Category Archives: Translations

[Vol 1] Chapter 7

Original Translation can be found at Priddles Translations.

“Gerald-chan! Food’s ready!”

I was absorbed in the book when Mother called out to me from outside. Closing the grimoire, I headed to the living room.

“Heed my command, open the way!”

As I spun my magic, the door opened without me touching it.

I felt like I was someone special. It was a great feeling.

Satisfied, I entered the living room where I found my parents sitting at the table, eyes popping out. I’m not surprised; the door did open by itself.

Though, technically, I opened it with magic.

“Gerald, just then…”

“It’s a spell that opens doors.”

I proudly puffed out my chest.

“…isn’t it faster to open it by hand?”

Father’s words were coloured with disapproval.

“I understand you’re happy that you’re learning magic, but make sure not to be overly reliant on it.”

“I know. By the way, isn’t it a bit dark in here?”

It’s still bright outside, but the blinds had been lowered, blocking out the sun.

“Oh, really? I don’t think it’s particularly-”

“O light, banish the darkness with your radiance!”

Interrupting Father, a sphere of light manifested near the ceiling of the living room. The dim room was filled with its dazzling light.

I tried to consciously sense for æther but…it was hopeless. I couldn’t sense it at all. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t going to be that easy.

During my contemplation, I heard crying coming from the crib. Looking over, it appeared that the sudden brightness woke Sierra up. She protested against her rude awakening with teary eyes.

“Oh dear. There, there, Sierra-chan.”

Mother hurried over to pick Sierra up and looked at me accusingly.

“She was having a nice nap! Now she’s upset!” she said with a pout.

“Oh, s-sorry, I’ll get rid of it. Within darkness, conceal the light!”

I hastily chanted the incantation and extinguished the light. The room returned to its previous brightness. With everything back to normal, Sierra buried her face into Mother and started breathing softly.

“You shouldn’t have disturbed her nap. She was sleeping so peacefully.”


I didn’t think she would be woken up so easily.

“But I wanted to practise my magic and…”

“Still, it isn’t good to disturb Sierra-chan’s sleep, is it? Right, Russell?”

“Listen to your mother. Whether it’s words or magic, there is a time and place for them.”

I was scolded by Mother and Father. There was nothing to refute and I apologetically hung my head.

“I’ll try not to use magic from now on…”

“Did either of us say not to use magic?” said Mother.

“Huh? But…”

“As long as you keep in mind the time and place, you can use magic all you want.”


“Yes. For now, since the soup’s cooled down, how about heating it with magic?”

Reminded by Father’s words, I noticed that the soup had gone cold during our conversation. Mother also noticed and said, rather deliberately,

“It would be so nice if someone could reheat the soup.”

I nodded firmly.

“Leave it to me! Let me see, that’s right…”

If it’s just to reheat some soup, fire magic is probably the best choice. In that case, I only know one appropriate spell. I wielded the power of the magic language, still trying to sense any æther.

“With the flames of purgatory, burn to nothingness!”

Blazing flames rushed forth, striking the soup with a great woosh. The intense flame heated the soup. As for the result…



“Gerald…what is this supposed to be?”

Father peered inside his bowl. All he found was a pitch black substance stuck to the bottom.

“That would be the soup I reheated with magic.”

“I see, soup you say?

“Yes, soup.”

“I see…I see…”

Father picked up his spoon and reluctantly scraped at the charcoal left at the bottom of the bowl.

“So…what you’re saying is, that this here is soup?”


He looked at me, his eyes full of disappointment. I had no response. Nothing but charcoal remained. No other traces of the ruined soup could be found.

“Sorry… It seems like in my attempt to heat up the soup, I burnt it to cinders.”

“Is that so…”

Father gloomily returned his gaze to the remains at the bottom of his bowl. Feeling sorry for him, I offered my share of the soup.

“Ahh, err, sorry…”

“No, it’s fine, Gerald, but…I’d appreciate it if you could be more careful from now on.”

“Yeah, I’ll be careful… I’ll be careful, Father.”

Father and I were disheartened. This is ridiculous… all I wanted to do was practise magic. I never intended to incinerate Father’s food.

While I was busy being depressed, Mother sighed,

“Hmm, it seems it’ll be a while before Gerald-chan can help out with his magic,”

as she put Sierra back to sleep in her crib.


  1. N/a

[Vol 1] Chapter 6

Original Translation can be found at Priddles Translations.

It’s been three days since I received the grimoire from Father. I’ve been completely engrossed in it. Aside from incantations, the grimoire also covered other topics pertaining to magic.

I read it over and over again.

According to the grimoire, this world is filled with æther. The act of using the magic language to influence æther into causing a supernatural phenomenon is to ‘cast a spell’, and to cast a spell is to ‘use magic’. Therefore, in order to use magic, you need to be proficient in the magic language.

In other words, æther only reacts to the magic language, Japanese, and no other language… Japanese is seriously awesome.

I found this further into the grimoire:

The magic language is fundamentally a language – each word has meaning. You cannot successfully influence æther and cast a spell just by chanting the incantation. You must understand what it is you are saying.

I see… Now I understand why I could use magic so easily; I’m already fluent in the magic language, in Japanese.

In addition, I read that even if the pronunciation or phrasing is a little off, you can successfully cast a spell as long as the words are correct in context and you can roughly imagine the desired effect. However, it appears that this can significantly weaken the spell.

As an example, I could chant ‘O sun!’ and it would result in a spell resembling the sphere of light. Basic imagery like ‘glowing’ and ‘light’ should be sufficient to make it work. However, in this case, it appears that you will be seriously sunburnt. Although, that should be obvious since you are summoning a star that emits strong ultraviolent radiation.

Next, even further into grimoire, it described the spell system in more detail. In summary, it introduces three methods of casting spells.

The first method is to use the magic language to influence the surrounding æther. This method doesn’t consume any of your personal reserves. Instead, it is difficult to finely control the power and effects of the spell.

Correct pronunciation and a precise image is also required. It’s unlikely to work if the pronunciation is wrong or the image is too vague. In the end, the fact that it is easy to be affected by the concentration of æther in the air makes this method unreliable.

The next method is to inject your own æther into the incantation. Unlike the first method, this gives you fine control over the spell’s power and effects, making it vastly more reliable. However, on top of consuming your æther, it seems like it drains you physically as well.

Furthermore, depending on how sensitive you are to æther, it may be impossible to manipulate it. Ultimately, this method is limited by the amount of æther you have.

The third and final method is something of a hybrid of the other two. You start by absorbing the surrounding æther into yourself, and then inject it into an incantation.

This consumes little to none of your æther, doesn’t fatigue you and you can compensate for low æther concentrations in the environment with your own, all without sacrificing control.

Unfortunately, this was but a dream for me since I can’t sense æther. And so, my first urgent goal was to learn to sense æther.

The grimoire also explained how to train your personal æther reserves – use magic ‘til you drop. The wording made it sound like weight training. Reading on, it turned out that although you may not sense æther at first, as you experience how the magic language reacts with æther, you gradually learn to sense it as well.

I now understood that continuously using magic is crucial for both increasing your æther reserves and learning to sense it.

Now that I know, I have no reason not to do it. ⌈1

At any rate, the goal is to constantly use magic.

It’s the best the thing to do if I want to polish my magic skills.


  1. Just DO IT! 

[Vol 1] Chapter 5

Original Translation can be found at Priddles Translations.


“Hmm? What’s wrong, Gerald?”

“Mother, Father…you’re not afraid?”

Anyone could tell that I was uneasy. My parents expressions, which had been filled with laughter, immediately became concerned.

“Scared? Of what?”

I lowered my eyes in response.

As soon as I first used magic, I ran shouting to my parents like a child. After calming down, however, I doubted the wisdom of my actions. It may not have been the best idea to let them know I could use magic.

No ordinary commoner could use magic; they wouldn’t have the opportunity to learn how. In fact, only a fraction of the upper class could.

If a commoner were to be thrown into the world of the rich and powerful, they would probably be rejected due to their inferior social standing. In the same way, as a magician, commoners might distance themselves from them. Mother and Father might also be frightened of the power I possess.

In that case…I wonder if I’ll be treated as if I was a cancerous tumor…just like I was in my past life… I was filled with anxiety and despair. Yet, Mother, who may have seen through my feelings, gently called out to me.

“Hey, Gerald-chan. Listen.”


“To me, magic is a terrifying and dangerous thing.”

…she’s probably going to say that she’s afraid. She’ll probably tell me, with her sweet loving voice, that she’s afraid of me.

My hands balled into fists.


“Even so, we wouldn’t be afraid of Gerald-chan.”

“Your mother’s right.”

Father raised his voice in agreement.


“You’re not…afraid? I would be. If there was a person who was much stronger than me, I wouldn’t want to be near them.”

“Yes, I think I would too.”

“Then, why?”

My voice wavered. Mother tenderly smiled and said,

“Because Gerald-chan is our child.”

“Ack, didn’t I say not to add chan?”

“Gerald-chan, if you’re going to hide your embarrassment, at least give us the satisfaction of blushing.”

“Father too?!”

Mother and Father burst into giggles.

“And, what do you want to do, Gerald?”


“So, are you interested in magic? Do you want to be a magician? Most importantly, do you want to master many different spells?”


I want to, obviously.

I loved books in my past life. I loved the stories they told. Manga. Light novels. Games. They were always by my side. I often fantasized about the many worlds they depicted.

It’s impossible for me not to jump in joy using magic.

It’s impossible for me not to aspire to be magician.

“Definitely. I want to learn more magic. I want to be able to cast hundreds lots of spells.”

“Is that so…”

Father narrowed his eyes and started patting my head.


“I thought you would say that. As expected of our son.”


I was perplexed. As Father continued to energetically ruffle my hair, my head was knocked about making me a little dizzy. Before long, Father stopped and said,

“Gerald. I’m giving this grimoire to you,”

and held out the grimoire he still had in his hands.

“…is that ok?”

“I believe that books exist for the reader. So, I suppose this grimoire exists for you. Don’t you think?”

Father faced me with a smile. It made me feel all warm and fluffy. I can proudly say that my parents are the best parents in the world.

Father gave me his recognition and Mother easily accepted me, who had unexpectedly become a magician. Without a doubt, despite my magic, I felt that my parents were far more amazing than me.


  1. N/a

[Vol 1] Chapter 4

Original Translation can be found at Priddles Translations.

In the living room, dinner was about to be served. It was a calming and tender atmosphere, until the door was opened in a flurry.

“Mother, Father, listen! Listen! It’s amazing!”

The excited high-pitched voice of a boy – my voice – reverberated throughout the room. My father, who was drinking beer, faced me with a questioning look while my mother, who was setting the table, gazed at me with a mix of concern and bewilderment. I ignored how Mother glanced at me as if doubting my sanity.

“A really amazing thing happened! It’s super amazing, super duper amazing!”

I uselessly repeated the word ‘amazing’ in an attempt to convey the significance of my discovery – completely belying the fact that I had lived for a total of 24 years. Consumed by excitement, I was unable to give a clear explanation.

“Wait a minute, Gerald…is it more important than eating dinner?”


Father’s sarcastic remark threw cold water on my enthusiasm.

⚪ ⚪ ⚪

In the living room, a sphere of light shined down from above. Father and Mother sat at the four-person table while my baby sister slept soundly in her crib. Mother probably fed her earlier. She had a lovable peaceful expression as she slept.

On an unrelated note, the menu for tonight was ham, egg, mashed potato and onion soup. It was a humble fare, but eating Mother’s cooking never failed to warm my heart. And so, while appreciatively smacking my lips, I recounted my time in the storeroom.

“…and it was written in the magic language. I didn’t understand it at first but, for some reason, I suddenly got this headache, and then I was able to read it.”

By the way, I didn’t mention that I regained the memories from my past life and pushed all the blame onto my ‘mysterious headache’.

It’s not a lie…technically…

“Hmm…so something like that happened. It’s hard to believe, but it’s impossible to deny it after seeing this.”

Father crossed his arms while inspecting the light overhead (that I had created earlier with my magic). He was frowning and seemed to be deep in thought.

“Strange things happen, don’t they…”

On the other hand, my mother remained unperturbed.

“We don’t know anything about magic. Is it even possible for our son to suddenly be able to read the magic language and cast spells?”

“That’s true…I didn’t think that our son would learn how to read that grimoire we received 10 years ago. Gerald, can you lend me that book for a little while?”


I handed the book, which was on my lap out of the way of the food, to Father who was sitting opposite me. He effortlessly lifted the heavy book and started examining it from various angles.

Then… “Hopeless…looks like I can’t read it. Do you want to have a look too, Cecilia ⌈1⌋?”

Mother shook her head.

“No, I’m okay… It would be convenient if I could do the cooking, cleaning and washing with magic, but I enjoy it.”

“Even so…haven’t you wished you could use magic like in the stories?”

It seemed it had brought out the kid in Father; his voice was laced with excitement.

“But I’m also busy taking care of Sierra-chan. ⌈2⌋”

“Cecilia, you didn’t exactly answer the question…”

“And I don’t like violence, you know…”

“Like I said, that’s not really an answer.”

Father’s expression soured after hearing Mother’s casual response. I understand her feelings though…

“Besides, Russel, we’ll be as busy as ever taking care of Sierra-chan. Surely Gerald-chan will be able to help out with his magic from now on?”

Mother gently smiled, her gaze moving from Father to me.

“Right, Gerald-chan?”

“…please don’t add chan.”

“But Gerald-chan is my cute child.”

“Again, that’s not an answer!”

“But you haven’t answered my question either.”

“He’s at the age they start acting like grown-ups. I understand it’s tempting to tease him, but go easier on him, Cecilia.”

“Father, not you too!”

When I raised my voice in irritation, the two of them smiled warmly.

It was a picture of a happy family.

It was the very image of happiness.

It was in total contrast to my past life. And yet, unexpectedly, there was a nagging feeling of unease. ⌈3


  1. セシル -> Cecile (French) -> Cecilia (latinate) 
  2. シエラ 
  3. Subtle foreshadowing is subtle. 

[Vol 1] Chapter 3

Original Translation can be found at Priddles Translations.

Still disoriented by the unforeseen crisis, I returned my gaze to the front cover of the book, noticing that the golden embroidery (which I thought was purely decorative) actually traced out a sentence. Radiantly brilliantly, it read A Collection of Useful Everyday Spells.

This… “This is just Japanese!”

It really truly was. There was even a mix of hiragana and kanji woven into the cover. To find it in this world was totally unexpected.

Could it be?

To confirm my suspicions, I opened the front cover and discovered I could now read the previously unintelligible contents. Naturally, the book was written in Japanese. Even the contents itself was as I suspected, going by the title. Seeing this, I was as shocked as the first time I attempted to read it.

Regarding the contents of the book, it was awful. If I were to make a basic summary, it would be something like ‘hello’, ‘thank you’, ‘goodbye’, ‘let’s meet again’, ‘there was a snowy country on the other side of the tunnel’, ‘the great I, am a cat’ ⌈1⌋, ‘bodhisattva’, ‘Mr. Careless’… The unusual and meaningless phrases were endless.

When and where would someone ever say ‘the great I, am a cat’? Well, in this case, since copyright no longer applies, would there be any issues anyway? It doesn’t even exist in this world… I continued turning the pages amazed until, suddenly, one sentence stole my attention.

‘O light, banish the darkness with your radiance.’

At last, an incantation-like phrase appeared. Seeing as it was about to become dark, it was an appropriate time to test it.

“O light, banish the darkness with your radiance.”

The instant I finished chanting, a shining yellow ball about the size of my palm manifested before my eyes. The sphere of light glowed gently, lighting up the previously dim room.

“No way…just now, was that, magic?”

I sat frozen, gaping at the sphere of light.

Coming to, I immediately turned my attention back to the now clearly illuminated page and began to rapidly spot many other phrases that seemed like incantations.

‘Within darkness, conceal the light.’

‘O sweet spring breeze, warm us with your fragrance.’ ⌈2

‘Drive away the dampness, the abominable clamminess.’ ⌈3

‘Purify the air, cleanse it of its filth.’

They were both overly dramatic and tortuous tongue-twisters. Nevertheless, they were the kind of thing that you would use as incantations; I could probably invoke a spell by chanting them. I decided try one out.

“Within darkness, conceal the light.”

I pointed at the shining sphere of light as I chanted and the second I finished, it abruptly vanished.

“O light, banish the darkness with your radiance.”

The sphere of light manifested once more.

“Within darkness, conceal the light.”

The sphere of light vanished.

After that, I experimented with the rest of the incantations, most of them displaying some magical effect. A few of the incantations didn’t do anything, but that could be because some unknown requirements weren’t met. In any case, I once again sat dazed, slowly realising I was grasping magic way too quickly.

Magic, in this world, was surprisingly easy.

Is it okay for a fantasy world to be like this?


  1. A book by Natsume Sōseki 
  2. …wat? 
  3. …again…wat? 

[Vol 1] Chapter 2

Original Translation can be found at Priddles Translations.

Let’s talk about the first time I used magic.

In this world, I was born and raised in a quintessential farming village, northwest from the imperial capital of Meiziss ⌈1⌋. My parents held a managerial role and, compared to the other families, we were on the affluent side. Though I say affluent, it was only slightly above the average commoner household.

Aside from the land we owned, which was considerably large, everything else was very ordinary. Taking this into consideration, it was actually a miracle to be able to find a grimoire in such a mundane place.

One day, around sunset…

“Gerald, could you go grab a new candle?”


At night, in this world, basic lighting consists of candles and oil ⌈2⌋ lamps. Nobles may have the magical illumination known as the sphere of light, but you won’t find any commoners that possess it. For that reason, every household in this village would light candles once the sky darkens.

That day, the candle in the living room was flickering and was about to burn out. And without any candles, we’d have to eat in the dark. For that reason, when a candle looks like it’s at its end, we needed to retrieve another one from the storage room.

After nodding to my father in acknowledgement, I headed towards the storage room. Upon opening the door and entering, I was met with a scene of chaos that spread throughout the room. So many things (mainly junk) were scattered about and forced together. It was to the point that you couldn’t tell one thing apart from another.

There was a table missing a leg, a broken vase, a shelf missing its handles and stuck closed, carelessly stacked old thick wood and bundles of paper… Years of neglect had made everything dusty, especially the air.

“As usual, it looks like going to be tough to find even a single candle…”

It’s amazing that someone could feel inclined to store something like candles in a room like this. Doesn’t Father think that searching through this is too much trouble? As shocked as I was, I should probably find a candle soon. And so, I forced my way in and waded through the junk.

“If only it was a little more organised…”

I let a complaint slip after discovering that the mess was worse than I imagined. After some more wading, and a little effort, I managed to uncover a plain wooden box that the candles were stored inside.

“Alright, found it…”

While reaching out to the box of candles, I accidentally brushed against a nearby tower of books.


By the time I shouted, it was too late.

Stacks of thick books, bundles of paper and similar items collapsed with great force onto the ever disheveled floor. Letting out a sigh, I glared at the books scattered across the floor before me.

The chaos had become evermore impossible to tidy up.

Well, from the start it was impossible to tell where anything was anyway…


Getting on my knees, I decided to at least clean up a little and started by grabbing the books within reach. Then, amongst the books I had gathered…I discovered it.

“Hmm? This is…”

It was large and had a deep crimson binding. The front cover was extravagantly decorated with golden thread, giving it the impression of an expensive ornament. Rather than a book, I had the feeling it was more apt to describe it as a decoration.

It was so large that I had to hug it to my chest to pick it up. The book was decidedly heavy for my 5 year old self. On top of that, although the book was wearing out, the paper itself was of significantly high quality. Until then, all the paper I had come across was like sandpaper. I had never experienced such a smooth sensation from touching paper ⌈3⌋.

“I wonder if this is some special book. The binding looks really high quality.”

Either way, this isn’t the kind of book you would find in a rural farming village. It was more like a book that would be handled by the rumored Royal Library. After thinking so, I spontaneously became extremely interested in its contents.

At five years of age, I had already learnt to read and write, and had recently been spending some of my spare time reading. When my mother put me to sleep, she would often recount tales of heroes and other local legends, but I loved them so much I would get so excited that I was unable to sleep. It was a foregone conclusion that a book like this would greatly arouse my curiosity.

It crossed my mind that it could be something that shouldn’t be touched, but that thought lasted but a moment before my curiosity won over and peeled open the front cover. However, the letters written in the book were not the ones taught to me by my parents, but something else entirely.

“…? This is, err…”

Page after page were completely covered in a strange language. Was it a foreign language? Or an ancient one? I had absolutely no idea with my mere 5 years worth of knowledge The only thing I understood was that it would be impossible for me to read this by myself.

Oh well, it can’t be helped…

It was a bit of a shame that I couldn’t read it. I might also get in trouble for touching such a splendid book without permission. After convincing myself of that, I tried to close the book. In that instant, it happened.

“–a, gah, aaaghaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!?”

I was assaulted by furious headache.

It continued for a while, and when the headache eventually dissolved I had regained my memories of a past life ⌈4⌋. I thought it would fry my brain; having a lifetime’s memories poured into my head in such a short time.

Regardless, at that moment, I remembered everything…

I remembered that I was called Okata Kazuhiko…
I remembered that I was a 19 year old university student studying arts…
I remembered that I was run over by a car and died…
I remembered the time I spent half-alive before succumbing to my injuries…

And naturally…I remembered the Japanese language…

Memory after memory streamed in without pause.

“W, what the hell…could it be…a flag?” I muttered unconsciously.

The concept of flags…does not exist in this world. The use of that word is, in itself, the greatest proof that I had recovered the memories of a past life.


  1. メイシス 
  2. Oil is not mentioned, but I think that’s what it’s referring to. I’ll change it if it turns out to be magical or something. 
  3. Exaggerate more please. 
  4. Not convenient enough, in my opinion. 

[Vol 1] Chapter 1

Original Translation can be found at Priddles Translations.

“O flame”

The magic language reacted with the æther in the air, unleashing the power hidden within its words. Immediately, a burning red flame manifested before my eyes. It kept burning, but it used up its energy and disappeared before long.

This was but one of the spells written in the grimoire – flame.

The word, flame, from the magic language held the meaning of fire. It was a spell that, upon chanting it, allowed the caster to freely set something ablaze. In order to harness this spell, it was essential to learn the magic language; to understand the precise meaning of its words.

The magic language reacts with the æther in the air, unleashing the phenomenon hidden in its words and manifesting it in reality. For that reason, as a magician, it is vital to be able to sense the æther permeating the air. Although it differs from person to person, it is said that most humans have the basic ability to sense æther.

In the first place, it isn’t rare to see humans benefiting from æther in everyday life. Fertile soil, clean deep rivers, and even the food they eat everyday all contain æther. In that sense, it is possible to say that all humans born in this world have the potential to use magic.

Nevertheless, magicians in the Kingdom of Halcanea, the country I reincarnated in, are few and far between.

The reason being that learning the magic language is an extremely difficult endeavour. As obvious as it may seem, the pronunciation of the common tongue is completely different to the magic language.

The magic language, unlike the common tongue, only has five vowels. However, the basic sounds number over 50, and each one must be pronounced correctly in order to invoke any spells. Also, some of these sounds are never used in ordinary everyday words.

In addition, there are numerous words that have completely different meanings, yet have exactly the same pronunciation or intonation ⌈1⌋. According to the context and phrasing, there are even subtle alterations that can alter their meaning, resulting in even a single sentence having infinite variations.

This is why there are so few magicians. With a lack of general education, it’s virtually impossible to find magicians from the commoner population.
Even among nobles, only those with a gift in the magic language and attended a magic academy have a decent handle on magic.

On top of that, the graduation rate of magic academies is merely 5%. In other words, even if 100 people enrol in an academy, only 5 of them can be expected to graduate successfully. In reality, it’s rare to have more than 100 people enrol a year so the number of graduates is even less.

Throughout the entire Kingdom of Halcanea, less than 50 people have been recognised as magicians by the royal family. Since there are so few magicians, just being one brings enormous wealth, glory and prestige.

To garner such a reaction, becoming a magician is, as expected, a long and arduous road.

…although, none of that applies to me.

My name is Gerald and in the near future, I will become the Royal Archmage of the Kingdom of Helcanea.

I also had another name from a previous life, Okata Kazuhiko. I was born and raised in a country called Japan on the planet Earth. I was a young man at tender age of 19 when I passed away…


  1. Technically,「発生」means “utterance” but that sounds strange in this context (or any non-linguistic context that I can think of). 

[Vol 1] Chapter 12

“Now then, what is up with this Monster?” ⌈1

Father shifted his gaze from me to the Monster and opened his mouth.

I who thought that it was 『stinking』 until a while ago answered, while feeling thankful for what my Father just said.

“That’s right, such a thing as this is a hindrance isn’t that right?”

This Monster is similar to a wild boar…… For the time being, let’s call it a Gargantuan Boar for now. It fell on the road, as if to block the way.

On the road leading through the inside of the forest, there lies a gigantic figure that no matter how hard you push, you can’t even budge it a little. But I cannot leave it here because it blocks 80% of the road.
So I was just looking at the Gargantuan Boar and I suddenly thought of something.

It has almost the same appearance as a normal wild boar and I have heard that boars and pigs have similar taste.

…… Then, can this Monster be eaten?

So I looked up to Father and asked.

“Nee, Otou-san”

“Hmm? What is it?”

Father placed his hand on his chin as if he was thinking about something and tilted his head as he looked at me. Mother would have squatted down to match my height before talking to me but well I guess this suits him more.

That’s why I continued speaking while looking up at father.

“Well…… I thought about it for a while but, isn’t it possible for us to eat Monsters just like normal animals?”

“No, that’s not the case. I’ve heard that there are apparently some Monsters that can be eaten. Particularly, Beast-type Monsters are apparently just normal animals that are possessed by some kind of evil spirit, and so you can eat their meat no problem. Well, or I should say but of course, if there are some Monsters that taste bad then there should also be Monsters that taste good as well.”

“I see, if that’s the case, then”

I stared at the Monster blocking the road. Then Father frowned and said that he couldn’t believe it.

“Carry this thing home to eat? Such absurdly big animal? It might be possible if I disassemble it, but even so, I do not have my tools with me”

“Iya, I wonder if we can just pull it while heading back home?”

“That will be impossible. That thing is about 300 kilos or more based on my estimation. Unless we have 10 adults to help us, this is impossible”

Even though Father asserted, I believed that I can do it.

As I possess a power that ordinary people don’t have, perhaps I may be able to do such a thing.

As if aware of my thoughts, Father’s eyebrows that seemed to have been haunted before opened, and his face now have a childlike glow.

“………… Can you do it?”


Father closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

“This is amazing. This is exactly a man’s romance”

He strangely looks like he is looking far away into the distance.

In any case, I will carry out Father’s so called 『man’s romance』.

I thought about which spells to use while going through the incantations that I have remembered from the grimoire and confirming the effects carefully.

……There are about three spells that I could use.

The first spell purely raises muscle strength.

The second spell improves overall physical ability.

The last makes the body sturdy and less likely to get an injury.

However, I feel like all of them lacks something.

I cannot carry the Gargantuan Boar if I raise my muscle strength alone and even if you raise your overall physical ability, the increase is not that much, and so I still won’t be able to lift the Gargantuan Boar. If I made my body sturdy, it won’t help with my strength.

Is there a spell that can help me carry the Gargantuan Boar and still have the weight not burden my body?

I groaned and thought about it for a while, then an idea came to my mind.

“This can be done”

“Oh! As expected of my son!”

“……I have not done anything yet”

Although I was shocked by my Father’s excited voice, I chanted all three spells.

“I’m not sure if I can stack multiple magic with each other…… 『O heavens, bless this person with your divine protection.』, 『O heavens, bestow upon me a body with the sturdiness of a boulder』, 『O heavens, provide me with the herculean strength of a lion to my limbs』” ⌈2

The instant after I chanted all three spells, my whole body started to flare up.

I first raised my physical abilities, then stamina, and then lastly strength. Simply raising only muscle strength puts a huge burden on the body. Therefore, I first improved my physical abilities, raising the basic ability of my body, followed by muscle strength after I raised my stamina. (this needs beautification)

If you cast the three spells like this…… I see, so that’s what happens. Power wells up from the pit of my stomach, but not in an unpleasant way. On the contrary, I feel like anything heavy will not longer pose any issues for me.

“Ok, let’s give it a shot”

After saying so, I tried to pull the Gargantuan Boar. Zuzuzu The Gargantuan Boar slowly started to scrape against the ground and started to move.

“You did it, Gerald!”

“Yeah! Let’s quickly bring this back home to show Mother!”

While the body of a normal 5 year old child will be too small to carry the Gargantuan Boar on the shoulder, the body that I had strengthened is able to do this quite easily.

Be that as it may, to think that I encountered a Monster during an ordinary hike, defeated it, and carrying it home.

That in and of itself, is something.

“Otou-san, today’s『Adventure』was fun”

“Hmm? Ah, it was an『Adventure』wasn’t it”

Saying so, we looked at each other and started laughing. Our laughter, overlapping with the sound of dragging a decent prey, resounded throughout the dimming sky.

“Still, why was such a Monster here? There should not be any dungeons here……”

Father tilted his head and muttered, but he seemed to change his mind suddenly, as if giving up,

“Oh well, when we arrive back in town, I will just inform the lord”

I found myself unknowingly agreeing with him.


Eventually we arrived back at our house. Mother seems to be cooking as the good fragrance of soup surrounded the house. Guu My stomach made a rumbling noise.

“Hungry, Otou-san?”

“Yeah, I would like to have dinner as soon as possible”

While having such conversation, I dragged the Gargantuan Boar to the back of the house for the time being. The villager will wonder where it’s from.

I guess I will disassemble it and store it in the storage room at a later date.

As soon as I enter the house, I suddenly felt dizzy.

Somehow, my feet felt unstable and blood seems to be rapidly flowing throughout my body, making it feel like I will die of heat.

“Are……What is happening?”

As I walked forward, it felt like the world is starting to warp around me. What is happening? Before my eye was the door for the entryway but I can’t reach it even if I extended my hand.

“U…… Ah, Otou-san? Okaa-san?”

I fell straight down face first, thinking if I have muttered.

My field of vision slowly started to fade into darkness and my hearing followed suit.

As I fade further into the darkness, I felt like my parents were calling out for my name from the distance.

Then the consciousness as it is―― Blackout.


Slowly, my consciousness started to emerge.

As I remembered the feeling of something pulling me up, my eyes snapped open.


After I came to my senses, I thought that I was sleeping. Iya, I think fainted might be more accurate than sleeping.

Because I cannot remember falling asleep.

I seem to be laid down in my futon in the child’s room. Since there is a familiar ceiling at the end of the line of sight, I confirmed that I was sleeping on my back for now.

It seems that my head is strangely blurry and foggy. I strangely felt some heat at the back of my head but it was not terribly hot. What on earth is this feeling?

I will try to get up first of all. I did not feel any headache or nausea in particular, but I felt really hungry.

“……I want to eat something”

I faintly grumbled while I got up, I noticed that the light emitted in the surrounding is gold, I gently shook.

…… Hmm?

What is emitting that golden light? I turned my eyes towards the window. I could vaguely tell that the sun is rising although I am not sure whether it is morning or noon. But because of the curtains that was shielding the sun, the room is slightly dim. So the golden light is not from there.

There is no place for the golden light to be born.

“Huh? I guess it was just a magic I have casted……”

As I was dubiously thinking that, I turned my eyes back to that area and the atmosphere of the area where my focus was concentrated shined with a golden hue once again .

“Are? I did not cast that magic!?”

I thought that the golden light was from a spell I have casted.

When I looked down at my hand without thinking, there was a deeper, more clearly shining light compared to the surrounding air.

The light seems to envelope my whole body entirely.

“Could this be…… æther?” ⌈3

Somehow, after I slept, I am now able to sense the æther in the surrounding and in me.

Translated and edited by Sarah

Special thanks to Renbo for helping me check my translations and other people over at the RaisingTheDead Discord channel.


  1. I will TL Mamono as monster 
  2. I added took some creative liberties for the incantations to match with the previous translators and did some minor edits of my own. 
  3. Directly translated, 魔力 will be magic power, but since the previous translator used æther, I will use it too. 

No Matter How You Look At It, This World’s Magic Language is Japanese

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Magic Language Isekai no mahou gengo ga doumitemo nihongo dattaken ~ (異世界の魔法言語がどう見ても日本語だった件) is a Japanese Web Novel written by Tora Koneko (トラ子猫) and translated by Raizu. It is ongoing with 59 chapters+.

Category: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Slice of Life

Other links:
Raw Source

One day due to an accident, Okata Kazuhiko, a university student living in Japan, drew closed the curtains on his short life. In the world he reincarnated as Gerald, he discovered that, for whatever reason, the language of magic was Japanese.

Gerald, who had retained his memory, quickly grasped any spells due to his mastery of Japanese. Taking advantage of his unparalleled skill in Japanese, Gerald leaves his village in order to become the greatest magician the world has ever seen.

※ There will be some elements of seriousness to this story, but fundamentally, I am aiming for a heartwarming, mellow, carefree and super-relaxed “battle focused” story.

Continue reading No Matter How You Look At It, This World’s Magic Language is Japanese

[Vol. 2] Chapter 19 – Military Reform

“Welcome home”

 When I arrived at the mansion in Braham Pikaru and the head maid Melissa greeted me.
 Since I’m not that tired I decided to immediately do the arrangements.

“Pikaru, call F and Marcus.”

 As I entered my office together with Lunos and Nals, Pikaru came over together with Mirea-san and Reina who brought tea.
 I wonder why Reina is looking so frequently at Lunos and I.⌈1

“The General and the Imperial Guard Order’s Head came”

“Let them through”

 Marcus and F stepped into the room.
 As usual, General Marcus, without saying anything, sat down on the sofa without waiting for my permission.
 I told F to also sit down and began the meeting together with Pikaru.

“So, how was it?”

“It can be said that our objectives got achieved for the greatest part.”

 Except for Operation DDT.
 I told Nals to explain the finer details.

“- – In that way, we gained the cooperation of the Royal Family and accepted the task of going against the conservative nobles. Therefore, it’s important to carry this out as soon as possible.”

How’s the progress of the colonial soldier settlements and the irrigation construction?”⌈2

“Both are progressing favourably. Thanks to the drastic improvement in efficiency through the implementation of earth magic all constructions are expected to be done within this year.”

 Pikaru answered Marcus’ question.

“With that said, is it possible to finish the construction work on the highway by the beginning of the next year as well?”

“Well, I’d like to advance the training of the farmer-soldiers who are now constructing the colonial soldier-settlement later on.”

 In response to Marcus’ and Nals’ words, I decided to voice out the idea I kept to myself for a while.

“Therefore I have a suggestion but it requires to fundamentally change the present military.”

“What do you mean by fundamentally changing the military?”

 Everyone including Marcus looked at me.

 In the novel “Yuusha Tensei” which I wrote, the troops of the countries called the “Yuroa countries”, Franz Kingdom included, are basically all made up of infantry, cavalry and archer units.
 Carlo’s military can be taken as an example as the knights of the Imperial Guard order Lunos and F are part of only consists out of cavalry in times of war.
 It’s basic style to recruit farmers or citizens as archers or foot soldiers.
 Of course, I used the military of the European Middle Ages as a model.

 However, as a result of this, as I reincarnated as the feudal lord who is in a leading position for the army, Carlo, many problems would arise if we would fight the Barbarians who are a horse-riding tribe modelled after the Mongolian soldiers like this.
 If one takes a look at the history books one would see that Europe was shaken by the Mongolian invasion, there’s no doubt it will be fairly difficult to fight the Barbarians with the present military.⌈3
 If you just write a sentence as an author it’s all good even if there’s such a problem but if you really have to lead an army like this that’s a completely different matter.⌈4

 As a fight with Duke Armandi and the other conservative nobles is inevitable now I want to manage to efficiently win in the shortest amount of time.
 If it isn’t a story I simply wrote but a real battle there should be as little sacrifices as possible and more than anything else I don’t want to die either.
 That’s why I thought about this military reform.

“If we let the cavalry officers lead the archers and infantry as before we can’t make use of the speed which is the cavalry’s greatest weapon. Therefore we make the Imperial Guard Order the Cavalry unit and let another officer lead the archer and infantry unit.”

 Nals explains my concept.
 It’s a result of having talked with Nals about this reform all the time.

“We’ll let the infantry and archers choose an officer among the farmer-soldiers we established this time. Even the archers and infantry were mixed together in one unit so far even though they have independent formations.”

“Fumu, though I think it’s an interesting plan but it’s to be expected that the Imperial Guard Order’s Knights will oppose to this. As they have pride in leading the army.”

 Marcus interrupts Nals’ explanation.
 Because Marcus who led the Imperial Guard Order for many years said this it can’t be wrong.
 But I considered that as well.

“It’s necessary to inform the Knights how powerful the cavalry unit is and how it can be decisive to a battle’s outcome. That’s it. Nals, explain it please.”
“Yes. We are planning to execute an exercise with the original formation and the reformed formation this time. We divide the Imperial Guard’s knights and the farmer-soldiers into two groups and let them compete while being led by F and Lunos.”⌈5

“I see, so the knights can’t help but be convinced if the difference is overwhelming.”

 F also nodded to Lunos’ words.

“It’s like that. So, who leads which side?”

 This became interesting.
 I grinned as F gave me an earnest answer.

“I’m fine with either side. I’ll do my best all the same if you order me.”

 Lunos answered interestingly.

“As I’ve been here longer I’m more acquainted with everyone than the head so I know the obstinate people who would seem like they would object to the reform. I shall take charge of the original formation with these people. Just for confirmation’s sake, we may get serious as well, right?”

“Naturally. They won’t be persuaded if they won while you were going easy on them. If you defeat them even though they were attacking seriously then everyone will get persuaded that the reform has a meaning.”

 Old man Marcus looked at me with an interested face as he listened to my explanation.

“That means that Carlo-sama will go with the new unit led by F. Then shall I join the original unit led my Lunos?”

 This old man, he completely entered play mode again.
 Do you know that it’ll be bad if you let this reform fail?
 He’s absolutely, earnestly motivated, that captain imitation!
 Well, I won’t lose.⌈6

“So, when will we execute the exercise?”

“Let’s see, how about making it the main event of the end-of-year festivities?”

 As F suggested we decided to hold the exercise at the end of the year.⌈7

“Now that that’s decided, let’s start the strategy meeting. Please tell me if you decided on a place to hold it later. Lunos, let’s go”

“Wait a minute, there are still some details of the reform plan that–”

“We’ll see it later. It’s like I’m being shown your cards, so it’s no fun at all.”

 As I thought, that old man is completely enjoying this.
 Well, fine, I cannot lose.
 Marcus took Lunos and left.

“Goodness gracious, that old man is hopeless.”

 As I was astonished F looked back at me with a straight face.

“However, no matter how much he said he’s going to lead the original unit the general cannot be underestimated. Sir Lunos is also excellent.”

“About that, I already have two suggestions.”

 Nals grinned as I began to talk.

“The first being we use a part of the Order’s knights as a high-speed search and reconnaissance unit. For that purpose I want F to choose the knights who can move the fastest.”

“If it has to be someone fast it would be good if the horse is quick and the rider is small and skilful. How many people are necessary?”

“Let’s see, I’d like to assign 20% of the whole unit.”

“Though I think 20% is quite a lot.”

 It’s natural for F to think that way.
 That’s because it will only decrease the operational unit’s number.
 However, the saying goes “Know thy enemy and know thyself and you will win a hundred battles”⌈8⌋ so information is extremely important.

“I don’t care. F, can I leave this to you?”


 F obediently nodded to my words.

“And the other one concerns the infantry. Give all the foot soldiers a 5 meter-long spear.”

“5 meters?! I think that they can’t fight freely if they have a spear of such length, though.”

 F was astonished as he heard about the length but the tactic to use long spear infantry was actually used in Europe.
 I know it was a tactic particularly effective against cavalry and was used until the bayonet appeared.
 I took Lunos into consideration while making the foundation.
 Its main purpose was to oppose the Barbarian’s cavalry by crowding them, but they are, of course, effective against infantry as well

“Well, just leave that to me and Nals. F, as soon as Lunos decided on how to divide the order you’ll start the election for the reconnaissance unit.”


“Pikaru, after the irrigation construction is over arrange for the pavement of the highway.”


 Aah, today as well Pikaru’s brightness is at its highest.
 Like this, the military reform meeting ended.


  1. I wonder, I wonder 
  2. See Vol 1 chapter 24 for information about that 
  3. For people interested in the Mongolian invasion: Mongolian Invasion in Europe 
  4. Soo you caused trouble for yourself indirectly again huh? Like the thing with the salty food 
  5. Heeh, so Nals started to call Fitzgerald like this, too, eh? 
  6. Let’s hope for that ~ 
  7. How long would that be? What season do we have anyway? Still autumn? 
  8. A quote by Sun Tzu 

[Vol. 2] Chapter 18 – Secret

“Uhm, ehem, would you mind introducing her?


 At the moment we kissed a voice called out to me then Elsa screamed and clung to me.
 I was also surprised that I got to kiss the second time in my life.

“Hey, I kept you waiting, Doji”⌈1

“Carlo-sama, you completely forgot about me and enjoyed yourself, didn’t you?”⌈2

“Tha, that can’t be, I would never do that”

 ……****, I completely forgot about him.
 Doji looked at me with doubtful eyes.
 Don’t look at me like that.

“Elsa, this is Doji. He’s serving me. He’s a strong, brave and really reliable man.”

 Though I tried to praise him to gloss over the fact that I forgot about him but it didn’t seem to be very effective. ⌈3
 That good-natured, loyal Doji was looking at me doubtfully from the side.

“Doji, this girl’s named Elsa. She’ll come back with us to Braham.”

“Nice to meet you, Doji-sama, I’m Elsa. As I became Carlo-sama’s mistress please take care of me.”

 Yeah yeah, she became my mistress today……I mean, hey!
 Elsa, what are you declaring so proudly?!

“Mi, mi, mistress……What do you mean?”

 At that moment Doji was so surprised his eyes started spinning.
 No, even if you ask what it means, it means exactly what she said.

 But that’s when I noticed.
 What do I say to Pikaru and Melissa when I take Elsa back with me to the mansion?
 Even just imagining it is horrible.
 Though I made her my mistress in the spur of the moment I didn’t think about this back then.
 Even though I’m still a virgin.

 Mmm, no matter how I think about it, it’s bad to return together with Elsa.
 I mean it would be the same with Lunos and Nals if I take her to the mansion in Ruan.
 If I do that they would definitely rat me out to Pikaru.

 While I was thinking about such things Elsa, not knowing what to do, started fidgeting and Doji who heard about her being my mistress looked at us confused.
 As I thought I have no choice but to take her to the hideout.
 But to do that I would have to talk with Elsa about Akatsuki and how to take her to the hideout is a problem as well.

 Aah, what should I do?!
 Just a moment ago the inside of my head was filled with happiness and pink but as soon as I returned to reality a lot of problems appear.
 It gradually becomes troublesome.
 Aaah, I’ll just improvise

“Elsa, Doji, listen”

“Yes, Carlo-sama”

“What is it?”

 I decided to explain it to those two immediately.

“I want to take Elsa back with me to Braham but I won’t take her to my mansion.”

“That’s right, if Melissa-sama finds out about this she’ll get angry.”

 For that villain Carlo to get yelled at by maid.⌈4
 But looks like Doji thought the same as my.

“Ehm, then where are you going to take me……?”

 Looks like Elsa was already uneasy.

“I actually have a hideout in Braham.”

“Eh, a hideout! That’s kind of cool”

“I intended to let you go there Elsa.”

“I’m okay with anywhere you put me”⌈5

“That’s my base for doing undercover work. This is a secret not even Melissa or Pikaru know about. Doji, can you keep that secret?”

“O, of course. I’ll keep that secret even if it costs my life.”

 Doji had an earnest face after he heard about this secret no one else knows about.
 Though Crescent Moon knows about the hideout but she isn’t acquainted with Doji.
 While looking at this I held back the urge to laugh and continued to talk with a straight face.

“I’ll tell you this because I trust you, Doji. When I’m there I’ll be wearing a mask and go with the name “Akatsuki”.”

“A mask……! This is getting even cooler”

“Anyway, it’s undercover work. So, I have a request for you Doji.”

“What is it?”

“I want you to secretly take Elsa to this hideout”

“Yeah, understood. I’ll definitely take her there.”

“Yeah, if it’s you I know you can do it, Doji. Take care of you on the way”

“Please leave it to me!”

 Doji was enthusiastic because I gave him a special mission.
 He was completely dauntless.

“Elsa, tonight it’s already too late. Stay overnight somewhere and then tomorrow you should leave. Is there an Inn somewhere around here?”

“Yes, there’s a small inn located a bit away from here”

 Doji brought Elsa to the in together with me.
 On the way, I told Elsa to call me “Akatsuki”.
As there was luckily still one room in a good condition still vacant I paid the money, made Elsa stay there and left.

“Doji, sneak out of the mansion early in the morning tomorrow and go pick up Elsa.”

“……Understood. I’ll be careful not to be found out by Lunos or Nals or the other knights.”

 Doji was talking in a low voice even though we had yet to reach the residence.
 Well, it’s good to be fired up, right?

 Neither Lunos nor Nals have returned yet when we arrived at the mansion.
 I took Doji into my room handed him a map to the hideout and the key to it and also some money.

“Then I’m counting on you, Doji”

“……Please leave it to me”

 For some reason, Doji left my room while tip-toeing.
 You’re too suspicious.

 The following day when I got up in the morning Doji wasn’t there anymore.

“Carlo-sama, I told Doji to stand guard but I don’t see him anywhere, do you know where he is?”

“Yeah, he remembered that he had to do something and returned to Braham earlier.”

 Lunos asked me curiously and I answered appropriately.

“Nals, how did the negotiations with State Minister Walles turn out?”

“Everything got settled safely. First, to the matter of the military expansion without the royal family’s permission. He gave his tacit consent. I confirmed that it isn’t a problem to remove the original tariff. Furthermore, the pavement between Braham and the Capital was particularly permitted as well.

 Alright, it’s great that the permission to pave the road between the Capital and Braham was given.
 I assumed that fearing another country might invade or the nobles would start a revolt they wouldn’t grant the permission to pave the road.
 That was a major hindrance to logistics and it would cause a delay in sending troops in the case of something happening.
 If I pave it I can immediately react if the conservative nobles show some threatening movements and I wanted to do it because it’s convenient for me when I’ll do the coup d’état in the future.

“How’s the matter with Princess Charlotte going?”

“Yes, although the engagement itself depends on Carlo-sama’s achievements, but all talks of Her Imperial Highness the Princess’s engagements got suspended or cancelled.”

 With this Sharon won’t get engaged to someone she doesn’t know.
 Next, I should earn some credits by fighting the conservative nobles.

“You did well. It seems like we can move considerably freely with this.”

“That’s right, after that we have to quickly arrange the military so that we are able to move at any time.”

 I build connections to the Royal Family, I made progress in the matter of getting engaged to Sharon and I met some nobles (Though they are old men) who hold antipathy towards Duke Armandi Rejum.
 Operation DDT which was my biggest purpose for coming here⌈6⌋ failed though I somehow gained a mistress through that, but all in all I was able to accomplish everything I came here for so shall I return to Braham soon?

“Then shall we return to Braham tomorrow morning?”

“That’s right, the ladies here might hold a grudge against me if I stay here for too long.”

 Lunos approached some women to get some information but it might get hard for him if it grows too deep.

“Then I shall pass the official documents with Minister Walles today”

“Please do. I’ll go to the Royal Palace for the time being as well”

 I went to the castle together with Nals.
 That’s because I wanted to see Fraudia one last time if possible.

 I’m quite the bad man for being concerned about Frau when I’m like this with Elsa.
 Well, I’m still a virgin.

 I entered the Royal Palace and greeted Minister Walles and General Dolus first.
 I tried looking for Earl Mcbell, also known as mantis, but I couldn’t find him.
 That guy, he must have gone into hiding after that failed assassination attempt on me.

 Though I walked around for a long time I couldn’t find Frau, but just when I thought about giving up I found her while walking up the Royal Palace’s corridor.


“Frau, were you able to safely return after that matter?”

“Yes, more importantly, Carlo-sama is also safe.”

“Yeah, I decided to depart from Ruan tomorrow morning.”

“Did you come to the castle because of that?”

“Yeah, I thought I might be able to meet Frau.”


 Frau looked down bashfully.
 Her cheeks turning red is just too cute.

“I won’t be able to meet you for a while but I’ll come again as soon as possible so stay healthy.”

“Carlo-sama, please take care of your body as well. I pray for your success.”

 This child mostly knows about those circumstances.

“Yeah, I’ll try my best.”

 If I get engaged to Sharon the chances to meet Frau might increase.
 I actually wanted to hug her but as it was hard to do I just gently touched her cheek and parted from her.
 I could watch that back who was seeing me off forever.

 OK, let’s get back to Braham and do our best.


  1. Yep it was Doji 
  2. Well, he most certainly forgot about you) 
  3. Carlo used praise. It wasn’t very effective 
  4. Well, she is supposed to be a mother figure for Carlo… still wanna know where his parents disappeared to 
  5. Oh? Is that so? Ya sure? Anywhere? 
  6. Srsly? That seemed more of an additional thing tho you spend a lot of chapters on that 

Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art Contest

Readers, today, I would like to announce the fan art contest that I will be holding for Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel. Ideally, I would have liked to do it to commemorate us finishing Volume 1, and moving onto Volume 2, but alas, the timing was just a bit off.


  • The piece of artwork must be original (i.e. no plagiarizing or just stealing something off a search engine)
  • Submission must be related to Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel.
  • Artists may submit as many pieces of artwork as they please.
  • Any medium of artwork is accepted, be it digital art or hand drawn etc.
  • Submissions must be in an image format to sent to [email protected] (i.e. .jpg, .jepg, .png etc.)
  • Submission time frame: January 4th 2017 to February 4th 2017 (GMT+8)

Continue reading Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel Fan Art Contest

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 21

Here’s the chapter of the day, enjoy~

Doo check out my other translated novel over at volare – Special Forces Spirit! If you haven’t read my post of potential teasers I might do before, it is a military novel about the events surrounding a Special Forces soldier in China that has left his unit without any xianxia/supernatural/fantasy elements to it!

Chapter 21 – Single-minded in relationships

Thinking that, Situ Liang found it hilarious! What sort of power could a foreign student have? What’s more, according to Yu Ting, this brat’s family has always been very pure… Oh, that’s right, he definitely did not understand his meaning, and must have thought that he really was going to treat him to food!

Thinking that, Situ Liang calmed down and thought to himself, it’s not convenient right now with so many people, I’ll wait a few days to take care of you!

The efficiency of hospitals in the capital was very high, the ambulance got here within ten minutes after the call, it ran into the school yard with the siren and stopped beside us.

Three people wearing white coats came down from the ambulance, the doctor in the lead squatted down and did a simple checkup for Yu Ting. Then he said, “There’s nothing actually wrong with the patient, her blood sugar level is just a little low, it might be due to standing too long, and her stamina ran out, so she fainted.”

Hearing that, everyone let out a sigh of relief. Yet, Situ Liang said, “The **** are you? She’s fine just because you said she is? Did you check properly? I’m telling you, if anything happened, then I won’t let you off!”

Hearing Situ Liang’s words, the three doctors’ expression went dark. However, it seems like they were rather professional, since the doctor in the lead coughed and said, “We are the doctors from the city hospital’s emergency center, I already check, at the very least, the patient is not in life-threatening danger, the exact situation has to be known after going to the city hospital for a proper check up!”

“The city hospital, right? Heng! You’re just a puny doctor! I know your President Wang! Go and tell him that I, Situ Liang, told him to organize it well!” Situ Liang said cockily.

Even thought that doctor was rather professional, he couldn’t help but get angry! He handled it full-heartedly, but this fellow not only scolded him, he even threatened him using the hospital president, anyone would get angry!

I swore silently in my heart, this Situ Liang was truly a ******. If you don’t believe the doctors, then why don’t you treat Yu Ting yourself?

Seeing that Yu Ting was fine, I returned to my class’s queue. However, since the encouragement meeting couldn’t continue, causing the school to release us early.

“Laosan… No, boss, where did you go just now?” Seeing that I suddenly left, Huang Wenjing asked me in confusion. Since everyone had agreed that they would call me boss in the future, Huang Wenjing immediately changed how he addressed me after conveniently calling me “laosan”.

“No problem, the girl that fainted over there is a middle school classmate,” I said.

“Ai? Say, boss, I rather pitied you in the canteen this morning and thought you were single-minded in relationships, you are a person with a girlfriend now, and she’s of the school beauty level, why are you still thinking about other girls?” Even Ouyang Tianqi started calling me boss.

Thinking about other girls? Single-minded? Before I was born, I would say yes with certainly! Yes, I am a person that is very single-minded in relationship!

But now… Even I didn’t believe this.

Zhao Yanyan, Chen Weier, Su Yingzi, Ye Xiaoxiao, and there was even Xia Jing that I still could not forget, and now there’s a Yu Ting. I don’t understand why I turned out like this, perhaps because I had died once, and had a more open mind, or it might be due to other reasons. Basically, I could no longer brag that I am a single-minded person in relationships!

“****, what are you two saying? Boss is such a handsome and amazing person, how could he get only one girlfriend, it would be awesome if he gets both, and that would not waste our admiration for boss!” Seeing my awkward expression, Chu Gao quickly said.

Ouyang Tianqi thought about it, that was pretty true, which man that get huge achievements doesn’t have a few wives and mistresses! Although there was a monogamy low in the society, that was just for normal people! Men with rich and positions were never included! Ignoring whether it was in Huaxia or foreign countries, ignoring gender equality, you couldn’t help but admit, ninety percent of important people in the world were still men! In other worlds, men lead this society! Even his own father, Ouyang Hai, had three wives, he is born from his second wife, and he calls the other two women dama and xiaoma!

Thinking that, Ouyang Tianqi also relaxed, he could see that this Liu Lei wasn’t anyone normal from the start, if he joined his circle, then he could definitely become someone similar to his family, and wouldn’t have to care about the norms of the society!

Thus, he said, “That’s rights, Chu Gao is right, boss, if you like her then go pursue her, brothers us will help you keep it from dasao!” Ouyang Tianqi promised.

Hearing that, I smiled helplessly, hiding it from Zhao Yanyan? She probably won’t object after hearing it! Most importantly, does Yu Ting have any more feelings towards me! And what sort of feeling did I have towards Yu Ting right now?

Since it was a long time ago, I pretty much forgot that I had such a first love, but when I met her again, my heart couldn’t help but waver! Yes, anyone would have an uncontrollable feeling towards their first love! I was no exception! However, the situation was that Yu Ting was already a girl from thirty something years ago in my find, although I did have some sort of unspeakable feeling towards her at the time, now, I didn’t even know what I felt!

The only thing that I was should feel glad about is that in the three years that I have been reborn, I had completely gotten used to this age, whether it was psychologically or mentally, I gradually accepted the fact that I was nineteen.

That’s why, when I thought back to the things that happened between Yu Ting and I, I knew that deep within my heart, I still felt a bit affable towards her! I don’t know whether it was love at that age! At least I knew that she liked me then, and I also liked her! It’s just that neither of us said it! This might be the vagueness of first love that people talk about!

I shook my head and smiled wryly. Now, I could only take it a step at a time.

I took out my phone and sent Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier a text each, asking them to meet at the school gates during noon for breakfast. After that, I walked back in the direction towards the dorm with Ouyang Tianqi and co.

“Boss, there’s an internet café just outside our school, it just opened, how about going there to play?” Huang Wenjing suggested.

I momentarily blanked, internet café? Indeed, this industry started in 1997 and 1998, but it never got popularized until 1999, where it bloomed everywhere in Huaxia. Although I got in touch with the internet of this era in Songjiang University, and Shuguang Corporation was completely connected to the internet, very few students in this era knew about the internet. The brat Huang Wenjing actually knew about the internet café, it seems like he really was someone suitable for computing.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 21 – Single-minded in relationships

[Vol.2] Chapter 17 – Redeem

“Elsa, how much did you borrow from Doloa?”


 Not understanding the meaning of my question Elsa looked at me puzzled.
 She still had tears in her eyes.

“I’m asking what the amount of money you borrowed is.”

“Eehm, it’s 50 gold coins……”⌈2

 Elsa replied unwillingly.
 That’s 5 million Japanese Yen, isn’t it?
 That’s a large amount of money for a girl her age.⌈3
 That’s a large sum of money for the me from my original world as well.

“When you returned it are you able to quit this job?”

“Eh, yes, but I have to try harder and earn money to – -”

“You want to let your grandparents have an easier life, right? But you don’t have to do it through this job, right?”

“That’s right, but how else should I earn money?”

 That’s right, for a girl her age it’s hard to earn as much as 5 million yen to return it and continue earning money.
 Besides, there isn’t any gender equality in this world.
 It’s different from my original world because I modelled this world after the medieval Europe.⌈4

“Elsa, what do you think of m- – me?”⌈5

“As I said a while ago, I think you are a gentle person.”

“Do you dislike me?”

“How could I dislike you? For Carlo-sama to be my first customer, I was really relieved – -”

 I see, she doesn’t dislike me.
 Then let’s do this … after all.

“Elsa, you said something a while ago. There’s another method, becoming the mistress of a rich person.”

“Yeah, though Doloa-san told me this would be better”

“How about you become my mistress? Even though I say mistress I won’t do anything to you forcibly. If you don’t like it you can go whenever you want. Of course, I’ll pay you a monthly salary so you can properly support your grandparents.”⌈6

“Eh?! But we didn’t do anything yet, right?”

“There’s no need to rush. It’s your first time, it’s better to know each other a little more before doing this stuff, then Elsa can decide if you really want to do it with me.”

 And when I’m prepared, okay?

“But I can’t possibly accept this much from you”

“It’s fine, if Elsa’s fine with it I’m also fine with it. Are you against it?”

“It’s……It’s not like I’m against it……But I’m sorry I can’t after all……”

“If Elsa isn’t against it then it’s settled. Let’s go talk to Doloa about it immediately.”

 I quickly got up from the bed.
 After I put on my clothes I left the room without looking at Elsa.
 When I looked at the carefully folded clothes thoughts of the lovely Elsa rose up.⌈7

 This isn’t love.⌈8
 Of course, it isn’t affection⌈9⌋ either, it might just be out of pity.
 In the end, it’s only me helping her for my own self-satisfaction.
 But isn’t that fine?
 I’m mostly the villain Carlo, keeping one mistress around is just fine!
 ……Though I’m still a virgin.

 I waited for Elsa to get dressed and left the room together.
 A black dressed man, who was standing in the corridor and different from the one at the entrance, came over in a hurry.

“Are you returning already? Though I hadn’t stood her for long but is there something you are dissatisfied with?”

“No, I want to talk to Doloa. I’m sorry but could you get her?”

 We went down the stairs and were led into the room from a while ago.
 Elsa stood completely tense next to me.

“Carlo-sama, is that really fine?”

“I said it’s fine, didn’t I? Or are you against is?”

 Elsa lightly shook her head.

“Didn’t I say I’m not against it? But I still can’t believe it.”

“Then sit down. I’ll make you believe it soon”

 When I was talking about such things I heard someone knocking on the door.

“Well, Carlo-sama, what can I do for you? Did this child do something wrong?”

 Doloa entered with a smile on her lips.
 She moved in a sexy yet elegant way, as one would expect.
 This person surely fought 100 battles.⌈10

“No, in fact, I want to take Elsa back home.”

“Well, did you like her that much? That’s fine. Our store can also send women to mansions, hotels and – -”

“That’s not it”

 I interrupted Doloa in a serious tone.

“I want to have Elsa in my hand’s reach all the time. Of course, I’ll pay an appropriate amount of money.”

“Well, do you want to redeem her?”⌈11

Redeem her, she said, huh?
 I feel like I heard this in a historical drama or read it in a historical novel.

“Did you hear about that child’s circumstances?”

“Yeah. She said she borrowed money from you, Doloa.”

“You know about that as well, huh?”

 Doloa looked towards Elsa with a straight face.
 Until a while ago she used a professional type of voice but now she asked her in a little lower tone.

“Elsa, how about you? Do you want to go with this Carlo-sama?”

 Elsa was puzzled for a bit and threw inquiring looks towards me.
 When I nodded she turned towards Doloa again as she made up her mind.

“I want to go with Carlo-sama if you allow it Doloa-san”

“……Is, is that so?”

 As Doloa slightly sighed she started to speak to me.

“To tell the truth, I was against that child doing this kind of work. You can earn money but this job is many times harder.”

 Then she continued with a slightly bitter smile.

“For this to happen after just the first customer. This is the first time I saw something like this even with my long experience.”

“Well, that’s to be expected”

“Carlo-sama, I won’t object to this child’s wishes. Could you please make this child happy?”

 Carlo is a villain in this world and I myself have no experience in going out with a girl.
 That’s why I honestly don’t know if I can make her happy.
 But I could at least grant her freedom.
 She will still be happier than in this present situation.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I wonder if I’m able to make someone happy. But I do want to make her happy.”

“Is it so? It’s good if you think this way. Can you pay the money?”

 If the amount Elsa borrowed from Doloa is 50 gold coins that would be five white gold coins.⌈12
 There’s definitely interest on it so it’s probably higher than that.

“How much should I pay? If I don’t have enough at hand I will let the missing amount be delivered to you.”

“Carlo-sama, your budget for today’s joyride was five white gold coins, right?”

“Yeah, I spend a bit of it just now though”

“Then the rest of it is fine. Please pay the four white gold coins and seven gold coins you have with you.”

“Hey, then- -”

 I was trying to say that Doloa would make losses this way but she just shook her head and stopped me.

“Though I’m also running a business offering these types of things but before that I see myself as a mother to those children. Please take good care of this child. That enough for me”


As Elsa heard Doloa’s words she couldn’t utter a single one.
 She covered her mouth with both hands and merely shed tears.
 I was also impressed by Doloa’s kind nature.

“Got it. I’ll cherish this promise.”

“Then that’s fine. Then would you kindly hand over the money?”

 Doloa smiled happily and held out her right hand towards me.
 I took out the four white gold coins and seven gold coins out of the small pouch and put them on her hand.

“Shouldn’t I pay at least another two gold coins?”⌈13

“I’m not that much of a stingy person. This much is fine.”

 After she said this she spoke to the black-clothed man who stood behind her.

“Please, go and get Elsa’s deed”

 The uncle immediately returned with a piece of paper.

“Now, with this you are free”

 As she said that Doloa tore the deed she received into four pieces and handed them to Elsa.


“Now, what are you doing, get your bags right away. Get out of here together with Carlo-sama”

“Ah, ye, yes!” 

 Elsa left the room in a hurry.

“Carlo-sama, thank you. I didn’t want to let that child work here from the beginning. The world is still unknown to this child. Please, be gentle.”

“I understand. Apart from that, Doloa seems to have a lot of information.”

“If you work in this kind of field for so many years various rumours will come your way.”

 That’s right, various people will come and go.
 Besides this is a super high-quality shop.
 People with high social positions will come here.

“Doloa, I have a request.”

“……What is it?”

 From this flow of our talk, Doloa seems to have gotten a little cautious.

“Actually, I was asked by His Majesty to move for the sake of Franz Kingdom’s and Ruan’s security. If it’s fine with you, could you cooperate with me?”

“I was born and raised in this town Ruan so I want to be of help to His Majesty. But isn’t it dangerous?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. I would never bother Doloa or the shop. Just tell me the noble’s state and rumours.”

“Certainly a lot of nobles come to this house. If I can be of help to His Majesty it’s not bothersome but can you pay me properly?”

 As one would expect, she’s persistent.
 But the information I could get here is pretty attractive.
 I knew my reason for coming to this town Ruan as well as I know the scar on my face.

“Of course. I’ll pay you well. Since it’s like this I’ll tell an organisation called the “Rabbit group” to come over from time to time, please tell them the information.”

“My, what a cute name, “Rabbit group”.”

 Doloa laughed in an interesting way.

“Yeah, I’d just like you to not tell them about me. Officially, I’m not supposed to be involved. Give the information to a man called “Akatsuki” instead”

“How very interesting. Akatsuki-san, right? Understood. But is that fine? I might tell someone this information, you know?”

“I believe that I can trust you Doloa. When such a thing happens then that means I was just wrong.”⌈14

“Well, if you say things like that I can’t go around and talk, can I? Alright, I won’t tell this to anyone”

“Also don’t let the Rabbit group’s men play around here. If those guys fall into bankruptcy I would have to settle it.”

“What a pity. You seemed like you’d make a good customer.”

 Doloa laughed in a loud voice.
 That’s not a joke, I’d have to take over every debt those guys made even if it was made while playing around!

“Sorry, I’ve have kept you waiting”

 The door was knocked and Elsa entered.
 She changed from her sexy dress from a while into some simple clothes which probably belonged to her.
 Yes, this appearance fits my preference.
 It goes well with Elsa’s natural cuteness.

“You came. Elsa, serve Carlo-sama well. But if he’s doing terrible things to you just run away and hide here.”

“Hey, hey, that won’t happen.”

 As I protested Doloa laughed interestingly and said.

“That’s a joke. This child is now in your care.”

 While being seen off by the uncles and Doloa Elsa and I left the “Goddess’s Hall”.

“Thank you very much. I will serve you the best I can from now on.”

“Yeah, Elsa, please take care of from now on.”

 Elsa embraced me and I hugged her shoulders.
 Out of nowhere, we kissed a second time.⌈15
 Then someone suddenly called out to me from the darkness.

“Uhm, ehem, would you mind introducing her?”


  1. The title actually means to buy someone out of bondage (esp. prostitutes) So every time you see redeem in this chapter it actually means this 
  2. Heh, bye-bye rest of the money… 
  3. That’s a lot of money for any normal person…. 
  4. So it’s different from the modern world is was he means 
  5. He wanted to use boku and switched to ore 
  6. What a fine villain e__e 
  7. He used itoshi = beloved/dear/lovely etc 
  8. Here it’s koi= love/tender passion 
  9. Here it’s ai = Love/ Affection 
  10. As in night time battles 
  11. It’s the same as the title, muike 
  12. What a coincidence 
  13. Be happy she doesn’t want more, goddamnit! 
  14. And that might cause a looot of trouble, meaning she won’t have much of a disadvantage but you’ll get into trouble if she tells someone with more money if she’s that kind of character 
  15. Well, at least he’s no kissing virgin anymore