Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 10 – Caught In a Dilemma

“Right, for example Transformation, Stealth, Tracking, Targeting, Healing, Farming(Ripening Planting), Pill Refining….” Tian Lao replied: “I can transfer all layers of every corresponding spell and how they are used to you.”

  Tian Lao’s voice faded, Xiao Chen’s mind flashed, there was another scroll, recorded above, was each layer’s comprehension of spells and methods use. Xiao Chen saw that the First Layer Qi-Training spells could be used, ****, there’s nothing at all!

“Tian Lao, this First Layer Qi-Training, how is there nothing?” Xiao Chen asked depressedly.

  “A First Layer Inner Qi fighter just has to keep fit and can display the limits of their physical prowess. This is pretty fierce is it not?” Tian Lao counter-asked.

Xiao Chen was surprised for a moment, then nodded his head! Indeed, a fighter’s Inner Qi was divided to First Layer, Second Layer up to Tenth Layer.

 First Layer Inner Qi, achieves a strong and healthy body, is able to display their full strength, that is to say, it can display 100% of a normal human’s strength, while Second Layer Inner Qi, can display twice the physical limit, Third Layer Inner Qi can do three times, and so on!

And so, even if it is equal to a Third Layer Inner Qi expert, there is also a gap, but this gap isn’t particularly wide, those able to cultivate a fighter’s Inner Qi, generally their physique isn’t weak, the displayed limits of power are about the same, of course excluding the fighters with Inborn Divine Strength, these fighters, once they start cultivating, they would become kings of the Martial World!

Inner Qi is common practice for a fighter’s Kung Fu, similar to mental mantra, even if there is a difference, it is basically about the same, so it’s fairly easily to distinguish, even those who don’t practice Inner Qi, when fighting an Inner Qi user, they can determine the strength level of the fighter.

Of course unless they were ordinary people that didn’t understand fighting, but Xiao Chen’s First Layer Qi-Training isn’t the same, this is a very vague concept, Xiao Chen himself felt his own strength limit, it wasn’t as Tian Lao said, he thought that First Layer Qi-Training had no use, it was just the start!

Thinking up to here, Xiao Chen’s excitement rose, and punched the wall of the dormitory as he passed by!


A loud sound, the dormitory wall splintered and began to fall into pieces. Although it was thick concrete and wasn’t damaged, this is only in the case of a normal person’s strength limit, if one wants to punch down concrete, then better have Inborn Divine Strength.

“Hiss——” Xiao Chen sucked in cold air, he didn’t think he could cause such a loud sound, this big sound during the quiet early morning was unusually loud ah! Didn’t know if others would consider it an earthquake?

Anyway, Xiao Chen clearly felt, this was really the strength of a First Layer Inner Qi fighter, he could elevate his strength to its limit, these ten years, the height that Xiao Chen couldn’t reach. ⌈1

“Tian Lao, this ‘Final Battle to Control the Heavens’, is simply too powerful!” Xiao Chen said excitedly.

“It’s ‘Seizing Good Fortune War Mantra’….” Tian Lao said while perspiring.

“Isn’t what I’m cultivating ‘Final Battle to Control the Heavens’?” Xiao Chen nevertheless replied.

“Okay then, it is.” Tian Lao wasn’t clear on what Xiao Chen’s mental mantra was.

Xiao Chen felt as if his body was reborn, for these ten years, it had never been this comfortable during the morning! There was still time before class, still a few hours, calm down, think about what happened yesterday.

Father disappeared? Nevertheless, before confirming this news, father had disappeared for more than 6 months, many people said that father’s team fallen from the sky, but Xiao Chen didn’t believe his father would fall from the sky.

Inside Xiao Chen’s heart, his father was a role model, as well as the target of his efforts. Although Xiao Feng’s qualifications were inferior to Chen Mengying’s brother-in-law, Chen Family’s younger generation of talent, Xiao Feng and Xiao Chen were the same, absolute effort, this allowed him to become one of the best experts of the younger generation!

 The trial was worse than father’s strength so it should have been a successful return, but father didn’t come back, so Xiao Chen felt it a bit strange, with father’s strength, there shouldn’t be any surprises! That is to say, father’s squad falling from the sky, and yesterday’s Xiao Chen jumping for the suicide was similar, there were people putting out false information!

But yesterday’s matter, it gave a wake-up call to Xiao Chen, there were people who wanted him dead! These people, didn’t know if there was a connection with father’s disappearance?

Xiao Chen knew, every puzzle, can be determined only after he caught the culprit! It was just that, Xiao Chen was current out in the open, the enemy in the dark, this school, the people who disliked Xiao Chen was too much, it would be a bit difficult if Xiao Chen wanted to ferret out this person.

If not for Xiao Chen’s childhood cultivation of a calm countenance personality, yesterday’s fight, would already be enough to get him down, if he really was a useless idiotic dandy, maybe he probably would have already done suicide. ⌈2

When the news spread throughout the school that Xiao Chen did suicide, no one suspected Xiao Chen’s suicide, instead it was weird that Xiao Chen didn’t do suicide! Have to say, the manipulator behind the scenes is really sinister, killing him, and framing it with suicide.

Seeing it was almost time, Xiao Chen washed his face, got out of the dormitory, and went in the direction of the classroom. Along the way, there were fingers constantly pointing at Xiao Chen, maybe due to the satisfaction from the information that Xiao Chen was expelled from the Xiao Family had emerged today.

However Xiao Chen ignored it, only secretly frowning in his heart, under such circumstances, finding the people who want to harm me is difficult, at least Xiao Chen can see now, everyone couldn’t possibly be his killer, but only the people who disliked him.

 “Look, isn’t that Young Master Xiao Chen? Where are you going so urgently ah?” A playful voice passed through Xiao Chen’s ears, this is Zhao Yuliang’s sound.

Xiao Chen stopped in his tracks, looked up, and coldly stared at Zhao Yuliang. With Xiao Chen’s strength now, he could easily beat Zhao Yulian up, and although Zhao Family was flamboyant, Zhao Yuliang was the same as his former self, he wasn’t a cultivating Inner person, but, Xiao Chen feared Zhao Yuliang’s little brother Chen Jinpeng!

Chen Jinpeng was equivalent of a Second Layer Inner Qi fighter, also Xiao Chen was reluctant to prematurely show off his strength, who knew if there were two people, or, if they were watching in the vicinity?

If they know that I already have First Layer Inner Qi strength, they might want to kill me right? Changing his mind quickly, Xiao Chen couldn’t think of any means.


  1. TLN: Using ‘elevate’ and ‘height’ was a really bad joke on my part… 
  2. TLN: Dandy is playboy or someone who just spends their parents money 

Chapter 9 – Big Matter!

“Little Chenzi, not bad ah, breaking through the First Layer of Qi-Training so soon? I thought you would require a few more days!” This sudden sound, during the quiet morning, scared Xiao Chen’s heart to almost exploding.

This is Tian Lao’s voice! After Xiao Chen recognized the voice, and let out a sigh: “I say, Tian Lao, will you stop frightening me, don’t you know that if you suddenly speak, someone can be scared to death? Also, don’t call me Xiao Chenzi, it sounds like an eunuch’s name….”

“Then next time, when I want call attention to you, should I speak?” asked Tian Lao jokingly: “Xiao Chen, Little Chen, Little Chenzi, is there a difference?” ⌈1

“….” Xiao Chen was speechless, you want to call attention to me, but suddenly don’t want to talk? But thinking about it, Tian Lao and my contacts, is only speaking, so what does he want? As for what Tian Lao calls me, there aren’t any other people anyway, so let him.

“Never thought that ah, your XiaoZi’s strength is very pure, after just breaking through First Layer Qi-Training, it astonishes me.” Tian Lao wasn’t just a bit surprised, but astounded, suddenly cried “Hey”: “Not right, XiaoZi, didn’t you cultivate the mental mantra I gave you? Your strength and my strength aren’t the same ah….” ⌈2

“Naturally, but isn’t it the same as your awakening?” Xiao Chen, a bit surprised, said.

“Can use, I also wonder why you can use, however it certainly isn’t!” Tian Lao said with certainty: “Your body’s strength, absolutely is different from my strength, are you sure you cultivated the mental mantra I gave you?”

“It isn’t a lie!” Xiao Chen rolled his eyes: “If I had other mental mantras, I would have already been practicing, why would I push myself down a cliff? My practice, definitely is the ‘Final Battle to Control the Heavens’ that you gave me!”

“What?” Tian Lao was stunned for a moment: “What ‘Final Battle to Control the Heavens’, what thing is that?”

“The mental mantra you transferred into my mind ah!” Xiao Chen replied.

“Pff….” Tian Lao nearly laugh-sprayed upon hearing this: “What battle, it’s called ‘Seizing Good Fortune War Mantra’, it’s a mnemonics mantra, not a battle mantra, Xiao Chenzi, you’re blind ah!”

“Seizing Good Fortune War Mantra?” Xiao Chen was dumbfounded, looked carefully in his mind sea, that ‘Mantra’ certainly wasn’t a ‘Mantra’ chant, but the words were really similar, just a little different, Xiao Chen’s first impressions, looking at ‘Final Battle’, just always considered it ‘Battle’, that is to say, this word, is read backwards?

“Xiao Chenzi, don’t you know that these mental mantras are antiques? It’s to be read right to left!” said Tian Lao helplessly: “How can there be such a strange name, in addition to ‘Final Battle to Control The Heavens’!”

“This….Tian Lao, let me ask, those following mental mantras, each of them are read right to left?” Xiao Chen’s mind was a little apprehensive, and hurriedly asked.

“Yeah….” Tian Lao said up to here, then changed his tone: “I say….you’re not cultivating left to right are you?”

“Right….” Xiao Chen wanted to burst into tears, I’m ******, what is the matter ah, no one ever told me, that mental mantras have to read right to left ah!

These words occupy one line, each mnemonic not occupying more than one line, so when Xiao Chen was reading, nothing was out of the ordinary, so such cultivation continued, but, Tian Lao told him, he was practicing backwards….

“Then you can also cultivate?” Tian Lao felt it was a bit unbelievable, this is too genius right?

“If not by cultivating, then how did you awaken?” Xiao Chen was a little anxious: “I say Tian Lao, you aren’t misleading people? You won’t say that it’ll lead to a stupor? Currently I’m practicing backwards, there’s no harm right?”

“What do I know….” Tian Lao’s voice was somewhat odd: “Who would have thought, your cultivation is cultivating backwards, this is the first time I’ve heard of this! Moreover, you don’t understand Antique knowledge?”

“Then what should I do now? Should I re-cultivate?” Xiao Chen asked with a bitter smile.

“That is absolutely impossible!” Tian Lao immediately said: “Every cultivation insight, can only practice one mental mantra, being faithful, should you change to a random mental mantra, then practice both mental mantras lightly, it can lead to an overstation to a disabled person! Therefore….you can practice backwards, then just continue to practice, I also don’t know what will happen….”

“What do you mean, will I not be able to become an expert?” Xiao Chen’s heart tightened upon hearing this, was unwilling, a good opportunity in front of oneself, but now wasted, this is really ****** up.

“This isn’t easy to say….however, your backwards cultivation, I actually remembered a matter….” Tian Lao said.

“What matter?” Xiao Chen asked.

“A long long time ago….when I was small, when I did obeisance to the sect, during the time my Master gave me the ‘Seizing Good Fortune War Mantra’, he said some strange words….” Tian Lao thought of some past events, said with some sorrow: “He said to me, ‘Seizing Good Fortune War Mantra’, following a rule has an opposite rule since time immemorial, although he studied it for a lifetime, without knowing the essence of this sentence, but I still have not understand, it could be possible that he meant, this ‘Seizing Good Fortune War Mantra’, can be cultivated backwards?”

“….” Xiao Chen’s heart was moved, but then he shook his head, it was too crazy: “Tian Lao, are you comforting me?”

“Not comforting, perhaps, your way of cultivation, is correct?” Tian Lao was also a bit confused: “But, in any case, you’re a First Layer Qi-Training expert!”

“First Layer Qi-Training, what rank is it?” Xiao Chen asked.

“Generally speaking, First Layer Qi-Training, in terms of strength, is approximately equal to a First Layer Inner Qi expert!” Tian Lao said.

“What?!” Xiao Chen was shocked: “Tian Lao, you mean, my one night cultivation, is equal to a First Layer Inner Qi expert?”

“It isn’t equal, it’s approximately equal.” Tian Lao replied.

“In other words, it’s a bit away compared to a First Layer Inner Qi expert?” Xiao Chen was thinking, just missed a bit is worth ah, my one night caught up with other people’s long time of cultivation.

“I say Xiao Chenzi, when did your thinking change ah? I have already told you, we are those who cultivate true virtue in order to fight those stronger. Right now you’re almost a First Layer Inner Qi expert, but your ability in magic is in fighting nothing else!”

“Magic?” Xiao Chen gave two hollow laughs, his problem wasn’t his change of thinking, but that First Layer Qi-Training was too easy to reach, it let Xiao Chen subconsciously think that a First Layer Inner Qi expert wasn’t powerful.


  1. TLN: First ‘Xiao Chen’ is his name, but second and third are endearing and joking names 
  2. TLN: XiaoZi means ‘kid’ 

Chapter 8 – First Time Possessing Strength

Xiao Chen’s dormitory was separated to the other dorm rooms, but Xiao Chen had been enrolled for three years and had not lived there, inside, the furniture was covered in a thick layer of dust. Fortunately, this was still his dorm, otherwise Xiao Chen would have to sleep on the streets.

The dormitory was paid when he was admitted, so Xiao Chen did not need to worry about payments.

Dust on the furniture, Xiao Chen refused to pay attention to trivial matters and sat cross-legged on the bed. Ready to begin cultivation, with the mantra given to him by Tian Lao. After all, he yearned for strength for too long, and now had the opportunity turn his situation around, made Xiao Chen impatient.

Xiao Chen sat there and started to recall the cultivation method, Xiao Chen did not know how the method was passed on, just as he recalled, suddenly in his mind a formula scroll appeared!

The scroll was vivid, as if he had seen it before. Presumably, this was Tian Lao’s knowledge, but he still did not know how it transmitted into his mind.

“Battle to seize the heaven?” This name is quite strange! However, Xiao Chen did not care too much, generally methods would have strange names. For example he read a book called “Personal biographies of the master’s school.” Novel, which had a forest God practicing what was called “shaft driving the dragon”. However, the mantra had a better name “battle to seize the heaven”, which rather made it fierce, and allowed one to soar through the clouds. ⌈1

Xiao Chen started to recall information on “battle to seize the heaven”, although this and his previous cultivation methods were different, Xiao Chen was still familiar with the acupuncture points and meridians to circulate the energy into.

Although Xiao Chen thought that this “battle to seize the heaven” was somewhat strange, he had not come across anything similar to it and braced himself to practice.

According to Tian Lao’s information that was left behind in Xiao Chen’s mind, to cultivate true Qi, the first step is to form Qi in its gas state, in accordance with the mantra, let the gas cycle through his meridians. As long as he is able to succeed in doing so, it will equal to him setting foot at the threshold of cultivating true Qi.

It was difficult at the start, but for a madman like Xiao Chen, it was nothing. To make the body produce qi in its gas form, even for an average person, after getting used to it, how trivial is it? Especially when Xiao Chen had practiced in his basement for several years, comparing each other, this was nothing.

Once again, Xiao Chen tirelessly started the cycle of the mantra, although he felt no changes to his body, Xiao Chen though that Tian Lao would never deceive him, therefore he repeated the mantra over and over.

Eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve cycles were completed until it was morning. Although Xiao Chen repeated the cycle of the mantra, he suspected that “battle to seize the heaven” was unsuitable for him to practice. After such a long time, it had not responded to him, was his qualifications too poor or was he practicing it wrong.

Just as Xiao Chen was doubting the mantra, his chest felt slightly cool, then he felt this air flow from his chest and spread along his meridians and in his mantra, the air was getting larger

At this moment, Xiao Chen wanted to scream. He successfully cultivate his Qi into gas form, which would mean that he was able to cultivate true Qi? Thinking of this, Xiao Chen clenched his teeth and repeated the cycle of the mantra once more, circulating the Qi throughout his meridians.

With the increase of Qi in Xiao Chen’s body, Qi started to circulate through his meridians, this made Xiao Chen cry out in pain. This was the first time Qi circulate through his meridians, the feeling of being pierced did not stop Xiao Chen from continuing.

Since childhood, Xiao Chen believed in the words “no pain, no gain” ⌈2

That is why Xiao Chen, for several years, continued to exercise in his basement diligently. But sometimes it’s not that one cannot achieve it in a certain way. ⌈3

Xiao Chen’s physique was unable to cultivate Qi, therefore when he was able to feel Qi, Xiao Chen was excited, even if he was in incomparable pain.

Finally, under Xiao Chen bearing through the pain, he could feel all the meridians in his body filled with Qi. Even though he kept circulating the Qi through is meridians, Xiao Chen sense that his meridians weren’t being torn and in pain, instead a warm comfortable feeling passed through his meridians.

Xiao Chen did not know how long the Qi had been circulating through his buddy, but it suddenly stopped, rapidly welling up in his dantian All of the built up Qi gathered in his dantian, Xiao Chen thought that it would explode, but instead started to compress, turning Xiao Chen’s face red.

Won’t have problems? Xiao Chen clenched his teeth not knowing what do to, he wanted to stop the mantra, but did not dare to as he knew far too less. Practising with great difficulty, and able to form Qi, Xiao Chen was unwilling to give up. ⌈4

“Bang!” Xiao Chen felt he body shake, as if something broke in his body, pain surged throughout his body, but as if something broke, a pleasant sensation was released.

By now Xiao Chen had stopped cultivating the mantra, if he kept at it, who knows what would happen later, power is important, but so was his life.

After stopping the mantra, Xiao Chen quickly checked his body to see if there were any problems, but as Xiao Chen began to check his ears, suddenly a voice rang out, giving Xiao Chen a scare!


  1. TL: Imo “Battle to seize the heavens” sounded better… 
  2. TL: Do remember this is set in modern day era. 
  3. TL: More than one way to succeed. 
  4. TL: Originally said practiced for such a long time…but it like seem he only practiced for a night.. 

Chapter 7 – The Young Lady’s Concern

Once they had seen each other, Xiao Chen did not bother to greet him, he simply wanted to go back to his room and practice the mental mantra. Strength, this is what he had always wanted from birth, now that it was so close, how could he not worry about it. ⌈1

Xiao Chen did not want to talk to Chen Jinpeng, but seeing that Chen Jinpeng widened his eyes in horror like he saw a ghost, pointed at Xiao Chen and said “You…You…You’re not dead ?”

Xiao Chen was quietly looking at Chen Jinpeng, while maintaining his composure he replied “Chen Jingpeng, is something wrong with your head? You’re the one who died”

Xiao Chen was pushed off the cliff, only himself and the person who pushed him knew, unless the person who pushed him was connected to Chen Jinpeng. ⌈2

Xiao Chen was not stupid, his father had gone missing, expelled from the Xiao family, could not cultivate Qi and was pushed off a cliff by an unknown assailant. All of this was too coincidental, like an invisible hand behind the scene.

But to find out what truly happened, Xiao Chen must become stronger. For that to happen, while he’s weak he must maintain his image of being a playboy.

“What’s this?” Chen Jinpeng had not cared that Xiao Chen scolded him; in fact he was still shocked. The rumour that Xiao Chen jumped off Longshan cliff to commit suicide had long spread through the school. So initially when Chen Jinpeng saw Xiao Chen he was scared, but after, confirmed he was not a ghost. Chen Jingpeng sneered “Not dead, you certainly have good luck.”

At this time, Cao Yuliang walked over and saw Xiao Chen, a hint of surprise flashed through his eyes “Xiao Chen, a taxi driver said that you jumped off Longshan Cliff to commit suicide, it seems that those rumors were not true!”

“Big brother!” Chen Jingpeng said, he hurriedly threw Xiao Chen under the bus and said “Big brother, just before Xiao Chen dared to scold your subordinate by saying I was brain dead, what should we do?”

“Well now, we are at school.” Cao Yuliang beckoned with his hand, of course if they were not present at school he would act, but Cao Yuliang saw Cheng Mengying coming their way.

“Dreams do come true!” Cao Yuliang was currently feeling great; Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying had broken off their engagement, meaning he could freely pursue her.

Cheng Mengying paid no attention to Cao Yuliang, she saw Xian Chen, which was the reason she walked over. Cheng Mengying was confused in her mind, why did she walk over? Did she care about Xian Chen?

Before, Xiao Chen was pursuing Lin Keer and Shen Jingxuan while engaged to her, she had wanted to strangle him. She was his fiancée and he gave her no face by doing so. But when she heard Xiao Chen committed suicide, Cheng Mengying’s anger dissipated and worry filled its place.

“Eh… Why should I care about him? Yes, he used to be my fiancé, but now that engagement has been broken, meaning I have no responsibility towards him.” Cheng Mengying kept this in her heart.

But on the surface, she gave Xiao Chen a cold glance and said “Hmph! Good that you didn’t commit suicide or people would think that Cheng Jia persecuted you to death!

After she finished saying that, Cheng Mengying did not stay, turned around and left. Cao Yuliang thought that Cheng Mengying despised Xiao Chen, half followed and flattered her by saying “Ahh Miss Mengying, if that Xiao Chen fellow had died, your reputation would have been affected. I’m truly worried that when he does die, that people will berate you!

Cheng Mengying did not even look at Cao Yuliang, as she proceeded straight to the entrance of the school to enter her car.

“Xiao Chen, take it.” The one who spoke was Shen Jingxuan, she had passed an envelope to Xiao Chen, smiled, turned around and left.

Cao Yuliang’s attention was on Cheng Mengying, who naturally did not pay attention to them. But Chen Jingpeng saw, he held Shen Jingxuan in his heart. But she was also in the eyes of his brothers pursuit, thus he can only endure.

Xiao Chen took the envelope, which had the lingering warmth of Shen Jinguan. He did not consider that Shen Jingxuan liked him, as she could be said to be a noble lover, as she was kind to everyone. She would often take part in charity events and so the money she gave could be regarded as nothing.

Moreover this matter was incited by Cheng Mengying, this is what Xiao Chen believes. Only Cheng Mengying knew that he could not pay for his meal.

“Oh…” Xiao Chen put the money away, although it was not much, it would be used for food and clothing. It looks like his ex-fiancee’s heart was quite good, but was covered by her indifference.

This was especially prominent with Shen Jingxuan, as if Cheng Mengying treated her like she did to others, they would not be good friends.

Although he received money, he was not happy. This was because the news of him had spread around the school. Who was it that spread the rumour? Cheng Jingpeng? Cao Yuliang? Or was it the driver?

Who wanted to harm him? The taxi driver was probably an excuse; the rumour must have been spread by the murder. At best the taxi driver was told where to go, as why would he drive to Longshan cliff out of everywhere else?

Of course there’s a possibility that it was a coincidence, but he needed to focus on who spread the rumor at school.

“Sigh… One step at a time.” Xiao Chen thought that he should first increase his strength and then slowly find out the person who plotted against him. At the same time he was puzzle. Who would bother to kill a playboy? What advantages would that bring them?

Xiao Chen walked all the way back to his room, while being constantly pointed at. Xiao Chen turned a blind eye to these people, as he watched the rumors of him being alive spread.


  1. TL: Mental mantra was the cultivation technique that Tian Lao passed onto him. 
  2. TL: At this time he doesn’t know that the news about him had spread. 

Chapter 6 – The News from Campus Spread Too Fast

“Did you hear? That trash Xiao Chen committed suicide by jumping off a cliff!” This had quickly spread around campus and at this moment, people who knew Xiao Chen had formed smalls groups to discuss it.

“Did you hear the news about Xiao Chen?” After a student had heard the news, he said loudly “If I was expelled from my family, was a useless trash and was exposed of spending money on match-fixing, I would have also committed suicide!”

“Yes, without the blessing from his family, Xiao Chen is just trash…No that’s not right, even trash is better than what he is!” Another student joined in. Those students who were jealous of Xiao Chen previously, had now started to berate him.

“Xiao…Xiao Chen committed suicide?” Lin Keer had just entered the room and heard her classmates discussing the news of Xiao Chen. After hearing another group discuss it, her face paled as she continued to listen.

“Yes!” An admirer of Lin Keer replied as he paid no attention to her reaction. “But it’s great news! That ******* Xiao Chen won’t be able to harass you and now you’re free to be pursued by others!”

The adorers name was Dou Xiaonan. He was the young master of a medium sized family, who felt he was superior to others. But before the news of Xiao Chen, he would not dare act this way around him. To him, Lin keer had become Xiao Chen’s private goods, but now that he’s gone, he’s able to pursue her. ⌈1

“Who…Who said this?” Lin Keer looked at Dou Xiaonan as if he was lying. She couldn’t believe that Xiao Chen had committed suicide, she had just talked to him a few hours ago. How could he do this?

“It is said that a taxi driver had dropped him off at Longshan cliff.” Dou Xiaonan knew these were just rumours, but in his heart he wished that it was the truth. Adding fuel to the fire, he looked at Lin Keer and said “After the basketball tournament, Xiao Chen went to eat but had no money. This resulted in Cheng Mengying paying for his meal, this would have dealt a huge blow to Xiao Chen’s pride. In which he asked the driver to drop him off at Longshan Cliff and then jumped off.

Dou Xiaonan saw that this news had shaken Lin Keer. He had thought that it was because she was too happy that Xiao Chen had died and felt relieved.

As Lin Keer listened to Dou Xiaonan, her mind had gone blank. She did not dislike Xiao Chen, on the contrary she was very grateful towards him. Even if Xiao Chen had pestered her by pursuing her, he had not made it difficult for her at all, nor did he do anything to embarrass her.

Xiao Chen was her saviour, could he not overcome what had happened to him? Lin Keer could not understand, even if he wasn’t a part of the Xiao family, he could have become outstanding through his own efforts.

“Lin Keer, why do you not speak? Is it because you are too happy?” Dou Xiaonan thought that she was happy to hear the news and to be able to chat with him. But he would never expect that she was lost on how to handle what had just happened.

Lin Keer started crying, she could not accept it! Not because she liked Xiao Chen, but because she though Xiao Chen was a good person.

“Dou Xiaonan…. Is what you said the truth?” Another student asked as he overheard their conversation.

Of course! That taxi driver is always waiting outside our school’s entrance. He’s here every day, if you don’t believe me go ask him yourself.” Vowed Dou Xiaonan.

Cheng Mengying had also heard of the news regarding Xiao Chen. But her first reaction was not to talk about it with other but doubt it. Even if Xiao Chen committed suicide, how would the news spread so quickly?

She did not believe that the taxi driver would wait for Xiao Chen after he had been dropped off at Longshan Cliff. That he would leisurely watch him jump off the cliff. This made Cheng Mengying not believe what she had heard.

Certainly the news about Xiao Chen was false. Though she did not like the relation between her and Xiao Chen, she still knew the personality of the playboy. Even though Xiao Chen paid no attention to her in the slightest and pursued other women, she still knew of his mischievous actions. ⌈2

“Daydreaming about Xiao Chen?” Shen Jingxuan jokingly said. She was one of Cheng Mengying’s friends and had witnessed Xiao Chen harass a girl. Shen Jingxuan did not belong to one of the nine families, but from a mystical family. This made her the object of pursuit by sons from influential families.

Unlike Cheng Mengying who had a cold personality, she was warm to everyone, making people feel like spring’s breeze had swept over them.

“What do you think about the news? With this you will have lost a suitor, meaning less trouble for you.” Cheng Mengying did not want to admit that Xiao Chen had also pursued Shen Jingxuan, while he was engaged to her.

“I hope that the rumours are false, Xiao Chen was already born with bad luck.” Though Shen Jingxuan was concerned, she did not hold Xiao Chen in a special place. ⌈3

Cheng Mengying knows Shen Jingxuan’s personality, in truth, she also hoped that Xiao Chen has not died. Even though she dejected the engagement between her and Xiao Chen, as Shen Jingxuan said, he simply had bad luck. ⌈4

If were not for his grandfather, Xiao Chen would not be so unrestrained. Therefore Cheng Mengying always felt gratitude towards Xiao Chen, however did he ever put her in his eyes? ⌈5

Shaking her head, Cheng Mengying walked over to the book shelve to read and to forget about these things.

While the news was spreading around school, Xiao Chen had started to run back. This journey required him to run over twenty kilometres, though it would be difficult for normal people, every night for the past ten years he exercised to try cultivate his inner-energy. This naturally made his body very strong, if not he would be dead before he ran the whole way.

Certainly he could run halfway and use the remaining $40 or so dollars for a taxi. But currently Xiao Chen needed the money, so he continued to run. ⌈6

After sometime, Xiao Chen had made it to the school. To his surprise, the first person he bumped into was Chen Jingpeng!


  1. TLN: Dou Xiaonan = Small South 
  2. TLN: Slightly veered off from original translation. But made it in a way that made more sense as it previously disrupted the flow. 
  3. TLN: Referring to him not being able to cultivate inner-energy as “born with bad luck” 
  4. TLN: When it says “she also hopes…” It’s referring to her (Cheng Mengying). 
  5. TLN: Basically Xiao Chen not making trouble for her, thus her gratitude. 
  6. TLN: Remember, saving money is key! 

Chapter 5 – Martialist? Truth Cultivator!

“What am I meant to do when you hibernate?” Xiao Chen gawked. Secretly in his heart, he was surprised that he could fly up the cliff. In Xiao Chens mind, even if his father and several qi masters were to try, it would be impossible for them to succeed. It seems as if his master was a really great person, yet he didn’t recognize earlier.

“According to the cultivation method you used, it was to strengthen your qi. But the cultivation I will be showing you will enhance your spiritual strength!” Tian Lao said “Also don’t worry, I will wake up after a short amount of time. Once you become a genuine cultivator is when I will awake. But right now, let me help you before things become too difficult. ⌈1

How do I cultivate?” Xiao Chen was confused “What sort of power?”

“Previously you were trying to cultivate qi, but there is also true qi. Both are very similar, but are worlds apart. Most cultivate qi to become true qi but fail to do so. Only those who have a spiritual root are able to!” Tian Lao said “A warriors training for the body and a monks training for breathing. I will refine a method of techniques to teach you, which you will cultivate in.”

Although what Tian Lao had said was simple, to Xiao Chen it was extremely shocking! Cultivating true qi? Was there truly such a thing? This was the first time he had heard of “true qi”, then again, to be able to cultivate true qi, one must have spiritual roots which was rarely found.

“Yes Master!” Xiao Chen excitedly said.

Tian Lao did not reply, but suddenly, Xiao Chen felt as if his mind was being stretched to its limit. Multitude of information regarding cultivation techniques appeared in his mind!

“I will be momentarily taking over your body” Tian Lao said this as he finished transferring the information to Xiao Chen. To Xiao Chen’s surprise, he could not control an inch of his body. All he could do was watch what his eyes could see.

“Master…How are you?” Xiao Chen asked through is mind.

“I’m fine, your body is truly weak. This is consuming more of my soul than I thought. We’ve only just met and you’re already causing so much trouble for me! Such a high cliff, truly bothersome.” This was all said by Tian Lao through his mouth, which made it awkward for Xiao Chen to hear his own voice.

Well…If I didn’t fall you wouldn’t have been able to inhabit my body!” Xiao Chen thought to himself.

“Ha-ha! Well said! In the past, I was seriously injured and pursued to this cliff. It was fate for you to be brought here.”

“Master was able to fly over the cliff?” Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

“At the time I was injured… No forget about it. It’s in the past.” Suddenly Tian Lao jumped and flew straight up the cliff.

Xiao Chen looked with amazement. With a single jump, he was able to soar this high. By cultivating true qi, who would be able to rival him?

“Different roads will converge. There’s not a set path to a destination!” Xiao Chens thoughts were as plain as day, Tian Lao spoke “Remember, do not underestimate a warrior, It was a warrior that beat me down this cliff.” ⌈2

“Hisss” Xiao Chen hissed as he felt that his good mood was washed away by Tian Lao’s words.

“Of course if I was not injured already, he wouldn’t have been able to kill me!” But Xiao Chen did not know whether to laugh or cry at his reply.

After Tian Lao spoke, he had landed on top of the cliff. Soon after, Xiao Chen was able to resume control of his body.

“Master, you are truly strong! With just one leap we were able to traverse up the cliff!” Xiao Chen was unable to hold in his excitement.

However, Tian Lao did not reply to Xiao Chen. An eerie silence could be felt.

“Master?” Xiao Chen called out once more.
But he received no reply. Xiao Chen then remembered the words that were spoken before, that for them to make it up the cliff, Tian Lao would use up all his soul power and enter hibernation. Only when Xiao Chen reaches a certain point in his cultivation, will he be able to supplement his master and wake him for his slumber.

Xiao Chen stood there thinking, he decided he would cultivate as hard as possible to achieve his goal as soon as possible.

Just a few hours ago, Xiao Chen was standing right where he was. The only difference is that he now has a goal and a way to achieve it. This had increased Xiao Chen’s morale and filled up his fighting spirit.

However as he ran away from the cliff, he was unable to see any taxi’s. This dampened his mood, thus he began his journey to school.


  1. TLN: Tian Lao is the spirit that inhabits him. I don’t think it was mentioned in Chapter 4. 
  2. TLN: I think they are calling people who practice QI warriors. 

Chapter 4 – Becoming an Apprentice

Xiao Chen can’t help but being afraid. Although he never experienced this type of thing, he has heard numerous people talking about it. In this moment a spirit has entered in his body. Of course, but, who possessed him?

“Possessed?” This rashly voice, like it’s was not worth, started to laugh. “Of course, just now I used the magic gate to enter into your body, because possessing your body was not the most appropriate thing to do, it leads to a lot of problems. I’m merely living inside. I only exist in your body and that’s all.”

“Ah…” Xiao Chen relaxes, after all, its appear that this spirit didn’t possessed him. If not, why he would explain me many things? And not only that, he found that he has yet his free will so he took a deep breath and asked: “Who spirit… are you? Why did you choose to enter in my body?”

“Who I am? There is no meaning for you to know in the meantime. As for the reason why I entered in your body, is because your physique and mine are similar. Just in the time that you jumped down to the precipice, my soul was there. So right away I deposited myself in your body!” That voice faintly explained.

“Similar physique? You still think about possessing me?” Scared, Xiao Chen jumped and said it angry! Still, he sighed with sadness. I didn’t die from falling to the precipice but instead I must be possessed by a spirit?

“Don’t get excited, Xiao Chen!” One more time the voice echoed but this time with some funny tone: “You have to thank me because if not were for me entering into your body in the air at the time that you were falling, you would be by now a meat patty!”

“Why… Why you know my name? You are able to read… my mind?” Xiao Chen frightened asked.

“You are forgetting something; I’m inside your body. As long as you think, I can communicate with you, so you don’t need to speak with your mouth.” This voice continued explaining: “As for possessing your body, I’m not really interested. And even though your body and mine resemble, they only look alike and nothing more! Is not good if I possess your body, your thoughts will be lost, or rather, they are going to fuse with mine and form a new person…”

“Although it happened this way… Thank you for saving my life.” He didn’t know why he was talking loud but perhaps is because it was inside of his body. That let feel to Xiao Chen that he was being sincere, that he wasn’t deceiving him.

“This old man didn’t save you for nothing!” This voice let feel Xiao Chen that he didn’t care about his gratitude. “I only save you to saving me! I have some unfinished business and I want you to help me to fulfill them!”

“What?” The mind of Xiao Chen was filled with emotions! “You said that you didn’t save me from your kindness? But that you had to!?”

“Oh… Your father is missing and you were expulsed from your clan, even they declined your marriage. And the one who was your little brother is now bulling you… Tsk… It seems that you had a miserable life since birth…” Suddenly, the voice with a sarcastic tone said.

“****! You *******, you are peeping into my privacy!” Xiao Chen was thoroughly angry, so much that he had the urge to beat someone. Even if he raised his fist, who’s going to hit? Don’t tell me that I have to punch myself? That wouldn’t be idiotic?

“I only looked casually, rest assured; I don’t have any evil intention. I only looked to your recently memories, and that’s all.” This voice said it indifferently.“ You have a good physique but yet, you’ve finished this way. Tsk, tsk, it’s really lamentable!”

“You old *******, what you think that you’re saying?” Xiao Chen was gnashing his teeth in anger, but he didn’t have any other choice but to have this spirit inside of his body. I cannot beat him and insult him… Because it appears that it doesn’t have any effect in this brazen old *******!

“You don’t want to become strong?” The voice didn’t said it like a joke, but it was full of temptation.

Xiao Chen who was thinking of insult him later, suddenly thought about the words of this spirit. “A good physique?” What is a good physique in your eyes? Xiao Chen is not idiot, so thinking about testing this voice, he said: “Don’t tell me that you know about a method to cultivate inner energy?”

“No!” This voice said quite straightforward.

“…” Xiao Chen had a suddenly impulse of walking away. “You are not going to ask what is?”

“Maybe, you are saying that there are other methods? You don’t have to cultivate inner energy to become someone strong?” The voice said like he was asking to himself.

“You… You are saying that do you have other way to cultivate, but that has the same effect as the inner energy?” Xiao Chen staring blankly asked at once.

“Hehe, that’s right!” The voice sure of what it said, said: “Otherwise, how can I let you help me to fulfill my wish? But everything depends of your talent?”

“Good. As long as you make me strong, in exchange I will fulfill your wish!” Xiao Chen slightly hesitated but then he made his decision. Sure of what he said, he said: “But before coming to an agreement, you have to let me handle a dangerous affair, if not, I can’t go!

“Hehe, certainly, that’s beyond my control. My first wish before dying was to accept a disciple. Xiao Chen, before accepting you as disciple you have to kowtow!” The laughter of that voice was filled with vulgarity.

“Becoming an apprentice?” Xiao Chen was staring blankly, but suddenly he understood that he was deceived: “I must become a disciple; you are my master now. But if I do what I want to do, where is our agreement?”

“When I said that this is a deal? You’re the one who said it!” The voice nevertheless continued speaking: “I will say again. Among my wishes, one of them was to have a disciple!”

“You…” Xiao Chen opened his eyes, stunned; he didn’t know what to say.

“Good. Frankly speaking, you are going to be my only and sole disciple. So how could I let you enter into a pit of fire? If you recognize me as your master, then you would gain only benefits!” That voice laughed.

“Good, I recognize you as my master!” Xiao Chen was thinking that he has no other choice but to only rely on this spirit. He trained more than ten years without effect. If there are other methods, he would have used them long ago!

“Good. Before becoming a disciple there is the ceremony. Forget about escaping, I can’t come out from your body and you can’t worship yourself!” Hearing that, Xiao Chen was fully satisfied: “You can call me master or Tian Lao.”

“Master, what should I do now? This precipice… How I can go back?” Since Xiao Chen naturally accepted this Tian Lao as his master, he was no longer confused.

“You don’t have to worry about returning!” Tiao Lao nevertheless said: “My spiritual force is already weak, but I can make you able to temporarily fly over the precipice but then I would exhaust all of my remaining spiritual force. Afterwards, I will enter into hibernation.”


  1. N/a

Chapter 3 – Possessed by a Spirit?

When going away from the food stall, the face of Xiao Chen was perplexed. Originally he thought that even if the hard work yielded no result, he will be the Xiao clan’s heir. As long as he marry Cheng Mengying and had children, then those children would put their foot on the martial road. In that way the Xiao clan wouldn’t say anything.

After all, the life of a warrior is long. His father, Xiao Chen was rare genius of his generation so they would have patience with his grandson to grow.

So he had a plan. He would fake being an ignorant and incompetent rich boy. He would also pick hot girls and indulge himself in a life of debauchery.

Besides the inner branch of the Xiao clan, Xiao Chen successfully fooled all the people and nobody thought that Xiao Chen force himself to cultivate every day for ten years like a madman.

What he didn’t expect is that his father would disappear and Cheng Mengying’s uncle, the most promising youngster of his generation, would be also missing from the small team which his father led into the trial. The news from the outside world said that because the mistakes in making decision, Xiao Chen’s father, Xiao Feng, resulted in the whole trial team killed. They said that his father ruined the lives of those people and their future prospect in the trials.

Cheng master’s son was furious, so they put under pressure the Xiao clan, resulting in the expulsion of him from his clan!

The Cheng clan is an old martial clan, and can be compared either with the four big clans of the Songning city or the small five clan’s head. In the northwest is one of the very best, and it was natural because they were one of those few ancient martial clans on the Daxia Country but not only that, the clan was born here. They are a transcendent existence, a clan where the martial arts were passed through hundreds of years.

The Xiao clan, Chen clan and the Cao clan were that type of existence, but almost ten years ago, the Cheng clan rose abruptly as a clan. They also cultivate but the Chen clan’s heritage cannot be compared! There are nine clans on the Songning city, but the ranking is not always the same, they regularly held a clan meeting where they will be re ranked according to the comprehensive strength of each clan.

The ranking has always changed more or less but never the ranking of the Cheng clan!

Therefore, being married with the Cheng Clan would mean the rapidly advance of their respective clans. That’s what they thought and because the head of their clans, Xiao Feng and Cheng Zhenfei were training from childhood under the same person, from early they fixed a marriage for Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying.

“Kid, need a car?” In the moment when he was hesitating, a taxi stopped besides Xiao Chen. The driver estimated that because he was standing foolishly there, that maybe he was waiting for a car.

Xiao Chen looked blankly at him, but he still nodded. He didn’t want to stay anymore in the school, because if he stays he would be ridiculed. He wants a quiet place to think about the future.

Now that he was without clan, without father, he must plan his life all for himself.

“As you like, I need to find a peaceful place!” Xiao Chen opens the taxi’s door.

“A peaceful place? Kid, you have someplace in mind?” The taxi driver distracted asked.

“En, a place where you can’t find people.” He didn’t want to talk much; he went to the point and nodded.

Without asking why, the taxi driver launched its small car leaving behind the food stall.

Xiao Chen doesn’t know but not long ago after he left on the taxi, a black Audi car was behind them, the model was an A6L. It was pretty ordinary but if you don’t have a professional anti reconnaissance capability you wouldn’t notice it.

The taxi stopped on the edge of a cliff of the Longshan Mountain. This place was a tourist attraction. A company brought this place with the intention of developing into a business, however in this moment; this place is an unmanned place. In summer, lovers come here to have a love affair but now it was autumn, so the wind is quite big on the precipice. That’s why was actually uninhabited.

But for Xiao Chen, this place is perfect. It was possible to calm down his heart. The blowing wind was clearing his head.

What happened today was so much and because he was expulsed from his clan, he had much time to think about just before participating on the friendly match of basketball. Xiao Chen paid the driver and went to sit on the edge of the precipice. He was looking at a bottomless cliff, lost in his thoughts…

From now on what I’m going to do? I don’t have inner strength. Xiao Chen is no different to an ordinary person, but even in the clan, ordinary people were not expulsed, so he was inferior to them.

Originally, he was a good-for-nothing young master, but he thought that he was quite intelligent, fooling everyone, but now that he lost everything, he understood that he was only a little smart.

When Xiao Chen was contemplating the scenery, he does not know who but someone pushed him violently with a kick!

“****!” Xiao Chen curses in rage, his body was falling down slowly though the precipice. Who the hell can be so cruel?

Wind was whistling on his ears and the bottomless cliff left Xiao Chen forehead covered with cold sweat!

I’m going to die? Xiao Chen’s eyes flashed a hint of unwilling! After all, who is going to kill himself? The person who pushed him has inner strength. Xiao Chen felt that if they hadn’t used inner strength, then he wouldn’t fall so easily. The distance from where he sat to the precipice was at least two meters or more. Ordinary people would only make him stumble because it would be impossible to push him downwards the precipice given the distance!

Although all this years he couldn’t train inner energy, his body was sturdier than average people. That was the fruit of his effort, the effort of training every day in the night.

However, now this effort has become meaningless. He felt helpless seeing getting closer more and more to the end of the precipice…

“Bang——“ A loud sound. Xiao Chen felt all of his organs shattered, then, he lost consciousness…

He doesn’t know how many time passed, but suddenly, he heard a sound who let Xiao Chen absolutely terrified!

Because that sound didn’t come from hearing, rather, it comes from inside of his mind!

“Wake up… Wake up…” That sound was spinning on his mind. Scared, he did a great jump but he was not aware that he jumped suddenly!

“Who? Who is it?” Xiao Chen even forgot that he was pushed down from the precipice but also he didn’t have time to think about why he didn’t die. Rather, he looked everywhere looking for the sound source.

“I.” A somewhat old sound echoed again. Inmmedialty his face was covered with horror!

Because he practiced martial arts, Xiao Chen is not a coward, he already saw countless dead people, but the scene in front of him surpassed a normal situation!

“You… Who are you? Where are you?” Asked Xiao Chen shortness of breath.

“I’m inside of your body!” Said the voice.

“What… What joke are you saying?” Said Xiao Chen subconsciously, but he still looked down, lowering his head, looking at himself. But there was no difference on him

“You thought that I was joking? I’m a spirit/soul. In this moment I’m inside your body.” The voice said it indifferent.

“A spirit? In my body? I’m… possessed?” When Xiao Chen spat the word “possessed” his face turned white.


  1. N/a

Chapter 2 – Fiancée

Because the intense exercise and a little of hunger, Xiao Chen wanted to go to the school cafeteria to eat something. But when he went outside, he stopped his movement. On the cafeteria, the food was really expensive and he was not more the Xiao Clan’s young master. His bank card is already frozen and the sports car was left in where his clan was. In this moment, the ear of Xiao Chen was echoing with what his uncle said at noon: You are not more the Xiao clan’s young master, you were expulsed! None of what the clan has is yours!

These words, my uncle said these words? Even if I was expulsed, they didn’t left me anything. In this moment, Xiao Chen understood everything. That in the so called famous Xiao Clan there is no room for affection? Xiao Chen didn’t believe that these things could be able to happen in the clan.

He turned around and went to the food stall in front of the school. Before he “disdained” coming here to eat, because the cafeteria on the school could be compared with a five stars restaurant so it’s was natural that the price would be inconvenient high. Before Xiao Chen did not have concepts like money.

“What do you want to eat, schoolmate?” The food stall’s boss passionately asked Xiao Chen.

Even if he asked him passionately, Xiao Chen was confused with so many food names in front of him. He never ate these bizarre things. What is barbecue bibimbap? The barbecue is not Western-style food? So how can be this bibimbap?

“One portion of… Stir-Fried noodles with vegetables.” Xiao Chen can only pick something familiar to him.

“Good, wait a moment, right away!” The boss answered and went to start making the food.

The food came quickly. Xiao Chen was looking to the strange appearance of what has to be stir-fried noodles. It was called stir-fried noodles with vegetables, but scattered in the noodles were a few small squid, letting Xiao Chen with overwhelming feelings. But the smell was quite good? Xiao Chen was hungry so he didn’t bother himself and picked chopsticks and started to put the food in his mouth.

He was a rich boy before but he never ate these things, not because he didn’t wanted, but because he didn’t have the chance.

“Hm? This is not the Xiao clan’s young master? Why is he eating in this place? Don’t tell me that the rich have a repulsive preference?” A ear-piercing sound came to his ears, and the voice was familiar. The voice’s owner is Cao Yuliang. Cao Yuliang was the same that Xiao Chen and Chen Yipeng, one of the four big clans on the Songning City.

But the Xiao clan and the Cao clan doesn’t get along well. So between him and Cao Yulian, always is hostility because they were the same, a young master of a big clan whom couldn’t cultivate inner energy.

Coldly looking at Cao Yuliang, he stands up and asks the food stall owner, “Boss, how much is?”

A strong person doesn’t let others provoke easily and because Xiao Chen was expulsed from his clan, it was natural for Cao Yuliang to try to start a dispute, which was his purpose in being here. He believes that he has enraged me, only waiting for the chance of humiliating me, but Xiao Chen wouldn’t let him get away with it.

“The sea food is ten bucks.” The owner said.

“Good…” Xiao Chen brings his hand to his wallet, but he didn’t felt anything in his pocket. His complexion changes immediately! The wallet was missing! Don’t tell me that I lost the wallet on the basketball match?

“Ha! The great young master from the Xiao Clan has not money? Could be that he wanted to eat without paying? It’s no wonder why before Chen Jipeng also had to pay him his restaurant bill. If you want I can call him for you?” Cao Yuliang was joking while looking at Xiao Chen. He was already making gestures of bringing out his phone.

“Young Cao, the Xiao clan’s young master is planning to use a credit card! Because of his status, how would be possible for him to pay in cash?” One of the henchmen of Cao Yuliang said.

“But, ah, is pity that here doesn’t accept a diamond credit cards!” Another of the henchmen said.

“Boss… My wallet is missing. Can I pay you the next time?” Xiao Chen took a deep breath, telling himself on his heart that a tiger doesn’t need to fall to the level of a dog.

The boss saw Xiao Chen embarrassed look, that he seemed really have a trouble. And for his clothes he didn’t seem like he would eat and run. He was thinking that the money he needed to pay was not much so he said: “All right, next time!”

“Boss, that is not good! You don’t have to indulge yourself with this scumbag who eat and run! Look at this brat; with his clothes he resembles a swindler!” But Cao Yuliang stopped Xiao Chen from going out.

“Boss, this can’t be! You can’t tolerate such people eat meals and run away! If we say that also don’t have any money, then it’s all right? What is going to be of your business if it’s like this?” The followers of Cao Yuliang like parrots repeated.

“This…” Listening to Cao Yuliang and his followers, the boss hesitated. If he hesitates and pick a fight with them for letting Xiao Chen go away without paying, then his business days would be done.

“Boss, I will pay for him.” One clear sound echoed. That sound let Xiao Chen from his feet to his head shocked.

It was Chen Mengying, she was one from the five small clan of the four big clans, the eldest daughter from the Chen clan’s head. But her identity was his fiancé, or he should say his former fiancé!

“Although he was your fiancé, Mengying, he was expelled from his clan, so why are you going to pay for him?” The complexion of Cao Yuliang’s face changed slightly. He didn’t expect that a new issue would arise because this is not what he wanted to see: “Of course, I will not let you sympathize with him, but let me tell you this, I will let the Chen Clan be aware of this, and certainly our grandfather…”

But Cheng Mengying didn’t respond Cao Yuliang instead she took out of a hundred dollar bill and handed to the boss.

“Take my money.” Xiao Chen eyes glanced at Cheng Mengying going away. He shook his head, this time he did not care about the self-respect that he had to possess being the Xiao clan’s young master. Nobody considers him as the young master, only like a target to ridicule, so what if they put airs of importance?

Before his disguise, Xiao Chen was too lazy to pretend in front of Cao Yuliang.

“Good.” The boss didn’t think more and returned back ninety dollars to Xiao Chen.

“Hahaha, you really are a hopeless case. You would ask for money to a woman? You are hopeless, Xiao Chen! If I were you I would be better dead than doing that!” Cao Yuliang was making big noise. Perhaps was to make Chen Mengying deliberately hear, but even so, she was walking in a relaxed way, without the slightest pause like she didn’t heard nothing!

Xiao Chen was coldly looking on the Cao Yuliang’s eyes. “If you came to eat then sit down, if not, be like a good dog and don’t block the road.”

“What did you say!?” One of the henchmen of Cao Yuliang came out and was about to puch Xiao Chen.

“Forget it. What meaning is in beating someone who fell down? Let him get lost.” Cao Yuliang waved his hands then he sat on the next table and said: “Boss, one roasted beef over rice.”

Some of his little brothers also despise seeing Xiao Chen so they sat beside Cao Yuliang.

Xiao Chen had to admit, Cao Yuliang is in some ways was better than him, at least he knows what there is in this small store…

Looking the figure of Xiao Chen walking away, Cao Yuliang had a fierce expression when looking at Xiao Chen but immediately he changed it! You want to fight with me? If what you want is a fight, I will give to you!


  1. N/a

Chapter 1 – The Young Master in Dire Straits and The School’s Prettiest Girl


A burst of applause came from the stands when Xiao Chen sent flying the basketball from his hands. Their applauses were ear-piercing and reached Xiao Chen’s ears.

Blocked! The way he took the ball humiliating Xiao Chen, let Xiao Chen with the mouth open when looking at Chen Jinpeng!

Inner energy! Chen Jinpeng was secretly using inner energy!

Under normal circumstances it’s unlikely for warriors to use their inner energy. Because, what is the meaning of using it in a friendly match? Otherwise, unless the other party provokes them, warriors disdain using their inner energy to bully people.”

Xiao Chen looked gloomily at his side; looking like Chen Jinpeng snatched the ball to the extent that he even forgot that his hands were swollen! Chen Jinpeng was formerly his little brother, ah, so this match was under his hands?


Moments later the sound of a whistle was heard together with sounds of cheers due to Chen Jinpeng succeeding in shooting at the last moment!

He used again inner energy! Xiao Chen knows that if from the far distance where Chen Jinpeng was, the only way to succeed would be using inner energy!

“Chen Jinpeng… You are quite good…” Even if Xiao Chen was mentally strong, but with one blow after another, he was unable to restrain his anger coming out from his chest!

“What are you looking? You still believe that you are the Xiao clan’s young master? You were expulsed from your clan, so looking at one place to hide you came running to this sport ground to oppress us? You still think that you are the center of attention? If it were not by your daddy being close and bribing your teammates you would have lost every time. What do you think that you were?” Chen Jinpeng was ridiculing Xiao Chen. In his eyes, he was superior and Xiao Chen was like an ant!

“Match-fixing ah? It’s no wonder why he lost so miserably. Xiao Chen still believes that he is the center of attention but he was always a waste!” Hearing his classmates in this moment, Xiao Chen understood that what Chen Jinpeng was doing. He was starting a crusade against him.

“You are a scumbag ah, you’ve been fixing matches. Now I know why his skill was so bad after Chen Jinpeng took his ball each time. Indeed, he is a huge trash!”

In the past, these people wouldn’t have dared to go against Xiao Chen in that way. Xiao Chen is currently attending a nobility school, and although the families of those people were wealthy and respectable, but to compare them with the Xiao Clan which is one of the four big clans on this Songning City, it was like the sky and the earth!

But Xiao Chen was expulsed from the Xiao clan, and not only that, he was deeply hatred by one of the heads of the four big clans, the Chen clan. So no matter if what Chen Jinpeng said was true or false, these people would follow him like parrots!

Xiao Chen was looking coldly at everyone on the sport ground, nevertheless he didn’t say anything. They don’t know what they say. In fact, Chen Jinpeng’s skill with the ball was inferior to Xiao Chen’s skill and he was only able to beat him because he used inner energy!

But, who is going to believe that? How many people of them know what inner energy is? And even if they were aware of the inner energy, who would come to save him of this predicament? He was no more the Xiao clan’s young master. Now that the Xiao clan’s head was missing, the formerly little brother, stepped over taking the head…

“Sigh…“ Xiao Chen shakes his head. Why? Why I was expulsed from the Xiao clan? It’s because I couldn’t train inner energy? Xiao Chen put great effort training since childhood, but who looked at him?

Xiao Chen is the master’s only son, but because his physique was bad, from the beginning he wasn’t able to cultivate inner energy.

This year Xiao Chen endured great pressure. The heir of all the four big clans must be an outstanding warrior. Only a warrior would be able to defeat the rest and push their family forward.

Before, Xiao Chen didn’t had other choice but to assume the appearance of a young master so he spent money like water, if not they wouldn’t be able to save their face and the other three clans together with other five small clans would laugh when looking at the waste heir.

Being incapable of protecting himself, he had to make others believe he was harmless.

He worked hard to cultivate every day for ten years in the dead of the night on the Xiao clan’s basement. From it came a sound of exercise, however, he hadn’t received nothing from the heavens in return of his great effort.

His father went missing and next he was expelled from the clan, even the marriage with the Chen clan was withdrawn. He was still a guy without the ability to protect himself!

Xiao Chen takes a deep breath. Regardless of his previous display, the Chen son’s head hates him but people who hit a person who fell down can be found everywhere.

The basketball match had finished and everyone on his side had dispersed. The people who wanted to have a relationship with the Chen clan went to celebrate alongside Chen Jinpeng.

“Xiao… Xiao Chen.” The somewhat nervous voice but still pleasant for the ear was accompanied by a beautiful image of a woman which appeared in front of the Xiao Chen.

This person who was wearing a school uniform is a simple and plain girl. Although she was simple, she could not hide her natural beauty.

“Lin Keer?” In front of his eyes is the commoner girl who was regarded as the most beautiful of the school. And it was natural for her stand in front of Xiao Chen, because before, she was pursued and harassed by Xiao Chen.

Actually, you could say that Xiao Chen is Lin Keer’s benefactor. Behind the school, in an alley, she encountered a hoodlum who wanted to harass her. Just in time, that scene caught the eye of Xiao Chen. He ordered to Chen Jinpeng and a few of his guys to stop the hoodlum and beat him. As result, the scene looked like a hero saving a beauty.

And although she is grateful, she didn’t expected that the next day she would be pursued in the school by Xiao Chen. He sent her love letters and roses, so the heart and soul of Lin Keer who only wanted to study diligently collapsed.

And the only thing that she could do was to hide from Xiao Chen.

Fortunately for her, Xiao Chen was only a playboy and contrary to what you would expect he didn’t make of the issue a big one.

That she came to find him, let Xiao Chen startled.

“I… I heard that you were expelled from your clan… And not only that, they canceled the marriage…” Lin Leer face was red, even she stuttering when speaking: “But… You don’t have to give up and fell in despair. If you don’t give up and study hard, making a great effort, then you will be able to become an outstanding person… Then… at that time, I… I will let you chase… chase me…”

After finishing her words, she seemed to have spent all the force of his body. On her forehead also appeared sweat. His delicate face was covered with crimson. After lowering her head, she didn’t dare to look at the Xiao Chen’s eyes. Turning around, she started to run…

Seeing her walking away, Xiao Chen can’t help but force a smile. He sighs at this kindheartedly and innocent small girl. Again he can’t help but sighs with sorrow. These years she only thought that I was playboy? Probably she thinks that I’m depressed?

Xiao Chen doesn’t know but inside of the school, a small scale rumor has started to spread! Lin Keer may have heard the rumor, so she plucked up courage to find Xiao Chen.

For this simple Lin Kerr, how much courage she needed to speak these few words?


  1. N/a

Chapter 178 – The Descendant of Deity

The last few who intruded did not say a single word and directly pounced towards Xiao Chen. They were merciless and aimed for a fatal blow all at once. The sword-qi were exceptionally dazzling in the night sky.

Xiao Chen couldn’t remain sitting anymore. He stood up and grabbed the ancient spear Pasteur as he took a step forward. He waved the ancient spear with momentum of total annihilation. The thunderous storm roared as bloody light filled the entire sky.

“Pfff! Pfff!”

The blood splashed everywhere as four corpses fell on the courtyard. They were each around thirty odd years. Their throat seemed to have been cut by a knife blade as the bloody spear swept past. These four practitioners were more or less around the level of the Sixth Celestial Layer. As far as Xiao Chen was concerned, they were nothing. They were obviously dispatched by their sect to interfere with Xiao Chen’s breakthrough.


The Azure Dragon King let out a roar and pounced over. The target ———— Tenax! Azure divine radiance flashed like a raging inferno. Its pair of eyes were ice-cold, as if it had already forgotten it was once acquainted with Xiao Chen.

Tenax proudly swung its head as it let out a dragon roar and pounced over.


The person in the shadow flew upwards swiftly and disappeared in a short while. It seemed like he was only delivering the Azure Dragon King to this place.

The Azure Dragon King let out a muffled roar. Its pair of dragon eyes were actually filled with bloodlust. The two Dragon Kings clashed fiercely. One after another, green divine radiance burst out unceasingly. The Azure Dragon King had obviously unlocked quite a few divine abilities peculiar to the dragons. This one odd year, its power had advanced by leaps and bounds. It was no longer the same little cub from the Dragon Island anymore. Moreover, its tail had already evolved into the Ancestral Dragon tail.

And on the other hand, Tenax did not burst out with any divine radiance. It was completely relying on the unique dragon martial skill to fight at close quarters. It was like a seasoned practitioners, every step it took was extremely profound. One couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration. Those were the most effective footworks. And its attack was also incomparably sharp. The claws, the tail, the head, and even its horns were moving in sync. Each part of its body was a sharp weapon in its own right. As it clashed with the Azure Dragon, even if it was facing one dragon magic after another, it did not fall behind a tiny bit. On the contrary, it was steadily pressuring the Azure Dragon King!

The dragon martial skill was an extraordinary skill!

Keke moved back to Xiao Chen’s side, sweeping all directions cautiously with its big black eyes.

There were only two more enemies left at the site. One of them was that rough-looking middle-aged man. In fact, his power was definitely at the Historia realm. Otherwise it was impossible for him to show up. Just the energy fluctuation emitted by him was already enough to destroy a pavilion.

The other one should be a young girl. Although her body was covered by a black fog, Xiao Chen was still able to make out her silhouette. At present, his spiritual sense was especially keen, he had already realized this was a very beautiful girl. It’s just that… the other party was intentionally concealing herself, so it was not possible to see her hazy visage clearly.

The golden-furred ape beside the mysterious girl looked very powerful. It’s just that… its expression was too vicious. It stared at Keke coldly, as if it wanted to devour the little critter.


The snow-white little critter panted with rage. It was a very discontent tone. It waved its little beast paws without restraint. The rainbow-colored light screen quickly launched towards the one meter tall golden ape.

In that instant, the golden light flashed. The ape’s body seemed to have transformed into metal. Moreover, inexhaustible amount of divine flame was rising from its body. It let out a growl and also waved one of its beastly claw.

The golden ray of light transformed into a light blade and ruthlessly cut towards the rainbow-colored radiance.


A dull noise transmitted from the sky. The rainbow-colored light screen was temporarily held back by the golden light blade.

This made Keke really angry. Its glittering big eyes burst forth with two divine glints. It was no longer looking lively and mischievous. In a flash, it became serious and earnest as it pushed its little beast claws forward with all its might. The rainbow-colored radiance instantly increased in size dramatically and kept the golden light under control in a short while. After that, it was launched towards the golden ape.

Xiao Chen was very shocked. Although Keke had gained the upper hand, it was already enough to tell how powerful and terrifying the golden ape was. It was actually able to hold Keke back, even for a short while. This had never happened before. One must know that nobody below the demigod level had ever blocked the rainbow-colored radiance. It was always one swipe, hundred down. As long as the rainbow-colored divine radiance was launched, nobody could stop it.

What kind of sacred beast was this? It was actually so mighty. Its divine ability was really exceptionally powerful.


The golden ape faced upwards and let out a long howl. The golden light all over its body became brighter. It forcibly stopped that rainbow-colored light screen that was about to cover it up, making the rainbow-colored light screen unable to touch it for the time being.

With a soft sigh, that mysterious girl started to talk, “Is it possible to make the snow-white little critter stop? I actually don’t have any evil intention. I just wanted to test Goldie’s strength.”

The voice was very sweet and very pleasant to listen to. Under normal circumstances, this should be a peerless beauty.

However, tonight was too delicate. Who could say for sure she was really not an enemy? Even if she’s a peerless beauty, she’s nothing more than a skeleton in front of Xiao Chen at present. He remained unfazed. Everyone who arrived at this place had temporarily been labelled by him as enemy.

Xiao Chen ignored the words of the mysterious girl.


The rainbow-colored radiance fell down and instantly enveloped the golden ape. It was being trapped within the rainbow-colored radiance, unable to move an inch. Following closely, Keke waved its hairy little beast paws and lifted the golden ape into the air from a distance. The rainbow colored-radiance firmly imprisoned the golden ape. Then it was ruthlessly smashed onto the ground by Keke.


The smoke and dust filled the air as the golden ape jumped up. It faced upward and let out a furious roar. The golden fur all over its body erected. It looked very violent. One after another, golden rays — that looked like sword-qi — rushed out from its body.

“Goldie, don’t move!” The mysterious girl stopped the furious golden ape. She extended one of her lily-white hands to quell its anger. Only then did the golden ape slowly calm down.

However, Keke hardly appreciated the kindness. It was waving its little beast paws angrily, about to make its move again.

Xiao Chen hastily put a stop to it. As long as the mysterious girl no longer made her move, he was also unwilling to continue this massacre.

Now, the middle-aged man standing at the side let out a sneer, “I originally thought you only have a rare Dragon King at your side. Never have I thought that pampered little critter is also this powerful. I really underestimated you.”

“Squeak…” Keke felt that it had been disrespected. It was shouting furiously, as if it was saying, “What about you?!” Then it waved its little beast paw with a whoosh and firmly trapped the middle-aged man within the rainbow-colored radiance.

The middle-aged man had an inconceivable expression. He finally experienced the snow-white little critter’s power first-hand. However, he did not believe it was able to seal a Historia level expert like him.

But now, it was too late for regret!

“How is this possible? It’s still so young!” This was the lamentation in the heart of the Historia level expert.


Keke smashed the Historia level expert onto the ground all of a sudden. After that, it imprisoned him again with the rainbow-colored divine radiance, lifting him into midair and smashing downwards repeatedly. Even an ironman would break into pieces like this.

After a few dozen times, the middle-aged man was already bleeding from his nose and mouth.

Xiao Chen made Keke stop and asked the middle-aged man, “Which clan are you from? I’ll only ask this once, silence means death!” It was very straightforward, he didn’t drag the issue.

“Hmph!” The middle-aged man gave a cold snort in return.

Xiao Chen did not say any more nonsense, he directly walked in front of the rainbow-colored light screen and brandished the ancient spear that once killed the gods in his hand. With a “Pfff,” the ancient spear pierced the middle-aged man’s chest. Blood gushed out non-stop.

He didn’t pierce the heart, but it was also a deadly blow.

“Don’t kill me! I am from the Reagan family, I am Hofmann’s uncle! Among the few corpses in the courtyard, two of them are also from my family.” In the face of death, the middle-aged man no longer have an air of arrogance. Not only did he straightforwardly declared his identity, he also provided unnecessary information.


Xiao Chen shook the spear in his hand and directly pierced the middle-aged man’s heart. The middle-aged man let out a miserable shriek. The glint in his eyes gradually became dimmer as he muttered under his breath, “You are so ruthless… I already told you everything, yet you still killed me…”

“I told you, I will only ask once and didn’t want to talk nonsense. I gave you a chance, but you didn’t grasp it. I killed you as promised.” Xiao Chen directly split him in half with the divine spear. After that, he muttered, “This enmity with your family is set in the stone!”

On the other side, Tenax and the Azure Dragon King had already decided victory or defeat. Tenax defeated the Azure Dragon King with the dragon martial skill. It tore apart a large area of flesh and finally used its pair of horns to launch a divine radiance that knocked down the Azure Dragon King.

During the entire fight, Tenax only used the dragon magic once, it was indeed incomparably proud.

“Keke, seal it and don’t get it get away!” Xiao Chen shouted.

Keke launched a divine radiance and enveloped the Azure Dragon King in a flash, sealing it for good.

Xiao Chen knew something must have happened to Lawrence. And relying on his instinct, he felt that a problem had also arises with the Azure Dragon King. They must not let it go and search for clues in the future.

The courtyard finally became quiet.

The mysterious girl said with a very pleasant voice, “Your Dragon King seems to be different from the other Dragon Kings.” However, she was more concerned about Keke. She softly sighed and said, “This cute snow-white little critter is also out of the ordinary. It actually defeated Goldie.”

Xiao Chen didn’t say anything, but Keke was very discontent. It clicked its tongue as it cast a glance at the golden ape with its big black eyes.

This manner immediately made the golden ape furious. If it was not stopped by the mysterious girl, it absolutely wanted to settle this with the snow-white little critter once and for all.

“If you know about Goldie’s origin, then you might not despise it as much anymore.” The mysterious girl seemed to be very fond of Keke. She spoke softly, “Goldie is the descendant of a deity.” ⌈1

Hearing this, Keke was not bothered by it, but Xiao Chen was very shocked as he asked, “There’s a divine isle hovering in the depths of the south. The descendant of the deity you are talking about, are you referring to one of those young sacred beasts found at the vicinity of the deity’s historical remains?”

“That’s right, Goldie is one of them.”

Xiao Chen couldn’t help but look at the girl in a new light. She actually subdued the descendant of a deity. One must know that a lot of older generation figures were fighting over them at that time.

As if she could read Xiao Chen’s mind, the girl explained, “It was subdued by my elders. The other one is not the same race as Goldie. It was took away by other people.”

“You come here tonight only for testing Goldie’s strength?” Xiao Chen asked.

The girl was very magnanimous and her voice was very sweet, “My information network spread far and wide. I have received the true information of what happened on the dragon island. I know there’s a snow-white little critter that possesses great magical power. As such, I wanted to bring Goldie here and let it have a contest with the snow-white little critter.”

These words made Keke feel very snug. It showed a rare bashful expression and blinked its glittering big eyes unceasingly.

“With the snow-white little critter’s current strength, it is enough to rank among the top ten of the young sacred beasts on immortal’s mainland!”

The mysterious girl had a very high evaluation of the snow-white little critter, but on the other hand, Keke was dissatisfied. Only top ten? It would be more appropriate to say it was number one. Keke puffed its chest out proudly.

As a result, it was kneaded in the head by Xiao Chen, who was full of smiles. Keke immediately let out a resentful squeak.

Xiao Chen was very happy. Even the descendant of deity was defeated by Keke. This little critter had unlimited potential! Maybe it might be an exotic beast on the same level as the Ancestral Dragon!

“Xiao Chen, are you willing to go to the north with me? I can give you riches and honor.” The mysterious girl started to talk. She seemed to be very serious. ⌈2

“Riches and honor are earned through hard work, not given by others.” Xiao Chen shook his head and said, “I am used to this easy-going lifestyle, I don’t want to be constrained by others.” He could already tell that the mysterious girl had an out of the ordinary status. He didn’t want to be linked together with any large conglomerate or nation.

However, that was only his thinking for the time being. Who could say for sure what would happen in the future?

The mysterious girl nodded. She took Goldie along and left without speaking.

Only a few corpses were left in the courtyard as it regained its former tranquility.

Xiao Chen held on to the ancient spear Pasteur as he stood there. The divine blood flowed down from his hands unceasingly. The sacred writings on the ancient spear emitted bewitching radiance that reflected upon the starlight.

The shifty eyes of the white-shelled tortoise on the pavilion were perfectly round. It was looking at those sacred writings without batting an eye. After that, it racked its brain as it revealed a pensive look.

Under the moonlight. Xiao Chen’s entire body was flickering like a gem. His bones produced “cackling sound” as the broken bones were reconnected. His flesh squirmed as his corporeal body was undergoing a transformation!

The true evolution towards Historia domain had begun!

Endless brilliance had enveloped him. At this moment, the holy aura filled the entire courtyard. Even the starlight in the sky seemed to have become dimmer.

“Cough…” The cough of an aged man resounded as a shadow appeared under the grape vine frame. The new arrival muttered under his breath, “I have returned. The protection of the phoenix clan? Hah! I don’t really believe they possesses that great of a magic power and is really capable of finding out everything that happened tonight.”

The terrifying vibe shrouded the entire courtyard in a flash. The splendor on Xiao Chen’s body was suppressed and became dimmer.

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”

Three human figures jumped into the courtyard ⌈3⌋. It was actually Qinguang Wang and the other two skeletons! Following closely, a grey-haired old man with childish face walked into the courtyard. He was precisely that old Psychic who took away the three skeletons. He was all smiles as he said to the shadow under the grape vine frame, “You really don’t believe the phoenix clan is capable of it? All your moves and everything that happened tonight will be recorded clearly. The phoenix girl will come and find you to settle this score sooner or later.”

“I am very unwilling to let it go like this!”

“Your child is really too bossy and lack discipline. Otherwise, why did five Historia level experts have to die like this? Unable to distinguish right from wrong, unable to recognize others’ good intentions.” The old man was all smiles and looked very benevolent. Then he continued, “Of course, this young fellow is also very excessive. He is very heartless and should be punished.”

The shadow under the grape vine turned his head around and asked Xiao Chen coldly, “Are you really from the depths of the south?”

Xiao Chen’s expression was indifferent, neither servile nor overbearing as he said, “That existence in the depths of the south had once given me a pointer or two. Other than that, we don’t have much of a relation.”

Hearing these, that shadow under the grape vine frame turned around and left at once. He rose into the sky like a wisp of smoke and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“Hehe…” The benevolent old Psychic walked over with a chuckle. He patted Xiao Chen’s shoulders twice, then he turned around and left with the three skeletons.

Qinguang Wang, Yanluo Wang, and Lunhui Wang gesticulated towards Xiao Chen unceasingly. Meaning: We will come find you again after learning some powerful divine abilities. After that, they waved at Keke and Tenax to say good bye.

That figure under the grape vine frame had left and returned, but this time, he had left for real. Xiao Chen knew it was finally safe for tonight!

Exuvia and Historia level practitioners might not know what did the multi-colored divine feathers on the rock represent, but that figure under the grape vine frame definitely knew!

The starlight was really bright tonight. Xiao Chen bathed in the holy radiance of transformation and stood at the courtyard with the ancient spear like that for one night.

This night, was bound to be a very unusual night. The event regarding Xiao Chen challenging several Ninth Celestial Layer experts at night-time was already known by many people.

It would inevitably cause some groups to flare up.

As expected, Zhuge fatty immediately ran over the next morning, making a big fuss.

“Brother, you are too strong! You are too strong! Your crazy play during the night caused many families in the city unable to sleep! You are too strong…” The fatty was so excited that he didn’t even know what he was saying anymore. In the end, there was only that one sentence: “You are too strong…”

Soon after, the beautiful Fairsky also ran over. After he saw the ancient spear Pasteur, he was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out. He cried out in surprise, “This mother f— is… the ancient spear Pasteur?!”

“There’s an important banquet tomorrow. I got this invitation card for you at the last moment. I will take you there tomorrow night.” The fatty was talking endlessly. In brief, he was already a little high early this morning.

“The two of you help me do something first.” Xiao Chen continued, “Help me put this ancient spear up for auction.”

“Are you crazy?!” Fairsky and the fatty were stupefied and shouted simultaneously.


  1. Silva: The descendant of Sun Wukong?! 
  2. Silva: OoOoh~ It’s a confession! 
  3. Silva: LIKE, OMG, THREE MORE?! And then… 

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 125.5 (NSFW)

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I’ve translated the NSFW sections from the old version fo the novel that would fit in the middle of Chapter 125.

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 136

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 136 – It’s all true

“Oh yeah, didn’t you say you wanted to find me for something? What is it?” I adjusted my emotions, and broke through the awkwardness. Calling me so early in the morning, it was natural for Xu Ruoyun to have something very important, of course I wouldn’t be stupid enough to think that she just wanted me to pretend to be her boyfriend.

“En, then let’s talk about serious matters,” Xu Ruoyun nodded, and returned to normal. She said seriously to me, “Liu Lei, I have one thing I always wanted to ask you, can you answer me honestly?”

“What is it? Ask. As long as it’s not making me sell out national secrets, I will tell you,” in order to ease the atmosphere, I joked.

I didn’t think that my words actually had the opposite effect, Xu Ruoyun glared at me unhappily, “I’m talking serious matters with you, can you not joke?” Xu Ruoyun already recovered from the state just now, and her attitude to me become extremely cold again.

“En, ask,” I immediately serious solemnly.

“Did you write that Shuguang input method yourself or not?” Xu Ruoyun asked.

“Shuguang input method?” I momentarily blanked, why was it Shuguang input method again? Why did this chick just had some special feelings for my input method! I remember that when I was with the little chick Xu the last few times, she always asked me about this input method, could it be… I immediately thought of the incident that was getting really controversial on the newspaper about Shuguang input method being plagiarized a few days back…

“I wrote it myself!” I hesitated a bit, then said without a doubt. “Why are you asking me about this?”

“Because someone told me that your input method was plagiarized, and I saw on the newspaper several days back…” Xu Ruoyun explained. “However they suddenly clarified the next day.”

“I wrote that input method, I authorized the rights to Microsoft,” I felt like there was nothing to hide now, and so I told little chick Xu.

“Ah?! You authorized it?” Although Xu Ruoyun knew about the general matters from the clarification on the newspaper, but she still couldn’t help but gasp.

Since the newspaper did not go into detail, and it just said that Shuguang and Microsoft were cooperating. What kind of company was Microsoft, it was the head of the software industry, they would actually use a high schooler’s authorization.

“Yes. Windows 95 decided to use this input method that has already gotten a little famous in the mainland market in order to better get into the mainland market, since the people that have gotten used to it wouldn’t want to give up what they have gotten used to,” I explained calmly.

“Then why didn’t you take out these prove to shut the people saying stuff up!” Since little chick Xu said this, it means that she has already accepted my explanation in her heart.

However, are things like evidence really taken out so easily? I do have the contract with Microsoft, but it isn’t good to publish it, but it wouldn’t be good to show it to the public, it’s all because I put sensitive numbers like percentages into it due to wanting to lessen the troubles, the money these number represented was billions or even tens of billions, if it was shown to the public, it would be a bit too shocking.

Although Shuguang Corporation has developed stably in this time period, no one on the outside knows exactly how much Shugaung has, if the amount was really shown (despite it actually only being a small portion of it), it was hard to avoid some groups or organization continuously try to get sponsored, it would be way too troublesome.

“After a bit more time, people would most likely forget about this case, so what’s the need to make this extra move. What’s more, that’s Shuguang Corporation’s issue, I’m just a software developer, how could I say anything,” I didn’t want to spend too much time on that.

“That’s true. However doesn’t Shuguang Corporation belong to Yanyan-jie’s dad? Just have a word with him!” Xu Ruoyun suggested.

“Never mind, doing that will only make others think we’re petty,” recently, I found that I really was a bit tired, I randomly got a bunch of enemies after getting reborn, causing the troubles to be endless, I really was a bit tired. Actually sometimes if it isn’t anything huge, as long as it doesn’t threaten the interests of myself and my family, there is no need to take revenge.

“Liu Lei, but I always feel like someone is the mastermind behind it, I feel like the article was written by someone Li Boliang found,” Xu Ruoyun suddenly said quietly to me.

“Li Boliang?” I suddenly thought of the angry teenager just now, it might really be possible after hearing her say that.

“Yeah! Because the morning the newspaper came out, he came to me and bragged. Li Boliang normally doesn’t read the newspaper, if that aricle had nothing to do with him, how could he know about this first thing in the morning!” Xu Ruoyun analyzed logically.

****, I wanted to let this fellow go, but it looks like I have to find a chance to take care of him, he nearly caused huge troubles for me just with an article, thank god I found out about it early, or else the reputation of Shuguang would really be ruin by him.

Yet I still said, “Never mind, it’s already passed.”

Xu Ruoyun nodded thoughtfully, and said, “It would be good if Li Boliang was half as generous as you.”

I’m generous? It’s more like you don’t know me right? Although I don’t plan to get revenge for everything in the future, but I’m just a ***** if I don’t get even with him after causing me so much trouble.

Li Boliang was half as generous as me? What did she mean by this? Did she mean that if Li Boliang had a bit of generosity she would have agreed with Li Boliang? My heart tensed for no reason. Then by accident the coffee spoon in my hand fell into the cup.

“What happened to you?” Xu Ruoyun also noticed by abnormality.

“Nothing,” I mocked myself. “I was just a bit not careful.” What does it matter to me if she agreed with Li Boliang or not! What am I getting worried about no reason.

“You’re jealous!” Xu Ruoyun suddenly said to me.

“No!” I denied subconsciously.

“Haha! You really are!” Xu Ruoyun said while giggling. “Okay, I already told you the news, I should get going! Remember to pay the bill!”

Saying that, Xu Ruoyun stood up, and took up the little bag and put it on herself, then prepared to leave. She walked a few steps, then turned back around, and said quietly to me, “Liu Lei, everything I said just now was true!” After that, she quickly ran away.

True? What was true? Was it Li Boliang? I shook my head weirdly, and got the waitress to get the bill.

I walked out of the door when I suddenly realized it, then looked unbelievably in the direction Xu Ruoyun went! True… What she said was true, could it be that “I love you”?

This chick actually confessed to me, and it’s true? All of a sudden, my mind went blank with a “hong” sound.


  1. N/a

Chapter 125.5 – The Scene in the Bathroom / Peerless Girls (NSFW)

I quickly stripped off all my clothes, pushed open the door to the bathroom and dashed inside. The result was me seeing a scene that nearly made me spit out blood! Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier, one standing up while the other was squatting down, Chen Weier had her legs open, the tummy slightly raised, and Zhao Yanyan was squatting on the floor, looking carefully, and could occasionally use her hand to touch it a bit with a face full of curiosity.

Chen Weier shut her eyes in embarrassment, pursed her lips and said, “Okay now, Yanyan-meimei, have you looked at it enough!”

“Wait a bit, let me study it a bit more!” Zhao Yanyan said, her voice full of excitement. “Weier-jiejie, your spot is so weird, it’s not quite the same as mine!”

“Aiya, what’s the difference! Please Yanyan-meimei, this is so embarrassing!” Chen Weier said coquettishly. Suddenly she remembered that that person also said that her place was a little different, and couldn’t help but blush.

“Don’t move, don’t move, your place is so interesting!” Zhao Yanyan reached out a finger, and starting flicking it back and forth.

“Ah… En… Don’t—— Don’t move, I’m begging you Yanyan-meiemi, this feeling… is so weird…” Chen Weier’s body started wiggling with the pace of the movements of Zhao Yanyan’s finger.

How could Zhao Yanyan give up seeing Chen Weier’s expression, she continued to slide it up and down.

“Ah… Yanyan-meiemi… I can hold it anymore! I can’t stand it, don’t… don’t move!” Chen Weier called out coquettishly, her beautiful body wiggled endlessly.

“Weier-jiejie, what happened?” Seeing Chen Weier’s expression of suffer and enjoyment, Zhao Yanyan thought it to be really weird.

Although Zhao Yanyan was very familiar with the thing between men and women, it was only limited to love and intimacy between them. Now that she saw Chen Weier’s expression and moan, Zhao Yanyan couldn’t help but link it to the scene of her having sex with Liu Lei on the bed. She couldn’t help but get suspicious, could girls touching teach other also bring pleasure? Thinking to that point, her hands started speeding up. Her little hands moved back and forth on Chen Weier’s lower body.

“Don’t… En… Ah…” Chen Weier’s lewd moans echoed in the bathroom.

“Ah——!” Chen Weier suddenly screamed out, then her body immediately slacked. She only felt like she was about to go to the bathroom, when a lower body squirted out a transparent liquid uncontrollably, it shot out about a meter and hit the bathroom wall.

Zhao Yanyan looked at Chen Weier in shock, her pair of hands covered in the liquid Chen Weier squited out.

“Yanyan-meimei, you… you’re terrible, you actually made me pee, if hubby knows, then wouldn’t I be embarrassed to death!” Chen Weier clenched her teeth. However the feeling justl now was great, it was like she was about to fly into the sky.

“Why is this thing so sticky?” Zhao Yanyan played around with the liquid that was accidentally stuck onto her hands, it doesn’t look like pee.

“En?” Chen Weier said after hearing what Zhao Yanyan had said, then she looked down, and looked at the liquid on Zhao Yanyan’s hands.

At that moment, I was already dumb-shocked by the two girl’s actions! The lesbian scene I saw in **** had occurred live in front of me! Not only that, what made me even more excited was that the chick Chen Weier actually *********! This was best among women, I actually got it! I gulped, and swallowed a large mouthful of saliva.

Although the sound of water I the bathroom was very loud, the two beauties still heard by gulp, and turned around in surprise.

“Hubby?!” Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier called out at the same time.

The feeling of two beauties calling me hubby at the same time was great, I walked over with a smile, and teased Chen Weier, “How is it, did Yanyan make you feel good?”

I didn’t lack enjoyment of Zhao Yanyan’s little hands, in this period of time, whenever Zhao Yanyan was on her period, she would always use her hands to help me. Although this was the first time Zhao Yanyan touched girls, but I still had confidence in the speed of her hands.

“Ah!” Chen Weier immediately used her hands to covered her face, and said embarrassedly, “You.. You saw everything just now?”

I smiled and nodded, and asked, “Yanyan, what exactly were you doing?” Although as the incident developed, it turned into Zhao Yanyan using her hands to help Chen Weier climax, but this definitely was not their original intential.

Chen Weier had already turned around then, she blushed so much that it had already reach her chest. I think that if there was a hole in the ground right now, she would definitely crawl into it without hesitation.

“I just feel like Weier looks different to mine down there…” Zhao Yanyan didn’t care, she had been with me a long time, and has done a lot of embarrassing things, so she didn’t’ had a hint of Chen Weier’s awkwardness.

I sweat… So she was researching about this! This little chick Zhao Yanyan actually also have curiosity about these things!

“Then let me help the two of you see exactly how you are different!” I said lecherously, then subtly gave a queue to Zhao Yanyan. Chen Weier had just become my woman today, although she has already accepted me mentally, she would definitely not agree servicing me with Zhao Yanyan. Therefore, I had to slowly breakthrough the last line of defense in her heart, and the first step is to get rid of the embarrassment from within.

How could Zhao Yanyan not understand my perverted thoughts, she glazed sideways at me fiercely. However, the best part about this chick was that she would pay attention to the bigger picture, she still giggled and said, “Hubby, then… look!” Saying that, she said to Chen Weier, “Weier-jiejie, turn around quickly and get Liu Lei to help us see!”

How could Chen Weier expect Zhao Yanyan to say that. She stomped her feet and said shyly, “Yanyan-meimei, how could you agree with his unreasonable request! This is too embarrassing!”

“Hai… Hai…! Weier, this is where you aren’t right! Didn’t I also say that your place is different from other people’s? This is with a scientific spirit and not with any other thought!” I said shamelessly.

“That’s right, Weier-jiejie, I didn’t notice anything just now either, so let’s get Liu Lei to help us -look! What’s more, both of us are his people, what’s there to be embarrassed about?” Zhao Yanyan added. However, she glared at me. Then -whispered beside my ear, “I’ll help you pervert this once, but I will not let you go if you bring any other women home.”

Although Zhao Yanyan had said it strictly, I wasn’t that afraid. At least there is a Xia Jing that has been authorized.

Zhao Yanyan was still very unwilling, -she had just washed with Zhao Yanyan, she never would have thought that Yanyan would insist on looking at her lower body. She refused, but then Yanyan used the authority of the first wife. She even said that she (Weier) has to listen to her at home. Weier couldn’t help it, and thought that since they were both women, looking was fine. However, Zhao Yanyan actually did that to her, she didn’t push her away, but even enjoyed it. Thinking about it made her feel ashamed, what’s more was that the appearance just now was all scene by her loved one, he must that of her as a slutty woman. How would Chen Weier dare to turn around!

However, Zhao Yanyan still pulled Weier over, pushed her on the side of the bathtub, and sat down on the side. Chen Weier couldn’t help it, so she closed her eyes. Yet her legs were shut tight.

I leaned down, and get close to Zhao Yanyan’s sweet bud. Her eyes unconsciously looked up, and saw that the chick Yanyan was also blushing. So she wasn’t as daring as I imagined.

I lightly kissed down. Zhao Yanyan’s body shuddered, and shouted, “Hubby, no… it’s dirty!”

I didn’t stop the movement of my mouth at all, and starting sucking on Yanyan’s place…

“Hubby… Heh…. En…” A faint moan passed out from Yanyan’s mouth.

I started licking more furiously, and full immersed myself in Yanyan’s fragrance of a teenage girl.

“Ah…!” The powerful stimulation caused Zhao Yanyan to shut her legs tight unconsciously.

At the start, Chen Weier could still peacefully close her eyes, but then hearing Zhao Yanyan’s wail of enjoyment, she couldn’t help but look over. She was immediately shocked by the lewd scene! He was actually licking Yanyan-meimei’s place! Chen Weier originally got so shy that she wanted to turn around immediately, but it was like her eyes were glued to there. She couldn’t even leave.

Looking at Yanyan-meimei bite her lips, and the happy expression of her licking her lips, her heart was a bit moved. Was she like that just now? Is she feeling what she (Weier) was feeling just now? Thinking about that, Chen Weier’s body heated her, the tightly shut legs couldn’t help but start rubbing against each other.

The more she rubbed, the worse Chen Weier felt, she felt as if infinite ants were crawling over her body, the suffering was really hard to stand. How good would it be if he also licked my own place. However, the moment this thought was made, it was refuted by the logic in Chen Weier’s heart. How would I be so shameless, already wanting it after being finished by Yanyan. Chen WEier quickly closed her eyes, and tried to suppress the lulst in her heart, but that lewd scene still spiraled in her mind.

“Ah—— Hu!” Zhao Yanyan shouted, then let out a long sigh. I know the chick reached her climax. However this chick Yanyan’s body was too sensitive, it wasn’t even ten minutes.

Although it was something exciting to have a girl’s body be sensitive, it can’t be too sensitive! Ever since I noticed that I have superpowers, my ability on the bed on better and better. Zhao Yanyan, who was originally my equal, was gradually unable to keep up. Every time it would be to the point that I am unable to bare to continue on with the chick. But Zhao Yanyan would stubbornly work with me until my final burst.

This was also one of the reason why I wanted to get Chen Weier in here as quickly as possible.

“Weier, it’s your turn!” I said to Chen Weier with a naughty smile. I have seen all of Weier’s expression just now, although she acted really calm in front of me, I knew that she couldn’t wait in her heart!

As expected, Weier’s body shuddered after hearing what I said, but she didn’t say anything extra.

I know Weier was rather shy, and trying to make such a pure girl act like a **** in front of me was worse than killing her. I lightly separated Chen Weier’s legs, Weier resisted a little, but I still pushed it open.

This was the first time I observe Weier’s secret garden in such close proximity, my breathing hastened, and I kissed it without hesitation.

“Hubby… Ah…” Chen Weier wanted to push me away, but the waves of pleasure from her lower body caused her to just enjoy it. This was a pleasure that would make her seem like she was flying when it reaches it’s peak.

Chen Weier hated herself, she actually just wanted this moment of enjoyment! What’s the difference between that and a ****, but even though she knows that, she still full into it and could not pull herself out. Chen Weier felt like she was like a ****.

At the start Chen Weier could still suppress her lust, preventing herself from calling out. But as she was stimulated more and more intensely, she finally let out loud moans.

“Ah… En!” Chen Weier’s face was peach red, her body wouldn’t stop trembling, suddenly she pushed me away, “Hubby, I can’t hold it…”

I was pushed by half a step by Chen Weier, and before I could react, I saw Chen Weier squirt out a pillar of transparent liquid, although it wasn’t as far as what I saw just now, it all sprayed on top of me.

After squirting, Chen Weier continue to tremble and didn’t calm down from the excitement just now.

I have seen plenty of scenes like this in **** during my previous life, but that were mostly fake. I also found similar information on the internet, and found out that very little women would squirt when having their ******. However, this type of girl was not more plentiful than giant pandas, and you would be lucky to meet one. I didn’t think that one would appear before me.
“Did… Did I pee onto you?” After a long while, Chen Weier calm back to herself from the happiness just now, seeing that I was covered all over, she said nervously to me.

Chen Weier couldn’t face herself anymore, she couldn’t hold it in twice, and this time she got it all over her loved one, would he dislike her?

“Hubby, do… do I have some sort of sickness. Why… why am I unable to resist peeing every single time!” Chen Weier looked at me worriedly.

“Sick? How could you have some sort of sickness, Weier! This is a normal biological reaction!” It seems like sex education was really lacking in this era! If it was a few years alter, a lot of girls would know about female ***********.

“But… but why doesn’t Yanyan-meimei!” Chen Weier still didn’t believe it.

“About this… not every girl would do this!” Thus I told Weier about what I read on the Internet in my previous life. “Actually in 1982, in a book “The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries about Human Sexuality” published by the Americans Ladas, Whipple and Perry, it is mentioned that certain females would squirt out a large amount of transparent liquid from the urethra, this is a normal biological reaction, commonly called ***********.”

Zhao Yanyan also paid close attention and listened on the side. She stepped on me and asked, “Why do you so much about this?”

“I… I read it in a book store!” I answered casually. Don’t mention that this book isn’t in bookstores within the country, even if there was I wouldn’t go and look.

“Then… that means I’m not sick?” Chen Weier was still not relieved, she then frowned, “Hubby, I have this issue, would you dislike me?”

Dislike? What a joke! I can’t even wait to treat her as a treasure. I’m afraid that in a few years, this sort of girl was worth even more than virgins.

“Weier. How should I say it! Actually I not only not dislike it, but would feel even more excited!” I answered with a honest expression.

“Really?” Chen Weier finally released her tensed eyebrow, and showed a long awaited smile.

“Hubby…” Zhao Yanyan suddenly called coquettishly, and her body wrapped over here, and said to me, “Hubby, do me again, I want to try if I can… shoot that thing out!”

I chuckled, tapped her head and said, “This sort of thing is just a coincidence, why are you trying it!”

“I just feel like you seem to really like it, I’m scared that you won’t like me in the future!” Zhao Yanyan said like she was wronged.

“How could I! Our family’s Yanyan also have her virtues!” I laughed.

“What virtues?” Seeing that I said she also had virtues, Zhao Yanyan immediately got happy.

“En… such as your body is much more sensitive than Weier’s!” I said that as my pervert hers climbed onto her breasts.

“Hmmph! Take it away!” Zhao Yanyan hit my hands coquettishly. Then she said to Chen Weier, “Weier-jiejie, let’s go and wash. Don’t care about this bad guy. He made our lower body so wet, it feels so terrible!”

But how could I just let them go? My little brother was standing up straight a long time away! I hugged Zhao Yanyan from behind, and took the chance to push my little brother in fiercely.

“Ah…!” Zhao Yanyan moaned. “Don’t mess around, I’ll let you have enough after washing!”

I didn’t care so much, let’s talk about after washing after washing!

Zhao Yanyan’s spot was made infinitely wet by me, I moved forcefully without any foreplay.

“Ah.. Ah Weier-jiejie… Quickly come and help me…” Zhao Yanyan warbled.

However, Chen Weier stood on the side. She turned her head around, without making any move. Actually Chen Weier also wanted to help. The problem was that she couldn’t help at all.

“Heh!… Ah Weier-jiejie, don’t get cocky, it’ll be your turn later!” Zhao Yanyan clenched her teeth and said lying down on the stone steps.


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