Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 8 – Are you a Superman?

After class Guo Qing turned around, “Boss, you’re not just good! You argued against our class tutor in the morning, then slept in math class in the afternoon, and you actually got all the questions on the blackboard right, boss are you a superman?”

Hearing that Zhao Yanyan said, “Che, who knows if he just guessed.”

I immediately uttered, “I guessed it, guessed it, I just have good luck.” Then I laid back onto the desk and continued to sleep, I thought about the problem of earning money till very late the previous night, and stayed awake the entire morning, so I was already so tired that my eyelids were trembling.

“Ya, why are you sleeping again? What’s with you!” Zhao Yanyan grumbled quietly.

When I was deep in my sleep, a book was smacked hardly on my head, an angry but alluring voice entered my ears, “Liu Lei, stand up!”

I sleepily opened my eyes, and gazed at the beauty in front of my, “Sis, let me sleep a bit more!”

With a “hong” sound, everyone started laughing.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes, and noticed that it was my class tutor Ye Xiaoxiao beside me. I immediately cleared up a lot, and stood up from my seat, “Hello Laoshi!” I greeted her mechanically.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked at me angrily and roared, “Liu Lei, you’ve got guts! Sleeping in class, according to other people’s reports, you were already sleeping in the last math class! How many days have it been since school started, you’re already slacking off like this, stay back after school and go to my office.”

I sat down, and noticed Liu Kexing slyly laughing at me. ****, I though, he actually told on me behind my back.

Walking back to the platform, Ye Xiaoxiao said to us, “This is an English lesson, please open the textbooks and flip to the first chapter!”

I listlessly took out the English textbook and threw it only to the table, I already passed Level 6 in English during university, I’m actually been told to to learn these simple English conversations,

Repeating the passage endlessly with everyone else, I was going to break down. Fortunately just as I was at the edge of breaking down, the bell rang. Ye Xiaoxiao placed down her books and said, “School’s over, the students on duty should stay back and clean. Liu Lei, come with me to the office!”

I closed the English book in boredom and stood up, Guo Qing turned around to me and said, “Boss, be careful!”

I replied to him with an indifferent smile.

I followed Ye Xiaoxiao to the fourth floor, and into the innermost office. Ye Xiaoxiao took out her keys and opened the door, and got me to go in first. Then Ye Xiaoxiao took out the key from the lock and locked the door.

There were only the two of us in the office, a male and female alone in a room. She just locked the door, was it hinting at something for me? Should I immediately rushed over, tear off her clothes and do something?

Just as my thoughts were wandering all over the place, Ye Xiaoxiao walked over to her desk, and slammed the teaching plan onto the desk with a “pa” sound, “Tell me, Liu Lei, what is going on?”

I was still imagining things in my head, and what excited me most was that from the angle where I was standing, I was able to look past her neckline and see the half-hidden whiteness of Ye Xiaoxiao’s…

Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t notice my expression, and continued, “Liu Lei, my impression of you wasn’t bad when you reported in, and I wanted to assign a leadership position to you, but you disappointed me!”

Ye Xiaoxiao stood up, and faced me, with only the distance of a fist between us, I would even smell the faint aroma that was being emitted from her body.

This shouldn’t be the smell of perfume, but the natural body fragrance that girls possess…

However, Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t notice that standing in front of her was a pervert in a child’s clothing that was about to assault her, and continued to educate me, “I know the middle school you graduated from was really bad, and your results are terrible, but you shouldn’t give up on yourself because of this, since you have come to Fourth High, you should treat it as a new start in your life. I won’t say anymore to you, go back and reflect upon it!”

Ya! I’m finally free, Ye Xiaoxiao, Ye Xiaoxiao, didn’t you know how much pain I was in? You were so close to me… Isn’t that baiting me to commit a crime…

I didn’t dare to stay any longer and immediately turned to walk out of the office. Just as I was about to exit from the door, Ye Xiaoxiao stopped me, “Liu Lei, did you understand today’s English lesson?”

I didn’t wanted to stay any longer, so I nodded perfunctorily.

“It’s good that you understand, there are more stuff to remember for English. Liu Lei, work harder, and don’t let your teacher down!” Ye Xiaoxiao said.

I nodded and walked out of the office. I only noticed now that Ye Xiaoxiao were really thinking about the students, why did I hate her so much in my previous life?

After returning to the classroom, I noticed everyone had already left, I packed up my bag and left school.

When I reached the school gate, I surprisingly found out that Guo Qing was actually standing there waiting for me. My heart couldn’t help but be moved by this.

“Why didn’t you leave yet?” I asked.

“Boss, I was waiting for you! How was it, did Ye-laoshi make it difficult for you?” Guo Qing asked caringly.

“No,” I shook my head, “Ye-laoshi is pretty nice.”

Hearing that, Guo Qing oddly, “Really?” Guo Qing was puzzled, I was called by Ye Xiaoxiao to be scolded, and now I was saying good things about her, that was incredible.

Guo Qing and my home weren’t far away, so we took the same bus back, on the bus I asked Guo Qing, “Are you free Saturday and Sunday?”

“I don’t really have anything to do, why?” Guo Qing asked.

“I’m going to take a Sanda class, do you wanna come?” I said.

“Sanda? That seems interesting, I’ll go back and talk about it with my dad, “ Guo Qing replied.

I was afraid Guo Qing’s dad wouldn’t agree, so I told him what I said to my dad.


  1. N/a

Chapter 7 – I’ve Nothing to do with Him

High school knowledge was rather simple in my eyes, anyone that attended university should feel the same. Although there were some equations that I haven’t touched for years, I’m still a top student that graduated at Huaxia University, so some things were very easy to pick up. I used a morning to look through algebra and geometry, and summarized everything, the theorems and formulas involved didn’t even fill up a page. It was good that the school also gave out the textbooks for the second year, or else I had to go and buy it from the bookstore myself.

Zhao Yanyan looked at the boy beside her who didn’t listen to the teacher from the first day, and just quickly flipped through the textbook and write stuff on a sheet of paper. She wondered, did he understand while flipping the pages so quickly? What if he didn’t listen to the teachers about the class tests? Zhao Yanyan’s cheeks became redder as she thought on, and thought in shame: I don’t need to care about what he’s doing! Although Zhao Yanyan thought so in her heart, her eyes still glanced over once in a while.

Her little movements didn’t escape my eyes, although it seemed like I was focused on studying these simple high school math, but anyone who went to university would know, the tiny bit of knowledge from high school is nowhere near enough in university.

Hehe, this proves that some history could still be changed after I got reborn. If it was before, how was it possible for my proud desk mate to peek at me? It was always me who peeked at her!

Guo Qing and I went to the restaurant, Ju Yuan Snacks, which we frequented in my previous life at noon. Guo Qing and I had similar family backgrounds, both were of the working class, we would only get five kuai of pocket money tha includes our car fees. That’s why both of us loved this restaurant, normally both of us would spend three kuai for a plate of vegetables, then get two bowls of rice, this means that we only needed to spend two kuai each, then subtracting the car fees, I can still save two kuai. If it was in my previous life, I would be extremely happy at myslf for every two kuai everyday, but now, I had a grander scheme, this two kuai also means almost nothing to me.

When we got back to the classroom, I noticed that Liu Kexing sat on my seat again, and Zhao Yanyan was wrapping textbooks intently, it didn’t take much to know that those must be my books. Liu Kexing probably never thought that his dream girl would help me wrap up my textbooks, I wonder how he would feel if he found it out?

I frankly walked over to my seat and spoke to Liu Kexing, who was sitting on my seat, “This classmate, don’t always sit on my chair, if you have some kind of attachment for this spot then apply for a seat change from the teacher!”

Then stopped looking at him, and said softly to Zhao Yanyan, “Thank you for helping me cover the books~!”

The moment these words left my mouth, Zhao Yanyan’s face became bright red. Liu Kexing’s face also changed, from yellow to white, and then to red, then finally pale before he said, “Yanyan, why did you cover the books for this bad student?” He probably already asked Zhao Yanyan who she was covering the books for earlier, but Zhao Yanyan was too embarrassed to reply.

I snorted, “Yanyan, that sounds like you’re really close! Who is she to you?”

Having his line stolen by me, Liu Kexing awkwardly left. He probably swore at me over a hundred times in his heart, and was probably thinking of multiple ways to trick me! If it was in my previous life, then I might have been afraid, but now I’m not even scared of Ye Xiaoxiao, why should I be scared of this fox borrowing the tiger’s fierceness?

“I really don’t have anything to do with him,” Zhao Yanyan whispered.

“En?” I momentarily blanked.

Zhao Yanyan immediately realized what she just said, and became embarrassed, why did she have to explain herself to him? Immediately changing the subject, she said, “Liu Lei, I helped you covered all your textbooks.”

“Oh, okay, thank you!” I deliberately pretended like I didn’t hear anything, but I felt like a flower bloomed in my heart. As expected, this chick definitely started to fall for me.

I found the physics textbook from the pile of books, and seeing the pure white cover, as well as the beautiful handwriting on the cover, I felt extremely happy.

I was completely speechless at the physics and chemistry stuff on the high school textbooks, it was way to simple, it was all common sense form daily life, I only spend two periods to look through all the interesting stuff on the books. The content was like the daily life encyclopedia that I saw on the Internet in my previous life. I didn’t even bother looking at the English stuff, I often socialized with the directors in the main office, English was like my mother tongue. I also had a lot of experience in the high school Chinese stuff, which didn’t even have any textbooks and just needed us to accumulate vocabulary in our daily lives. Did I even need to learn the Huaxia language with so much experience from my previous life?

Seeing the textbooks that Zhao Yanyan covered in my pile of books, I said pitifully, “It really was a waste of these textbooks, I probably won’t ever touch them again.”

After reading the books, I laid on the table, and completely ignored the math teacher that was speaking on stage. Zhao Yanyan looked at me weirdly and whispered, “Liu Lei? What happened? Are you sick?”

I continued to lie down and replied, “What the teacher is teaching is too boring, I want to sleep.”

Zhao Yanyan frowned, ai, what a failure, I actually fell for such a bad guy. No, I had to think of something. I was definitely going to apply to Huaxia University, what if this person doesn’t get in. Zhao Yanyan thought foolishly.

Just as Zhao Yanyan’s thoughts were wondering, a strict voice sounded our, “The male student sleeping by the window on the third row from the back, come up and do these questions on the board!”

Zhao Yanyan immediately reracted her thoughts, what was she doing? She actually thought about such shameful things.

I stretched, then waked over to the blackboard. Seeing those questions, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Isn’t this insulting my intelligence? On the blackboard where a few simplest geometry questions, I said to the teacher depressed, “Can I not answer then?”

The students all started laughing when they her my reply, the most irritating was Liu Kexing’s.

The math teacher looked at me coldly, “No!” Then immediately scolded the rest of the students, “What are you laughing about! If you think you can do it, then come up to the blackboard and do some questions!”

The class immediately became quiet, all of the students looked intently at me, who was deemed unlucky. But how could I disappoint everyone? I took up the chalk and immediately ticked and crossed a few things without thinking, then threw the chalk on the side and walked off the platform.

These questions were just exemplar questions that the math teacher used to teach. A lot of the knowledge weren’t even taught yet, so calling me, the sleeping student up to the platform, was just to put on airs, but I unexpectedly got it all correct.

The math teacher’s expression darkened, but still calmly said, “Since you already understand, then don’t waste your time sleeping, do something more productive.”

All the students let out an uproar; they didn’t think the math teacher would say so. The math teacher immediately used the whip to tap on the blackboard and said, “If you think you already understood everything like him then you can also go and sleep! He got these questions all correct, what I’m going to talk about next is the way thinking and the steps to solve these questions…”


  1. N/a

Chapter 6 – I’ll Help You

After school I didn’t immediately return home, rather I went to the barber to get my hair cut. Splitting the hair in the center or the side was the current trend, I chose to have a thirty-seventy split for mine. Although I looked childish in the mirror, I looked much better than before.

Walking on the street I was familiar with in my previous life, looking at the ancient buildings on both sides that showed a stark contrast to the tall buildings in my previous life. In twenty years, Xinjiang City will have an earthshattering change. It is in these twenty years, the new Huaxia will also leap forward in a lot of areas, and bring the socialist economy to a new height.

Now that I have been reborn, I knew the economic, cultural and technological development of the next twenty years like the back of my hand. Could I do something for my country? Although I was the CEO of an international company in my previous life, it didn’t mean I don’t love my country, in fact, I really wished that Huaxia could also have their own international company.

However, these are not what I need to think about right now, most importantly, can I use my memory of twenty years to earn some funds to pickup girls? Starting a business wasn’t hard for me, who was a business fox, but the difficult part was the lack of startup funds. My parents can’t possibly give it to me, and they aren’t able to either. I already used up a large school selection fee when I started high school, causing our economic situation to be rather dire, I can’t possible not feel embarrassed for continue asking for a large sum of money right?

The thing I need to do right now is to make a business without using any money, in order to complete my startup funds.

(Hey, hey! Don’t think wrongly, how is it possible for a good modern socialist teenager to do things like murder and plunder? I don’t want to go to jail that earlier, I haven’t XXOO’d Zhao Yanyan yet.)

“Mom, I want apply for a Sanda class,” I said at the dinner table during dinner. This was the result of deep considerations; I was proficient in music, languages, football, basketball, Sanda and a lot of miscellaneous skills. However aside from Sanda, everything else was technique based, only Sanda was something that needed my body to be fit, if I don’t have the power, then any techniques learnt is pointless. Although I could train my body at home, it would be slower than with professional equipment.

“Learn that for what! We sent you to Fourth High was for you to focus on studying, why did you start thinking about other stuff?” My dad replied angrily before my mom would express her thoughts.

“Dad, let me finish——“

“Finish what, I already said no!” My dad interrupted.

“What are you doing! Let our son finish speaking!” My mom glared at my dad, and he immediately stopped making a sound. In my family, my mom held absolute authority.

“Dad, mom. The high school I’m attending is very far away from home, it’s fine now in the summer, but when it comes to winter, it gets dark very quickly, and they say that it gets quite messed up and there are a lot of robbers at night, this is all for my own safety. Even if it doesn’t come to use, it’s still training my body,” since I’m a thirty something years old person, I was still able to utter these random excuses.

Hearing that it was for my safety, my mom immediately agreed, “I think Leilei has a point, I agree with this. It’s been decided!”

Hearing my mom’s decision and my explanation, my dad didn’t say anything else and the decision was made.

After dinner, my parents started to educate me on how I must do them proud and how expensive sending me to school was. If this was my previous life, I would have perfunctorily replied, but I had just been reborn, and felt nostalgic. I was willing to talk to them about my dreams, and promised to study hard from now on, causing them to be extremely happy, praising that I had grown up after attending high school, and that their school fee weren’t wasted.

I laughed at myself silently, why was I so dumb in my previous life? It was so simple to coax my father and mother, yet I had always made them angry.

At night, I laid on the bed, pondering about what I would do in the future. Today was the day of me getting reborn, it could be considered perfect when I looked back it. The only stain on the imperfection, was that I didn’t known where to begin to get my first bucket of gold.

What could be worth something without any startup cost? Working for others? Impossible, ignoring the fact of finding a business that would want a high school student like me, even if I found a job, it would take forever to earn enough money to start my own business with the tiny salary. Suddenly I had a thought, remembering the industry I worked in in my past life, how did I forget about where I begun? Computer software, this was definitely an industry that could earn a profit without any startup cost. With what I know, isn’t it all too simple to code a few programs?

However this was 1994, an era where computers weren’t popularized, where would I even find a computer to write programs? The first thing I thought of was a network café, but then I immediately decided against it. Network cafes would only be popularized around the country after 1996 at the very least, there probably even isn’t a computer suite for playing games.

Finally, I decided on two methods: one, my father’s company worked on electronics, as one of the engineers in the factory he definitely had a chance to work with the computers in the factory, but the office computers often held important information, and I don’t known if my father could take me to use it. Two, the Songjiang University definitely had a computer suite for university students, but I didn’t know if it was open to the public, if it was open to the public, then everything is solved.

Ye Xiaoxiao got us to take out our textbook the first thing in the morning. Seeing that my book wasn’t covered, her expression turned dark, “Liu Lei, stand up!”

Everyone looked at me with pity, although I did see the happiness on Liu Kexing’s face, a typical face for a villain.

Under everyone’s gaze, I calmly stood up. This Ye Xiaoxiao’s actual age not even close to mine, why should I be scared of her? This was hilarious, and her angry look was also very attractive. Compared to Zhao Yanyan, Ye Xiaoxiao’s look of a mature woman attracted me more, since I am a person in his thirties. At that moment, I was fantasizing while staring at Ye Xiaoxiao’s chest, it wasn’t on purpose, but as a student, when the teacher told you to stand up I think that most people would involuntarily look down. I stared at Ye Xiaoxiao’s large breasts, and thought about the XX AVs I’ve watched in my previous life. How good would it feel to do it once with Ye Xiaoxiao

Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t know my true thoughts, if she knew she probably would get so angry that her lung would explode.

Ye Xiaoxiao asked, “Why didn’t you cover your books?”

I continued to fantasize about her boobs, and answered, “Why must I cover the books?”

Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t think that I could answer like that, the question was kicked back to her side like a ball. She probably could never imagined that I, who was well versed in debates during my previous life, knew many amazing techniques. During debates, the one who played their final card first would lose their initiative, so I would always throw a question back during debates. However how would Ye Xiaoxiao know so much, she definitely dug a trap for and jumped right in.

The entire class looked at me, a student that argued with the teacher, in surprise. In their eyes, I definitely had a death wish.

Ye Xiaoxiao angrily replied, “No reason! I said it must be covered, so you must cover them! If you don’t have your books covered tomorrow then get out, you don’t need to attend lessons any more.”

After Ye Xiaoxiao left, Guo Qing turned around and held up his thumb, “******* awesome! Boss, I’m going to follow you from now on!”

Zhao Yanyan whispered to me, “Why didn’t you cover the books? Don’t use something like why must we cover the books to reply.”

This chick was smart, she blocked off my path with a single sentence. I rplied lazily, “Actually —— it’s because I’m too lazy to cover them!”

My sentence caused the chick to stare at me in shock, perhaps she thought I was way too blunt.

I ignored her after I finished, started reading the textbook. The chick would peek over at me once in a while, as if she wanted to say something, but never had the courage to.

Finally Zhao Yanyan acted like she made an important decision, and turned around, then whispered in a tiny voice like a mosquito towards me while blushing, “Liu Lei, how about I help you cover the books.”

I glanced at her weirdly, from my memory; this chick didn’t take that much joy in helping others.

Seeing my glance, Zhao Yanyan twisted her body and replied shyly, “I just thought that if you don’t cover the books Ye Laoshi will get angry tomorrow, what’s more, Ye Laoshi also told me that class leaders should help other students ——“

****, this can’t me! What a bad excuse. This chick can’t have fallen for me right? I thought proudly. Of course, how could I refuse such a sweet thing? So I shamelessly said, “Sure, sorry trouble you.”


  1. N/a

Chapter 5 – Best Friend

The class leadership positions were chosen the same as what I knew, Liu Kexing was the class rep, Zhao Yanyan was the group secretary, Xie Wei was the study commissary. The sports commissary was a sports specialty student called Li Dahu, his academic lessons were terrible, and we were always the last few in grades.

After announcing the class leadership positions, Ye Xiaoxiao got the male leaders to go to the staff office to carry books. Watching Liu Kesheng and co. walk out of the classroom full of pride, I found it rather humorous, they really are a bunch of kids, thinking that they became some sort of important official, in reality they were just a long term work that would work for the teacher without payment.

I flipped the textbook with the fragrance of ink, a nostalgic feeling emerged in my mind. Perhaps it is only a smell that people that have been students would remember, after working, I had to read a lot of books everyday, but never smelled this ink fragrance again.

Zhao Yanyan looked at my actions of smelling every single textbook in confusion, she also opened the textbook and smelled it, and asked confusingly, “Liu Lei, what are you smelling?”

I was lost in a daydream and so I answered without much thought, “Ink fragrance, after some years have past, you’ll understand after you’ve grown up.”

Zhao Yanyan looked at me as if I was an alien, “You’re so weird, acting as if you’re a lot older than me.”

I freaked out and immediately laughed dryly, “Not really, I just heard it from a gege.”

“Oh!” Zhao Yanyan nodded.

After seeing everyone receiving the books, Ye Xiaoxiao said to us, “Wrap up the books tonight with either kraft or calendar paper, no patterns on the wrapper. It’ll be checked in class tomorrow!”

I was a bit speechless, isn’t it just a textbook? Why put so much emphasis on it? We’re in high school already, and yet we’re treated like we’re in primary school, but seeing no objections, I didn’t say anything either. After all, the school was still the world of the teachers, who would dare to oppose them? Even though I was dissatisfied, I could only follow instructions.

The morning passed by quickly, and Guo Qing, who was sitting in front of me, asked me to have lunch with him. It seems like even though I had been reborn, history hadn’t changed, we became great friends after Guo Qing and I had lunch. An unhappy thought emerged in my head, if history didn’t change, then Zhao Yanyan still wouldn’t become my girlfriend.

“What happened to you?” Guo Qing asked kindly after thinking I was sick due to seeing my face become stark white.

I shook my head, I’ll think about those things in the future later. At least I got Guo Qing, who’s a great friend, I couldn’t help but admit that he extremely loyal. When we were in the second year, someone from Class D called Yu Wenrui bullied me, Guo Qing, who was usually cowardly, took up a chair and fought with him, but was beaten badly by Yu Wenrui causing him to unable to school for a week. However, he told me afterwards that if he had a chance to choose again, he would still rush in without thinking.

“Bro, you’re good, the class beauty is now your desk mate!” seeing I was fine, Guo Qing started to chat with me again.

“Of course! I did tell you that she’ll become my desk mate before!” I proclaimed shamelessly.

“Che, keep boasting. You got lucky, but let me tell you, if you actually have an interest in her, you have to make your move as soon as possible!” In my previous life, Guo Qing was the only person in high school that knew that I like Zhao Yanyan, he often liked to help me come up with plans when I was free, but I never dared to do anything.

Thinking to this point, I started laughing dryly, Guo Qing was deserving to have become my best friend, he noticed that I like Zhao Yanyan after knowing me for less than a day. However, what I said during seating arrangements was already so obvious that only idiots wouldn’t understand.

Seeing that I didn’t reply, Guo Qing anxiously said, “Don’t tell me you have no interest, let me tell you, there are a lot of people in our class interested in her. In the morning I heard several boys in front of me talking about your desk mate! Our class rep also seems interested in her, since he kept looking over to your side when they were handing out books.

I opened my eyes wide and stared at Guo Qing in wonder. You managed to figure that out. Guo Qing isn’t just a bit talented. But I knew, this kid was the same as me, he had a bunch of plans in private, yet would chicken out when it comes to taking action. In my previous life, we often discussed in private about how to become the center of attention, but we were still nobodies when we graduated from high school.

We discussed topics we were both interested in when we ate, although my personality changed greatly from my previous life, in my subconscious, Guo Qing was my best friend. After a meal, we already became buddies that could talk about everything. Of course, this everything was limited to Guo Qing, if I told him everything I would scare this teen so much that he would have mental issues.

When I returned to the classroom, I found Liu Kesheng sitting on my my chair, and was talking delightedly to my wife I decided on. Zhao Yanyan was clearly uninterested in what he was saying, and was flipping the textbook that was handed out today, only occasionally nodding to Liu Kesheng.

This guy really took actions quickly, and sat on my spot when I wasn’t here. I walked by my seat and tapped the desk twice, and coldly said, “Excuse me.”

Liu Kesheng was in the middle of speaking, and seeing my disruption, he said impatiently, “I’m discussing about the future of the class with the group secretary, wait a bit!”

I replied expressionlessly, “It’s lunch time, you have no right in interfering with my stuff. If you want to talk about work, then please change a location!”

Liu Kesheng didn’t think I would say that, and stood up unhappily. It should be known that he was also the class representative in middle school and people didn’t dare to oppose his words, since just saying a bad thing about you to the class tutor was terrible.

Liu Kesheng snorted, and left. He didn’t forget to stare at me, who dared to challenge his authority, in the eye.

Seeing Liu Kesheng leave, Zhao Yanyan said to me quietly, “Why did you talk to him like that, aren’t you scared of him complaining about you to Ye laoshi?”

I laughed with disdain, “Then let him!”

Zhao Yanyan thought I was angry from my expression, and immediately explained, “Liu Lei, don’t misunderstand, I’m not reprimanding you, I’m just scared that——“

Before she finished, I spoke to her with s smile, “Of course I misunderstood, I thought that fellow was disturbing my beautiful desk mate, so I chased him away.”

“You!” Zhao Yanyan didn’t think my expression would change that fast, nor I would be so straightforward. In truth, Zhao Yanyan already understood why Liu Kesheng was talking to her, she was already the target of admiration for many boys, so she understood Liu Kesheng’s goal just after a few words. She just didn’t think I would see through it, causing her to blush and turned her head away, “I’m not going to care about you anymore!”

I pretended to not care, and started humming a pop song that I hard in my previous life. I peaked at Zhao Yanyan, who was pretending to read, and I cold tell from her expression that she was clearly listening to my song.

A teen was still too soft in my eyes, there was no way on competing against me, an old fox that was used to reading emotions in the business industry. As I expected, Zhao Yanyan finally couldn’t resist turning and asked, “Liu Lei, what song are you singing? How did I never heard of it?”

“Yi Sheng You Ni. You haven’t heard it?” I asked casually. No, of course she hasn’t heard it before, this song was only popularized after 2003. It is an old song to me, but it was a song that didn’t exist in this era for Zhao Yanyan.

Yi Sheng You Ni? Zhao Yanyan blushed, she wasn’t sure if Liu Lei said it deliberately or if there really is such a song. What was Yi Sheng You Ni, isn’t this way too blunt? But seeing my attitude, she didn’t retort.

“No,” Zhao Yanyan shook her head. “But it is pretty good, who is it sung by?”

“This —— This, I also forgot about it!” I was also a bit unsure of what to say, I couldn’t tell her that it is by Shiu Mu Nian Hua right, in this era, Shiu Mu Nian Hua was probably in high school like me.

“Oh! I wanted to buy a tape with it,” Zhao Yanyan nodded her head in disappointment.

“But ——“ I said replied seriously, “If you give me the money for a tape, I can sing it for you anytime.”

Seeing my seriousness, Zhao Yanyan didn’t think I would say that, she glanced a me a bit, but didn’t say anything, then she looked down and stopped talking to me while pretending to study.

After this pointless chatter, my relationship with Zhao Yanyan also improved quite a bit. I was already very hapy with this effect, I have spoken more to her in this one day than the three years of high school in my previous life.

I didn’t plan to build any kind of relationship with her in one day, although I was very confident, since getting a girl simple and easy, but getting too hasty with anything would only have the opposite effect. I did know this.


  1. N/a

Chapter 4 – Xiao Ye Laoshi

I followed Xiao Yeye’s instructions and stood on the line of First Year Class B students beside the red paper. Under my strong demands, my parents walked out of school with attachment. I found the reluctant goodbyes between students and parents rather amusing.

“Grandpa, go back, I’m fine here by myself,” a sweet voice resounded beside my year, instantly touching my heard.

I turned around to look, and became excited beyond words, I saw the person that was constantly on my mind in my previous life, Zhao Yanyan. She was exactly the same as she was on this day in my previous life, wearing a white dress. In front of me, she became a refreshing air in the hot summer.

There was a kindly old man beside Zhao Yanyan, but why was he so familiar to me? Before thought too much into it, that old man said to Zhao Yanyan, “Yanyan, it’s your first day at high school, I’m worried.”

Zhao Yanyan shook her grandfather’s sleeve and said in a spoiled manner, “Grandpa, other students don’t have their parents with them, I’ll become a laughing stock if you’re here.”

Ah, Zhao Yanyan’s graceful voice caused my heart to sway. I’m already a thirty something years old man, but I was entranced by a girl of ten odd years.

Zhao Yanyan’s grandfather’s thoughts seemed to be the same as mine, and he was unable to resist her elegant ton. Shaking his head, he spoke a few words, then spoke to a young man behind him, “Secretary Zhang, I have another meeting later when I go back, pick Yanyan up tonight.”

Secretary Zhang nodded, and left with Zhao Yanyan’s grandfather.

When almost everyone lined up, Ye Xiaoxiao walked over, and got us to line up in height order, with boys and girls in separate queues. This was all the same as my experiences in my past life, since I was rather tall, I was arranged to stand at the end of the male queue. In front of me was a boy named Guo Qing, he became my best friend during high school.

Guo Qing was the same as me in my previous life, introverted while possessing a dream of someday becoming the center of attention. It was due to this that we easily became great friends. Watching the back of this boy that stuck with me to discuss with me after class if a certain girl was pretty or not, or the new tape released by a certain celebrity, I spoke with thought emotionally: I wonder if I can become great friends with him in this life.

After the queues were sorted, Ye Xiaoxiao took us in front of a class room on the second floor, I didn’t have too much memory of this point, because in my past life the new school building had already been build after I started the second year, and after the class selection, the Science classes also moved over there.

After that we sat onto the seats in the classroom in male and female pairs under Ye Xiaoxiao’s arrangement. Everyone around me were already calculating their seat, of course the thing they were most focused on was which girl would become their desk mate. As I expected, from the position where their sights stopped, their ideal desk mate was Zhao Yanyan. Although they didn’t say anything, but it was obvious, all of them were calculating whether or not their future desk mate would be that girl weating the white dress.

I deliberately clapped Guo Qing’s back, and pointed towards Zhao Yanyan’s direction with my finger, “Will she’ll become my desk mate?”

After I said this, several boys immediately looked towards me with disdain. In their heart, they all treated me as a toad that wanted to eat swan meat. I laughed coldly in my heart, what’s the point of the glares, didn’t I just say out loud what you wanted to say?

When it came to us, I could tell, all of them looked anxiously towards the girls, only I was calmly standing there. Possessing memories of my past life, I clearly knew that Zhao Yanyan will become my desk mate.

When I walked into the classroom with Zhao Yanyan, a lot of boys looked at me with jealousy, giving me goosebumps. That’s weird, why didn’t I have this feeling in my past life? I didn’t understand whether I matured a bit later in my past life or if boys in my class matured rather earlier.

Both Zhao Yanyan and I were quite tall, so we were arranged to sit at a desk near the window on the third row from the back, this was the same as my past life.

After we sat down, Zhao Yanyan reached her hand our friendlily, “Hi, I’m called Zhao Yanyan!”

I remember it was rather hesitant at this moment in my previous life, and because I didn’t reach out my hand for a long while, it made it very awkward for both of us. I won’t have that kind of shy action anymore, what a joke, being the company CEO, what kind of person have I not shook hands with? What kind of situation have I not faced? Furthermore, how can I miss this rare opportunity to touch her.

I liberally shook her little hands, “Liu Lei, please take care of me from now on!” When I let go of her hands, I didn’t forget to lightly rub her hands at a suitable place. Zhao Yanyan’s face immediately turned red, but I pretended not to notice anything and turned back. I was laughing inside, I didn’t think that this girl will also be shy at times.

After everyone sat down, Ye Xiaoxiao started rambling on. It was just about how high school was different from middle school; what we were learning were broader and harder; don’t think that we’re half way there just because we entered a key high school, high school is the easiest place to fail; everyone should work hard etc.

Although her voice sounded nice, but what she said didn’t interest me at all, it wasn’t just a little bit weird having a man who was mentally thirty something listen these encouraging words for children.

I focused on the Ye Xiaoxiao that I despised in my previous life, and without me knowing, my sights were focused on her delicate face, I noticed that I really matured a bit too late in my previous life, I actually despised such a beautiful teacher? It was different from Zhao Yanyan’s immaturity, Ye Xiaoxiao already had a hint of a mature woman, no wonder so many male classmates liked to bombard Ye Xiaoxiao with questions after class in my previous life.

Looking down a bit, my sights rested on that incredible full breasts. I couldn’t help but have a slightly nasty thought, did she had sponge pads inside?

This thought caused me to sweat a little! It was completely different to my serious attitude before, did it finally explode after holding it back for so long in my previous life? Like a certain great person said, if it doesn’t explode in silence, then die in silence? Then what about me? Died in silence then get reborn and explode?

Perhaps to a person that have experienced life and death, there would be changes on both personality and thoughts! I was too focused on my career in my previous life and didn’t enjoy life, this life I will place my life as the priority, and my career as secondary.

I noticed that my dear Ye Xiaoxiao laoshi was really a first class beauty, she was about 1.7 meters tall with long legs, her skinny jeans also showed off her voluptuous body. It could be compared to Zhao Yanyan after she grows up in terms of both looks and her body, listening to her class could be said as an enjoyment, why didn’t I realize this before.

After that it was self-introductions, and it was also done in terms of the seating arrangement. I noticed that a lot of people were quite careful, and only simply said their name and the school they graduated from after sitting down. Only the ones called Xie Wei and Liu Kesheng summarized the position they held in middle school and the prizes they won, I saw that a hint of approval from Ye Xiaoxiao’s eyes.

This Liu Kesheng was also our class representative in my previous life, and had a grudge with me. Now that I look at it, it really didn’t matter, that person was also a pursuer of Zhao Yanyan, and Zhao Yanyan was our class’s group secretary.

Liu Kesheng often used proper business as an excuse to ask to change seats with me during study periods, I believed him at the start, but then I noticed his alternate motive, and being Zhao Yanyan’s secret admirer, of course I wouldn’t give chances to my rival in life, and our grudge gradually built up from there. This caused him to often say bad stuff about me in front of Ye Xiaoxiao, causing the disagreement between Ye Xiaoxiao and I to worsen.

That Xie Wei, will also take on a leadership position in our class. If I remembered correctly, he is the study commissary, but after the second year he was switched off, due to his grades worsening.

Zhao Yanyan’s self-introduction was also very impressive, her expression was plentiful, causing them to stare intently with their mouths watering. In comparison my own was very plain, although I was decent at speaking and was quite calm, but it didn’t catch Ye Xiaoxiao’s attention too much.


  1. N/a

Chapter 3 – Reporting In

“Leilei, get up quickly! Don’t be late on the first day of high school!” a female voice I am very familiar with sounded out beside me.

“Mom, my whole body is breaking apart, just let me sleep a while longer!” I pulled the blanket over my head and replied habitually.

That’s not right! I quickly got up from the bed, did I buy an apartment for myself in Yanjing City, where the company is? Why is my mom here?

I opened my eyes, and surveyed my surroundings. The broken single bed, the ancient red desk, the messy shelf, all of it was so familiar yet foreign.

My mom, who was in front of me, was so young. This all shows, my old bro Yama didn’t lie to me, I was reborn.

Of course, there was another possibility, and that I had a dream, a very long dream. In the dream I managed to reach thirty, and became the director of Company M in the Huaxia region. I attended my dream girl’s wedding, then died in her wedding, after that I met old bro Yama.

Thinking to this point, I subconsciously touched what was in front of my chest. The “cell phone” that old bro Yama gave me was still there, it seems like I had really been reborn.

I happy leaped up from the bed, and hugged my dear mom.

Mom patted my head and smiled, “You are a high school student from today, that means you’re an old child now. You’re still acting spoiled in front of mom?”

I shook my head, the mother that I would hug whenever I see her even after becoming thirty in my past life, she also said: In mom’s eyes, you are always a child.

I got dressed quickly, and said to my mom, who was helping me organize my school back, “Ma, is today my first day attending high school?”

“Of course!” My mom looked at m in confusion.

“Ah!” Unable to hold back the excitement in my heart, I couldn’t help but scream. I have really been reborn, I actually returned back to 1994, the me that was about to enter high school.

The reason I was so happy was because I knew that I will never miss Zhao Yanyan in this lifetime. I opened the window, and took a deep breath of fresh air, then shouted out the window, “Beauties, I’m coming!”

I turned around, and noticed that my mom was still standing in the room, and was staring at me with her mouth wide open.

“Hehe!” I laughed, I was able to understand my mom’s expression. If you saw your child scream out for beauties after just entering high school, you probably will feel the same.

My mom touched my forehead, “Leilei, you don’t have a fever right?”

I shook my head with a smile as I walked out of my room and into the bathroom, and saw myself with a full head of messy hair in the mirror. Was I really do dull at this time in my past life? ****, what is this image, no wonder no girls liked me, this was worlds apart from the handsome me during university. I decided, the first thing I’ll do after rebirth would be to improve my own image.

After a simple washing up, I went to the kitchen, mom was making breakfast, dad was reading the newspaper at the dinner table. There were no wrinkles on father’s face right now, his hair was also completely black, he was thirty something, the prime age for his career.

In my memory, the nationalized factory where father worked at didn’t close, father’s future was bright as the youngest engineer at the factory. However, things wouldn’t go as expected, without any experience in my previous life, nobody would expect the kind directory at father’s factory will take out all of the funds of the factory and the salary of the workers and run away. He was captured later on, but the funds had already been transferred to another country, so all that was left was a factory shell that was in debt for over a hundred million, it was forcefully expropriated by the bank within a month.

After father was laid off, he constantly sighed, and his hair also became a lot whiter, he barely managed to support our family through driving a tricycle. This situation continued until I graduated from university and begun to work at Microsoft, the financial problems a home were finally dealt with then.

But my father’s body already wore down, and passed away within a few years.

Since I have been reborn, I naturally have to prevent this from happening, at least with my current ability, I had no problems with supporting my family.

“Dad, I missed you!” after getting reborn, I saw my father who I thought I would never see again in my past life, I couldn’t suppress my own emotions and dived into his arms.

Father put down the newspaper in his hands, and caressed my back in wonder, “What is it with this child today?”

I didn’t want them to become suspicious, so I explained, “Dad, I had a bad dream last night. In my dream, Director Zhang of your factory scammed all of the factory’s money.” Regardless of anything, I still warned him ahead of time.

“Don’t ********, Old Zhang is not that kind of person!” Father angry put me down.

I knew that this dream I made up would not have any warning effect, it looks like I had to take it as it goes. I might even have my own career when that happens.

After breakfast, my parents went with me with report in. I had wanted to go by myself, but my parents refused. That was understandable, since I’ve never been to anywhere further than one kilometer away from home by myself. My primary school was on the street right behind my home, less than five hundred meters away. Middle school was also near my primary school. On the other hand, the Fourth High I was going to report to was more than ten stations away from my home, because this was the first day reporting in, no parents would be at ease, furthermore even parents of children going to university were like that as well.

The entrance of Fourth High was very busy, filled with parents and students like us that had come to report to school. Fourth High was one of the key high schools in Songjiang City, father also paid quite a lot of money for me to attend to this school. I was a typical bad student in middle school, and the middle school I was in was also notoriously bad, if it wasn’t because I was introverted and cowardly, I probably would have been depraved. Only students that have attended there would understand how terrible that school was; robbers, murderers, rapists, gamblers, a lot of the juvenile offenders in Songjiang City came from there. It would be unbelievable for that school managed to train out a talented person, I had naturally gotten a bad result in the citywide Senior Entrance Exam, and had to pay a very high price to study at Fourth High.

I couldn’t help but gasp as I say the row of good cars by the road, there were so many rich people in this era! Using my experience of my past life, I knew that there were too few cars that cost more than a million here. My sight stopped on an Audi 100, what attracted my attention wasn’t the model, but the car license plate. At this moment in my previous life, I didn’t know the meaning behind this car license number.

With Song 0 (松0) at the start were all cars belonging to governmental organizations, the number of this car license was also very small, so it clearly meant that it was the car of an important leader. It looks like our school was full of hidden talents.

Everything was all the same as my experience in my previous life. I was placed into First Year Class B. This was a key class, the result of my father’s gifts.

I quickly found the teacher responsible for receiving me, a cute girl that just graduated from a normal university, she’s also Ye Xiaoxiao, my class tutor from now on. Of course, this was from the perspective of myself as a thirty year old in my previous life. In my past life, my parents were all very confused, the class tutor of an important class that they spent a lot of money for me to get into was actually a girl that just graduated.

I only found out afterwards that our Ye laoshi has a very important background. It is rumored that her father is a very important person in the Department of Education, aside from her who teaches us English; all of the teachers of the other classes were all exceptional teachers. The reason for this arrangement was to turn Ye Xiaoxiao into a famous teacher after the College Entrance Exam three years later. In reality, Ye Xiaoxiao did become a famous teacher after we graduated, our class totaled at ninety-two pupils, aside form a few transient student, all of us got into university.

In my previous life, I didn’t have a great impression of our beauty of a class tutor. I believe this was the same from her end, is was my fault that I dragged the class behind in the first two years.

“What’s your name?” Ye Xiaoxiao asked me.

“Ye laoshi, I’m Liu Lei,” I answered sensibly, without any sense of nervousness that other students showed when they meet their teacher.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked up at me in shock, “How did you know my surname is Ye?”

I didn’t reply, only pointed at the nametag on Ye Xiaoxiao’s breast with a smile. I didn’t realize in my previous life, but the breast of our class tutor isn’t just a little big.

Ye Xiaoxiao also noticed the way I stared at her chest, but she didn’t mind. She just thought I was looking at her nametag, nobody would believe that a kid just entering high school would stare intently at his teacher’s breast.

Ye Xiaoxiao took out a form for me to complete, I took a lot, it is just a simple information form with our height, ethnic group, and which primary and middle school we graduated from. Ye Xiaoxiao looked at me in shock as I rapidly filled out the form. You have to know, other students were all afraid of writing the wrong stuff, so they all asked a many questions as they filled out the form.

Ye Xiaoxiao received my completed information sheet, her couldn’t help but twitch her eyebrows when her sight stopped at my results in primary and middle school. This was also within my expectations, the middle school I attended was publically admitted as a trash school, and my results on the Senior Entrance Exam had two failed subjects. The tiny bit of good impression that this beautiful teacher was probably going to disappear.

But that’s good; I didn’t want to be chosen as for any class leadership positions. With my experience in my previous life, class leaderships roles were thankless roles.


  1. N/a

Chapter 2 – Accidental Rebirth

It was impossible for me to have heard Zhao Yanyan’s words, because I was already dead, in other words Ge pi le.

When I awoke again, I found myself inside a large palace. It looked like those royal palaces that you could often see in TV shows based on the Qing dynasty, but it also had a pretty eerie atmosphere.

Right in front of me, was a humorous looking old person that said there thinking that he was very dignified, beside them were two unique looking people that seemed to be some sort of judge. Above the three of them was a large plaque, on it was three large characters —— Yama Palace.

Ugh, you can’t be serious. My first reaction was that if this was a TV show shooting? Seeing the scene, it should be a horror one, but based on what those three people were wearing it seemed like a comedy. I couldn’t help but sigh, there are too many third rated directors now!

As my thoughts wandered, the funny old man in the middle slapped the table in anger and stared, “Who is the one down there, why are you not kneeling in front of Yama?”

I momentarily blanked, they probably treated me as a part-time actor. I shouted, “Hey, old man, you found the wrong people right? I don’t want to act!”

Hearing me say these words, those three also momentarily blanked, Judge A on the side muttered to himself, “His grandmother, this person can’t also have mental issues right?”

Judge B took out the Life and Death Note, but couldn’t find anything all of a sudden, so he said in surprise, “Something’s wrong, there shouldn’t be anyone dying right now, who is the person down there?”

The funny old man slapped the table again and said, “The person down there, you’re already dead! Give me your name quickly, so I – Yama – can organize your reincarnation!”

I died?? How did I die? I suddenly remembered, that’s right, I’m dead. After I overdosed in alcohol on Zhao Yanyan’s wedding, then died after the rescue failed I found myself here.

It seems like I am actually dead. ****, I’ve been an utter failure this life, in the first half of my life I was just struggling, then I died without tasting love. This made me remember a classic quote from a very old movie: There was once sincere feelings in front of me, I didn’t treasure it, and only couldn’t regret after losing it, that is the most painful thing in a human’s life. If god would give me another chance, then I would tell the girl three words “I love you”, if I had to add a limit to this love, I hope it is: ten thousand years.

That old bro Yama said that I could reincarnate? That means I still have a chance to taste love, in my next life I will not let any of the women I love go! I thought so angrily.

That’s why I said to Yama, “Old bro Yama, I’m called Liu Lei, help me organize my reincarnation quickly!”

Yama angrily replied, “Screw off! Who in your grandmother’s name is your old bro, I am even older than your ancestors!”

After many years of experience in the business industry I understood how to flatter people, I knew that if I wanted Yama to organize my reincarnation in a good family, then I have to kiss this old man’s ***. I laughed, “I just meant that old bro looks so young, so energetic looking, if you didn’t tell me, I definitely couldn’t tell how old you are! Look, when I walked in, I thought it was a TV show shooting, that’s why I begun to think, where did the director find an actor as handsome as you, you’re so much more handsome compared to Chow Yun-fat and Andy Lau!” Saying this, I thought, Yama probably haven’t seen Chow Yun-fat and Andy Lau, so I immediately added, “So much more handsome than that brat Pan An!”

Hearing my words, Yama’s expression filled with delight, and turned his face filled with creases towards Judge A and asked, “Do I really look so young?”

That Judge A was probably used to flattering him, and replied without much thought, “Congratulations Yama, congratulations Yama, you are top tier among ghosts, more handsome than anyone!”

Yama laughed happily after hearing so, and said kindly to me, “What’s your name again? Oh right, it’s Liu Lei, You are like my best friend! This king will accept you as my little brother! Don’t worry little bro, I’ll definitely organize a good family for you!”

I quickly thanked him, my heart was filled with joy, my ploy worked!

Yama said to Judge B, “Find out life and death times of my little bro!”

After searching for a while, Judge B’s face was filled with incredible emotions, he said surprisingly, “Yama, look, your stepbrother has a life of hundred and eighty years, he couldn’t have died now!”

Hearing that, Yama took over the Life and Death Note seriously, after a long time, he slapped the table while clenching his teeth and yelled to outside the palace, “****, which blind xiaogui brought my little bro here?”

After a while, a xiaogui walked over in fear and immediately fell onto the floor after seeing Yama, “Please don’t be angry, Yama, this lowly one, this lowly one had coincidentally passed by the hospital, and seeing this brat, no your little brother was about to die, so I conveniently took him here!”

Ah? Hearing that I was mistakenly brought here, I was completely speechless. I’m way too unlucky, I though this kind of mistaken arrest only happened in the world of the living, I didn’t think the world of the dead was this dark as well.

Yama shouted angrily, “**** this, are your eyes growing from your ***? You caused an incident when there isn’t any! This Life and Death Note clearly says, my little bro would have an incident, but it didn’t say he’ll die! Someone come and boil him into the oil wok, and never allow him to reincarnate!”

Several odd looking people… Actually, ghosts instantly arrived, and took the xiaogui away.

I was uninterested about what would happen to that xiaogui, I just wanted to reincarnate quickly, I said to Yama, “Old bro, can’t you organize little bro to reincarnate first?”

Yama replied with a sour look, “Little bro, it’s not that old bro not organizing it for you. Rather, it’s because you were brought here by that blind idiot before your life was used up, so —— ai, there’s nothing I can do!”

My heart was instantly frozen, but I still asked persistently, “I can’t be the only on who died because of an accident right? What about them?”

Yama replied, “Those people? They are just random ghosts that spend the days wandering around in the underworld, waiting for their lives to be used up so they can reincarnate.”

I was unwilling to give up, “Since I was mistakenly captured, is there a method to return my soul to my body?”

Yama looked at me in pity, “Little bro, old bro ask you, did you sign up to be an organ donor when you were alive?”

I nodded and asked confusedly, “Why did you bring it up?”

Yama shook his head in pity, “I do want to return you, but now your organs have already been put onto someone else, your body is probably already dissected by med school students…”

It looks like I wasn’t just a little unlucky! Could I be fated to spend a hundred odd years in the underworld?

At this moment Judge B seemed to remember something, and whispered a long while beside Yama’s year. Hearing that, Yama slapped his thigh and shouted, “ That’s right! My grandma, how did I forgot about this? Little bro, do you want to be reborn?”

“Rebirth?” I muttered, this wasn’t a foreign term to me, it was something often seen in web novels.

Yama though I didn’t understand, and begun to explain, “By rebirth, it means to return your soul to your body in the past——“

I waved my hand, “I understand what rebirth means, does that mean that anyone who died before their time can choose to be reborn?”

Yama shook his head, “That’s not true, we have a limited number of spots for rebirth in the underworld, it also have to accepted in heaven. I intended to sell this spot for a high price, but since you are my little bro, I’ll give you this chance! Especially since I don’t lack money.”

It seems like this spot was extremely valuable! I was right to admit Yama as my old bro! I heard that people that were reborn would often have some special powers, would I have some too? So I asked shamelessly, “Old bro, would I have any special powers after getting reborn?”

“About this,” Yama thought about it, “I don’t have any power to decide, if you really want some special powers, I can help you apply for it, but it might take quite long.”

Hearing such a chance, I immediately asked, “How long?”

Yama thought about it and said, “There’s no way to tell, maybe a day, maybe a year, the application for special powers of the previous set of people that were reborn were just returned yesterday, so this time will be quicker, probably just a few hundred years!”

Seriously, several hundred years? I quickly asked, “Did that person receive any special powers afterwards?”

Yama replied, “Receive my ***, that person’s great grandson already died, and died unhappily. His even shouted out his last words ‘When will my great grandfather have special powers’!”

Hearing that, I nearly fainted, I guess I’ll pass on it. So I waved my head, “Old bro, never mind that, if I can get special powers then so be it, if I can’t then whatever!”

Yama faintly smiled, “But old bro can give you a phone, if you have any requests for old bro, call me anytime!”

Phone? I asked, “I can still call you after returning to the world of the living?”

Yama nodded confidently, “Of course, it was just created by Edison and Bell. Oh, I forgot to tell you, Edison is the chief scientist of our Yama Technology limited.”

Judge B handed an exquisite jade pendant to me, so I asked curiously, “You can call with this?”

Yama replied with pride, “Of course, it’s a telepathic link, you can communicate with me, a god, when you miss me. The one I gave you is the newest model, it is efficient night powered, the same as solar power in your world of the living. It will charge automatically in the dark.

I’ll just believe this phone that old bro Yama is bragging to me about, and carefully hung it around my neck.

“Okay, it’s almost time, Judge A, send my little bro back,” said Yama.

I rolled my eyes, this guy is actually called Judge A.


  1. N/a

Chapter 1 – Wedding

“Director Liu, you’ve also come to attend Xiao Zhao’s wedding? Come, let us have a drink!”

Seeing the busy scene in front, I became a bit absentminded. I stiffly raised my wine glass and downed everything. I was no longer sure of how many glasses I’ve drank. I was even unsure if what I just drank was beer, wine or even just water, I couldn’t tell from its taste, not to mention who had urged me to drink.

I glanced around as I sat down, reminiscence about every little moment I spent with Zhao Yanyan, she was once my goddess. Now I could only silently watch as she became another’s bride.

Zhao Yanyan and I were classmates from high school, and also sat next to each other. Zhao Yanyan was already the focus of the school, not only her grades were excellent, she was also very talented, and most importantly she was beautiful, and was crowned a school beauty by the students in private.

Although I sat next to her, but we didn’t talk much in reality, only a few words here and there, and they were all pointless chatter. I was rather introverted in high school. Of course, since my grades were bad, I wasn’t the kind of student that was adored by the teachers, I didn’t have much attention on myself and could be counted as someone whose existence didn’t matter.

I don’t know when it began, I fell deeply in love with Zhao Yanyan, perhaps it was just a crush. I enjoyed watching her silently, every movement, every expression. However, I never told her, because she had plenty of pursuers by her side, and all of them seemed to outclass me by far.

We went our separate ways in the second year of high school when the class split. She chose to study liberal arts, while I continued on with the sciences, sciences weren’t my specialty at the team, but I always feared a new environment, thus I stayed in the original class to muddle through.

After separating with Zhao Yanyan, I thought I could forget about this woman that appeared in my mind day and night, but I was wrong. My thoughts about Zhao Yanyan didn’t decrease, but increased by day, she completely became the target of my life.

I knew that Zhao Yanyan will get into the top universities in the country with her grades, if I wanted to continue seeing her, then I had to work harder. Under this empty drive, I spent my heart and soul on the txtboks in my final year, and grasped all of the knowledge I had left in the first and second year.

Finally, my results showed in the National College Entrance Examination, and I managed to enter the Huaxia University that was well known through the entire country. Under the joyous atmosphere of my parents at home, I knew, this was all thanks to Zhao Yanyan. If it wasn’t for my yearning of her, and finding out she would apply for Huaxia University, I wouldn’t have worked so hard.

When the students reported in, I was actually surprised to see that familiar figure. I haven’t seen her for a year, and Zhao Yanyan became even more beautiful. Although I didn’t look down on myself as much as before, but compared to Zhao Yanyan, I knew that I was not worthy of her. Which student at Huaxia University wasn’t an outstanding person during high school? Comparing my self to them, I had nothing to be proud of.

What surprised me was that Zhao Yanyan, who was a school beauty of Huaxia University, had never once had a boyfriend during the four years, there wasn’t a single rumour.

It was evident during high school that Zhao Yanyan must have come from an excellent family. She had a personal driver to take her to and away from school. This was completely different from me whose parents were just workers.

During the four years of university, I kept trying to close the distance between her and I, I studied economics; studied politics; studied a lot of foreign languages; entered all sorts of clubs to improve myself, I became the ace of the basketball, football, swimming, Sanda, shooting teams, and represented Huaxia University to enter the national student competitions. It could be said that I was a completely different person during university compared to the cowardly Liu Lei in middle school, and had already become a bright star at Huaxia University. There were also a lot of girls who pursued me, but I couldn’t forget about Zhao Yanyan.

Perhaps it was due to my personality, I still didn’t confess to Zhao Yanyan, I was scared of failure, scared of being rejected, scared of losing this feeling that I had for all these years. From my perspective, although I didn’t confess to Zhao Yanyan, but it meant that I still had a chance. I didn’t want to easily waste this chance, so I still continued to improve myself, surpass myself.

After graduation, I was fortunate to get into the same company as Zhao Yanyan. Furthermore, I was still single, and so was Zhao Yanyan.

At the end of the year that I turned thirty-one, I finally climbed to the peak of my career, I became the CEO of the Huaxia region of the company. I knew that my long awaited chance had come, I was prepared to confess to Zhao Yanyan on Christmas, and tell her all of my feelings.

The proverb says that eight or nine out of ten situations don’t go your way in a lifetime.

On the day of Christmas, I ordered a bouquet of flowers at the florist early in the morning, and had also booked a room at Maxim’s Western Restaurant. I prepared to take Zhao Yanyan out for dinner, then find a suitable time to confess.

I walked into the office excitedly when the secretary Xiao Zhang handed me a pile of greeting cards. I smiled, it was great being CEO, even if you don’t send any greeting cards, other people will send them to you.

At the top of all of the greeting cards was an invitation, this was something that could be seen everyday. As the company’s CEO of the Huaxia region, I had to socialize every single day. I lazily picked it up and opened it, right after that, I felt the world spin around all of a sudden, as if I fell into a freezer. At that moment, my head was completely blank, this invitation was like a bolt of lightning on a sunny day that directly struck my chest.

Zhao Yanyan was getting married?! I suddenly felt like crying, but was unable to. What made me even unsure to laugh or cry was that the name of the groom was my assistant Xu Qingwei. He was getting married to Zhao Yanyan? Why didn’t I hear anything about it prior to this, I shook my head with a wry smile. Within this year, I had focused on my career, and rarely asked about other things. What was even more hilarious was that this Xu Qingwei was someone I had promoted from a manager of Public Relations when I became CEO, and the original assistant manager of Public Relations Zhao Yanyan was now the Public Relations Manager.

After a while, I finally calmed myself down. Since it never begun, then let it end.

I raised my wine glass, and wobbled in front of Zhao Yanyan and Xu Qingwei, then mumbled, “Xiao Xu, Xiao Zhao. I —— I wish you a harmonious unison for a hundred years, and have a child quickly!”

Xu Qingwei and Zhao Yanyan also raised their wine glasses, Zhao Yanyan smiled beautifully, then said, “Thank you Director Liu!”

I drank all of the wine in the glass and was about to return to the table, when I felt a sudden pain in the chest, and fell onto the floor.

Seeing me fall down, Xu Qingwei immediately shouted, “Call an ambulance quickly, Director Liu fainted, and his head is bleeding after hitting the corner of the table!”

Zhao Yanyan also quickly squatted and pinched my philtrum.

The ambulance quickly took me to the hospital , and very soon I was pushed onto the surgery table. I didn’t know why my mind was so clear at that point, but my body couldn’t move a single bit.

A doctor wearing a white coat looked at the machine beside the surgery table, and quickly told another person, “This is an alcoholic overdose causing the heart failure, use the defibrillator!”

Another person like a nurse immediately pressed the defibrillator against my chest.

“Raise the voltage!” the doctor in the white coat shouted.

The nurse pressed the defibrillator against my body once more.

The doctor in the white coat shook his head, and told the doctor, “It’s futile, give him a cardiac stimulant and ask him if he has any last words.”

Outside the surgery room, all of the employees of the company were waiting anxiously, the nurse ran out and asked them, “Which one of you is called Zhao Yanyan?”

Zhao Yanyan, who in a wedding dress, blanked out for a moment, then immediately ran over.

The nurse said to her, “The patient is not going to make it, he wants to say something to you.”

I opened my eyes with a lot of difficulty, Zhao Yanyan was already waiting beside me.

“Zhao Yanyan, I——I a single sentence, I always—— always wanted to say to you, Yanyan, I——I love—— you!” saying that last word, I left this world without any regret.

All of a sudden, Zhao Yanyan’s face filled up with tears, she lightly caressed the face of the person on the surgery table, no, it should be the face of the corpse, and murmured, “Liu Lei, if you told me these words slightly earlier, I would have married you at all cost——“


  1. N/a

Nagatsuki Tappei’s (Re:Zero’s Author) One Week After Thoughts on Re:Zero

Hello!  This’ll be my first actual post regarding a Re:Zero update in a long while.  Anyway, you can go read the translated tweets below.

Tweet Translation

Stay tuned for other stuff, and feel free to look around!

Nagatsuki Tappei’s Tweets on Re:Zero After the Anime Ended

Translator Note: Stuff in the brackets are my comments/additions.


Phew, that was close, I just made it in time.


さてじゃあ、今週もお願いしま……え? ないの?

Now then, let’s take care of this week’s… eh?  There’s none?



To end a habit so suddenly which has continued for half a year, it would make a person lose his/her calm judgement.



If we were to do Ep 26, I think animating the mayonnaise would be appropriate.  We flew to Alaska in search for Ep 26.




As a matter of fact, it wasn’t until last week that the anime ended.  For accompanying me for the past half a year, thank you everyone.

Immediately after it ended last week, I was quite filled with emotions and couldn’t comment.  But after one week of organizing myself, I want to talk a little bit.




Let me say this first, but I thought the Re:Zero anime was immensely blessed with a few anime original scenes.

Every week, I wondered if we were able to portray many of the messages the same way.



However, the main reason the anime was interesting was all thanks to the staffs involved in it.  I felt that the contributions of the original author were insignificant.  After all, the author can’t write [the script], voice act, compose music, or sing.




The only thing the author can be part of, is the story.  Even that part, when it has to be animated, is better left in the hands of experts.  That stupidly long ep 25 (originally 1 hour which would require a 26th episode) was nicely summarized.

Well, it was difficult to put a word in here as the author.




Therefore, the anime was ultimately blessed with [the right] people.

Not to mention the 2 cour without a split [referring to no break between seasons], and making it as long as possible by cutting the OP [opening], ED [ending], and CM [commercial messages].  Naturally, it was at the inconvenience of the artists since they don’t get more time to draw.



Adding only a few seconds will increase the burden of those who draw.  I did say ep 26 a while ago, but I would probably end up wasting their time.  Truly, I’m grateful [for them].




The preparations for the Re: Zero anime was, well, a lot.  It took at least 2 years for this anime to air.

Back when the staff members met each other, yes, it was way back then.  After that [after they met], everyone would be brought to the screenplay conference each week for “blah blah blah” talk.



During the time the screenplay conference and dubbing didn’t overlap, I went to Tokyo twice a week for the anime.  I wasn’t tired though, because it was fun.  Rather, since the screenplay meetings are over, the dubbing is over, and the things for animation to be in order are done, it’s a bit lonely.




I remember every week at the studio, director Watanabe would say “lower the hurdle, lower the hurdle”, and “no, it’s a hurdle I gave myself,” and the likes.

Director Watanabe is really humble.  After doing that much every week, I think it would be fine to be a bit like “Nagatsuki-san, I did it!”




He would always go “it’s not enough, still not enough…”  He had a stoic mental capacity.  As a person of the same trade, I respect him.

That said, it wasn’t just director Watanabe, everyone around here were such people.  It was amazing.  Everyone did their best.



When the White Whale returned in ep 19 as well, even though the cellphone ringtone was for a short while.  That was just the beginning of many episodes [incidents] to come.  Of course, since I can’t often talk [contribute], I just suggest things.  I always thought… is it okay for me to have this much fun?





Even so, the anime is that, you know?

It’s the kind of talk where even if there are complaints, it’s fine.  Since we review it every week, and I’m the one that looks forward to it the most.  I’m the one who’s most proud of it.

“See, this is what I’m talking about” kind of bragging is something only I can do.



To tell you the truth, I’ve got a mountain full of stuff that I want to talk more about, like how director Watanabe is cool for his “creators on the board should not have to worry” [attitude].  But I also feel a bit embarrassed for beating around the bush.  I just want to say he’s just an amazing person.





Such amazing people.  To be able to get an anime made by those amazing people, as the author I am nothing but thankful for them making the anime.

I’m terribly sorry for my poor vocabulary usage, but for this kind of talk, I don’t think it’s necessary – is how I feel.

It’s an amazing thing.




That means, since such an amazing anime was made, the original work will be pressured, or rather, I have to work hard or else.

Right now, I am desperately fixing arc four, the special book for the anime disc, and quite a few other things I was asked to do.  It’s tough to rebuild the entire plot of the arc.



「え? 導入ってどうやるんだっけ?」みたいな気持ちですげぇ戸惑いましたよ。そんな10巻は来月発売ですが!(宣伝)

After all, arc three began in June 2014.  I’ve rebuilding the plot of the LN ever since.  I mean, I was doing arc three all this time.

“Eh?  How do I introduce it?” was the kind of extremely puzzled feeling I had.  But anyway, vol. 10 of this will be released next month! (Advertisement)



Well, in reality, even after the anime ends the original work must continue.  And, even during the anime, since the author [I] had written Re:Zero all this time, I plan to continue writing until it finishes, because the beginning was interesting, so I want continue making it fun in the future.




Well, this is what I think probably a lot of people want to hear about the web novel version.  After all, I have not been able to update it once during the anime.  Yes.  Sorry.

I received a lot of messages that said “will you no longer update?”




To be honest, during the anime period, I could not afford to update even once.  I say that, but there was time for me to put one together and update.  So I don’t mean to say I don’t have a single moment of free time.

But it’s difficult to write the web novel with such a tight [rushed] feeling.



That’s because, when the light novel was made, the first three volumes were consecutive publications with the contents written in around half a year.  At the same time, I was also proceeding with arc 4.  It was difficult for my brain to switch between the start and arc 4, but during that time I did have free time to update.



And when I have time to update, I would sadly go “I forgot the contents of my previous update.”  As a result, I would write the same kind of thing.  I would forget what I was trying to say.  When that issue arises, the quality/crispness of the story is gone.  I thought arc 4 was quite interesting, but had a lot of waste [pointless content?].




I think that was the biggest reason that [regarding arc 4 issues] happened.

So, many updates were not made because I decided not to update at all during the anime period.  There’s probably some people that thought “once the anime finishes, he would continuously update because of the surge [of people].”


ごめん! 一文字も書いてねえ!

Sorry!  I haven’t written a single word!




Since the last update for arc 6, I haven’t written a single word for it.  Sorry.

In the first place, I’m not the type to write and withhold it.  Once I write up to one chapter, I publish it.  Plus, often times I can’t finish a chapter in a day, and I don’t like it, but I go “done.”  I don’t want to brave such risks.



It’s not like I go “well, let’s play truant,” probably.  This year, at least four hours a day without rest, I’ve been working on things for the sake of Re:Zero.  Today as well, but I’m in the middle of a break right now.






Speaking of being tired, well… it is tiring, but I don’t particularly think about resting.  Since writing is basically breathing for me, the feeling I get when writing is like relaxation writing.

Even so, putting my writing as the priority is something I don’t do.

It’s obvious, but work comes first.




Sorry for only talking about this.  Basically, my priority is given to something when it has a lot of people involved.  When the web contents are boring, they die [affect negatively] with only me involved, but when it comes to the light novel, when I don’t know if I can meet the deadline, I cause a lot of trouble for many people.

It can’t be helped that this is all I talk about, sorry.  Please forgive me, it’s because it was animated amazingly.




Now, the main question is somewhere along the lines of “when will I resume the web novel?” but even I don’t really know.

Since writing is the only thing I always do, it’s simply: once I finish writing things that I must do, even if I’m not told “you didn’t write anything, write something for the web,” I’ll do it.




“Then, is it impossible as long as you’re continuing the light novels?” is what some people might also be thinking, but it’s not like I stopped at arc 4 or 5 after the books came out.

That’s why, once again, I’ll start writing arbitrarily at the pace of arc 5.  As long as I take down each necessary work one by one, it’ll work out.



When the web novel resumes updating, please assume “oh, Neko [Tappei’s pen name] ran out of stuff to do.”  And, like before, it’ll be updated at 1 o’clock [AM], as his [Tappei referring to himself] “should you sleep, or should you not” harassment begins.



Well, with this and that said, my own talk is nearing 1 hour.  What I wanted to say in the first half was Nagatsuki Tappei’s [referring to himself] sincerest thanks, and the latter half is the insincere, truanting Nezumiiro Neko [Tappei’s full pen name]; please don’t pay attention to that.


とにかく、半年間アニメお付き合いありがとう! ウェブからいる人たちはリゼロに四年以上ありがとう! 書籍からでもすでに二年半以上だ、ありがとう! 四年前から言ってるけど、あと四年ぐらいで終わらすわ!!!

Anyway, thank you for the acquaintances throughout this half a year!  Thank you to the people from the web who have been with Re:Zero for over four years!  It’s already been over two years and a half for the light novel, thanks!  I said this four years ago, but it’ll be about another four years before it ends!!!




Now then, I have volume 11, the two volume special, the alive short, and store special to do.

Good Night.



P.S. I heard Miyata-kun from “Kis-My” [A Japanese boy band, thanks to those who figured it out for me] was [seen] holding an Emilia-tan T-shirt.  I thought it was amazing that the anime had this effect.



As usual, I would appreciate any fixes to the translation mistakes that I”ve made!

Extra Side Translation Content

Here you will find extra content translated by me that isn’t Light Novel content but is related to Re:Zero.  Enjoy!

GNN’s Coverage of Nagatsuki Tappei’s Visit to Taiwan

[J-Art Professor 16] “Re: Zero -Starting Life in Another World-” Nagatsuki Tappei has Come to Taiwan – He Looks for Inspiration from Butchering Meat


Re: Zero -Starting Life in Another World-’s author, Nagatsuki Tappei, was invited by Chingwin Publishing Group (青文出版社) to come to Taiwan today to hold an autograph session at the 2016, 17th Comic Fair.  Coinciding with Re: Zero -Starting Life in Another World-’s anime adaption climax, as well as the author being unable to forget the Taiwanese reader’s enthusiasm, the publisher promised to invite him again to Taiwan.

[Taiwanese Version Cover of Vol 6]

“Re: Zero -Starting Life in Another World-” tells the story of Natsuki Subaru, who had just left a convenience store and was heading home when he was suddenly summoned to another world.  Could this be the popular otherworld summoning?!  He could accept not meeting his summoner, but worse greeted him as he was thrown into a life threatening situation after bumping into robbers.  At this moment, a mysterious silver-haired beauty and cat spirit saved him from the hopeless situation.  To return the favor, Subaru volunteered to help the girl find her item.  They managed to find some clues, but Subaru and the girl were attacked and killed by an unknown person… or so it should have happened.  When he regained his consciousness, Subaru found himself in the place where he was first summoned to.  “Return by Death” – the only ability this powerless teenager was given, reverses time to the start after he dies.  Challenging the countless desperations, he tries to save the girl from the fate of death!

[Nagatsuki Tappei with Re:Zero Merch]

“Re: Zero -Starting Life in Another World-” was originally published by the author online as a web novel on “Become a Novelist” (小説家になろう).  After its popularity as a fictional light novel, the anime adaption was launched in 2016.  During the author’s first visit to Taiwan to participate in events, he was worried about his popularity and was nervous.  But after receiving his Taiwanese fans’ warm welcoming, he was moved greatly.  That’s why he was extremely happy to be able to return to Taiwan again for these events.  Before today’s media interviews, Chingwin received an enthusiastic reader’s hand drawn portrait.  Nagatsuki Tappei was so happy that he had brought the portrait with him to the interview.

[Nagatsuki Tappei with the Lucky Fan]

While he was receiving the gift, Nagatsuki was asked by the reader a couple simple questions.  One of them was: why did the author have to abuse Natsuki Subaru so much in the work?  Nagatsuki replied with a smile, “That’s because it’s more fun this way!”  He then went on to explain that he believed a protagonist that has grown stronger by facing adversity is the best kind of character.  Therefore, in order for his protagonist to continue growing, he would insert such abuses in the story.  Because he likes Subaru, he also wishes Subaru could work hard.  But at the same time, he also thinks he has been a bit too nice to Subaru, and may make the future a bit tougher for Subaru.

The talk moved onto his volume 8, and when the author modified his head portrait to a mango ice cream, he stated Taiwanese foods are very delicious.  Whether it be the dumplings he ate yesterday, or the beef noodles he tasted during his last visit, they were all tasty.  However, stinky tofu had to strong of a smell, so he was unable to try it.

[Nagatsuki Tappei with a portrait picture]

When it came to talking about the light novel, Nagatsuki explained that “Re: Zero -Starting Life in Another World-” began as a web serialization, so as long as he was given some inspiration, he could expand on it.  However, when publishing a light novel, due to space limitations, he had to express his thoughts, characters, and mood to readers within a word limit.  The author believes this was a relatively difficult task for the adaptation.

In regards to this part, he would sometimes debate with his editor because the author wants his personal preferences reflected on the text, while the editor wants to modify the author’s work into a presentable product.  As a result, the editor’s opinions are also very important.

Still, Nagatsuki Tappei is not a full-time writer.  On weekdays, he would work at a butcher shop in charge of chopping meat, and occasionally as a cashier.  Therefore, while he is “handling” those meat products, he would think about the development of the plot.  While he shared his experience at work, Nagatsuki grinned and said: “sometimes, while I’m chopping meat, I would shout ‘Natsuki Subaru!’”  Aside from writing, he also enjoys watching movies and playing board games.

[Nagatsuki holding Taiwanese Vol 1 & Merch]

Why did he decided to embark on the road of an author?  He explained that he began his light novel creation journey ever since he was in Japan.  Even after he entered society, he continued working on it.  When he began working, “Re: Zero -Starting Life in Another World-” was not yet a light novel; even after it became a light novel, he was maintaining his work at the butcher shop while writing.  He continued on with: “But if I was given the chance, I would love for it to become a full-time job.  Though I don’t hate my job at the butcher shop, as moments of inspirations emerge while I’m chopping meat.  If the chance arises, I hope to become a professional writer.”

When talking about when the protagonist dies, and where the protagonist revives, the author remarked: “Basically when Subaru is filled with regret and despair, I would think up of a scenario that is most fitting for him to die.  After all, it’s not that easy for one to face death.  As for where the protagonist revives, because it’ll reveal some spoilers, I can only say… if Subaru can change something at that fitting moment, then he will revive at that point.”

[Nagatsuki pose]

When it came to the anime adaption’s performance, the author stated that the animation production has been given to relevant professionals, and because the focus of the story is relatively the same as the source material, he won’t interfere with the animation company’s approach.

A reporter had asked the author how had conceptualized episode 18’s dialogues, and whether he himself had experienced a similar conversation.  Nagatsuki replied by saying he would not have had such negative thoughts.  Rather, he described his thought process as: “I went along the lines of ‘if Subaru had had these things happen before.’  By following this train of thought, these ideas will naturally form in my mind.”

In regards to episode 18’s pre-launch advertisement set up in the Japanese subway stations, the editor explained that this episode was very important for the work, therefore they wanted more people to watch this episode and specially set up the subway ads.

[Nagatsuki Tappei Signing]

[Nagatsuki Tappei’s Subaru Pose]

In addition, Subaru’s “special” ringtone in episode 19 is based on the protagonist’s character and personality.  In the original work, the ground dragon he rode was called “Patrash,” therefore the author used “A Dog of Flanders” music as the ringtone for when the White Whale arrived.

[Nagatsuki Tappei receiving flowers]

When it came to his favorite seiyuu (voice actor), the author, while smiling, claimed it would have to be Felix’s seiyuu, Hori Yui, based on personal preferences.  But if he really had to say, the seiyuu responsible for Natsuki Subaru, Kobayashi Yusuke, has been superb.  Because of Kobayashi’s relationship, the protagonist’s personality has been faithfully reproduced in anime.

[Nagatsuki Tappei’s meet your fan event, pic with Rem cosplay] 

Who is Nagatsuki Tappei’s favorite character from the source material?  The author stated he would not deliberately rank the characters he created, but if he were to say who would be first, it would definitely be the main heroine “EMT!”  But if he were to choose a person selected by the King’s Election, it would be Crusch.  Although the author is in the EMT cult, because Crusch’s personality is the strongest, he thinks letting her become king would not be a bad choice.

At the end of Nagatsuki Tappei’s event, he declared that he was extremely happy that the people from Taiwan were able to enjoy his work.  Because he is happy about being able to create this work, if he is able to share this joy, as well as the interesting places and their charms in this work, he would be even happier.

[Nagatsuki Tappei picture with all his fans]

[2016 Comic Exhibition Event 17th]



Chapter 151 – Unparalleled Strength

Although there were great talents that matured slowly in this world, that was only the minority after all. Talent, it was usually manifested in juvenile stage and made them stand out from the masses.

That was all the more so in the path of Daoism. As long as one had a divine ability, they would surpass the majority of their peers. Therefore, people paid particular attention to the youths that were in the forefront positions. That was because in the twenty or thirty years to come, they might become an all-powerful figure.

Especially the twenty odd years practitioners. These distinguished figures were subjected to constant observation. Such as Windfeathers, Zhao Chongyang, and the Solitary Sword Demon of the south. Their strength was indisputable. There was hardly anyone who could stand up to them among their peers.

Although Lambda in the Eight Celestial Layer could also be considered a powerful youth, his age was still a little too old. What people cared about was potential!

If a twenty odd years person was put up against a thirty odd years warrior and still came out on top, that was what people paid the most particular attention to!

Wuxing Feng, his reputation was really too great. He was the legend of the north. It was true that none among his peers could stand up to him. Of course, the so-called “north” did not mean the northern part of the immortal’s mainland. Rather, it was to the north of the Celestial City; the Terra Empire that was only thousands of miles away.

Although the territory in the north was not much bigger than the south desolate region, it was not densely covered by primitive forest like the south. The north was a rich and powerful country, with high population, and concentrated towns.

In this kind of genuine nation, the warriors had to trample on the glory of countless people to make themselves stand out. After all, the population was really too high.

Wuxing Feng, nobody from the youth generation knew of his true strength. He had never been defeated among his peers. When confronting his enemies, he always finished the battle within a second! All he needed was a few strikes!

This kind of figure was nothing in the eyes of the older generation, but he was practically a god in the eyes of the youth generation. In the north, there were only one or two young warriors capable of standing up against him.

Nobody expected that Aeon would bring someone like this to the south.

Wuxing Feng ⌈1⌋, with a tall and straight stature, long eyelashes, and star-like pupils. Although he was very calm, the moment he showed himself, everyone could feel a huge pressure weighing down on them. He did not do it deliberately. This was naturally developed!

Looking at his attitude, it seemed like he was not submissive towards Prince Li and was completely treated as an equal.

The elites at present seemed to have realized something. Wuxing Feng came from an ancient clan and possessed extremely huge power. An outstanding talent of his age wouldn’t choose to become the prince’s commander.

When he made an appearance, everyone could link it to many things. Maybe Prince Li did not come to the south merely for the “warbeast tournament”. It was very possible that he was given some kind of royal mission. As for Wuxing Feng, seemed like his job was to deal with the young warriors of the south. Maybe the Terra Empire wanted to suppress the youth with the youth, thereby displaying the absolute strength of the empire. This might be a sign that they wanted to regain the south desolate region.

The older generation must not get involved in the battles of the youth. This was the unwritten rule of the immortal’s mainland. Otherwise many young warriors might had already been strangled to death in the cradle.This unwritten rule was indispensable.

“Xiao Chen, I’ve heard of you.” With a dull expression and bright gaze, Wuxing Feng already walked in front of Xiao Chen and stood there quietly.

“I haven’t heard of you.” Xiao Chen said casually. The two of them really had a striking resemblance. Their body stature, black hair, long eyelashes, and sharp gaze were similar.

Everyone at present was shocked that Wuxing Feng had actually heard of Xiao Chen already, and yet, Aeon didn’t know about him. It was made clear that he had nothing to do with Aeon. He was really not a very good fit as a “commander”. As such, they could also tell that the people of the south had underestimated Xiao Chen. That was because he had actually caught the attention of Wuxing Feng.

At the same time, everyone was shocked by Xiao Chen’s words. This Xiao Chen was really…… too arrogant! He actually spoke to Wuxing Feng with such an attitude and said that he had never heard of him. Wasn’t this a little too much?!

Wuxing Feng smiled. His snow-white teeth and handsome face seemed to be glittering. The pressure engulfed all directions like a storm. Everyone couldn’t help but retreat backwards. The ruins on the ground were rumbling. The debris and broken beams under Wuxing Feng’s feet floated up unceasingly before they broke into tiny pieces.

Only Xiao Chen and himself were left in the field.

“Alright, now that you know me, you will never forget about me in the future.”

Hearing his words, everyone at present knew what it meant. According to the rumors, he wouldn’t kill an opponent which he regarded as important. He wanted to spare their lives and challenge them again in the future. That’s right, that was the point of view of the victor. As for losing, he had never considered it.

Looking at this powerful, calm, and handsome man, a few beauties outside of the field felt that their heartstrings had been struck. Their beautiful eyes possessed a strange glint.

“It is impossible not to get acquainted with you anymore. Come! This battle cannot be avoided.” Xiao Chen wasn’t really an egomaniac. He could feel an unprecedented pressure. This powerful opponent was really very formidable. He might be in for a trouble today.

A simple punch. Wuxing Feng’s movement was very slow, his punch was slowly pushing on, but that powerful pressure was as sharp as a knife blade. It made the spectators far away feel extreme pain on their cheeks.

Before the right fist, the strong wind and golden rays of light were smacking Xiao Chen like a fierce ocean wave. The forceful aura couldn’t be stopped.

This was a true expert. Or at the very least, there was really no one among the peers who could stand up against him. It made Xiao Chen feel an unprecedented pressure. Although the opponent’s golden fist was pushing on very slowly, it sealed off all of his ways out. If he dared to dodge out of the way, then that fist which had accumulated an unimaginable amount of power would definitely increase its speed to an unfathomable level and deliver a fatal blow to Xiao Chen. There was no opening for him to break out, a punch with boundless pressure, a punch that couldn’t be avoided!

God Slayer!

Xiao Chen used this technique without the slightest hesitation. He felt a huge pressure and had no choice but to spare no effort to shake it off. Wuxing Feng was forcing him to go all out.

From this, they could tell that Wuxing Feng was a powerful figure. Even in a battle, he wanted to direct everything and force his opponent to stake it all.

Countless golden radiance flickered, the three inches swords and blades made out of concentrated golden rays of light were filled with an ancient vibe, as if they were ancient divine weapons that just got unearthed a moment ago. Untold numbers of swords gathered together and formed a golden sea of swords. They surged forward with great momentum.

Everyone was shocked. The elites had already heard of this; Xiao Chen used a never seen before technique to break the legendary mystic art of the south, the Yin Yang Annihilation. It was precisely this technique right before their eyes. Hundreds and thousands of swords, it was truly terrifying.

“Crack! Crack…!”

The debris of the ruins floated up. After that, they unceasingly exploded into tiny pieces!

The hundreds and thousands of swords sliced everything in their path!

A resplendent divine ray emitted from Wuxing Feng’s eyes. He suddenly launched his slowly approaching right fist with sudden force. It was as quick as lightning. The golden ocean wave became fiercer than ever. Its presence was really omnipresent as the golden ocean wave materialized and sealed off the entire space in the front. It was clashing with those untold numbers of swords unceasingly.

A big collision!

Golden sword versus golden ocean wave!

The earth trembled violently. Every spectator was forced to fall back quickly. One after another, huge cracks appeared on the ground and kept extending towards a distant place. Moreover, a golden storm already broke out in the sky. It was as if a golden sun had just exploded.

“The Fist of Iron, it is the real deal!”

Outside of the field, everyone had an uncommon bloodline. However, all of them were unable to remain calm. Many people practiced the Quinctus Techniques ⌈2⌋, but only one ancient clan had mastered the most profound of them all. That was precisely Wuxing Feng’s clan.

The Quinctus Techniques. They were claimed to be capable of turning the sky and earth upside down!

As if a huge earthquake was taking place, the violent golden billows wreaked havoc all over the place and crushed every tangible thing.

After Xiao Chen and Wuxing Feng exchanged a single blow, they moved as fast as lightning and had a fierce confrontation under the glaring gold radiance. They left behind one afterimage after another. In the end, only the light remained, not even their shadows could be seen. The two of them were like the lights of destruction. Everywhere they passed by, everything was destroyed and crushed. Nothing could bar their way.

The hall turned into dust, the running water evaporated, and the greenery disappeared without a trace.

When the golden storm faded away, the two of them were standing in the center of the field. They looked into each other’s eyes without blinking. Wuxing Feng’s expression did not change, it was still the same as before.

Xiao Chen’s battle intent was high. Just now he had ran into a great danger. This guy before his eyes was really too powerful. He almost couldn’t stop that fierce and violent attack. If not because the God Slayer was extremely mighty, and sealed those golden billows, the outcome might be unthinkable.

He was not scared of this kind of opponent. On the contrary, his blood was boiling. This opponent had aroused his battle intent. He was getting fired up.

Wuxing Feng wore the same expression as ever. He slowly launched another punch. An earth-shattering dusky qi-wave tried to swallow up Xiao Chen.

“Fist of Earth!”

“It is the genuine Earth Style Ability!”

One of the spectators cried out in surprise.

Parry! Xiao Chen used the Demonic Seal, using as little power as possible to guide the power of the earth to resist the all-powerful Fist of Earth.

However, the Fist of Earth was really too powerful. The dust seemed to have enveloped the entire world and was going to swallow up Xiao Chen. No matter how he much he resisted, he was unable to neutralize it.

“Boom! Boom! Boom…”

The big collision had begun. The dust filled the entire sky, but that was not real sand. They were materialized from the Fist of Earth’s radiance.

Xiao Chen fell back, and Wuxing Feng followed up in a split second. When he brandished his fist again, green radiance glinted. That was the Fist of Wood!

He made a mysterious maneuver. The Fist of Wood seemed to glow with the vitality of mother earth, it seemed to contain the power of life. All of it was directed towards Xiao Chen, the boundless energy couldn’t be stopped. The green splendor was dazzling.

And Wuxing Feng seemed to have become incomparably lofty in contrast. Xiao Chen fell back again, seemed like it was not easy to ward off the attack.

Every spectator could feel how powerful Wuxing Feng was. The eyes of a few beauties were flickering repeatedly. Aeon even revealed a smile. ⌈3


  1. Silva: Oh god… F U Chen Dong, enough with the gibberish 
  2. Silva: The Chinese characters of Quinctus Fist is 五行拳 (Wuxing Quan), which literally translates to Five Style Fist. Wuxing Feng (伍行风)’s name is Five Style Wind. Talk about unproductive naming sense XD 
  3. Silva: That cliff… >__<  

Chapter 150 – Who’s the Opponent

Such an action from Xiao Chen was out of Aeon’s expectation. He practically didn’t put this Prince Li in his eyes at all and acted as though there was nobody else present. Even Zhuge Ming, Fairsnow, Yan Qingcheng, and the others at present were endlessly shocked.

“Why must this guy sit beside me?” The blue-haired Katalina mumbled to herself. Her cheeks were flushed. She knew that the news that she had lost to Xiao Chen and became his attendant had already been spread to this circle. And now, when this guy mentioned it again, it was truly a little vexing.

“Good, very courageous.” Aeon was the prince of an empire, he calmed down rather quickly.

“It’s just so-so, the number three of Celestial City. Personal guards killing people in the middle of the street regardless of the law and of natural morality. If he is ranked two, who would dare to compete to be first? The prince of Terra, possessor of a huge power. With a wave of his hand, the nobodies in Celestial City all become restless, even the third ranked has to pull over.” Xiao Chen couldn’t give a damn about it and sat besides Katalina. He lifted the wine cup without a trace of politeness.

“Hey, that’s my wine cup!” The blue haired young lady was humiliated and angry, but she didn’t dare to make any move. She knew Xiao Chen was difficult to deal with and that she would be embarrassed again.

Everyone present was incomparably shocked. This guy really had the nerve to do as he pleased. He actually dared to mock Prince Li without any qualms.

Prince Li’s deputy commander, Nishikawa, really wanted to rush over there, but Aeon stopped him with an eye signal. He could only let his rage accumulate.

“This brother is seriously doing as he pleases……” said Zhuge Ming while focused on drinking a cup of wine.

Xiao Chen heard this and turned his attention to him. He only saw a guy with pale face and really dark circles under his eyes. He obviously looked like he had drank too much.

“How should I address this brother?” Xiao Chen felt that this guy was an eyesore. This seemed like a guy who didn’t like a frontal confrontation. The words just now were obviously an underhanded tactic.

“Zhuge Ming of Amber Warbeast Castle.” Zhuge Ming announced his name and affiliation.

“Oh, you resemble Zhuge Liang.” Xiao Chen said arbitrarily.

Suddenly, the expression of a few people in the hall shifted. Katalina even laughed secretly. This guy really didn’t know how to show mercy when he opened his mouth.

Just who was Zhuge Liang? He was a very well known ******* fatty in Celestial City. With a face that looked like a steamed bun, a big nose, small eyes, and thick lips. Although he appeared very merry, he was several hundred miles away from the word “handsome”. Wasn’t this tantamount to scold Zhuge Ming as an ugly fatty?

In fact, Zhuge Ming was not really that fat. His appearance was also not bad. Being evaluated like this, he was clearly cursing him on purpose.

Xiao Chen heard Zhuge Liang mention it before, that Zhuge Ming from the main family seemed to be at odds with him. The reason he said this was most likely related to that time.

“So you are Xiao Chen?” A purple clothed youth revealed a faint sneer and said, “Last time you went to North Style Academy right? It’s a pity I didn’t get to meet you.”

“Oh? How should I address this friend?” Xiao Chen paid him no mind. He was more than happy to see this kind of circumstances. It was far better if those with enmity showed themselves.

“A disciple from the inner institution of the North Style Academy, Lancelot.”

“Oh, it really is a pity. However, I will go to the North Style Academy frequently.”

Katalina had to hand it to this guy. Aiming for the person but not the face, this guy would actually go this far. He defeated the four grand experts of the North Style Academy in a consecutive battle, and the meaning of his words now were easy to see.

The other people all had different expressions. Today was more exciting than they had expected.

Aeon watched all of these calmly. He profoundly understood, how could this be a simple hoodlum? And just at this time, he also received the secret report. He found out everything Xiao Chen had done recently. However, it was impossible for him to not issue a valid response. He didn’t flare up immediately, on the contrary, he clapped his hands and said, “Please enter, Lady Carmina, Lady Lyria.”

The good show had yet to come, but some people at present were already dissatisfied.

Everyone present watched all of these unfolding with a calm demeanor. This young prince did not launch an attack towards Xiao Chen immediately. It seemed like he wanted everyone to enjoy the singing and dancing first. It was hard to guess what he had planned

The jingling of girdle ornaments resounded. An intoxicating fragrance transmitted over. One of the girls had a fiery figure while the other one was lucid and elegant.

Zhuge Ming and the other guys at present knew these two girls.

The girl with a slender and curvy figure was Carmina. Her crimson long hair was red-hot and fluttered like the flame. Her beautiful mien was incomparably flirtatious. Her pair of watery big eyes seemed as if they could speak. The other girl wore a white dress more beautiful than the snow, very fashionable. Her black hair was like the waterfall and her pupils were like limpid autumn waters. She was brimming with a hint of wisdom. That was Lyria of the Intoxicating House.

These two were the queens of the Intoxicating House. It was usually very hard to meet them even if people were to go to the Moonflower Castle. But now, they had actually left the Moonflower Castle and arrived at the prince’s mansion. It was easy to tell how much power Aeon possessed from this.

These two girls could even be said to be rather famous. But due to the existence of a few beauties in the hall, they didn’t stand out as much. Despite that, the ice and fire pair was still exceptionally stimulating.

Along with the music played by Lyria, Carmina started to dance. The sleeves of her dress were fluttering in the breeze, she danced as lightly as the butterfly. Her watery big eyes were passionate as she swept it past everyone in the hall, extremely charming. Her snow-white neck, her swaying breasts, her thin waist, her perfectly round buttocks, and her slender legs enhanced her charm.

Not long later, Lyria also came down from the stage after someone stood in for her. She danced her way to the middle of the hall. Her postures were wondrous. Along with her snowy white dress, it made her seem like a fairy dancing high in the clouds.

Soon after, two stimulating singing voices resounded. Carmina and Lyria’s voices were incomparably sweet;

“National beauty of heavenly fragrance, old dreams encompassed.
A Chilling rainfall, a fallen parasol tree,
Gone is a beauty’s youth to old age,
The playing of a lute breaks one’s heart,
As the courage of a warrior and the soul of a musician remains but a dream……”

At the same time, eight youthful and pretty girls walked into the hall in a straight line. After that, they began to dance gracefully.

Although those eight girls’ purpose was to enhance Carmina and Lyria’s brilliance, they were still good looking in their own way. Each of them was of different races. That tall and busty girl was a blondie. Her skin was lily-white and gave people unlimited temptation.

That eastern girl with slender figure had black hair that flowed like a waterfall. Her delicate neck and graceful features were indescribable. It was hard to describe her classical charm with words.

There was also a beastkin with a cat tail and a pair of cute hairy ears. It could even be said that she brought a sense of freshness among the cuties. She had an irregular charm that couldn’t be described with words.

There was also a girl from the Jungle Tribe. Her green hair was bright and beautiful, her tender skin was like the water, and her bright eyes were like the stars. Her beauty was truly enchanting.

Xiao Chen noticed that Carmina and Lyria were glancing at him from time to time with a smile. He was very much relaxed as he sat beside Katalina. He softly said to the baby girl of the Mander Family, “So, when will you settle the bill?”


“You, what you? I am serious. Someone came to cause trouble for me today, was it incited by someone in your family?”

“Nonsense. If our family wanted to take care of you, there would be no need to go through so much trouble. We could eliminate you by directly sending a peerless expert.”

“An expert on the level of Lambda?”

“Hmph, don’t be so complacent! We have as many experts as the clouds in our Mander Family. Don’t think you are so special.”

“Forget about it, brat. I will not make you feel embarrassed today. Just introduce these people to me in a low voice. The more detailed, the better.”

Looking at Xiao Chen and Katalina quietly chatting, the others were very astonished. They felt that this beautiful lady from the Mander Family was a little different than usual.

Not long later, Xiao Chen was shocked to find out these people’s identities. Zhuge Ming represented the Amber Warbeast Castle, Fairsnow represented the Antarctic Warbeast Castle, Katalina represented the Beast King Castle, Lancelot represented the North Style Academy…… All of these ten young men and young ladies represented ten major powers.

The beautiful singing voice was pleasant to listen to. The dancers’ movements were elegant. Xiao Chen did not feel a sense of crisis. He drank and ate as though there was nobody else present.

“Reporting in, the city lord has arrived.”

“Oh? Liu Daoming finally knows about my arrival at Celestial City?” Aeon coldly snorted and said, “Let him in.”

“Haha……” With a loud laughter, a young man with a purple qipao gown entered the hall with large strides. He smiled and said, “Liu Yu pays his respect to Prince Li.” Though he said pays respect, he merely cupped his hands. He didn’t salute at all. Although Celestial City was already half-independent, it was still a part of Terra Empire. Such an attitude from the purple gowned young man was very disrespectful. He didn’t give Aeon any face at all, such arrogance!

“You are the third child of the Celestial City’s lord?”

“It is I, Liu Yu.” After saying these, Liu Yu didn’t wait for Aeon to say anything else. He only minded his own business and walked towards Xiao Chen. After that, he chuckled and sat beside him.

Katalina felt a little depressed. Why did this guy also sat at her table? Why did these two big men insisted on cramming in? It made her feel awkward. These two were definitely here to cause trouble, who knew if they would take it too far.

The others only looked on with calm demeanor. Without a doubt, with Liu Yu’s appearance, it would become more lively.

“So this is brother Xiao, I came specifically to meet you.” Liu Yu was practically the same as Xiao Chen, acting as though nobody else was around.

Xiao Chen replied warmly. The purple gowned youth before his eyes was very interesting, this would definitely be a very good ally.

Liu Yu was handsome and had a stalwart build. His most outstanding characteristic was that he had a rebellious look. Otherwise, how might it be possible for him to sweep the floor with Aeon’s face.

Prince Li’s face was ashen. This Liu Yu was merely the third son of the city lord Liu Daoming. And he actually dared to treat him with such disrespect. It was easy to imagine what Liu Daoming was thinking. He was positive that Liu Daoming wanted to become completely independent from Terra Empire.

“How audacious! You have the impertinence to act so rudely!” Deputy commander Nishikawa shouted loudly. At the same time, he drew his shiny longsword and walked over with large strides.

Seeing that Aeon did not stop him, the other deputy commander, Liu Haibo, also followed closely.

The singing and dancing already stopped. Carmina and Lyria fell back with the eight girls. They didn’t want to be involved in this dispute.

“Move aside!” Xiao Chen was still sitting upright, but his right hand already pulled out the black broken sword and slashed diagonally. A jet-black sword-qi ripped the air apart like the black lightning. It clashed against the shiny longsword in a split second.

A brittle noise resounded almost at the same time, as if they were synchronized. The longsword in Nishikawa’s hand shattered inch by inch. In the end, only the sword shaft was left.

“Nice sword!” Liu Yu praised.

Xiao Chen did not so much as glanced at Nishikawa who was holding the sword shaft. He directly faced Aeon and said, “Is this how you treat your guests? Don’t disturb me when I’m chatting with a friend.”

After he stopped talking, Liu Yu and himself laughed out loud.

These two were really wild! Just where did they think they were? This was not the city lord’s manor, it was the prince’s mansion!

“You were only relying on the sharpness of the divine weapon, let’s go out and settle this!” Nishikawa discarded the sword shaft in his hand.

“Didn’t you invite me to the prince’s mansion for this very purpose and to restore your honor? You only have to make a move, there is no need to put up a pretence. But I think finishing you off here is more than enough.” Speaking until here, Xiao Chen stood up and sent a punch towards Nishikawa.

The strong wind was just like a tsunami, it actually produced a thunderous roar. Some interesting and appealing furnitures in the hall immediately swirled in the air.

Fairsnow and the other guests were incomparably shocked. This Xiao Chen really didn’t know how to hold back. He clearly showed that he wanted to cause havoc. He actually made his move at this place. Without a doubt, he wanted to tear this building down.


Nishikawa’s right palm and Xiao Chen’s fist collided. A loud bang resounded. Following closely, Nishikawa was pushed back four or five steps. His expression changed again and again.

Xiao Chen followed up with lightning speed. The moment he swept his right foot, another gale surged up violently. The doors and windows were broken into pieces. Everyone at present had already changed countenance. Xiao Chen was powerful. Such a power was too extreme and very rare among the youth generation!

The rumor was true! This guy had reached the Exuvia Eighth Celestial Layer!

Everyone at present thought that it was dubious when they heard that Lambda was defeated. They thought that maybe he was not in his best condition at the time, but they were finally convinced at this very moment. Xiao Chen was a genuine Eighth Celestial Layer expert. Even if one surveyed the entire south desolate region, a person who had reached this stage at such a young age, there were definitely not more than five!


Nishikawa was forced back twice as much distance by Xiao Chen’s second strike. The ground under his foot already cracked, one after another huge cracks extended for a few meters. Moreover, his face was incomparably flushed and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

“This is how it is. Didn’t you keep saying you wanted to fight with me? You have the nerve to be so arrogant with only this much power.” Xiao Chen sneered at him. His disdain was undisguised.

Nishikawa was extremely furious. He opened his mouth to spit out the blood. The ominous glint in his eyes was burning like the flame. He threw himself over again as nimble as a cheetah.

This time, Xiao Chen did not make any complicated maneuver. He just sent a straight punch.

“Bang! Bang……”

With every punch, a part of the hall would be destroyed and Nishikawa would be pushed back unceasingly. When the seventh punch landed, he was unable to move all of a sudden. Both of his arms ruptured, and as if there was no bones in his body, he immediately slumped on the ground.

Everyone present was a practitioner. They immediately realized that all the bones in Nishikawa’s body were no more. He was completely destroyed, he definitely wouldn’t be able to live much longer.

This was too terrifying. Nishikawa was the deputy commander of the prince. How could he be weak? He was an Exuvia Seventh Celestial Layer expert, but he was actually broken into pieces by Xiao Chen with merely seven punches.

Such a power really made these VIP’s of the same age feel a bit terrified. Xiao Chen was definitely one of the most terrifying youths in the south. Among his peers, other than the Solitary Sword Demon and a few others, who else could stand up to him? He would definitely become an influential figure in the south desolate region twenty years from now!

Deputy commander Liu Haibo mustered his courage and stepped up, he had no choice but to go.

This time Xiao Chen immediately drew the broken sword. The jet-black knife blade was incomparably cold. He drew a beautiful trajectory and one bewitching radiance after another was emitted. A thunderous roar resounded in the entire hall, it was quite deafening.

Liu Haibo seemed to know that it would be difficult to deal with the attack. He didn’t dare to face it head on and quickly dodged to the side as he hacked with his sword. However, Xiao Chen’s speed was really too fast. The broken sword was raised diagonally and destroyed the longsword in a flash. His body even left an afterimage behind as he appeared at Liu Haibo’s right side. All the while sending a vertical slash.

Blood splashed everywhere. Liu Haibo’s right arm was severed from the body.

“Argh……!” The miserable shriek was exceptionally ear-piercing, but his body did not stop moving. He wanted to move back immediately.

However, Xiao Chen didn’t want to give him any chance. With the speed of lightning, the thunderous noise resounded in the hall again. Following closely, blood splattered all over the place. Liu Haibo’s other arm was chopped off.

Liu Haibo fell back with dishevelled hair and blood all over his body.

When the jet-black sword-qi flashed again, the head flew up and the body fell among the pool of blood. The steaming blood was gushing out like a waterfall.

All of this happened too quickly. A deputy commander was beheaded in merely four slashes!

This made the peers especially frightened. This kind of power was too scary. Katalina even started to have doubts; would her big brother really be able to beat this madman before her eyes easily?

The broken sword swept across. The dazzling sword-qi destroyed the entire hall. After everything had calmed down, Xiao Chen grabbed the broken sword with his long hand and quietly stood on top of the ruins. His long hair fluttered along with the breeze as he coldly swept his eyes across Aeon and the rest.

Too arrogant! He directly tore down a hall in the prince’s mansion.

All of the young men and young ladies at present were the elites from some major powers. They watched all of these unfolding in silence. Nobody declared where they stood.

“Wuxing Feng, kill him!” Aeon’s face was extremely ugly. His voice was incomparably cold. He was already beyond angry.

A black haired man came out from behind Aeon with large strides. His expression was sharp, his long eyebrows touched the temples, and his eyes were as bright as the stars. This was a young expert with similar characteristics to Xiao Chen.

“Wuxing Feng, it’s actually him!”

“Wuxing Feng has actually come to the south!”

“The outstanding talent of the north!”

“He is reputed as the undefeatable youth warrior!”


The sound of deep breathing could be heard. These young elites of the south revealed a shocked expression and cried out in surprise one after another.

Fairsnow, Yan Qingcheng, Katalina, and the others revealed a peculiar expression as they observed this rumored outstanding figure. There were even rumors regarding him in the south, he was the household name of almost every youth.


  1. N/a

Chapter 149 – Arrogant and Egotistical

The ladies in the hall were all extremely beautiful, they were unmatched in the south desolate region. Aeon was the prince of the Terra Empire, he had seen countless of beautiful ladies, but even his heart skipped a beat at this moment.

These past few days, city lord Liu Daoming didn’t come to see him. It seemed like he didn’t even care about this prince. Aeon’s anger was accumulating over the past few days, but after seeing the beauties of the south desolate region chatting with each other, he suddenly had a different thought. If he could take these ladies in the hall as his concubines, how happy would he be. His heart skipped a beat, but he silently heaved a sigh soon after.

What kind of person were these girls? They were the cream of the crop from some super major powers. These major powers were not so simple that they were only limited to the Celestial City. The entire south desolate region was ruled by them. The south desolate region was an ancient region brimming with legends. The people at this place would never obey the Terra Empire. Although the empire was powerful, their influence still couldn’t reach this place.

The uncrowned kings of the south desolate region were precisely these people’s clans. In a sense, these young peoples were on equal footing with him. Even if he used some underhanded methods, obtaining one or two was his limits. Taking in all the beauties from the south desolate region as his concubines was nothing more than a pipe dream. Even the emperor was not capable of it!

After everyone had seated, Aeon asked, “Qingcheng, do you know this guy called Xiao Chen?”

Addressing her in such a way, as well as that gentle tone, few people in the hall realized something. ⌈1

The corners of Fairsnow’s mouth lifted into a smile. She felt relieved. If this young prince were to make a pledge with her family and tried to rope her in with everything he got, she would be very troubled. As the children of an influential family, they had to comply with some of the family’s orders, especially when it came to women.

Zhuge Ming who looked like he had too much to drink frowned a little. Who didn’t like a stunning lady? As a man, it was only natural for him to be attracted. Especially towards this kind lady that came from a big faction like the Undying Sect. If they could form an alliance, that could be very beneficial. But after he thought about it for a while, he thought it was not worth it. This was the prince of an empire after all. If he wanted to go to the northern side, there was a need for him to support Aeon. It was not like Yan Qingcheng was the only beauty in the south desolate region. The few high-class ladies in this hall all had powerful backers.

These gentlemen and ladies all revealed different expressions momentarily.

Yan Qingcheng thought that Aeon had learned about the events on the dragon island, about the matter that she had once been captured by Xiao Chen. Every time she thought of this, she would feel very angry and humiliated. And now, being asked in front of so many people, her cheeks became a little flushed.

Indeed, there were two or three people at present who knew about some events that occurred on the dragon island. They were the core members of some major powers after all. They could get their hands on many classified information. But not everyone knew about this. When they saw her expression, they felt very astonished and thought that there must be some “story” between them.

“This guy is pretty powerful, he is not someone who willingly puts himself at a disadvantageous situation.” Yan Qingcheng said as such. These young elites were unable to figure out why she would say something like this.

“There are indeed a lot of talented individuals hiding in the south desolate region. Today, this Xiao Chen actually oppressed our personal guards.” Although Aeon’s words were calm, the people at present could feel his anger. Maybe it was because of Yan Qingcheng’s expression in the beginning that caused this young prince to be even more resentful.

“Our mansion also has a few outstanding talents. They are very dedicated to the path of Daoism and have followed us to the south desolate region. We want to experience the mystic arts of a very able person in the south desolate region. Let’s have them compete with this Xiao Chen, what of everyone’s opinion?”

Aeon was the prince of Terra Empire. He had great responsibilities at such tender age, he was not an ordinary person. These words had displayed his authority as he conveyed some information to the south. At the same time, his last words to seek for other’s opinion was to inquire if these people had any connection with Xiao Chen, so as to avoid any internal conflicts.

“Hehe, of course it’s good. I can’t wait for this battle to take place.” Katalina was smiling innocently. Everyone felt a bit speechless. How could the Mander Family send someone like her? She was obviously not fit to be the representative of the family. Perhaps, she was the only one at present who would make such “irresponsible remarks”.

Zhuge Ming revealed a faint smile and said, “This might be a good idea……”

The other few also nodded their heads. Although they didn’t say anything, they had given their consent. They all had different purposes, so what if Xiao Chen was to provoke this prince? Xiao Chen definitely had the support of a major power. They were more than happy to see this happening.

Fairsnow looked at this event with a smile, she didn’t say anything.

Yan Qingcheng knitted her brows. She wanted to say something, but after seeing everyone’s attitude, she pondered over it for a while and didn’t declare her position.

Aeon was carefully observing everyone’s attitude. After he understood everyone’s position, he smiled calmly and said, “If that’s the case, then I will send someone to invite that Xiao Chen.”

He had a lot to think about. No matter if this Xiao Chen guy was ordered by the city lord Liu Daoming or not, he had to pinch back once or twice. After all, his personal guards being trampled on was an undeniable fact.

After staying low-key at home and training for a few days, Xiao Chen was met by an unreasonable event. He was very furious today. Unconsciously, he arrived at the warbeast street.

The three skeletons, Keke, and Tenax didn’t follow him and stayed at home.

In regards to those warbeasts that were unheard of, it always gave people a sense of novelty. Xiao Chen was constantly evaluating those extremely powerful cubs, imagining what kind of realm they could reach after growing up.

But just at this time, someone broke his mood again. It was actually the people of Prince Li.

As a result of knowing the former was not a person to be trifled with, the personal guard that came this time didn’t dare to be arrogant or bossy. However, that kind of superiority was undisguised. This made Xiao Chen feel very disgusted and directly refused to comply. What’s so amazing about a prince? This is the Celestial City, not the Terra Empire, what can you do to me?!

“Not going, no time!”

These personal guards were immediately dumbstruck. Wasn’t this guy a little too arrogant? Was this the guy who claimed to be low-key? He actually didn’t give the prince any face. He was way too arrogant and egotistical.

“This brother, please make the trip with us. Our lord really wants to meet you.”

“Is this how you invite people? The first time you come and make trouble for me, the second time you came to seize me. Even a clay figure can lose its temper!”

“Wasn’t it all a misunderstanding before? Please take no offense of it.” To be able to make these personal guards say these, it could already be considered an exception. These people were already used to being arrogant in the Terra Empire, they had never lowered their voice to speak with others before.

“I really don’t have time.” Xiao Chen really didn’t want to go. If he went to other people’s territory, once they fought, he would most likely get the worst of it.

After saying these, Xiao Chen turned around and left.

“What’s so amazing about him? Isn’t he just a hoodlum that can fight a little? If the commanders were to be dispatched, let’s see if he could keep acting so arrogant.” Someone whispered at the side.

Xiao Chen got furious immediately. These guys needed a serious spanking.

“You guys better stay away from me. Don’t even let me catch sight of your irksome figures again.”

The small-time captain among these personal guards was embarrassed and furious, but he still maintained a smile as much as possible. However, those proud soldiers behind him couldn’t stand it anymore, they were mumbling resentfully in succession.

“I have never seen such a lunatic before.”

“That style is truly befitting of the barbarians.”

“The prince is only giving us more work than it is necessary. Why did he insist on inviting him over? He could just directly dispatch a few commanders to put him out of commission and drag him back.”

“Looks like the commanders really need to be dispatched.”


Damn your maternal grandfather!

Xiao Chen immediately got furious. He already understood everything. The reason that Prince Li sent people to call for him was actually because he wanted Xiao Chen to have a showdown with the others. Calling him to the mansion and having their underlings fight with him, while Prince Li and the noble guests would drink wine at the side as they watched the battle.

They were making fun of him! Just who were they taking Xiao Chen for?!

“Ping! Pang! Clink! Clang!”

They were beaten to a pulp. More than ten soldiers of Prince Li were lying flat on the ground after they got beaten by Xiao Chen. After that, Xiao Chen ruthlessly stamped on them again and again. Broken arms and legs were unavoidable. The busy street burst into a clamor. A lot of people surrounded them and watched.

“Isn’t this the guy who won over the Mander Family’s baby girl as an attendant?”

“This guy is truly appalling, he actually beat up Prince Li’s personal guards to a pulp.”

“Just where did this guy come from? His conduct is so high-profile.”

“Feels so great. Just looking at it, is enough to vent my anger.”


After the dozen or more personal guards returned in defeat, Aeon almost flipped the table at once. Xiao Chen was seriously not giving him any face by sending his personal guards packing. Just who was this guy? That mother f—! He was practically a lunatic! Enough was enough!

“Your Highness, I will go fetch him for you!” The youth behind Aeon, whose age was about twenty seven or twenty eight years old, stepped forward. His appearance was so-so, but he had a hint of sharpness.

“Very well, Nishikawa. You go and bring him to me.” Speaking until here, Aeon knitted his brows again. It seemed like he recalled something. Then he said, “Liu Haibo, you go with him.”

Today, he had embarrassed himself over and over again in the presence of a few guests. He already lost his temper a long time ago, but since he already knew this hoodlum was not to be trifled with, he dispatched two newly recruited young experts.

Right now, Xiao Chen was already walking side by side with Fairsky. It must be mentioned that the Antarctic Warbeast Castle was very powerful. Fairsky had already received some news and understood what was going on after finding Xiao Chen.

He knitted his brows and said, “This guy is very fearsome. I don’t have any favorable impression of him. He actually wanted to woo my sister, I really want to teach him a lesson.”

After finding out everything about the prince from Fairsky, Xiao Chen pondered for a moment and said, “If they come to invite me again, I will go with them. Let’s see what he can do to me.”

“Un, I will get in touch with some hedonistic sons in the city lord’s manor. Let’s see if I can request one of them to come with me and let them have a talk with that fearsome prince.”

Hearing these words, Xiao Chen immediately smiled.

“The chance of success is slim. Those hedonistic sons are not idiots. They are not easy to deal with. They will most likely take advantage of a crisis for some personal gain.” Fairsky pondered for a while, then he bid farewell to Xiao Chen and departed.

Nishikawa led a group of people and found Xiao Chen immediately after they stepped out. He was actually walking towards them along the main street.

This was really so irritating. Could this guy be deliberately hanging around nearby, waiting for his chance to beat up some people?! Thinking thus far, Nishikawa and Liu Haibo quickly went to welcome him.

“Are you Xiao Chen?”

“That’s me. I heard your Highness wants to meet me no matter what, so I will go and see him.”

“Hmph! Your Highness is not someone any average person can meet just like that!” Nishikawa clearly showed his intention to make a move at the main street.

Just who do you think you are? Speaking to me with such an attitude. If not because your Highness dispatched people to disturb me, to invite me, do you really think I would come here on my own accord? Xiao Chen directly ignored him and walked forward.

“Did you not hear what I said?!” Nishikawa shouted from behind.

“Who do you think you are? Your words are nothing more than dung!” Because of the events that happened today, Xiao Chen was already very furious. As a result, his words were very vulgar.

He didn’t even turn his head back as he continued to advance.

Nishikawa almost couldn’t hold back anymore. He was extremely furious. This hoodlum was really too savage. He actually dared to talk to him, Prince Li’s deputy commander, in such a disrespectful way. He was indeed a barbarian of this land.

But he was stopped by Liu Haibo beside him. He said, “Since this guy wants to enter the prince’s mansion, there’s no need for us to make our move now. Afterwards, we can make him suffer a crushing defeat in front of numerous guests. Wouldn’t that disgrace him even more?”

“That’s right!” Nishikawa was gnashing his teeth.

The group of people walked towards the prince’s mansion with extreme anger.

The so-called prince’s mansion, was the real estate purchased by Aeon in Celestial City. Because Celestial City was too famous, the super aristocrats from the North and West had established their estates at this place.

The prince’s mansion occupied a wide space. The layout was very exquisite. There were western style buildings that looked like castles and also eastern style buildings like pavilions. The halls were all interconnected. Chinese-Western fusion, gardens of totally different styles, it gave people the feeling of novelty.

The fountain sprinkled jets of water into the air. Below the stone bridge, the stream was flowing and golden carps were swimming to and fro. The marbles were piled up and the fine woods were flourishing. Rare flowers could be seen everywhere.

Nishikawa and Xiao Chen entered the prince’s mansion side by side. Both of them were extremely furious and didn’t say a single word along the way.

Without anyone reporting Xiao Chen’s arrival, he directly crashed his way through and entered Aeon’s entertainment hall.

Within the hall, a really thick gold carpet was spread on the ground. The esteemed guests each had their own table and sat cross-legged. As the host, Aeon was sitting at the center and a total of ten esteemed guests were sitting on each side of the hall.

After he saw the elegant Fairsnow, Xiao Chen obviously blanked out for a moment. He knew that this beautiful girl with lily-white skin was certainly Fairsky’s older sister. Soon after, he saw the beautiful Yan Qingcheng. After sweeping his eyes over the hall once, he sat beside the blue-haired Katalina without any qualms.

“Little attendant, you haven’t been discharged of your duties yet, why haven’t you reported to my residence during the past few days?”

Seeing that Xiao Chen sat beside her, Katalina frowned immediately. And now, hearing such words coming from him, her beautiful cheeks immediately became as red as apple. She panted with rage and said, “You… This *******, I will settle this with you later!”

Arrogant, absolutely arrogant! This guy actually crashed in like this and boldly sat down, ignoring Prince Li that was in the center of the hall.

Zhuge Ming, Fairsnow, Yan Qingcheng, and the others all had different expressions. Everyone knew there was going to be a good show to watch.


  1. Silva: Uh oh~ He likes Qingcheng~