Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 38 – Ancestor

“Heh! I just feel like you don’t like me anymore,” Zhao Yanyan deliberately turned away pretending to be angry. However her round eyes betrayed her. Although she turned her face around, her gaze was still on me.

“Okay, okay didn’t I come back now!” I spoiled her.

“Liu Lei, I missed you. My dad and mom aren’t home tonight…” Zhao Yanyan whispered beside my ear.

I felt a sudden sense of excitement. Speaking of which, ever since we came back from Yanjiang, Zhao Yanyan and I didn’t do anything like that anymore, this chick has probably started to get lovesick.

“Ai, Boss, you can’ be like this! You didn’t come for four five days, and started getting intimate with saozi.⌈1⌋ You’re too unkind right? Isn’t this typical hoes before bros?” A voice sounded out behind me, I didn’t need to turn my head to know that it must be my best friend Guo Qing.

“How about getting intimate between the two of us?” I turned back with a smile, with a lecherous expression.

“Never mind, I don’t have any unhealthy interests,” Guo Qing waved his hand, and pointed to the people behind him, “What are you looking at? This is my boss, are you all dumb?”

“Boss’s boss? Then what should we address him as?” A bulky student asked.

“Boss’s boss? Isn’t that our ancestor?” Another glasses wearing student that looked slightly educated said.

**** this, where did these people come from? And ancestor? After a while I’ll ******* be Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang.⌈2

“Who are they?” I pointed to the strangers and asked.

“Them? They’re third years in our school, you weren’t here the previous few days boss, these people came to our class to ask for protection fees. I can’t just beat up Liu Kesheng whenever I don’t have anything to do, causing that brat to just ran away the moment he sees me. My fists were itching at the time, so I just beat these few up on the way, I didn’t think they would forcefully make me admit that I’m their boss!” Guo Qing explained.

“So you agreed?” I asked.

“Hehe, Boss, I’m now the Boss of our Fourth High, I can walk sideways even in front of second and third years!” Guo Qing said proudly.

I remember that Guo Qing didn’t only say once to me that his dream was to be a boss like in The Godfather, surrounded by money and beauties, cash and jewelry.

I, who had been reborn, changed Guo Qing’s personality, causing him to start developing towards his ideal self. Now that Guo Qing has become the Boss of Fourth High, what about after a while? He might even continue to development onto the society. I, who had been reborn, deeply knew that at the end of the 90s, countless underworld gangs were eliminated by the government, was this actually a walkable path? I started becoming unsure.

If Guo Qing really walk onto this path, then it’ll be very beneficial to my future business. In Huaxia, a lot of industries cannot separate from the underworld. The most obvious one is the entertainment industry, after that is real estate, logistics etc. also have certain ties with the underworld.

However Guo Qing was a close friend, and the only friend that I would spill my heart to in my previous life, I don’t want anything to happen to him. I knew that, being a godfather has always been his dream, he also said that in his previous life that if he becomes boss, even death is worth it.

What should I do? Finally I clenched my teeth, let nature take its course! Guo Qing’s nature wasn’t bad, as long as I guide him correctly, and not let him take curbed path, then we can give it a shot.

The rich bosses with power and money didn’t have to be involved in illegal business, a lot of the people were in gray areas, and had a bunch of lackeys, yet opened a guard company or other types of business and became legal.

These companies, didn’t deal with drugs, and were only tended to rule by force, as long as they didn’t harm the civilians, it wasn’t a bad path to walk down.

It looks like this would rely on my correct guidance, I can’t give Guo Qing walk down an illegal path, otherwise, something will occur. Thinking that Guo Qing had me beside him to watch over him, I let out a sigh of relief.

“Elder Zhao, according to our investigations, a large amount of funds has been transferred into an anonymous account in Huaxia Bank from overseas,” a person wearing glasses was reporting on his work in an office.

“Oh? How much money?” Zhao Limin put down the pen in his hand and asked.

“160 million USD!” the person wearing glasses said.

“What? Why is there so much money?” Zhao Limin exclaimed.

“Yes, that’s why we felt it was important, do you think we need to tell the higher-ups?” the person wearing glasses asked.

“This cannot be treated casually!” Zhao Limin frowned. Such a large some of money appearing suddenly, and it was transferred into an anonymous account, there can’t be any problems right?

After the person wearing glasses left, Zhao Limin immediately reported it to the department in concern.

After school, I randomly made up an excuse to tell my mom, saying that I wasn’t going back at night. Then followed Zhao Yanyan into her home in the development area.

As I entered the house, before I had a chance to change shoes, Zhao Yanyan grabbed my neck with both her hands, and hung onto me…

“Ya, it’s seven!” I was sleeping peacefully, when I was awoken by Zhao Yanyan’s scream.

“Oh, it’s just seven! Worst come to worse we just won’t go today!” I stretched and said.

“What! Today is midterm exams! We won’t make it if we don’t hurry!” Zhao Yanyan said anxiously.

Midterm exams?? This was really a coincidence, the second day I went back to school it was the midterm tests.
“Aiya, where are my panties? Where did you throw it, help me find it,” Zhao Yanyan ran naked around in front of me.

“Please, you took it off at the entrance,” I climbed off the bed, and started getting dressed.

Zhao Yanyan and I got to school at exactly seven fifteen, ten minutes before the exams.

I answered the exam paper without any difficulty in boredom. The final question for English was writing a small composition, an idea with a hint of terribleness surfaced in my mind. What should I write about? I don’t know why, but I immediately thought about the erotica I read only in my previous life, what should I write? Liu Lei’s epic battle with Ye Xiaoxiao? Never mind, the maiden seems pretty pure, if she has any bad reactions after seeing my composition then I’ll be finished. I should probably write something a bit more subtle, such as my class tutor and I were great friends, I loved her a lot, she also loved me a lot. Gaga, this is a great idea!

After ten minutes, I placed down the test paper in front of Ye Xiaoxiao in satisfaction, and walked blatantly out of the classroom.

“How did it go?” Guo Qing walked out from the building with a cigarette in his mouth.


  1. Saozi (嫂子) = Brother’s wife, and since Boss (老大) also means the eldest brother, 老大’s wife is naturally saozi. 

Chapter 37 – Return

The approval of the input method from Zhao Junsheng’s side was more or less smooth the entire way through. Due to it being an original high tech product, the country was also going to give a bit of support.

At the start of November 1994, Shuguang Pinyin 1.0 was official introduced to the market, the price was set at 198 Yuan. This price was already very low in the software market at the time. Due to the copy of Shuguang Pinyin being free of charge, anyone can ask for it, a trend of using Shuguang Pinyin input method flowed through the country. Since it was easy to use, and could automatically recognize hard to pronounce words, it made a lot of people put down their original input methods, and chose Shuguang Pinyin.

A month later, checks alongside requests to buy the registered version were sent to Tianheng Computers like snowflakes, everyone at Tianheng, including the receptionists were busy taking calls or receiving checks. Zhao Junsheng couldn’t not enlarge the size of the company to deal with the lack of manpower.

For my share of the profit, Zhao Junsheng helped me open an anonymous account in Huaxia bank, this was also specified by me. Due to the arrival of the Intel and Seagate representative, I had to find an account to place the funds.

The cooperation with Intel and Seagate was very smooth, both of them were very satisfied with the data I provided. They all asked to be prioritized if I have any new research results in the future. This was just a simple favor to me, so I agreed, and told them that my relative was a high ranked official at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, so it would be inconvenient for him to met in person, so all future actions will be handled by me.

After hearing that, both of them respectively gave me an extra 10 million and 3 million Huaxia currency, in order for me to prioritize considering their company under the same terms in the future. I agreed ambiguously, and both returned happily.

I looked at the 160 million dollars on my bank account, and laughed coldly in my heart. Now that I have the money, I can produce it myself, continue to cooperate with you guys? Dream on!

The sales report of the first month for Shuguang input method came out really quickly, Zhao Junsheng said excitedly to me,” Xiao Liu, do you know how much we sold? 2200 copies! We only gave out 3000 trial versions, and 2200 wants to be registered!”

I was very calm towards this result, this was only the beginning, there will be more in the future.

Seeing that I wasn’t speaking, Zhao Junsheng though that it was because I could speak due to the sheer excitement. He continued, “Subtracting the fees for approval and the advertisement, our net profit reached 330 thousand! It’s 330 thousand Xiao Liu, your profit in a month has caught up to Uncle Zhao’s profit in a year!”

“Hehe, Uncle Zhao, I think this is only the beginning! There will definitely be more money earned in the future!” I said while smiling.

“Yes! This is just the beginning! I, Uncle Zhao, will follow you from now on, I really admire you now!” Zhao Junsheng said sincerely.

Zhao Junsheng, also my dad-in-law, was trustworthy. A plan begun to surface in my mind.

That morning, I arrived at school, and was immediately called to Ye Xiaoxiao’s office by her.

“Liu Lei, why are you always absent recently?” Ye Xiaoxiao sat in front of the desk, and asked bluntly.

So she was still clear about me being absent, I thought I was neglected.

“I’m asking you something, why are you laughing like an idiot!” Ye Xiaoxiao glared at me unhappily.

“It’s nothing, it’s just when I think about having Ye-laoshi, this gorgeous beauty, thinking about me, I get really happy,” I said casually. To be truthful, I really didn’t treat Ye Xiaoxiao as an adult, her age is just a little child in my yes.

“What are you saying! I’m your teacher, who knows what your brain is thinking all the time,” Ye Xiaoxiao frowned.

“I’m just speaking the truth! Oh yeah, Ye-laoshi, do you have a boyfriend?” A crafty smile cropped up on the corner of my mouth

“… What are you asking this for?” Ye Xiaoxiao’s face immediately reddened, just like a little woman.

Hehe, it is obvious that she doesn’t have one from her reactions, there’s eighty percent chance that she’s still a little girl that hasn’t done anything. Thinking to this point, an inexplicable excitedly appeared in my heart.

“Only by understanding each other can it be easier to communicate!” I said with another layer of meaning, however Ye Xiaoxiao probably wouldn’t think that my other layer of meaning is that only by understanding each other can the possibility of becoming lovers come up.

“Ai!” Ye Xiaoxiao sighed, “Then let me understand you first!”

“So what does Ye-laoshi want to understand?” I said playfully.

“Why didn’t you come to class these few days?” Ye Xiaoxiao asked.

My god, after all that, it’s back to this again. This Ye Xiaoxiao is truly persistent.

“Something happened at home,” I explained.

“What happened?” Ye Xiaoxiao clearly didn’t believe my excuse.

“Ye-laoshi, let’s talk about something else. Such as what is your ideal boyfriend like?” My playful self surfaced again, and couldn’t help but tease.

“Definitely not someone like you!” Ye Xiaoxiao was really angry, and didn’t think about what I said and directly blurted out.

However, after saying that, she realized that she misspoke.

How can she say something like that to her own students. Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t like pursuers, those pursuers always liked to ask what her ideal Prince Charming is like, at the start Ye Xiaoxiao would answer perfunctorily, but she got sick of it later on, and directly used “Not someone like you” to reject them. Therefore, when her own student asked that, Ye Xiaoxiao also subconsciously through out such a line.
“Is that so, then that’s a shame, it looks like it’s hopeless for me. Then I wonder if I can become Ye-laoshi’s friend?” I asked with a hidden agenda.

“Okay,” Ye Xiaoxiao was still embarrassed about what had just happened, and didn’t notice what I had said, so randomly answered.

“Oh, that’s great. If there’s nothing else then I’ll leave first,” I said to Ye Xiaoxiao.

“Okay, leave first,” Ye Xiaoxiao answered carelessly.

When Ye Xiaoxiao finally reacted, the person in front of her already left the office. What happened to me? Ye Xiaoxiao muttered to herself, originally I wanted to scold him harshly, I didn’t think I’ll get tricked by a few sentences, and then even agreed to be his friend in confusion. Ye Xiaoxiao got angry thinking about it, how can a teacher be friends with their students.

When I got of the office, I joyfully sang, “That night, you didn’t reject me, that night~…”

Ye Xiaoxiao, how old are you, you’re just past twenty at most, I’m already thirty! You’re still too inexperienced to play with me.

The moment I entered the classroom, Zhao Yanyan stuck to me. I didn’t come to school these few days while busy handling the things about Intel, there’s eighty percent chance that this chick missed me.

“Not coming to school for some long, I miss you so much!” Zhao Yanyan said in grievance.

“That’s because I had proper business! Furthermore, it’s not that many days,” I clenched Zhao Yanyan’s soft hands and said.


  1. N/a

Chapter 36 – Liu Ran’s Downfall

I thanked him, than sat on Old Gao’s car and went straight to Songjiang University’s computer center.

The subsequent things proceeded very smoothly, Mr. Huang didn’t ask me anything before helping me find a computer that can go onto the internet. It’s just that the email system under DOS wasn’t easy to handle, so I took quite a bit of time to finally send the three emails.

The contact number I left was my home’s number, and to prevent missing the call when I’m not home, I specified that I can only pick up the phone between 19:00 and 20:00 of the Yanjiang time. In the email I used the status as an agent, claiming to be the relative of the expert that have achieved these results, due to the expert’s place in society, it would be inconvenient for him to do it in person, and so has asked me to handle this as I see fit.

The reason I did this was simple, I didn’t want to let these companies know that the one who has designed these plans is still a high school student. It would be hard for them not to become suspicious after knowing all this, hence may reveal the fact that I have been reborn.

After doing these things, it was already noon. Old Gao was still downstairs, and didn’t leave yet, so I got him to send me back to school. Old Gao’s was always respectful to me after knowing Zhao Junsheng’s attitude towards me, as if he has already treated me as the son-in-law of the Zhao family.

I met Guo Qing, who had just finished lunch and returned, when I just got back to school, “Boss, where did you go in the morning?”

“I had some business to deal with, did Ye-laoshi ask about me?” I asked.

“No, you’re awesome now, Ye-laoshi pretty much doesn’t care about you now,” Guo Qing said in envy.

“What’s good about this, I’m being neglected,” I didn’t know why, I actually wanted Ye Xiaoxiao to pay more attention to me. I know that I hold an unspeakable feeling towards her after my rebirth, I don’t know if this was adoration, it’s just a desire to conquer her.

“Oh yeah, Boss, there’s a huge good news!” Guo Qing said excitedly.

“What good news? You picked up some money?” I remember whenever Guo Qing told me that there was good news, it would almost always be him coincidentally picking up money from the road.

“What, what kind of good news does picking up money count as! It was on today’s newspaper that our city’s Zhonghuifa Corporation’s chairman of the board was arrested due to corruption and abuse of power!” Guo Qing said extremely excitedly.

Zhonghuifa Corporation? Isn’t that a national business that have a lot of official background? They would often get some governmental projects! Zhonghuifa Corporation’s chairman of the board is Liu Kesheng’s father, Liu Ran! Zhao Yanyan told me afterwards.

“Zhonghuifa Corporation? You’re talking about Liu Ran?” I asked in surprise.

“That’s right! Liu Kesheng’s dad! ****, let’s see if he’s still so pretentious later, I’ll find a chance to beat him up again,” Guo Qing waved his fist.

Liu Ran was arrested? Although I didn’t know Liu Ran in my previous life, it was impossible for me not to have known something as big as Zhonghuifa Corporation’s chairman of the board being arrested. The only possibility was that Liu Ran was not arrested in my previous life, and it should be due to Zhao Yanyan that the higher ups has paid attention to Liu Ran, causing evidence of his criminal activities to surface. History has been completely messed up after I was reborn, but hopefully the general direction will not change, or else it would have been pointless for me to get reborn. I thought while frowning.

Liu Kesheng didn’t come to school the following few days, I think that this brat got used to waving his father’s power around, and now that they’re gone he was scared of being looked down upon.

I also started my long wait, after sending the email, no one called my home in the following three days. If it wasn’t because I was clear about the technological values in these data, I would have even thought that these companies were not interested in my data. Of course, the other possibility was that these companies were intentionally dragging it on, to lower the price of the data.

Intel’s call only came slowly a week after the emails have been sent.

“Hello, is this Mr. Liu Lei?” the other person asked using fluent Chinese.

“Yes, and you are?” I asked.

“I am the representative of the Intel company, my surname is Xu,” the other person said.

“Oh, it’s Mr. Xu, I wonder if your company has seen the email I have sent you?” I asked.

“Mr. Liu, this call is precisely for those information. About the project written on the data that you have sent us, our company has already started it’s development at the start of the ear, so the value isn’t that great to us. However if the price is right, then we can also consider it,” Representative Xu said.

Heh! Trying to fool me. There is no one more familiar than me about when you release Pentium MMX. If I hadn’t been reborn, I might have actually believed your crap.

I said without tension, “Is that so, then I won’t trouble you any longer. I have already reached an initial agreement with AMD, they are very interested in my data.

As expected, Representative Xu went silent, after a long while he said, “Mr. Liu, what I said just now is only the opinions of some of the board of directors, the chair has not made the final decision. Please don’t sign the contract with AMD yet, give me a day, I believe our final price will be higher than AMD’s. I wonder if it is possible for Mr. Liu to reveal AMD’s price?”

Are you treating me like a fool, you would dare to call me to cooperate before the chair of the board has made his decision? Of course I wouldn’t point it out either.

“About this, I cannot give any specifics, but I can tell you that their price is definitely no lower than a hundred million,” I think that this price could be considered cheap in comparison to the huge profits that this type of processor will bring.

“Huaxia currency?” Representative Xu asked probingly.

“USD! One hundred million Huaxia currency isn’t even enough for the research funds,” I wasn’t exaggerating, I believe the other party was also clear about this

After that Seagate’s call also quickly came, the contents were more or less the same with Intel’s, and they were also done in by my claim to have the intention to sell it to Maxtor.

Microsoft’s call came the slowest, the other person first showed disbelief, they completely didn’t believe that Huaxia had someone that could make an operating system. I didn’t argue with them either, I just said they if they’re not interested then I’ll contact IBM, in the end Microsoft said that they will send someone over to see the truth.

19:00 the following night, I received Intel and Seagate’s call. There was no ******** in the calls this time, Intel directly said that they are willing to buy the data for a hundred and fifty million USD. However they needed to do the exchange in person, they will send experts to verify the validity of the data in the next few days. Seagate also said that they are willing to pay 10 million USD, but I specified that it has to be written on the contract that Seagate only owns the right to use this technology and not the patent. At the same time I cannot give this technology to a third party. This is because I know that there is a second and third generation for the Fluid Dynamic Bearing technology. These are all my capital to make money.


  1. N/a

Chapter 35 – Moneymaking Plan

If I release Pentium MMX’s information out, then I think their old owners would definitely be very interested in it right? Hehe, I can sell the technology that I have which is slightly ahead of this era’s to the corresponding company, this should bring about a huge profit.

I started just as I decided to do it, and climbed up from the bed in the middle of the night, and begun to make my moneymaking plan. Everything was so much easier with the computer Zhao Junsheng gave me.

First I will claim that I am an expert a a certain academy in Huaxia, and started a project, but don’t have the funds for production, so I was prepared to give it to someone else. I then listed the technical specifications for the MMXCPU series, as well as some of the core information, this will all be rather vague, so I won’t be scared if they take it as their own after seeing it. They wouldn’t be able to create anything with just these information.

After that I followed this method, and wrote a letter to Seagate, claiming that I invented the Fluid Dynamic Bearing technology, this was a unique technology that was only introduced in 1996 by Seagate, the thought of this probably doesn’t exist yet.

Similarly, there was one for Microsoft as well, claiming that I invented a new version of the operating system, I listed all of the functions and specialties of Windows 98, and a small amount of code. At the same time, I also said that I also sent the same plan to IBM.

After this, it was already becoming white outside the window, the sky was getting bright.

I put everything I wrote into a floppy disk, and prepared to go and find Zhao Junsheng, to ask him if there was anywhere with access o internet, I had to send these out as quickly as possible.

I think that Microsoft would definitely not believe my plan after seeing it, they might even send a few people over to see if I really had the thing, it looks like I needed to write it all out quickly. Although I did participate in the development of several versions of Windows in my previous life, it was still rather hard to write out an entire operating system in a short period of time, it was lucky that I had studied the code for Windows 98 in my previous life, and so it doesn’t take that much effort.

Hehe, how much should I sell it for? Intel relied on this Pentium MMX to get big, the technology of Seagate wasn’t worth that much, as for Microsoft… Just wait for me to demand an exorbitant price!

The next morning, I called Zhao Yanyan when my mom was making breakfast, and told her that I had some business at her dad’s company in the morning, if Ye Xiaoxiao asks, then help me ask for a leave, if she doesn’t ask then there’s no need to take the initiative and tell her.

After breakfast, I went directly to Zhao Junsheng’s Tianheng Computers. Zhao Junsheng’s company name was really in front of its time, most people within the country called the PC as “jisuanji” in 1994, very few people called it “diannao”.⌈1

Zhao Yanyan probably told Zhao Junsheng that I was going there, so the moment I entered the door, the receptionist directly told me that Director Zhao was waiting for me in his office.

“Xiao Liu, why did you come to find me at the company so early in the morning?” Zhao Junsheng asked when he saw me enter.

“I already finished encrypting the input method, and came to let you have a look,” I said after I put down my backpack.

“Oh? So fast? Didn’t we just decide it last night?” Zhao Junsheng was now completely immune to my abnormality.

“To be truthful, I already had a plan for this type of encryption method, it’s just that I only put it into action last night,” I explained.

“Is that so! However, even if there was a plan, other people definitely wouldn’t be able to finish it in one night. Quickly take it out for me to have a look!” Zhao Junsheng said impatiently.

I took out a floppy disk and plugged it into the computer on Zhao Junsheng’s desk, and started running the input method software. A frame popped-up in the screen with two choices, one was “Trial”, the other one was “Register”.

“This software can only be used for thirty days without registering after installing, if registration is not done after thirty days then it can’t be used,” I explained to Zhao Junsheng.

“Oh! Not bad!” Zhao Junsheng said. “But if it is re-installed after thirty days, then can’t you use it for another thirty days?” Zhao Junsheng questioned.

“Hehe,” I laughed. “I thought about this problem ages ago, once the software trial ends, then a bit of information will be left in the main boot record, it doesn’t matter how you re-install the software, once it runs, it will recognize the information left in the main boot record, the only method is to reformat the entire hard drive!”

“That’s a pretty evil move!” Zhao Junsheng said admirably.

I copied the file for registering the computers for Zhao Junsheng, and reminded him several times that he needs to pay attention to the safety, and cannot allow it to leak out. Otherwise it would be terrible.

Zhao Junsheng was very happy, and immediately called his secretary over, and got her to contact all the related departments, and send the input method to be approved. I named the input method, “Shuguang Pinyin 1.0”.

As for sales and advertisements, I gave Zhao Junsheng’s company complete control. I don’t need to worry about Zhao Junsheng lying to me about the sales numbers, since the my objective to earn money is essentially the same. Zhao Junsheng’s purpose of earning money is for his daughter, and I was also earning money for his daughter.

“Oh yeah, Uncle Zhao, do you know where in Songjiang can I get onto the web?” I nearly forgot about an important matter.

“Get onto the web? You mean Internet right?” Zhao Junsheng said after thinking about it for a bit.

“Yes, the Internet!” I said.

“Songjiang University’s computer suite seems to be linked onto the Internet, I heard a few university students said something about going to InfoHighway.” Zhao Junsheng said.
That’s great! I thought I had to go to Yanjing to get onto the net.

“Then do you know anyone in Songjiang University? I want to borrow their computer to send a few emails,” I said.

“Oh! This shouldn’t be a problem. I know their head of computing, he bought Chinese character cards from our company before.

“Uncle Zhao, then please help me contact him, it would be best if it is today, I’m in a hurry,” I said. Time is money to me!

“Okay, although I don’t know what you’re going to do, but Uncle Zhao will support you,” after saying that, Zhao Junsheng flipped through a phonebook. After a while, he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

“Hello, is it Mr. Huang?”

“I’m Tianheng’s Zhao Junsheng!”

“Yes, that’s me, I want to ask if your computer suite can connect onto the Internet?”

“It can, that’s great! I have a friend’s child that wants to send a few emails!”

“Okay, I’ll send him over to find you!”

Zhao Junsheng hung up the phone and said to me, “Xiao Liu, I contacted them for you, go to Songjiang University’s computer center, directly find Mr. Huang, and say that I introduced you to there. I’m quite busy here, so I won’t accompany you, I’ll get Old Gao to send you over.”


  1. Jisuanji (计算机) and Diannao (电脑) both mean computer, but the latter is more commonly used nowadays. 

Chapter 34 – Encryption

“I’ll find someone to finish the software encryption?” Zhao Junsheng asked.

“I’ll do it myself, since it is my idea, so it’ll be easily to make it into a reality!” It’s not that I don’t trust the programmers under Zhao Junsheng’s control, it’s just that they have never done anything like this before, and it wouldn’t be a small joke if the encryption they created was too easily cracked.

“Sure, when will you finish it? The earlier out software goes into the market the better, including the time to get it approved I hope to have it in the market before the year ends!” Zhao Junsheng asked.

“I don’t have a computer at home, so I’ll do it on Sunday when I go to Shao Nian Gong, I’ll give it to you next Monday!” I said.

“What? You have no computer at home?” Zhao Junsheng asked shockingly.

“Yeah, why?” I asked, what’s there to be surprised about, it’ll was more weird for a family to be able to afford a computer in 1994.

“Then you wrote the input method in Shao Nian Gong?” Zhao Junsheng asked.

“Yeah!” I answered.

“Have you had any exposure to computers before going to Shao Nian Gong?” Zhao Junsheng was even more surprised.

“Nope,” I didn’t know how to answer, if I said I did, then that’ll lead to my rebirth, that is my secret, I don’t want anyone to know. Furthermore, I truly didn’t have any exposure to computers in this life, so my answer doesn’t count as a lie.

“What!?” Zhao Junsheng’s eyeballs were about to fall out, he really didn’t know what to say.

After a long while, Zhao Junsheng finally calmed down and said, “I finally understood what is meant by a genius, it looks like our family’s Yanyan isn’t worthy of you!”

“Uncle Zhao, don’t say that!” Guilt appeared in my heart.

“How about this, Xiao Liu. I’ll gift you the computer in my study, since I don’t use it at home anyways,” Zhao Junsheng pointed at the computer on the desk.

“How can that be fine!” I immediately refused, you have to know that a computer costs ten-thousand something to twenty-thousand.

“How can that not be fine, I’m not giving it to you for free, accepting it is to work for the company!” Zhao Junsheng said pretending to be unhappy.

“Okay!” I said. It wouldn’t be good if I continued to refuse, since it is for the company.

“Okay, I’ll get Old Gao to send you back. It’s getting late, your family will be worried if you don’t go back soon,” Zhao Junsheng said as he started moving the computer on the desk.

“I’ll do it,” I received the monitor in Zhao Junsheng’s hands.

Due to the issue with time, Zhao Yanyan didn’t get me to stay any longer, but I would clearly feel the unwillingness to part in her eyes.

Zhao Junsheng held the system unit and sent me down stairs, then got Old Gao to put everything in the trunk.

Oh! I started getting anxious again. I got a computer out of nowhere, how am I supposed to explain it when I get home?

“Leilei, what’s going on?” Seeing I carry the computer into the room, my mom asked me strangely.

“Shao Nian Gong’s Xu-laoshi lent it to me, I got two first place when I went to compete in Yanjing, Xu-laoshi said I’m gifted, and so lent me one to practice at home,” I said out the excuse I thought of on the road.

Hearing me say that, my mom didn’t have anymore queries, but started asking about something else,” Leilei, you got two first places in the last competition? My mom asked surprisingly.

“Yeah, why?” I only just noticed that I didn’t tell my parents about getting awards last time. My parents probably thought I couldn’t get any places so they didn’t ask me either.

“Then why didn’t you tell us after coming back? Not telling us such a big thing!” My mom said excitedly, “Old Liu, come out, our son brought back two first place the last time he went to compete in Yanjing!”

Hearing that, my dad hurriedly came out from the study, “ What, Xiao Lei, you got two first places?”

I nodded.

“Quickly let mom and dad have a look at the certificate, ha, now I, Old Liu, also have bragging rights. I get so annoyed when my co-workers talk about their family’s kid doing this and that, now it’s their turn!” My dad said happily.

Certificate? Oh god! My certificate were robbed away by Zhao Yanyan… When we came back this chick said that the certificates weren’t safe with me, and would safe keep it for me, and said that it might add marks when I apply for university in the future, what’ll I do if I loose it. However, I knew that this chick probably went to keep it in her collection again.

“The certificates are with Xu-laoshi, he wants to photocopy it for the records,” I waffled.

“Ooh! Old Liu, since our son got a prize, should we buy something to visit Xu-laoshi!” My mom suggested.

“Yes, we should, we should. Son, Let’s go to class together this Sunday, your mother and I want to thank your Xu-laoshi.” My dad said.

“Okay!” I answered. It looks like I have to give Geezer Xu a heads-up, or else it would be terrible if the truth came out there.

I really quickly finished the encryption for the input method. This technology was everywhere after 2000, it could be said to have reached it’s peak after 2010, stuff like the RSA were all used in it. After encrypting it, I added a shell to the input method’s program, I think that this technology should not be cracked until after 2000.

The input method could be said as my first step to making a business, originally I wanted to sell it out in one go, but from the looks of the Huaxia software market, it would not b able to sell for much. After much thought, I decided not to sell it all, and cooperate with Zhao Junsheng instead. Although this manner of cooperation will bring long-term benefits, and the profits will be far greater than selling it out in one go, but this would require a very long time for me to get my startup funds. To myself, who has been reborn, time is money, I cannot afford to wait.

It’s nearing the end of 1994, 1995 was coming soon. In 1995, a lot of big things will occur. Huaxia’s internet just started, specific websites were just developed, Intel’s first generation Pentium CPU had just started it’s development phrase, the storage of SDRAM started to become popularized, Microsoft’s Windows 95 was also officially released.

In which areas would I be able to get a share of profit? The CPU’s core technology of this era is no longer a secret after 2010, storage has already went into the era of DDR3, Microsoft’s Windows 7 was popularized, the next operating system was also in development.

I could introduce a higher frequency CPU before Intel, or release the DDR technology, or even release Windows 98 before Windows 95. However this all needed money, it needed me to start a large research group, although I have the technology and experience from my previous life, but this was very hard to achieve by myself.

Funds! This really was a problem. Suddenly, a sinister plan appeared in my head.


  1. N/a

Chapter 33 – I’m a Gold Mine

“Okay okay, let’s eat,” Zhao Junsheng helped the two out of the predicament.

“Xiao Liu, tell Bomu about your plans,” Zhao Yanyan’s mother started interrogating me.

“Uhmm, Zhao Yanyan and I are still students, what plans can we have,” I said embarrassedly.

“Xiao Liu, don’t be shy. Junsheng told everything about you to me, at the start Junsheng told me that there is a boy that is quite close to Yanyan in school, I was really angry then, and wanted to immediately get Yanyan to bring the person here to ask him who he was. However Junsheng didn’t want me to interfere, and said let’s wait a while and see. Then yesterday, Junsheng suddenly told me that our daughter found a gold mine ——“ When Mother Zhao said these, Zhao Yanyan almost buried her head under the table. Mother Zhao continued, “I asked Junsheng what happened, he asked me if I remember the boy that was close with Yanyan? I said of course. Junsheng then said, he saw him today, and made a software and wanted to cooperate with their company, although I don’t really understand, but I didn’t believe a child could make anything amazing. Then Junsheng told me that, the software the kid made is at the top of the country, if it was used well, then the profits is definitely above ten million. Xiao Liu, essentially Junsheng almost praises you as a god. Originally I was still very much opposing the relationship between the two of you, but then Junsheng said you definitely have the ability to bring Yanyan happiness, so I didn’t say much.”

I clearly understood Zhao Yanyan’s mother’s meaning, after saying so much, she just wanted to indirectly tell me that she acquiesced in Zhao Yanyan and my relationship.

Zhao Junsheng continued, “Liu Lei, although you have a shocking talent in computing, you have to work hard in academics too. I heard that your results in the Senior Entrance Exam weren’t really good, Yanyan will be going to Huaxia University in the future, if you can’t get in, then we can’t help you.”

Ai! Typical Huaxia parents, I had thought that Zhao Junsheng’s view was already modern, I couldn’t expect that it still didn’t move away from the traditions. After going through primary school, middle school and university, I clearly understood that the majority of the knowledge learnt at school will not be used at work. However Zhao Junsheng was underestimating me too much, even if I didn’t get reborn, it was guaranteed that I would get into Huaxia University.

“Uncle Zhao, it’s nearly the mid-term exams, I think I will not disappoint you guys,” I promised.

“Dad, don’t just say things. Liu Lei’s academics are great, look if you don’t believe me!” saying that, she opened her backpack and showed something she took out from it.

I immediately started sweating a lot, isn’t that my 100 marks English test paper?

Zhao Yanyan’s parents looked at my exam paper, Zhao Yanyan’s mother said confusedly, “Old Zhao, didn’t you inquire about it? I remember that even Yanyan didn’t get 100 in this test? It looks like Xiao Zhao’s academics aren’t bad!”

Zhao Junsheng scratched his head embarrassedly, “I’m not so sure either, Old Gao said he went to check the school files.”

My god, so this family have researched about me from ages ago, if I didn’t meet Zhao Junsheng coincidentally, it would still be hidden from me for who knows how long.

I embarrassedly gazed at my test paper and explained, “I guessed it, guessed it.”

Zhao Yanyan put away the test paper, then said, “Che, you say you guessed it every single time, who would believe you.”

“However I have a question,” Zhao Junsheng asked in a weird tone, “Xiao Liu, why is your test paper in Yanyan’s backpack?”

Zhao Yanyan and I didn’t know how to answer.

After dinner, Zhao Junsheng called me alone to the study, I knew that he must have some serious maters.

Zhao Yanyan’s mother also understandably got Zhao Yanyan to another room to do god knows what.

“Xiao Liu, after you left yesterday, the company had a conference just for your input method, everyone thinks that your input method has a future, and there’s no problem popularizing it. However have you thought about how Huaxia’s software industry is different from the foreign countries, there is a serious problem here,” Zhao Junsheng frowned when he said this.

“Are you taking about pirated versions?” I immediately guessed what Zhao Junsheng was talking about, pirated versions, it didn’t only exist in the 90s. Piracy was also a rather major issue in my previous life, even worse than it is in this era, pirated software were all over the internet.

“That’s right! In Huaxia’s computing industry currently, knowledge of copyrights is still rather lacking, I think that even the WPS used in your Shao Nian Gong is not the official version,” Zhao Junsheng said worriedly.

“Hehe, I already thought about this problem, Uncle Zhao, we can encrypt the software!” I told him all about the software protection methods that were commonly seen in my previous life.

“Encrypt? I’ve heard of it, isn’t that just having a manual for every software, and when he software starts, it will random ask the what the line of number is on a random page in the manual, if it is answered wrong then the software won’t run, are you talking about that?” Zhao Junsheng asked.

“Uncle Zhao, that’s just one of the types of encryption, this method is already outdated!” I said.

“I feel like that too, this does not achieve the goal of encryption at all, anyone that wants to use the software just have to photocopy the manual once, even if they don’t photocopy it, the people in the same company can still share a manual,” Zhao Junsheng nodded and said, “Unless you have a better idea?’

“Yes, Uncle Zhao, we can encrypt it using a registration code!” I said.

“Registration code? What’s a registration code?“ Zhao Junsheng asked weirdly.

Ai! It seems like people haven’t been using this method to encrypt software in 1994! Thus I explained, “What I mean is that the same software can be installed onto different computers, and then will generate a registry ID that is unique through checking the registry code of the computer, then we can create a password through customer service after they give us this ID number, which would be the registration code, the user can only use the input method properly after the corresponding registration code has been inputted.

“This idea is too amazing! Xiao Liu, how did you think of it?” Zhao Junsheng said excitedly. The problem that he thought would cause a lot of headache was easily solved by me within a few sentences.

I shook my head, I only spoke out the experience from my previous life, within a short period of time, this encryption method will spread through the entire world.

“I just thought of it casually!” I waffled.
“Thought of it casually? Xiao Liu, did you know that, if we continue to develop this encryption software, we can earn tons of money just from that! It seems like I was right, my daughter found a gold mine!” Zhao Junsheng said happily.

“Hehe,” I laughed fakely with embarrassment, I was completely plagiarizing!


  1. N/a

Chapter 32 – Visit

The next morning, I saw Zhao Yanyan frantically glancing around on her seat when I entered the classroom. Seeing that I had arrived, she quickly said, “Liu Lei, this is bad! My dad seems to have found out about the two of us!”

“Ah?” Although I already knew about it, but my heart still jumped. Zhao Junsheng didn’t interrogate Zhao Yanyan last night did he? Hopefully this chick didn’t say anything about me eating her, Zhao Junsheng did warn me!

“What did he say to you?” I immediately asked.

“Nothing really, it’s just that he suddenly called me to a room alone and asked me, if there is someone called Liu Lei in my class. I said yes. He told me to ask you to come over tonight, since there’s something he has to talk to you about,” Zhao Yanyan said.

“He didn’t ask anything else?” I asked worriedly.

“No, I found it weird as well, how does he know you? Don’t you think he noticed something?” Zhao Yanyan was so frantic that her cheeks were bright red.

“It’s fine, it’s fine!” Hearing that it was just that, I relaxed.

“Are you going tonight?” Zhao Yanyan asked.

“Do you want me to go?” I asked her back with a smile.

“Ya! You’re still laughing! What time is it, not worried at all,” Zhao Yanyan said urgently.

“Nervous for what, what’s weird about dad-in-law looking at the son-in-law, he might even be really happy and marry you to me,” I said without worries.

“Ai! You’ve got me, why are you like this! Never mind, don’t go tonight, I’m scared that my dad will beat you up when he gets agitated,” Zhao Yanyan shook her head and said.

How could he bare to beat me up, I thought, he is still relying me to help him earn money. Thus I said, “Why shouldn’t I go, of course I’ll go. After all, if its fortune, it’s not misfortune, if it’s misfortune, then that’s unavoidable.”

“Ai, then okay. If my dad asks you about us, don’t just say what comes to your mind, we have to just stand firm on saying that we’re good friends!” Zhao Yanyan reminded me.

I didn’t think that a good student like Zhao Yanyan would also act in collusions with others to ensure that their testimonies tallied with one another’s. I answered her perfunctorily.

After school ended at night, I called home using a phone booth, and told them that I was going to visit a classmate’s home.

My mom kept on asking if it was a boy or a girl, I lied to her saying that it was Guo Qing. My mom did know Guo Qing, he came over to my home once. Thus she didn’t ask anymore, and merely told me to return earlier.

Zhao Yanyan brought me onto a Hongqi car, it looked exactly the same as Audi 100, as if they were twins. I really didn’t understand how this car was designed.

Zhao Junsheng’s home was in the developing area of Songjiang city, due to being busy at work, Zhao Yanyan often stayed in her grandfather’s home. The apartments here were mostly duplex. In 1994, only people that are rather important in Songjiang city’s business industry could afford to live here.

There was a very large living room once I entered the door, as well as a indoor staircase that can go onto the second floor. This type of luxurious suite is the dream home of many people ten years later.

Seeing that I arrived, Zhao Junsheng walked out of the door smiling, and said to me, “Xiao Liu, you came!”

“Uncle Zhao, you called me over after not seeing me a day, are you trying to bother me, your provisional son-in-law, to death!” I smiled.

“You’re not serious at all, how would I dare to hand my daughter over to you!” Zhao Junsheng clapped my back and said laughingly.

“Heh~ It looks like you don’t have any good intentions, was there some problem with the input method’s introduction to the market?” I understood this old fox too well, would he invite me over to visit if there wasn’t any problems? As if he’s truly trying to deepen relationships.
“Hehe! Eat first, eat first, we’ll talk about the rest of the stuff after dinner,” Zhao Junsheng said while smiling.

Zhao Yanyan stared dumbfounded at the two of us who were acting all familiar, when she heard me proclaim myself as the provisional son-in-law, it scared her so much that her insides were all jumbled together, however her father’s sentence “hand my daughter over to you” stunned her. What is going on?

“Yanyan stop spacing out, come and eat!” Zhao Junsheng called Zhao Yanyan, who was still standing dumbfounded at the door.

“Aiya, did Xiao Liu come?” a beautiful young woman wearing an apron came out form the kitchen. This must be Zhao Yanyan’s mother.

“Hello, Auntie,” I said politely.

“Don’t be so courteous, call me Bomu. Old Zhao, get Xiao Liu to sit down first, I have a few dishes that aren’t done in the kitchen!” Zhao Yanyan’s mother turned around and went back into the kitchen.

“Do you drink, Xiao Liu?” Zhao Junsheng asked.

“A little,” I didn’t refuse, it’s not good being too fake. I had a surprisingly good alcohol tolerance in my previous life, Zhao Yanyan’s wedding was purely an accident.

“Then one bottle for each of us,” Zhao Junsheng handed me a bottle of Songjiang beer. This is our Songjiang city’s brand, and is very popular right now. However I knew, the factory will start going downhill form 1996, then endangered because of a few corrupt leaders, and finally bankrupt. The laid off employees would be countless. In truth, the taste of this beer is definitely not worse than the famous “Harbin Beer” and “Xingsanxing Beer”, but it’s fate was decided by it’s identity as a nationalized business.

“No problem,” I received the beer, and first poured a cu for Zhao Junsheng, than for myself.

“Good! Those that drink beer are real man, and will do great things in the future!” Zhao Junsheng praised.

“Dad, you’re so annoying, how can you encourage him to drink beer?” Zhao Yanyan said unsatisfactorily. Although this chick didn’t understand the relationship between her father and I, her ability to accept things was rather strong, and most importantly, her father didn’t oppose us.

“Hehe. A grown girl truly can’t be kept at home, she’s not even married, and is already speaking on Xiao Liu’s side!” Zhao Junsheng teased.

“Dad, what are you saying, I don’t care about you anymore!” Zhao Yanyan’s face immediately reddened.

At this moment, Zhao Yanyan’s mother also carried the dishes over, “Old Zhao, what are you talking about with Xiao Liu and them?”

“Hehe, just talking about our daughter, Xiao Hui, came over quickly, we’re all waiting for you,” Zhao Junsheng said.

Zhao Yanyan’s mother set the table, and sat down next to Zhao Junsheng, “Xiao Liu, no one’s an outsider here, treat it as your home, don’t be courteous and eat. I don’t know if these dishes suit your preferences, so just put up with it.”

“How can I, Bomu’s dishes brings up my appetite with a look,” I quickly said.

“Hehe, you kid,” Zhao Yanyan’s mother laughed.

“Mom, leave him alone, Liu Lei’s going to feel embarrassed,” Zhao Yanyan immediately got me a sparerib.

“Hehe, mom gave birth to you for nothing, how can your elbow turn to the outside⌈1⌋!” Zhao Yanyan’s mother looked at me as if she meant something else.

“Mom, you said it yourself that Liu Lei isn’t an outsider,” Zhao Yanyan argued with a red face.


  1. It means that she’s taking care of others better, commonly used to talk about girls treating their boyfriend better than their dad/rest of the family. 

Chapter 31 – Test

“But this fifty-percent is only the profit form this version, if there is a future version, I can only promise that I will prioritize working with your company over other ones assuming that you all are providing the same conditions,” I reminded him.

Zhao Junsheng didn’t think I still had this method! However, the experience from my previous life tells me that, the rights to the future versions must be in my own hands, this is a chicken that can lay golden eggs, only if I firmly control the rights to the future versions, I would be able to have absolute authority in front of Zhao Junsheng.

Zhao Junsheng looked at me in surprise, he wasn’t able to imagine that this would be said from the mouth of a sixteen years old, this both shocked him and intrigued him.

However Zhao Junsheng didn’t say anything much in the end, and just looked at me, only after a long while did he speak again, this time, it made me really surprised.

“Fine, then that’s that, I’ll get my secretary to draft the contract, and then we’ll sign it later,” Zhao Junsheng said.

I didn’t think Zhao Junsheng would answer my condition so easily, this was completely different form his attitude at the start. What caused him to change so much? Or was he just testing me from the start?

Although I clearly understood the value of my input method, but fifty-percent was still a bit too high, I had thought Zhao Junsheng would negotiate the price with me a bit more, I didn’t think he would make the decision so quickly.

Very soon, Zhao Junsheng’s secretary drafted two copies of the contract, I looked over it, there wasn’t any major problems, my additional condition was also clearly stated on the contract. I signed my name on it, Zhao Junsheng did the same and then stamped it, then gave me a copy, and got the secretary to put away the other one.

“Xiao Liu, you didn’t eat before you came right?” Zhao Junshng asked.

“No, Xu-laoshi called me to tell me to come over when I just got home,” I answered honestly.

“Then Zhao Yanyan didn’t come with you?” Zhao Junsheng used a very normal tone and asked.

“No, she went home first,” I answered casually. However just when the words left my mouth, I noticed something amiss. “How do you know Zhao Yanyan?” I asked.

Zhao Junsheng slammed the table and roared, “Brat, you’ve got guts, you managed to got my darling daughter and you’re still asking me who I am?”

Zhao Yanyan, Zhao Junsheng! ****, there can’t be such coincidence in this world right? This person is actually Zhao Yanyan’s father? In other words, my father-in-law? From Zhao Junsheng’s attitude, it seems like he knew Zhao Yanyan and my relationship from the start. Then why didn’t he mention anything when I first come in? Or mention it when we were signing the contract, then use it to threaten me, I might actually give the input method to him without taking anything in return. Now that everything’s sorted, why did he suddenly mention it?

“Oh, it’s bofu!” I forced a smile.

“Heh! Don’t try to act close with me. If you want our cooperation to continue, then stay away from Yanyan,” Zhao Junsheng said coldly.

“I’ll give you another ten percent of the profit, leave Yanyan,” Zhao Junsheng was expressionless.

“Hehe, does Uncle Zhao think that your daughter is only worth so much?” I laughed coldly.

“Twenty percent!’

I looked at him without saying a word.

“Thirty percent, that’s my bottom line!”

I still didn’t say anything.

“Heh, don’t not recognizing kindness! Fine, our cooperation is now terminated!” Zhao Junsheng looked away after saying that.

“Hehe, Uncle Zhao, you thought that I was a child that doesn’t understand anything right? Terminated cooperation? Once the contract is signed, then it will be effective legally, do you think you can terminated it with just a word? But ——“ I took out the contract from my pocket, and continued, “But since you don’t want to cooperate, then I won’t make it hard for you, I can even gift the input method to you without anything in return! But, remember, telling me to leave Zhao Yanyan, that is impossible! I truly feel ashamed for Zhao Yanyan for having a father like you, did you think I would leave Yanyan for a bit of cash? Dream on, I can tell you right now, Yanyan is priceless to me!” I casually threw the contract onto the floor, and leisurely stopped out of the office.

“Ai! Young people are just impulsive, how am I supposed to be comfortable handing my daughter to you!” Zhao Junsheng’s mocking tone could be heard from behind me.

What? Handing his daughter to me? My heart shook, what show is Zhao Junsheng putting on! Suddenly, I understood everything, this was all Zhao Junsheng’s trap from the start, he was testing me. At the start, he was testing if I had the ability to support his daughter, then it was to test the position that his daughter had in my heart. This old fox, I swore in my heart.

“Okay, Uncle Zhao, your show’s over, I wonder if I, your prospective son-in-law, passed? I turned around and said with a smile. Haha, I could finally feel avenged, I was really looking forward to seeing Zhao Junsheng’s expression after his plan gets seen through.

As expected, Zhao Junsheng’s mouth was wide open, and only being shocked for a long while did he say, “So you saw through it?”

“Uncle Zhao, if your goal was truly to make me leave Yanyan, then I think you didn’t have to spend so much on signing a contract with me,” I said calmly. After seeing through Zhao Junsheng’s thoughts, I held the initiative, so I didn’t have to drag it on.

“That’s right! The young man has a future,” Zhao Junsheng said with a smile. “I don’t want to interfere too much in the things of you young people. However, everything has a limit, you’re still young, I don’t want you two to cause anything for me. As for what I’m talking about, Xiao Liu you’re smart so you should understand.”

“Ahhh ——“ Cold sweat started dripping from me, of course I understand what he was talking about, but if I tell this dad-in-law in front of me that I already ate Yanyan, would he murder me here and now?

“Be better to Yanyan, I won’t let you go if I find you that you bullied her!” Thank god that Zhao Junsheng didn’t notice my abnormality and continued.

“I understand, Uncle Zhao. My heart is true to Yanyan, I will take care of her for a life time,” I quickly said seriously.

“En, okay,” Zhao Junsheng looked at his watch and said. “I have a meeting later, so let’s leave it here.”

I walked out of the front door of Tianheng Computers, and thought about what just happened. Zhao Yanyan’s father was actually Tianheng Computers’s general manager, was this fortune or misfortune? But from Zhao Junsheng’s current attitude, this may not be a bad thing. Firstly, Zhao Junsheng’s company had the same nature as the industry I worked in in my previous life, this improved my starting position by quite a bit. Secondly, and most importantly, is that if I receive Zhao Junsheng’s support, then Zhao Yanyan and I don’t have to hide when we’re together.


  1. N/a

Chapter 30 – Buying it all with Fifty-thousand

To be honest, I want to spend more time with Zhao Yanyan too, but as an adult, I knew that you can’t be impulsive, if we allow Zhao Yanyan’s parents notice our relationship too early because of a moment’s greediness, I’m sure normal parents would interfere, this would undoubtedly become a huge obstacle for Zhao Yanyan and my relationship.

Although I could be certain right now that Zhao Yanyan will not leave me, I was not willing to take a risk. It’s all over if her parents get agitated and make her transfer schools, this was something easily done for Zhao Yanyan’s grandpa who was a provisional official.

I got Geezer Xu’s call when I just got home, “Xiao Liu, why didn’t you pick up the phone?”
“What is it, Xu-laoshi, I just got home!” I asked weirdly.

“Do you have time in the afternoon?” Geezer Xu asked anxiously.

“Yeah, why?” I said.

“Come to the Tianheng Computers at Number 4 Fazhang Road , Director Zhao is very interested in your program, and wants to talk about the specifics with you,” Geezer Xu said.

“Okay, I’ll be right there!” I said excitedly! The results of my hard work has finally been recognized!

“En, directly find Director Zhao after coming here, Zhao Junsheng, I have to rush home, or else that chick Ruoyun would think that I ran out to drink again!” Geezer Xu said with a wry smile.

“Okay, then I’ll go over immediately,” I hung up the phone, and went downstairs.

The address that Geezer Xu gave me was really easy to find, I could see Tianheng Electronic Computer Technology Limited’s large signage.

I went into the company, the receptionist at the door stopped me,“Little student, who are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for Director Zhao,” I said.

“Do you have an appointment?” the receptionist asked.

“No, but Director Zhao asked me to come,” I replied.

“Okay, let me ask,” the receptionist dialed a number on the phone, “Hello, Director Zhao, I’m Xiao Li, there is a student saying that you asked him to come?”

After hanging up the phone, the receptionist asked me, “Are you Xu-laoshi’s student?”

I nodded,

“Then there’s no problem, I’ll take you to Director Zhao’s office,” after that , the receptionist took me to the door to a room, and said to me, “You can go in now, Director Zhao is waiting for you inside.”

I knocked n the door, a middle-aged man’s voice came out from within, “Please come in!”

I opened the door and asked, “Is this Director Zhao’s office?”

The middle-aged man momentarily blanked when he saw me, then immediately returned to now. He looked at me then said, “Hello, my surname is Zhao, Zhao Junsheng, the general manager of Tianheng Computers, how should I address you?”

“Director Zhao, I’m called Liu Lei,” I said.

Zhao Junsheng nodded without a sound, then said to me, “Okay, Xiao Liu. Don’t call me Director Zhao, call me Uncle Zhao, it doesn’t count as me taking advantage of you with my age right!”

“How could it!” I said, “Then I’ll call you Uncle Zhao.”

Zhao Junsheng got a chair for me, then got me to sit with him beside the computer, and asked me, “Xiao Liu, did you really make this input method?”

I nodded, then asked, “Is there a problem?”

“No,” Zhao Junsheng shook his head, and said, “I just wanted to double check, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I would find it really difficult to believe that a high school student wrote an input method like this!”

“You flatter me Uncle Zhao, I just fooled around without anything to do,” I replied embarrassedly.

“Don’t be humble now, Xiao Liu, I have faith in your input method. Name a price, how much are you selling it for?” Zhao Junsheng asked.

“Then how much do you think it’s worth?” I questioned back. This was my natural reaction, I was already an old fox in business, obviously I would be natural during incidents like this.

“How about this, Xiao Liu. A buyout price, fifty thousand kuai. I will buy the entirety of the input method’s copyright, and want the rights to all the following versions,” Zhao Junsheng said confidently. Fifty-thousand kuai was already not a small sum in the software market of 1994, although this isn’t Zhao Junsheng’s limit, from his perspective, this money was already an astronomical figure in the eyes of a high school student.

“How about this, Uncle Zhao, I’ll calculate a sum for you,” I replied without any reaction. “My input method is currently the most convenient to use, and the easiest to learn Chinese input method, I believe Uncle Zhao is more familiar about this than me. If this input method was put onto the market, I believe that it would be able to take over the market really quickly, as long as advertisements are done properly. I’m sure Uncle Zhao understands what kind of people the majority of the WPS users are, asking these government officials to spend time to learn Wubi, do you think that’s possible? My input method is different, anyone who knows pinyin can use it, especially to those people whose pronunciation aren’t standard, this is definitely the most suitable input method for them. For example, let’s look at the word “chi rou”, I think a lot of people whose pronunciation aren’t standard would read it as “chi you”, and my input method is able to make a judgment on which character it actually is usually the characters before and after for these characters that are easily mispronounced. I believe this input method will completely replace any input method on the market once it is released.”

“I know about all this, this is why I have faith in this input method. But what is it that you’re trying to tell me?” Zhao Junsheng gazed at me.

“It’s nothing special, all I want to say is the value of the input method and the profit it will bring far surpasses this fifty-thousand kuai, perhaps even more than ten, a hundred, or a thousand fifty-thousand kuai if the following versions are included,” I replied slowly.

“Then how much do you want?” Zhao Junsheng started to test for my bottom line.

“Fifty percent of the net profit,” I said calmly.

“Fifty percent? What a daylight robbery! Speaking about conditions with me, Zhao Junsheng, and not thinking about your own ability. I will spend a hundred-thousand at most, not a penny more,” Zhao Junsheng said with indignation.

“I have no intention of forcing you to work with me, I believe that if I sell the software directly to Kingsoft, then they might be more interest,” I said in a reasonable manner, completely disregarding his attitude.

“Good! Good! Good!’ Zhao Junsheng said good three times in a row, “Heroes truly comes from youths!”

“Uncle Zhao is flattering me. I am only a maker that wants my creation to make the most profit,” I continued to say with a smile.

“Okay, then fifty-percent it is!” Zhao Junsheng decided.


  1. N/a

Chapter 29 – Who’s the Beauty?

I saw Xu Ruo Yun’s look of surprise when I got out of the door, but truth be told, the only little girl at this age I was interested in is Zhao Yanyan, the others just didn’t do it. Although Zhao Yanyan was also sixteen years-old, I had unspeakable feelings for her, in hindsight it might have been because I mixed my adult feels in it as well.

During the award ceremony, my program was decided as the champion without argument, Xu Ruo Yan’s work, which got second place, was also a picture, but her one was black and white, from the detail of the pictures, her one was much crude. The remaining work by other people were very simple, most of them were just a logo or a small object, even more people just had text.

Seeing my work, Zhao Yanyan had an expression of unhappiness, and pinched my leg with her hands, “This picture is so familiar! Tell me, who’s the beauty? What relationship does she have to do with you!”

I faint, I didn’t think Zhao Yanyan would ask me that, how was I supposed to explain it! However, Zhao Yanyan didn’t give up, and was hell bent on making me tell her who the person is.

Finally, since I couldn’t do anything else, I made up a name and situation. Yet I could tell that Zhao Yanyan didn’t believe me, and kept on gazing at the picture with a suspicious look in her eyes.

I monopolized both first prizes in this competition, Geezer Xu, who went with me onto the stage to receive the prize, had a face full of happiness, his smiling wrinkly face was like a big fagao.⌈1

In the end, I didn’t get anything except two certificates, I already lost interest in these kind of things used to please children. On the other hand, Geezer Xu relentlessly got me to hold up the certificates to take photos with me. I knew that as long as nothing happens these pictures will be hung in the lobby of Shao Nian Gong, to be used as promotion and advertisement.

The copy of the program that I coded was taken away by Zhao Yanyan, I asked her why, and she told me that she wanted it as a keepsake.

I kept sweating⌈2⌋, from my test paper to the bed sheet in the motel to today’s program copy, does this chick have some collection interest.

We took the train back to Songjiang that night, during the journey, Xu Ruo Yun’s attitude towards me improved a lot, and her attitude towards Zhao Yanyan was unbelievable. The two chicks talked continuously the entire journey, and occasional let out sounds of laughter. I really don’t understand women’s thoughts.

Seeing that his own granddaughter became more open, Geezer Xu was so happy that he couldn’t even close hismouth. The only person that suffered was me, because Zhao Yanyan left me in at the side. I could only talk a little with Geezer Xu, what was the most infuriating was that Geezer Xu always tried to bring to topic to where I have learnt computing before and the sorts, I perfunctorily answered all of those.

However the geezer didn’t get the hint, I was already answering him so perfunctorily yet he’s still asking, it forced me to change the topic, “Oh yeah, Xu-laoshi, I wrote a little program, and want to sell it to a software company, do you have any contacts?”

“You wrote a software? What’s it for?” Geezer Xu didn’t believe that I could code a software that could sell for money.

“En, it is a Chinese input method add-on for WPS, and is better than the original input method, I believe if it was advertised properly, it’s popularity will be over fifty percent,” I said confidently.

“Ah!” Geezer Xu exclaimed, he knows about input methods, normal people, including himself, didn’t hold the ability to produce it.

“Can I look at it?” Geezer Xu asked excitedly, he knew that if I got any results, he, as the teacher, would also have the right to show off.

“Sure, when we go back, it’s in Shao Nian Gong’s computer,” I said.

“If the input method is really as good as you say, I can help you promote it a bit, I have contacts with several software companies in both our city and Yanjing,” Geezer Xu said.

“Then thank you!” I said politely.

“I’m your teacher, what are you being so courteous for!” Geezer Xu said with a smile.

I thought, although Geezer Xu didn’t teach me any knowledge, he is more or less an elder in the computing industry, with a living resource like him, I’ll could definitely use his help stepping into the computing industry in the future.

Thus I respectably said, “Then I’ll trouble you!”

When I showed the input method I programmed to Geezer Xu, Geezer Xu couldn’t be more surprised, his mouth was wide open, just like a frog.

“Wait, Xiao Liu. I’ll immediately get in contact with a friend at a software company for you, I didn’t think that I, Xu Jinde’s, student will also have a day where they succeed!” Geezer Xu didn’t mind me on the side, and hurriedly ran out to make a call.

“Director Zhao, it’s me old Xu!” Geezer Xu said into the phone.

“Director Xu, what do something you need?” the person on the other side of the phone called Director Zhao said enthusiastically.

“I have a student, he made a software, and wants to find a company to work with, so I thought of you, Director Zhao!” Geezer Xu said.

“Aiya, Xu-laoshi! I’m your student, don’t Director Zhao, Director Zhao. If it wasn’t for you teaching me knowledge in the past, could I work in the computing industry? I wouldn’t have my success without you!” Director Zhao said humbly, “What software is it? What’s so special about a one that a student made?”

“Hehe, you’re underestimating me, not looking at who’s student it is, weren’t you my student before?” Xu Jinde praised himself.

“That’s true, what program did he code?” Director Zhao asked embarrassedly.

“An input method, I see a good future for it!” Geezer Xu said.

“Okay, since I have time later, take it over for me to have a lot, and I can also treat you to a meal,” Director Zhao said.

“Fine, that’s a promise. Wait for me at the office!’ Geezer Xu hung up the phone happily.

“Xiao Liu, I’m going to take your program to Tianheng Computers in our city for them to have a look, the Director there is also one of my students in the past, there should be a chance for this,” Geezer Xu said to me after returning.

“Okay, then please help me laoshi, I’ll go back first and wait for your information,” I said.

After walking about of Shao Nian Gong, I saw Zhao Yanyan, who was waiting for me not too far away. I waved towards her, the chick immediately came over, and immediately hung on me, “Why were you so slow, didn’t you say it’ll only take a while?”

“Isn’t it all because I wanted to sell the program for a high price, or else how can I support you in the future!” I hugged Zhao Yanyan and placed her back onto the floor.

“As if I can spend a lot~” Zhao Yanyan pouted and said unhappily.

“Fine, it’s that I don’t want to eat soft rice⌈3⌋.” I coaxed.

“That’s more like it,” Zhao Yanyan held my hand and walked with me to the Bus 6 station.

“The competition is over, there is no reason not to return home now,” Zhao Yanyan sighed and said.


  2. The “I sweat”, ” I faint”, I was about to faint” etc. all means “I’m speechless” or “I’m shocked”. 
  3. Eat soft rice refers to a man being supported by their lover. 

Chapter 28 – A Dream

There were a few channels in the motel that were airing very old films from Hong Kong or Taiwan. I had seen it those no less than ten times in my previous life, and was naturally uninterested, although Zhao Yanyan did watch it with interest, and occasional let out loud laughs.

I woke up really early the second day, because I noticed that Zhao Yanyan’s leg was on me, and made it hard for me to breath. I carefully moved it away, in fear of waking up Zhao Yanyan, who was in deep slumber.

I went over to the window, the day hadn’t lit up yet, so it was a blurriness of grey outside. I don’t know why, but my heart suddenly felt a sense of guilt. Due to losing Zhao Yanyan in my previous life, I used my thirty years old intelligence and experienced to swindle Zhao Yanyan of her heart, and even had intercourse with her too early. Thinking about all this, I thought that I’m very selfish. I’m scared of losing Zhao Yanyan once more in the future, so when Zhao Yanyan suggested that I could eat her, I accepted almost without a slither of hesitation. Although Zhao Yanyan says she definitely doesn’t regret it, she is still only sixteen, I can’t be certain that she wouldn’t come to regret this hastiness as she ages.

I wanted to take out a cigarette from my pocket in a habit, but there was nothing inside. This was a habit of mine in my previous life, whenever I had something bothering me, I would smoke in front of the window, but after I had been reborn, I haven’t touched cigarettes for a long time. However, this was good, since smoking brings so much harm to the body, I might be able to quit smoking using this chance.

“Hubby, don’t leave me,” a voice interrupted me. I thought Zhao Yanyan woke up, but when I turned back to see, the chick was still sleeping, she was sleep talking.

I walked over, and gently caressed Zhao Yanyan’s face, and said softly, “Yanyan, I will love you for two lives.”

As if the chick heard my words, the corners of her mouth turned up, and revealed a sweet smile.

I embraced Zhao Yanyan, leaned on the head of the bed and fell asleep once more. When I woke up, I found that Zhao Yanyan was already awake, and had opened her eyes to silently watch me in my embrace.

“When did you wake up?” I yawned and asked.

“Just now,” Yanyan said faintly. “Liu Lei, I had a dream just now.”

“It’s okay,” I comforted. “Dreams are all fake.”

“No,” Zhao Yanyan shook her head, and said sobbingly. “It was very real, I dreamt that you didn’t want me anymore, I chased after you, but I could never catch up…”

“I would never, never,” I comforted her. A girl is a girl, even treating a dream as reality.

“Hehe,” Zhao Yanyan smiled craftily. “But then you turned around, hugged me and said that you would love me for two lives.”

I sweated, how was this a dream, isn’t this what I said just now?

“What time is it?” I felt relieved seeing that she was alright.

“En, it’s seven something, let’s pack up and go downstairs!” Zhao Yanyan reluctantly crawled out from my embrace, got off the bed, then went back on her own bed to find clothes.

I went to the bathroom, after cleaning myself up, I looked my watch, seven forty-five, the time was just right.

When we got downstairs, we saw Geezer Xu and his granddaughter standing in front of a bus, and waved to us when they noticed us.

We got on the bus, and noticed that most of the passengers were students wearing all kinds of uniform, most of them are participating while representing the local schools or training centers. I saw that there were only two girls, Zhao Yanyan and Xu Ruoyun, but these boys didn’t react at all, as if they didn’t exist. Four words immediately flashed across my mind: A bunch of nerds.

The typing competition rules were simple, just type accordingly to the alphabets that were getting shown on the screen, the one who gets the highest point in the designated time wins.

This was a piece of cake for me, my typing speed of eight hundred something letters per minute in my past life isn’t just for show. I was already hiding half of my ability during the competition.

The results were quickly shown after the contest ended, it was all computer calculated. I was the first, with an average of 402 letters typed per minute, Zhao Yanyan was the sixth, an average of 171, it was an improvement from her previous speed. Xu Ruoyun’s result wasn’t bad, third, 201 letters. To be truthful, there were almost no different in the results between second to sixth, only I had a terrifying and awe-inspiring result.

Geezer Xu got so excited that golden light were coming out of his eyes, his face was full of emotions. Only then did Xu Ruoyun finally look at me with a slightly more friendly gaze.

Zhao Yanyan didn’t really feel anything about getting sixth herself, and was instead interested in my first place, and kept on asking Geezer Xu, if the first place would have a price. Geezer Xu also shook his head and said that he didn’t know.

From my perspective, the programming contest on the second day was unusually chaotic, the rules were a mess, the questions were a mess, even the grading criteria were a complete mess, but it was due to this, my piece was able to coincidentally take first place.

The situation was like this, the contest topic was to write a demonstration program, it could demonstrate some text, or a picture, as long as it was something made up of dots.

When the contest organizer’s use of language wasn’t precise enough, the contest was fated to become chaotic. If you were proficient in LOGO, then pictures or text were rather easy, but it was comparatively harder using other languages. I really don’t understand what the person that came up with the topic was thinking, but you can’t blame him, since computers were not yet popularized in Huaxia, there weren’t many people that could use it from the start, if the contest rules were too strict, then it would be impossible to continue.

I chose to use assembly language, although this was an extremely difficult language to use, I had used this language to write the same code no less than a hundred times in my previous life during university. After it is completed, it is a picture of Zhao Yanyan after she matured. This code was still fresh in my mind.

I didn’t even need to think, and speedily typed out the code from my memories using the keyboard, and finished it in one go. When the mature and beautiful Zhao Yanyan appeared on my screen, I didn’t even take ten minutes, and the contest time was the entire morning.

Since I had always treated Zhao Yanyan as my goddess when I went to university, this picture was a perfect interpretation after my deep thoughts, under the setting sun, Zhao Yanyan wore a small white coat, and stood at the entrance of Huaxia university, every tiny detail was precisely annotated.

I copied the file with the completed code and picture with a floppy disk, wrote my candidate number and name, then handed it to the judges.

“You finished?” the judges looked at me in surprise, and thought it to be unbelievable, how could I finish that quickly?

“Yes,” I nodded, then walked out of the venue.


  1. N/a

Chapter 27 – Remembered in my heart

“Liu Lei, you’re mine!” Zhao Yanyan said happily, the redness on her cheeks did not fade a bit.

“En, you’re mine,” I said.

“You can’t not want me in the future,” Zhao Yanyan’s tears fell softly, and dropped into my heart.

Likewise in Yanjiang, the Zhao Yanyan in my previous life was so far away. Yet she is in close proximity to me in this life, I changed history at this very moment, Zhao Yanyan became my right and proper wife.

Neither her nor I expected, in a motel, this cramp room, became our bridal chamber. This was all too sudden, yet it seemed so natural, there wasn’t excessive talks, all of it came naturally.

Communication on a spiritual level was far greater than a thousand, ten-thousand words. This moment, was scorched in my memory, forever remembered.

Zhao Yanyan carefully folded up the bed-sheet, and placed it into her backpack.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“It’s my first time, of course it’s to be a keepsake!” Zhao Yanyan didn’t shy away, and just walked naked around in front of me like that, causing my heart to feel cluttered.

Zhao Yanyan didn’t notice that my sexual desires have been aroused behind her, and was pushed onto the bed instantly…

“Don’t cherishing me at all, it’s my first time today!” Zhao Yanyan was very dissatisfied with my second coming.

“But it’s my first time too!” I pretended to be innocent and said.

“…#¥%…” Zhao Yanyan was speechless.

The two of us took a hot shower one by one, when I came out, Zhao Yanyan already got dressed, the bed sheet has already been changed, who knows how she talked to the reception desk.

At noon, Geezer Xu called us to eat. Zhao Yanyan and I were like newlyweds, and sweetly walked out of the room under each other’s support.

What welcomed us was Xu Ruo yun’s look of disdain, and she coldly said a sentence, “How old are you guys, not being ashamed!” Then she left first.

Geezer Xu saw my unhappy expression, and immediately came over to smooth things over, “Don’t take it to heart, the chick Ruoyun is like that!”

I snorted in annoyance, then went downstairs with Geezer Xu.

After lunch, Geezer Xu wanted to take us around. Zhao Yanyan had just turned from a girl into a woman, and even walking took a lot of effort, so used the excuse of being unwell to stay and rest back at the motel. I naturally had to stay behind as well, leaving only Geezer Xu and Xu Ruoyun to go out.

“Does it still hurt?” I asked quietly when we were going back to the room.

“Of course, don’t you see it taking me a lot of effort to even walk? If not then I would go out!” Zhao Yanyan let out a slightly unhappy sigh and leaned on me.

“Sorry…” I said lightly, because at that moment I didn’t know what I was supposed to say.

“Hubby ——“


“It doesn’t hurt now, how about we try again,” Zhao Yanyan stuck her whole body over, and said to be in a smooth voice.

“……·#¥%…—*” I was speechless once again.

Zhao Yanyan and I didn’t do anything else, we just left traces of our love from everywhere, from the motel bed to the floor, then to the bathroom, I could clearly feel the deep love that Zhao Yanyan has for me.

We got tired after that, so we embraced each other and lied on the bed. Zhao Yanyan snuggled in my embraced, and told me about her love.

I caressed Zhao Yanyan’s smooth back, and told her a sad story. The main character of the story was also called Liu Lei and Zhao Yanyan.

When Zhao Yanyan heard the “Liu Lei” in the story die, her face was full of tears.

When we woke up, the sky was already dark, the street likes shimmered, becoming a gorgeous blur.

“Are you hungry?” I asked Zhao Yanyan, who just woke up.

“A little,” Zhao Yanyan said. “You?”

“I’m starving…” I looked at the watch, it was already eight at night, and we didn’t know if Geezer Xu and his granddaughter returned yet.

When Zhao Yanyan and I finished getting dressed, it was already half an hour later. We locked the door, and noticed that the adjacent room was pitch dark, it looks like the two didn’t return yet.

We left the motel, and walked slowly on the streets. Zhao Yanyan’s body had already restored, and jumped around happily.

“Liu Lei, why do you think this is called Changan Street?” Zhao Yanyan asked me loudly while pointing to the road sign.

“I don’t know, could this be the Changan city during the Xihan era? I bullshited.

“What?! You illiterate, Changan city is in Xian, what did you learn in history!” Zhao Yanyan mocked.

“Hehe,” I was completely useless at history, but I do know quite a bit if you were to ask me about the future.

“So this is the capital city? So pretty!” Zhao Yanyan stopped pestering me about my illiteracy, and was attracted by the busy scenery around us.

The 1994 Huaxia capital city, was completely different from the edifice-filled, flourishing Yanjing, but compared to Songjiang city that was even more behind, this was already a first class metropolis.

The warm night autumn winds blew past our cheeks, with a hint of refreshing coolness. I pulled on Zhao Yanyan’s hands and arrived at a street stall, the owner immediately come over and greeted us, “What would your two like to eat?”

“Yanyan, have you eaten Maxiao before?” I asked after taking a glance at the menu.

“Maxiao? What’s Maxiao?”The word was very foreign to Zhao Yanyan.

Only then did I remember, the word Maxiao would only be understood by people that have lived in Yanjing, it’s just an abbreviation for Mala Crayfish. It is a dish that Zhao Yanyan really loved in the previous life, she would always order it every time at company gatherings, and gets really happy while eating it. However, because the number of black-hearted businessmen increased, the originally natural crayfish were started to be bred with chemical waste, after eating crayfish, the people would get a weird kind of disease, Zhao Yanyan never had anymore.

Suddenly my mind returned to 1994, the crayfish at this time should not have been contaminated, if we don’t eat it now, then we’ll never get to eat it.

“It’s just Mala Crayfish,” I explained.

The stall owner also praised himself on the said, “This xiaoge is obviously someone who understands food from first glance, we are not praising ourselves, the crayfish here is definitely the best in Jingcheng!”

Zhao Yanyan has never eaten it before, and seeing the enthusiastic promotion of it by the owner, we ordered five Maxiao, and a few skewers of lamb.

When the Maxiao came, Zhao Yanyan only took a bite, then started breathing out hear, then shouted after drinking a mouthful of soft drink, “So spicy, so spicy! I’m not eating it anymore! What is this!”

It looks like Zhao Yanyan’s ability to eat spicy food, has not been developed. Since she’s not eating it, then I won’t hold back, and demolished the remaining four and Zhao Yanyan’s remaining half.

When we returned to the motel, we found Geezer Xu who returned with tons of bags. Typical farmer actions, I sighed! However in 1994, a lot of people were proud of being able to bring stuff from other places back home.

Geezer Xu handed me the itinerary for the competition, then reminded me about the things to look out for doing the test. Then finally told me that we were going to meet at eight the next morning at the motel lobby, so don’t be late.

I looked at the itinerary, the competition was over two days, the geezer registered me for two, one was typing, the other was programming. Zhao Yanyan only had typing.

The competition was held near Ganjiakou, I didn’t understand why was the organized place so far away, judging with my experienced from my previous life, the organizer and the motel must have some link, but this was none of my concern, since there’ll be a bus to take us there tomorrow morning.

Zhao Yanyan and I watched a bit of TV at night, noticed that there aren’t many good shows, a lot of the channels were airing the popular sitcom I love my home.


  1. N/a

Chapter 26 – First Time to Yanjing

Time passed really quickly, it was already the October break half a month later in a blink of an eye, it was also the date for Zhao Yanyan and I to go to Yanjing to participate in the teenage computer competition.

The transportation fees, competition fees were all paid by Shao Nian Gong. If I didn’t get reborn, then I would definitely be moved by this, and think that Shao Nian Gong was place that truly thought about teenagers. However it was different now, I was all clear about these subtle actions, what Shao Nian Gong had given up was way too tiny compared to the fame it would bring if we won.

Geezer Xu personally lead us this time, with us was a pretty yet quiet girl that also will represent Shao Nian Gong to enter the competition, she was about the same age as me. There was an unspeakable feeling looking at her, although she didn’t share Zhao Yanyan’s delicate beauty, there it was another style. If Zhao Yanyan was a pretty girl from a respectable family, then that girl could definitely be called a cute girl from a small family.

I definitely never saw this girl before, Zhao Yanyan was the only girl in Shao Nian Gong’s computer class, even if my eyesight was terrible, I couldn’t have thought of a girl as a boy, especially not a beauty.

It was the people from Shao Nian Gong that bought the tickets, one top bunk, two middle bunk and one bottom bunk. Geezer Xu got the bottom bunk, I originally wanted to go on the top bunk and leave the middle gunk for the two girls, I didn’t think that the other girl climbed to the top bunk first.

“Xu-laoshi, who is she?” Zhao Yanyan curiously asked Geezer Xu, who was eating instant noodles.

“Oh her, she’s my granddaughter. She wasn’t interested in the competition at all, but when she heard that our Shao Nian Gong got a genius like Liu Lei, she wasn’t convinced, and wanted to compete,” Geezer Xu said while smiling.

Although Geezer Xu didn’t praise Zhao Yanyan, when Zhao Yanyan heard that Geezer Xu praised me as a genius, her face was full of smiles, as if happier than praising herself.

“Grandpa, why are you so annoying! Saying random crap!” Before Zhao Yanyan and I said anything, Geezer Xu’s granddaughter’s head popped out from the top bunk and said unhappily.

Why was this girl so disrespectful, I frowned in my heart. However, Geezer Xu’s expression didn’t seem to care, it looked like he got used to it. But I was still unable to resist and scolded, “No matter what, he’s your grandpa, does he need you to teach him about what to say?”

The girl heard it, then replied with dissatisfaction, “And who are you? Why do I need you to teach me what to do?”

“Humph,” I laughed coldly, “I’m not anyone special, but I understand children of HUaxia respecting elders is the most minimal virtue!”

“How am I disrespectful! You don’t even know how good my relationship normally is with grandpa! A dog with a mouse, a busy body, I hate the kind of people like you, who with just a little bit of talent, starts pretending to be a savior and scold other people!” After saying that, the girl shrunk her head back.

What was that! What did it mean I had a bit of talent? So baffling, I can’t be bothered with her.

Geezer Xu comforted me on the side, “Xiao Liu, don’t take it to heart. This child lacks familial warmth from a young age, she have followed me ever since her parents got divorced, so her personality is a bit withdrawn, so don’t take it to heart!”

I shook my head while smiling wryly, I didn’t think this girl has that kind of background, the child from a single parent family will always have a bit of a rebellious attitude whether it was big or small, and she even have a parent. I thought she was just spoiled, it seems like I was wrong about her.

Nothing was said along the way. Geezer Xu’s granddaughter, who I only found out afterwards was called Xu Ruoyun, came down to eat and for the bathroom, she stayed in her bunk to read all the other time.

The next morning, we arrived at new Huaxia’s capital city —— Yanjing. Zhao Yanyan was really excited, and kept looking here and there, as if interested about everything. Although Xu Ruoyun didn’t show anything on the surface, her curious gaze was the same as Zhao Yanyan’s.

Geezer Xu temporarily took upon the role of a tour guide, and continuously introduced the culture and scenery of Yanjing to us. The two chicks really enjoyed it, but I wasn’t. Yanjing, I couldn’t be anymore familial this city, I’ll studied and lived here for more than ten years! From university to work, to until the last moment of my life, my heart clenched thinking to that point, and tightly grasped Zhao Yanyan’s hand.

As if noticing my abnormality, Zhao Yanyan looked at my slightly sad expression, and asked carefully, “Liu Lei, what happened?”

I shook my head, was I supposed to tell her that I got sad because I saw her marry another man?

“I just feel a bit tired. Don’t mind me, I’m fine,” I lied.

“Then let’s find a place to stay first!” Seeing that I was unwell, Zhao Yanyan didn’t have the interest to continue looking at sceneries.

“That’s right, health is important!” Geezer Xu agreed. He was still counting on me to make achievements, if something happened to me causing me to miss the competition, then that would suck.

Only Xu Ruoyun pouted unhappily, and sneered, “It’s so shameful, a boy is being so sickly.”

I didn’t reply, but Zhao Yanyan did frown unhappily, yet she didn’t react.

We arrived at the motel designated by the Teenage Computing Competition Committee, and got two standard rooms. Geezer Xu also understood Zhao Yanyan and my relationship on the way, he wasn’t our school’s teacher, and so didn’t feel lik he had the right to say anything.

This geezer wasn’t anyone old-fashioned either, in this day and age, the people that can accept computers, all had a forward mindset, and so Geezer Xu didn’t make too many comments about me and Zhao Yanyan’s relationship.

From his perspective, you’re already an adult at sixteen, dating between boys and girls weren’t anything hateful either, as long as both sides could control themselves, and not let it affect the normal academic life, then it’s fine.

From the current look of things, Zhao Yanyan and I were clearly excellent, especially in regards to computers, so naturally Geezer Xu didn’t say anything. It’s not like he didn’t think of couples improving together either, and that was made it seem even less of a deal.

Seeing Geezer Xu’s calm expression, I let out a sigh of relief, if only all teachers could be so enlightened, and could properly view boys and girls’ dating, there was some that would not affect normal studying, and will help each other improve, let these go, what problems will that cause?

The original plan was for Geezer Xu and I to stay in one room, Zhao Yanyan and Xu Ruoyun in another, but when getting the room keys, I got two keys of the same room. Geezer Xu wanted to say something, then hesitated and decided not to say it, and got the other two room keys with Xu Ruoyun.

Geezer Xu got us to rest first, and said that he’ll bring us out and around in the afternoon. I was naturally really happy, Zhao Yanyan was blushing fiercely on the side, who knows what she’s thinking.

After Geezer Xu left, only Zhao Yanyan and I were left in the room. Although it wasn’t the first time the two of us were alone together, we had never stayed in a room like this before. So there was a tiny bit of awkwardness.

“It’s just the two of us,” I said to Zhao Yanyan, who sat silently by the bed.

“En,” Zhao Yanyan didn’t dare to look at me, her cheeks were like the burning sun.

I couldn’t hold the desires in my heart back anymore, and fiercely held Zhao Yanyan up, and kissed her lips…


  1. N/a

Chapter 25 – The Box is only so Big

After a brief thought, I thought of a plan. I shouted loudly, “Driver, open the door quickly!”

The driver was also frozen in fear, he didn’t think that four robbers would appear on his bus. Now hearing someone tell him to open the door, he wish that these robbers would get off quickly, and thus swiftly opened the bus door.

I immediately pulled Zhao Yanyan and got off, the three comrades of the thief thought that I wanted to run, and also followed me off. In truth, this was the result I desired.

Comrade A shouted, “Don’t let him get away, let’s catch him kill him!”

However to their surprise, I didn’t run after getting off, and instead stood onto a clearing on the side of the road.

“Brat, you recognize your situation!” Seeing that I wasn’t moving, Comrade B thought that I was scared.

“Big bro, second bro, don’t waste our breath with him, let us hurry and avenge third bro!” Comrade B said.

“That’s right, go get him!” Hearing that, the remaining two immediately rushed towards me.

I pushed Zhao Yanyan to the sides, and easily dodge their attacks, then ran behind them.

Before they reacted, I quickly chopped down on the back of each of their necks, the few comrades of the thief fell onto the floor without a sound.

“Remember this, one who commits many injustices is doomed to fail. Don’t let me see you again!” I left these words when we left.

“Ah!” Only then did the people on the bus reacted, and all surrounded the thieves, some of them even took out a cell phone, and wanted to share a tiny bit of the hero’s glory.

I pulled Zhao Yanyan and swiftly left the crowd, then disappeared on the streets. I didn’t want to wait till the police come, although I did help for a just cause, but it would waste a lot of time to record a testimony, what’s more was that Zhao Yanyan and I were about to be late. I believe those cowardly passengers will definitely make the perfect testimonies, and claim credit for things.

Although we hurried, when we came to Shao Nian Gong, we were still late.

Seeing that it was the two of us, Geezer Xu didn’t say anything. What could he say, he was still counting on us to make achievements.

Geezer Xu gave me the floppy disk copy of TC2.0, then continued to teach the lesson for the other students.

“Liu Lei, you can program?” Seeing I install TC, Zhao Yanyan asked me weirdly.

“A little,” I said.

“You have a computer at home?” Zhao Yanyan didn’t understand, normal people wouldn’t easily get into contact with these mysterious things, such as computers.

“Nope,” I shook my head. Of course not, if there is then what’s the point of me being here.

“Then you have learnt computing before?” Zhao Yanyan asked in disbelief.

“Nope,” This didn’t count as lying to her, because I truly didn’t learn computing this life.

“Oh,” Zhao Yanyan thought I didn’t want to talk about it, so unhappily dipped her head.

Ai! I sighed, and said to Zhao Yanyan, “Yanyan, is not that I don’t want to talk about some things, it’s that I don’t know how to talk about it. But one thing can be certain, and that is my love for you is true.”

“En,” Zhao Yanyan replied softly with a blushed face, after a while, she said to me, “No worries, Liu Lei. I believe you.”

I caressed her face, then started doing my own stuff.

My strength was C# and C++ in my previous life, but these two languages were developed with the C language as the foundation, so for me to use C now was still straightforward, it’s just that some phrases were slightly more miscellaneous.

It was good that the workload for an input method wasn’t a lot, I believed that I can finish it in one day.

Phew, I let out a sigh, it’s finally done. I excitedly opened UCDOS, and prepared to test my input method. This input method wasn’t hard, the most important thing is that it could be added to WPS, although I already have the ideas for developing my own office software, the current product is going to be used to be exchanged for money, so whether or not it could be used stably in WPS was a key to the product’s success.

I looked at it, there was no problem using it under UCDOS, and it could perfectly type Chinese characters, but when I ran WPS, the computer crashed.

What happened? I rebooted the computer, and started UCDOS, then ran the input method, opened WPS, it still resulted in a crash.

That’s impossible? Why did it crash, it was possible if it was incompatible, but why did it crash? I couldn’t understand after thinking a lot about it.

Never mind, I’ll think about it after a break. I stretched, raised my head, and noticed that the entire computer suite was completely empty, I was the only one left.

Where’s Zhao Yanyan? I saw that the seat beside me was already empty, I didn’t even know when did she leave. As I was wondering, Zhao Yanyan came in from the door with two plastic containers.

“You’re done? I bought two boxed lunches, eat it while it’s hot,” Zhao Yanyan walked over and handed me a portion.

I took it over, it was the kind with a box of rice and a box of dishes, there were a lot of dishes. I thought it weird and asked, “How is there so much dish?” Last time there was only half a box of dishes when Zhao Yanyan bought me a box lunch at school, I didn’t really get full.

“We can take as much as we want, “Zhao Yanyan explained.

“Oh, then why didn’t you get more?” I asked casually.

“I do want to, but the box is only so big, if I add too much then it won’t fit!” Zhao Yanyan opened the box lunch, then started eating first.

If I add too much then it won’t fit! A thought flashed across my mind, that’s right, it’s that! The volume of the box is limited, the same as a computer’s storage. The storage of the computer was mostly 8M at this time, I didn’t take note of that when I programmed the input method, and followed my programming experienced from Microsoft in my previous life —— sacrificing a large storage to ensure the stability of the program. This was the reason of the computer crashing when I ran so many programs.

Thinking to this point, I excitedly turned Zhao Yanyan’s cheeks over, and kissed it.

“Oi! I’m eating, what are you doing!” Zhao Yanyan struggled, and said with discontent.

“Nothing, waifu! I’m so happy!” I took up the box lunch to eat, since problem has been found, then what follows was simple, I believe there is enough time to perfect it in the afternoon.

My input method finally passed all the method at seven something that night, and was able to save a lot of space, allowing it to be easily used with a hot-key under WPS.

Zhao Yanyan kept me company silently by my side during all this, and didn’t ask anything, and occasionally played some finger games. When Zhao Yanyan heard me scream “Success” loudly in happiness, she also very happily kissed me, even though she didn’t know what I was doing from start to finish.

I was happy about having a woman like Zhao Yanyan after getting reborn, a lot of the times, no matter what I was doing, no matter if she understood or not, she would silently support me.

Zhao Yanyan had planned to go out and play with me in the afternoon, and used the excuse that Shao Nian Gong had to prepare for the competition in the afternoon to her family in the morning. I didn’t think what I would get delayed causing us to not do anything. Although on the surface, Zhao Yanyan didn’t say anything, but I could feel Zhao Yanyan’s sigh with a hint of regret when I took her home.


  1. N/a

Chapter 24 – Thief

“What is it?” the girl called Ruo Yun asked

“Give me a copy of TC2.0,” Xu Jinde immediately said his purpose.

“Grandpa, what do you want this for? Don’t you normally use Basic? Ruo Yun asked in confusion.

“Errr, I’m copying it for a student in the computer class!” Xu Jinde explained.

“The computer class at Shao Nian Gong? There is actually a student that understand C languages?” Ruo Yun revealed an expression of disbelief.

“Yeah, look at whose student that is!” Xu Jinde said proudly.

“Heh, according to what I know you only just had a lesson with that class right? How does them knowing it have anything to do with you?” Ruo Yun pointed out Xu Jinde’s fatal weakness without leaving any room for him.

Xu Jinde laughed embarrassedly, “Even if it’s a Chollima, you still need Bole to discover it!” ⌈1

Ruo Yun didn’t want to debate with her grandfather, who was really vain, anymore, thus made a copy of TC2.0 with a floppy disk and handed it to him.

Yu Jinde took the floppy disk, turned and walked out of the room. When he reached the door, the turned back around, “Ruo Yun, you’re really not entering the computer competition?”

Ruo Yun said in annoyance, “Grandpa, how many times did I tell you, I’m not entering!”

Xu Jinde was unwilling to give up, “But you’re so good at programming, can’t you help make your grandpa look good?”

Ruo Yun shook her head, “What good is the competition? Only people without a high level of skill would want to use a competition to prove themselves, the real masters are always silent without a sound.”

Xu Jinde suddenly thought of something, and laughed cunningly, “I don’t think that’s the case! That student of mine can type three hundred something letters per minute, and also knows programming, he also entered!”

“What? Three hundred something letters?” Ruo Yun exclaimed, even she couldn’t reach that speed.

“Is that person really that good?” Ruo Yun suddenly became curious about the person her grandpa was talking about, she pretty much knew all the computer masters on her level in Songjiang city, but she never heard about anyone reaching that level?

Xu Jinde saw that the goading worked, and was extremely happy. However he still retained a serious tone as he spoke, “Why would I lie to you! From my point of view, even you might not be able to reach his level!”

Ruo Yun fell for it as expected, and raised her fists confidently, “Who said I can’t compete with him! Fine! I’ll enter that something competition, I want to see who’s better!’

Xu Jinde immediately left before Ruo Yun went back on her words.

On the station.

“Achoo!” I sneezed, who was talking about me!”

I took a look at my watch, what’s the chick Zhao Yanyan doing, we said we’ll meet the station for Bus 6 near her home at eight, it’s five past eight already, why isn’t she coming.

Just as I was thinking that, a pair of little cold hands covered my eyes from behind me, “Guess who?”

Heh, little kid’s tricks, I laughed coldly in my heart. But I still wanted to tease her.

“You’re Beibei?” I asked.


“Then Yangyang?” I said after a ponder.


“Oh, you must be Lili!” I intentionally thought about it for a long time, and said with assurance.

“Humph! I’m Yanyan! I don’t care about you anymore!” Zhao Yanyan let go of her hands, and said angrily, “Tell me quickly, what Beibei, Yangyang, who are those people?”

I looked innocently at Zhao Yanyan, “When did I say they were people?”

Zhao Yanyan didn’t think I would say that, momentarily blanked, then asked, “Then what are they?”

I chuckled, “I was talking about the neighbors’ puppies!”

“Wow, you said I’m a puppy!” Zhao Yanyan reached over and pinched me.

“Aiya! Someone’s murdering her husband!” I screamed and ran.

At this moment, a Bus 6 drove over, Zhao Yanyan and I got on.

There were a lot of people on the bus, Zhao Yanyan and I managed to find a place near the door and sat down.

“Didn’t your grandpa get Secretary Zhang to take you to school?” I asked.

“How not, I spoke to him for a long file, before he finally agreed to let me go myself —— Ai. What are you doing?” Zhao Yanyan didn’t finish, before she suddenly screamed.

At that moment, I also noticed that behind Zhao Yanyan, stood an aggressively faced man, one of his hands was reached into Zhao Yanyan’s backpack.

I immediately reacted, my first thought was that we met a thief!

The man didn’t think that he would be discovered, and hurriedly took out a sharp knife form his pocket and shouted, “Don’t move, the one who move dies!”

A wave of screams rang out in the bus, people immediately moved to the sides,

“I. AM. ROBBING! Take out all your cash and valuables!” that aggressively-faced man also torn his face after seeing the situation being revealed.

The people on the bus backed off a few more steps, all of them terrified beyond help.

“What are you looking at, call the police quickly!” Zhao Yanyan said after seeing the people not only not help, but went away as far as possible.

No one moved, of course, I’m not eliminating the possibility that none of them have a cellphone.

“Shout for what? If you shout any more, then I’ll have my red knife enter, and clean knife out!” the aggressively-faced man placed the knife at Zhao Yanyna’s throat and shouted.

“Puchi”. A lot of people couldn’t help but laugh after hearing that sentence.

“Laugh your ***! ****!” the aggressively-faced man became more anxious.

I remembered a classic quote from a movie in my previous life, and so I said, “I hate robbers like you, you have no technique at all!”

After people on the bus heard it, no one could hold it in anymore, and everyone started laughing.

The aggressively-faced man angrily raised the sharp knife, and said with a pale face, “Who’s laughing, I’ll stab the person who laughs to death first.”

The reason I provoked him, was to wait for this chance. That split-second, when the aggressively-faced man raised his knife, I dashed over and sent the knife in his hand flying with a punch, then used my knee to hit his lower body.

This all happened in a fraction of a moment, the aggressively-faced man howled as he clutched his lower body and squatted onto the floor.

“Call the police quickly!” I looked at the people that all momentarily blanked out.

Hearing my words, one of the people that looked educated finally took out a cell phone and prepared to call the police. Out of them all, most likely he was the only one who has a cell phone, you have to know, this was in 1994, only the really rich or the power with a lot of status would have cell phones.

Before he could dial, three fearsome men squeezed through the crowd, one of them said cockily, “Let’s see who dares to call the police?”

The educated man immediately put his cell phone away. I shouted not good in my heart, this thief actually has comrades!

“Hehe, brat, aren’t you awesome? You messed up our plan! I didn’t think that you are pretty savage, striking Laosan’s ****!” said Comrade A.

“Today, us three bros will avenge Laosan, we have to beat you until you are a second-tier disabled!” Comrade B also shouted angrily.

During the half a month which I have been reborn, due to having trained following a plan, my body’s capabilities raised quite a bit, in addition to the sanda techniques I grasped in my previous life, it wasn’t difficult to deal with these lowly rascals, but I’m just scared that Zhao Yanyan or other innocent passengers will be hurt accidentally.