Category Archives: Translations

Chapter 92 – Meeting Liu Zhenhai

I didn’t think that hatred started between Yang Shuguang and I due to the Liu Kesheng at the start, then it got worse with his son Yang Kaiyuan, it looks like it really started between Yang Shuguang and I, he actually brought about so much trouble.

This is definitely a big grudge.

Although Jiang Yongfu had already told me a lot about the this and that of the Liu family, I was still shocked when I got the information. The Liu family’s power was truly beyond my imagination, the Liu family had shares in at least 10% of the corporation that acted as pillars of the country! What made it more unbelievable was that this old man Liu Zhenhai still had his own private army which had a a large supply of weapons

However, due to Liu Zhenhai once being the local king in the Songjiang area, meaning that he had a wide network of contacts, and also hid really well, it wasn’t easy to find a lot of evidence even if the higher ups wanted to make a move on him, what’s more is that a lot of famous people in various areas have also put in a word for Liu Zhenhai.

With my current abilities, I cannot piss off this kind of people, although I had Zhao Limin backing me, but this Liu family is seriously too crazy right? This made me think of a phrase —— super big black powered group. I think that if Liu Zhenhai really wanted to kill me, he didn’t even need to stay in jail for a day before an entire group of people coming out to act as his scapegoat. It looks like I could only do as Jiang Yongfu said, and ask for peace.

At the same time I also received Yang Shuguang’s phone number, since he wasn’t calling me, then I’ll call him.

“Hey, is it Yang Shuguang? I’m Liu Lei!” I said coldly.

“Heh! I finally received you call, I thought you were scared!” Yang Shuguang laughed ominously.

“Yang Shuguang, it really was you! What do you want?” I said loudly.

“What do I want? You guys already beat my son till he’s a level 2 disabled, you still have face to ask me what do I want?” Yang Shuguang roared in anger.

“Stop bullshitting, how’s Chen Weier?” I said impatiently.

“Don’t worry! She’s fine right now, but I cannot guarantee it’ll be the same tomorrow!” Yang Shuguang said.

“Release her, tell me your conditions,” I didn’t drag it on with him anymore and went straight to the point.

“Of course I’ll release her, but not now. If I release her now, what do I have to threaten you with? Tomorrow morning, you and Guo Qing wait in front of Fourth High, there’ll be a van waiting for you there. Remember, only two people, also, don’t think about calling the police or anything like that, I worked in the field before, since I dare to do this, of course I’m not afraid!” After saying that Yang Shuguang hung up.

For Yang Shuguang to tell me to go, I have nothing to say about it, because it started because of me, but Guo Qing was draggd into it by me. This doesn’t really have anything to do with him, but now Yang Shuguang also treated him as a target f revenger.

Unable to do anything else, I went shamelessly to Guo Qing, and explained everything that happened today.

“Boss, isn’t it just to see Yang Shuguang? What’s there to worry about,” Guo Qing said uncaringly after hearing that.

“Guozi, no matter what, you were dragged into this by me…” I said really apologetically.

“Boss, you are mine, Guo Qing’s, bro, for my entire life. Don’t talk about it, isn’t your business my business?” Guo Qing said resolutely.

“Fine! Good bro! But be prepared, we won’t avoid getting beaten up,” I nodded and said admiringly. Guo Qing was really loyal, he was like this even in my previous life.

“**** isn’t it just getting beaten up once! What’s gonna happen, kill me if he’s so awesome,” Guo Qing said dismissively.

The morning the next day, Guo Qing and I arrived in front of Fourth High as promise, no long later, a white Jinbei van stopped in front of us.

“Liu Lei?” The car door was opened, and a man wearing a black suit and sunglasses asked us.

“That’s me,” I said.

“Get on,” the sunglasses said, then went back into the car.

Guo Qing and I got onto the van, and noticed that there were only the sunglasses and the driver on the car. Yang Shuguang probably knows that the hostage was still in his hands, we can’t really do anything right now, so only two people were enough on the car.

The driver didn’t drive us around a bit, the van arrived at the suburbs after a few turns, and stopped in a very impressive mansion, the driver showed a credential, and the car was let in.

“Get off!” The sunglasses opened the door to the van.

Guo Qing and I followed behind the sunglasses, and entered a two floored building. I saw that there were several bodyguard-like people not so far away, who were all wearing earphones, and on their backs were actually submachine guns! Was this the manor of the warlord Liu Zhenhai?

After we passed through the rugged corridors, we followed the sunglasses to the second floor, and stopped in front of a door.

“The people that want to see you is inside, go in by yourself,” the sunglasses used his right hand to make a “please” gesture and said.

Guo Qing and I fearlessly pushed open the door, and walked blatantly inside.

When we entered the room, to my surprise, we didn’t see Yang Shuguang, in the center of the room, a solemn old man was sitting on an armchair, behind him stood six able-bodied young men.

“You’re Liu Zhenhai?” I gazed coldly at the warlord, that once could do anything, in front of me, yet I felt no hint of fear.

“That’s right! Brat, you’re pretty smart! You can actually guess that I’m Liu Zhenhai!” Liu Zhenhai said with a flushed face.

“Where is Chen Weier?” The thing I was most worried about was Chen Weier’s safety, nothing else mattered.

“Tell Adjutant Liu to bring that chick here!” Liu Zhenhai’s method of addressing Butler Liu was still using the his position in the old society.

“Butler Liu, master said to bring that girl here,” a young man behind Liu Zhenhai said into the mike.

After approximately 5 minutes, a pockmarked face man pushed open the room door, behind him was a girl, she was the Chen Weier I missed so very much.

“Weier, are you alright!” I swiftly ran over.

“Liu Lei?!” When Chen Weier, who was originally expressionless, noticed that boy who has saved her multiple times, once again appear before her, she leaped onto him disregarding anything, all of a sudden, she couldn’t control her feelings anymore, her tears gushed out like a fountain. The oppression and chagrin from before were instantly released.

“Okay, Weier, it’s fine now! I’ll definitely save you!” I patted the back of Chen Weier’s head and comforted her.

“En,” Chen Weier nodded confidently. Actually from the moment she was captured yesterday, she had thought about that person who have saved her multiple times form danger, she believed that this wouldn’t be an exception, as expected, he finally came!

“Okay, talk about your conditions!” Seeing that Weier was fine, I felt relief. I turned and said to Liu Zhenhai.


  1. N/a

Chapter 91 – The Liu Family’s Prowess

Jiang Yongfu called me in the afternoon, and told me the owner of the taxi with the car plate Song A519XX has already reported it missing, then asked me if I ran into any trouble.

I thought about it for a moment, then still decided to tell him everything about the kidnapping incident, no matter what, Jiang Yongfu is a police, and his judgment in matters like this definitely surpasses my own. Thus I said, “Chief Jiang, I indeed ran into some trouble!”

“What trouble, tell me, let’s see if I have any ways to solve it!” Jiang Yongfu said. From his perspective, from the officials I knew, his position is the lowest, me finding him for help was thinking highly of him.

“A friend of mine was kidnapped!” I continued.

“Kidnapped!? Seriously? Why didn’t you tell me such a big deal, did you call the police?” As expected of a police, Jiang Yongfu couldn’t say three sentences that had nothing to do with his job, the first thing he thought of was asking if I called it in or not.

“Aren’t I calling right now,” I said.

“You’re still joking with me right now! Tell me quickly, what exactly happened!” Jiang Yongfu said anxiously.

“It’s like this…” I told everything that happened at noon to Jiang Yongfu, and mentioned the suspicion of Yang Shuguang being the mastermind behind it.

“En…, if really went like you said, Yang Shuguang’s suspicions is naturally higher, the only one with a grudge against the Chen family is him. However I don’t think Chen Weier is the one he wants to target, kidnapping Chen Weier is just to deal with you and your friend,” Jiang Yongfu thought deeply about it and said.

“That’s right! This is also what I’m worried about, but I haven’t received any calls from the kidnapper,” I couldn’t help but admire Jiang Yongfu’s keen insight that only police possesses, he actually saw through the truth instantly.

“You don’t have to worry about this. Yang Shuguang only wants to target you, so Chen Weier shouldn’t be in any danger. What’s more is that Yang Shuguang is an ex-defense team captain, and understands the law, so he knows how far he can go, there is no advantage for anyone if this thing escalated,” Jiang Yongfu analyzes habitually. Then he continued,” But…”

“Just say it, if there’s anything else,” I could tell that Jiang Yongfu seemed to have some sort of thing that he was hiding.

“Have you heard of the name Liu Zhenhai?” Jiang Yongfu said after a brief silence.

“Liu Zhenhai? Are you talking about that warlord in our area before liberation?” I asked weirdly. I don’t know why Jiang Yongfu would mention this name.

“Yes, the warlord that once dominated the area and based in the Songjiang area with infinite armies!” Jiang Yongfu said.

“It’s liberated now, why are you mentioning this?” I still didn’t understand what Jiang Yongfu meant, if I remember correctly, this Liu Zhenhai once fought the Japanese with the Eighth Route Army during war of resistance against Japan, since no matter how terrible the bandit they will not allow foreigners to invade.

“Although Liu Zhenhai disbanded his troops after liberation in name, and silently returned to the north east, in order to peacefully enjoy his remaining years. The truth proves that this move of Liu Zhenhai’s was beyond intelligent, or else he wouldn’t survive till now,” Jiang Yongfu continued.

“But, saying that now…” I couldn’t help but interrupt.

“Let me finish first,” Jiang Yongfu stopped me from speaking. “Although this Liu Zhenhai is no longer a warlord in name, but not one of his original troops accompanied him back to the north east. In other words, his old troops would already count as a small legion!”

“Private army?” I uttered these words subconsciously, why didn’t I know that such organizations still existed in our country?

“You can say that! But most of his old subordinates have passed away, the people now are more or less the bodyguards their family trained. The government doesn’t rally interfere with the Liu family, since the Liu family are very low key, it’s very uncommon to hear that people form the Liu family breaking the law outside, and thus it gives a lot of face to the government. However after liberation, aside from keeping it’s elite troops, the rest of the people have been sent out by the Liu family to open businesses, a lot of the important economic veins in the country is controlled by their Liu family. To say it in an unsoundly manner, the Liu family is now the richest in our Songjiang!” Jiang Yongfu said everything in one go.

“Chief Jiang, I still don’t understand why you are saying all this,” after hearing Jiang Yongfu’s history lesson, I still felt really confused.

“What I want to say is, that Yang Shuguang is the second son-in-law of the Liu family!” Jiang Yongfu said.

“What!?” I exclaimed subconsciously. I didn’t think that Yang Shuguang would actually have such a large power behind his back. You couldn’t tell normal, but this Yang Shuguang was a young master? This I bring about too much trouble this time?

“However you don’t have to worry, the second xiaoye of the Liu family has already been dead of ten odd years! Yang Shuguang only counts as a distinct relative. He doesn’t have much place in the Liu family, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to transfer him to just stand outside,” Jiang Yongfu explained.

“You mean that Chen Weier getting kidnapped is due to the Liu family sticking a hand in?” I immediately understood Jiang Yongfu’s meaning.

“There is this possibility! Yang Shuguang is in hardship right now, with his social relationships, it’s already fortunate for him that those punks and delinquents aren’t causing trouble for him, nobody would help him get even. Further more as you just said, those kidnappers have clearly had professional training, it was all done in a very orderly fashion, step by step, they didn’t have that anxiousness that other criminals have when they commit a crime. From the looks of this, the mastermind is already obvious!” Jiang Yongfu analyzed.

“If it really is like this, it’s not really good!” I said hesitantly. I had originally though that with Grandpa Zhao as my shield, I was invincible. However I didn’t think such a hidden power would pop up.

“I would guess that the Liu family still doesn’t know your background, Yang Shuguang definitely wouldn’t say it intentionally, he might even hide it deliberately. I think that even if they captured you, they will not trouble you knowing your identity. Don’t say about anything else, no matter how dumb the Liu family is they will not oppose the government for a distinct relative. Furthermore I heard that the Liu family is very displease with Yang Shuguang, I think that helping Yang Shuguang this time is just to preserve their face,” Jiang Yongfu really didn’t become the Chief just through gifting others, he really had some ability in analyzing cases.

“I understand. Chief Jiang, do you have a detail file of the Liu family on hand?” As the saying goes know thyself, ever victorious. If I could find just a bit of the Liu family’s weakness, then when we really negotiate I would have the advantage.

“A little, it’s not very complete, come over to take it later. Also your driving license has arrived,” Jiang Yongfu said.

“Okay, see you later,” I hung up the phone, and fell into deep thoughts. The situation was getting more and more complicated.


  1. N/a

Chapter 176 – Ancient Three-Layered Seal

Xiao Chen lifted Molika up in the air, blood splashed everywhere. Not only did it made Youlan Mu — who just got over a moment ago — so angry that his eyes were about to crack, it also made Dugu Jianmo — who was watching the fight from a distant — to emit two glints from his eyes. He was carrying his metal sword and exploded with battle intent.

Molika was suffering from an extreme pain. His abdomen was completely penetrated. And due to Xiao Chen’s tyrannical power, his intestines were pounded to pieces. He was a Ninth Celestial Layer expert with vigorous vitality, it was impossible for him to die in a short time. As such, this was simply a torture. It was a hellish suffering!

The miserable shriek reverberated unceasingly in the Solitary’s ancient residence. Molika was breaking out in cold sweat all over. More than half of his body was stained by blood. His expression was listless.

Youlan Mu’s stature was very lofty. His appearance was similar to Molika. Although he couldn’t be considered handsome, he had a trace of wild nature. He glowered at Xiao Chen with his ice-cold pupils, and shouted, “Release him!”

With regards to this kind of words, Xiao Chen just simply ignored it. It was completely meaningless! He released one of his hands and gripped the ancient spear single-handedly. The other hand was used to draw a few dots on his body, stopping the blood from gushing out from the wound.

“Release my younger brother!” He stubbornly repeated the same words. Although this might sound like a nonsense in the eyes of an expert — because nobody would change their decision just because of this — Youlan Mu had no other choice but to act like this. This was his flesh and blood younger brother, he was already thinking of compromising.

“Speak, why do you guys want to kill me? If you want to challenge me, it’s impossible for you to mount a sneak attack from my back, so why?!” Speaking until here, Xiao Chen’s eyes became incomparably sharp. It directly penetrated into Youlan Mu’s sea of consciousness.

“There’s no particular reason. Pasteur the ancient spear guided us here to put the demon to death!”

“Don’t deceive me!” Xiao Chen let out a cold snort. Then he shook the bloody spear, making Molika shout out in pain repeatedly. He continued to speak in a cold voice, “The ancient spear had once killed gods, but it had never bore through a demon once. Do I look like a god to you? Why did you guys try to assassinate me from behind?”

Seeing Molika being trampled on, Youlan Mu was unable to keep calm anymore. He said with a very complicated expression, “It is our wrong, I will solemnly apologize to you here. Please let me younger brother go.”

“Speak!” With only one word, then Xiao Chen shook the ancient spear again. Blood immediately flowed out from Molika’s wound, causing him to let out a miserable shriek.

“My younger brother wants to marry Yan Qingcheng, but he had been told by the elders of the Undying Sect stationed in Celestial City, that she has already been betrothed to you.” ⌈1

Hearing this, Xiao Chen stared blankly for a while, then he helplessly sighed: Mother f—! This way can also invite a disaster? This feels so wrong! Can I think of this as a fact? Otherwise, the suffering this time is just so not worth it.

“Anything else? It couldn’t be this simple right?” Xiao Chen didn’t believe that was the only reason.

“When Hofmann and my younger brother were drinking, he said there will be a big reward for eliminating you!” Youlan Mu didn’t hesitate in the slightest as he disclosed the main culprit.”

“Hofmann of the Reagan Family?”

That’s right.”

“It seems like this scum of society really don’t want to live any longer!” The killing intent in Xiao Chen’s eyes was undisguised. Now, the animosity between him and the Reagan Family was getting deeper and deeper. After killing that four Historia level experts, he knew that the member of this family must have hated him to the core. However, because they were afraid of the terrifying existence in the depths of the south, they didn’t dare to act blindly without thinking.

“Anything else?” Xiao Chen swept his eyes over Youlan Mu coldly and said, “I don’t believe these two are the only reasons. I am not very convinced!”

Youlan Mu was already pressing his luck. He stared at Xiao Chen coldly and said, “When my brother held onto the ancient spear Pasteur, he can gain a spiritual power similar to prophecy. He felt that in the future, you will become our greatest enemy. If we don’t get rid of you now, it will cause us trouble to no end!”

“So, in the end, you guys also wanted to kill me yourselves.” Xiao Chen laughed grimly and said, “He can see the future when holding onto the ancient spear Pasteur? That’s just a bunch of nonsense! It’s merely a reason to eliminate me. If he can really see the future, then why did he not forecast his own defeat?! He can’t even grasp his own future, so how can he boast so shamelessly that he can see the future!”

“Hmph!” Youlan Mu snorted coldly. If Molika’s life was not under Xiao Chen’s control, there’s no way he would swallow his anger like this.

“I believe such a divine spear is not something you brothers are capable of controlling at the present time. How can the elder from your family let you guys take it as you pleases?”

Just at this time, Molika endured the sharp pain and said weakly, “Bro… I can’t make it anymore… my internal organs has already been completely destroyed by the spear…”

“What?!” Youlan Mu’s eyes immediately became sharp. To receive this kind of news after speaking so much, it really felt like he was hit by a thunder from the clear sky.

“You can’t blame me for this.” Xiao Chen said very calmly, “Just now we were facing each other in a life and death battle, who would dare to hold back? He originally wanted to kill me anyway. There’s nothing injustice about it if he get killed by me now.”

“I won’t stop until one of us is dead!” Youlan Mu was seething in anger. There’s no need to continue talking. He soundlessly got in front of Xiao Chen like a ghost and attacked with a palm chop. With a sudden clap of thunder, the rays of light flickered.

Xiao Chen swung the ancient spear Pasteur and created a bloody light screen. It was surging forward like layer upon layer of bloody waves. The sound was deafening.

Youlan Mu almost grinded his teeth into pieces. Xiao Chen actually faced the enemy with his brother still stuck on the spear. His younger brother’s body burst open right before his eyes.

“Ah!!!” He let out a wild roar as he fell back. His entire body was shuddering violently. He gazed at Xiao Chen and said coldly, “You are too fierce, too cruel!”

“Am I now? Everything I do is honorable. Your brother used an ancient spear that once killed the gods to mount a sneak attack on me, what’s your thought on it?” Xiao Chen’s expression was very calm. It was as if he was talking about something very common and said, “If you think this is cruel, then you shouldn’t have entered the world of martial arts. This world itself is a sad melody. When you are killing, you should be prepared to be killed.” ⌈2

Youlan Mu almost went berserk. His long brown hair erected one after another. His eyes were incomparably bloodthirsty. He said with a very menacing voice, “I will offer your heart and liver to Molika! Truth be told, I was the one who get the premonition by holding onto the ancient spear Pasteur. It was me who wanted to kill you! Now, you must die!”

“How will you kill me? Can you do it? Your younger brother had said something similar, it looks like you are bound to have the same ending as him.” It was needless for Xiao Chen to tell him off, that was completely meaningless. Everything still depended on actions.

At present, he was very confident in himself. Although he was seriously hurt, he had already touched upon the edge of Historia realm. His fighting ability had increased by a level. Unless he fought with someone like Dugu Jianmo — warriors who were about to take a step into Historia realm — it was very difficult for him to feel threatened.


Youlan Mu pounced over like a ferocious beast. His eyes were scarlet red. He wanted to fight over the ancient spear Pasteur.

The divine flame was throbbing on the bloody spear. Xiao Chen raised his hand and lightly waved it. The mysterious maneuver gave rise to a skyrocketing murderous aura.

The bloody radiance soared into the sky and filled the air with murderous aura!

The bloody screen enveloped every inch of space within the radius of a hundred feet. The bloody energy billow was like raging waves beating against the shore.

“Break!” Youlan Mu shouted loudly, “Ancient Three-Layered Seal!”

Three divine radiance swept over like a net and directly exhausted the soaring blood curtain. Youlan Mu’s expression was fierce. He shouted almost hysterically:

“Sky Seal!”

“Earth Seal!”

“Humanity Seal!”

The three divine radiance swept past every resistance. Even the ancient spear Pasteur had been stopped.

Sky Seal, sealing the essence of the sky, such as the sunlight, the moonlight, and all kinds of spiritual power! There was hardly any energy fluctuation left in Xiao Chen’s surroundings. That space was completely sealed. He couldn’t absorb the spiritual power anymore.

Earth Seal, sealing the pulse of the mother earth. The divine power of the mother earth was sealed underground and couldn’t rise to the surface. It was completely sealed. Xiao Chen was also unable to borrow the power of the earth anymore.

Humanity Seal, directly sealing Xiao Chen himself with a light beam brimming with boundless power. Xiao Chen was submerged by endless purple radiance.

The Ancient Three-Layered Seal was the battle skill of an ancient clan with power to contend against the gods. It was a bizarre battle skill that manipulated the power of heaven and earth. However, if one was not a direct descendent of the clan, it was impossible to manifest its true power.

Youlan Mu’s master came from a small tribe in the West. Tradition has it that the people from that tribe was the descendant of the ancient clan. As a result, they would have inherited some ancient battle skills. Youlan Mu possessed great talent. Although he hadn’t entered the Historia realm, he had already opened up parts of the treasure in his body. In addition to that, with the skills forcefully instilled into him by his master, it made him able to use the “Ancient Three-Layered Seal” easily.

He sealed Xiao Chen in a short while!

At a distant place, Dugu Jianmo emitted two cold glints from his eyes. He watched all of these without batting an eye.

At present, Xiao Chen was like a clay statue. His lofty body stood there as he couldn’t even move an inch. The ancient spear in his hand was flickering with a bewitching red light. The gleaming light of the ancient sacred writings engraved on the spear was circulating, as if it was alive. Vaguely, it seemed to be throbbing. On the surface of the spear, the divine blood was flowing!

It seemed as if Youlan Mu was suffering from heat exhaustion. Using his own power to seal the worldly energy of the surrounding space and sealing Xiao Chen at the same time really exhausted too much power. After accomplishing these, he already didn’t have much strength left.

“Heh-heh… heh-heh-heh…” Youlan Mu laughed coldly. He slowly moved his body in front of Xiao Chen and said, “Where’s your confidence now? In the face of my ‘Ancient Three-Layered Seal’, nothing can stand before me!”

“Break!” Along with his shout, the ‘Humanity Seal’ attacked fiercely. Xiao Chen coughed out a big mouthful of blood on the spot. The glaring purple light wrapped him up, as if it wanted to crush him.

“Cling! Clang!”

Youlan Mu pulled out a longsword and ruthlessly stabbed Xiao Chen’s chest.



Two bloody light splashed out simultaneously. The longsword stopped before it even pierced deep enough into Xiao Chen’s body.

Blood gushed out non-stop as the ancient spear Pasteur pierced through Youlan Mu’s heart!

“Impossible…” Youlan Mu couldn’t believe what was happening as he muttered, “This is absolutely impossible…”

“You relied on your so-called ‘Ancient Three-Layered Seal’ too much. If I am not heavily injured, you wouldn’t even be able to seal me for a split second! I ———— have already touched upon the genuine Historia domain!”

The endless purple light vanished like smoke in thin air. Xiao Chen broke away from the seal and lifted Youlan Mu with the ancient spear Pasteur. After that, his body burst open in the air.

“Many thanks for helping me accomplish my aim. Only after the bone-chilling winter would the spring flower bloom. It was you two brothers who allowed me to get this close to Historia realm. I feel like I can immediately touch it by reaching out with my hand!” Xiao Chen’s voice was very deep and low.

After he finished speaking, he dragged his injured body to turn around to cast a glance at Dugu Jianmo profoundly. After that, he walked out of the Solitary’s ancient castle with large strides.

Tonight, the injuries he sustained were really too grave. The bones in his hand were broken by Dugu Jianmo’s attack. The left rib was pierced by Molika with the ancient spear Pasteur. His chest was stabbed by Youlan Mu with the longsword. Furthermore, there’s the dreadful internal injuries. There were slits all over his inner organs.

The ice-cold voice transmitted from behind, “Safe trip, don’t let someone kill you midway!”

Xiao Chen didn’t turn around. He immediately unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and soared into the sky. He was actually waiting for Dugu Jianmo to make his move. However, this response from the other party made him feel very grateful.

Nobody was left on the scene. Dugu Jianmo’s figure seemed to be very lonely ⌈3⌋. He carried his metal sword and walked forward, slowly waving his swords on the ruins, as slow as he wanted.

Over and over, until he repeated the same motion for hundred times, he seemed to have comprehended something. After that, he lightly waved his sword towards the ground. As a result, the corpses on the ground actually evaporated without a sound. They scattered like ashes along with the breeze, leaving no traces behind.

Xiao Chen unfolded the Undying Divine Wings, with the ancient spear Pasteur in his hands, as he streaked through the sky. Now, it was already impossible for him to continue battling. The condition of his injuries was too grave.

How many battles was not important, the important thing was the result. He had already achieved his aim, the door to the treasure in his body already opened. Now, it all depended on how he dig out the treasures.

It was already past midnight at the moment. When he landed on the courtyard, the snow-white little Keke and Tenax rushed over with lightning speed. In addition, the white-shelled tortoise also showed up sneakily. It was secretly sizing him up on top of a pavilion.

Xiao Chen reached out his hands into his chest to take out a multicolored phoenix feather. His shaking hand was set down on the tallest rock in the courtyard. The divine feather of the phoenix might be his safety charm for tonight, it’s about time to put it to good use! ⌈4


  1. Silva: Pfff!! cough cough hack cough. 
  2. Silva: Yea, you tell them! 
  3. Silva: Ohh I feel for him, I feel for him so bad man… damn you author… 
  4. Silva: Whoa… what can the feather be used for? (I was thinking it can summon the phoenix) 

Chapter 175 – Oneness of Heaven and Humanity

Pasteur, the ancient divine spear, was as red as blood. It had once killed the venerable god, and not merely one! It was eternally encroached in divine blood that couldn’t be washed clean. It was the god killing ancient spear of legend.

Now, it suddenly appeared at this place. Everything seemed that kind of unusual.

The brown-haired man was not very tall, but he was very robust. He bared his left arm outside of his clothes. The bronze-like muscles were bulging and seemed to possess explosive power.

He wore a sneer on his not so handsome face. His eyes emitted two glints as he stared at Xiao Chen who walked over slowly.

At present, Xiao Chen’s battle clothes were stained by blood. His lofty body was completely dyed red by blood. Pasteur had pierced his left ribs and broken two of his rib bones. A large amount of blood flowed out from that wound.

However, it seemed as if he couldn’t feel the pain at all. He walked over with slow and steady steps. The bewitching scarlet radiance emitted from the sacred writings carved on the spear body made him seem more firm and persistent in contrast.

Under his long eyebrows, his eyes were ice-cold like the sword. The intangible “power” was as heavy as the mountain, and as vast as the boundless ocean. The omnipresent killing intent firmly locked onto that brown-haired youth.




With every step he took, the earth trembled slightly. Xiao Chen was moving slowly like a huge mountain. The heavy pressured made one unable to breath.

Gradually, the brown-haired youth’s complexion abruptly changed. He found to his shock, Xiao Chen’s footsteps possessed an indescribable magic power. The footsteps actually synchronized with his heartbeat. In the end, the heartbeat and footstep completely matched up.




This was one type of sound technique. Xiao Chen had already made his move!

At this very moment, he seemed to have already merged with this piece of land. He could feel the pulse of the mother earth and united as one!

His footstep sound penetrated into mother earth, guiding the boundless power accumulated within the earth and made it ascend to the surface!

It was a very rhythmic footstep sound. It was slow, yet powerful and heavy. When one step touched the ground, this space seemed to shake along with it. The brown-haired youth’s qi and blood rushed up. His face was as red as the blood. He felt as if his heart was about to jump out from his throat.

At this very moment, his heart seemed to be under someone else’s control, as if it was being grabbed in someone’s palm, it was getting crushed by a powerful force.

Oneness with Heaven and Earth!

Xiao Chen seemed like he had already assimilated the truth and realized the law of eath!

Merging with the heaven and earth, perceiving the Imprint of Dao, and archived oneness with heaven and humanity. At this very moment, Xiao Chen’s every movement seemed that kind of natural and harmonious. He seemed to be in control of this very space. His body and mind blended into a bizarre domain.


All of a sudden, Xiao Chen stamped on the ground fiercely. The step was much heavier compared to before!


The face of the brown-haired youth was incomparably flushed. His two eyes almost popped out. He opened his mouth and puffed out a big mouthful of blood. His body shook violently in that instant. He almost fell down on the ground.


Although Xiao Chen already sustained serious injuries, his bearing had reached an unprecedented height. His entire person standing on this land seemed as if he had really “achieved the truth”!

“Ah!!!” The brown-haired youth let out a huge roar. He wanted to break away from this indescribable pressure. If this kept up, his heart would explode. His heartbeat was completely under the control of the footsteps. He must break away from this situation.

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble!”

Just at this time, Xiao Chen took five consecutive steps forward. The next heavier than the former. The steps synchronized with the pulse of the mother earth!

The brown-haired youth was unable to bear it anymore. He faced upwards and let out a bellow with all his might. He wanted to use the sound wave to shake off that unbearable pulse.

However, these five steps were apparently as heavy as the huge mountain. The pressure couldn’t be resisted!


The brown-haired youth coughed out a mouthful of blood. It was as if his body had been rammed by huge mountains as he was sent flying horizontally.

The bloody divine spear was still stuck on Xiao Chen’s body as he walked over, one step at a time. An unimaginable power surged in this space. Every steps of his spurred on the power of this land!


The brown-haired youth who fell on the ruins punched the ground with all his might. After that, he violently coughed out three big mouthfuls of blood. As if he was struck by a thunderbolt, he was sent flying backwards.

He finally broke free from that indescribable pressure, escaped from what seemed like the god realm.

He hadn’t really made his move yet and he already sustained some injuries. There was an undisguised cold glint in his eyes. He looked at Xiao Chen like a wild beast and said coldly, “After getting penetrated by Pasteur and suffered a heavy damage, will you be able to make your move the second times, third times, or fourth times?”

“It’s more than enough to kill you.”

“Ha… haha….” The brown-haired youth laughed out loud and said, “Just now I was too careless and fell into your battle rhythm. Let’s see what else can you do to me now?!”

Dugu Jianmo was carrying his sword in his arm and stood at the distant. As if it was a matter of no concern to him, he wore an indifferent expression.

Xiao Chen walked forward slowly. The scarlet Pasteur was stuck to his body all along. It’s not that he didn’t want to pull it out, it’s that he didn’t dare to pull it out. He was afraid that the instant he pulled it out, his three energies would also be drawn out instantly.

This divine spear had injured him too heavily. It penetrated his left rib, snapped off his rib bones, even his tendons had suffered damage and his power had been affected greatly. If it was not because of the vigorous life energy, he might be crushed by that great impact from the ancient spear at the very beginning!

Regarding this ancient spear, Pasteur, there were many legends regarding it. According to the ancient legend, this scarlet ancient spear was a sacred tool from some small tribe in the West. The small tribe had a very long tradition and each generation, an innate demigod would be born.

Legend has it that they had enough strength to fight off the descendant of ancient deities. The ancient divine spear was one of the weapons handed down from the clan. One must know that this clan had once killed many deities!

It could be said that Pasteur had an out of the ordinary origin. Only that the brown-haired youth was unable to manifest its true power.

“Haha… You are really like an arrow at the end of its flight. If I didn’t guess wrong, you didn’t even dare to pull out the divine spear!” The brown-haired youth laughed grimly in a loud voice.

Xiao Chen was seriously in a grave condition, but his spiritual power was getting increasingly powerful. Although his body was inflicted with serious damage, his bearing was as majestic as the blazing sun.

“My gratitude for presenting me with the divine ancient spear. Pasteur will become my spoil of war, and you will inevitably die under this very spear!”

Speaking until here, Xiao Chen’s figure suddenly disappeared. He got in front of the brown-haired youth with a single step and brandished his palm blade down. At the same time, his other hand was used to stabilize the divine spear, making it unable to tremble as he pierced it towards the brown-haired youth.

The palm blade didn’t give rise to any wind. It was as light as a feather, as if he didn’t put any effort into it. There was only a faint layer of light. There’s no thunderous air splitting sound.

On the other side, the ancient divine spear was completely opposite. The bloody radiance was incomparably glaring. The bloody-qi was launched forward for several meters, launching towards the brown-haired youth who quickly dodge. He was nearly pierced by the bloody-qi.

“Remember this, the one who killed you is Molika!” After the brown-haired youth’s shout, he rushed forward like a ghost. He was rushing straight for the ancient spear, Pasteur. He wanted to grab the pole of the divine spear and lift Xiao Chen up on the spot.

However, how could Xiao Chen give him this chance? He didn’t make any unnecessary movements. In fact, he didn’t dare to make any excessive movements. He lightly slid his left foot towards the rear and rotated half a step slowly. Then he took a step forward with the right foot. His left hand gripped onto the bloody spear that penetrated through his left rib and drew one after another bloody pictures in the sky. A piece of bloody curtain fell down from all directions.

It was bright red and incomparably glaring. The blazing spearhead was compelling. Xiao Chen, who was penetrated by the ancient spear, actually used it as his own weapon and sealed off the brown-haired youth’s path.


Molika shouted coldly as he sent one punch towards the bloody screen. He was originally a Ninth Celestial Layer expert to begin with. Although he was injured by Xiao Chen’s initial sound attack, his power didn’t get affected much, so he didn’t have any qualms to attack head on. He wore a cold smile on his face. He was sure that the heavily injured Xiao Chen couldn’t bear it.

However, he was a little disappointed.

Xiao Chen’s movements was like moving clouds and flowing water. He shifted a few meters to the side with movements as light as a feather and swept over from the side with Pasteur.

Needless to think, Xiao Chen could already freely immerse into that ethereal state as when he fought with Dugu Jianmo earlier. One sword-qi after another revolved like the starlight. At the same time, they shrouded Xiao Chen like a misty haze. At this very moment, his entire person seemed to have transformed into an unsheathed unique sword.

There’s no enemies before his eyes, only a single target, nothing more than a scarecrow, It didn’t cause his state of mind to fluctuate excessively. That was a target he must behead. That was nothing more than a target!

His expression was ice-cold to the point of scary. When Xiao Chen immersed himself in this profound state, his battle instinct was raised to the highest level. Everything was that smooth, he was no longer berserk, no longer domineering, but among the gracefulness, his killing intent increased without let-up!

“Pfff! Pfff!”

Xiao Chen slid past from the side, drifting like the clouds. After his bloodstained battle clothes lightly swept past, he slashed vertically with his left palm and ruthlessly clashed with Molika twice.

Molika found it a little unbelievable. Xiao Chen actually dared to face him head on. However, in reality, he knew he was wrong. When Xiao Chen was in this state, he was really too terrifying. The two strikes made him feel as if he was struck by thunderbolts. His right palm almost broke up.

The dawn of Historia realm!

Xiao Chen was on the eve of touching upon the Historia realm. This was the conclusion Molika arrived at! He must kill Xiao Chen, right now, right here! He must not tarry any longer. Otherwise, this enemy would become his greatest nightmare in the future!

It was a fierce battle, a desperate fight!

Xiao Chen’s vitality was as vigorous as in the past. It seemed like he was not affected in the slightest amount. He was as calm as the water. His pupils were as cold as ice. His body was as unyielding as sword!

Although he was heavily injured, it was as if he had stepped into a new domain. Xiao Chen’s every movement was incredibly smooth.

A clear whistle transmitted from a distant place as a human figure rushed towards the Solitary castle with lightning speed. The brown-haired youth jumped over the Solitary clan’s lofty stone wall and pounced towards Xiao Chen violently.

And just at this time, two terrifying glints suddenly emitted from Xiao Chen’s eyes. His left land released the ancient spear that penetrated himself. Both of his hands changed into palm blade and slashed towards Molika.

Molika’s eyes were filled with bloodthirsty glint. His elder brother had arrived. Xiao Chen was dead for sure! However, it seemed like there was already no need for his elder brother to make his move. That was because at this very moment, he actually grabbed the ancient spear that penetrated Xiao Chen’s body. He gripped it firmly and violently flung Xiao Chen up. His face was brimming with a ruthless smile.

However, Molika’s smile immediately stiffened. Xiao Chen, who was lifted up by him, was as heavy as an immemorial demonic mountain and pressed down on him. He felt his arms were about to break. Xiao Chen’s hands already firmly gripped onto the pole of the scarlet ancient spear as he pressed down ruthlessly. The spearhead originally pierced through Xiao Chen from the back anyway. At this moment, it touched upon Molika’s abdomen with unstoppable force.

At this very moment, Molika was brimming with fear!

“You dare to harm my brother?!” A sudden shout transmitted from not far away. Molika’s elder brother, Youlan Mu, already rushed over at lightning speed. His eyes were fierce.

At present, everything in the world had already disappeared from Xiao Chen’s eyes. His mind only had one conviction. And that was to pierce Molika’s body with the spearhead!

A boundless and unimaginable power fell down from every directions. Although his state of mine was calm and ethereal, the power stored up in Xiao Chen’s body pressed down like the Milky Way falling from the Ninth Heaven. The torrent couldn’t be stopped!

Youlan Mu cried out desperately, “Little bro!”

Even if his speed was fast, he was still slower than the speed of the ancient spear. The bloody divine spear pierced one inch at a time, and then with a “Pfff,” it pierced into Molika’s body!

Molika felt shocked and heartbroken at the same time. He never thought the already heavily injured Xiao Chen was actually this terrifying. He was still unable to fight against him! In regards to power, he was inferior. In regards to stamina, there was an even bigger disparity. He was practically not Xiao Chen’s opponent at all, despite the other party being heavily injured!

The blood splashed everywhere. The bloody spear, Pasteur, penetrated Molika’s abdomen. Xiao Chen stood on the ground. His messy hair danced crazily. While bearing the sharp pain, he faced upwards and let out a long roar. The bloody spear passed through his left ribs, then he grabbed it with both hands and violently lifted Molika up!


Chapter 174 – Pasteur, the Ancient Divine Spear

Xiao Chen was completely relying on his spiritual sense to defend. Wherever he felt the danger came from, it’s where he hacked the broken sword.

The blazing sword-qi and resplendent sword radiance interweaved together and formed layer upon layer of energy billows, wrecking havoc in the night sky. The starlight and moonlight in the sky had completely been covered up.

The aura of death at this place was skyrocketing. The glint of the swords was dazzling.

Under the untold numbers of sword-qi; these four words, “Heaviest Under the Heaven!” came out from Dugu Jianmo’s mouth. Legend has it that the Solitary clan had the heaviest swordplay under the heaven!

As soon as he retracted fastest under the heaven swordplay, Dugu Jianmo’s figure became visible. The metal sword slowly pressed down like a huge mountain. People could obviously see the attack very clearly, yet they were unable to dodge.

Heaviest under the Heaven, one sword sealed off all ten directions!


The intangible domain was excessively heavy. The earth burst open, even the halls in the vicinity broke into pieces unceasingly. A huge light beam seemed to directly pierce into the heavens. This was the sword-qi of the heaviest sword!

Xiao Chen’s expression was particularly grave. He didn’t dare to be careless in the slightest amount. His state of mind slowly calmed down. His mind turned into a blank. Everything before his eyes disappeared, so much so that even Dugu Jianmo had disappeared. The only thing remained in his sight was the sword that slowly pushed forward.

Slowly, Xiao Chen finally brandished the broken sword in his hand. It was not the four major techniques, nor the Demonic Seal. This was a swordplay executed by him instinctively after clearing his mind and submerging in some kind of mysterious realm. It was a revelation swordplay!

It could be understood, but not described. It was produced by the battle instinct under this kind of special circumstances. Just by relying on intuition alone, this was definitely a very powerful swordplay!

The movement of the two was very slow. The metal sword and longsword slowly clashed together.

At this critical life and death moment, the two seemed as if they were uninvolved.

They were very calm in the face of adversity.

The two of them were not tense or worried. They did not feel apprehensive at all, nor did they feel uneasy. Their mind was calm, expression was undisturbed.

The heaviest sword under the heaven and the swordplay executed by Xiao Chen in an ethereal state finally clashed.

At this very moment, a hard to describe pressure shrouded all directions in a flash. The sword-qi directly pierced the heavens! It appeared especially bright in the night sky. Everyone in this region of the Celestial City noticed this bizarre event.


It reverberated like the explosion of Heavenly Thunder!

The soaring sword-qi was indistinguishable from real lightning. It had truly linked up the sky and the earth.

If the two huge light beams were charged down from the sky instead, the Solitary clan would inevitably be razed to the ground!

Despite that, many buildings still collapsed. Many huge cracks appeared even on the tall and ancient wall. That was a world-shaking strike! Xiao Chen and Dugu Jianmo were sent flying by the impact. They coughed out blood unceasingly. Just like a dried leaf falling gently, they fell onto the pool of blood listlessly.

However, their eyes were exceptionally bright as they jumped up at almost the same time.

Broken sword versus metal sword, Xiao Chen and Dugu Jianmo clashed.

The sonorous noise never stopped. Xiao Chen immersed himself in that mysterious realm again, completely casting away the four major techniques and relied on his instinct to brandish the sword. The dazzling sword-qi pierced the night sky, running amuck in the sky like a raging river.

Dugu Jianmo was in the same state. He shook off the unrivaled ancient swordplay passed down by his ancestors. The sword intent dispersed by the metal sword was already not limited only to the Solitary sword intent anymore. It already transcended and broke away from this category. He completely walked out of his own way of the sword.

The sword radiance was resplendent. The cold glint was glaring. Countless rays of light blossomed in the night sky. It was gorgeous and exceptionally beautiful. But it was terrifying and frightening all the same. Every sword sweep was sufficient to rip apart a huge castle and destroy everything in the path!

The intense battle persisted without an end in sight. In the sea of sword-qi, Xiao Chen and Dugu Jianmo exchanged no less than several hundred bouts. However, they were still unable to decide victory or defeat.

Xiao Chen immersed in that kind of mysterious realm and freely brandished the sword. The sword intent was absolutely not inferior to the four major techniques. This was the liberation of the battle instinct, this was the sublimation of the martial intent. This was the evolution and quick advance of his battle ability.

That was not to say the sword intent released from this kind of mysterious condition surpassed the four major techniques. It was only that the sword intent exhibited the greatest power in this kind of situation and was most fitting for this fierce battle at present.

There’s no such thing as an unparalleled mystic art. Everything depended on the opponent. In the battlefield, there’s a myriad of changes in an instant. Only by using the most suitable move at the right time would one be able to bring out the greatest power. Even the most simple move could become the most deadly attack.

They were evenly matched!

The domain and sealed god light screen were ineffective. The two staked all their Exuvia level power in this fight! Dugu Jianmo was firm and persistent. His might was unmatched. He made his name renowned in the south with a sword. There was hardly anyone among his peers that could stand up to him. The experience from his childhood would never part with him.

Sword, that was his entire life!

The two had already fought for an hour. Their bodies were stained by blood all over. When they waved their swords, beside the thunderous noise and the surging sword-qi, there was also a great pressure. The blood vessels on their skins were damaged by the pressure. And who knew just how much blood had they lost already. However, the two of them were tenacious, they wouldn’t waver just because of this. They had an unrelenting expression.


When the swords clashed, the broken sword and metal sword flung off from Xiao Chen and Dugu Jianmo’s hands simultaneously. The both of them suffered a bone fracture in their hands. Their injuries were equally grave.

The glint in Xiao Chen’s eyes was clear as he emitted two resplendent divine-qi. From his perspective, the Solitary clan’s forte was the sword. Now that the metal sword had been rid of, it was equivalent to eliminating Dugu Jianmo’s sharp teeth. ⌈1

The vigorous life energy rushed towards the fractured right palm. Then, with a “snapping” noise, the metacarpal bones reconnected. Of course, it was impossible for it to become as good as before immediately. However, it was enough for him to make a move. With speed as fast as lightning, he struck Dugu Jianmo.

Dugu Jianmo’s palm let out a similar noise and healed at the same time. He attacked with the injured palm, his fighting strength did not diminish.

“My body is my sword!” Dugu Jianmo laughed grimly, “Even with no sword in my hand, there’s still a sword in my heart. All tangible things in the world, be it a blade of grass or a stick, I can turn them into my divine weapon!”

Speaking until here, Dugu Jianmo actually picked up his speed. He reached an inconceivable speed in that instant. While joining his hands together, he rushed towards Xiao Chen.

At this very moment, Xiao Chen was shocked. That was because what he saw in the front was an illusion. Dugu Jianmo’s entire body actually transformed into a divine sword. It was glinting with resplendent radiance as it rushed towards him.

It was not at all possible for Dugu Jianmo to transform into a divine sword. The only possible explanation was that this was the manifestation of his future divine ability in advance. This was merely the fledgling stage of his future divine ability. It brought about some kind of illusion, but it was sufficient to show how terrifying the Sword Demon was.

It must be mentioned that Xiao Chen was very gifted in regards to battle. The more dangerous the situation, all the more calmer he became. His state of mind quickly calmed down and immersed in an ethereal state in that instant.

Everything in the world seemed to have disappeared. Only that unstoppable divine sword appeared in his line of sight. It seemed as if time had slowed down, including that lone sword that was pushing forward!

Xiao Chen was calm to a frightening level. He remained motionless until that divine sword was just about to touch his body. He waved his left hand lightly. It was a very elegant palm blade. He made his move as bold as before, but the domineering move was entirely different. It was as if an exiled immortal was casting divine spells without constraint. It was incomparably ethereal, extremely graceful.

A mysterious and profound palm blade. Completely relying on instinct, he executed an otherworldly blade!


The palm blade and divine sword transfromed from Dugu Jianmo’s body clashed. The two were sent flying by the impact at the same time.

Dugu Jianmo wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth and shouted coldly, “Not only my body is the sword. All tangible things in the world are my divine swords! Kill —— Kill —— Kill —— Kill —— Kill!”

The fragments of the ruins; the debris, the rocks, and the beams… All of them floated up and emitted a heavy murderous aura. They already transformed into sword light and were launched towards Xiao Chen.

All tangible things in the world — even the blades of grass and sticks — all of them transformed into divine swords!

If it was any other Ninth Celestial Layer experts, after fighting for an hour, they might not be able to continue fighting anymore under such a tyrannical display.

However, Xiao Chen was still scarily calm. His mind was empty, his body was as cold as the sword and moved according to his heartbeat. The sea of consciousness had dominated his body.

It was a very bizarre mental state. He felt as if his heart had already flew out of the battlefield, as if his soul was standing on a faintly discernible cloud and looking down at everything calmly.

However, his body was moving. Very smooth and fluent movements, very mysterious and profound techniques. The ethereal palm blade, the graceful stance, it was as if the sweet dews had fallen onto the lonesome desert, as if the morning sun had ascended on the spacious and empty plain.

All of these was so smooth, so harmonious. Everything was so perfect!

The graceful palm blade didn’t let any debris, rocks, or broken beams to slip past… All the tangible things that transformed into the sword body had been cut off with pinpoint accuracy!

The big swings only left behind silence in the world. At present, Xiao Chen’s attitude was also like this, unusually calm and indifferent, as if he was not connected with this event.

However, one strike hundred down! He completely routed these untold numbers of divine sword made from every tangible things!

Dugu Jianmo beckoned and the metal sword flew into his hand. He coldly looked face to face with Xiao Chen. He felt that this might be his most dangerous battle since birth. He strongly felt threatened by death.

After Xiao Chen broke through the “thousand swords”, he stood against the wind. His long hair fluttered by itself as he looked at Dugu Jianmo calmly.


Dugu Jianmo prepared the final move. Victory or defeat would be decided with this!

The domain laid out by the metal sword pressed down with huge pressure. Xiao Chen’s sealed god light screen glinted with brilliant rays to resist the sword’s domain.

All of Dugu Jianmo’s thick black hair erected. On his metal sword, layer upon layer of sword-qi rushed towards Xiao Chen like stormy seas.

Xiao Chen still found himself in an ethereal state. He faced the approaching blazing sword radiance with the palm blade. Although he was in a critical circumstance, he appeared to be calm. Vaguely, he felt that kind of state was the doorstep to Historia realm!

Suddenly, an extremely bad premonition rushed into Xiao Chen’s mind. Even if his body was in this kind of mysterious and wondrous state, his unshakable state of mind was also unable to keep calm anymore as the shadow of death floated up in his mind.

Xiao Chen didn’t even think about it and his body immediately flew to the side, as graceful as an exiled immortal.

However, it was still too late!

An incomparably red divine spear emitted blazing divine-qi. As if endless amount of scarlet blood were igniting in the surroundings, it dyed half the sky with its color. That kind of spear transformed into a bloody-qi and flew over.


Although Xiao Chen avoided being hit in the vital part, his left rib was still penetrated from the back ⌈2⌋ by the divine spear that was dripping with blood. He was sent flying along with a powerful force and was pinned on the ground more than hundred meters away.

Blood splashed everywhere and dyed the mother earth red.

After the divine spear that was pulsing with bloody divine-qi was pinned onto the ground, it trembled violently for a while before it finally calmed down.

Xiao Chen was pinned onto the ground!

“Pasteur, the ancient divine spear?!” Dugu Jianmo cried out in surprise. After that, he turned around to look towards the darkness not far away.

A brown-haired youth slowly walked out from the darkness with heavy steps. His body was very rugged. He bared his left arm and his muscles were bulging like young eastern dragons. He wore a sneer on his sharp face.

“That’s right, this is the ancient divine spear, Pasteur. The ancient spear that had once killed gods!” As the brown-haired youth walked, he said coldly, “It has been encroached by not only the blood of one god. Up until now, those blood still didn’t dry up and flows on the ancient spear all along.”

What pinned Xiao Chen on the ground was Pasteur, the ancient divine spear. It was a really bizarre divine spear. Nobody knew what material it was forged from. Its entire body was actually scarlet red and carved with ancient sacred writings. One blood-qi after another circulated on the divine spear. The most bizarre thing was that, there was really fresh blood dripping from the spear’s body unceasingly. It was flickering with a bewitching bloody glint. Pasteur, the ancient divine spear with flowing divine blood that never dried up!

“Why did you mount a sneak attack from the back?” Dugu Jianmo did not feel grateful at all.

“Because he must die. He cannot live past tonight. The divine spear guided me here to punish the demon!” ⌈3

“I only ever heard of the divine spear being used to kill gods. I never heard anything about punishing demon. Don’t tell me Xiao Chen is a god?” Dugu Jianmo said sarcastically. In regards to the sneak attack mounted by this brown-haired youth, he had an undisguised contempt in his eyes. He pierced the metal sword into the ground and raised his guard.

“Anyway, he must die. My elder brother and I had been searching for him separately tonight, but his speed was really too fast. He continuously fought in one place after another. Only now did I manage to find him.”

Just at this time, an ice-cold voice transmitted from the front, “You have an elder brother right? Then you won’t be lonely if I send the both of you to hell!”

Both of Xiao Chen’s hand were encroached by blood. Nobody knew if it was the divine blood or his own blood. He exerted himself physically to pull the ancient divine spear and stood up slowly. The ancient divine spear passed through his rib and trembled along with his movements.

“You are still alive?!” The brown-haired youth was very shocked, then his complexion turned cold as he said, “Then I will kill you personally!”

“It’s a pity you didn’t kill me in one strike. You will not get a chance like this again!” Xiao Chen stood up. The cold glints in his eyes and his voice sent chills down the spine. He voice sounded like a demon that came from the underworld, “You, and your elder brother, must die!”


  1. Silva: Or so you think… remember he was able to control his sword without touching it directly? 
  2. Silva: Penetrated from the back???
    How did that happen? Did he turn his back to his opponent? 
  3. Silva: That’s right, if he survives tonight, he will advance by leaps and bounds, then you will all be in a living hell!! 

Chapter 173 – The Lonely Sword Demon

The dim light of night was like the water, the starlight was bright.

Xiao Chen was flying at high speed in the sky of the Celestial City. He flew past a few nocturnal birds and arrived in front of an old residence.

This was an old residence with several hundred years of history. The wall was made up by piling ash-colored mountain rocks. The tall rocky wall seemed very rough. And the buildings within the wall was also not at all tastefully chosen. All of them were made by piling up polished boulders. There’s no gold nor glazed tiles. Let’s not even mention if it was richly ornamented, it was simple and unadorned. It was hard to believe how this kind of huge, ancient, and rocky residence would appear in the flourishing Celestial City. It was excessively simple and plain.

This was the Solitary family’s sole residence in the Celestial City.

The number of people in the Solitary’s family was very scarce. There was always one descendent in each generations, but it only lasted until Dugu Jianmo’s generation. The history changed for the better, the Solitary family actually bore three children in this generation, and all of them were male.

Dugu Jianmo’s eldest brother left the house with a sword at the age of fifteen. There’s no news about him for eighteen years straight. Even Dugu Jianmo’s second brother left the south at the age of thirteen. He crossed over the Terra Empire at a young age and entered the even wider North territory. He entered the legendary land of the illustrious heroes. He left for sixteen years and never returned to the south.

Dugu Jianmo was independent since childhood. When his big brother left to travel to the other end of the world, he was only four years old. When his second brother traveled to the distant land, he was only six years old. The entire old residence was lifeless. There’s no servants nor playmates. There was only his uncommunicative father who sat by himself in the sword chamber all day long. Since five years old, not only his clothing, he even had to take care of his own food.

Without any familial love nor friendship, he grew up by his lonesome self without any cheers and laughs.

When Dugu Jianmo was ten years old, after his father passed all the sword skills to him, he left and never returned like his grandfather and great-grandfather, leaving no traces behind. As for his mother, he had never seen her before. The three brothers were personally brought home from the outside by their father.

Dugu Jianmo’s childhood was dull gray. Only his father and himself lived in such a big ancient castle. And after ten years old, the only thing accompanying him was a sword. ⌈1

He was this lonely since childhood. As far as he was concerned, the sword was more important than his life. It was his only friend since childhood. The sword was his other half!

The ancient castle was very dark. The buildings completely made out of piling boulders were very tall and blocked a wide expanse of the gentle moonlight. It made this place seem very gloomy.

Within the ancient wall, in front of a huge castle, an imposing figure was standing there, alone. The simple and unadorned sword was pierced into the bluestone floor. Dugu Jianmo was looking up at the starry sky motionlessly. His entire person seemed like a wood statue.

After a good while, he sat on the ground cross-legged, with his back facing the ancient yet huge castle. He pulled the sword out from the ground and placed it on his knees. He gently stroked it over and over with a very devoted expression.

Dugu Jianmo was feeling very unsettled tonight. The ancient castle made him recall a lot of things. All these dull memories could make one feel lonely.

The memories from childhood resurfaced in his mind. When he was two years old, he tumbled on the ground and was badly bruised, everyone ignored him. When he was three years old and fell into the bone-chilling glacier, his father fished him up and didn’t comfort him at all. He was tossed aside at the ice-cold ancient castle to whimper alone. When he was five years old, he had to take care of his own food. When he was extremely hungry, he even wolfed down half of the raw goose meat. When he was six years old, he had to bear the pain of the sword piercing his bones. When he was seven years old, he was thrown into the desolate region and forced to face the wolves alone. He always returned with blood covering his entire body… Of course, what he recalled the most was still the loneliness. It had accompanied him for twenty two years!

His past was dull gray and lonely… when Dugu Jianmo was young, he always fantasized a kind and beautiful mother appearing beside him sometime in the future, with a lively and kind-hearted big sister to talk with him unceasingly.

However, all of these were nothing more than fantasy! Only the ice-cold sword had accompanied him for twenty two years.

Xiao Chen entered the sky of the ancient castle and calmly swept his eyes over the bottom. He quickly found the lone figure under the shadow of the huge castle. He could vaguely see two crystal clear tears rolling down Dugu Jianmo’s cheeks. This made Xiao Chen very surprised. As ruthless as Dugu Jianmo — he was killing without batting an eye on the dragon island — he actually had this kind of unknown side.

“Ah!!!” All of a sudden, Dugu Jianmo faced upwards and let out a shout. He seemed to be in a frenzy. His black hair flew up as the sword in his hand caused the space to distort. A mysterious domain shrouded the shadow of the castle in that instant. The entire castle was shaking violently accordingly.

“Sky Mastery, Heavenly Body; Earth Mastery, Dragon Rise; Humanity Mastery, Temporal Upend!” At this moment, Dugu Jianmo recovered his former expression, grave and stern. His ice-cold tone reverberated in the ancient castle, “Sword! It is my only way of life! Sweep the whole world with the sword! Turn the Heaven and Earth upside down!”

Xiao Chen slowly descended. He stood in front of the huge ancient castle and looked straight at Dugu Jianmo.

With a single sword, he overpowered everyone in the south and it was difficult to find anyone on his level among the peers. Dugu Jianmo already put away the domain and thrusted his sword into the bluestone ground in front. He fixed his eyes on Xiao Chen coldly.

Without any words, the both of them understood each other’s way of thinking. Right now, they were at the stage of overcoming an obstacle. They were at the most crucial point of breaking into Historia realm.

I am unparalleled! This was their common way of thinking. In regards to power, they were already at the peak stage of Ninth Celestial Layer. They only needed to cut off the devil’s whispers in their heart to realize the genuine breakthrough and open up the treasures in their body.

Defeat every opponents. This was their common way of thinking at this stage.

Right now, it was basically needless to say anything. There’s only one thing to do, fight!


The sword that was stuck in the ground suddenly started to tremble. After that, it flew towards the sky by itself. The originally dull sword left a streak of rainbow as it illuminated the night sky.

It was too bright!

The divine radiance was dazzling. As if the sword had a soul, it cycled around the sky and violently slashed at Xiao Chen. The sword-qi was like a light beam. It was just like one after another lightning falling from the sky. The light from the lightning was harsh and dazzled the eyes. The blazing sword-qi interweaved and formed a deathly net. Its momentum was extreme.

Xiao Chen emitted two cold glints from his eyes and said in shock, “The Daoist School’s Airborne Fencing?!”

“The Airborne Fencing is nothing. In the face of my Solitary swordplay, it’s just a minor art!” Dugu Jianmo was like a greater demon. Standing in front of the huge castle, he wore a cold and proud expression.

Xiao Chen pulled out the jet-black broken sword and slashed eighteen times in succession. The sword-qi was as dazzling as a cluster of shooting stars falling on mother earth. The ancient castle was brightly illuminated.

“Clang! Clang! Clang…!”

The clashing sound of metals lingered on. The broken sword and metal sword clashed unceasingly. A series of sparks burst forth.

All of these happened at lightning speed. Xiao Chen’s body already transformed into a faint radiance. The broken sword and metal sword even burst forth with one ray of light after another. It appeared as if a lot of huge waterfalls were flowing backwards. Those aura and radiance of the sword-qi were dancing across the sky, boundless and majestic.

The ground was fissured, the ancient castle was shaking.

After thirty three strikes, the metal sword cut through the air and returned to Dugu Jianmo’s hand. The instant he grabbed the metal sword, it was as if Dugu Jianmo had been granted the second soul. His entire person seemed to have suddenly become much taller. It gave people an extremely bizarre feeling, as if a lofty giant had suddenly appeared in thin air. It gave people an incomparably huge pressure.


Cold glint streaked past as Dugu Jianmo took a step forward. The metal sword produced an ear-splitting whistle as it was waved by him. That was because the speed was really too fast, making the sound of cutting through air sounded like the whistle of the ghost. The thick and solid sword-qi surged forward like a thunderous Milky Way. It was unstoppable. This space was practically almost split open by he sword-qi.

Three pavilions not far away instantly collapsed due to the overflowing sword-qi. The dazzling sword radiance was really too tyrannical. The boundless power was unimaginable. The air shook violently, as if the space itself might be ripped apart at any time.

A cold glint flickered in Xiao Chen’s eyes. He grasped the sword with both hands and jumped up high. After that, he faced the sword-qi with a vertical slash.

“Cling! Clang!”

The sword-qi and blade-qi clashed. It was as if the metal sword and broken sword had clashed together. That was a clear metallic sound, so much so that it was carrying the ringing sound of the metal.

A glaring light burst out in the sky. It made people unable to open their eyes. The intense energy swept across the sky like the raging waves. Even the mother earth fissured unceasingly.

It was as if the heaven and earth had turned upside down!

Xiao Chen streaked across the sky and continuously hacked at Dugu Jianmo with the broken sword, aiming directly for his waist.

When facing Windfeathers, it’s a must to use the fist. While facing Dugu Jianmo, even if he didn’t have a double-edged sword, he must use the single-edged sword!

The broken sword left behind a streak of rainbow as it was swept diagonally downward. It was dazzling.

Dugu Jianmo raised the sword diagonally. The metal sword clashed with the broken sword. An exceptionally eccentric power spiralled upward. Xiao Chen felt as if his entire arm had been struck by a thunderbolt. A blazing ray of light enveloped his arm from the metal sword. The broken sword narrowly flew out from his hand.


The battle-qi suddenly broke out and made the light of the broken sword even more glaring. Xiao Chen forced that spiralling power back, then he instantly jumped and used the dragging sword technique to hack at Dugu Jianmo’s neck.

A black light swept past, but it only hit the afterimage. Dugu Jianmo raised his sword towards the sky as he stood on the bluestone surface motionlessly. However, the surrounding space already distorted. Following closely, that place turned into a piece of darkness and his figure disappeared. The metal sword had spread out a domain!

As he reached the maximum height of the jump, Xiao Chen dived down fast. At the same time, the Sealed God light screen transformed into a battle armor and covered his body. The divine flame was throbbing. That was not a domain, yet it was not weaker than a domain.

God Slayer, Chaotic Patterns, Death Blow, and Demon Suppression. Xiao Chen could already use them in battles unhindered. He needn’t deliberately integrate them into the sword skill anymore.

He swoop down in a perfectly straight line. The broken sword was aimed at the Baihui Acupoint at the top of Dugu Jianmo’s head.

The dazzling sword radiance was as boundless as the vast ocean. The pressure pressed down from everywhere. The mother earth began to sink with a “rumbling” sound!

The sword radiance enveloped a radius of one hundred feet. Everything within the range was destroyed and sunk two meters deep. Dugu Jianmo stood in the caved in hole motionlessly. Just now, he waved his sword nine times in succession and routed all the sword-qi that charged towards him.

Unparalleled metal sword!

He was unwilling to waste any ounce of strength. In the end, he only moved his body a little sideways. He didn’t want to make any unnecessary movements at all and just waved his sword towards the sky.


The glaring rays of light possessed a powerful force of impact and produced an ear-splitting sound!

The broken sword in Xiao Chen’s hand and the metal sword in Dugu Jianmo’s hand clashed fiercely. Dugu Jianmo’s lower half was forced into the underground by that powerful impact. On the other side, Xiao Chen was lifted up by that huge power. However, Xiao Chen forced himself to fall in that very instant. With somersault, both of his legs stamped towards Dugu Jianmo’s chest.

“Hah!” Dugu Jianmo let out a cold snort. The surrounding floor completely burst open. He jumped up and lifted his metal sword to confront the approaching kicks.

Xiao Chen quickly shifted horizontally and stepped on the metal sword with both legs. Then he turned around and swept his sword downwards. Quick and fierce, steady and brutal. The sword radiance fell on mother earth like a comet and illuminated the entire ancient castle. It was so dazzling that one was unable to open their eyes.

Dugu Jianmo stamped the ground fiercely with his two legs. With a big quake, one huge fissure after another spread out in all directions. Two huge castles nearby collapsed with a loud rumble. His entire person quickly sunk into the ground and the shock blew Xiao Chen away.

Within the rolling smoke and dust, Dugu Jianmo walked out from the huge pit, one step at a time. He fixed his eyes coldly on Xiao Chen. His domain was not effective, it almost made him suffer a loss. While watching Xiao Chen’s light armor attentively, he wordlessly nodded his head.

“Fastest Under the Heaven!” These four words seemed to possess unlimited magic power. Legend said that among the swordplay of the Solitary clan, there’s a swordplay that was claimed to be the fastest in the world!

With a loud shout, Dugu Jianmo’s figure suddenly disappeared. Xiao Chen was unable to catch his silhouette at all. However, his keen spiritual sense knew where the danger was coming from. He quickly brandished the sword in his hand.


Just in time to resist that sharp sword-qi.

However, it didn’t stop with just that. Dugu Jianmo completely disappeared at this point. On the ruin formed by the fallen ancient castles, only the soaring sword-qi remained. At this moment, the entire ancient castle was filled with criss-crossed sword-qi.

The fastest swordplay in the world, continuous assault! There were cold glints everywhere. The figure of the person couldn’t be seen, only the blazing sword-qi were raging on.

The explosive sound transmitted outwards unceasingly. The mother earth was caving in. One sword-qi after another completely cut apart this ruin. The soaring rays of light were exceptionally glaring. Looking from a distant, the Solitary family’s ancient castle seemed to have countless lights linking up with the starry sky. On the other hand, it also looked like the heavenly flame had descended at this place.

The sword-qi were too concentrated. A tyrannical Sword Demon. A terrifying sword-play!


  1. Silva: Damn… why are you making us “feel” for him? Is he going to become an ally? 

Chapter 172 – Suppressing the Demon Beast

The North Star light screen, a dazzling divine light, just like a golden battle armor, it was emitting inexhaustible amount of baleful aura!

North Star light screen, it was also known by Xiao Chen as Sealed God light screen. It was once regarded as an extremely important technique, but in the wake of the four major techniques, the North Star light screen was situated at the edge of Xiao Chen’s battle skills. However, this time, with the further reinforcement of the divinized acupoints, the vigorous life essence was circulating within the eight moon-like acupoints unceasingly. The North Star light screen seemed to have received nourishment from these, it was several fold stronger than before.

Like an ancient armor that was give a new lease of life, it already formed the North Star light shield, and transformed into a dazzling battle armor.

After the Sealed God light screen had regained its brilliance, this was the first time Xiao Chen donned an armor to face the enemy! He could feel how terrifying and powerful was Windfeathers. This was a demonic young expert that couldn’t be judged by common sense. The domain that could only be used after advancing to the Historia realm was not something any average person could fend off!

Just at this time, Windfeathers had already arrived. The scarlet beast domain exploded with a heart-racing fluctuation. A sharp and yet terrifying fiendish aura pounced over directly. Layer upon layer of bloody waves dyed the sky red. The blood red divine flame was jumping about.

The sound of a great number of beasts galloping reverberated. It was ear-splitting. There was even a surge of sound wave given rise by the bellow of the beast. The terrifying sound wave actually made the lake water split open unceasingly. In that instant, Xiao Chen felt a splitting headache. The sound wave actually passed through the physical body directly and attacked his soul!

In the end, the North Star light screen also enveloped Xiao Chen’s head completely. Only his pair of eyes were not covered, they were flickering with a cold glint.


Even the sky was trembling. Windfeathers pressed on with the domain. His power was really too astonishing. With one punch, the space completely distorted. The domain was capable of affecting the space and burst out with the strongest power.

Xiao Chen jumped into the sky and brandished the God Slayer repeatedly. The scarlet blood-qi was broken unceasingly. Then, he dived down from the sky, head first. It’s a test of strength! He didn’t have the slightest amount of intention to fall back.

The domain was driven by a bizarre power. Within the range enveloped by it, every pressure from outside was neutralized by it to the greatest limit. And the power commanded by itself was reinforced unceasingly.


The lake water was boiling. The inexhaustible bloody light soared, a great number of beasts roared, the lake water actually evaporated and gave rise to endless white mist. The entire lake surface was shrouded by the mist.

Xiao Chen was sent flying by a powerful impact. Windfeathers trod on the surface of the lake and his body appeared like a streak of bloody shadow. He was as swift as the wind and lightning.

“Go to hell!”

Windfeathers was this crazy. The Demon Beast Art seemed to be connected to the movements of the world. Within the bloody light, it seemed as if he was possessed by the Demon God and linked up with the worldly power. Surge of worldly energy gathered from all directions. Because of the field, it gathered. Because of his fist, it burst out.

He brandished his demonic fists continuously. Thirteen punches, with the next punch stronger than the former. A torrential wave surged towards the sky from the public lake. The lake was actually split in half by him. The mud at the base of the lake was exposed. One sixth of the lake water actually surged towards the sky because of his attack.

Xiao Chen leapt over gracefully as he quickly adjusted his stance. He was actually going against the bloody rays of light and pounced directly at Windfeathers. It was not because he was acting recklessly, but rather he felt that he could hold out against Windfeathers. He only needed to get as close as possible to find the weak point of the domain.

God Slayer!

Demon Suppression!

Death Blow!

Three major techniques fused as one and was concentrated on Xiao Chen’s two palms. An earth-shattering power surged on and on like the stormy sea, and yet it was also like a meteorite streaking across the vast sky. The inexhaustible divine light drowned the small lake. It made the bright moon and starlight in the sky to lose their splendor.

It was omnipresent!

Xiao Chen did not hold back at all this time. It seemed like he had utilized all of his power.

But the scarlet beast domain was really too bizarre. As if it was a world of its own, the inside was a collection of supreme laws. He actually disregarded the boundless energy wave.

Layer upon layer of huge energy waves seemed to have hit the empty space. The scarlet blood-qi throbbed and welled up with an overflowing bloody light.

Windfeathers bore through the layer upon layer of stormy seas. Every time he took a step, he’d appear on the other side of the lake. He quickly rushed in front of Xiao Chen. The “Chaotic Order” of the Demon Beast Art was executed. It rumbled with a loud sound as the bloody rays of light burst out. The shadow of an ancient primal beast let out a roar and charged towards Xiao Chen.

An explosive noise transmitted outwards. Although Xiao Chen resisted with all his might, he was still sent flying away and coughed out a big mouthful of blood.

“Ha… Haha… Hahaha…” Windfeathers faced upwards and let out an extended laugh. He was insufferably arrogant. He revealed himself from the bloody beast domain and said coldly, “I have already learned the domain. How can you fight me? How will you fight me? Killing you is not at all difficult. In the face of my scarlet beast domain, all of your power is like flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake. They will not work on me. Because it is simply impossible for you to rip apart my beast domain. You — cannot — do it!”

The music from the zither and flute became heavier. The tinkling and blowing sound drifted along with the wind at the quiet lakeside.

Xiao Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The glint in his eyes burned more fiercely than ever. He didn’t have a trace of foreboding feeling. His undefeatable battle intent became more and more vigorous. He exactly needed this kind of enemy tonight. His blood was boiling at this very moment. Judging from his nature, he was a madman, just that he didn’t usually display it.

Ordinarily, people don’t offend me, I don’t convict them. That was his rule of life. Right now, his madness was driven out.

Xiao Chen stood on the surface of the lake and forged ahead by stepping on the ripples. His bearing was getting more and more vigorous. In the end, a blazing ray of light actually rose from his body. It was rushing up the sky like a huge sword.

His entire person had entered the strongest fighting mode.

God Slayer!

Demon Suppression!

Death Blow!

Chaotic Patterns!

Four major techniques were executed at the same time. The target was only a single point! And that was precisely Windfeathers’ throat.

Although his view was blocked by the bloody mist, Xiao Chen’s keen spiritual sense had already firmly locked onto that point!

God Slayer, untold numbers of tiny multicolored light condensed to form the swords!

Demon Suppression, as if the gate to the pitch-black hell was widely open, one sacred writing after another were lined up in the air and pressed forward!

Death Blow, as if the empty sky was smashed to pieces, one after another cracks could be found throughout the sky. It seemed as if it had opened up a new space by itself!

Chaotic Patterns, by means of numerous complicated techniques, a profound and indescribable Imprint of Dao was launched. The yin and yang were reversed. One light beam after another were swept towards the bloody light unceasingly. It actually wanted to cut open the scarlet beast domain from the opposite direction!

The four major techniques were all concentrated on a single point of Windfeathers’ throat. The burst of power was unimaginable! It was boundless like the abyss and the ocean. The momentum couldn’t be stopped!

Overpowering every obstruction, destroying every tangible thing!

Windfeathers finally changed his stance and fortified his domain. He felt an extreme danger oppressing him, especially his neck. He actually shivered due to this and a tiny layer of goose bumps appeared on his skin.

He fell back like a ghost. He could even be said to be as swift as the shooting star as he disappeared from the original position in a flash.

But Xiao Chen was like the shadow following the body. He already firmly locked onto Windfeathers. The four major techniques fused together and burst out at the same time. It was pointed straight at his throat.

Windfeathers’ face changed again and again. He was wild like the vicious beast. He had abundance of gain while training at the depths of the south for one year. He was keeping company with the wild beasts all day long and possessed a keen intuition like that of the beast’s. He was most sensitive to dangers.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The two of them changed position unceasingly. It seemed as if two shadows were tangled together in the public lake.


The fusion of the four major techniques finally burst out. Windfeathers protected his throat with one hand, and used the other hand to maintain the scarlet beast domain in order to receive this powerful attack.

The both of them were sent flying and coughed out a few mouthful of blood respectively.

“This is the feeling I’m seeking for!” Xiao Chen muttered under his breath. Although he was wounded, his expression became brighter. He felt that the door to the sealed treasure in his body was pushed open forcefully and a tiny crack appeared. The seal on the door has loosened!

Windfeathers stabilized his figure and didn’t say anything. He trod on the surface of the lake, one step at a time. His speed was very slow, but it was exceptionally heavy. It was as if one huge mountain after another had descended on the lake. This was an indescribable pressure which made people unable to breathe.

The scarlet beast domain was expanding unceasingly. One after another, fierce spirit beasts ran out and surrounded Xiao Chen. The public lake was submerged by the beast domain!

Looking from a distant, this place was soaring with bloody light. The scarlet domain had trapped Xiao Chen within.

Xiao Chen was not afraid. When he thought that the door in his body had slackened just now, those eight divinized acupoints actually emitted dazzling rays of light.

The Baihui Acupoint at the top of the head, the Shang Hill Acupoints at the ankle of his feet, the Shoulder Well Acupoints at his shoulders, the Toil Palace Acupoints on his palms, and the Center Palace Acupoint at his chest were linked up by a few light beams. Unlike before where he could only feel and unable to see, the linkage could now be seen clearly with naked eyes.

Those golden lines had linked the eight divinized acupoints together. The linkage between the head, the four limbs, and the chest formed a “big” character, which literally looked like “大”. The golden light ray penetrated the body, and the North Star light screen became all the more powerful. It formed a golden battle armor that was almost just as real.

The life essence was like a flood that burst out of a dam. It was surging forward violently and rushed through every part of Xiao Chen’s body in that instant. The power that should have been exhausted was completely recovered and became more powerful than ever.

The blazing rays of light completely submerged Xiao Chen. Although that scarlet beast domain had enveloped him, it was unable to draw near!

This was a life energy as boundless as the ocean. Xiao Chen’s body had received the purest baptism in that brief moment, making him more powerful than ever.

The glints in his eyes were resplendent. He was adorned with a golden divine armor. Xiao Chen’s fingers were as sharp as the blades. With a single step, his body directly appeared beyond eighty feet. He went after Windfeathers and actually overcame the confinement of the scarlet beast domain.

“Impossible!” Windfeathers exposed a shocked expression.


His palm was like a blade and shook continuously. The spiral-like energy charged into Windfeather’s fist, and spiralled towards his body. It stubbornly cut open that layer of scarlet bloody-qi on the surface of his body.


Windfeathers violently coughed out three big mouthful of blood. His body shook as he was sent flying backward. He didn’t dare to believe it and said in shock, “Domain, you actually learned the domain just now?!”

He felt that this was the power of the domain. It directly destroyed his scarlet beast domain.

“There’s nothing special about a domain. There’s no such thing as an unparalleled divine ability in this world. There’s only unequalled man!” Xiao Chen marched forward and brandished the palm blade again. The resplendent sword-qi slashed towards Windfeathers’ chest diagonally.

“This is definitely a domain!” Windfeathers released a new scarlet beast domain and exchanged blows with Xiao Chen’s palm blade.


The explosive sound transmitted outwards. The public lake was drowned by the divine radiance. Windfeathers and Xiao Chen coughed out blood at the same time. However, Windfeathers fell back while Xiao Chen took a step forward!

Only advancing and not retreat! Xiao Chen was seriously too resolute, his greatness could even be said to be as bright as the rainbow.

Eight divinized acupoints were linked up by a golden line. They seemed to have formed a new divine artery. His power was multiplying without end and imitated a real domain.

Although it was not a domain, it wasn’t weaker than a domain!

After the essence hidden in the eight divinized acupoints circulated around the body several times, all of them returned to the acupoints. However, that imitated domain did not disappear and merged into the North Star light screen. The rays of light burst out from the golden divine armor had the same properties as the scarlet beast domain. The surrounding space was affected. It was difficult for other power to come in, and yet he was able to manifest his power to the highest limit.

In fact, Xiao Chen’s biggest gain this time was the golden line in his body. It connected the eight divinized acupoints. Just what kind of changes would occur in the future? It’s hard to tell at the moment.

The palm blade left a streak of light in the air like the rainbow. Xiao Chen was getting more and more vigorous.

Xiao Chen used raw power against raw power. He made his move boldly and attacked Windfeathers violently!

Windfeathers always relied on raw power, but now he was countered by Xiao Chen using his own method. Incomparably tyrannical.

Two great experts exchanged another hundred blows in the blink of an eye. Their fight caused the lake water to surge towards the sky.

Windfeathers was being suppressed by Xiao Chen!

This defeat couldn’t be described with words. That was because Xiao Chen completely used power to resist power. He faced his opponent head-on and used Windfeathers’ strong point to suppress him.

Crazy? I’m more crazy than you!

Fierce? I’m fiercer than you!

When one was defeated in their own specialty, it was the most unbearable.


Windfeathers faced upwards and bellowed. He leapt high into the air and exchanged three more blows with Xiao Chen.




Under the deafening sound, under the glaring light, the bone snapping sound clearly transmitted to their ears.

Windfeathers was sent flying away. His fists were trembling slightly. Four of his fingers actually broke.

And Xiao Chen’s palm was also incomparably painful. There was a crack in his palm bone. He could clearly feel the flesh at the location of the crack jerking. However, he did not hesitate to lift his injured palm to cut at Windfeathers.



Windfeathers’ broken fists were trembling unceasingly. He tried to grip his fists, but he was unable to bring five fingers together. In the end, he faced upwards and let out a long roar before he ran towards the Moonflower Castle. He was leaping over the castle roofs like a ghost.

Xiao Chen’s killing intent already welled up for a long time. He unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and quickly rushed over there. He caught up to Windfeathers very quickly.


With a wave of the palm blade, Windfeathers’ lofty demonic body was directly sent flying by the energy wave as he coughed out blood. However, at the same time, he fell outside the perimeter wall of the Moonflower Castle’s courtyard. Seeing a river in front of him, he rushed over there without the slightest hesitation and jumped into the river head first.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Chen also jumped into the river. However, his keen spiritual sense was unable to detect Windfeathers. The presence perception actually lose its effectiveness.

Without stay for long, Xiao Chen rushed out of the river, then he calmly stood in the sky to adjust his breathing, and heal his wound.

Only until half an hour later did he open his eyes again.

Not far away, Carmina swung her hips and walked over gracefully. Lyria, who was wearing a white dress that prevailed over the snow, was also standing in front of the Moonflower Castle’s gate.

“Brother Xiao, we are intending to give the victor tonight a big gift.” Carmina was extremely lovely. Her watery big eyes blinked as she gazed at Xiao Chen.

“I will take note of the big gift today and come to receive it some other day.” After he finished speaking, Xiao Chen soared high into the sky and flew towards a distant location.

“The next one, Dugu Jianmo!”

Only until Xiao Chen had left for a long time — several hundred meters at the downstream — did Windfeathers struggle to crawl out from the mud at the river base. He was covered in mud all over. He was like a wounded beast. There were ominous glints in his eyes. After that, he let out an extremely furious roar.

He was feeling very sour. The magnificent Windfeathers, he had already learned the domain, he was known as the unequalled young warrior of the south, yet he was actually forced by Xiao Chen to hide in the mud at the river base. This was a gargantuan blow to him!

“I want to become stronger! I — want — to — become — stronger!” Windfeathers faced upward and let out a sorrowful shout.

At the same time, a faintly discernible dragon roar transmitted from the underground labyrinth of Moonflower Castle. The sharp glint in Windfeathers’ eyes was chilly as he looked at the towering halls at the distant.


  1. N/a

Chapter 171 – I am Unparalleled!

The Moonflower Castle, it was a castle-like brothel. The entire territory was filled with one hall after another. This place was brightly lit, the gold and jade were in glorious splendor. It was richly ornamented. The dancers moved rhythmically to the music. The sound of the zither and flute was melodious. It was a beautiful sound.

This was an extravagant brother. This place had the best liquor, the tastiest delicacies, the most flexible dancers, the most beautiful singing voice… this place had a lot of the “best”. Of course, the best of the “best” was definitely the beauties.

This place had the wildest beauties. Vigorous and elegant like the female leopard, very wild; This place had the hottest women. They were as untamed as the wild horse, ready to die to preserve their chastity; This place had the most talented beauties. Willing to converse with you about romance of life. Willing to accompany you as you poetrize or paint a picture until the dead of night. It was a place for scholars’ work.

Pure-hearted young ladies, extraordinarily beautiful woman, talented girls, young married women… This was a place that would even intoxicate the Buddha’s disciple.

Xiao Chen stood on top of a grand castle calmly as he looked up at the starry sky. It was as if he had disconnected from the lower world and found himself in a different space.

The night sky was quiet and cold, while the ground was brimming with activities. His heart was in tranquility. He could feel it and comprehend it to some extent. His mind was located in front of the immortal’s watch tower, his body was in the middle of the extremely wide human society.

Training was not only about strengthening the body, it was also necessary to train the mind. His body was in the middle of the noisy human society. Sometimes, he must follow his heart’s desires and act as he wished, destroying every obstruction and restriction. Sometimes he must transcend worldliness and stand high in the clouds to look down at the noisy human society, using an overbearing attitude to watch every living being.

One must train the body, train the mind, and practice swordplay to press forward!

Xiao Chen already adjusted his wounded body to the peak condition. He flew gracefully under the night sky and left behind an afterimage. Without making any sound, he took a step into the courtyard.

This was a place he’s familiar with. It was the Intoxicating House affiliated with the Moonflower Castle’s rose garden. That was Lyria and Carmina’s castle. Windfeathers was currently at this place.

The entire garden was filled with rose. The fragrance permeated the air.

Xiao Chen walked forward with large strides. Lyria had undoubtedly revealed her skill with the zither at this very moment. The musical tone was very pleasant to hear. It made people immerse in one kind of fantastic mood. The spring flowers were in full bloom and the scenery was very beautiful. A dazzling young lady was smiling in the cluster of flowers…… it was a very vivid scene. Along with the flow of musical notes, it was as though she was just right before the eyes.


Windfeathers’ voice transmitted from within the castle.

The music stopped. Carmina also stopped her fervent dance.

At this moment, Windfeathers bared his chest and was drinking alone. It seemed as if there were young dragons coiling around his sturdy bronze-like body. He appeared robust and powerful. His body was brimming with explosive power and his skin was flickering with a jewel-like splendor.

This was a youth brimming with wilderness. His eyes were like that of a beast’s and emitted a heart-racing glint. It was cold, bright, and vicious!

Windfeathers turned his body around and yelled towards the outside, “Since you’ve arrived, might as well come in.”

Xiao Chen opened the door and entered. He was calm and collected as he sat on a mink fur imperial throne. He looked straight at Windfeathers with eyes as sharp as the sword.

“Eya… Brother Xiao has come…” Carmina walked over gracefully with her curvy, exquisite body. Her thin waist twisted left and right like a water snake. Her speech was very intimate and sweet, “Little Lan, what are you girls doing? Come over here.”

She needn’t instruct them. Those quick-witted girls at the side already used a tray to deliver the fine liquor and delicacies hastily.

Windfeathers was sweeping his eyes over Xiao Chen like a wild beast. The temperature in the hall seemed to be dropping rapidly. It caused few of the girls to break out in cold sweat unceasingly. He stood up to look down at Xiao Chen, and said, “You want to make a move here?”

“Anywhere is the same.”

“Killing you will not bring disgrace to my fist!” Windfeathers was this confident. He had an overbearing attitude and looked down on his peers. Three days ago, he attacked Xiao Chen at the city gate with this kind of attitude. He was wild and demonic!

“I am unparalleled!” Xiao Chen didn’t want to say much. He stood up directly and walked outside.

There was no wind, but Windfeathers’ long black hair fluttered by itself. A scary battle intent burst out in that instant. He said coldly, “Good, this kind of attitude is not bad. As far as I am concerned, you must die. I am unparalleled, you are already one of my targets. Even if you don’t come find me tonight, I will go find you myself!” After he finished speaking, he drank one cup of strong alcoholic drink, then he ruthlessly threw the wine cup on the ground as he took large strides out of the building.

Lyria and Carmina cast a quick glance at each other and followed the two out of the castle.

“Two of you are distinguished heroes. The fight tonight is bound to shake the south. My Moonflower Castle has a ‘public lake’, the two of you can fight there.” Lyria was wearing a white dress. It was lightly brushed into motion by the night breeze. She was as elegant as the fairy.

Carmina was even more direct. She twisted her soft waist and giggled, “Hehe, a fight that will shake the south, how can a hero not have a beauty to accompany? Sister Lyria and I are willing to stay at the edge of the public lake and root for you with the zither and flute.”

“If only you girls will invite me to the woman’s chamber tonight. I am very expectant.” Windfeathers’ face was brimming with wilderness.

“Hehe, if we are going to invite, we will only invite the victor.”

“Good, just wait for me in your room tonight.” Windfeathers’ expression became all the more wilder. The glint in his eyes became more and more vigorous. He turned his head over and gazed at Xiao Chen coldly, “For the battle tonight, these beauties will accompany us. The winner will get another great delight.”

The intoxicating fragrance drifted along with the wind. Carmina’s giggle was transmitted from a distant place. Her flirtatious expression was extremely bewitching.

The luminous moon was hanging high up in the sky. Beside the public lake, Xiao Chen and Windfeathers were standing face to face.

The moonlight was like a wisp of mist. It made a layer of hazy splendor envelop the clear lake. It was indescribably ethereal and ambience.

There’s nothing to say, there’s no need to say anything.

Windfeathers bared his upper body. His steel-like demonic body was brimming with power. It was hard to speculate his full power. With a single step, he disappeared from his original position. Only a faintly discernible afterimage was left in the sky. His speed was really too fast!

One punch!

It was a very random punch, ruthlessly aimed at Xiao Chen’s head! The ground started to shake, waves suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake, a powerful energy fluctuation that could topple the mountains and overturn the seas burst out in a flash.

Windfeathers was like an immemorial demonic mountain. His entire person was brimming with an unpredictable power. At the moment, it seemed as if he weighed thousands of tons. The ground fissured along with his random punch!

The demonic body left behind an afterimage and directly appeared in front of Xiao Chen. Instead of moving back, Xiao Chen was going forward and faced him with the same kind of punch.


When the two fists collided, it was just like the sudden clap of thunder that fell from the Ninth Heaven. The deafening sound cut through the vast sky. The castles in the vicinity were trembling. A dozen or more human figures quickly rushed over, but with Lyria and Carmina’s wave of the hand, they immediately retreated silently.

Windfeathers was wild like the ferocious beast, vicious like the fierce dragon. His demonic body was as quick as lightning. He exchanged blows with Xiao Chen boldly.

The ground was getting fissured unceasingly. Windfeathers was really too strong. Each step of his would inevitably cause the ground to shake. This was the wildest opponent Xiao Chen had encountered to date.

This was a ferocious beast not only in name, but also in reality!


The wind given rise by Windfeathers’ punch was really too heavy. Each punch would leave a red streak of light behind. It was as terrifying as layer upon layer of bloody waves. Every time he moved, it was as if a volcano was erupting. His speed was also so fast that it was against reason.

He was abnormally strong and violent!

The musical notes that sounded like clashing swords reverberated. Following closely, the music from the flute resounded. The sound of the zither and flute harmonized. The music sounded like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses galloping. It completely offset the kind of tense atmosphere in a life and death battle.

Xiao Chen jumped high into the sky. Then he stamped the air and strode in the sky. Each step was heavier than ten thousand tons. He ruthlessly attempted to stamp on Windfeathers’ chest.

This was the most ferocious killer kick in the world of martial arts!

Although this was a widely known move, only a few was capable of bringing out its full potential. If used by a genuine expert, this was definitely a terrifying killer move. It shouldn’t be used lightly, as it could easily reap one’s life!

The killer kick, with a single kick, the mountain split apart!

Xiao Chen only took three steps and the space was already distorted. Although he was two meter high, the ground already fissured unceasingly. And furthermore, the public lake at the side was boiling. The lake water was rolling over and over violently!

Xiao Chen was striding forward in the empty sky. As he took the fourth step, the wind rumbled. It was as if a storm was given rise in the sky as the thunder surged on. An indescribable pressure flooded the lake shore.


Windfeathers was as wild as a fierce dragon. He actually directly lifted his fist to face Xiao Chen’s right foot. The pressure from the fist, that was as heavy as the mountain, caused the space to distort. The space faintly broke into pieces.

The ferocious fist firmly clashed with Xiao Chen’s right foot. However, Xiao Chen’s eyes were as sharp as a sword. He also raised his power to the limit and didn’t shrink back. That was because he didn’t give himself a way to retreat. This battle could only press forward but not retreat!

While the right foot was bearing that crazy power, he already swept his left foot. The fifth step stamped towards Windfeathers’ chest as firmly as before.

After the one year of secluded training in south desolate region, Windfeathers had gained abundance of insight. His Demon Beast Art already rose to an all new level. He was very confident with his own power.

He still lifted his fist to resist. It was a direct confrontation!

The exploding sound rang out unceasingly. The mother earth seemed as if it was being crushed by a huge mountain. It kept breaking up unceasingly!

Xiao Chen kept stamping with the killer kicks. The space was rumbling. In the end, tiny cracks even appeared in the space. Windfeathers earnestly faced all his kicks head-on as he fell back unceasingly. Until finally, both of his legs were completely submerged in the ruptured ground. Half of his body was directly bombarded into the ground level by Xiao Chen.

It wasn’t because his power was not equal to Xiao Chen, but rather because Xiao Chen’s main assault this time was too sharp. Moments of howling wind and torrential rain made him rather passive.

However, after receiving all of Xiao Chen’s killer kicks, Windfeathers became vigorous and lively again. With a long shout, his black hair fluttered wildly as the surrounding ground quickly exploded. He jumped up and charged towards Xiao Chen wildly.

The clangs of the zither sounded like an ancient battlefield had descended at the lakeside. As if there were millions of mighty soldiers charging forward, as if the blood was spurting out and the bones were getting crushed… The music was very seasonal.


As if a meteorite fell into the public lake, along with the two great experts’ earth-rending battle, a torrential wave was stirred up at the lakeside. The white drizzle of water droplets appeared especially hazy under the moonlight.

Windfeathers was as cold as a fiend, as wild as a beast. He left behind one afterimage after another and already rushed into the lake with Xiao Chen. They were battling on the surface of the lake! Every time when the lake water was unable to bear their weight anymore, they only needed to lightly step on a lotus leaf to lift themselves up.

It was close to an air battle!

On the surface of the lake, under the moonlit night, there was the great confrontation between the strongest youths of the south desolate region!

Fighting fiercely until now, the both of them had already build up enough power. Windfeathers’ surrounding space gradually twisted and became fuzzy. A glaring bloody radiance enveloped him. That was actually some kind of bizarre “domain”! It was reeking with blood and breath of brutality. Windfeathers’ hair danced wildly. He was like a blood-soaked Asura.

Domain, that was a divine ability that gradually opened up when one reached the Historia realm. Only extremely few genius in the Exuvia realm had the luck to manifest this kind of potential in advance. Without a doubt, the wild Windfeathers was unconditionally one of the strongest among the peers.

Xiao Chen had once seen a youth expert with a domain before. Because of this, he wasn’t too shocked. A long time ago, on the dragon island, he had seen Dugu Jianmo creating a mysterious “domain” when he waved his sword. Besides, Xiao Chen’s very own “presence perception” was also considered the manifestation of the Historia realm’s hidden potential in advance.

Not one person was the Heaven’s sole favorite. Everyone possessed a different ups and downs of life. When Xiao Chen had an accomplishment in the martial way, someone else would also have an out of the ordinary opportunity and progressed with their heads held high. In the end, everything depended on their tenacity and efforts.

I am unparalleled!

Windfeathers, he was the wildest among his peers. He indeed had enough power to be proud of, truly had the right to look down on the youth generation.

When the bloody domain was executed, the stench of blood changed the surroundings in a flash. The heaven and earth lost their colors. Every directions were set in motion because of it!

Thousands and tens of thousands of beast shadows appeared behind him. He already made a very big accomplishment in the Demon Beast Art he practiced. During this one year of secluded training, he was fighting at close quarters with the wild beasts everyday. So much so that he even consumed some of the legendary primal beast’s souls.

The Demon Beast Art refined the beast soul!

Because of this, he learned this terrifying bloody domain — The domain of the beast!

“Xiao Chen, go to hell!” His body was in the domain. Windfeathers’ figure couldn’t be seen at all. There was only a scarlet red domain that looked like the raging flame. At the same time, it looked like thousand layers of bloody wave rolling over and over. There were countless beast shadows in the domain, baring their fangs and claws, facing upwards and roaring.

It seemed like it could directly assault the soul. An extremely terrifying power charged towards Xiao Chen along with Windfeathers’ wild movements.

Under the moonlit night, Xiao Chen stood there, straight and tall. His eyes were as bright as the stars as they emitted two sharp glints. He was not afraid. The overflowing battle intent burst out. An extremely powerful energy caused the lake water to turn over. His killing intent was soaring!

When encountering someone stronger than oneself, they must become stronger! ⌈1

A chance upon an opponent with this kind of domain, Xiao Chen was like a wargod that had just awakened. His entire body burst forth with resplendent rays of light. The North Star light screen passed through his body and draped over his body like an ancient battle armor given a new lease of life. It was flooding with baleful aura!

Every time the battle armor enveloped a part of his body, it would produce a sonorous metallic sound. In the end, the North Star light screen completely enveloped Xiao Chen’s body!


  1. Silva: 遇强越强!
    Encounter the strong, become stronger… how to make it sound less awkward? 

Chapter 170 – To Advance Courageously!

Li Daoyuan seemed to have really become a corpse, completely driven by fighting instinct. All of his other awareness had disappeared. Unwilling to let go of Xiao Chen, he rushed over for the kill.

Nine lightnings as thick as a bowl cup submerged the two of them, making the both of them bear it together.

At the same time, the eight major divinized acupoints in Xiao Chen’s body seemed to burst out with incomparably dazzling rays of light. The inexhaustible energy of life rushed forth and enveloped his body in a flash.

“God Slayer!”

“Chaotic Patterns!”

Holding the broken sword in his right hand, Xiao Chen integrated the two major techniques into the sword skill and slashed violently. His pupils were incomparably cold. He resisted the nine terrifying lightnings with his powerful body and the tremendous life energy. Then he got not more than thirty feet away from the Spell Master Liu Ziliang.

The ice-cold sword ruthlessly streaked across the sky. The blood burst forth, an arm soared up, and the sky was dyed by the color of blood.


Liu Ziliang fell back at lightning speed. He was holding his broken arm and let out a groan in pain. The blood gushed out non-stop and the pain made his expression distort.

Xiao Chen was totally putting his life on the line. He directly crossed over the blockade of the nine lightnings and broke through to arrive in front of Liu Ziliang. Although the corner of his mouth was spilling blood, he was able to inflict heavy damage Liu Ziliang in the shortest possible time.

Xiao Chen knew someone was hiding in the dark since the beginning. He didn’t want to face two experts at the same time. Doing that was really too dangerous. Therefore, even if he had to risk it, he must dispose of one person first. Although Liu Ziliang was not killed, his fighting strength had already declined by one level.

The Infernal Corpse of Li Daoyuan also crossed over the blockade of nine lightnings as thick as a bowl cup. He wasn’t able to tell if Li Daoyuan suffered any injuries, but at least his movements didn’t slow down as he threw himself at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was using the Dragging Sword Technique. He lifted his hand towards the back as he turned around. The sword-qi was like a star streaking past mother earth as it transformed into a glaring divine light that diagonally slashed towards Li Daoyuan’s neck.

Li Daoyuan was completely driven by battle instinct. His keen intuition detected this sword’s power and shifted twenty feet to the side, just barely avoiding the tip of the sword. After that, he pounced from the side.

After Xiao Chen crossed over the lightning, his Undying Divine Wings were already at the peak state. His speed transcended the Spell Masters and Psychics. He dodged Li Daoyuan’s attack again as he went after the heavily injured Liu Ziliang.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

One afterimage after another appeared in the sky. Liu Ziliang endured the pain and kept changing his position to dodge. He wanted to draw closer to Li Daoyuan. After unexpectedly suffering a heavy injury, he was only able to exhibit seventy percent of his strength. He didn’t dare to face Xiao Chen anymore.

However, it was impossible for Xiao Chen to give him this chance!

His speed was faster than Liu Ziliang and Li Daoyuan. Disregarding Li Daoyuan’s pursue and attack from behind, Xiao Chen chased to kill Liu Ziliang like a death god.

Liu Ziliang was an absolute expert among the experts. Hardly anyone could reach his level among his peers. However, tonight was very unfortunate for him. He got careless because he totally never expected that Xiao Chen would actually take the risk to bore through nine lightnings that were as thick as the a bowl cup and gave him a fatal strike.

From his perspective, Xiao Chen was completely putting his life on the line. He was a gambler. This kind of heavy injury made Liu Ziliang very sullen. He didn’t even get the chance to reveal his true strength!

However, what Liu Ziliang didn’t know was that Xiao Chen was not betting with his life. That was because Xiao Chen absolutely had that kind of capital. The vigorous vitality allowed him to keep the injuries at the minimum, and moreover, recover at an astonishing rate. Although he was coughing out blood, it didn’t have much influence on Xiao Chen’s strength. The eight major acupoints circulated with resplendent life essence simultaneously and healed his wounds very quickly.

This was a very shocking scene, Li Daoyuan was pursuing and attack Xiao Chen from afar, Xiao Chen was chasing to kill Liu Ziliang. It seemed like they were each mind their own businesses and were completely neglecting the others.

“Die!” Xiao Chen shouted loudly, “Demon Suppression” integrated with the sword technique and directly shattered the light screen formed by the magic spell. A wisp of black light brushed past Liu Ziliang’s neck. His long hair fluttered along with the wind as a big chunk of it was cut off. A shallow cut appeared on his neck. He was nearly beheaded.


It was another loud shout. The jet-black broken sword swept across the sky. The sword-qi was like a beam of light.

The brilliance was very dazzling. Liu Ziliang chanted an incantation inwardly. Rays of light fell down from all directions to resist Xiao Chen’s violent attack.

However, the broken sword was unstoppable. The inexhaustible light screen was split open as easily as splitting a rotten object. A passage was directly opened up. Xiao Chen rushed into the light screen in the blink of an eye and attempted to behead Liu Ziliang.

Liu Ziliang was so frightened that his soul literally jumped out of his body. He was unable to muster any strength. After losing one arm, the sharp pain made it hard for him to concentrate. His strength was far inferior than before and was simply unable to withstand Xiao Chen.

The fight among experts was a fight to strive for a decisive opportunity. Liu Ziliang’s strength declined greatly and lost the decisive opportunity, how could he ever hope to stand up to Xiao Chen now?

“God Slayer!”

“Demon Suppression!”

“Chaotic Patterns!”

Xiao Chen shouted loudly. Three out of four of the major techniques assimilated with the sword skill simultaneously. The broken sword was as terrifying as the scythe of the Grim Reaper right now. The jet-black rays of light seemed to rip apart the sky.

The deadly blade was brandished mercilessly.

The barrier fell apart completely. Liu Ziliang was in despair. His speed was inferior to the other party, his strength at the moment was also not as good. It was extremely difficult to fend off this strike from Xiao Chen!


The blood splashed everywhere. Xiao Chen directly chopped Liu Ziliang in half at the waist.

“Impossible!” Liu Ziliang let out the final shriek of despair. He came to kill Xiao Chen, how could he die like this? He didn’t dare believe the fact before his eyes. In a situation where two great experts were making their move at the same time, the other party actually concentrated on dealing with him like this and killed him on the spot!

While wearing an expression of unwillingness, the glint in Liu Ziliang’s eyes gradually became dimmer.


The blood splashed all over again. Xiao Chen brandished the sword vertically downward and divided that two parts into four!

Stopping at high altitude, he turned his body around to gaze coldly at Li Daoyuan, who was chasing after him. Xiao Chen raised his longsword towards the sky and confronted him again.

After killing an opponent, his move became bolder than ever. Xiao Chen faced the Infernal Corpse with a vertical slash from the jet-black broken sword. The sword-qi soared up. One sword-qi after another already formed into an energy wave and erupted unceasingly.

“God Slayer!”

“Demon Suppression!”

“Death Blow!”

Three major techniques fused as one. Xiao Chen concentrated that kind of destructive power into the jet-black broken sword and pressed forward courageously.

I am unparalleled!

Leaving no way to retreat, completely sealing his own way fall back, this strike must settle it, it must produce an outcome!

It was a life and death battle of a fierce man!

Not only was he fierce to his opponent, he was also fierce to himself. He was forcing himself to produce the greatest power in the most desperate situation.

One slash sealed all ten directions!

Li Daoyuan was unable to dodge. His ghost-like figure in the black fog continuously made inconceivable movements. His body seemed to have deformed. His adamantium-like palm sandwiched the broken sword from an extremely tricky angle.

But the power from the fusion of the three major techniques was unstoppable! With the addition of Xiao Chen’s fourth technique, Chaotic Patterns, even something as strong as the Infernal Corpse was unable to bear it.

The palms were unable to sandwich the broken sword. The jet-black sword-qi broke into the black fog. With a “clink”, the sword chopped diagonally on Li Daoyuan’s left shoulder.

The edge of the sword violently cut the flesh, and yet it was unable to chop off his arm. The broken sword was stuck inside. This made Xiao Chen very shocked. Just what kind of state was Li Daoyuan’s body in? He was actually unable to chop him in half even after fusing a few major techniques. His body was really too powerful.

God Slayer, Demon Suppression… the steady flow of power was surging forward like the torrential river. The broken sword pressed down like a mountain that weighed over thousand tons. It was continuously increasing in power. Xiao Chen wanted to chop off one of his opponent’s arm no matter what.


The Infernal Corpse let out a voice for the first time. It faced upwards and let out a loud roar that shook the vast sky. The messy hair fluttered and the bloody glint in the eyes became even colder. He spared no effort to twist his body to shake Xiao Chen off.

That arm of Li Daoyuan was not cut off. Although Xiao Chen left behind a terrifying wound, it wasn’t bleeding at all. His body had completely corpsified, the blood was already flowing no longer.

Taking a step in the empty sky, as if he was really stamping on the ground, the sky actually shook with Xiao Chen’s steps. That was the outburst of the worldly energy. Xiao Chen’s bearing was getting more and more magnificent.

After that, in that very instant, sword-qi soared up. Xiao Chen brandished the sword in succession and slashed Li Daoyuan with eighteen sword strikes. Eighteen resplendent rays of light streaked across the vast sky like meteor shower.

The people gazing at the starry sky in Celestial City was very surprised. The rays of light from these shooting stars were too gorgeous! They actually illuminated one side of the sky.

“Clang! Clang! Clang…!”

The sonorous metallic sound lingered on. Li Daoyuan’s arms and Xiao Chen’s broken sword clashed unceasingly. He continuously neutralized eleven strikes, but that unmatched sword-qi gradually suppressed him.

The remaining seven hits struck him like the lightning, they were unstoppable!


The continuous strikes hit the target, seven sword strikes chopped Li Daoyuan’s body. However, they did not hit the same position as Li Daoyuan successfully scattered the attacks.

One after another, terrifying wounds appeared all over the demonic corpse. The last two strikes actually caused it to bleed. That revealed the Infernal Corpse was about to wear off and crumble. Li Daoyuan was about to resume his original corporeal body.

Xiao Chen prepared to make his move again, but just at this time, someone stepped on rainbow-colored magic cloud and soared into the sky. That person held on to Li Daoyuan, who was already unable to prop himself up.

“Wuxing Feng!” Xiao Chen’s eyes emitted two glints. He raised his longsword towards the sky and stared at his former powerful opponent. After that, he took large strides forward and advanced in the empty sky.

“Xiao Chen, must you kill to the last one?” Wuxing Feng’s expression was very cold as he continued, “I really want to make my move, but you are wounded. Defeating you like this is very dull.”

Xiao Chen didn’t say much. He knew Wuxing Feng was not arrogant. The other party really had the power to back him up. Although he defeated Wuxing Feng once, the other person involved also made a progress. To fight until last man standing, he might need to go through a very painful battle. Xiao Chen would never forget the fierce battle from last time.


It was impossible to shrink back!

Xiao Chen lifted the sword and brandished it. God Slayer directly aimed for Wuxing Feng’s chest.

Wuxing Feng’s eyes sparked with electricity as he executed the Fist of Earth. The drizzling yellow rays of light was surging up like inexhaustible dust as it swept toward Xiao Chen.


The sword and fist collided as an ear-splitting noise was produced. It was as if the heavenly thunder was ripping the sky apart.

There were countless afterimages and colorful rays of light. When Xiao Chen was fighting with Wuxing Feng, inexhaustible energy storm rumbled in the sky.

The sword light amassed and seemed to have formed a continuous mountain of swords. The sword-qi filled the entire sky.

Wuxing Feng’s Quinctus Techniques were even more powerful. One punch contained one of the five major element; iron, wood, water, fire, and earth. It was the most ancient profound ability. Its brilliance was brought out by this genius of the Terra Empire, Wuxing Feng.

The glorious past of the Quinctus Techniques will be recreated!

Turning upside down, Xiao Chen swung his leg and swept his right leg across to clash with Wuxing Feng’s Fist of Fire. The rumbling sky seemed to be ignited by endless conflagration. The entire sky was burning with raging flame.

There’s not much to choose from between the two of them. They were still formidable opponents, it was impossible to decide victory or defeat in a short time.

Wuxing Feng had already pushed away Li Daoyuan, who regained his consciousness, and fought with Xiao Chen with everything he got.

Xiao Chen had already put away the broken sword. He planned to face Wuxing Feng’s Quinctus Techniques with his fists!

Two great experts were having an intense battle in the sky. In the blink of an eye, hundred moves were executed. However, they were still unable to decide win or loss. The energy waves rolled over and over violently.

Finally, Wuxing Feng shouted loudly, “Kill!”

Five continuous punches, with the next punch slower than the former, but the power of each punch increased. The punches pressed forward like a huge mountain. This was the Quinctus Techniques he comprehended recently. There were too many secrets in this ancient art waiting for the later generations to comprehend.

Xiao Chen spared no effort and also launched five punches. Demonic Seal, God Slayer, Chaotic Patterns, Demon Suppression, Death Blow, five divine radiance illuminated the horizon. The sudden clap of thunder burst in the sky. The lightning flashed and burst forth with terrifying light of death.

This was bound to be a chaotic night.

After five punches, the two of them coughed out a few mouthful of blood. Then, the both of them fell back, no longer making a move. After standing at opposite side for fifteen minutes, Wuxing Feng left without turning his head back. Xiao Chen didn’t pursue and attack. He just silently adjusted his breathing for half an hour, then he flew towards a different direction.

The second target, Windfeathers!

Flying at extreme speed, he flew past the brightly lit buildings at low altitude. Xiao Chen appeared in the middle of a castle. That was actually the “Moonflower Castle”. Windfeathers was meditating in the castle-like brothel.

This was bound to be a sleepless night. If people knew Xiao Chen was consecutively engaging in a life and death battle tonight, it would inevitably cause a huge wave.

A crazy man doing a crazy thing!


  1. N/a

Chapter 169 – Infernal Corpse

Xiao Chen’s decision was very crazy. Not to challenge, but to kill all of them. One battle after another, ten continuous battles, wanting to transcend his limits through life and death battles. To rise to an even wider world, to achieve the evolution of the body and mind.

However, if he was a little incautious, he might die in Celestial City today.

The evening approached quickly. The fatty and Fairsky had already sent people to search out the majority of the people’s residences.

Xiao Chen was standing at the courtyard all along as he watched the afterglow of the sunset. He might open the door to the treasure in his body after the battle. He might even end up on the verge of dying, just like this setting sun that didn’t last for long.

He urgently needed this battle. He didn’t want to attempt nothing and accomplish nothing in the limited time available. Reaching Immortalis realm at the age of forty five was easier said than done. He didn’t have an iota of time to waste. The limited life must not be wasted. He must become the strongest in the shortest time possible.


A stream of air circulated in the courtyard at lightning speed as a ray of white light cut through the space. The white-shelled tortoise had a very vivid expression, like that of a human. It seemed to be very angry as it ran around the courtyard at lightning speed. It was as swift as the wind. ⌈1

After that, its clear black eyes were firmly fixed on the old ginseng skin on the ground. It crawled over there slowly, brimming with unwillingness, regretfulness, and resentfulness.

And then, it actually stood up, like a palm-sized gnome. It quickly swept its eyes past everyone in the courtyard. Of course, including Keke and Tenax.

“Eh? It’s a white-shelled tortoise. This couldn’t be the one that guarded the old ginseng right?” When the fatty saw this little tortoise with strange origin, he felt very surprised and said in doubt, “When I was buying that old ginseng, the seller told me that the white-shelled tortoise was already sold by the pharmacist separately. How is it possible for it to show up here? This is too regretful, if we could stew this white-shelled tortoise with that old ginseng, it would definitely be the most exceptional tonic!”


The white-shelled tortoise was as quick as lightning. It jumped into the sky and stood there like a human. It twisted its waist and bent its arm before it sent out two punches in rapid succession.

“Pow! Pow!”


Two punches hit the rim of the fatty’s eyes. Zhuge fatty immediately yelled in pain like a wolf. Then he shouted in anger, “Mother f—! What is this tortoise? How can it do shadow-boxing?!”

The fatty’s eyes were jet-black. They were completely bruised and looked like the panda’s eyes.

“Mother f—! I was actually punched by a tortoise!” The fatty was really angry. This kind of unimaginable thing actually happened to him. It was completely unexpected. ⌈2

Xiao Chen and Fairsky burst into loud laughter. The snow-white little Keke was already rolling on the floor laughing. Only Tenax stared at the white-shelled tortoise without batting an eye.

“I beat, I stamp!” The angry fatty lifted his leg to stamp the little tortoise that was standing upright on the ground.



Zhuge fatty was punched again. The white-shelled tortoise jumped up as swift as the wind and brandished its fist violently to hit the fatty’s nose.

“Oh god! I’m bleeding… I’m bleeding… I actually got hit by a tortoise until I got a nosebleed?!” The fatty let out a long howl from the pain. In regards to this outrageous thing before his eyes, he felt it was a little unbelievable and cast an angry look at the little tortoise on the ground. That white-shelled tortoise was also staring at him angrily. The scene made one unable to restrain a smile.

“This ******* tortoise, just where did this evildoer came from? My god! I’ve never seen something so bizarre before!” Speaking until here, the fatty cast an angry look at Xiao Chen and Fairsky, “You two are still laughing? Come here and help me catch the tortoise! This is a devil. Mother f—, I actually got hit by a tortoise and you guys are still not coming to help me take care of it.”

“That’s enough, I recognize this tortoise. Although you got hit by the tortoise, it’s nothing to be ashamed about.” Xiao Chen knew that this was absolutely not a tortoise, but a dragon!

“No! I can’t let it pass like this!” The fatty was unwilling to forgive.

While Fairsky was looking at the fun, he stepped forward and wanted to grab the little tortoise. As a result, he also got punched twice on the face with a “Pow! Pow!” sound. The white-shelled tortoise was really so fast that it made one dazzled. They were unable to catch its movements.

“An evildoer, it’s really an evildoer! Even Fairsky’s pretty face was hit by the little tortoise.” The fatty was so shocked that he didn’t know what to say anymore.

Xiao Chen was also very surprised. The little tortoise’s speed had really reached an unimaginable realm. If its power also caught up with it, then this little tortoise would definitely become a very terrifying existence.

The white-shelled tortoise angrily ran around the courtyard a few times. It was very unwilling as it looked at the old ginseng skin one last time, then it looked at Tenax and Keke again before it left as fast as lightning.

When the disturbance from the little tortoise was over, the color of the sky had already turned dark. Xiao Chen adjusted the condition of his body to the peak stage. Then he soared into the sky and flew with extreme speed in the night sky.

First target, Prince Li’s mansion!

Wuxing Feng, Li Daoyuan, and Liu Ziliang, these were the three genius from Terra. They were the strongest youth experts below the age of twenty five in Terra Empire.

Looking at Celestial City from the sky, it seemed as if everything below was shrouded by a dense dragon-qi, as if it was really a sovereign city made by heaven. A great number of houses were brightly lit, making it bright under the dragon cloud.

Moving as swift as the wind, Xiao Chen streaked across the vast sky and left behind a few afterimages as he entered Prince Li’s mansion.

It must be mentioned that the Zhuge family and the Fair family were very powerful. They were actually able to clearly outline the layout of the prince’s mansion. Xiao Chen directly advanced according to that information.

His steps were as light as a feather as he noiselessly landed on the courtyard. The night breeze was carrying the scent of the orchid. The aromatic smell pervaded the entire courtyard. Xiao Chen picked off a leaf and carved four words on it: Come out and fight. After that, he used the light to emphasize the words. ⌈3


Almost at the same time, a figure rushed out of the building and appeared in front of Xiao Chen like a ghost.

Xiao Chen immediately soared into the sky. That figure behind followed him closely and flew high into the sky. At the same time, in the darkness, another figure stealthily ascended in the dark sky.

When they were already far away from the ground, a sneer resounded in the sky, “Xiao Chen, are you seeking your own death? Three days ago, that light of death at the city gate was unable to take away your life, and three days later, you actually dropped in by yourself so impatiently? I was about to go find you myself!”

The one speaking was one of the three strongest youth warriors in Terra Empire, Li Daoyuan. He was a very terrifying Psychic.

“Stop talking nonsense, I am here for the kill today. I won’t go back until I see some blood. ⌈4⌋” Xiao Chen fought for the purpose of fighting today. Unfolding the Undying Divine Wings, he transformed into a lightstream and rushed over there.

He executed the Death Blow immediately. The four major techniques contained the supreme Imprint of Dao. That was a glorious and world-shattering technique. It contained unparalleled power.

“Crackle! Crackle!”

The skill was almost like a path. One energy radiance after another burst out like hundreds and thousands of lightnings dancing wildly.

“Hmph! In front of the light of death, your so-called most powerful killing techniques are useless!” Li Daoyuan sneered again and again. His figure was like that of a ghost as he rushed over and shouted, “Light of Destruction.”

In the pitch-black night sky, a glaring ray of light ripped the darkness and swept towards Xiao Chen. This was a very rarely seen bizarre energy — the Light of Destruction. It was specialized in striping people of their life. It was as scary as the scythe of the Grim Reaper.

A noiseless collision. Then the energy waves rolled over and over violently. The sky seemed to have turned into boiling water. The entire sky was shaking. Xiao Chen and Li Daoyuan were blown away by the powerful energy waves.

The glaring rays of light were like a sun hanging in the night sky.

The instant that Xiao Chen flew back, he quickly came to a halt and then, as if his entire person became one with the broken sword in his hand, he cut through the sky and shattered everything in his path. He passed through the layers upon layers of energy waves and directly went after Li Daoyuan.

The dazzling sword-qi dropped down like the Milky Way falling from the Ninth Heaven, it was huge and resplendent. The sword-qi was slashed down vertically towards Li Daoyuan’s head, as if he wanted to chop him into half.

Li Daoyuan was surprised at Xiao Chen’s speed. He quickly dodged to the side and executed the Light of Destruction. Once again, the heavy breath of death spread out and covered up the sky like thick stagnant water.

Xiao Chen was not fearful. He made his move boldly and swept the broken sword in his hand across all directions. With power to swallow up the mountains and rivers, the resplendent sword-qi shattered everything in its path. All the light of death crumbled.

“This is too easy!” Xiao Chen calmly spat out these four words.

Li Daoyuan didn’t have any particular mood swing. At this very moment, his pair of eyes suddenly flickered with bloody red light. His pupils and the white of the eyes faded away. Only two terrifying red lights could be seen. He seemed especially demonic and terrifying in the night sky.

“The power from the underworld, blend into my body!” Li Daoyuan’s voice was very low, yet it was very heavy, as if it was reverberating from the underworld. Words failed to describe how frightening it was.

The black fog quickly gathered from all directions and surrounded Li Daoyuan. In the endless darkness, only two blood red lights could be seen. That ice-cold gaze was fixed at Xiao Chen. There wasn’t a trace of human emotion. There were only the breaths of destruction and stillness.

That didn’t seem like the eyes of a human, but rather the eyes of death that came from the underworld!

Li Daoyuan let out a low shout as he quickly rushed towards Xiao Chen. It was like the roar of an evil spirit from the underworld. He was wrapped up in the inexhaustible underworld fog. His entire person was already situated in absolute darkness.

The black fog rolled over and over violently. As if Li Daoyuan had transformed into a vicious corpse, he actually gave up the various kinds of spells that the Psychics possessed and engaged with Xiao Chen in close combat like the martial artists.



Clink! Clang!

His body was more solid than the adamantium. It seemed like it was no longer the flesh of a human body. When his arm clashed with Xiao Chen’s broken sword, a metallic sound actually reverberated.

The black underworld fog was rampaging. Xiao Chen was unable to probe Li Daoyuan in the black fog clearly with his spiritual sense. He could only see a pair of bloody red light penetrating the dark fog and staring at him coldly.

This scene was very bizarre. Xiao Chen couldn’t feel any fluctuation of life from the other party’s body. That seemed to be nothing more than an ice-cold corpse, a demonic corpse that came from the underworld!

Clang! Clang! Clang…!

The sonorous noise echoed in the sky unceasingly. Li Daoyuan’s ice-cold arm was striking against the side of the broken sword continuously. His and Xiao Chen’s speed were so fast that only a hazy black fog and a slender figure could be seen changing from one position to another unceasingly as they left behind afterimages.

Ice-cold like the corpse!

After Xiao Chen put away the broken sword and used his fists to clash with Li Daoyuan, he found that his body temperature was much lower than expected. He couldn’t feel the flow of blood at all. That was the distinctive feature of a corpse.

This was an evenly matched battle. Xiao Chen didn’t care if his opponent was a corpse or a human, what he sought was a powerful opponent of the same age. At present, he was not feeling uneasy due to the strength of the enemy. On the contrary, his battle intent was getting higher and higher.

It was a lightning quick and wild battle!

The moment he reached out his hand, the moment he lifted his leg, a thunderous noise resounded. It was as if the worldly power was spreading out because of him!

God Slayer!

Untold numbers of three inches long materialized swords pierced towards the ice-cold corpse all at once.

The air was shuddering, it seemed as if the space was about to shatter. The God Slayer nowadays was much stronger compared to the past. After all, Xiao Chen’s power was increasing on a daily basis.

This was a battle intent that evolved from the soul and was entrusted to the countless swords and blades.

Rips! Rips!

The space-ripping sound never stopped. At the same time, the black fog that enveloped Li Daoyuan’s body surged up violently in front of his body. It actually transformed into a black whirpool. It was like a primal beast opening up its huge mouth to swallow the countless rays of light.

A glint emitted from Xiao Chen’s pair of eyes. He had seen it really clearly this time. Although Li Daoyuan’s movements were as fast as lightning, his joints seemed to be very uncoordinated. His body really seemed as stiff as an old corpse.

Moreover, his surrounding space was actually cracked. One after another, minute traces of black-qi rushed forth from those cracks, as if it was really connected to the other world — the netherworld!

What kind of bizarre ability was this? He was actually able to borrow power from the underworld. It made Xiao Chen really shocked, but he was not fearful. Only this kind of powerful enemy could make him fight with everything on the line!

“Haha…” A loud laughter was transmitted from not far away. The person tailing behind Xiao Chen and Li Daoyuan finally revealed his visage from the shadow of the night sky. He laughed and said, “Li Daoyuan executed the forbidden technique, Infernal Corpse. It seems like he is intending to kill. Xiao Chen, you are dead for sure.”

Xiao Chen coldly cast a backward glance. He found a Spell Master there. He had also exchanged a single blow with him at the city gate three days ago. This should be the last of the three great experts from the Terra Empire, Liu Ziliang.

Liu Ziliang did not plan to hide behind the walls and watch the battle from a safe distance. After restraining his smile, his eyes emitted an ice-cold glint, then he made his move viciously. Following his incantation, nine huge lightnings as thick as a bowl cup were launched towards Xiao Chen’s back. He was merciless and wanted to take Xiao Chen’s life with this first move.

He didn’t seem to feel that besieging Xiao Chen was a kind of disgrace. On the contrary, he smiled coldly and said, “You who are surnamed Xiao, I always wanted to kill you, but I wasn’t able to find a suitable chance all along. Now, with myself and Li Daoyuan transformed into the battle corpse, killing you is as easy as killing a dog!”


Xiao Chen unfolded the Undying Divine Wings. With speed as fast as lightning, he left behind an afterimage and actually shook Li Daoyuan off. After that, he flew straight towards the nine lightnings as thick as a bowl cup.

He clashed directly with the terrifying lightning!

His eyes were filled with unlimited killing intent.


  1. Silva: It must be because of the ginseng! 
  2. Silva: Even with panda eyes, he couldn’t tell this tortoise is exceptional? xD 
  3. Silva: Something like this? 
  4. Silva: He thirst for blood! 

Chapter 168 – The Might of Dragon Ginseng

The snow-white little critter had a look of happiness and satisfaction across its entire face. The half an inch long amethyst old ginseng firmly embraced by it was almost as big as the snow-white little critter itself. Keke puckered up its cute little nose and took a bite of the ginseng with a “crunch”. In that instant, a colorful light soared up and filled the entire courtyard with a bewitching aroma.

This kind of bizarre event was really too astonishing. The multicolored light actually enveloped the entire courtyard. It was as if Keke was embracing a multicolored sun. The refreshing fruit fragrance made people endlessly intoxicated. The heavily scented fragrance was too strong. It was as if it had seeped deep into people’s bones in an instant and made them completely intoxicated.

The external layer of the old ginseng was amethyst in color, but the interior was flickering with multicolored brilliance. There was absolutely no ginseng flesh, there was only a honey-like sticky liquid. The bright, sticky, and colorful liquid slowly flowed out from the old skin.

At this moment, even the people on the main street were able to smell this bewitching fragrance.

Xiao Chen, Keke, and Tenax were completely revelled in enjoying the old ginseng. This was truly worthy of being the spiritual item guarded by the dragon, it was too extraordinary.

The sticky multicolored liquid dissolved immediately after entering the mouth. That kind of flavor was too wonderful for words. Xiao Chen felt the pores all over his body open up. His whole body felt incomparably relaxed. The liquid dissolved into countless specks of light in his mouth, and rushed into hundreds of veins in his four limbs.

“Gulp…” The fatty swallowed the saliva with all his strength. How he wished he could rush over there at once to snatch a bite or two.

Fairsky, who was usually keeping his manners in check, was also not much better at this moment. He forced himself to turn around and secretly swallowed his saliva.

“There’s enough for everyone, you guys should also come over here.” Xiao Chen smiled as he called out to the fatty and Fairsky.

The snow-white little Keke was a little unwilling. It was willing to share it with Xiao Chen and Tenax, but not so much when it came to other people. It cast a side glance at the two with its big black eyes, then it exerted itself physically to swallow up a big mouthful of multicolored liquid. In that instant, it involuntarily shut its eyes and groaned unceasingly as if infatuated.

“Forget it. I will absolutely not rely on external forces in my martial way.” Fairsky refused.

The fatty swallowed his saliva with all his strength and said, “I really want to eat it, but I am not a practitioner. I’m afraid I won’t be able to bear this kind of spiritual item. I usually only eat tortoise stew but I still end up with a fierce nosebleed. I’m afraid I won’t be able to enjoy this kind of good thing.” He felt rather regretful as he swallowed his saliva.

Looking at his gluttonous appearance, even Keke exposed a scornful expression. Xiao Chen smiled and tore a small piece — about the size of a fingernail — from the old ginseng. He passed it to the fatty and said, “Why not try a little.”

“Okay!” The fatty was very straightforward. He immediately swallowed it after receiving it.

He ate very straightforwardly, he also fell very straightforwardly. He seemed to be making a big fuss at the same time he turned over on the ground, “Hot! Hot! Hot!! It is comparable to a vitality soup stewed with one thousand tortoises. I can’t stand it anymore!”

Looking at the fatty again, he was having a nosebleed and his entire body was turning red, as if he was getting cooked thoroughly.

Fairsky hastily rushed over to help. And at the same time something unexpected also happened to Xiao Chen.

Of course, it was not like the fatty who couldn’t handle something so strong. Rather, a powerful gravitational force occurred in his body and directly gobbled up the essence of the multicolored liquid.

The divinization of the acupoints that hadn’t occurred in a long time showed up again!

The Baihui Acupoint ⌈1⌋ at the top of the head was an important acupuncture point in the human’s body. At this moment, it was just like a bottomless pit as it crazily absorbed the powerful spiritual energy that had just entered Xiao Chen’s body. The inexhaustible life essence was like a river flowing back to the ocean. All of it concentrated on a single direction! At last, it was condensed into a speck of resplendent light. The Baihui Acupoint was getting divinized at high speed!

It was much faster compared to the divinization of the other acupoints in the past. Xiao Chen felt a little helpless as it was happening again. He was unable to control this powerful spiritual energy according to his will. All of it gathered towards a certain point and divinized a certain acupoint, independent of his wishes.

It didn’t end with just this. A black vortex actually appeared on the Toil Palace Acupoints ⌈2⌋ on Xiao Chen’s left and right hands. They were crazily depriving more than half of the old ginseng king in his hands.

Keke and Tenax were quick enough as they grabbed the other half. The remaining part was immediately transformed into one resplendent light after another as they rushed into the black vortex at the hollow of Xiao Chen’s palms.

The Toil Palace Acupoints were located at the dead center of the palms. Its position was very special. At this very moment, the black vortex on Xiao Chen’s both hands made them seem like the hands of a demon. Words were unable to describe how bizarre it was.

The essence was gathered at lightning speed. The multicolored liquid was all transformed into brilliant rays and assimilated into his body. Afterwards the pitch-black vortex slowly faded. In its place, two specks of resplendent multicolored light were fixed on the hollow of the palms. The Toil Palace Acupoints on both hands were completely divinized. Compared to the other acupuncture points, they were like lamps in the dead of the night!

Keke and Tenax shared the other half of the old ginseng king equally. The first half was completely plundered by Xiao Chen’s three major acupoints. The three specks of light had fused perfectly with the acupoints. The light specks were the acupoints, the acupoints were the light specks. They were completely divinized and when compared to the ordinary acupoints, they were like three bright moons in the night sky!

Half of the multicolored old ginseng king was actually able to divinize three major acupoints. It was easy to tell just how much life essence it contained. One must know that the eggs of the Tyrannical Dragon, Eight-Clawed Tyrant Dragon, etc. were only able to divinize a single acupoint each.

This was practically a Dragon Ginseng!

Xiao Chen profoundly felt the mysteriousness of his secret art again.

He wasn’t able to refine the tremendous essence and use it to increase his own power. All of it was gathered in the acupoints and formed the three resplendent light specks. However, Xiao Chen was not disappointed. After all, that huge volume of spiritual essence was still amassed into his body and not wasted.

Just at this time, as if mysterious arteries and veins appeared in his body, the divinized acupoints were all connected.

The Shang Hill Acupoints in the left and right foot, the Center Palace Acupoint in the chest, the Shoulder Well Acupoints in the left and right shoulders, the Toil Palace Acupoints in the left and right palms and the Baihui Acupoint at the top of the head. The eight major acupoints formed a resplendent light speck. At this very moment, they pulsed violently, and emitted glaring rays of light that directly burst out from his body.

It made Keke and Tenax who were closest to him to jump up with fright. The eight major acupoints seemed to be linked up by an unseen vein!

The life energy was actually circulating between the eight major acupoints. That kind of connection couldn’t be seen with the naked eyes, and yet, he could feel it very clearly. That life energy continually flowed at great speed between the eight major acupoints.

The life energy was exceptionally vigorous!

Xiao Chen felt as if he had nine lives! The vigorous life energy made his skin circulate with glorious brilliance. Even his flesh and bones were filled with abundant multicolored light. It was as if they had been thoroughly tempered.

Every inch of his skin was brimming with power. It was as if his body was made out of adamantium. Vaguely, Xiao Chen could feel like he was reborn.


The divinized acupoints upgraded Xiao Chen’s Vajra technique. Although he did not obtain that enormous essence and thereby broken into the Historia realm, Xiao Chen’s body had still undergone a transformation. The ordinary spears or swords wouldn’t be able to injure his body anymore.

His physical body had reached a freakish level. Only a very few among his peers could have physical body as powerful as his.

The life energy was even more astonishing. If he was to sustain injuries now, they would be healed in the shortest possible time.

The body was a treasure box, the inside contained treasures.

Nobody knew how much secrets the body was hiding. Nobody knew the true limits of the human body. Historia, where one unearths the treasures in one’s body and opens the doors to the hidden potential of the human’s body!

Xiao Chen, it was as if he was already looking up at that dazzling treasure, as if the treasure of life was waiting for him to unearth it.

The price to pay for the divinization of the acupoints was too demanding. After leaving the dragon island, Xiao Chen felt that this kind of opportunity was hard to come by without the dragon eggs. However, he found a new hope today.

The human body possessed three hundred and sixty five main acupoints. If each and every one of the main acupoints changed into a light speck, if three hundred and sixty five main acupoints were divinized, what kind of transformation would take place? Xiao Chen was all the more looking forward to that day.

When everything finally calmed down, it seemed like there were divine flames throbbing in Xiao Chen’s eyes. The divine light flickered in his eyes!

When he remained in one place, his body was like a lofty mountain, majestic and motionless. When he moved, it was as if the stars had fallen on mother earth and shattered everything in their path.

Xiao Chen’s body flashed and disappeared from the courtyard. Afterimages appeared in every directions in the sky. The space seemed to have been ripped apart. He seemed to cut through space as he moved.

The fatty whose nosebleed had finally stopped had an annoyed expression as he said, “This is unreasonable! People eat the old ginseng and become so healthy and active, while I get a nosebleed.”

Fairsky was instead getting envious. He felt that Xiao Chen’s state seemed to have improved to some extent.

“Your power level increased?”

“No, only my body became more powerful. The power and speed have increased by a wide margin.”

“That is still not considered leveling up?”

“No, Historia is where we open up the treasures in our body. I haven’t pushed open any doors.” Speaking until here, Xiao Chen faced Fairsky and the fatty, then he said, “Can you guys scout out Dugu Jianmo, Katalina’s freak brother, Windfeathers, and the other people’s residences for me?”

After listening to Xiao Chen’s brief explanation, the two of them finally realized. He actually wanted to find all the strongest warriors of the youth generation, and not only those few from the south.

Three days ago, the strongest youths had showed up in Celestial City. They had gathered together for a short duration and triggered an unforeseeable domain. Xiao Chen’s targets were these people.

“Are you crazy?” Fairsky looked at Xiao Chen with shock, because he could already feel the battle intent coming from the other person’s eyes.

“I urgently need to wage a fierce battle. I can already see a whole new world right before my eyes. I only need to push myself to the limit to break into that new world in the shortest amount of time.”

“If you want to challenge them, why is there a need to make me scout out all of them?” Fairsky looked at him doubtfully. He had a bad premonition.

At last, Xiao Chen’s words made Fairsky’s premonition came true.

“I am not going to challenge them. I am going to kill all of them! One after another. After ten continuous battle, I might come back here on the verge of dying.” Speaking until here, Xiao Chen said to Keke and Tenax, “Tonight, the both of you don’t go anywhere. Just wait for me at home. I will definitely be back to recuperate before daybreak. At that time, if someone wants to break into this residence, come one kill one, come two kill two!”

“This is too crazy!” Fairsky was a little flabbergasted.


Chapter 167 – Stand Out From The Masses

The heaven and earth suddenly became dark, as if the netherworld field was about to swallow up the mother earth. It became pitch-black within a radius of a hundred meters. The terrifying “domain” enveloped this area.

Just at this very instant, everyone who got caught up in this “domain” seemed to have lost their sense of hearing and eyesight. They couldn’t hear anything with their ears nor could they see anything with their eyes, as if they had become disabled.

The ordinary practitioners who got trapped in this field were very terrified. This kind of feeling was the most inappropriate in regards to the practitioners. They had been deprived of their sense of hearing and vision.

This was entirely caused by few of the strongest youth experts. They were still unable to create a “domain” by themselves, but when several of them got together — even if they were hostile towards one another — they were able to let off the most powerful spiritual sense and power, which brought about this terrifying scene before their eyes.

One must know that they were distinguished persons in various regions. There were hardly any equal among their peers. They might even become influential figures in certain areas in the future. Their potential could be said to be unlimited. The domain that appeared now was the hidden potential that was hibernating within their bodies. It was the manifestation of their divine power in advance.

The domain was set into motion violently. It was like the great waves of the ocean. Then, with a few sudden vibrations, the ordinary practitioners were all flung away. Soon after, several human figures moved at lightning speed within the pitch-black domain. They were as swift as a ghost.


Xiao Chen raised up the broken sword to block the blow. It felt as if he was struck by a thunderbolt. His opponent’s figure also trembled. After that, he left behind an afterimage as he retreated.

Dugu Jianmo!

He made his prowess as a swordsman known to the whole world. His swordsmanship was unparalleled among his peers.

Just now, it was him who clashed with Xiao Chen. The surrounding space distorted and became fuzzy, as if the space was being squeezed by someone.


As if there was an earthquake, someone rushed towards Xiao Chen. After his foot fell to the ground, the earth burst open. That person was just like a steel demon. His savagery caused people to be appalled.

That person was tall and thin, but it felt as if there were thousand tons of weight behind his attack as it crashed down like a mountain!


As if the space was ripped apart, the turbulence circulated at high speed and let out an incomparably ear-piercing noise.

The newcomer suddenly sent a punch towards Xiao Chen’s head. Words were unable to describe how aggressive and tyrannical he was. It was as if he didn’t care about anyone under the heavens. That naturally included Xiao Chen. It could even be said that he was looking at the whole world disdainfully out of the corner of his eyes while making his move at will.

It was actually Windfeathers, that wild and demonic youngster! He didn’t attach importance to anything in his eyes, it was as if he was the only one in this world, and the others were nothing more than stepping stones.

Xiao Chen restrained the restless Keke with the hand that was holding the sword. Then he sent a punch with his other hand unhurriedly. It was a test of strength! The body was a treasure, the fists were for protecting that treasure. With one punch, strong wind spread across all directions. A resplendent radiance seemed to rip apart the darkness of the domain. The violent energy caused the surface of the earth to burst open unceasingly!


When the two fists collided, they actually let out a metallic sound. It was as deafening as the sudden clap of thunder. It caused many practitioners’ eardrums to buzz and go deaf momentarily.

Windfeathers distanced himself after one attack. Without much delay, he immediately charged towards the next opponent.

Xiao Chen stood there motionlessly, prepared to receive the next person’s strongest attack.

For these top-level young warriors to get together, it was something very hard to come by! Right now, in this dark, nefarious domain, everyone was looking for a chance to make their move. They wanted to test the power of their greatest enemies in the future.

As the strongest warrior in their respective regions, then they would inevitably traverse the world. These people were bound to cross swords.


A glaring light tore the darkness apart and swept towards Xiao Chen. This was from a very powerful Psychic, this was a very rare and bizarre ability — the Light of Destruction. It was specialized in stripping somebody of their life. The terrifying light was like the scythe of the Grim Reaper.

However, it was impossible for him to reap Xiao Chen’s life with a single strike. The jet-black broken sword swept across his view. The resplendent sword-qi rolled out like the torrential river and clashed with that glaring Light of Destruction. Just like the melting ice and snow, the two energies fell apart in a flash.


Another terrifying light beam swept towards Xiao Chen. The light of death rushed over from another direction. It was yet another terrifying young expert. Xiao Chen was more happy than fearful as he responded unhurriedly. While maintaining the status quo, he confronted everyone’s attack from all directions.

Just how many young experts were there in the dark, gloomy domain? Nobody knew for sure. At present, the figures in the domain were leaping all over the place with speed as fast as lightning. Only the terrifying spiritual spells and the resplendent sword-qis ripped apart the darkness from time to time.

In a brief instant, everyone in the domain had already carried out the most thrilling clash.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped. However, it suddenly sped up again in the next instant.


After a loud sound, the dark domain collapsed. Nobody knew who was the first to rush out of the domain. Following closely, human figures leapt towards all directions and dispersed.

Everyone in the domain had retreated in that very instant. When the dark domain completely faded away, only Xiao Chen and the two little beasts remained.

The breeze brushed past lightly. Xiao Chen stood on the field calmly. His tall and straight body was motionless. Only his black hair was fluttering along with the wind.

Traces of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth but Xiao Chen stood there unmoving for a good while before he wiped the traces of blood. After that, his body suddenly exploded with a burst of glaring light and his light injuries instantly healed. This was the power of vajra. Every time he was wounded, his body would become more resilient.

He knew that those people had also sustained injuries. After launching their strongest attacks respectively, none of them came out unscathed.

“Let’s hope nobody can breakthrough to Historia realm in a short time…” Xiao Chen muttered under his breath. These people already reached Exuvia Ninth Celestial Layer, they were on the same level as him. Just one more step and they would enter the incomparably vast whole new world.

But these people knew, that it was very, very hard to make a breakthrough. There was a huge protective screen blocking their path. Not only did they need time to breakthrough, what they needed even more was a stroke of luck.

“Let’s go!”

Xiao Chen unfolded the Undying Divine Wings. He soared into the sky with Keke and Tenax as he flew towards his residence.

Only now did the spectators let out a cry of surprise.

“Dragon King, that was a Dragon King!”

“A never seen before Dragon King.”

“Don’t tell me… rather than eleven Dragon Kings, there are twelve?!”


Xiao Chen didn’t want to cause Tenax to feel wronged again. A dragon was a dragon! There shouldn’t be a need to disguise itself as a horse or a tiger. It was time to restore it to its original appearance. There was no need to cover up its drive! Want to scheme against Tenax? Go ask that big demon king in the depths of the south first!

He believed that the news should have already spread to a limited extent. Those who had sufficient power should have already received the news that Tenax and three young Dragon Kings were walking side by side in the south desolate region. If they think they have enough power to confront that existence in the depths of the south, then let them go ahead and come up with some devious schemes. Otherwise, they could only feign ignorance.

There were only about two more months before the warbeast tournament began. The people that should come should have already arrived. At present, numerous experts gathered in Celestial City. The practitioners from every regions were gathered in the south. A huge storm was about to break out.

Xiao Chen was behind closed doors for three days. He had indulged in training these past few days, wanting to take a step into Historia realm in one go. The scene where he was tormented by the four experts of the Reagan Family constantly irritated him. Xiao Chen wanted to break into that even wider domain as soon as possible.

He knew that those Ninth Celestial Layer genius were of the same mind as him. They wanted to be the first to break into the Historia realm and overpower the young generation!

“Xiao Chen, are you crazy?” Fairsky looked at him bewilderedly and said, “You are only digging your own grave by doing this!”

Fairsky was a practitioner, in regards to the martial way, he was very clear about all kinds of taboos. When he heard that Xiao Chen actually wanted to use spiritual items to break through, he promptly opposed against the idea.

“I am very normal. I know what I am doing.” Xiao Chen was very calm.

“You… really don’t know or are you faking it?” Fairsky looked at Xiao Chen in puzzlement and said, “What people should abstain the most in the martial way is a ‘shortcut’. As long as you want to become a practitioner with great accomplishments, you must breakthrough with your own strength. Through hard work and not by relying on external forces. This was the crystallization of the predecessor’s wisdom.” ⌈1

Fairsky said, “I don’t believe you are unaware of these reasons. Spiritual items might allow oneself to obtain great power in a short time, but if there’s a gain, there’s also bound to be a loss. By the time he obtained that dream-like power, it also meant that he lost the qualification to become the strongest. The power he obtained from an external source became a shackle that prevented him from developing his own power. It became a chain that made him unable to breakthrough forever. Doing this is equivalent to sealing your own future path. Do you really not understand the crystallization of the predecessor’s wisdom?”

“Of course I know about this.” Xiao Chen replied calmly, “but my ‘way’ is different from that of the masses!”

“Is your training method very special? Do you think you have surpassed all of the predecessors?”

“It’s not because of the training method.” It seemed like Xiao Chen didn’t want to reveal too much.

Looking at how Xiao Chen obstinately persisted on going about things the wrong way, Fairsky shook his head and said, “If you were other people, I wouldn’t even try to advocate you. But you are out of the ordinary, being this willful will only get your fingers burnt. What a warrior needs apart from an excelling constitution is a will to never give out. If your power is stuck at a certain level sometime in the future, how will you be able to bear it for eternity? You will ultimately be destroying yourself!”

Fairsky heaved a sigh and said, “Among the quotes from the crystallization of wisdom, some quotes are truer than the truth! ‘Warriors are not afraid of loneliness, they are most afraid of standing at a standstill forever.’ If you really want to cling to this course so obstinately, you will eventually understand the meaning behind this quote.”

“What I want to do is to walk a path the predecessors didn’t dare to take. Why must I follow the path of the predecessors?” Xiao Chen looked at the clouds and said, “Everything you said, I’ve heard of them before. I know that continuing down this path is not wrong. What I want to say is, my martial way is also not wrong. I am speaking as a fact. I have tried to take some spiritual items before, and indeed, my path had been sealed for a short period of time. However, I didn’t believe that it was a dead end and continued to train hard. And the result? My power was like the river water that burst out of the dam, it was unstoppable. I kept making breakthroughs after breakthroughs. I had smashed the so-called chains, I had overcame the so-called shackles, and I took a step into a new peak.”

“You are too stubborn.” Fairsky felt very helpless. He tried to advise him one last time, “With your current power, there’s hardly anyone among your peers that can stand up to you. Just keep going down this path, and your future outlook will be unlimited. Why must you make a breakthrough so hurriedly?”

“You still don’t believe my words, but you must know that my analogy is not wrong.” Xiao Chen explained, “This so-called ‘shackle’ or ‘chain’ is similar to an invulnerable ‘dam’. It is a well fortified ‘dam’ that cannot be destroyed. It cuts off the river and blocks the path. In this case, the most possible outcome is that the river will change its course and rush upstream, break away from the river mouth and flow into disorder. This is the self-destruction you were talking about. However, if you can hold on to your own body, rely on that inextinguishable torrential river, and focus on pounding against that invulnerable dam, it is not impossible to overcome the obstacle. At this time, if the accumulated torrential river surges on, not only can you break through the dam, you can even force open some of the ‘hurdles’ downstream. It could even be said to be a smooth and rapid progress!”

Fairsky was totally speechless. Of course, that was not because he was convinced, but rather, he felt helpless. He knew that it was pointless to continue persuading him. He said, “What you are doing is a dishonest practice.”

“There’s no such thing as the so-called wrong path. There are three thousand main paths, so why should we follow the path set by the predecessors? If we follow every step set by the predecessors, there’s no way we can ever surpass them. Of course, the ‘way’ I am currently practicing is definitely not the only ‘way’ in the future. It is constantly evolving because I believe a lot of people have already practiced this kind of ‘way’. What I want to do at the present stage is to have the courage to walk a different ‘path’, and practice a different ‘way’.”

“In the end, this is still a dishonest practice.”

“The way that I want to practice is not the ‘indirect route’ that you are thinking of. The ‘way’ I want to practice is the ‘main path’ that comprises all living things in the world. I don’t want to confine myself in a small world, I want to grasp everything in the big world.” Xiao Chen said very casually, “Small as in a blade of grass, or a tree. Big as in a long river, a huge mountain, the vast ocean, or all living things in the big world. Any one person is only an insignificant part of this big world. In the eyes of the world, what differences does it make? How to differentiate foreign materials from itself? The ‘way’ of the predecessors derives from main path. But my ‘way’ comprises the whole world. It contains everything, accepts anything… the so-called truth, should ultimately be, for all living things to be in harmony…”

Fairsky did not feel like saying much anymore.

“Don’t worry, I will not build up a ‘huge dam’ all at once. I will do it like before, slowly building up the small dam, slowly pounding against it, and slowly breaking through.”

Letting Zhuge fatty to purchase the spiritual items was not a problem. With his connections, he should be able to get something good. Xiao Chen had more than hundred thousand gold coins with him. He had given it all to the fatty.

In regards to this, even if the whole world was opposed to it, Xiao Chen still had one who supported him. That was precisely Keke. The little critter cheerfully lifted four of its little beast paws to approve. ⌈2

It must be mentioned that the fatty’s work efficiency was very high. On the second day, he had already delivered a batch of spiritual items. Of course, the expenditure was also very astonishing. He had spent eighty thousand gold coins in one go. Half of the gold coins were already spent.

It was easy to see from this. It was impossible to train like this without money!

The most expensive spiritual item among this batch was an Amethyst Ginseng King. According to the estimate, it should be very old. Fifty thousand gold coins were spent on this alone.

“This is beyond reasonable limits. Zhuge Liang, you sure you haven’t been scammed?”

“The seller wouldn’t even sell it if there was one gold coin less. Reportedly, this old ginseng is very bizarre. When the seller purchased it, he had heard from the old native who excavated the mountain ginseng that the old ginseng king was excavated along with a white tortoise. You must know this, the people who excavate ginsengs pay particular attention to these. If they can excavate an old ginseng guarded by living animals, be it a snake or a rat, it is enough to say that the old ginseng is a rarely seen spiritual item. Even more so when it is the rarely seen long lived white tortoise. That intelligent tortoise is an auspicious animal! It was a pity that the old native did not know of these. He sold the white tortoise separately. Otherwise, as that seller had said, if that white tortoise was still around, he wouldn’t even sell it for less than a hundred thousand gold coins.”

Xiao Chen stared at it blankly, then his mind burst into a frenzy. What white tortoise guarding the old ginseng? That was evidently a dragon! If that was true, then wouldn’t this old ginseng be a genuine article?

Xiao Chen wasn’t the only one who had realized this. Tenax had also figured it out. It was no longer acting cool. Its pair of dragon eyes already turned soft as it looked at that pile of spiritual items together with Xiao Chen.

However, they found that the old ginseng king had disappeared. They suddenly turned their heads around to find the incomparably infatuated snow-white little Keke. It was embracing that old ginseng king firmly while drooling. Its expression was brimming with happiness and satisfaction. It seemed like it would faint from happiness.

Xiao Chen yelled hurriedly, “Wait!”

The snow-white little critter was already prepared to take a bite. After hearing this, it turned its head around to cast a doubtful glance. However, it was still unable to resist the temptation and took a small bite with a “crunch”.

In that instant, a colorful light soared up and the entire courtyard was filled by that bewitching aroma.

Naturally, the little critter would never eat without sharing some with the others.


  1. Silva: But the MC of Battle Through the Heaven was using “drug” to strengthen his body though~ 
  2. Silva: Because just two is not enough? haha xD 

Chapter 166 – Retribution

This kind of look made the four of them feel very unpleasant. Xiao Chen’s wounded body got hit again.

“Who do you think you are? Do you think you are unparalleled with just the power of Exuvia Ninth Celestial Layer?”

“Today, we’ll taunt you until you die!”

The ruthless sound reverberated in the ruins.

While Xiao Chen was coughing out blood, he sneered, “Exuvia Ninth Celestial Layer may be nothing, but can you guys find a youth expert around my level in your family? I can sweep the floor with every youth in your family. Give me a few more years and even all of you would be nothing more than a poop at the side of the road.”

Xiao Chen did not lose because he did not have enough power, but rather because the enemies were too strong and were one generation older than him. The reason he kept arguing against the four was merely to stall for time.

As if it had hit their sore spot, the four of them relentlessly hit him again to humiliate Xiao Chen. A few more of his bones were shattered.

“The older generation cannot rashly make their move against the younger generation. You guys really want to go on regardless of those rules? You really want to continue this shameless act till the very end?” Xiao Chen’s eyes were brimming with contempt.

“Hmph! Rules are not alive, humans are alive! Nobody will know even if we kill you now! There’s no one except the beasts within a radius of ten meters. Even if you die, you will die for nothing! Un, everyone will think you lost your life in the south desolate region fighting over those young sacred beasts.”

“You guys are really shameless. Using four middle-aged men to deal with the next generation like this. As expected, the scums are born from the same tree!”

His sneer echoed in the ruins. The four of them stared at Xiao Chen with an ice-cold gaze.

“You can continue to flaunt your mouth. We will torment you slowly. Let’s see who ends up suffering more!”

“You guys can torment me now, but the four of you are also screwed.” Xiao Chen sneered and said, “Didn’t your family always harbor suspicions about my identity? I can tell you now, I came from the depths of the south!”

“Impossible!” The middle-aged person in the shadows was clearly shocked as he said, “We already investigated you thoroughly. You came from the mortal world, and not from the deepest part of the south.”

“You guys can go to the depths of this desolate region and ask. Someone definitely saw me when I showed up in the mountain woods with four young Dragon Kings. They are the young Dragon Kings that came from the deepest part of the south!” Xiao Chen’s voice was very cold, “You guys think that humiliating me is nothing? Just wait and see, you guys will definitely be wiped out without a trace!”

Hearing these, the four of them stopped involuntarily and didn’t make another move. That Psychic soared into the sky and quickly flew towards the depths of the south.

The other three quietly stood there, not making any sound.

In merely fifteen minutes later, that Psychic flew back and nodded towards the other three. Then he said, “Someone saw him make contact with a few Dragon Kings for a brief moment. I killed two of them, but from what the two were saying, there’s another two who saw it. They already left a long time ago, I am unable to find them.”

The gazes of the four were incomparably cold. They looked at Xiao Chen simultaneously. Their mood was constantly changing between hesitation and determination.

Just at this time, Xiao Chen suddenly shouted, “Seal the four of them!”

The four of them wanted to make their move immediately after hearing these, but the dazzling rainbow-colored radiance dropped down from all directions and submerged this place in a split second. The four of them were sealed within a glorious radiance.

The snow-white little Keke had returned! It was carrying a golden ginseng king about half a meter long. It was glaring at them furiously. Not far away, Tenax was also letting out a growl. It looked at them with an ominous glint.

“Good!” Xiao Chen clenched his teeth and said, “Keke, you just keep them like this for a while. I will personally dispose of them!”

The “domain” laid out by the four Historia level experts had already disappeared. It was completely dispersed by Keke’s mystical power. It was completely replaced by the rainbow-colored “prison”.

Xiao Chen clenched his teeth and struggled to sit down. After that, he began to adjust his breathing. Waves of jewel-like splendor emitted from his body. The bones produced a “cackling sound” and after executing his secret arts for a brief moment, the fractures were temporarily fixed. It was barely enough to let Xiao Chen move.

Pulling out that jet-black broken sword, Xiao Chen walked forward with unsteady steps. Without thinking twice, he directly chopped four left palms.



The miserable shriek reverberated in the ruins.

“Don’t worry, I will not let you guys die so quickly.”

The four had never thought that the snow-white little critter with Xiao Chen actually had the power to seal them. This was simply unbelievable. The pain from the bloody cut off palms made them break out cold sweat unceasingly.

“It seems like the four of you are very fond of humiliating people. I will serve you guys carefully today and let you enjoy this kind of pleasure yourselves.”

Xiao Chen really hated these four people to the extreme. With another wave of his jet-black broken sword, four left ears were cut off. At the same time, the hazy radiances shrouding the four person dispersed and revealed their real visage.

The four of them all had blonde hair, and around forty or so years old. Pain filled their whole face.

“So it is the Reagan Family’s people. I originally thought it was Zhuge Family’s. I will definitely not let Hofmann off this time!”

The four of them had bitter expressions as they stared at Xiao Chen fiercely.

“I am very displeased with your expressions. If you were begging for forgiveness or crying out in pain, maybe it would alleviate a little of my resentment.” Speaking until here, Xiao Chen waved the jet-black broken sword in his hand again.

“Pfff! Pfff!”

The blood splashed everywhere. Four legs were chopped off by Xiao Chen. Right now, he didn’t show any mercy or distraught. Just now, the four of them tormented him and broke the bones all over his body. He had already built up a bellyful of rage.



The sharp pain made the four of them let out a miserable shriek. They were unable to bear this kind of pain.

“I slapped Hofmann in the face, but that is because he is guilty and deserves to be punished. Murder and arson, raping female students, he has done all kind of bad deeds. If not because I was apprehensive of your family, I would have hanged him alive on that very day!” Xiao Chen’s words were very cold, “You guys humiliated me, only to take revenge for a scum. What kind of reasoning is that? Now I will give you a taste of your own medicine. Didn’t you guys want to torment me until I die? I will let you guys taste it yourselves.”

Xiao Chen consecutively waved the sword four times and shattered many bones in their bodies.

Since they were mortal enemies, there was no need to be merciful.

Being merciful to the enemies was the same as being cruel to oneself. Xiao Chen was determined to not let them off. With a raise of a hand, the sword dropped down on them. Their right legs were also separated from their bodies. The blood splashed very high and dyed the ruins red.

“Xiao Chen, you *******!”

The four of them cursed.

“Didn’t the four of you say that killing me was as easy as crushing a tick?”

Xiao Chen waved the sword again. Their arms were also chopped off. The blood gushed out unceasingly. The bloody mist pervaded the forest.

Xiao Chen carried the four of them and threw them beside an anthill. The poisonous ants in the forest were very violent, they crawled all over the four person’s body in a moment.

The miserable shrieks made one’s scalp feel numb. It sounded exceptionally painful and miserable.

Fifteen minutes later, Xiao Chen walked over and said, “I will relieve you of your pain!”

With the raise of a hand, the sword dropped down. After four black lights flickered, four heads were chopped off. The heads flew diagonally and dropped at the tip of a tree far away. The bloody mist drifted in the forest.

Xiao Chen brought Keke and Tenax along as they left this place. After that, he began to heal his wounds in a hidden precipice. Fractures were not a horrible injury for a Ninth Celestia Layer expert like Xiao Chen. He also practiced in the Vajra, as he wanted to train his body to the point it was capable of standing off against divine artifacts, as a result his body was the most resilient. In merely three days, his bones were completely reconnected. During this time, the joints were letting out cackling sounds and sounded especially scary.

These past three days, quite a commotion was raised in the south desolate region. Four experts from the Reagan Family were beheaded. Their heads hanging on the treetop attracted a lot of attention.

After another night of recuperating, Xiao Chen returned to the Celestial City with Keke and Tenax on the fourth day. He was not interested in those two young sacred beasts believed to be from the strongest race. He didn’t want to stay at that place and trod through mud and water anymore.

Just when he returned to the Celestial City, he ran into an acquaintance. It was the lofty Dugu Jianmo. He was currently holding a double-edged sword and confronting someone. It was a youth with demonic nature. It gave people the feeling of complete wildness. At the outer area, there was another youth with blue hair. He was looking at everything with a smile.

A lot of practitioners gathered in the surroundings.

“Dugu Jianmo and Windfeathers are about to fight!” Someone at the side commented in a low voice.

When Xiao Chen got closer to the battlefield, Dugu Jianmo, Windfeathers, and that blue-haired youth seemed to have felt something. They turned their sight towards him simultaneously. Xiao Chen could feel a powerful pressure. The power within his body was aroused.


The four experts let off a powerful energy fluctuation. A “domain” actually appeared in the field!

At the same time, the genius of the north, Wuxing Feng, also arrived with two more people. Just at this time, he also let off a powerful energy fluctuation.


The invisible “domain” had been reinforced one step further.


A rebellious voice was transmitted from not far away and another person walked towards the field from a different direction!

At this moment, the “domain” evoked by the strongest youth warriors suddenly became stronger in a flash!


  1. N/a

Chapter 165 – An Eye for an Eye

Three never seen before Dragon Kings!

They were just like Tenax, not only was the ancestral dragon head so obvious at first glance, even the ancestral dragon tail had already transformed. Just what was going on?

They obviously only brought eleven Dragon Kings back from the dragon island. In addition to Tenax who evolved later on, there should only be twelve of them in total. Just where did the three of them suddenly pop out from?

Xiao Chen had doubts in his heart, but he quickly understood what was going on. Legend said that a few ancient dragons might be living in the deepest part of the south. They were able to escape from being sealed on the dragon island. They were the kings of the dragons!

From the look of it, the legend might be true. Regardless of whether those kings were still alive, they had definitely left their bloodline behind. Moreover, it was a very noble bloodline.

The origin of these three dragon kings was really too big. In some kind of sense, their background was even greater than those young Dragon Kings from the dragon island.

The moment Xiao Chen thought of these, he wanted to keep this secret for himself. It was hard to understand if one didn’t go through a series of events. Just two valuable young sacred beasts could cause the practitioners to kill one another. Let alone these three Dragon Kings.

That line of thought was good, but it was not easy to be put into practice. Xiao Chen could clearly feel the enmity coming from the three Dragon Kings. The powerful dragon-qi caused the beasts in the vicinity to be scared stiff. The entire mountain woods turned extremely quiet.

The three little Dragon Kings growled at Keke and Tenax. They exposed a deep hostility and battle intent. After that, the three of them took a quick look at each other with hostility and then separated into three different directions and rushed into the primitive forest. Their speed could be said to be as fast as lightning as they left behind three afterimages in the forest. They disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

It seemed like they were only ordered to see the two little beasts off. As they left without a hint of reluctance.

Although he felt a bit regretful, Xiao Chen also didn’t have any other choice. The origin of the three Dragon Kings was too extraordinary, he didn’t want to try his luck.

At last, Xiao Chen could roughly guess who was it that took away Keke and Tenax.

Keke and Tenax did not care about the departure of the three Dragon Kings. On the contrary, they were looking towards a certain direction unceasingly.

The snow-white little critter was very cute. It seemed to have lingering fears as it pulled its neck back. It was rare for it to expose a scared expression as it stealthily looked backwards. It was very obvious that the two of them had been taught a lesson. Tenax also wore a peculiar expression as it turned its head around from time to time. It seemed like they knew someone was watching them attentively.

Recalling the black gale, that huge beastly figure, and those glittering black scales, Xiao Chen was well aware of what it was. He didn’t ask them anything. He didn’t want to be meddlesome. He just brought the two little beasts and quickly left this place. Only until they walked for a hundred miles did the two little beasts finally relax and reinstate their former attitudes.

The sacred beast’s intuition was the keenest. Through this, Xiao Chen knew that the existence that couldn’t be provoked behind them was really gone now.

“Just what was going on?” Only now did Xiao Chen ask them.

Keke immediately squeaked and gesticulated, it seemed very excited.

Xiao Chen spent a long time to understand. The little critter’s interpretation was very interesting. According to its line of thought, that was a big demon, a super big demon king!

It was a little unclear though, when Keke moved its hands and feet to describe, it felt like that that was an evil existence that could give rise to a calamity.

Tenax was also behaving strangely. It seemed to be pondering. No matter what Xiao Chen asked, it remained silent.

There was no other choice, Xiao Chen could only find out the circumstances from Keke. In the end, the information he got was a little shocking.

The snow-white little critter told him that the super big demon king was very powerful. The demon king had threatened it several times these past two days. It had also lectured Tenax once. According to the snow-white little critter, that was a hateful big *******.

Keke angrily recounted the grievances and gestured unceasingly.

The big demon king could fly. It had brought them to a very distant location where they entered a forest that was emitting multicolored radiance. That place had a lot of spiritual items that made the snow-white little crittle drool. After that, they met the three Dragon Kings there and a fierce battle broke out between them.

Keke did not hold back and sealed the three Dragon Kings. As a result, it was restrained by the big demon king. And on the other side, Tenax had a desperate fight with the three Dragon Kings. In the end, the four little dragons were on the verge of dying, but they were healed by the big demon king with an “unfathomable” method.

Afterwards the big demon king ruthlessly taught the five little beasts a lesson before he sent the two little beasts back. Moreover, he made the three Dragon Kings see them off.

Half a day later, Xiao Chen brought the two little beasts back to the divine temple. He had previously found the Suiren Gimlet at this place. This was a very shocking discovery so Xiao Chen decided to return to this place and search every nook carefully.

But the two little beasts were not interested in this. Very soon, they charged into the primitive forest respectively. Tenax went to find monsters to battle while Keke went to look for spiritual items.

The breeze brushed past lightly. A “rustling” sound was transmitted from the primitive forest. Xiao Chen couldn’t find any new discovery on the divine isle so he went to the ruins on the ground and searched carefully.

Just at this time, his keen spiritual sense caught an ice-cold killing intent. Without making any sound, a human figure appeared beside the ruins like a specter. His entire person appeared faintly discernible like a shadow. He stood there and looked at Xiao Chen quietly.

At the same time, a peculiar aura was transmitted from the sky and a dusky fog drifted over. A human figure was hidden within the fog, floating in the sky. Only the ice-cold glint in his eyes passed through the gray fog and coldly stared at Xiao Chen.

In that instant, a murderous aura rushed forth from the forest. Two human figures covered by a hazy green radiance slowly walked over. Four people trapped Xiao Chen in the middle of the ruins.

A powerful pressure enveloped him in a split second. Xiao Chen turned pale with fright. This was a very terrifying aura, some kind of “domain” had already covered this space and suppressed him!

It was as if his body was being bound. He was unable to unfold the Undying Divine Wings and soar to the sky. He was trapped in a domain.

A cold sweat flowed down. Xiao Chen knew that he had run into some experts. The four of them were out of the ordinary. They actually worked together and laid out a “domain” to seal off this space. This kind of power was beyond him. At the very least, he didn’t have this kind of ability.


A ray of death was launched from that drizzling fog in the sky. It was as swift as the lightning. Without waiting for Xiao Chen to make any movements, that ray of death ruthlessly sent him flying. Traces of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. He was wounded with a single hit.

It was very obvious that the power of the Psychic in the sky far surpassed his. They were not someone he could take on!

The three on the ground had already closed in around him. The person in the shadow was illusory and couldn’t be seen clearly. The other two had green-qi lingering around their whole body, making it just as hard to see their real visage.

The person in the shadows waved their palm and hacked at Xiao Chen. The spiritual energy in the sky seemed to be sucked dry. After that, all of them launched towards Xiao Chen.


The tyrannical power was omnipresent, it was impossible for Xiao Chen to dodge. It sent him flying and made him cough out a big mouthful of blood. He got up from the ground slowly and wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth. Xiao Chen coldly swept his eyes at the four persons and said, “Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?”

“You deserve to die!” The person in the dusky fog said coldly.

“We will take care of you slowly.” The two persons with green-qi lingering on their bodies advanced simultaneously. They made their move at the same time. Two green radiance crossed together as they were launched towards Xiao Chen.

Although he couldn’t fly and was trapped in this special domain, Xiao Chen could still move to some extent. Just like jumping up from a swamp, Xiao Chen dodged that attack with some difficulty and at the same time, he executed the Death Blow of the four major techniques. A glaring brilliance was launched immediately.

However, in front of absolute strength, even the most exquisite secret art was unable to do anything. The enemy’s power was far greater than Xiao Chen’s. The crossing green radiance immediately sent Xiao Chen flying and he coughed out a big mouthful of blood again. Xiao Chen felt that his inner organs were destroyed. He was feeling acute pain all over.

The four of them far surpassed him. It seemed like they had no intention of ending his life immediately.

With four powerful experts making their move on him, Xiao Chen was unable to resist at all. The four of them were definitely at the level of Historia. Killing him was not that hard.

That person who was hiding in the shadows all along was really like a specter. His movements were so quiet. He suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Chen like a ghost and grabbed his long hair. After that, Xiao Chen was sent flying with the palm of the hand.


Absolute humiliation!

Xiao Chen felt his blood boiling. Not only was his body injured, he was also being oppressed by others like this. It made him want to let out a roar.

The person in the drizzling grey fog had an ice-cold glint in his eyes that was as sharp as the sword. With a flash, that person’s figure appeared in front of Xiao Chen like a lightning and sent a drop kick.

Although Xiao Chen spared no effort to dodge and attacked with the Chaotic Patterns, he was still unable to resist. A powerful spiritual power was protecting that person’s right leg. It broke through Xiao Chen’s resistance in an instant and ruthlessly sent him flying.

The two on the ground with green light radiating all over their bodies moved again at the same time. They ruthlessly stepped on Xiao Chen’s body simultaneously.



Two crunchy sounds reverberated. They snapped Xiao Chen’s arms with a powerful stamp.

It was an undisguised humiliation. The opponent could definitely kill him easily, and yet, they insisted on tormenting him slowly.

The gap was really too big!

Xiao Chen knew these four persons were really too powerful. They were definitely not on the same level as him. At the very least, they must be an expert of the Historia realm. Killing him was a piece of cake.

They were definitely not persons of the same age. Even if those in the youth generations were exceptionally gifted, it was impossible for them to defeat him this effortlessly.

Four Historia realm experts, it was hard to guess their true identities. They made Xiao Chen get caught up in a critical circumstance.


The person in the shadows stepped forward like a ghost and ruthlessly kicked Xiao Chen’s breastbone. The power of the “domain” was like a swamp as it trapped the seriously hurt Xiao Chen. It made him unable to muster any strength to resist and dodge.

As if they could hear the sound of the breastbone breaking, Xiao Chen was kicked high up into the sky. A bunch of blood splattered everywhere in the sky.


Xiao Chen felt threatened by death. He was feeling extremely angry. This lost was only because of the gap in their age. It was because the others were one generation older than him. They had trained much longer than him. Therefore, their strength far surpassed his. However, there was nothing he could do.

The person in the dusky fog landed on the ground and joined up with the other three on the ground. Then they pressed on towards Xiao Chen all at once.

Four pairs of eyes emitted an ice-gold glint. The sound of sneering reverberated in the ruins.

“I am already a dead person in your eyes. There’s no need to hide anymore. Can you guys let me see your true identities? At least let me die while knowing what I did wrong.” Xiao Chen stood up and looked at them calmly.

“Who do you think you are? You are not fit to see our real visage. You know full well what you did!” The person in the shadows took a step forward and ruthlessly sent Xiao Chen — who was under the influence of a more powerful “domain” — flying with a kick. After that, with one step covering seven to eight meters, that person ruthlessly stamped on Xiao Chen’s arm.


The sound of snapping bone could be heard.

Carrying on, the two persons shrouded in green radiance stepped forward together and lifted Xiao Chen up. They made their move at the same time and with two “snaps”, Xiao Chen’s shoulder blades were broken. It made his two arms droop down powerlessly.

“Boy, us killing you would be as easy as killing a tick!” The two of them ruthlessly sent him flying with a slap on the face.

Xiao Chen coughed out a big mouthful of blood, then he sneered, “So you guys are from the scums’ families. You must have come to avenge your disappointing scions! Those scums are really hopeless. If I didn’t guess wrongly, you guys are more than forty years old and still, your ability until now is only at the level of Historia. And you have the face to brag in front of me?! If you guys were twenty years younger, about the same age as me, even the four of you together wouldn’t be fit for me to raise my finger!”

“Shut your mouth!” That Psychic who landed on the ground protected his body with a light barrier and rushed over with the speed of lightning. He ruthlessly grabbed Xiao Chen’s long hair. And then, with a knee to the face, Xiao Chen was sent flying, while blood was spraying from his mouth and nose.

“The four of you are merely mixed fish. Your total age combined would be more than several hundred years already. And yet, the four of you can only handle a younger generation like me by acting together. You guys will never become a real expert in your lifetime. You can only do this kind of shady things in the dark.” Although Xiao Chen was getting wounded unceasingly, his eyes had an undisguised contempt. All of this was only to stall for time, to make the four torment him due to wrath and not kill him immediately.


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Chapter 164 – Suiren Gimlet

Xiao Chen was incomparably frustrated. The two little beasts were taken away just like this. He stood in the empty sky silently and swept his eyes over all directions. He had gotten along with the two little beasts for such a long time already, the sudden separation made him really frustrated.

The black beastly figure, the ice-cold scales, with only such little information, Xiao Chen firmly memorized it in his heart. He was determined to train properly. If he made some accomplishment sometime in the future, he would definitely come back to search for the two little beasts. But he was not hopeful, it was obvious at first glance that the madman in the black gale was not someone he could handle.

Xiao Chen landed on the floating isle and surveyed the scene from an elevated position. Although he didn’t hold much hope, he still wanted to wait for a few days. It would be great if those old farts who had entered the desolate region came into contact with that madman. Although the chance to triumph was very uncertain, there was still a tiny bit of possibility.

All of a sudden, Xiao Chen felt that something was very strange. The package he was carrying on his back was suddenly shaking. When he opened it up to take a look, it was actually the black cloth. The cloth was black not because it was not clean, but because the cloth was encroached by blood, and due to the vicissitudes of time, it had turned pitch black.

It was actually Suirenshi’s burial cloth!

The sacred cloth encroached by blood he obtained from the dragon island. Of course, there was no way to ascertain if it was really Suirenshi’s burial cloth. This was only the demon’s deduction at that time, as well as Xiao Chen’s speculation.

If his speculation was correct, then without a doubt, Suirenshi died a long time ago. However, there were a lot of legends regarding the immortal’s mainland. Most of them pointed towards this region. In other words, the south desolate region. Legend said that Suirenshi had lived in seclusion in the south desolate region all along.

Looking at this black sacred cloth encroached by blood, Xiao Chen was endlessly shocked. One must know that since he had obtained this cloth, he had never seen it showing such an anomaly. Even when they were sailing on the Taboo Ocean.

And this ordinary looking blood-stained cloth actually showed an abnormal fluctuation for the first time today.

When he grabbed this blood-stained cloth in his hands, it moved by itself without the wind. Then, with a “flapping” sound, it started fluttering like a black banner in the air.

The mountain woods were very tranquil. There wasn’t the slightest of breeze. Even the divine island suspending in midair didn’t have any abnormal energy fluctuation. However, the black cloth was fluttering violently under such circumstances, as if it was being waved by a pair of invisible hands.

Xiao Chen grabbed one end of the cloth to let it flutter with a “crashing sound”. Then he observed the surroundings cautiously and attentively. His spiritual sense was released and swept through all directions.

No abnormal circumstances in the surroundings, no one was approaching. Except for the beast roars that could constantly be heard from the surroundings, nothing around this place seemed inappropriate.

What’s going on?

Could it be that someone was spying on him in the dark?

Was it related to the burial cloth?

After Xiao Chen silently swept his eyes over the surroundings for fifteen minutes, he negated this conjecture and thought about a different possibility. Could this place be the reason? Could it be that this divine island was related to Suirenshi’s burial cloth?

The brownish-black divine island was like a piece of meteorite. There was not the slightest breath of life on the isle. Only the fragments of debris that seemed to stand as a testament to its glorious past.

“Flap! Flap! Flap!”

The burial cloth suddenly shook violently, as if it wanted to break away from his hand. Xiao Chen hastily strengthened his grip, but his body was still moving towards the direction the burial cloth was fluttering.

Their destination, the center of the ruins!

It was as if the black sacred cloth had intelligence. It was pointing towards one direction and leading Xiao Chen to the center of the ruins at every step.

At this moment, Xiao Chen’s heart was thumping like crazy. The ancestral god’s burial cloth was guiding him forward. It seemed like he was going to run into an out of the ordinary opportunity. He never thought that this ordinary-looking burial cloth actually had intelligence. He was under the impression that it was just an ancient cloth encroached by sacred blood.

When Xiao Chen arrived at the center of the divine island, and after he stood on top of a ruin, the blood-stained cloth suddenly shook violently and forcibly separated from his control. It flew out of his palm and gave rise to a gale in the center of the divine island. The black sacred cloth shook violently in the air. The debris in the ruins were lifted up from the ground and danced in the empty sky.

All of the debris in the ruins were cleared.

The black sacred cloth was stretched and became as straight as a javelin. It was pointing at the base of the ruins.

The base was entirely made by piling up solid mountain rocks. However, they had been polished. The edges and corners were not crude and they were piled up neatly. It made the base seem heavy and firm.

Xiao Chen was already certain, there was definitely something down there!

But he didn’t know if there were any dangers involved. After experiencing a little too much, he had become all the more cautious and timid. That was because strange things were likely to appear in this kind of ancient remains. After that experience in the ghost town, he always felt a lingering fear whenever he saw ancient buildings.

A strong wind rushed forth, Xiao Chen split open the base while flying in the sky. He had already unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and was floating in the sky. If something bizarre were to happen, he would withdraw from this place in the first moments.

The boulders were sent flying as the base was split open by him. The black layers of soil on both sides were blown away by the surge of energy and the base revealed itself. There was nothing special below, not the slightest anomaly. However, just at this time, the black cloth shook even more violently. After it gave rise to a violent gale, it suddenly stopped. Then it fell towards the ground so quick as if it weighed a thousand kilograms.

It fell like this among a pile of rubble and covered a certain area.

After watching quietly for a while, Xiao Chen did not find anything inappropriate. He landed in front of the burial cloth and lifted it up.

With a “crash”, the black cloth pulled out a stone wedge.

It was a very ordinary stone. Greyish in color, and appeared very rustic. It was as thick as two fingers and as long as a palm. One side was a little pointed and it looked like a stone gimlet. Of course, it looked more like a stone wedge. It was originally used to fill in a gap in the base. However, it was actually hooked up by the black cloth.

Xiao Chen didn’t pay much attention to it. He thought that there should be some other secret hidden under the base, but after lifting the huge rocks, he couldn’t find anything special. All the while, the burial cloth trembled unceasingly while covering that ordinary-looking stone wedge.

The stone wedge!

This… Xiao Chen was very surprised. Could this ordinary-looking stone wedge actually be the reason that this intelligent sacred cloth was shaking?

But this was just an ordinary piece of rock! The kind that could be found everywhere in the mountains! Moreover, the one who build this palace also considered it as a waste material. He didn’t treat it as anything great, and only used it to fill in the gap on the ground.

How did it become like this?

Xiao Chen remained puzzled despite much thought. He couldn’t find anything particular even after observing for a really long time. His sharp spiritual sense also couldn’t find any energy fluctuation, it was just a normal rock.

Xiao Chen was obviously the last to reach this place. A lot of practitioners had already arrived before him and rummaged through this divine temple. If there was any treasure, it was very unlikely for those old farts to miss it. How could there be any good thing remaining after the place had been searched attentively by everyone?

However, the burial cloth pointed at this ordinary-looking stone. Even if it was an ordinary stone, Xiao Chen couldn’t think of it as one anymore. He held the stone in his hand and turned it upside down to examine it. After a careful examination, he found that this ordinary stone was a little light. It was a little like the wood.

“Eh? It’s a wood?”

With this thought, Xiao Chen found to his surprise, that it looked more like a block of wood that had been polished. The more he looked, the more he believed it was a greyish ancient wood.

It was too bizarre, how was it that he was unable to differentiate it between an ordinary stone or wood? Was it a stone or a wood, it was hard to tell.

He threw it towards a boulder. The boulder didn’t break up as he expected and the rock wedge fell not far away. There was nothing unusual about it.

Xiao Chen decided to put it away carefully. Although he was unable to make out its usefulness for the time being, it shouldn’t be an ordinary item.

In the vicinity of the divine island, no more practitioners were appearing. It seemed that all of them went to chase after the two young sacred beasts. This caused Xiao Chen to laugh at himself, “You guys went to fight over the sacred beasts suspected to be from the strongest race, and I am here picking up a stone.”

After waiting quietly on the divine island for two days, Keke and Tenax never returned. Xiao Chen’s delusion had been shattered. He decided not to wait any longer. It was time to go take a look at the depths of the desolate region.

In the following day, he found the traces of some practitioners. It was precisely from those who came to track down the young sacred beasts. Of course, these people were not all that strong and fell behind. Those powerful ones had already disappeared into the depths.

At the same time, Xiao Chen unexpectedly found a few natives who lived in this mountain woods. They lived a very primitive life, just like the barbarians. And it was at this kind of small tribe that he saw a certain scene. It was as if he was struck by a thunderbolt immediately. He saw that this primitive little tribe was drilling wood to make fire!

In that instant, it was as if a lightning had illuminated Xiao Chen’s sea of consciousness. He felt his blood racing momentarily!

That ordinary-looking stone-wood he obtained from the ruins no longer looked like an ordinary item anymore. He already knew what it was! How did Suirenshi achieve the truth? It was because of this!

This seemed like the sacred item he achieved the truth with, the Suiren Gimlet!

Thinking back to its shape; it looked like a rock, yet not a rock, it felt like a wood, yet not a wood. Xiao Chen immediately linked it to the Suiren Gimlet that the ancestral god had achieved the truth with.

Every person knew about the story of how the ancestral god made fire by drilling the wood at that time.

But it seemed like this sacred item had never been described with much detail. It seemed like nobody had ever thought of it as a sacred item. It didn’t seem to possess any formidable power. The ancestral god had never used it to deal with an opponent back in those days either.

But all in all, this was definitely not an ordinary artifact!

Just when Xiao Chen was getting excited thinking about it, the roars of a dragon were transmitted from the depths of the primitive mountain range.

It was Tenax!

Xiao Chen was pleasantly surprised to the extreme. He unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and rushed forward as quick as lightning.

In the earth-shattering primitive forest, the dragon roar reverberated. It was just ahead. Xiao Chen quickly passed through one mountain wood after another and arrived at that place. He found that Tenax and Keke were safe and sound. Apart from them, there were actually another three little beasts behind. Ancestral dragon heads and ancestral dragon tails, covered by glittering scales from head to foot.

It was actually three young Dragon Kings!

But regarding these three Dragon Kings, Xiao Chen had never seen them on the dragon island before. It was impossible for Xiao Chen not to recognize them. He was certain that he had never seen them before.

Xiao Chen simply didn’t dare to believe his own eyes. This was enough to make him stupefied. Just where did Tenax and Keke find these three Dragon Kings?!

It really made one too speechless!


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