Category Archives: Translations

[Vol.2] Chapter 26 – The Moon and Hot Spring

The sun which glared down on us in the day now concealed itself making way for the moon to watch the sky instead.
Only that fantastic scenery spread out in front of me.
I saw the moonlight reflecting on this water. One could identify it as hot water as the moonlight and steam were mixing together in a fantastical dance.

“It’s the first time in years I enter a hot spring. It’s been such a long time since I saw something this splendid.”

The so-called hot spring.
They are bathing facilities built around naturally formed or man-made pools of hot water.
In my previous life, when I was still a human my Master often took me with him when he visited them.
As I went again and again I came to enjoy that thing called hot spring.
Now that I think about it, one could say visiting them is my hobby. That’s why I’m in high spirits right now.

–After the fight I went to this nameless hot spring on Sonia’s recommendation.
My physical wounds mostly got healed with healing magic but the exhaustion stayed and still had to be cured. Then when Sonia suggested me to go relax while taking a hot bath I jumped at that suggestion leading to the current situation.
It’s said that this is an undiscovered hot spring not even the locals knew about but with Sonia’s power to detecting its smell and heat finding it was easy.

That’s how I got this hot water.
This sulfuric fragrance is just right. I must know it, I went around several hot springs together with Master after all. This water is of good quality!

“–Ups, don’t get impatient, don’t get impatient”

That cold wind blowing around my body made me want to quickly enter the bath but I was able to control myself through much effort.
A hot spring is a place where you can wash away your fatigue and enjoy yourselves but even taking a bath has its etiquette.
I slowly approached the bath and carefully checked its temperature.
Fumu, the water’s fine. I wonder from where the water influx is controlled –Is what I thought while feeling the water’s warmth. I heard this place was amazing because it’s naturally formed.
After I checked the temperature I filled the wooden bucket Sonia lent me with the muddy, hot water and calmly poured it over my body.
This not only washes off the body’s dirt but also lets it get used to the hot water’s temperature.

After my body was properly adjusted to the water I could enter the bath at last.
I let my body slowly sink into it starting with my feet. The stone inside the hot spring felt slightly slimy, probably caused by the precipitation of its components, and stuck to the skin.

“Tsu, ah~……This is, irresistible……”

As if having been pushed out by this hot water this hoarse voice left my mouth while I let my body sink further.
That chilly temperature outside paired with this water’s warmth. My body seemed to just melt away……
In addition, the moonlight shining through the trees gave this scene a certain beauty. Being able to view a perfect, picturesque scenery while soaking in perfectly heated water. There’s no other hot spring like this. I would have liked to visit it together with Master.


While feeling exalted I began to sing a song. No, accurately speaking, I was singing melodies without actually knowing if it was a song or not.
As I was mimicking the thing Master always sang, I didn’t even know if these were the lyrics of the song or not either. However, it kept pouring out of this mouth, how weird.
I was told this song was about a good-natured lumberjack…… I want to hear that tasteful singing voice once again.

I stopped singing after some time.
Now that I think about it, I really received a lot from Master.
The Shijima style’s techniques, my morals, this hobby.
He was such an important existence.……I wanted to pay him back for at least one of those favours. I wasn’t able to repay anything while receiving so much.

I rubbed some hot water on my face and then looked up at the sky.
……That’s no good, no good. Don’t I feel too depressed for soaking in this kind of first rate bath after so much effort?
Even though I didn’t tell anything to Alma, but I might not have been able to overcome my own Master’s death.

“Oh my, you’ve got quite the gloomy face there, don’t you?”

It was in the midst of that. When I saw the shadow of my Master floating on the full moon I heard a bell-like voice.
A familiar, clear voice. It probably belonged to Sonia.
Did I look that gloomy for her to say that? While laughing a little I turned my head towards the voice which sounded like it was dancing in the moonlight.

Then, when I did that–
Sonia together with Cheryl stood there with her beautiful, lascivious skin exposed, making me think the Moon Goddess has descended before me.
……Those two only warped in a thin cloth made me uneasy.

“Wha, wha wha wha……”

The shock was so great I even forgot that Cheryl stood next to her for an instant.
In short, two girls only covering themselves with a single towel stood before me.

“Pu, put on some clothes, clothes I say! A girl of marriageable age looking like that……”

I don’t know about the elven culture, but as a human being, I know that a girl of marriageable age shouldn’t expose herself in public like that.
Thus, I half-anxiously, half-amazed remonstrated Sonia, but–

“Hm? What a weird thing to say. To enter the hot spring one has to take off one’s clothes. Right, Cheryl-chan?”
“Hot spring, I want to enter, too……”

Am I the only one who felt this urgency? Those two started to pour water over their bodies as if it’s natural.
……U, umu, is this normal in the elven country?
Certainly, my body looks like that of a 10 year old boy but my mind is that of an over 100 year old man.
Both of them should now that……

“Cheryl aside– Sonia’s and my actual age are pretty close, right? Don’t you feel ashamed?”

Cheryl and I would be grandfather and grandchild in human terms. Even in elven terms, our relationship would be something like an older brother and younger sister, well, I’m not completely sure.
But there’s hardly any age difference between me and Sonia. Although this body’s age is far from her’s, but a maiden exposing herself in front of a man of similar age is just unacceptable.

“Feeling ashamed……I do. But I don’t particularly mind if it’s Slava-kun”
“Is it because this body looks young? But I’m actually–”
“I know. It’s just something I deemed to be right or something.
I usually don’t even take off my mask in public. Though it’s a different matter when I have to eat but it’s unusual for me to eat together with someone.
However, you took off my mask with your own power”

Sonia put up her index finger while holding her towel.
Even among elves who usually are beautiful, Sonia who did that gesture with that kind of beauty gave off an especially strong radiance which made my heart roar so unlike my age.

“To be honest, I fell in love with you. It’s not only because you are strong but it’s also that attitude and way of thinking I like. You’re as composed as the calm sea and yet you also possess the ingenuousness to make your heart just like the raging sea when it comes to battle.”

Sonia gently put her finger under my chin.
……What’s this? Am I being courted, me?!
The me who never was in such a relationship unintentionally flinched.
Or is she teasing me? Either way, this situation was rather stimulating for me who led a single life up until now.

“……Oh? You’re quite upset”

My heart was beating violently, one could see me fret more than enough as well, and then there it came…
While still having the innocence of a girl her bewitchingly glittering lips shook with a smile.

“Could it be you unexpectedly aren’t used to this kind of thing?……Don’t worry. This would be my first time as well–”

I was tempted to ask if that was really the case.
Sonia’s tension got transmitted from her ever approaching lips.
I didn’t know what to do so my body solidified pitifully. This childish appearance might actually fit me, huh?

I neither accepted nor rejected her. When Sonia’s lips overlapped with my tense ones– just at that moment.
Sonia reversed her movements and separated from me.
Part of me was relieved she changed her mind the other part felt it was a shame. Although I felt strangely relieved I was finally able to understand the present situation.
After I somewhat regained my composure I looked back, what made Sonia change her mind– was Cheryl.
Cheryl firmly grabbed Sonia’s hand. Looking at that situation, she probably grabbed Sonia’s hand and pulled it away from me.

“……What’s wrong, Cheryl-chan?”

Cheryl pointed her deep red eyes to the ground as if she wanted to glare at Sonia.
I don’t feel any murderous intent but her eyes were very similar to the ones she had at that time. Sonia’s tone while asking such a thing in that kind of situation had a certain sharpness to it.
To that voice which still retained its gentleness Cheryl glanced at her from the corner of her eyes.

“I don’t want that……Though I don’t know why but I don’t want that”

Cheryl closed her eyes and swung her head to show her disapproval.
……Fumu, does the person herself not understand the reason behind her actions either?
But I could see Alma’s figure overlapping with her’s.
Jealousy– it’s similar to that and yet it’s slightly different. It’s a feeling like the fear of parents and brothers leaving you behind.

I was able to completely regain my composure.
I smiled at Cheryl.

“Cheryl, don’t worry. I won’t leave you. Did you do up your hair?”

I didn’t notice before as I lacked composure but Cheryl’s long hair looked like it was done up.
I guess they tied it up before they got here because it might get into the water.
Usually, it was soft and long and would flutter in the wind but now it was put up like the hair of a noble princess.

“Ah……Yup. Sonia did it up……”
“It looks really good. You look like a princess.”

Cheryl, having been praised and put in a good mood, smiled innocently and blushed.
It’s good one could understand her mood without her saying anything. At that moment the moon in the sky seemed as bright as the sun.
I somewhat calmed down. As I thought, that child’s smile is worthy to be called a treasure.

“If you two stay like that you’ll catch a cold. How about you warm up first?”

After I calmed down a little I remembered that it was cold around the mountain top.
It can’t be helped, so that their bodies won’t cool off they entered the hot spring.

“Hot spring……My first time. Excited”
“Fumu, quickly settle down……Are you done?”

In contrast to Cheryl whose mood made a full recovery Sonia’s face was coloured in regret.
Both of them let their body sink into the hot water, letting out a long sigh. Umu, hot springs are a place of relaxation after all.

However, there’s no way that a woman like Sonia would whisper words of love to me.
……If this isn’t just a fleeting emotion I have to think about countermeasures.

There are many things I have to think about but right now it’s more important to thoroughly enjoy this bath.
Cheryl, whose voice sounded a little more lively than usual, and Sonia happily chatted with each other. And then there was me who talked a little slower than usual.
We who crossed fists just a while ago were now happily laughing together illuminated by this dim moonlight.


  1. N/a

Episode 69 Confirming the Circumstances or Interrogation

「Nooooo, don’t look at me!」

Even though she tried her hardest, she wasn’t able to stop the overflowing liquid. Thanks to her, the floor is now wet. After she calmed down a bit, Kuena moved into action and cleaned up in a blink of an eye.

「I bet it’s unpleasant to stay in these clothes. Ferris, sorry but can you lend her some underwear and clothes? 」

「There are still some clothes that I bought and didn’t use……but, are you not going to cut her down? 」

「Yeah, please lend her some」

I dragged the woman with wet nethers to the place with the teleportation barrier. The woman revealed her anger at me trying to drag her away.

「Be sure to remember! I won’t forgive you! 」

「For what? You brought it upon yourself. Because you didn’t answer, you became a woman who wets herself in public at the age of 15」


The woman returned to the mansion together with us as she tried to withhold the tears in her eyes.

「I’m going to put you in a bath, are you all right with heat?」


「I will treat your silence as affirmation」

I immediately heated a bath and Ferris dragged her into the bath without any questions. Ferris-kun, it’s not appropriate to drag people by their hair, your father will be frightened.

「Stop! I ask you, please stop it! 」

「Noisy! Be obedient! Ei! Don! Don!……Dobon!!」

「Giya! Kya! Kya! It hurts, it hurts!! 」

「Stop struggling! I can’t wash you like that! Uryaa! Uryaa! 」

「Gya! Save me, save me! I’m sorry!!」

Tremendous screams reverberated around the mansion for some time. Let’s leave the rest to Ferris. Even if something happens, Ferris won’t be easily defeated. There is a danger coming from Ferris, though……After a while, the crying woman in different clothes appeared together with Ferris in the dining room.

「……I will listen to you, please, don’t put me through this anymore. I’m truly sorry…….It hurts」

Ferris pushed the woman, who apologized with her head lowered, until her head hit the table. Ferris-kun, she might die if you do any more than this, treat her with some kindness.

「When I was dragging this woman to the bath, her clothes were torn apart, what should we do about them? Since it’s just a garbage, should I throw them away? 」

「I permit. But first, please release her」

The woman was made to forcefully sit on a chair. Before she left, Ferris muttered something to the woman. The woman trembled and became even more frightened. Ferris, what did you even say to her?

「All right then, I will continue with the questions. For what purpose did you arrive on this land? 」

「Uuu that, I mean, in a ma-ma-ma-mansion, meet, meet, meet, ueeeeee」

She started to cry for some reason. Rico loudly hit the table. The woman twitched and looked towards Rico while trembling. Rico signaled with her chin to Ferris. Ferris leisurely approached the woman. The two were expressionless and incredibly eerie and scary.

「No, no, noooooo……..」

「All right, Ferris, that’s enough. You can return to your sit」

Ferris bowed to me and returned to her seat. Even when returning to her seat, she didn’t look away from the two. As I said, stop. It’s really scary, please stop.

I looked into the past of the trembling crying woman. [1]

「……What? 217th? How many children does Poseidon have? Are there any more? ……Oh, is you mother a human?…….Mm, because you’re 217th, you’ve met him only once. You had dinner together. Hou, you are properly educated. Un? Dancing and singing?…..So you are a shrine maiden who dances and sings for the god of the sea. Ho…..idiot, weren’t you against it? Did you want to see your mother’s homeland?…..Did you run away from your home? Didn’t the god of the sea become angry because of you? Did you dupe him by manipulating esaraharu? And?….Together with the succubus?…..Ou, erotic. Hm, hm. You failed to control a big number of them and they rampaged. What have you done? Put yourself together. The succubus said that she didn’t know anything about the cause of the rampage? And?…….The sea and the fishing village will be occupied by esaraharu and the land will be occupied by you? This plan had too many holes. Absolutely unrealistic. Did you just sleep and eat all the time?!」

The woman’s pupils gradually grew bigger as she listened to my words. Then, she froze as she was.

「By the way, don’t you need to return to the sea?」

「I-It’s all right. If I submerge myself in water once a day…..」

「What are you going to do from now on? You can’t manipulate esaraharu anymore, right? How are you going to return? 」

「This is….But I don’t want to return to the sea castle. There would be no place for me even if I return」

「No, you are a shrine maiden, right? Do you work properly」

「With dances…….I’m fine, but singing…… can say that I dislike it, I mean…….」

「What kind of song is it? Try singing it」

「No! Absolutely no! Everyone says that my songs are headache inducing! I don’t want to sing! 」

Slam, Rico struck the table again. The woman started singing while being on the verge of mental breakdown.

……Isn’t it a ballad? Well, it might be hard to accomplish for the girls of her age. The dance was just about waving her hands. True, it is important for a ballad. However, she lacks training. She is just singing, there is no feeling of a ballad. [2]

「It’s bad. I’m not that great myself, but that’s how it should be 」

I cleared my throat and sang track 18 from my father’s karaoke.

「Nami no~tanima ni~inochi no~o hana ga~futatsu~narande~saite iruuu~」3

「What was that? What kind of horrible song is this? 」

Peris and Mei entered the dining room together. Rico and Ferris are frozen solid. Gon is also spacing out. The woman was silently staring at me, but then suddenly came close to me and prostrated.

「Please let me call you my teacher! This is a song I strive to achieve! Please teach me! 」

No, I’m just mimicking my father. Are you sure? Is my father that amazing at this?

「The road of a singer is full of thorns. It’s will be too late to regret later」

「Yes! I will follow you into death! 」

…….I ended up accepting a disciple. Well, for now, I shall let my incompetent disciple, Luara, to stay here for a while. Let’s have her assuming the post of a shrine maiden again as our goal.

We used the teleportation barrier to return to the Kurumfar territory once again. I’m worried about the fishing villages. The farming is almost nonexistent in the Kurumfar territory. The fishing industry is the only lifeline of this territory. Apparently, the fishing industry recently received a great damage. I can’t overlook it. Gon, Ferris, Luara and me headed towards the fishing village about 20 kilometers of us. Since Luara can’t fly, she is being carried by Ferris. I heard her scream on multiple occasions but pretended not to hear.

That was a small town surrounded by a stone wall. We asked the gatekeeper to lead us to the person of the highest authority in this city. The gatekeeper looked rather irritated, it seems that the authorities aren’t that popular around here.

I immediately discovered the mayor’s mansion. It could be easily spotted after you pass through the gates. This is the biggest building around. The town is quiet and listless. The people are living here, but there is almost no pedestrian traffic. We arrived at the mayor’s mansion soon enough. The mayor was shaped like a human, but his skin had some scales on it, a fish-like man. When I asked, I came to know that he was a member of the sea people.

「I’m Marcel of the sea tribe. Did the lord change again? It must be hard for you」

「Yes, it is indeed. There is a mountain of problems with this territory. I need to solve them one by one」

「That would be nice」

「For now, can you tell me about this town?」

「The situation won’t change even if I talk about it」

「Still, please do」

「We, the sea tribe, are people who dive into the sea to fish. However, since a few months ago we weren’t able to enter the sea anymore. The reason is the fish called esaraharu. The appeared in large numbers and attacked the boats with their sharp teeth. In reality, a few of them were sunk. We can eat esaraharu, but since it rots in no time we have to use it immediately. This helped us to avoid dying from hunger. However, continuing like this will be challenging」

「Will exterminating them all do?」

「The are large in numbers. This would be difficult. Besides, this isn’t the only problem」

「You mean?」

「The farmlands are desolate and the farmers are starving. Even if we offer our fish to them, it will already be rotten once it arrives. That’s why the farmers turn into bandits and attack the towns of our tribe. Recently, our town was attacked too. To be honest, we don’t trust humans too much」

「Understood. I don’t blame you for that. However, the bandits have been exterminated. Most of the farmers should be dead already. Ah, that’s just me talking to myself」

「Have the bandits been exterminated? There should have been over 100 of them…….」

「Yeah, they are all dead」


「I know about the farmlands in this territory. That’s why if the fishing industry crumbles, this territory is finished. I need to stop it at all costs」

「……But the shore is full of esaraharu……」

「First, let me see the situation myself」

We followed to the sea under the lead of the mayor.

「Uwa, this is horrible」

The sea was black. That’s how many esaraharu there were.

「With this much of them, all other fish at the bottom of the sea should be dead already」

「The bottom of the sea is rocky here, so there weren’t much fish in the first place. You can get a rich haul in the open sea, but we can’t even leave this place」

「Can you show me esaraharu?」

The mayor pulled out a thread and threw it into the sea. Immediately after, he pulled out a big esaraharu. It had sharp teeth indeed.

「Can I eat this fish?」

The mayor borrowed a knife from the nearby fisherman’s house and splendidly made it into sashimi. When I tried it, it was definitely delicious. I have a memory of this taste.

「Marcel, was it? The problem of esaraharu might be solved」

「Do not joke. If this is possible, our whole tribe will swear allegiance to you」

「This is possible. I have a plan」

I was aware of it. Aware of my own villainous face when I talked about it.


  1. Ferris-san, scary. 
  2. I’m kinda confused with this passage. 
  3. In the valley of waves the two flowers of life bloomed next to each other. This song, appreciate if you want =) 

Episode 68 Listening to the Circumstances and Administering Punishment

Toku, toku, toku…….I awakened to the sounds of a gentle heartbeat. When I raised my head, I saw Rico’s face amongst the dim light of my room. It was the face of a dignified and intelligent lady, but only during these times, she had a tinge of innocence on it. Sunlight shone on her beautiful cheek through the window. What a beautiful scenery. I marveled at this splendid sight.

After that, Rico slowly opened her eyes and found me with her unfocused gaze.

「Good morning」

「Good morning, Rico」

「Yes, it’s already morning, isn’t it?」

She tried to cover herself with a sheet in embarrassment. I stopped her hand and fixedly stared at her.


Rico turned red in the face and tried to avoid her eyes. When I saw her embarrassed appearance, I felt a bit of moe. I embraced Rico once again and left the bed.

After breakfast, we teleported back with the same crew as yesterday. Upon our arrival, we accidentally found the guys having breakfast too, how noisy. Kuena was beautifully taking care of this noisy bunch.

「Good morning」

Kuena, who discovered us, greeted us.

「How is it? Did something change? 」

「Yes. The girl from yesterday is still asleep. The small geryuon drank some milk but didn’t show much of an appetite」

When I looked at mini-geryuon, he was already telepathically conversing with Ferris.

「Kyuuu. Ki~yuu~u~u~u」

「It seems that he didn’t sleep well」

「Because geryuons prefer to act in a group. It might be hard for him to be separated from everyone else」

「Oi, what happened to your herd? I can bring you back if you know the location」


Mini-geryuon powerlessly swung his head.

「……..Because he was chased out, he has no place to return to……But he wants to beat everyone who hurt his mother when he grows up」

This mini-geryuon’s mother led a group of 30 of his kind. However, six months ago she lost to a male geryuon from another group and was chased out with her child. Not just that, it seems that she lost one of her wings in the fight. Apparently, the wings weren’t just to fly in the sky but also to retain the overall body balance. She had a hard time hunting after being chased out. Seeing this, the child geryuon went hunting himself. Then, he was attacked by the bandits and caught.

「What were they trying to achieve by catching him?」

「They probably intended to sell him as materials or food. I never heard about geryuon’s meat being particularly delicious, but there are plenty of nobles with weird tastes」

It seems that his mother pushed her injured body and reached the hideout. However, she didn’t succeed and was dismantled before his own eyes. A picture from hell.

「…..He is afraid of going outside, or so he says」

「No wonder. Your mother was killed in front of you. But you have to go outside. Living longer and happier than you mother will be the best revenge against those who hurt you. You’ve suffered enough, nothing will happen to you in the future. You just need to stand up. Only happiness awaits you from now on」


Mini-geryuon burst into tears. It seems that Ferris was ready to follow-up, so I left everything to her. Meanwhile, I approached the sleeping girl.

She was calmly sleeping. She looked like a normal girl except for the deer horns on her head.

「Such a mysterious creature. First time I saw something like that」

「She has the horns, can’t she be a deer beastman?」

「The horns of the deer beastman are a bit bigger. The shouldn’t be this short. Their hair also isn’t blue」

「It seems that I have no choice but to leave her be until she wakes up」

We left the girl where she was and headed to see the succubus.

I mentally prepared myself as I opened the door. Back then, I saw a kingdom-toppling beauty. After the three aspects of beauty, ero, and moe, nothing can faze me anymore. Whatever she does, won’t be able to affect my state of mind, probably. I’m not going to lose to a demon, most likely. The delusions of her doing this and that, ~ehehe, are completely under my control, I’m sure of it.

I opened the door in one go. The succubus was listlessly facing us with her back inside of the barrier. It seems that she rampaged quite a bit. My prided barrier had an uncountable number of small cracks. With her doing that for one more day, it could have become dangerous. That is, is she has the necessary endurance and MP to continue.

I approach the succubus. In response to my footsteps, her body moved with a twitch.

「…….Energy, give me the energy~」

When I saw her face, she looked like an old lady. Wrinkled face, droopy breasts……..can I have a refund for my excitement?

I dispelled the barrier around her. Of course, considering the possibility of an attack, I didn’t release the barriers around us.


She fell down with a thud. Apparently, she died. From the old age.

「The succubi age without men’s vital energy. I thought that she lived for at least a few hundred years and I was right」

As expected of Gon. That’s why she gathered a hundred men here to engage in Fever Hustle every night. Although this demon didn’t do any good, her victims weren’t innocent either. Truly, no good people lived here. A bunch of vulgar ********. Know some shame!

「Amazing, Rinos-san! To suck all of her energy within a day. Please, teach me too! 」

「….It’s still too early for you Ferris. You will understand when you become an adult, don’t ever become like that demonic woman, okay? 」

Ferris made a confused face. Looking closely, the succubus’ body is gradually turning into ash. Do they naturally turn into ash upon their death? She was determined until the end. Some people should learn from her, from a certain perspective.

When we returned to the mansion, Kuena flew to our side.

「That girl is about to wake up」

I hurriedly went to check her condition. The body that was completely motionless just a while ago was now turning from left to right. After some time, her eyes slowly opened.

「Uunn, I slept well」

Seems like a comfortable awakening.

「Hello there. How do you feel?」

「Ha? Who? 」

「I’m Rinos, the current manager of this territory. I discovered you when I intruded into bandits’ mansion. I didn’t want to leave you there, so I took you with me. Who on earth are you? 」

「Who ~ knows」

She seems rather defiant. Is she an enemy? For now, let’s appraise this girl.

Luara (Princess Poseidon, 15 years old) LV19
HP: 159
MP: 74
Water Magic LV2
Wind Magic LV2
Lightning Magic LV1
Sword Arts LV2
MP Recovery LV1
Mana Absorption LV1
Paralysis Resistance LV2
Dancing LV3
Singing LV2

「Ha? Daughter of Poseidon? A daughter of the sea monarch? 」

「How did you!? Could it be that I was found? No, it shouldn’t be like this! I was always together with the succubus once I reached the shore」

「For now, how about telling me about your background?」

「Don’t know. Why don’t you find out yourself? More than that, I’m hungry. Give me something to eat」

「This girl, let’s cut her down」

Ferris is releasing her bloodlust. That Luara woman raised her nose up high with a humph. Apparently, she is still behaving like a daughter of Poseidon. I might need to punish her.

「For now, give her some milk」

「Fuun, that’s how it should be」

The woman drank the milk and asked for more. She calmed down after asking for a refill three more times.

「First things first, you aren’t on the same side as the bandits, right? You said that you’ve met the succubus, were you planning something? There is also a baby geryuon, is this your doing? 」

「Who knows? What do you think? It seems interesting, can you tell me? It will help me to kill some time」

Fufun, proudly grinned the woman. I silently left the room.

「This girl is so not cute」

「Rinos, this woman should be cut down」

「She is a daughter of Poseidon. We can’t just do it. Well, just leave everything to me」

When I asked later, I learned that I made a face of a villain back at that moment.

After a while, I heard her vibrant scream from the other room.

「What is this?! What!? I can’t get out! Let me out immediately! Let me out! Let me out! 」

「What? Dou you have an errand to run? 」

「Let me out! Let me out from here! 」[1]

「I will let you go if you answer my questions. Your relationship with the bandits, your relationship with the succubus, about the baby geryuon, these three」

「…..I said I don’t know! 」

「Then stay here for a while」

I turned around intending to leave the building.

「Wait! Please! Let’s me go to the……t-toilet……」

「Answer and you are free to go」

「Uu, please……」


「…….About succubus…..she said that she wanted to make a base here and invited me to join……that’s why, summon the esaraharu, she said…….The bandits were gathered by the succubus, so I don’t know. The geryuon was captured by the bandits on their own, so I don’t know. I really don’t know! 」

「Esaraharu? What is that? 」

「This is a delicacy, A fish that rots before you know it. It has sharp teeth and eats almost everything. It acts in flocks and quite dangerous to meet in a sea」

「Ho, so it’s a delicacy. I want to try it sometime」

「Please, toilet…..」

「Well, all right. Exit the room and turn left. Come on」

I released the barrier. At that moment, the woman dashed towards the door.

「It doesn’t open! This door doesn’t open!!」

「Don’t push it, pull」

「I-It opened!」


With a sound that could be heard even here, this woman leaked in a grand fashion.


  1. Neglection play (deadly for succubi). 

Regarding the lack of updates

Alright, so I’ve been getting quite a few messages here and there about why there hasn’t been any updates, am I dropping Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel etc. The first thing I’m going to do is point you to this announcement I wrote up before.

Since the ones that have been continuously pestering me about it obviously read the link, here are the other stuff that came up:
1) I had a surgery on my toe due to inflammation and infection during Easter
2) I’ve been having really long shifts for the past few weeks, so I’ve been barely going online.
3) We were going to move the servers last week, so Silva asked us not to post anything. Then, due to time issues, we ended up having to move it yesterday, we are advised not to post anything until the server is registered and everything runs smoothly (which would take 2 days or so).

i.e. Lots of stuff came up in real life and with the site, I have the chapters translated and you’re getting them all this weekend.

Episode 67 Bandit Extermination ②

「It is a disgrace for the imperial knight’s order」

Fumed Rico as she listened to my report after I returned to the mansion.

「Well, it reached the conclusion. We did what we should have done」

Pius declared our victory and concluded the topic. I ordered the guys to take a break, asked Kuena to prepare tea, and entered the office together with Gon, Rico, and Ferris.

「Are we going back to the mansion?」

「No, to be honest there is still something left to do. There is still someone in the bandits’ hideout. Well, a monster to be precise」

「It is better to deal with it」

「Please, bring me with you! I will definitely be useful! 」

There are three monsters in the hideout. Two of them don’t seem to be too dangerous, but the third presence is rather big. I have a bad premonition about this, so let’s deal with them as soon as possible.

「Then, are you going now?」

「After dinner, I will. Rico, you should just return to the mansion ahead of us. Gon, Ferris, and I will deal with the monsters」

「If that’s the case, I shall wait for you here」

「Then stay together with Pius and Kuena. If there is a danger, do not hesitate to leave this mansion. If we take too long, you should return too」

「I understand」

After dinner, we immediately straddled Irimo and rode towards the hideout.

It takes about a day to reach this place on foot, but with Irimo, 20 minutes are enough. Ferris can fly even in her human form. As expected, she isn’t of Irimo’s level, I flew towards the forest while keeping an eye on her.

After a while, I saw a small mountain and a mansion halfway up. I could also see a number of tents surrounding it from all sides. Apparently, the underlings spent their lives camping.

I erected a barrier to completely conceal our presence and entered inside. The insides of the mansion were brightly lit. There is a big monster presence in the reception room nearby. I headed there first and tried to open the door when I heard a voice from the other side.

「He’s late~. Aaa~ my whole body is aching~. Can’t he hurry up~」

I quietly opened the door. There was an unprecedented beauty inside. Not just that, she was dressed incredibly erotic.

Is she about 20 years old? Her breasts were squeezed together and except for the most important places, she was essentially naked. There is no such uncle who can hold himself back at such a sight.

「You are finally back~ Welcome home~. Are you alone~? Then let’s do it with just the two of us~. Fufufu」

This is bad, she is totally in my strike zone. However, looking closely, she has black wings on her back. Gon, who was riding on my shoulder, said.

「She is a succubus. A demon that feeds of male’s energy~. Master, you can’t let your eyes wander」

The excess ero made my heart race, but it’s not on the level of being mesmerized. Clear thoughts, clear thoughts. The succubus twisted her waist and walked towards me with her index finger in her mouth. Although it smells of the Showa era, it is erotic.

「The bandits are dead」

The succubus’ body trembled. She looked dumbfounded for a moment, but then furrowed her brows and flew into a rage.

「Did the all the men die~? Where should I get the energy!? Energy……energy……」

A black fog came out of her body. I immediately responded by locking this succubus inside of the barrier.

「I will suck all of your energy!」

A sharp needle was released from the inside of her body. Unexpectedly, it broke through my barrier and a part of it flew my way. I accepted the blow with a new barrier, but the remaining part flew towards Ferris.


「……..I’m absolutely fine」

The needle has stuck in her arm, but it seems that it wasn’t able to penetrate the scales on it.

「My scales won’t be broken by this little thing」

「Damn it!! I hate the little girls like you the most! But I won’t kill you. I will use you as a bait to attract more men」

「Are you retarded? Instead of speaking ridiculous thing, you should worry about yourself more」

Right after I saw my barrier being broken, I erected a new one, a stronger one. I should resist a dragon’s breath with ease. I wasted about 3000MP on it, it is a superb article.

「A barrier master…..It doesn’t seem like I can break it. Fine. I won’t resist you. You can play with my body however you want」

Saying that the succubus became completely naked in a second.

「You can start whenever you want, you know? Taste me as you desire」

「……Master, let’s leave this succubus here for today」

「Is there something?」

「It won’t be too late to think about her tomorrow」

「……That’s true. It’s better to spend some time to reset my mind and come again later」

「Don’t say that~. Treat me like your toy~. Your thick and sturdy…….」

……With Ferris’ education in mind, we silently left the room.

「Why didn’t you kill her?」

「Un, let’s leave her be for a while」

「Ah! Are you going to weaken her by not giving her anything and then kill her? As expected of Rinos-san. But why did that monster stripped naked? I thought that she was going to undo her human transformation…….」

「Un, well, there is that. It was probably her plan to make an enemy relax his guard」

「I see! She pretended to surrender by getting naked and wanted to launch a sneak attack! She is as sly as a black dragon! You’ve seen through her, as expected of Rinos-san! 」

「Ah, un, that’s right. Hahaha……」

Her sparkling eyes pierced my heart. Feeling weak in my legs, I headed towards the weaker monster presence.

The map sowed that it was in the basement. The staircase leading to the basement was situated in the back of the mansion, once I descended there, I was greeted by the darkness. I released 「Light」spell to illuminate the surroundings. The basement was full of swords, axes, other weapons, and rusted armor. There was a steel cage placed on the big table. When I approached it, I saw a tiger-patterned kitten with wings on his back.

「Isn’t it a child of geryuon?」


「They run faster than the wind and can fly in the sky. It wields wind magic and has formidable power, it can easily one-shot a bear. Once grown up, it can contend with the strongest creatures in the forest, it is an S-rank monster 」

We approached the cage.


Once it perceived us, it slowly lifted its head and stared at us with its shiny eyes.

「Oi, are you okay? Did the bandits catch you? 」


It seems that it can understand our words but can’t talk. Yet, it still tried to tell us something.

「Kiyu kikiyu kiyu」

It kept crying like that.

「Please, wait for a minute」

Ferris approached and intently stared at it. After a while,

「It seems that this child was brought here after he got lost in the woods. And….un? It seems that his mother came here to save him……un un…..And she met her demise. Then……she was dismantled before this child’s eyes…..He wants to be released to avenge her」

「….It was painful for you. Relax. The bandits have already departed to the afterlife. I avenged her in your place, you don’t need to fight anymore」

「Ki~yu. Ki~yu」

「Thank you very much, or so it says」

「Nevertheless, you are amazing Ferris. You can understand even the words of such a child」

「No. It is the telepathy. Our dragon tribe is able to transmit the thoughts. Just like this」

『Rinos-san, Rinos-san』

Cool. I can hear her voice in my head. This is convenient.

For now, I wrecked the cage and released it outside. Once outside, it flapped its wings and jumped into my chest. What’s up with it, it’s super cute.

While hugging this child, I headed towards the third presence. There, I saw a fainted girl.

「Who is this girl?」

She had a cute face and deer’s horns on her head. Is she some kind of beastman? I tapped her on a cheek, but there was no reaction. For starters, I decided to grab this girl too and leave the mansion. Then, I set up a teleportation barrier and returned to out reception room.

「Welcome back. How was it? 」

「For now, give this child geryuon something to eat. As for this girl, let her sleep somewhere」

Kuena moved like the wind to prepare everything. Since the girl was just asleep, I let her sleep on a sofa. In preparation for the worst, I cast a barrier on the girl.

「Just what happened exactly?」

I told Rico about my encounters in the mansion.

「This is surprising. Let’s keep them here for a while. Depending on the case, we may also bring them to our mansion. By the way, what kind of monster was that succubus? 」

This is, I’m having a hard time to explain. That appeal……I can’t, I can’t. While I was contemplating, Ferris answered first.

「Ah, about that, she was naked」

「Rico!…..I mean……I want you tonight, can I? 」[1]

「Of course!」

I received an immediate answer. As a reward for all the work, I brought everyone home through the teleportation barrier.

That night, I loved Rico to my heart’s desire.


  1. Crisis masterfully averted. 

[Vol.2] Chapter 25 – Conclusion

The first things I saw were Sonia’s lips painted in surprise after this breaking body pushed away the wind.
I poured magical power into my body exceeding its limit. As a result, it violently accelerated.
–With the first kick I got warped in wind.

Only leaving behind the exploding sound of this earth gouging kick I headed straight towards Sonia.
My continuously collapsing body screamed with pain subjected to this explosive movement.
However, as I’m under extreme concentration I miraculously felt this pain only delayed as well.
These screaming muscles and that speed are reminiscent of a disposable, rigid bow, though I basically never held a weapon in my hands.
–With the second kick I became one with the wind.

But for Sonia to be surprised towards the current … me.
It’s something along the lines of after witnessing this catastrophic speed even fast horses seem like slugs.
As I expected, Sonia formed a wind wall before herself. What a splendid reaction speed and magic construction speed. Regarding that fast reaction speed, I have yet to meet a martial artist who is superior to this girl.
Even the average martial artist who takes pride in their perception wouldn’t be able to grasp anything moving at this speed.
……Are even movements faster than the speed of sound not enough yet? If that’s the case, then I’ll move even faster.
–With the third kick I overtook the wind.

I kicked the ground some more to circumvent that obstructing wall.
It seems like Sonia lost sight of me this time, too.
Her reaction speed is like this because she doesn’t rely on her eyes. It certainly is a brilliant technique, but now that I’m even faster than the wind Sonia can no longer follow my movements using sound.
Like a raging flame burning off the distance I took Sonia’s back and clenched my first.
–With the fourth kick I pierced through the wind.

I held my clenched fist parallel to my waist in order to hit her.
This is like a cannonball loaded in a cannon. This blow is like a hammer able to destroy a wall if it hits even once.
That isn’t just a metaphor. If it hits, even metal walls will be smashed to pieces.

If the wind can’t approach me, sound can’t catch up with me either.
Still Sonia turned around towards me the next moment.
It’s probably because of her perception.
……It’s like a Grim Reaper’s scythe certain to take one’s life. The blade’s coldness near one’s neck ringing the last alarm bells.
However, at this distance it’s already impossible to avoid it.
If the defender originally had the power to repel the blow and had enough time to invoke magic then it still would be easy to escape.

It’s checkmate.
Faced with this premonition of death Sonia is forced to concentrate to the limit, something resembling a readiness to accept her fate bound her well-shaped lips and distorted them.
Then my fist sunk into Sonia’s face–

I stopped just before that happened.
That stopped fist created a strong wind.
That penetrating wind blew off Sonia’s hood she put on — and gave the cracked mask the finishing blow.
It began to crumble and the mask which could no longer keep its shape fell to the ground.
That mask which fell onto the rocky ground gave of a particularly persistent, dry sound now reduced to nothing but fragments.


The wind settled down and Sonia with her regular face exposed muttered something in a shaken state.
Those firmly closed lips which seemed to accept death now loosened up and formed a perfect circle.
After her hair, which seemed like golden threads, settled down again after being dishevelled by the wind my fist created Sonia, as if all the power in her legs left her, fell on the ground.

“Tsutsu……That’s the end of, the match”

I clenched my fist two to three times to check my condition while frowning in pain.
──Stopping just before hitting. In a fight between fellow martial artists this marks the end.
Competing for one’s life isn’t unusual in martial artists who were made to compete against each other.
However, the purpose of a martial artist’s fight is to bring each other to new heights.
I also preferred a conclusion without blood getting spilled.

If this was a duel between people holding a long time grudge against each other than a conclusion without either of them dying isn’t possible.
However, we’re martial artists who are just interested in checking the opponent’s and one’s own strength.
I don’t hold a grudge against Sonia whom I met first on my journey to hone my skills. Rather I’m in her debt for accommodating us for one night and granting us a meal.
With this I think this smooth conclusion to this bout is fitting.

“……Haha, I lost”

Finally able to process the….Information before her, Sonia had a slightly relieved smile floating on her face.
However, I thought so the first time I saw her, but she really is a pretty girl. For such a girl to handle herself to such an extent… that’s why the world of martial arts is interesting.

“Can you stand? I’ll lend you a hand”

I offered my hand to Sonia who sunk down to the ground.
A match that ended without any grudges. Although a bit of thankfulness for this good match was mixed in–
Sonia stood up without taking my hand.

“You don’t have to push yourself. Although you look fine your whole body should be in acute pain, right?”

Her expression changed unconsciously into a girl’s slightly troubled smile to fit her words.
……Come to think of it, she saw through me. To be honest, there was so much pain shooting through my body I was about to raise a voice unbecoming of my age.

“Good grief, this technique is ridiculous in more than one way. Was that part of the “Shijima” style as well?”
“Yeah, my master and I devised this “Cherry Blossom Prototype”– a failed technique”

–The Cherry Blossom Prototype. It’s an incomplete technique my master and I once devised to oppose great strength.
As I mentioned before, it’s a body strengthening technique that grants one tremendous power by pouring magical power into one’s body far exceeding its limits.
If it’s just that, anyone can use that body strengthening technique without exception. However, it belongs to the Shijima techniques because no one other than us can use it.
If one pours magical power into one’s body its strength increases. But there’s a limit which differs from each individual and every ounce of magical power exceeding a person’s limit acts like poison to it.
First the muscles tear up, next the bones break before one’s inner organs rupture at last, to be exact.
Therefore there’s no person foolish enough to do something like exceed their magical power limit.
……That’s exactly what we of the Shijima style did.
Of course, if we exceed our limit within us the collapse of our physical body would start. Forcibly supressing that with healing magic– or rather, healing one’s body from the edge of collapse is what this “Cherry Blossom Prototype” is about.
That means one could strengthen one’s physical abilities though pouring magical power into one’s body exceeding one’s limit as much as one wants as long as healing magic can keep up with the body’s collapse.
If it was just that, than that would be a dreamlike technique but it’s not such an out-of-the-ordinary kind of technique. Its name would be different if that was true.

As I mentioned, this technique forcibly supresses the body’s collapse by only healing it at top speed immediately after it happens.
Actually, one is constantly tormented by pain if one moved while using this technique.
Calling that pain pure hell is only appropriate. Imagine your body continuously getting torn up, that would be the best analogy.
Incidentally, if the healing magic is too strong magical power would be wasted and the strengthening and consumption efficiency would be low and if it’s too weak the body’s collapse would start.
Because the difficulty to learn it and that intense pain, even though it’s a technique of the Shijima style only I and one more person– An excommunicated former student, were able to use the “Cherry Blossom Prototype”, no one else.
Even Master who invented and named the technique wasn’t able to endure that pain.

……Thus, while having an overwhelming effect it was deemed as a defective technique and would eternally stay a “Prototype”.
Even the technique’s name is connoted with it being a kamikaze technique.

Anyway, that’s it.
It’s been a long time since I last used it but the pain was more intense than I expected.
It took quite a bit of will power to pretend to be fine but Sonia saw right through that.

“You overdid it. Are all practitioners of the Shijima style like that?”
“No, they don’t hate losing to that extent”

While using healing magic on my body I tried to avoid Sonia’s astounded gaze.
……I clenched my fist a couple of times to check my condition. Umu, did you give me some leeway this time?

“Well then, is your body better now?”
“There’s no problem. I’m just exhausted from fighting a powerful foe for the first time in a while”

I gave Sonia a smile exposing my canine teeth.
She was a good fighter. It seems like my excited heart doesn’t quite cool down like white-hot iron.
Sonia watched me and held her breath for just an instant before she turned her back to me.
……Mu, could it be, did she think I was being sarcastic just now? That’s not what I meant, it’s really been a long time since I met a martial artist that could get me fired up.

I turned my head to correct my words.
At the same time Sonia turned towards me.

“Ah-……Ehm, when you have recovered, then. Some other time……”

A girl’s white as porcelain hand was held out in front of me in a way that I couldn’t believe it was used to fight such a fierce battle.
To that I softened my smile.

“It was a good match. If we get the chance, we should cross fists again”
“I agree. When that time comes I’ll be even stronger”

I wonder if she wasn’t used to that type of exchange because Sonia’s face adopted a light red colour similar to a kind of fruit.
Umu, that’s it. This refreshed feeling after having worked hard.
Wielding one’s fist was originally an act done to harm one’s opponent. But I felt like it helped create a new friendship today.
I’m sure this relationship with Sonia will continue after this. In human terms, she’s still young, young enough to still call her a girl.
I wonder how you’ll grow in the future. Will you be able to make me struggle? When thinking about that I can’t help but get excited.

“Well then, we should go down the mountain soon and go back to the village, shouldn’t we?”
“You’re right. Cheryl, we’re done. Come here”

Cheryl who watched the fight the whole time a distance away left that place while swinging her snow white long hair when she heard my voice and came over.
Cheryl who ran towards me at a speed one could call it dashing jumped at me from approximately 5 metors away.
I caught her without trying to dodge, hugged her and slightly spun her around.

“Oopsy Daisy……Sorry, were you bored?”
“No. But I wanna fight Sonia, too”

Like always, I put Cheryl down on the ground while receiving a hug with which she could pull out a huge tree.

You want to fight Sonia, huh? Certainly, Sonia wouldn’t lag behind Cheryl and for Cheryl this would be able to get some good experience in fighting martial artists other than me and Chester.
“Slow there, speaking of which, Cheryl-chan was also… a child, right? If you’re fine with me I can keep you company anytime.……Just not today”

Sonia didn’t seem to be against it.
I didn’t miss that curiosity of a martial artist sparkling in her eyes.
How did such a pretty girl grow up to be the same kind of fool as us?
Well, Cheryl would be like that as well, right? Despite being part Majin she has a very delicate appearance which didn’t seem strong at all.

“Well then– Let’s return and have a meal, shall we? You’ll stay here for a while, right?”
“Is that fine with you? I thought it would be better if we moved into the hotel as soon as there’s a free room, but”
“We went to so much pains to befriend each other so just let me do you a favour. Besides, there are some things I’d need your help with”

I started to talk but Sonia said such things as if it was a matter of course and we responded with a smile.
While exchanging words I laughed and started to walk in a straight line matching her pace.
Even though we just finished fighting an intense battle we were warped in a comfortable atmosphere.


  1. N/a

Episode 66 Bandit Extermination

When I opened my eyes, I discovered myself clinging to Mei’s body. Sheep’s wool is a truly mysterious thing. It’s warm during the winter and cool during the summer. For a while, I enjoyed the feeling as I stroked her hair. I wanted to enjoy it longer but it wasn’t possible today. After a great struggle, I got up from the bed.

I tasted the breakfast prepared by Peris. Ferris seems to have a good learning ability and already mastered several dishes. She can prepare magnificent omelets. I’m looking forward to the future.

When breakfast was over, Mei handed me a sword.

「My husband doesn’t like to kill people very much. I made a light yet hard sword for you. Please try it if you have an opportunity」 [1]

It looked like a Japanese sword and was similar to 「Onigiri」. When I pulled it out of the sheath, a jet-black sword appeared before me. It was as light as a branch. However, it was harder that a lump of iron. I named it「Kurogatana」. [2] From now on, I think of putting「Onigiri」and「Kurogatana」on my hips, and strapping 「Holy Sword」on my back.

I take the sword and teleport back with the same members as yesterday. I listened to the report about yesterday, fortunately, nothing serious happened. I have no idea where they got it but the imperial knights have been drinking until late at night.

In the afternoon, Baron Jiono came into the room where we were staying at.

「It seems that you don’t have any particular questions, so I’m going to return to the capital. Farewell」

「Be careful on your way back」

With a grin, Jiono went out of the room and, together with the imperial knights, left the mansion. After I saw him off, I gathered everyone in the stables.

「Everyone are to be prepared for a battle. Pius, Paltan, Popia, Nokita, and Aga, follow me. The rest of you lot should guard the mansion. Rico and Kuena are on standby in the mansion. Also, Ferris, you are staying home too. If the bandits attack this mansion, you are to protect everyone. Got it? 」

「Yes! Leave it to me! 」

「10 harpies are to guard the mansion. The rest will follow me」

Pyi, the harpies flew into the sky.

「What is happening, Rinos?」

Asked Rico with a worried face.

「If I was the bandit’s boss, I would have aimed at the opening when the knights have retreated. In most of the cases, the secure atmosphere of the mansion makes people relax their guard after the tiresome journey. Besides, the retreating battle is difficult. I don’t think that they are this proficient. [3] The bandits should be aware of this too. It is easy to win if you are able to ambush the retreating troops from the forest and successfully break their formation. But that’s when we will appear on the stage. The bandits probably don’t doubt the success of their plan. This is their weakness. If we hit there, we can win even with small numbers」

According to the map, the bandits moved through the forest in full numbers. I immediately ordered to depart and straddled Irimo.

I stationed the harpies in a point where they could overlook the forest and the highway. I also put a barrier on everyone present. It didn’t end at this, I also colored them. With this, they shouldn’t die from swords or magic. The bandits engaged the knights. The imperial knights, who were interrupted during the march, descended into chaos. I created a dense fog around the battlefield as I surveyed the surroundings.

Due to the dense fog, both the imperial knights and the bandits became confused. I used this opening to circle around to their back. After that, I dispelled the fog,


The harpies and those guys attacked the bandits. Some of them were incapacitated by the harpies, some of them were cut by the guys.

The bandit’s equipment was all over the place. Some of them wore simple clothes, while some of them donned the knight’s armor.

The imperial knights reformed their ranks and the bandits ended up completely surrounded. Even still, there were plenty that tried to break through and escape. I immediately smacked them with「Kurogatana」until they became incapacitated.


I heard a scream from the side of the imperial knights. At this moment, a small group separated from the rest of the knights. I chased after them. While running, I hit two of them with「Kurogatana」until they fainted. Three men were still running in front of me. A few harpies landed ahead of them.

「Kuh, damn it」

The smallest of them seemed to be their leader. As I approached them

「It seems that you rampaged quite a bit recently. Where did you get the balls to destroy a city? 」

「This country is about to be destroyed! Since it is going to be destroyed, I will do whatever I want before I die!!」

「We, the farmers, are starving, yet the fishermen’s stomach are always with filled to the brim. We belong to the same country, yet the country has abandoned us! There is nothing wrong with killing them!!」

Seems like an important problem. That being said, slaughtering a whole city is an overkill.

「…..Enough. We can’t return as long as they are here. Let’s use that」

The leader took something out of his bag. The other two did the same and swallowed it.

「「「Guh, GAAAAAAAAAA!!!!」」」

The three’s bodies rapidly expanded until they turned into 3-meter tall bear-like monsters. An evil aura radiated from them. I appraised the leader.

Rukiata (Demon, 21 years old) LV44
HP: 266
MP: 220
Sword Arts LV4
Body Strengthening LV4
Wind Magic LV2
Evasion LV4
Curse LV3

His MP and HP aren’t worth mentioning. Nevertheless, his skill levels are pretty high. It’s on the level of Madoisen, who was able to overwhelm teacher Falco and Eril. I would be better take it seriously. I sheathed「Kurogatana」and pulled out the Holy Sword. With this as a sign, the three attacked me.

The leader came straight at me with his sword. The other two attacked the harpies. The harpies were pushed back at first, but they gradually dominated the opponents with their teamwork. Very soon, the two’s eyes received a hit from the harpies resulting in their defeat and death.

On the other hand, right after I stopped his thrust, the leader swung his sword towards my arm. I dodged it and swung my sword. The sword hit his thigh and his right leg became stained in blood. However, the leader didn’t bat an eyelid and kept attacking me. It seems that he doesn’t feel any pain because of the body strengthening. Forget about pain, he even utilized wind magic to manipulate the fallen leaves to obstruct my vision.

Most people wouldn’t have been able to cope with it, but it didn’t have any meaning before me, who had presence detection LV5. I’m aware of his every movement. He quietly circled behind me and made a thrust. I dodged and countered with a stab in his throat.

「How does being defeated by your own technique feel?」

However, the leader ignored my sword in his throat and swung his sword again. This unexpected attack did manage to surprise. I subconsciously pulled out my sword and took some distance. Even with blood pouring out of his throat, the leader took a stance with his sword and produced a thrust of the same power as before. It seems that he truly doesn’t feel any pain.

I evaded this thrust and cut towards the leader. The leader has been split in two and finally stopped moving.

「Could it be the medicine made by Merias?」

「Yeah, it might be. Maybe it has an effect of raising the skills」

After a while, the guys and Oshe, together with his knights, arrived at the scene.

「Are they the last?」

「It seems that the guy that is split in two was the bandits’ leader. What about the corpses? Are we going to collect them? 」

「No, we don’t have so much free time. We will leave them here. The monsters will eat them until there is nothing left. Ah, I am giving you their gear. That being said, it’s not that great」

「You sure know a lot. Are you acquainted? 」

Oshe glared at me, and then he turned around and left. I examined the corpse and found nothing important except for 500G. I don’t know if it is wise to leave the corpses, so I incinerated them.

I saw the knights as I left the forest. They were throwing the dead bodies into the forest. It seems that they also executed the captured bandits, no questions asked.

「Are you not going to bring them to the capital?」

「We don’t have any spare energy for that. Killing the bandits as soon as they are discovered is the common sense even amongst the adventurers」

「But you aren’t an adventurer, Vice Leader Oshe」

Oshe clenched his teeth so hard that I could almost hear the sound. Looking closely, the bodies of the people wearing the knight’s armor were lined up nearby. About 40 of them. The number of injured people is quite a bit. In essence, about 30% of the knights were either dead or injured. This could be considered as a great loss for them.

「Are you going to dispose of these bodies too? They should have their families in the capital」

「The knights, who were defeated by something like bandits, won’t receive an honorable treatment. As such, we will leave them here」

「They died because of the incompetent commander. Without me striking from the back, you definitely would have been annihilated. Oshe, under a competent leader, it wouldn’t have escalated to such an extent. Nevertheless, you were ambushed by the bandits, panicked, and fell into chaos. Am I right? 」


Oshe looked at the corpses as he trembled.

「……Take care of the dead. The capital isn’t too far. If you split the load, you can easily bring them back」

Oshe canceled the order and returned to his troops.

「Honorary marquis, thank you for the reinforcements!」

When the troops were ready to depart, Baron Jiono appeared out of nowhere, waved his hand, and joined the knights.

I turned around without responding to him and returned to the mansion.


  1. To hit people into submission? 
  2. Should I change it into english? 
  3. He is probably referring to the knights in this sentence. Else, it doesn’t make any sense. 

Chapter 223 – Ninth Underworld Platform

The stone statue was sitting cross-legged with the stone gimlet in hand, and it fused together with Xiao Chen harmoniously. It seemed as if the stone statue was meditating quietly in his inner region. While this made Xiao Chen nervous, he was also looking forward to it.

The Ninth Underworld Platform was as high as a lofty mountain. Raising their heads to look up, they could only see black clouds covering the sky. It wasn’t rare to run into this kind of huge mountain in the gloomy underworld, so much so that there were even bones piling up to a thousand feet tall. However, if just by comparing the grandeur and pressure, there were only a few comparable to the thousand feet tall Ninth Underworld Platform before them.

The Ninth Underworld Platform was shaped like a towering volcano. It was as if it possessed a soul of its own, they could even feel its pulse. The mountain body was dyed red, as if it was encroached in the blood of ten million souls. It possessed an indescribable malevolence and pressure.

“Why do I have a feeling that this is a living demon?” Oxman shivered involuntarily.

“This is definitely not a safe place, we should be careful.” Xiao Chen’s party had already arrived at the foot of the Ninth Underworld Platform. They couldn’t tell why it was called a “platform”. No matter how they looked at it, it seemed like a huge mountain that was split in half by someone with magic power equivalent to the likes of Tongtian.


Xiao Chen unfolded the Undying Divine Wing and just when he was about to fly upward.

“Wait, take us with you.” Oxman also wanted to go up and take a look at the Ninth Underworld Platform.

Xiao Chen carried Oxman and the Black Dragon King as he flew past the ribbon-shaped black clouds. He braved the baleful aura and arrived at the hilltop with lingering black clouds.

Xiao Chen and Oxman took a deep breath as soon as they arrived at the hilltop. This huge mountain actually had a pitch-black hole similar to the volcanic crater. However, it was much more eerie compared to a volcano. The surging black clouds were distinctly emitted from this hole.

“Is this the gateway that connects to hell? It can’t be… we are already in the underworld.” Fatty Oxman felt an eerie cold air surrounding him. He took a step back unconsciously.

Xiao Chen also frowned. Emperor Jiang asked him to come here, what could they possible discover? He cautiously gazed into the bottomless black hole, waves of inhuman whistles transmitted from below. It was like the whimpering and howling of evil spirits.

“Cough… Cough…”

A gloomy and forceful coughing abruptly resounded behind Xiao Chen’s party. Inciting their fear and fright on this huge, ring-shaped hilltop.

“@#%¥” Fatty Oxman was so shocked that he literally jumped up. He turned around, took a few steps back involuntarily, and narrowly fell into the bottomless pit.


Even the sacred sword on the Black Dragon King’s back jumped out immediately. The blazing holy light illuminated the cloudy hilltop.

Xiao Chen also raised his guard. His keen spiritual sense actually failed to work repeatedly in this underworld. It proved that the experts hiding in this place were very powerful.

It was an old woman in her later days. She looked as thin and weak as a rice straw. She was covered in shabby burial clothes. Her yellowish skin didn’t have the slightest hint of blood. She looked like a zombie that just crawled out of the graveyard after many years. Her ash-colored long hair was thinly spread and fluttered in the wind like the weeds. Her pair of eyes were emitting green lights like two will-o’-wisps. The bridge of her nose was almost caved in, and her lips had dried. The wrinkles on her face looked just like thousand year old loose tree bark. It was dry and lacked any moisture.

It looked like a dried corpse no matter where they look!

It was impossible for people to associate her with anything else, especially in this gloomy underworld. What made them the most frightened was that, the old woman was holding a mourning staff in her hand. As she walked over with unsteady steps, the mourning staff actually entwined a few spirits and let out a faintly discernable anguished wailing.

“Who… are you?” Little fatty Oxman was a little scared, so he barely managed to raise his voice.

“Kakaka… I am your ancestor.”

Although the little fatty was scared, he was still very gutsy. He immediately cursed upon hearing these, “My #@%#@¥…… You dare to take advantages of this Mr. Ox? I am your uncle.”


With a wave of the mourning staff, it left behind a deathly pale streak of light in the dusty space and ruthlessly whipped the little fatty Oxman. It caused him to fly away immediately and almost fell into the bottomless abyss. As strong as the little fatty Oxman was, he didn’t even have time to dodge.

The Black Dragon King let out a roar as the sacred sword floating above it transform into a light beam. With a swish, the sacred sword flew forward. The sharpness of the sword-qi caused one to tremble in fear.

Although the young Dragon King couldn’t really manifest the true power of the sacred sword, it was still a dragon’s divine artifact in the end. The old woman did not face the attack head-on and disappeared from the spot after leaving behind an afterimage. The sacred sword struck empty air and instantly returned to its position above the Black Dragon King’s head. The sword sprinkled down multicolored light that enveloped Oxman and the party.

“Ouch! That damned granny has the impertinence to mount a sneak attack on me!” The little fatty grimaced in pain. He was aching all over and expended a great deal of effort to stand up. Fortunately, he didn’t really suffer any serious injury.

“Kakaka…” The old woman’s laughter was as unpleasant as the cry of an owl.

Xiao Chen stopped the Black Dragon King and pulled Oxman. He could tell the old woman didn’t have any killing intent. Otherwise Oxman wouldn’t be let off so lightly.

“Little boy, don’t throw a tantrum, I am not taking advantages of you. Although you are not a genuine beastman, you are still their descendant. I can sense from within your body a blood signature with a common origin as mine. You are certainly the later generations of mine.”

“I…” The little fatty had the urge to yell at her, but he swallowed the words and asked gloomily, “Just who are you? Don’t think you can take advantage of me.”

“I am just a ghost at present. I am assisting Emperor Jiang to supervise a few things. While I was living, I was a beastman.”

“Oh…” Little fatty Oxman gloomily nodded his head. Perhaps this old woman might really be his ancestor.

“I am the guardian of the Ninth Underworld Platform. I am responsible for reporting everything that happened here to Emperor Jiang. Naturally, I already know about your circumstances from Emperor Jiang.”

Xiao Chen took a step forward and stood on ceremony as he asked, “May I request ouma to let me know the details regarding the Amethyst Cosmic Wood?”

“Do you know the reason why this place is called the Ninth Underworld Platform?” The old woman asked.

“I’m afraid not.”

“Once upon a time, this place was connected to the dark realms. Although the connection was severed a long time ago, there were still a few cracks unable to be completely sealed. It is very hard for the powerful evil spirits to pass through. However, it is still possible to deliver some messages. Jumping down from here feels like falling down from an extremely high platform. As you enter the bottomless pit, you will be able to see a sealed door. Although ancestor god Suirenshi’s ideal nether world did not come to pass, the ten kings of hell still managed the nether world for a period of time. Even in the dark realms, there are a few officials who once supervised the nether world. The Amethyst Cosmic Wood from last time was precisely passed to me by them. They wish you to take away the soul of an indestructible little beast.”

“Is this not an SOS letter sent by Keke?” Xiao Chen asked dubiously.

“Jump down from here and communicate with the spirits on the other side of the sealed door, you will find out the full story from them.”

For the snow-white little critter, even if he had to enter the Infernal Realm of the Ninth Underworld, Xiao Chen wouldn’t bat an eye. After pondering seriously for a while, he felt that the old woman had no reason to lie to him.

“Alright, I will go down now.”

“Wait a moment, I have to remind you first. It is easy to go down but difficult to come up. This Ninth Underworld is full of evil spirits, you should think it through first.”

“No matter.” Xiao Chen had even entered the underworld already, what more was there to be afraid of? He had already run into god knows how many evil spirits on the way.

“I will go with you.” Oxman straightened his back.

“No need, I will be fine by myself.” Xiao Chen knew that there would certainly be dangers ahead, he didn’t want Oxman to face the risks with him.

“You cannot go.” Even though the old woman smiled, it still felt so eerie. The fog lingered all over her body as she said, “Did you not come to the beastman’s sacred mountain to subjugate a beast soul compatible with you? I am your ancestor, how can I let you return without any achievement? He will go to the Ninth Underworld, you can stay here. This granny is very fond of you. I intent to take you along to subjugate the strongest beast soul and help you accomplish your aim.”

Speaking until here, the old woman noiselessly drifted in front of the little fatty. She pinched his plump cheeks lovingly.

Being pinched by the old woman’s demonic claws, the fine hair all over the little fatty’s body stood up. He was musing gloomily, was this really his ancestor?

Xiao Chen did not hesitate as he jumped down into the Ninth Underworld Platform. The endless darkness soon swallowed up his figure.

“Hey, wait for me.” Oxman wanted to go after him, but the old woman blocked his path and said, “It’s pointless even if you go with him. Just come with me to subjugate some souls.”

Oxman was forcefully pulled away by the old woman. After hearing about the circumstances of the primal beast, he got furious and shouted immediately.

“I am to choose between Gozuki and Mezuki… are you kidding me?!”
“Huh, those are the strongest beast king soul?”
“Don’t you lie to me, even if you beat me to death, I will not pick Gozuki or Mezuki!”
“What, you said Gozuki is most fitting for me?!”

Looking at the flustered little fatty, the old woman sneered, “Legends will remain a legend forever, but sometimes they are far from the truth. You must know the might of Gozuki back in those days was unparalleled. This is one of the strongest beast souls during my time! Few of the beastman sages had once fused with this Gozuki. It is absolutely not as weak as it is described in the legend. Gozuki is definitely not a small fry in the nether world. If not because you are my later generations, I wouldn’t even care about you, nor would I offer this dormant soul to you.”

In a deep, deep, ancient cave, a palpitating soul fluctuation was transmitted outwards. The powerful force caused the little fatty to choke.

“Those hideous mess of beast souls in your body are just enough to feed Gozuki.” The old woman laughed sarcastically and said, “Sometime in the future, if you make a successful breakthrough, you will definitely pray to me in the living world everyday.”

To feed the souls he subjugated to Gozuki? The little fatty was crying internally.

The whistle of the chill wind was scary as Xiao Chen fell towards the Ninth Underworld. Countless souls were howling in the lightless abyss. If not because of the rainbow-colored sacred tree’s lingering light, Xiao Chen might have been submerged and tore to shreds by the endless amount of scalp-numbing ghosts already.

Only god knows how deep the Ninth Underworld was located, Xiao Chen actually fell for no less than two hours before he landed on the ground. At the bottommost part of the pit, the negative vibe was extremely heavy. It gave people extreme pressure and palpitations. Even those multitudes of souls did not come chasing after him.

At the bottom of the crater, there were bones as far as the eyes could see. Nobody knew how they had amassed. The vibe of death was the only thing present here, there were no other fluctuations.

Xiao Chen used his mind’s eye in place of his sight to “size up” the endless darkness. After a careful observation, he followed a tunnel of bones and walked forward.

One hour later, a sealed door appeared in front of him. It blossomed with a bloody light, the intense red light was especially dense and frightening.

A transparent shadow appeared in front of the sinister bloody door as an aged voice resounded in this terrifying underground, “You have come…”

“Who are you?” Xiao Chen stopped and calmly observed the hazy figure in front.

“I… am just an old ghost that has fallen into the Ninth Underworld for countless years. Who am I is not important. You came just at the right time… Just now, the indestructible little beast was still talking in front of the sealed door.”

“What, are you saying Keke is just behind this door?”

“It was still here a moment ago. Just wait for a while, let me communicate with the spirit on the other side.” The mist filled the air as the bloody light lingered on the body of the old ghost. Scarlet blood flowed down from the sinister door unceasingly. The sight was very bizarre, yet terrifying.

In no less than one hour later, the old ghost let out a long breath and said, “It was found by an evil spirit.”

At that very instant, Xiao Chen could feel that familiar aura through the bloody door. He could vaguely hear the voice of the little critter.

Xiao Chen was very concerned, how he wished he could see the little critter immediately. He immediately spread out his spiritual fluctuation and transmitted everything in his heart through the cracks on the sealed door.

“They are lying to you… I am living quite comfortably here…” This was the first time Xiao Chen felt the little critter’s spiritual fluctuation. It felt as if it was talking directly to him. That kind of fluctuation was soft, lazy, and very puerile. It was as if it was whispering right beside his ear. It made his ear feels a bit itchy.

He felt a little sad, yet he had the urge to smile. This little thing surely must be lazing around. He was sure that it must have just woken up and was in a daze.

“Keke, come back quickly.”

“I want to eat Amethyst Cosmic Fruit, but after searching for a few months, they’ve only found eight of them. I haven’t had enough.” The tender voice was filled with remorse and discontent.

Xiao Chen really didn’t know what to say anymore. Apparently… it was completely different from his imagination! Not only was the little critter not in any danger, it seemed to be living quite a satisfactory life.

Perhaps even after searching the entirety of hell, there would only be a few Amethyst Cosmic Trees. And the ones capable of bearing fruit were even rarer than phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. Unless the Amethyst Cosmic Tree was a hundred thousand years old, it wouldn’t bear any fruit. It was not just any ordinary level of difficulty to find one. The Amethyst Cosmic Fruit might be even harder to find than the Heaven Fruit.


  1. N/a

Episode 65 Negligence of Duty

Two men stood atop a grassy hill. The two didn’t attempt to wipe the sweat that dripped down their foreheads. They just stood there silently.

There were ruins before the two men. No, three days ago, when they came here, there was a town. It wasn’t big, but it was full of life. You could hear the voices of the strong fishermen, the women; who wanted that fish, and the kids; who played around.

However, right now, they could hear only the wind. The warm wind carried an unpleasant smell with it. The town was, most likely, full of corpses.

「What should we do?」

「Burn everything」

A few hours after this short conversation, the town was turned into ash. After completing the assignment, a soldier approached them.

「Reporting. Honorary Marquis Versam has arrived」

「……So he is finally here」

These words unintentionally left his mouth aimed at no one in particular.


The two turned around and left this place.

We reached the Kurumfar’s mansion near the evening. We entered the mansion as I admired the sunset beyond the sea. We told the soldiers stationed around the mansion to report our arrival and were guided by them to the big room. When it became completely dark outside the window, the two men have arrived.

「The baron of the empire, Jiano Reiar」

「The vice leader of the northern imperial knights, Oshe」

The two were responsible for the administrative and military work respectively.

「I’m sorry to ask after you’ve just arrived, but I would like to finish the procedures to pass down the territory. The details are in this document. If you have any questions, please ask them before tomorrow afternoon」

In the document, there was the map of the mansion and the territory, and information about the identity, quantity, and location of things inside the mansion.

「There are too many unknowns. First, what is the current state of this territory? Financial situation? I didn’t see any documents regarding these」

「You can find them in the previous count’s office」

「No, I want to hear it from Baron Jiono’s and Vice Leader Oshe’s perspective first」

「No, we are supposed to preserve the mansion until the next lord arrives, we aren’t well-informed regarding the situation outside」

「It is as the baron says. We have been guarding this mansion for that last three months after we received this duty from Baron Gragoleir. After the incident with Count Kurumfar, this territory was managed by Baron Gragoleir. If you want to hear the details, you should ask him」

Answered Oshe, intending to withdraw.

「Baron Jiono. There is no way the emperor would have stationed a baron here only to watch over the mansion. If you really don’t know anything, I will report you for neglecting your duty to the prime minister and Prince Viras, is this fine with you? 」

Baron Jiono’s face contorted. Oshe, who saw it, said.

「This country has no future. The fields are covered in salt, the bandits are pillaging everything, and the fishing industry is in ruins. One town was destroyed by the bandits just a while ago. We turned what was left of that town into ash right before you arrived」

「You burned down the town!?」

Rico stood up in a surge of emotions.

「Isn’t it Princess Ricolette. It’s been a long time. I’m sorry for not noticing you. Allow me to congratulate you on your wedding. The town was full of corpses. Unless we do that, the monsters would come out of the forest to feed on the dead. Please understand the necessity of this action」

「Why didn’t you subjugate the bandits who attacked the town?」

「There are about 100 bandits against our 300 knights. More than this, they built their base deep inside the forest. To wipe them out, we need to plow our way through the monsters while being wary of them. I can’t let the knights participate in this dangerous mission」

「First things first, congratulations for receiving this mansion in our stead, Honorary Marquis Versam. You can use this mansion however you want. Our duty ends here. I will depart tomorrow in the afternoon, I leave everything here to you. Well then」

Jiono concluded with just that and swiftly left. Following after him, Oshe too left the room.

「So that’s why he said to ask him before the tomorrow afternoon」

「We were left to deal with the consequences, Rinos-dono!」

The oldest, Bius, raised a scream of anger.

「That being said, it was quite a report. Those two didn’t manage the territory properly! 」

Rico was fuming with anger.

「Well, nothing will change whatever we say here. For now, let’s have a meal. Rico, Ferris, I will take the dishes from the infinite storage, arrange the meal properly」

Rico and Ferris swiftly filled the table with dishes. Rico’s attendant, Kuena, helped them out. In a blink of an eye, a buffet-style meal was completed.

「All right, good work everyone. Fill your bellies to the brim」

To be honest, there wasn’t much work involved, though. Maybe it was because of the barrier that obstructed recognition. We just had fun camping out for a few nights.

「They don’t have any more materials that this? How horrible」

「It is absolutely the neglecting of duties」

After a meal, we left the cleaning to Kuena and the guys immediately went to secure their bedding. I told them to wipe themselves while they were at it as I filled the tub with water. Meanwhile, Rico, Gon, Ferris, and I went to the office to look through the remaining documents. There was a safe, but it was empty. It was a vast mansion, yet it was filled with only the necessary things.

The only useful thing there, was a family register that recorded every person living in this territory. Besides the names and ages, it also recorded their occupations and addresses. The list was sorted by the occupation. It was personally created by Count Kurumfar, which showed his excellence.

As for everything else, there were only people who watched over this mansion. I found the reports addressed to the count, but they weren’t useful at all. The reason is, they mostly reported some stupid things.

They didn’t speak about the crisis and only described some rumors. The reports also described the rumors about Rico, which made me uncomfortable to read any further. It seems that the Kurumfar couple was too eager to educate Rico and failed to educate their subordinates. Most likely, they were the type that couldn’t concentrate on multiple things at the same time.

For now, I will examine the territory through my map. There is a forest to the west of this mansion and several towns close to the sea. As for the burned town, it should be the town about 5 kilometers away from the mansion. There we no human presences. Most likely, the survivors have evacuated to nearby towns and villages. In other words, this mansion is completely isolated.

Also, there was a dense cluster of people in the forest. This should be the bandit’s hideout. Still, they built their base in the forest in the midst of the monsters. Perhaps, I shouldn’t underestimate them.

「These bandits might be surprisingly strong. Their leader seems rather intelligent」

「It would be difficult to catch them unprepared」

「Well, it’s not like it is completely out of question…..anyway, it is late, let’s go to sleep. 」

I created the teleportation barrier in the office. I told the guys to stay here and report through the portal if something happens. I let Irimo and the harpies stay in this mansion. The stables were neatly arranged and seemed to be quite pleasant to stay in. Kuena decided to return with us and together we passed through the teleportation barrier.

I enjoyed a long-awaited bath. When I told Mei about the salt problem, she said that she would try to develop a solution for it. We also have the fertilizer developed by Gon and Peris to grow their crops, it should be useful for the Kurumfar territory.

Kuena slept together with Rico while I enjoyed the time with Mei first time in a long while. Mei’s beautiful big breasts are indeed a nice article. [1]


  1. My lonely self is sad. 

Chapter 11: Balls of Steel

A wave of breeze went by.

It is as if the scum of the world is blown away this clean earth.

A man lies spastic on the floors of the outer sect training ground, as if he receives a traumatic blow.


Lin Fan went back to his house giggling away, albeit getting disappointed by the empty training grounds, he still got a great deal out of Han Shishiong.

Peach stolen:1(plus however many he’d stolen)

Even though his exp had not grown much, Lin Fan still felt happy.

<Monkey steals peach>, +200exp.

Personal experience, +3000exp.

Come at me Han Shishiong, you must hate me, and please bring a group of helpers to me too, Shidi is sure to be prepared.

Now that Lin Fan is in the outer sect, Lin Fan would try his best to level up fast, if he is ever to leave the dark sect, he must leave with a bang.

Back in his house, Lin Fan was wondering about the outer sect whilst lying on the bed.

No matter what I must piss off everyone in here in-order to gain attention. But all of them are hiding in their homes to cultivate, how should I mock them? Ah, just thinking about this is making my head hurt.

<Titanium Demon Body>

<Monkey steals peach>

I wonder what’s the level cap for you both?

Lin Fan stares at the ceiling, slowly sinking into thinking mode.

Time passes by.

Lin Fan suddenly flips and jump up standing.

” how can I forget about something this important?”

<Monkey Steals Peach> and <Titanium Demon Body> can be trained together, if I can steal others’ family jewel, that means that I can surely grab my own balls!

Lin Fan gazed at his own privates, and switched to his palm, an internal struggle rages within him.

If this experiment works, I would be walking down a path that I can never turn back, and that means….


Memories of the painful faces shown by his fellow outer sect disciples when he stole their ‘peaches’ made Lin Fan certain that he would not head down that path.

My nuts are for lovin’ not stealin’.

Just when Lin Fan is fighting with his inner self.

In a house on the opposite side of the training grounds.

Han Lu sat there limp and his teeth trembling.

” Lin Fan, I would see you burn!” Han Lu’s eyes are like volcanos waiting to erupt.

No man can accept being sneak attacked, especially worse when they have a 3* sneak attack bonus on your balls.

Being a 4th stage mortal, one can’t take those kinds of attack no matter how hard they train, even though Lin Fan’s cultivation is way lower than that of Han Lu’s, Lin Fan is reaching the level where no one can defend against his <Monkey Steals Peach>.


Han Lu slowly got up with his legs closely squeezed together, and walked to the door to check if anyone is around. He calm down when he’s sure that no one was around.

And then out of nowhere, Han Lu pulled out a white porcelain vase with a slight chipped mouth.

Han Lu got this vase two years ago when he came to the demon sect, when he got the vase, Han Lu didn’t know how to utilize the vase, it’s good that the vase can be kept inside the body, no one will be able to find it.

In this half a year, this white vase started to emit a sort of signal.

Han Lu named this vase “yu jin pin” (jade vase), this vase is also known as the vase that ‘Guanyin ‘carried.

Han Lu spent effort in researching for such a person but had no luck. I assume that Guanyin don’t exist in this world

Everyday this vase will produce a drop of dew of the gods, this dew drop gives exp and cure you of all ill effects.

Han Lu could advance from a normal human to 4th stage mortal in the short time of half a year is only because of the dew drop produced by YU JIN Pin.

Han Lu proceeds to pull out a book he borrowed from the Elder titled <Fade Sun Fist>, he flips to the 1st page and started to read and memorize the steps.

Han Lu naturally do not have these type of amazing memory, it is due to the help of the dew drops that he is able to memorize and understand things a lot faster than normal disciples, he could even be considered a genius by the department.

Han Lu protects and hide the vase, it is regrettable that the vase is chipped.

If the dew produced by a chipped vase is so powerful, just imagine what a dew drop from a vase that is in pristine condition.

Han Lu consumed a dew drop without a second thought, and he immediately felt a wave of energy that runs through his whole body.

Han Lu sit on the floor and start to execute the steps listed in<Fade Sun Fist>, with just a little bit more of proper technic developed by understanding <Fade Sun Fist>, Han Lu could breakthrough and level up to 5Th stage mortal.

I’ll remember today’s attack, trust that I will take my revenge.

Lin Fan, I’ll remember you


” Achoo…”

The Lin Fan that was deep in thought suddenly sneezed, [who was talking **** about me?]

Lin Fan rubs his nose and thought.

In this moment, Lin Fan was still struggling about whether to‘steal’ his own ‘peach’, albite what he decides upon just now.

But what if it works? Then what?

I can’t give up on a shortcut to level up so easily.

Lin Fan paced around the room, struggling to decide.


Why am I thinking so much? Ashes to ashes, if I can’t even man up and do this, how will I have a bright future and invincibility?

At this moment, Lin Fan’s hands moved at the speed of light.

‘Monkey steals peach.’


Lin Fan collapsed on the floor, all the colours from his face rushes away, his usually tough eyes also manage to conjure up tears.

Lin Fan lowers his head, with his hand grabbing on to his pants tightly.

**** I regret doing that.

Lin Fan grit his teeth in pain as in inhale his own fart whilst on the floor. Literally.

” Ting, <Monkey Steals Peach> exp+1

” Ting, <Titanium Demon Body> exp+1

” Ting, gained new nickname: Anyone who disagree with me goes down (it’s way shorter in mandarin, we’ll call it balls of steel for now).”

” Balls of Steel: I can even torture myself, you guys don’t even need to think about it.”

” Type: starts when self-train on self, continue for as long as 1 stick of incense burning time.”

” Effectiveness; once.”


At this moment, Lin Fan have already given up on those information, because who would give a **** bout that when he is hurting enough to kill someone.

Lin Fan swore, this kind of self-deprecating moves would never be used ever again. He would only use it on others.

Lin Fan stood up, barely, holding the table beside him, walks to the bed and slowly lie down. He held his pants tightly, tearing.

The day is in the morning (mornings are important), I should rest well today and work harder tomorrow.

The trembling Lin Fan slowly shuts his eyes.

Thinking to himself, I am a ******, can’t believe I do this kind of things to myself, but it’s okay, now I understand how everyone feels.

Can’t wait to see if tomorrow Han Shishiong would bring a large crowd to challenge me.

I bet Han Shishiong is also lying in bed to soothe the pain right now.



  1. N/a

Chapter 10: Shixiong, Please Wait Up

Original Translation can be found at KobatoChanDaiSuki.

This chapter was sponsored by Dennis Andersen

“Ni Shixiong, did we come to the wrong place?” Lin Fan compared the extremely plain building in front of him with Meng Shixiong’s residence. The two were simply not on the same level.

“Nope. This is it. All outer sect disciples live in places like this.” Ni Mingyang said while laughing. “ Shidi, work hard. When it comes to cultivation, if you do not advance with all your effort, you will inevitably regress. That said, you’re a genius. You’ll definitely succeed.”

“Thank you Ni Shixiong.” Lin Fan nodded his head. “Ni Shixiong, how can the gap between this residence and Meng Shixiong’s be so large?”

“Shidi, Meng Shixiong is one of the other sect’s ten great heroes. It’s natural that he would be treated differently. However, if Shidi works hard, you’ll definitely get similar accommodations soon.

Lin Fan looked at Ni Mingyang, nodded his head and thought [Isn’t that complete ********? With this grandmasters capabilities, with a bit of hard work, those ten heroes will merely become my experience sources.] [But at the moment…… I better stay low key, and slowly move forward. One footprint every step.]

“Ni Shixiong, how many people are in the outer sect?” Lin Fan asked.

“Eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight people.” Ni Mingyang replied.

When Lin Fan heard that, he felt joyful. [8000+ people…… If I group them up and take their experience, I should be able to hit the Primordial realm.]

“Shidi, what’s so funny?” Seeing Lin Fan laughing like an idiot to himself, Ni Ming Yang asked in confusion.

“Nothing, nothing at all. Shixiong, I’m a bit tired. I’ll go in and a take a rest.” At the moment, Lin Fan planned on checking out the situation and planning his next steps in preparation for something big.

“Alright Shidi, rest well. Shixiong will head off first.” Ni Mingyang said.

“Bye Shixiong. I’ll look for you after a few days.” Lin Fan said while waving his hand.

When Ni Mingyang heard those words, his face turned pale and he immediately hastened his steps.

[Oh ****, this guy is gonna go look for me…… Whatever it is, it won’t be anything good. After I get back I’ll have to pack up and move house.]

In the house.

Lin Fan unpacked what he had received.

A white ceramic bottle of medicinal pills, a set of azure robes, a pair of shoes, a longsword, an iron token, a book which wasn’t too-too thick……

And… there was no and. That was it.

These things were everything.

Feeling that the sect was stingy, Lin Fan sighed in resignation. Then, he took out a medicinal pill from the white ceramic bottle.

It was white and about the size of a soybean.

“Ding! “Stored Qi Pill” discovered.”

“Effect: When consumed by ordinary person, improves circulation of internal qi, strengthens body, and trains the five visceras and six bowels. Only one can be taken each day.”

“On use: EXP +100”

Lin Fan did a bit of math, [There are a total of 30 pills and it seems like they’re given out monthly.]

Lin Fan directly chugged all 30 pills.

“Ding! EXP +3000.”

[Looks like relying on pills to level up is an option too. But right now I’m not exactly familiar with my surroundings. I’ll definitely have to check them out.]

Afterwards, Lin Fan took out the clothes and started rubbing them. [Not bad, not bad, the material is durable and very smooth. Eh? Why are there slits over here? Could it be that this is a cheongsam?] [Moreover it can be removed just by pulling it up……] [This……]

At this moment, Lin Fan unconsciously had some ‘wicked’ thoughts.

Afterwards, he picked up the longsword, checked it out then threw it aside. [It’s just a normal longsword. Completely useless.]

“Ding! 《Holy Demon Secret Arts》discovered. Learn it?”


Afterwards, a bunch of things he previously didn’t know popped up in Lin Fan’s mind.

Not bad, not bad.

The next day.

Training grounds.

Outer sect examination disciples came to the training grounds one by one.

At the same time, this disciples had joyous smiles on their faces, as if something joyous had just occurred.

“Shixiong is really smart! With that monster gone, we won’t be bullied anymore in the future.”

At this moment, the peerless trap, who was standing at the centre of the group, gave a self-confident laugh, “It was just a small trick.”

“Shixiong is wise and brilliant.”

“Shixiong is a man of culture, his mind is better than everyone else’s.”


The surrounding outer sect examination disciples were all currying favour with the peerless trap. And the peerless trap was more than happy to be in this kind of situation. His smile was as radiant as sunflowers.


At the break of dawn, Lin Fan quickly got up. [A year’s plan starts with spring and a day’s plan starts at dawn. I can’t waste part of the day just because I slept in!] [Since I’ve entered the outer sect, I’ll have to properly make use of the resources given. These outer sect disciples are all untouched little lambs, shouting nonstop and waiting for this grandmaster to eat them up.] ⌈1

Lin Fan put on the outer sect disciple’s characteristic azure robes, put the token at his waist, and walked out of the house.

At the moment, he was looking for where the outer sect disciples’ cultivated.

But when Lin Fan got there, he was dumbfounded.

[What the hell is going on?] [Where have all the outer sect disciples gone? Why is such a large outer sect disciple training ground so deserted? There’s barely any people here!] The place was completely different from what Lin Fan imagined.

[Shouldn’t the training grounds be filled with people seriously cultivating? Why is it empty?] [Could it be that this grandmaster has to head back to the outer sect examination disciples’ training grounds?] [Those guys are barely worth any EXP at all.] [Oh glorious heaven and great earth, could it be that you want me to live a decadent lifestyle?] [I want to cultivate, I want to level up!]

Lin Fan kept those thoughts in his head and called out to someone nearby.

”Shixiong, why are there so little people in this training ground?” Lin Fan asked in a friendly tone.

The person that Lin Fan called out to had an ugly expression on his face as he sized up Lin Fan. After seeing that Lin Fan had a token at his waist, the person spoke, “Are you a newly admitted outer sect disciple?”

“Yes.” Lin Fan said with a nod.

“Generally speaking, this place has almost no one around. Everyone just cultivates in their own home.” Seeing that Lin Fan’s attitude was quite good, the shixiong replied calmly.

“I see.” Lin Fan nodded his head. [Still though, this is a bit problematic.] [What should I do to drag these people out…… I’ll have to rethink my plans.] [But right now…… ] Lin Fan had something incomparably important to do.

“Shixiong, how does one increase their prestige in the outer sect?” Lin Fan asked.

“Respect from others.” The shixiong held his head high and replied with confidence.

Lin Fan sized up the other party. [Hmmm he has a slight aura of awesomeness around him. He probably isn’t lying.]

“May I ask Shixiong’s great name?” Lin Fan asked.

“Han Lu.” Even though Han Shixiong didn’t understand why Lin Fan asked that question, he still answered.

“Han Shixiong, what about me?” Lin Fan asked

Han Lu gazed at Lin Fan with eyes of doubt, a million thoughts swirling about in his head. [Just what is this Shidi planning? Right now I’m heading to the techniques elder to borrow a few manuals. If I get there late and can’t get any, then it’ll be too late to regret.”

“This the first time I’ve met with Shidi. Randomly throwing out an opinion of someone I just met isn’t right. If there’s anything Shidi wishes to talk about, let’s save it for next time. Right now Shixiong is busy and has to go.” Han Lu hurriedly spoke, as if he didn’t want to talk to Lin Fan more than he had to.

“Alright. Shixiong, walk slowly.” Lin Fan said with a smile.

Han Lu nodded his head, turned around and walked away.

“Shixiong, please wait up.” Lin Fan suddenly called out.

“What?” Han Lu suspiciously turned around.

But the instant he turned around, Lin Fan struck.

“Monkey steals peach……”


  1. The raws had sexual connotations which I probably didn’t transfer over too well.

Chapter 9: This Grandmaster Is A Peerless Genius

Original Translation can be found at KobatoChanDaiSuki.

“Talent Registration Hall.”

Standing below this hall’s door sign, Lin Fan was in a daze for a long time.

He thought to himself, “This name……”

How arrogant.

It perfectly depicts this genius’s amazingness. Looks like no matter where, talents are always favoured.”

“Shidi, let’s enter.” Ni Mingyang was quite friendly towards Lin Fan, and didn’t have the intention of hurrying him.

With regards to Lin Fan, Ni Mingyang didn’t dare be too rude. After all, his balls were still in pain even now.

“This Shidi’s attacks were vile and sinister. What happened just now would definitely have to be reported to Meng Shixiong.” Ni Mingyang thought to himself.

“Alright……alright.” Lin Fan reacted by nodding his head and following Ni Mingyang inside.

As he was walking, he noticed that the Holy Demon Sect was really amazing. Just the amount of land it took up was enough for a person to get lost.

“Outer sect disciple, Ni Mingyang is recommending a talent. Elder Li, please take a look.” Ni Mingyang respectfully stood just outside the door as he spoke.

“I got it……” At that moment, a faint sound resounded out from the pitch-black insides of the hall. This sound sounded terrifying, and seemed to ooze into people’s minds.

Even Lin Fan, who feared neither heaven nor earth, helplessly broke out in
cold sweat.

“Ni Shixiong, how come this Elder Li sounds so terrifying when he speaks?” Lin Fan stealthily asked.

“Shush! Watch your words! Shidi should remember this, when you see Elder Li, DO NOT panic. Understand?” Ni Mingyang suddenly thought of something, and regretted not telling Lin Fan earlier. But not that they were already outside the hall, there was no time to explain in detail.

“Panic? What do you mean panic?” Lin Fan was dumbfounded and didn’t understand. To himself he thought, “could it be that this Elder Li is a man-eating tiger?”

But even if that was the case, Lin Fan wasn’t scared. Worst comes to worse, he’d just use 《Monkey Steals Peach》.

“Quiet Elder Li is here.” Ni Mingyang’s expression changed slightly, and he started to stand in a respectful manner.

Lin Fan secretly stole a glance at the person that walked out of the darkness.

The man was quite burly, and wore a black robe.


Right at this time, a ray of sunlight hit Elder Li’s face. Lin Fan’s expression suddenly changed. Disbelief and fear flashed by his eyes.


How could a person look like this!?

Half the face was that of a person, whereas the other half was a skeleton’s. You could even see the slightly throbbing brain through the eye socket.

It was simply too terrifying!

Remembering what Ni Mingyang said, Lin Fan lowered his head and stopped looking at Elder Li.

Even if Lin Fan was even more open-hearted, there was no way he could bear to look at this sight.

If it wasn’t for Ni Mingyang’s reminder, Lin Fan would’ve shouted, “THERE’S A DEMON!”

“Elder Li, this is Lin Fan. His 《Titanium Demon Body》has been trained to an extremely high level and can even block one of my full-powered strikes.” Ni Mingyang explained.

The ‘Talent Registration Hall’, was the foundation of the Holy Demon Sect. Innumerable brilliant genius disciples had to sign up there. Then, they would have numerous resources thrown at them, allowing them to improve swiftly.

A long time ago, when the ‘Talent Registration Hall’ was founded, the sect placed extreme importance on geniuses. However, with the passage of time, geniuses became more and more numerous. Hence, the resources given by the ‘Talent Registration Hall’, while still quite a bit, was not as insane as before. After all, there was no way the sect could sustain that expenditure.

“Oh. So that’s the situation. Let me see for myself.” Hearing his words, Elder Li felt some interest.

Lin Fan suddenly trembled and thought,

“Oh god.

Don’t get so close to me.”

Lin Fan slowly lifted his head. His gaze met Elder Li’s half skeletonized face. Up close, he could see some green fire drifting about in the other party’s eyes.

“Are you scared of my face?” Elder Li looked at the new initiate with a smile. Even though Lin Fan’s expression wasn’t exactly respectful, Elder Li wasn’t angry in the least.

“No……” Lin Fan lied. If he told the truth at this time, then he’d really be a pigheaded idiot. ⌈1

After all, Elder Li’s face was simply too horrifying.

“Don’t worry, I am not one to blame the ignorant. In the future, you will see people that look even scarier than me.” Elder Li self-deprecatingly said. Then, he put a hand on Lin Fan’s shoulder.

Lin Fan instantly sensed a strand of qi flow into his body. It felt like the qi strand was searching for something.

At the moment, Lin Fan felt like crying.

“The ****? Getting checked out twice in one day? Do you people want to take my **** virginity or something?”

As he thought that, something even more horrifying happened.

The green fire in elder Li’s eyes, which was normally calm, suddenly started raging as he stared so intently that Lin Fan began to get goosebumps.

[Oh heavens! What is wrong with this guy? He’s staring so much I’m beginning to feel embarrassed.] ⌈2

[This gaze is just too penetrating!]

“Genius……” Elder Li excitedly grabbed Lin Fan.

“Peerless genius.”

“To be able to cultivate 《Titanium Demon Body》to such a level…… This here is a peerless genius that might not even appear once in ten thousand years!”

Ni Mingyang who had been respectfully standing at one side and wondering why elder Li talked so much today, let out a slight smile after he heard those words.

[Shidi is naturally a genius. Otherwise I wouldn’t have recommended him]

But when he heard the full sentence, Ni Mingyang was dumbfounded.

[Peerless genius?] [Moreover, a peerless genius that might not appear even once in ten thousand years…… ]

Lin Fan was originally a bit worried, widened his eyes even more when he heard elder Li’s words.



“Peerless genius.’

“A peerless genius that may not appear even once in ten thousand years.”

“Elder Li, an unparalleled genius such as me would definitely receive the sects full support right? Could it be that I’ll be a direct disciple that is personally groomed by the sect chief?” ⌈3⌋ Lin Fan felt very happy at the moment. This was especially so considering how the Holy Demon Sect valued geniuses so much.

[How can a genius such as I not be grasped with both hands?] [With the sect’s high end resources and my system, the day I become an invincible god is not far off.] [Haha……] As he was thinking, Lin Fan grew happier and happier. [In this world, this grandmaster is actually going to live such a sweet life… Heaven really is too good to me.]

Right at this moment, elder Li, who was originally very excited, suddenly calmed down.

“Alright, not bad. Come get your outer sect necessities. Mingyang, this is the reward for recommending a talent. Afterwards, bring your new shidi to his new accommodations, and tell him the rules of the holy demon sect.” Elder Li said.

“Yes elder Li.” Ni Mingyang respectfully said as he accepted the reward.

“Uh……” At this moment, a bucket of liquid nitrogen was poured on Lin Fan’s head, waking him up.

“Elder Li, I am a peerless genius that may not be seen even once in ten thousand years. To think I’d be treated like this……” Lin Fan felt helpless. [Wasn’t his excited expression just now just to screw with me?!] [I’ve already prepared myself to meet the sect chief, how could things turn out like this!?]

“Towering mountains begin from level ground. A footprint every step. Do not be too hasty.”

After he finished talking, elder Li slowly faded back into that pitch black interior.

[What the ****……]

Lin Fan was currently completely helpless. [This script is completely wrong!] [In novels, peerless geniuses that weren’t murdered were treasured like no other!] [How come I, a peerless genius that may not appear even once in ten thousand years, is being treated like this……] [Glorious heaven and great earth…… GIVE ME AN ANSWER!]


  1. Fun fact about this. There’s actually an olden belief that drinking pig brain soup makes you smarter. Ironic how in China pighead is a term for idiot. 
  2. From this sentence onward, all thoughts in [ ] I will not be editing previous chaps or sentences for that matter. 
  3. Raws only said 亲手教导 meaning personally thought. By who? Ask the author. 

Chapter 8: Pig Roaming the Beginner’s Area

Original Translation can be found at KobatoChanDaiSuki.

On the way, Lin Fan began communicating with Ni Mingyang and found out quite a bit of information.

At the same time, he began to accept the Holy Demon Sect’s system.

Genius, it was an existence that needed to be raised with more effort.

In the Holy Demon Sect, outer sect examination disciples were split into nine domains. The place Lin Fan was staying at was just a small portion of one. And in this small portion, there were several hundred people.

If one were to estimate the total number of people, it would definitely be a horrifying number.

So for the sake of unearthing those hidden geniuses, the Holy Demon Sect proclaimed a system whereby people who spot and recommend geniuses were rewarded.

“Ni Shixiong, what kind of person if Meng Shixiong? According to you, will he like a genius like me?” Lin Fan asked with a cheeky smile.

Ni Mingyang who was walking in front, suddenly stopped moving.

Lin Fan looked at Ni Mingyang, wondering what the result would be.

“Lin Shidi, remember this. Meng Shixiong is a very grave person. You can’t be unbridled in front of him.” Ni Mingyang said in a serious voice. He was afraid that this autistic Shidi would do something irredeemable in front of Meng Shixiong.

“Understood.” Lin Fan nodded his head. He held some curiosity towards this Meng Shixiong.

A genius from the outer sect’s Ten Great Heroes.

To be top ten among the tens of thousands of outer sect disciples, he was definitely a very formidable person.

Along the way, Lin Fan felt as if he had entered the Grand View Garden. Ever since he became a sandbag, Lin Fan had never been outside the training grounds. Naturally, he didn’t know how big the Holy Demon Sect was.

The sight in front of him, was practically a whole new world.

“We’re here, this is where Meng Shixiong stays.”

When Lin Fan saw the house in front of him, he instantly felt attracted to it and swore that one day, he would own one similar.

“Go on, enter. And remember, don’t be unbridled.” Ni Mingyang said.

“En, I know.” Lin Fan nodded his head. Lin Fan was very willing to get closer to Ni Shixiong. Even though once in awhile Ni Shixiong would show off, his IQ was a very moving thing.

The courtyard was surrounded by whitewashed walls with green willows in the surroundings peeking over them. It was magnificent sight that was also supremely elegant.

This was the place where one of the outer sect’s Ten Great Heroes resided. It really did make others yearn for it.

“Meng Shixiong……” Ni Mingyang respectfully said from outside the residence.

“Enter.” Right then, a faint sound came out of the residence. Unexpectedly, Lin Fan was actually feeling some trepidation.

To be in awe after merely hearing something, Meng Shixiong was really powerful.


Lin Fan followed behind Ni Mingyang and entered the residence. Inside, the aroma produced by the patina ⌈1
made the place seem like one where a scholar stayed. The place was obviously incongruent with the rest of the Holy Demon Sect.

“This is the genius that plebeian brought up?” Meng Yangquan closed the ancient book in his hand then thoroughly sized up Lin Fan.

And Lin Fan did the same to this outer sect’s Great Hero.

He really was a dragon amongst men!

Being a man, Lin Fan naturally held some jealously and envy. What was wrong with the world? Why were there so many abnormally good looking men!?

And this Meng Shixiong in front of him, despite being beautiful ⌈2
, he had a dignified and noble air around him which evoked a hard to describe emotion.

To summarize, he was a ******* kuudere ⌈3⌋.

Hard to communicate with, very hard to communicate with!
When Lin Fan saw his level, he was immediately convinced.

“Divinity level 6”

“What the hell?! His cultivation is so high and he stays in the outer sect? He obviously has a ******* mental illness.

Breaking through to the Primordial stage was enough to let one become an inner sect disciple. And if someone entered the Divinity realm, that person would then become a direct disciple with the qualifications to compete for the position of sect head. And if that failed, they would still be an Elder

This was a completely maxed account that’s fate lay in the hands of a m̲a̲s̲o̲c̲h̲i̲s̲t̲ ⌈4⌋ roaming the beginner’s area.”

Obviously, Lin Fan didn’t say this out loud. Even those 《Titanium Demon Body》was already LV18, chances are, if the other party so much as blew on him, Lin Fan would turn into food scraps. Or so he thought.

“You, are Lin Fan?” Meng Yangquan spoke.

“Yes.” Lin Fan was neither servile nor overbearing as he nodded. In his head he thought, “even though your cultivation is a bit high, I still have the system. I definitely can’t humiliate myself.”

“Meng Shixiong, Lin Shidi’s 《Titanium Demon Body》has reached an extremely high realm, high enough to withstand one of my full powered strikes. He is definitely a rare genius.” Ni Mingyang said.

“Oh.” Meng Shixiong was like water as he gently smiled with his eyes.

Suddenly, Lin Fan felt as if he was stripped naked by Meng Shixiong’s gaze, that all his secrets were exposed.

Lin Fan was a bit embarrassed. This Meng Shixiong’s cultivation is high, why would he enjoy being like this ⌈5⌋?

And after awhile, this feeling disappeared.

“Not bad, not bad, definitely monstrous. 《Titanium Demon Body》 is the Holy Demon Sect’s worst technique, to be able to train it to such a high realm, shows that you are an amazing genius with great perception. It’s just that your cultivation is a bit low, and you need to put more effort in that area.” Meng Yangquan’s expression was calm, but actually, he was extremely surprised, and simply couldn’t believe it.

However, in front of these juniors, he was a supreme expert. How could he express surprise?

“I thank Meng Shixiong for your pointers.” Lin Fan said.

“Mingyang, take him to register at Elder Li’s place.” Said Meng Yangquan.

“Yes.” Ni Mingyang nodded his hand then prepared to set off.



“The inner sect examinations are in three months. You should drop everything else and push yourself for a while. You might be able to make it.” Meng Yangquan said.

“Shixiong, where did you, where did you ⌈6⌋……” Ni Mingyang said with a strange expression.

Lin Fan, who was all along quietly standing at one side glanced at the two of them, and thought, “this Ni Mingyang doesn’t like men……right? Right?”

Chi chi……(sound of something sizzling or frying)

“Don’t think about it, just don’t think about it…… ”

“Ai, you’re dismissed.” Meng Yangquan sighed.




On the road, Ni Mingyang didn’t say a word, so Lin Fan was a bit bored.

“What’s Meng Shixiong’s cultivation level?” Lin Fan asked, acting like he knew nothing. After all, it was extremely strange for a level 6 Divinity to be staying in the outer sect.

“Level 3 Primordial.” Ni Mingyang replied.

Lin Fan nodded his head. So he really did have a mental problem. To conceal his cultivation and not let anyone else know, was Meng Yangquan really acting like a pig to eat the tiger?

“Shixiong, Meng Shixiong asked you to enter the inner sect examinations, why won’t you go? This is the way higher, or do you plan on spending the rest of your life in the outer sect?” Lin Fan asked.

“You don’t understand……”Ni Mingyang didn’t say anything else, just those three words.

As soon as Lin Fan heard them, his brain was immediately fried.

“The ****? I don’t understand? You don’t even explain the situation and you say I don’t understand.

Screw it…… just screw it all.

It’s not like I’m some kay poh person. You guys’ bromance of whatever has nothing to do with me.”

But still, this was really just too interesting.

Lin Fan even considered cutting open Ni Mingyang’s skull and checking around to find out just what was going on for him to even abandon the chance of promotion.

But upon seeing Ni Mingyang’s current death-like state, Lin Fan became too lazy to ask.


  1. 古色生香 no idea. 
  2. feminine face kind. The author loves traps I guess 
  3. picture says it all 
  4. Actual term is 贱人 which has many many meanings but in this case refers to a person who willingly suffers despite having the option to enjoy life. 
  5. 调调 apparently means style and personality. It’s a slang that originated from a Jay Chou song:同一种调调 on that note, I swear the author is either gay and into BL or a woman and into BL. 
  6. The text here is 你在哪,你在哪…… I’m assuming the guy was stuttering out 你在哪听到?which means where did you hear this from? But on it’s own 你在哪 means where are you? 

Chapter 7: Shixiong You Are A Magnanimous Person!

Original Translation can be found at KobatoChanDaiSuki.


“Why can you still stand…….?”

“I, Ni Mingyang, entered the sect when I was four. In these past eighteen years, I’ve diligently cultivated night and day without pause, until I reached Mortal level 8 and became an outer sect disciple. Why can you, a trivial sandbag who hasn’t even reached the Mortal stage still get up…… Why won’t you fall?!”

When Lin Fan looked at Ni Mingyang two streams of hot tears slowly flow out the corner of his eyes, his heart couldn’t take it.

It seemed like he dealt a big blow to Ni Mingyang.

Even though the Holy Demon Sect was a dark sect, in the year he was here, Lin Fan had never seen anything inhuman happen.

Even though sandbags were people that often died, that couldn’t be blamed on others. Since he became a sandbag, he had to have this kind of understanding.

Lin Fan let out a sigh and a place a hand on Ni Mingyang’s shoulder.

“Ni Shixiong ⌈1⌋……”

“You don’t need to say anything. I can accept it. There are numerous geniuses in the world. Compared to them, I, someone who has to rely on countless buckets of sweat to replace talent, am simply nothing.” Ni Mingyang said as he wiped his tears.

To anyone, this kind of thing would be like thunder on a sunny day.

“It’s not that. Ni Shixiong , I just want to tell you something, and hope you won’t be too angry.” Lin Fan looked at Ni Mingyang and said. In Lin Fan’s view, Ni Mingyang could still be considered quite good.

If back then he knew that this guy actually wasn’t so bad, Lin Fan wouldn’t have been so excessive. After all, letting the other party beat him down wouldn’t have mattered.

Unfortunately, it was already too late.

“From now on, the two of us are fellow apprentice brothers in the same sect. Stop treating me as an outsider. Even though those righteous sects outside demonize our dark sect, if you just carry on for a bit, you’ll see that our dark sect values friendship more than those righteous sects.” said Ni Mingyang.

“Great! Ni shixiong’s words were magnanimous and inspirational. You have this shidi’s admiration. I apologize for having to offend you.” As soon as he heard that speech Lin Fan was moved to tears. This was what a ******* sect should be like!

What deception and blackmail? What “my cultivation is higher than yours so I can kill you at will” novel plot? All of it was a bunch of ******* lies!

“I am a magnanimous person, even if you offend me, I won’t be angry. After I bring you to see shixiong and you enter the sect, you’ll be my shidi.” Ni Mingyang lifted his head and threw out his chest before looking at Lin Fan. The lofty and noble atmosphere a shixiong should have gushed towards Lin Fan like a tidal wave.

“Alright, with Ni shixiong’s assurance, I can be at ease.” Lin Fan expressed great joy.

“Go ahead……” Ni Mingyang beckoned towards Lin Fan with a smile. After being comforted by Lin Fan, that heart which was about to break quickly recovered.

But right at that moment……

The world changed.

Ni Mingyang saw in the sun ⌈2⌋ in the sky suddenly get torn asunder and darkness suddenly cover his world, stopping him from seeing anything.

And his ears heard a single phrase

“Monkey Steals Peach”


Right then, fast beyond description, Lin Fan took a breath and his LV10 《Monkey Steals Peach》instantly made it’s move.

Right then, it was as if no peach in heaven and earth could block Lin Fan’s demonic hand.

The movements were swift and precise.

Bend waist, reach out, grab peach.


Right then, an incomparably valiant sound wave spread out. This sound wave was valiant and strong and carried an invincible spirit that could not be stopped.

And this howl, came out of Ni shixiong’s mouth.

At this moment, Ni Mingyang’s face turned pure white, his hands tremblingly grabbed his crotch and he fell paralysed onto the ground, foaming at the mouth.

Lin Fan gazed at Ni Mingyang, his heart filled with guilt. But screw it, since he already let Ni shixiong hit him a bunch, getting hit once more wouldn’t matter.

“Ding! 《Monkey Steals Peach》 EXP+200》

“Ding! Congratulations on defeat level 8 Mortal Ni Mingyang. EXP +20,000”

“Ding! Congratulations on levelling up.”

“Ding! Congratulations on levelling up.”

“Ding! Congratulations on breaking through to the Mortal stage.”


At this moment, Lin Fan’s heart was filled with joy. He finally ranked up and entered the Mortal stage.

Name: Lin Fan

Level: 11 (Mortal level 2)

EXP: (0/50,000)

Skills: 《Titanium Demon Body》 LV18 (0/1,000,000)

《Monkey Steals Peach》 LV10(1200/10,000)

Lin Fan laughed like a madman. Who would’ve known that Ni shixiong sacrificing himself for awhile would actually give this much EXP? This was just too great!


“You…… You…….” At this time, Ni Mingyang was on the ground, clutching his balls and pointing a finger at Lin Fan. His expression was of extreme anger, as if he was about to get up and take Lin Fan’s life.

“Magnanimous…… Ni shixiong, you are a magnanimous person! This shidi’s actions was just to verify something.” Lin Fan said with the innocence of a child.

“You……” At that moment Ni Mingyang even had the notion of death. He stood up with difficulty. The pain of the peach down below made his teeth tremble. It was indescribably painful.

“Magnanimous, this shixiong is a magnanimous person by nature. shidi is still young and very playful. Shixiong can understand.” Ni Mingyang strenuously caught his breath. If it was his upper body that was in this kind of hellish pain, Ni Mingyang definitely wouldn’t be in this kind of sorry state. However, that didn’t happen. Instead, it was every man’s weakness ⌈3⌋ that was struck hard. To even be able to stand, showed how strong Ni Mingyang was.

“I knew that shixiong is a magnanimous person.” Lin Fan laughed.

“Alright, come along with me.” Ni Mingyang swore to the heavens that when this was over he wouldn’t ever again interact with this guy.

Dangerous, it really was too dangerous.

“Shixiong, where are we going?” Lin Fan noticed that Ni Mingyang wasn’t a treacherous person so he directly spat out a question.

“I’m bringing you to meet Meng shixiong, subsequently, Meng shixiong will recruit you and let you enter the outer sect.” Ni Mingyang slightly frowned, as if the hellish pain in his balls hadn’t yet disappeared.

“Uh……” Lin Fan was dumbstruck and didn’t dare believe it. Wasn’t this ******* harming him?

Seeing Lin Fan’s expression, Ni Mingyang softly said, “are you thinking that I’m trying to harm you?”

“No……” Lin Fang hurriedly said but deep down he thought, “this novel is trying to kill me!”

Ni Mingyang obviously didn’t believe Lin Fan’s words, “this kind of treachery is actually rarely seen in the Holy Demon Sect. From its founding till today, the Holy Demon Sect has always understood that to a sect, internal strife has been and will always be a disaster of epic proportions.”

“Understood. Ni shixiong, after two days is the outer sect exams, actually, I can enter.” said Lin Fan.

“You are a genius. When that guy reported this, Meng shixiong didn’t quite believe it and neither did I. Right now, I believe it. And to the sect, any genius is a valuable person. So, this kind of exam which is actually a waste of time, is merely an ordinary person’s threshold ⌈4⌋.” Said Ni Mingyang.

Lin Fan nodded his head. At that moment, the oppressive atmosphere was gone without a trace.

“ Then Ni shixiong, what’s our threshold?” Lin Fan asked.

Ni Mingyang looked at Lin Fan and then softly said, “stepping into the mortal stage is a small one. Becoming a primordial is another small one. As for divinity, that’s a big one. For a sect, to have so much as one person in a thousand enter that stage is a joyous thing. You’ll understand these things better later on. It’s getting late, Meng Shixiong is probably getting impatient.”

“Then what about him?” Lin Fan pointed at the peerless trap lying on the ground.

“He did the meritorious service of recommending a talent. Later, I’ll give him a reward. Let’s go.” Ni Mingyang said.

As soon as he heard that, Lin Fan was instantly shocked and thought to himself, “what the hell? So all along I was a cake ⌈5⌋?! Ha…… just drop it……”

Seeing Ni Mingyang’s smiling face, it was obvious that he was going to be rewarded too.

At that moment, the shame and guilt that was previously in his heart completely disappeared.

“Moreover, I’m about to enter the outer sect. Afterwards…… hehehe…….”

At this moment, Lin Fan and gave a cheap laugh.


  1. Senior/junior apprentice/martial brother/sister/uncle/aunt is an absolute pain to type. So, I’m gonna be using shixiong(big bro), shidi(lil bro), shijie(big sis), shimei(lil sis) etc 
  2. Ni Mingyang’s name is written 倪明阳 the 阳 means yang(one of the twin dualities) but can also refer to the sun(太阳,炎阳,阳光 etc) the author is making a pun/metaphor/analogy. 
  3. not related to translation. Actually it’s been scientifically proven that the ********* are not a man’s weakest spot. In fact because of the notion that it’s the weakest, it’s actually guarded better than other bigger weaknesses like the eyes, ears, kidney, solar plexus, heart, liver floating ribs and limb joints. Also, it doesn’t even affect people who don’t feel pain. After all, nutshots won’t throw your bodily functions into disarray or cripple you if you can bear with the pain which IMO isn’t as bad as getting hit in the kidney or solar plexus(speaking from experience). 
  4. not too clear on what this should be. 门槛 
  5. 香饽饽 literally a delicious cake. When used to describe a person or object it means someone or something that is in great demand. 

Chapter 6: Senior Apprentice Brother, A Footprint Every Step!

Original Translation can be found at KobatoChanDaiSuki.

Seeing what just happened, the peerless trap’s jaw dropped.

He thought to himself, “How was this possible? How could this guy withstand that strike?”

“In the ten over years I’ve been in the sect, you are the most interesting sandbag I’ve ever seen.” The green robed man said with a faint laugh. Then, his expression changed. The originally warm and kind expression suddenly became incomparably fierce.

“But, high purity metals are easy to bend.”


Lin Fan flew up into the air with several flowers of blood going up alongside him.

“Ding! EXP + 3000”

“Ah! So comfortable….”

Lying on the ground, Lin Fan was so excited that he almost had a heart attack as he felt the EXP bar increase.

The green robed man gazed at Lin Fan and his mouth curved into a smile. “An all out attack of a level 3 Mortal. Even if trained to the highest realm, 《Titanium Demon Body》is unable to block it. But don’t worry, I held back a bit so you won’t die. You, pick him up and follow me.”

Looking at Lin Fan, the peerless trap, revelling in his pain, let out a single phrase, “seeking death”.

The green robed man turned around and prepared to leave. “A talent capable of withstanding half the full strength of a level 3 Mortal. Maybe senior apprentice brother will recruit him?

There are plenty of freaks under the sky, simply uncountable. The Holy Demon Sect is a big faction that’s been around for ten thousand years, what kind of disciple hasn’t it seen?

This sandbag trains in the 《Titanium Demon Body》 and even managed to bring it to a higher realm. It’s impossible to not call him a genius, but even that’s not enough.”

The green robed man had already seen through Lin Fan’s cultivation. This sandbag hadn’t even trained to the Mortal level. In his eyes, Lin Fan was just a slightly special ant, not one of those monsters.

Right then, the green robed man’s expression changed into one of disbelief.

“Hehe, not bad, not bad, it was a bit stronger than the one before, but it’s not enough.” While speaking, Lin Fan stood up and rubbed his chest. He thought to himself, “it really hurts! But this kind of EXP giving ox person ⌈1⌋ is really rare, if I don’t properly make use of this opportunity, I’ll definitely be crying over it in the future.”

“You……” The green robed man gazed at Lin Fan with astonishment, wondering what was wrong with this fellow and why he was like that.

Lin Fan stared at the green robed man. One of the tricks he was hiding was exposed by himself. 《Titanium Demon Body》had 3 levels total and was simply unable to block the attack of a Mortal level expert, and yet he managed to. Exposing this secret by letting that guy hit him to raise the level of 《Titanium Demon Body》was also for the sake of gaining the strength to protect himself.

He had no idea what would happen if he followed the green robed man. Would he die? Would he live? Or would he end up somewhere in between?

Sandbags weren’t actual disciples of the Holy Demon Sect. Whether they lived or died, nobody cared.

So, Lin Fan had to work as hard as he could if he wanted to live.

Since others couldn’t see how special he was, he’d just have to show it to them.

“Alright then, let me see how long you can last.” The green robed man kicked his imposing aura up a notch and the full force of a level 3 Mortal struck Lin Fan’s body.

“Ding! EXP +4000”

“Ding! Congratulations, 《Titanium Demon Body》has leveled up.”

Lin Fan was so happy he almost flew to heaven. “This level up came so ******* fast! Just a bit of suffering and I gain a level! Moreover, this EXP treasure is increasing the attack strength slowly, letting me get stronger without pause. At an extreme speed too!”

If the green robed man used the full of strength of a level 8 Mortal right
from the start, then even 《Titanium Demon Body》 was at LV7, Lin Fan would still instantly blown to bits.

Seeing Lin Fan get up once again, the green robed man’s formerly calm expression slowly warped into of anger.

He felt humiliated. He may have controlled his strength, but this guy was obviously beaten till he vomited blood. And yet he kept on standing up. The green robed man couldn’t take it.

“Great! I don’t believe the ******** happening today.” The green robed man started losing his temper.

Seeing the green robed man flaring up, Lin Fan only felt joy.

“Don’t believe it? There’s nothing wrong with that. In the end even if you don’t believe, I’ll make you believe.” Lin Fan thought to himself.


Lin Fan was sent flying once more.

“Ding! EXP+5000”

And once again, he stood up.


Yet again, he was sent flying.

“Ding! EXP +6000”


“Ding! EXP +6000”

“Ding! Congratulations 《Titanium Demon Body》levelled up.”


“Why can you still stand?” The green robed man was starting to lose his composure. Lin Fan standing up once more dealt a heavy blow to his morale.

The peerless trap stared dumbly, his whole body frozen in place. It was as if he saw a ghost.

“Come……” Lin Fan didn’t feel like talking much, so he just wagged his finger and beckoned towards the man.

“Damn, I don’t believe this……”

“I don’t believe in you either, so you’ll need to prove yourself.” Lin Fan looked at the green robed man as he spoke with a comforting tone.

“Damn, since things are like this, I’ll go all out. Let’s see how you block this.” The green robed man went ballistic after being provoked by Lin Fan. In the end, he was also a youth that was around twenty years old. This was the natural arrogance of youths.

At this moment, the green robed man’s many years of cultivation collapsed into a complete mess.

When Lin Fan heard that the green robed man was going to use his full strength, he was stunned and slightly wet himself.

He thought, “I was just kidding! If a level 8 Mortal hit me with his full strength, I’d be shattered into pieces”

Green robe senior apprentice brother, slow down a bit. Just now was a level 3 Mortal’s full strength, next should be a level 4 mortal. A footprint every step ⌈2⌋, one must not rush.” Lin Fan hurriedly shouted.

Lin Fan had already thought things through. If the other party was still going to use his full strength, Lin Fan would get on his knees and admit defeat. He definitely wouldn’t be beaten into a dog just like that.

“Alright, level 4 Mortal half strength. Let me see how you block this.” The green robed man roared and his physique changed. From the start to the present, Lin Fan couldn’t catch how the green robed man attacked him.

Fast…… It was just too fast.


Once more, Lin Fan was sent flying.

And right at this moment, instead of being immersed in the joy of his EXP rising like crazy, Lin Fan was thinking about a single question.

“Seems like I’ll have to properly re-assess those Holy Demon Sect disciples. This IQ is low enough to move a person.”This time when Lin Fan looked at the green robed man, he couldn’t help but feel some affection.

Obviously this was closer to appreciation rather than romantic love. If there were more of this kind of talent, then from now on what would he have to worry about?

“Ding! EXP + 7000”

“Good, this strike of senior apprentice brother sent my Qi and blood into disarray, enough to make me puke blood. But, it still isn’t enough. Once more!” Lin Fan wiped his mouth like he was eating food he didn’t pay for ⌈3⌋.

“Damn, how can you still stand? Let me show you my strongest attack.” The green robed man’s long black hair flowed along with the wind.

“No! Green robe senior apprentice brother, just now was level 4 Mortal half strength, now should be the full strength version. A footprint every step. Slow down, you mustn’t break your promise.” Lin Fan said loudly.

“Very well……”

As soon as Lin Fan heard that, he stealthily wiped his tears. This was simply too moving.

“Ding! EXP +8000”

“Ding! Congratulations《Titanium Demon Body》has levelled up.”

“Ding! EXP +9000”

“Ding! EXP +9000”


“Ding! Congratulations 《Titanium Demon Body》 has levelled up.”


“Ding! Congratulations 《Titanium Demon Body》 has levelled up”


“Ding! Congratulations 《Titanium Demon Body》 has levelled up”


Mortal level 4 half strength.

Mortal level 4 full strength.

Mortal level 5.

Mortal level 6……


At this moment, the peerless trap had already fallen to the floor foaming at the mouth with his body convulsing.

The only thing on his mind was, “Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!”

And right at this moment.

That green robed man’s hair was messy, his eyes were red and his expression was savage.

“Ah…… Why can you still stand?!” At this moment, the green robed man‘s mind was blank and he continuously hit Lin Fan’s body.

“Ding! EXP +1000”

“Ding! EXP +1000”

Lin Fan sighed as he looked at his stats.

Name: Lin Fan

Level: 9 (Mortal stage waiting to be unlocked)

EXP: (0/1000)

Skills: 《Titanium Demon Body》LV18 (0/1,000,000)

《Monkey Steals Peach》 LV10 (1,000/10,000)

Lin Fan felt that he was going a bit too far……. Way too far.

The green robed senior apprentice brother had long since brought the full power of a level 8 Mortal and Lin Fan had also long since gained an immunity to it.

Seeing the green robed senior apprentice brother crazily hitting him, Lin Fan could only let him continue. Thinking that after he vented all his frustration and grievance, he’d quiet down.


  1. A very formidable person 
  2. An idiom that one must be steady in their actions; to take things step by step. 
  3. That’s exactly what raws said. And IMO food you get for free is the most delicious…