Category Archives: Translations

[Vol.2] Chapter 9 – Secret Agreement

I was invited into the King’s living room together with Fraudia.
 The King, General Dolus and Minister Walles were walking before us.

 So that’s the King’s living room.
 As I expected it’s luxurious and solemn.
 I can’t really relax with such an atmosphere.
 The first to open their mouth was General Dolus.

“About Gerg, are you sure?”

“Yes, I am sure. And there’s something else I want to tell His Majesty.”

 There’s something I wasn’t able to say back then.

“Viscount Gerg had connections to Duke Armandi.”

“Is that true?”

 Minister Walles asked for confirmation.
 As Duke Armandi is the present King’s greatest enemy they should be bothered by this.

“This is also something I heard from the person himself. Fraudia was to be sent to Duke Armandi soon. She herself should know best about this.”

“Is that so, Fraudia?”

 Fraudia answered Minister Walles question in a clear voice.

“That’s what the Viscount told me. I should be prepared because I’ll soon be sent to Rejum-sama”

“Fufu, Rejum, he must have planned to use this girl as bait.”

 The King who heard this laughed in a gloomy, low voice.
 I’m not good at dealing with people with such dark personalities.⌈1
 I feel depressed just talking to them.⌈2
 We were talking like this when suddenly the door was opened and a person jumped in.

“Father, is it true that Frau, that Fraudia returned?!”


“Aah, Frau, Frau, you’re safe! This is……”⌈3

 The beautiful, blond girl had her eyes filled with tears as soon as she jumped into the room and embraced Fraudia.
 ”That” must be Princess Charlotte.⌈4

“Where on earth were you, Frau? Do you know how worried I was? Are you alright?”

“I’m sorry, Princess. I was caught by some bad people while I was on my way home. But I was thankfully able to come back safely.”

“Well, like I thought! I knew that something bad must have happened for you to suddenly disappear in front of me. That’s why I asked the Minister and General to send out some soldiers countless times!”

 As the Princess said so she glared at Minister Walles and General Dolus.
 Though she is a stunningly beautiful girl she seemed strong-willed.⌈5
 The way she changed from a happy expression to glaring that quickly was scary.

“Well, if we don’t have any evidence we aren’t able to do anything……”

 The Minister tried to hastily explain himself but the Princess seemed to ignore him.⌈6

“It must have been hard on you, right, Frau? But you did well to survive. How did you manage to escape?”

“Margrave Medici who also came here helped me.”

 After hearing Fraudia’s words the Princess seemed to finally notice me.
 Do I really have that thin of a presence?

“This should be our first meeting, Margrave-sama. I’m Princess Charlotte.”

“My name is Carlo de Medici. His Majesty the King generously gave me the position of Margrave. Please forgive my rudeness as I come from a rural area.”

 I greeted her with a cool expression.
 Though it’s a little rough I used Lunos as my reference.
 That guy’s popular after all.
 Anyway, being disliked by the princess would be bad.

“I heard you helped Fraudia. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

 The princess thanked me elegantly and smiled.
 ****, that smile is exactly like that of an angel.⌈7
 I can’t fall in love with her, I can’t fall in love with her, I can’t fall in love with her.
 Because this girl will marry the Hero in the future.

“No, it’s only natural as one of His Majesty’s faithful subjects to also serve Her Imperial Highness the Princess.”

 As I answered to her politely a gloomy voice drifted over from the side.
“Hmpf, a faithful subject you say, but inwardly you think differently, right? You’re not thinking anything good about me either, do you?”

 Uwah, this King is seriously warped.
 How did he become like this?⌈8
 ……Mmm, Even though it’s troublesome, let’s use a frontal attack!

“Even if it’s like this, Your Majesty”

“What? Speak”

“I know that His Majesty is aiming for a centralization reform right now.”

“Fufu, nobody wants to hear the rest of those words.”

“I heard that there are many feudal lords who don’t agree with His Majesty’s intentions. About that I, Carlo de Medici, want to tell His Majesty something.”

“Then just say it already.”

 The King was clearly irritated by this exchange.
 It also seemed like a noble was going to oppose his reform once again.
 I spoke in such a roundabout way intentionally to irritate the king.
I took a deep breath and continued to speak.

“If His Majesty promises to let me keep my current position and power even after the reform, this Carlo wants to act as a shield for His Majesty and approves of the realisation of this reform from the bottom of my heart.”

 When I kneeled and lowered my head while saying this the King remained silent for a while.

“……Are you trying to tell me you want to support me?”

“Yes, of course, though just if you guarantee my social position and territory.”

“Are you saying the other nobles don’t concern you?”

“I’m not interested in anything else as long as the results are favourable for Franz Kingdom and myself.”

“Hoh, You don’t care what happens to the other nobles?”

 The King asked again with a surprised face.
 This is a matter of course for Carlo, meaning me who’ll be aiming for the throne in the future.
 It would be more than convenient for the number of nobles who could become my rivals to decrease.
 Using the King’s authority I’ll disperse the nobles who look like they’d become rivals and after the number of competitors has considerably decreased I’ll arrest the King and aim for the throne, but it’ll fail in the end because the Hero will stop me, that’s the scenario I wrote for Carlo.

“I don’t care what happens to them. Even if I’m a noble as I’m just an emerging noble I am not particularly close with the other nobles. Rather it should have been obvious with this case that I’m on rather bad terms with Duke Rejum. My true intention is it to borrow his Majesty’s power to oppose those nobles including Duke Rejum.”

 I intentionally grinned as I said this.
 I think it’s better to just show one’s ulterior motives rather than use useless deceptive tactics.
 It seemed like it went as well as I expected.

“Interesting, if it’s like this I wouldn’t mind joining hands. Superficial flattery and pretty words do not deserve to be believed. Carlo, do you have any conditions for lending me a hand?”⌈9

“Yes, of course, I will send soldiers in case of an emergency. Please grant me permission to organise a new army to enrichen our military strength and please let us pave the road between the Capital and Braham to promptly be able to move the military.”

 I heard that it was basically forbidden for nobles to organise an army without permission as they could pose a threat to the King.
 The pavement of the highway wasn’t permitted either for similar reasons.
 Even if a noble were to send out soldiers it would take a long time to reach the Capital on an unpaved road.

 I want to clear these two conditions by all means for Carlo to win the war against the barbarians, the fight against the nobles and also for Carlo’s coup d’état on the King in the future.
 The King believed that Carlo’s soldiers were weak so it wouldn’t matter and he would also be troubled if they would take too much time to get to the Capital so that was OK as well.

“Fumu, that’s fine. Discuss the details with Walles. That’s fine, right, Walles?”


 With that said, I’ll leave the detailed negotiations with Minister Walles to the tactician Nals.
 Well then, there is another condition I haven’t said yet.

“I fear I have another request, your Majesty.”

“Let’s hear it.”

 I took a deep breath.
 Aah, I’m nervous.⌈10

“I would like to clarify my position and would need a title to be able to stand on His Majesty’s side and to oppose Duke Armandi.”

“I see, a title, huh? What do you want?”

“I’m single. If possible I’d like to ask for Her Imperial Highness Princess Charlotte’s hand.”

“Are you telling me to give you Charlotte as your wife?”

 The King’s tone of voice became lower.
 Princess Charlotte was so surprised by this matter that her eyes became perfectly round and Minister Walles and General Dolus were also obviously astonished by this unexpected situation.
 OK, this is the crucial moment, Carlo.


  1. Eh? But he said the truth? That’s what would have probably happened. Even you thought that … He’s more of a realist, I think. 
  2. Welp the reality can be depressing. 
  3. Aaah stop with that name XD couldn’t the author have chosen a different name like Claudia? 
  4. Here comes Hime-sama 
  5. Will she turn out to be a Tsundere? Most likely 
  6. patpat Poor Minister 
  7. Ever seen one? 
  8. Ya know, with nearly every noble opposing him, trying to kill him etc. let’s see how you’d turn out~ 
  9. That was rather easy wasn’t it? Maa, whatever 
  10. It’s that isn’t it? 

[Vol. 2] Chapter 8 – The Capital

Nothing happened on our journey and we safely reached the Capital Ruan.
 The fact that there weren’t any disturbances shows that Duke Armandi didn’t hear about this yet, I guess.
 I saw the Rabbit groups relay station and noticed some of them but they were working hard.
 I didn’t wear my mask so I didn’t call out to them.

 The Capital Ruan is a fort town surrounded by a stunning wall.
 Its height is completely different from the one at our Braham.
 To get examined many people entered the side gate next to the entrance gate to enter Ruan.
 I was led through the front gate as soon as I said that my name is Carlo.
 As expected of a noble.

“Well then, we arrived safely”

 Lunos said those things but Nals seemed to feel dizzy.
 He was able to ride a horse but because he said he wasn’t that proficient I made him ride the carriage but it seemed to have shook considerably.⌈1

“We were going pretty fast, is Fraudia alright?”

“Yes, just this much is fine.”

 Even though Fraudia who rode the same carriage was in high spirits Nals looked pretty bad.
 Well, there’s no helping that as he’s the type who battles with his head, right?
 He looked quite feeble, too.
 But because he’s thin and beautiful he should be popular within a certain group of girls.
 I bet he will become the next victim of Reina and her friends sometime soon.⌈2
 Please don’t make me his partner if you do.⌈3

“Then shall we go to the royal palace? Fraudia, can I ask you to guide us?”


 Though Carlo has been to the royal palace many times it would be the first for me.
 Because I didn’t write about the Capital in detail I don’t really know the way despite this being the world I created.⌈4
 It seemed like this was Doji’s first time here as well, as he looked around in wonder.
 The Town’s people also looked at Doji who was carrying a huge axe on his back in wonder.

 However, as expected, the Capital is a big town.
 All the buildings were made out of stone and looked excellent, even the roads were also paved with stone.
 There are a lot of people, the businesses seemed to prosper as well.
 Compared to Ruan Braham felt like a local town.
 Though because it’s mostly made of stone the town looked grey.
 I like Braham’s wooden buildings better.
 Though, this would be better in case of a big fire.

 As one would think the people of the Capital walking on the streets were dressed fashionably.
 Though it might be my imagination but the people’s eyes seemed cold when they looked towards us.
 Is this what they would call discrimination of people from rural areas?

 After we advanced for a while we saw some big gates.
 This seemed to be the entrance to the royal palace.

 Franz Kingdom is the country with the greatest power and longest history among the Yuroa countries.
 According to that, the royal palace turned out to be a considerably excellent castle.
 The big mansions in the vicinity of the moat are residences of nobles.
 I wonder which of them belongs to Carlo.
 Though I was a little interested I quickly went to the royal palace because time is of the essence.
 I crossed the wooden drawbridge leading over the moat to enter the royal palace.

 Before I entered I left White King at the entrance.
 The entrance turned into a solemn hall with a high arch ceiling and the sun shone through the coloured glass.
 I suddenly felt overwhelmed.⌈5
 Nals looked around with great interest as well.
 Should I ask him to use this as reference for Balhart castle’s design?
 I don’t need something as luxurious as this though.⌈6

“Margrave Carlo de Medici, you were able to safely arrive this place.”

 At the time when we passed through the entrance hall, an elderly man with white hair greeted us.
 This seemed to be the State Minister of Franz Kingdom called Walles.
 He seemed like the type of man who could do anything in a calm manner.

“His Highness Minister Walles, thank you for greeting us. I hastily came over to report something to His Majesty the King.”

 I tried to speak as carefully as possible.
 If I want to show my intentions to act as part of the royalists I can’t provoke the King’s close aide.

“I heard about that. His Majesty waited for your arrival, Margrave Medici.”

 I parted with Lunos, Nals and Doji and followed Walles together with Fraudia.
 We climbed the grand staircase and after walking along the corridor of the second floor for a while we reached a luxurious door guarded by two sentries.

“His Majesty the King is awaiting you inside.”

 When I passed through the door the sentry opened I saw a grand hall.
 The one sitting on the chair on a higher ground at the back of the hall was probably King Franz Johann III.
There was a man with an excellent build dressed in a military uniform standing next to the chair.
 His black moustache was eye-catching and his sharp eyes seemed to be able to look into one’s heart.
 This is the famous General Dolus called “The Kingdom’s Guardian” and additionally holds the position of Military affairs, Minister.
 He holds great bravery, excels in leadership and is absolutely loyal to the king, he is supposed to be the greatest obstacle for Carlo who’ll oppose the King and aims for the throne.

“Margrave Carlo de Medici, please step forward and report to his Majesty the King.”

 I went through the vassals who stood in tow lines, kneeled before the King and greeted him.
 I should have done it perfectly as I studied the etiquette when I left Braham.⌈7
 Fraudia kneeled behind me.

“Carlo, huh? Long time no see. What do you have to report?”

 After some time a voice was raised.
 That seemed to be the King’s, Johann III, voice.
 I was a little surprised. I had an image of him being a normal, not to say mediocre monarch but his voice was hoarse and heavy.
 In terms of age, he’s supposed to not yet have reached the age of 50 but he gave off a much older feeling.

“Around Braham, which I rule, frequent kidnappings aimed only at women started to happen recently.”

 I raised my face and reported to the King.
 The State Minister Walles whom I’ve met before stood next to the King.
 Like I thought he enjoys the King’s trust.

“If the required ransom money isn’t paid they would murder the hostage but even if the money is paid the woman will be sold off never to be seen again. When I was investigating I found an unexpected person.”

“Hoh, who might that person be?”

 It seemed like I got the King’s attention.
 OK, now comes the important part.

“Yes. That person was Viscount Gerg.”

“That Viscount would never do such things! That viscount cannot do something like that! Margrave Medici, do you intend to put the blame on Viscount Gerg?!”

 As soon as I said that a sharp voice flew over from behind.
 That guy’s surely a follower of Duke Armandi Rejum.

“It’s a fact that Viscount Gerg ordered the kidnappings, no doubt about that. I heard it from the person himself.”

“That Gerg? That’s hard to believe so suddenly, but where is the person in question Gerg?”

“After I interrogated him and he confessed his own crimes he set fire to his mansion and killed himself.”

 The vassals in the vicinity were upset and begun to murmur as soon as these words left my mouth.
 After committing a crime a noble killed himself even if the Viscount wasn’t of a higher rank.
 It’s only natural they would be upset.

“Lies, Margrave Medici, you’re trying to put the blame for these crimes on Viscount Gerg after you killed him!”

 Then I heard that guy’s voice from a little while ago.
 I turned back to confirm his face this time.
 He was a nervous-looking, thin noble in his late 30s giving off the same feeling as a mantis.
 That’s the guy, check, when I thought that a low voice sounded from the plateau.

“Don’t say such careless things, Earl McBell. Doubt will only cause unnecessary conflict.”


 General Dolus was the one who spoke.
 That man called McBell fell silent at ones while looking vexed.
 After that, General Dolus turned towards me.

“Margrave Medici, do you have clear evidence that Viscount Gerg committed these crimes?”

“Yes. This girl is called Fraudia. She was kept hostage by Viscount Gerg and is also Her Imperial Highness Princess Charlotte’s personal maid.”

 After I said that Fraudia raised her head and spoke to General Dolus, Minister Walles and the King

“I’m called Fraudia serving Her Imperial Highness the Princess. It’ true that Margrave Medici helped me when I was held hostage by Viscount Gerg.”

 After hearing Fraudia’s words State Minister Walles spoke in a clear voice.

“I indeed heard about one of Her Imperial Highness the Princess’ maids gone missing after having returned home. I met this girl called Fraudia several times in this royal palace.”

“It seems like the information is reliable. Let’s hear about the details in my private rooms, shall we? Carlo, go to my private rooms together with this girl. Walles, please call Charlotte.”


 At the King’s words the vassals lowered their heads all at once.
 That guy called Earl McBell was only able to look at this scene with vexation.


  1. I don’t like carriages… 
  2. Aaaand another future victim huh? Poor guys 
  3. Heh, you’ll probably be through 
  4. Do your job goddamnit! No one was complaining about the lack of detail there? 
  5. kinda like a gothic church 
  6. And you probably don’t have the money to build that or if you do you wouldn’t be able to maintain that…. 
  7. One needs practice for kneeling down? 

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 3

Here’s the chapter of the day, cheers!

Chapter 3 – Fake Money

Are they fighting? I momentarily blanked, but this is the office of a university, how could something such as fighting occur? Originally, I had no intention of adding to the crowd, but since I couldn’t help but pay here, there was no helping it, I could only look along the crowd’s gaze. Although I couldn’t see clearly what was going on, I still got the gist of it by listening.

“Laoshi, please, this money is really not fake… It was gathered by the folks back home…” A weak female voice said.

“It’s fake if I said it is!” A coarse voice roared.

“Laoshi, the money was extracted from the bank by the folks, it really is real!” The female voice said.

“Hurry up and change one, otherwise, just don’t pay! Other people are waiting! Next!” The coarse voice said impatiently.

“Laoshi, I have no other money, this money were gathered very difficultly, just check it properly please!” The female voice begged.

“There’s no time!” The course voice scolded. “This is the school, not the bank!”

Seeing it develop to this point, I pretty much understood. This girl must have come to pay the school fees, then this coarse voiced laoshi —— I’ll call him laoshi for now, since there are a lot of people like him who are lay around doing easy tasks in universities, refused to accept the girl’s money because it was fake.

“Hubby, go and help her!” Seeing that girl’s anxious looks, Zhao Yanyan couldn’t help but say.

Even if my wifey didn’t say that, I would have gotten involved anyways. The moment I walked up, I got pissed looking at the pig-like appearance of the coarse voice.

“How do you know the money it’s fake!” I walked up and asked with a smile.

“I’ve been an accountant for so many years, could I not tell the difference between real and fake money?” The coarse voice answered casually. However, he noticed something not right after answering, causing him to raise his head. When he noticed that it was a student, he instantly said angrily, “You student, don’t be a busybody!”

I picked up the hundred yuan note that was judged to be fake from the table, the moment I touched it, my heart dropped, this note was truly a fake! It couldn’t even be any more fake!

“This classmate, are you sure you got all the money from the bank?” I asked.

“Yeah, the folks told me to the credits cooperatives in the village to get it!” The girl said with a nod. “Classmate, help me see, is this money actually real or fake?”

The money was fake, there was no doubt about it. Yet, seeing the sincerity in the girl’s eyes, she didn’t seem like she was lying. Ever since my mental abilities were developed, my intuition was unusually sharp, I could precisely tell whether a person was lying or not from his actions and the change in his eyes. Although I could also use my powers to invade directly into their brain, that would have some effects on the invaded brain.

What made me feel strange is that the stack of money in the girl’s hands were very old, only this fake note was brand new, isn’t this too eye-catching? Even if she wanted to muddle it through, there’s no way she would do it like this.

“Is this note yours?” I thought about it slightly, then had my judgment.

“About this… I don’t know… I gave the money to the laoshi, after he checked it, he told me that there was a fake note…” The girl said. “So, it should be mine…”

“What do you mean by that? Do you mean that the money is mine?” Hearing the girl reply like that, the coarse voice immediately said angrily.

“What are you getting worked up for?” I looked at the coarse voice in a smiling, yet not smiling manner. “Is it because of your guilty conscience?”

“I… What am I guilty about! Don’t cause trouble here, or else I’ll get the school to expel you!” The coarse voice threatened.

I gazed at the coarse voice for around a second, then immediately understood the truth.

“Wow? What is this? It’s a stack of cash!” I pointed to the area by the coarse voice’s feet and exclaimed. “Laoshi, your money dropped!”

Everybody’s gazes turned towards the coarse voice, the coarse voice quickly lowered his head and looked, there really was a stack of hundred yuan notes! The coarse voice was confused, he clearly put it all in his jacket pocket, why did it fall onto the floor? While he was thinking that, he couldn’t help but sweat a little. Despite that, he still told himself in his heart, stay came, don’t get worried, pretend like you don’t care, you have to be slow, and don’t get nervous.

“Laoshi, I’ll help you pick it up!” I bent down and quickly picked up the stack of cash by the coarse voice’s feet. The coarse voice had wanted to act slowly without care, he didn’t think that I would have done it first.

“Give it to me quickly, it’s my money!” The coarse voice hurriedly stood up and wanted to snatch the money from my hands.

“Wow? This note is the same as that classmate’s fake note! It can’t both be fake, right?” I raised up the stack of money and said. “Yi? Classmate, why is your fake note is a series with this stack of money? Did you pick the money up beside this laoshi’s feet?”

You have to know that the students that can get into Huaxia University isn’t just a bit smart! Hearing me say that, most people understood what was going on already, and immediately got unwilling as they protested, “What kind of laoshi is this, actually using fake notes to switch it with the students’ real money, truly shameless!”

“Yeah, look at how there’s only about half a stack left, just how much students have he tricked already!”

“Oh wow? I was wondering why my money turned fake! ****, so you ****** ******* is looking for death!” At this moment, a person quickly dashed over. Other students were just criticizing him, this fellow actually started beating him up right away. He kicked the fat-*** onto the floor, and before the fat-*** reacted, another brat rushed up and said to the brat beforehand, “Boss, you’re so awesome, how can you use such powerful martial arts to hit a pig, allow me!” With that, he started beating him up instead, immediately adding an extra size to the pig.

Within the Huaxia University Application office, Deputy Supervisor Chen was roaring at a man whose face was filled with bruises, “Are you ******* insane, taking fake money to change with the students’ money!”

“Jiujiu, I…” The man whose face was filled with bruises is the coarse voice in charge of taking fees, the same person as the one a student had beaten up.

“You what!” Deputy Supervisor Chen said angrily, “Why do I have such a nephew like you, if jiejie didn’t beg me, could you come work at Huaxia University! Heng!”

“Jiejie, I… Am I not in a bunch of gambling debt, I didn’t think this would be a big issue, the students normally don’t dare to say anything, I didn’t think that there are so many nails within the new students this year!” The coarse voice said. “Jiujiu, you must expel the student that hit me! That was truly too terrible!”

“Expel? Expel your ***! Do you know who the person that hit you was?” Deputy Supervisor Chen pointed at the coarse voice and roared.

“Who? Isn’t he just a student, you are the supervisor of Huaxia University’s Application Department, don’t you have the power?” The coarse voice said.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 3 – Fake Money

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 2

Here’s the chapter of the day, cheers!

Chapter 2 – Awesome Person

They all thought to themselves, this person is way too awesome, right? He actually dared to chat up other girls in front of his girlfriend? Then they looked at the person’s girlfriend, she was actually smiling, and didn’t find an issue with it at all.

That wasn’t even the most surprising thing, the weirdest part was right afterwards. They saw the number one school beauty, Chen Weier – the ice cold beauty, who barely smiled normally and never had any rumors about her, actually leap up into that person’s embrace!

Chen Weier had originally wanted to get mad just now, thinking that the person was too thick skinned, calling someone else his wifey immediately, then she listened carefully and got filled up with emotions. It really was him! Chen Weier couldn’t help but stand up in joy and leap into his arms, while shouting coquettishly, “Hubby~!”

The person said softly, “Little wifey, didn’t hubby come to accompany you!”

A commotion immediately spread through the crowd. The number one school beauty in Huaxia University is actually his little wife? You have to know that this Huaxia University was already a place where dragons and tigers were hidden, there were far too many awesome people, but although they saw awesome people normally, they never saw anyone as awesome as this!

Hehe, readers, you guessed it right, the person so awesome is obviously me! If another awesome dude pops out, this novel doesn’t have to continue anymore! Of course, if I give birth to a son in the future, I don’t mind him inheriting his daddy’s spirit and continue to be awesome.

It was fine when I didn’t speak, the moment I spoke, this girlie’s tears started flowing non-stop.

I held Chen Weier and said, “Here now, alright, didn’t I come… Why are you crying… Ai! Alright, if you cry anymore, you won’t be pretty anymore… If you cry anymore… Then I’ll **** you!”

As I expected, after hearing this, Chen Weier stopped crying and giggled, “What, having dirty thoughts the moment we meet! I’m not going to care about you anymore!” Despite saying that, her little hands still held me tightly without letting go.

“Alright, let go now! Didn’t you see the gazes of the boys and girls in entire school, do you want your hubby to become the public enemy?” I pinched Chen Weier’s cheeks and said.

“Girls? What does this have to do with girls?” Chen Weier said in confusion.

“Who said it has nothing to do with them? Seeing that your hubby, I, such a handsome man already belongs to someone, and can’t get me, they naturally would get angry, and the love will turn to hate!” I chuckled.

“What the hell is this!” Chen Weier pouted and said.

“Hehe, Liu Lei didn’t improve much these years, but his mouth is much smoother, and is always !” Zhao Yanyan told Chen Weier in a giggle.

“Oily tongued? I didn’t eat any oily thing just now? Ooh, I know, Yanyan, you must have ate something oily!” I pretended like I suddenly understood everything.

“Me? What does this have to do with me!” Zhao Yanyan said in confusion.

“Of course, it has everything to do with you, think about it, I didn’t eat anything after waking up in the morning before kissing you, if this oil didn’t come from you, then who did it come from?” I said seriously.

“You are… terrible!” Zhao Yanyan said with a blush.

Chen Weier covered her mouth with her hands and giggled, “You really are more cheerful than before… But… This isn’t good either!”

“Why is it not good?” I asked.

“You were eye-catching enough, wouldn’t think mean that you’re going to gain the hearts of even more girls?” Chen Weier said.

I could only smile wryly… I really couldn’t retort about that!

At this moment, at a place not far away from us, that lecherous Situ Liang was fantasizing about my two wifeys, and hearing me say this, he said, “Where did this brat come from? Getting so cocky from the start!”

“Heng, he probably isn’t anyone special, he should have much background, or else we would have gotten news ages ago! Currently, in this Huaxia University, the only one that can oppose you is the brat from the Ding family, but after you deal with the chick from the Liu family, and the two family add their powers together, Young Master will be invincible!” The birdman flattered.

“Wahahahaha! Well said! I am invincible!” Situ Liang laughed maniacally, “Find a chance to put shame on that brat, and let him know that chatting up girls in Hua-U is not that easy!”

“Boss, don’t worry, just look at his looks, he’s obviously a poor person, I think that as long as we give him some money, he would leave those two women!” The birdman suggested.

“Good idea! Let’s do this! ****, he looks even more handsome than this young master, but is he as rich as this young master? Is he as good in martial arts as this young master!” Situ Liang said.

“Of course not, boss, you’re martial arts is invincible in the entire world, even Dongfang Bubai is not your opponent!” The birdman praised.

“En!” Situ Liang nodded, thought about it a little then said, “Isn’t Dongfang Bubai that young master from the Dongfang family! The ****** was rather awesome, I had to use fifty percent of my strength to destroy him!”

Birdman wanted to faint about hearing that, causing him to swear his heart, why did I follow such a dumb boss, Dongfang Bubai has been dead for so many hundred years, and that’s ignoring the fact that he might have not existed, even if he did, did you drag his corpse out to mutilate it? Despite that, he still said, “yeah, boss. Who can be your opponent in the entire world, in the next Huaxia Wulin Competition, the Wulin leader will definitely be you, and when you order all the renowned families, don’t forget to give this one a promotion!”

“Don’t worry, Zhang Niao, when I’m the alliance leader, you’ll be the deputy leader. The two of us will order the entire world together!” Situ Liang promised.

So, this birdman was actually called Zhang Niao! No wonder some scientist had said that some people’s appearance linked with their names, this person was such an example, he looked like his name.

“Wahahahahaha!” Situ Liang and Zhang Niao laughed maniacally. Yet, the difference was that Situ Liang was laughing like an idiot, while Zhang Niao was laughing to accompany him.

“Ai! The academic culture is dropping daily, look, even madmen could get into a holy institution like Huaxia University!” A certain student A said on the side.

“Don’t say that, look at what those two are wearing, they are obviously the young masters of some rich family, how are we, students that have come out of the mountains, offend them?” A certain student B said.

“Ai! If they spend enough money, cats and dogs can probably come and study here!” Student A complained. Although that was a bit exaggerated, in the current society, it was very normal to be able to study as long as you have money! Since the schools need facilities as well!

Since Chen Weier still had a job to do, Zhao Yanyan and I said our goodbyes to Chen Weier after getting the payment number and the new student notices.

Then I arrived with Zhao Yanyan to the place where new students were supposed to pay the fees, the moment we entered into the office, we saw that it was completely crowded! There isn’t just a little bit of people coming to pay! However, after standing there for a while, we noticed that these people weren’t paying, but watching a show! Since at the center of the crowd, we could faintly hear the sound of an argument and weeping.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 2 – Awesome Person

Chapter 45 – Making Money With Tang Tang

“It doesn’t matter. What kind of Young Master can I be considered as, working as a servant right now? Don’t worry, I’m not as delicate as you imagine!” Xiao Chen shook his head and said with a smile.

“There really is no problem?” Tang Tang had just calculated a moment ago that her profits from selling breakfast actually wasn’t big. After all, she could not set up a vendor stand in the morning market. Other people all set up their vendor stall at 9:00, but Tang Tang could only set up a vendor stall until 5 minutes before 7:00 then go to school. Only having 2 hours, Tang Tang would be very busy alone. She also would not be able to sell much. After all, her labor was limited; she had to prepare many things but did not have enough manpower, so that also meant not selling out much.

Therefore under Xiao Chen’s insistence, Tang Tang’s heart moved a bit. If Xiao Chen really came to help, not even speaking about her previous profit doubling, if it was ⅓ more, Xiao Chen’s 1,000 RMB would not be a problem!

“Of course not.” Xiao Chen nodded while not knowing whether to laugh or cry: “In fact, I had accepted the situation at an earlier time. Otherwise, do you think that I would be so merry every day working as Young Lady Cheng’s servant? Moreover, according to my original personality, Ma Gangmen would not be the appearance he is right now, I fear that I would be the one having to lay on the hospital bed for a year!”

“Fine, there is a method to earn some money, but let’s see if you able to bear the hardship.” Tang Tang looked at Xiao Chen slightly doubtful.

“What method?” Xiao Chen did not fear bearing hardships. Was training every night for ten years not a hard thing? But Xiao Chen had withstood it. Outsiders would not know that Xiao Chen could endure hardship.

“This is it.” After Tang Tang finished speaking, she pulled out a bag out of her desk. The inside was filled with fried breadsticks and soybean milk.

“This? Is this my breakfast?” Xiao Chen was slightly surprised for a moment.

“Yes. Starting tomorrow, come with me to the morning market to sell breakfast!” Tang Tang replied: “I am currently depending on this kind of money-making, every day getting out of bed at 4:00, go to the morning market at 5:00 to open up my vendor and coming to school by 7:00. This kind, is it hard enough? Can you insist?”

“4:00……” Xiao Chen’s face revealed an embarrassed expression. It wasn’t that Xiao Chen couldn’t get up at 4:00, but rather, Xiao Chen cultivated every evening, so he basically did not sleep. What Xiao Chen cared about was time! The time for cultivation would not be much. If he had to get out of bed at 4:00, that would mean that Xiao Chen would be short of 2 hours of cultivation!

But thinking about it, in order to earn money, it would be worth it. But relying on selling breakfast, how much money could one make? It was calculated that one would be able to gain 10,000 RMB in one month, right? But Xiao Chen temporarily had no other method, he could only take one step at a time.

Although Xiao Chen wasn’t actually a dandy, he had never thought about earning money. After all, he was an Aristocratic Family junior, his everyday thinking was not about eating, drinking and being merry but rather cultivating Inner Qi. As for the matter of earning money, the family elders would take care of the family’s business, so he didn’t need to consider it.

What made Xiao Chen surprised was that Tang Tang unexpectedly relied on selling breakfast to survive. All of the money Tang Tang spent on rent and other expenses came from her selling breakfast! Although he had persisted in training every night for the past decade, when he knew that Tang Tang, who had once been a young lady, made her living by selling soybean milk and fried breadsticks, he was shocked!

Originally, the real unfortunate one wasn’t him; it was Tang Tang! But she was very strong. It was very difficult for Xiao Chen to imagine a girl waking up at 4:00 to go to the early morning city streets to sell breakfast, then go to school at 7:00……

“What’s the matter? Can’t get up?” Tang Tang looked at Xiao Chen, giving him a “I understand” kind of look.

“It’s not that I can’t get up, it’s just that if I wake up so early, I fear that the Young Lady won’t be so happy.” Xiao Chen shrugged. He found an excuse to make up for his hesitation: “After all, I am the man of the house, right?”

“Working for her for free, I won’t say anything. However, if she stops you from earning money, then she’s simply a slave owner! Maybe you should resign and we can do it ourselves!” Tang Tang angrily said after she heard his words.

“Pu……” Xiao Chen could not help but laugh: “Just us? It’s not a good idea right? It was Young Lady Cheng who helped me transfer school, I can’t be so ungrateful right?”

“Forget it, will you go or not?” Tang Tang thought that Xiao Chen still liked Cheng Mengying in his heart. If Xiao Chen did not like Cheng Mengying, then how could he work as her servant? For good or evil, Xiao Chen still had the background of a Young Master. Where had he ever handled this sort of matter? The only explanation was that Xiao Chen was very infatuated, so he was willing to be Cheng Mengying’s manservant.

Towards Xiao Chen’s past events of pursuing Shen Jingxuan and Lin Ke’er’s, Tang Tang did not understand, therefore she would involuntarily misunderstand this. Thinking of this, although Tang Tang felt that Xiao Chen was a bit worthless, she actually did not speak of it.

“Go.” Xiao Chen nodded: “Tomorrow I’ll go, what do you need me to do?”

“There isn’t much to do. The soybean milk is done at home by me and as for the fried breadsticks, when it comes time for me to fry them, you should watch and learn. When you have learned, we can coordinate together so that speed will quicken, and the money earned will naturally be more!” Tang Tang said.

“Okay, then where will I find you tomorrow morning?” Xiao Chen asked.

“It’s the behind the buffet place that you brought us, where there is many street vendors. I set up a vendor there every day!” Tang Tang replied: “If you can’t find me tomorrow, you can give me a call.”
Xiao Chen nodded, took down the address, then said: “Tomorrow morning, I will be on time.”

“Then I’ll wait for you.” Tang Tang smiled: “Young Master Xiao, don’t disappoint me!”

“Hehe, I won’t.” Xiao Chen had not discussed the issue of the money distribution with Tang Tang because he knew that Tang Tang definitely would not treat him unjustly.

Xiao Chen and Tang Tang’s whispering voices were not loud, but it had still attracting the attention of Deng Xiaokun who sat in front of them: “Hey, what kind of mystical things are you guys discussing? Using such a low voice that I can’t even hear?”

Deng Xiaokun wasn’t a Truth Cultivator, so his six senses were not as strong as Xiao Chen’s.Therefore, he did not clearly hear what Xiao Chen and Tang Tang had discussed.

“Xiao Chen said he wanted to sell breakfast together with me tomorrow.” Tang Tang replied.

“Ah?” Deng Xiaokun was slightly surprised for a moment. He didn’t think that Xiao Chen would go with Tang Tang to sell breakfast. In fact, Deng Xiaokun wanted to get up early to go with Tang Tang, but Deng Family’s dojo had a custom that all disciples of the Deng Family would have to participate in the morning practice. Deng Xiaokun was no exception, so it made him miss the opportunity to sell breakfast, so he could not help but have a bit of envy after hearing: “I really wanted to play with you guys, but it can’t be helped. My family has a custom and it is to get up early to do morning practice!”

Deng Xiaokun thought that Xiao Chen didn’t know much about the Inner Qi matters, therefore he didn’t say much, only saying that it was morning practice.

“This isn’t playing, it’s earning money.” Tang Tang sighed and said: “Xiao Chen urgently needs money, unlike you, Young Master Deng, who has something to eat and drink at home.”

“I……” Deng Xiaokun bitterly smiled. Sometimes he very much envied someone like Xiao Chen. The poor had their benefits, but for him, although he and Tang Tang were buddies, there always seemed to be something between them!
Previously, when Tang Tang had not turned into her current appearance, she was Yun Shaoqun’s fiancee. At that time Deng Xiaokun thought that Tang Tang in his eyes was unattainable. Even though Deng Family was an Aristocratic Family, it had a large disparity with the level of Tang Family.

Afterwards, when Deng Family was replaced by Lou Family, Deng Xiaokun thought that he and Tang Tang’s status had become farther apart! But when Tang Tang had become fat, engagement with Yue Family broken, and separated from Tang Family, Deng Xiaokun was grieved to discover that he and Tang Tang still seemed to have a thin barrier between them. Tang Tang had become an ordinary person, had to make money and run about every day, but he, in Tang Tang’s eyes, had turned into a Young Master.

In fact, Deng Xiaokun did not want to become a Young Master, he would rather be the same as Xiao Chen, an ordinary poor student.

Letting out a sigh, Deng Xiaokun said with a smile: “Then I wish you guys good luck. I support you in this, but before supporting, you guys shouldn’t forget about my soybean milk and fried breadsticks, you have to bring some for me!”

“Of course there’s no problem, freeloader!” Tang Tang laughed. Actually, towards Deng Xiaokun’s intentions, how could she not see them? However, previously when she was Yue Shaoqun’s fiancee, she had not thought in this direction from the start. Although they were classmates from childhood to now and could be considered childhood friends, Tang Tang had an engagement on her and only thought of Deng Xiaokun as her buddy.

But now, Yue Shaoqun had broken the engagement and Tang Tang had turned ugly. Although she was free, it was very hard for Tang Tang to position Deng Xiaokun as her buddy. Moreover, she did not think that Deng Family would allow her to marry in.

Deng Xiaokun could only let out a helpless shrug. Even though he smiled, his smiling face was filled with frustration.

But sometimes he would think, even if Tang Tang currently did not have an engagement on her, his father would definitely not accept it. There was the problem of Tang Tang and Yue Family having complicated relations, as well as Tang Tang currently was currently unable to get a high position and was unwilling to take a low position. All of this were obstructions for marriage.

Although Deng Family was currently not an Aristocratic Family, its core had not been damaged and was currently conserving its strength. What Deng Family needed was a marriage that could bring Deng Family back to glory, rather than marrying Tang Tang, who already had not many relations with Tang Family.

Of course, according to Deng Xiaokun’s disposition, he could forcefully do it and make the raw rice turn into cooked rice. By then, Deng Family could only agree, after all, Tang Tang was not an ordinary family’s daughter. Even if she had separated from Tang Family, it was impossible to do so even she wanted to.

Only, to this situation, Deng Family would become even more trapped. This was not something Deng Xiaokun wanted to see. Only if his strength rose by leaps and bounds and he achieved Third Layer Inner Qi, thus becoming an outstanding talent of the younger generation. If he stepped into Third Layer Inner Qi before the age of 20, he would have the opportunity to become an apprentice to a master. Once he was settled on one of those senior experts, his future would definitely have a meteoric rise.

Third Layer Inner Qi is the foundation laying stage of cultivation. Up to this stage, there could only be the use of any body forging panacea. Once it is used, it cannot reflect a Martialist’s aptitude and those senior experts could see whether or not one gained their cultivation through the use of a panacea. So if one took it, they would be directly eliminated!

Chapter 44 – Short of Money, Ah, Short of Money

After retrieving the medicinal ingredients, the old man came out and put a small red colored fruit with the medicinal ingredients. Just, this small red colored fruit actually made Xiao Chen’s look stare, a storm was rising up in his heart!

Because he was very familiar with this small fruit; he had just see this yesterday! This small fruit was the same kind of fruit that Ye Xiaoye had put in the refrigerator! Yesterday, Xiao Chen felt that it was a bit strange that Ye Xiaoye had put a fruit while she was brewing medicine. Now he knew today that this thing was called ‘Bitter Relief Fruit’!

Zeze(Wow), this Ye Xiaoye really was a rich person, being able to afford such an expensive medicinal ingredient. It was also unknown on what kind of medicine she is brewing with it.

“Old grandfather, this Bitter Relief Fruit, how is it usually used in a prescription?” Xiao Chen asked with a composed face.

“There aren’t many uses, it will only be used in some special prescriptions. However, since you didn’t tell me, I won’t tell you.” The old man smiled at Xiao Chen. ‘You want to know? I stubbornly will not tell you.’

Xiao Chen was immediately struck speechless. He didn’t think that this old man would bear a grudge, but didn’t do anything. For his own curiosity, he could not expose his own secret, right?
Thus, Xiao Chen did not say anything, just picked up the securely wrapped medicinal ingredients and quickly walked out of the pharmacy.

After Xiao Chen left, Hong Yan turned around to look at the old man: “Grandpa Chen, this Bitter Relief Fruit, what it is? How could I’ve never heard of it?”

“Young Lady Yan, it is because this Bitter Relief Fruit is uncommon. In addition, people who buy this have no use for it, so I didn’t put it out for display.” The old man’s address towards Hong Yan unexpectedly changed. If Xiao Chen was still on the scene, he would be extremely astonished. It turned out that this old man and Hong Yan unexpectedly were not grandfather and granddaughter. The old man’s surname was Chen and Hong Yan’s surname was Hong!

“Oh? The person just now bought it……” Hong Yan was a bit doubtful: “Grandpa Chen, what use does the Bitter Relief Fruit have?”

“The specifics for the usage, I’m not clear on. Perhaps this thing originally is something that someone of my level cannot access.” Grandpa Chen said with a wry smile.

“Grandpa Chen, you were deceiving him?” Hong Yan looked at the old man a bit oddly. Before, when the old man wanted to slyly obtain Xiao Chen’s words, she didn’t think Grandpa Chen also wasn’t clear on the use of the Bitter Relief Fruit.

“Hehe, it can’t be counted as deceit. At least I know some prescriptions that require a Bitter Relief Fruit. However, the usage of these prescriptions, I also am not clear on!” Grandpa Chen said: “In the prescription that the young man from before brought, a few of the medicinal ingredients I have seen in those other prescriptions. But because I don’t know the use of the prescription, I wanted to ask.”

“So it was like this.” Hong Yan nodded: “Grandpa Chen really is a profiteer!”

“Haha, Young Lady Yan, for our line of work, benefit is supreme!” Grandpa Chen laughingly said.

“Then Grandpa Chen, why did you give him a discount?” Hong Yan thought that it was a bit weird.

“Consider it an investment.” Grandpa Chen said.

Hong Yan nodded while looking she understood but didn’t.

Xiao Chen put the bag of priceless medicinal ingredients directly into the deflated pocket. The remaining 200 RMB was the money that the Young Lady gave him. Xiao Chen could only use this money frugally. Originally, Xiao Chen wanted to go to the appliance store to buy an electrical earthenware pot, but seeing that the price was 299 RMB, the corners of Xiao Chen’s mouth could only twitch. The money he had on himself wasn’t not enough to buy it, so he could only go back afterwards and discuss with Ye Xiaoye on whether or not he could borrow her electrical earthenware pot for his own use.

“Tian Lao, isn’t the prescription that you gave me a bit too expensive?” Xiao Chen said with a bitter smile.

“Who would have known that the prices are like this now? Moreover, I rarely buy things within the secular world.” Tian Lao also didn’t think that his prescriptions’ medicinal ingredients would cost so much money, making things difficult for Xiao Chen!

“Whatever, it seems like I need to find a way to make some money. The purchase just now made me lose all my fortune, the distance from the fifth batch seems to be very long!” Xiao Chen let out a sigh. To tell the truth, the previous Xiao Chen had no concept towards money. But now, he was really a penniless heroic man!

It wasn’t that Xiao Chen hadn’t thought about borrowing money from Zhu Yingxiong, but it was simply because Xiao Chen understood Zhu Yingxiong. This guy’s pocket money wasn’t much, but if Xiao Chen opened his mouth, Zhu Yingxiong would definitely lend his help to Xiao Chen. However, Zhu Yingxiong would definitely also ask what he would do with the money. At that time, Xiao Chen didn’t want to deceive his own good brother, so he could only temporarily drop the thought.

“Little Chenzi, this is not the problem of the fifth batch. This fifth batch of medicine can only be taken before you reach Third Layer Qi-Training. Afterwards, the medicinal ingredients will become rarer and I fear that the price would be even higher!” Tian Lao said: “Most importantly, the things you can and cannot buy are another matter!”

“It can’t be?” Xiao Chen was surprised for a bit. Then, he immediately smiled bitterly. It seems like his road of being a vagrant had just started!

This made Xiao Chen think more on whether or not he should borrow money from Zhu Yingxiong once, but he couldn’t keep borrowing money right? First, let’s not talk about Zhu Yingxiong not having enough money, even if Zhu Yingxiong didn’t ask what he was going to do with it the first or second time, would he still not ask on the third time?

With a depressed look, Xiao Chen went into the classroom. Buying the medicinal ingredients had delayed some time, so Xiao Chen walked in right as the bell rang.

Originally, when Lou Zhenming saw that Xiao Chen did not come today, he felt it to be quite unexpected. Then, an excited speculation followed, could it be that Vicious Wolf had gotten rid of Xiao Chen before he was gotten rid of by the ‘Acting Righteously’ person?

Think about it for a bit, he felt that this was possible. As for not discovering Xiao Chen’s corpse, he feared that it was Vicious Wolf already dealing with the corpse, so it could not be discovered in the short term. However, when Xiao Chen appeared unharmed now, it made Lou Zhenming’s original lucky excitement mentality seem like it had been doused by a bucket of cold water!

“Damn, this kid actually has no problem?” Lou Zhenming whispered with a dark face.

“It seems like this kid has great good luck. Brother Ming, this matter can only be endured.” Shou Hou didn’t have any good solution. After all, Lou Zhenming had already given out the promise, so Ma Gangmen’s matter could only be let go. Finding trouble with Xiao Chen in the short term was impossible.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this country bumpkin. The ‘Hero Saving the Beauty’ matter, how is it going along?” Lou Zhenming asked.

“It’s been talked about with Ma Gangchuan. He said he would coordinate, but with that kid’s slow brain, I’m afraid he would be dazed when the time comes. However, having him help as an assistant ought to be no big problem.” Shou Hou said: “Right now, the most important problem is that we don’t have an opportunity!”

“Don’t have an opportunity? What opportunity?” Lou Zhenming asked with a bit of confusion.

“Brother Ming, it’s the opportunity to commit a robbery. Right now, Cheng Mengying goes to school every day with Jin Beibei together. Moreover it’s by car, so how can we rob? If we block the car, Jin Beibei, that violent girl, would probably dare to run us over!” Shou Hou did not dare to go and block Jin Beibei’s car, he had not lived enough!

Lou Zhenming nodded. He did not blame Shou Hou for being timid, it truly was something that Jin Beibei would dare to do! Running over is just running over, the reason to argue back could not be found! A robber being run over, what could you argue? If you go to Jin Family, not only would it be equal to admitting that the robbers were the ones that Lou Zhenming hired, but Jin’s old master would not necessarily be reasonable. According to Jin’s old master’s nature, Lou Zhenming would die a meaningless death by being hacked to death!

“Look for an opportunity, there’s no rush.” Lou Zhenming pondered for a bit, then said: “I do not believe that Jin Beibei will be with Cheng Mengying every day. There should be an opportunity! Make Ma Gangchuan prepare to be called at a moment’s notice.”

“Understood, brother Ming.” Shou Hou nodded.

Cheng Mengying looked at Xiao Chen coming to the classroom very late, eyes flashed with a trace of suspicion, where did this guy go? It shouldn’t be that he was looking for Tang Tang right? But seeing that Tang Tang had been here early, it couldn’t be that.

“Cousin Mengying, are you thinking of brother-in-law?” Jin Beibei asked while licking a lollipop.

“Yes, why do you think he came so late?” Cheng Mengying unconsciously responded, but after she finished speaking, she quickly changed her statement: “Who is thinking about him? Who cares whether he comes or not!”

“Sister Mengying’s mouth says yes but her heart says no!” Jin Beibei said while grinning: “Stop hitting me, I understand.”

Cheng Mengying raised her hand, then helplessly dropped it. She stared at Jin Beibei’s eyes and said: “Just eat your lollipop!”

“Why did you come so late?” Tang Tang also thought it was very strange. If Xiao Chen wanted to say that he had gotten up late, it wouldn’t work because Cheng Mengying had gotten here earlier than her, so it was impossible for Xiao Chen to not have gotten out of bed.

“I walked.” Xiao Chen said while smiling bitterly.

“You walked? It can’t be? You don’t have money?” Tang Tang suddenly thought of a reason: “It can’t be that after you treated us to the buffet yesterday that you became poor like this, right? To the point of not being able to take public transportation?”

“It’s not that bad yet. It’s just that I want to save money.” Xiao Chen said: “Right, Tang Tang, do you have methods for earning money?”

“You want to earn money?” Tang Tang was slightly surprised for a moment. She did not think that Xiao Chen would run out of money this quickly. However, after thinking for a bit, she said in a lowered voice: “Eating three meals a day can’t use up all your money right? Don’t find a job and keep your mind on studying. Your kind of Young Master is not the kind to bear hardships. Breakfast and lunch, I will help you solve and for dinner it’s impossible for Cheng Mengying to starve you, right?”

Xiao Chen took out of bag of medicinal ingredients out of his pocket, shook it in front of Tang Tang, and said a white lie: “I have been physically weak since childhood, being unable to cultivate Inner Qi, you also know right? I must take massive medications every month, but this is a considerable starting sum. If I don’t earn money, I’m afraid I won’t be able to afford it.”

Tang Tang suddenly understood, Xiao Chen being frail since childhood was not a secret, so she was not surprised: “So it was like this, you buying the medicine should cost a lot of money, right? A thousand RMB should be sufficient, right? I’ll clench my teeth and take out the money I have saved up……”

Although Tang Tang’s mouth had said that she couldn’t care less, she was calculating in her heart how much earlier she would have to get up starting tomorrow. In addition, how much more soybean milk and fried breadstick material she had to prepare, or else, subtracting from this month’s rent and expenses, there really would not be left with much money. Xiao Chen’s one thousand RMB medicine, truly would make her unable to make ends meet.

Chapter 43 – Pharmacy’s Girl Hong Yan

Yesterday evening, Cheng Mengying didn’t know whether or not Ye Xiaoye lost her mind, but from inside of her room, there came a ‘pi-pa-pa’ sound and it was unknown on what she was doing. This made Cheng Mengying only fall asleep at 12 o’clock.

After eating breakfast, Jin Beibei’s car arrived and stopped at the door of the villa. Cheng Mengying threw Xiao Chen 100 RMB, then got onto Jin Beibei’s Beatle.

After Cheng Mengying left, Ye Xiaoye had just come in to eat breakfast and happened to see Xiao Chen picking up 100 RMB. Ye Xiaoye couldn’t help but let out a contemptuous gaze, perhaps she felt that Xiao Chen lived under someone else’s charity, living life without dignity!

But how could Ye Xiaoye know of Xiao Chen’s difficulties? Shrugging his shoulders, Xiao Chen did not pay any attention and went about his own business, immediately leaving the villa.

When Xiao Chen went to the convenience store yesterday, he had seen a relatively large pharmacy. On the inside, it seemed to sell medicinal ingredients. The scale didn’t seem small, but Xiao Chen resolved himself to buy the medicinal ingredients that Tian Lao had said.

“Mister, what do you want to buy?” Just as Xiao Chen pushed the door of the pharmacy and walked in, a melodious sweet-sounding voice like that of a yellow oriole bird rang out.

Xiao Chen looked up and saw a young girl wearing a white coat looking smilingly at him.

The young girl looked around 18 or 19 years-old and no makeup on face with a very clean and pure smile, making Xiao Chen have a very fresh feeling. This young girl was like a neighbor younger sister, causing Xiao Chen to involuntarily think of Lin Ke’er.

But in comparison, this young girl was outgoing, whereas Lin Ke’er was very shy.

When the young girl saw that Xiao Chen fixing his attention at her face, her face could not help but emerge a captivating red hue. However, seeing that Xiao Chen’s clothes was a school uniform, not resembling those degenerate lecher’s air, could it be that she misunderstood Xiao Chen?

“My….face, does it have something?” The young girl asked with some uncertainty.

“No.” Xiao Chen shook his head and realized that he had been a bit rude, making him feel secretly ashamed! Despite Xiao Chen having seen many beautiful women, he had to acknowledge at this moment that on this young girl, there was a sort of pure and clean beauty. It was very unique, resembling a clear spring. Although she was very pure, her temperament was syrupy-sweet: “Sorry, everyone loves beauty, I was under the impression that I was sitting in front of my computer screen looking at a goddess’ picture……”

Xiao Chen’s words made this young girl slightly startled! He…didn’t need to honest like this right? But precisely because of Xiao Chen’s honesty, it made the young girl feel no ill will towards him. Instead, she thought Xiao Chen truly was interesting. Besides, what Xiao Chen said wasn’t wrong, everyone loves beauty, who wouldn’t like other people’s praise?

“No problem……I am not a goddess.” The young girl said with a tinge of embarassment: “What……do you want to purchase?”

“I want to buy some medicinal herbs. Doesn’t this place have a specialized prescribing medicine master?” When Xiao Chen looked at the appearance of the young girl, he calculated that this girl should be this place’s clerk, only selling some finished medicines. But this sort of retrieving medicines person, every pharmacy should have a specialist in charge.

“I am that person!” The young girl was a bit unsatisfied by Xiao Chen’s low opinion. She stretched out her hand and said: “Give me the prescription!”

Xiao Chen was surprised, but still copied his prescription to give it to the young girl, wondering in his heart, ‘this young girl understands how to retrieve?’

The young girl casually received the prescription to take a look, thinking little of it in the beginning. But after looking at it, her complexion immediately became a bit strange and her expression when looking at Xiao Chen also changed!

Xiao Chen sensed the young girl’s eyes and immediately feeling a bit nervous at heart. What kind of look was this? Could it be that this prescription had a problem? It couldn’t be that this prescription was one of fortifying yang1, right? Otherwise, why would this young girl have this sort of expression?

But Tian Lao would not deceive him, so Xiao Chen braced himself and asked: “What? Does the prescription have any problem?”

“You……are you sure you want to make up this prescription? Moreover, five batches?” The young girl looked up and down at Xiao Chen, making Xiao Chen have a kind of ‘blood-turning-cold’ feeling.

“What’s the problem?” Xiao Chen probed.

“Do you know how much money these medicinal herbs cost? Moreover……you actually want five batches?” The young girl was really unable to understand what Xiao Chen wanted to do: “Moreover, I simply don’t understand what you want to do with the prescription. What use these medicinal ingredients will do together? Are you sure you want these?”

“How much does it cost?” Xiao Chen became aware of the issue’s seriousness upon seeing the young girl’s tone and expression. It was feared that these medicinal ingredients were considerably valuable: “But I’m sure, I want.”

“These medicinal ingredients, according to the store price, add up to at least 20,000 RMB. Five batches is 100,000 RMB!” The young girl said: “You can’t recklessly decide to use the prescription from a dubious background. Of course, I do not mean to question you, but to help you!”

Xiao Chen looked at the outstanding young girl’s earnest appearance, but actually had no alternative. He did not think that the prescription would be so expensive! One batch was 20,000 RMB, so that meant five batches was 100,000 RMB. From what it seems, the 10,000 in his hands, was simply not enough for it!

‘What to do? Borrow money from the Young Lady? If I talk clearly, the Young Lady will definitely lend the money.’
However, the thing called Truth Cultivator, Xiao Chen was not ready to talk about it, even if it pertained to his own strength, he temporarily could not talk about it!

It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the Young Lady, but it was due to the Young Lady’s social experience not being enough. If she made a mistake when talking, then the gains would not make up for the losses2.

“Yan Yan, this early and there is a customer?” An old voice rang out. Along with the ringing voice, a reading glasses wearing, white-bearded old man wearing a Tang Zhuang3 came out from the back of the shop.

“Grandpa, this customer wants medicinal ingredients, but his prescription……” Hong Yan gave the somewhat strange prescription to the old man: “I cannot understand it, but the medicinal ingredients inside it are very expensive.”

“Oh, let me take a look.” The old man received the prescription, stroked his beard, sat on a free chair, and carefully looked at Xiao Chen’s prescription.

But, although the old man’s facial expression showed no signs, within his heart, it was as if it were going through turbulent waves. Just, after reading it all, he actually looked at Xiao Chen while maintaining composure: “Young man, this prescription, where did you copy it from? Do you know the use of this?”

Xiao Chen’s heart slightly moved. He was an astute person; the old man wasn’t like the young girl Hong Yan talking about the price of the medicinal ingredients from before, that kind of useless stuff. Rather, he asked about the origin and function of the prescription. Could it be that this old man could understand what he read?

But it couldn’t be. This was a body quenching prescription of Truth Cultivating, how could this old man possible understand it? But Xiao Chen dared not to expose and only said: “This prescriptions’ origin, it is inconvenient for me to reveal. The function, also cannot be said…….”

Xiao Chen simply did not talk lies. For an old man like this, being able to understand is being able to understand, being unable to understand is still being able to understand. Xiao Chen didn’t need to lie; his lie would easily be punctured through.

“The value of this prescription, do you know?” The old man asked.

“Just now, Miss Hong said, one batch is 20,000 RMB, five batches is 100,000 RMB.” Xiao Chen replied.

“Hehe, Yan Yan, your calculation, does it include the value of this Bitter Relief Fruit4?”

“Grandpa, this Bitter Relief Fruit, I never heard of. Moreover, there isn’t any inside the store, so I did not calculate it.” Hong Yan shook her head, feeling somewhat embarrassed: “Grandpa, this medicine, is very expensive?”

“The price is a little matter. This Bitter Relief Fruit could be said to be something that money cannot buy!” The old man laughed: “If not for my old friend entrusting me with collecting, I would not have any, but I fortunately still have some surplus.”

After Xiao Chen listened, he immediately showed a pained face. The medicine price from before was already expensive, and now adding a Bitter Relief Fruit, it seemed that it would be more priceless than priceless. Thus, Xiao Chen could only weakly ask: “Old grandfather, this medicine, how much does it cost?”

“If you can tell me the origin and function of the prescription, I will give you five quotas for free!” The old man smilingly looked at Xiao Chen.

“This……” Xiao Chen’s heart went cold. Although the enticement was in front of him, Xiao Chen wasn’t a person for immediate gains. After a moment of hesitation, he decisively shook his head: “Grandfather, your good intention I will keep in my heart, but I truly cannot talk about it.”

“Hehe, then it can’t be helped. This medicine, Yan Yan already spoke about. Even without the Bitter Relief Fruit, it is 20,000 RMB. Adding on the Bitter Relief Fruit, it would be at least 50,000 RMB!” After the old man spoke up to here, he saw Xiao Chen’s bitter face and faintly smiled. Then, he changed the topic of the discussion and continued to say: “But this time, I can give you a discount; 10,000 RMB for the entire medicine.”

“Is this real or false?” Xiao Chen somewhat could not believe his own ears: “Old grandfather, are you joking with me? Is there no need for me to deliver anything?”

“No need, 10,000 RMB.” The old man shook his head.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and solemnly pulled out an envelope out of his coat pocket. Although he hated to part with it, this being all the assets on his body, the old man’s ten thousand was already a discounted price!

Xiao Chen did not fear that the old man would lie to him. After all, Hong Yan had already said before, not counting the Bitter Relief Fruit, the medicine would be 20,000 RMB, but the old man only wanted ten thousand. It was obvious that this was a super-discount.

“Many thanks old grandfather. I will try to make money as soon as possible to come and purchase the other four batches of medicines. Today these belongings are I have on me, only able to purchase one medicine.” Although Xiao Chen was puzzled as to why the old man would give him a discount, Xiao Chen was sure that it was definitely due to the prescription that he had brought along. It quite probable that this old man had made out something, but Xiao Chen was not sure on what he finally made out.

The old man also wasn’t polite and received Xiao Chen’s ten thousand RMB. Then, he said to Hong Yan: “Yan Yan, you go get the other medicines on the list, I’ll go get the Bitter Relief Fruit!”

“Okay, grandpa.” Hong Yan’s look towards Xiao Chen was even stranger than before. Although she didn’t ask, when her grandpa looked at the prescription and didn’t say anything, instead inquired about the origin, it was clear that this prescription was not at all a useless prescription in his eyes. Moreover, her grandpa had unexpectedly given Xiao Chen a huge discount, making Hong Yan feel even more baffled!

Her family’s pharmacy prices weren’t expensive. On the contrary, it was very cheap. The price that Hong Yan had given to Xiao Chen was already was in accordance to the lowest price, but grandpa actually gave him half off, making Hong Yan a bit puzzled!


  1. TLN: Fortifying Yang = Viagra 
  2. TLN: The strength would not equal the amount of people that would be onto him 
  3. TLN: Tang Zhuang 
  4. TLN: Not sure if it should be “Kuji Fruit” or this. Maybe it’s literally “Bitter Fruit”. 

Chapter 42 – Young Lady’s Order

“Brother, don’t worry. Whatever Brother Ming makes me do, I will do. If he makes me go east, then I definitely won’t go west!” Ma Gangchuan declared.

“Talking has no use. When the time comes. you have to act well. Nothing is stronger than that.” Ma Gangmen reminded.

One night’s time.

If one said it was short, it was not short. If one said that it was long, it also was not long. Under Xiao Chen’s efforts to cultivate, his body’s Yuan Qi revolved nonstop within his meridian channels, making them become even more vigorous! Last night, Xiao Chen had touched the edge of Second Layer Qi-Training and today, Xiao Chen intended to break through in one fell swoop.

Yuan Qi revolved over and over in circles and along with the Yuan Qi came a steady rise in strength. Xiao Chen seemed to feel it; the moment of breaking through wasn’t far off.

As expected, the Yuan Qi revolving within Xiao Chen’s body suddenly came to a stop, then rapidly rushed towards his Dantian. In a split second, all the Yuan Qi steadily flowed towards Xiao Chen’s Dantian. Xiao Chen felt as if his Dantian were going to explode. These strands of Yuan Qi were continuously being compressed within his Dantian!
This feeling felt no different than when Xiao Chen previously went from an ordinary person to a First Layer Qi-training Truth Cultivator. Therefore, although Xiao Chen was in pain, he wasn’t afraid. Thi was because Xiao Chen knew that he was about to break through!

“Hong……” Not long after, Xiao Chen’s body shook. Inside his body, it was as if something within his body broke. Bearing the vibration-pain, there was also a type of pleasant sensation that was instantly released after that depressed moment!

Broke through!

“Hu……” Xiao Chen let out a sigh of relief. Second Layer Qi-Training? That is to say, is my own strength equivalent to a Second Layer Inner Qi?

Somewhat not daring to believe it, he reached out his hand. Xiao Chen looked at his own unchanging hands. There was a sort of unreal feeling; his childhood dream was to wield a large amount of strength, but he now possessed it.

In three days, he went from an ordinary person to a Second Layer Qi-Training, which was equivalent to a Truth Cultivator with the strength of a Second Layer Inner Qi. If he did not personally experience it, Xiao Chen would have thought it to be talk in one’s sleep!

Even a genius was impossible to become a Second Layer Inner Qi Martialist from an ordinary person in three day. However, Xiao Chen had achieved this!

“Broke through?” Tian Lao’s voice resounded in Xiao Chen’s ears.

Xiao Chen treated Tian Lao as someone who appeared and disappeared whenever he wanted, so he was already accustomed to it: “Broke through. Tian Lao, my breakthrough speed, isn’t it a bit too fast?”

Though he was extremely happy, Xiao Chen was not a fool. This promotion speed could be described as unprecedented, but Xiao Chen actually achieved it. He could leave behind a legacy!

“Indeed, it is a bit too quick, but I also do not understand what the matter is thoroughly.” Tian Lao’s voice was slightly doubtful: “Theoretically speaking, your breakthrough speed is too quick. Even though I’ve seen many geniuses, without the assistance of some heavenly material treasure, it would be impossible to ascend to Second Layer Qi-Training in three days!”

“Oh? That is to say, with the assistance of some heavenly material treasure, it is possible to promote?” Xiao Chen asked.

“Of course that’s possible! The crucial point is that you don’t have one, so how are you promoting?” Tian Lao’s voice was very odd: “The environment for you isn’t any heavenly cave or blessed earth. The world’s Ling Qi is very thin, so you being able to break through so quickly, honestly is unimaginable!”

“Forget it, since you are unclear on this matter, then it isn’t necessary for me to think. At least there temporarily isn’t any harmful situation. Even if there was, at least it’s better than having no strength. If not for me possessing strength, then I fear that I would already be dead!” Xiao Chen thought it through clearly. Having strength was much better than not having strength at all. Even if there is a possible side effect, Xiao Chen would not hesitate. After all, side effects always come later on. If he didn’t have strength right now, then it was reckoned that he would be dead.

“That’s true.” Tian Lao solemnly replied, then seriously said: “Little Chenzi, you are currently already a Second Layer Qi-Training Truth Cultivator. Beginning from Second Layer Qi-training, you will start tempering your body. To put it bluntly, this is to lay a foundation for your future road. Although there is no short-term influence, I must remind you that you must finish First Step Body Temperting before you become Third Layer, otherwise there will be a major impact on your future road.”

“Okay, how do I temper my body?” After Xiao Chen listened to Tian Lao’s serious words, he did not dare to neglect them and promptly asked.

“Tempering one’s body requires a few medicinal herbs. After you purchase them, boil it in accordance to what I say, then use it to soak your body. You must do this five days in a row, and only then can you continue to cultivate, otherwise if…” Tian Lao did not continue to speak, but Xiao Chen understood his meaning. Otherwise, it was feared that his future advancement would be very limited.

“Okay, talk. I’ll write down and go buy it today.” Xiao Chen responded at once.

Tian Lao didn’t speak and simply sent the information into Xiao Chen’s mind. Those medicinal ingredients names and amount became something Xiao Chen was very clear on! At once, Xiao Chen looked for a sheet of paper, then wrote the name and amount of each medicinal ingredient needed.

After completing all of his, only then did Xiao Chen ask: “Right, Tian Lao, didn’t you say that a Truth Cultivator has more special abilities compared to a Martialist? I am currently already a Second Layer Qi-Training Truth Cultivator, what kind of special abilities do I possess?”

“The first few layers of Qi-Training abilities, didn’t I already transmit it to you? You can go take a look!” Tian Lao said up to here and suddenly reminded: “But I suggest that you only take a look at Second Layer’s. As for Third Layer and Fourth Layer, wait until you have the strength before looking at it, otherwise, the advantage will entice you and will have an influence on your temperament, thus becoming a major disadvantage to your future road of cultivating the truth!”

“I understand!” Xiao Chen nodded. He started to reading through the special abilities gained from becoming a Second Layer Qi-Training, but after taking a glance, he could not help but feel a bit disappointed! It was because the Second Layer’s special abilities were just an enhancement of his six senses!

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, consciousness!

The first five seemed to be of little use to Xiao Chen. After all, he is a Truth Cultivator with a very large amount of Spiritual Force. Thus, his perception is quite strong, so it seemed to be nothing but an increase in his foundation, just a strengthening!

The final sense ‘consciousness’ was very important. It could be used to distinguish the people harboring goodwill or malice towards oneself. Of course, the premise was that their strength could not be too high. Although Xiao Chen didn’t know how much he would be able to feel from stronger people, it probably wouldn’t be too much. It was most likely to be one or two layers above his own. Moreover, the definition of goodwill and malice was not clearly defined, making Xiao Chen very depressed.

“Tian Lao, how come this seems to have no advantages?” Xiao Chen asked a bit unwilling.

“What do you mean there’s no benefits? The increase in these six senses is something that a lot of people want but cannot get!” Tian Lao said resentfully towards Xiao Chen for not meeting his expectations and impatient to see improvement: “Your eyesight and ears being better than others is amazing! During a battle, the advantages are quite obvious, especially when someone is launching a sneak attack. You can hear the movement, thus, you can react ahead of time. The nose and tongue enhancement also has a huge advantage; if you smell or eat an unusual taste, you can discover it at once and will not be poisoned! As for the body, it improves your sense of touch, so it has a great help for when you become an alchemist. You will be able to feel the state of the drug ingredients within the Dan furnace. These benefits are endless, you cannot just look at it in the face!”

“Eh…….” After Xiao Chen heard Tian Lao’s explanation, he suddenly became a bit embarrassed: “Then it appears that you were a powerful before?”

“Of course I was very strong!” Tian Lao replied: “You can ask those Martialists, if any one of them whether or not they want to be perceptive. And you think it’s a bad thing!”

“Okay, my expectations were a bit too high.” Xiao Chen bitterly smiled: “In a while when I’m going to school, I’ll pass through the pharmacy. I’ll go buy some drugs to quench my body with then!”
Currently, Xiao Chen had a great fund of 10,000 RMB on his body. For buying some medicines, it was more than enough.

Early morning.

Because Xiao Chen had just broken through, there were no problems. Therefore, he got up early to go to the kitchen to prepare some boiling water for breakfast. However, he actually heard some sounds outside the living room window, so Xiao Chen crawled towards the window to take a look, but it turned out to be Ye Xiaoye giving her plants and flowers a watering!

This made Xiao Chen somewhat surprised. Ye Xiaoye got up so early just to water her plants and flowers? But Xiao Chen was not a nosy person. After he glanced at it, he minded his own business and went into the kitchen.

Xiao Chen was waiting for the water to be boiled. When it was about time to pour the boiled water, Cheng Mengying walked down the staircase while yawning and within her eyes, there was resentment.

Xiao Chen was wondering who was provoking Young Lady Cheng. Could it be due to a dream?

Cheng Mengying saw Xiao Chen within the kitchen, then asked: “Where’s Ye Xiaoye?”

“She’s outside playing with the plants and flowers, what do you need her for?” Xiao Chen asked weirdly.

“Calculating a debt!” Cheng Mengying turned, walked towards the door, and opened the door of the villa. As expected, she saw Ye Xiaoye watering her plants and flowers. Seeing her laid-back appearance made Cheng Mengying angry: “Ye Xiaoye!”

“?” Ye Xiaoye couldn’t make heads or tails from Cheng Mengying’s not-so-good expression.

“Within one day, pull out ⅘ of all the flowers! Otherwise this Young Lady will pull out your flowers as well!” Cheng Mengying said as she pointed towards the plants and flowers within the flower bed.

“You……are too excessive right? These were all planted; if they’re pulled out, they will die.” Ye Xiaoye creased her eyebrows: “Besides, I take up of half of the area. If you want to plant something, shouldn’t half be enough?”

“If you want to preserve your flowers, then don’t make so much noise at night!” This was Cheng Mengying’s goal, plucking all her plants and flowers was just a threat.

“At night?” Ye Xiaoye was slightly surprised for a moment. She finally understood why Cheng Mengying was so irritated. Looking at Cheng Mengying’s red eyes, it was obvious that she did not sleep well, so Ye Xiaoye knew that she was in the wrong. Fearing that Cheng Mengying would really pluck all her plants and flowers in her anger, she was forced to say: “There won’t be a next time.”

“Hmph!” Cheng Mengying turned back to the villa. Xiao Chen just happened to finish making the instant noodles, so the Young Lady sat down on the table and began eating the delicious instant noodles. By then, a lot of the anger within her heart was eliminated!

Chapter 41 – Hero Saving The Beauty Plan

“That’s impossible. If this person is Xiao Chen’s bodyguard, then Xiao Chen would have no reason to throw down his corpse and escape.” Lei Dianfeng shook his head: “At the present, Master Lou has blocked the news and is secretly investigating the identity of the black-clothed person who died along with him! But according to our speculation, the most likely thing is that after this black-clothed man saw Vicious Wolf, he wanted to get a bonus, so he fought. One has to know, Vicious Wolf is a wanted outlaw and the reward on him isn’t low. If I did not follow Young Master Ming, even I probably would have been tempted!”

“Oh? If the two people perished together, then that their strengths were about the same. How come this black-clothed man still dared to move his hand?” Lou Zhenming was a bit baffled.

“Humans die for riches as birds die for food. The strength of this black-clothed man was definitely higher than Vicious Wolf, but don’t forget how rich of a fighting experience that Vicious Wolf had! Even if the black-clothed person’s strength is high, Vicious Wolf could have won the fight because he had more fighting experience, so dying together still is possible!” Lei Dianfeng said: “As for the true strength of the black-clothed man, we must wait for the Worshipped One to come and personally examine!”

After a Martialist dies1, within a short time, those who have high strength will be able to determine the corpse’s strength from a residual breath behind on the corpse. However, Lei Dianfeng clearly did not have this ability. Even if the entire Lou Family helped, only the Worshipped One had this ability!

“How can I be so unlucky?” Lou Zhenming was really speechless. He had found a wanted outlaw to strike Xiao Chen with great difficulty, but the result was the outlaw being killed by other people in vain. Moreover, his death was dubious, making Lou Zhenming very depressed!

But he could not start to Xiao Chen for a short time again. On one hand, wanted outlaws are hard to find and on the other hand, if he asked Lou Family to help him get rid of Xiao Chen, then it would bound to be information for Deng Xiaokun to use against him. The most taboo thing in this profession is being untrustworthy.

On the path of settling disputes, it was either fight a life or death battle, or negotiating a figure. Apologize or planning to have a fight. In the case that negotiating a figure or paying later on is ruined, who would want to negotiate a figure? They would directly go and fight a life or death battle!

This was clearly not in line with interests in this profession. After all, modern day underworld gangs also had interests as priority, not pure fierce fighting. Lou Zhenming did not dare to start this precedent.

At the same time as Lou Zhenming was depressed, in a recreational vehicle, the young man from the afternoon was quietly waiting for news. It was just that when he heard the news that the black-clothed man was killed by an outlaw, he was immediately astonished into not knowing what to say!

“What did you say? Our person and that outlaw Vicious Wolf died together?” The young man incredulously asked as he stared at the man who relayed the news.

“Young Master, it was Lou Family’s assistance. The spy we bribed passed over the news the moment he got it. That wanted outlaw was the help that Lou Family sought for.” A butler-like person stated.

“Lou Family’s help? They sought for an outlaw to get rid of my person? Why?” The young man frowned. He and Lou Family did not have any injustices or enmity. Lou Family’s hired spy was merely for inquiring for news, not for making use for whatever.

“This is also something I can’t think through. After all, why would Lou Family’s hired hand be a wanted outlaw? Whatever this outlaw was asked to do, not even talking about our hired hand within Lou Family that doesn’t have that high of a position, even if their status was high, they might not necessarily know. It was only heard that Vicious Wolf was hired to help Lou Family’s Young Master Lou Zhenming handle some matter.” The butler said.

“Help Lou Zhenming handle a matter? Help Lou Zhenming handle a matter, what matter does it have to do with my people? Killing my person, isn’t this like having an illness? When did I provoke him?” The young man’s face was livid: “Don’t tell me that he’s acting to get Xiao Chen get out of trouble? Or is it a coincidence?”

“This, I am also not clear on.” The butler shook his head.

“Investigate Lou Zhenming for me. Investigate his relationship with Xiao Chen in school!” The young man said with overcast calm and collected face.

“Understood, Young Master!” The butler replied with a nod.

This evening was destined to be a sleepless night. Lou Zhenming was in the hospital and very quickly obtained the information; the black-clothed man was a Peak Third Layer Inner Qi Martialist. As a result, Lei Dianfeng’s explanation actually possibly made sense. Generally speaking, a Peak Third Layer Inner Qi Martialist wanting to defeat a just-advanced Third Layer Inner Qi Martialist, had much assurance. It was probably that the black-clothed man did not expect to encounter a fighting master like Vicious Wolf!

An underground illegal boxer Martialist, how could he be an ordinary Martialist? That was a person with rich actual combat experience!

It was feared that Lou Family’s person never would have dreamed that black-clothed man’s combat experience was not weak and that the reason he died at the scene was not because of Vicious Wolf, but because of Xiao Chen!

“Teacher Lei, can you find another wanted outlaw?” Xiao Chen not dying made it hard for Lou Zhenming to disperse the foul odor within his heart. At the thought of Xiao Chen fooling him for that seafood banquet and running away, and then looking at Ma Gangmen’s barely alive appearance, Lou Zhenming wished that he could kill Xiao Chen as soon as possible!

“Young Master Ming, this is basically impossible, at least not within a short period of time!” Lei Dianfeng replied: “Although Lou Family is helping us cover this up, now that Vicious Wolf is dead, all the internal people within our Lou Family know, Vicious Wolf died on behalf of Lou Family sending help to us and even though everyone doesn’t know what Vicious Wolf came to do for us, if another wanted outlaw comes again, it won’t be the same. Therefore it can be said that if it was the case that Vicious Wolf had no problems and went away after killing, it was calculated that no one would notice, but if Xiao Chen was killed by a wanted outlaw, there would be no guarantee that no one would link us and the previous matter together! Our Lou Family is not all-powerful, there are definitely other families or gang’s spies! They will not let off any opportunity to attack our family.”

“Okay, I understand.” Lou Zhenming knew what could not be done, so no longer insisted, only somewhat depressed.

“Brother Ming, don’t get angry. I’m all right. This hatred, we will recompense it later. We can permit Xiao Chen to feel free for a period of time!” Ma Gangmen, upon seeing that Lou Zhenming was depressed, said to ease his anxiety.

“Gangmen, what you said is right. Later, we’ll try to find some solutions!” Lou Zhenming nodded. He temporarily gave up the idea of dealing with Xiao Chen and planned to discuss it again after a period of time: “Right! Guys, help me think; how should I pursue Cheng Mengying? The past and present are not the same. Now, there’s an annoying Jin Beibei. Now that she’s there, I cannot fully display my skills. This little girl’s mind is full of different cheats and schemes. If I’m not careful, I’ll be duped!2

“Brother Ming, I feel that picking up girls has nothing more than a few methods. Since Cheng Mengying is Cheng Family’s Young Lady, the money offensive definitely won’t do, so the remaining methods are either moving her romantically or moving her by using ‘Hero Saving The Beauty’. Beauties like romance and heroes!” Shou Hou had great opinions. He is usually reputed as Lou Zhenming’s trusted advisor; whenever it’s time to produce some ideas, he’s the one with the brain.

“Romance……‘Hero Saving The Beauty’……” Lou Zhenming pondered over Shou Hou’s words. He thought that it was very reasonable. Indeed, things that can gain the favor of a girl are not more than these two points. For being romantic, there is Jin Beibei by Cheng Mengying’s side, so even if Lou Zhenming thought about being romantic, he couldn’t be romantic. No matter what he does, it could all be distorted by Jin Beibei, so Lou Zhenming thought about it a lot and could only start from the ‘Hero Saving The Beauty’ aspect: “You guys talk, how can I become the ‘Hero Saving The Beauty’?”

“Brother Ming, this ‘Hero Saving The Beauty’ thing is nothing more than running into Cheng Mengying when she is in a dangerous situation, coming forward and processing the danger, thus winning the Cheng Mengying’s favor.” Shou Hou said: “For example, if Cheng Mengying encountered a robbery or something.”

“Robbery?” Lou Zhenming’s eyes shone: “So there is this way to handle it! We can find two of my own people, pose them as robbers. Then, they go and rob Cheng Mengying. At that time, I will appear!”

“How about we give Teacher Lei a call and ask him to send over two people?” Shou Hou suggested.

“Out of question. I just told Teacher Lei that Lou Family’s gang is not strong enough. In the case that someone lets it slip and lets Cheng Family people know, then not only will Cheng Mengying dislike me, but will hate me!” Lou Zhenming beckoned his hand and said: “If Gangmen wasn’t injured, you and Gangmen could pose as robbers, but right now we’re missing a person. One robber is not enough shock, and your body is too thin, unlike a robbers’.”

“Brother Ming, although I am injured, my younger brother Ma Gangchuan’s stature is not inferior to mine. You have also seen him; making him substitute for a robber is possible!” Ma Gangmen said after he thought it through: “It’s just that my younger brother’s head was smashed by a brick when he was a child. He isn’t too bright, but it’s fine as long as you tell him the details of what he is to do. Otherwise, he’ll have a blank expression when it comes time.”

“Ma Gangchuan?” Lou Zhenming nodded. He remembered that Ma Gangmen’s younger brother steel tower-like appearance3. Ma Gangchuan’s mind wasn’t too bright and had dropped out of school early. He was currently helping Ma Gangmen’s father run a small casino. Because there was Lou Zhenming’s covering for them, the small casino business was very good. Ma Gangchuan acted as a hired thug in the casino and solely from his body being large, it was very scary when he scolded. Ma Gangchuan was also sturdier than Ma Gangmen, so making him pretend to be a robber was actually a good choice!

Although that guy seemed to have a foolish appearance, he was at least a person on his side, therefore Lou Zhenming approved: “Okay, Shou Hou, you and Gangmen plan something, I’ll go back first.”

“Okay, Brother Ming.” Shou Hou nodded in agreement.

After Lou Zhenming left, Ma Gangmen immediately called Ma Gangchuan to ask him to come over and the three people then discussed the ‘Hero Saving The Beauty’ plan.

Putting on a play, although Ma Gangchuan wasn’t an expert in it, he also knew that Ma Family’s casino today flourishing was because of their relationship to Lou Zhenming. Otherwise, how would they have the strength to open up a casino? This was the most important industry of an underworld gang, how could one casually let others manage it?

But because Ma Gangmen is Lou Zhenming’s henchman, Lou Family’s party would not make things difficult for Ma Family. Instead, when Ma Family’s casino ran into some problems, the first thing Lou Family did was bring people to drive people away. Therefore, Ma Gangchuan was very grateful, so he was incomparably careful about Lou Zhenming’s matters.


  1. TLN: So, I screwed up and put ‘Warrior’ from Chapters 37~40 even though I already had ‘Martialist’. Sorry for screwing up guys, I’ll keep it ‘Martialist’ from now on. 
  2. TLN: Says the guy who has been duped before 
  3. TLN: Funny thing about this is that Ma Gangmen is also described as this. I may have put it as ‘iron tower-like appearance’ before or the like, but it’s really supposed to be ‘steel tower-like appearance’. The joke is that ‘Gang’ within both their names means ‘steel’…Dammit Chinese… 

Chapter 5 – Initial Practice Of Martial Arts

Continue reading Chapter 5 – Initial Practice Of Martial Arts

[NYSS] Chapter 5

Here’s Chapter 5 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~

This is all the NYSS I could pull out of my *** along with my college applications going on.

5 / 5 NYSS Completed.

5 / x ???


Chapter 4 – Mysterious Old Man (Bottom)

Continue reading Chapter 4 – Mysterious Old Man (Bottom)

[NYSS] Chapter 4

Here’s Chapter 4 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~

Merry Christmas~

4 / x Chapters~!
