Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 53 – Frozen Account

“Lei Fubai? That director of the board of Lei Corporation Lei Fubai?” I said in surprise. Lei Fubai could be said as an incredible person in Huaxia.

Yet, although Lei Xiaolong is Lei Fubai’s precious son, but how did Zhao Yanyan immediately think that the person that caught me was Lei Xiaolong? There was definitely more to it.

“Yanyan, are you lying to me about something?” I suddenly asked.

“N-No!” Zhao Yanyan denied immediately.

“You already knew Xia Jing right?” I thought of the expression that Xia Jing showed when she saw Zhao Yanyan.

“En, she came to Songjiang that time to, and I also know that she and Lei Xiaolong had an infant matrimony,” Since she saw that I noticed, Zhao Yanyan stopped hiding anymore.

“Then you’re still telling me to sleep with her?” I was freaked out, thank got I didn’t XXOO with Xia Jing, or else wouldn’t I be hunted down daily by people from the Lei family?

“Because I hate that Lei Xiaolong, he was already engaged with Xia Jing, and still pursued me,” Zhao Yanyan’s face was filled with disgust when she mentioned Lei Xiaolong.

****, what kind of reason is that, you hate Lei Xiaolong so you tell me to XX his fiancé, no wonder she was so quick to accept it on this thing regarding Xia Jing. Isn’t this the same as telling me to die? Truly a woman’s view!

“Do you miss Xia Jing?” Zhao Yanyan saw that I wasn’t speaking, and thought I was thinking about Xia Jing again.

“A little,” I answered honestly. Who wouldn’t miss it if a little beauty just disappeared like that.

“Then I’ll tell Grandpa, and get him to tell the Xia family to cancel this marriage,” Zhao Yanyan said naîvely.

I was about to faint, let’s not talk about the success of this first, if Grandpa Zhao found out his granddaughter was helping her boyfriend to pursue other woman, wouldn’t he kill me first. Isn’t this pushing me into the fire!

“Leave it, we’ll talk about this later, if we can meet then it’s for the best, if we can’t then never mind,” I remembered the promise Xia Jing gave me again…

“Leilei, Xia Jing was taken by the police,” my mom said to me when I got home at night.

I knew this already, so I nodded.

“Ai, when someone came to our office and said that they were looking for Xia Jing to me, I didn’t want to tell them at the start, then found out that they were all police afterwards, so I handed Xia Jing over,” my mom muttered to herself.

This Lei Xiaolong really have his ways, and actually got a few fake police to scare my mom, and got Xia Jing this way.

“Leilei, did you ask where Xia Jing’s home is, when you’re on holiday, your father and I will take you to find her, I see that you two get along quite well,” my mom didn’t give up, from her perspective, Xia Jing will be her daughter-in-law in the future, and she didn’t think that the duck in her hands just flew away like this.

“Leave it mom, Xia Jing has a infant matrimony, her family background is better than ours, how can she get be interested in me!” I said this, but I thought proudly in my heart that she did get interested in me.

Xia Jing did leave for some time, although I would still occasionally think about the little beauty, and think about the excitement on those two nights, but I know these things can’t be forced. Zhao Yanyan didn’t tell me Xia Jing’s real identity in the end, but I could guess that the little beauty’s family was either rich or royalty.

Originally I thought things calmed down, but I didn’t think problem would find me again. Today I received Zhao Junsheng’s phone call the moment I got home.

“Xiao Liu, what did you do recently?” Zhao Junsheng asked anxiously on the phone.

“Nothing much?” I asked weirdly, was it because of Xia Jing? However there shouldn’t be any contact between Zhao Junsheng and Xia Jing.

“I received joint notice from Huaxia Bank and Huaxia People’s Bank today, the anonymous account I opened for you was frozen!” Zhao Junsheng said.

“What? Frozen?” My heart wavered, my hundred and sixty million were still in there!

“Yeah, I thought it was weird too! Logically speaking this type of anonymous account shouldn’t be traced to the account opener, but they found me today!” Zhao Junsheng said weirdly.

“… Do you know their purpose?” I said after a slight pause. Ai! Huaxia’ banks! It looks like I have to get a Swiss account

“Not sure yet, I only got the notice when I got off work, I think I’ll ask my old man later, and see if he knows about this,” Zhao Junsheng said.

“That’s okay, please hurry, my money!” I said regretfully, if all be damned my money was done for.

Zhao Junsheng hung up, then immediately called his own father.

“Hey, dad, an anonymous account of our company’s was frozen, do you know about this?” Zhao Junsheng asked.

“Your company? You said that account is your company’s?” Zhao Limin asked weirdly.

“Yeah, that account is Xiao Liu’s, Yanyan’s classmate that I mentioned to you before, the boy that developed the Shuguang Input method,” Zhao Junsheng explained.

“Is there some mistake? The account that is being investigated has a large amount of foreign money, no matter how profitable that input method is, it can’t have earned a hundred something million right?” Zhao Limin asked suspiciously.

“What, a hundred something million?” Zhao Junsheng freaked after hearing that, the net worth of his company was only so much, and could be counted among the top companies in the country in 1994.

“And it’s USD!” Zhao Limin said.

“Ah!” It was Zhao Junsheng’s turn to get short circuited, he was now wondering if the account his father was talking about and Liu Lei’s one were the same one.

“How about this, I’ll ask for you. Wait for my phone call,” Zhao Limin said then hung up.

Fifteen minutes later, the phone on Zhao Junsheng’s desk rang.

“Hey Junsheng, are you guys doing something behind my back?” Zhao Limin said serious and bluntly.

“Behind your back? What happened? Dad, do you not believe me? If there’s anything, then just say it!” Zhao Junsheng said anxiously.

“This account is your Tianheng Computer’s, and it does belong to the Liu Lei that you said, there is a hundred and sixty million USD inside! It was also I who reported it to the higher ups, you should know the severity of this issue, hopefully it’s not related to terrorist organizations, contact Liu Lei quickly, and see if this child was bewitched by some terrorist powers, I don’t want him to go on a misguided path! I have faith in this child!” Zhao Limin said slowly.

“I understand!” Zhao Junsheng hung up the phone with a solemn expression.

Zhao Junsheng understood his father’s meaning very well, he also understood the hidden issues that this large fund will bring in the hands of a terrorist organization. However he couldn’t understand no matter how he thought about it, how that seemingly genius young man could be related to this large amount of money.

Zhao Junsheng thought about it for a long while, then finally picked up the phone on the desk.


  1. N/a

Chapter 52 – We knew each other ages ago

How did Xia Jing become your fiancé, no wonder she isn’t willing to go back, if I was a girl, I wouldn’t want to look at you, who’s a pig head.

“What are you looking at me for? Do you know who I am? Don’t ******* think you’re something just because I was a little nice, Uncle Bin, practice with him,” Lei Xiaolong swore angrily.

One of the expressionless suit walked over to me, from the way he walked I could be sure that this fellow was a martial artist.

Uncle Bin walked in front of me, and threw a bunch towards my stomach with a lot of power. I quickly dodged to one side.

**** him, this Lei Xiaolong was quite black-hearted, if didn’t train then my intestines might have been beaten out of place by this Uncle Bin’s punch! If this was hit onto normal people, they would definitely have internal injuries.

“The surname with Lei, I have no crossed you before. What is this supposed to mean?” I roared.

“Heh, what’s this suppose to mean! Where did you hide Xia Jing?” Lei Xiaolong said with a pale face.

“What do you mean where did I hide her? Even if I saved her, I have no need to know where she went right?” I asked him back.

“Good, very good! You finally admit you’ve seen Xia Jing! Say it, where is she now?” Lei Xiaolong roared.
“Your memory must be terrible right? I told you I don’t know!” I said fearlessly. That Uncle Bin’s moves were only so so, I only just found that that my agility was this good, that punch from Uncle Bin was like in slow motion from my perspective.

“You, fine! Uncle Bin watch him, I’m going out for a little,” after that, Lei Xiaolong sneered sinisterly as he went out of the room.

“Uncle Bin right? From my view we shouldn’t fight, I’m scared of you dying,” I was very confident in myself. I notice my kungfu was getting out of this world, I don’ know if it was because my relentless practice recently, or it’s due to the experience of being the sanda champion in my previous life, it’s just that ever since I acted as a hero and saved a beauty, I was very happy with my prowess. However I only found out the real reason after having a talk with old bro Yama a long time later.

“Your kungfu is pretty good, there are people that can dodge my punch just now, but there aren’t many in Huaxia, and they are all older than you! Heroes really come from a young age! However I don’t dare to go against Young Master Lei’s orders, even if I have to risk my life I have to exchange a few blows with you,” said Uncle Bin.

This Uncle Bin was a man, but he followed the wrong master. Just as the two of us were taking stances to fight a grand battle, the room door was pushed open.

The person that entered was Zhao Yanyan, she quickly walked in front of me and asked me, “Liu Lei, are you alright?”

I shook my head, I was already really different when I had just ben reborn, at least talent improved a lot from back then. I was prepared to happily fight a battle with that Uncle Bin, it seems like that plan is in the dumpster.

At that moment, Lei Xiaolong was standing awkwardly at one side, watching Zhao Yanyan and me, not knowing what to say.

“Lei Xiaolong, what right did you have to capture my hubby?” Seeing that I was alright, Zhao Yanyan asked Lei Xiaolong furiously.

“This, hehe, I didn’t know that he is Yanyan-meimei, your… boyfriend, misunderstanding, it’s all a misunderstanding,” Lei Xiaolong was so angry that his heart was itching, but he couldn’t say anything, he clearly knew who is Zhao Yanyan, he have seen her a few times when he followed his father to invest in Songjiang province, her grandfather was someone that even his own father didn’t dare to cross. Although his father could be said to be able to summon wind and rain, but there was no need to anger a provisional official due to his small issues.

At this moment, a black suit ran over, and said a few words quietly beside Le Xiaolong’s ear, Lei Xiaolong’s expression immediately darkened, and turned towards me and said, “What do you mean by this? Xia Jing was in your home, why did you say you don’t know? I’m telling you, Xia Jing’s identity isn’t something you can climb to, if something happened to her, I’ll make you unable to eat…”

Before Lei Xiaolong finished, Zhao Yanyan glared at him and interrupted, “Who are you trying to scare?”

“I —— I ——“ Lei Xiaolong wanted to say something, but couldn’t, and just swore in his heart that I would kill you once your grandpa enters the soil.

It seemed like I could hide the situation anymore, if I continued, the issue between Lei Xiaolong and I may very well develop into the issue between Zhao Yanyan’s grandfather and Lei Xiaolong’s father.

“That’s right, Xia Jing is actually in my home, but I don’t know who she is, and didn’t know that the person you wanted to find is her,” I said.

Seeing that I succumbed to a non-violent technique, he couldn’t really say anything else, and said, “Nothing, I have to thank you for saving my fiancé.” Lei Xiaolong didn’t understand the relationship between the person before him and the Zhao family, and since he has been offered a way out, he followed it. Since he wouldn’t do something as dumb as establishing another powerful enemy for no reason no matter how dumb he was.

Although I could tell that Lei Xiaolong seemed to have the intention to make peace, but the three characters “fiancé pierced my ears, I couldn’t help but frown.

Zhao Yanyan noticed my change, lightly took up my hand and gripped it. I know she was telling me not to be impulsive.

After a while, I saw that Xia Jing had a look of a martyr as she was pushed in by two black suits. When Xia Jing saw me, a frantic expression immediately appeared on her face as she glared angrily at Lei Xiaolong, “Lei Xiaolong, what did you do to Da… Liu Lei?”

I felt a sense of sweetness in my heart after hearing that, the little beauty still cared about me, and I know that she was just about to call me Da Gege, but there were too many people here.

Lei Xiaolong said unhappily, “Jingjing, he is Yanyan-meimei boyfriend, what can I do to him?”

Xia Jing also noticed Zhao Yanyan who was standing beside me holding my hand, a slither of depression flashed across her eyes before returning to normal.

However I saw this change, I was unnaturally happy in my heart. Then made a secret decision, isn’t he just a pretentious rich second generation, I’ll kill you in the future.

The moment Zhao Yanyan and I left the hotel, I asked, “Yanyan, how did you find me?”
“You’re asking? The moment Guo Qing said you were taken away, I knew it must have been done by this fellow Lei Xiaolong, and immediately got Uncle Zhang to help me find where they are staying,” Zhao Yanyan said.

“You already know Lei Xiaolong?” It was weird, from Zhao Yanyan’s tone, she knew Lei Xiaolong already.

“En, his dad is Lei Fubai. He followed his father once to our Songjiang city, we met each other a few times,” Zhao Yanyan didn’t hide anything and spoke truthfully. Since she must let me know these things, since it concerns my safety.


  1. N/a

Chapter 51 – Found me

“Young Master Lei is humorous. It’s already work time, isn’t it?” Jiang Yongfu was still very respectful on the service.

“I’ll treat it like you get it! Help me find information on this person!” Lei Xiaolong handed over the portrait to Jiang Yongfu.

“This, shouldn’t be an issue,” Jiang Yongfu replied as he took over the portrait, and immediately blanked, and shouted, “What? It’s him?”

“What? You know this person?” Lei Xiaolong asked weirdly.

“Kind of, there was some misunderstanding between us police and him,” Jiang Yongfu said embarrassedly, and at the same time he glared at the Defense Team Captain Yang Shuguang.

“Oh,” Lei Xiaolong nodded, and said, “I have something important to find him for, tell me his address.”

“I wonder if Young Master Lei can leak a bit of information on what it is?” Jiang Yongfu asked carefully. He was quite troubled about this, last time they had wronged Zhao Limin because of that Liu Kesheng, it looks like that brat called Liu Lei’s backing wasn’t normal at all, yet this Lei Xiaolong was also the Young Master of a famous company in the country, it would be good if it’s something good, but if the two… Then no matter which side he leaned on it would be bad! It wouldn’t end well for him no matter which side he wronged.

However Jiang Yongfu was really overestimating himself, if the two really came into conflict, what can him, a police chief, do?

“What is it? This person have a large backing in Songjiang city?” As someone who has come from a famous family, how could Lei Xiaolong not understand the underlying meaning in Jiang Yongfu’s words?

Jiang Yongfu nodded embarrassedly, then immediately said, “Young Master Lei, don’t worry, if this person really did something illegal, then I will definitely not stand idle!”

Jiang Yongfu was quite helpless in this situation, but he still emphasized on must have done something illegal, this way, even if Elder Zhao blamed him, he still had something to say.

How could Lei Xiaolong not understand this old fox’s meaning? He mocked with disdain, “Don’t worry, I won’t make it difficult for you, I just want to find him to understand the situation.”

Since he got Lei Xiaolong’s promise, it could be considered that Jiang Yongfu’s mind was set at ease, and immediately ordered Yang Shuguang to find the information on this person.

Yang Shuguang’s efficiency was also surprisingly fast, within the time taken to brew a pot of tea, he found out everything about Liu Lei, including home address, the school he’s in and even parents’ workplace.

Lei Xiaolong too over the information, and left without saying anything…

“Excuse me, are you Liu Lei?”

In the morning, when Guo Qing and I just got to the school gate, we were blocked off by several men in black suits.

“What do you want?” I asked with a sense of unease. Why did these people dress like those crime bosses on TV, what do they want me for?

“We want to understand the situation with you, please don’t worry, I won’t do anything disadvantages to you. Get on the car!” After that, he did a ‘please’ gesture.

My mind was spinning frantically, mob people? What do they want me for? I don’t think I did anything alarming right? Aside from beating up the fat and thin monk the other day, I didn’t do anything related to the mob? Even if it’s because of these two, it should be the police, and not the mob. It seems like those two didn’t have any powerful backgrounds, if they did then they wouldn’t randomly **** women. Did they really have some business with me?

But it looks like they didn’t have any good will, one’s face was as tight as Ultraman, and was going to capture me for something. Thus I quickly said, “I have to go to school, can you find me another day?”

Just as I was about to leave, the black suit closest to me took out a small black pistol and said coldly, “If I can’t do it politely, then I’ll use force, I don’t want to do it, so please cooperate.”

Seeing the situation develop this, I can’t leave. From the looks of what they’re doing, they might really give me a shot if I don’t cooperate, and it was very probably. I said to Guo Qing, “Go back first, I’ll go with them.”

The black suit didn’t stop me from talking with Guo Qing. I calmed down a little, perhaps they really wanted to find me to understand the situation of something, if they really held ill intentions towards me then they wouldn’t allow Guo Qing to tell other people.

I followed them onto the car, they didn’t make me cover my eyes or something like what would happen in a lot of movies, I was directly brought into a room at Songjiang Guobin Hospital.

“Hello, Liu Lei, I’m called Lei Xiaolong!” Said a young man sitting on the sofa, who was quite particular about his clothes while still giving off a little ruffian-like feeling.

“Say it, what did you find me for,” I had no good impression of this person that looked to be a toff, I could tell he was a rich second generation from the first glance. In my previous life, while I was at Microsoft, I didn’t socialize little with people like this, who showed off the fact that their parents were rich, and had an air of arrogance wherever they went.

“Then I’ll get straight to it!” Lei Xiaolong took out a photo from a file, and said to me, “You’ve seen this girl right?”

Xia Jing! I could be sure, the girl on the photo is definitely the little beauty Xia that I have been spending the last two days with. Although I was a bit frantic when I saw this photo, I immediately calmed down and said calmly, “Nope!”

I couldn’t be sure what these people in front of me wanted, although I could faintly feel that these people are the “them” that Xia Jing spoke of.

“It can’t be? Classmate Liu doesn’t remember something as memorable as saving a beauty?” Lei Xiaolong didn’t think I would say this, from the looks of it, the moment he asked me about it, I would spit everything out.

“I’ve been a samaritan too many times, and I’ve saved quite a few girls as well, if I had to remember every single time, then I don’t need to do anything else,” I really didn’t like the attitude of Lei Xiaolong, so I said displeasingly.

“Heh! Don’t ******* not take it when I give you face! Three night ago, you saved a girl that was about to be *****, and wounded two criminals, you already forgot about it?” Lei Xiaolong couldn’t suppress the normal Young Master attitude that he had.

“Being a samaritan is the responsible of every civilian, I don’t think I need to report it to you right?” I said fearlessly.

“I can get someone to beat you into a plump just because of the random **** you just spewed to me, but I’m not going to since you saved my fiancé, now answer me honestly about where this girl is?”

“I don’t know!” I spitted out without thinking. You want to get something from me with this attitude? You must be dreaming?


  1. N/a

Chapter 50 – Young Master Lei

“Mom, what did you make so many dishes for? Where’s my dad? Did he come back from PTC?” The moment I entered the door, I saw the table full of dishes, and asked my mom a bunch of questions.

“Your dad came back ages ago, and is frying saury in the kitchen for you,” my mom took over my backpack and said while smiling.

“We have guests tonight?” I asked weirdly. My family couldn’t be said to be in poverty, but we definitely weren’t very rich, making so many dishes would only mean that either relatives or guests came to visit.

“Nope! Your dad and I made it just for you,” My mom shouted towards the kitchen, “Old Liu, Leilei came back, make it quicker.’

Hearing that I came back, my dad came out of the kitchen holding a spatula, happiness was also covering his face.

“Leilei, you really made dad proud today! You didn’t know that stupid look Xiao Liao had on his face after looking at the year rankings, not to mention how happy I was!” My dad said excitedly.

This dinner passed by through the praises of my parents. Hearing their happy laughter, I felt really guilty. In my previous life, I broke my parents’ hearts when I was going to school, they were actually so easily satisfied. A little bit of my achievement was enough to make them proud.

“Da Gege, you’re grades are quite good!” After dinner, Xia Jing asked in my room while holding my results.

“What year are you in?” I didn’t answer her question.

“Second year,” the little beauty replied.

****, a second year was calling me, a first year, Da Gege, she can’t have some perverted tendencies right. But I like it.

“Which school are you in?” I asked casually.

“Yanjing XX high,” the little beauty didn’t know I was getting words out of her, and answered without any defense.

“So your family is in Yanjing!” My ploy worked.

“Da Gege, you were trying to get words from me! I’m not close with you now!” Xia Jing said anxiously.

“I just asked casually, I didn’t say I would send you back,” Seeing that she was a bit unhappy, I quickly explained.

“Even if you don’t send me back, they will nearly find me and get me to go back,” when Xia Jing said this, sadness filled her face.

“Okay, okay! Your family coming to find you means they care, and love you, this is a good thing!” I said.

Xia Jing shook her head, and leaned on me, and said softly, “Da Gege, I don’t want to separate form you.”

“It’s not like we won’t see each other, I can go to Yanjing to find you!” In truth, I really wanted to kick Xia Jing away, because I was more looking forward to the next meeting with Xia Jing, we won’t have any barriers between us next time…

“You don’t understand! Once I leave, we —— won’t know when we’ll see each other again,” Xia Jing’s eyes were full of sadness and attachment. Seeing that, my heart pained, Xia Jing was so attached to me, and yet I still wanted to kick her away to fulfill the goal of having no barriers between us, I was so ashamed!

I reached out my hand, and tightly hugged Xia Jing in my embrace, and lightly caressed her back. I comforted her, “Don’t worry, we’ll definitely meet again!”

“Hopefully,” Xia Jing closed her eyes and said.

That night, Xia Jing and I took off our clothes and got onto the bed really early, Xia Jing didn’t evade me at all, and embraced me in the blanket.

Neither of us said anything, and just continued to hug each other. My mood was fouled by Xia Jing, I think that Xia Jing was definitely more depressed than me, the entire room was filled with a sad atmosphere.

Who knows after how long, Xia Jing moved…

I know what she was going to do, this surprised and intrigued me, what happened to Xia Jing today? First she took off her clothes in front of me, then took the initiative to…

In a certain room in Songjiang city Guobin Hotel.

“Young Master Lei, we found the two attempted rapists, from what they described about the clothing and looks, that person is Miss Xia,” a black suited man said to a ten-odd years old kid.

“Where are the two people?” Young Master Lei asked.

“In Songjiang city Number One Hospital,” the black suit asked respectfully.

“Hospital? What happened? Those two are doctors there?” Young Master Lei didn’t understand.

“No, they were beaten up by a Samaritan, one has a broken elbow, the other has a broken leg,” the black suit said expressionlessly.

“What? He hit so hard? Then where’s Xia Jing? Young Master Lei’s expression changed.

“Saved by the person, but we got someone to draw a portrait already,” the black suit answered.

“Okay, bring me to meet that person,” Young Master Lei said.

Within Songjiang city Number One hospital.
“You’re sure this is the person that hit you? “Young Master Lei held a freshly drawn portrait and asked the person lying on the bed.

“That’s definitely him! He hit so hard, I’ll definitely find a chance to extract revenge on him,” replied the one on the bed.
“Hehe, I’m afraid you won’t have the chance, “Young Master Lei laughed coldly.

“What-what do you mean by this?” The person with half his body paralyzed looked at the boy in front of him.

“Heh! You dare to touch my fiancé,” Young Master Lei’s face darkened, “Uncle Bin, you should know what to do right?”

“Understood, Shaoye,” the black suit said expressionlessly.

Young Master Lei nodded, and took the portrait out of the room, then suddenly turned his head back, and laughed sinisterly, “Don’t kill him immediately, you should play around with this type of people more.”

The black suited man called Uncle Bin nodded while still remaining expressionless.

With in the Songjiang city police station.

Young Master Lei directly pushed opened the chief’s office.

Jiang Yongfu was playing cards with a few people, and was just into it, seeing the door was suddenly opened, he immediately got angry, “Who is it? Don’t you know to knock first before entering? Are you handless!”

“Chief Jiang, I can report you just because you’re playing cards here!” Young Master Lei took out the portrait and said coldly to Jiang Yongfu.

“Who are you supposed to be? Did you think your family opened the police station? I can do anything I want during lunch breaks, how’s it your business?” Seeing that it was a ten-odd years old child, Jiang Yongfu said in disdain.

“Although I can’t control it, but I can tell you, I am from the Lei family, my dad is Lei Fubai, I am Lei Xiaolong!” When Young Master Lei said this, he had already sat onto the chief’s chair.

“So it’s Young Master Lei!” Hearing the three characters Lei Fubai, his face immediately changed. His tone also improved a lot. However when he saw the Lei Xiaolong didn’t have any manners at all, and sat in his chair, he was a bit angry inside, but he couldn’t show it. Lei family is a huge family, they say that it was about to enter the six large families of Huaxia, replacing the original Wang family! Lei Fubai was also the current head of the Lei family! Jiang Yongfu couldn’t wrong this kind of person easily, he was despised Lei Xiaolong’s frivolous attitude.

“They say women change face quickly, from what I see, you change face quite quickly too!” Lei Xiaolong mocked.


  1. N/a

Chapter 49 – Mysterious Person

“Liu Lei, I can’t ——“ Xia Jing didn’t resist, just laid on my body and said softly.

“Who exactly are you?” My instincts told me that Xia Jing’s identity is definitely not as simple as what she said.

“Just, don’t ask. They might already have found here, I’ll be grabbed back real soon, but I really don’t want to leave,” Xia Jing choked.

“What, they? Who are they?

Xia Jing didn’t say anything, and only embraced me. After a while, she sighed faintly, “Da Gege sleep while hugging me like this.”

Although my heart was full of questions, since Xia Jing didn’t want to tell, it wasn’t right of me to ask anymore. Embracing Xia Jing, I fell asleep.

In the morning, I feel like someone was kicking beside me, but the movement was quit small. I opened my eyes, and noticed the person moving around was Xia Jing. The little beauty wanted to escape from my embrace, but I was hugging her really tightly, so she couldn’t escape at all.

Suddenly, I understood the little beauty was trying to escape from my embrace. A certain part of my body was poking right between Xia Jing’s legs.

I moved slightly…

“En ——“ Xia Jing moaned. Then immediately looked up towards me, I closed my eyes to pretend to be asleep. The little beauty thought I was sleeping since she noticed that I wasn’t moving, but this time she didn’t dare to move around.

The feeling just now was too good, when I couldn’t help but want to move again, Xia Jing actually moved first.

She lightly twisted her waist, and took the initiative in rubbing me there, I heard her breath quicker, but she might be scared of waking me up, and so tried hard to control herself to not let out any sound.

After all this, Xia Jing opened her eyes wide in palpitation, and examined my reaction in detail. Seeing I didn’t move at all, she let out a breath of air as if she felt relieved.

I held back the impulsion in my heart, and laid without moving on the bed. Why wasn’t she moving? Continue moving, move more. I wished in my heart.

I squinted my eyes and peaked at Xia Jing. The little beauty raised her head and looked around with a blush face for quit a while, finally she started moving again.

“Hu ——“ Xia Jing’s breath quickened again, this time her action didn’t stop!

I quietly checked out Xia Jing, the little beauty’s face was bright red, and kept on moaning, clearly enjoying it a lot.

Xia Jing suddenly continued, she might have felt something amiss.

I laughed wryly, if you continue like this, how can I resist? Some things cannot be controlled!

Xia Jing clearly wasn’t that kind of innocent girl, she knows what this means. She carefully laid on top of me and breathed heavily. Then she covered her face, and didn’t dare to look at me.

“I think… We should go and wash up…” I suddenly said, scaring the living hell out of Xia Jing.

“You’re awake?” Xia Jing got off from my body, and acted a bit frantic, her face was a little flushed, like a child that was caught doing something bad by an adult.

“I’m not a robot, you were like that just now, how could I not woke up?” I smiled wryly, “It felt pretty nice just now right?”

Xia Jing nodded subconsciously, then immediately started shaking her head again.

“Then what were you doing just now?” I asked as if laughing, yet as if not laughing.

“I-I just tried it!” Xia Jing explained.

“Really? But someone tried it once, then continued to try,” I immediately poked a hole through it.

“So-so you were already awake! Actually… I just think that feeling is quite nice, and I want… to try it again, but I couldn’t stop! I said it already, are you satisfied now!” Since Xia Jing said it out loud already, she didn’t act shy anymore and raised her face to glare at me.

“Liu Lei, I like you!” Suddenly , Xia Jing said passionately.

“Me too, “ I don’t know when it begun, but I already fell in love with Xia Jing. Her naivety, her cuteness were all deeply scorched in my heart.

“Promise me that we can’t have an even closer relationship, I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Xia Jing said while frowning.

“Something happen to me? What can happen to me?” I asked.

“They’ll find me really quickly, if they know you and I had intercourse, they will definitely kill you,” Xia Jing said seriously.

“Who are they? Who exactly are you?” I felt like I had to understand this whole thing, from her words it seems like I was about to hit the grave.

“Don’t ask, how about this, Da Gege! I promise you, the next time I see you I’ll give myself to you,” after that Xia Jing escaped form my embrace, and stood up while naked.

“What are you going to do?” I stared at Xia Jing’s voluptuous and white body, and asked.

“Shower!” Xia Jing snorted with a red face, “I have to quickly take a shower before mom and dad wakes up, or else what are we going to do?”

It can’t be, I was about to faint, that’s my mom and dad okay? Why did the little beauty say it even more naturally than me, it feels like they’re her real parents.

I was restless the entire morning at school, and kept on thinking about those incomprehensible sentences that Xia Jing said to me. Was she really some mafia boss’s daughter?

Zhao Yanyan seemed to notice my unhappiness, and asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

I felt like there wasn’t anything to hide, so I told her everything from start to finish, when I talked about the rubbing, Zhao Yanyan gave me the evil eye.

“This Xia Jing’s identity is definitely not simple!” Zhao Yanyan said after hearing that.

“I know this as well, but what use is it? There are many underworld bosses in Huaxia, who knows whose daughter is she of?” I smiled wryly.

“You’re wrong, I’m certain that this Xia Jing definitely comes from a governmental background,” Zhao Yanyan said assuredly.

“How do you know? It’s not that I didn’t believe Zhao Yanyan’s words, I just didn’t get why she was so certain.

“Don’t forget about my family background, from the way you described Xia Jing talks normally, I can be sure that she was definitely born in a high class family, this is a unique feeling!” Zhao Yanyan explained.

I nodded, perhaps, her analysis was right, but this doesn’t solve the issue at all.

Within Songjiang city’s Guobin Hotel, an eighteen or nineteen years old young man that was very particular about what he was wearing was speaking on the phone to someone else, in front of his room door was four or five bodyguards.

“Xiaolong, did you find Jingjing?”

“Uncle Xia, I already have people looking out for information. There should be news tomorrow.”

“Oh, good! Jingjing is your fiancé, don’t let anything happen to her.”

“I understand, Uncle Xia.”

The person called Uncle Xia hung up the phone, and sighed, this chick was too daring, she actually hid in the car of the secret services and went to Songjiang. These rice buckets, they can’t even spot a girl, and are still investigating others?


  1. N/a

Chapter 48 – Proud Dad

When I was eating dinner at night, I noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere at home. My dad said with a face of jealousy, “Leilei, your mid term test results came out right?

“How did you know?” I asked weirdly. Results did come out, but I only just found out today.

“Our company’s Xiao Liao’s child is also in your school, in the same year as you, but not in the same class. At noon today, Xiao Liao’s kid told his result to Xia Liao, 10th in the whole year! You have around 1000 people in the year, they actually got into the top ten! Look at how much Xiao Liao was bragging at the factory in the afternoon!” My dad said unhappily.

“Heh! Old Liu, didn’t our family’s Leilei get first place in the national computing competition!” My mom said after hearing that.

“I think Xiao Liao did it because of me, he was pointing at the mulberry tree and scolding the locust tree⌈1⌋, saying that extra curricular specialties are useless, and studying well is the right path,” my dad sighed.

I was a bit puzzled, why did they ask me how I did? Its as if my results are too terrible to look at, truly a puzzle. However my results before getting reborn actually weren’t too great. I know this Xiao Liu’s family’s child, he was a top student from primary school.

“What’s so special about top ten!” I said with disdain, “Oh yeah, dad, there’s a PTC tomorrow afternoon.”

“I’m not going!” My dad roared subconsciously, “Would it just be losing face if I see Xiao Liao there!”

“What are you shouting for! You have to go even if you don’t want to!” My mom glared at my dad, and said to Xia Jing, who was sitting on the side, “Jingjing, you’ve seen a joke, the kid Liu Lei always make us worried!”

Hearing that, Xia Jing giggled, a pair of fox eyes gazed at me, causing my heart to feel annoyed.

Never mind, I won’t tell him my results. I think that they won’t believe me even if I told them, they might even think I’m lying. It was better to let my dad feel awesome once tomorrow when he gets to school, and show off in front of other parents.

When we were going to sleep at night, Xia Jing still insisted on sleeping with me. I did consider Zhao Yanyan’s suggestion extensively, but what exactly was Xia Jing’s background? From her words, she isn’t a local from Songjiang, when I asked her yesterday, she answered perfunctorily. No, I have to find out today, or else I might not be able to stop myself and eat this little beauty, what if her daddy is a crime boss, then I’ll be ******.

I made my decision, and solemnly made Xia Jing sit properly and asked seriously, “Xia Jing, what do your parents do?”

Xia Jing thought about it then said, “My mom works in a corporate, my dad is a government official, what are you asking this for?”

“It’s nothing, nothing,” I said that, but thought in my heart, as long as they aren’t ******* part of the underworld then it’s fine.

“Da Gege? Do you want to throw me back home?” Seeing me be so hesitant, Xia Jing asked unhappily.

“How can I, I can’t even like you enough,” what I said was the truth, it’s just that this girl’s background is unknown, so I am a little worried, even though con men weren’t that popular, but most importantly, what was worthwhile tocon from me?

“Really?” Xia Jing became joyful again.

“Of course it’s real, didn’t I say I don’t lie!” It looks like I’m lying again.

“Da Gege you said it, you aren’t allowed to lie to me in the future!” Xia Jing said happily.

“En,” I replied restlessly, because the little beauty had already started stripping.

“Why aren’t you going out?” Xia Jing asked shyly as she saw me gaze at her without moving.

“Since I touched it in the morning, and have also seen it, aren’t we just lying to ourselves if I went out now?” I said shamelessly.

Xia Jing dipped her head, and thought for a bit, then actually said, “That’s true.”

Between the little beauty’s lines and gaze was a hint of slyness, but I didn’t notice since I was completely focused on the little beauty’s chest, and didn’t bother with anything else.

Hearing that, my eye balls nearly fell out of their socket, it can’t be, I just bullshitted but Xia Jing actually said it’s true.

Just as I was dumbfounded, the little beauty quickly took off all her clothes, and jumped onto the bed. I just came back to my senses, the little beauty was already under the blanket. ****, so ******* unlucky, I didn’t actually see anything since I spaced out.

“Can you strip again?” I asked shamelessly.

Hearing that, the redness on the little beauty’s face was about to spread to the neck, she quickly covered herself with the blankets, and said embarrassedly, “Da Gege, you…. You are so perverted!”

“Hai!” I coughed, and said with a red face, “I was just kidding.”

“The little beauty climbed out form the blankets, and asked softly with her face as red as the sun, “ Da Gege, do you like watching me?”

“Watch you?” I asked confusedly.

“Aiya! I mean… in other word, do you like watching me take off my clothes?” Xia Jing’s face was so red that water could drip out.

I swallowed my saliva, was this a tease? Can I open her blanket?

“I like, of course I like!” I said without much thought.

“Ai!” Xia Jing actually sighed, and said, “Da Gege, I promise you, I can let you see all you want in the future, but… but now is no good.”

Hearing Xia Jing say that, my heart went cold again. She can’t be playing with me right, what do you mean see all I want in the future, but now is no good? Does she think I’m an idiot! I lose any mood, and immediately turned off the lights and climbed onto the bed.

My heart started hating my old bro Yama a little, **** rebirth is rebirth, he had to make me so perverted. I started thinking about the little beauty again.

(Yama was exclaiming in the underworld: I’m innocent! Little bro, you held back too ******* much in your previous life, and now that you’ve exploded in this life you are blaming it all on me??)

“Da Gege, you’re angry again?” Xia Jing poked my back with her hand.

‘Yes, you promised to let me see, but you didn’t,” I pretended to be angry.

“I-I’m just scared that you want to do that to me, and I-I don’t want to reject you!” Xia Jing said faintly.

What? I was suspecting that I had some issues with my hearing or I was hearing things, don’t want to reject me? Doesn’t that mean that I can… have some relationship surpassing that of friends with her?

I was shocked and happy, but also a bit hesitant. On one side, I didn’t know if Xia Jing was testing me again, this little beauty was twisted, and only half of what she said could be believed.

However, seeing Xia Jing’s large blinking eyes, I couldn’t hold back anymore.

I excitedly turned around, and pulled the little beauty into my blanket… The moment our bodies touched together… Xia Jing shuddered.

Xia Jing clearly didn’t think that I could be so daring, and humphed, resisted lightly a little, then embraced me with her backhand.

Everything, was so natural, it gave me a surreal feeling. Between Xia Jing and I, did it happen too quick? And I didn’t understand Xia Jing’s real identity at all, and didn’t understand Xia Jing’s purpose for coming to Songjiang.

This is always a knot in my heart…


Chapter 47 – Wife

“What did Ye-laoshi find you for?” Seeing that I angrily returned to the classroom, Zhao Yanyan asked weirdly.

“Ya thought too much into stuff,” I was so angry that a Beijing line popped out of me,

“Ya?” Having been born and raised in Songjiang city, Zhao Yanyan didn’t understand what is “Ya”.

“It means her, it’s just a pronoun,” I explained.

“Oh, how did that Ya think too much? Zhao Yanyan’s was able to understand quickly, and immediately used it.

“Ya thought I had a crush on her,” I didn’t want to hide anything from Zhao Yanyan.

“Isn’t that true?” Zhao Yanyan’s eyes scanned across my face, as she said with deeper meaning.

The moment I heard that, I nearly climbed under the table. I asked stuttering, “Who did you hear it from?”

“I have to hear it? You always sleep in other classes, never raising your head. Yet the moment you see Ye Xiaoxiao, you get energized, your eyes are nearly grown onto her… Her chest!” There was clear jealousy in Zhao Yanyan’s words.

“Hai! I… I…” I really couldn’t retort.

Seeing that I couldn’t even reply, Zhao Yanyan smiled and said, “Okay now, there’s no need to be embarrassed about admitting it, just your narrow-mindedness, I didn’t say anything thing either.”

My narrow-mindedness? I sweated, this chick was too precocious. I really didn’t understand, why wasn’t Zhao Yanyan a tiny bit angry? First Xia Jing in the morning, Zhao Yanyan not only get angry, but told me to… Then there’s Ye Xiaoxiao, what is this chick thinking?

“Yanyan, aren’t you angry?” I asked weirdly.

“Angry? Do I have the time to be? Yesterday, you went to bed with that Xia Jing, what can I say? Would the objection be effective? Your mom seems to already treat her as the daughter-in-law right? Where do I, a little girl without name or place, come in!” It was fine for me not to ask, now that I did, I got out all of Zhao Yanyan’s suffering, she frowned, and tears were about to come down.

“What do you mean went to bed? I didn’t do anything with Xia Jing!” I quickly explained.

“I can’t control if anything happens, Liu Lei, I’m asking you, if your mom wants you to marry that Xia Jing, will you abandon me? Zhao Yanyan looked at me with a face full of worry.

“Yanyan, don’t think too much, what do you mean marry or not, how old are we!” I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry after hearing that, and lightly grabbed hold of Zhao Yanyan’s hands. Did this chick think about too far into the future?

“Heh, don’t touch me! I knew it, you’re too scared to answer!” Zhao Yanyan flung away my hands, her tears started flowing.

“I-I, Yanyan, I swear that if I can only marry one wife, then that person can only be you!” I quickly swore, but I still played a little technique, this means that aside from Zhao Yanyan, I could still marry others.

Zhao Yanyan turned from her tears into laughter, and asked with a blushed face, “Really?”

I quickly replied, “Yes! Of course it’s true!”

Zhao Yanyan glared at me and continued, “Don’t think I didn’t hear the other meaning in your vow, I don’t care how many girlfriends you find, but your legal wife must be me in the future!”

I kept sweating, Zhao Yanyan was really intelligent, I couldn’t hide anything from her.

I grabbed hold of her hands once more, and said passionately, “Yanyan, I will definitely marry you in the future! This is my wish for this life.”

Zhao Yanyan closed her eyes in happiness after that, and kept on nodding. After a while, she said softly, “Xia Jing, Ye Xiaoxiao, I’ll let you guys be proud for a few years, after a few years when my breasts have grown, let’s see if you still dare to compete with me.”

She was still jealous! However what Zhao Yanyan said was true, after a few years, her breasts definitely surpass Ye Xiaoxiao’s, I witnessed this process in person in my previous life.

Seeing I that I was spacing out like an idiot, Zhao Yanyan found it funny and said, “I was kidding with you. If you really can’t hold it, then tonight make Xia Jing…”

I was even more dumbfounded after she said that, there are women that encourage their own husband to mount another woman? This was too unbelievable.

“But how could Xia Jing agree, it’s just wishful thinking from us,” I said regretfully. After stimulating by Zhao Yanyan, I thought back to the ambiguous position that Xia Jing and I were in this morning.

“Heh! Look at you expression right now. Why do I feel like you are still trying to get more even after getting an advantage?” Zhao Yanyan glared at me, I immediately felt a sense of coldness.

“How could I…” I laughed.

“Okay now, don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking! I’ll help you once, I think there’s eighty percent chance that Xia Jing likes you!” Zhao Yanyan said.

“How do you know?” I asked curiously.

“A woman’s intuition! After hearing you tell me about her weird reactions after you saved her, I knew that she must have fallen for you. What does it show when a girl older than you by several years call you Da Gege? Heh! But I feel like she feels contradicted, she wants something to happen with you, yet was worried about something,” Zhao Yanyan frowned and said, she didn’t forget to express a little dissatisfaction in her tone.

I really didn’t know if I should feel lucky that I found a woman like Zhao Yanyan, this chick seems to let things go my way as much as possible, as if she was a different person from that ice-cold beauty in my previous life. I’m not disregarding the possibility that my rebirth has caused her personality to change, Guo Qing was an example. But isn’t this change a little bit too much?

In the afternoon, Ye Xiaoxiao limped into the classroom. What happened to her? Wasn’t she fine in the morning, how did she turn disabled in a moment’s notice?

“What did you do to her in the morning?” Zhao Yanyan looked at me as if she’s smiling, yet at the same not as if she’s not smiling, there was an emotion that can’t be put to words in the expression.

“She wasn’t like this when I left!” I looked at Zhao Yanyan’s eyes, and immediately understood, she can’t possibly think that this is the sequel of Ye Xiaoxiao’s first time.

This misunderstanding is too much! If I really did something beastlike, but I really didn’t do anything? Isn’t this framing me? I was really scared that Zhao Yanyan would get angry, and quickly tried to explain myself, “What are you thinking!”

Zhao Yanyan pouted, “What are you angry for, it’s just like you’re hiding something. If you did it, then you did it, I can’t say anything.”

Ai! It looks like the more I touch the darker I got⌈1⌋. I still wanted to say something, but I didn’t think that Ye Xiaoxiao was actually coincidentally glaring at me, Zhao Yanyan saw all this, a smirk could be seen as the corner of her mouth, as if she was saying: You can’t say anything now right.

About this, I really am innocent, but how was I supposed to defend myself? It looks like the more I explain, the less Zhao Yanyan believed, I could only suck it up this time.


  1. It’s a proverb that means, the more you try to explain your way out of something, the more it seems like the thing you’re just trying to justify things 

Chapter 46 – Just you wait

The class bell rang, Ye Xiaoxiao walked into the classroom full of happiness.

What happened to this little woman? She can’t possibly have gotten a boyfriend right? I remember Zhao Yanyan also had this expression when she just agreed to go out with me. Thinking to this point, my heart tensed.

Did she get a boyfriend? A terrible thought flashed across my mind. However I never heard about it in my previous life?

Which turtle took my first, Zhao Yanyan is someone that moved my heart after I got reborn.

Ye Xiaoxiao’s following words made me completely relax. Ye Xiaoxiao said, “The test results of this mid term exam came out, I’m really happy. The first and second place of the year are both in our class.” Saying this, Ye Xiaoxiao deliberately paused, the entire class looked up, and started talking among each other about who had this honor.

“Zhao Yanyan,” Ye Xiaoxiao said. “Your total score for all five subjects is 460, you got second place in the entire year.

After hearing that, Zhao Yanyan didn’t show any joy or unhappiness, as if nothing happened. She was worried about my result, I had promise Zhao Junsheng on Zhao Yanyan’s home’s dinner table that I would surprise everyone in the mid terms.

Zhao Yanyan scanned over the classmates in the classroom, and finally stopped her gaze on me. I just had a face of smile, but don’t misunderstand, I wasn’t happy about Zhao Yanyan getting second place in the year, it was because I was sure that Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t find a boyfriend.

Seeing my expression, Ye Xiaoxiao glared at me unhappily and said, “ Liu Lei, your total score is 493.”

I was a bit speechless, I did bring light to your face by getting first place, yet you didn’t even say what place I got. Although even idiots could tell that I was first place, but I didn’t feel good about it. Did I mess with her, she was so happy when she entered, but why did she turn ice cold after seeing me.

Hearing that my score was even higher than hers, Zhao Yanyan sat there happily, her mouth nearly turned into a crescent moon.

“Liu Lei, come with me,” As expected, Ye Xiaoxiao is targeting me on purpose! I don’t know how I pissed off this missy.

All of the students thought that Ye Xiaoxiao was going to give me some kind of reward for getting first in the entire year. Guo Qing also turned around and said in envy, “Boss, you’re really awesome this time.”

I laughed wryly, I still don’t know what’s going to happen with Ye Xiaoxiao’s expression? I stood up helplessly, and followed Ye Xiaoxiao out of the classroom.

“Liu Lei, you really did it!” Before reaching the office, Ye Xiaoxiao started.

I know that Ye Xiaoxiao was saying the opposite thing, but I still didn’t know where I pissed off this beauty teacher. Before knowing the truth, it was better to pretend to be confused.

“Puchi!” Having hearing that, Ye Xiaoxiao got so angry that she laughed, although she wanted to continue to stay pissed, but the serious atmosphere was destroyed by what I had said. She said annoyingly, “Not even able to tell the difference between commendatory terms and derogatory terms, I don’t even know how you got your grades.”

“If I could tell the difference between them I would have gotten 500 marks,” I knew that I must have lost marks in Chinese.

“How did you know you got 100 marks in everything except Chinese?” Ye Xiaoxiao said weirdly.

“I don’t know, but you told me, so I know,” I said.

“You!” Ye Xiaoxiao was so angry that her face was pale. She didn’t understand, why did this student of hers always say stuff that doesn’t suit his age? The chats with him completely didn’t seem one between teacher and student, rather it seemed like communication with another person of the same age, or even a person that was even more mature than herself.

Ye Xiaoxiao opened the office door, and said, “Go in first!”

I waddled into the office, and seeing that there was no one inside, I sat right down on Ye Xiaoxiao’s chair.

“You ——! Liu Lei, why are you sitting on my seat?” Ye Xiaoxiao pointed at me and shouted.

“Why can’t I sit here?” I said as if I was laughing, and yet not laughing.

Ye Xiaoxiao glared at me, and didn’t argue, and got a chair from another desk and sat beside me.

“Liu Lei, do you have any issues recently?” After a while, Ye Xiaoxiao calmed down a bit and asked.

Issues? It can’t be? She could tell that I had issues? It gave me a headache just speaking about this issue, how did I pick up a spring roll from the streets, and now it’s even stuck onto me.

“I… What issues could I have,” I have a secret, so what I said didn’t link up.

“Ai!” Ye Xiaoxiao sighed, “I know you ——“

What does she know? Why didn’t she say anything? Did she want me to die in anxiety? I anxiously looked at Ye Xiaoxiao, the little beauty was actually blushing.

“Liu Lei, at your age, having feelings towards the opposite sex… Including the teacher is actually rather normal,” After a long while, Ye Xiaoxiao forced it out a blushing a long time.

I kept sweating, did Ye Xiaoxiao notice my feelings towards her? No, I just occasionally fantasize a bit, how was it possible for her to know?

I pretended to be calm, “Ye-laoshi, what do you mean by that?”

“Liu Lei, did you already forget what you wrote?” Ye Xiaoxiao decided to calm down now that the bubble has ben popped, and didn’t have the shyness from before.

What I wrote? What did I write? Why am I getting more confused the more I listen?

Ye Xiaoxiao thought I was pretending to be confused, and snorted, then took out a test paper and threw it in front of my face, “Look at the composition you wrote.”

I looked at the test paper in front of me, and finally remembered the English composition I wrote during the test. I was just messing with her, she can’t have misunderstood right?

“Liu Lei, you are in puberty, it is very normal if you have interest in the opposite sex, including towards laoshi, but laoshi will tell you that your thoughts are very immature, your primary mission is ——“ Ye Xiaoxiao continued to talk about the disadvantages of puppy love and interest in a teacher without stopping.

“Stop!” I shouted, “ I think Ye-laoshi misunderstood, it’s you who told me that we are good friends!”

“Good friends yes! But what do you mean by this sentence? What do you mean by you like me, and I also like you?” Ye Xiaoxiao pointed to the sentence at the bottom of the test paper.

“Please! Ye-laoshi, you can’t be unable to differentiate between “like” and “love” right?” It seems like she shouldn’t make this type of low level mistakes, unless… Thinking to this point, I shook my head, as a child younger than Ye Xiaoxiao by six years, I should have any murderous abilities towards a twenty something girl right?

“Of course I know the difference! But I think you do mean that!” Ye Xiaoxiao said without reason.

“I ——, ****! Then I’ll admit it, I do like you, I always dream about you, you already became my fantasizing target, what about it? Are you happy now? I’ll leave first if there’s nothing else,” I said annoyingly, and without hearing her reply, I walked out of the office.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked at the open office door, and her heart jumped for no reason. She only came back to her senses after a long while, and kicked the desk really hard, and said while clenching her teeth, “Liu Lei, I don’t believe I can’t deal with you! Just wait!”

This student actually dared to say filthy things to her, Ye Xiaoxiao’s face seemed like it started burning.


  1. N/a

Chapter 45 – Changed so Quickly

The sunlight of early morning poured into the room through the windows.

When I woke up, I noticed that the position Xia Jing and I were in were extremely ambiguous. Originally we each slept on one side of the bed, respecting each other and never crossing the line.

However Xia Jing was actually clinging onto me like an octopus. The worst thing was that this little beauty was naked, the peaks on her chest were touching my body.

I couldn’t help but move my gaze down, thank god I wasn’t a virgin that haven’t done anything, or else I would instantly have a nosebleed!

I restrained my impulsions, and moved my gaze to the side, but, I could feel that, a certain part of my body have already sinfully raised up, at that moment, the little fellow was closely poking at Xia Jing’s stomach.

I wanted to roll around, but Xia Jing woke up. I couldn’t help it, and could only continue in this position and asked awkwardly, “You woke up?”

Xia Jing blurrily opened her eyes, there was still a sliver of saliva at the corner of her mouth, and said unclearly, “Da Gege, what are you poking me with, it’s so hard. “Saying that she reached over to grab it.

I just wanted to stop her, but Xia Jing’s hands were already gripping it… This really made me sweat, this was way too quick right?

Ya!” Xia Jing exclaimed, and immediately sat up, her sleepiness instantly disappear, and shouted loudly, “Pervert!”

I quickly jumped up and covered Xia Jing’s mouth, I didn’t want my mom to hear the shouting in here.

“Don’t shout! It was you who clung onto me like a squid, and now you’re calling me a blackguard…” My gaze looked around, and actually noticed that Xia Jing was completely butt-naked, there was nothing covering her chest, the shuddering whiteness made my gaze stop on it, unable to move away.

Hearing me say that, Xia Jing embarrassedly dipped her head, and noticed I was gazing at her chest without moving, since her mouth was still covered my me, she couldn’t even scream even if she was shy, and so desperately bit down on my hand.

“Ah!” It was my turn to scream. The moment screamed, Xia Jing immediately stopped biting, and asked with me with a caring gaze, “Da Gege, I didn’t hurt you right? I didn’t do it on purpose.”

I looked at the row of teeth marks on my hand, and said in an annoyed tone, “You’ll know if it hurts or not if you bit yourself once!”

Getting messed around with her like this, the desires in my body also disappeared. Looking at the little fellow with his head down, I was a bit speechless, if I become impotent in the future, I’ll definitely find you.

“So petty! Then I’ll let you bite me once!” Xia Jing reached over her hand in front of me and said like she was wronged.

Ai, it’s this pitiful gaze again, my heart immediately softened. Ugh, if I get impotent, then impotent it is.

“Never mind! How can I get angry! If you don’t want me to do anything that crosses the line, then don’t sleep with me together tonight,” I said helplessly.

After hearing that, Xia Jing’s expression was really weird, like a little fox that stole a grape. Her face was as red as the sun.

I got dressed really quickly, and ran towards the bathroom. I didn’t have time to mess around with her, I still had to check if my little fellow could still be used.

In the bathroom, I begun to remember the **** I have watched in my previous life, hoping that my little bro could harden quickly, but it had no reaction. This damn child, he can’t actually have some issues right.

“Leilei, open the door quickly! What are you doing? Xia Jing still has to go to the bathroom!” My mom’s voice sounded out form outside the bathroom.

I lifted up my trousers, opened the bathroom door, and stared at Xia Jing, who was standing at the door with a smirk on her face. I felt like I had been too kind, if I knew this would happen why did my hand stay so still, I should have directly let something happen. Just great now, it was already of a concern if I still have that function.

On the way to school, I was listless the entire way, I can’t be that lucky right? I just returned to 1994, and didn’t get a laugh for so long, a problem occurred in my body, what am I going to do from now on?

“Hubby, what happened?” Seeing that I had a face full of worries, Zhao Yanyan’s clearly became unhappy.

“Ai!” I didn’t know how to explain it to her, was I supposed to say that I can’t ever do that with her anymore? I felt helpless just thinking about this issue, damn Xia Jing.

“Hubby, if there’s any problems then speak it out, Yanyan will share it with you,” Zhao Yanyan said caringly.

This really was pretty bad, I really was embarrassed to say it out. In the end, it is due to my lecherousness that caused this effect. I still decided to come clean to Zhao Yanyan in the end, since I didn’t want to lie to the person I love most.

Thus, I told her everything from how I acted as the hero, to how my mom admitted her as her goddaughter as well as how I slept on the same bed with her, without hiding anything. When I said I was scared impotent, Zhao Yanyan actually started laughing out loud.

“Damn chick, why are you laughing and not crying?” I said angrily.

“Haha! I was wondering what it was! So it’s this! Haha, I’m laughing to death,” Zhao Yanyan laughed unrestrainedly lying on the table, like a peacock with its tail open.

I angrily clenched my teeth and turned away. Just as I turned around, I felt a little hand climb onto my jeans, and quietly pulled open the zip on it.

“What are you going?” This is the classroom, this chick is way too daring.

“Hehe,” Zhao Yanyan laughed. “I’ll help you see if it still works.” With that, Zhao Yanyan’s icy hands slithered in.

“Isn’t this working?” Zhao Yanyan giggled and looked at me.

“Okay, let go since it’s working. There are so many people in the classroom,” I freaked out, I didn’t think Zhao Yanyan was so daring, and hurriedly made her take her hands away, and looked around nervously, and only after noticing no one was looking this way, I let out a sigh of relief.

Luckily Zhao Yanyan and my seat were closer to the back, or else, if we were seen, we wouldn’t need to even mention the awkwardness.
However, now that I think about, since Zhao Yanyan wasn’t scared, what was I, a man, scared of? But I felt that since Zhao Yanyan was even more daring than I was, I didn’t dare to mess with her, and could only take her attention away.

“Didn’t you get angry after hearing about Xia Jing?” I could only change the topic. Yet I immediately regretted it after saying it, why was I such a fool, and even managed to ask such a retarded question.

However after I heard Zhao Yanyan’s reply, I was completely mind blown.

Zhao Yanyan said, “What use is getting angry, the moment you mention her, your eyes are full of lewdness. You must be interested in her. But if hubby you really like her, then do her too ——“

Although Zhao Yanyan didn’t say the last few words, but even idiots would understand what she was saying. But I really didn’t understand, why wasn’t Zhao Yanyan even have a tiny bit of anger?

“You really think so?” I asked weirdly.

Zhao Yanyan didn’t say anything, just bit her lips and stayed silent for a while, finally she said slowly, “Liu Lei, I don’t care if you find Xia Jing or not, but you can’t not want me in the future.”

I looked at Zhao Yanyan with deep passion, this girl that deeply loves me, that would give me surprises all the time without asking for anything in return. I said seriously to her, “Yanyan, don’t worry, I will love you for a lifetime”

“Heh! How many days have it been, you’ve already changed your mind!” Zhao Yanyan glared at me dissatisfied.

What happened? Just now she was acting as tender as water, now in the blink of an eye ——, Ai, women really change quickly than pages are flipped!
Seeing I look at her dumbfounded, Zhao Yanyan actually started laughing, “Last time you said you will love me for two lifetimes!”


  1. N/a

Chapter 44 – Spring Roll

I put all the planning forms on the table into my drawer, and looked at my watch, it was already twelve.

“Why aren’t you sleeping yet? “I looked at Xia Jing, who was spacing out while sitting on the side of the bed, and asked.

Xia Jing hung her head, her face was so red that water was about to come out. After a while, she replied softly, “Go out first, I’m going to take off my clothes.”

“Aren’t you going to sleep in the same bed with me? You’re scared of letting me see?” I asked.

“Even —— Even so you can’t, just go out first, come back in when I got onto the bed,” Xia Jing pushed me out of the door.

Ai, what’s with this woman! She’s sleeping with me, yet she’s still scared of people seeing her strip. I walked reluctantly out of my room, it would be good if there’s a hole on my door.

After a while, Xia Jing shouted from inside, “It’s okay now, you can come in.”

I pushed open the room door excitedly, and ran straight to my bed. Yi? What’s that position? She actually wrapped herself up with the blanket, just like a huge spring roll.

“You can’t be going to sleep like that right?” I asked without giving up. If it really is true, then there’s no meaning of her stripping or not.

“Of course! Although I know you’re a good person, but you see, you’re still lecherous, for my safety it is better if I wrap myself up,” Xia Jing replied craftily.

“****! If you’re scared of it being unsafe, then don’t sleep on the same bed as me! What are you doing!” I shouted angrily. I felt like I was being played with.

“But-but I still hope that you can protect me from the side!” Xia Jing said sadly.

“Completely not understandable,” I turned off the lights angrily, and swiftly took off all my clothes, when I only had a pair of underwear left, I still took it off while clenching my teeth. I climbed onto the bed, and pulled over another blanket to cover me, turned my back towards Xia Jing’s direction, and didn’t talk to her.

Yet I couldn’t sleep no matter what, instead I got more and more energized. Xia Jing’s happy expression and her voluptuous body swirled around in my mind, I really wanted to forcefully take her blanket off, and see what those huge breasts feel like.

Just as my mind was wandering, a sound rang out form behind me, “Da Gege, are you angry?”

So the little beauty Xia Jing didn’t sleep yet either, I thought she fell asleep ages ago.

“No!” I replied coldly, “Also, don’t call me Da Gege, I’m not as old as you!”

“What! Da Gege, you’re definitely angry, did I make you unhappy by wrapping myself up?” Xia Jing asked in a wronged tone.

“Why are you still asking, even thought I already told you I’m not!” I said impatiently.

“You are!” Xia Jing argued.

I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t be bothered to fight over this pointless issue with her. Instead asked if I was too perverted? I already had Zhao Yanyan, but was still interested in Xia Jing’s huge breasts. Ai, where did my faithfulness in love from my previous life go, it’s been an utter failure in this life, I’m a huge pervert.

After a while, seeing I wasn’t talking to her, Xia Jing said softly, “Da Gege, I’m scared, can you turn around?”

“I have bad intentions, continue being your spring roll,” I was still annoyed at her method.

“Ai!” Xia Jing sighed, and said coyly, “How about I open the blanket, but you can’t do that to me!”

Suddenly, I felt like I was truly a *******. It was very normal for the girl to wrap herself up, what was I angry for, were they born so you could touch them? I laughed wryly, then shook my had, and turned around. I just wanted to apologize to Xia Jing, I didn’t expect Xia Jing really opened he blanket that was wrapped around her body. Under the moonlight, I could see the embarrassment on Xia Jing’s face.

“Da Gege, is okay now right,” Xia Jing said softly.

“Go to sleep, just now it was Da Gege’s mistake, Da Gege did have ill intentions,” I said shamefully. I was messing around with a seventeen or eighteen years old girl even though I’m already thirty.

“I believe Da Gege,” Xia Jing smiled and said. Then suddenly continued shyly, “Actually, even if, even if Da Gege really wanted to do anything to me, I wouldn’t blame you…”

Could this count as a hint? It can’t be? Why is the heavens favoring me so?

However I didn’t do anything in the end, since my image as the Da Gege was still rather positive. I couldn’t bare to leave any traumas in the little greenhouse flower’s heart.

Thinking to that point, the desires in my heart also calmed down quite a lot, I gradually fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night once to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I found that Xia Jing kicked away the blanket covering her, the whiteness in front of her chest appeared unrestrained before me.

This —— I didn’t know what to do, you were the one who seduced me, it’s not my problem right? Thus, my hand subconsciously wanted to reach over…

Suddenly Xia Jing shouted, “Da Gege, don’t leave me! Don’t send me home! I won’t cover myself like a spring roll anymore…”

I was shocked, and immediately retracted my hands. After looking at Xia Jing for a while, and realized her eyes were shut, and her breathing was calm. So the little beauty was sleep talking!

I reached my hand over again, Xia Jing spoke again, “ Da Gege, I opened the blanket already, you can do whatever you want to me, just don’t throw me away!”

I looked at my hand that was hanging in midair, and finally gave up. Hearing Xia Jing’s poor sleep talk, I felt like if I really did something while she was sleep, then that would be too contemptible.

The entire night, Xia Jing and I didn’t have any contact between our bodies, although I wanted to, every time I saw Xia Jing’s smiling face, I couldn’t bare to reach out the sinful hand.

Ai, it’s so hard being a good person, I kept on restraining myself, I felt like I nearly turned into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.⌈1⌋ It can’t carry on like that, staying at my home for one or two days was fine, but if it goes on for a long time, then what?

Although it felt great with a little beauty around, but I could only look and not touch, and couldn’t have any bad thoughts, that would be too difficult.

It looks like I have to find a time to have a chat with Xia Jing, continuing on like this really won’t do, if she really stays, then sleeping on separate beds would be better, or else I won’t even be able o sleep well. If I continue suffering like this everyday, I’ll definitely breakdown.

Even if I’m a good person, I will be tortured into a pervert with ill intentions.

Thinking about these random crap, I gradually became more sleep, and fell asleep, however, subconsciously, I still tried to control myself, and didn’t allow my hands to go over to Xia Jing.

Does this count as finding suffering for myself?


  1. The raws has 忍 which means restrain/hold back. It is the same character as the first character of TMNT (忍者神龟) 

Chapter 43 – Together

“Ai! This child is so pitiful, Old Liu, what do you say?” My mom asked my dad.

“I think we should call the police, we don’t know if this child comes from somewhere bad, what if something happens?” My dad said worriedly.

“What do you mean comes from somewhere bad! Look at how pretty this chick is, I like her from first glance! I’ll make the decision, and let this chick stay in our home!” My mom looked at the little beauty with eyes full of fondness.

“But ——“ My dad still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by my mom.

My mom said quietly, “Don’t but now, look at the chick’s looks, how good would it be to let her be the wife for our family’s Leilei .”

Although my mom said it in a small voice, the little beauty and I still heard it. The little beauty’s face turned bright red, but why do I feel like she was quite happy? The little beauty can’t have fallen for me right? Hero saves beauty, after that… Gaga, if it’s like that, then letting her stay was a pretty good choice.

“Girly, what’s your name?” My mom walked over, and happily caressed the little beauty’s head.

“Auntie, I’m called Xia Jing,” the little beauty replied.

“Hehe, so cute. Call me Bomu in the future. Let’s go Xia Jing, come to Bomu’s room, and tell me about what happened. Old Liu, just watch TV with Leilei for now,” with that my mom took Xia Jing’s hands and led her into their room.

Sounds of laughter kept coming out of the room, my dad and I could only look at each other.

After a while, Xia Jing ran out, and said to me, “Liu Lei-didi, I’m older than you! Heh, and you dared to proclaim yourself as Da Gege, call Jiejie!”

It looks like my mom must have told Xia Jing my real age. Seriously mom, saying everything, isn’t this cockblocking me?

I glared at Xia Jing, then in a strong tune, “If you think you don’t need me to protect you form now on, then I can call you Jiejie.”

“Mom ——! Look! Didi is bullying me!” Xia Jing suddenly shouted loudly.

Mom? Where is your mom? Both my father and I raised our heads, and looked around.

“Stop looking around, I just admitted Xia Jing as my goddaughter, so I’m naturally her mom,” My mom came out of the room with a happy expression.

I was about to faint, I can’t stay here anymore, if I stay any longer, I’m going to end up running away.

I stood up, and said that I was going to study, and returned to my room.

“Where is Xia Jing going to sleep at night?” My dad asked.

“Let her sleep in the same room as Leilei,” my mom replied.

”That’s not so good right, Xia Jing is a girl,” my dad said.

“Why are your thoughts so complex, they’ll both kids, what do they know! After all, Xia Jing also agreed just now,” my mom glared at my dad.

This idea is great, hehe I like. If I was there, I would definitely be really happy, but right now I was in my room thinking about what happened today, and what I should do in the future.

Now that I have startup funds, which wasn’t a small amount either, what industry should I invest in? Although the “Interim Provisions on Prohibition of Exorbitant Profits” was passed on January 11th 1995 in the country, its effect wasn’t great, industry with exorbitant products still existed even after the year 2000. The industries I can think of right now includes real estate, education, network cafes, domestic appliance production, communication product production and migration consultants. These are all super profitable industries, if I use my all the funds I have to invest into these, then the return would be no less than a hundred times.

Real estate not only required a huge amount of money, but had to work in on both the surface and the underworld, or else problems will occur. From the looks of it, I’ve touched both, yet haven’t touched either.

Education, in other worlds cultural schools like Shao Nian Gong. I had enough money to open a school, but what about fame and teaches?

Network cafes, it required a large investment, although the profits currently would b high, but after a few years network cafes would be everywhere.

Domestic appliance productions, this industry was rather suitable for me, and was slightly related to what I learnt in my previous life.

Communication product production, this industry was pretty similar to domestic appliance productions, and could be done at the same time.

Migration consultant? This was too terrible, for my own name, it’s better to stay away from it. At the end of the day, only real estate and domestic appliance productions was more suitable for me.

As for the computing industry, isn’t Uncle Zhao there? From the looks of it now, TIanheng Computers was essentially mine.

Just as I was thinking, the room to my door was pushed open. I said unhappily, “Did I say that don’t disturb me when I’m studying?” Ever since I had been reborn, because I had a lot of things to hide, so I made my parents promise that they will always knock before entering my room.

“Da Gege, it’s me,” I looked up, and found out that it was actually Xia Jing.

“What did you come here for?” I asked weirdly.

“To sleep with you!” Xia Jing said.

“What?? You’re sleeping with me?” I looked at Xia Jing in disbelief, after a long while, I said with difficulty, “Aren’t you scared me of doing something?”

“I know Da Gege is a good person, you wouldn’t do anything to me. If you wanted, then you would have just now outside ——“ Saying that, Xia Jing’s face suddenly became red, like a little tomato.

I’m a good person? In truth I’m just a pervert. Hehe, sleep with me? Whose idea was it! It’s too amazing!

“There’s just one bed in my room,” I said.

“I know,” Xia Jing said softly with her head down.

“When I sleep I don’t like to wear clothes,” I continued.

“Me… Me too,” Xia Jing said extremely quietly like a mosquito.

“Oh, that’s fine, then let’s sleep,” I said. Suddenly I thought of something, and hurriedly asked, “What? You aren’t going to wear clothes either?”

Xia Jing didn’t say anything, and only lightly nodded with her head down, her head was nearing in her chest.

I took a took breath, my heart was starting to worry. If I didn’t have a girlfriend, I would be infinitely welcome for Xia Jing to sleep with me, and I wouldn’t mind anything beyond friendship that happens between her and me, but the main problem is, I have Zhao Yanyan already, why was Xia Jing coming in to join in the fun?

Isn’t this troubling me? If I said that I had no thoughts about Xia Jing, that would be a lie. A beauty that didn’t lose out to Zhao Yanyan at all was standing in front of me, and her body was also more mature than Zhao Yanyan, if my heart didn’t waver, then I would have some physical or mental issues.

However now… I really didn’t know what to do, I took a deep breath, and felt helpless.

Never mind, I’ll take it a step at a time, I am, after all, someone that has been reborn, how could I be such a *****? I’ll find a chance to confess to Zhao Yanyan, I’ll let her kill or skin me.


  1. N/a

Chapter 42 – Da Gege

“I —— Err, thank you just now,” the beauty returned to her senses after my call.

“Oh, I’m actually a delinquent too, it’s just that I temporarily changed my mind,” I said.

“Hehe, I know you’re a good guy,” The beauty looked at with thankfulness in her eyes.

The moment her and my gaze met, I immediately shuddered, and immediately looked elsewhere. This beauty’s gaze was so alluring, just looking at it caused some biological reaction for me, no wonder so many bad people have unhealthy thoughts about her.

“What are you doing so late at night? Don’t you know that there are that many bad guys nowadays?” I scolded her. Who knows what her parents are doing, but if I have a daughter that was like flowers and jade, I would definitely not let her come out to wander around at night.

“It’s —— It’s my first time traveling, I got lost the moment I got off the car,” The beauty said shyly.

“Oh, is that so. Then tell me your family member’s phone number, I’ll contact them for you,” Since it’s a foreign tourist, I’ll show off Songjiang’s good citizen image.

“I —— I don’t have a home!” The little beauty bit her lips and forcefully said.

“No home? You’re an orphan?” I asked weirdly. I didn’t believe that this little beauty could survive alone till now, and wasn’t ***** by sex maniacs then murdered.

“My daddy and mommy don’t want me anymore!” As the little beauty said this, she sounded like she was choking.

Ai! I sighed. So she’s an abandoned child, I really don’t know what her parents were thinking, this excellent daughter can be sold for a really high price even if she was sold to rural mountains! No, what? How can I think like this, I am a good citizen.

So I said, “Xiao Meimei, what are you going to do form now on? How about I take you to the police station?”

It seems like this little beauty is older than me, but never mind, nobody made me the beauty-saving hero. I can’t say to her: Da Jiejie——. How much face will I lose. Furthermore I’m so handsome and buff, as long as I don’t say anything, who would know that I’m 16?

“Da Gege (My evil plan worked out as expected), don’t take me to the police station, they’ll send me back to daddy and mommy’s side!” The little beauty tugged on my sleeve with coquetry.

Ai, I can’t take it. This voice, is essentially a little kistune. However hearing what she said, it seems like it isn’t her parents that don’t want her right?

“Actually-actually, I ran away from home!” The little beauty saw through my suspicion, and finally said the truth.

“Ai, in my opinion, Xiao Meimei. This is your wrong, think about it, running away from home like this, how worried would your mommy and daddy be? Listen to Da Gege, let’s go to the police station!” If such a beautiful flower wasn’t sent back to the greenhouse, I couldn’t be sure if anything would happen.

“I’m begging you, Da Gege. Don’t send me back! I don’t want to return to that home! Daddy and mommy doesn’t love me anymore, they just socialize themselves, and don’t care about my stuff. They —— I just don’t want to go back! Da Gege, I really had enough!” Saying that, the beauty’s eyes got wet. Tears poured down without stopping.

I immediately found a handkerchief from my pocket, and dabbed away the tears on her face. Ai. Zhao Yanyan gave it to me, and I was actually using it to wipe tears for another girl.

“Okay okay, don’t cry. I won’t send you to the police station okay!” I comforted the little beauty, I didn’t think that she would have so much issues despite being so young. Did I have a rebellious attitude when I was her age?

“Really?” The little beauty asked happily.

“Of course it’s real. Da Gege never lie,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone. At the same time I thought, lying is what I’m best at.

“Da Gege is amazing!” the little beauty immediately stopped crying and turned to laughter. She suddenly turned around and kissed me softly on my cheek.

My first reaction was, crap! What problem is this? My poor cheeks, it must be covered with snot and tears now!

“Okay, I promised not to send you to the police station, you can leave now. I’m going home,” It’s already ten o’clock after messing around like this, I think my mom will go berserk if I don’t go back now.

“Ah? Da Gege, you’re just going to leave me here?” the little beauty pouted.

“Then what am I supposed to do? You don’t want to go to the police station either!” I had to leave quickly, if I don’t go back now, my mom would also go to the police station.

“What if I meet another bad guy?” Helplessness flashed cross the little beauty’s eye as she looked at me.

“——“ I really can’t take it, she’s using this again. Look at her, I’m having a reaction down there again.

“Then what do you want to do?” I said helplessly.

“I want to follow Da Gege, then Da Gege can protect me!” The little beauty blinked as showed an expression as if her ploy succeeded.

God! She definitely had a premeditation, and finally tricked me into it after so long. Bring her home, I was naturally happy about it. I’ll feel good just bring home such a little beauty to look at. But what about my parents? Was I supposed to tell them I picked her up off the streets?

Seeing the hesitant expression on my face which looked trouble, she said pitifully, “Da Gege if it’ll trouble you then never mind, let me fend for myself in this wilderness.”

——, although I knew this girl was bullshitting, what wilderness, this is the city! Fend for herself? Die by herself was a true possibility⌈1⌋, let’s see her survive by herself? However, I could not help but feel pity for her, I sighed, “Okay, I’ll bring you back. But let’s say it now, just for a night, after tonight I’ll help you find another place to live.”

The little beauty cheered and kissed me again. Why was she so willing to kiss others? Wasn’t she taught that man and woman shouldn’t be so intimate?
I got a cab, and let the little beauty get on first, then I told the driver my address. I am a millionaire now, I should take a cab and enjoy sometimes.

After I got home, my mom and dad were staring angrily at me in the cloud-filled living room, they were just about to explode, when they suddenly realized that there was an extra person behind me.

“Hi Uncle, Auntie!” the little beauty said sweetly.

“Who is this?” My mom looked at me weirdly.

I was just about to explain before the little beauty spoke up first, “Auntie, my parents don’t want me anymore. I was being bullied on the road just now, fortunately Da Gege save me. Auntie, I don’t have a home to return to now, please take me in.”

The moment the little beauty opened her mouth, I looked at her dumbfounded, and felt speechless, this is too…? A natural socializer? This is my home, I haven’t even spoke yet, but she already started talking.

Did she plan to stay in my home for the long term?


  1. Fend for yourself (自生自灭) literally translates to live by yourself, die by yourself. 

Chapter 41 – Hero Saves Beauty

I don’t know why, I felt like my body was unusually powerful after getting reborn, at the start I thought it was the result of my frequent training. However afterwards, I felt like something wasn’t right, I was never as energized as now before getting reborn. This feeling became more and more obvious after returning from Yanjing, I felt like my body held energy that never ran out. I should ask old bro Yama another day to explain what exactly is going on with me to me.

“Help ——“ A female voice asking for help sounded out from faraway, it sounded really good. I couldn’t help but stop and looked around.

“Shout? Continue to shout! Even if you shout until your throat breaks nobody will save you!” A coarse voice rang out.

Ai, I swore in my heart, what kind of education does this criminal have, can’t you use some new words.

As expected, that voice stopped asking for help, and changed to a scared tone, “Wh-what do you guys want?”

You guys? There are accomplices?

“What do we want? Birdie, have some fun with me,” It was a sissy-like voice this time.

****, isn’t this so unprofessional? Wanting to be delinquents just because of their loud? They have no future!

“Ahh! Let go! If you don’t, I’ll fight you!” the woman shouted.

“Fight? Good! I, grandpa, is waiting!” the course voice responded.

Ai~ Today I was pretty happy, let me act as a hero and save… Wait, I have to see if it’s a beauty first, if I save a tigress that is hell bent on repaying me with her body then I’ll be screwed.

I followed the voices quietly and walked over, it was actually a small alleyway by the road.

Two people with contrasting physiques had their backs turned to me, a fat and a thin. Why did their backs look so familiar? They can’t be the fat and thin Buddhist monks from The Deer and The Cauldron right? I hurriedly glanced around, and made sure that no one was holding a camera.

Under the moonlight, I could clearly see the young woman that was being robbed by the two people, she was about seventeen or eighteen of age, with a refreshing look. Her development was good~ It should be said that its super good, a pair of large breasts was bulging out, almost bursting out of her shirt. His grandma, I swallowed my saliva, going out in the middle of the night with a body like that, if I was a delinquent I would **** you too.

The girl’s face was pretty good, an oval face, thin eyebrows, her clear eyes had hints of anxiousness and fear, but had a beauty that was hard to describe, that made people want to spoil her. Damn, she’s a beauty~ How can I let these two monks ruin her, if she has to be mounted, it should be by me!

How did the song go, roar when unfairness is see, make a move when the time is right. I sneakily went over and tapped the thin monk’s, in other words the sissy-sounding one’s, shoulder.

“****, ghosts!” The thin monk had his ***** in his brain, and now that his back was suddenly tapped, he freaked out.

“Shout you mom!” The fat monk turned around unhappily, and suddenly saw me who was behind him, and said surprisingly, “Who-Who are you?”

“Two bros, nice interest tonight,” I said with a smile.

“**** you scared me to death! Who are you? It’s none of your business here, **** of!” The short monk said to me.

“Help!” Seeing that I have come, the girl started screaming crazily.

“Don’t be so loud for now!” I glared at the girl in dissatisfaction. Then said to the fat monk, “Do you even know how to be delinquents? Why are you so farmer?”

“Ai? How’d ya know that us bros are farmers?” The short monk replied.

“Shut up, what the **** are you saying to him!” The monk on the side immediately stopped the short monks, then turned to me and said, “What ******* business is it of yours if the two of us are farmers or not?”

Ai! This intelligence, I’m speechless! I said gloomily, “Come, let me show the two of you how to be delinquents!”

The two people and the beauty just now looked at me dumbfounded, the girl’s expression was beyond depressing, she thought she was about to leave the tiger’s mouth, instead another delinquent came. The girl sighed, it looks like her pure body was destined to be ruined here today.

I turned around, fermented my wished for a while, and even thought about Ye Xiaoxiao’s large breasts, and finally managed to force out a face of lewd smile, and walked up to the beauty.

“Are you ready?” I suddenly thought of a quote in the play “Mai Guai”, so I said it out.

The thin monk exclaimed, “****, old bro look! That’s skill, asking them if they’re ready before raping them.”

The fat monk also agreed, “Yeah! City people really are more educated, so ******* polite!”

“Okay, I’m about to start. You have the right to resist, but your resistance will only excite me more!” I reached my hands towards the beauty’s chest, and the moment I was about to touch it, I retracted my hands.

To be honest, I didn’t want to retract it, but it can’t be helped, I’m playing the hero right now, and not a pervert, I have to think about it from another point of view. If I really touched it, wouldn’t I be the same as the two monks? So I can’t do this.

“Okay, demonstration over,” I said to the monks. “The two of you can **** off now.”

“Boss, you really are an amazing delinquent! How about you mount first? After eating, you do need to leave some for the bros!” the short monk said.

“Whose a delinquent? I wanted to act as the hero and save the beauty form the start, and seeing that the two of you are so unprofessional, I generously demonstrated a bit for you guys,” I got angry. They actually gave me a cap that said delinquent.

“Laoer, this brat was messing with us! Beat him up!” then they rushed up to hit me.

Ai! The fat and thin monks have really been treating themselves as the fat and thin monks, flashing this sort of kungfu in front of me. I was a sanda champion in my previous life, and I got even stronger in this one, I really didn’t want to increase the burdens of the white clothed angels.

“Wait!” I quickly shouted, and made a stop sign with my hands.

“What? Scared? If you’re scared then scram!” the thin monk shouted.

“I just wanted to ask if you brought any medical fees on you? If I made the two of you disabled, and you didn’t have any money to see the doctor, and thus delayed the illness, I’ll feel bad!” I said kindly.

“Hahahahahaha!” The fat and thin monks laughed together cockily.

I really didn’t want to waste any more breathes with them, I said everything that needs to be said, it’s not my problem if they died now. I sent the fat monk flying with a kick, and he smashed onto the thin monk with a “Hong” sound. The sound of bones cracking was heard, certain bones of thin monk probably got crashed by his big bro.

I went over to check their breath, they were still breathing, the two of them only fainted. It looks like it is unlikely for the two of them to wake up again once more, two brand new vegetables have just been born.

“Ai, okay, beauty, why are you still standing there like an idiot? You can’t be wanting to stay there until the next group of delinquents come right? I said to the dumbstruck girl.


  1. N/a

Chapter 152 – Breakthrough to Ninth Celestial Layer

The world was filled with vitality, the green divine light was bright and dazzling, as if a green sea of trees was floating in midair. However, that kind of exuberant sight was only in regards to the spectators. To Xiao Chen, who was the target of that light, it was the ray of death.

The inexhaustible life energy gathered towards Xiao Chen and gave him a huge pressure. There was nowhere to run, and nothing to use as a shield. That ray of light wanted to swallow him up.

“Chaotic Pattern!”

Xiao Chen shouted loudly. The second move of the four major techniques had finally been used in battle for the first time. The Imprint of Dao, it was just like a divine light from beyond the heavens that cleaved the empty air and the inexhaustible green light. It was as if it was being manipulated by an invisible giant hand.

The energy of life became chaotic in that very instant. In the end, it actually tore a huge hole in the inexhaustible green light. Xiao Chen broke through from the green sea. The Chaotic Pattern’s invisible giant hand also appeared at this time. It transformed into a grey plume of light and vibrated as it was launched towards the green ripple.

It was finally over. The Imprint of Dao “Chaotic Pattern” had stopped the Fist of Wood.

Xiao Chen was incomparably shocked. This Wuxing Feng was really too powerful. This was his most powerful opponent to date. He actually couldn’t gain any advantage in this fight.

The Quinctus Techniques were really worthy of its reputation as the oldest mystic art!

The Quinctus Fist in the mortal world was merely a superficial skill. It was far too inferior compared to the one in the world of immortals. In this world, the mystic arts really emerged endlessly. Moreover, they were all first-rate martial arts. The techniques handed down in the mortal world were nothing compared to this world’s.

If he had not grasped the four major techniques, it seemed like it would be hard to establish himself in this world!

Wuxing Feng was also incomparably shocked. In his imagination, not many people could resist his Quinctus Fist. This person before his eyes gave him too many surprises. The Demonic Seal, God Slayer Technique, and Chaotic Patterns Technique were incomparably profound. They were definitely not inferior to the Quinctus Techniques. If the opponent’s ability was as profound as his, he should be able to exhibit even more power.

He sent out another punch with his right fist. It wasn’t too slow nor too fast. Endless amount of water enveloped the world. It seemed like Wuxing Feng had blended into the blue rays of light.

Fist of Water!

It was as if the water ripple was omnipresent. The materialization of the Quinctus Fist was like the torrential wave, it spread far and wide over the prince’s mansion as it enveloped Xiao Chen from all directions.

This was the bizarre power of the Quinctus Techniques!

This was not a magic spell nor a spiritual spell. Rather than a “skill”, this was a “path”. A “path” completely cultivated from the “martial arts”. Specifically, it was a “martial way” tempered from a right-handed martial skill. It was the embodiment of the invisible truth.

The legendary Quinctus Techniques were capable of turning the sky and earth upside down. When this techniques were exhibited before everyone’s eyes, it had validated that this legend might not be empty words. If Wuxing Feng could manifest this technique to the pinnacle in the future, its power would be unimaginable.

A rumbling sound transmitted from the sky as if there were thousands of men and horses. That was the sound of the raging sea. Endless amounts of blue light waves rolled over and over. It fell diagonally from the sky like the milky way falling from the Ninth Heaven.

Xiao Chen shouted loudly, “Demon Suppression!”

He ran into his greatest opponent today. It forced him to reveal almost all of his trump cards. The third move of the four major techniques, Demon Suppression, was used in front of his enemy for the first time.

Black rays of light seemed to have rushed out from a hazy chaotic space. It was very quiet, but the pressure directly assailed the soul. It was rolling over and over in the endless blue ocean like a black dragon.

Like dragons returning to the sea, the Demon Suppression burst through the Fist of Water. A single word “Suppression” had threw the essence of water into disorder. But even in disorder, the power of the Quinctus was still rushing forth from all sides, about to gobble up Xiao Chen any moment now.

The black Demon Suppression technique created a dusky space. It was like a land of death. White bones could be seen everywhere and the vibe of death lingered on. The power of water was completely absorbed by this illusion.

Whether it was real or an illusion, nobody could make a clear distinction. The power was raging violently as it destroyed everything in the surroundings.

Xiao Chen felt a sharp pain all over his body. His chest felt stuffy as he was unceasingly pushed back. This time, he was forced into a disadvantageous position once again.

When all the illusions faded away, as if Xiao Chen had been struck by a thunderbolt, his body was pushed back for more than ten meters. A dozen or more footprints were left on the ground. There were huge cracks around each footprint. His body was swaying slightly, and it seemed like he could bite the dust at any moment.

Wuxing Feng stood in his original position. His expression remained unchanged. It was easy to judge who had the upper hand.

All the spectators were overwhelmed with shock. The outstanding talent from the north was really too strong. He actually steadily suppressed Xiao Chen, who was an Eighth Celestial Layer expert. Just how much more powerful could he be? Everyone’s heart was palpitating.

Just like the wind and lightning, the fabled young warrior Wuxing Feng left behind an afterimage and appeared in front of Xiao Chen. He directly sent a powerful punch. This time, he did not use the Quinctus Fist, because he could already tell that Xiao Chen was at his limit. There was no need to reveal his last move, the Fist of Fire.

“You are already very powerful. Among my peers, those who can make me use four out of five of the Quinctus Fist are only a handful.”

With pressure as heavy as a mountain, Wuxing Feng was like a sacred mountain that was too high to reach. The fabled outstanding talent of the north was not an ordinary man.

“Bang!” ⌈1

Xiao Chen was sent flying away. He bumped into a rock at a distant place. There were bloodstains at the corner of his mouth. He felt a little dejected and sour. He was actually unable to contend against Wuxing Feng with the peak power of Eighth Celestial Layer. It seemed like the opponent’s power was really higher than his.

This was the test of absolute strength, he lost fair and square.

Wuxing Feng was absolutely not an arrogant guy. Although he steadily suppressed his opponent, he did not hold back or loosen up at all. Each of his punch contained his full strength. He didn’t give his opponent any chance to retaliate.


Xiao Chen raised his arm to defend, but was sent flying away again. His arm bone seemed to have suffered a fracture. A hall collapsed as his body crashed into it.

The elites who were watching at the sidelines felt secretly apprehensive. None of them had ever thought that Wuxing Feng was this powerful. Xiao Chen was retreating in defeat all the way. He was already detained by an invisible power and was forced to be on the defensive side. Each attack was like a huge hammer smashing on his chest. Who knew how much blood had already spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Although Wuxing Feng had a calm expression and possessed a bright smile, he was still very cruel when he made his move. He didn’t give his opponent any chance at all.

“I said I won’t kill you. But since you are still alive after so many punches, then I might as well finish up with the last punch. I will grant you the experience of surviving the entire series of the Quinctus Fist.”

That was not at all pretentious, nor was it a taunt. As far as Wuxing Feng was concerned, he definitely had the qualification to say this in the northern nation. It was not a disgrace for the peers to lose to an outstanding youth full of sagas. It was considered an honor if they could survive a few of his Quinctus Fist.

Hearing this kind of confident words, the elites at present all had different thoughts. Zhuge Ming, Lancelot, and the others felt a little frustrated. As a man, standing on the summit and looking down at the whole world was an honor.

As for Yan Qingcheng, Fairsnow, Katalina, and the other beauties, their eyes were flashing. Even if this guy possessed a threat to the south, the girls were still attracted to him. A man had to be this powerful and confident. The prerequisite was that they had to have enough strength to back it up.

Xiao Chen’s two legs felt as if they had stepped into the underworld. He was firmly confined by the divine power of the five phases. Even if he wanted to unfold the Undying Divine Wings and fly, it was impossible. He was forced to meet Wuxing Feng’s next attack head on.

The Fist of Fire!

The conflagration heated the horizon until it turned red. The glaring red-qi was flickering, as if it was set on burning everything in the world. It was omnipresent and trapped Xiao Chen within.

Never give the opponent any chance! This was Wuxing Feng’s doctrine when facing an opponent from start to finish. One must spare no effort in a confrontation!

Xiao Chen was very angry. To others, it might be a test of strength and a glory to receive five attacks from the Quinctus Fist. But to him, it was a humiliation!

He didn’t want to lose, he must not lose!

The peak power of the Eighth Celestial Layer, how could it lose?!

Death Blow!

He utilized the last of the four major techniques. The Imprint of Dao seemed to flow into his mind. A resplendent ethereal light burst forth along with his anger. A powerful energy burst forth.

Death Blow, it destroyed every visible thing.

The omnipresent flame was broken down into one stream of light after another. They glinted in the sky like shooting stars. The sky was incomparably gorgeous. The blaze covered the entire sky and spread everywhere like fireworks.

The unparalleled energy surged forth and fluctuated. A great pressure engulfed the entire mansion.

He actually blocked the Fist of Fire!

This made everyone very surprised. Xiao Chen already sustained serious injuries. He already lost a lot of blood in his fight with Wuxing Feng. How could he possibly stop the Quinctus Fist?

After the rays of light faded away, Wuxing Feng was standing in the field unmovingly. Xiao Chen already fell onto the ground with his back. Both of his arms were fractured, but at the same time, a resplendent divine radiance erupted from his body like a raging flame.

As if representing his anger and humiliation, a raging flame ignited on the surface of his body. At the same time, an extremely rich and powerful energy forcefully rushed out to the surface of his body. It made his entire body shrouded by brilliant rays.

His body trembled violently, as if he had broken some kind of shackles. Xiao Chen could hear a brittle noise within his body. The peak power of the Eighth Celestial Layer had broken through the shackles. It allowed him to make a breakthrough in the middle of this life and death battle.

He had been racking his brain to breakthrough the shackles, but he still failed to rise to Ninth Celestial Layer. However, he actually succeeded at this very moment. Wuxing Feng’s last attack sent him flying and broke his two arms, but it also seemed to have opened the door to a certain treasure in his body.

It was already impossible to close it now. The era of the Ninth Celestial Layer had arrived!

The joints were making noises as the bones trembled. The broken arm bones actually reconnected. It was growing, restoring, and became as good as new under that glaring radiance. The skin was as clear as the precious jade, it was flickering with splendor.

It was as if Xiao Chen had rose from the ashes. His seriously injured body recovered in an instant. In the middle of this life and death battle, he completed his transformation!

An incomparably rich and powerful energy surged up within his body. It surged on like a large river and felt like it would erupt from his body. Every inch of his skin contained an extremely terrifying energy. His body was like divine steel that had been tempered for thousands of years. At the same time, it also felt like a vast ocean that contained an endless amount of worldly essence. His entire body flickered with brilliance.

The instant Wuxing Feng sent Xiao Chen flying away, he felt that the circumstances had turned for the worst. He, who was standing calmly all along, rushed over there like the flickering light and passing shadows. Not giving his opponent any chance was his doctrine.

However, all of these just now happened in a split second, it was impossible to stop it anymore, even if he had already brandished his fist and tore the space with the all-powerful Fist of Iron.

However, Xiao Chen’s transformation already completed at this time. He unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and soared into the sky.

“Haha……” The laughing sound was deafening. The surging sound wave pierced through the vast sky. The tremor caused the ruins on the ground to shake. Xiao Chen’s messy hair was flying upward, the glints in his eyes were sharp, and his lofty figure was standing in the sky. Among the holiness, there was a huge pressure.

Without any superfluous words, Xiao Chen unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and dived down fast. His fist carried a mighty wind, as if it had attracted the heavenly thunder and hellfire. A large expanse of glaring purple-qi poured down in torrents.

It was a simple punch, but also a punch with nothing held back. It contained an extremely powerful force!

Ninth Celestial Layer. To many of the youth generation, it was a goal too high to reach. However, Xiao Chen had finally broken through to this realm. He was merciless and did not spare any effort when making his move. He did not get careless just because his strength had increased.

Two fist clashed! A thunderous roar exploded! Wuxing Feng’s figure shook violently. The ground under his foot cracked as he was pushed back. Every time his foot dropped onto the ground, it felt as if a huge mountain was shaking. He was pushed back five steps before he stopped.


With a flash of light, Xiao Chen landed on the ground. He stood at the opposite side of Wuxing Feng. There was no need for any delirious ravings, that was too childish. The powerful pressure and formless aura was enough to explain everything. After Xiao Chen had went through the Ninth Celestial Layer’s transformation, he had the upper hand in raw power.

Tiny light streams were flickering unceasingly on the surface of his body. He was still slowly going through the last transformation.

All the spectators were incomparably shocked. The situation reversed so quickly, it was totally out of their expectation.They had personally witnessed an Eighth Celestial Layer expert breaking through to the Ninth Celestial Layer. This was the realm everyone yearned for even in their dreams.

Transforming in the middle of a life and death battle, this was something that only a warrior truly unafraid of death or a madman dared to do. Today, Xiao Chen had went through this kind of experience.

Ninth Celestial Layer expert, what did this mean? With the most conservative estimates, they could have easily ranked among the top three of the youth experts at the south.


Leaving an afterimage in his original location, Xiao Chen appeared in front of Wuxing Feng. He brandished his right fist with all of his might and sent a straight punch.

Wuxing Feng did not panic in the slightest. On the contrary, his eyes had a divine glint and an astonishing battle intent burst out. He lifted his fist to fend off the attack.

Looking at his temperament, all the spectators were overwhelmed with shock. The outstanding talent of the north was really a Ninth Celestial Layer expert. No wonder he could steadily suppress Xiao Chen, who was at the peak of the Eight Celestial Layer.


  1. Silva: Xiao Chen actually lost? 

Chapter 40 – Finally Rich

“Oh! I understand!” Xu Zhongbang said disappointedly, “Mr. Liu, please give me half an hour, I have to immediately call the main office! This is too unbelievable!”

“Okay,” My expression still didn’t change.

Xu Zhongbang ran out to make a call, I wasn’t interested in the contents, since the thing was in my hands, and thus I had the initiative, the price of this was entirely my decision.

After almost an hour, Xu Zhongbang finally came, when he entered the room he saw that I was playing the Linkup that came with Shuguang 95 in boredom. It was one of the most popular desktop games in offices in the future, others games that were added alongside it were Bejeweled and Puzzle Bobble etc.

Xu Zhongbang looked at it then exclaimed, “Who added this game? This is amazing! It’s far more interesting than our desktop games.”

Hehe, of course it is more interesting, if you could look within the computers of the office workers, you would know the value of these games. It’s just that I added them into my Shuguang 95 ahead of time.

“I contacted the main office, name a price, Mr. Liu!” Xu Zhongbang clearly knew the value of this operating system, when he talked communicated with the main office, their surprise was no less than his, and ordered him to buy this operating system no matter the cost, if it doesn’t work out, then not cooperating would be fine, but don’t ever turn the other party into a competitor. Microsoft’s CEO of the main office Bill Gates immediately booked a planet ticket, and was expected to arrive the next morning at Songjiang international Airport. Xu Zhongbang understood how big his responsibilities were, if this situation turned bad, then he couldn’t afford to pay the cost. Therefore he didn’t say any extra, and just frankly begun to ask about the price.

“How much do you think it’s worth?” I didn’t answer his question, and asked him back.

“Ah?” Xu Zhongbang momentarily blanked, he didn’t think I would ask this. He had originally thought that I would name my ideal price, even if I named an absurd price, as long as there was a price, there was no fear of the business being not done.

“Does Mr. Xu think this operating system have a price?” I continued to through out smoke bombs.

“Have a price? What do you mean? Unless Mr. Liu doesn’t want to sell it?” Xu Zhongbang became even more confused after hearing that.

“Yes! I can’t sell the operating system, but we can cooperate in another way!” I said in an indisputable tone.

Hearing I say that we can cooperate, Xu Zhongbang’s originally swirling heart immediately calmed down again. If the other person isn’t selling, then he can’t force it. Furthermore, as long as they can cooperate, his own mission could also be considered done.

“How does Mr. Liu want to cooperate?” Xu Zhongbang asked.

“I fear that Mr. Xu will not be able to make the decision on my request…” I really couldn’t bare to name something absurd towards my old boss.

“How about this, our CEO Bill Gates is already on the way to Huaxia, if Mr. Liu has any special requests, then you can speak to him directly.”

“Okay. Call me after he arrives,” I said. Then I took out over a hundred 3.5 inch floppy disks and gave it to Xu Zhongbang. “This was the installation disk for Shuguang 95, you can let your CEO have a look.”

Xu Zhongbang immediately took it over, he just wanted to talk about this issue with me, but he also knew that these things would be confidential before the cooperation is set, and so he didn’t say anything.

I was familiar with Xu Zhongbang’s personality, and knew that he wouldn’t do anything like stealing other people’s results (it seems like I’m doing so!), what’s more is that everything I wrote was protected, I don’t believe that they would be able to decode it with the current technology.

(Author’s Note: Writing an operating system by one person is almost impossible in real life, here is just imagination. This is a Dushi and Sci-fi novel, the main point of it is entertainment, don’t think too much into the details.)

“Mr. Liu, this is the CEO of us Microsoft, Mr. XX,” Xu Zhongbang pointed to a young looking American with blond hair.

“Hello, Mr. Bill,” I spoke fluently using English with a slightly American accent. How could I not recognize the CEO of my previous life!

“Oh? Mr. Liu can speak English?” Bill asked weirdly.

“A little!” I smiled. No ****, I didn’t lack communication with him, how could I not know how to speak English.

“That’s good, since it’s like this, please name your conditions Mr. Liu,” Bill said.

“I will not sell the copyrights of the operating system, but I can allow Microsoft to sell it. Furthermore, I can promise that Microsoft can participate in the development of the next version of Shuguang operating system,” I spoke about all the things Microsoft could get.

“Then what does Mr. Liu want in return?” Bill wasn’t an idiot, he knew that my conditions were for them, I didn’t mention about what I needed.

“50% of the operating system’s profit! This amount cannot be changed,” I didn’t like to negotiate the cost with other people.

“50% That’s too much!” Bill exclaimed.

“Is it? If it wasn’t the because of the current economic system of Huaxia, I can establish my own company and sell it by myself, and didn’t need to share the profits with anyone,” I said.

“But you don’t have any patent related to graphical user interfaces!” Bill said.

“Hence this is also another reason I want to cooperate with you. However it isn’t the main reason, because patent done in the US is not effective in Huaxia!” I said slowly. Huaxia didn’t join the WTO at this time, a lot of the things were not linked with the world, in other words, even if Huaxia’s products copied the products of other countries, they won’t win any lawsuit!

“Okay! I’ll agree with you, but you must show us the code!” Bill Gates decided. He wasn’t very interested in making money in the first place, money was just a number to him, he was much more moved by technology.

“This isn’t an issue, and I will keep my promise, the next version of Shuguang operating system will be developed by both of us,” I didn’t sleep properly for more than a month in order to write this system, I definitely won’t do anything like this in the future. Although I have a hundred and eighty years of life, but isn’t it more painful if half my body is paralyzed yet I can’t die. It was better to act more generously, I will only supply the key technology in the future, and let them complete the rest.

After that we decided that, Microsoft will push out Windows 95 earlier in December this year, Shuguang 95 will be pushed back to 1996, the changed version will be called Shuguang Windows 97. At the same time, Microsoft decided to give 30% of the profits from Windows 95 to me as compensation for pushing back the release date. Windows 95 will also be renamed to Shuguang Windows 95.

After signing the contracted , we got it notarized, essentially it was nearly eight when we finished everything. Xu Zhongbang offered to treat me to dinner, but I refused. I didn’t return home at the proper time these few days, my mom was already getting suspicious of me, not to mention my dad, they kept on asking in different ways if I went to the arcade.

Haha, I’m rich now. 30% and 50% A new richest man in the world is about to be born. I hummed as I walked leisurely on the road.


  1. N/a