li Boliang flung his sleeve, then pulled the sea turtle and left quickly.

“I’m sorry, Yanyan-jie. Li Boliang is normally pretty nice, I don’t know what happened this time, he actually started acting up,” the little light bulb said apologetically.


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Chapter 99 – Sea Turtle Clique

I hesitated for a while, then finally decided to take a cab with them to Dynasty Seafood Palace. You can’t mess with stuff like seafood, let’s not talk about if the seafood in stalls are hygienic or not, if the ingredients are a little bit not fresh, it may cause diarrhea or even food poisoning. Furthermore the reason the seafood at Dynasty is expensive, one of the reason is because of its class, but most importantly its because the seafood there is all ferried over by air each morning, and definitely not from the night before. The leftovers at the end of each day would be sold to some small businesses.

“It can’t be, we really are going to Dynasty for seafood? You seem like you’re really rich!” The little light bulb said excitedly after seeing the “Dynasty Seafood Palace” sign.

“Are you actually going to eat or no! Where’s all the ******** coming from!” I glared at the little light bulb and said.

“Are you actually a man or not, you don’t know humility at all!” The little light bulb said unhappily.

“About whether I’m a man or not, you can ask your Yanyan-jie,” I said while smiling naughtily.

“What are you saying! Not being serious at all, “ of course Zhao Yanyan could understand my meaning, her face immediately turned red, and her crab-pincher like hands pinched me harshly on my waist.

“Aiya!” I exclaimed out in pain.

“Yanyan-jie, what are you two talking about?” The little light bulb asked in confusion. I didn’t think that this chick was so innocent that she had absolutely no reaction to my underlying meaning.

“Nothing much, don’t listen to him ********, let’s go in quickly,” Zhao Yanyan said.

“Sir, how many?” When we entered, the hostess came over.

“Just one sir…” I said.

“Ah…?” The hostess said weirdly.

“But are also two more ladies,” I continued.

“Puchi…” The other waiters and waitress on the side all laughed together, but a manager like person coughed once, causing them to immediately stop laughing.

“Three people right? Is sitting in the hall alright?” The hostess giggled, then looked at me and said.

“Is there a room?” I glanced at the hall, although the atmosphere was fine, it was a bit loud.

“Sorry, the rooms are all full,” the hostess said apologetically.

“Then the hall is fine,” I though, since there aren’t anymore rooms, what use is it to ask us if the hall is fine? Are there any other choices?”

“Okay, please follow me,” the hostess said that, then walked in the front and took as to a seat near the windows. The environment was okay, and the scenery was pretty good.

“Would you like to order now?” After the hostess left, a waitress came over and handed us the menu.

I noddd and pointed towards the little light bulb and said, “Give her the menu.”

The little light bulb didn’t act courteous, and immediately started flipping through the menu after receiving it. However the prices of dishes at Dynasty was originally terrifying, the little light bulb kept twitching her eyebrows as she flipped, and finally ordered several relatively cheap seafood.

“Boiled crab, salt-baked conch, spicy clams, anything else?” The waitress repeated the ordered dishes and asked.

“Is there any specialty here?” Seeing that all the dishes the little light bulb ordered were cheap, I wanted to order a few better dishes.

“Our shop’s specialty include first grade lobster, deep sea shark back, shallot fried…”

“Then a first grade lobster,” I immediately interrupted her. I treated Xu Zhongbang this first grade lobster when he came to Songjiang to visit my home in my previous life, the taste was spectacular, the lobster was about 1 to 1.5 kg. However the price wasn’t cheap, it cost me nearly a hundred thousand kuai for that meal.

“Okay sir,” the waitress recorded it then left.

“Liu Lei, thank god you didn’t get a room just now, you know? I saw that the minimum expenditure in the rooms is ten thousand yuan!” The little light bulb stuck her tongue out and said. “Shouldn’t you thank me?”

“Hehe, look at how much that first grade lobster is!” I pointed to the menu and said.

“How much! You’re so stingy, how expensive can it be!” The little light bulb picked up the menu, her eyes nearly fell out of her sockets as she exclaimed, “What! Nine… Nine thousand eight hundred? One zero, two zero… Is this menu wrong?”

“It isn’t! The lobster we ordered is half a meter long, they saw they just getting it from the sea side could let it sell for several thousand!” I explained to the little light bulb.

“Ah! Liu Lei, how rich are you exactly!” The little light bulb exclaimed and said.

Zhao Yanyan only smiled after hearing it, “What, Ruoyun-meimei, are you regretting not severely ripping him off for a meal!” Zhao Junsheng was already one of the top magnates before meeting me, Zhao Yanyan doesn’t lack any experience in this sort of situations, furthermore she also knows that I am really rich right now.

“En, I decided, I’ll continue to eat food with you guys tomorrow lunch. Yanyan-jie, you wouldn’t think I’m annoying right?” The little light bulb immediately showed an obedient expression.

However from my perspective, this expression was like that of the Devil. Don’t agree, Yanyan! Please don’t, I prayed in my heart.

“Sure! We’d be delighted,” Zhao Yanyan patted the little light bulb’s head and said.

I freaked in my heart, and nearly sat under the table. You’re coming tomorrow? You’ve really started to treat yourself as a light bulb!

The spicy clam and boiled crab were brought to us very quickly, the salt-baked conch also arrived not long afterwards, it’s just that the first grade lobster that I wanted was more difficult, and nodded to have the entire exoskeleton of the lobster peeled off, to take out the meat inside it.

The two chicks wiped their hands with wet towels, and started eating. I didn’t think that Zhao Yanyan who’s the daughter of a rich family would also look rather indecent as she rolled up her sleeves and enjoyed eating the crab.

“What are you looking at, you’ve never looked at me before,” seeing that I wasn’t eating and just starting dumbly at her, Zhao Yanyan said embarrassedly.

“I didn’t think you would look so barbaric while eating…” I laughed.

“How am I, isn’t it just because I’m with you! If I was eating at home, I would be much better behaved! Every time I eat this I don’t get full,” Zhao Yanyan complained.

”Hehe, actually you’re pretty cute like this,” I also picked up a crab and started eating like them.

As we were eating, two men walked towards us and directly stopped in front of our table.

“Xu Ruoyun, you’re also here?” One of the men said.

I raised my head up to look at him, this person could be considered handsome, and looked like a university student, however there was an inexplicable pride radiating from his body. On the other hand the appearance of the person that came with him was rather humorous, his head was actually rather pointy, and it even head an edge, it looked like a huge genital. The funniest thing was that this person had a hunch back, so with his turtle head, he was completely a huge sea turtle.

“Li Boliang? Why are you here as well?” Yu Ruoyun raised her head, and said to the man that looked rather handsome.

“Hehe, this is my friend, I came to eat with him,” Li Boliang pointed to the sea turtle and said.


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