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I am a Succubus Chapter 46

I am a Succubus! is an original Gender Bender webnovel written by Jammin’ Rabbit in collaboration with Tamaya Kagiya‘s visual novel of the same name.

Tamaga Kagiya is a visual novel developer currently working on gender bender comedy Visual Novel with high sexual content called “I am a Succubus!”

Huh? Why is she naked in front of the school’s gates. Well… It is Saeko, I’m not surprised. Will something happen♡? Who am I kidding, of course something will happen. Enjoy and prepare some tissues just in case~ Fufufu~ (~v~)

Oh and if you guys have a Scribble Hub account, you should go to this chapter on Scribble Hub and vote on the poll. We might get a h-scene commissioned based on the pairing who wins~

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 46 «

Pupil of the Wiseman Chapter 70 (Part 1)

No Wiseman news this week? Shocking! Anyways, I don’t have anything to talk about this week, so… Enjoy? Yeah, enjoy~! (^~^)

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 70 (Part 1) «

Dragon Princess Chapter 98

It is very hot.
Please, winter, come soon. Preferably tonight.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 98 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 86

After Transformation, Mine and Her Wild Fantasy really needs an editor.
It’s so bad I’d almost prefer MTL, if I could bear to read it.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 86 «

My Loli Brother Chapter 6

This took a lot longer to translate than expected. I wasn’t expecting to take almost one whole day to translate it. One major reason is that my brain can’t seem to parse the sentence properly throughout the day, not enough sugar, I need sugarrrrr!! Someone buy me an ice cream.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 6 «

[Teaser] This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

So I haven’t updated anything since last September and no, I haven’t forgotten about HCLS. But nobody cares about that series, so I might as well have considered it dropped, right?

This here is a teaser of a novel that Silva was like “you should translate this”. Well, guess where we are now…

Note from Silva: This teaser does not have Gender Bender and is to cater to raltzero’s ambition to fill the library with more Harem webnovel.

Link to Chapter 1


Hero’s Redo Chapter 4 [2]

The power of summer heat destroys you.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 4 [2] «

Dragon Princess Chapter 97

When even is social closeness?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 97 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 85

A silva a day keeps the translators away.
Maybe that’s why he has so much trouble finding them.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 85 «

Wild Last Boss Chapter 163

A Wild Last Boss is translated by TpstT and Vecna. Both translators have agreed to allow Re:Library to list this on our site with a two weeks delay policy.

You can now read A Wild Last Boss on Re:Library at your own convenience, no more juggling between two different sites. But of course, if you wish to catch the latest update, you’d still have to visit the translators’ respective sites, unless you’re willing to wait two weeks before they’re uploaded on Re:Library.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 163 «

Hero King Chapter 13

Yeh okay, not much to say today. You can thank Mab for the translation, comment, like and uhhh enjoy the read, Yay~ (I’ma go sleep XD) Night night~ and see you next week!

Spoiler, not spoiler: this chapter is mostly boring…

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 13 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 189

We were talking about music on the discord tonight.
It was strange.
I knew basically nothing about it, I only knew like the generic famous ones apparently. Mostly from the radio or my parents conversations.
I listen to music a lot but most of it just random stuff that youtube suggests to me, and quite often it just ends up on loop for weeks without changing until youtube suggests a new song that takes my fancy. I’ve forgotten most the songs I’ve ever liked in life.
There are a few favourites that still stick with me though. And if we talk musicians then I guess I could vaguely be classified as an Owl City fan? But only to the point that I know his stuff unlike every other musician ever, I’m probably as much of a fan of him as some average person is of some band they heard a few times on the radio.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 34 «

[Original] Worlds Unknown Chapter 8

G’day/eve, everyone 🙂 So I got good news and bad news! We’ll go with good first, I guess~

Good news: This is, as I have said many times before, one of my favourite chapters to write. And we have finally gotten here! So enjoy the read!!!

Bad news: I realized that I have probably taken on too much work at the same time onto myself (uni, this, Hero King edits and my FF story). Sooo, the update for this story might become a little slower (or might not, we’ll see. I might give my FF story a slower update instead, but only time will tell).

Anyhow, uhh… enjoy the read, comment, like, shout out to me. Anything 🙂 See you guys again soon.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 8 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 188

So apparently someone learned from my mistake yesterday and renamed all the chapters in a uniform way.
Well I already prepared my countermeasures too.
Good thing you guys won’t suddenly be missing 5 or 10 chapters!!!

This is a really short ramble. I guess it’s because I haven’t been doing much except Phantasy Star lately and I don’t really want to make all my updates about that. Hmmmm.
I’m sure I’ll think of something.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 33 «

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