All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 14

It’s now December everyone! That means the annual winter events will start being announced in landslides all over the internet for your favourite games and sites! ReLibrary is no exception, at the very least I hope to cook up a storm. And there are a couple of exciting announcements on the way.

Normally I’d use this chance to squee over Unicorn in Azur Lane, but Ereshkigal is on the horizon (she even made another cameo in Babylonia) so I don’t have much energy to spare. I need to grind, farm and save for her release.
Maybe I should make a patreon so you can all fund my gacha addiction. Every schmeckle counts!

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» Chapter 14 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 99

Silva has now added a row to the source table to include editors! Does this mean I’m getting acknowledged?
Now I can start building my own fanbase. Muhahahahaha.

We’ve also managed to confirm some special events for Christmas.
Originally I was going to do another side story chapter to celebrate 100 releases, but I’ve decided to switch to releasing a 100th chapter poll next week, then releasing the special chapter as a Christmas event.
I also plan on writing a New Year focused chapter.

Though it has probably been long forgotten now, just a reminder I’m still working on that SciFi Isekai original. I’ve just fallen into my usual pitfall of being unsure how to build a first arc.

Short chapter this time, enjoy!

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 2 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 98

It’s a brand new arc!
Volume 2 starts after this and I will finally be free of this confining arc structure!

Now, I’ve started doing some heavy work doing professional proofreading. I have to be honest, the pressure is a lot more than editing for fun.
When you’re editing for fun you can be quite liberal and if you miss something it’s easy to go back and correct.
But professionally you have to be quite strict and you don’t get second chances. You also have to live up to your payment.
Normally I’d give it a read through then go back and edit once, but I’ve had to do two passes so far and I’m still paranoid I’m missing things.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 1 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 13

Yo guys, Robin’s weekly anime roundup!

I guess we’re facing a crisis now!
BUT HOLY FOR THE LOVE ALL THAT IS TYPE-MOON! Babylonia was awesome this week.
Leonidas was done justice in a level that just can’t be reached in the game, and Ushi’s character almost reached waifu levels for me. Alas, I am saving myself for best girl. Not to mention Merlin, dropping a bit of foreshadowing.

As for Azur Lane…what a let down. Two seconds of Unicorn?!?! You expect me to be satisfied with that?!?!?!?!?
She better get some spotlight next week!

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» Chapter 13 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 97

Editors Log – Supplemental – Earthdate 20191119: It’s 5am and I am frelling tired okay! This chapter was long! It was late! My internet is still playing up! I feel like my eyes are about to burn out of their sockets!

This is it! Finale of the of the Crimson Arc! No cliffhangs this time I promise.
New arc coming soon trademark.
Look forward to next week! Even I haven’t read ahead yet.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Final Chapter «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 96

It’s here! The resolution to the cliff that you’ve all been waiting for!
Tomorrow is the last chapter of this Crimson Arc of Demon Sword Maiden.
I wonder what awaits Lily in the future.

In other news, unless you’re in the ReLibrary discord, you may not be aware of this but; I’ve recently talked my friend into doing a cosplay of Lily and we’re slowly working towards putting it together. We’ve recently overcome what we believe to be the most expensive obstacle in our path, but we don’t expect to complete the most difficult obstacle until some time next year. Cosplay is actually a painstaking hobby, not many people really appreciate it as much as they should.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 26 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 12

My internet was down yesterday, I am posting this chapter with like 30 minutes to spare.
Praise me.

This chapter had two entirely new tables in and I thought I was going to die.
Dex was nice enough to give me a fancy editor for Ren’s status screen which speeds up the hell I have to go through finding each value, I haven’t had time to play about with it yet, but look forward to seeing Ren’s new status!

Now I have anime to catch up on.

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» Chapter 12 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 95

So we finally find out why this is called the Crimson Arc! Not long left until this one comes to an end.

As an aside, we’re rapidly approaching the 100 chapter mark, I’m thinking of writing a special chapter based on what you fans want to see!
There’s lots of demands for Lily to put her (former?) slaves in their place. But what other things might people want?
Maybe we should do a complete what-if chapter of all your fantasies! Start submitting some ideas, and maybe I’ll host a poll!

In other news, make sure to go join the patreon of any of the novels you read here! It helps us keep giving you what you love!

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 25 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 94

Sorry guys, I had a super busy weekend and barely had any time to edit this chapter.
Please forgive me!
Maybe I should make it up to you by writing a worst case scenario what-if based on this chapter? :EvilSmirk:

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 24 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 11

No news from me today. Go support the patreon as usual. Lot of new people are appearing in the discord lately too, it’s rather amusing seeing all the new names pop up.

It’s time for my weekly roundup of the anime though! (Yeah I guess this will be a thing now?)
First up, Azur Lane! UNICORN KAWAII! That is all. No seriously, it was refreshing to see a girl have a complex over having a larger chest than the others, rather than the opposite. This episode made up for the total lack of Unicorn last episode.
Secondly, Alicization! I think the latest episode did a good job of setting up the emotional weight behind the Final Load Test. The villains are established and their plot is underway, the allies are facing the fight of their life, who knows what’s going to happen? Well, aside from us novel readers.
Lastly, Babylonia! My waifu made a cameo, can’t wait for her first true appearance!

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» Chapter 11 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 93

So Crossing Void was released today, for those who don’t know that’s a mobile gacha game featuring a giant crossover of your favourite Light Novel heroes! Ever wanted to see Accelerator face off with Kuroneko? Or maybe you just want to see Touma give Kirito a solid righthook? Or perhaps you want to see Taiga pick a fight with Qwenthur?
Well this game has it all! Combine your favourite characters from your favourite franchises and take on the multiverse in full force!

If you sign up today you can pick one S Rank character of your choice too! And in a few days Alice Synthesis Thirty gets released!

On the subject of Sword Art Online, how are people enjoying Alicization? This is my favourite part of the novels. I’m absolutely pumped.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 23 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 92

You know I could have sworn I had an update to accompany this post but it has completely slipped my mind now that it has come to writing it!
Did anyone watch Sol Press’ news panel? They’ve just licensed Rakudai in English, so you’ll now be able to buy physical copies of those books in English.
You can decide for yourself to be happy or sad at the fact Sol Press got the license, their Light Novel release rate leaves a lot to be desired sometimes but I’m still a fan of their Visual Novel work.

And as always, I love imoutos, bye.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 22 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 10

There was another table this chapter. They are the bane of my existence. I hate them a lot.
It’s impossible for me to just copy and paste, then be done with it, with a table that needs editing.

Everybody should go hit up the patreon! After this chapter maybe I should prepare myself to write .5 chapters for Another World too?

Did anyone watch Babylonia yesterday? Wow what an episode that was.
They’ve done a really good job on the fights, in some aspects they’re beating Ufotables work, but I think everyone unanimously agrees Ufotable always comes out on top in Fate.

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» Chapter 10 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 91

Tiny chapter today, don’t hate me. Silva scolded me yesterday, apparently people don’t default to opening links in a new tab like I do, so I need to manually set up all future links to open in a new tab for all the normies out there.

Now to discuss some personal stuff like I mentioned yesterday!
So a few of you may remember that I signed up for the Invaders kickstarter at the start of this month! Well recently they released a new reward package that comes with a short-story custom written by the author, for your personally! Obviously I stupidly squandered all my money on it almost instantly. The problem is, I have too many ideas for prompts! Someone help!
The story will be set in the same world and feature the characters of the novels! Only common sense limits are applied.

I’ve compiled all the ideas that have been suggested so far.
Concept 1: A duel between Theia and Yurika, showcasing the strengths and weaknesses of Technology and Magic head-to-head.
Concept 2: A research institute studying the different technology and magic systems.
Concept 3: Something about Charl because she’s a frelling adorable little sister.
Concept 4: Theia and Koutarou get stranded in London after a miscalculation when returning from the Blue Knight.
Concept 5: A press conference about Forthorthe making contact with Earth.
Concept 6: Combine concepts 4 and 3, they get stranded in London and to pass the time Koutarou reminisces about Charl to Theia.
Concept Stupid: “Have all the characters dream they swapped genders” – Silva

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 21 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 90

Did you guys see the recently finished art Silva commissioned for Demon Sword Maiden? Some of you may remember the poll that was hosted long before I became an editor here, well the results are in!

Silva even said there’s an extra NSFW version over on the Patreon!
BTW I’ve seen it and it’s very uhm…inspiring. Yes. Inspiring. I feel a strong urge to write a .5 Chapter coming on.
Not convinced to go over to the patreon yet? Well don’t worry, because if you guys support it enough then Silva plans to commission another piece of art! With extra NSFW goodness how can you possibly turn it down now? Even a single schmeckle would help!

Tomorrow I have some questions for you guys personally, so get your thinking hats on!

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 3): Chapter 20 «