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VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 143

LIMITED TIME EVENT: In order to celebrate the launch of my Patreon, every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter of RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel released at the end of this event.
Current progress: 12 patrons (2 extra chapter)

Here’s 5/5 of the chapter that I’ll be releasing today!

Remember to click on “Next Chapter” for a teaser of the next chapter!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 142

LIMITED TIME EVENT: In order to celebrate the launch of my Patreon, every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter of RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel released at the end of this event.
Current progress: 12 patrons (2 extra chapter)

Here’s 4/5 of the chapter that I’ll be releasing today!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 141

LIMITED TIME EVENT: In order to celebrate the launch of my Patreon, every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter of RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel released at the end of this event.
Current progress: 12 patrons (2 extra chapter)

Here’s 3/5 of the chapter that I’ll be releasing today!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 140

LIMITED TIME EVENT: In order to celebrate the launch of my Patreon, every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter of RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel released at the end of this event.
Current progress: 12 patrons (2 extra chapter)

Here’s 2/5 of the chapter that I’ll be releasing today!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 139

LIMITED TIME EVENT: In order to celebrate the launch of my Patreon, every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter of RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel released at the end of this event.
Current progress: 12 patrons (2 extra chapter)

Here’s 1/5 of the chapter that I’ll be releasing today!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!


Sup everyone, Raizu is here~

Here is your weekly dose of Magic Language.
I think I can deliver a chapter / week. But, don’t get your hopes too high because I’m also working on 3 other titles on my blog. XD

Anyway, enjoy~

Translator: Raizu
Editor: Silva

Read it here~

Magic Language ch.14 part 2

Greetings everyone. I’m the new part timer, Raizu.

I’ll helping on Magic Language for awhile, it’s quite interesting plot. The story  pace is also good.
Oh yeah, Sarah and Silva mentioned that there will be childpr0n on this series,
well, let’s looking forward for it together since I am also bit curious. 😡

if you are also enjoy and like it, please give me your support by commenting on the page~

Anyway, enjoy Magic Language Chapter 14 Part 2~

Translator: Raizu
Editor: Silva

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 138

Here’s the fourth of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

Remember to click on “Next Chapter” to read the teaser for the next chapter~!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 137

Here’s the fourth of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 136

Here’s the third of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 135

Here’s the second of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 134

Here’s the first of this week’s chapter!

For those of you that read Red Packet Server, you might have heard about this news already, but for those of you that don’t, here is it – I have just launched my Patreon! It is an alternate method that you can support me, if you choose to support me through Patreon, then all pledges will go towards the donation queues of both of my novels. In commemoration of this, I have decided to launch a limited event! Every 5 new patrons I get in the coming month will result in 1 extra chapter released at the end of this event. Currently, I have gotten 6 patrons, so that is 1 extra chapter for both RPS and Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel that will be released when the event ends!

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; pledge to my Patreon; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

[NYSS] Chapter 14

Here’s Chapter 14 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~

~This side project will be picked up by another person~

Someone felt that my translation speed was too slow (it is) so they decided to pick it up. Or rather, I just said that they could pick it up if they wanted to.


[NYSS] Chapter 13

Here’s Chapter 13 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~

  • Dead
  • Bored
  • Playing Translations~


VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 133

Here’s 2/2 of the sponsored chapters! Thank you Alexander!

The sponsored queue has now been cleared!

Click on “Next Chapter” for a peak at the next chapter~

If you’re liking this novel, consider donating to me; support us by turning off Adblock when you read; and read the other novels I translate (Light and Red Packet Server over at volare)!

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