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My Loli Brother Chapter 4

Hehehe, more Loli Brother goodness! 1 more chapter might be coming later, maybe? I’ll translate it after my lunch break and see how long it’ll take me to complete.

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» Chapter 4 «

Pupil of the Wiseman Chapter 69 (Part 2)

Here I am, back again with another weekly Wiseman chapter and also another briefing of the older chapters.

We’ve done the calculations and we’ve found that it would take at least 1 year and 8 months to fully retranslate the 33 unedited chapters (Chapter 33-66). All Wiseman chapters are split into 3 parts, and the translator only agreed to 5 parts per month. It looks like we’re far from catching up to our new chapters.

In addition to that, we will take quite a big hit on our savings. For the period of that 1 year and 8 months, we would spend over $2040 just to pay the translator. That’s a quite considerable amount of money…

There’s lots of things we need to take into account. We will try to find a way to reduce the time and expenses it would take. In the meanwhile, you guys can give your opinions on this.

Enough of the serious talk, here’s the new Wiseman chapter. Enjoy~(>v<)

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» Chapter 69 (Part 2) «

Dragon Princess Chapter 96

96 of you may only mildly enjoy this series.

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» Chapter 96 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 84

I am so busy.
I haven’t been able to typeset Rhapsody of Mulan yet. bah!

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» Chapter 84 «

Hero’s Redo Chapter 4 [1]

Watched Redline recently. Was a good movie. Can’t remember if I talked about it in the posts before though…
Recycled topics?

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» Chapter 4 [1] «

Dragon Princess Chapter 95

95 of you don’t read these posts.

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» Chapter 95 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 83

If you remember the show Code Lyoko, check out IFSCL, a fan game that has been WIP for more than a decade!

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» Chapter 83 «

Hero King Chapter 11

हैलो (hailo, that’s hello in Hindi or so google says anyways) everyone! How you doing this fine day/night? It is I, one of the many Alruna’s around with another chapter of Hero King!!! (I swear one of these days, I will run out of unique ways of greeting or forget that I’ve used a certain one and repeat it). Anyhow, not much else to say other than, like~ comment~ shoutout~ & enjoy~ the read!!! See you next weeks 😀

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» Chapter 11 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 185

I’ve done what I usually do which is get hooked on something and ignore the rest of the world.
I’m now three days behind on anime, web novels and manga because I have been playing PSO2.
Not to mention the huge as hell number of discord notifications I keep ignoring. This is bad form.

Sadly my totally subtle invitation for people to join our Alliance failed though.
Guess none of you peeps play?

On a side note, recently I’ve been having pains in my left knee due to my sitting posture while reading. I hope it doesn’t degenerate.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 30 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 184

Hey guys, did you know that the discord has emoji’s of our one and only Lily?
Custom commissioned and extra cute!
If you have discord nitro make sure to join by clicking the icon somewhere on this page!
Share your love for the best web novel ever written!

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 29 «

Hero King Chapter 10

Ni hao, everyone!!! So, this is the editor, (one of many) Alruna again. I finally finished up my uni lit review so phew… I can finally sleep better (at least for a day or two). I still got too many editing work and others to be doing. As always, give your likes, comments and shout outs to us 🙂 Much appreciated!!

P.S. oh, uhh… if you guys have some free time and like yuri (no gender bender though), do give my original novel a read.
Link here: Worlds Unknown

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» Chapter 10 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 183

So things were weird in Phantasy Star today.
I tried to go into an EQ but the game totally glitched out and planted me in the map solo. Enemies spawning on top of me right out the gate. Barely survived to escape. One person loaded in, saw the situation, and noped out.
Second time around, loaded in, the entire map was empty…of everything.
I literally walked right to the final boss without seeing any enemies or allies!

We also made an alliance, a couple of my friends for the reward. I chose the name.
I called it Principia, bonus points for those who recognise the origin.
It was actually pretty fun.
Oh right, Ship 3 if anyone is curious.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 28 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 182

So random stuff of the day.
I was discussing favourite Love Live girls recently and I wondered if you guys have some favourites too. Now really I’m only a first gen fan, wasn’t too fond of second and know nothing of the third.
But I love the Soldier Game trio of Eli, Maki and Umi.
Do you have some favourites? Coming up in second for me is Kanan, Dia, Ruby and Yohane. I guess.

Bit of a random thing but these are what my rambles are for.
Also expect more Phantasy Star randomness next chapter.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 27 «

[Original] Worlds Unknown Chapter 7

Hello guys, I do apologize for going AWOL for a while. I can promise you that it’s not that I don’t have more completed chapters but it’s just that I’ve been bogged down with my uni work and also my proofreader had just moved to a new place and had been unable to find time to proofread my chapters until just a few days ago. Anyhow, I am sorry again, if you’d like to read edited or rough draft chapters, they are on my Patreon. Anyhows, enjoy the read, guys (my proofreader is back).

P.S. This chapter goes into the explanation of the supernatural world a little and Avery’s species!!! Yes! See you next week!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 7 «

Blue Sky Chapter 2

I could’ve sworn I was thinking of scheduling either Blue Sky on Sunday, how I end up scheduling both Blue Sky and Loli Elf on Patreon at the same day is beyond me. Heck, the two of them even has conflicting schedule on ClickUp (a project management app) and I completely missed it. But since the deed is already done, it’s too late to go back on it now, I’ll just push forward with this schedule, so with that said, you can expect Loli Elf and Blue Sky to be released on this date and time every week.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 2 «

Your Gateway to Gender Bender Novels