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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 4

This chapter is shorter than expected, but it also took a long time to translate because I was distracted in the middle and went to do some unproductive stuff.

No, I was not looking through my dad’s **** collection, what are you saying—!

Click here to read Chapter 4 – The Girl and the Sword

6-Year Old Sage Chapter 5

Hello, Ankydon is here.

Not much happening in this chapter.

Track of the day
Fall Out Boy – Centuries

Chapter 5

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 3

Yay, another chapter of Demon Sword Maiden finished!

Thoughts of the day:
Translating for love and translating due to obligation are two different things.

Click here to read Chapter 3 – Lily’s Thought

6-Year Old Sage Chapter 4

Hello, Ankydon is here.

So I had nothing to do and that’s what came out of it.

Track of the day
Skillet – Feel Invincible

Chapter 4

6-Year Old Sage Chapter 3

Hello, Ankydon is here.

So I had nothing to do and that’s what came out of it.

Track of the day
Skillet – Feel Invincible

Chapter 3

6-Year Old Sage Chapter 2

Hello, Ankydon is here.

So I had nothing to do and that’s what came out of it.

Track of the day
Skillet – Feel Invincible

Chapter 2 (direct link)
AdFly (indirect, but I still want you to click here)

World of Immortals Chapter 244

So here it is folks, this will be the last World of Immortals chapter release you’ll see from me. If anyone is interested to pick up this project, feel free to do so.

Though I do have to confess, I did skim ahead a few hundred chapters during this past year, and this story is not what I expected it to be, thus my loss of interest. Anyway, for those who genuinely enjoy reading this series…

Click here to read Chapter 244 – Solar Knight

World of Immortal Chapter 243

I sincerely apologize to those who were eagerly waiting for new chapters these past year, do know that I’ve read your comment and have taken them into consideration, however, I just can’t do this anymore. There are not enough interest generated from this series and even I myself have lost my interest, so translating this series has become something of a chore. It’s not like I’m receiving money to translate anyway.

Click here to read Chapter 243 – Unparalleled Divine Power

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 2

The next chapter of Demon Sword Maiden is now available on Re:Library, click the link below to start reading:

Chapter 2 – Mirror

I also didn’t expect to finish the next chapter so soon, viva la weekends. Anyways, the comment itself gave me motivation to translate faster, so keep the comments coming!

[New Series] Demon Sword Maiden

Is there any gender bender fans out there? Cause a new series has just been added to the shelf of Re:Library. The title is tentative and will change accordingly when I translate more chapters and am 100% sure of it.

This is a Chinese transmigration novel written by Luo Jiang Shen. It is the story of a boy who found himself in a world that resembles ancient Japan, and that… he became a her. Truth be told, I don’t really know anything else other than that either, I read as I translate and I only picked this up because it’s gender bender, because… why not?

Without further ado, here’s the first Chapter of Demon Sword Maiden: Night Parade of a Hundred Ghosts

[New Series] 6-Year Old Sage

Hello, Ankydon is here.

So I had nothing to do and that’s what came out of it.

Tehe Track of the day
Nightwish – Storytime


Chapter 1 (direct link)
AdFly (indirect, but I still want you to click here)

Bu ni Mi Vol. 2 Chapter 34

Hey there!

Sorry for my not posting last week. I was kidnapped to a place with no internet connection whatsoever. Well, I apologize for being late

Anyway, here’s the next chapter

To read, please click here

[AD] Chapter 2

Here’s Chapter 2 of Abyss Domination~

False alarm, I’m not translating this.

I was just so friggin bored that I did this. And the person who planned on translating it hasn’t released a chapter, so I might as well release the chapter I slowly translated out of boredom.

You have no idea how annoying the HTML boxing was.


[Magic Language] Vol.1 chapter 18

Sup guys, Raizu here~

Sorry for the late update!
Finally, we can deliver the chapter.

Chapter 18


VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 170

Final chapter~

So here’s what I’m going to be doing in regards to the novel:

I’m going to take a break before starting to ‘write the fanfic’, please don’t pester me on Discord about how long the break is going to be, because the only thing I can tell you is that I want start posting the ‘fanfic’ in late January/early February (when I finish my internship) with a bang, then proceed to finish the novel ASAP. For my patrons on Patreon, don’t fret too much, I’ll try to update you guys on the progress at least once a week, and will occasionally throw out chapter previews on Patreon.

Now, ‘writing fanfic’ isn’t going to be the best solution to the problem, but it really is the only thing I can do without dropping the novel (well, technically I could keep translating until I get hit by a DMCA or a threat or something, but I don’t want to have to put up with that). I love the novel as much as any of you, and it being the first CN novel I translated really makes me emotionally attached to it.

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