Category Archives: Translations

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 121

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Another bonus chapter for this week to commemorate us moving to a new site!

On the side note, forgive me for not doing posting the sponsored chapter that’s in queue. Since we have a fair bit of bonus chapters this week, I have made the decision to move the sponsor chapter to next week.

Chapter 121 – Getting Saved

“It’s like this, my son was arrested by the police, look….” Li Dahai quickly spoke after seeing Jiang Yongfu gave the word.

“Arrested? What’s your son called? What did he do?” Jiang Yongfu asked. He received eight or ten of these phone calls every day, however most of it was little crap like some son of a rich family fighting with someone else.

“My son is called Li Shaojie, the person that captured him said he killed someone?” Li Dahai said.

“What? Li Shaojie is your son?” Jiang Yongfu heard that and immediately started scolding in his heart, it’s because of your son that I had to bring a large group of subordinates to find people on Xixing Mountain.

“What? Jiang-dage, about my son?” Li Dahai thought that Jiang Yongfu was willing to help, and said excitedly.

“I know about this, I can’t help you. Your son’s case is really severe right now, even if I want to help you the nation’s law won’t allow this! Okay, that’s it,” With that, Jiang Yongfu hung up. It was fine opening the backdoor for something like fighting, but wanting to use relationships after killing someone? Dream on! What’s more was that the identity of the victim was so unusual.

Li Dahai stood blankly there holding the phone that he snapped, he finally understood that his son caused a huge problem, something that he probably couldn’t deal with this time.

Not long later, Zhao Limin received the call from the rescuers that he found two pairs of ski boards on the ice layer on top of the river underneath Xixing Mountain, and there was a huge ice hold not far away from it. The two people probably fell into the hole!

Hearing these, Zhao Limin’s heart turned a lot colder. Fell into an ice hole! This means that the two people may very well have been washed away by the flowing water, ignoring whether or not they could breathe underwater, they might have already frozen to death in the freezing cold river! However Zhao Limin was a man with a general’s demeanor, he calmed himself down, then notified the people to continue to search downstream.

“I say, Fatty Wu, what kind of important person was it to make so many of us move out in the dark, is there a need for this!” On the military helicopter, a young soldier looked around using a pair of binoculars.

“My dad said it is a very important person, I don’t know their name either,” Fatty Wu said as he piloted the helicopter.

“I wanted to sleep a bit, I didn’t think that I would actually be sent out to execute a mission,” the young man holding the binoculars complained, however his eyes didn’t rest, and tensely searched underneath.

“Okay now, Laosi, stop complaining, if our group finds the people then that would be impressive, I can also show that old man at my place, so he couldn’t keep saying that I disappointing,” Fatty Wu sighed.

Suddenly, Laosi pointed to a place on the left and called, “Fatty Wu, quickly look! There’s light over there!”

“Ya, it’s real! Let me fly over and see!” With that, Fatty Wu turned the helicopter around…

Although Weier said that was a pointless move, I still lit another fire by the entrance of the cave. My thought of that was that it could stop the assault from wild beasts.

Actually Chen Weier and I already surveyed the entire island, there are no wild beasts here, if there were, I would have immediately rushed over to kill it, then barbeque it for food. To be honest, my action was just lying to myself, it was all for mental reassaurance.

Not long after, I suddenly her the sounds of an engine, and it seems to be getting closer and closer! Could it be a ship? However I immediately denied this thought, the entire river was ice in winter, could a ship even sail!

I immediately ran over to the entrance of the cave, the sounds came from overhead! I raised my head to look, it was actually a helicopter, flashing blue light in the sky.

“Weier, come out! We might be saved!” I started dancing in excitement, then shouted, “Help——! There’s people on this island!”

However I immediately realized that my shouting was futile, the people above definitely couldn’t hear. Yet at this time, the helicopter appeared directly above us, there’s eighty percent chance that it came looking for us!

As expected, the helicopter came closer and closer, when it was several tens of meters above us, the door opened, and a person stuck their head out to shout, “Is there anyone down there? Answer if there is! We came to rescue you!”

“Yes! Yes!” I quickly shouted. “Get us up there!”

“We can’t land around here, so we’re going to throw down the ladder, come up their yourselves!” That person shouted.

Chen Weier and I quickly put out the flames, and climbed up the ladder…

At the time, I was beyond excited! We were finally saved, and didn’t need to spend a lifetime on this damn island.

“****, why is it you!” Just as I got on the plane, I heard a voice yell at me.

“Wu Tian!” I raised my head to look, the pilot of this helicopter was that Fatty Wu that tricked a meal from me the other day! However I feel like that meal was so worth it, I wouldn’t even hesitate if you told me to treat him to another one right now!

“Liu Lei!” Fatty Wu also said with a face full of shock. “Damn, the person that went missing was you!”

“How did you get on this ****** island? If it wasn’t for Laosi noticing your fire, wouldn’t you die on in that place!” Fatty Wu spat out a bunch of questions like a machine gun.

“Hai! Don’t mention it, I got plotted against!” I coughed and said. However I did feel great about myself, if it wasn’t for me lighting a fire at the entrance of the cave out of boredom, I might still be in that freezing cave trying to make it through the night.

“Plotted against? What happened?” Fatty Wu clearly didn’t understand what relationship this had with someone plotting against me.

“I got pushed down the mountain!” I laughed wryly. To be honest this case was quite retarded, I had thought I was awesome beyond belief after getting reborn, I didn’t think that got assaulted by a stinky brat. Therefore, I told Fatty Wu about how I went to Xixing Mountain to sky, and how I developed a grudge with Li Shaojie.

“****, he doesn’t want to live does it, he actually dared to plot against my big bro, I find a few people to beat him to death later,” Fatty Wu swore.

“The brat probably went in to eat jail food before you finish him,” I think this situation wouldn’t be small for Li Shaojie.

“****, letting him go in just like that is really letting him get lucky,” Fatty Wu murmured. “Ai, that’s right, I heard a lot of those criminals have special kinks, hehe, when the time comes I find some people, and help him set it up…” Fatty Wu suddenly said with a lecherous smile.

Special kinks? I momentarily blanked, then immediately understood, isn’t that brokeback——! I couldn’t help but shudder! This Fatty Wu is so ******* sinister, thank got him and I are bros and not enemies.

“Special kinks? Hubby, what is special kinks?” Chen Weier, who was sitting on the side, asked in curiosity.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 120

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Another bonus chapter for this week to commemorate us moving to a new site!

On the side note, forgive me for not doing posting the sponsored chapter that’s in queue. Since we have a fair bit of bonus chapters this week, I have made the decision to move the sponsor chapter to next week.

Chapter 120 – Picnic Life

I handed the baked bird to Chen Weier, “Eat first, remember to throw away the intestines!” I reminded, who knows what these sparrow ate while they were alive, it’s not joke if we get pisoned.

“It looks quite scary, can this really be eaten?” Chen Weier carefully received the baked bird and asked.

“This is true wildlife! Normally you wouldn’t get to eat this even if you wanted to!” I was already tempted by the tempting smell, and quickly broke the other soil boil, and impatiently stuffed it in my mouth.

I don’t know if it was due to me being too hungry, it was essentially the most delicious thing in the world! Although no seasoning was put on it, but there was the natural freshness from soil. In a few bites, the bird was reduced to a pile of bones.

Seeing how much I enjoyed eating it, Chen Weier also took a small bite, then continuously praised how delicious it was. Just like that, the many sparrows we caught were devoured by the two of us.

People say that sexual arousal occurs when you’re full, this was definitely not wrong. After I finished the last sparrow, I felt like my entire body was full of energy. It was nearly dusk then, Wieer sat by the fireplace, and she was incomparably sexy.

“Weier…” My lower body started to raise his head.

“What are you going to do… Big pervert!” Weier saw my lecherous and lascivious gaze, and shouted alertly.

“Since you know I’m a big pervert, then you should know what perverts do!” With that I leaped over.

“Ah, help…” Chen Weier shouted to resist.

However, hehe, resisting would only make me more excited! I noticed that gangster. I actually had an unusual desire to conquer Chen Weier’s call for help.

The entirety of Xixing Mountain was already a mess. Han Bingfeng gazed at the Li Shaojie, who dare to act but didn’t dare to admit that he did it, with a face full of rage, the rage in his heart was already at its max, if it wasn’t for the police nearby, the really wanted to give him a huge beating. He bought the students out and had an accident, this was way too big of a responsibility, it wasn’t that important whether him, a dean, gets punished, the large problem was the crime of affecting the school’s reputation! And the culprit of it all was the Li Shaojie, who dared to do whatever he wants due to his family being a little rich.

Although the police had already sent out a large number of personnel to search near Xixing Mountain, but the other side of Xixing Mountain was a river, people could not get down. Unless they have helicopters! If they wanted to use helicopters to search for people, they couldn’t help but seek aid from the military.

After thinking about it for a long while, Zhao Junsheng still dialed his father, Zhao Limin’s, phone number, and told him about how Liu Lei fell down the cliff. That resulted in a round of scolding from Zhao Limin, especially about why he (Zhao Junsheng) call him earlier, ignoring that Liu Lei is his (Zhao Limin’s) grandson-in-law, even if Shuguang Corporation loses this technological genius, how much damage loss would it bring to the national economy and technological development! Zhao Limin still wanted to see the corporation of his own country cover every corner of the world with his own eyes.

Zhao Limin immediately called the military area of Songjiang, and got 30 special ops to come over, using helicopters to conduct a large scale search on the ice!

Li Shaojie was dumbfounded at this point, he didn’t think that such a deal would be made to search for the disappeared Liu Lei, even helicopters have been used, it would be seen how important this person’s identity was.

It wasn’t too surprising though, Shuguang Corporation was already one of the top private business in the nation, at the start of this year, the investment into the electronics factory that Shuguang had just bought begun, the first policy they made was the priority for employment given to workers that have been laid off, it was able to solve a large portion of the unemployment issue in Songjiang city. Even without Zhao Limin’s relationship, the government would still full heartedly defend the behind-the-scenes owner of such a star business.

However Li Shaojie didn’t know all this, he already called his father, who knows if his father can save him again. Although Li Shaojie was a bit pretentious normally, he still knows that murder is a capital offense! What’s more is that the one he murdered seemed to be someone important that had a huge background! Li Shaojie just felt regret right now, it was just an impulsive action, he didn’t think that it would cause so much trouble for him!

“This comrade, how could I address you?” A middle-aged man said to a police beside the police car with a briefcase under his arms. This middle-aged man was Li Shaojie’s father, Li Dahai, and behind him was Lawyer Zhang from his own company. He was in a meeting just now when he suddenly received his son’s call, and said that he got into trouble on Xixing Mountain, and was held by the police, he didn’t say clearly about what trouble it was either. Li Dahai immediately got Lawyer Zhang and raced to Xixing Mountain, his son really didn’t cause little amounts of trouble for him, he (Li Shaojie) often fought outside, and it was normal for him to get caught by the police. However due to Li Shaojie’s grades being great, Li Dahai kept an eye closed, and just settled the troubles accordingly, not once was it a big deal. Li Dahai thought his son fought with someone again, and didn’t treat it as a big deal.

“Who are you?” That police asked.

“I am Li Shaojie’s father, I want came to bail my son out, this is the Lawyer Zhang from our company…” Li Dahai said.

Before Li Dahai finished, he was interrupted by that police, who said with a cold face, “No need to go on, you can’t bail him out!”

“Can’t? This comrade, you should take responsibility for what you have said! According to Number 51 of our nation’s criminal law, I have the right to bail my litigant!” Lawyer Zhang said threateningly.

“Heh! Li Shaojie is now the suspect of an important case, we have solid evidence, what’s left is the judgement of the court!” The police said.

“Important case? What crime can Li Shaojie commit?” Li Dahai said in confusion. “Did you make a mistake?!”

“Wounding with intent, or it may become murder if it gets more serious, the results aren’t here yet, please return,” said the police.

“Wounding? Murder!?” Only then did Li Dahai realise the severity of the case, when he came over he just thought that his son fought with someone again, he didn’t think that his son would murder!

Li Dahai anxiously dialed police chief Jiang Yongfu’s phone number, “Hey, Jiang-dage, I’m Li Dahai!”

“Li Dahai? Oh, Director Li, hi!” Jiang Yongfu said.

“Jiang-dage, I have something to trouble you with…” Li Dahai hesitated, his relationship with Jiang Yongfu was so-so, they only met a few times. However he didn’t have a choice anymore, he would try anything that had a possibility right now, no matter how much he had to spend, he had to keep Li Shaojie safe.

“Say it, if I can do it, I would definitely do anything I can,” Jiang Yongfu had a pretty good impression of Li Dahai.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 119

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Another bonus chapter for this week to commemorate us moving to a new site!

On the side note, forgive me for not doing posting the sponsored chapter that’s in queue. Since we have a fair bit of bonus chapters this week, I have made the decision to move the sponsor chapter to next week.

Chapter 119 – Lost Blue

“Weier, let’s put on our clothes and find something to eat,” I suggested. We haven’t eaten for most of the day, and having done physical labor for such a long time just now, I was already starving.

Chen Weier and my clothes beside the fire had already dried, and it was very warm wearing it. Chen Weier wasn’t shy like she was earlier either, it’s just that her movements were a little not fluent. This was the aftereffects of just becoming a woman.

Xixing Mountain Ski field.

Zhao Junsheng and Jiang Yongfu hurried over after receiving the news of Liu Lei falling down the cliff.

“Yanyan, what exactly happened, don’t hurry, say it slowly,” Zhao Junsheng was also really anxious right now.

Li Shaojie was already brought onto the police car by Jiang Yongfu, and a few police that came to investigate were recording down the interrogation transcript.

“Dad, hurry up to send people to save Liu Lei!” Zhao Yanyan choked. “Him and Chen Weier were pushed down by that Li Shaojie!”

“Yanyan, your Uncle Jiang has already notified the fire brigade to go down and search, we might have news in a while,” Zhao Junsheng comforted.

“Li Shaojie, you have now wounded with intent, you must honestly answer every single one of our questions,” Police A said.

“I already said it… I didn’t want to murder… I didn’t do it on purpose… I just wanted to push him so he would do a somersault to teach him a lesson… I didn’t think that they would just fall down the cliff,” Li Shaojie said shakily, he didn’t think that it would cause such a severe consequence.

“I don’t care if you did it on purpose or not, it has already happened, you should now honestly tell us about the situation just now!” Police B said.

I didn’t know at the time that Songjiang city had already gotten a huge number of people to search for me, the fire brigade as well as detectives full of experience, as well as employees of Shuguang Electronics all gathered around Xixing Mountain.

“Weier, take us the handful of melon seeds Yanyan gave you when we came out of the hotel,” I said to Chen Weier.

“Melon seeds, oh, let me see, it seems to be all wet!” Weier took out a handful of melon seeds and gave them to me. “All of them have been baked dry,” Weier said. “But what do you want this for? You can’t be planning to eat it as a meal right?”

“Hehe, of course not, these melon seeds aren’t enough for a little bite. We will use it to catch birds,” I received the melon seeds, and started peeling them.

“Catching birds?!” Chen Weier repeated, although she didn’t quite understand, but she still started to help me peel the melon seeds.

After a while, we peeled a small pile of melon seeds. I returned to the cave, and took out the ski hat that I took off just now. Then I found a string head from my scarf, and directly broke it back down into yawn. I found a small branch and held the hat up, and sprinkled some melon seeds to the bottom of the hat.

“So… You want to use these melon seeds as bait!” Seeing everything I have done, Chen Weier said like she understood everything.

“En, although these melon seeds aren’t the best bait for sparrow, but there is nothing here, and it is covered in snow everywhere, the sparrow that can’t found food must be starving that they don’t care anymore!” Saying that, I pulled Weier and hid behind a large boulder. Every since Weier’s virginity was taken by me, she no longer had any reservations for intimate actions with me, rather she was like a newly wed wife, and cutely followed by my side.

After about half an hour, we didn’t see a single sparrow fly by.

“Does your method actually work, why don’t I see even a single sparrow?” It was the first time Chen Weier helped out in catching birds, and since she was very tense, after a while, droplets of sweat has started dripping down from her forehead.

“Don’t hurry so much, sparrow are always in flocks during the winter, either you have none, or an entire flock,” I explained. Although I haven’t caught birds in my previous life, but you really think I haven’t seen it before? There was no shortage of this type of bird catching method on television.

As expected, after a short while, a flock of sparrow flew over from the sky. One of them noticed the melon seeds on the ground, it swirled around for a while, before landing near the melon seeds.

I quickly pulled the string, the ski hat immediately caught the sparrow. Originally I thought it would scare the other sparrows away, but once I took out the captured bird, set up the hat once again, another sparrow got tricked again. Sparrows in the countryside are really dumb, I remember the sparrows in the city are extremely intelligent. Repeating this, I managed to catch twenty to thirty sparrows.

After doing that, I packed up the melon seeds from the ground. This was treasure, in the following days, Chen Weier and I had to rely on these bait to live. Due to the relatively quick speed of my actions, a lot of sparrow were caught before getting to eat any. Therefore not that many melon seeds were used.

I arrived near the cave, and found a place where the ground were relatively soft, then I used the branches to start digging. I needed to get some yellow soil out, I have seen that the chicken cooked with yellow soil was called Hua-chicken, today I’m going to make Hua-sparrow. Of course only I was needed for this type of physical labour, due to the earlier madness, Chen Weier’s movements were still rather inconvenient.

I didn’t care about whether the mah-jong were alive or dead, and directly covered it in yellow soil, then threw them into the fire. After a while, the sound of soil cracking could be heard from the fire.

Chen Weier stared at me with interest, and said passionately, “Hubby, if we really can’t return, then let us spend a lifetime on this island!”

Spend a lifetime, this wasn’t a bad idea, however there was nothing to eat, to wear and no houses on this island, I’m just afraid that we’ll die before making through this winter.

“I’m sorry, hubby. Weier knows that she’s wrong, Weier shouldn’t be this selfish! Hubby if you don’t return, Yanyan-meimei would definitely be really sad,” Seeing that I wasn’t speaking, Chen Weier thought that I was unhappy, and quickly admitted her mistake.

I gazed at Weier’s cheeks that have already turned red due to the fire, and said with caringly, “Weier, you are right! If we really can’t return, then let us spend a simple lifetime on this island!” Although I know this was impossible, but I was still affected by Weier’s words! In my previous life, when I stood at the peak of the business word, not only once did the urge to live a secluded life come up. If it wasn’t for Zhao Yanyan, I might have already…

Ai! I sighed, Yanyan, perhaps I will never meet you once again while I’m still alive!

As the yellow soil balls in the fire slowly turned hard, and cracked, a fresh smell came out, I couldn’t tell if it was the smell of soil or meat, or perhaps both.

My saliva was already dripping at the time, I impatiently took the two soil balls out with branches, then threw it into the snow on the side. There was a hole immediately melted in the snow. Seeing that the temperature lowered enough, I took out the soil balls, cracked it on the ground, and cleaned off the yellow soil with my hands. The bird feathers were pulled off along with the yellow soil.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 118

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Another bonus chapter for this week to commemorate us moving to a new site!

On the side note, forgive me for not doing posting the sponsored chapter that’s in queue. Since we have a fair bit of bonus chapters this week, I have made the decision to move the sponsor chapter to next week.

Chapter 118 – I’ll be honest

“Five hundred thousand?! Liu Lei, what does your family actually do! From your tone it’s like you don’t care at all! Also, where did you get so much money, how can your parents allow you to spend recklessly?” Chen Weier said in surprise.

“I… These are my New Year’s money!” I randomly made up an excuse. I couldn’t casually speak about my money making methods right now.

“New Year’s money! God, Liu Lei, if I knew you were so rich what need was there for me to… to sell myself to that big boss!” Chen Weier sighed.

“But if I just took several hundred thousand and said I wanted to gift it to you, could you accept it?” This was what I cared about, or else I wouldn’t transfer the money through Chen Weier’s older brother.

“Ai…! Why am I so dumb,” Chen Weier said regretfully. “We have to apologize to that big boss when we get out.”

“Weier, there’s no need, “ Seeing Chen Weier’s painful expression, I couldn’t help but speak. “You don’t need to return that two hundred and fifty thousand to that big boss!”

“No need to return? Why?” Chen Weier opened her eyes wide and looked at me weirdly.

“Yes, no need to return!” I said solemnly. “Because, he already got what he reserved!’

“Got it? What happened?” Chen Weier said with a face full of disbelief.

“Because —— I am that big boss!” I said it word by word.

“What!? Liu Lei, what did you say?” Chen Weier raised her head up and exclaimed.

“That’s right, I am the person that reserved your virginity, you already returned your body to it’s original owner!” I said calmly.

“You… You…” All of a sudden, Chen Weier got so worked up that she couldn’t say anything, and only looked at me in surprise.

“Weier, it’s like this…” I told Chen Weier all about how I heard about Father Chen needing to do a surgery immediately, then found Chen Yong and then made that agreement with him, after that I told her the additional clause of “if she meets someone she really like the agreement can be cancelled”.

Chen Weier had a face of confusion while hearing that, finally, she said quietly, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier, this way we-we would already be together.”

“I didn’t want to get you with contemptable methods, this was also the reason I gave Chen Yong that additional condition. I hope my women all love me out of their hearts, and are not bound by other conditions!” I caressed Chen Weier’s hair and said.

“However, my older brother didn’t tell me that additional condition!” Chen Weier said like she was wronged.

“Then blame your brother, not completing what he was supposed to do!” This ****** Chen Yong, I’ll deal with him when I get out, unable to make gain successes but more than enough to cause failures, he just keeps on causing trouble for me.

“Heh, you terrible person! This is karma, if you didn’t tell my older brother than you wanted to reserve me, you might have gotten me already!” Chen Weier pouted.

“If I gave your older brother several hundred thousand without any conditions, ignoring whether if he believed it or not, even if I really gave him, would he dare to accept it?” I said.

“You’re being irrational! You have ulterior motives from the beginning! You actually wanted to reserve… reserve my that,” Chen Weier suddenly opened her mouth and bit my on my shoulders.

“Aiya… it hurts,” I screamed.

“How does this hurt, my pain just now was pain,” Chen Weier glared at me and said.

“Then do you want to hurt once again?” Underneath Chen Weier’s subtle tease, my lust built up, and there was a reaction down there again.

“I don’t want it, never again, I won’t do it anymore! There’s no pleasure at all,” Chen Weier pouted.

“Heh, it’s not your decision to make whether we do it or not, I already reserved you!” With that, I flipped around and pinned Chen Weier under my body.

“It’ll hurt!” Chen Weier kept on using her fists to resist my assault, and yelled. “Help…”

I don’t know why, I suddenly got unusually excepted, when we kissed just now. Chen Weier’s “Help” made my blood boil, could it be that I’m a kinky person?

“Hehe, beauty, even if you scream your throat out, no one will come and save you!” With that, I continued.

“En… Lighter,” Chen Weier suddenly said.

Ai, just as I found out the joy of role play, it was interrupted by Chen Weier’s soft words…

Chen Weier rested on my shoulders with the unique sexiness of a girl that turned into a woman, and subconsciously massaged my body with her hands.

“So.. So doing this sort of stuff, feels pretty good!” Chen Weier whispered in my ear.

“Wait till your body completely recovers, it’ll feel better,” I said lecherously.

“Hmmph! Oh yeah, hubby, tell me, who feels better for you between Yanyan-meimei and me?” Chen Weier suddenly blinked and asked naughtily.

“About this…” How was I supposed to answer!

“Heh! You just said that you like me just now, now you’re already going back on your words!” Chen Weier turned around, and ignored me.

“Hubby, are you angry?” Seeing that I didn’t say anything at all for along while, she turned back around and said worriedly. “I was just kidding with you, I don’t want to fight over anything with Yanyan-meimei, I was just kidding, I don’t know why I asked such a random question myself!”

“Weier, I know this might not be fair to you, having to share my love with other girls, but you and Yanyan’s positions in my heart on the same, there is no more or less. As for the feeling of having sex, the most important thing is with who, and not just for the enjoyment,” I embraced Chen Weier, and said full-heartedly.

“I know… However… However how am I supposed to face Yanyan-meimei in the future, I already went to steal her boyfriend!” Chen Weier sighed.

“You don’t have to worry about this. If Yanyan didn’t want me to accept you, she wouldn’t have always intentionally created opportunities for us. She would have thought of the fact that us too being always together would cause a problem sooner or later,” I said.

“Oh,” Chen Weier nodded. “But why do I feel so weird.”

“There’s nothing to worry about, after getting in contact with Yanyan more, you’ll notice that she’s easy to get along with,” I continued.

“Oh yeah, hubby, do you think I’ll get pregnant?” Chen Weier suddenly asked.

“About this… when did you have your period last?” This was definitely an issue, Zhao Yanyan took the emergency pills after doing it for the first time, but where was I supposed to find pregnancy pills in the middle of nowhere!

“En, it just finished the day before yesterday, why?” Chen Weier said shyly.

“The day before yesterday, it should be a safe day,” I thought about it and said.

“Oh,” Chen Weier nodded as if she understood, I think she doesn’t have much knowledge in this areas. Sex Education was completely from extra-curricular books or magazines.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 117

Click here to start reading!

Another bonus chapter this week to commemorate us moving to a new site!

On the side note, forgive me for not doing posting the sponsored chapter that’s in queue. Since we have a fair bit of bonus chapters this week, I have made the decision to move the sponsor chapter to next week.

Chapter 117 – Lend me Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand

“Ouch…” Chen Weier shouted, then quickly sat up. The intense pain caused Chen Weier to awake from the lust.

“Weier, what is it?” I looked worriedly at the beauty with a face of confusion.

“Liu Lei, can you promise me one thing?” Chen Weier suddenly said seriously.

“What thing?” Don’t say one thing right now, even if it’s a hundred things, even if you ask me to pick the sun from the sky, I would be willing to do it.

“If… I’m saying if we can get out of here alive, can you lend me two hundred and fifty thousand?” Chen Weier hesitated a bit, then slowly said it out. From the period of contact they had, she knew that the person in front of her was very rich, but she did not know exactly how rich, two hundred and fifty thousand was not a small number.

“Sure,” I agreed without thinking, I was couldn’t wait anymore, if I wait, I will die. What’s more, isn’t it just two hundred and fifty thousand! No matter what Chen Weier wants the money for, it was only a number to me.

“Liu Lei, I’m serious! Can you really lend me two hundred and fifty thousand? It’s two hundred and fifty thousand!” Chen Weier thought that I didn’t think about it and just casually answered after seeing my reaction was so fast. Therefore, she intentionally emphasized the phrase two hundred and fifty thousand.

“Don’t walk about two hundred and fifty thousand, even five hundred thousand is fine,” I nodded, and reached out my hand to push Weier down again.

“You can’t lie to me!” Weier smiled, flipped around, straddled across me and said, “Liu Lei… I love you!”

The cave was freezing, but Chen Weier and my body were burning hot. We held each other, both panting, while gazing at each other.

Chen Weier smiled, then silently laid on my chest, tears flowed from her eyes and splashed across my chest.

“Weier, why,” after a while, I asked Weier after seeing that her mood has calmed down.

“Because-Because I love you! It’s true, Liu Lei, I love you so much!” Chen Weier said while crying tears of happiness. “I finally became your wife.”

“Weier, what exactly happened?” Was the Chen Weier in front of my eyes still the Chen Weier I know?

“Perhaps-Perhaps we can’t live for that much longer, I want to give myself to you before I die, only then will I have no more regrets in this world!” Chen Weier said passionately.

“However… Doesn’t it hurt?” This was the most important question.

“How does it not hurt, you meanie… It hurts so much!” Chen Weier pounded her first on my body. “Hubby, why don’t a feel a tiny bit of the pleasure from doing… doing that sort of stuff!”

“Idiot girl, a woman’s first time will always hurt, not to mention ho wcrazy you were!” Chen Weier actually started acting spoiled with me, this means that Chen Weier has already placed down the burden in her heart.

“How-How would I know… You didn’t tell me,” Chen Weier complained with a frown.

“I wanted to tell you, but you told me not to speak!” I said as if I was wronged.

“…” Chen Weier blushed shyly and got afraid to look at me.

“Weier…” I lightly called.

“En,” Chen Weier answered quietly.

“When did you start liking me?” I held Weier in my arms and caressed her smooth skin.

“I don’t know, probably that time you randomly stood up to scold my gege! I started to feel like you were really interesting,” Chen Weier pressed her palm against mine, and said shyly.

“Oh? Then why did you still tell me to promise that I don’t like you?” I suddenly thought of the strange request Chen Weier had before.

“Don’t you want to ask me why I want to borrow two hundred and fifty thousand from you?” Chen Weier asked slowly.

“Two hundred and fifty thousand? Oh, right, you seem to have said to that wanted two hundred and fifty thousand,” getting reminded by her, I suddenly recalled that this chick asked me to borrow two hundred and fifty thousand when I was in heat.

“Ah! You can’t have answered me perfunctorily right… Crap, crap, let’s spend an entire life in this cave!” Chen Weier said anxiously.

“Relax, you are my wife now, this little bit of money doesn’t matter, as long as we can get out, I’ll immediately get the money for you,” I explained.

“Really?” Chen Weier said happily, then she suddenly turned serious. “Liu Lei, would you think that I sold myself to your for two hundred and fifty thousand?”

“How could I!” I denied subconsciously.

“No, listen to me! Actually I…” Chen Weier sighed in my arms. “Remember the hug I gave you that night?”

“Of course I remember!” I asked weirdly. Could it be that the fellow Chen Yong told Weier that I spent money to reserve her virginity?

“I said to you that I don’t like you and didn’t allow you to like me was because… because I don’t belong to myself anymore!” Chen Weier said with a bit of hesitation. “Because, in order to get my father treated, I already sold myself to someone else!”

I only understood it then, so it was this reason that the thin layer between Chen Weier and I wasn’t poked through! Chen Yong, this *******, did he not tell Weier my extra condition of “if she meets someone she truly likes then the agreement can be cancelled”? XX that XX, isn’t that ruining my business!

“There’s a boss, he used two hundred and fifty thousand and reserved my… my that, can you understand?” Chen Weier blushed and didn’t say the embarassing word “virginity” out in the end.

“I can understand,” I said. ********, that boss is my, would I not know what I reserved?
“So-So I think that if we can really get out alive, I want to return this two hundred and fifty thousand to him!” Chen Weier continued.

“——“ Hearing Weier’s words, I really didn’t know how to answer, why do I feel so awkward about this situation, taking out two hundred and fifty thousand to return it to myself, it gave me a feeling of undermining myself.

“Liu Lei, what is it, do you feel that I —— two hundred and fifty thousand is too expensive ——” Seeing that I wasn’t speaking, Chen Weier thought I felt a bit of heart ache for this two hundred and fifty thousand.

“How could I. That person was willing to spend two hundred and fifty thousand, how can your husband, I, do any worse!” I promised.

“However, I just don’t know if that boss would cancel the agreement with my older brother,” Chen Weier said worriedly.

“No problem, since the two of us have cooked raw rice into cooked rice, what can he do if he was unwilling, worst come to worst, just throw him some money, let’s just give him five hundred thousand!” I said shamelessly. I didn’t need to worry about this either, because that boss was me, how could I cause trouble for myself? Unless I have a multiple personality disorder.

Of course I can’t tell that to Weier right now.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 116

Click here to start reading!

Here’s the second of the bonus chapters this week to commemorate us moving to a new site!

On the side note, forgive me for not doing posting the sponsored chapter that’s in queue. Since we have a fair bit of bonus chapters this week, I have made the decision to move the sponsor chapter to next week.

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 115

Click here to start reading!

Here’s the first of the bonus chapters this week to commemorate us moving to a new site!

On the side note, forgive me for not doing posting the sponsored chapter that’s in queue. Since we have a fair bit of bonus chapters this week, I have made the decision to move the sponsor chapter to next week.

Chapter 116 – Lighting a fire with a phone

I found a similarly dry and hard wooden stick, and started drilling on a branch. I would stil stand it when we started, but after a while, even though my hand was starting to burn, the two still didn’t have a hint of flames at all.

“Let me try!” From the start, Chen Weier sat interestedly on the side, and watched me drill the stick like an ancient person. Seeing that I was tired, she asked to help.

I handed the stick to Chen Weier, raised my hand and looked, two large blisters have appeared on my hand. Who said you can start fire by drilling wood, isn’t that just tricking people? I wonder whether those people that write textbooks have tried it themselves or not.

Chen Weier didn’t even do as well as me, she started frowning very quickly.

“Never mind, starting a fire by drilling is most likely a lie,” I snatched over the stick still in Chen Weier’s hands, threw it on the side, then said furiously.

What other methods are there to start a fire? Magnifying glass, don’t have. Fire powder, don’t have. Electricity… oh yeah, electricity can be used to start a fire! I exclaimed excitedly and ran out of the cave, found my mobile phone still on the floor, picked it up, took out the battery, then ran back to the cave.

It looks like this mobile phone isn’t completely useless!

I took off the metal portion of the holder on the skill shoes, and bent it into an arc. Then I placed the mobile phone battery in the middle of a pile of sticks, and carefully placed the arc-shaped metal on the positive and negative end of the battery.

“Weier, run,” I pulled Weier, and ran towards the opposite side.

After a while, the smoke started rising from the battery, and with a “pa” sound, light flashed everywhere. The battery was on fire! The surrounding branches also started burning.

“Hurray!” I said happily. Then I ran over and used a stick to flip the branches, causing the flames to burn more furiously.

“Liu Lei, I really admire you now, you even managed to think of this method,” Chen Weier looked at that mobile phone battery with regret.

“Still calling me Liu Lei?” I smiled naughtily towards the beauty beside me.

“Hubby…” Under the illumination of the flames, Chen Weier’s cheeks was infinitely beautiful.

I ran outside the cave again to gather a pile of spare branches, luckily this sort of thing was everywhere on the lone island in winter. This was crucial, or else we’ll be ****** if the fire gets extinguished, there is only one battery for the mobile phone.

After doing all this, I took off my ski suit, and placed it near the fire, then said to Chen Weier, “Weier, take off your clothes too.”

Chen Weier also took off her ski suit, handed it to me and said, “But the clothes inside are also wet?”

“En, take off the clothes inside later after the jackets are dried, then we’ll hide inside the jackets,” I received the clothes Chen Weier handed me, and placed it beside the fire as well.

“Achoo!” Chen Weier suddenly sneezed.

“Weier, come sit over here, closer to the fire,” I immediately said. It would be terrible if she catches a cold. Even with my excellent body conditions, I am freezing, not to mention Chen Weier.

Due to me continuously adding wood to the fire, the fire was burning well, within a short while, our jackets have been dried. I first placed one of them on the ground not far away from the fire, then placed the other one on the top, and started to strip. When I strip till just my underwear, Chen Weier suddenly exclaimed, ‘What-what are you doing?”

“Of course I’m getting into the coat after stripping!” I pointed to the jacket that has been placed onto the floor like a blanket and said.

“Then… Then what about me?” Chen Weier gazed at the blanket blankly.

“Take off your clothes and come in together,” I said. Although I was very natural with my words, my heart was rather dirty.

“I…” Chen Weier blushed and couldn’t say anything.

“Strip quickly, let’s get into this jacket when its still warm. Or else what are we going to do when you catch a cold?” I hurried her, then started stripping my underwear.

“Then-Then don’t look at me,” Chen Weier clenched her teeth, and said after making her decision. At this moment, Chen Weier’s feelings were very conflicted, but once she recalled that she has promised to be his wife, it’s no big deal hugging him after stripping.

“Okay, then I’ll get in first, hurry,” saying that, I took off my underwear, and climbed into the “blanket”. It was rather warm inside, and it felt great.

Chen Weier took off her clothes beside the fireplace, with her back towards me. When she stripped till her underwear, I felt that she clearly hesitated, btu still stripped it in the end.

The moment Chen Weier took off her vest, her snow white skill dazed me a little. Weier’s skin was actually more white than Yanyan’s, but it wasn’t that kind of sickly pale, rather, it was a glistening type of white, as if it was soaked in milk.

“Close your eyes,” Weier suddenly said to me.

I knew that Weier was about to enter, although I really wanted to take a look at the beauty in front of Weier’s chest, I still “en” and closed my eyes. Since Weier could do this, that means that she isn’t far from being my woman. I have no need to be impatient right now.

The moment I closed my eyes, I felt an icy body climb in. I turned around, and hugged Weier into my embrace. Weier’s cold body writhed in my embraced, but I don’t know if it was due to her being cold or being worked up, Chen Weier’s breathing hastened.

“Weier…” I called quietly

“En…” The beauty in my embrace answered blurrily.

Chen Weier’s skin was very smooth, I found it really hard to imagine that a girl that had to man a stall on the streets in all types of weather could have such nice skin.

“Ah…” Weier moaned, but she didn’t stop my movements. This made me become more daring, I turned around and completely pulled Weier into my arms.

“En… No…” Weier panted, and said blurrily.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and gazed at Weier’s fiery red lips that had just opened, and kissed down without hesitation.

“Mmm…: At the start, Chen Weier was still resisting, and kept on shaking her head, but how could I spit out something that I have already placed into my mouth! Gradually Weier’s resist became quiet moans, the last line of defense of her mouth gradually opened for me, I immediately stuck my tongue in through Weier’s teeth.

Although Weier was new to this, it was a different sort of feeling. Weier’s movements made me even more excited, just like the impatience when a big bad wolf wants to eat a cute bunny…


  1. N/a

Chapter 115 – A lone island

“Okay,” I nodded, however I still thought in my heard, I need to find a way to hide it even if we really find the exit later.

I held Chen Weier’s hand and walked slowly over to the other side of the cave where there was light. The cave was really dark, but the ground underneath us was really flat, and it didn’t use much energy for us to walk.

“What is that!” Weier suddenly stopped in her tracks, hid behind me, and pointed to the area in front where blue light was being released. “Ghost…!”

Ai, she’s such a girl! She had thought she had already turned into a ghost just now, yet now she’s beginning to be scared of ghosts. However I wasn’t scared at all in my heart, what’s there to be afraid of, I’m Yama’s sworn little brother, isn’t any ghost that starts getting pretentious in front of me asking for death?

I looked over in the direction Chen Weier was pointing towards, as expected, there was something glowing with blue light not far away. Haha, I can’t have bumped into some sort of diamond or other worldly treasure right?

“Weier, stand here and don’t move, I’ll go take a look first,” I said to Chen Weier who was behind me. I quickly walked in front of the blue light, squatted down, and took a closer examination, then got shocked. The illuminating thing was actually a skull! On the side of the skull was a pile of white bones. I angrily sent the skull flying with a kick and swore, **** this, I thought I got some treasure, I didn’t expect it to be so demotivating.

“What was that?” Chen Weier asked weirdly after seeing I made the thing disappear with a kick.

“Oh… It’s a pile of animal bones,” I thought about it, it was better to not tell Chen Weier that they were human bones, to prevent this chick from getting frightened.

“Then why was there blue light?” Chen Weier asked in confusion.

“That blue light is actually phosphorus flames, there are a lot of phosphorus in animal bones. After the animal dies, the corpse will decay, then chemical reactions will occur. Phosphorus will turn from phosphorus acid to phosphorus gas. Phosphorus gas is in gas state, and has a very low boiling point, it will ignite under normal temperatures upon contact with air. After phosphorus gas is created and ignited, blue light will appear, which is the normal will-o’-the-wisp that we normally see!” It couldn’t be helped, so I explained scientific knowledge that I have seen on the internet in my previous life.

“So it’s like this! Liu Lei, how do you know so much? Sometimes when I’m with you, I feel like I’m your meimei, sometimes I’m not even as matured as Yanyan-meimei,” Chen Weier murmured.

Hearing Yanyan’s name, my heart suddenly sank. She must have heard the news about Weier and I falling down the cliff right? She must be really worried now right? This is the girl I love most my entire life, and finally became my lover after I got reborn, thinking to that point, I had no mind to think about the ploy to trick Weier into staying in this cave.

I took out my mobile phone from my ski suit, and turned it on. It really could turn on, I felt a sense of joy. The quality of this block was great, it could still be used even after being soaked in water for so long.

It looks like the components wouldn’t immediately oxidize after the phone is placed in water during winter. It could still be used for some time after the water dried!

I waited for a long while, and still didn’t notice the signal symbol appear on the mobile phone screen. ****, there isn’t a signal in this cave! Simulation net just doesn’t do it, thinking about how China Mobile’s GSM already have internet coverate even on the seas, allowing people to read novels with their phones even on boats, now… I still have to wait several years.

I helplessly shut down the mobile phone, and placed it back into my pocket. I’ll see if there’s signal if we really find the exit later.

I pulled Chen Weier and went over the pile of human bones, and Chen Weier didn’t look at them closely. However even if she did, she probably wouldn’t notice anything in the darkness, the most obvious skull has already been kicked away by me like a ball.

The more we walked forward, the lower the temperature felt to me, I could even feel slight breezes. It seems like it’s very likely that there’s an exit in front! As expected, after we walked another several hundred meters, and took a turn, brightness appeared before our eyes, we would clearly see that not far in front of us was an exit, and the sun outside of the exit was shining brightly.

Chen Weier and I looked at each other, then smiled, we were a bit surprised, but felt a bit helpless. Surprise because we might be saved, helpless because it was as Chen Weier said, perhaps we can’t be together if we walk out of this cave. Although I was very confused about why Chen Weier was only willing to reveal her feelings to me in death, the one I thought about right now was still Zhao Yanyan.

I quickly ran over to the cave entrance, but the scene before my eyes wasn’t very optimistic! In front of our eyes was still a scene of ice. In other words, we might be on an island in the river.

Chen Weier also saw the scene in front, and sighed, then said slowly to me, “Liu Lei, what is it? Why do I feel like you aren’t very happy?”

I smiled wryly, then shook my head and said, “How could I be unhappy? Now that we can’t leave here, you will be my wife, I can’t be even more happy!”

Chen Weier frowned after hearing that, “You’re lying!” She thought about it for a moment, then suddenly said, “I know, are you missing Yanyan-meiemi?”

Seeing that I couldn’t hid it, I could only nod. I took out the mobile phone from my pocket, it was still not in service range. I sighed, then placed the mobile phone on the side, it looks like this thing isn’t of much use.

“Let’s get to the other side of the island, to see if there’s any way out,” Chen weier suggested after seeing my troubled expression.

“Okay,” I stood up, and walked towards the other side of the island with Chen Weier.

This island itself wasn’t big, after we walked around the cave just now, the other side of the cave was shown in front of our eyes. This is a lone island. Perhaps we really can’t return! I couldn’t help but recall the white skeleton in the cave, was that person the same as us? I couldn’t help but shudder, starvation and the cold were not joyous matters.

“Let’s go back to the cave, having our whole body soaked isn’t good!” I said to Chen Weier.

“Okay,” Chen Weier obedient followed behind me, like a little wife. This couldn’t make help but make me wonder if this chick is starting to fulfill her promise? Thinking to that, my mood brightened. A human life should be enjoyed, since it has come, then let it be.

I held Chen Weier’s hand and quickly walked towards the cave entrance.

“Weier, let’s collect some things like branches etc., the most important thing right now is to dry our clothes, or else we’ll catch a cold sooner or later,” I pointed at the leaves and branches on the ground.

With Weier’s cooperation, we quickly collected a large pile of branches in the cave. However how were we supposed to start a fire? This was really an issue. Oh yeah, I’ve read it in history books before that people in ancient times started fire with sticks, why don’t I have a go?


  1. N/a

Chapter 114 – Living after death

I held Weier tightly, and furiously swam towards the lake surface, however right on top of my head was no longer the place we fell down form, but a thick layer of ice! That ice hold had long disappeared.

So the lake had already pushed us somewhere us. Luckily I took a deep breath before falling into the lake, or else I would be like Weier. I withstood the numbness that freezing lake water brought to my body, and held Chen Weier tightly, allowing the current to push us forward. I had one belief at the time, and that’s as long as the lake had current, it was running water, as long as it was running water, then we can definitely find the exit.

But gradually, as the time passed by, the lack of oxygen caused my consciousness to blur…

When I woke up again, I noticed everything was pitch dark in front of my eyes, Chen Weier was still tightly embraced by me. Although my lower body was still soaked in icy water, my upper body was exposed in air. My first reaction as that, we’re saved!

My eyes gradually got accustomed to the darkness in front of my eyes, I found out that we were in someplace like a cave, and yet the innermost of the cave was a body of water, which I was in. Clearly, this cave and the river at the body of Xixing Mountain is linked!

I dragged Weier out of the water, and leaned her against a boulder, then continued to pat her back. Chen Weier coughed up all of the dirty water in the stomach with a “wa” sound, then started coughing a lot. Luckily she didn’t chock on anything like sand, or else she would have to go to the hospital.

After a while, when Chen Weier stopped coughing, I held her in my arms. I check and saw that Weier started breathing again. Then after a while, Chen Weier’s body moved.

“Weier, how are you doing?” I asked anxiously.

“I… Liu Lei, are you Liu Lei?” Chen Weier asked in a very worked up tone after hearing my voice.

“I am, Weier, how are you feeling?” I patted Chen Weier’s back to get to her calm down.

“Liu Lei, where are we? Why is it pitch dark? Is-Is this the underworld?” Chen Weier exclaimed in shock.

I suddenly felt playful and wanted to make fun of Weier, so I pretended to be serious and said, “Yes, Weier, we’re already died! We didn’t use up our life, and so we count as accidental deaths, therefore we can’t get reincarnated yet, just now Yama has already sent us to the edge of the underworld, we have to spend fifty years here before getting reincarnated!”

“Oh!” To my surprise, Chen Weier didn’t show any extreme emotions, there was actually a hint of snicker in her tone. “So the underworld really is real!”

“Weier, we are already ghosts, are you not afraid?” I continued to scare her.

“I’m not. What’s there to be afraid of by your side? What’s more… What’s more I have already promised to marry you after dying, you can’t be going back on your word not right?’ Chen WEier leaned close to me and said obediently.

Only then did I remember, right before we “died”, I once proposed to Weier, and Weier also agreed. Now that I lied to Chen Weier and said that we have died, this chick would naturally think that we are in the underworld.

“How could that be, Weier, I can’t like you enough!” I happily hugged Chen Weier. I didn’t think that this life and death situation caused the barrier between Chen Weier and I to shatter, and allowed us to open our hearts to each other.

“Hubby, I’m a bit cold,” Chen Weier slowly said to me.

I didn’t think that Chen Weier actually called me hubby! Haha, old bro Yama, you are taking care of me too much, this life and death situation was organized well!

However, now that Chen Weier mentioned it, I felt the freezing cold all over my body, although the temperature of the cave was clearly higher than elsewhere, but wearing a completely soaked ski suit definitely was not something comfortable.

“Let’s walk forward, and see if we can find the exit,” I pointed to the area in front where there was a tiny bit of light.

“Exit? What’s the point of finding the exit?” Chen Weier asked weirdly.

“Of course it’s to see if we can get saved, unless we really stay in this damn place for a life time! My good wife!” I held Chen Weier up from my body.

“Saved? Aren’t we dead?” Chen Weier opened her eyes wide in confusion and asked.

“I was just tricking you, I, your hubby, is so fortunate, how could I die? Am I right, my dear wife!” I said with a smile.

“Don’t call me wife,” Chen Weier suddenly said coldly.

However in the darkness, I could still see a hint of sadness in her eyes, “Weier, what is it?” I walked over, and walked to embrace her. However she pushed me away.

“Don’t touch me. Since we aren’t dead, then we have no relationship,” Chen Weier forcefully said coldly, then choked.

Until the faint light, tears already covered Chen Weier’s face.

“Weier, what happened to do?” I exclaimed in shock, and lightly caressed Weier’s cheeks, wanting to wipe away the tears on her face.

Chen Weier didn’t struggle anymore, she just stood there, without moving. Her tears just kept on flowing.

I wanted to convince Weier, but I wasn’t sure of how to say it. I didn’t think my little joke would cause such a hug reaction from Weier… Did Weier really have to die before showing her true feelings to me?

“Weier! Even if we haven’t died, but what’s the difference? We don’t even know what kind of person this is, we don’t know if we could get out either, even if we don’t die, we’ll starve to death sooner or later here!” I shouted loudly, then forcefully held Weier in my embrace regardless of if Weier resisted.

Chen Weier quietly allowed me to hold her, without resisting, she just dipped her head, her face occasional tensed. I don’t know if this was what Weier wanted in her heart, and could not see Weier’s expression.

“You’re right, perhaps… Perhaps we’ll really die here,” after a while, Weier lifted her head from my embrace, and said quietly beside my year.

“Weier, then you agree to be my wife?’ I said happily. I could tell, Weier already thought it through.

“En, if we really can’t get out, then we… we…” Saying that, Weier already buried her had in my chest, and became so quiet that I could hear her even in this silent cave.

“Weier, what are you saying?” I couldn’t hear what Weier was saying to me no matter how hard I tried.

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter if you didn’t hear it,” Chen Weier said shyly. “However I just said that it’s under the condition that we can’t get out, let’s go and find the exit.”


  1. N/a