All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 122

It seems that ReLibrary is considering picking up yet another novel, you can go read the teasers here! If you like it enough it might just be something to pick up.

Anyway now that compulsory shilling is out the way, I want to complain.
You see I have a rather bad habit of going to sleep at like…just after 3am…and then waking up at like…just before 3pm.
It’s currently midnight as I schedule this.
But you see, I have to wake up at like 9am tomorrow. I’m probably going to die.

Why can’t the government just give me money without having to make me prove I need money every month.
It’d be easier for both of us.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 25 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 33

I wonder how many of you actually read this second post of the day, or just skip straight to the chapter.

Anyway, Silva told me to promote the teaser translation for this story so I’ll just do that again.

I actually wanted to get a teaser chapter of Yesterday’s MAIDEN vs Tomorrow’s World done for today but looks like I’ll have to do that next week instead. I got a bit stuck deciding on how the secondary protagonist should be so I’m writing multiple versions of the start chapters to get a feel for the options.

Do any of you have preferences for a secondary protagonist? In all my first drafts it’s a she with different personalities. But then I kind of thought a guy might be more interesting. But I also had an idea for a similar guy introduced later.

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» Chapter 33 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 32

I bought another new anime figure today, dropped a preorder for the Fate 15th Anniversary Celebration figure of Rin.

Also Silva told me to promote the teaser translation for this story or something.

Also Deximus told me to promote TL;DR scanlations or something.

Did I tell you about how I preordered the super sexy Rin figure that’s part of the Fate 15th Anniversary Celebration collection?
Because I got the 15th Anniversary Celebration Rin from Fate.

It only cost like my budget for the month, and it’s not released until next year. So haha.
If I start screaming in a years time how all my money is gone and I don’t know why, you’ll be able to refer back to this post.

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» Chapter 32 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 121

Normally I’d put some news or an announcement or some form of musing here.
But the past few nights my sleeping pattern has been collapsing, bordering on insomnia.

I have things to do next week so I’m trying to wrestle it back into regularity but as a result I feel like a walking zombie at random times during the day.
I apologise if this chapter is a little rough on the editing side, it wasn’t very eventful anyway so that probably didn’t help my motivation.
(Not even Silva had any comments this chapter!)

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 24 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 120

Three pieces of news I guess!

Most importantly, I think I’m going to start writing a different web novel to the Female Spaceship Pilot one I had planned. Mostly due to difficulty in starting it, despite pages of lore which I’ll reuse for something else. Instead I’m going to use a new concept about someone waking up in a female android on a post apocalyptic planet. You could think of it as something akin to a scifi version of Demon Sword Maiden? Though that’s a really loose description.
I’ll need motivating to write it though, I drop novel concepts like America drops bombs.

Next piece of news, my Ereshkigal figure’s release got delayed to April instead of the end of January like originally planned. Well, it’s not unexpected but it is a let down.

Lastly, I forgot to update the word counts for Not Sure, Another World yesterday but I’m too lazy to fix them. Oh well.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 23 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 31

The past week has been pretty fun for me honestly.
I got the Honkai character I’ve been after since I started, and her signature weapon (may have spent a bit of money).
I preordered the Nemesis figure that was announced (and my Ereshkigal one is dispatched soon).
I caught up with Der Werwolf (good series).
Got to reread the official version of Altina The Sword Princess (a favourite series).

However time for the important news.
Some of you may know that I was planning on writing an original scifi isekai, about someone reincarnated as their female avatar in a space MMO, for this site months ago but ran into roadblocks and such.
Decided to shelve that idea.
Instead I got a new idea.
The current working title is Yesterday’s MAIDEN vs Tomorrow’s World (name subject to change) and it’s about a guy waking up inside a female android on a post apocalyptic planet. If you think you might be interested in reading it, please shout in the comments so I have no escape motivation.

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» Chapter 31 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 30

First thing to get out of the way.

Babylonia was frelling brutal this week!
The Laḫmu are ten fold creepier in anime format, it’s one thing to have creepy subtitles on screen, but the fully voiced versions are just terrifying! And then even went as far as to animate the death games and other horrifying atrocities they committed!
Oh man that episode gave me chills. From here on, Babylonia is going to be going at full pace! Well it already was, but that’s not the point.

Now that’s done. I finally realised the other day that this novel is more popular than Demon Sword Maiden, so I’m contemplating moving over my regular selfmusings to these chapter updates because more people will read them. Not that there has been much distinction between them anyway because of the way I schedule them.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 30 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 119

I don’t have much to say this time.

Monetary issues have all been solved. I did some emergency proofreading over the weekend and managed to salvage my finances.
I also put in a preorder for a Nemesis figure, since it won the discord vote on which figure I should get next.

Alvis, I’m sorry…you might have to wait yet another year at this rate.

I jumped into reading a few more light novels too. I tried Her Majesty’s Swarm but it really wasn’t my thing, so I jumped to the Great Eighter Tribes. It was okay, but the first volume seem pretty uninspired. There are a few others I plan to try too, so hopefully I’ll find a new series to sink into while I wait for Altina and Arpeggio’s next volumes.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 22 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 118

Monetary issues aside.
I finished reading Genius Prince’s Guide Volume 2 today.

I mentioned before that I bought the first volume, along with Der Werwolf, for the coach trips.
Well my verdicts for the first volumes were pretty simple.

Der Werwolf was all around really solid.
And Genius Prince, while originally more fun, started to fall flat in comedy after the halfway mark.

That said, the second volume really fixed that. Though it uses the same problem, by introducing new characters and providing a proper opponent it went a long way to preventing the original gag getting stale. And using romance as a vehicle really helped it keep ahead of some of the competition.
I’ll have to read Der Werwolf Volume 2 next to see if it can keep its lead!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 21 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 29

So in the previous post I was talking about my crazy money troubles.

It should be no surprise then as the gacha addict that I am, that I have plans to buy something soon!
I reject my financial security!!!!

Actually they’ve just opened preorders for an Infinite Dendrogram figure and there’s no way I can pass that up!
Luckily I managed to get a quick job that will pay enough to cover it.
Let’s just hope my bank doesn’t yell at me for buying things before the kerfuffle has been cleared up. Hehehehe.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 29 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 28

Yo guys! My first post in over week! (From my perspective!)
Well I had a great time up in London for Miku Expo! There’s already some full videos of the entire concert available online!
I was very impressed at their speed and quality!

The whole thing lasted two hours, not including the time to get in and time to leave. It was very very busy.

I did hit a bit of a hiccup though! My banking app was slow at updating, and PayPal was even slower at contacting my bank about the payments I was making. As a result my account was displaying more money than I actually had! Then several days later I randomly got a text that I had gone into negative! Then the next day they cancelled that payment to get me out of negative! And now I have no idea what’s going on!
Neither my bank nor my paypal have sent me any info about the payment that got cancelled. So I have no idea when, let alone if, I have to pay this off!

It’s a bit of a mess.

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» Chapter 28 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 117

Robinxen’s AWOL Journal – Entry 4 Final:

Hello, I’m writing this the day before I leave.
It’s also the day before the Da Vinci event starts on FGO. Rotten luck right?
Why do I have to be away for the first four days of a major game event? Actually on that front, I’m going to really struggle to fit in time to play all my gacha games aren’t I. Luckily both Honkai and FGO are mobile games.

When this goes live I will actually be back home though, pretty funny to think about right?
I’m writing this before I go but you won’t even read it until I’m back.
As you’re reading this I’m probably frantically trying to farm materials to catch up on those games.

Anyway, if I remember I’ll edit this to have an update on how things went.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 20 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 116

Robinxen’s AWOL Journal – Entry 3:

So this is the third chapter of the week that I’m responsible for. It’s going to be weird having a huge gap until I have to schedule another chapter, I’m not used to doing it this far in advanced.

I should actually be preparing to board the coach home now.
I bought a couple of Light Novels to keep me occupied on the trip there and back.

Those are Der Werwolf and Genius Prince’s Guide.
Both of them are politics driven management stories but with very different setups. Hopefully I enjoy them.
Originally I had planned to read the book A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court, but I actually already finished that. Weird experience.

I’ll let you know what I think of the two light novels, or light novel…depending on how much I read.
Oh right that reminds me, you should all go buy Seriously Seeking Sister. Brilliant, brilliant, light novel.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 19 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 27

Robinxen’s AWOL Journal – Entry 2:

Hello again, well it’s not actually been that long since you read my last post. And I technically wrote this post first too just to screw with your heads a bit more.

I’m actually staying in a friends house while I’m up in London.
She’s female.
Yes I have female friends.
No sadly nothing lewd is going to happen.
Or has happened.
Or is happening.

Actually accounting for the approximate time it will be when this goes live, I should be being forced to participate in a social engagement in her house that is being hosted. I’m probably going to lose the will to live, please send your willpower in my general direction.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 27 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 26

Robinxen’s AWOL Journal – Entry 1:

This chapter should go live on the 13th, but accounting for timezones it’ll actually be on the afternoon of the 12th for me.
This means it’s almost been 24 hours since Miku Expo started, and slightly less than 20 hours since it ended.
I’m currently in London.

I shouldn’t need to explain who Miku is right?

I’m actually going to attend with a few of my internet friends, but I don’t really care about those. Well except the one who I owe money too…should probably care about that. Don’t want to suddenly end up in legal trouble. Hahahaha.
The tickets are VIP too, so apparently we get some goodies. Personally I care more about this than the concert. Music isn’t really my thing.

I’m a bit anxious about the whole singing along and glowstick thing.
Wait, since this will post after the concert I guess it’d be was anxious?

Just some thoughts.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 26 «