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Blue Sky Chapter 66

It’s here! The little sister POV!
You do not understand how excited I am!

Also I’m aware of the discrepancy between the two chapters over whether she is blood related or not.
I can’t tell if the author was the one who screwed up or our translator.
So I’m just going to pretend I never saw the mistake because what sort of editor actually edits?
Also there was a lot of confusing stuff in this chapter in that regards but I can confirm he’s adopted.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 66 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 88


Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 88 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 135 Part 1

I was once again drawn into reading ReZero.
The new arc had finally gotten started a bit so I thought I’d dive in to get to know what’s going on.

Honestly didn’t expect this turn of events.
All the previous arcs have been pretty clear cut between their start and their finish with a bit of downtime between (even if it’s only a matter of perspective and they are actually back to back) but this new arc felt like a direct continuation of the previous one. As a result I feel like it was a bit anticlimactic but maybe that’s just me?
The cathartic payoff didn’t seem to happen in my opinion.

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» Chapter 135 Part 1 «

Devil Evolution Catalogue Chapter 485 and 486

485 and 486 is out!

Read, comment, like, subscribe. Also, please give my two novels a five-star review… if you want to that is…only if you want to…

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 485 «

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 486 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 134 Part 2

It’s Mother’s Day today here in the UK.
I had to get reminded by my stepdad at the start of the week to realise it was coming.
I’m glad to know that they are starting to remember that I don’t remember dates and need reminding like this.

Thankfully due to the power of the internet I was able to order everything I needed with next day delivery.
Glad to see that modern convenience trumps all.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 134 Part 2 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 71

Hiya….. I’m awfully late. I got sick yesterday, but that doesn’t excuse my poor time management skills that caused this latency. This is turning into a catchphrase, but I’ll try to amend this. After all, the author loves making interludes and those tend to bog down the story progression, although they do give good side stories. Still, I personally don’t want to have interludes for regular updates unless necessary or unless it’s some sort of interlude arc. Anyhow, sorry for the delay and rant, and please enjoy this week’s chapter!

Last time on AinCiel: After presenting an ultimatum in this timely disaster (for the royal capital that is), the guildmaster went to negotiate with the top brass and returned with much favourable terms. Still, Ciel seems to have pulled a little sneaky that is yet to be presented to us and which the guildmaster exhaustedly agrees with. I really hope you’re paid enough for this, guildmaster. With the exchange with the guildmaster finished, our princesses head onward to finish this one annoying request.
What will happen next? Will our princess arrive with the royal capital in chaos? What is their special mode of travel anyway? And… yeah, what are wyverns doing there on the chapter title?
Find out in the next chapter: Sky, Wyverns, and……!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 71 «

[LO][Vol. 5] Chapter 14

Sponsored by Royalslayer~

Link to Chapter 14


Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 87

Go faster you stupid ^&#$%%

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 87 «

Succubus in Another World – Chapter 136

And the other chapter. Enjoy!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 136 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 195


Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 195 «

[LO][Vol. 5] Chapter 13

Sponsored by Deep~

Link to Chapter 13


Succubus in Another World – Chapter 135

New chapter, enjoy!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 135 «

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