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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 195

So the author made a real mess this chapter! It was titled as Chapter 39!
But wait we just had Chapter 39!
Well that’s a problem because the next chapter is Chapter 40!
We have two 39’s?!

Well don’t worry fair readers. For we have taken it upon ourselves to correct this issue!
Behold! The new Chapter 40! Formerly Chapter 39 The Second.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 39 40 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 194

Normally I’d have a lot to say but I’ve been addicted to a certain MMO you’re probably fed up of me mentioning now.
So let’s talk something else instead.
FGO new Lostbelt release soon?
This one is gonna hit the feels hard!

Also apparently the shipping of my newest anime figure has been delayed for obvious reasons.
Then on top of that is the kickstarter I supported last year finally entering its final phase.
I have much excitement for that. Apparently the custom short story reward I got has been translated.
I wonder if I should share it here? I wonder.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 39 «

[Original] Worlds Unknown Chapter 9

Hello everyone. I honestly can’t even remember when was the last time I posted a chapter…. hmmm. Anyhow, doesn’t matter, I am uploading this chapter first while I have a bit of spare time to do this >.<

As always, enjoy the read. Like, comment and shoutout to me, if you'd like.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 9 «

Blue Sky Chapter 5

It’s more of the misadventures of a Korean novelist in Britain!
This time we learn that our heroine is related to royalty in this alternate near-future!
In fact I have to wonder if she will just have the title or actually the proper position.
Well we shall see.

The authors choice is actually pretty interesting, so I do want to see where they go with it. Especially regarding physical locations.
It would be very easy for this novel to remain the microcosm of her estate though, which would solve a lot of the writing issues, but at the same time I want to explore the country a bit.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 5 «

Loli Elf Chapter 5

Started playing breath of the Wild. It’s an alright game.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 5 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 73

I think I forgot to mention it but, the formatting for last chapter was really weird.
We use google docs to organise everything but the files were microsoft word ones and font went whacko.
So I apologise if anything is horrifically wrong with the format of that chapter.
Also I have no idea who translated them. I’m like 90% sure it was Mii but I can’t be certain.
Actually I’ve even forgotten whether that was just a name change or an entirely different person now.
Well it is 6am so cut me some slack okay!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 73 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 72

So fun story for the day! Our ovens bulb exploded!
It exploded as we went to cook!
It tripped the downstairs electrics, luckily I was upstairs and my MMO time continued as normal.
Plus the kitchen is separated from the rest of the houses mains so the wifi didn’t cut out either.
All in all nothing went wrong for me!

We even got to order pizza.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 72 «

Vampire Princess Chapter 16

2 out of 5 incoming XD

was late because of IRL stuff…

next will probably be tomorrow XD…

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 16 «

[Breaking News] Succubus’ Life Continuation

Breaking news! In today’s news, what I will have to break it to you first is that Life with a Tail‘s translation will be coming to an end soon. We will catch up to the last chapter available on the raw site by 19th of July. This means there will be no more new chapters for Life with a Tail until new update comes from the author’s side.

With that said, the translator will now be freed from the shackles known as Life with a Tail and be able to truly focus on Succubus’ Life in Another World. This chapter is just an official announcement, the weekly update will only start by the 25th of July.

P.S. This chapter is still unedited and we’re currently going back to the previous chapters to build up the terms sheet as well as editing them in the progress. We’ve reworked up to Chapter 37 and noticed a few mistakes along the way. To note a few important changes as of now, we have noticed that the twelve Sage of Aureitas are based on the twelve astrological sign, so the Lion Sage and Sage of Twin Fishes has been updated to Sage of Leo and Sage of Pisces accordingly.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 58 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 42

Now we’re back to the main story, yay~ Natsuki and Ruti will finally go back to work. Will there be diabetes or will something happen~? Enjoy~!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 42 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 34

Hiya~! Saturday is the day of today! Meani~ng! Regular update!
Last time on AinCiel: Behind the scenes (from a certain boi’s POV anyway), two princesses, a mage, and a receptionist are discussing about the efforts of a certain boy. With great potential and talent, he proceeds his adventure with the princesses, wasting those same talents with his narrow mind and perspective. Even still, he continues on, unaware or maybe ignoring the disasters that he brings upon anybody kind enough to carry him properly. However luckily, the princesses don’t seem to care enough about him to say the least. And with that:
What will happen next in this chapter? Will the tragic (lol) end of this story come near? Will our cute princesses finally be rid of the boy’s ignorance? And will the world ever see our hero, Brass, reach his full potential?
Find out next on: Peace, Gaze, and……!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 34 «

[LO] Chapter 5

Just a note for those interested in this series, I release at least a chapter a day on Patreon (psst psst)

Link to Chapter 5


Life with a Tail Chapter 41.5

Now that we’re done with those XX chapters, time for… a .5 chapter. What’s with these chapters though. Anyways, we get a glimpse of what happens in a certain “conference”. Enjoy~

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 41.5 «

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