Category Archives: Translations

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 149

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 149 – Wu Yingying’s Thoughts

“If you let me sleep a bit more, it’ll be fine even if I call you meimei!” I teased into the phone.

“Cui! Not serious at all, you just know how to take advantage of people!” Wu Yingying complained.

“Fine, then calling you Yingying is fine right! Yingying-dajie, just let me sleep a bit more!” I said sleepily.

“Liu—— Lei!” Wu Yingying suddenly roared. “I hate you! You are still calling me dajie!”

Getting roared at made me clear up quite a bit, and my sleepiness also left, causing me to become wide awake.

“Yingying, good Yingying, just let me sleep okay…” I said.

“No, if you talked to me like that just now I might have considered agreeing to your request, however I am already angry now, so no chance at all!” Wu Yingying said in displeasure.

No then no, after her car, I have no interest in sleeping anymore. “Yingying-da… daxiaojie, please tell me what if your business?” It was good that I was rather intelligent, or else I would have gotten her annoyed again.

“You’re smart!” How could Wu Yingying heart my tone, “You promise this xiaojie yesterday that you would buy me a car!”

“Yes, I promised you…” ****, she can’t be wanting me to accompany her today right?!

“It’s good that your memory’s fine, I thought you would have forgotten after a nap!” Wu Yingying said with a smile.

If I knew this earlier, I should have told her that I don’t remember, then I’ll be saved all this trouble.

“How could I forget,” I smiled wryly and said.

“It’s good that you didn’t forget! Quickly come and get me, and we’ll go to the car market to buy the car!” Wu Yingying said neither fast nor slowly.

“Now?” I sweat!

“Now!” Wu Yingying said determinedly.

“Never mind, tell me where you are, I will go and get you!” I stretched and said. Actually I could refuse, but since I promised her, I have to do it sooner or later, it was better to finish it quickly. However, the truth will prove that my thought was completely wrong.

“I am at the mansion in the Songjiang Military region, just drive your car in after you arrive, I’ll tell the guards, “Wu Yingying said.

“Okay, see you in two hours!” After saying that, I hung up the phone before she replied, and directly shut it down.

All that was left was Wu Yingying roaring angrily into the phone, “Liu Lei! You’ve done it!”

When Wu Yingying dialed back, the other person actually shut down their phone!

Using this opportunity, I should go back to sleep first, or else I can’t guarantee that I would wipe off another car.

When I appeared in front of the Songjiang military region’s courtyard, it was already two hours later. The soldier looked at my car plate and let me in, that’s it. It was clear that Wu Yingying had given them a heads-up, but what made me nomt understand was that, how did she remember my car plate number? Was it a subconscious action because I crashed into her?

Actually, Wu Yingying had been sitting in the living room of the mansion looking outside of the window since a long time ago, she was about to give up. Ever since they hung up the phone, Wu Yingying didn’t waste a single moment, and just waited in the living room the entire time. At the start, she got more and more angry, she didn’t agree to anyone who took the initiative to ask her out, yet now she is asking others out, but he didn’t treat him as much. However, as the time passed, the anger had already turned into anxiousness, at the end, she just hoped that he would appear faster, she was fine with having waited so long. Despite this, that figure never appeared at the entrance of the mansion.

Ai! Wu Yingying sighed, and thought a little in jealousy, what does she count as, he already has two peerless beauties accompanying him, how could he be interested in her? Moreover, she is older than him… It looks like… Was the first time of her liking someone else, going to end without a beginning?

“Di —— Di!” Two clear rings of the car horn pulled Wu Yingying back from her thoughts. She raised her head, and saw that a Jetta had been parked outside the door, the window of the front door was rolled down, and the person inside was revealing a terrible smile, isn’t that the person she had been missing!

Wu Yingying couldn’t care about anything else, and just pushed open the door, then ran out. All of a sudden, the thoughts and feelings of wronged surged up, and also understood her own thoughts.

“Why did you come so late!” Wu Yingying said with a frown.

“Since we are going to buy a car, of course I needed to go and withdraw money from the bank!” I smiled, and held up the black suitcase in from of her. I just got it out from the Industrial Bank, and am now using it as an excuse for being late.

“You’re bringing cash to buy a car!?” Wu Yingying looked at me in disbelief, as if she was looking at a monster. However, she was rather happy, looking at that big box, there was at least a million inside, it seems like he was really prepared to buy her a sports car.

“I say, da… daxiaojie, looking at me so closely, I would misunderstand it as you liking me,” I joked.

Wu Yingying’s heart felt a sudden sweetness after hearing that, and thought, it’s good if you misunderstand! However, she said, “Don’t you have a bank car? Who goes out holding a suitcase of cash!”

“I’m afraid that when I pay, they will say to me, sorry, we don’t support XX bank’s cards here…” I chuckled, and imitated Wu Yingying’s tone and said.

“You-You’re terrible!” Wu Yingying blushed, and thought back to what happened that day at the hotel. “You just know how to bully me!”

“Oh yeah, I had something that I always wanted to ask you, why did you go to work at Dynasty Seafood?” I spoke out a confusion in my heart.

“I was working and studying at the same time okay!” Wu Yingying glared at me and said.

“You were working and studying? You don’t seem to lack money!” I asked weirdly, how could the young mistress of a leader of the military region lack money?

“I don’t want to spend the family’s money!” Wu Yingying said.

“Oh!” I nodded. “Then how much did you earn?”

“Fifty something thousand, I used it all to buy a car. But you made it disappear with a step on the pedal yesterday!” Wu Yingying said angrily.

Only then did I realized what a stupid topic I brought up! What a failure, it looks like I am definitely going to have to take upon the role of the culprit!

“Get on… To buy you a new car,” I looked at the angry Wu Yingying and said awkwardly.

“Heh!” Wu Yingying snorted, then got on the car. However, she was beyond happy inside, she finally got her face back, he wants to trick her? He should see what her nicknames are, “Witch” and “Professional Screw Over” are not just for show! She had deliberately guided the topic over there, just to make him troubled! Actually, she had only driven that Alto for a few days, and isn’t attached to it, it wasn’t a big deal for it to be trashed.

How would I know what she was thinking, I had thought that her feelings were brought up because of the topic, and so I said without any other methods, “Yingying, I’ll tell you a joke?” Telling jokes was a specialty, for example, both Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier were wooed over like this.

“I don’t want to listen,” Wu Yingying answered casually.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 148

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 148 – I fear that’s not all

This sentence nearly made my mom drop her glasses. “What did you say?! She knows? She’s still with you even though she knows?” My mom shouted in surprise.

“Never mind, you don’t need to say anymore. Since it’s like this, I think that girl can’t be anything good, sticking on you even after knowing you have a girlfriend, she definitely isn’t a good thing!” My dad concluded.

But my following sentence overthrew his conclusion, I said, “Zhao Yanyan knows.”

“What-What did you say?” My dad looked at me in disbelief, “Zhao Yanyan also knows!? Who are you kidding? How could any girl agree for her own boyfriend to get two girlfriends? Are you treating your dad as an idiot or Zhao Yanyan as an idiot?”

“Dad! Listen to me, neither of you are idiots! But what I said is the truth! The truth is like this,” I said calmly.

“The kid’s mom, looks at if this ******* is having a fever? How could he say this thing that is so hard to believe?” My dad pointed at me and said in confusion.

“Old Liu, stop scolding Leilei. Let’s ask about it clearly, Leilei isn’t normally a kid that likes lying either!” My mom was slightly more logical, and said slowly after having a sip of water.

“Sure! Then tell us, what exactly happen!” My dad sighed an said.

“Dad! Mom! We are all clear about the relationships between the three of us, and are all completely willing. We just ate KFC together just now, also, actually the last few days at Zhao Yanyan’s home, the three of us… lived together,” I strengthened my resolve, and just said everything out, to prevent my dad and mom to keep telling some logic to me.

“Three people lived together! Leilei, you actually did such an absurd thing? And in Yanyan’s home?” My mom was so shocked that she couldn’t close her mouth. My dad just glared at me with open eyes.

“Yeah, so there isn’t who hurt who, or who wronged who. The relationship between the two of them is quite good as well,” I continued.

“This… Ai! This is blasphemy!” My dad finally said something after a long while.

“Then, does Yanyan’s family know about your relationship? My mom asked worriedly, if this sort of thing was found out, it would be weird if they don’t break his leg. Who would want their daughter to share a husband with someone else!

“Uncle Zhao also knows, he saw us, and to not disturb us, he deliberately went to the company to sleep,” I said. Actually it was because Zhao Junsheng couldn’t help but agree as my subordinate.

“What… What is this!” The amount of shock my dad got today was so much more than the amount of salt he had in his life. He couldn’t help but exclaim in his heart : This world is too crazy! It looks like he is too behind the times!

I thought, you are already shocked like this from two, there might be a Xia Jing after a while, wouldn’t you be shocked to death then.

“Is it really like that?” My mom was also shocked, and still asked with suspicion. No matter who it was, they wouldn’t be able to be believe this instantly. Since the two girls are young, it is possible for them to like the same person. But if even Yanyan’s dad also went crazy with them, it would be a bit too over the top!

“En,” I nodded. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask Yanyan the next time she comes.”

“Ai! Never mind, since it’s like this, and the person involved isn’t saying anything, why are us bystanders worried about!” My mom sighed. “This is the matters of young people, we really can’t say anything! Even if we want to, we don’t understand! But no matter what, I’m still your mom! I have to say something now, if both of them follow you so loyally, then I will treat them equally, and treat both of them as my daughters-in-law. However, if you can only choose one, you can only choose Zhao Yanyan, or else don’t think of entering this family’s door!”

I nodded my head. I know, this thing will pass peacefully. The last sentence my mom said to me was pointless, ignoring the fact that these two people wouldn’t ever leave me, even at the end, the first person I marry will definitely be Zhao Yanyan, that’s the goal for my rebirth!

Thinking about marriage, that’s another problematic topic. There definitely will not be an issue with Zhao Yanyan being my legal wife in the future, the main issue was Chen Weier, although the chick doesn’t fight for anything, but I already promised her that I will marry her properly. Seeing her joyous expression, I know that she does care about these things in her heart! I can’t exactly marry twice can I?

This country wouldn’t allow this, if that happened, I would have committed bigamy.

“Wait a bit——“ Just as I was prepared to go back to my room, I was stopped by my dad.

“What is it? I subconsciously turned around.

“Little *******, pay attention in the future, stop philandering outside! I really don’t know what good deeds you have done in your previous life, for two girls to be completely loyal to you, I’ll say it today, if you dare to bring a third one home, I’ll break your leg!” My dad looked and me and scolded.

“Okay now dad, I know. However, if Yanyan and them insists on making me find another one, I can’t help it,” I turned around and went back into my room before my dad reacted.

The moment I closed the door, I heard my dad’s roar,” You little *******, you’re messing with me aren’t you?!”

“Leave it, Old Liu, Yanyan isn’t saying anything, what’s the point of us worrying here,” My mom said.

“But this is a bit too much, does the brat think it’s the old society, where multiple wives and mistresses are fine,” My dad said.

“This shows that our son is charming! To be honest, as a mother, I’m rather happy, two daughters-in-law, how much glory is that for me, the mother-in-law!” My mom said.

“That’s true. But does this count as bigamy?” My dad said worriedly.

“Count your ***! In this era, there are plenty of people with mistresses, I don’t see anyone has got charged for it. What’s more, they haven’t registered, what bigamy!” My mom glared at me dad sideways and said.

“From what our son said, it seems like he’s prepared to bring more back home,” My dad thought back to my final sentence.

“Bring more? Never mind, there isn’t much difference between two or three, as long as Zhao Yanyan doesn’t object, we shouldn’t say too much as parents,” My mom said uncaringly.

“I’m afraid it’s not just three…” My dad said thoughtfully.

“What?!” My mom freaked.

The next morning, before I woke up, I received Wu Yingying’s phone call.

“Dajie, can’t you let me sleep a bit more? You have to know I’m growing up…” I said unwillingly to the phone.

“What dajie, it makes me seem really old, call me Yingying!” Wu Yingying pouted.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 147

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 147 – Family Talk

“Nothing much,” Zhao Junsheng smiled. Wouldn’t it shock the world if he said out his thoughts!

“But speaking of which, why did Yanyan let you find women outside?” Zhao Junsheng changed the topic back to it again.

“I didn’t find it, she matched us together,” I said helplessly. Although I couldn’t help myself sometimes, but I never had a thought about cheating, but I never would have thought that Zhao Yanyan would first match Xia Jing, then Weier, causing me to be more and more perverted.

“What!” Zhao Junsheng opened his eyes wide, this was the most shocking thing he has seen. “You’re saying that Yayan took the initiative in matching you?”

Originally Zhao Junsheng had thought that Yanyan loved me too much, and so allowed me to do so helplessly. He never would have thought that the truth would be like this.

“Yeah, actually I am rather intrigued as well,” I said. To be truthful, I still have a feeling like I’m dreaming even now, but then again rebirth was a dream to me. A lot of things that were impossible has become possible now.

“Never mind, Uncle Zhao wouldn’t say too much about other things anymore. You are already the chairman of a corporation, and my boss. But having a lot of women is also trouble, Uncle Zhao has been in your shoes before. Although Yanyan doesn’t disagree, but… can you handle so many people?” Zhao Junsheng said ambiguously.

I momentarily blanked, then immediately realized that Zhao Junsheng was talking about that. But how could I talk about it with him? Was I supposed to tell him that the two chicks, Yanyan and Weier, aren’t able to satisfy me even together?

“Uncle Zhao, about this… If I can’t, then how could Yanyan let me find other people,” I said subtly.

Zhao Junsheng looked at me meaningfully, like a scientist. It caused me to shudder uncomfortably.

It was already twelve something when I parked my car in the courtyard of the Industrial Bank. I wouldn’t even dare to return home this late before, but now it is just a normal occurrence.

Ever since my mom found out about Zhao Yanyan and my relationship, she was extremely lenient with my night life. Every time I call my mom to tell her that I was staying over in Zhao Yanyan’s home, she would always get really happy, and remind me to be careful very meaningfully. I was also rather speechless to this, although my mom told Zhao Yanyan multiple times that she hopes to get a grandchild earlier, but after all, the two of us are still high school students, Zhao Yanyan couldn’t possible go to university with a large tummy. Even if the school agrees, the civil affairs bureau would not.

I went upstairs, took out my key and familiarly opened the door. The moment I entered into the room, I felt that the atmosphere wasn’t right. It was nearly one o’clock, why were the lights still on? I took another look, and saw that my parents were dressed properly, sitting on the sofa, looking coldly at me.

This scene was so familiar, it was just like the time when they found out about Zhao Yanyan and my relationship. They can’t have found out about something again right?

I nearly freaked out after looking in, there was no need to be so terrifying even if they want to scare people right? It’s like when the yamen was interrogating criminals.

“You’re back?” My mom said without smiling, her eyes weren’t even looking at me.

“Yeah, I’m back, dad, mom, you haven’t slept yet?” I hope that I could see something from their expressions, but I was disappointed, the two of them didn’t even have any expression.

“En. It’s good that you’re back, I thought you aren’t coming back again today,” My mom said something incomprehensible.

“Mom, what is it? Are you talking about how I always didn’t come home a few days ago?” I asked questioningly.

“Not come home? I can’t be any more happy when you go to Zhao Yanyan’s home, I’m just afraid that you would go elsewhere,” My mom glared at me and said.

Elsewhere? What did this mean? Was it hinting at something? Speaking of which, could they have found out about me going to Shuguang Corporation just now? That’s impossible? I went to KFC first, then to the hospital, and finally went to Shuguang Corporation, how could they have found out?

“Say it, what did you do to wrong us, are you going to be honest, or should I tell you?” My mom cleared her throat and said.

Wronged you? When did I wrong you? I kept on searching for the keyword in my mind, but the results were blank. Never mind, I’ll just test it little by little.

“I just went to a friend’s company…” I said and paused, but my mom didn’t have any reaction.

“Their company works on software…” I continued.

My mom got impatient, “Don’t just try to find stuff to say, and try to change the topic! What does your friend’s company have anything to do with this!”

Nothing to do with this? It looks like they don’t know about Shuguang corporation. This made me relieved, other than this, I wasn’t hiding from my parents. However, from the looks of it, it seemed like the three sessions of trial. Making it seem so serious, as if I had committed some grave unforgivable sin.

“Are you going to say it, or should I say it?” My dad roared after seeing me not reply for a long time.

“You say it,” I replied casually. Actually I really can’t say it, what was I supposed to say?

“Fine! Fine! Fine!” My dad repeated it three times. Then he continued, “Little *******, your wings are hard now right? I can’t control you now right? You’re not going to say it, then I’ll say it for you, how did Yanyan wrong you? You actually learnt to get a mistress?!”

Mistress? This was the second time I heard someone mention this term, last time it was Fatty Wu, this time… Could it be because of Chen Weier? I shouted “crap” in my heart! I got too intimate with Chen Weier in the morning downstairs, they most likely saw it!

“Yeah, how great is Yanyan! She likes you so much, and even gave you her most precious thing, and that’s not enough? Isn’t this blasphemy!” My mom continued after my dad.

“Dad! Mom! This is my private business, I can deal with it! You don’t need to worry about me!” Since it has come to this, I have nothing to hide, so I just let it all out.

“Private business? I gave birth to you, and you’re talking private business with me? Do you want to get beaten?” My mom also got angry.

“Mom, this type of thing is all willing, I didn’t force anything!” I explained.

“Willing? Who is that girl that came downstairs to our home this morning? What is her relationship with you?” My mom asked.

“She’s my girlfriend,” I said assuredly.

“Girlfriend? Then Zhao Yanyan?” My mom laughed coldly.

“She is as well!” I said without hesitation.

“As well? Fine, you, then does she know about Zhao Yanyan?” In my mom’s mind, the girl she saw this morning was ninety percent blinded by me, and didn’t know the fact that I was two timing.

“She does,” I said at a moderate pace.


  1. N/a

[Vol 1] Chapter 2 – Beast of the Night


When Selo was a child, his grandfather always reminded him.

“Wild beasts lurk in the darkness of the night.”

Zerdonato did not say these words just to scare Selo.

For those harvesting herbs, this was a valuable experience.

“—— Listen up, Selo. The effectiveness of the herbs will differ between night and day, depending on what time they are harvested. Sometimes, even the actual effects will differ. Once you become a pharmacist, you will often go into the mountains at night. So you must remember. Even if you can’t see them, wild beasts lurk in the darkness of the night ——“

His grandfather had a very serious expression when he told this to Selo.

“The type of wild beasts that this old man is talking about, is not just those ferocious wild beasts that attack humans. No, most wild beasts actually fear humans and wouldn’t approach. But those that lurk within the night are existences that cannot tell the difference between friend or foe —— If it’s an enemy, then kill them; if it’s an ally, then help them; if it’s of no relavance, then ignore them. But you can’t identify the ones who lurk in the darkness of the night. That is the biggest issue.”

After that, Zerdonato used his rough hand to caress Selo’s head, while letting out a long sigh.

“Selo, you must be overcome your fear of the dark. At the same time, don’t forget to be vigilant. There are things in the dark. You might try to avoid them, but when you cannot avoid the darkness, you must remember to use your eyes to identify friend from foe. Have you remembered this?”

Everytime he heard his grandfather say this, the young Selo would lightly nod his head.

He didn’t fully understand the meaning behind his grandfather’s words, but he understood the dangers of the night from his natural instincts, and kept the vigilant of “what could be there”.

“Wild beasts lurk in the darkness of the night——“

Bears, boars, wolves, dryads… Even humans were a type of wild beasts.

Don’t show weakness towards your enemies.

Don’t raise a hand against your comrades.

Do not agitate unrelated people.

His grandfather’s words contained these meanings, and it was naturally all from his experience.

Perhaps grandfather Zerdonato understood the essence of darkness.

Although he was someone unsuited to small businesses, a stubborn and cold man, to Selo he was a kind grandfather.

Although his skills as a craftsman was not amazing, his hard working attitude earned recognition from his employer Ordoba, and became deeply trusted.

Because of this, the current Selo was able to reside within the mansion and continue working as a pharmacist.

Selo’s employer was a noble, and was also one of the most distinguished sorcerers on this land.

Different from the races like fairies, humans are unable to use magic without the use of magic tools.

And due to this, humans possess both the ability to “craft” and “use” magic tools.

People have different strengths, the ability to create and use magic tools also differ from person to person. There are sorcerers that can only use maic tools, and there are craftsmen that can only craft magic tools—— But, most sorcerers are also craftsmen, and most craftsmen are also sorcerers.

The difference between the two depended on “which side they leaned towards”, using or crafting.

But unfortunately for Selo, he had no talent for neither.

He couldn’t be like his grandfather Zerdonato and craft magic tools, he couldn’t even use them.

Any magic tools would be miraculously destroyed when they are used by Selo.

Using magic tools require talent and practice, it wasn’t uncommon for people to just be able to barely use magic tools. But there were barely any that couldn’t use magic tools even after practicing as much as Selo.

Among his friends of the same age, those who have the talent of using magic tools had already entered schools in larger cities. Those who are unable to become sorcerers have also found their own path, and would go on to live independently. For the arrival of that day, harvesting herbs was an important source of income, it was also an important round of training.

And so, Selo also headed into the forest today.

“Wild beasts lurk in the darkness of the night——“

Thinking back to his grandfather’s words, he found himself in the depths of the darkness.


The dense forest blocked out the weak traces of starlight, darkness surrounded Selo.

The apprentice pharmacist cautiously trod through the forest, relying on the dim light of his oil lamp.

The forest and mountain at night is a place you cannot let your guard down. Selo may be young, but he understood the dangers.

The left the main road, and stepped on the branches that had fallen onto the ground. His destination tonight was where the “Night Weeping Grass” were growing.

The effects of the Belfry of Beast Avoidance extended to around this area, if one was not a hunter, there was no way of entering the dense forest further away from where the Night Weeping Grass were growing.

Finally, a field of white bell shaped flowers appeared in front of Selo after climbing on top of a slope.

Because there were no trees in the flower field, the starry sky could be seen.

Seeing the open sky, Selo calmed down a bit and let out a sigh of relief.

“Hurray, the flowers have blossomed splendidly.”

He muttered happily. All of the “Night Weeping Grass” were already blooming with beautiful flowers.

This type of Night Weeping Grass was a type of herb that could only be harvested deep within the mountains.

The effects of harvesting it in the morning or night were different. When it was picked as a bud in the morning, it is a nutritious herb, while picked at night in full bloom, it would become an ingredient for vitality potion.

It can be used as cigarette when it is rolled up within a piece of paper or a leaf after mixing and drying it with other medicinal herbs, then drying it again after a period of fermentation.

Since it could be used to raise one’s concentration, it was a type of herb favored by many sorcerers, but because it was complicated to process, buying it from elsewhere would cost a lot.

So, creating the tobacco used in the Ordoba mansion became Selo’s duty.

Selo didn’t smoke, but for his master Ordoba and the craftsmen, smoking was a hobby that was hard to get rid of.

(… But, grandfather said that it was bad for the body.)

Fino also said that “it smells disgusting”, and so avoided tobacco.

He once attempted to convince Ordoba to control the use of tobacco, but it seemed like this type of herb was related to the crafting of magic tools. Thinking back, his grandfather Zerdonato used to smoke as well.

After arriving at where the Night Weeping Grass were grown, Selo sat down in the shade where he could see the entire field of flowers.

He couldn’t pick the leaves yet.

The Night Weeping Grass which blossomed at night has a special trait, and that was where its name originated from.

After midnight, when human and fairies have fallen asleep, this plant would let out “shushu” sounds like a little animal.

Apparently it was the the screeching of nocturnal insects within the area, but this theory was never proven to be true. But altogether, when the sound resonated, that was when the Night Weeping Grass would exhibit its effects.

Collecting it when it was weeping would make it an excellent herb.

Selo quietly waited for that moment to come.

He leaned back on the tree and gazed up into the night’s sky.

The stars shone brightly as well tonight.

At the corner of the night’s sky was “Kramkram’s garden”, where the stars gathered, an area of with all the colors in profusion.

Rumours said that it was where the gods lived, they had come here to create this world, then returned there.

Holding his hands up towards the sky, just within the area where his palm covered, was a world of myths.

When he was younger, Fino often told him about it.

The hardworking Fino who was also a sorcerer was very knowledgeable of the origins of the myths and the legends of gods. Teaching Selo who was younger than her may have been a way of revising what she had learnt.

The goddess of crops, Kelen, and the goddess of harvest, Elekna, dragged other gods into their sibling quarrel.

The legend of how Nirwario The Artisan God’s disciple, Lulubu The God of Crafting, disregarded godhood to become a human.

The reason for the forced separation of the goddesses of gemini, Ketica and Shutika, who loved each other deeply——

Fino told him all sorts of stories.

There was also a legend about the Night Weeping Grass.

“Selo did you know? Night Weeping Grass would cry because it is waiting for the deceased lover that will never appear no matter how long it has waited ——“

Until now, Selo still remembered her lisp, and the look on her face as she told the story.

About one to two hours later, when Selo was drowned in his memories, the sound of “weeping” could be heard beside his ear.

The sleepy Selo that heard the sound hurriedly stood up.

Shu —— Shu —— The surrounding Night Weeping Grass wept loudly.

They didn’t all start weeping at the same time, but after a few seconds, the number of weeps gradually increased.

The sound of weeping spreaded around like a wave.

At the same time, the top of the flower field was covered with a milky white light.

Little particles of light rose up from the flowers into the night sky.

Not long later, the scene started to look like a waterfall of light rising up towards the sky.

The power of spirits undetectable by humans is stored within the Night Weeping Grass. The moment when the power stored in the morning is released at night —— that was the most suitable moment for harvest.

Selo hurriedly harvested the leaves around him with his hands.

The chorus of Night Weeping Grass echoed throughout the night.

The weeping continued, and began to seem like a commotion of merriment.

It was rather loud.

The white bell-shaped flowers slightly vibrated, some of them also shook as if they were dancing.

Within most of these shaking flowers were insects.

To flowers, insects were important symbionts that carried their pollen. The pollen would stick onto the insect as it rolled within the flowers.

Selo felt a pang of headache from the noise created by the weeps of the Night Weeping Grass, and the friction between the stems and the leaves, so he quickened his pace to harvest.

The duration of weeps was only five minutes, there was no time to leisurely wait around.

He concentrated on his work, and placed the harvested leaves into the basket.

Right now, his concentration was only on the Night Weeping Grass.

Because he was too concentrated with work, Selo didn’t notice his surroundings.

—— So he didn’t realize something approached him from “within the darkness”.

Their footsteps were covered by the weeping of the Night Weeping Grass. “That shadow” approached Selo as if it was gliding.

A wild beast hidden within darkness ——

That existence stared intently at Selo.

The beast stared at the unknowing Selo, and pulled its bow from afar.

The arrow in its hand stored the radiance of thunder, without an arrowhead or a fletching, it didn’t even have a physical shape.

The weeping of the Night Weeping Grass covered the presence of the shooter.

And so, the shooter shot the arrow of thunder towards Selo without hesitating.


Tonight, Fino sank into her overly soft bed, gazing blankly at the dark ceiling.

She had dinner with her family tonight after a long time.

To tell the truth, it wasn’t that happy.

The only other person present with her adoptive father was that squad captain called Helmbekt, and he was very good at starting a conversation.

He spoke a lot on topics that many noble ladies loved to hear, such as the trend of clothes and playthings in the capital, and the production by the Royal Theatre. If the listener wasn’t Fino, then they would definitely be very impressed.

But to Fino who didn’t care much for trends, these topics didn’t matter, she had to continuously put up a courteous smile to muddle through.

Fino didn’t hate the trend, but always felt like it was irrelevant to herself who was at the countryside.

But she wasn’t completely uninterested in what Helmbekt was talking about.

When eating dessert, Fino became very interested in a topic he brought up.

“Speaking of which, Ordoba-sama. Did you know? In the far west, there are rumours of the disappearance of the Majin Fandal and the ‘Staff of the Magic God’ ——”

Hearing what Helmbekt said to her adoptive father, Fino’s eyes blinked a few times.

Father seemed surprised as well, the fruit knife he was using was also dangling in midair.

Majin Fandal ——

To those wanting to become sorcerers, this name was a kind of belief.

This world had “Six Sages”, existences that protected special magic tools.

Majin, Gakujin, Seijin, Kojin, Bujin, and Ryujin ——  

They were responsible for managing and guarding the magic tools that the gods had left on this land —— the “Divine Tools”.

The “Magic God’s Staff” that holds the power of creation.

The “Music God’s Harp” that can waver hearts.

The “Sacred God’s Stone” that was imbued with the god’s blessing.

The “Artisan God’s Golden Hammer” that can forge everything anew.

The “War God’s Blade” that can slice through what cannot be seen.

And, the “Dragon God’s Horn” that the Dragon God broke off himself.

Majin Fandal is the current sorcerer that guards the Magic God’s Staff.

His background is unknown, all that is known about him is his outstanding talent shown in his teens. As an elder now, he has become the most talented sorcerer known to man.

According to the rumours, this kind of person had gone missing, this was unbelievable.

“How.. Is this confirmed?”

Towards Ordoba’s question, Helmbekt revealed a bitter smile.

“No, this is only a rumour. This is after all a rumour from afar, it’s very difficult to determine its validity. But, if this was true, then there’s going to be a lot of trouble.”

Helmbekt replied using an intrigued tone. This was a weird incident in a faraway foreign country, to him it was only “interesting and weird news”.

Ordoba nodded seriously.

“That’s true. Sacred items have been stolen by heartless people before —— if it wasn’t handled properly, another “Sin War” may occur. I hope this is only a baseless rumour.”

Fino could empathize with her adoptive father.

Rumours were something very irresponsible, and were often exaggerated.Even interesting things would lose their original meaning after being exaggerated.

The rumours that started this spring were also very exaggerated.

“A deal between the royalty and Magic Race, slaughtering all their relatives——“

For a rumour to become like this, it could be viewed as adverse.

There was also no method of determining the validity of Majin Fandal’s disappearance.

Even Helmbekt who brought up the topic only said it was a baseless rumour.

“Majin is old, so if the rumour said that he passed away, it would be more believable, but it said “disappearance”, that’s really weird. However, among the remaining Six Sages… No, aside from Majin Fandal, it should be Five Sages, there is a rumour that their servants are starting to search for Fandal’s whereabout. I hope nothing happens.”

Hearing his words, even the sweet dessert started to lose its taste.

Fino actually knows this sorcerer named “Fandal”.

But, she never brought it up to her adoptive father, and of course there was no way for Helmbekt to know.

Before moving here, when she was living with her mother —— “Majin” Fandal once visited Fino.

Fino doesn’t remember what he looked like —— actually she couldn’t even see.

At that time, Fino had lost her vision due to the sequelae of her high fever,

The one who cured Fino’s eyes was Majin Fandal.

Mother and Fandal seemed to be acquainted, Fino still remembered her mother happily thanking the Majin.

Before the bandages were taken off Fino’s eyes, Fandal had already started his journey and they never saw each other again after that.

That’s why to Fino, Majin Fandal is a great benefactor.

(That grandpa… is missing?)

Fino laid on her bed and let out a sigh.

Because she had never seen his face, his appearance didn’t appear in Fino’s mind. But, she still remembered his soothing voice.

“Little miss, allow me to grant you a new pair of eyes ——“

That affectionate voice had saved the younger Fino.

“… No, I can’t sleep.”

She had assumed her being unable to fall asleep was due to the rumour Helmbekt mentioned, but now that she thought about it, its because she had taken a nap on Selo’s bed earlier today.

Noticing this, Fino sat up.

In these restless nights, she had gotten used to go and find Selo to improve her mood. However, it seems like he wasn’t here today and the shawl she had left there had been handed to her by Kardena.

(Since he was giving it back, it would have been better if Selo gave it back to me directly——)

Although she was thinking as such, Selo had just been scolded by Ordoba, so he probably didn’t want to get into even more trouble.

Kardena seemed to have said that Selo was going into the mountains to harvest some herbs tonight.

He was only a fourteen years old teenager, and Fino was worried about him going into the mountains at night by himself. Although the “Belfry of Beast Avoidance” was still in effect, Selo was unable to use magic tools and wasn’t proficient at handling a sword.

Most importantly, Selo had a cute face like a girl’s that would make people want to prank him. Seeing those trusting eyes would even make Fino waver.

Selo didn’t seem to notice her worries.

Thinking about the young man in the mountain, Fino let out a long sigh.

—— He cannot become a sorcerer.

He can’t use magic tools.

He was unable to use even the simplest magic tools that children can use.

“That’s why, he is undeserving of your friendship——“

She did know when Ordoba had once said that to her.

“You’re not a child anymore, keep that in your mind.”

“You and him live in different worlds.”

“One day, you will marry into another house, don’t always say some irresponsible things.”

Every time Fino got scolded by him, she would rebut him and run to Selo.

——Recently Selo seemed to take the initiative in keeping a distance from me. I feel so lonely.”

“Selo seemed to have forgotten ——the things from the past.”

Fino muttered, then feeling thirsty, she walked out of her room.

Her eyes had already accustomed to the darkness, and so she didn’t feel any unease walking in the dark corridor. She walked down the stairs without a lamp.

At this moment, some kind of footstep could be heard.

(A servant…?)

Thinking this, Fino shouted.

“Is anyone there?”

——There was no answer.

But, she definitely felt someone there.

The surprised Fino walked forward vigilantly. Although the mansion didn’t allow unauthorized personnel in, but the Magic Knights Squadron were here today.

She got ready and peeked her head over the corner of the corridor——

A small figure dashed into the room next door.

It looked like a child, but not a human. But since she only caught a glance of the shadow, she couldn’t make sure, judging from its posture though, it looked like a wild beast with four legs.

An animal like a dog, cat or rabbit.

But —— At its waist seemed to be a very short “sword” sheath.

A short stature and carried a weapon, it could be a young goblin.

Goblins are short monsters that live in the forest, they have no language to communicate with, but have the knowledge to use simple tools, and lived in a horde. They won’t appear within cities or towns, but would attack travellers to steal their weapon and food. They were one kind of wild beast that people have to take care against.

However, as far as what Fino has heard of, they stood on two feet like humans, and they were not as agile as that shadow.

“Someone! Wake up!”

Fino shouted and walked backwards.

It didn’t matter if the other party was a wild beast or something else, if they were hostile to herself, then they must attack with caution.

After that, the sound of a window opening could be heard.

Fino chased from the rear and halted in front of the open window, then she bit her lips.

Right now, she didn’t have any magic tools for self defense, she can’t chase recklessly.

“Someone! Come here quickly! There’s a thief!”

After shouting “thief”, Fino knitted her eyebrows. She couldn’t tell if the escaped figure was a thief, she wasn’t even sure whether if it was a human or a beast.

“Ojou-sama! What is it!”

Soon after, several servants that heard the commotion rushed over. Ordoba also showed up not knowing what happened.

Fino used her hands to suppress her racing heart, and said to the servants.

“Just now there was a weird figure here —— When I approached it, it escaped from the window in the room. Check if anything is missing. Also, please increase the security around here, we aren’t sure if it was human.”

Hearing Fino’s words, Ordoba’s expression darkened.

Speaking of the items that are most in danger, that would be Ordoba’s important collection —— Those rare and valuable “magic tools”.

Those who had their eyes on magic tools won’t only be human. In this world, there are many other races aside from humans, although Fino had not met any of them, it was said that among the wild beasts, some could also speak human language.

It didn’t matter what the intruder was —— From the small footprints on the mattress in the room, it was likely to be non-human.

Ordoba and Fino opened the window and looked outside.

There were weird footprints underneath the window. They traced through the courtyard and went towards the town, but the footprints disappeared in the middle.

A servant’s shout could be heard from the corridor.

“Master! The lock on the kitchen door is broken! There are also traces of disarray on the racks in the storage room——“

Fino’s body stiffened.

This was the first time she encountered a thief ever since she moved into this mansion.

“I understand. Continue chasing the thief, I will check the laboratory.”

Fino quickly passed by her adoptive father’s back.

“Father, do you have any ideas…?”

“Are you talking about the backgrounds of the thief? How is that possible. But I have an idea of what they have their eyes on. If it was really a thief, then they should have their eyes on my collection.”

Ordoba clicked his tongue and quickened his pace towards the laboratory, then he stood in front of warehouse door nearby.

There was a lock that keys can’t open here —— A magic lock called “Admonition of the Ancestors”.

It looked just like a stone tablet that was fixed onto the door, there was no resemblance of a lock at all.

However, there were seals carved on top of the tablet, any sorcerer could tell its purpose.

Fino didn’t know the method of opening the lock. One could randomly set the unlocking sequence upon installing this type of special magic lock. It could not be opened without fulfilling the pre-set condition.

It could be opened with a chant and resonation with another magic tool, it could be through fingerprint or voice checks, it all depended on the user.

To Ordoba who lacked any relatives outside of his adoptive daughter Fino, the magic tools protected by this lock were akin to family.

There were naturally no signs of the lock being opened. But, the cautious Ordoba wasn’t satisfied without seeing the actual items, so he reached his hand towards the lock.

Then, he used a soft voice that Fino couldn’t hear to say several words, and quickly moved his fingers around.

The stone tablet on the door slowly floated up and separated in two halves as it shone brightly and became uneven.

Ordoba illuminated the room with a lamp.

Seeing the neatly arranged precious magic tools, the adoptive father let out a sigh of relief and locked the door once again.

Even Fino was not allowed into the warehouse, she didn’t know what type of magic tools were inside and was not interested.

“Was there no problem?”

“En, seems like it wasn’t destroyed. Apart from me, no one can open this door.”

Although his tone was firm, he appeared to be very anxious previously. Ordoba had a large physique, and a serious expression, no one would expect that he was surprising sensitive.

Just then, Fino noticed something.

It didn’t matter how much commotion the servants made, or how brightly lit was the mansion——

The guests did not show up.

The Magic Knight Squadron was living elsewhere, but their captain Helmbekt and his guards were staying in this mansion.

“… Did the people of the Knight Squadron not appear?”

Ordoba lightly muttered.

“What are you saying? Unless you think the thief’s identity is…”

“I didn’t say anything.”

Fino calmly replied, but Ordoba helplessly lowered his shoulders.

“Helmbekt-san and the rest said they would go out just now. They will come back later. Don’t hold such weird suspicions.”

“Go out —— At this hour?”

Fino became more skeptical, but hearing his daughter’s words, he knitted his eyebrows.

“He probably brought his subordinates to the bar. I heard that the knights continued to train during the journey, so they may have gone to train as well. No matter what, they shouldn’t have any relationships with the intruder. Unless the thief looked like a knight?”

Hearing her father’s question, Fino shook her head.

“No, it looked like a small beast with four legs, but because it was too dark… I couldn’t see all too clearly.”

Ordoba knitted his eyebrows in surprise.

“You said beast——? Then it seems like it isn’t the ‘Magic Race’.”

The words that came out of her adoptive father’s mouth made Fino tilt her head.

“Magic Race? The Magic Race which appears in legends?”

The Magic Race did appear within the world of legends

In the ancient times, the gods created everything in this world, calling it a “gift”. Aside from the six Divine Tools, the many difference species of animals and plants as well as the land itself, even feelings and fate were all gifts from the gods.

But, the world also created things that were not the “gifts” of the gods.

Side products, leftovers, twisted, useless thing, evil force, cursed existence —— Scholars have many hypothesis for these existences. But, these beings without the blessing of the gods, they were called the “Magic Race” in the world of legends.

This concept only existed in legends and had no solid evidence.

That’s why, Fino was undoubtedly confused when her adoptive father mixed up reality and legends.

Fino looked up at Ordoba, a bitter smile appeared on his face. Knowing that his precious magic tools were safe, he seemed to be at ease.

“Haha, you didn’t know. ‘Magic Race’ is a code between fellow sorcerers. They have no official name —— Recently, there is a weird rumour. But it doesn’t matter. It’s rather late, I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

Fino was quite interested in the content of the topic, but Ordoba immediately ordered the guard to increase the security of the mansion.

After her adoptive father left, Fino surveyed around uneasily.

Although nothing was stolen, Fino still walked into the corridor without the servants knowing.

She walked towards Selo’s home.

Selo went to harvest Night Weeping Grass, and so he might return very late at night.

He shouldn’t be back yet, but Fino was still worried whether his home was messed up by the intruder earlier.

Fino turned around to the new servant and said softly.

“I’ll look around the mansion, if there is anything then report to father.”

She couldn’t say that she was going to Selo’s home.

If she said it to Kardena, she would have replied “It’s too dangerous”, and stop Fino. But the new servant was tried by Fino’s strong attitude.

Holding a portable lamp, Fino arrived at the courtyard, the surroundings were darker than she had imagined.

In the sky above the mountain, a large moon rose from the east, it should brighten up the night a while later.

Fino passed through the small forest in the courtyard and arrived in front of Selo’s door.

It was pitch black inside the small house without its owner, even Fino who has long become used to this felt a little fearful.

She opened the unlocked door and walked inside.

Although she was just here at noon, but it still looked terrifying on the outside. Now inside, she could feel at ease. Because she can smell Selo’s scent, Fino stopped and uttered.

“Selo—— It seems like he’s not back yet…”

Fino muttered to herself, and placed the lamp on the table.

This lamp was also a magic tool, the official name being “Light of the Night”. It was a beginner’s magic tool for lighting, even children could use it.

It wasn’t a high class magic tool that could be used for prolonged periods of time, as it will deteriorate over time, it must be changed after a year of usage, thus it could be treated as a consumable. For any magic items used in daily lives, it wasn’t uncommon for them to be thrown away after usage.

But, even if its magic tools like these, the moment Selo tries to use it, it will miraculously break.

Everyone says that it’s because he has no talent for it, like it’s his weakness, but Fino could not agree with such an analysis no matter what is said.

Although hearing people speak poorly about Selo annoyed her, she had a feeling of dissonance that everyone missed something.

(Selo… really can’t use magic tools?)

Fino thought this to be unbelievable. Especially since Selo’s grandfather Zerdonato is an excellent magic tool artisan.

Since Selo inherited Zerdonato’s bloodline, it was very unnatural that he was unable to use magic tools.

Fino surveyed Selo’s room.

The suspicious person didn’t seem to have come here, the room was no different from its usual state.

It’s just that the magic tools Selo’s grandfather had left behind were placed on top of the table.

Because Selo couldn’t use magic tools, these things were just “the deceased grandfather’s remnants.”

The Bell of Beast Avoidance, Key of the Snake, and the unknown black rock——

Selo couldn’t use any one of them, but he treasured these magic tools.

Anything important to Selo, Fino would value just as much.

Fino used her delicate fingertip to lightly tap the black rock.

It was neither cold nor hot.

The rock had a normal temperature, it was smooth like a person’s skin, but also very hard at the same time.

But, most importantly —— “What kind of magic tool was it”, nobody knew. It might still be unfinished, or it’s a rock with a special purpose.

Using her fingertips to tap the rock, Fino begun to wait for Selo’s return.

—— She was kind of worried about the incident this afternoon.

She was discovered here by her adoptive father, then —— Selo was most likely warned again.

Fino could imagine what her adoptive father said, she also knew Selo must be in a sullen mood. Because Fino understood his careful personality.

But, compared to Selo who was both a servant and a child, Ordoba’s anger was more towards Fino who was his adoptive daughter and a noble.

Ordoba was very dissatisfied with her actions as a noble, his younger sister, Fino’s mother also had a similar personality and had discarded the family name of Doriarudo.

As a result, before her mother died, Fino didn’t know her own family background, and did not know that noble blood flows within her veins.

(It was originally not such an amazing household——)

013 Although she was quite apologetic towards Ordoba who was very concerned with the appearance of nobility, Fino really thought so.

In simpler terms, Fino knew that their views were different, and having her own views restricted would cause her to suffer.

Selo’s existence to Fino could be said as a type of salvation. As long as she was in front of him, Fino could be herself and not the “ojou-sama of nobility”.

Leaning forward with her elbows on the table, Fino used her fingertips to tap the black rock.

“Selo, why aren’t you back yet…”

Her chest was rather restless tonight.

And so, Fino continued to wait.

She stopped applying mana into the lamp, and so the “Light of the Night” lost its radiance, the room was soon shrouded with darkness.

Fino caressed the black rock, and about an hour later, she was already half asleep —— At that moment, the door creaked.


Fino reflectively stood up and ran towards the door.

However, the person standing there wasn’t Selo, but Kardena the maid.

Seeing Fino in the room, she knitted her eyebrows and sagged her shoulders.

“… Ojou-sama, I saw that you haven’t returned to your room, and thought you might have come here —— Now, follow me back. Before Ordoba-sama finds out, let’s go.”

Kardena grabbed Fino’s elbow and pulled Fino with a lot of strength.

Fino was confused, but still left Selo’s home reluctantly.

“You actually discovered me here, Kardena.”

When she was sleeping in Selo’s home at noon, Kardena seemed to have seen her. Fino heard later that heard that when she was sleeping, Kardena only called her name and didn’t enter the house.

Kardena sighed.

“It’s not about knowing or not, in the middle of the night, ojou-sama couldn’t have gone anywhere else… Seriously, this will cause trouble for Selo. That child is already fourteen, if he’s always with ojou-sama, he wouldn’t have any time to himself.”

Hearing Kardena’s complaint, Fino also sighed.

She needed Selo, Selo also needed her —— Fino had deep faith in this.

So she wasn’t happy with Kardena’s comment.

Furthermore, Fino had no intention of being a hindrance to Selo or hold him back. She was just worried about Selo tonight, and did not stop him from harvesting herbs.

As long as there was still time for the two of them aside from that ——She only hoped to treasure the time they have together.

She thought that Selo also shared that feeling, no matter how small.

Kardena pulled Fino’s hand and led her back to the mansion.

The commotion caused by the suspicious person seemed to have ended, and silence returned to the mansion. There was still no sight of the knights.

Gazing out of the window, the giant moon had reached its peak.

Other stars merely seemed like small specks of light. In comparison, only the moon gave people a clear impression of being “nearby”.

The moon was larger than the faraway mountain, if the image in front could be painted, then about a quarter of the painting would be covered by the moon.

Seeing the height of the moon —— Fino felt a sudden sense of unease. 

“Kardena, do you know what time it is?”

Because she slept a while at Selo’s home, her concept of time was very fuzzy.

Kardena lightly tilted her head, and whispered.

“It’s just past midnight… Is there a problem?”

Fino didn’t know how to answer that.

Selo should be back by now.

No matter how slow, if he wasn’t back within an hour, then it would be weird.

“Ne, Selo went up into the mountains. Will he be alright…?”

Kardena nodded to the worrying Fino.

“Selo will be fine. Even if he encountered the intruder that ojou-sama discovered he will be fine —— That child’s luck is pretty good and he’s quite brave.”

These words made Fino even more worried, she held down on her own chest.

“Selo, he isn’t “brave”, just “slow”. Can I go to meet him?”

“Of course not, it’s already so late.”

Kardena immediately stopped her.

This was the natural reaction as Kardena was both her maid and her security guard.

Fino thought for a moment, and continued to say using a dejected tone.

“Then can I go on a ride using the Celestial Wooden Horse? Taking a walk at night is very pleasant.”

“—— Ojou-sama, why can’t you give up. No matter what, I won’ allow you to go out. Selo will be back soon, don’t worry about him.”

Kardena replied using a tone unlike that of a servant and pushed Fino into her bedroom.

Originally thinking that she would stand guard in the corridor, Fino didn’t expect her to follow inside.

This troubled Fino. Compared to before, she was far stricter tonight. It seems to be the result of her nap at Selo’s home.

“Hey! Are you going to stand guard until I fall asleep…?”

“Yes. Tonight, I will not let ojou-sama escape from the window.

Kardena calmly repled.

“… Nnngh.”

Fino didn’t know what Kardena was thinking about ——

While she reached her hand into a small pouch on the table.

“——Nevermind, it can’t be helped. Then good night. Kardena.

“Yes, please take a good rest, ojou-sama.”

Facing the relaxed Kardena, Fino revealed a saint-like smile.

“No, the one who will sleep is you.”


Fino pointed the defensive magic tool in her pouch —— “Fainting Perfume” towards Kardena’s nose tip, and lightly sprayed out a bit of mist.

This wasn’t a normal drug, but a magic tool that needed a small amount of mana input to use.

Kardena’s eyes soon became cloudy and weakly fell onto the floor.

“… Sorry, Kardena. I’m really worried about tonight’s circumstances.”

Just now, Fino had an unexplained sense of unease.

She wasn’t completely confident in her own intuition, but was just too mindful to fall asleep.

Letting Kardena sleep on her own bed, Fino changed into more comfortable clothing to travel in.

She knows the location of the Night Weeping Grass. Although it was kind of far, she would arrive without much trouble with the Celestial Wooden Horse.

And so, Fino silently left the mansion under the moon.


In the field of Night Weeping Grass, Selo was harvesting the leaves.

The small particles of light rising from the flowers caused his vision to blur.

The weeping sound had not stopped, and he started to feel paralyzed, the sound began to seem like endless ringing in his eardrums.

If it was only a patch of Night Weeping Grass, then the “shushu” sound would seem like the weeping of sadness, yet the chorus only sounded like unwanted noise.

In the echoing weeps —— Selo suddenly heard another sound.

“Danger! Take cover!”

As the young man’s voice rang out, the ground beside Selo suddenly stood up.

The ground became a rectangular wall, and the sound of cracking could be heard from the other side.

Selo didn’t know what happened and stood dumbfounded.

“Selo! It’s too dangerous there, come here!”

The sound seemed to meld with the weeping of the Night Weeping Grass.

Turning his head, he saw a military uniform clad youth ——

In his hand was a staff shaped magic tool as he ran towards Selo.

“Ah? Helmbekt-san?”

Confirming it was the captain of the Royal Magic Knight squadron he had met today, Selo was even more confused.

Just as he was unable to understand what was going on, a loud crack could be heard from the stone wall next to him.

“Come over here quickly! The wall won’t hold on for much longer!”

Helmbekt shouted, and stabbed his staff into the ground.

As he pulled out the staff once again, another stone wall erupted beside Selo.

The Night Weeping Grass let out a “Ss! Ss!” sound as they were uprooted. On the other side of the wall, the third crack could be heard.

Selo hurried over to Helmbekt’s side.

He immediately grabbed Selo’s back and waved his staff-shaped magic tool. The arrows of light from within the forest were vanquished by his staff.

Although he wasn’t sure what kind of magic tool that staff was, Selo recognized those incoming arrows.

“Bow of Spring’s Thunder” —— It was a beginner magic tool often used by hunters. When hit by the arrows, the victim will suffer a shock of electricity.

Its precision was dependent on the archer’s ability like a real bow. The arrows are just electricity, and would not pierce through the victim’s body.

The victim will usually lose consciousness due to the paralysis —— If they were unlucky, then the heart may be paralysed. In simpler terms, this is a weapon used to seal the enemy’s movements and not for killing.

The archer was hidden within the forest, and couldn’t be seen. Perhaps sensing that the rock wall has not fully cracked, the flurry of arrows stopped.

Helmbekt, who suddenly appeared and saved Selo, showed a relieved smile.

His handsome face was covered in sweat.

The young military commander lightly patted Selo’s back.

“It’s great that you’re alright. It was really dangerous just now,”

Not knowing what happened, Selo was very confused. However, it was true that Helmbekt had just saved him.

“Yes, oh right —— Thank you very much. But, why are you here…”

“Of course it was to protect you. Although I do feel apologetic, but I had been following you.”

Hearing his reply, Selo was speechless. This means that he had already predicted the possibility of Selo “getting attacked”.

“Protect me, why? Also, who was the archer just now…”

“I’ll explain later —— Incoming!”

Helmbekt grabbed Selo’s elbow tightly.

Immediately, “Lightning” fall upon Selo’s location.


Although weaker than real lightning, getting hit by it wasn’t a laughing matter either.

“It seems like that person is proficient at thunder-type magic tools. Not bad!”

Helmbekt exclaimed, using his staff to tap the ground several times.

“Rise, Rock Dolls!”

All around the flower field, dolls created from the soil responded to his call and stood up.

Their movements were slow, but they numbered many.

However, compared to the number of dolls, Selo’s consciousness was elsewhere.

“Ahhhhhhh! The flower field of Night Weeping Grass…!”

Since the roots were uncovered along with the ground, the rare Night Weeping Grass habitat was reduced to a sorrowful ruin in a few moments.

Although there were sufficient harvest tonight, the growth of the Night Weeping Grass was endangered.

“Stop it! If you continue, these precious herbs will…”

“Now’s not the time to worry about that!”

Helmbekt’s rebuttal became one with the wind ripping sound.

A sudden wind blew over Selo, who was protecting his head with both hands.

Immediately afterwards, the freshly made rock dolls were split into two and crumbled onto the ground.

Selo raised his head and saw the shadow of the assassin at the corner of the flower field.

“…. Ah? A girl…?”

Selo stared at the shadow surprisingly.

Standing there was a girl in all black with a cold mask across her face.

Knee length boots and short skirt, gloves that covered her arm and mask that covered her face, these were all black.

Aside from her white shoulders and waist that was revealed, the most eye catching thing was the giant “scythe” in her hands.

The length of the handle was about her body height.

The curved blade had a black engraving that seemed like traces of blood, making it terrifying at first glance.

Under the moonlight, Selo couldn’t help but link the scythe in front of him to that of the Grim Reaper’s. Her eyes were covered by a mask with a thin line, strengthening his imagination.

On the girl’s back was a bow.

That was most likely the “Bow of Spring’s Thunder” that had been used to shoot Selo.

The shattered rock dolls that Helmbekt had just summoned was still moving. Even though they were split in half, they could still use their two limbs to creep forward.

The masked girl swiftly waved her scythe.

Her clear voice rang out between the chorus of the Night Weeping Grass.

“O brave Thunder God Nemuare, please aid your humble servant——“

Hearing her whisper, Helmbekt’s expression darkened.

“Selo, you still have some strength left right? Let’s run.”

“Ah, yes——“

“Then let’s retreat here!”

The moment Selo’s elbow was pulled, countless traces of light flew across the flower field.

Beast-shaped lightning flew out of the girl’s scythe, and pierced towards Selo’s fleeing back.

All around him, the rock dolls were engulfed by the lightning, breaking into smithereens. The basket in Selo’s hand also fell onto the ground, but he had no time to pick it up.

(If I get hit by the lightning——!)

While running, Helmbekt squinted at Selo.

“I apologise for only coming to save you now. She seems to be an enemy that’s hard to handle.”

The young Magic Knight waved the crude staff.

The pieces of rock from the golems followed his movements and became an obstacle to stop the lightning.

The beast-shaped lightning seemed to have seen its prey and destroyed those rocks.

Using this moment, the two of them escaped the flower field.

As they were running in the dark forest, Selo asked Helmbekt.

“What was that just now! How can magic tools be so strong…!”

“That was “Scythe of the Thunder Beasts”. It’s a treasure stolen from the royalty a while back. However, to wield it to this level, it seems like that person is a follower of the Thunder God.”

Helmbekt replied calmly.

When combining magic tools and the user’s “faith”, its power will increase. If you wished to increase the power of the magic tools, increasing your faith with the god related to the magic tool was a shortcut.

“But, we can’t wait around aimlessly. Escape with me. My subordinates has set a trap in front.”

Selo, who couldn’t use magic tools could only comply.

Helmbekt seems to be relatively familiar with the forest, his steps did not show any hesitation.

The two of them ventured deeper into the forest without sensing any pursuers.

“… The girl just now doesn’t seem to have followed?”

“She must be being cautious. But, the girl has set her sight on “you”. We cannot afford to be careless.”

Hearing this, Selo became very confused. He has never been targeted by anyone with such a powerful magic tool.

“I wanted to ask just now, why me? I’m just a normal apprentice pharmacist…”

“It is so, but the problem lies with your grandfather.”

Helmbekt slowed his steps, and remained vigilant. Selo took in deep breaths, and could barely catch his breath.

They had arrived at the deepest parts of the forest. The “Belfry of Beast Avoidance” could not affect the surroundings, the nocturnal wild beasts were terrifying, so was the girl with the scythe.

The young knight whispered.

“Your grandfather Zerdonato-san, was a great magic tool craftsman. You naturally know this right?”

Hearing his question, Selo lightly tilted his head.

“He wasn’t exactly great… Only a normal artisan. I think grandfather was a hard working magic tool craftsman, but his skills wasn’t much better than the others.”

“—— Is that so. Then after escaping here, it seems like he really hid

Helmbekt lightly said, and raised his hand.

It seems like his subordinate knights were waiting in the dense forest.

Helmbekt gave a cue to them, and led Selo deeper into the forest.

“… Are we not meeting up with them?”

“They are creating a boundary. After all, our mission is ensuring your safety.”

Helmbekt smiled once more and tugged Selo’s arm.

“Zerdonato-san brought you up right? Didn’t you notice anything ‘weird’?”

From what Selo knew —— His grandfather Zerdonato’s lifestyle was indeed somewhat mysterious. Although he didn’t know what happened in the past, he could guess there was a particular reason for that.

“I don’t know anything about grandfather’s past. So even if you tell me that he was a excellent craftsman, I wouldn’t know anything.”

Selo replied truthfully.

Hembekt scratched his chin as he walked.

“Is that so —— As a matter of fact, your grandfather Zerdonato-san was a friend of the Majin Fandal, they seemed to have crafted magic tools together in the past.”

Selo was shocked. Although he wasn’t a sorcerer, Selo still knew the name of “Majin”.

The Six Sages protecting the Divine Tools gifted by the gods —— Generation after generation, those people who took upon this responsibility had more power than the king of a country. Even the authority of the royalty was useless in front of them.

The silent Zerdonato had such an impressive past, this made Selo not sure how to react.

“What.. My grandfather. He…”

“This is a fact. We only recently grasped this information. Also, about the assassin just now…”

Helmbekt squinted his eyes and stared at Selo.

“That girl is most likely one of the “Magic Race” —— In order to obtain the magic tools left behind by Zerdonato, she wanted to get some information from you.”

“Maigc Race…? Ah, the Magic Race as in the one that appears in myths?”

Helmbekt showed a faint smile.

“They only named themselves according to the legends, they aren’t the real Magic Race. They were only called so by someone for convenience, but it has now become a common term. All of them are excellent sorcerers and collect powerful magic tools from everywhere. Although I don’t know how they are organized and why they collect magic tools, the treasury of the royalty was robbed a few days prior —— Like I said before, the weapon in her hand was stolen from there.”

He said without a hint of care.

Although name like this was very exaggerated, but to sorcerers, taking inspiration from myths and legends was very common.

“So—— You are trying to catch the ones who have robbed the treasury…?”

“No, that is the job of other squadrons. Our duty is to protect the “remnants of magic tool craftsman Zerdonato” —— At the same time, protect his grandson. Because we predicted that those rascals would have targeted you.”

As they walked, the forest in front of them suddenly disappeared.

This was a cliff that would make people’s limbs tremble in fear. Selo had never been close to anywhere so dangerous.

“Helmbekt-san, the cliff is in front, is there no method of passing…”

“I know, don’t worry. My subordinates will protect us, so those people won’t reach here.”

Helmbekt stopped his steps and gazed towards the night sky.

Selo also looked in the same direction.

On the other side of the cliff was plains and forests, with some mountains mixed in between. Above their heads was a huge full moon.

Although Selo was used to seeing moonlight like this, to view it from this kind of clearing was still overwhelming.

Bathed underneath the light with traces of blue, Selo’s shoulders suddenly shook.

—— At that moment, he felt an unknown source of evil.

Helmbekt looked towards Selo.

“… Let us continue. You are targeted by them. The reason is the magic tools left behind by Zerdonato-san. As it is, you can understand as his grandson right?”

“Are you… Talking about the black rock I took out in the morning?”

Apart from that, he couldn’t think of anything else. From the magic tools he inherited from his grandfather, the magic tool whose purpose was unknown was only the black rock. Other magic tools have been given to his master Ordoba.

Helmbekt squinted his eyes.

“The rock is very rare, but the thing they have set their eyes on is not that. You really don’t know——”

Helmbekt paused for a moment and clasped his hands on Selo’s shoulders.

“… Selo, as a member of the Royal Magic Knights, I wish to protect you, as well as secure Ordoba-sama and Fino-sama’s safety. The reason we have been sent here is to retrieve that magic tool before the Magic Race does. They only set their eyes on magic tools —— So, as long as you hand it to us, they will no longer attack you.”

Selo was confused, even if Helmbekt says this, he still couldn’t think of what “that magic tool” might be.

“Grandfather only left those three magic tools to me. The rest were all given to Ordoba-sama —— So might that magic tool be in Ordoba-sama’s collection?”

Helmbekt knitted his eyebrows.

“You might have heard about it from Zerdonato-san —— That Magic Tool is called the ‘Ring of Backflow’. It is a very dangerous magic tool, and must be controlled. The Magic Race have set their eyes on that. So if it’s not found, the Doriarudo family might be in danger.”


Hearing the name of a magic tool that he has never heard of, it frustrated Selo.

If the matter with his grandfather caused Ordoba any inconveniences, he wouldn’t be able to keep his composure.

“Is there no other way!? The Doriarudo family had nothing to do with this right?”

“But the one making the judgement is not me, but the Magic Race. Anything is fine, has Zerdonato-san never told you anything, such as a hint to a hidden location, when he was alive?

Hearing his question, Selo frantically searched through his memories. Yet, he was still unable to think of anything related.

“… I never heard of anything. They might be mistaken. I have always thought my grandfather was a normal magic tool craftsman——“

“… Normal magic tool craftsman are unable to create a ‘Piece of Darkness’.”

Helmbekt’s voice suddenly sounded a lot deeper.

Noticing the change in his atmosphere, Selo was shocked.

Helmbekt knitted his eyebrows.

The honorable face he worn had completely disappeared, now his face was completely cold.

This change made Selo doubt his own eyes.

“Ahhh —— I’ve won over your trust. Yet it’s useless. I didn’t think you really don’t know anything. It’s really surprising, it seems like your grandfather didn’t trust you at all.”

Selo placed his hands on the sword by his waist.

——Wild beasts lurk in the darkness of the night——

This phrase that his grandfather taught him suddenly floated into his head.

People often could not tell whether the wild beast in the darkness was friend or foe, or totally unrelated. Grandfather once taught Selo, to always make sure of this.

Selo placed some distance between himself and Helmbekt, then he clumsily raised his sword.

Captain of the Magic Knight Squadron, the knight called Helmbekt —— It seemed like he was a “foe”.

“Not just the Magic Race —— You also set your eyes on grandfather’s magic tool right?

Hearing his question, Helmbekt laughed coldly.

“You seem to be smart, but is unexpectedly slow. Never mind, you are just a fourteen years old child, that’s that —— Elsie, that’s enough.”

From the depths of the forest —— The black clothed girl wielding a huge scythe walked out from the darkness.

She had discarded her mask and revealed her beautiful face.

Long black hair and ruby red eyes that coldly stared at Selo.

Helmbekt saw the reaction on Selo’s face and let out a chuckle.

The girl who seemed like the Grim Reaper bowed emotionlessly.

“Although it’s a bit late, but let’s make an introduction. She is my lieutenant Elsie. I had her wear a mask just in case, but it’s still your first meeting right?”

Selo knitted his eyebrows and exerted more strength onto the hand that was holding the sword.

It seemed like this was all an act to gain Selo’s trust and obtain information.

Selo had no confidence in his sword skills, and could not use magic tools. He knew that he was only a half-baked pharmacist and had no power to oppose them.

“… The stuff about ‘Magic Race’ was also a lie right”

“Who knows. It isn’t related to you anymore.”

Helmbekt thrusted his staff into the ground.

Before he could react, hand-shaped rocks appeared beside Selo’s leg.

“Uuu, uwah!”

The sword that wanted to cut the rock was stopped in midair.

It was unknown when the girl had closed in and blocked tip of Selo’s sword with the scythe.

A smile appeared on the young knight’s face.

“Goodbye, Selo. Don’t worry about anything from now on. It’ll be alright, everything will go smoothly —— Just like when ‘obtaining the authority of royalty.”

Selo’s eyes opened wide at Helmbekt’s speech, and in the next moment ——

The ground beside his feet tilted and Selo’s body was tossed into the air.

This was on top of a cliff ——

His frail body fell towards the rocky pit from an unbelievable height.

(… Fino, I’m sorry…!)

—— Before he died, the image that floated to Selo’s mind, was the older girl’s face.


“… Was there really a need to kill him?”

After the apprentice pharmacist fell down into the bottom of the cliff, lieutenant Elsie posed such a question.

Helmbekt sighed with a smile and replied.

“Torturing weaklings really pains me. But, letting him live was quite dangerous. Although he is still a kid, he’s still Zerdonato’s grandson, and also Luffis’s son. There will come a day that he becomes a problematic enemy. We should eliminate the threat while we can right?”

Elsie lightly nodded and didn’t retort.

011 Although she was cold and expressionless, she would never allow Helmbekt to do anything rash. This made her a talented lieutenant.

Helmbekt walked to the side of the cliff.

He couldn’t see the bottom of the cliff due to the darkness of the night. Judging from the height, he will surely not survive the fall.

“The apprentice pharmacist youth who came to harvest herbs in the middle of the night, he slipped and fell from the cliff —— What an unfortunate accident.”

Helmbekt pretended and squinted his eyes.

If the corpse had too many wounds, then they would be suspected when it gets discovered. Although there were other ways, but it was too troublesome, so making it seem like an unfortunate accident was far more convenient.

“He was a cute kid. Elsie, did you really want to keep him as a pet? You hesitated while pointing the Bow of Spring’s Thunder against him.”

“That’s because I was waiting for Helmbekt-sama to reach the predetermined location. Please don’t push your own misunderstandings onto me.”

She easily denied his assumptions.

“If we were to talk about it, then Helmbekt-sama, you are interested in that ojou-sama right?”

“Yes, she is really pretty. Especially when she’s crying. She seemed to have treated the youth as a younger brother, so after finding out about his death, she will definitely feel very depressed.”

Helmbekt’s voice contained an uncontrolled happiness.

He enjoyed seeing sadness of people’s faces.

Inserting himself into those gaps in their soul gives him some sort of pleasure.

Being kind towards a weak girl, and gaining her heart and soul, then giving them despair —— For Helmbekt, there was no greater joy than this.

Although Elsie still casted him a cold gaze, he wasn’t going to give up.

The despair of humans was the sweetest thing Helmbekt had ever tasted.

“Okay, isn’t it about time we head back to the mansion? If we are away for too long, they will start getting suspicious. However, not getting any news about magic tools was a bad prediction on my part.”

That young man probably doesn’t know anything. If he wasn’t here, then he wouldn’t have been wrapped in this incident.

“Did Zerdonato really not say anything to him?”

“He seems to be bad at using magic tools. Passing magic tools to his incapable grandson would only cause the treasure to be destroyed. Thinking about it this way, is it hidden by Ordoba, or hidden elsewhere? —— Now, how should we look for it?”

Beside the pondering Helmbkt, the scythe in Elsie’s hand gave off a faint light. In just that moment, the scythe became a yellow jewel. Excellent magic tools usually had this kind of transformation ability.

Elsie wore the jewel as a pendant on her neck and corrected her posture.

“Did Zerdonato hand out that “Ring of Backflow”? If not to his grandson, then to a sorcerer he trusts for safekeeping.”

“The only ones that are qualified to take care of that tools is just Fandal and the other sages. Fandal doesn’t seem to have it, but we have to check on the other sages, it’ll be impossible with just us. We should first finish the search here according to orders.”

Helmbekt did not deny that they might end up doing things for naught, and just turned his back towards the cliff.

If they didn’t managed to get the important item, they cannot return empty handed.

The black rock the young pharmacist showed him at noon —— The moment he saw that, Helmbekt had let out a sigh.

Now that the pharmacist boy is dead, he could take away that rock. Ordoba didn’t seem to have realized the value of the item either.

Despite never meeting Zerdonato when he was alive, but from the way that rock was made, he was undoubtedly an excellent craftsman.

Helmbekt checked his staff, then began his return with his subordinates.

This magic item called “Protector of the Earthen Veins” was a magic item he received from his superior before the mission.

Although he hasn’t used it for long, he was already familiar with its usage. The combination between them was quite good, the staff felt like an extension of his limbs.

When he received the magic item, his superior said this to him.

“Fandal’s disciples have started moving. Although they probably won’t go to these rural areas, you should not leave any trace behind.

Helmbekt snickered by himself.

With Elsie’s “Scythe of the Thunder Beasts”, and his own “Protector of the Earthen Veins”, he didn’t think he would lose against even Fandal’s disciples.

The opponent is only a sorcerer ——

It was impossible for him to lose to them as a member of the “Magic Race”.


  1. N/a

Chapter 188 – Human Warfare

Looking at this young creature that would one day make the deities shrink back, many people wanted to fight over it and take it for themselves. However, many people already heard this Dragon King was different from the others. It seemed to have some relationship with that existence in the depths of the south. If they harbored any unfathomable motives, they would only be inviting disaster upon themselves.

As Tenax noiselessly swept its eyes over all directions, apart from loneliness, it also felt a little sad. Killing their own siblings and forge ahead by trampling on the carcasses of the other Dragon Kings, that was their destiny!

Only the strongest could survive until the very end!

Otherwise, they could only withdraw from the path of the Dragon King, and stop dreaming of ever becoming the Ancestral Dragon!

At this moment, only Xiao Chen could understand Tenax’s grief. It must continue to tread on this cruel path without turning back!

Not for itself, but for the entire dragon race.

The dragons needed a genuine Ancestral Dragon to lift the seal on them!

Every young Dragon King was shouldering this mission. Even if only one of them remained alive in the end, they wouldn’t feel remorseful even after their death.

Xiao Chen knew, once that Azure Dragon King in his house fully recovered its consciousness, it would turn into Tenax’s next opponent. When both of them were at their peak state, they would fight each other in a life and death battle, killing each other to absorb that little bit of Ancestral Dragon aura.

Without any delay, Xiao Chen quickly walked out of the VIP lounge to get Tenax. He wanted to bring it back to the house as soon as possible.

“Congratulations, congratulations, Tenax has triumphed in the first round.” Zhuge fatty jumped out with his entire face covered in smiles. It seemed like he could already see the brilliant rays of that ten thousand gold coins.

“Let’s not talk about these, where is the peerless spiritual items I asked you to buy? Why haven’t I received anything after such a long time? I need them now to assist Tenax.”

As soon as Xiao Chen raised this subject, Zhuge fatty immediately became furious and said, “Those old ******** are really too greedy! Once they learned that I want to buy the Grade Nine Lotus, they actually raised the price from two hundred and eighty thousand gold coins to three hundred and eighty thousand! They seriously thought I am that foolish?! What’s more excessive is that, the other few families also raised their price. They are intentionally trying to cheat us of our money! Damn it! My lips are almost parched just trying to negotiate with them these days. These profiteers are really good-for-nothing!”

“You try to think of some methods as quickly as possible.”

After saying these, Xiao Chen immediately ran towards the backstage. He left as soon as he carried the bloody Tenax in his arms.

They just happened to hear a man’s furious and grievous cursing by the time they left, “I want to kill that Silver Dragon, I want to kill that brat! They must compensate for my Gold Dragon King, oh my Dragon King… how should I explain this to the elders…”

Xiao Chen was not in the mood to respond to this man. He didn’t have that kind of time and mood at the moment. He carried the heavily injured Tenax and soared into the sky. They got back home rather quickly.

He shook Keke to rouse it up from its deep sleep and hurriedly borrowed the rainbow-colored sacred tree from the little thing. Xiao Chen attempted to link up with the treasured tree over and over. He finally succeeded after an hour later and established a harmonious connection with the sacred tree.

The sacred tree glowed with rainbow-colored radiance, and then it was transferred to Tenax’s body. The rainbow-colored radiance flickered as the sacred tree slowly seeped into Tenax’s body. The tough little dragon’s injuries were beginning to heal.

Only now did Xiao Chen finally let out a breath of relief.

Not long later, Zhuge fatty arrived to inform him that the ******* profiteer had raised the price again. He wouldn’t sell it for less than four hundred thousand gold coins. Furthermore, he made it known that this was an extraordinary phase. If by any chance one of those sacred beasts who participated in the competition were on the verge of dying, these peerless spiritual items could be equivalent to a second lives, third lives, or even fourth lives!

“Mother f—! How I wish a thief would just go and steal it from him.” The fatty was grumbling resentfully.


The snow-white little critter disappeared with a streak of light.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey…” Frightened, the fatty immediately called out, “Come back here! I was only saying!”

Xiao Chen also didn’t manage to stop it in time.

The snow-white little critter had run off just like this!

Leaving the fatty and Xiao Chen behind to look at each other speechlessly. Then, they shouted at the same time.

“Mother f—! Go after it!”

The fatty rushed out of the courtyard, and Xiao Chen immediately soared into the sky.

The snow-white little critter was unable to restrain itself. The last time it went with the fatty, it was already very restless. This time, they knew what was going to happen without even the need to think.

The fatty was really frightened. He kept muttering to himself, “Oh no, oh no, oh no… If we’re caught, we have to compensate with double the price!”

Xiao Chen was a little speechless, the snow-white little critter was really too fast. In just a moment, it was already nowhere to be found. It was really not easy to deal with this little critter! He wanted to chase after it, but that option was not viable anymore, because someone had actually smashed their front door and entered the courtyard aggressively. The door almost rammed onto the fatty.

“This is the place, smash it to smithereens and find that silver dragon for me no matter what! I want to make it pay for my Gold Dragon King’s life!”

A middle-aged man brought a group of underlings to crash into the house. The fatty was caught instantly and was slapped five to six times in a row. The fatty was utterly confused and almost slumped onto the ground.

“Kid, you live here?”

“My god, you stupid uncle! You dare to hit me? Do you know who am I? Let go of your dog’s claw!” The fatty immediately flared up. Although he was not directly related to the Zhuge family, he still possessed some authority. Nobody ever dared to look down on him, nor had he never suffered this kind of loss.

“I am the guy you are looking for, let him go!” Xiao Chen flapped the Undying Divine Wings and landed on the ground in that very instant. He felt extremely disgusted with this middle-aged man. He was really too shameless, it’s not like he was an ignorant ten years old child. He was already forty plus years old, and yet, he still behaved like this. It was really hard to see him in any favorable light.

“Very good, it is you, I still remember your face!” The middle-aged man laughed nastily. He released the fatty and walked over with large strides, then he said, “Kid, don’t make things difficult for me, just give the silver dragon to me!”

“You sure are shameless. Since you came to participate in the warbeast tournament, you should know the rule. Nobody will be responsible for the death of the warbeasts in the arena, don’t you feel embarrassed to come and find me after the match?!” Xiao Chen really wished he could slap this guy in the face. He had seen someone shameless before, but not this shameless.

“I am definitely getting that silver dragon. Otherwise, you go and personally kill it in front of me!” The middle-aged man was wearing a sinister smile.

“You want to kill Tenax? You will only invite disaster to the person backing you up! If you want to kill, then go and ask that person in the depths of the south first!” Xiao Chen wanted to force this guy to fall back.

“Who are you trying to scare? Other than wild beasts and even more wild beasts, what else is there in the depths of the south? You want us to go and ask the wild beasts?”

“Did you only arrive at the south recently?”

“We covered several thousand of miles and just arrived two days ago.”

Xiao Chen was speechless as he looked at him and said, “I suggest you should go around and ask about that person in the depths of the south first. Otherwise you wouldn’t even know how you die! The elders from your family should have come along right? You should go and ask them about it!”

“We are going to seize that silver dragon before reporting back to the elders!” The middle-aged man laughed nastily and said, “Kid, why don’t you make it easy for me? Give me the Dragon King and go kill yourself!” ⌈1

He clearly intended on killing Xiao Chen.

“I have seen someone shameless, but none as shameless as you!” Xiao Chen almost laughed out loud due to anger. This guy was really a total mess, Xiao Chen really wished he could just slap him in the face.

However, without waiting for Xiao Chen to make his move, the other party was already sending a slap towards his face. If that slap really hit the mark, half of Xiao Chen’s head would turn into minced meat. The gale gave rise by the slap was really too heavy, so much so that it even produced a thunderous noise.


Xiao Chen moved backwards and landed on the ground as light as the feather.

“Historia?!” The middle-aged man frowned and said, “So young…” He clearly felt a little apprehensive and asked, “Which sect do you belong to?”

“Only now did you ask, isn’t it a little too late? Since you knew I have a Dragon King with me, you should have thought of this question first.”

“Hmph! There’s nothing amazing to have a Dragon King by your side. We got our Dragon King from a scramble!” The face of the middle-aged man became dark as he looked at Xiao Chen and said, “Although you have the Undying Divine Wings, your secret art is definitely not of the Undying Sect’s. Although you have accumulated sword-qi in your body, you are definitely not from the Solitary clan. That’s because you don’t carry a metal sword on your back. In this south desolate region, those are the only two clans that make me feel a little apprehensive. However, we originally have an old grievance with the Undying Sect to begin with. Even though I can guess you have some relationship with the Undying Sect, I won’t feel apprehensive to kill you!”


The middle-aged man rushed over. The power accumulated in his palm made people feel speechless. The surge of power made this space rumble as the domain directly pounced towards Xiao Chen. He wanted to confine Xiao Chen in the domain.

Xiao Chen did not face him head-on. He unfolded the Undying Divine Wings and soared into the sky. He silently concentrated his spiritual sense on the two killing weapons in his palms. After a few days of probing around, he found that although he was unable to control the jet-black metal engraving and golden divine halberd, he could occasionally make his palm “transform into weapons”.

“Kid, come down here at once. Otherwise I will go in and kill that silver dragon!” The middle-aged man hooted on the ground.

Xiao Chen was unable to feel the aura of the golden divine halberd, but the jet-black metal engraving in his left hand trembled for a little while as his left hand was shrouded by the jet-black radiance.

Xiao Chen didn’t even think twice and immediately rushed over there. That was because he had a very limited time. The jet-black light ball could only be maintained for a split second.

Looking at Xiao Chen swooping down, the middle-aged man lifted his palm upward.

The jet-black radiance glinted. Xiao Chen’s left palm seemed to have been enlarged by several fold. The dark giant palm gave rise to the whistling sound of the wind and directly shattered the middle-aged man’s domain. After that, it knocked against the palm of the middle-aged man.



The middle-aged man let out a miserable shriek. The jet-black giant palm immediately crushed his right palm!

Xiao Chen did not stop there. The giant palm ruthlessly swept past the middle-aged man’s chest and sent him flying with a bang. A bunch of blood splashed everywhere in the sky.

At this moment, the jet-black metal engraving finally lose its connection with Xiao Chen.

The middle-aged man had suffered a serious damage. Up to seven or eight of his breastbones were snapped. On the other hand, Xiao Chen felt very refreshed. He originally wanted to slap this guy anyway, he didn’t expect his wish was really granted.

The middle-aged man was a Historia level expert after all, even though he suffered a serious damage, he quickly stood up. Although his chest had already caved in, and his right palm was crushed, his fighting strength was still abundant!

“Kid, what was that just now?”

“Why so much nonsense? Aren’t you going to kill me and snatch my silver dragon? Bring it on!” Right now, Xiao Chen had taken the initiative.

The middle-aged man smiled coldly. He walked forward with large strides and waved his other arm.

Xiao Chen was no longer moving back, he faced the middle-aged man head-on with his right palm.

With a loud bang, two palms collided. Xiao Chen fell back half a step and the middle-aged man coughed out a mouthful of blood. He was already heavily injured and was unable to go all-out. Even using only one-third of his strength, he would cough out a big mouthful of blood.

Since he had gained the upper hand, Xiao Chen naturally wouldn’t hold back. After refining the two ancient artifacts, even if he was not able to utilize them, his palms were still as sharp as the divine weapons due to their existences. This allowed Xiao Chen to directly face the middle-aged man.

The “banging” sound never stopped. Xiao Chen made the middle-aged man lose his will. The middle-aged man was coughing out blood unceasingly. His expression was downcast and looked extremely pale.

In the end, Xiao Chen directly made this middle-aged man pass out. Just when he wanted to split him in two, Zhuge fatty shouted, “Seal his power and let me vent my anger!”

Xiao Chen sealed his power. After that, he slapped the middle-aged man until he woke up and tossed him in front of the fatty.

The fatty was really unrestrained. He directly sit astride on the middle-aged man’s broken ribs and slapped him continuously.

“You dare to hit me? Don’t you know who am I? Zhuge Liang! Never heard of it? This is abomination, illiterate! Have you ever read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms passed down from the mortal world? That is a masterpiece. You know who am I now? No? You’re infuriating me! Illiterate! I hit, hit, hit…”

“Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!”

The fatty knew Xiao Chen had the intent to kill. This guy definitely wouldn’t live to see another day, he wouldn’t need to worry about the other party coming back to seek vengeance. Slapping him now was only to give vent to some of his anger.


A human figure swayed as an elderly man appeared in Xiao Chen’s courtyard.

“Where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them!” The elderly man looked to be around fifty to sixty years old. He looked like a character of strength.

Xiao Chen immediately felt his heart sunk. Could this be the middle-aged man’s teacher? If that was the case, then this could be troublesome.

“I am the elder of the Undying Sect, Liu Qingfeng. I am Yan Qingcheng’s martial uncle. Although this man is at odds with my sect, we are still from the same Demon Sect. It’s fine to fight against each other, but we definitely must not kill.” The old man lightly waved his hand and sent the fatty flying away all of a sudden. He propped the middle-aged man up and said to Xiao Chen, “Don’t need to worry, I will explain the situation to his teacher.”

As he looked on, Xiao Chen simply kept his mouth shut.

Until the figure of the old man almost disappeared, Zhuge fatty shouted, “The Undying Sect is owing Xiao Chen a wife!”

The old man’s body inclined to the side and almost took a fall. He turned his head around to cast a glance and left at lightning speed.

Xiao Chen nodded his head and spoke to himself, “That’s right, I should pay a visit to the Undying Sect stationed in Celestial City!”

Just at this time, with a flash of white light, Keke showed up with its head sticking out from the edge of the door. Then it scuttled into the courtyard with a whoosh.

“My @#%¥!” The fatty cried out in surprise, “It, it, it…” He was so agitated that he couldn’t form a proper sentence.

Xiao Chen was also so shocked that his jaw almost dropped as he quickly rushed to the courtyard.


  1. Silva: This mother f—! Even I’m starting to get furious listening to this s—head! What is he? A kid that can’t be reasoned? 

Chapter 187 – Dragon Countersteps!

The Lion Dragon King was frighteningly calm. It was as majestic as a lofty mountain as it coldly gazed at Tenax.

Tenax also stared at the Golden Dragon King without batting an eye.

They had already recognized each other. That kind of aura and battle intent would never change, they were unique to each and every Dragon King!

They did not communicate with the dragon language, nor did they let out a deafening roar. They were sizing each other up in silence like two peerless swordmasters.

Needless to doubt, after the Golden Dragon King — who was originally as calm as an ancient well — recognized Tenax, its eyes were burning with passion. That pitiful little dragon that was weaker than any other little dragons on the dragon island had evolved, and its rate of improvement was much faster than the Golden Dragon King.


Tenax finally made its move. It was precisely waiting for this chance. Its silver body left a beautiful streak of light as it charged towards the Golden Dragon King. One silvery light on the warbeast stage transformed into a few dozen afterimages.

The Lion Dragon King was as cool as an iceberg. It jumped up in that instant, but instead of backing off, it was closing in and clashed with Tenax. The golden divine radiance illuminated the entire stage.


Tenax suddenly changed direction while in midair, it was inconceivable. That was totally the angle of refraction. Following that, it made a horizontal sweep with its Ancestral Dragon tail.


The sharp and clear sound spread through the entire stage. Tenax landed on the ground smoothly. The Gold Dragon King had been ruthlessly hit in the head. Its body was flipping in midair as it fell on the ground.

A terrifying wound appeared on the Lion Dragon King’s face. It was a deep cut. More than ten golden dragon scales on its neck had fallen as the blood gushed out. Among the bright red blood, there were actually traces of gold color.

Every spectator became silent. On the other hand, the older generation experts were savoring every particular movement of the two Dragon Kings! They were fully aware of the dragon’s potential. Even though the Dragon Kings were still young, they must have inherited some secret techniques that no outsiders could learn about.

And the youth generation was roughly guessing; if it was them, would they be able to dodge that attack just now? The answer was definitely negative. If they had not reached the realm of Historia, it would be very difficult to dodge an attack that fast!

It was extremely quiet on the warbeast stage. The Gold Dragon King didn’t seem to realize there was a terrifying wound on its body. It was still gazing at Tenax with an ice-cold expression. However, the golden rays of light emitted by it was getting brighter. It was currently preparing a powerful attack.

Tenax was very calm. It didn’t have any particular mood swings as it quietly looked at the Lion Dragon King.

“Swish! Swish!”

The two Dragon Kings moved at almost the same time. The Gold Dragon King threw itself forward. Its right claw was sweeping towards Tenax’s chest. Its left claw was curling up slightly, as if it was defending. Then again, it looked like it was preparing to launch a thunderous attack at any given time! It could even be said to possess both offense and defense.

At the same time, it had already opened its mouth and aimed for Tenax’s neck with the sharp dragon teeth. On the other hand, the Ancestral Dragon horns on its head were flickering with gold radiance. It looked like it would launch an attack. Then again, it seemed like it was taking a defensive stance.

It must be mentioned, the Gold Dragon King’s stance contained both offense and defense. It was very efficient and unscrupulous. The Gold Dragon King was like a seasoned expert, it made people exclaim in admiration.

Tenax had already rushed into close quarters. It immediately inclined towards the side and rushed to the side of the Gold Dragon King. After that, it swung its draconic body ferociously and rammed against the Gold Dragon King’s side. This method was very appropriate. It avoided all the assaults and attacked the enemy where it was most lightly guarded.


As the body of the two Dragon Kings rammed into one another, they rolled towards the opposite sides respectively. Then, they jumped up almost at the same time and confronted each other again.


The two Dragon Kings let out a roar for the first time. Their roars were seriously ear-splitting. The barrier set up by fifty Psychics was destroyed. The dragon roars soared into the Ninth Heaven, the sound was ringing in everyone’s ears like the sudden clap of thunder. More than half of the people passed out on the spot.

The experts hastily entered the arena and sealed off the stage with newly constructed barrier.

At this time, the two Dragon Kings already closed the distance between them and clashed!

However, their speed were too fast. Everyone could not see their movements clearly anymore. They could only see a golden ray and silver ray winding together as the two Dragon Kings growled unceasingly on the stage.

Occasionally, the blood would be splashed everywhere. That was the blood of the Dragon King!

Xiao Chen’s mood fluctuated along with the two Dragon King’s rumble. With his current ability, he was able to see the battle of the two Dragon Kings clearly. Tenax had already received some fatal injuries. Its neck was cut open by the Gold Dragon King’s Ancestral Dragon horn. He could vague see the bones through the flesh, the wound was extremely grave.

However, Tenax’s power did not diminish. On the contrary, it became fiercer than ever. The silver rays of light had shrouded its entire body. It had executed the ancient battle skill to its full potential. Its power was inferior to the Gold Dragon King, so it could only score a victory by means of skill!

The Gold Dragon King also knew of some dragon martial skills. Despite how it was an inferior version, its tyrannical power was still something Tenax couldn’t match up to. After all, it was already 1.5 meter long, while Tenax was only a little more than one meter long. It was the differences between their age.


The Gold Dragon King revealed its might. Two glaring golden light beams were launched from the Ancestral Dragon horns. Tenax was instantly submerged by the light beams.

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”

Tenax used an inconceivable footwork. At the critical moment of life and death, it actually escaped from the surge of deathly gold radiance. Following that, its footwork became more profound and swift. Each step actually gave rise to a thunderous sound as one silvery light after another appeared under the soles of its feet.

The faintly discernible ancient patterns seemed to have overcome the vicissitudes of time and miraculously appeared at the present time. One draconic pattern after another actually appeared around Tenax’s feet. Every time it took a step, the explosive noise transmitted outwards. After that, the patterns under its feet actually moved and formed a sea of stars.

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”

Its movement was outrageous. It was unimaginably fast.


It rushed to the left side of the Gold Dragon King in an instant and pierced its abdomen with the silver Ancestral Dragon horns. The blood gushed out right away.

Soon after, Tenax moved back with lightning speed.

The Gold Dragon King let out a roar. It turned its body around and emitted two golden glints from its eyes. After that, the dazzling rays of light shrouded its entire body, in that very instance, it jumped up and took flight!

With the speed of light, the Lion Dragon King left afterimages in the sky as it pounced on Tenax, who was on the ground. The Ancestral Dragon horns emitted gold radiance unceasingly.

The dazzling golden light immediately illuminated the entire stage. Tenax couldn’t fly, even though it had marvelous footwork, it was still impossible for it to take flight.

The Gold Dragon King practically went berserk. It was attacking unceasingly with its tyrannical power while swooping down continuously. It was pouncing on that silvery light on the ground.

Xiao Chen felt his heart sunk. This was the so-called one man army. The Gold Dragon King was strong enough, it was completely capable of crushing Tenax with only brute force. Moreover, it also knew a little bit of the dragon martial skills and was very proficient in the dragon’s most terrifying divine spell!!


The violent energy wave surged forward and everyone was blinded by the resplendent gold radiance. The barrier created by the Psychics was shaking and almost broke down. The experts who was on standby at the side hastily went to reinforce the barrier.

The golden light had once again submerged Tenax. It sent the tough little dragon flying away immediately. Tenax’s entire body was stained by blood. The silvery light seemed to have become dimmer. Its skin and flesh were split as the dragon scales fell all over the ground. The blood had dyed the stage red.

Every spectator held their breath.

Within the VIP lounge, Xiao Chen was feeling very anxious. He felt a little suffocated.

The Gold Dragon King’s ice-cold pupils emitted two terrifying light beams. Its killing intent was undisguised as it transformed into a streak of golden light and rushed over.

Just at this time, Tenax — who hadn’t touched the ground yet — suddenly shifted a few feet to the side and barely avoided the Golden Dragon King’s certain kill attack. Then it transformed into a silvery light and jumped onto the Lion Dragon King’s back in that very instant.

The sharp dragon claws immediately left four bloody scratch on the Gold Dragon King’s body. And its head was firmly sticking to the Lion Dragon King’s body. It cut open the Gold Dragon King’s neck and almost snapped it off!

The opponent had fell for the bait!

Tenax succeeded and found a way out of a desperate situation!


The Golden Dragon King sustained a serious damage. It let out an extremely miserable howl. The golden-qi all over its body was dazzling. It was as if a sun was suspending on the stage as a boundless power burst out.


The Gold Dragon King exerted itself physically to shake off Tenax. Its weak draconic body swayed as it flew high into the sky.

Tenax was thrown onto the ground, the blood gushed out non-stop. It got up unsteadily, and was dripping with blood from head to toe, but its fighting spirit was unbendable as it looked at the Golden Dragon King in the sky arrogantly.

The Lion Dragon King’s ice-cold pupils gradually changed into anger. The pitiful little dragon that was far from a worthy opponent actually gave it such a serious damage today, this was a humiliation!

With its neck narrowly snapped off, it was only one step away from death’s door. The Golden Dragon King knew it was impossible to kill this opponent with brute strength anymore. The only sure kill method was to use the dragon’s most terrifying divine spell.

The Gold Dragon King was floating in the sky unmovingly. It was unwilling to swoop down anymore. After adjusting its breathing slightly, its pair of horns began to circulate with dazzling gold radiance.

“Rips! Rips!”

One golden radiance after another fell from the sky, they were even more terrifying than the sharp sword-qi. Each golden radiance contained a frightening power. This was the unique divine magic of the dragons!

Everyone could already tell, the wobbly Tenax definitely wouldn’t be able to fend off this attack. It could even be said that death was inevitable!

The unyielding tough little dragon did not feel apprehensive at all. It was dragging its injured body and moved at lightning speed. Its speed didn’t seem much slower compared to before.

And this time, its footwork became even more eccentric. When its four limbs touched the ground, the silvery light flickered and one after another, the draconic patterns fluctuated unceasingly as the sea of stars appeared under its feet. The specks of radiance dazzled the eyes.

And during this process, Tenax clearly paid a huge price. It coughed out a small mouthful of blood with every three steps!

Just at this time, something astonishing happened. Tenax suddenly executed an unfathomable footwork and it was actually ascending from the ground with every step it took!

It seemed to be ascending towards the sky as those starry diagrams appeared under its feet!

“Dragon Countersteps!”

Some older generation figures in the VIP lounge let out a cry of surprise!

“The legendary sky rending ancient martial skill!”

“Even deities could be stamped under the soles of the feet!”


Tenax changed from one position to another with each step. As if it was passing through empty space, it suddenly changed from one position to another. With only four steps, it ascended to the high altitude.

With the fifth step, it ruthlessly stamped on the back of the Gold Dragon King.

The sound of bones snapping resounded clearly. The Gold Dragon King’s body was split open at once!

With the sixth step, the dazzling gold radiance exploded. At the same time, the blood splashed everywhere. The Gold Dragon King’s body completely burst open!

Only the dragon head remained as it fell down from the sky.

Tenax’s entire body was throbbing with silvery light as it landed on the ground. It was standing on the stage proudly and swept its eyes past every spectator like a lonesome expert.

The condition of its injuries was very grave. A lot of dragon scales had come off and its bones were exposed in many places. It made people feel frightened just looking at its condition. Tenax walked in front of the Gold Dragon King’s head and then it seemed to be muttering softly after lowering its head. That dragon head on the ground emitted a gold radiance and burst open in the sky. Then, it transformed into specks of light and entered Tenax’s body.

That was the pure aura of the Ancestral Dragon!

That was not a power, nor a soul, that was purely an “aura” that symbolized the status of the Ancestral Dragon!

The spectators already became panic-stricken, a Dragon King had died!

A legendary Dragon King had been killed right in front of their eyes! One must know that once they grow up, they would become an existence that even the deities wouldn’t dare to provoke!

Over ten thousand people were already flaring up. This battle between the Dragon Kings was too suicidal, and also too pitiful. The people were shouting in succession.

At this moment, Tenax had undoubtedly became the most dazzling star. It was the true king of kings. It didn’t win by a fluke, it prevailed over its opponent with pure strength.


  1. N/a

[Vol 1] Chapter 1 – The Girl who Swims in the Fountain of Mists


Don’t go into the depths of the forest——

Even though people have told this to her time and time again, the girl still went deep into the forest.

“Let’s compete to see who can harvest the most wild strawberries!”

The children had decided on the competition, and so they started picking nearby the town——But she got gotten separated from her friends while concentrating on harvesting the wild strawberries. When she realized, she had already gotten lost.

Due to her running around anxiously, she had no idea where she was.

Carrying the basket with a hill of wild strawberries, she surveyed her surroundings worriedly.

“Where is… everyone…?”

Her fearful voice started to tremble.

Since they had left in the early morning, it wasn’t even noon yet. Yet, no matter how high the sun rose in the sky, the depths of the forest was still filled with danger. This danger didn’t change regardless of day or night.

There was a certain radius around the town where wild beasts would not approach due to the “Belfry of Beast Avoidance” within. But the effective range of it did not cover the deepest parts of the forest.

The confused girl raised her volume.

“… Everyone! Where are you!?”

Nearby, someone heard her voice.

Sadly, this was very unfortunate for her —— the being wasn’t a “human”, but a ferocious beast that inhabited the area. Even more unfortunate, it had an empty stomach.

Noticing the roar of the beast from behind, the girl’s body stiffened.

A huge wolf appeared from the shades of the trees. It had a physique comparable to that of a bear.

The girl held her breath.

That was the black wolf that stood at the top of the foodchain. Even though the black pelt of this ferocious beast could sell for a very high price, hunters rarely attempted to hunt it.

The black wolf pressed its paws into the ground.

The girl twitched her body due to a bone-chilling fear, she couldn’t even utter a sound.

The scene perfectly portrayed the natural law of survival of the fittest.

Following that, the black wolf prepared to pounce onto the pitiful girl.

At this moment, an unforeseen obstructor appeared.

“Ahhhh —— I was planning to nap till the evening.”

A very calm voice without tension came down from the trees.

Hearing this, the girl couldn’t help but look up.

The black wolf also noticed that it had missed a prey, and became more vigilant.

However, they were unable to see the figure due to the overgrown branches.

The owner of the voice went “En” without showing his face.

“A starving black wolf and a cute girl carrying wild strawberries —— Then, for a gentleman, who should I support as a companion?”

The black wolf let out a low growl.

The terrified girl collapsed onto the floor.

The voice let out a snicker.

It wasn’t a sneer, nor was it a laughter.

It would be better described as a bit lonely —— the voice once again calmly laughed.

“My lady, your luck is pretty good. It looks like I have no room for hesitation, it has already recognized me as an enemy. Since it has become like this, there is nothing left to talk about —— being a ‘sorcerer’, I can only accept a challenge.”

After the cool voice resounded —— a black shadow jumped down from the trees.

The paralysed girl stared blankly at the shadow.

In an instant, her vision was obstructed by a “shadow”.


There was a beautiful fountain beside the town of Misthound.

From ancient times, it had been called the “Fountain of Rising Mists”, it had become famous as a summer resort for the royalty.

Their visits stopped since a certain time. Now it had become a rural area whose population is no longer increasing, but at least the beautiful scenario faced no destruction.

The clear underground water gushing out of the fountain was covered by small particles of white sand. As the morning sun rose high up into the sky, the sand would emit a dazzling light under the reflection of the spring water.

The morning sunlight caused the white sand and the clear water to stand out; at dawn, the water will be dyed red by the setting sun; and at night, the water will shine blue under the glow of the moon.

A hundred years ago, a poet once praised this fountain, ever shaped by the movement of time, describing it was “the happiness and sorrows of an enchanting young woman”, and because of the refreshing taste of the water, it was called “moon drops”.

(… But not matter how you think about it, these metaphors were far too exaggerated.)

It was now noon.

Apprentice pharmacist Selo sat idly by the lake, silently judging the deceased poet.

The fountain reflected in his eyes had no difference compared to before.

Selo grew up staring at the fountain, and it has always just been an ordinary fountain. It was only a slightly larger pool, changing its color along with the light. The taste of the water wasn’t anything special either.

It was rather convenient to treat the water here as drinking water, but everyone usually just draw the underground water from the well. Even though the water here was exaggeratedly called moondrops, it was still the same water as any other. It wasn’t as if this fountain had heaven’s blessing.

Moreover, despite how this huge fountain was about a hundred meters away from the opposite shore, it was not a suitable fishing ground, since the water is too clear for the fish to inhabit here. This was a disadvantage which he had paid heed to.

He never wanted to complain about the deceased poet, but, travelers and locals would always differ in views.

“ —— Ahhh, there’s no helping it. After you get used to it, even beautiful things will seem normal…”

Selo’s mutterings as he gazed at the fountain did not hold any special meaning.

A girl is currently leisurely taking a bath there.

Her tender and beautiful body floated on the clear water, she stretched her limbs delightfully while closing her eyes.

Her wet, light colored hair glistened on the surface of the water.

The girl wore shorts and a bathrobe which covered her chest, but only a thin cloth was tied on her waist, leaving her shoulders and legs exposed.

Selo tried hard not to stare, but she had an extremely strong sense of presence.

Although it was disrespectful to stare, putting the girl at the back of his mind would make him a failure a guard.

The girl enjoying the bath was the noble which Selo served —— Ordoba·Misthound·Doriarudo’s adopted daughter. To be more precise, the relationship between the noble and her is that of an uncle and a niece.

After losing her parents at a young age —— Firiano·Misthound·Doriarudo was adopted by her uncle and grew up in this area.

She was 16, older than the 14 years old Selo by 2 years.

Since “Firiano” was too long of a name, and she didn’t like it much, everyone that lived in the town called her “Lady Fino”.

Suddenly, Fino who was in the fountain waved towards Selo with her slender arms.

“Nee, c’mon Selo, it feels great to be unrestrained.”

The girl’s invitation was filled with a carefree atmosphere.

Selo continued to avert his eyes and answered.

“I’m good, I don’t want to get my sword wet.”

“Can’t you just put the sword on the side?”

Fino asked surprisingly. This caused Selo, who came as a guard, to feel a bit helpless.

“Then I have no idea why I came as a guard. I also didn’t bring a change of clothes, nor a towel to wipe myself dry…”

It’s fine, Selo is a boy. Even if you’re topless it would be fine. As for the towel, I’ll lend you mine.”

Hearing Fino say that natural, it made Selo quite troubled. It seems like she didn’t have the self-conscious that she was the daughter of a noble.

Recently, Fino had matured very quickly. After turning sixteen, not only had her body grown, her bearings and facial expressions became more feminine.

However, to Selo who she grew up with, she didn’t change how she acted. In fact, she became even more caring.

(To Fino, I must feel like a worrisome little brother——)

Being younger than her, Selo felt like that quite often.

The people in the mansion told him, “You’re not a child anymore, you have to be aware of your own status”, Fino should have also been warned by the adoptive father Ordoba.

Even so, she still stubbornly wanted to keep her original relationship with Selo.

To Selo, this made him feel very happy, and at the same time uneasy.

Fino looked up towards the sky and closed her eyes, slowly drifting on the water surface.

It was by chance that there were only the two of them left today. Normally, this was a great location where the local children played with water.

The deepest part of the water was only up to the waist, and there was also a sandy shore at the edge of the fountain. That was where Selo was sitting. Even though this wasn’t the sea, it still possess such a unique geographical feature.

This geographical feature had been here since the ancient times.

This place used to be a barren land without a water source. A sorcerer that came here must had recreated it based on his ideal paradise.

It was said that the fountain was the first thing he made.

He used magic tools to scoop out the land, covered it with white sand, then drew out the water from the underground.

Because of this, the forest started to grow around the fountain, and people began to inhabit here, eventually developing into the town of Misthound.

The descendants of the sorcerer once ruled the town, but his bloodline had long died out.

The mayor was a noble sent by the government, who also controlled the Belfry of Beast Avoidance.

Fino’s adoptive father Ordoba·Misthound·Doriarudo was the noble who came here at a young age and became the mayor.

Even though he had a peerage, but because he was from a branch family, he didn’t inherit any territory.

His middle name “Misthound” was also named after the city. A sorcerer’s middle name was usually their territory, birthplace or organization name. It wasn’t unusual to have it change multiple times in a lifetime. Most noble sorcerers followed this tradition.

There were also some strange people who chose to use names of non-existent places, or used a name that they fancied.

Both the adopted daughter Fino, and the adoptive father of the Doriarudo family were the same, using the name “Misthound” as their middle name.

Fino had a considerable amount of strength as a sorcerer. She didn’t need Selo as a guard to protect her —— But her careless and defenceless attitude made Selo rather anxious.

Fino didn’t seem to notice this, every time she went out, she was sure to make Selo tag along.

The morning light was slowly fading away, the sun rose higher into the sky. Noon was already nigh.

Selo called Fino who was always submerged in the water.

“Fino, it’s about time to get back to the mansion. Don’t you have guests in the afternoon?”

“Ahhh… Then… let’s escape from it.”

She muttered annoyingly.

Selo wasn’t unable to understand her feelings, although he didn’t know who the guest was, he understood that Fino disliked socializing with other nobles.

But she was still Ordoba’s adoptive daughter, Doriarudo family’s ojou-sama, this is the unwavering truth.

“Escaping wouldn’t solve the issue. If Fino doesn’t go home on time, I would become the primary suspect.”

“That isn’t too bad! Let’s elope together!”Fino said in a laughing manner, splashing water everywhere as she stood up in the water.

The droplets of water on her body dazzled under the sunlight. Selo was mesmerized seeing the scene before him.

“Never mind, making Selo become the primary suspect is too pitiful—— It can’t be helped, I’ll return.”

Fino closed one eye and spoke condescendingly.

Selo lightly hung his head. In a certain way, his fate was within her grasp.

Stretching herself as she swam to the shore, Fino took the towel from Selo’s side and began to wipe her body.

“Selo, can you wipe my body for me?”

“… Recently Fino’s jokes have stopped being funny.”

She giggled.

Perhaps having enough fun, Fino put on her clothes. Meanwhile, Selo gazed towards the forest.

The forest on the other side of the fountain was thick and wide.

The Belfry of Beast Avoidance became ineffective further on from here.

Selo gazed alarmingly towards the front, a rustling sound from someone stepping on a dry branch was heard.

He quickly placed his hand on the sword that was attached to his waist in surprise.

He didn’t have much confidence in the sword. But unable to use any magic tools, it was one of the few things that could protect himself from the harassment of wild beasts.

Fino also heard the sound. Not long later, a small figure come out from the shadows of the trees.

Seeing the figure, Selo relaxed his grip.

“… Ehhh? What happened, isn’t this Marill?”

It looks like it was one of the local children. The girl was very young and always chased after those older than herself, but today she was all alone.

“Ahh! Selo! And Fino-ane!”The girl’s face instantly gleamed up, she rushed over quickly. In her hands was a basket that had a small mountain of wild strawberries.

“Marill? Why are you all alone here? It’s very dangerous!”

Fino, who had just finished dressing up, immediately hugged Marill. Even though she was a noble, the worrisome Fino is loved by the local children in town, and was treated as an older sister, she is very well-received in their hearts.

Marill who was tightly hugged by Fino excitedly said.

“That. That! Just now…!”

She suddenly stopped.

“Ahh… I promised I wouldn’t say anything. Sorry, but I’m alright!”

Hearing this blatant lie, Selo raised his eyebrows. Marill wasn’t a lying child, so someone must have stopped her from speaking the truth.

“No, that’s impossible. Did you go into the forest by yourself?”

“Noo, I get separated with everyone else. Then.. it’s a secret!”

Facing Marill, who was all smiles, Selo and Fino looked at each other.

She who got lost in the forest was helped by “someone” —— it looks like that’s what happened.

“… Who do you think it is?”

To the whispering Fino, Selo vaguely answered.

“Saying it would only cause trouble. That must be someone who was skipping work…”

“Or maybe a couple that was on a secret rendezvous——? Never mind, it doesn’t matter who it is. Follow me, Marill. Everyone must be worried about you.”

Fino held Marill’s hand and let out a concerning smile.

Selo didn’t know any noble ladies apart from Fino. But, he still understood that she had a unique personality among nobles.

The children in the city also noticed this, so they naturally got close with her.

Selo gazed into the basket that Marill is carrying.

“Speaking of which, Marill, there are a lot of wild strawberries here, did you harvest all of them by yourself?”

“Yeah, while I was harvesting, I didn’t pay attention and went deep into the forest…”

Fino sighed, and lightly stroked Marill’s hair.

“That’s scary… Marill, don’t go into the forest so casually. If you were caught by the goblins or black wolves, you could even lose your life. The Belfry of Beast Avoidance’s effective range doesn’t cover this far.

She scolded Marill lightly, Fino then retrieved a small wooden horse that could fit within her palm from the pouch that Selo was guarding.

Fino named this cute black horse with a red saddle “Liquorice”.


The small wooden horse glowed with a pale light, accepting her will.

She lightly tossed it towards the sand, the wooden horse remained exactly the same, but its size had become equivalent to that of a real horse.

Its rounds legs floated in the air.

The horse-shaped magic tool was the “Celestial Wooden Horse” made by Selo’s grandfather, it was given to Fino as a birthday present.

Although the creator Zerdonato passed away three years ago, the wooden horse could still move. Although it wasn’t as strong as a real horse, but it could still transport people and fly at low altitudes. It was a true masterpiece that allowed the rider not to worry about the geographical features underneath oneself.

Fino always cherished this wooden horse.

If not used properly, the magic tool was unable to last long.

By pouring mana into the magic tools, they could develop just like a living thing. Even if it was an excellent magic tool, whether or not its full potential could be brought out also depended on the sorcerer themselves.

Seeing Fino treasuring his grandfather’s wooden horse, it made Selo very happy.

They first let Marill climb on, then Fino sat behind her.

“Selo could sit too, we have to send Marill back to everyone before we go back home, so we’re a bit rushed.”

Selo calmly shook his head.

011 “I’ll pass, its too dangerous riding with three people. Since we came all the way here, I should pick some herbs as I walk back.”

Fino revealed a disappointed expression after hearing his reply.

“Is that so? Then see you later.”

Selo’s refusal wasn’t by chance. Just two days ago, they were seen riding together by the people at the mansion and he was scolded a lot.

Gazing at the fleeting wooden horse, Selo began to walk.

After taking a few steps, he noticed something behind him and turned back to look.

From where deepest parts of the forest where Marill had come out from——

Selo felt the presence of “something”.

“… Is someone there?”

At that moment —— several birds flew out from there.

Selo relaxed a little and laughed bitterly by himself. It seems like his instincts were wrong.

He turned his back to the fountain once more and started to head back to the town.

——Selo didn’t notice.

From the depths of the forest, the pair of eyes that gazed at his back——

Saving Marill from the wild beast, the miraculous existence that sent her here——

The meeting between the owner of the gaze, it’ll have to wait a little longer——


After dropping off Marill with the other children that were harvesting wild strawberries, Fino immediately returned to the mansion.

This mansion was not the property of the Doriarudo family, but rather the official living quarters for “generations of the mayors of Misthound”. In other words, this was essentially rented. But after staying here for so long, Fino felt like it was no different from her own home.

To Fino who had moved here at a young age, this was also where she first met Selo. Back then his grandfather —— magic tool craftsman Zerdonato was still alive.

Selo was only six back then, and Fino was eight. But thinking back, Selo already had a mature atmosphere surrounding him.

His black hair and deep blue eyes, and his slightly pale skin. These were very different to the locals of this area.

Fino had nearly mistaken him for a girl the first time she met Selo.

Back then, his face was cute like a little girl’s, and had a hint of loneliness on his face, but his clear eyes always looked forward.

Although he “couldn’t use magic tools”, the calmness and intelligence already made him the centre of attention among the children.

Since their age were quite close, and could emphasize with each other about their now deceased parents, Selo and Fino quickly got to know each other.

Although their social status were different, but the status of “nobles” didn’t mean anything special to the children.

However, it was possible that Selo no longer remembered about what happened long ago.

These were very important memories to Fino, but he definitely forgot. Although it was regrettable, there was no helping it.

Fino, who was older than Selo by two years, also couldn’t remember what happened when she was six —— so it was unsurprising for Selo to have forgotten what happened back then.

Furthermore, he probably forgot what happened a few years back as well. This is because when becoming an adult, people tend to gradually forget about their childhood memories.

Thinking about Selo when he was younger, Fino giggled on the wooden horse.

The once cute young boy is now becoming more valiant. Although he is still shorter than Fino, in a few years time, Selo will surely grow taller than her.

Though happy for his growth, she began to feel a little lonely.

Watching the maturing Selo, Fino always felt unease. She tried to wish numerous times so that time could stay still, but her wish was no longer able to be fulfilled.

Fino got off the horse in front of the mansion and placed her hands on the saddle.

“—— Sleep.”

The Celestial Wooden Horse reacted to her clear voice, instantly shrinking back to its original size.

Fino tucked the small wooden horse into a pouch hanging by her waist and was just about to walk through the front gate.

At this moment.

The overlapping sound of hooves could be heard slowly approaching the mansion from the street in front of it.

“Ahhh, this is bad…”

Realising that it was the guest, Fino frantically rushed through the gate and ran towards the mansion.

At the same time, the butler and servants in the mansion also walked towards the outside to receive the guests.

A maid called Kardena grabbed Fino’s wrist.

“Fino-sama, where did you go? Please get ready immediately, I will prepare a change of clothes for you.”

The maid Kardena angrily shouted. She was only twenty this year, but had been Ordoba’s maid since she was a young girl, because of this she had been in the mansion slightly longer than Fino.

Also, she was also the first maid to start taking care of Fino when Fino first moved here.

A calm brick-colored hair and neat features gave people a sense of capability. In reality, she was also deeply trusted by Ordoba.

Furthermore, although she was a maid, to Fino she was a trustworthy older sister.

“I’m sorry, Kardena. But isn’t the time earlier than expected?”

“What are you talking about, it’s already noon. Fino-sama had returned slightly later.”

It looks like they stayed a little longer in the fountain than they imagined, when she was with Selo, time seemed to pass by so much quicker.

Fino was just about to rush into her room when her adoptive father Ordoba suddenly appeared in the hallway.

Seeing Fino who just got back, he nodded.

“This clothing isn’t too terrible. You don’t have to change, just fix your hair as we walk.”

The maid Kardena obeyed his orders and took a comb from inside the room.

Ordoba·Misthound·Doriarudo was a brilliant sorcerer in his fifties.

He had a physique far larger than the common sorcerer’s, his shoulders were as tough as that of a warrior.

He looked fearless, and just by standing in place would exhibit his dignified atmosphere.

Even so, his personality was not as strict as he looked. He didn’t interfere with his adoptive daughter Fino too much, nor was he harsh towards his servants, he was a good master.

However, regardless of good and bad, he still possessed the mindset of a noble, and drew a clear distinctive line between himself and non-nobles. This was the major difference between him and Fino.

As they walked side by side, the adoptive father frowned and asked.

“Speaking of which, it was good that you managed to come back on time. Did you go out with that apprentice pharmacist again?”

“No. Today I was with Marill. Selo’s not home?”

Fino held her head up and feigned ignorance.

Her tone of speech was completely different to when she was talking with Selo earlier.

Uninterested in Fino’s lie, Ordoba said quietly.

“… It’s about time you two separate. Having a noble like you by his side, it’ll cause him a lot of trouble. You know you are from different worlds right?”

“Yes I understand. Please don’t worry, I’m Ordoba’s daughter.”

Fino replied for the sake of it.

She had no interested in quarrelling with her adoptive father. Their point of views were parallel, never meeting at the same point, and from the standpoint of a noble, what her father said had its merits.

The people in the mansion thought so as well, Selo seemed to have been reminded by the other servants privately.

To Fino, she didn’t want to cause trouble for Selo. The more she argued, the worse it became for him.

That’s why she chose to remain silent.

Kardena tidied up Fino’s dry hair and brushed down her skirt.

In front of the mansion owner and the ojou-sama. The gate finally opened.

In front of everyone was a tall and handsome young knight.

To Fino who thought that all the guests would be middle-aged men, she was quite surprised. Although her expressions didn’t reveal her thoughts, these guests truly surprised her.

It was a handsome man with blond hair and amber eyes, an image that seemingly came out of a picture. If he was to go to the market, he would surely cause a lot of heads to turn.

The military uniform on his body was new and coupled with his fresh expression, it gave people a very clean and gallant impression.

Despite this, the gaze Fino used to glance at him was very cold.

From her perspective, the self-confident look that he had seemed strangely unpleasant.

Behind him were his subordinate knights.

Although they were also wearing military uniforms, but because their positions were different, the young man at the front wore a black uniform, the others wore a dark green one.

Within these people were also a few female knights.

The leading young knight swiftly bowed, and looked towards Ordoba and Fino.

“This is our first meeting. I am the Captain of the Royal Magic Knights 8th Squad, stationed at Lonbordo, Helmbekt·Sanelfowl ·Redafurio. I have come for a mission, it is a pleasure to meet you two.”

He said sincerely, with a tone full of pride that only those serving the royal would possess.

“Sanelfowl” was a middle name that only soldiers serving the “Nelfowl” royal family could have.

Fino and her adoptive father bowed to their guest.

Ordabo welcomed him in a deep voice.

“The journey must have been long. Welcome to our humble home. I am the mayor of the city, Ordoba·Misthound·Doriarudo. Speaking of which, after the journey you must be tired. I have prepared rooms for your knights, please relax and wash away your tiredness. We can do the greetings later——”

At this moment, Fino noticed that her adoptive father and the captain named Helmbekt exchanged glances.

She pretended not to notice, and used a tone befitting of an ojou-sama.

“Helmbekt-sama and fellow knights, please come this way, I shall lead the way.”

“Thank you very much, uhmm…”

“My apologies, I’m Firiano, Ordoba’s daughter.”

Fino greeted him like nothing happened, and Helmbekt only smiled while nodding his head.

“Being led by the ojou-sama is an honor. But I didn’t think you would have such a beautiful daughter… I had thought Ordaba-sama was single, so I’m a bit surprised.”

Ordabo smiled wryly.

“Actually she’s the daughter of my now deceased younger sister. I adopted her when she was little.”

Hearing this, Helmbekt raised his eyebrows.

His face showed as expression as if he “said something out of place”.

“That was very impolite of me. Please forgive me.”

“It’s okay, it’s a thing from the past.”

Fino couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

Father’s and Helmbekt’s speech did not seem to answer each other fully.

There was no meaning in this string of speech. Although it was no different from formal speech, it made people feel uncomfortable.

More precisely, it was as if he already knew about Fino’s circumstances and only acted like he was sorry.

{What did these people come here for——}

This question obviously appeared in her mind.

“What business do you have here today?”

Fino asked as she walked in the front. Helmbekt replied with a gentle smile.

——She didn’t know why, but his smile made goosebumps appear all over Fino.

“For a part of the mission, we hope to secure the aid of the famous Ordoba-sama… This is our wish.”

Ordoba once against smiled wryly.

“What are you saying… I know my own limits. Fino, Helmbekt-sama has come to help me with research. The following few days, we will talk more in detail.”

When their gazes crossed, Ordoba and Helmbekt seemed to be trying to pry into each other’s true intentions.

Fino felt disgusted from the depth of her heart.

Secret negotiations and arrangements between sorcerers were very weird, she couldn’t help but dislike it. Adults often seemed to act like children even in the adult world.

Having arrived in front of the room, Helmbekt once against politely bowed and naturally grabbed Fino’s hand.

“Lady Fino, it has been a pleasure. See you later ——“

Before she reacted, Helmbekt had already lightly kissed the back of her hand.

A shiver went down Fino’s spine.

She returned a smile and instantly left the scene.

Fino tried to use her clothes to wipe her arms, but no matter what she did, the feeling didn’t disappear.

For a noble greeting, Helmbekt’s actions were not out of place. Even understanding this, Fino still felt a strong sense of disgust.

(Selo would never do something as revolting as this.)

She couldn’t help but think this.

Just as she was sighing, a female in military uniform walked towards her. She was one of Helmbekt’s guard knights.

A beautiful girl with blood red eyes and long black hair.

She was around Fino’s height, but her slim body made her look young. However, she may actually be the same age or younger than Fino.

The girl solemnly paid her respects towards Fino.

“Please take care of me in this period. I am the lieutenant Elsie. Due to security reasons, I wish to implore you to show me around the mansion——“

“I understand. Then… Kardena, I’ll be counting on you.”

Pushing the matter onto the maid, Fino quickly left the scene.

Although it was a short greeting, she didn’t know why she was so tired.

From her back, the female knight pointed towards the courtyard and started asking about the buildings other than the main mansion. The house Selo was living in was deeper into the forest, and couldn’t be seen from here.

(… Has Selo returned?)

Thinking about it, Fino naturally walked towards that direction.


In this world, there were no humans who can freely use magic ——

This was the harsh truth that all children knew and was common knowledge between all sorcerers.

Magic is only referring to special powers that were given to beings such as fairies.

What humans could do was only “craft magic tools” and “use magic tools”. Because of this, humans will pursue stronger and better performing “magic tools”.

Like its literal meaning, magic items were tools to direct magic. Even for sorcerers, they were unable to use their powers without magic items.

“Craft” magic tools and “use” magic tools were dependent on ability.

Excellent users were not necessarily excellent craftsmen.

On the contrary, excellent craftsmen were not always excellent users.

Only those who possessed both abilities could be named “sorcerers”, those who were more skilled in the “crafting” aspect were usually referred as “magic tool craftsmen”.

Everyone living in this world could use magic tools, but the ability varied from people to people.

However, “craftsmen” were rarer than those who could use magic items. Ability, experience, inspiration, determination, luck, and mana, these were all necessary components.

Selo’s grandfather Zerdonato was one of the magic tool craftsmen.

Although he wasn’t known throughout the world, he still created excellent magic items, because of this he was hired by Ordoba and became his private magic tool craftsman.

Within Ordoba’s mansion there were three magic tool craftsman, they would work in the workshop to create magic tools used for sales. Although their master Ordoba’s skill was nothing spectacular, he was a craftsman as well as a sorcerer.

Apprentice pharmacist Selo made his living by harvesting the herbs they needed.

Until the previous year, they had hired an elder pharmacist aside from Selo. But this pharmacist received news of his sick family and rushed home. Because of this, only Selo was left to inherit this job.

He had a slightly heavy responsibility. But until now, he was grateful that Ordoba-sama didn’t fire himself.

He was only an apprentice and not a true pharmacist, he had no value to be hired in the first place.

(If I could at least craft magic tools… Perhaps I may be of use to Ordoba-sama.)

He often thought like that.

Selo was the grandson of a magic tool craftsman, but he was unable to craft or use magic tools.

He couldn’t even use magic tools that beginners could use with ease such as the “Lighting branch” or “Lamp of the Night”. If it was used by Selo, they would be destroyed mysteriously.

He was often envious of the children that could use magic tools, and did a lot of pointless practice.

Finally, he understood the harsh fact of how “there were things that were impossible in the world”. Because of this, Selo followed his grandfather’s advice and walked down the path of becoming a pharmacist.

Having said farewell with Fino and Marill, Selo left the path and searched for herbs as he slowly walked towards the town.

Misthound was centred around Ordoba·Misthound·Doriarudo’s mansion that had the “Belfry of Beast Avoidance”.

The Belfry of Beast Avoidance raised the vigilance of wild beasts that went near the town, causing them to run back to the forest. The closer they got to the center, the more powerful the effect. Also, wild beasts larger in size were also more easily affected.

Having left the forest and returned to town, Selo gazed up at the towering belfry, letting out a sigh of relief.

Although the area near the fountain was within the effective area of the belfry, it still made people feel safer when they were at places where they could see the belfry directly.

From far away, it looked just like the belfry of a church, but it was actually situated at the Doriarudo’s mansion.

The bell itself wasn’t huge, and one would easily wrap both arms around it. But the belfry didn’t ring the bell.

Its effective area wasn’t a precise circle, rather it was dependent on the geographical shape. One needed to consider the place and geographical location of the belfry, and had to place it where it could affect a larger area.

But relying on a human’s instincts, it was very hard to predict the actual safezone.

At places where there were not gigantic wild beasts, the belfry was basically useless. But at the town of Misthound that was near a dense forest, people could not sleep at night if they didn’t have the Belfry of Beast Avoidance.

Selo slowly walked on the stone-paved road, using his time to check the amount of herbs he harvested.

First it was the seasonal crop wild strawberries, but it didn’t number that much. If he harvested too much, he would be robbing the children of their fun.

He also harvested some neolamprologus grass, the sweetness and texture of it when eaten was pretty good. Compared to herbs, this should be counted as a type of vegetable as well. It could also be used as fertilizer.

He also harvested two batches of vanilla that could be used as spice, or for making perfume. Additionally, it also had the miraculous property of easing joint pain. Selo had prepared this medicine for his grandfather Zerdonato.

Although he found a small patch of fairy blossom, he only memorized its location and didn’t harvest it. Because those fairy blossoms were still growing. It was likely that their number would have increased when the next spring comes. After all, this was a valuable herb that was beneficial to the liver.

Selo only harvested for a short while near the town, but he still managed to harvest plenty of herbs.

“Oh, Selo. Did you just return from harvesting herbs?”

The one who conversed with him was an old man living in a birdhouse. Underneath his bald head was a face of wrinkles that showed a pleasant smile.

The old man looked like he had returned from fishing by the lake, he was carrying a drenched basket that seemed very heavy.

“En, I went to the forest. Old man, you seemed to have gotten a good harvest from fishing.”

“It’s okay, it’s about the same as usual.”

The old man replied humbly and showed a happy expression. He took out three fish from the basket.

“Here, take it. It’s about time for dinner.”

“Wow, thanks! I’ll make salt grilled fish.”

Nowadays, Selo was living alone in the small wooden hut where he had stayed with his grandfather. It was made for the hired craftsman, so it was built within the courtyard of the Ordoba mansion, but he still had to take care of his own food and drinks.

Because of this, getting some gifted food made him happy from the bottom of his heart.

The old man patted Selo’s head.

“You do help me get medicine a lot. Oh yeah, are you not with ojou-sama today?”

“… En. Recently, I haven’t been spending much time with Fino-sama——“

He was about to feign ignorance with the old man, but was cut short.

“Lies. Just now you were swimming by the fountain. I didn’t bother you, you should feel grateful.”

Selo became anxious.

The old man silently laughed.

“Did the people at the mansion warn you? The director-sama is also quite strict in this area. An apprentice pharmacist and a noble ojou-sama becoming too close would cause headaches for people —— But that’s just for now. I won’t tell others, so don’t worry.”

Looking at the old man’s back as he was walking away, Selo lightly lowered his head.

There weren’t many adults as understanding as him within the town. Regardless of being adult or child, they were used to building a wall with the nobles.

Even if the noble Fino joined the children —— Selo still feel like nobles “were different people compared to himself”.

Selo took the fish he just received in his hand and walked towards the town center.

The scene in front of him was the same as normal.

The stone paved roads were surrounded with neatly lined brick buildings, the leisurely striding carriages and the protective trees nearby the road —— in a rural town, there was nothing special.

The town of Misthound wasn’t too prosperous, but they weren’t in poverty either. The population wasn’t too high and the south also had a large farmland.

The mountain was full of fruits and wild vegetables, aside from wild beasts there were also fishes in the river. Since the area didn’t allow for easy access to luxurious things, money didn’t have much use, so a relaxing atmosphere surrounded the town.

Beside the shop displaying the seasonal fruits was a dessert shop that the kids commonly visit. The young sorcerers used magic tools to make shaved ice, then added fruit and syrup on top, finishing the dessert for sales.

Since it wasn’t tea time yet, the shop didn’t have any customers.

“Yo, Selo. Have a portion.”

Someone called him, so Selo turned to look. The young sorcerer, who was responsible for settling children disputes from a few years ago, had a kind smile on his face. Having grown up, he inherited this dessert shop which also has an open area in the summer.

For children, his little shop was a good gathering location in this town lacking of entertainment.

“I didn’t bring any money, maybe next time.”

“I don’t have much business now. Since you live in the mansion, there isn’t too many things to spend your salary on anyways.”

The young sorcerer jokingly said, and started to put shaved ice into a container. A magic tool could be used to freeze water, but shaving the ice needed to be done by hand.

The youngster used a hand to spin the handle and waved towards Selo.

“Then take it as my treat. In exchange, I want to ask you something.”

Selo walked over.

Receiving the shaved ice in a cup, and poured some syrup from the shop onto it.

“What do you want to ask?”

The young man lowered his voice.

“There were some people that entered the Doriarudo home, what did they come for?”

“Ah, you must be talking about the guests. Although I don’t know who have come, but Fino said that there would be some important guests coming today.”

Apprentice pharmacist Selo didn’t know much of the details.

Selo used a bamboo spoon to place the cold and sweet ice into his mouth. The red syrup was of pomegranate taste, so it carried a hint of sourness.

The young man raised his eyebrows and then said in a even lowered voice.

“Hey… Those people were from the Royal Magic Knights. Did Ordoba-sama do anything wrong?”

Hearing the young man’s question, Selo blinked in surprise.

The Royal Magic Knights were chosen from the most capable of the sorcerers and knights that served royalty.

They were the guards of royalty, and acted for public order as well as banning of certain sorcerers. They were a step above normal knights and sorcerers, and were little in number.

Selo had only heard of them and never actually seen them.

“Royal Magic Knights… Did they come from the royal capital? “

Because Misthound was near the border, if they came over from the royal capital, the journey would have took a month.

Hearing this, the young man shook his head.

“No, they carried little. They should have been stationed near Lonbordo. There was around two carriages and thirty cavalry… Did you really hear nothing about this?”

Selo nodded.

Going to Lonbordo on foot took two days. It was a larger city within the area, and was an important fortress on the border since the ancient times.

“Fino didn’t seem to know much about it, and I wouldn’t know anymore. But they shouldn’t have come to capture or investigate Ordoba-sama, since Fino had said they were ‘guests’.”

“That’s good. I don’t like the type of people carrying swords everywhere. The people in town are also restless.”

The youth smiled wryly, and lightly patted Selo’s head.

Hearing him say that, Selo noticed that there were actually not much people on the streets. The citizens were probably scared of the cavalry and hid away in their homes.

“Be careful when you return. People like knights are violent. It’s better not to get involved with them.”

Selo nodded and handed him the empty cup.

On the way back to the mansion, he thought about a lot of things.

(Royal Magic Knights. What did they come here for…)

He was completely clueless on this. A few days ago, the servants started becoming very busy on something, but that was probably because the guests numbered many.

Or maybe they were treating this town as a middle stop and needed to go elsewhere afterwards.

Selo thought with a blank expression, and quickly returned to the Ordoba mansion.

The mansion covered a large area, within the courtyard was a vegetable garden. Selo would grow some harder to find plants at the corner of it.

There was a one called the Quat tree, a short tree that only increases its trunk radius and nothing else. In early summer, the tree will bear yellow fruits.

The fruit contained qualities that made it useful as an antidote, and its effects were apparent. But it was very sensitive and easily wilted, so it was hard to grow. Because of this, the fruit could sell for a very high price.

Selo had inherited the tree from the previous pharmacist. Today, the tree had also bore fruit, but maybe because the soil wasn’t right, or the method of growth wasn’t suitable, the condition of the tree’s growth was not ideal.

(Did I pour too much water… I think it might also be influenced by the atmosphere…)

Selo was feeling down as he felt that he wasn’t mature enough as a pharmacist and walked through the front gate.

In the courtyard before him was a large number of military horses. Just like the young man at the dessert shop had said, they numbered around thirty.

The cavalry acting as the sentry exchanged glances with him, but seeing Selo was only a child, he moved his eyesight elsewhere uninterestedly.

The maid of the mansion Kardeno immediately ran to Selo’s side.

Although she was a young maid, she was very experienced among the servants of the mansion, and was trusted by both Fino and Ordoba. She had always treated Selo kindly and would sometimes share some snacks with him.

The bundled hair shook lightly and blocked Selo’s path.

“Selo, did you see ojou-sama?”

Hearing her ask, Selo was surprised. Them going to the fountain was supposed to be a complete secret to the mansion.

Did they get found out? Have Fino not yet returned? These thoughts made him feel uneasy.

Kardena didn’t wait for Selo’s reply and continued.

“She returned once just now, but disappeared after greeting the guests… The director-sama told me to quickly find her, if you see her, please inform me.”

Kardena quickly finished her request and walked out of the gate to search in the town.

Seeing her leave —— Selo immediately walked towards his home in the mansion.

Selo’s home was more like a small hut in the mountains compared to a home. It was the wooden hut situated deep in the dense forest of the wide courtyard.

Returning to the hut, Selo tried to ask inside.

“Fino, did you come?”

No answer. But Selo had his suspicions.

He opened the door and walked inside.

The hut was already very old.

Compared to the other houses in the town, this one was much less spacious. The wooden walls were also quite worn down and had gaps everywhere.

The hut wasn’t big, but to Selo it was the home he was familiar with.

After entering, you could see a living room that was combined with the dining room and kitchen, on the left was the workshop for mixing herbs and medicines, and on the right was a small bedroom.

The workshop used to be where his grandfather crafted magic tools, but after he passed away, Selo started using the area.

At first glance, Fino was not in the room. Every time she sneaked here, she would most likely take the initiative to sit in the kitchen and start drinking tea.

Selo scratched his head and peaked inside the bedroom.

The sunlight was unable to reach the bed, the blanket was wrapped into a human shape. If you were to listen carefully, you would hear a faint breathing.

He suddenly lost all strength in his body.

“… Fino, get up quickly.”

Why did she sleep here? Her actions recently were quite incomprehensible.

The blanket on the bed started to move. Fino rubbed her eyes and appeared from within.

“En…? Selo?”

Selo nodded. It seemed like Fino wasn’t fully awake yet.

“Good morning, did you send Marill back?”

“… Ahhh, en. That side’s sorted.”

Acting like she was in her own room , Fino pointed towards the kitchen.

“Can you brew some red tea for me? I want a lighter taste.”

“Compared to that, why are you sleeping here?”

Selo asked as he followed Fino’s request, lighting the stove and started preparing to brew the red tea.

Fino sat up straight and stretched.

“… En. After swimming you would really want to sleep, right?”

“No, that’s not what I’m asking you about.”

Since you wanted to sleep, why didn’t you sleep in your own room. It should be more comfortable there. Fino didn’t have to come here just to take a nap.

“Miss Kardena is still trying to find you. Also, the guests you talked about were people from the magic knights? If you don’ get back quickly, wouldn’t you get in trouble?”

“It’s fine even if I’m not there. Father is with them.”

Fino replied and rubbed her hazy eyes.

The relationship between FIno and her adoptive father Ordoba wasn’t bad, but there wasn’t the same kind of trust between a biological father and daughter. Although she was thankful to him for raising her, she still maintained a distance in her heart.

“Then why are you sleeping here?”

Selo asked again, and smiled towards her.

“En, because I was wondering why Selo hasn’t returned, I decided to wait for you here. Then it was like I was cursed, so I wobbled towards the bed and fell asleep.”

“This isn’t something you can explain with just “fell asleep”. You aren’t a child anymore…”

Selo said helplessly to the girl older than him by two years. Although Fino looked like an adult, but these careless actions were still kind of dangerous.

Fino smiled shyly, then laid face-up on the bed.

“Isn’t that great. This bed has Selo’s smell, so it feels great. I’m tempted to exchange rooms with you.”

Fino bluntly said this kind of thing that would make people’s heart race.

Knowing that she was only teasing him, Selo only sighed.

“You’ve seen the knights? What were they like?”

It was now Fino’s time to sigh.

“… Er, squad captain Helmbekt was very young, but he felt disgusting ——he kept on staring at my chest and waist. He seemed like an idle guy…”

Fino rarely showed such blatant disgust for someone.

Hearing Fino say this, Selo looked at her.

On top of her chest was a necklace that Selo has given her before. This was a normal accessory that he had made with his grandfather, the design of it was very crude.

At the front of the necklace was a small spherical stone, but it didn’t look like anything valuable.

At Fino’s thin waist was a pouch holding Heavenly Wooden Horse and several other small magic tools.

“… Is Selo mindful of it?”


Thinking that Fino noticed his gaze, Selo started worrying. But Fino was actually looking towards the ceiling.

“It is very weird. Why did the Royal Magic Knights come to this rural area —— Father didn’t do anything wrong…”

Fino showed an unrelieved and anxious expression, then lowered her voice.

Selo also felt a small sense of unease.

The Royal Magic Knights are definitely not a squadron that would move for negligible matters.

If Misthound was only a middle stop in their journey then it wasn’t a big deal, but if it was the destination, Selo was quite mindful about their goals.

“I heard them saying something about father’s research… But I feel like it isn’t that simple.”

Fino’s answer was quite ambiguous, maybe she didn’t notice it, but “I feel like” made it seem quite unreliable.

“If it’s not that simple, what else do they have to do?”

Hearing Selo’s question, she smiled wryly.

“I don’t know either. But it doesn’t concern us, and it doesn’t matter. Compared to that, Selo ——“

Her voice suddenly became sweeter.

This scared Selo a bit.

Maybe she wasn’t fully awake yet, Fino turned her passionate gaze towards Selo.

“… W-what is it?”

“Can I sleep here for a bit longer? I won’t disturb you…”


Selo immediately replied.

He didn’t consider it from his perspective at the mansion, rather it was to save his own skin.

Just for a moment —— just a tiny moment, Fino’s eyes showed a dangerous colour.

Maybe she didn’t think that she would be rejected immediately, Fino’s expression turned sour and complained loudly.

“Yaa~! Why, you meanie!”

—— When she regained her composure, the calmer Selo slowly gave his reasoning.

“No, sleep in your own room. If Fino doesn’t appear even at dawn, the whole mansion would become rowdy. Furthermore, the red tea has already been brewed, you should hurry up and drink the tea.”

“Ah, en… Then I won’t hold back.”

Seemingly like she forgotten, Fino slowly sat up.

At the same time, the door of the hut was opened.

The surprised Selo turned his head and saw a face with a frown, the man with a warrior’s physique was standing right in front of him.


Fino asked quietly.

The man standing there was undoubtedly Selo’s master —— Ordoba·Misthound·Doriarudo.


In front of his employer, master and savior Ordoba, Selo didn’t know what to say.

He alternated his gaze between Selo in the kitchen and Fino on the bed.

He wasn’t too surprised, but took a deep sigh.

This tame reaction made Selo feel scared.

Behind him was a youth that Selo didn’t know, dressed in a military uniform. From the looks of the uniform, Selo guessed that he was a member of the Magic Knights.

Fino nodded blankly at the two guests.

“… So you are here, Firiano.”

Ordoba deliberately asked with a lowered tone and a serious expression. The military clad youth let out a faint smile, but his smile seemed to be a mask that saw through everything.

In front of the confused Selo, Fino stood up, her face showed a sweet smile.

“Iyaa, if it isn’t Father and Helmbekt-sama —— what business do you have with Selo? I had a headache so I came for some medicine.”

Seeing her reply so calmly, Selo was quite surprised. The change in her expression was so fast that it made him feel a little scared.

Ordoba sighed deeply once more.

“… Go back to the mansion first. Helmbekt-san and I had something to discuss with Selo.

Walking through the door, Ordoba stood in front of Selo and glared at Fino.

Fino smiled calmly.

Selo couldn’t tolerate the tense atmosphere between the two. But if he was to speak up as an employee, it may actually anger Ordoba instead.

“En, I was planning to return, can I return with father? Before Selo and father finish discussing, I’ll just wait here.”

“Go back. It’s Helmbekt-san that has something to discuss.”

Ordoba’s voice was a bit stiff.

Fino was just about to argue, when Selo gave her a look.

She undoubtedly wanted to shelter Selo. But, Ordoba wasn’t an idiot, there was no easy way for her to trick him.

“Fino-sama, I don’t have any issues, please return quickly. Please only take this medicine when you have a headache.”

Selo took a pack of medicine from the shelf and gave it to Fino, pressing her to leave.

They passed by the young knight named Helmbekt and stopped in front of the door.

“But, Selo…”

Although FIno’s voice was low enough so that it was inaudible for Ordoba and Helmbekt, Selo still pretended that he couldn’t hear anything.

“Please rest for a while. If you have a fever, I’ll get some other medicine for you.”

Speaking like an employee, Selo lightly pushed her back.

Fino showed a face full of worry, but she still left helplessly.

During this, not a single word was spoken between Ordoba and Helmbekt in the living room.

Selo had already prepared to face the rage of his master as he returned to the room.

This situation was terrible. Even though nothing happened, the daughter was lying on a servant’s bed, his heart must be in turmoil.

“Ahh, Ordoba-sama ——“

Before he could explain or apologise —— Ordoba who was sitting on a chair had already deeply bowed his head.

Seeing this unexpected thing, Selo became nervous.

“Ahh, ahh! Ordoba-sama!?”

Hearing Selo’s voice become sharper, Ordoba used a bitter voice to reply.

“… I apologise for Fino troubling you again. That child has not yet develop the consciousness to be a ‘noble’, please forgive her.”

“Noo, I wouldn’t! This is a misunderstanding…”

The word “misunderstanding” came flying out of Selo’s mouth.

But Ordoba remained cool-headed and calmly continued.

“—— It’s okay, I didn’t misunderstand. When you came back, Fino had decided herself to take a nap here —— It’s just that right?”

Selo nodded, but didn’t utter a sound.

Ordoba leaned back onto the chair and raised an eyebrow.

“You’re so honest. I didn’t believe you would do anything to Fino. So I wasn’t going to reprimand you. The one in the wrong here is Fino, it seems like that child still doesn’t understand her own standings —— This is regretful.”

“Forgive her for such a small misconduct, Ordoba-sama.”

The knight behind Ordoba interrupted his complaints.

“Fino-sama is very kind, to her, the friendship with this youngster must be very important. She’s only sixteen, still a child.”

He nonchalantly said a few nice words for Fino and reached out a hand towards Selo.

012 “It seems to be a bit late for me to introduce myself. I am Helmbekt·Sanelfowl ·Redafurio —— the captain of the Royal Magic Knights 8th Squad. Please take care of me, Selo.”

“Ahh… Hello.”

They lightly shook their hands, Selo observed this young man named Helmbekt.

(This is the person Fino was talking about…?)

The knight that Fino displayed a strong sense of disgust towards seemed to be him.

But from Selo’s perspective, he didn’t feel any disgust. Actually, he showed a strange charm with his courteous attitude and handsome features.

Ordoba, who was deprived of his complaints by the guest, asked quietly.

“Selo, Helmbekt-sama is interested in the magic tools that your grandfather Zerdonato left behind. Could you let us see them?”

Hearing his master’s order, Selo was very surprised.

The magic tools that his grandfather left behind —— the ones that were made for selling had already been given to his master Ordoba.

The only magic tools that were left behind were an inheritance for Selo, he didn’t felt like it was anything special to show to the captain of the Magic Knights.

“Although we say it is an inheritance —— But, because I can’t use magic tools, and grandfather knew about this, he didn’t leave items worth seeing behind…”

Helmbekt revealed an amiable smile.

“No, don’t worry about such things. I’m only curious. In fact, I was lucky to see the “Hunting Hound of Mist” that Zerdonato-san had left behind, that was a splendid magic tool. That’s why I had a sudden spurt of interest for other magic tools. If you are willing, just showing them to me is fine.”

“Hunting Hound of Mist” was a magic item Zerdonato made under the instructions of his employer Ordoba.

“En… If it’s like that.”

Selo took the few remnants out of his workshop.

There was a cute bell, a straight wooden stick and —— a black stone that nobody could make sense of.

“There are only three here. “Bell of Beast Avoidance”, “ Snake’s Key”, and —— I don’t know its name, but it was a work in progress.”

The Bell of Beast Avoidance was a version of the “Belfry of Beast Avoidance” designed for a single person. Although it was a rather precious items for nobles embarking on a journey, for his grandfather, it was not a magic item within his area of expertise, thus he only made one for show, and never sold it.

To a pharmacist that always goes into the mountains, this was a very handy magic tool, but because Selo couldn’t use it, it was commonly left at home. From the size of it, it was just right to preserve it as a remnant.

The Snake’s Key is able to work with any locks, a special key that could change its shape. Of course, Selo couldn’t use it either.

The third item is the black stone, the purpose of it was unclear. It was about the size of a fist, it wasn’t shiny and was a rock as ugly as coal.

Helmbekt stared at the stone and lightly tilted his head.

“Bell and key —— other craftsmen can also make these items, so its not anything special… But what is this stone?”

Hearing his enquiry, Ordoba smiled wryly.

“About this magic tool, other people nor I have ever seen it before. Is it lacking something? It looks like coal, but its really hard.”

“I see, it makes people very interested——“

A smile surfaced on Helmbekt’s face —— this made Selo feel a shiver down his spine.

It made people seem endangered, but only for a moment. Soon the sense of incongruity was hidden once more.

The expression disappeared from Helmbekt’s face, and calmly asked Selo.

“Selo, if its possible, can I borrow this rock? I want to take it back to study it.”

Selo didn’t know how to reply.

If Ordoba had said “give it to me”, he had no reason to not comply. Being grandfather’s master, he owned any magic tools that was made on this piece of land.

Regarding the knight called Helmbekt, just after seeing his smile when they first met, Selo was willing to give him the magic item.

But after seeing the dangerous smile flash across his face a moment ago —— Selo felt uncomfortable with giving it to him.

“… I’m sorry. But this is grandfather’s remnant to me, so I try not to take it out of here.”

Selo suddenly voiced his reason and rejected Helmbekt’s request.

Ordoba, who was standing beside Helmbekt squinted.

“Selo, this can’t be said so casually. I’ll prepare a suitable reward…”

“No, it’s fine, Ordoba-sama.”

Helmbekt who wanted to borrow the item cut off Ordoba’s suggestion.

This surprised Selo.

“I won’t force Selo. Giving an important remnant of one’s grandfather to an unknown knight, this can’t be done so easily. I’ll give up this time.”

He replied in a gentleman-like manner and stood up from his seat.

Ordoba also stood up and stared at Selo.

“I’m sorry to bother you. Also, there’s another thing I want to tell you ——“

His prideful eyes seemed to contain a slight gloominess.

“If you were truly thinking about Fino —— I hope you would keep a distance from my daughter.”

—— Selo didn’t reply.

Ordoba’s request was reasonable, but because it was so, Selo didn’t didn’t say anything.

Ordoba continued like he didn’t care about his reply.

“You’re smart so you should understand. Fino is the daughter of Doriarudo. Judging from her talent, she’ll marry into a good family. Some people believe she can become the concubine of the royal household… But considering that she is still sixteen years old, we can take our time before making a decision. But one day she would marry into a family far above the Doriarudo family. If you wish the best for her, then for Fino, keep your distance from her.”

Ordoba finished and followed Helmbekt out of the hut.

Before the door closed, he turned around to face Selo.

“Ahh, yes. Selo, the tobacco is nearly finished. Please replenish some.”

Taking this chance to order him for work, Ordoba left.

Selo, who was left alone, sat onto the chair disheartenedly.

He was only a hired apprentice pharmacist right now.

This reality made him feel a bit lonely. But it was also a reality he couldn’t do anything about.

From a young age, he already knew that he and Fino stood at different places.

They couldn’t continue to be friends forever. Fino had a future as a noble, and Selo had a life as a pharmacist.

They would surely traverse onto different paths in the future and would never cross paths again.

Having calmed down, Selo surveyed the room, and found what she left in the bedroom.

Maybe it was in the way when she was sleeping, the shawl she was wearing had been rolled up into a ball, and hidden under the mattress.

—— The possibility of her intentionally leaving it here, just so she can come back again couldn’t be denied.

(Keep your distance ——)

Fino clearly didn’t plan to do so.

This made Selo very troubled. He always treated Fino like he used to, but starting from now, maybe he needed to be more mindful.

From the warm bed, Selo picked up Fino’s shawl.

He had to give it to the servants in the mansion before Fino comes here herself.

Also, his master Ordoba had just ordered him to replenish the tobacco, so he had to go into the mountains to collect the ingredients.

He’ll return the shawl to the mansion on the way out. Selo started preparing to go into the mountains.


  1. N/a

[Vol 1] Introduction – The Myth of Creation

Long long ago, in the time of legends ——

When they created this world, they set three rules.

First, the gods cannot bring their war into this world.

Second, no gods are to excessively intervene with this world.

Third, all gods had to give this world a “gift” ——

One god created “humans” for this world.

Other gods prepared “soil”, created “trees”, gave “water” and “air”, left behind the spirit powers of “fire”, “water”, “thunder”.

These gods also created many ferocious beasts, as well as many non-human races such as goblins, naiads and fairies.

When all of them had presented their gifts, it was finally the turn of the new gods.

However, everything the world needs were already prepared by their predecessors.

Due to this, these new gods each gave the world one of their possessions.

The magic god, Orlaido, gave out his valuable staff.

“The one who possesses this staff shall have obtain the power of creation. As for how to use this power, that will be left to this world.”

The music god, Letia, gave out her beloved harp.

“This harp can touch the hearts of many. For what purpose will it be used for, it too shall be left to this world.”

The sacred god, Iska, handed over the jewellery that was being worn.

“This pearl holds my blessing. This power will become a divine protection that supports the people that lives on this land.”

The artisan god, Nirwario, presented a used hammer.

“Then let me give out this golden hammer. It holds the power to reforge anything. Whether the owner will be able to use it freely, that is not my problem.”

The war god, Seshi took down the blade on his waist.

“I shall give out a weapon used for protection and warfare. It doesn’t hold incomparable power like everyone else’s gifts, but it will definitely come in handy.”

Finally, the dragon god, Draukairas, pondered a moment, then broke off his own “horn”.

“I don’t have any items on me like everyone else. Because of this, I shall hand over one horn.”

The dragon god was intent on giving out a present at the cost of harming his own body. This action triggered the respects of the other gods.

And so, dragons were born from the horn of the dragon god.

Due to this, dragons are revered as the sacred beasts of this world.

It is said that no matter how many humans there are, none will be able to trespass into their territory.

From then on, this world began to revolve.


  1. N/a

[Vol 1] Prelude

Please look——

There is a parchment here.

Under the blessing of time, the tiny characters written on the parchment seemed somewhat blurry, many of the characters were hard to differentiate.

On the middle of the parchment was a picture that resembled a child’s doodle.

This was a ring drawn using slanted penwork——

Since ancient times, power normally dwell in ring shaped objects.

Bracelets were symbols of power, rings were proofs of contract, necklaces were brandings of loyalty, and the crowns were evidences of authority.

But the “ring” drawn here was not any one of those.

Due to the crude penwork, it was hard to identify the materials of the ring. Since there were no reference, its size could not be determined. Additionally, the absence of humans (in the drawing), made it impossible to tell if it was an equipment.

Furthermore —— from the moment this ring was drawn onto the parchment, it had already became a non-existent item.

Actually, this was just the design of a special magic tool left behind by a certain sorcerer.

At the time, many sorcerers thought it was impossible to bring about this magic tool. In fact, even the sorcerer who had come up with the design had passed away without making it a reality.

From the bug-eaten description, the power stored in the “ring” was not beyond understanding.

However, looking at it from various point of views, it had too many contradictions.

The name of the ring was “The Ring of Backflow” (Solid Torus).

Since it was never realized, there is barely anyone that knows this name. Even those with an immense knowledge about the history of magic tools will tilt their heads and give a bitter smile.


If this design was to become reality ——

At that time, all sorcerers will be shocked and terrified.

“The Ring of Backflow”

To the magic tool craftsmen, it was a legend as well as an unsolvable problem.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 146

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 146 – Organizing a Concert

When I arrived at Shuguang Corporation, it was already nine o’clock at night. Zhao Junsheng was sitting in his office reading documents, it was just like the first time I saw him. This made me remember that I completely ripped Zhao Junsheng off back then when my identity was unknown. I couldn’t help but smile. In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, I, who has been reborn, used the experiences I had in my previous life to carve out a business empire that solely belongs to me, and this business empire may move into the global world in two or even one year.

This was someone I could never had imagine even in the previous life when I was the CEO of Microsoft’s Huaxia region, not to mention that I was just a student in the first year of high school right now.

“Hello, this is Director Zhao’s office?” I suddenly got playful.

“Yes… You…” Zhao Junsheng said a bit, then realized something was wrong, he raised his head and smiled after seeing that it was me, “Chairman Xiao Liu, you are still joking around with your Uncle Zhao!”

“Uncle Zhao, are you busy?” I walked over and sat down on the chair beside Uncle Zhao.

“Yeah, the bridge chip produced at Shuguang Microelectronics cannot match up to the needs of export, the factory still needs to be expanded!” Zhao Junsheng sighed, right now he had to take call of all big and small matters at Shuguang all by himself, causing him to be beyond busy. He was just complaining about having nothing to do all the time when in Tianheng, now he’s just extremely busy.

“Uncle Zhao, get a few assistants if you can’t handle it, try and see how many you can get from the ones I recommended you last time,” I said. A while ago, I gave Zhao Junsheng a huge name list, the people on nit were all elites in the future computing industry, or the excellent leaders in IT. A lot of them are still students in university right now.

“That list? I checked it out, most of them haven’t even graduated, are you sure these people can make a difference in the future? What’s more is that how did you get to know them?” Zhao Junsheng asked questioningly.

“Uncle Zhao, believe in my judgement! I got the information of these people through special means,” I can’t say anything else, after all, I can’t say that I have affirmed all this in the future right?

“Okay! Uncle Zhao does believe in your judgement! After I finish with all these stuff, I’ll send someone to contact them,” Zhao Junsheng said, “Oh yeah, let’s talk about the company, there really was something important to call you over so late.”

“Our Songjiang city is going to hold a concert, you heard about this news right?” Zhao Junsheng said.

I nodded, I just heard about this news when I was eating with Zhao Yanyan.

“The leaders of Songjiang city just called me, and asked our company to be in charge of this concert,” Zhao Junsheng continued. “Although it is rather troublesome, but as the organizer, it’s less about making money, the main thing is that we can use this concert to increase the fame of our corporation. So I immediately agreed to it.”

I strongly agreed with Zhao Junsheng’s action. A celebrity’s concert was something that a lot of business’s can’t even sponsor even if they bring the money to their door, and now Shuguang has become the organizer, this is an unparalleled chance!

“Sure, then I’ll let you decide on this Uncle Zhao,” I said.

“Xiao Liu, this time Uncle Zhao asked you to come here, is mainly to discuss about Su Yingzhi. Look at this!” After saying that, Zhao Junsheng took out an envelope from the drawer, and handed it to me.

I opened it and looked, it was actually a threatening letter! ****, this actually exist, it is a typical scene from Conan!

I skimmed over it, on it was approximately written, since Su Yingzhi rejected his confession, so he was going to give her an unforgettable experience during this cconcert.

“How did you get this threatening letter? No one knows that us Shuguang is organizing this concert right now right?” I closed the envelope and asked.

“The city leader gave it to me, this fellow is rather daring, he actually mailed it to the police station!” Zhao Junsheng said solemnly.

“Mailed to the police station? This person can’t be insane right!” I said in surprise. “Since it’s already been mailed to the police station, then he wouldn’t dare to act out even if he had a bear’s heart or a leopard’s gall.

“Ai! The city leader also said this, but I’m scared of what if! The concert is organized by us after all, if something happens it wouldn’t be good for our reputation,” Zhao Junsheng said worriedly.

“I think it might be a joke. Does he think we’re shooting a tv series? Sending a threatening letter before this sort of thing,” I shook my head and said.

“Let’s just try to maximize security. Jiang Yongfu would also send some people, as for the day’s exact plan, we’ll discuss about it later,” Zhao Junsheng took out a form and said to me.

After Zhao Junsheng and my discussion, the press conference and autograph session that was planned would be cancelled, because this sort of thing was the most chaotic and hardest to control, it would be difficult to ensure about her safety. The rest of the activities would have the police maintaining order nearby, preventing normal people from getting near.

After the itinerary was set, the next step was the hotel where Su Yingzhi was going to stay and where the ball after the concert was going to be held etc. Originally I wanted to cancel this ball, but Zhao Junsehng said that a lot of the children of the powerful people in the province asked for this ball, so it could not be cancelled. Although Shuguang was very powerful right now, and can make a decision on their on, but there was no need to wrong these people.

“Oh yeah, Uncle Zhao, reserve three tickets for good seats for us,” I suddenly remembered that Zhao Yanyan and them had asked me to take them to the concert, originally I was stressing about the ticket, but now the organizer is us, so the ticket stuff is far more convenient.

“Xiao Liu, you also like Su Yingzhi?” Zhao Junsheng asked me weirdly, from his perspective, I shouldn’t be interested in these celebrities.

“I don’t even know who she is! I wouldn’t recognize her even if she stood in front of me,” I laughed wryly.

“Then about this…” Zhao Junsheng said.

“Isn’t it your darling daughter, or else how could I find time to watch some concert!” I shook my head and said.

“…” Zhao Junsheng smiled and continued, “But why do you want three?”

“Hai hai! You’re asking even though you already know that. I don’t believe that you’ve never liked anyone else except bomu,” I teased.

“… Ai!” Zhao Junsehng let out a deep sigh, and pondered.

“What are you thinking? Uncle Zhao,” From the looks of it, he’s most likely reminiscing about his first love.

Actually I did guess it right, Zhao Junsheng’s mind was back to the summer that year, and that young girl. After ten-odd years, he was still unable to forget about her, the impression she gave him was far too deep. In the recent two years, his emotions just calmed down a little, but the accidental incident half a year ago brought up his memories again… Some things are really too much of a coincidence.


  1. N/a

Chapter 186 – Dragon King’s Battle Begin

Today was the last day of the knockout competition. Xiao Chen wanted to see if he could find any exotic beasts that could achieve victory and fight on equal terms with the sacred beasts and Dragon Kings. He didn’t expect he’d really run into this kind of extraordinary little White Tiger. This would definitely become one of Tenax’s most formidable opponent!

The following matches were lacking suspense. The White Tiger didn’t emit any divine radiance at all, it was completely relying on the ancient battle skill to eliminate its opponents. It was very ruthless and didn’t leave any of its opponent alive. It had become a terminator not only in name, but also in reality.

Nobody dared to dispatch their warbeast anymore. Sending other cubs to the field was only sending them to their death!

The ordinary-looking White Tiger put an end to the Antarctic Warbeast Castle’s match.

Xiao Chen left this place and directly went to the Amber Warbeast Castle. He wanted to go there to find out the current circumstances.

The scale of the Amber Warbeast Castle was not inferior to the Antarctic Warbeast Castle. The halls were connected by the pathways. A huge crystal annulus was embedded on the walls of every VIP hall. The beauties in the halls were sweet and charming, fresh and pure. The fine liquor and delicacies were laid out on the desks. This place didn’t seem like a warbeast castle at all.

After arriving at this place, Xiao Chen immediately joined the crowd and watched the match on one of the several thousand general seats.

It must be mentioned, the appearance of the Dragon Kings had a really big influence on the warbeast tournament this time. There were really a lot of people who came to participate with their exotic beasts. They wanted to temper their warbeasts through the battles.

The Lion King on the stage could even be said to be invincible. In three consecutive battles, it ripped apart its opponents in three to five rounds, and triumphed with absolute superiority.

This was a little lion that looked as if it was made out of gold. It was glittering with golden light from head to toe, as if the raging flames were throbbing. Three of its heads looked exactly the same, mighty and out of the ordinary. Its body length was only a little more than one meter long, but when it was squatting over there quietly, it possessed an unimaginably powerful presence.

Furthermore, the most peculiar part was that, it had a third eye on each of its forehead. The golden lights emitted from the vertical eyes were very glaring! It was as if the eyes contained a terrifying power.

It was another exotic beast! Xiao Chen could already be sure, this Lion King could definitely be placed among the beast kings directly!

As expected, during the last day, the powerful golden Lion King put an end to the Amber Warbeast Castle’s match. With it crouching low over there, nobody dared to dispatch their warbeast to the field anymore.

It was too tyrannical and ferocious. It didn’t leave behind any survivor.

Xiao Chen left this place and rushed towards the Beast King Castle. That was the industry operated for a few generations by the Mander family.

Originally, there were four warbeast castles in Celestial City. The Reagan family was in control of the “Celestial Warbeast Castle”, their reputation could even be said to be very tempestuous.

However, it perished several dozen years ago. The reason was because they had a conflict with that youth who claimed to have come from the depths of the south.

That youth was ridiculously strong. He had beaten almost everyone among the youth generation in Celestial City at that time. He even slapped the scion of the Reagan family until he was almost dead. It caused the Reagan family to dispatch the older generation experts and almost killed that youth who claimed to have come from the depths of the south.

They never thought that they would invite a huge disaster due to this. During the night time, the black gale engulfed the entire Celestial City. Those older generation experts from the Reagan family were crushed in a flash. Even their family’s “Celestial Warbeast Castle” perished in a single night.

At that time, that warbeast castle had no less than three fully grown sacred beasts. Even Nirvana level expert had to fall back. It was easy to imagine how much strength they possessed! However, after the black gale swept past, everything was gone. In the early morning, only the ruins were left behind.

These past dozen years, the Reagan family was continuously trying to rebuild the warbeast castle. Right now, they were already on the verge of making a comeback. However, they were lacking a few sacred beasts to guard the castle.

Xiao Chen quickly arrived at the Mander family’s Beast King Castle. This place was very noisy, which was accompanied by hoots of laughter from time to time.

He only found out why after entering the warbeast castle. There was a basin-sized black tortoise on the warbeast stage. The way it was sticking its head out to look around was very comical.

Xiao Chen felt a little dizzy. Why did they even send out an old tortoise to take part in the competition?

However, from the clamor of the crowds, he finally understood what’s going on. This tortoise came from the north, its owner had already testified that, this black tortoise was only five years old. It was not as old as people imagined. The most important thing was that it was very powerful.

Just at this time, an Alba Rhino went on the stage. Its entire body was crystal clear and flickered with glorious light. The rhinoceros horn directly launched a lightning and attacked the black tortoise.


The black tortoise’s speed made everyone dumbstruck. It lightly swayed once and its figure disappeared. After that, with a loud bang, it pounded the back of the Alba Rhino. The rhino’s bones were snapped at once. Although it was not life threatening, it was impossible for the Alba Rhino to continue fighting.

The Alba Rhino had a powerful body. It was known by everyone that even a divine weapon would have a hard time harming it. However, it was actually defeated by the black tortoise like this, it made everyone utter a cry of surprise involuntarily.

The next match, a violent ape rushed to the stage. It was about two meters tall and covered by scary red fur from head to toe. The ape was flickering with dense bloody radiance and its mouth was even spewing electricity. It could even be said to possess the quality of the king.

However, the black tortoise’s performance made everyone very shocked. It was really too fast. It flew upwards swiftly and rammed into the chest of the blood-colored ape until it caved in. The violent ape fell on the stage with a loud bang.

Since then, nobody dared to mock and make fun of this black tortoise anymore. Strength makes right!

In the end, the black tortoise dominated the last match of the day at the Beast King Castle with absolute strength.

The elimination round dropped its heavy curtain on this very day. Five little beast kings were driven out from the standard warbeasts. They advanced smoothly and obtained the rights to participate in the following grand battle!

In merely ten days of rest and reorganization, the warbeast tournament shall begin.

The reward from the grand battle was so generous, it could make people tonguetied.

Every time the little sacred beasts battled, as long as they could prevail over their opponent, they could obtain ten thousand gold coins as the reward.

The one capable of seizing the title of the beast king would be given six hundred thousand gold coins as the reward. Obtaining the position of sub-beast king would be given five hundred thousand gold coins, and the third beast king would be given four hundred thousand gold coins.

In total, the reward summed up to the astronomical 1.5 million gold coins. Of course, it was impossible for the event planner to sustain losses. Since the grand battle had begun, the three major warbeast castles had increased the price of the one-time ticket to twenty gold coins. Each family could receive up to no less than a hundred thousand gold coins per day.

If they held the competition for seven to eight days, even excluding all kinds of expenses, they would still make a steady profit. It could even be said to be a sudden huge profits!

Naturally, in order to prevent a long drawn out word of mouth, the three major warbeast castles also spent much of their hard-earned savings. This time, they spent a large amount to purchase the relics of a legendary beast king. Legend says it was a sacred beast that once accompanied the Buddha. This relic was left behind by that sacred beast after it broke the realm of Nirvana. This reward would be given to the little sacred beast that obtained the title of the beast king.

Ten days passed in a flash. The order of the battle was decided by draw lots.

Tenax was actually selected for the first battle!

And its opponent was actually another Dragon King! It was a Dragon King flickering with golden radiance!

Everyone flared up at once!

The twenty gold coins were too worth it. At present, all the bad thoughts regarding the three warbeast castles were washed away. No matter how much gold coins they had to spend, they just couldn’t miss the battle of the Dragon Kings!

Xiao Chen was also very surprised. He absolutely never thought Tenax would run into such a powerful opponent during the first match. He had once seen this Golden Dragon King. It was the offspring of the Monarch Lion Dragon and was subdued by the older generation experts later on.

Of course, it was more unlikely for Tenax to be unfamiliar with this Dragon King. At that time, on the dragon island, at the vicinity of the sacred mountain, this Gold Dragon King and Crimson Dragon King were having a fierce confrontation. Tenax was extremely proud and aloof on that day. It was unafraid of death and issued a challenge to the two Dragon Kings. As a result, it almost got killed.

After one odd year, the Gold Dragon King’s tail had already evolved into the Ancestral Dragon tail. Its body length had reached approximately 1.5 meter.

And Tenax was also no longer that unremarkable black dragon with nothing but fighting spirit. It already evolved into a powerful Dragon King.

In the end, there were too many people coming to watch the battle of the Dragon Kings, so much so that even the three major warbeast castle’s enclosed warbeast stage was unable to contain the twenty thousand plus spectators. At the last moment, they set up several hundred large crystal screens in order to settle this problem.

Even the VIP lounges were fully booked. People booked the lounges three days in advance.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen was Tenax’s owner. They had prepared a specialized VIP lounge for him to watch the battle. Otherwise, he could only make Fairsky and Zhuge fatty to help him buy the tickets. With an ordinary method, it was impossible to buy anymore tickets.

On this very day, the ticket scalpers were reselling the tickets for more than ten times the price, but many people were more than willing to get ripped off.

The stage was eighty meters square, it was more than enough for two Dragon Kings to fight fiercely. They had a wide room for freedom of action.

The floor was glittering, it was already enhanced by many older generation experts. Unless one had the power of demigod, it was impossible to smash the warbeast stage to pieces. And the entire warbeast stage was sealed off by a barrier laid out by fifty Psychics. That was to prevent the light beam launched by the Dragon Kings to harm the spectators.

All the preparations were ready. The battle of the Dragon Kings was about to begin.

The divine radiance lingered on the entire body of the Gold Dragon King. It was as if it had been shrouded by golden raging flame. Even though they were separated by the barrier, the spectators could still feel a powerful pressure.

Although it was only 1.5 meter long, its might pressed down as heavy as an immemorial magic mountain. The Gold Dragon King’s eyes were incomparably ice-cold, it didn’t seem to possess any emotion.

This was a Dragon King that could even cause the deities to shrink back after it had grown up in the future!

This was a genuine sacred beast!

The instant Xiao Chen saw the Gold Dragon King, he felt his heart sunk. This Dragon King was too calm. That was because it was very confident in its strength.

The terrifying Monarch Lion Dragon, once awakened to the truth, they could surpass hundreds of the most powerful races. Everything was like a wisp of smoke in their eyes, they could surpass everything. Right now, this Dragon King was really too confident!

Xiao Chen felt anxious for Tenax. Although Tenax’s strength had advanced by leaps and bounds over this past year, its starting point was much lower after all.

The silver rays of light flashed as Tenax showed up on the stage. Its expression was as proud and aloof as it was in the past. However, its battle intent was as sharp as the divine sword. The intangible surge of energy caused the light screen to shake, as if they were on the verge of breaking down.

It made every spectator feel a slight chill, it felt as if there were sharp swords pointing at their throats.


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