Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 78 – Shuguang’s Competitor

Sun Sikong continued, “Since the closure of this sort of metal is superb, the energy loss due to that is negligible. The small motor system is able to run for a million kilometers after it is filled with water!”

“A million kilometers? This is almost the maximum distance that current cars can run, no matter how good the car, they pretty much are busted after a million kilometers!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah. What’s more, this motor system can be run alongside most engines in the market, or even directly replace it,” Sun Sikong said proudly.

I know that the data I provided Sun Sikong with was purely theoretical, it was already very impressive for him to able to completely develop it. The fact that he would make it work with the engines in the market proved that Sun Sikong was a rare talent even more. I truly find a treasure mine.

“Not bad. How much did this cost, it isn’t really high, right?” This was what I was most concerned with, if this was very costly, then it was no difference from trash.

“Hehe, of course it isn’t high!” Sun Sikong smiled. “It is rather easy to put together the metal this motor uses, and the materials are also very cheap. The cost of the smallest motor is only 15 RMB.”

“15 RMB!” I exclaimed. ****, is he selling it like scrap metal!

“Liu-laoshi, if you think that this is too expensive, then you can lower it further, but the lifespan of the motor system cannot be guaranteed, “Sun Sikong thought that I found it too expensive, so he hurriedly added.

“Ugh,,,” I didn’t know what to say. If this was introduced to the market, wouldn’t money just come flowing in!

“If we were to lower the cost, we can change the engine so that water cannot be added, thus it become something that is one-use only. It will probably be done for after running a million kilometers,” said Sun Sikong. “This way, the cost can be controlled at less than 10 RMB.”

I was truly speechless. Sun Sikong was truly talented, I was just wondering how to introduce this new motor system, since I was afraid that after this was introduced, it would be a huge blow to the head for those oil countries!

If it really was as Sun Sikong said, I could just sell this sort of single-use engine. However, how am I supposed to protect the technology? This was very important, thus I asked, “Doctor Sun, this sort of motor system can’t be copied by others, right?”

“Currently, only we have the technology to produce this sort of metal, so others cannot copy it. However, if Liu-laoshi wants it to be more mysterious, we can add a self-destruct device that activates once someone tries to take it apart. However, the cost will increase,” Sun Sikong explained.

“En, this idea isn’t bad. Let’s just do this! Currently, just focus on making a sample of a small single-use product!” I ordered.

“Sure, no problem!” Sun Sikong nodded. “This is easy, it’ll be done in about a month!”

“Alright then, since it’s like this, then I don’t need to worry. I’ll go and introduce this to the market,” I said.

Originally, I wanted to get Shuguang Corporation to introduce this technology. However, when I thought more about it, Shuguang Corporation truly developed too quickly, if it introduced this motor system, then it would cause certain organizations to have ill will towards Shuguang. As one of the leading company in electronics, it would be too unbelievable for them to suddenly get involved in a motor system. That’s why, I might as well get a new corporation to do this. Yet, who else can I rely on to do this outside of a business elite like Uncle Zhao? No matter how much I thought, I couldn’t think of anyone. Most of the people around me are doing something and won’t be able to be free, yet I can’t use someone that I can’t trust.

Just as I was getting anxious over the choice for a person, I surprisingly received Uncle Zhao’s call.

“Xiao Liu, some trouble happened with Shuguang!” Zhao Junsheng said solemnly.

“Trouble? What trouble?” I was a bit confused, technically speaking, with Shuguang’s current size and the contribution it has made towards the country, trouble from the officials wasn’t quite possible, since they couldn’t support it enough. It was even more impossible for the underworld since Songjiang city belongs to the Three Rock Gang. Although a Yan Yitong popped out, he was dealt with, and even if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t dare to make a move against Shuguang. Could it be an internal trouble? But that isn’t quite possible! Shuguang’s internal side was rather united, everyone was proud of working at Shuguang.

“There’s a software company called Great Person Corporation that had a press conference today afternoon. They introduced an operating system called Windows 2000, it works completely fine with our Shuguang Windows 98, and it is very similar to the Shuguang Windows 2000 with developed!” Zhao Junsheng said seriously.

Someone actually developed the year 2000 operating system before me? How is that possible! In my previous life, Microsoft had only released this operating system in 1999, which is the following year. I was going to release Shuguang Windows 2000 the next year as well, how did another company do it first?

“Don’t we have the patent for the graphics OS?” I asked.

“I already got a lawyer to do this, but even if we sue them, the results isn’t good. This sort of case is very difficult, some might drag on for several years!” Zhao Junsheng said hesitantly.

I understood after hearing it, in my previous life, Microsoft had a case drag on for n year just because of this patent.

“Is there a spy among us?” Although I didn’t kquite believe it, I still asked.

“I thought so at the start a well, but all of the programmers that are involved with the core secrets have a sighed a lifetime non-disclosure agreement. Shuguang’s benefits is already really high, they have no reason to sell the company out. What’s more, the computers in the development room doesn’t have any internet, nor does it have any way to output things aside from the intranet. It is impossible for the code to get completely leaked,” said Zhao Junsheng.

“Okay, Uncle Zhao, try and research about the background about this company, then we’ll see! If it doesn’t look good, then we’ll just release 2003 or P earlier, our Shuguang has to stay at the front of the industry!’ I said. Originally, I might have felt a sense of danger, but now, I wasn’t afraid of anything. Who am I scared of now, I have the Animasian’s technology!

However, after hanging up the call, I felt the situation as a bit weird. It doesn’t make sense, if this person wasn’t from Shuguang, how could he have coded the 2000 version? You have to know, the service framework of 2000 is different from 98, just who is this person?

Could it be… I suddenly thought, could this person be a person that was transported here from the future like me?

This seemed very possible, only this illogical explanation could explain it all.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 78 – Shuguang’s Competitor

Chapter 77 – New motor system

Just after we returned the school, I received good news from Dr. Sun Sikong, who had successfully developed the motor system that can use water as its fuel. I was extremely happy upon hearing that, this was an epoch-making step, it signals mankind’s science stepping into a new era.

Thus, I told Sun Sikong to continue researching and that I’ll hurry over as fast as possible.

In the afternoon, I told Zhao Yanyan that I had some urgent matters so I had to leave for a while. Since she just fell into the river of love with me, she was naturally a bit reluctant to part, but she still said, “If you have stuff to do, then go and do it, as long as you don’t just disappear off the grid like last time! I know you like me and spoil me right now, but I also know that girls that are too clingy is annoying, so if there’s any issues, then just call me.”

It seems like Zhao Yanyan and my relationship was finally confirmed after the passionate kiss on the car just now. This also solved an issue I had for so a long time, meaning that I could concentrate on developing my career.

In order to prevent other people from suspecting anything, I intentionally went into a toilet compartment during lesson time, then used my teleportation ability. In the next moment, I appeared on the private island that I bought on the Pacific Ocean.

The security alarm immediately went off the moment I appeared. Following that, a group of people carrying the newest laser guns (this sort of weapon is only found on this island, and have not been officially introduced to the world) from the Shuguang Military Factory in South Africa ran over and said to me, “Who are you. You are already surrounded, please do not try to resist. This is a private island, we have the right to shoot you down. Please raise your hands and cooperate with our check!” With that, he repeated it again in English.

“Put down your weapon, I’m Liu Lei!” I used the mental energy I have and passed my voice clearly into everyone’s ears. Although I wasn’t scared of any weapons, it was rather embarrassing if my clothes got blasted into that of a hobo’s.

“It’s Chief! Everyone, put down your weapons!” The black-shirted person in the lead ordered others. Then, he quickly ran in front of me and said, “Chief, this subordinate did not know that Chief has arrived, there was much offense just now. I ask for punishment!”

“Okay now, you didn’t do anything wrong. In fact, you guys did great! This proves that your defense system is quite good, this is worthy of praise! Alright, I came to find Doctor Sun this time, where is he now?”

“Doctor Sun is in the laboratory. During the past month, Doctor Sun has only been in the laboratory, including when he sleeps and eats,” The leader of the black-shirted people explained.

“Okay, then go and busy yourselves, I’ll be fine by myself! Oh yeah, what’s your name?” I said.

“Chief, please call me the Platoon Leader of Division A’s 3rd Regiment’s 1st Platoon! My code number is 9528,” said the black-shirted leader.

I knew that Du Xiaowei’s mercenary company named the warriors using their ranks and code number, so I merely nodded and asked, “Isn’t the 1st Regiment is strongest, didn’t they come onto the island?”

“Report, Chief, normally the comrades from the 1st Regiment’s 2nd Platoon are training at the underground training fields, they will only come out and assist us when there is an emergency!” said 9538.

“Oh, I see!” I waved my hand. “Alright, go back to work!”

I walked swiftly towards the underground laboratory that was way ahead of the times. I had already got someone to use a fake mountain to cover the entrance, and fingerprint and voice recognition is needed to enter. The people that could enter are limited to Du Xiaowei, the platoon leaders of the ones on guard, Sun Sikong himself and me.

After the verification, the fake mountain moved away slowly and revealed a door. After I entered, I only managed to arrive at Sun Sikong’s laboratory after a few more verification processes.

Seeing that I arrived, Sun Sikong said excitedly, “Liu-laoshi, come and look quickly, I already succeeded in making that motor system that uses water as the fuel based on the information you researched!”

Since some of the key technologies were provided by me for Sun Sikong’s research, he respectfully called me as laoshi. Scientists were like this, no matter how powerful, how rich you are, they don’t care about you, only if you are more amazing than him in their field would they truly admire you full heartedly! Sun Sikong was like this, this was also what caused him to loyally follow me around in the future and make a great contribution to my glorious space plan.

Sun Sikong pointed at the purplish gold colored cubic motor-like objects of different sizes in the middle of the laboratory, “These are the newest motors systems I developed using water as the fuel, it could be described as a motor that burns water!”

I asked weirdly at the objects shining with purple light in front of me and asked, “What are these motors made from?”

“This is a new sort of metal that we put together using the information you provided. The current existing metals are unable to fulfill the requirements of this motor system, while this new type of metal is able to satisfy the requirements in both durability and strength,” Sun Sikong introduced.

“Did you put together a new metallic element?” I asked in surprise.

“You can say that. This was no difficult thing with your data. Liu-laoshi, did you forget about your own ideas?” Sun Sikong asked in confusion. From his perspective, there has never been anything like the stuff I gave him, it was impossible for me to have copied it from someone else, so it could only have been something I researched.

“Ugh… I did all these before, so I don’t remember some of them!” I replied vaguely.

“Oh, okay!” Sun Sikong said with a bit of disappointment. “There are still some special metals in your data, only their electron configuration, structure and the fusion conditions are listed, but there are some troubles with actually doing it. I wanted to ask you about it…”

“Oh, no worries, take your time in for the research! Even if I know it all, I can’t tell you, because these technologies are not enough, we have to develop even more advance technology from this as a basis, if you come and find me every time you face a problem, then you will lack assertiveness and the passion for research, this is deadly for a scientist!” I said perfunctorily.

“So it’s like this!” Sun Sikong nodded solemnly, “Liu-laoshi, thank you for your teachings and correction of my mistakes in time. I understand now, I will definitely continue to work hard, in order to develop more advance technology and not disappoint laoshi!!”

“That’s right, you have to keep confidence in yourself, you will definitely be able to do it…” It seems like I’m just a conman… However, no matter what, this is finally over.

“Oh yeah, I got into talking too much that I forgot to introduce these motor systems. The smallest one is able to generate enough energy equivalent to a 2.41 motor. The middle-sized one can be used in heavy military vehicles or on airplanes. The large one can be used in rockets and space shuttles.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 77 – New motor system

Chapter 76 – A kiss that decided the relationship

It can’t be, I find it rather funny that Zhao Yanyan actually revvealed this sort of little girl expression again. IN order to break through this awkward atmosphere, I poured a cup of tea and said with a smile, “You’re thirsty right, have a cup of tea.”

“Oh,” Zhao Yanyan carefully received the cup, then put both of her hands on the table, without drinking at all. She merely dipped her head and avoided looking at me.

“Sir, please enjoy, the dishes you ordered have arrived,” With that, the waiter put the dishes I ordered onto the table. I took a look at the dishes, then said to Zhao Yanyan, “Yanyan, let’s eat. Hehe, this looks pretty good, but this restaurant did learn the pettiness from other restaurants in Yanjing, I wonder if such a small plate is enough to eat!”

“He…” Zhao Yanyan also giggled after hearing that. “Are you a pig, look at those tables, they’re also a couple, but they only ordered one dish. We ordered three and you’re still saying that it’s not enough, this is so embarrassing!”

And thus, the nervous atmosphere between us completely vanished.

“Isn’t it good that I can eat a lot, only if I eat a lot would I have the strength to protect you!” Right at that moment, I felt something was weird about what Zhao Yanyan just said, that’s why, I quickly asked. “You just said that they are also a couple, then do you mean that we…”

Before I finished, Zhao Yanyan interrupted me shyly, “Don’t continue! You are still asking even thought you know, if you ask me then I’ll go back on my words!”

With that, she quickly lowered her head to stop eating. I knew that this chick is shy so I did not continue asking, and merely started eating happily with her. Perhaps, it was due to being in a good mood, I managed to completely finish the three dishes and a big bowl of rice. Seeing that, Zhao Yanyan said, “You truly are a pig!”

“What’s wrong with a pig, if I’m a pig, then you’re a sow!” I wiped my mouth and said without care.

“Hmmph! I’m not coming anymore!” Zhao Yanyan said angrily since she didn’t think that she would have dug a large hole for herself.

“Hehe, what, are you angry at me?” I said with a laugh.

“Hmmph!” Zhao Yanyan turned her face to the side.

“I would misunderstand you like this, and think that you want me to kiss you…” I acted like I was going to kiss Zhao Yanyan’s cheeks.

What I didn’t expect was that Zhao Yanyana actually did not resist, instead, she closed her eyes and froze nervously.

Hehe, if I don’t take this great chance that was just given to me, I would be an idiot!

“Sir, this is the complementary fruits that this shop provides after the meal. Please enjoy!” Just as I was about to kiss Zhao Yanyan’s cheeks, a voice interrupted me. I raised up to look. It was the waiter from the restaurant.

There was no helping it, I could only temporarily stop and say awkwardly, “Oh, okay. Thank you. Please give me the bill.”

Zhao Yanyan was also shocked. She looked nervously at me with a blush.

We ate some fruits quickly, then pulled Zhao Yanyan out of the northeastern restaurant.

“Just now…” After we got on the car, Zhao Yanyan and I spoke pretty much together.

“You speak first…” said Zhao Yanyan.

“No, you say first,” I said, then started the car.

“Just now… You didn’t do anything right… I mean, that waiter didn’t see anything, right…” Zhao Yanyan said with a blush.

“Nothing, I didn’t do anything. What happened just now?” I asked and pretended that I didn’t know anything, since Zhao Yanyan closed her eyes just now, she didn’t see what I was doing.

“Ah!” Zhao Yanyan bit her lips and looked at me with annoyance. She was extremely angry, she finally made up the decision to close her eyes, yet this guy didn’t understand her intention!

“What were you going to say?” In order to avoid her embarrassment, she asked in annoyance.

“Oh, I just wanted to ask why did you suddenly close your eyes just now in the restaurant?” I asked seriously.

Liu Lei! I’m going to kill you! Zhao Yanyan was truly angry now as she swore fiercely in her heart. However, she still replied, “Nothing, I was just a bit sleepy…”

“Oh, then close your eyes and rest for a moment! I’ll wake you up at school!” I said.

“Okay,” Zhao Yanyan wasn’t sleepy, but since she had already said that, she could only close her eyes and pretend to nap.

However, she immediately realized that something wasn’t right, since she felt the car stop! At the start, she thought that they had reached the traffic lights and were waiting for the signal, but there wasn’t any movement for a while. Thus, she quickly opened her eyes, and saw that the car had already stopped by the road, while a person as lecherously looking at her.

“What are you doing!” Zhao Yanyan said to me nervously.

“I’m not doing anything, I just suddenly understood your meaning just now, so I stopped the car to finish what we didn’t finish just now!” With that, I lowered my head over.

“You’re terrible!” Zhao Yanyan was both angry and shy, but felt a bit of joy as well. So this fellow was just tricking her, it really is too embarrassing.

Zhao Yanyan struggled a little, then closed her eyes again. This time, it was in my car, so I got more daring and directly kissed Zhao Yanyan’s mouth.

At the start, Zhao Yanyan clenched her teeth and didn’t move, but she slowly opened her cherry lips due to my attack and let her tongue move.

We only separated our lips until we nearly suffocated. Zhao Yanyan panted and looked at me with a confused expression. Only after a while, did she react and say, “Did-Didn’t you said you would kiss my cheeks…”

“That was in the restaurant, there’s no one else here. Of course I’ll directly kiss you on your lips!” I smiled.

“You terrible person, you’re laughing even though you took advantage of me!” Zhao Yanyan said as she pinched me.

“Murder of the husband!” I shouted. “See if I take care of you!” With that, I kissed her once again.

Only after a while did Zhao Yanyan push me away, “Okay, you terrible person, let’s hurry back to school. It’s nearly one, we have practical in the afternoon!”

Only then did I reluctantly let go of my hands that held Zhao Yanyan and started up the car again.

Due to the kiss just now, Zhao Yanyan and I became more familiar as we started chatting.

“You said that you’re from Songjiang as well?” Zhao Yanyan asked.

“Yeah, I said it already, we were deskmates in highschool!” I nodded.

“I faint, you’re still tricking me even though we’ve become like this!” Zhao Yanyan glared at me and said. “You don’t seem to have a need to make up a story now, right.”

“I’m also going to faint. I really didn’t trick you!” I said. “Do you remember Guo Qing?”

“I remember Guo Qing, you also know him?” Zhao Yanyan asked weirdly.

“…” It seems like there really is nothing I can do, however, I was satisfied with this recent already. Not only once did I want to take out proof so that Zhao Yanyan would believe me, but despite having been together with Zhao Yanyan for three years, we actually never had a photo taken together. There was a few times that Zhao Yanyan insisted to go and take photos in photo booths, but I felt that it was boring back then so I didn’t agree. Now, it’s really too late to regret it.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 76 – A kiss that decided the relationship

Chapter 75 – First date

Only then did I recall that Zhao Yanyan takes notes every lesson, so I couldn’t help but let go of the beauty’s smooth hands and smiled awkwardly, “Okay…”

During the lesson, the two of us returned to how we were before, Zhao Yanyan studied on one side, while I paid all my attention looking at her on the other. However, due to the scene just now, the atmosphere between us became ambiguous once again.

Of course, I did not forget to harass the beauty when she was free, causing her to turn bright red.

During lunch time, I said to Zhao Yanyan, “Let’s eat out today!”

“Sure!” Zhao Yanyan agreed my request without much thought.

“Oh yeah, let’s call Liu Yue. She has been taking care of me while I was hospitalized!” said Zhao Yanyan.

“Don’t you have a grudge with her?” I didn’t want our first date to be disturbed.

“Hehe, no, that’s all while we were young, I pretty much forgot about it!” said Zhao Yanyan. “How do you know about this?”

I sweat! Don’t remember? If you don’t remember, then why did you have such a big reaction back then, causing you to get hit by a car.

“I… heard it from Liu Yue!” I stuttered.

“Liu Yue… told you all this?” Zhao Yanyan nodded thoughtfully. Then she said, “She seems… to also like you…” While she said that, she looked just like a jealous sulking wife.

Wait, Zhao Yanyan said “also like”? That means Zhao Yanyan likes me? Haha! Even this chick has times when she lets stuff slip!

“Ah, is that so?” Of course I also know about Liu Yue’s feeling towards me, it’s just that I couldn’t help but pretend to be dumb at this moment.

Zhao Yanyan glared at me sideways and said, “Is it possible for you to not know? How is it, do you feel very happy?”

“What am I supposed to be happy for!” Even if I was happy, I can’t say that, I don’t want anything else to happen without getting this chick.

“Hmmph, you’re smart. Hehe, but who knows what you actually think! Okay, I’ll give Liu Yue a call, and tell her to come over!” With that, Zhao Yanyan decided to take out her phone.

“About this… Never mind! She’s at the car shop, so she’s very busy!” I said randomly.

“Oh… So it’s like this!” Zhao Yanyan said with a bit of disappointment.

However… I found out that a person shouldn’t lie. Ai! Just as I raised my head up, I actually saw Liu Yue walking over with a smile.

Zhao Yanyan also saw Liu Yue, so she glared at me fiercely, then went over to pul on Liu Yue’s hand, “Liu Yue, you’re not at the car shop? What a coincidence, Liu Lei and I are going to eat, let’s go together!”

“Hehe, there are sales managers at the car shop, I don’t need to go every day! What, you and Liu Lei… are together again?” Liu Yue asked as she looked at Zhao Yanyan and I holding hands.

“We…” Zhao Yanyan immediately let go of my hands and said. “We aren’t anything right now…” With that, she glared at me, meaning “didn’t you say that Liu Yue was busy at the car shop”!

I could only reply with a dry smile, “Liu Yue, we’re going to eat. You coming?” With that, I also quickly gave her a cue.

The intelligent Liu Yue naturally understood what I meant, she smiled and said, ‘I’m not going, I still need to get some stuff from the dorms. You guys can go!” However, why do I feel like the smile feels a bit sour?

Zhao Yanyan naturally did not notice, she could only say in disappointment, “Then alright!”

I sighed, then pulled Zhao Yanyan out of the school gate. Just after we went out, we saw Zhang Jiaming and his lackey walk over.

“Aiya, isn’t this Zhao Yanyan…” Zhang Jiaming looked at me on the side and said, “You two didn’t break up yet?

“We haven’t even got together, what do you mean break up!” Zhao Yanyan said in confusion.

I exclaimed that Zhao Yanyan was truly too naïve, so she couldn’t even understand this kind of sarcasm.

“Ha! Brat, didn’t you say that she’s your girlfriend? So you’re just a follower!” Zhang Jiaming laughed relentlessly.

I looked towards Zhao Yanyan and said quietly, “Aren’t you just causing trouble for yourself. Do you like him always pestering you every day!”

“I-I didn’t think so much just now!” Zhao Yanyan looked at me apologetically, then bit her lips, and wrapped her arms around mine. Then she said to Zhang Jiaming, “This lady’s tricking you, you ******!” Then, she said to me softly, “Hubby, let’s go and eat!”

Zhang Jiaming looked at Zhao Yanyan and I with wide eyes, while I was also beyond shocked, and thanked Zhang Jiaming ten thousand times in my heart. I didn’t think that Zhao Yanyan would call me hubby!

Only after we walked far away did Zhao Yanyan retract her arms and said awkwardly. “About that… I was just trying to anger Zhang Jiaming so he would go away…”

“I understand,” I nodded and said. But no matter what, at least this means that I’m not far from success.

Yanyan and I arrived at the parking lot behind the school, and took out the remote from my pocket and pressed, causing my Land Rover to let out a clear unlocking sound.

“This is your car?” Zhao Yanyan looked at me weirdly. Her background was already great, but she was still a bit surprised after seeing my limited-edition Land Rover.

“Yeah, what?” I pulled open the first door, then made a ‘please’ gesture.

“Nothing,” Zhao Yanyan shook her head. During the time she has been spending with me, she did not feel like I was rich at all. I would go and squeeze in the canteen with her every day. From her perspective, rich young masters like me wouldn’t go and eat at the canteen.

“Are you really rich?” Zhao Yanyan got confused for quite a while, before deciding to ask.

“What, you’re going to marry me after seeing that I’m rich?” I teased.

“Che! This lady doesn’t care!” Zhao Yanyan pouted an said.

“Hehe, that’s right, how could I be as rich as Shuguang Corporation!” I said with two meanings. Since Shuguang Corporation is mine, there wasn’t anything wrong with what I said.

“What are we going to eat?” I drove the car out of Huaxia University’s car park.

“Let’s go and eat northeastern cuisine, okay? I haven’t ate traditional Songjiang cuisine for so long,” Zhao Yanyan suggest.

“Sure,” I was missing the taste of food from home as well, recently, I’ve always been eating at the canteen, it’s only the taste of Yanjing.

I parked the car in front of the entrance to a Northeastern Cuisine Restaurant. Since Zhao Yanyan and I are both from the northeast, we’re not quite used to the food in Yanjing, so obviously we had to choose a restaurant that cooks stuff from home.

I got the waiter to find a rather quite position in the corner, then went over to sit down with Zhao Yanyan.

I ordered Yuxiang Shredded Pork, Double Cooked Pork Slices as well as Fried Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant. These are all specialties from the northeast, which was rare here.

The dim lights within the restaurant caused Zhao Yanyan’s face to look unusually pretty. Perhaps it was the “first time” that she had a date with me, the index fingers of Zhao Yanyan’s hands kept on moving on the table, as if she was a little girl with her first love.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 75 – First date

Chapter 74 – Agree to have a date with you

“Chubby Uncle, give me a bouquet of flowers!” I said as I walked into the flower shop at the school entrance.

“Hey, young man, it’s been a while! How’d you been, did you manage to get the girl?” The chubby old man recognized me with a smile.

“Ai! Don’t mention it, something happened at home, so I had to go back. I just came back today. I didn’t tell her exactly how long I was going to leave, so I fear she’s angry at me!” I said with a wry smile.

“Ha, young man, you don’t get it, do you?” The chubby old man laughed.

“Don’t get it? What do you mean? Do you have some insight?” I asked weirdly.

“Of course, young man, have you not heard of a saying that a loss is no bad thing! Perhaps your leave this time was a very good opportunity, you might have unexpected gains,” With that, the chubby old man started counting flowers from the bucket.

“Opportunity? Chubby Uncle, can you just tell me clearly, what exactly is it?” I was more and more confused.

“You understand hot and cold, right. If you stay by her side every day, perhaps she wouldn’t realize your importance, once she loses you, she would realize your importance. People are like that, they only want to regain something once they have lost it! That’s why, as long as you understand this, you are a step closer to success!” The chubby old man said as he started wrapping up the flowers for me.

“Is that so?” Although I had the experience from my previous life, I only understood a bit about relationships, otherwise, I couldn’t possibly have missed out on both Xu Ruoyun and Ye Xiaoxiao.

The chubby old man nodded, “Of course, I’m someone that’s been through your situation, would I lie to you! What’s more, if you and her don’t get together, who’s going to visit my shop? I do want to sell a few more bouquets of flowers!”

“Haha, then thank you, Chubby Uncle!” With that, I handed a hundred kuai over.

“Mhmm… I don’t have change, can I owe you one kuai for now?” The chubby old man said after searching through his drawer for quite a while.

“No problem, just chuck it into the donation box for me when you get change!” I said.

“Sure, hehe!” The chubby old man smiled.

Along the way, I was still worried, so I gave Uncle Zhao a call as well. In the end, Uncle Zhao’s words were more or less the same as that old man’s, he even exclaimed that I truly left at the right time! Even if this incident didn’t occur, he was going to find an excuse for me to disappear for a while.

Do I just not understand a girl’s heart at all? I shook my head.

Just after I entered the building, I saw Professor Dong, who just finished his lesson walk over. When he saw me, he said, “Liu Lei, hurry up and go have a look at your girlfriend. She seems to be rather restless.”

“Restless? What do you mean?” I asked.

“Hehe, she has been restless for the last few days that you haven’t been here, she can’t even calm down to listen in class. Go and see her quickly!” Professor Dong smiled.

Was it really like Uncle Zhao and the chubby old man said? Did Zhao Yanyan start caring about me?

Thinking that, I hurried my footsteps towards the classroom.

At that moment, Zhao Yanyan was blanking out with a frown on her seat. When I saw Zhao Yanyan like that, I couldn’t help but feel a bit nostalgic, as if I was back in my high school days again.

Taking the opportunity of chaos of lesson finishing, I sneaked over to Zhao Yanyan’s side and was about to sit down.

However, Zhao Yanyan suddenly said without even raising up her head, “Sorry, someone’s sitting here.”

“Someone? It can’t be? I only left for a few days, and you already got someone?” I asked in fake confusion.

Hearing my voice, Zhao Yanyan’s body shuddered, then raised her head in a worked up manner to look at me. Her eyes were filled with complaint as she said, “Where did you damn person go? I thought…”

“Sorry, Yanyan. I had some urgent things to deal with back home, so I left for a few days, and got you worried!” I presented her the flowers in my hand. “For you.”

“Who’s worried about you! It’s better if you die!” Zhao Yanyan complained, however, she snatched the flowers and put it on the side. “Are you an idiot! Are you just holding the flowers to get people to laugh at you!”

“Yeah, hehe. It isn’t that good for us, a couple, to fight when others are looking, let’s talk in private!” I said with a smiled.

“Who’s a couple with you! I didn’t agree yet!” Zhao Yanyan glared at me and said.

At this point, I finally felt the unexpected effects that the chubby old man talked about. It truly was unexpected, I didn’t think that Zhao Yanyan would worry about me as well.

After I understood Zhao Yanyan’s thoughts, I got more daring. During the entire lesson, I did some rather ambiguous actions to flirt such a scratch her palm. Of course, since we were in class, I didn’t do things that were too over the line.

Even then, Zhao Yanyan still blushed due to my actions.

“Don’t do that okay, we still haven’t…” Zhao Yanyan said to me with a trembling voice, but her pinky was still wrapped together with mine.

“Yanyan, will you be my girlfriend?” I wrapped Zhao Yanyan’s hand tightly and asked.

“I…” Zhao Yanyan never thought that I would be as daring as to confess to her in class, causing her to be unsure of what to do. When she looked at my passionate gaze, she didn’t quite dare to meet my gaze, so she dipped her head. After a while, she said, “Is… Is this too quick for us…”

Too quick?! ****, if I add onto my previous life, I’ve already knew her for nearly twenty years, is this quick?

However, of course I couldn’t say that. I could only say patiently, “Yanyan, do you just not like me at all?”

“I… I don’t know what I feel towards you…” Zhao Yanyan stuttered embarrassedly.

“Liking someone is thinking about him, and caring about him when he’s not by your side…” I continued to guide her on.

“I… I… I still think it’s too quick… Sorry, Liu Lei, I can’t agree…” Zhao Yanyan said to me.

I momentarily blanked, how did it become like this! Did I not try hard enough? Everything was going smoothly, why is the result like this, did I go wrong somewhere?

Just as I was getting depressed, I heard Zhao Yanyan giggle, “… But I can agree to date you first!”

****, isn’t she messing with me! I immediately flew back up into heaven from the depths of hell.

I excitedly grabbed hold of Zhao Yanyan’s hands, while she bit her lip and looked shyly at me. Her cheeks were as red and as beautiful as the setting sun.

“We’re in lesson right now… Wait till after class, okay…” Zhao Yanyan whispered quietly to me, wanting to break free of my hand.

Of course I couldn’t let her succeed, I wrapped my hands around hers even tightly and said softly to her, “I will hold you like this forever, and never let go…”

“Aiya… I need to take notes!” Zhao Yanyan glared at me and said with a smiled.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 74 – Agree to have a date with you

Chapter 73 – Annoyed Zhao Yanyan

“That’s not it, we can deal with the things on the surface easily, I’m just afraid of there not being good scripts and actors. Also, directors are very important as well, I don’t understand it very well!” said Sanhouzi.

“Hmm… How about this, just plan for the moment, I do know a rather famous person in the entertainment industry, when you set it up, I’ll get her over to help!” I thought of the Su MM, when that happens, I can call her when Chen Weier can’t stand it. Gaga! Furthermore, Hong Kong’s Chen’s Corporations seems to have a subsidiary media company.

Yan Yitong did keep his word, and handed out the salary he owed. When Chen Zelong got his salary, he was very happy, and insisted on treating Chen Weier and I to a meal.

Thus, Chen Weier’s family and I arrived at the hotel Mother Chen opened, of course, in the end, the bill was waived.

Right after we left, I said to Chen Zelong, “Since you have recognized your mistake from before, then stop doing those kinds of manual labor. How about this, Songjiang city’s Three Rock Corporation is my property, go and work there instead!”

“Three Rock Corporation! Isn’t that the largest gang in the mainland… Meifu, could it be that you…” Hearing that Three Rock Corporation is my company, Chen Zelong was beyond shocked.

“Yeah, go and find Vice President Ding tomorrow! Guo Qing’s in Hong Kong, you also know that, hehe!” I didn’t hide it from him, because once he goes and works there, he would know as well. My name was in the lobby of the company.

“No wonder! I was wondering how I lost so terribly!” Chen Zelong smiled wryly. “However, meifu, you also know that I’m not good with managing corporations, aren’t you afraid of me losing money by telling me to go there?”

“Coincidentally, they’re planning a media company recently. Back in Hong Kong, I heard that you started a media company as well, you should have some experience, right?” I asked.

“Meifu, you’re an understanding person, how could you not know, I started that to get into bed with those small stars, I didn’t think about making it a proper career!” Chen Zelong said awkwardly.

“Hey, don’t say that, the media company you started is earning quite a bit of money!’ I chuckled.

“Is that so?” Hearing me say that, Chen Zelong was very happy. ‘Don’t worry, meifu! I will do my best for it!”

After organizing everything, I went back to spend two days with my parents. My dad has getting happier and happier, under his lead, not only did the electronics factory started profiting instead of losing money, the year-end bonus for all the workers were enough to buy a Xiali, how could he not be happy!

Those workers were also very happy, and all thought that them nominating my dad as the leader back then was very intelligent.

Since all of the electronics factory’s products were for Shuguang Corporation, there was no issue of the products not being sold, so the workers were also very motivated.

In these two days, Chen Weier naturally stayed in my home. Seeing that Zhao Yanyan didn’t come back, she asked in surprised, “Where’s my other daughter-in-law?”

I faint, what was I supposed to say, I could only brush it off, “Mom, school just started, there is a lot of stuff to do at school, she’s very busy, so I didn’t get her to come back!

“Is that true? You little brat didn’t do something that wronged her, right?” My mom asked in suspicion.

“How could I! Mom, if you don’t believe me, then ask Weier, we’re great!” I tried to shut her up.

“Oh, then alright! I’m telling you, if I find out that you did anything that wronged her, see if I beat you to death!” My mom nodded. “Oh yeah, I miss Yanyan quite a bit, you must bring her back during Chinese New Year.”

“Of course she has to come during Chinese New Year!” Although I answered like that, I started thinking to myself, it seems like I have to hurry, otherwise, I won’t be in time!

Before two days had even passed, Sanhouzi brought me news about how Yan Yitong was already dealt with. Since they found it rather hard to gather evidence, they could only cause Yan Yitong to suffer a little, and turned him completely into a mummy this time. He also said that when the police arrested him, they had to carry him away on a stretche.

Sanhouzi and co.’s efficiency was fast, they actually dealt with Yan Yitong so quickly. It was enough to see just how powerful they are in Songjiang city. Yan Yitong was sort of a powerful figure, he was actually dealt with so easily…

Zhao Yanyan had gradually gotten used to someone bothering her. There were times that if I arrived late to class, she would even use her book to save a seat for me.

However, during these few days, Zhao Yanyan felt a bit troubled.

As the start, Zhao Yanyan told herself happily that, it’s better that this fellow doesn’t come, since she could actually be at peace!

However, the truth wasn’t like that, whenever Zhao Yanyan got tired of reading, she would subconsciously look up to see if I was peaking at her. Whenever it was lunch time, Zhao Yanyan also habitually went to the canteen to grab seats, but after she sat down, she would realize that only herself was left, so she had to go and buy her own meal.

Since I accompanied Zhao Yanyan every day, it had already unknowingly become a habit. Zhao Yanyan was very not used to this sudden change.

Where did this fellow go? Even if he has stuff to do, he can’t possibly leave for so many days! Zhao Yanyan complained in her heart. He had just given her flowers on a day, then left the second, what’s this supposed to mean!

Was it because she didn’t reply for so long that this fellow got sick of it? Or was it because he saw other pretty girls, so he is ignoring her? Hmmph, it must be, this guy seems to lecherous normally, she definitely has to interrogate him when he comes back!

“Zhao Yanyan , come and answer this question… Zhao Yanyan?” Professor Dong looked at the girl that has alw
ays been very focused in class in confusion.

“Ah! Professor Dong, what happened?” Only now did Zhao Yanyan react, thus, she quickly stood up and asked.

“Never mind, sit down, you have to focus!” Professor Dong waved his hand helplessly.

“Oh,” Zhao Yanyan nodded, after she sat down, she kicked at the chair beside her with a lot of strength, then complained quietly, “It’s all your fault, damn person, where did you go off to!”

After she kicked, she pouted in annoyance and thought, something can’t have happened to him, right? Ever since she woke up from the hospital, he has never left her side.

She was able to see him every day in class, he never missed a single lesson… However, it’s already been so many days, why is there no news from her at all?

Thinking that something might happen have happened to Liu Lei, Zhao Yanyan immediately turned her anxiousness to worry, something can’t have actually happened to him, right?

Thinking that, Zhao Yanyan started to get more and more worried, she couldn’t even concentrate on Professor Dong’s lesson anymore. She only wanted to ask Liu Lei’s friends at the dorm about where exactly Liu Lei went.

Why is the lesson still not over?


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 73 – Annoyed Zhao Yanyan

Chapter 72 – Planning a Media Company

“I would like to find your Vice President Ding Baosan, is he here?” I directly spoke out Sanhouzi’s name, otherwise, these reception ladies would not know who I was looking for.

“Oh, you came to find Vice President Ding. Do you have an appointment?” asked the front desk lady.

“No, I just got something to talk to him about,” I said.

“Then I can only help you notify him. I don’t know if Vice President Ding has the time right now. Sir, how should I address you?” said the front desk lady.

“I’m called Liu Lei,” When I said it, the front desk lady looked at me for a while with a weird expression, then hurriedly picked up the phone.

“Is there an issue?” I asked weirdly.

“Oh, nothing. Hehe, it’s just that your name is the same with our corporation’s chairman…” With that, she pointed towards the list of names for the company’s management team. “Sorry, I’ll ask for you right now!”

Chairman? I looked over and nearly fainted. My name was actually written on the chairman section!

What’s this Guo Qing doing, is it afraid that others wouldn’t know that I’m the owner behind the scenes for the Three Rock Gang? It was fortunate that it was just a name without a photo, otherwise, I’ll be famous!

Not long after she made the call, I saw Sanhouzi walk out from the elevator in a suit. When he saw me, he immediately walked over with a smile.

That caused the reception lady to be very confused, she has been working here for more than a year, yet, she has never seen Vice President Ding come down in person to welcome anyone! Just who is this man that doesn’t look that old?

“Chief… Ah, no, Chairman Liu, you came!” The moment Sanhouzi said “Chief”, he felt that it wasn’t right. We were at the company right now, all of the employees here were normal workers that had nothing to do with the underworld, so he immediately corrected himself.

“Sanhouzi, you look rather proper. After you dyed your hair back to black, you do seem to be able to put off a proper atmosphere!” I laughed and punched him lightly.

“Chairman Liu, we’re at the company, just leave some face for me!” Sanhouzi said wryly with a smile.

“Hehe! Let’s go and talk in your office!” I smiled.

After we left, that reception lady said to the guard beside her in surprise, “Wow! So he’s the mysterious Chairman Liu of our company! So handsome! He’s so young as well, if I can marry him… No, I would be satisfied as a mistress!”

“Are you an anthromaniac, how could Chairman Liu set his eyes on you! When I helped him park just now, I felt like his identity wasn’t normal. Look, the Mercedes he’s driving was originally driven by President Guo!” said the guard. “Aside from people that are more awesome than him, who else would dare to drive President Guo’s car!”

“From what you say, President Guo seems to be really scary!” The front desk lady pouted and said, “Every time President Guo sees me, he would nod with a smile, he seems rather easy going!”

“You wouldn’t know, but do you know what President Guo was before? He was this in our Songjiang province!” With that, he stuck up his thumb.

“What does that mean?” asked the front desk lady.

“Big boss!” said the guard. “I graduated from Fourth High, the same school as President Guo, but was a year after him. Apparently, he already swept through the entire city of Songjiang during high school, and now, he is an international amusement millionaire!”

“Ah! So amazing!” The front desk lady said with sparkling eyes.

“Alright now, just look at your identity, you should consider when you would agree to go on a date with me!” The guard mocked.

“You? Hmmph, let’s wait till after you become the captain of the guards!” The front desk lady snorted.

“Chief, what did you come to find this subordinate for?” When you arrived at the small meeting room upstairs, Sanhouzi got me to sit at the head of the table respectfully, then he stood on the side.

Due to the extraordinary strength I displayed back in the days, all of these subordinates were completely convinced, adding onto Guo Qing teaching them the martial arts I summarized, they were extremely respectful towards me, since I was essentially their martial grandfather.

“Have you heard of Yan Yitong?” I said openly.

“Yan Yitong? I know this person, he’s rather huge in Songjiang city recently, but he won’t be able to do anything in the end, he’s just a slightly black hearted company owner,” Sanhouzi thought about it and said. “This person sent over an one million kuai cheque a few days ago in hopes of roping us, the Three Rock Gang, in to support him from behind. I directly got a subordinate to send him away without meeting him!”

“I don’t want to see him again!” I said plainly.

“Understood,” Sanhouzi directly answered without asking why.

“Aren’t you going to ask why?” I asked weirdly.

“Chief naturally has his reasons, we just have to execute the orders!” said Sanhouzi. “What’s more, this Yan Yitong should have been taken care of ages ago. Right now, all of us have followed Chief’s orders in defending the peace of the underworld forces, people like Yan Yitong that harms the civilians should have disappeared ages ago!”

“How about this, I heard Director Jiang say the police are rather strict recently, it’s fine if you get someone to teach Yan Yitong a lesson, don’t kill him, but cause him to unable to take care of himself. Then, get enough evidence to throw him into jail for ten years or so, and sent it to the police department and the procuratorate!” I thought about it and said. “If you can’t find the evidence, then make him say it himself, you guys should be more adept than me at the methods to use!”

“Hehe, no problem! I promise to accomplish the mission!” with that, Sanhouzi started to call his subordinate to do it.

“Oh yeah, how’s the Three Rock Corporation’s situation recently?” Seeing such a grand corporation building and office decorations, I think that the Three Rock Corporation definitely isn’t doing badly.

“Right now, most of the provincial capitals have our branch office, and opened some large-scale entertainment facilities such as night clubs, hotels, public baths etc., there are also real estates, which President Guo handed to Vice President Chen to do. Vice President Chen is in the South right now, and not at the headquarters!” said Sanhouzi.

“Vice President Chen? Chen Yong, right. I didn’t think that this young man actually has the talent to become a Vice President!” I smiled. At the start, I just got Chen Weier’s older brother, Chen Yong, to learn with Guo Qing, I didn’t think that he has also become someone important!

“Yeah, the total profits that the corporation made last year was about 1.2 billion, 350 million of it was from real estates, while the rest is from the amusement industry,” said Sanhouzi.

I nodded, “Not bad, I didn’t think that the amusement industry can make so much money!”

“It’s all thanks to Chief’s good guidance that all of us subordinates managed to profit from it. If we are still going around the streets like before, we might be in jail already!” Sanhouzi remarked heartfeltly.

“Alright now, don’t’ just limit yourselves to the current industries, when you have the spare fund, use it to invest further!” I said.

“I understand, oh yeah, Chief, recently, I have been planning to establish a media company, but I heard that the entertainment industry has a lot of unspoken rules, so it’s hard to control!” said Sanhouzi.

“Oh? Is there things that you guys can’t do?” I chuckled.


  1. N/a

Continue reading Chapter 72 – Planning a Media Company

Chapter 219 – Entering the Netherworld

The surrounding area was filled with red soil, so red that it looked like blood. The ancient altar had already collapsed, it couldn’t withstand the wear and tear of time.

The little fatty had already finished his preparations, Xiao Chen held the rainbow-colored sacred tree up with both hands and prayed sincerely. He prayed for that long gone soul to appear in front of him.

Although he didn’t know what kind of race Keke was categorized as, there was no doubt about its strength. It had unlimited potential, that was enough to show that its soul should be incomparably powerful. According to logic, this kind of existence should have come to the Cypreus Furnace after death.

Although the beastmen’s soul summoning technique required a lot of fine details, Xiao Chen was barely able to grasp them and finished his prayers with the help of Oxman.

Wuu~ Wuu~

The eerie voice came from the vicinity of the blood-colored altar. The shadows of souls danced in the breeze as they assembled from all around.

“Gosh! Something’s not right. How did so many souls get summoned?” The little fatty cried out in alarm, “Did something go wrong with the summoning ritual? These feral ghosts wouldn’t be under the impression that we are sacrifices and thought of us as a feast, right?”

The souls in the vicinity gathered at lightning speed. Among them was a five to six meter tall humanoid soul. It was making a threatening gesture and directly threw itself at the altar.

Before Xiao Chen and Oxman made any moves, the Black Dragon King had already taken action.

“Shing! Shing!”

The sound of the unique sword being unsheathed clearly resounded on the bloody altar.


A streak of divine light pierce through the sky and ruthlessly struck that fiendish soul. Following the explosion, a cloud of flame spread out as the huge humanoid soul was disintegrated.

“Shing! Shing!”

The sheathing sound of the sacred sword was produced as it melded back into the Black Dragon King’s back.

Not only the souls, even Xiao Chen and Oxman were very shocked by this attack. The Black Dragon King’s sacred sword was too sharp. Perhaps even demigods wouldn’t be able to block that sword slash.

A chill wind blew over from a distant place. Waves after waves of fiendish aura threw itself over as a huge soul appeared. All the other souls in the vicinity were startled and ran away.

“My god, what is that thing?”

Oxman was dumbstruck. A huge monster that was around fifty meters was flying towards them from the distant sky while dispersing red clouds. It was actually not fearful of the overflowing lights in the sky and rode on the clouds.

“Boom! Boom!”

From the other directions, there were also a few huge monsters flying over while riding on dark clouds. A few huge claws were poking out from those dark clouds, each around the size of a few houses.

It was very obvious that the strongest saintly souls in the vicinity had arrived. And Xiao Chen’s party was besieged.

“Did the summoning ritual fail? How come it didn’t summon the soul of the snow-white little critter and attracted these great souls instead?” The little fatty had the urge to cry.

Xiao Chen also frowned. Those elders in the Pure Land were right, this place really was too dangerous. It’s true that there was only one out of ten odds to get out of here alive.

However, just at this time, the bloody altar suddenly glowed with a streak of bloody light. Space distorted as a black tunnel appeared.

“The summoning ritual is working.” The little fatty shouted in astonishment, “Could this be a space time tunnel?”

And right at this moment, the black clouds rumbled. The huge monsters had already arrived in front of them with a burst of bloody light. Those huge claws were already falling down from all directions.

If they were hit by those claws, their souls would definitely fly away and scatter. These were the most vicious souls among the vicious souls.

“There’s no way out, don’t tell me we have to jump into the dark tunnel?!” Oxman yelled anxiously.

But just at this instant, without having them do anything, the ancient altar abruptly began to sink. It instantly sank into the ground. Even that dark tunnel was following suit.

As if the sky and the earth was turning upside down, the rumbling noise resounded unceasingly. The ancient altar sank into the ground at high speed, and the cracked surface actually began to heal slowly. The place where the altar was originally located became level ground filled with blood red earth.

The huge monsters who rushed over looked around in bewilderment before they retreated while taking precautions against each other.

Underground, the little fatty cried out in alarm, “Where are we?”

Xiao Chen remained silent for a while before he said, “If I haven’t guess wrongly, we should have entered the real Cypreus Furnace.”

“Are you saying this is the interior of the Cypreus Furnace?”

Xiao Chen nodded, and said, “That seems highly likely. We have entered the Cypreus Furnace from the outside.”

“This…” The little fatty had the urge to cry as he said with a trembling voice, “None of the clan members had ever dared to set foot in the interior of the Cypreus Furnace. Even the legends related to the interior part are very few. The outside is already so scary, the inside… we actually got inside of the Cypreus Furnace, this…”

“Who… dares to open the gate of hell?” An eerie voice transmitted from within the dark tunnel.

“My @#%¥, a ghost!” The fatty was so frightened that he nearly jumped into the air. While on the dragon island, that demon was a nightmare their clan could never get rid of. The eerie atmosphere at the moment made him recall those unpleasant memories of the past.

“Why did you guys open the netherworld gate?” The eerie voice transmitted over again.

Xiao Chen responded, “We are trying to summon a lost soul in accordance to the written method.”

“Only by using the altar in the vicinity of the Cypreus Furnace can the netherworld gate be opened in the shortest possible time. Countless years had already passed, and there’s already very few people who would use these altars.”

Oxman had finally calmed down at this moment, he opened his mouth and said, “The beastmen were always using it, but not for opening the netherworld gate.”

“I know what are they using it for, to summon the beast souls…”

Xiao Chen asked calmly, “Who are you?”

“I am a departed soul that had been drifting aimlessly for countless years.”

“Doesn’t that mean you are a ghost then? What are the differences between you and those powerful souls outside the Cypreus Furnace?”

After a moment of silent, a lonesome sigh transmitted from that space time tunnel, “Once one has fallen into darkness, it’s hard to escape……”

“What do you mean?” Oxman asked.

After a long silence later, the departed soul asked, “Do you guys really believe there’s an underworld, and in reincarnation?”

“Don’t tell me, they don’t exist?” Oxman asked in reply.

“If it existed, you guys would already be in the underworld.” The departed soul replied coldly.

“Isn’t this the interior of the Cypreus Furnace, how could it be the underworld?” The little fatty Oxman retorted.

Xiao Chen was shivering as he asked in shock, “Don’t tell me, the reason ancestor god Suirenshi wanted to refine the Cypreus Furnace was to create the netherworld?”

The old spirit heaved a sigh and said, “The dark domains are extremely chaotic. Once fallen, it’s hard to return to the world of the living for a lifetime. The ancestor god wanted to create a rule, he wanted to set up an order. That’s why he was smelting the Cypreus Furnace and the dark domains together. That event had shaken the entire world for all eternity. But in the end… alas!”

“We have fallen to hell, we have entered the netherworld, we… does that mean we are already dead?” Oxman shouted in fright.

“That is a fake netherworld. Its connection to the other dark domains had already been sealed off a long time ago,” The old spirit’s words were chilly to the bone, “You guys have merely opened a small crack between the fake netherworld and the dark domain. It will be closed very quickly.”

“What kind of space is it over at your side?”

“It is a dark domain only suitable for souls to live in. It is hard to retain Yang Energy. All of them will be drained without exception, leaving only Yin Energy behind. If we go over to your side, the end result will most likely be death. That’s what I meant by once fallen into darkness, it’s difficult to return. Unless, of course, we train until we reach an especially powerful realm.”

“But… there are legends of the ten underworld emperors!” Xiao Chen was very puzzled.

“That is only ancestor god Suirenshi’s ideal netherworld, the later generations have misunderstood and spread it out…”

This was a very shocking news. Xiao Chen found it hard to believe. If that was the case, then didn’t that mean the so-called Genesis of the Golden Lion King was actually connected to those dark domains?

If that was true, then the little thing was really too powerful! It was actually capable of staying in those dark domain filled with Yin Energy for so long and returning in one piece. No wonder the little thing flipped out as soon as it returned, it must have suffered to a great extent.

It seems like the old spirit hadn’t had a conversation with people for a long time already, so he was very talkative, “Once you reach the Immortalis realm, you will naturally understand these, because you will need to make contact with these domains.”

Oxman suddenly realized something as he spoke to himself, “No wonder so many powerful souls gathered at the sacred mountain. So this is actually a fake netherworld. It’s only natural that they would be attracted.”

The rumbling noise abruptly reverberated as the tunnel that connected the two sides starting to close.

“We opened the tunnel in order to summon a little critter called Keke. How come it is you who showed up instead…”

“I just happened to be next to the tunnel… If you guys use the altar frequently to open the tunnel at this coordinate and chat with me, I can help you guys ask around…”


The dark tunnel was completely shut.

Xiao Chen and Oxman were lost in thought for a little while; how to get out? It seemed like there’s only empty space above them. There was no layer of soil at all. This Cypreus Furnace was like a world of its own. It seemed boundless and dusky. The cloudy fog was adrift, making it very eerie.

Upward, there was no way out. They had no choice but to slowly advance in this gloomy land, hoping that they could find an exit.

However, how could they find the exit so easily? After treading past endless skeletal remains for several days, they still couldn’t find any exit. They couldn’t even reach the boundary of the furnace, it seemed like this place was really an independent world.

They had encountered many evil spirits wandering about. If not because of the sacred tree’s protection, Xiao Chen’s party might’ve already joined the sea of bones.

On the seventh day, Xiao Chen’s party found a ruin. When they walked into that area and entered the already shattered ancient palace hall, the two men and one dragon felt very alarmed.

In the center of the main hall, a skeletal chair was afloat and a snow-white human skeleton was sitting on the chair. Seeing the party entering the hall, the spiritual light in the skeleton’s eye sockets throbbed. It was actually fixing its eyes on them.

“Who… are you?” Oxman fell back a few steps.

“One of the Ten Kings of Hell, Emperor Jiang.”

The spiritual message was directly transmitted into the hearts of Xiao Chen and company. It made them involuntarily suck in a mouthful of cold air. And what made them the most shocked had yet to happen. That Emperor Jiang shook his hand and threw a piece of wooden writ down, then he said, “There’s a mail addressed to Xiao Chen — an SOS letter.”

Xiao Chen picked up the wooden writ in puzzlement. When he looked at the writ, he suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning. There was a crooked paw print on the writ, it looked exactly like the paw print Keke casually pressed at that time. ⌈1


  1. Silva: At which time exactly? When it won at the warbeast tournament? 

Chapter 218 – Ley Lines

The Black Dragon King charged in like a bolt of lightning. Naturally, fatty Oxman wouldn’t run away by himself. Xiao Chen also followed after without any hesitation.

No sound was present at all in the forest, it was scarily quiet. Other than the sound of them slicing through the air, they couldn’t hear any other sound, not even the sound of the wind or the rustling of the grass. The heavy atmosphere gave Xiao Chen and Oxman the urge to shout out loud.

The gloomy forest was choked with an oppressive force. It was well within the imagination that if people were to stay here for a prolonged time, their mind would definitely crumble.

“Blackie, what’s going on with you?” Oxman was somewhat anxious as he realized the situation.

The Black Dragon King ignored them and continued to charge into the forest depths.

After covering one mile, the Black Dragon King stopped. Below a tall ancient tree, there was a huge pile of skeletons stacked up like a mountain.

Xiao Chen and Oxman were both very amazed. These were actually very long dragon bones ⌈1⌋, and they were very likely to be the skeletal remains of an Ancestral Dragon!

It was coiling around the ancient tree that required several dozen people to wrap their arms around, like a snowy mountain ridge. If the skeletal remains were straightened out, they could reach up to eight or nine hundred meters long at the very least.

The Ancestral Dragon held its head high, it didn’t lower its head even after death. There were many cracks all over the skeleton of the Ancestral Dragon, several dozen places were even completely fractured. It was obvious that the dragon had received extremely grave injuries and was chopped into several dozen chunks. It was very likely to have died in battle.

Could this really be an Ancestral Dragon? Xiao Chen and Oxman both had solemn expressions.

The eyes of the Black Dragon King were already filled with tears. Its forelimbs gave out as it knelt in front of the dragon bones. One must know that Dragon Kings are very proud, they wouldn’t even pay respect to the heavens. However, the Black Dragon King was actually shedding tears and kneeling down at present, that was enough to show its emotional state.

Xiao Chen and Oxman remained silent, only now did they realize this was not an Ancestral dragon. This ought to be a rather powerful Dragon King. Although it didn’t ultimately evolve into an Ancestral Dragon, it shouldn’t have been too far away from its goal. Only the two claws at the rear didn’t have much of a resemblance. The other parts of its body were exactly like that of the Ancestral Dragon.

The Black Dragon King silently revolved around this powerful Dragon King from an unknown era. Then it suddenly opened its mouth and spat out a black flame, setting the dragon bones on fire in a split second.

A huge conflagration was started, but it didn’t have any effect on the ancient trees in their surroundings. Even though the black flame was engulfing the trees, they didn’t even get burned in the slightest.

At this time, a shocking event occurred. The flaming skeleton of the Dragon King emitted dazzling rays of light and started shrinking at high speed.

The fractures on the skeleton recombined and the cracked areas recovered. In the end, the eight to nine hundred meter long dragon bones actually shrank down to one meter long as it floated quietly in the sky. It was already no longer snow-white in color. At this moment, it was crystal clear and emitted colorful lights, as if it was sculpted out of fine jade.

What made Xiao Chen and Oxman the most surprised had yet to come; the Black Dragon King’s eyes emitted two electrifying glints as it launched two divine lights from its horns. The dragon bones were enveloped in an instant.

“Shing! Shing!”

It sounded like an exceptional sword was unsheathed. Little by little, the dazzling rays of light illuminated the entire oasis. It made all the saintly souls around the oasis let out earth shaking roars. Many souls encircled the oasis, they wanted to charge in, but didn’t dare to enter the mountain woods.

An exceptional sword was slowly unsheathed from the dragon bones.

It was hard to tell what the sword was made of, it looked like a jade sword, yet it was similar to a bone sword. The crystal clear dragon bones suddenly disintegrated to dust at this very moment. They fluttered about and fell gently onto the ground. What’s left behind was only the sacred sword in the sky.

The Black Dragon King lowered its body very respectfully and crouched on the ground. The sacred sword in the sky transformed into a streak of divine light and melded into the Black Dragon King’s spinal cord.

“Cling! Cling!”

It was like the treasured sword had returned to the scabbard. The sound it produced was genuine.

Fatty Oxman was so startled that his heart thumped furiously a few times. He was so afraid that the Black Dragon King had been slashed.

“Blackie, what is going on?” Oxman was in awe, yet he was a little puzzled as he asked.

The Black Dragon King was silent. It only let out a few growls in the end.

“You are saying that, this is one of the sacred treasures of the dragons. Only a Dragon King has the ability to use it, and you guys want to…”

The Black Dragon King stopped and remained silent again.

Want to what?

Xiao Chen and Oxman’s heart throbbed violently as they thought of all the possibilities at the same time. However, they must not say it. The Black Dragon King trusted them, so even if they had already guessed it, they could only keep this to themselves.

Once the sacred sword disappeared, all the saintly souls around the forest dispersed. Deathly silence dominated this place once again.

“Eh? Why is that place emitting bloody steam?” Fatty Oxman was looking ahead in astonishment.

The place where the dragon bones were once located, there was a pitch-black tunnel entrance. Since the skeletal remains had been refined, it had appeared. Black fog and bloody steam were bubbling out from the tunnel.

Even though the dense black fog and bloody steam made it easy for people to think of blood, it didn’t have the slightest bit of a baleful aura. On the contrary, there was pure spiritual energy lingering around.

The Black Dragon King rushed over. Its Ancestral Dragon Horn was glowing as it gathered the bloody steam around itself. Gradually, it was shrouded by the brilliance of the blood.

“This is a pure spiritual energy!” Fatty Oxman seemed like he recalled something, and said, “I once heard from the elders, the earth has a spirit, this might be the legendary ley line! If that is true… this would be a great chance for us.”

Xiao Chen lamented a little. Some people were really lucky in this world, and this silly-looking fatty had unusually good luck from beginning to end. He had also heard of the ley lines before, the sight before his eyes was extremely likely to be it. Perhaps, the Cypreus Furnace had really linked up with the ley lines. After all, this was the place where the ancestor god Suirenshi had once refined the Cypreus Furnace.

Fatty Oxman sat beside the bottomless tunnel entrance and began to meditate.

At this time, the rainbow-colored sacred tree in Xiao Chen’s body shook a little and slowly emerged from his body. Traces of bloody steam was gathering around it. Xiao Chen’s heart thumped as he planted the sacred tree beside the tunnel entrance. He also sat cross legged and began to train.

Once the rainbow-colored sacred tree emerged, it immediately made the blood-colored spiritual essence rush forth madly. The treasured tree seemed to possess unmatched power as it drew the ley lines to it unceasingly. It immediately caused this place to shroud in a bloody light.

The brilliant rays bubbled up. It made Xiao Chen, Oxman, and the Black Dragon King feel like their rate of absorbing spiritual energy became even faster.

This was a rarely seen sight. If practitioners with clairvoyance were present, they would definitely see it clearly, that the ley line was rushing up unceasingly, that an unending stream of spiritual energy was flowing towards the treasured tree, and that the three beside it were benefiting from it.

At this very moment, time seemed to have stopped. Xiao Chen’s party was immersed in a state of selflessness. They couldn’t feel the elapse of time. The pores all over their body were opened up, it was as if they had become one with the blood-colored spiritual energy.

Fatty Oxman was also very exaggerating ⌈2⌋. The freak that formed after fusing five beast souls directly appeared behind him. It was a huge shadow of a beast. It stood there like a small mountain; its height reached up to at least ten meters! It was opening its huge mouth and gobbling up the bloody radiance at shocking speed.

Naturally, the one who benefited the most from this was the treasured tree. The unending stream of bloody light directly linked the sacred tree to the ley lines. They were connected and were currently in a state of equilibrium.

One day later, the sapling finally evolved once again. A soft, scarlet shoot was sprouting. It was as clear as a bloody pearl. The fifth divine leaf was finally going to sprout!

This area was filled with dense bloody essence. Time flowed unknowingly, Xiao Chen’s party remained as motionless as a mountain as they were submerged in a state of selflessness. And just at this moment, something shocking took place outside.

All the ancient trees were glowing with green light. The entire area was like a huge emerald. Many souls nearby were surrounded by the leaves of the ancient trees as they were all gobbled up!

The ancient trees around Xiao Chen’s party seemed as if they were alive. They stretched their huge branches like they were hands toward the two men and the dragon, in order to seal off their path and deprive them of their souls.

However, without waiting for them to get closer, the rainbow-colored sacred tree glowed. It was emitting waves after waves of colorful radiance that destroyed all the branches.

Exactly one month later, Xiao Chen and Oxman were still immersed in an ethereal state. The essence of the ley lines came pouring into their body unceasingly, changing their constitution.

And during this one month, the rainbow-colored sacred tree’s scarlet jade leaf finally bloomed. The bloody light was pure and limpid. The leaf was as clear as a ruby, it was as bright as a divine jade.

Thus far, the palm-sized sapling already had five divine leaves! The Black Crystal Leaf, the White Jade Leaf, the Emerald Leaf, the Gold Leaf, and the Scarlet Leaf. The luster circulating around the tree was gentle yet divine.

Since the Scarlet Leaf has bloomed, the treasured tree gradually lost its connection with the ley lines. The blood-colored essence was no longer rushing up, and this area was gradually restoring to its previous state of deathly silence.

Fatty Oxman’s beast soul grew from more than ten meters to twenty meters tall. It was standing there like a mountain and gave people a powerful pressure. One month of training allowed fatty Oxman to jump from the First Celestial Layer of Historia realm to the Third Celestial Layer! In a short one month, he was promoted by two Celestial Layers.

And the Black Dragon King had grown no less than half a meter longer. Its body length was already 2.5 meters long. There was no doubt that its strength had risen dramatically.

As for Xiao Chen, he woke up one day later compared to Oxman. When he opened his eyes, he just happened to see the fatty smirking foolishly by himself.

“Oxman, what happened to you?”

“I… Hehehe…. Hahahahaha… I have advanced to Historia’s Third Celestial Layer.” The little fatty laughed foolishly. He seemed a little silly, but he was very honest and cute. “Xiao Chen, how many layers did you break through?”

“I… seem to be a little special.” Xiao Chen had already discovered his condition a long time ago. He said while feeling a little amazed, “My power is actually fluctuating unceasingly between Historia First Celestial Layer and Third Celestial Layer. It is very unstable.”

“How did something like that happen, that… power fluctuation?” Little fatty Oxman couldn’t comprehend at all, “Doesn’t this only happen to Nirvana level expert? It is hard to stabilize their power as it keeps fluctuating unceasingly.”

“I also don’t know why, but that’s a fact, it keeps fluctuating back and forth.”

However, Xiao Chen was not dispirited. With his secret arts, it was already a miracle for him to touch upon the Third Celestial Layer of the Historia realm by training like this for a month.

That was because, most of the blood-colored essence was deprived by his acupuncture points.

In one month’s time, exactly seven major acupoints had been divinized!

The Celestial Well ⌈3⌋ at the elbows, the Knee Yang Joint ⌈4⌋ at the knees, the Jumping Round ⌈5⌋ at the root of both legs, and the Meeting of Yin ⌈6⌋ between the legs, all of them had become resplendent light specks.

This was an unimaginably huge “harvest”.

As such, he had sixteen divinized acupoints altogether. They were primarily concentrated on his important joints. Linking them up like this was equivalent to linking up every part of his body.

In fact, all the divinized acupoints were already linked up by a golden thread. It seemed like they had formed a divine vein by themselves. Relatively speaking, this couldn’t be considered a perfect circulatory system yet.

Even though he did not break into the Historia Third Celestial realm like Oxman and stabilize his power, Xiao Chen knew that his gain might be even bigger. The formation of the divine vein might be the key to success in the most genuine sense. He knew that sooner or later, the endless power accumulated in his body will become “alive”!

When that time comes, it was hard to imagine what kind of transformation would occur.

Colorful hues lingered on the sacred tree as it shook unceasingly. Xiao Chen carefully lifted it up. Seeing that the fifth leaf has sprouted, Xiao Chen was even happier compared to when he learned that seven acupoints were divinized. One jade leaf was even more valuable than a mountain of gold. The treasured tree actually grew the fifth leaf here at this place. This really was a gargantuan blessing.

Only at this moment did Xiao Chen and Oxman know how terrifying this oasis was. Every so often, the green radiance would actually surge up violently in order to absorb their souls. If not because the rainbow-colored sacred tree was nearby, they might have died a long time ago.

After leaving the oasis, Xiao Chen said to Oxman, “I really don’t want you to take the risks along with me.”

“Don’t say that something like that, didn’t you see me promote by two Celestial Layers after facing danger once? This is too worth it.” The little fatty laughed foolishly and patted his own belly, “You don’t understand how the soul summoning technique passed down by the elders of the beastmen work. You are not as proficient in it compared to me. Even if you found the altar, you wouldn’t necessary be able to successfully summon the snow-white little critter’s soul.”

Some words didn’t need to be spoken, they continued their journey and narrowly avoided few places with powerful soul fluctuations. They had advanced for roughly another kilometer before they finally found a desolate altar.

After arriving here, they didn’t say any unnecessary words and began the preparation. Time was equivalent to life, god knows when a terrifying saintly soul will crash their way through.

One complicated design after another was carved on the bloody altar by the little fatty. The white-haired Xiao Chen stood in the middle of the altar, with the rainbow-colored sacred tree in hands. He began to pray silently, in the hope of summoning the snow-white little critter.


  1. Silva: Eastern Dragons I suppose~ 
  2. Fade: What do you mean here exactly?
    Fatty Oxman’s reaction was also very exaggerated?
    Silva: Reaction? What reaction? It means what it is, Fatty Oxman is very exaggerating… 

[NYSS] Chaper 9

Here’s Chapter 9 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~

Wow, been almost a month since my last post.

. . .

Anyway, here’s a chapter…

>_> *Finishes leftover homework*


Chapter 9 – Thousands Li Walk, Bitter Encounter

Continue reading Chapter 9 – Thousands Li Walk, Bitter Encounter

Chapter 217 – Sacred Mountain

The endless wasteland; in the mountain woods, just how many ancient tribes were there, nobody could say for sure. Their numbers were practically endless. This was a mysterious land brimming with countless unknowns. There were many ancient secrets buried in this land.

Ancestor god Suirenshi, Youchaoshi, Fuxi, etc. had once touched upon this land. These countless thousands of miles of territories were not only the sacred lands of the Beastmen and Jungle Tribes, it was also the land many practitioners in the Middle Earth yearned for. Over the years, many daring adventurers would come explore this dangerous yet fascinating primal region. However, the majority of them were never seen again.

The Jungle Tribe and Beastmen were not that hostile towards the outsiders, but they also didn’t have any good impressions of them. There were many ancient tribes deep in this land, they wouldn’t permit the outsiders to probe too deeply. In fact, many adventurers were only wandering around the outer region, and they were already endlessly shocked.

The beastmen’s sacred mountain that Xiao Chen and Oxman were heading towards, was definitely one of the most terrifying and mysterious places within this thousands of miles of land.

At present, they had already travelled for two days. Their current location was roughly two thousand miles from the Pure Land. For an ordinary person, this might be a really long distance, but to Xiao Chen, who possessed the Undying Wings, and Oxman, who was riding on the Black Dragon, it was nothing.

If they didn’t visit the various ancient tribes on the way, as well as spending more than half of the day greeting those elders who had returned from the dragon island, Xiao Chen and co might have already arrived at the sacred mountain.

The Black Dragon King still remembered Xiao Chen very vividly. It might be proud, but it still allowed Xiao Chen to ride of its back. While carrying the both of them, the black dragon skipped from the tips of the branches as if it was flying. It transformed into a streak of black light as it advanced at high speed.

It was truly shocking. Even among the many human experts, they might not have this kind of strength to skip on the leaves and flowers.

Fatty Oxman’s Black Dragon King and Lan Nuo’s Amethyst Dragon King were one of the very first Dragon Kings to be born on dragon island. Naturally, they should also be one of the strongest Dragon Kings. Even if they were unable to rise up as the Ancestral Dragon, they would become an existence on the same level as those legendary Primal Dragon Kings that didn’t get sealed in the dragon island.

In these countless miles of territory, there were endless wastelands and primitive mountain woods.

At the moment, Xiao Chen and co was crossing a scarlet red wasteland. Where as far as the eye could see, not even a blade of grass was growing. Legend has it that a terrifying battle with god took place here. This land was once encroached upon by the blood of god and accumulated an inexhaustible amount of baleful aura. Thus, no blade of grass was able to grow in this place anymore.

Fatty Oxman explained, “I don’t know whether the legend is true or not, but Blackie and I have once encountered a bloody corpse here. If not because Blackie was fast enough, we brothers wouldn’t be able to meet anymore.”

“It was that terrifying?” Xiao Chen was a bit shocked as he asked, “Shouldn’t we be more careful when making our way through this place?”

“Don’t worry. It’s fine as long as it’s still daytime. The old man from the beastman tribe once told me, to never come here at night time. I didn’t listen to his advice at that time, and as a result, I really encountered a bloody corpse at midnight. I saw it with my own eyes when the bloody earth split open. There were so many corpses under the ground, so many I tell ya! The scene at that time was so scary! I was so scared that the hair all over my body was standing up. It was practically the personification of hell. Although we retreated quickly, we were still nearly hit by a bloody light beam. At that time, my divine wolf soul was torn from my body by a demonic power. It left my body forcefully and disintegrated in an instant. Just like that, we barely made it out of this bloody wasteland with our life.”

As they were talking, they had already covered a hundred miles of distance. Blue fog lingered ahead, the hazy and indistinct silhouette of a mountain could be seen within the fog.

Xiao Chen couldn’t refrain from frowning. The ancient Beastman Tribe and Jungle Tribe’s territory was really a land filled with mystery. On the way, there were many similarly bizarre and unknown scenes.

Oxman pulled his neck back like a turtle and said, “We should take a detour. This is the Blue Nebula Mountain. It is said that this mountain is just as bizarre regardless of day or night. They say that a lot of progenitors with blue blood died on this mountain. The baleful aura is too thick and has never dispersed since the ancient times. The elders said not to disturb them, otherwise…!”

Like this, Xiao Chen’s party was getting closer to the beastmen’s sacred mountain after travelling for three days. Although they were still hundred miles away, they could already feel its abnormality.

However, the scene was completely different from Xiao Chen’s imagination. In his imagination, since the sacred mountain was once a Cypreus Furnace that could smelt anything in the world, there should still be black smoke rising to the sky even if the fire has already died out. Moreover, since it had already become the gathering place of saintly souls, there ought to be black fog lingering around at the very least.

And yet, everything before his eyes betrayed Xiao Chen’s expectations. It was emitting hundreds and thousands streak of multicolored light. Although they were still tens of miles away from the sacred mountain, they could clearly see the flowing lights and overflowing colors rising to the sky. It was as beautiful as shooting stars streaking across the night sky.

Moreover, an indistinct tinkling and jingling sound of the heavenly music could be heard. It was like the performance of a passionate woman.

“Don’t ever get tricked by the scene before your eyes.” Fatty Oxman reminded.

Xiao Chen expressed his understanding. After all, Oxman had been here before, so he knew what he was talking about. Although the little fatty appeared to be silly-looking, he was, without a doubt, very shrewd. Otherwise, how was it possible for the elders in the Pure Land to be so fond of him.

After arriving in this region, the Black Dragon King had clearly become more cautious. It slowed down its pace and was no longer forging ahead with extreme speed.

When they were fifty miles from the Cypreus Furnace of legends, they could already see its visage, even if just barely. After advancing for another ten miles, the mountain body could clearly be seen.

Xiao Chen was shocked speechless by the scene in front of him, was this really a mountain? Its width was as boundless as the massive earth, and its height was already far above the skies. The majestic sacred mountain occupied the entire space in front of them. If one really had to describe the mountain’s body, it can only be described as “wide and boundless”.

In front of such a presence, it made people dreadfully aware of their own insignificance, like they were little ants looking up at the blue dome of heaven. Every individual felt so very insignificant in front of this huge mountain.

“Such a strange feeling, it’s clearly just a huge mountain, but why do I feel that it is even bigger than the world itself?” Xiao Chen harbored doubts, this was his true feeling.

The black dragon cautiously came to a stop. Fatty Oxman jumped down from the dragon’s back and said while looking up at the boundless mountain, “The Pure Land’s Elder Turtle once told me, this was a Cypreus Furnace. Not only can it smelt every corporeal thing, it can even smelt the whole world itself.”

“There was such a legend?” Xiao Chen was a little amazed. It’s not like he didn’t believe in those legends, maybe there might be a hint of truth hidden among the legends.

They were already within twenty miles of the sacred mountain. Everything could be seen clearly. The flowing lights and overflowing colors were whirling around the mountain, it was gorgeous and magnificent.

Of course, if they were to concentrate their spiritual sense and gaze at it attentively, they could still see the mountain body clearly.

The imposing mountain was majestic. There were many areas on the mountain that were laid bare, with no traces of life. On the ash gray body of the mountain, there were many areas mottled with bloodstains. That’s right, looking from afar, those scarlet red regions were like bloody scars. There was some wispy fog lingering in those regions.

There were also many regions with glorious golden light, as if a molten mass of copper was boiling and giving off blazing rays of light.

And there were some other regions which were all pitch black. Like a bottomless pit, one was unable to clearly see their depths. Those regions swallowed up all of the radiance from the outside world. No light could be seen in those regions but an endless darkness.

Of course, it’s not like there were no traces of life to be found on the tall and huge mountain. If one looked carefully, they could discover a few green areas isolated on the boundless body of the bare mountain.

“Fatty, just wait for me here.” Xiao Chen didn’t want Oxman to take his chances with him.

“What are you saying, how can I not go after coming this far? You don’t need to worry about me, I am not that weak. We also have Blackie with us, we will be just fine.”

Oxmen’s strength could even be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds. While still on the dragon island, he might have been weaker than Xiao Chen, but after leaving the island, the little fatty has had many opportunities to grow. His growth caused the elders of some big tribes to be fond of him and granted him two powerful beast souls. In addition to his initial beast soul, as well as the ones he seized from Chaos on the dragon island, he already has five beast souls altogether. Unfortunately, he didn’t listen to the elder’s advice and went to the bloody plain. Although he managed to escape with his life, the divine wolf died in his place. Half a year ago, when he was stuck at the last bottleneck to break into the Historia realm, he arrived at this sacred mountain and gained a huge benefit. He was able to obtain a primal beast soul and break into the Historia realm after fusing the five souls into one. To sum it up, the little fatty now was not any weaker than Xiao Chen.

After learning about his training course, Xiao Chen lamented. Nobody was the heaven’s only pet, There was a Historia level fatty like this on the solitary mountain, and he didn’t have any reputation in the outside world. Within the many thousands of miles of the Jungle Tribes and Beastmen’s territory, who knew if there were any other freaks like Oxman.

“A few months ago, you already came here and obtained the things that you need. There’s no need for you to put yourself at risk again, I understand your intentions and I appreciate it.”

Oxman shook his head and said, “Even if it was not for you, I would still come to the sacred mountain again by myself. The beastmen’s training method is different from others. We must find a compatible beast soul with unlimited potential if we want to train till the peak stage. Although five of my beast souls have fused together, only the primal beast soul I obtained from the sacred mountain is strong enough. However, it is definitely not the one with the best potential out there. It can help me advance smoothly at the present stage, but it might turn out to be a burden in the future. Thus, I want to come here to search for a beast soul that is truly compatible with me.”

Since he was unable to dissuade him, Xiao Chen didn’t continue to argue needlessly. Men were like this, one word was enough.

The two already arrived at the foot of the mountain. Since arriving here, all they felt was an oppressive feeling that shook their very bones. Looking from afar, there were multicolored lights lingering around the mountain. The view from close up was not the same at all. The multicolored lights were all high in the sky, winding far away from the sacred mountain. In the vicinity of the sacred mountain, there’s only an empty and desolate land. There’s nothing beautiful about it.

Oxman said, “The elders of some big tribes once said, back in those days, the ancestor god Suirenshi had failed to completely refine the Cypreus Furnace and abandoned it here. Had he succeeded, there might be a world-changing event taking place in history. After all, legend says that the ancestor god’s furnace could smelt the world itself! Afterwards, for some reason, many powerful saintly souls would gather here like the moths flying into the flame. Even now, nobody knows why.”

The wispy fog was drifting around the desolate mountain foot, hints of black gas were gushing out from the ash gray earth. Xiao Chen and company had no choice but to protect themselves with a layer of qi.

They began to climb the huge mountain and advanced more than three hundred meters. Rather than climbing, it’s more like they were walking uphill. Primarily because the sacred mountain was too grand, too wide, too tall.

Not long later, they were already one kilometer above sea level. They were finally about to enter the dangerous zone. From time to time, a bloody mist would drift past them and cast a wide expanse of shadow. The stench of blood was very obvious.

“It is very dangerous ahead, I was made to stop here last time.”

In this Cypreus Furnace, a desperate battle would also take place occasionally. The powerful souls that were defeated would frequently be chased all over the place. Last time, the little fatty was waiting here for opportunities. He used the technique the elders taught him to absorb the powerful beast soul who lost its natural instincts.


Xiao Chen heard some strange sound and hastily hinted Oxman to stay on guard. The Black Dragon King on the other hand, was already on high alert.

At first, the sound was very small and weak, then it became louder and louder. It sounded like a herd of steeds galloping at first, then the rumbling sound became so loud that it was as if a landslide or a tsunami was taking place. It was as if a dam had broken and the furious tide was rushing down the mountain while carrying the mud and stones.

“Oh my god! Run for it!” The fatty pulled Xiao Chen and jumped onto the black dragon’s back, it turned around just as soon and ran away.

Above the mountain, a black ocean wave was crashing down while covering the sky. It was spilling an endless amount of baleful aura. The torrents of demonic flames rushing down was very much like an unrivalled great demon stirring up havoc.

“Oh f—! This is definitely the battle between superior saintly souls. Let’s not say us, even the elders at the Pure Land might not necessary be able to confront them!” Fatty Oxman looked like he already wanted to cry as he bewailed, “Why are we so unlucky!”

The boundless black ocean wave enveloped more than half of the sky and swept away every resistance. They could vaguely see a few sinister huge monsters within, roaring and fighting fiercely.

Such tyrannical power, they were actually capable of causing this region of the sacred mountain to tremble! One must know that this was the Cypreus Furnace refined by the ancestor god Suirenshi, your ordinary power wouldn’t even be able to make it tremble in the slightest.

“Quick, change direction!” Xiao Chen shouted loudly. If they ran perfectly straight towards the mountain foot, they wouldn’t be able to get away from the black ocean wave no matter what.

The Black Dragon King left behind a streak of black light and ran towards the right side like a bolt of lightning. The dragon represented the fastest creature under the heavens, although the Black Dragon King was still in its infancy stage, it couldn’t be looked down upon.

It was a close call, the inexhaustible black billows roared right past them. The malevolent souls were like giants as they battled it out in the black energy wave.

“Oh my god!” Fatty Oxman cried out in alarm, “Just now, I saw a Tyrannical Dragon in there! There was actually a dragon’s soul. It’s too inconceivable. Moreover, there’s a few other saintly souls just as powerful! If… I can refine one of these great souls, ahhhh… my future would no longer be a dream!”

The eyes of the Black Dragon King were fixed on the boundless black energy waves that just rushed past them. Obviously, it had also seen the Tyrannical Dragon’s soul.

“With your current strength, you won’t be able to handle that kind of abnormal soul. It should be good enough if you can find the soul of a beast king with unlimited potential. You still have to rely on yourself when it comes to training.”

“I know, I was just deeply moved.” Speaking until here, fatty Oxman’s face suddenly changed color as he shouted in fright, “Not good, they are back!”

The path to the mountain foot was cut off, and the saintly souls with unfathomable power were advancing towards their direction with the endless black billows.

Xiao Chen wanted to carry the fatty and fly towards the sky, but he found that it was impossible. Although those brilliant lights whirling on the mountain top were some distance away from the mountain itself, the space was still confined by them. He was unable to charge up to the high altitude.

“There’s no other choice, let’s charge towards the mountain top for some distance!”

“Fine, Blackie, go faster!”

Going up the sacred mountain was undoubtedly dangerous. The higher they go, the amount of powerful saintly souls would increase in number.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen saw a piece of greenery appearing in front. He yelled, “There’s an oasis of life ahead, let’s hide there for a while!”

The oases on the desolate ancient mountain were definitely not any ordinary places. Just now, it didn’t get destroyed when the black billows brushed past, that was enough to show its uncommonness.

However, it was an emergency situation, Xiao Chen’s party had no other choice but to think about these problems after they were rid of the dangers behind.

This was an extremely quiet forest. The ancient trees reached high into the sky. Each and every tree needed at least twenty people to wrap their arms around it. Nobody knew how many years had they been growing already.

It was eerily quiet. Although the black billows were rumbling behind them, it felt like they could hear it clearly even if a needle was dropped in this place. The quietness made people feel very lonely and frightened.

After Xiao Chen’s party rushed in, they discovered the endless black billows behind actually took a detour and didn’t invade the forest.

“This place is very bizarre! Those powerful souls actually didn’t invade, we should get out of here as soon as possible.” Oxman’s face was very ugly. At this time, he felt like he could hear his soul trembling.

“That’s right, we should leave without delay!” Xiao Chen also had a bad premonition.

However, for some reason, the Black Dragon King’s entire body burst out with black light. The reverse scales under its neck even spread out, and its eyes were emitting two terrifying rays of light as it scuttled into the depths of the ancient forest.


  1. N/a

Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel going on Semi-Hiatus

Well, it’s Selutu here again. I’m really sorry to inform you that during the next two weeks, Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel is going on semi-hiatus. So, why is that? Well, it’s because I’ll be flying over to Switzerland in around 4 hours time, then I’ll be going around to familiarize myself with the place before school starts. I will be having my introduction week starting from Feb 20th, which means that I’ll be most likely very busy. Due to this, I cannot promise you to be able to post chapters on time, if at all.

HOWEVER, whenever I post, I will be posting all the chapters that I owe you guys, so don’t worry about that. This goes for sponsored chapters as well.

Furthermore, for those of you that would like to support me, I will be starting up my Patreon around the end of February or the start of March. This will directly affect the number of regular chapters you will have for Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel (I’m thinking of increasing the number of regular chapters by up to 5/week if we manage to reach the mileage, but I’ll have to see how much time I actually have before I can decide on the actual goals and rewards), Special Forces Spirit and Great Demon King, of which, the latter two are over at volarenovels. Please do leave a comment if you guys have any suggestions for goals/Patron rewards that you would like to see.

Fan Art Contest Winners Announcement

Hey everyone, Selutu here! Remember the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel fan art contest we had not long ago? Well, I’m very pleased to announce the winners today! I had initially hoped to get more entries, but alas, I suppose 3 is good enough!

Without further ado, let me present to you the winners and a few simple words from them! Continue reading Fan Art Contest Winners Announcement

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 70

Here’s the chapter of the day.

Remember to click “Next Chapter” to see the teaser for the next chapter~

If you want to support me, do go over to volarenovels and read my translation of Special Forces Spirit over there! Then go over to its the NovelUpdates page, add it to your reading list, give it a nice rating and review it!

If you’re liking this novel, do go over to the NovelUpdates page to rate it and add it to your reading list!