Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 173 – Election and Sleeping

Although I didn’t really care about the election, but Ye Xiaoxiao cared a lot. My gaze never left her, when I saw her expression at the time, I understood the gist of it. Originally it didn’t matter to be who the class rep was, but who made it so that Liu Kesheng has a grudge with me, moreover, our beautiful Ye Xiaoxiao-xiaojie seems to have a problem with you.

I looked at Guo Qing, who was sitting in front of me, that fellow was sleeping. It seems like he knows that electing the class leaders have nothing to do with him! So, I kicked the chair Guo Qing was sitting on, shocking him, causing him to immediately wake up. He turned around and was just about to swear before noticing I kicked it, thus he returned to a normal smiley face and said, “Boss, what is it?”

“Look on the blackboard, Liu Kesheng is going to be elected to become the next class rep,” I gave this chance to stand out to Guo Qing.

Guo Qing nodded, and immediately understood.

“The election results are out, Liu Kesheng is in the lead with 38 votes. With the election results, Liu Kesheng will become this class’s class rep, does anyone have any problems?” Ye Xiaoxiao frowned and said. Although this result wasn’t what she wanted, but the truth is there, and she can’t do anything about it.

“I do!” Guo Qing lazily stretched and said. “I disagree, I want a re-election!”

Liu Kesheng’s held jumped, he did bribe a lot of people this past year, even if the classmates in class doesn’t vote for him, it’s impossible for them to cause trouble! However, when he saw the person that spoke was Guo Qing, his heart shuddered. Just don’t mention how angry he is having a foot stuck in just it was about to be his.

“Re-election? Why do we need to elect again?” From Ye Xiaoxiao’s perspective, no matter how many times they elected, the results would be the same.

“Because I was sleeping just now!” Guo Qing said shamelessly.

“Sleeping! What does you sleeping have anything to do with the election?” Ye Xiaoxiao asked strangely.

“Didn’t you say the entire class have to participate? I slept just now, and didn’t participate, so we have to re-elect!” Guo Qing said.

“But… I fear that…” Actually, Ye Xiaoxiao also hoped that they could choose someone to replace Liu Kesheng, but this is the election result and thus cannot be changed.

“Okay, I don’t care if others wants to be it, but it can’t be Liu Kesheng! Let’s do it in a simpler way, those that agree to Liu Kesheng being class rep raise their hands!” Guo Qing didn’t wait for Ye Xiaoxiao to finish before speaking to the entire class.

Everyone looked at each other, no one raised their hands. Nobody’s an idiot, who is this Guo Qing! The boss of the school, sine he clearly doesn’t want to let Liu Kesheng win, who would dare to raise their hands! A feel bros that got along with Liu Kesheng normally hesitated for a long time, but finally raised their hands up.

Seeing that someone actually still dared to raise their hands, Guo Qing glared at them, causing them to nearly pee their pants, and also retract their hands.

“Ye-laoshi, no one agrees to Liu Kesheng being class rep!” Guo Qing said with satisfaction.

Ye Xiaoxiao was beyond shocked, she never would have thought that this normally bad student would actually help her out in the key moment, but what made her not understand the most was why did everyone change their opinions the moment he voiced his, and were even unnaturally of one mind. If Ye Xiaoxiao knew that her students changed their opinions because they were terrified of the revenge of the underworld, who knows what she would think.

Liu Kesheng was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, what was about to be achieved got screwed over by Guo Qing, but he can’t say anything either, Guo Qing is so much stronger than him right now!

Guo Qing sat down after saying that, Ye Xiaoxiao used this start to wipe off Liu Kesheng’s name from the blackboard. The results of the re-election was that someone called Yu Yang became class rep. I didn’t have much of an impression of this guy, I just felt like he was very honest, he was the kind that would get beaten up yet wouldn’t make a sound. Looking at Liu Kesheng’s hateful gaze, I guess that this Yu Yang was about to experience some misfortune, but this didn’t have much to do with me. What surprised me was that, I actually became our class’s learning committee member! But, whatever, since this role doesn’t need to actually do anything, it’s just in name. Zhao Yanyan continued to be the group secretary, the chick’s relationship with others was pretty good, out of the sixty three people in class, there were actually fifty nine that voted for her, I know out of the ones that didn’t vote, Guo Qing was sleeping, and so didn’t participate. Zhao Yanyan and I didn’t vote to prevent bias. I guess the forth person was probably Liu Kesheng.

After the class leader list was decided, Ye Xiaoxiao announced the second big thing of the class meeting, and that’s the school is holding a spring sports festival, and thus encouraged us to sign up in order to do our class proud.

I remember in my previous life, it was also under Ye Xiaoxiao’s encouragement that I signed up for the 5 thousand meter run. However, my race was set to be the first one in the afternoon, at the time I just finished my fried rice. Thus, I thought that if I run like this, wouldn’t I get appendicitis! Therefore, I remember the school’s motto of “participation is the key”, and entered the race. Since I was scared of my life being in danger, when everyone run forward mindlessly, I casually walked behind. When everyone had reached the finish line, I didn’t even walk past a thousand meters.

At this moment, a P.E. teacher walked over, kicked me over and swore, “**** you! If you can’t run then why did you get in here? You’re even ******* slower than a turtle! Having you drag on behind, the following races can’t continue!”

At the time, since my personality was cowardly, I didn’t try to explain at all, I only silently limped out of the field. However, I swore in my heart that I would definitely trash the leg that the fellow used to kick me. I could clearly remember that this person was called Guo Songshu.

After encouraging for a long time, Ye Xiaoxiao noticed that there were still barely anyone that signed up for the sports festival, they didn’t even reach the lowest standard of having a person for each race. Although academic grades were the most important thing for students, but they can’t have too big of a difference with other classes in other areas!

Thus she said, “The class leaders have to take the lead, each person must sign up for at least 3 events. Other people can do as they want.”

These class leaders were just chosen, thus naturally didn’t have any objection towards Ye Xiaoxiao’s suggestion, it’s just that when Yu Yang, who had a stick-like physique” entered into the shot-putt and two sprints, I felt a bit of worry for him. Who knows when the time comes, if it’ll be him or the shot-putt that’ll be thrown, or it might be both flying out together.

When Yu Yang held the signup sheet in front of me and asked, I lazily answered without looking at it, “Whatever, leave the ones that no one signed up for to me!”

Right now, all of these sport events were the same to me, as long as I wanted, getting a world champion extremely simple.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 172

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Chapter of the day!

Mhmmm… It’s Thanksgiving soon, but I don’t celebrate it. What to do… What to do…

Chapter 172 – Class Meeting

“That’s just about you, what does it have to do with me! What’s more, if Xu Ruoyun knows what you’re doing, her impression of you will also drop drastically!” I said coldly.

“Who said that! Xu Ruoyun agreed with my method!” Qi Dapeng glared at me and said.

“What did you say? She agreed? She agreed to what?” I was rather speechless, Xu Ruoyun couldn’t have just intentionally caused trouble for me right, not only did she not convince this ****** Qi Dapeng otherwise, she agreed with what he’s doing?!

“She agreed! Also, she declared to me in front of a lot of people, saying that she’ll be the girlfriend of whoever wins this challenge between you and I!” Qi Dapeng said excitedly.

I fainted! This Xu Ruoyun truly is terrified that the world doesn’t get messed up! How could she say something like that! However, it seems like if I win Xu Ruoyun becomes y girlfriend? Although I wasn’t clear about what sort of feeling I had towards little light bulb Xu, but that day in the coffee shop, at the moment Xu Ruoyun told me the truth, my sort of lost feeling told me that I still cared a lot about her. I don’t know what she meant by agreeing to Qi Dapeng challenging me, but with Xu Ruoyun’s personality, she definitely wouldn’t fall for this ****** fellow, since she agreed with him in front of so many people, that means that she wasn’t joking! Could she have done it because of me…

Hehe, I felt a suddenly joy in my heart! Could this chick feel… Since it’s like this, I might as well agree to this Qi Dapeng, and then I can find out little light bulb Xu’s intentions, perhaps she will no longer be a light bulb from now on…

“Okay, I’ll agree to your challenge,” I nodded and said.

“Really?! That’s great, since I challenged you, then you can take your pick of what it is on! However, let’s say it first, if you want to compete something like dancing, cultural or academic thing, then I can only surrender!’ Qi Dapeng wasn’t an idiot, he knows that he can’t beat me in academics, and so blocked this path right away.

“Never mind, you take the pick, tell me when you’ve decided!” I’ve nearly become Superman, any event to me was the same. Since I had to beat him, then I’ll let this ****** lose convincingly, to prevent him not admitting to it, then challenge me again and stuff.

“You said it! It’s a promise!” Qi Dapeng was afraid that I would go back on my words, and immediately agreed.

I laughed in my heart, but I still nodded without changing my expression. Qi Dapeng was very happy, from his perspective, the thing about the challenge was easy as done! All he needed to wait for is holding the beauty in his arms!

I returned to the classroom, Guo Qing immediately came up and asked, “Boss, that idiot didn’t do anything to you right?!”

I chuckled, “Don’t you know how good your boss’s skill is? What can he do to me!”

“That’s true! Oh yeah, Boss, what did he chat with you about?” Guo Qing said with a laugh.

“He challenged me!” I said calmly.

“What! Challenge?” Zhao Yanyan and Guo Qing were shocked at the same time upon hearing it, “Why did he challenge you?”

Thus, I told the two everything about how Qi Dapeng challenged me because of Xu Ruoyun.

“Then you agreed to Qi Dapeng’s challenge?” Zhao Yanyan asked.

“I agreed,” I said.

“Heh! You pervert! I knew you had ill intentions towards Ruoyun-meimei!” Zhao Yanyan snorted.

“Dasao, that’s where you’re wrong! Xu Ruoyun getting with Boss is at least a hundred times better than getting with that idiot Qi Dapeng!” Guo Qing quickly tried to smoothen things.

That afternoon, Ye Xiaoxiao held the first class meeting of this semester. Towards this beauty Ye Xiaoxiao, I did have rather intense feelings. No matter what, I am an old man with the psychological age of thirty-something years old, it’s impossible for me not to get interested in mature women. So, I continued to gaze lecherously at Ye Xiaoxiao’s chest, but even since the condom incident happened, Ye Xiaoxiao seemed to always be on guard against me, she pretty much never turned her chest towards me during lesson. However, I was different not, I can use my x-ray vision any time. Gaga~! This is a super great power.

“This is the first class meeting for us this semester, there are two important things. The first thing is that we have to choose the class leaders again. Why do we have to choose them again? It’s not because the original class leaders were up to their job, the main reason is because the original class leaders were temporarily picked by me, we didn’t know each other. This time it would be voted democratically, all students will participate, aside from the original class leaders, I will name out several nominees, other students that wants to get elected can also self-nominate,” Ye Xiaoxiao said.

Choose again? I remember the change was in the second year in my previous life, and in the end, the results still had Liu Kesheng winning, was it my rebirth that caused this election to happen earlier? I wasn’t very interested in this class leader election, the class leaders in middle school is just a fake job, doing work for free, it is just to give a bit of self-satisfaction to people. In my previous life, I already shined enough, I started liking laying low in this life, the current school life game me a sort of sim feeling, that’s why I can’t avoid this sort of thing fast enough, it wasn’t possible for me to participate. However, what surprised me was that Ye Xiaoxiao actually put my name onto the blackboard as well. I looked strangely towards Ye Xiaoxiao, which got me a challenging look in return, making me all the more confused.

The results of the election as going to come out very quickly, I couldn’t help but admit, this Liu Kesheng brat did have some tricks up his sleeves. Although his father had already been arrested, but this brat still worked hard to get close to people, eighty-percent of the students had getting aided by Liu Kesheng here and there. I guess this brat might have been stimulated by his father’s incident, and thus started working hard.

Ye Xiaoxiao frowned as she saw that the votes for Liu Kesheng had already surpassed half the class, she didn’t think that such a petty person would be able to receive so many votes. TO be honest, she did have great hopes for this Liu Kesheng at the start, however, the incidents that followed caused Ye Xiaoxiao’s impression of Liu Kesheng to drop immensely. It’s because a narrow-minded person would not be enough to lead others. If she finds out about all those ****** things Liu Kesheng had done before, who knows what she would think.

Liu Kesheng looked at the votes on the blackboard, he know that his hard work for this half a year weren’t waste. His current situation is different from before, from now on, everything was on himself.

Ye Xiaoxiao was very troubled right now, according to the votes on the blackboard, it is almost guaranteed for Liu Kesheng to be the class rep, but Ye Xiaoxiao’s intention for this election is to choose a new class rep, the other positions weren’t really important.


  1. N/a

Chapter 192 – Five-colored Divine Radiance

The Golden Lion King, Crimson Dragon King, White Tiger, Goldie, Peacock King, and Tenax. These six young sacred beasts didn’t sustain serious injury in the second round. They could participate in the final showdown without the need of recuperation.

This night, every restaurant in the Celestial City was in a full house. Everyone was incomparably expectant for the final round tomorrow.

A few big casinos even started to take bets on which young sacred beasts would ultimately win. Countless people took part in the betting, with as little as a few silver coins, up to as many as thousand gold coins. This night was very noisy and lively.

Everywhere in the city, including the teahouse and the pub, everyone was talking about the six sacred beasts. Even the common people who didn’t have money to go and witness the battle in the warbeast castle personally were having a heated debate. Because, the marketing campaign of the warbeast castle was really too hot. After every battle, they would send a specialist to go and talk about the brilliant process of the battles everywhere in the city.

At present, the Celestial City had practically turned into a warbeast city. Many people were analyzing the past battles of the sacred beasts to speculate which one of them would remain standing in the end. All kinds of analysis and assessment rushed forth like a tide and spread like wildfire.

For this reason, some people specifically written down the details. Xiao Chen had received one and read through it seriously. He felt that the commentary was spot on.

The Golden Lion King had a powerful body and possessed tyrannical strength. Its speed was also beyond compare. It was like a streak of golden light and moved in a crisscrossed pattern, it was hard for its opponent to catch its trails. What’s more scarier was that, it possessed an eye of destruction. The instant that vertical eye opened, the bloody light could even penetrate the Black Tortoise, who was reputed for its defense. The Golden Lion King could be said to be unparalleled!

The most terrifying part was that, it had three heads so there was a total of three vertical eyes. Now, it had only opened one of its vertical eyes. Nobody knew how much power was accumulated in the other two vertical eyes, and how terrifying would it be if they were opened! It could even be said to be the greatest variables in this battle! It made everyone unable to guess how powerful the Golden Lion King really was. It had unknowingly became the favorite among the six sacred beasts.

Crimson Dragon King. Its brutalness was obvious to all. Every time it entered the stage, it would certainly kill its opponent without showing any mercy. People had even started to call it the Bloody Dragon King. It was a good fit, due to its scales that were glittering with red light, as well as its soaring murderous aura.

Dragons were originally the most powerful race in itself. This being the case, it was easy to become king at the juvenile stage. The Crimson Dragon King naturally had enough strength to look down on its peers. With the Dragon Martial Skills and the perfect combination of the dragon-specific divine spell, it was practically unstoppable.

The White Tiger looked mediocre, but it was actually out of the ordinary. It practiced the External Incarnation divine ability, and was also proficient in the ancient martial skill. The White Tiger was a very terrifying little beast king, especially the divine marks covering its body. The marks contained the ultimate truth. Nobody knew how many unknown divine abilities it had mastered. Many people speculated that, the External Incarnation was absolutely not the only divine ability it knew, it should have some even more terrifying abilities in its arsenal.

Goldie and the Peacock King; these two young sacred beasts possessed the bloodline of the deities. They were very gifted and people claimed they could become existences that surpassed the deities in the future. There was no need to doubt their power. Moreover, not only did they inherit the rare bloodline from their ancestors, they also inherited many forbidden techniques. This was their strongest point. It was hard to speculate what power level could these young sacred beasts reach in the future.

Tenax, a powerful and proud Dragon King, that was everyone’s first impression. Its martial skill was outstanding, its nature was tenacious, and it possessed unlimited potential. The Dragon Countersteps was only the tip of the iceberg. If they really let this little Dragon King went crazy and exerted all of its power, maybe even the Golden Lion King wouldn’t necessary be able to resist this battle freak with all of its vertical eyes opened! It could be said that the analyzers had very high evaluation of Tenax. It was the most promising ones among the six sacred beasts.

Every warbeast castle, red light district, restaurant, and casino was extremely noisy even past the midnight.

This night, many people had a hard time falling asleep.

Early morning, the sun rose from the East.

The morning sun had dyed the Celestial City golden yellow. That was the indication that this would be a fine sunny day.

Early morning, Xiao Chen personally prepared Tenax’s war meal. Ginseng King skewers, reishi mushroom congee, cinnabar juice, ginseng fruit cake… it was extremely luxurious. If people knew there was this kind of menu, they would literally drop their jaws.

This was enough to satisfy Tenax’s palate.

Naturally, Keke couldn’t be left out of such a sumptuous war meal. The little thing had crouched at the kitchen to keep watch for quite a while already. Its saliva was overflowing, and its big eyes that was originally brimming with cleverness were now very straightforward.

The final round was imminent, but Tenax was very calm. The energy was circulating on its jade-like draconic body, it had already adjusted its condition to the peak stage.

The sunshine had sprinkled over the Celestial City. The sun was already hanging high in the sky.

Xiao Chen walked towards the warbeast castle with Tenax and Keke.

Today, the decisive battle would take place at the Zhuge family’s Amber Warbeast Castle. They were going to open the sacred beast stage that was lying unused for twenty years. That was a stage specifically prepared for fully grown sacred beasts!

Under ordinary circumstances, it was very unlikely for the warbeast castle to stage a battle between fully grown sacred beasts. No matter how expensive was the tickets sold for, it was not worth it. That was because the loss from the fall of a single fully grown sacred beast was too great. No matter how powerful the warbeast castle was, they were unable to bear this kind of loss.

One must know that a fully grown sacred beast was at least as powerful as Nirvana realm. That kind of expert was really too rare. Their existences were the best deterrence to prevent war! Only some extremely ancient and powerful families would possess at least one or two of such sacred beasts.

Moreover, after a sacred beast was fully grown, it was impossible for them to consider to be in a different tribe. At that time, they would already be treated as a god in one’s family. It was simply impossible for them to get enslaved. In fact, a fully grown sacred beast could already transform into human. At that time, they would be enticed by ancient aristocratic families by any means possible to become a member of their family. In regards to this, they would not even hesitate to connect by marriage!

The sacred beast stage was nothing more than a symbol, there’s no way it could function as intended.

Rather than saying it was a warbeast stage, the sacred beast stage was more like a public square. It was as wide as five hundred meter square. The surface area was extremely wide. There was more than enough room for the six young sacred beasts to fight fiercely.

There was no seats around the sacred beast stage. In fact, if they really wanted to use this warbeast stage, then that would inevitably be an extremely dangerous battle. It was impossible to let the audience stay in the surroundings.

The Amber Warbeast Castle connected many rooms together. Apart from the VIP lounge, they used their resources to lay out many huge crystal screens in the room. They were going to broadcast the competition at real time.

It was a full house!

Today, the Amber Warbeast Castle was incredibly lively!

Every room was packed with people. There were fifty thousand people who bought the tickets to come and watch the battle.

The outside of the warbeast castle was surrounded by countless people. The figure of people could be seen everywhere in the city. Even if the tickets had already sold out, many people were also unwilling to leave. They wanted to stay at this place to listen the latest report at any time.

Naturally, apart from the Amber Warbeast Castle, every casino was also surrounded by so many people that not even one drop of water could trickle through.

At the present time, the win/loss ratio of the six sacred beasts was almost the same. That was because they were really unable to distinguish which one was stronger and which one was weaker. Of course, if they really counted the statistics, the ratio of the Golden Lion King was slightly higher. Naturally, it was only that little bit.

Xiao Chen was sitting in the VIP lounge and calmly waited for Tenax and the rest to appear on stage. Beside him, Keke was tweaking its ears and scratching its cheeks. It was as restless as a little monkey. It was unable to sit down at this moment. That was because it was really too unwilling. It really wanted to go down there and personally fight with those few young sacred beasts.

Xiao Chen was really scared that it would cause some mishaps. This snow-white little critter really gave people too much to worry about. He used the mysterious iron chain that was used to lock up the white tortoise to bind Keke’s little beast paw. Then he locked up the other side of the iron chain on his wrist to secure Keke at his side.

“Squeak! Squeak!!” Keke waved its other hairy beast paw and protested strongly with its glittering big eyes.

However, Xiao Chen just stuffed a cinnabar fruit into its mouth, then he ignored it.

The ginormous sacred beast stage was exceptionally quiet. Along with the rumbling sound, six gigantic iron gates were opened, and the six young sacred beasts came out from six different buildings as they walked towards the warbeast stage simultaneously.

The silence was oppressive!

During this split second, a bloodthirsty murderous aura had already spread all over the warbeast stage. The six young sacred beasts had already adjusted their battle condition to the peak optimum state.

The Lion King flickering with gold light, the Crimson Dragon King with soaring bloody light, the Peacock King radiating with multicolored divine radiance… each sacred beast was standing at six different positions and appeared very imposing!

They were having a silent confrontation. Without a doubt, the first to move would turn into everyone’s target.

Tenax was the very first to move. It ran towards the center of the stage with fearlessness. In its heart, victory or defeat was not at all important. What’s important was to challenge powerful enemies, to transcend its own limit, and to undergo a true dragon evolution.

That’s right, as far as Tenax was concerned, losing was nothing. It was originally a weak little dragon to begin with. When it was on the dragon island, it couldn’t even win against an ordinary little dragon. It advanced one step at a time, going through one life or death battle after another, getting stronger each time and never shrank back. The Tenax today only existed because of that.

The Crimson Dragon King also moved. It was the king of dragons, how could it not understand Tenax’s line of thoughts. It had already recognized Tenax as the miserable little dragon it defeated in the olden days. How could it be willing to fall behind the others? It was the natural-born king of dragons. To challenge the extreme boundary was an inherent instinct. Its battle intent was unbounded.

If the two Dragon Kings were humans, they could be said to be very prideful. Their action immediately roused up the other four sacred beasts and caused them to run towards the center of the stage at the same time. They were the strongest of their own kind, how could they fall behind the others?

As they were moving forward, a subtle change took place.

Goldie and the Peacock King slowly drew close to one another. This was within everyone’s expectation. They were the descendant of the deities and had once grew up together, so teaming up at this moment was inevitable.

The Golden Lion King looked at them coldly, then it looked at Tenax and the Crimson Dragon King. The White Tiger was like an ancient well with no ripples as it silently swept its eyes over all directions.

What was most unexpected was that, the two Dragon Kings didn’t team up. On the contrary, the hostility between them was even deeper compared to the other sacred beasts. Their proud nature and cruel fate made it so that it was impossible for them to team up.

Green, yellow, red, black, and white; these five colors radiated from the Peacock King’s entire body as it flew towards the sky. It remained motionless in the sky above Goldie.

The Golden Lion King was the most intensive. With a world-shaking lion roar, its entire body glinted with dazzling golden radiance as it started to dash. After that, it actually soared into the sky and pounced towards the Peacock King.

It was very astonishing!

The Golden Lion King could actually run in the sky, it was actually capable of defying gravity. The Lion King was stronger than they originally expected. The golden light illuminated the sky like a raging conflagration. With lightning fast speed, the Lion King tried to rip the Peacock King apart with its lion claws. The energy fluctuated violently.


A streak of green light was launched downwards. The Peacock King had brushed off the extremely bold Lion King. Then it calmly spread its wings and soared higher into the sky.

All the spectators were very excited. Some people had already started to shout. Even the older generation figures were shocked. The might of the Lion King as it ran towards the sky. The divine light swept down by the Peacock King. They were able to see the power of the sacred beasts growing at a terrifying rate, and they recalled some of the legendary unparalleled divine abilities!


The Lion King let out a roar that shook the vast sky.

The Golden Lion clearly had a killing intent. It vowed to break the Peacock King and Goldie’s combination no matter what. It wanted to kill the Peacock King first thing first and was actually planning to directly open the vertical eye at the center-head!

The five-colored radiance flickered as the sky was covered by dense multicolored fog. The Peacock King could sense the danger and increased its speed to the limit. Flapping its pair of wings, one bright light after another surged towards the Lion King like a storm. It wanted to crush the Lion King. The space itself seemed to be trembling!

No matter how fast was the multicolored energy wave, it was still slower than the speed of the Lion King opening its eye. That terrifying vertical eye had finally been opened! A bloody light burst out and directly swept towards the Peacock King!


“Light of Destruction!”

“It’s over!”

Many people cried out unconsciously.

Who was capable of blocking this powerful attack from the Golden Lion King? The older generation experts aside, even the Historia level warriors had reached the conclusion that they wouldn’t be able to get out of this attack unscatched!

However, beyond everyone’s expectation.

“Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!”

Green, yellow, red, black, and white; these five colors radiated and annihilated everything in its path as they fell downwards! The multicolored radiance actually deflected the bloody light and made the terrifying light of destruction turn towards the empty space.

This was undoubtedly an extremely sensational scene. The light of destruction that was claimed to be unstoppable was actually fended off by the Peacock King. It immediately caused every spectators to cry out in surprise!

“No way!”

“Too inconceivable!”

“Just what was that multicolored divine radiance?”

“Could that be the deity’s forbidden divine ability?”


All the older generation figures already changed countenance. The light of destruction launched from the Lion King’s vertical eye, they had already seen it. Despite that being the legendary forbidden spell, they were not as shocked as the first time they saw it. But that multicolored divine radiance was revealed for the first time, how could they not be feverish?

That was the unparalleled divine ability of the ancient myth. It was claimed to be capable of annihilating all living things in the world!

That’s right, even Gods and Buddhas wouldn’t be able to ward it off that easily!


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 171

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Chapter of the day!

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 170

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Yesterday’s chapter!

Chapter 170 – Theory of the Thread of Shuguang

“Hai —— Hai! Dad, put out the cigarette, I told you not to smoke in my room…” Su Yingzi was allergic to the smell of cigarette since a young age, so when choosing a partner in the future, they can’t smoke either.

Su Yuanchao quickly put out the cigarette and opened the window of the room.

“Dad, I know what you’re saying, but what can I do once I exit the entertainment industry? Aside from singing, I can’t do anything else…” Su Yingzi said.

“Xiao Zi, you’re a girl. You have to stay at home to care for your husband and teach your children, you don’t need to go out and work at all! Acting like you and showing yourself in front of everyone, how are you going to get married in the future!” Su Yuanchao said meaningfully.

“Then I won’t get married!” Su Yingzi pouted and said. When he mentioned getting married, Su Yingzi’s heart jumped for no reason. What kind of person is she going to get married to in the future? Tall, handsome. But not too honest, it would be great if he’s a bit bad. The most important thing is that he can rush over to protect her at the first moment that she gets into danger. Gradually, the image in Su Yingzi’s mind became clear, and in the end, it actually overlapped with that person! Su Yingzi freaked, and didn’t dare to think about it further.

“********! Girls all have to get married when they grow up! How could you not get married!” Su Yuanchao said with a stern expression.

“Why not! I will always be at daddy’s side!” Su Yingzi said forcefully.

“Speaking of getting married, you aren’t young anymore! You’re going to be twenty after new year’s! Dad found a partner for you, it’s Feifan Electric Corporation’s Chairman Li’s gongzi, Li Xiangdong. The kid’s pretty nice, the most important thing is that he doesn’t smoke,” Su Yuanchao said slowly.

“I don’t want to marry that Xiangdong or Xiangbei I don’t know him at all!” Su Yingzi shook her head and said. Her father has wanted to matchmake multiple times, Su Yingzi was already used to it.

“Xiao Zi! This Li Xiangdong is around the same age as you, and has accomplished and young, he’s already the left and right arm of Chairman Li!” Su Yuanchao said.

“I don’t care if he’s accomplished or not, I won’t marry someone I don’t like!” Su Yingzi said impatiently.

“Xiao Zi, you’ve seen this Li Xiangdong before, do you remember on the National Electronics Industry Seminar last time, the fellow that sat before you!” Su Yuanchao reminded.

Su Yingzi immediately recalled the guy that kept on showing gallantry towards her. He was okay-ish looking, using her father’s words, he did count as young and achieved. However, you can force something like feelings, no feel is no feel.

“Dad! I don’t like him,” Su Yingzi said determinedly.

“Xiao Zi, you can slowly develop feelings! I think this fellow is rather nice!” Su Yuanchao said.

“Dad, stop talking! It’s impossible between him and I!” Su Yingzi didn’t want to argue about this issue any longer.

“Xiao Zi! Dad will be honest with you! Chairman Li already proposed the marriage to me, I already agreed to this marriage verbally! We’re just waiting for a chance to get you two engaged!” Su Yuanchao hesitated and said.

“Dad! I disagree! How could you just decide on your own!” Su Yingzi said while gettinge worked up.

“Xiao Zi! Dad also considered this marriage deeply! From the looks of it, there are some things that should be told to you! Xiao Zi, you know that Su Corporation has always been in the lead of the electronics industry, but we might not be this year!” Su Yuanchao said.

“Dad, what do you mean by this?” Su Yingzi asked strangely.

“Xiao Zi, did you know! It was Shuguang Corporation that organized your concert in Songjiang city, in just half of year, they have leaped to become the head of the software industry, and even started approaching the international market! This year, the affiliated business Shuguang Microelectronics announced that they will immerse into the electronics industry aside from producing computer motherboards and chips, and will bring out a cheap microwave this year. Shuguang Corporation’s financial backing is difficult to imagine for us, once they go into electronics, it is hard to predict the effects it will have on us Su’s!” Su Yuanchao said.

“Dad! Us Su’s have always been in the lead for the microwaves within the country, how could we not be able to compare to a newly established company?” Although Su Yingzi didn’t know why her father suddenly talked about this, but she still knew about the situation of Su Corporation.

“However, Shuguang Corporation has already announced that they have gained the production methods of the magnetron, the core component of microwaves. This way, their production cost for microwaves will reduce greatly, and when the time comes we won’t even have a chance to resist, since the market will already become theirs!” Su Yuanchao said, “Furthermore, the magnetron is also the main project our Su Corporation and Feifan Corporation are going to research on! Us Su Corporation has already moved most of the funds, the liquid assets on the books are unbelievably little! So, Feifan Corporation’s Chairman Li Datong found me and said that if Su’s and Feifan can cooperate, then we would be able to quickly research out our own magnetron in order to resist the attack from Shuguang! So, Xiao Zi, your marriage has become the chip of whether this cooperation will succeed or not…” Su Yuanchao finally spoke out the truth.

“Dad… Stop worrying for nothing! First, ignoring whether or not Shuguang Corporation has that power, even if they do release a microwave, it doesn’t mean that it will affect us Su’s!” Su Yingzi said.

“Ai! Hopefully these will all be pointless worries! However, apparently the country itself is backing Shuguang Corporation, so…” Su Yuanchao said worriedly.

“Dad, I don’t care! I just won’t marry that Xiangdong or Xiangnan!” Su Yingzi said.

“Never mind, we’ll put this aside for now. But daddy’s going to tell you, this Li Xiangdong is a pretty nice kid, even without Shuguang Corporation, daddy will still agree to you getting married to him,” Su Yuanchao said.

“Whatever, Dad! I rather die to marry him,” Su Yingzi said determinedly.

“Okay! Daddy won’t force you. However, the thing about quitting the entertainment industry can’t drag on any further!” Su Yuanchao said.

“Daddy! This is my own career, I won’t give it up!” Su Yingzi said.

“But, the entertainment industry is so messed up, I’m really afraid that you might get taken advantage off!” Su Yuanchao said worriedly.

“No! No matter what, since I’ve decided then, then I’ll definitely continue through,” Su Yingzi said.

“Xiao Zi! You are still no disobedient, if you mom’s still here… Never mind, I won’t say anymore! I’ll get you a few more personal bodyguards! The people beside you are great at fighting, but they’re just not too bright,” Su Yuanchao could only give in.

Ever since his wife passed away, he allowed his daughter to do anything she wants, no matter which time, he would be forced to give in. Su Yuanchao though, never mind, if it’s a blessing it’s not a curse, if it’s a curse then it’s unavoidable, since Shuguang Corporation wants to come, then let them.


  1. N/a

Chapter 171 – Love Rival’s Challenge

He had thought that the marriage would be a good thing, not only finding a good home for his daughter, but also allow them to work with Feifan Corporation. However, Xiao Zi strongly refused, so he couldn’t force her.

After Su Yuanchao left, Su Yingzi fell into deep thoughts. Find another bodyguard? Although she doesn’t know how that person is, but he shouldn’t be too bad. If she could get him to be her bodyguard, how great of a thing would that be. However, could he come? She doesn’t even know what she does, but since she can enter that party, he definitely isn’t someone normal.

Huang Weicheng’s storm nearly calmed. That guard just didn’t wake up, but Huang Youwei and Zhang Guoping still poured tons of money on him, and got the best doctor to treat him. As for the guard’s family, they cried till their tears went dry, calling the two bosses great people, and are brilliant to their subordinates, the only thing they didn’t do was to give a silk banner to them. However, how would they know that if this guard didn’t hold a huge secret, then nobody would care even if he died.

A month’s holiday quickly passed, aside from learning superpower usage with Footy, I spent the time with the two chicks Yanyan and Weier, until the day right before school started, I noticed that I still had a bunch of holiday homework that I haven’t even touched. But I didn’t plan to doing them anyways, in the eyes of a lot of the teachers, I had already become an exception, who doesn’t go to school, doesn’t pay attention in class, doesn’t do my homework, but still gets first place every single test.

In school, I finally met Guo Qing, my buddy that I haven’t seen for nearly an entire month. This brat is starting to see more and more like a person of the society, his hair was shining due to the mousse. Even I couldn’t believe it, is this still the cowardly Guo Qing, whom I met when I just started middle school?

When I arrived at the door to class, I saw a muscular hulk standing in the doorway. He used a threatening gaze to look at me, seeing that I walked over, he said coldly to me, “You’re called Liu Lei right? I want to have a chat with you!”

Before I said anything, Guo Qing immediately got worked up, “Chat your ***! Who are you, you dare to speak like that to my Boss!”

That hulk clearly momentarily blanked, he didn’t think that Guo Qing would speak up. What kind of person was Guo Qing! No one didn’t know him in Fourth High, he is someone who’s stomp would cause the ground to shake. Opposing Guo Qing, isn’t that hanging yourself —— Thinking that your life is too long! All of a sudden, the hulk didn’t know what to say, he had research about this Liu Lei beforehand, he doesn’t have much background! However, why did the true boss of Fourth High, Guo Qing, call Liu Lei Boss? Isn’t this far too weird?

“Guozi, go in first. I’ll chat with him,” I waved my hand and said. After all, this person is only a student, finding me for a chat must be to talk about something calmly with me.

Guo Qing nodded, and before he left, he didn’t forget to glare at the hulk, causing the hulk to back away several steps. Don’t think that this hulk is cowardly, it’s because Guo Qing’s name is truly too famous, causing some unexplainable terror for him psychologically.

“What did you find me for?” I got to the stairs with the hulk, then asked him smiling yet not smilingly.

“I…” The hulk originally wanted to scare this Liu Lei, he didn’t think that Guo Qing would stick a foot in, causing him to be scared instead. Now, he no longer had the atmosphere he had earlier.

“I’m called Qi Dapeng!” The hulk thought about it for a while, then finally said.

“Oh! I know. You’re called Qi Dapeng. You didn’t come here just to tell me that you’re called Qi Dapeng right?” I said wordlessly. This person is far too strange.

“I… I want to talk to you about something!” Qi Dapeng hesitated a bit, then finally said.

“Talk to me about something? Then say it!” I really didn’t understand why this hulk was speaking so awkwardly, just like a girl.

“I want to challenge you!” Qi Dapeng finally regained his confidence and said loudly.

“What? What did you say? You want to challenge me?!” I looked confusingly at Qi Dapeng, is there something wrong with this person? Challenge me? Challenge me for what?

“Yes! I want to challenge you! You can take your pick for the method of challenge, but the loser must give up Xu Ruoyun!” Qi Dapeng said determinedly.

“What? Give up Xu Ruoyun?” I was even more confused! What does it mean by giving up Xu Ruoyun?

“Yes! Give up Xu Ruoyun! Do you agree or not?” Qi Dapeng said provocatively. At this time, Qi Dapeng had already regained his cockiness, originally a sports-specialty student, he was used to walking sideways in school, how could he be scared of a little white face.

“Wait!” I quickly stopped him, “First tell me what do you mean by give up Xu Ruoyun? Why don’t I understand?”

“You can’t be pretending here right? Don’t you understand what I mean? Then I’ll be open with you! You know Xu Ruoyun right?” Qi Dapeng said.

“Yeah! What is it?” I asked confusingly.

“I like her!” Qi Dapeng said.

“You like her? That’s great! But why are you telling me this?” I was still confused.

“Are you pretending?” Qi Dapeng said impatiently.

“Pretend? Pretend what! I literally don’t know what you’re saying to me!” If it wasn’t for this person wearing the Fourth High’s emblem, I thought he came out from a mental institution.

“X year, X month, day X, Xth hour, Xth minute, within the coffee shop in front of school, you asked Xu Ruoyun out, and you acted extremely intimate with her!” QI Dapeng said it all in one go.

I instantly blanked! It’s such a shame if this Qi Dapeng doesn’t become a private detective! At this moment, I also understood the reason Qi Dapeng came to find me! He misunderstood Xu Ruoyun and my relationship, and thought that I am one of Xu Ruoyun’s pursuers!

“You’re talking about this! However, I have to correct it, I didn’t ask Xu Ruoyun out, she asked me out,” Knowing his intention, I felt some disgust for him. If you like someone then pursue her, take out what you’ve got. I really felt annoyed people like this that challenge others because of a woman. First, ignoring how there’s no meaning for that, even if they really won, it doesn’t mean that they would get the women’s heart. However, I spoke out how Xu Ruoyun asked me out without restraint, the purpose was to piss off the person I felt disgusted out.

“What! She asked you… Heh! Although Xu Ruoyun and your relationship is rather intimate, but I will still challenge you, and show Xu Ruoyun, who’s the real strong person! Qi Dapeng said while clenching his teeth.

“Sorry, I have no interest in whatever challenge you’re talking about. If you like Xu Ruoyun, you can pursue her yourself, don’t bring me into it!” I said expressionlessly.

“How can that be! I already let out the news of me challenging you! Now the entire Fourth High knows I am challenging you, even Xu Ruoyun knows about this!” Qi Dapeng shook his head and said.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 169

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 169 – Drug Effects Haven’t Passed

Looking at her slutty appearance on the tv, Su Yingzi’s face was about to become as red as a cooked lobster, how could she say such embarrassing words! Su Yingzi couldn’t help but stick her head in the blanket.

“Don’t ******* move!” His roar rang out from the television, Su Yingzi raised her head again. What was he doing, he was actually talking to her in such a violent manner, Su Yingzi couldn’t help but get annoyed.

She was already hinting about it so obviously, he actually didn’t make a move, and roared at her. Does she really have so little charm? She had already brought herself up to him, yet he didn’t want to touch her. From a young age, which man she has met does not act subservient to her! Even those two bad guys couldn’t stand her beauty and wanted to… However, this person just didn’t treat her as anything.

Hearing herself repeat “I want…” over and over again on the television, Su Yingzi wished there was a hole in the ground to crawl into. This is way too embarrassing!

However, why did she say that to him? When those two rascals were in front of her, she had tried her hardest to resist, yet when it came to this man, she tried her hardest to give herself over.

Su Yingzi’s face got redder and redder… Could she have fallen for him? It can’t be? She had only seen him once, and doesn’t even know what he’s called, or what he did… Like him? How’s that possible! … However, this person did give her a frantic feeling and made her heart race… this is too unbelievable! She is the superstar Su Yingzi, the young mistress of Su Corporation, how could she fall for a such a normal looking man that seemed so cynical? … But, the moment that he kicked open the door and rushed in was really so cool!

If it wasn’t for him, she might have already been… Su Yingzi didn’t dare to think any further… However, when Su Yingzi saw that he pushed her away, she actually felt a bit loss… Could she…

Su Yingzi calmed her heartbeat. She really was acting shameless, her first time is supposed to be saved for her future husband, who is also the person that can accompany and protect her her entire life, how could she be so reckless.

But, the following scenes on the television made Su Yingzi annoyed again, her face was red beyond comparison. That man actually put his hand on her that place…

Su Yingzi’s body also heated up, she subconsciously thought back to the events that day… At the time, she was beyond uncomfortably, and when he touched her that place, she actually had an unexplainable surge of pleasure, it made her really excited…

Was this the feeling talked about in books… How did she started liking this feeling, this is too embarrassing…

Thinking to that point, Su Yingzi couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. However, looking at herself in the television, who didn’t know shame… Her embarrassing appearance was all scene by that person… How was she supposed to face that person!

But, even Su Yingzi didn’t know why that even though she knows that it was embarrassing, she still watched as that person touched her…

Su Yingzi quickly bit herself, was she in heat? Su Yingzi looked at herself in the television, then looked at her underwear, she actually wished in her heart that he would do her like that again.

However, this was just a moment’s thought, after which Su Yingzi immediately cleared up. What was she thinking about! How could she wish for such things! She wasn’t like that before! Yes, perhaps the effects of the aphrodisiac didn’t completely pass, yes, that must be it!

Su Yingzi blamed everything onto the aphrodisiac from that day, what she didn’t know was that aphrodisiac isn’t some slow-acting poison, how could the effects re-surface after three days? Of course, this isn’t what Su Yingzi considered.

“Dong don’t dong!” Suddenly, knocking sound could be heard from outside the door.

“Xiao Zi ——, are you inside?” A middle-aged man’s voice rang out from outside the door.

Crap! Su Yingzi shouted in her heart, dad’s here! Su Yingzi quickly ran over to turn off the television, however she couldn’t find the remote in hurry, so could only unplug the power for the television and tape reader.

“Dad… Wait a bit, I’m getting dressed,” Su Yingzi shouted to the door. Then she hurriedly stuff her wet underwear under the pillow, then took out a new underwear from the closet. Coincidentally, this underwear was the same style as the underwear she wore that day, both were hello kitty underwear, Su Yingzi’s heart couldn’t help but shudder.

Su Yingzi shook her head, what’s with her! Why was she like in a trance, her brain couldn’t help thinking about those kind of stuff! Her father was at the door!

Su Yingzi quickly changed her underwear, and noticed it was a bit wet underneath, so she found a pad to pad it, then she put on her underwear. After doing all that, she surveyed her room once again, and noticing nothing was out of place, she opened the room door.

“Xiao Zi, what are you doing? Why were you so slow?” Su Yuanchao looked at his daughter with a red face and asked.

“Dad, I was sleeping…” Su Yingzi frantically made up an excuse. Was she supposed to tell the truth, and tell her father that she was getting ***** in the room?

“Oh, I didn’t disturb you right?” Su Yuanchao nodded and said.

“No, I just woke up as well…” Su Yingzi didn’t know what to say, and just answered randomly.

“Hehe, Xiao Zi, are you going to keep your dad standing at the door? Aren’t you going to invite me in to sit?” Actually, Su Yuanchao came this time to have a heart to heart chat with Su Yingzi. In fact, Su Yuanchao has always objected to his daughter becoming a superstar. What was the entertainment industry like, Su Yuanchao was very clear about that, it was essentially a huge dying pot, Xiao Zi is so pure, she didn’t know how sinister it was inside. Su Yuanchao had prepared to find a chance to make it clear with Su Yingzi, and get her to quit the entertainment industry. Ever since something nearly happened this time, Su Yuanchao became more determined about his thoughts, and wanted to use this opportunity to completely persuade his daughter.

“Dad… come in,” Su Yingzi said awkwardly.

Su Yuanchao entered his daughter’s room, then found a chair beside the television to sit down on. Suddenly, he felt that it was very hot outside, and used his hand to touch it, the television was actually burning hot, it was clearly just turned off! This Xiao Zi, what’s going on, why was she lying to him about her sleeping! However, Su Yuanchao didn’t mind, it isn’t a big deal.

“Xiao Zi, let’s quit the entertainment industry okay?” Su Yuanchao thought about it for a while, then finally said it.

“Dad! My career just gotten big… Quitting like this is too much of a shame!” Su Yingzi immediately shook her head and said.

“Xiao Zi, listen to daddy! You are such a pure girl, the entertainment industry is really not for you! Like this time, something nearly happened!” Su Yuanchao lit up a cigarette and said.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 168

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 168 – Su Yingzi’s YY

“Do you think that we can’t do anything if you don’t say anything? And that we have to let you go forty-eight hours later?” The police in charge of interrogation lit up a cigarette and asked coldly. He just ordered his subordinate to go and buy him two packs of cigarette downstairs, then went up to brew himself a cup of tea, planning to just waste time with Zhang Xiaoming like this.

Zhang Xiaoming momentarily blanked, he didn’t think that the police in charge of interrogation actually guessed what he was thinking, so thus couldn’t help but be surprised. However, then he thought, so what if he guessed it, what’s the big deal, he still has to let him back when the time comes. So, he said as if he doesn’t care, “So what? Beat me? Haha! If you dare, then go ahead, I won’t say anything!”

Zhang Xiaoming was sure than the police in charge of interrogation doesn’t dare to do anything to him, after all, his dad, Zhang Guoping, is an important person, and do have some abilities.

“Relax, I won’t do anything to do, if you are unwilling to say anything then stay here, I’ll let you go after forty-eight hours. But once you walk out of the police station, I’ll arrest you again, let’s see who has more patience in the end! I’ll go to the store downstairs to buy a box of instant noodle here, heh!” The police in charge of interrogation said proudly.

“You…” Zhang Xiaoming suddenly went speechless, he never would have dreamt that this police with the surname Ju would actually have this move, this is way too low! It looks like even if his lawyer comes, it’s futile.

“I what, if you don’t want to say it then just sit there! Ai~! This tea is so great, I got a friend to send it from Xiamen back to me, it’s top-notch!” The police in charge of interrogation pretended to enjoy it a lot, and took a sip, then he said, “There’s no helping it! This is truly top-notch!”

Zhang Xiaoming licked his dried lips, ever since he got to the police station, he hasn’t drank water for several hours, and was getting quite thirsty. Now, seeing that boiling tea, and that alluring scent of tea, it couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“Nothing happened?” Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier looked at me strangely, as if looking at an alien.

“Would you only be satisfied if I xx that star?” I really don’t understand what these two chicks were thinking. If I say they get jealous, then they always do some kind of surprising thing; if I say they don’t get jealous, they get more envious than anyone when they get worked up.

“That’s not it. We just felt that, how could a huge pervert like you let go of what was next to your mouth?” Chen Weier shook her head. I could tell that she did let out a sigh of relieve.

“Is your hubby really that terrible in your eyes?” I smiled wryly.

“Of course! Or else how did Yanyan-meimei and I both get tricked by you!” Chen Weier said.

“It seems like you two are the ones that took the initiative…” I chuckled… “Ahh, how can you pinch people!”

My waist was suddenly assaulted left and right by two crab claws. My first reaction was, if there is more crab claws in the future, what am I going to do!

“Okay! You dare to assault your hubby, see if I don’t take care of you!” Saying that, I swiftly stripped off all my clothes, and leaped towards the two girls.

“Noo! Help——!” Zhao Yanyan suddenly screamed.

It can’t be, when did the chick Zhao Yanyan also learnt this type of play. However, this only made me more excited to gobble her up…

Zhang Xiaoming couldn’t was unable to withstand the pressure in his heart, and confessed to everything. The results of the conviction was that, due to attempted ****,, Huang Weicheng is sentenced to prison for ten years, but is allowed to go on a medical parole. Zhang Xiaoming is sentenced to 12 years in prison. Zhang Xiaoming was very dissatisfied with the result, since the one that was going to **** was Huang Weicheng, he was just an accomplice. Therefore, Zhang Xiaoming filed an appeal, but was rejected. The reason was clear, Zhang Xiaoming provided the aphrodisiac as well as the scene of crime, and thus he was convicted of these two crimes alongside attempted ****.

Huang Weicheng got people to send word to Su Corporation several times, but what kind of person is Su Yingzi’s father, Su Yuanchao? The chairman of the second largest corporation in the nation, in the security department of his company, there is already at least two-three hundred people that retired from special forces, was he supposed to be scared of a local snake in Songjiang city? So he just ignored it completely, and directly pressured Songjiang city’s police station through the Songjiang province police agency, in order to punish the two rascals that tried to ruin his daughter’s innocence accordingly.

Within a luxurious mansion near City S’s Industrial Garden Su’s Electronics Corporation

Su Yingzi shut herself in a room, this was already the third day. Ever since she came back from the concert in Songjiang city, she wasn’t in the mood to work. In boredom, she turned on the television, flipped through a few channels, and found that a channel was replaying the footage of her concert in Songjaing city.

It’s that person’s chance to appear right… Aiya, where is the singing to no end!

Su Yingzi watched herself in the television and thought speechlessly. She really wished that there was a “fast forward” button, to directly jumped to that scene. Finally, when the concert neared it’s closure, Su Yingzi finally saw the boy that saved her get forcefully pulled onto the stage with her.

Su YIngzi dumbly used her hands to support her head, and stared at the person inside the TV.

Damn cameraman… Su Yingzi frowned and scolded as she looked at the closure of her on the television, why is there so little shots for him.

What’s with her? Why did she suddenly start paying attention to this person she doesn’t know? Su Yingzi shook her head, but her eyes were fixated on the screen of the television, awaiting for the cameraman to change shots.

“Hu——“ Su Yingzi let out a sigh, he finally went off stage. Su Yingzi also lost interest in continue watching. She doesn’t know why, Su Yingzi actually randomly took out the video tape of when she was bullied.

Su Yingzi stuff it into the tape player with trembling hands. With a “kacha” sound, it started working.

“Come, superstar! Seeing your uncomfortable look, why not cooperate with me earlier, you’ll feel great and I’ll feel great! If I can’t satisfy you, there’s still my bro, the two of us will take turns screwing you… Hehe!” The disgusting voice of Huang Weicheng passed out from the television. Su Yingzi clenched her teeth and pressed the fast forward button, the scenes on the television flashed by very quickly…

“Aiya, it’s here!” Su Yingzi frantically pressed the “play” button.

“Ahh——” Two terrible screams sounded out from the television, it was the threatening Huang Weicheng and Zhang Xiaoming getting smashed by the door, followed by them fainting. After that, a person rushed in, isn’t that the person she kept on thinking about!

“I… I feel so uncomfortable… Help… Help me… Okay? It’s… It’s too hot! Help me… take… take my clothes off….”

“I’m… begging you… I can’t hold it anymore… I… I want…”


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 167

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Sponsored Chapter! Thanks Matthew! We have now cleared our sponsored chapter again~

Chapter 167 – Refusing to Admit No Matter What

“But Chairman Huang, there is no trail for this incident at all!” A subordinate said.

“Don’t you know to go to find a trail if there isn’t anything? ****, do you have a pig’s brain? And you’re a retired scout, go and ask Zhang Guoping! ****, if anything happened to my son, I’ll make the Su girl get buried with him!” Huang Youwei said in anger. Huang Youwei was once the big boss of Songjiang city’s largest gang, the Tempest, and is very merciless, he would not think about the background behind Su Yingzi, from his perspective, so what if you have money? No matter how amazing you are, you have to do things by the law, but if he was pushed to the corner, he would just directly kill you. This is the difference between the underworld and other industries.

“Understood,” That subordinate quickly answered, and didn’t have any more complaints. He was very clear about Huang Youwei’s methods.

An hour later, Huang Youwei and Zhang Guoping met in a single room in Songjiang Guobin Hotel.

“So what you mean is that the only person that knows what happened is that unconscious waiter?” Huang Youwei asked.

“Very likely! He was on duty near the bathroom when it happened, then he randomly fainted, it might very well be done by the person that kicked open the door!” Zhang Guoping analysed.

“Since it’s like this, then hurry up and ask that waiter, what are we waiting for? ******* ****! He actually dared to make my son useless, I will definitely tear him to shreds after finding this person!” Huang Youwei clenched his fist and said.

“The most important thing is that the waiter is still unconscious! The doctor says that if he can wake up, then everything’s good, if he can’t then he’ll be a vegetable!” Zhang Guoping sighed.

“Heh, I’ll go and find a group of professionals, I don’t believe that he can’t wake up even with so many people!” Huang Youwei said hatefully.

“However, Huang-dage, the most urgent thing is to get Huang Youwei and Zhang Xiaoming from the station! The Su family is adding a lot of pressure, the police station is refusing to let them go!” Zhang Guoping pushed this thing onto Huang Youwei, who was more powerful.

“Heh! Zhang-laodi, relax, I will make the Su family not sue, what ******* second biggest corporation in the country, don’t forget what I do, if he pushes me against the corner, I’ll kill his entire family!” Huang Youwei said like he didn’t care.

Due to the case being related to a celebrity, so the police station kept the secret well, aside from the few involves, the outside still didn’t know superstar Su nearly got defiled. Huang Youwei was rather pleased with the police’s attitude, the more under wraps it was, the easier for him to act, if it really was known by anyone, no matter how powerful it was, it would be hard for Huang Weicheng to avoid the judgment of the law.

“Say it, did you or did you not drug her!” The police in charge of interrogating slammed the table and said furiously.

“Drugs? What drug! I said it a lot of times, Huang Weicheng and I went to the bathroom, then that girl Su Yingzi acted like she was in heat, and pulled us into the storage room, and immediately sucked and bit us… Hey, don’t mention how slutty that is… You know, I’m also a normal man, and if I don’t take advantage of the situation I’m an idiot…” Rat-eye, who is Zhang Guoping’s son Zhang Xiaoming, said with a playful expression.

“Zhang Xiaoming, I’m warning you! Don’t lie with your eyes open, that’s not what you said at the hotel!” The police in charge of interrogation was really annoyed, just now at the hotel, he had already confessed all the crimes, he (the police) never would have thought that now that they got back to the police station and allowed the brat to meet with his lawyer, he refuted everything!

“At the hotel? What did I say? Why don’t I remember?” Zhang Xiaoming scratched and shook his head, then said.

“You! Continue pretending with me? Do you believe that I’ll starve you for a few days first? The police in charge of interrogation said angrily.

“I’m pretending? What am I pretending? Oh, I remember, my head was smashed dizzy in the hotel, and I don’t know what I said while I was dizzy, at the time my mind wasn’t clear, you’re treating what I said then as the truth?” Zhang Xiaoming said like he suddenly understood everything.

“Heh! Don’t think we don’t know anything, Zhang Xiaoming, I’m telling you, since I brought you here, it means that we already have enough evidence! We’re letting you say it now to give you a chance to gain merit, if you don’t value it, you’ll lose this chance! Even if you want to then, you won’t have a chance,” The police in charge of interrogation said threateningly.

“Who are you trying to scare? Do you think we’re making a tv show? Don’t I know you police always playing these kind of psychological games? Being honest, you stay in jail, resisting to the end, you go back home for New Years!” Zhang Xiaoming mocked.

“Zhang Xiaoming, don’t not accept it when we’re giving you face! I’m telling you, even if you don’t say it, what we have now is enough to convict you!” The police in charge of interrogation said coldly. However, in his heart he was getting a very troubled, the case of Su Yingzi is a troubling one, the Su Corporation is already pressuring the police chief, the Su family is not going to give up unless there’s a reasonable response. Yet, the background of these two suspects are not small, and can be said as the local emperors of Songjiang, just talking about influence, these two people are far more powerful than Su Corporation in Songjiang city, especially Huang Weicheng’s dad, Huang Youwei, he was and still is the leader of the most powerful underworld force, if he gets pushed to the corner, causing him to cause some trouble, he (the police) fears that the one getting troubled in the end is still them, the police!

“Convict if you have the evidence, I don’t believe that you police can frame an innocent person, it clearly is that ***** Su Yingzi who’s complaining first as the wicked, and seduced us first, and after seeing the situation got exposed, pushed all the responsibility onto us!” Zhang Xiaoming said shamelessly. At this moment, he isn’t nervous at all, his lawyer already passed him the information telling him not to admit to anything no matter what. This way, the police station can’t do anything to him.

“You…” The police in charge of interrogation was nearly going crazy, the stand of the higherups on this was very clear, they just told him to do things by the books. Although it was just a phrase, but anyone could hear it that they’re siding with the Su family. These two people would definitely have to be convicted. However, they have interrogated him for nearly two hours, this brat, Zhang Xiaoming, didn’t admit to a word, causing even him to feel annoyed! However, remembering that the mission the higherups handed him wasn’t complete, he could only continue asking forcefully…

Actually Zhang Guoping had wishful thoughts, the police didn’t have any concrete evidence. At the scene, Zhang Xiaoming’s clothes were tidy, and nobody could prove that Zhang Xiaoming was a suspect, following the legal process, they couldn’t not release Zhang Xiaoming in forty eight hours. However, he never would have imagined that his opponent was someone who knew how to play with the law better than him!


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