Category Archives: Translations

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 145

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 145 – The Ploy of Father and Son

“Good, you said it! No going back on your words! You must accompany me until I buy a car that satisfies me!” Wu Yingying proceeded to strike the iron while it is hot.

“Okay! This is natural!” Facing her, I really didn’t know what to say. I didn’t even dare to say too much, in fear of getting tricked by her once again. I didn’t know that, I was already tricked by her, a few days later, I couldn’t help but face this fact.

“Then… Pinky Sweat!” Wu Yingying was afraid that I would go back on my words, and stuck out a pinky at me, then said with a smile.

“Ai!” I speechlessly reached out a finger and pinky swore with her, I was truly defeated by her.

I didn’t think I would be tricked by Wu Yingying like this, but, even if she wants to buy a very expensive car, that’s fine, since I don’t lack money, and she’s Fatty Wu’s jiejie, I crashed her car so I have to show some sincerity right?

At this moment, Father Wu pulled Fatty Wu to a corner without anyone, and whispered.

“Damn Fatty, do you think the person just now is your older sister? My eyes can’t have messed up right,” Father Wu rubbed his eyes and said.

“****, Damn Geezer. You can’t not even recognize your own daughter right? I really don’t understand how you got to be a leader, if you go on the battlefield, you would kill your own people!” Fatty Wu said with despise.

“You Damn Fatty, I’ve told you how many times, a leader is in charge of commands, and is in control of the entire situation. It doesn’t matter if my eyes are good or not, it would be fine as long as my mind is good,” Father Wu smacked Fatty Wu on the back of his head.

“Damn Geezer, are you jealous of me being smarter than you, sooner or later my brain would be smacked dumb by you!” Fatty Wu said unwillingly.

“Wait, wait! We got off track!” Father Wu said. “Say, why does your older sister seem so feminine today?”

“****, how would I know about your daughter!” Fatty Wu was still showing dissatisfaction to Father Wu’s violent action just now, “However, then again, jiejie seems to only act like that in front of Liu Lei.”

“Yeah! That’s possible! I can also tell, do you think Yingying fell for that Liu Lei?” Father Wu said as if he suddenly understood everything.

“Now that you say it, it really seems possible!” Fatty Wu also said.

“My ******* god, this is a great thing, if we can marry your sister out earlier, then I, the old man, can still live an extra few years,” Father Wu said happily.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Fatty Wu also said happily. Although his jiejie looked very feminine, but her personality was not like that of a woman’s at all, both him and his father would get tricked by her the moment they let down their guard at home, causing the two of them to always be extremely vigilant at home.

“However, this Liu Lei seems to already have two girlfriends!” Fatty Wu said awkwardly.

“Yeah? That’s even better, since there’s already two, an extra Yingying doesn’t matter, let me go and talk to Liu Lei, and get him to do some charity work and bring Yingying home as well! I don’t think an extra one matters, our family’s Yingying’s looks is also a phoenix among men, it’s just that her personality… But this can be ignored. After all, he did get lucky!”

Father Wu acted like he find a lifeline, how could he easily give up. There was no lack of sons of rich people proposing to his daughter normally, and he also encouraged them enthusiastically, but the issue was that his own daughter had completely no interest in these people, she even messed around with them beyond belief, as this occurred over time, there were less and less people that dared to visit for this purpose. At the same time, Yingying became a knot in his heart. Now there’s finally one that send himself up to them, and his daughter actually didn’t do anything extreme to him, rather she seemed to get along with him quite well. If he missed such a great chance, then there was no guarantee when the next chance would come.

“About this…” Fatty Wu felt a bit troubled. His older sister was so unruly, if she really fell head over heels for Liu Lei, and if she gets jealous, how could the kind and caring Zhao Yanyan be her opponent! At that time, one side would be someone he loves, the other is his older sister, he really can’t be biased towards anyone. What’s more is that if he dared to be biased, his older sister would definitely tear his bones out. Thinking about his older sister’s techniques, his entire body shuddered. He clenched his teeth, loyalty and filial piety could no co-exist since the ancient times, it was better to act for the benefits in front of his eyes!

“Okay! I agree!” Fatty Wu said resolutely, “If old sis really gets married out, then it’ll be peace for both of us.”

“yeah! We finally send this witch away!” Father Wu said happily, as if the entire situation is assured.

“My dear daddy~! Who are you guys calling witch?” Suddenly a sinister sounding voice rang out behind the father and son, the two of them immediately felt cold air rise up from beneath their feet.

“This… Yingying, we… we are…” Father Wu stuttered.

“We are talking about that novel! Web novel, it’s called!” Fatty Wu quickly thought of an excuse.

“Yes, yes! “Very Pure and Ambiguous”, ha… Yingying, that novel is really great!” Father Wu quickly continued.

“Very Pure and Ambiguous? What’s that? Is it good?” Wu Yingying asked weirdly.

“Yes, of course it is, it’s a love story about a man and multiple women, that man also have superpowers, it’s amazing!” Fatty Wu quickly explained.

“Oh… Then show me when we get back?” Wu Yingying said to Fatty Wu after hearing that.

“Oh yeah, where’s Liu Lei?” How could Fatty Wu have read Very Pure and Ambiguous, this book isn’t even out in 1995, that Fishman the Second is probably still in middle school, how could it be possible for him to go and write? Fatty WU was worried that she would continue pestering about it, so he immediately changed the topic.

“He already left! You two weren’t there when he was looking for you!” Wu Yingying said with displeasure.

“Ah? Left? Fatty Wu said regretfully, he lost such a great chance for no reason.

“What is it?” Wu Yingying asked weirdly after seeing her father expression that was more upset than having lost money.

“Nothing, nothing! We just want to thank hi ma bit!” Fatty Wu said out of nowhere.

“Thank? Why thank? Thank him for crashing my car?” Wu Yingying asked in confusion.

“About this…” Fatty Wu stammered. “Of course not, isn’t he going to get you a good car, we saved money, hehe——“

Wu Yingying looked at Fatty Wu weirdly after hearing his words, but she think too much about it, she just asked, “How did you come?’

“I drove…” The moment the words left his mouth, Fatty Wu regretted it, but it was too late.

“Give me the car key, I’ll drive,” Wu Yingying said with a face full of smiles.

“The geezer and I will take a cab…” Fatty Wu handed the car keys over to Wu Yingying in terror.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 144

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 144 – A Terrifying Thought

“Make a move on your older sister?!” It can’t be, you actually noticed the slightly lecherous thought that I just had!

“****, you’re still lying to me. Although my family’s old man’s eyesight is bad so he didn’t see, but I saw it clearly, you were holding my older sister’s hand just now!” Fatty Wu said with a smirk.

“…, her hand is hurt, so I’m just seeing if it got better…” I was clearly not confident with what I was saying, because even I didn’t believe my own explanation.

“Big Bro, I have nothing to say if you’re going to move in on my sister, but I’m just scared that Zhao Yanyan will suffer later!” Fatty Wu said with a grieving expression.

“What do you mean?” I asked speechlessly. What does this have to do with Zhao Yanyan.

“My sister is terrifying, she’s completely unruly and unreasonable at home, if you really bring her back as well when the time comes, your two waifus won’t be a match for her!” Fatty Wu glanced sideways towards Wu Yingying, and said quietly to me after noticing that she wasn’t paying attention in this direction.

Terrifying? Unruly? Unreasonable? Why couldn’t I tell? The shy girl at the cashier of Dynasty Seafood, as well as that rather feminine shyness from just now appeared in my mind, I could not link these with the words before together at all.

“Stop thinking like that, how is it possible when your older sister and I have such a large age gap,” I said.

Father Wu looked at Wu Tian and I who chatted like old friends, and asked weirdly, “You know each other?”

“Hai! Definitely! Do you know who he is?” Fatty Wu chuckled and asked while pointing at me.

“Who?” Father Wu asked weirdly. From his memory, Fatty Wu didn’t have a friend like me.

“He’s the person that you made me pilot a helicopter and search all over the mountains for!” Fatty Wu pointed to me and said.

“Oh?! You’re that Liu Lei Elder Zhao talked about?” Father Wu looked at me in surprise. “You don’t seem that old right?”

“Yeah! I am the same age as Wu Fat… Tian!” I said. I nearly called him Fatty Wu. However Fatty Wu’s next sentence caught me completely off guard!

“Damn Fatty! Since you know each other, then settle this privately!” Father Wu actually called his son “Damn Fatty”, and Fatty Wu called Father Wu “Damn Geezer”! This is the weirdest father and son combination I’ve seen!

“Father, just leave it like this, don’t blame Liu Lei, daughter also have some responsibility…” Wu Yingying said shyly.

“What!?” Wu Yingying’s words nearly made Father Wu fall over. He felt that there was something wrong with his daughter when he arrive, since she was acting completely different from normal, as if she was another person, he had thought that she was threatened. However the culprit was so familiar with his son, then threatening wasn’t quite possible, why was his daughter still so withdrawn?

“Yingying, are you sick? Did you hit your head in the car crash just now?” Father Wu asked worriedly.

“Dad~! What are you doing! I told you that I’m fine…” Wu Yingying actually started acting spoiled.

Now even Fatty Wu was so shocked that his jaw was dropping, did his jiejie take the wrong pill or something! This was the first time since he has been born that he has seen his jiejie act spoiled, he quickly pinched his thighs to see if he was dreaming.

On the other hand, I was completely lost due to Father and Fatty Wu’s actions, “Fatty Wu, what is this expression?

“No… No! Big Bro, you misunderstand, I don’t mean that, I am just wondering about the strange actions of my older sister today! If she didn’t look exactly the same, I nearly thought that the person in front of me is not my older sister!”

“Damn-Fat-Ty! What did you say!” Wu Yingying suddenly glared at Fatty Wu in anger.

The moment Fatty Wu heard this voice, his entire body tensed, and said carefully, “Jie… I… Won’t say anymore.”

Of course I didn’t see Wu Yingying’s expression at the time, because my back was to her, I was still wondering why Fatty Wu suddenly stopped. When I turned around, Wu Yingying returned to that little woman look that could charm everyone, and was looking at me lovingly.

I felt a streak of coldness in my heart… This sight, this Wu Yingying can’t be an anthomaniac right!

Only Fatty Wu patted his chest, and let out a sigh of relief,” Oh, this is my older sister!”

“Dad~! Just don’t mind this, Liu Lei already promised to buy me a new sports car!” WU Yingying said joyfully to Father Wu.

I sweat! When did I promise! Didn’t this come out of nowhere? What’s wrong with this person? She was just saying not to blame me just now, and now she’s making me buy her a sports car?!

“Yeah!” Father Wu looked at me in surprise.

At this time, I could only smile wryly. If I deny it, that would make me seem too petty. It’s not that I cared about the money that would be spent to buy this car, but the main problem is that when did I promise to buy her a sports car? This made me rather dissatisfied.

Wu Yingying also saw my weird expression, she pouted and said, “Liu Lei, you promised that you would compensate me with a car on the way to the hospital!”

I thought about it, it really was like that, but I never said a sports car!

“You promised me, you said that you would buy any car I want to buy!” Wu Yingying said slyly.

****, damn it! Only now did I notice her sentence that seemed like nothing at the time, I am a thirty something old fox, and yet I was tricked by a chick that’s only eighteen or nineteen!

Now that it had come to do, I could only nod against my heart, and said, “Yeah, let’s find a time to go to the car market together.”

At this moment, both Fatty Wu and his father started thinking, Father Wu looked at me weirdly, and saw that the clothes I was wearing were rather normal, although they are branded goods, the price wasn’t that expensive.

With the fact that I was driving a very common Jetta produced in the country, I didn’t look like a rich person no matter how much he looked. Although Zhao Limin had said I was a very important person when he was asked to find me, he wasn’t told anything about me.

Therefore, according to Father Wu’s judgement, I did have some money, but was not filthy rich. A sports car would cost at least a million, how could I casually gift it to someone else?

Fatty Wu felt even more weird, looking at his jiejie, it was clear that she was forcing Liu Lei to buy a sports car for her. But what is she doing that for?

Many sons of rich people would spend loads of money just to get his jiejie to smile. There are loads of good car that they bring to their home, it could be said that his jiejie could start a car exhibition just by opening their front door.

However, his jiejie used the money she worked for to buy an Alto, and it hasn’t even been driven for a few days before getting ruined by Liu Lei. Was she really going to make him compensate? But it didn’t seem like it, it seems to be more of getting spoiled and acting rogue. Fatty Wu really didn’t understand.

Could it be… Fatty Wu had a terrifying thought, it can’t be that old sis got interested in Liu Lei right?


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 143

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 143 – I told you before

I also called Uncle Zhao, and told him that I got into an accident on the road, so I’ll only get there later. Uncle Zhao gave me a few reminders and didn’t say too much.

“What’s your name?” It was a far distance away from the hospital, so I found a topic to chat with the girl.

I-I told you before,” the girl thought about it and said.

“Before? Have we met before?” I asked weirdly, no wonder I felt that she was kind of familiar when I saw her just now.

“Never mind if you don’t remember!” The girl said unhappily. He actually forgot about her, and she was always thinking about him. But that was hardly surprising, why would she be interested about her when he has two such outstanding girls by his side.

“Is there a hint?” I still couldn’t think of it after a long while, could she know the me before I was reborn? Since the section of memory before I was reborn was rather distant due to the years, it was already a bit blurry, a lot of the times I could only remember them under hints from other people/

“Is twenty percent off fine? What about fifteen percent?” The girl suddenly said using me tone.

I suddenly remembered, the girl in front of me was that girl manning the cashier counter at Dynasty Seafood the other day, she was the Wu Yingying that I managed to get her name from.

“So it’s you!” I said with a smile, “I wonder if you can give me a discount when I compensate you for your car later!”

Although Wu Yingying had already prepared not to get him to compensate, but thinking back to how he even forgot her name, she got a bit mad, and said, “Dream on! You have to get me a new car!”

“Okay, new car then new car,” I was just trying to find some topic to talk about with her, I didn’t lack this amount of money.

“Okay! You said it! Are you going to buy whatever car I say I want to buy?” Wu Yingying suddenly said craftily, and started planning in her heart, he actually didn’t treat her as anything, she was definitely going to find a chance to put him into an awkward situation.

I didn’t notice all this, and casually agreed, “Sure.”

“Pinky swear!” Wu Yingying suddenly reached out her little finger towards me like a child.

“Dajie, I’m driving! Do you want there to be another person on the car?” I laughed wryly.

“Another person? What do you mean?” Wu Yingying didn’t understand.

“If I crash into another Alto, then wouldn’t I have to send that driver to the hospital?” I explained with a smile.

“Oh wow! You’re saying my Alto isn’t strong aren’t you?” Wu Yingying said angrily.

“That car isn’t strong. You’re lucky that you crashed into me, if it was onto a road roller then it would have immediately turned into a pile of scrap metal!” I teased.

“Heh! With what you’re saying, am I supposed to thank you?” Wu Yingying snorted.

“That isn’t needed, it isn’t your fault that all of us from the north east are living Lei Feng,” I remember the song I heard in my previous life saying that all people from the north east are living Lei Feng.

“You…! You are being unreasonable!” Despite knowing that I was kidding with her, Wu Yingying still couldn’t help but blush.

“What, this is the truth! If you drove an armored car out, the person hurt right now would be me,” I continued to tease her.

“Oh? This isn’t a bad idea, let me go back and talk about it with my dad, and get an armored car to drive,” Wu Yingying actually nodded seriously after hearing me say that.

I kept sweating! Can armored cars be casually driven on the streets! From her tone, it seems like her father is some kind of important person. But I know most of the rich or people in power in the Songjiang area, why can’t I think of anyone who’s surname is Wu?

Wu Yingying’s wound on her hand was just a scratch, when we got to the hospital, they just put some ointment on it, and didn’t even need to patch it up. Wu Yingying called her father, and told him the location of the hospital.

“Does it still hurt? I asked Wu Yingying.

“Much better,” Wu Yingying said quietly to me.

“Let me check!” My thoughts for a prank surfaced once more, seeing how this girl is so pretty and innocent, I really wanted to touch her a bit.

“No!” Wu Yingying moved away her hand.

How could I give up such a good opportunity, I reached over my hand to grab her hands. However Wu Yingying dodged, and caused me to miss. She’s actually capable of some kungfu!

I immediately got interested, and swiftly pulled WU Yingying’s hand over. Wu Yingying struggled a few times, but couldn’t’ get free, so she let out a “yi” sound. She is a taekwondo master, don’t mention about catching her, normal people can’t even touch her. But why was he so quick? He grabbed her before she even managed to realize what was going on.

Just at that moment, a middle aged man wearing military uniform stormed in furiously and yellowed, “Yingying, are you alright?”

Wu Yingying’s cheeks immediately turned red, her had was still held by that person, what was she going to do if this embarrassing scene was seen by her dad. Wu Yingying tried to struggle forcefully a few times, but there wasn’t any effort, she angrily, but quietly said to me, “Haven’t you touched enough? Let go quickly!”
I was also shocked all of a sudden, and forgot that I was holding Wu Yingying’s little hand. Hearing her said that, I immediately released it.

What shocked me was not Wu Yingying’s father, but the person behind Wu Yingying’s father!

“Yingying, did this brat cause your car to end up like that!” Wu YIngying’s father glared at me angrily and roared.

“About this…” Seeing her father like this, Wu Yingying really didn’t know how to answer. If she say yes, with her father’s ****** temper, he would definitely scold him without listening to everything; if she said no, the truth was still ike this.

“Yingying, why aren’t you saying anything! Is this brat threatening you! Don’t worry, daddy’s here, I’ll help you get even!” Father Wu saw that Wu Yingying was hesitant to say anything, so he thought I threatened her somehow.

“Dad, you can’t blame him for this, both of us are responsible!” Wu Yingying could only explain after seeing her father being so relentless.

“Don’t blame him?! Your car is nearly scrap metal and you still aren’t blaming him? Are we only supposed to blame him when you are dead!” Father Wu said with his eyes wide open.

“****, damn geezer, can you speak a bit less! You drank too much right, cursing dajie to die!” The person behind Father Wu also walked over this and said without restraint.

“Hai… Hai…” Father Wu coughed twice and stopped talking.

“Wu Tian! Why are you here! This is…” What surprised me was that the person behind Father Wu was the damn fatty Wu Tian!

“Big Bro, did you wipe out my older sister’s car?” Fatty Wu saw that it was me, and was also very surprised.

“Yeah! Thank god your older sister is fine!” I couldn’t help but exclaim, this world is really too small! But seeing how tall and muscular, how could he have such a delicate jiejie?

“Say Big Bro, don’t you have enough with two waifus?! Why are you laying your hand on my older sister!” Fatty Wu laughed sinisterly.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 142

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Chapter of the day!

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 141

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Sponsored Chapter, this was supposed to come out yesterday! Thanks Paul!

We now have 0 sponsored chapters in queue.

Chapter 142 – Meeting Once Again

I didn’t think this chick started becoming a groupie as well, but then again, there aren’t many girls uninterested in these things.

“Okay, okay, it’s a famous singer. However you are forcefully making me go, if I get on with that Su Yingzhi something, don’t be jealous!” I said rather playfully.

“Che…! There are a lot of people that likes her! If you can take her in, I definitely wouldn’t object,” Zhao Yanyan glared at me with disdain.

Of course, this was only a joke, I don’t think Zhao Yanyan treated it seriously either. However, after a certain period of time, Zhao Yanyan couldn’t help but admit that she had once agreed to it.

At this time, I thought of another money making thing, and that’s the entertainment industry. Although the entertainment industry would shrink drastically after a few years, but entertainment shows like Super Girl were beyond popular. Now, in 1995, it was the peak era for albums and tv shows, this situation lasted until 2002, where the profits of the industry started going downhill. I could completely stick a foot in with this chance. The only thing I have a lot of right now was money, in this era, as long as you have money, even terrible films could be sold spectacularly.

The two chicks beside me definitely had the potential to be a star, but I was not prepared for them to get into this area, since the water was two deep there, it was not what the two chicks could handle.

I often seen some shady news about the entertainment industry, a lot of not famous female actors used their body to trade for a lesser character. Although a lot of stars, who’s family had a lot of money and power, didn’t need to do this, but after becoming a public image, the rich second generations around them were enough for them to handle.

Subconsciously, I had already treated Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier as my private property, how could I take out my stuff for other people to look at.

The computing industry I am in is my forte, with the help of Uncle Zhao, Shuguang Corporation went onto the right track without much effort. However, the entertainment and catering industries were areas I have never stepped into, this piqued my interest of opening a new business once again, I want to use my ability in an unknown industry to carve out a path.

I already had a lot of money, and since I was only in First Year, I had a bunch of time, why not just start a company in another industry.

It looks like I have to talk about my ideas with Uncle Zhao when I have the opportunity to.

“Xiao Liu, where are you?” Just when I parked my car in the courtyard of the Industrial Bank, I received Uncle Zhao’s phone number.

“I just got home, and am parking my car. What is it?” Normally Uncle Zhao wouldn’t call me at night.

“There’s something to do with the company, can you come over to Shuguang?” Uncle Zhao said.

“Now? Sure, wait for me,” I hung up, and drove the car out again.

Perhaps because I was in a hurry, the moment the light at the crossroads turned, I drove my car out, it was precisely at this moment that a left-turning Alto scratched against mine.

I could tell that the Alto was in worse shape than mine, the entire back of the back was smashed inwards. It was really difficult to make a judgement on who’s responsibility it was in these type of traffic accidents, since both moved the moment the light turned, and it didn’t matter who was right and who was wrong, but perhaps I had a slightly heavier responsibility.

The most important thing right now is that I don’t know if the people in the Alto was hurt. I opened the car door and ran over. At this moment, the driver of the Alto also got down from the copilot side.

I instantly felt relieved after seeing that the person in the car was fine. The worst thing that could happen after crashing a car was compensating with a bit of money, the responsibility of crashing into a person was much larger.

To my surprise, the person that came down from the Alto was actually a young woman, she looked to be around eighteen or nineteen, she had clear eyes, and looked very pleasant, she seemed like a university student. What made me confused was that the girl in front of me was actually kind of familiar, as if I have seen her somewhere, but I just couldn’t recall where.

The girl’s expression momentarily blanked upon seeing me, she hesitated in her heart, why was it him? Originally she had planned to rip this person off a lot, but now she just couldn’t make that decision. Thinking back to the things that this person said to her, her heart jumped all over the place for no reason like a deer.

Of course I didn’t know what she was thinking, and asked anxiously, “Are you okay?”

“I’m alright, some skin just peeled off from my hands…” The girl had already planned everything in the car, she would not let off the person that dared to crash into this xiaojie’s car that easily. After a while, she would get down from the car, pretended to hurt all over, and force the culprit to take her to the hospital for a full body check. Then blackmail from for some money to buy a new car. However when the words came out from her mouth, it actually turned into “I’m alright”/

“That’s great! It’s good that you’re fine, let me see your hand…” Before she replied, I grabbed hold of her hand. There was actually a two centimeter long wound that was bleeding on her left hand!

“You’re still saying you’re fine after getting hurt like this! Let me send you to the hospital first,” saying that, I pushed her beside my Jetta without letting her reply.

Only the headlights were broken on my car, everywhere else was fine.

The girl sat into the car with a lot of thoughts. He actually touched her hand, from what it seemed like, he seemed to really care about her! Thinking about this, she completely forgot about the pain on her hand, instead she was a little happy. The thoughts of making him compensate were completely gone from her mind.

“Oh yeah, what are you going to do about your car?” I suddenly remembered that the girl’s car was still stopped in the middle of the road.

“Aiya!” After getting reminded by me, the girl only remembered that her car was still stopped there, and her phone as well as purse were still on the car.

I thought the girl felt some heartache for her car, that Alto looked rather new, it looks like it hasn’t been driven for over a year, getting crashed like this by me essentially made it useless.

“Relax, I’ll compensate you,” I comforted her. An Alto really wasn’t anything to me.

“That’s not it, I mean that my family must be worried about me after going out for this lone! Do you have a phone? Lend it to me,” the girl frowned and said. Did I (the girl) look so greedy for money?

I smiled, and handed my mobile phone to her.

“Hey, dad, I’m Yingying… En, my car crashed with someone else just now… I’m fine, and am going to the hospital right now… My car is at Nanxikou, find someone to help me bring it back… Okay, I said I’m fine… Sure, I’ll call you when I reach the hospital,” The girl finished and let out a long sigh, she had thought that her father would scold her, she never would have thought that she would pass so easily. Back then when she was going to buy a car, her father strongly objected, and said that what’s the point of a girl driving, wouldn’t it be fine to just get someone to send her wherever she wants to go!


  1. N/a

Chapter 141 – Business Plan

“Yeah, mom. This way not only we can make Mala Tang big, but you don’t have to work so hard!” Chen Weier added.

“About this… Old Chen, what do you think?” Mother Chen was a bit moved, and said in a requesting manner.

“I think Xiao Liu’s idea could work! But making such a company would take a lot of money right?” Father Chen said worriedly. There were a few workers in the factory that he was in before that went on an unpaid leave, and got together five hundred thousand to open a small company to make canned food. Apparently they still ran into the issue of the shortage of funds.

“You don’t have to worry about this, if we’re going to do it, we have make it the best, how about this, Bomu, I’ll give you five million first, and you apply for the patent and brand of Chen Family’s Mala Tang. Then find somewhere to buy a place and use it as the office,” I said.

“What! Five million!” Father and Mother Chen all opened their mouths in shock. They could never have imagined that this boy that was even younger than their daughter actually casually threw out five million between chats and laughter, and it was just the start!

On the other hand, Chen Weier didn’t have any abnormal reactions. I could take out a million just to trash a car for fun, so this amount of money doesn’t can’t as anything.

“Yeah, if the company is going to expand later, then I will invest more funds,” I said calmly.

“About this… Xiao Liu, is what you’re saying true?” Mother Chen asked.

“Mom, of course it’s true! Just relax and be that general manager when the time comes!” Chen Weier said.

“Sure! Then mom will be working for you guys! Don’t complain to mom if I don’t do the job well!” Mother Chen said with a smile.

“What do you mean work for, aren’t we cooperating?” I said.

“Okay now, Xiao Liu. Just give me a standard amount per month enough for us two old people to spend, we don’t have much use for so much money. But my son, can we let him come in and work after the company opens…” Chen Weier’s mother said awkwardly.

“Of course this is okay, but I have other missions to hand to Chen Yong,” I said with a smile. Chen Yong graduated from university through the architecture department, I just lack this type of talent right now. The next step in my plan is to get into real estate, although I said I was going to let Guo Qing handle this area, but that’s only for him to deal with stuff in the dark, I have to get someone who knows about this to take the lead on surface.

“Then I won’t worry, Dayong, shouldn’t you thank Xiao Liu!” Mother Chen said.

“Mom, he was my boss ages ago!” Chen Yong said with a smile.

Later on, Mother Chen and I talked more about the details, the experience I have from running a company isn’t a day or two, and naturally the stuff I said made a lot of sense, causing Mother Chen to continuously nod after hearing it.

“After registering the company, we’ll primarily open the shops in supermarkets, malls and some entertainment facilities, such as theme parks. Then we can hire some people to manage it, but we must strictly control the recipe, and ensure that it doesn’t leak out,” This was the operating method I borrowed from KFC.

“Control the recipe? How do you control that?” In this era, Mother Chen had not heard of similar controlling methods.

“Yes! We can prepare the additives and seasoning, seal it into plastic packaging, and it can be used when it needs to be just by adding water. This way, we can ensure that the people don’t steal our technology!” I said.

“This is definitely a good method! Why didn’t I think of this in the future!” Mother Chen exclaimed. Mother Chen had also thought about these problems, when she wanted to open a branch store, but it was never solved.

“This doesn’t count as anything, a lot of large catering companies do that,” To my understanding a lot of restaurant chains within the country such as California Beef Noodle, all used this method.

“Sure! But I have no need to use as much money as what you give me?” Mother Chen calculated a bit, doing all this stuff plus registering the brand and patent would not take over a million at max.

“This is just the first step. Later on, our company can use a high price to purchase the recipe of some famous recipes, and make a franchise. Or we can run them by ourselves. The rest of the money can be used to open a hotel, the higher the level the better!” I said out my following plan.

I could take in all of those snacks that I saw in my previous life like Osmanthus Duck, Eight-Treasure Chicken, Mala Duck Neck etc. Furthermore, opening a large-scale catering mothership wasn’t a bad choice at all, you can know how popular this industry was just looking at how full Dynasty Seafood Palace was! No matter how expensive things are, there would still be people going to eat it.

“Ah…” Mother Chen was completely shocked by my ideas this time. How could these impressive ideas come from a child’s mouth! Mother Chen finally understood the reason why this person could be filthy rich at such a young age.

“Let’s settle the first stage at that! We can talk about everything else after the company is registered,” I said.

The thing pretty much just got settled like that, I used Chen Weier’s name to open a bank card, stored five million into it and gave it to Mother Chen, to let her handle everything. Additionally, I gave the telephone number of the directors of the main departments in the Trade and Industry Bureau, Health Bureau, epidemic prevention station to Mother Chen, and told her to directly call them when in trouble, just tell them that she’s Zhao Junsheng’s friend.

That night, Chen Weier, Zhao Yanyan and I were eating in KFC, I don’t understand why this type of western fast food would pique the appetite of the girls so much, they would never get tired of it.

“Hubby, let me say something to you!” Zhao Yanyan said coquettishly after taking a bite of fries.

“What is it?” I knew it wasn’t anything good after hearing this tone, it probably was some request for me again.

“This Sunday, Su Yingzhi is coming to Songjiang city for a concert, bring us there okay!” Chen Weier continued on the side.

I was wondering why the two of them got me to go out to KFC together at night, so they have a ploy!

“Who is Su Yingzhi?” I asked weirdly, come to Songjiang for a concert? Could it be a star?

“You don’t even know Su Yingzhi? Such a huge pervert like you actually doesn’t know such a beauty? Zhao Yanyan asked weirdly.

“Never heard of her,” I searched through my mind, I truly didn’t hear about such a singer in my previous life.

Could history have changed? Ever since I was reborn, there really wasn’t a low number of places where history have changed. This made me think of the butterfly effect. However, this was just a little singer, it was fine as long as the general direction of history didn’t change.

“It can’t be! The entire street is playing her songs!” Chen Weier asked in disbelief.

“Never mind, isn’t it just a little singer, if you want to you, then I’ll go with you,” to be honest, I was completely not interested in this like concerts.

“What little singer! Don’t think that she has only started for half a year, she is already known everywhere, I heard a few days ago that she was even acting in a tv series!!” Zhao Yanyan said in displeasure.


  1. N/a

Chapter 185 – White Tiger

The marble white color of the dawn sky emerged from the horizon as the bright red sun rose from between the mountains. The dazzling sunlight sprinkled down on the Celestial City, making this ancient city with grand history to flicker with a faint gold luster. The entire city was overflowing with thriving vitality, as if it was a wilting ancient tree given a new lease of life.

Early in the morning, every street in the huge city was already filled with stream of people. It became a boiling cauldron of voices not long after sunrise. Another noisy day had begun in the flourishing Celestial City.

The tempest last night, apart from washing the street clean and making the leaves of all kinds of plant more verdant than ever, it didn’t have the slightest influence on the inhabitants of the city. Everyone who lived at this place for a long time had already gotten used to this bizarre rain that only happened once or twice annually. They didn’t pay much attention to it.

Xiao Chen brought Keke along and leisurely walked into the North Style Academy to get breakfast. This was his daily habit. He was very satisfied to be living at the educational street. The atmosphere from this kind of faculty was most fitting for his training.

Of course, using Fairsky and Zhuge fatty’s words, Xiao Chen was also not a “virtuous type”. As far as the girls were concerned, he must have some “ulterior motive” for entering the North Style Academy’s dining hall and antique store.

Xiao Chen just ignored their words. There was no place more peaceful than the academy. Although he was very young, he would often lament at the fact that it was truly good to be young. There was nobody trying to outwit the others in the academy, everyone was very sincere. Things would become very complicated once he’s outside of the academy.

After eating breakfast, Xiao Chen took along two big chunks of roasted meat for Tenax and the Azure Dragon King. Taking two Dragon Kings to go out everyday would cause a huge commotion, so he had no other choice.

Quietly meditating until the sun was as high as three bamboos ⌈1⌋, Xiao Chen then left by himself for the warbeast street.

The roars of the beast shook the earth. At the present stage, every warbeast arena was packed with people. It was already the final round of the knockout competition. It was the last match to decide the beast kings that would advance to the grand battle.

Dragon King and sacred beast were without a doubt, the king of the beasts. So they didn’t need to participate in the knockout competition. They only needed to wait until the knockout competition concluded and directly join the Grand Battle!

After paying a large amount for the ticket, Xiao Chen entered the Antarctic Warbeast Castle. The grade of the knockout competition at this place was very high. Only by winning seven consecutive fights would they be able to advance to the grand battle. There was no need to conduct elimination rounds.

Of course, the knockout competition conducted by the three major warbeast castles had very high standards. Only a true beast king could participate. They always conducted less than ten matches per day.

It must be mentioned, once a warbeast arena had attained the title of “castle”, there was indeed a qualitative leap. The entire building was really as magnificent as a castle.

Even with six thousand seats, it was not crowded. The seats surrounded the warbeast stage in a circle with flight of steps, allowing six thousand people to see the true beast kings fighting on the stage clearly.

Of course, since they were called the “warbeast castle”, that was not all they had to offer. They had some other three hundred VIP lounges. Every lounge was a dazzling sight. They had set up a big screen on the wall and projected the fight on the stage with a crystal ball made by Psychic. It allowed the people in the VIP lounge to watch everything on the stage clearly.

Moreover, the three hundred VIP lounges were also divided by grade. The best lounge at this place provided many special services. They had invited the beauties from Moonflower Castle to pour wine for you, they had also invited the girls from Spellbind Castle to massage your back. The service was so luxurious that it was unimaginable.

Antarctic Warbeast Castle was the Fair family’s biggest industry. Xiao Chen did not disturb anyone after he came in. There were only less than ten seats remaining among the six thousand general seats. However, people recognized him the moment he sat down.

The middle-aged man was Fairsky’s housekeeper. He immediately brought Xiao Chen to a VIP lounge. Without a doubt, all the best VIP lounges were already occupied. However, this lounge was not bad either. It was richly ornamented and everything was tastefully chosen.

A big screen was set on all sides of the walls, they could watch the battle from all around. There were even some lovable girls nearby waiting to serve the guests. This was practically a castle. Other than the long talk of the dozen of people, watching the battle was absolutely not a problem.

From this, it was easy to imagine how luxurious was the Antarctic Warbeast Castle. After all, they had three hundred VIP lounges all together!

“Roar…” The roar of a tiger caused the VIP lounge to shake. That sound was completely transmitted from the crystal screen. The White Tiger was only 1.5 meter long. It looked very ordinary, but its roar was very terrifying, it was forceful and vigorous.

The tiger raised its hip, moved its tail to and fro, then it pounced on its opponent. Those were the standard moves of the tiger. It looked very ordinary, but the Winged Leopard flickering with yellow light all over was actually pushed down and got ripped apart by the White Tiger. ⌈2

An ordinary-looking White Tiger, yet it possessed out of the ordinary strength. It easily ripped apart a true beast king. It was easy to imagine how powerful was the White Tiger. Xiao Chen instantly became interested in it.

Without a doubt, this was a young warbeast. It was definitely coming for the groups of cub. Its adversary shall be the sacred beasts and Dragon Kings!

The White Tiger’s second opponent appeared. This was a golden eagle, about two meters long. It was like a ball of flame as it was flying in circle above the warbeast stage. After that, with a clear whistle, it transformed into a gold radiance as it dived down fast. Its sharp golden claws were even brighter than the sword-qi, they were sharper than the sword-qi. It was aiming straight for the ordinary-looking White Tiger’s head.

The one meter long White Tiger jumped to the side nimbly and dodged this attack.


The sound of cracking transmitted outward. The resplendent claws of the golden eagle left a crack on the diamond floor. The surface that was claimed to be as hard as the adamantium was practically like a mud under its talons. The floor was unable to withstand even a single blow.


The gold radiance flashed as the golden eagle spread out its steel-like wings and swept towards the White Tiger. In the end, the little White Tiger lightly jumped to the side and dodged again. The golden eagle soared into the sky and opened its beak. It actually launched a golden beam of light to attack the White Tiger. This golden eagle was a true beast king, there was no need to doubt its strength. It was able to control the spiritual energy. Compared to the powerful Psychic and Spell Master, it was even more powerful.

The little white Tiger jumped up and nimbly dodged the attack again. The golden light beam directly split open the surface of the stage. The violent energy billow was rumbling. This attack was actually not weaker than the power of the Exuvia Sixth or Seventh Celestial Layer. It was completely capable of fighting against the genuine young sacred beast!

The smoke and dust filled the air. The golden eagle swooped down, its sharp beak was pecking towards the little White Tiger’s eyeball, and its pair of glittering talons were aiming for the White Tiger’s abdomen. It was incomparably vicious.

This time, the little White Tiger did not dodge. It was actually waiting for the golden eagle unmovingly. Only until the golden light in the sky got within one feet did it suddenly jump to the side. It was unimaginably fast as it turned its body around and pounced back.

Even someone on Xiao Chen’s level was shocked. The White Tiger was really too fast. It only left behind two afterimages and soon after, the golden eagle was already pushed to the ground. It snapped the golden eagle’s neck with a bite and then transformed into a streak of white light as it fell back.

The headless golden eagle was rampaging on the ground for a while. Its sharp talons had ripped apart the diamond floor until it was beyond recognition!

“Can you find out who is the owner of this White Tiger?” Xiao Chen asked the beautiful lady waiting upon to serve him. He instinctively felt that, although this one meter long White Tiger might look mediocre, its strength could be ranked among the sacred beast. So much so that it might be more powerful than some sacred beasts!

“We tried to investigate before, but unable to find anything.” The lovely girl cast a glance at Xiao Chen and said softly.

The White Tiger’s next opponent was a young wolf. Although it was also one meter long, it was very magical. Its entire body was flickering with purple light. Just a slight movement and it would emit resplendent purple radiance that made people unable to open their eyes. The most peculiar part was that it didn’t have any wings, yet it was floating in the sky. It was able to defy gravity and fly!

This was definitely an exotic primal beast. This kind of warbeasts were usually powerful and terrifying.

As expected, when the purple wolf let out a long howl, it caused the entire warbeast castle to shake slightly. It was moving like a streak of purple lightning in the sky, shooting down one purple lightning after another to attack the White Tiger on the ground.

The purple wolf was extraordinarily powerful. Although it was evaluated as a true beast king, it already had the strength equivalent to a young sacred beast. It was completely possible to put it under the beast king group!


The smoke and dust filled the air. The warbeast stage actually crumbled apart. It was destroyed by the divine radiance of the purple wolf. However, the White Tiger did not receive any injury. It was as swift as a streak of light as it made one unpredictable maneuver after another on the ruins.

It miraculously dodged all the attacks. Then it provocatively tilted its head to the side as it looked at the young wolf in the sky. The White Tiger proceeded to extend its paw like a human and beckoned the purple wolf.

The young wolf in the sky was also an extremely intelligent cub. It squinted its eyes and launched two more purple light beams. After much consideration, it swooped down over and over again. That was because it was more terrifying in close quarter combat compared to controlling the spiritual energy.

They only saw a streak of purple light rushing towards the ruins in the twinkling of an eye and the dazzling rays of light stirred up the smoke and dust. A roar was transmitted from the ruins.

When everything finally calmed down, when the dust and smoke dissipated, everyone revealed an inconceivable expression. The chest of the incomparably powerful purple wolf was actually cut open. The purple blood flowed all over the ground. The glint in its eyes was getting dimmer gradually. And the White Tiger came out unscathed. Its body was not even stained by a drop of blood.

The White Tiger looked mediocre. There was nothing special about it at first glance. However, it possessed this kind of frightening power. It was scarily strong. Even some of the little sacred beasts wouldn’t be this powerful right? This was what everyone was thinking about.

For some reason, when Xiao Chen saw the White Tiger’s movements, Tenax’s dragon martial skill came to mind. He felt that the White Tiger must have received something similar. Its movements looked ordinary and mediocre, but it was too antiquated. Thinking about it carefully, that was definitely a very valuable ancient martial skill of the beasts!


  1. The time of day after the dew on the leaves has already evaporated
    but before afternoon. 
  2. Silva: Tsk… expectation betrayed again… I thought the White Tiger in the title was referring to Keke…
    Chanayh: Why do you think Keke belongs to the “tiger” group? At least as a dragon…
    Silva: Ehh… but Keke doesn’t even look remotely dragon. White Tiger is the closest mythological creature I can relate it to. 

Chapter 184 – Smelting Three Divine Artifacts

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and so on were comparatively common. Telepathy, Undying Technique, and the others were comparatively rarer. As for the legendary Reincarnation, Time Control, Extreme Speed, and other such divine abilities were even rarer.

The Weapon Fusion learned by Xiao Chen after breaking through to Historia realm could be considered a rarely seen divine ability. It was the most fitting ability for his one and only way.

Historia, the realm where one slowly open the sealed door in their bodies and dig out the treasures stored within. All kinds of legendary divine abilities required them to train painstakingly before they start to open up gradually.

The first divine ability gave Xiao Chen a nice surprise. He was even more looking forward to the divine abilities he would get in the future!

The jet-black broken sword transformed into sword-qi and circulated within Xiao Chen’s body according to his will, it was like a surging river, then again, it was like a clear stream. With a flash, the broken sword appeared in Xiao Chen’s hand.

Right now, Xiao Chen naturally didn’t have the capability to thoroughly smelt the broken sword. If he had enough power to completely smelt the broken sword and fuse it with his flesh, then this broken sword would no longer exist in this world. It would become a part of his body.


With a flash of light, the broken sword entered Xiao Chen’s left palm. When he waved his left arm lightly, a resplendent sword-qi was launched diagonally and let out a whistling sound. The unceasing torrent of sword-qi bubbled out and formed a dazzling light screen which cut through the curtain of rain with its unstoppable power!

He couldn’t smelt the broken sword, but with the jet-black broken sword hidden in his left palm, it was as if he was wielding the jet-black weapon in his hand. He no longer had to fear the divine weapon. At the same time, he was able to injure his enemy imperceptibly.

Weapon Fusion, since the body was a small universe by itself to begin with, it was possible to fuse everything within the body. After reaching certain heights, not only could he refine all kinds of divine weapons, even refining an immemorial magic mountain and store it within the body was not a problem!

Xiao Chen broke through to Historia realm and the first ability he received after opening the seal was definitely a very formidable and rarely seen divine ability.

Since he couldn’t refine the broken sword for the time being, Xiao Chen walked into the house to take out an ordinary-looking dagger. After that, according to his will, the dagger melted instantly and fused into his right palm. Lightly waving his palm towards a chunk of wood beam, it was cut off in a flash.

The dagger was thoroughly refined. Xiao Chen felt his right palm had the sharp property of the dagger. This was simply unimaginable. If he could smelt a lot of divine weapons and fuse it with his body, wouldn’t he became a living weapon, a moving armoury?!

This kind of divine ability was too freakish!

Next, Xiao Chen continued to smelt a few more swords. The result was as he had speculated. All of them fused into his flesh.

The pitch-black sky was incomparably oppressive. A screech suddenly resounded from the endless darkness and shook the entire Celestial City. The screech was very imposing, it sounded as if it fell from the highest of the heavens, then again, it also sounded as if it smashed the void and came from the ancient times.

Carrying on, the thunderous lightning burst out. One huge lightning after another appeared in the dark sky and made the sky brightly lit.

A divine halberd and a metal engraving burst out with dazzling rays of light in the sky of Celestial City. They attacked in criss-crossed pattern and instantly destroyed the endless shadows in the sky. Those were the shadows of the prehistoric peoples wearing ancient armors.

Was it an illusion?

Nobody knew.


Celestial City suddenly shook violently for a while. If it was if a huge living body was sighing. After that, all the lightning rushed towards the mother earth and entered the Celestial City.

When the lightning gradually became dimmer. Xiao Chen had seen it clearly. All the shadows of the ancients had been augmented again and then they transformed into one light stream after another as they flew towards Celestial City, blending into the ancient city under the dim light of night.

The tempest stopped at this point. During this pitch-black night, something inconceivable had indeed happened in the sky. However, compared to that time in the dragon island’s ghost town, this was nothing. It was not frightening, nor could it be regarded as unfathomable.

However, this was only on the surface. Xiao Chen had profoundly felt a boundless power shrouding the Celestial City. It was absolutely not inferior to the dragon island’s ghost town on that day.

That means this ancient city was hiding a great secret unknown to anyone.

Otherwise, it was impossible for the golden halberd and metal engraving to rush into the night sky. They were spiritual antiques, surely, they must have realized something one wished to keep secret.

The torrential black light flickered as the jet-black metal engraving fell from the dark sky, directly rushing towards the rainbow-colored sacred tree on top of Keke’s head.

Don’t look at how the snow-white little critter was usually muddle-headed, it was actually very clever. It had once personally experienced the power of the jet-black metal engraving and was fearful of it. The snow-white little critter immediately ran away from this place with a swish.

The jet-black metal engraving did not smash over as they imagined. It was as if it had treated the rainbow-colored sacred tree as its vessel. It became slower over time, and finally, it suspended in the courtyard.

Keke looked at it curiously. After that, it was pleasantly surprised as it transformed into a streak of light and rushed over there. It wanted to put away that jet-black metal engraving. Just at this time, Xiao Chen suddenly had a flash and shouted, “Keke, wait a moment.”

The little critter doubtfully landed on the ground and looked at Xiao Chen in puzzlement.

“Let me give it a try.”

He just comprehended the Weapon Fusion a moment ago. Xiao Chen wanted to give it a try and see if he could take this ancient artifacts into his body.

According to his will, the black light glinted and the metal engraving did not resist at all. It directly fused into Xiao Chen’s left palm. Almost at the same time, Xiao Chen felt his left palm was crushed. The sharp pain almost made him shout out loud. Following closely, the bones let out snapping noise unceasingly as his metacarpal was being reorganized.

At the same time, the jet-black broken sword in his left palm was forced out of his body. Meanwhile, the dagger and swords that were already refined and fused into his right hand slowly rematerialized in his body. After that, they were forced out of the body. However, by the time they fell onto the ground, they had already become a pile of scrap iron. All of them shattered into small pieces.

Such a tyrannical metal engraving. With it alone, no other ordinary weapons were allowed to coexist. Even the jet-black broken sword was forced out.

On the hollow of Xiao Chen’s left palm, a fingernail-sized imprint of the jet-black metal engraving appeared.

The golden halberd was brimming with murderous vibe. It left a streak of golden light in the sky, similar to a heavenly flame. Then it streaked across the vast sky like a meteor. As it fell towards the mother earth, it left behind a tail light and rushed towards the courtyard.

It seemed to have felt the aura of the black metal engraving from the rainbow-colored sacred tree and Xiao Chen. The resplendent divine light was so dazzling that one was unable to open their two eyes. The powerful pressure pressed down on Xiao Chen, Keke, and Tenax like a huge mountain.

Xiao Chen clenched his teeth. He made up his mind and executed the Weapon Fusion again. He made his move against the golden halberd. The blazing divine light glinted unceasingly. Xiao Chen experienced that sharp pain again in his right palm as his bones were being reorganized. The sharp pain made his entire head break out in sweat.

The golden divine light flickered unceasingly. In the end, all the rays of light finally dissipated and the imprint of the golden halberd appeared on Xiao Chen’s right palm!

Merging two ancient divine artifacts into his palms, this was a really daring attempt even for Xiao Chen. However, he found to his amazement that it was very hard to control these two ancient artifacts. He was unable to take them out smoothly anymore.

To fuse the two divine artifacts into his flesh, that was impossible! At the very least, he didn’t have the ability to do it now.

To manifest the power of the two divine artifacts, that was also impossible. Xiao Chen attempted several times and found that it was hard to manifest the divine power of the golden halberd and jet-black metal engraving. Despite that, his hands had become as solid as the divine weapons.

He was certain, if it was not divine artifacts like the golden halberd and metal engraving, any ordinary divine weapons wouldn’t be able to cause the slightest injury to his palms. Perhaps, even the ancient spear Pasteur wouldn’t be able to pierce through his palms.


Keke let out a squeak resentfully. It jumped onto Xiao Chen’s shoulder, grabbed a strand of hair, and blinked its big eyes to convey its dissatisfaction.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, “What do you need these ominous weapons for? Might as well put it in my body. At least they could be put to some use. They are nothing more than collections if you put them in your treasured tree.”

The snow-white little critter let out a “Hmph! Hmph!” sound resentfully. Then it extended its hairy little paws and waved it twice in front of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen knew what it meant. It wanted to trade them with two peerless spiritual items.

“Heh-heh, good, no problem.”

From start to finish, Tenax was watching nearby. After the lightning faded away, it already recovered its calmness and aloof appearance.

Xiao Chen attempted to smelt the common swords. As a result, he found that it was possible to bring them into his body. However, if he wanted to refine them, they would turn into scrap iron and be forced out of his body.

With the existence of divine artifacts, no ordinary weapons were allowed to fuse with the body. They could only be stored. The ordinary weapons were too fragile in the face of two divine artifacts.

Xiao Chen laid out all the items he was carrying with him. Which comprised of: Keke’s rainbow jade shell, the jet-black broken sword, Suirenshi’s burial cloth, the iron chain used to lock up the white-shelled tortoise, the phoenix’s feather, and Suiren Gimlet. These were very important items, they couldn’t be thrown away.

Xiao Chen carefully attempted to fuse these items into his body. Five out of six items could be put away in his body, but they couldn’t be refined. If he wanted to refined them, they would be forced out of his body. Fortunately, they didn’t end up crushed like those ordinary weapons.

What made Xiao Chen most surprised was the Suiren Gimlet, this sixth item could actually be refined and it was not rejected by the golden halberd and metal engraving. This indicated it was a divine artifact on the same level as them! ⌈1

Xiao Chen endured the sharp pain and fused the Suiren Gimlet into his left foot. A very small imprint of the Suiren Gimlet appeared on the heart of his foot.

It was somewhat inconceivable. The Suiren Gimlet looked like a stone yet not a stone, looked like a wood yet not a wood. It appeared to be nothing special, if it was thrown into the pile of stone, nobody would even take notice of it. However, it was able to steadily occupy a space in Xiao Chen’s body in front of two ancient artifacts.

Xiao Chen was getting increasingly positive. The divine artifact that Suirenshi used to achieve the truth was absolutely not as simple as it looked on the surface. All of it was because he didn’t have enough power yet to understand this stone gimlet’s true might.

Of course, this so-called refining was not really to be taken in the literal sense. This was only the initial stage, if he really wanted to refine and fuse them into his flesh, it might take a really long time.

The clouds scattered and the starlight sprinkled down. It was as if those bizarre event just now never happened at all.


  1. Silva: Just… what could it be? A soul protecting artifact?! 

Chapter 183 – The First Divine Ability

The black clouds rumbled at nightfall. The clouds as black as the ink were almost touching the ground.

It seemed like a storm was imminent.

Not a single soul could be seen on the main street. Such a big Celestial City seemed to have sunk into deathly silence. All the sounds have disappeared.

There was an indescribable pressure pouncing over to the mother earth from the dark horizon. It was as if the mother earth had been shrouded by a layer of dense fog in a flash.

At Xiao Chen’s residence, Fairsky and Zhuge fatty hurriedly bid farewell. The both of them had ugly an expression as they warned Xiao Chen not to rashly go out when the rainstorm approached at night.

When he asked why, the two of them were also not very clear. They said it was an old tradition passed down in Celestial City, that there would be one or two unusual rainstorms annually. In order to avoid getting frightened, it’s best if everyone don’t go out to walk around, regardless of the ordinary peoples or the powerful practitioners.

Just before leaving, Fairsky said in a low voice, “The elders said it themselves, this city might be a real Celestial City of the legend. The name is not given randomly. Just quietly stay in the house and nothing would happen. The resident of the city already got used to this. It’s only once or twice annually.”

After that, he hastily left with the fatty.

The black clouds were getting lower and lower, as if they had already touched the ground. However, the sound of thunder still couldn’t be heard. There was only a heavy pressure, as if there were hundreds of thousands of big mountains descending slowly.

Everywhere in the city was in absolute silence. It was as if Celestial City had lose its liveliness, not a sound could be heard anymore!

An indescribable palpitation gave rise to a bone-chilling fear!

Keke and Tenax felt very uneasy. They seemed to have felt something bad as they kept looking up at the dark sky from the courtyard.

Xiao Chen felt this scene was somewhat familiar. At that time when the ghost town appeared on the dragon island, it seemed just as oppressive and frightening.

Ghost town?!

Celestial City?!

As he thought of this, Xiao Chen suddenly had a flash. According to rumor, nobody knew when the Celestial City was constructed. They did not have any historical records, they only knew it had already existed for countless years. However, that tall and ancient city wall was still in good condition even after going through the vicissitudes of time.

Could it be that… the Celestial City and the dragon island’s ghost town were ancient cities from the same era?

Then, doesn’t that mean, this city had already been through the vicissitudes of countless eras since the day it was build?

Was it really a mysterious ancient city of the distant past?

Xiao Chen had a feeling that his conjecture might really be true!

Keke and Tenax vigilantly watched the dark sky. Their expressions seemed to be very grave.

Xiao Chen also felt very uneasy, but this kind of feeling was a lot different compared to the time when the ghost town appeared on the dragon island. At the very least, he didn’t feel the vibe of death. There was only a foreboding feeling, it felt as if there was a huge lifeform about to awaken from its ancient slumber.


The lightning suddenly flashed in the sky. One criss-crossed lightning after another cut through the dark sky and tore apart that heavy atmosphere from just now.

The downpour descended, the heaven and earth was covered by a curtain of water, and the tempest began.

The whooshing sound of the wind sounded scary. The tiles of the roof were making crashing sound as they were blown by the wind. All the rainwater were blown in the sky until they were rolling up and formed jets of water similar to the waterfall.

Of course, all of these could only be seen due to the brilliant rays of the lightning. After the flash of lightning disappeared and sunk into darkness, they could only hear the terrifying sounds and unable to see anything.

As dark as the ink! It seemed as if Celestial City had been covered by an opaque black cloth.

Just at this time, the jet-black broken sword at Xiao Chen’s waist suddenly trembled violently, as if it wanted to streak across the vast sky and leave.

Xiao Chen was very surprised. This pitch-black, abnormally heavy, yet ordinary-looking broken sword actually started to tremble today. It was a little bizarre.

One must know that the broken sword was only a little more than one feet long, yet it weighed more than a few hundred kilograms. If it was not filled with magic power, it wouldn’t even be able to cut down an ordinary metal, let alone the divine weapons. It looking very much mediocre until now. It had never manifested anything unusual before.

Of course, those so-called divine weapons also couldn’t cut down this broken sword.

Apparently, it’s neither weak or strong.

Xiao Chen reached out with his hand and firmly grabbed the sword shaft. He could feel the jet-black broken sword trembling violently in his hands. An ancient vibe seemed to throw itself in his face. Soon after, he could feel an extremely sharp sword-qi!

A resplendent ray of light directly cut open the empty sky. It streaked across the darkness and was launched towards the pitch-black sky.

It was still and quiet, no peculiar fluctuation transmitted from the dark sky. It was as if the endless darkness had swallowed up the sword-qi.

Just at this time, Xiao Chen suddenly felt an intense battle intent rushing into his mind from the broken sword. Some kind of instinct urged him to go to the courtyard and began to practice with the sword.

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”

The sword-qi was as bright as the lightning as it was rumbling in the darkness and surging forward in the heavy rain. The broken sword in Xiao Chen’s hand seemed to glow with the radiance of life. It was like a raging black dragon as it violently emitted one divine radiance after another!

What the broken sword passed to Xiao Chen, rather than battle intent, it was more like sword intent! It wasn’t really a sword technique, but it conveyed one kind of creative concept to Xiao Chen. It was one kind of creative concept that belonged to the sword!

It could be understood, but not described. Xiao Chen was immersed in some kind of fantastic state. Nobody was teaching him the sword technique, but he was waving freely and unconstrained in accordance to that sword intent in his mind. The broken sword left a streak of rainbow as it slashed past. The pitch-black sword body was flickering with resplendent divine radiance. Xiao Chen felt that he had no choice but to draw the sword, and wave it without constraint. He wanted to arouse the skyrocketing killing intent and battle intent.


The lightning flashed in the sky. Xiao Chen was waving his sword alone under the heavy downpour. One sword radiance after another rushed straight into the dark horizon. The murderous aura sent shivers down the spine. The sword-qi were unstoppable!

Just at this time, along with the deafening thunder, Xiao Chen could hear an almost indiscernible sound of close quarters combat. In the endless dark sky, under the flash of lightning, one ancient figure after another appeared. Each of them was wearing an ancient armor and holding a divine weapon in their hand. A lot of people from ancient times were fighting fiercely in the sky!

Keke and Tenax also rushed under the heavy rain as they looked up at the horizon nervously.

The broken sword in Xiao Chen’s hand never stopped. Looking up at the horizon, he continue to wave the sword as he watched the faintly discernible battle.

With a “buzz”, the rainbow-colored sacred tree on top of Keke’s head suddenly flickered with brilliant rays. After that, a golden ray of light soared up and was launched into the high altitude. It was actually that golden divine halberd with skyrocketing murderous aura! It was flickering with glaring golden light, as if there was a golden flame throbbing on the weapon body.

Following closely, with an explosive sound, the black fog pervaded as a Metal Engraving rushed out of the rainbow-colored sacred tree. It flew up into the night sky in that instant.

The golden divine halberd and the jet-black metal engraving, those were the divine artifacts that went missing on the dragon island since ancient times. On that day, Keke recklessly caused trouble and these two ancient artifacts had once destroyed one mountain range after another. It narrowly led to a huge disaster.

Never had they thought, these weapons had also broke away from the dragon island along with them. Keke had never thought of this possibility before. At this moment, it was so excited that it was squeaking randomly.

Xiao Chen was also very shocked. Two divine artifacts were actually hidden in the rainbow-colored sacred tree. That was too unexpected.

After the golden divine halberd and jet-black metal engraving rushed into the sky, the image of the fierce battle in the sky instantly faded away. After that, the rumbling of the thunder also disappeared in split second. The sound of the wind also stopped. The world had sunk into complete darkness.

The golden divine halberd and jet-black metal engraving, these two ancient artifacts seemed to have faded away along with the thunder and the ancients.


Keke was calling out anxiously under the heavy rain. The rainbow-colored divine radiance had enveloped it. Not a drizzle of rain could fall on its body.

The sword radiance flickered for the last few times. Xiao Chen put away the sword and laid down. The sword intent in his mind had been thoroughly aroused. As he looked up at the pitch-black sky with heavy downpour, he could be certain now, Celestial City was definitely an ancient city of the distant past. Otherwise how would it have such a mysterious side? At this very moment, the pressure enveloping the heaven and earth bore a remarkable resemblance to the characteristic of the dragon island’s ghost town. The only thing lacking was the vibe of death.

It was exceptionally oppressive. Although there’s no thunderous sound in the sky, the downpour actually began to fall to the ground noiselessly. The splashes appeared on the ground in thin air. It was exceptionally quiet. The world had become deathly still.

However, it was during this extremely abnormal situation that Xiao Chen felt his body was letting out a shattering sound. He actually made a breakthrough to Historia realm under this kind of suffocating situation!

As if some kind of shackles had been broken, he had finally overcame the last bottleneck and completely entered this domain. The unsteady state was now stabilized!

One gem-like radiance after another lingered on his body. The bones in Xiao Chen’s body were letting out snapping sounds as his flesh squirmed frantically. This was a natural response when his body undergo a real transformation.

Historia was the realm where one began to open up the treasures in their bodies. Henceforth, the divine abilities would spring up in large numbers!

Just at this time, Xiao Chen’s first divine ability after breaking through to Historia realm appeared.

Weapon Fusion!

The broken sword in Xiao Chen’s hand seemed as if it was melting. It transformed into resplendent sword-qi and blended into Xiao Chen’s body.

Xiao Chen was gobsmacked. It was not because he didn’t understand the situation. It was because he knew this divine ability was too rare. He absolutely never thought his first divine ability would be the legendary Weapon Fusion. This was the treasure body every practitioner yearned for even in their dreams.

However, thinking carefully after the shock, it was not too unexpected. That was because he was following the path of Vajra, so the divine ability he obtained would naturally be related to it.

Weapon Fusion, according to legends, it could change any divine weapons into a part of his body. Of course, that was only the initial stage. Along with the increase of power, it was completely capable of smelting any divine weapons and made a certain part of his body possess all kinds of properties from the divine weapons!

As a result, the human body itself would be equivalent to the heavenly sword!


  1. N/a

Chapter 182 – Joy and Delight

When Xiao Chen returned to the hall, a waitress delivered a fine liquor to him. The golden beverage was as thick as a honey. When it slid down the throat, there was a blazing feeling, and then it transformed into a sweet fragrance, flowing along with the breath. That feeling was too wonderful.

Zhuge fatty walked over and clicked his tongue, “Tsk! Mander family sure is wealthy. This ‘Gold Dream Dew’ cost as much as half a year of the common family’s living expenses.”

Fairsky also walked over and said with his lips sticking out, “Hofmann is scowling at you.”

Sure enough, Hofmann was staring at him very fiercely.

Xiao Chen raised his head to down this Gold Dream Dew and then walked over there with large strides.

“Don’t act recklessly!” Fairsky warned him. This place was not an ordinary location.

The moment he got nearer to Hofmann, Katalina and the other girls just happened to turn their heads over there. They were very clever and knew what was going on with a single glance. They giggled as they watched on.

Hofmann was together with a group of scions from the major families. He looked at Xiao Chen provocatively and mumbled under his breath noiselessly.

“Mother f—! This son of a b— is cursing you?” Zhuge Liang was very furious.

Xiao Chen looked at Hofmann’s performance very calmly. The other party was indeed cursing him with filthy speech.

“What is he cursing? Interpret for me, Fairsky.”

“He was calling you a *******, saying that if you have the guts, then go over there. The latter part is very unpleasant to hear.” Fairsky was also extremely displeased with Hofmann.

The nearby were all young people, many of them had noticed the situation at this place.

Xiao Chen turned his head to ask Katalina, “Hofmann is really cursing me?”

“Of course. Do you really need us sisters to interpret for you? I didn’t expect you are so stupid, you don’t even know how to do lip reading!” Katalina said without holding back. Then she giggled and started to interpret. She was more than happy to see Xiao Chen blowing up. She was very willing to pour oil on the fire.

Katalina and few other girls from the major families started to interpret what Hofmann was saying earnestly. Of course, they were adding oil while interpreting.

“He said it, you scoundrel, come over here if you have the guts!”

“Coward, come and hit me if you dare!”

“Watch it boy, I will make you wish you were dead sooner or later!”

“Why is this boy so scared now, why did he not dare to come over? Come over and hit me if you have the guts!”

“Come over and hit me, you joker!!”


Hearing these, Xiao Chen smiled and said towards Fairsnow and the others who remained quiet all along, “All of you heard it right? I didn’t misinterpret. With so many people to testify, that guy over there is asking me to go over there to hit him. It was the baby girl of the host, Katalina, who personally interpreted for me. It’s definitely not a mistake! Since he wished for it, as a gentleman, I will fulfill his desire!”

As he was speaking, Xiao Chen walked over there with large strides.

“Ah?!” The people at the side were stunned.

The fatty and Fairsky on the other hand, started to laugh.

Katalina was screeching, “Xiao Chen, you *******! You have the impertinence to make use of me!”

“I say, brothers and sisters, is there anyone who wants to hit him? Then follow my lead, there’s no need to feel apprehensive. This guy was begging to be hit!” Speaking until here, Xiao Chen already got within the group of scions and made Hofmann fall onto the ground with a slap. Then he started to trample him violently.

“Ow-uuu…” Hofmann let out a pained sound similar to the howl of the wolves. He was exceptionally miserable. Never had he thought Xiao Chen would really dare to hit him.

“We really can beat him?” One of the scions not far away asked like this. Hofmann was usually very arrogant, so he naturally had many enemies.

Of course, everyone at this place can testify!”

With a “hustle” and “bustle”, more than ten male and female surrounded Hofmann and trampled him violently.

Hofmann’s miserable shriek practically didn’t sound like it was produced by a human.

Among the participants, the young ladies were much fiercer than the men. Every one of them was wearing an excited expression, as if they were playing a very interesting game. A game where they were trampling on a sandbag and wishing every step could make the sandbag spill some sand. ⌈1

Katalina was using her lily-white hands to knead her temples. She was having a slight headache as she said, “This guy is too wretched, he’s actually using me!”

“I think this guy is very treacherous!”

“He’s worst than Dugu Jianmo!”

A few good friends of Katalina supported her, but there were also a few traitors among them. Few of them already ran over there excitedly and participated in trampling Hofmann.

“My god! Brother Liu, you also dared to hit me?!”

“This **** from the noble house, where do you think you’re kicking? You want to cut off my line of descent? Ow-uu…”

While Hofmann was howling in grief, he didn’t forget to fight back fiercely with words. Of course, that only served to increase his beatings.

When few of the scions at the side watched on, their faces changed abruptly. They wanted to help, but after looking at Xiao Chen, who was like the death god, each and every one of them shrank back. Now they know, this guy couldn’t be trifled with, couldn’t be provoked! Otherwise, they would die an unsightly death.

Xiao Chen did not hold back at all when he made his move. In only a moment, he had snapped thirteen bones of Hofmann. After that, he calmly moved back and let those ladies and gentlemen who felt animosity toward him to continue beating him.

After he swept his eyes past these scions, they immediately kept quiet out of fear. In their eyes, Xiao Chen was more scary than the unreasonable Dugu Jianmo.

“Lidong Bo, when will you pay up the twenty thousand gold coins you owe me?” Xiao Chen looked at Lidong Bo with a smile that was not a smile.

“Ah, this… I will pay back as soon as possible.” Lidong Bo was ashamed, angry, and terrified all at the same time.

“That won’t do, you must give me an accurate timeline!”

“Within ten days!” Lidong Bo’s face was flushed.

“Good, that’s settled then. I always keep my promise. What I hate the most is people who break their promise. I wish you will not disappoint me.” His words were very cold. This was an undisguised threat.

“Austrian, when will you pay back the thirty thousand gold coins.” Xiao Chen shifted his gaze to Katalina’s cousin.

These scions felt that Xiao Chen was really too arrogant. This was but the Mander family’s ancient castle, and he actually forced the scion of the Mander family to pay back the money at this place, he’s too crazy.

“I will give it to you within ten days!” After saying these, Austrian turned his head angrily and left.

“Ow-uuu… so painful… I’m about to die!” The voice let out by Hofmann already couldn’t be classified as a human’s voice anymore. He wailed like ghosts and howled like wolves.

The disturbance at this place had already attracted a lot of attention. However, the overwhelming majority of the people felt unconcerned and let matters rest. Only until the master of the Mander family learned about this matter did he come to put a stop to it hurriedly.

That was precisely Katalina and Lazio’s father. He was a dignified-looking middle-aged man. He had similar aqua-blue long hair and although he was middle-aged, he still looked very soldierly and confident.

“Stop it! What’s going on here?”

Only now did Hofmann’s nightmare come to an end. He was badly mutilated from head to toe. He didn’t even look like a human anymore, it could even be said to be a tragic sight.

The people of the Reagan family rushed over from the VIP lounge as soon as they received the news. They felt flustered and exasperated when they saw Hofmann. One middle-aged man swept his eyes all around and shouted, “Who did this? You actually dare to create a disturbance in the Mander family’s banquet. Are you not giving any face to the Mander family?”

He immediately pulled the Mander family in. He wanted to make the Mander family settle this and punish the perpetrator.

At this time, many older generation figures who were discussing about the warbeast tournament also walked over from the VIP lounge.

“You can’t blame other people, it was Hofmann himself who wanted people to beat him!” Among the crowd, one of the scions mumbled in a low voice.

“What are you saying? Come out here and speak loudly!” The one standing there was Hofmann’s flesh and blood uncle, how could be not be angry?

“That was indeed the case, Hofmann wanted others to beat him!” A young lady raised her voice.

“That’s right!”

“That’s just how it is!”

“He was begging to be hit!”


Every participant shouted all together. These young people all had powerful background. With these many people together, they were not afraid of the Reagan family at all.

If you don’t believe us, you can ask Lady Katalina of the Mander family. As the daughter of the master, I don’t think she would tell a lie.”

Someone pulled Katalina into it as their shield.

“Katalina, come over here. Tell me what is going on.” Her dignified father cast a glance at her.

Katalina moved over there gloomily. She turned her head around to take a quick look. She found that Xiao Chen was actually lifting a wine goblet and watching the show, away from the group of people. He didn’t seem to have the intention to join in. This made her very frustrated, but she also had no other choice at the moment. She must not stir up more trouble than this. It’s best to smooth things over as quickly as possible while Hofmann was still unconscious.

“Hofmann was possessed. He insisted on getting hit!” The sharp and clear words echoed in the hall. It immediately gave rise to a roar of laughter.

“Carry this disappointing thing back!” Hofmann’s uncle shouted angrily at this two underlings, then he rushed into the VIP lounge without turning back.

“Let’s continue the banquet. I hope everyone can forget about the unpleasant moment just now!” Said Katalina’s father.

“That was very pleasing just now!” It must be mentioned, there was a few talent among the participants, such a response immediately gave rise to a cheerful talk. The tensed-up atmosphere from just now immediately dissipated.

The music resounded as the light in the hall dimmed. Then the dancers took the stage gracefully.

Many young men and young ladies already took part in the dance.

Xiao Chen felt out of sorts. He came from the mortal world. The differences between so-called code of ethic between the male and female were very big. Looking at these young people dancing in the hall, he felt a little unbelievable.

“This hateful guy, would you dare to dance with me?” Katalina was as proud as a little phoenix. She walked over with her well developed breasts and looked at Xiao Chen provocatively. Her stature was petite, but her curves, her long eyelashes, and her vivid big eyes made her seem very sweet. Her only downfall would be her arrogance.

“……” Xiao Chen was a little speechless. What not to dare? He immediately pulled her hand and walked into the dancing field. According to the mortal world’s code of ethic, there’s nothing for him to lose.

However, Xiao Chen’s dance really made people less than impressed. He almost threw Katalina away with a single whirl.

“You want to die? You are practically like a beast!” Since they were already in the dancing field, Katalina let out an astute smile and said, “Xiao Chen, if I shout insolence right here and now, how do you think people will look at you?”

“I don’t think you would do such senseless thing.” Under the dim lighting, Xiao Chen wore an indifferent expression.

“What if I do something more extravagant?” Katalina harbored malicious intent as she smiled.

Xiao Chen raised his guard. If he really let this young lady act arbitrarily, he might really be stuck in a dilemma. Pure power immediately rushed into Katalina’s body from his two hands, confining her verbal ability and restricted her four limbs. Her dance steps were completely manipulated by Xiao Chen.

“Oh dear, since you want to ruin my reputation, I will help you accomplish it in advance.” Xiao Chen harbored malicious intents and pinched her ample butt a few times. Katalina almost teared up due to the pain.

She knew her buttocks were definitely bruised. Moreover, she could clearly feel that this scoundrel Xiao Chen was carving a few “words” on her soft flesh. It was actually these few words: “Xiao Chen’s little attendant”.

Katalina was driven mad!

To try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off. She had really suffered a big loss tonight. This loss was hard to put into words, she couldn’t even tell her big brother about it.

The worst thing was that she couldn’t raise her voice at the moment.

This guy was too wretched! He’s actually still pinch— no, groping!

While embracing Katalina in his embrace, Xiao Chen could smell the fragrance of the young lady. Since this girl wanted to scheme against himself, Xiao Chen was not an inflexible blockhead, he should levy the “interest” with no trace of politeness.

Just at this time, Katalina’s father found them at this place. His face turned sinister at once when he just happened to see Xiao Chen and Katalina.

Mother f—! Youngster, where do you think you are putting your hand? On my daughter’s buttocks! And still being so dishonest, you tired of living?

Although Bailey had good temper, he still couldn’t hold back his urge to let out a curse after seeing this scene: This youngster is such a grandmother’s *******. He actually dares to so assail my Mander family’s baby girl so boldly, such a scum! Furthermore, this brat Katalina is really outrageous, how could you let him touch you like this?

Of course, he had wrongly accused Katalina. Due to the obstruction of the other dancers, Bailey couldn’t see Katalina’s current situation clearly.

When Bailey arrived with a sinister face, Xiao Chen calmly let go of Katalina.

The moment Katalina regained her freedom, she wanted to bare her fangs and pounce over there immediately. In the end, when she saw her father with an ugly face, she immediately had the urge to cry.

“Xiao Chen, go to the VIP lounge with me.” Bailey turned around and left after saying these.

Katalina shouted from behind, “Dad, teach him a lesson for me. He was bullying me!”

“Hmph!” Bailey let out a humph with an ugly face. He didn’t even turn around.

“Be a good girl and stop playing around. Think about the time and situation. Wait for me to come back.” Xiao Chen knew Bailey was having a misunderstanding. He immediately wanted to make matters worse as he took on a kind and doting attitude.

“Go die! Go die! Go die!” Looking at Xiao Chen leaving with a smile across his face, Katalina really wished she could bump into his back. She yelled towards his rear figure, “Mister Xiao, just you wait, I’m not finished with you!”

After entering VIP lounge number ten, Bailey didn’t show Xiao Chen any goodwill from start to finish. He said very coldly, “I know you have a Dragon King. I invite you here because I want to ask whether you will participate in the warbeast tournament or not.”

“I haven’t decided yet. I treated Tenax as my partner, I didn’t want to go against its desire. I still have no idea whether it’s willing to participate or not.”

Bailey remained expressionless as he handed over a silver plate, “Since it is a sacred beast, there’s no need to participate in the knockout competition. You can directly enter the grand battle. To participate or not, that is up to you. Take this silver plate with you. If you are unwilling to participate, you can just throw it away.”

Very clearly, the ugly faced Bailey didn’t want to say much to Xiao Chen. After he’s done with his business, he asked him to leave right away.

Xiao Chen laughed mischievously and didn’t say much. He left right away after putting the silver plate into his pocket. Naturally, after he came out of the VIP lounge, he directly left from the back door to avoid the Mander family’s baby girl.

After returning to the residence, Keke had also returned. The little critter had an important mission tonight: To scout the Mander family’s Beast King Castle. After it got back, the little critter gesticulated at Xiao Chen excitedly, letting him know what it heard and seen. Xiao Chen became well aware of the situation after hearing these.

“Tenax, do you want to participate in the warbeast tournament?”

The proud little dragon nodded its head.

Keke also mimicked the gesture by patting its plump little belly, and then proudly puffed up its chest.

“You also want to participate?”

“Squeak!” Keke nodded its head seriously.

The time passed quickly. These days, Tenax was always confronting with the Azure Dragon King. At the same time, it was using the dragon’s divine ability to help the Azure Dragon King regain its mind.

The knockout competition of the warbeast tournament already began. The Celestial City turned very lively. There were interesting beast battle everyday!


  1. Silva: Imagine if every girls were wearing high heels. That would be… OUCH, so painful. 

Chapter 181 – I love Lan Nuo

In the dazzling hall, the crystal lamps were flickering with dream-like luster. The aristocrats and celebrities were toasting repeatedly with the wine goblets in their hands.

A few acquaintances were looking closely at this direction, observing Xiao Chen, Katalina, and her freak of a big brother. Those acquaintances included Austrian, Hofmann, Lidong Bo, Zhuge Kun, Fairsnow, Yan Qingcheng, and so on.

The blue-haired pretty boy was free and easy. He smiled at the surrounding girls to express his apology as he walked towards Xiao Chen and company.

“What is that freak called?” Xiao Chen asked Fairsky. He wasn’t even aware that Katalina was scowling at him.

“This… cough, cough… He’s called Lazio.” Fairsky coughed. He seemed to be reminding Xiao Chen that Katalina would flip out if he called her big brother as a “freak” in front of her.

“You are the freak! All of you are freaks!” The Mander family’s baby girl stared straight into Xiao Chen’s eyes and glowered at him. She was cursing unceasingly, but of course, her voice was very low. After all, this banquet was held at their house, she didn’t want to cause too much of a disturbance.

Lazio walked over with a faint smile and hinted a toast at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen also toasted with him. However, he was still chatting with Fairsky in whispers, “He don’t look like a freak.”

Looking at Katalina, then at the freak who was almost before his eyes, Fairsky smiled awkwardly. And Katalina’s forehead was already covered with black lines. She pulled Lazio and acted like a spoiled child, “Big bro… he’s bullying me, and he even called you a freak.”

Lazio had an out of the ordinary appearance. Tall and muscular, but not to the point that his muscles were swelling. He could be rated as a pretty boy. His aquamarine long hair was brilliant, and his eyes were as bright as the stars. He possessed a special trait that even if he was standing in a sea of people, people could notice him at a glance.

It must be mentioned, people with extraordinary gifts was indeed different from your average people. Without a doubt, Lazio was classified as this kind of people. He smiled and lightly pinched Katalina’s lovely nose. Then he said, “Isn’t that what everyone is calling me? I’m sure you are deliberately making trouble again.”

“Big brooo…” Katalina was shaking Lazio’s hand and acted coquettishly, “This guy is very bad. He injured brother Lambda, extorted money from cousin Austrian, and he even bullied me at Paradise Spa. You must teach him a lesson for me.”

The blue-haired Katalina widened her lively eyes as she bit her red lip with her pearly white teeth. In addition to the way she creased her lovely nose, it was very cute. If not because she was a little young, she might be considered the third pearl of the south, up there with Yan Qingcheng and Fairsnow.

Lazio was not a freak. At the very least, he had good manners and gave people a good impression. This was Xiao Chen’s first impression of him.

“So this is brother Xiao. These days, I heard so many things about brother Xiao’s famous name until my ears almost got calluses.”

“It’s an honor to meet brother Lazio at last. Nice to meet you.”

Seeing the two being polite and amiable, Katalina mumbled to herself resentfully, “Big bro, you really won’t help me…?”

Lazio gently stroked his younger sister’s blue hair and said, “Alright, stop making any more mischief. I have something to discuss with brother Xiao, you go and say hello to your good sisters over there.”

“Big brooo…” Katalina muttered under he breath resentfully. Then she twisted her lovable body around angrily and left.

Not far away, Hofmann and Lidong Bo were also very disappointed. They originally thought the freak of the Mander family would make an appointment to fight with Xiao Chen. Never had they thought the two would be so polite to each other and formed a peaceful relation.

After she got beside Fairsnow and the other beauties, Katalina said while panting with rage, “That guy is too hateful. Sister Fairsnow, just now Xiao Chen said you are too tall.”

“Hehe…” Before Fairsnow could say anything, someone at the side already made fun of her, “Katalina, just now you must have lost the argument right? What? You want to come here and pull some allies? Even if that guy don’t have an eye for things, he wouldn’t find Fairsnow’s perfect figure to be no good.”

Few of the girls started to giggle.

“Brother Xiao, why don’t we go and take a walk?” Lazio issued an invitation.

The moonlight was gentle as the clear radiance spilled down.

Behind the ancient castle was a garden, heavily scented by the fragrance of flowers.

“Brother Xiao, did you come from the mortal world?” ⌈1

“Why are you suddenly asking me?”

Lazio was standing on a stone bridge and looking at the flowing stream. Then he said, “I don’t have evil intention. I wanted to ask about someone from you.”

“Oh? Who is it?” Xiao Chen walked slowly under the moonlit night. He walked past the stone bridge and jumped onto the observatory to look up at the unbounded starry sky. He felt as if he had returned to the mortal world.

“A dream-like fairy.” Lazio stopped here as he revealed a peculiar expression. He seemed to be a little intoxicated as he said slowly, “She’s called Lan Nuo. I want to know about her past.”

Under the bright moonlight, for the handsome Lazio to reveal this kind of expression, if those young married women and young ladies in the hall had seen it, they would definitely be jealous and bewitched.

Xiao Chen was a little surprised. Lazio had actually come across Lan Nuo. He asked calmly, “When and where did you meet her?”

One year ago, I was fortunate to run into her once at Celestial City. However, all traces of her completely disappeared since then. She was like a fairy from the highest of the heavens. I only met her once, then she disappeared without a trace.” Lazio sighed regretfully and said, “I know a girl like her wouldn’t belong to a single man for eternity, even a god was not fit for her!”

Being called by others in the world of martial arts as a freak, he always wore a confident attitude in front of everyone. However, at this moment, Lazio’s bearing was poles apart from usual. He was actually feeling regretful and frustrated. That sad expression was undisguised.

“Lan Nuo, the wise and able person of Yanhuang Dynasty. She was exceptionally charming, a natural born genius, At the age of twenty, she traveled around the world with a sword, none were able to fight her on equal term!” Xiao Chen’s words were very smooth as he looked up at the starry sky calmly. His gaze seemed to pass through the space and could see the mortal world as he continued, “The same year, she practiced the legendary ⌈Divine Dominion⌋ and caused her power to become half crippled. Her body gradually became weaker. Soon, she looked for a method to break the life and death moment with her great wisdom. In the end, she resolved to freeze herself in a bottomless ice valley. A miracle happened thirteen years later, Lan Nuo came out of the ice cave full of vitality. She stayed young forever and successfully tricked death. She was frozen for thirteen years and time passed just like a snap of a finger. Her peerless beauty didn’t undergo any changes due to the vicissitudes of time!”

“According to legend, the mortal world is deficient of spiritual energy. However, she actually gained the power to create a spatial distortion in such a short period of time! She is indeed a genius among the geniuses.” Lazio was deeply moved and said, “Since entering the world of immortals, she could even be said to be free and unbounded! I don’t know what kind of heights can she reach, but I believe in ten years, she wouldn’t need to fear the god of this world anymore! Perhaps, there’s no need to wait for ten years, three… two… maybe even one year is enough!”

That was the actual situation. Since the ancient times, how many in the mortal world had actually broke the bounds of the world and entered the world of immortals? There was only a handful! Every single void traveler was certainly an illustrious individual for all eternity.

Nowadays, the founder of many famous sects in the world of immortals came from the mortal world.

Every time he thought of these, Xiao Chen had a doubt. Since the mortal world was deficient of spiritual power, then why was there so many world-shaking figures from the mortal world? And even after those people arrived at the world of immortals, they were still sweeping the floor with all living things. How should be categorize the mortal world more appropriately? Maybe… in the ancient past, the mortal world was also an illustrious holy land!

“Anything else? I want to know more.” Lazio stood on the stone bridge, looking at the luminous rose in the front. Every kind of flowers blossomed and the fascinating fragrance drifted in the air.

“That’s all. Lan Nuo is a mysterious girl.”

“Facing a girl like Lan Nuo, has brother Xiao never been tempted once?”

“I haven’t reached the same height as her. I don’t have any extravagant hope. My future, I need to develop it step by step.” Xiao Chen was very calm. He was unwilling to speak much more regarding this topic.

Lazio smiled, then his bearing changed in that instant. That frustration completely disappeared as he regained his confident expression. He said, “I actually want to fight with you, but today is not a good day. How about a round of formal match instead?”

“Bring it on!”

Xiao Chen was on top of the observatory. He turned around to face Lazio.

“Spiritual Battle!” Speaking until here, Lazio’s aquamarine long hair suddenly fluttered backward. His expression suddenly became incomparably sharp as he emitted two ice-cold glints similar to the sword-qi.

A pressure originated from the spirit pressed down on Xiao Chen like an immemorial primal beast. It was fierce yet explosive!

Vaguely, it felt as if there were thousands of souls howling in grief, yet it also felt like the roars of the wave. It was extremely powerful.

Xiao Chen instantly understood how Lazio received his freak title. On the outside he looked gentle and cultivated, but when his battle intent burst out, he was actually this coarse and wild. His power was close to the point of freakish!

In regards to Spiritual Power, Lazio had already went beyond the category of Exuvia. His Spiritual Power condensed and materialized into divine swords, it was unstoppable!

Xiao Chen was as calm as a lofty mountain. The Spiritual Power was slamming him like vast ocean, with great and powerful momentum, and yet, he remained unfazed. No matter how many thousands of divine sword or waves you throw at him, it was all like rivers entering the ocean. His power was deep and beyond measure.

The quiet battle of the two caused the plants in between to wither at once. Soon after, the flowers soundlessly turned into dusts. It seemed as if there was never any vegetation at that place to begin with, only the dusts!


The white marble bridge burst up and collapsed. Lazio jumped back, his face a little pale. The observatory also burst up and was on the verge of collapsing. Xiao Chen’s face was also covered with sweat. He jumped up and landed on top of a pavilion.

Following that, a blazing divine light burst out between the two. That was the force of spiritual power!

The divine light was dazzling!

It made even the moon and the stars in the sky lose their splendor!

The fluctuation of the spiritual power was as vast as the ocean!

This could even be said to be an extremely dangerous battle. A little mistake and their consciousness would be crushed, flattened, and they would become a living dead.

After no less than fifteen minutes later did everything finally calm down.

The two of them no longer resisted. The pavilion had turned to dusts, the lotus pond had dried up, the flat marble ground even caved in for at least ten meters soundlessly.

Between the two was a huge gorge!

“Historia?” Lazio looked at Xiao Chen with amazement.

Xiao Chen did not reply. Only after pondering for a while did he say, “Your spiritual power already broke into the realm of Historia.”

“My spiritual power is powerful as it should be. That’s because I am a Psychic.”

Far away, the scions of a few big families shook their head. Hofmann said regretfully, “What a pity, why are they not continuing? Mother f—! Is that ******* really that strong? I really want to squeeze him to death! It seems like the freak from the Mander family didn’t gain any upper hand. This is inconceivable.”

Lidong Bo also heaved a sigh and said, “It really make one apprehensive. Why is no one putting him in order? Could the rumor be true? That he has some relationship with that existence in the depths of south.”

“So what if he has friendship with them?” Hofmann’s eyes flickered with ominous glint and said, “There’s still methods to toy with him to death and won’t give rise to that person’s suspicion.”

“Ceh, stop putting on airs.” A sneer transmitted from the side as a young lord said, “I have heard this from the elders in my family. That your old fathers actually wanted to make their move. As a result, they pulled back the way they came from.”

“Cackle, cackle…” The sound of Hofmann grinding his teeth could be heard. Then he shouted fiercely, “Five Historia experts from my family died. We can’t let this score end like this. I will find someone to squeeze him to death sooner or later!”

On the other side, Yan Qingcheng, Fairsky, Zhuge Liang, Fairsnow, Katalina, and the others also watched the spiritual battle just now.

Zhuge Liang ridiculed, “The baby girl from Mander family, it seems like your big bro is out of form today. Shame to the good name of the unparalleled freak.”

“******* fatty, don’t provoke me! You think I don’t dare to beat the crap out of you?” Katalina was glaring at the fatty angrily. However, due to her sweet appearance, even when she was acting savage, she still appeared very cute.

“That’s right. Katalina, is your older brother holding back on purpose? How can he be no match for Xiao Chen?” The young lady at the side could even be said to be blindly worshipping Lazio.

“Love-struck fool!” After the cold voice, a tall and stalwart figure holding metal sword walked over from the hall.

“You shut—” Behind that young lady, Katalina shouted “Hold it!” and covered her mouth.

“Do you want to die? Don’t you know who he is?”

“Who is that *******?” The young lady was very furious.

The other young married women and young ladies were also very angry. ⌈2

“He is Dugu Jianmo! Two years ago, at a banquet, the eldest daughter of the Liu family acted arrogant and bossy, and that woman was directly beheaded by that guy.” Katalina whispered.

“Ah, it’s him!” Obviously, all the women knew about Dugu Jianmo’s behavior. All of them shut their mouth right away.


  1. Silva: I think I know where this is going. huehuehuehuehue 
  2. Silva: Kek, Xiao Chen and Dugu Jianmo are so unlucky with girls xD