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VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 169

Penultimate chapter~

So here’s what I’m going to be doing in regards to the novel:

I’m going to take a break before starting to ‘write the fanfic’, please don’t pester me on Discord about how long the break is going to be, because the only thing I can tell you is that I want start posting the ‘fanfic’ in late January/early February (when I finish my internship) with a bang, then proceed to finish the novel ASAP. For my patrons on Patreon, don’t fret too much, I’ll try to update you guys on the progress at least once a week, and will occasionally throw out chapter previews on Patreon.

Now, ‘writing fanfic’ isn’t going to be the best solution to the problem, but it really is the only thing I can do without dropping the novel (well, technically I could keep translating until I get hit by a DMCA or a threat or something, but I don’t want to have to put up with that). I love the novel as much as any of you, and it being the first CN novel I translated really makes me emotionally attached to it.

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 168

Click here for 5/5 chapters.

Alright, I finally got around to posting these chapters. I’m very sorry for posting it so late, but between moving back to HK for internship, getting used to the internship and work, as well as family issues, Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel was more or less the last thing on my mind (considering that I am dropping the novel). You will be getting 2 more chapters from me most likely on Sunday (I promise I’ll get it out on Sunday by the latest), but that’s going to be it. It’s been a good run, but I really don’t feel like worrying about my translations getting DMCA’d.

Once again, thank you all for reading this novel with me so far. I sincerely hope that you will stay around to read the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel fanfiction that I will be writing from now on (but more on that for our truly final release).

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 167

Click here for 4/5 chapters.

Alright, I finally got around to posting these chapters. I’m very sorry for posting it so late, but between moving back to HK for internship, getting used to the internship and work, as well as family issues, Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel was more or less the last thing on my mind (considering that I am dropping the novel). You will be getting 2 more chapters from me most likely on Sunday (I promise I’ll get it out on Sunday by the latest), but that’s going to be it. It’s been a good run, but I really don’t feel like worrying about my translations getting DMCA’d.

Once again, thank you all for reading this novel with me so far. I sincerely hope that you will stay around to read the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel fanfiction that I will be writing from now on (but more on that for our truly final release).

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 166

Click here for 3/5 chapters.

Alright, I finally got around to posting these chapters. I’m very sorry for posting it so late, but between moving back to HK for internship, getting used to the internship and work, as well as family issues, Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel was more or less the last thing on my mind (considering that I am dropping the novel). You will be getting 2 more chapters from me most likely on Sunday (I promise I’ll get it out on Sunday by the latest), but that’s going to be it. It’s been a good run, but I really don’t feel like worrying about my translations getting DMCA’d.

Once again, thank you all for reading this novel with me so far. I sincerely hope that you will stay around to read the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel fanfiction that I will be writing from now on (but more on that for our truly final release).

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 165

Click here for 2/5 chapters.

Alright, I finally got around to posting these chapters. I’m very sorry for posting it so late, but between moving back to HK for internship, getting used to the internship and work, as well as family issues, Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel was more or less the last thing on my mind (considering that I am dropping the novel). You will be getting 2 more chapters from me most likely on Sunday (I promise I’ll get it out on Sunday by the latest), but that’s going to be it. It’s been a good run, but I really don’t feel like worrying about my translations getting DMCA’d.

Once again, thank you all for reading this novel with me so far. I sincerely hope that you will stay around to read the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel fanfiction that I will be writing from now on (but more on that for our truly final release).

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 164

Click here for 1/5 chapters.

Alright, I finally got around to posting these chapters. I’m very sorry for posting it so late, but between moving back to HK for internship, getting used to the internship and work, as well as family issues, Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel was more or less the last thing on my mind (considering that I am dropping the novel). You will be getting 2 more chapters from me most likely on Sunday (I promise I’ll get it out on Sunday by the latest), but that’s going to be it. It’s been a good run, but I really don’t feel like worrying about my translations getting DMCA’d.

Once again, thank you all for reading this novel with me so far. I sincerely hope that you will stay around to read the Very Pure and Ambiguous – The Prequel fanfiction that I will be writing from now on (but more on that for our truly final release).

Even more Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Updates

Hey everyone, Selutu here. Sorry for the long absence here, like I said in the previous update, somethings came up, so I had to put the novel on hiatus for a while.

Well, I’m sure you guys know what kind of crap Qidian International did this time, right? So I’ll cut straight to it. This weekend, I’ll be releasing a load of chapters (well, less than the other mass releases I’ve done), then we’ll cut it at that.

It’s been a great run and I really don’t want to drop the novel, but honestly, the kind of stuff Qidian International is pulling is really getting me worried. I don’t want to get dragged into that sort of mess.

So… tata for the most part. Although, I will be posting fanfics of the novel, so you guys might want to read that. winks

[AD] Chapter 1

Here’s Chapter 1 of Abyss Domination~

It’s raltzero with his extremely slow teasers again~

On another note, Abyss Domination was already picked up by Abyss Wolf MTL, but since NYSS was finally taken off my hands, I decided to pick up another fairly obscure novel.

Remember, slow-*** updates and I’m starting all over.


More Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Update

As you guys can see on my patreon, I put the series on hiatus. It wasn’t something I wanted to do, but between the unexpected workload from the new workshops that I’m in, and another reason that I rather not speak about in too much detail, I’m going to have to do that.

So, it’ll be on hiatus for another week or two, maybe slightly more. During this time, I’ll still continue to stack up chapters, so expect a mass chapter dump when I’m back for the series!

[NYSS] Chapter 17

Here’s Chapter 17 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~

So I realized “Oh crap, I might not make it in time for the end of the month if I don’t post right now” and here I am posting this chapter. (I want that bonus[?])

It’s an infodump chapter, but hey, a chapter is a chapter, right?


[NYSS] Chapter 16

Here’s Chapter 16 of Nine Yang Sword Saint~


Crap, didn’t post last week because I was too busy studying for my final regent in high school and enjoying my break…

Well, I failed it anyway but I get to graduate since I already had my required credits and regents. And I’ve paid and gone to the graduation ceremony so if I don’t graduate, what do I do about the college that I already have a spot in?




Hi guys, Raizu is here.

Sorry for the late update. Silva was on vacation last two weeks and lately, I was busy with Amayui‘s project too. m(_ _)m

Next chapter is already

Anyway, enjoy the new chapter~

Chapter 17

Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Announcement

Well, it’s bad news. No, I’m not dropping the novel or anything. It’s just that I’m going to have exams next week, and I completely forgot about it, so I had to cram on the weekends and will have to continue to cram in the following few days. Due to this, there’ll be no chapters this week, while I’ll start to try and make up for the owed chapters the following week, after my exams.

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 163

Here’s 3/3 of the bonus chapters for reaching the patron goal!

Remember to click on ‘Next Chapter’ for a teaser it!

If you wish to support me, you can either pledge to my Patreon or make a donate towards the sponsored chapter queue.

VPnA – The Prequel Volume 2 Chapter 162

Here’s 2/3 of the bonus chapters for reaching the patron goal!

If you wish to support me, you can either pledge to my Patreon or make a donate towards the sponsored chapter queue.

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