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Levelmaker Chapter 211 (Part 2)

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Last time, Karua went to visit our protagonists and got a taste of modern entertainment. What will they do with the rest of the day?

I made some fixes to past chapters, mainly the parts in early chapters where I wasn’t sure if this “Start Quest” was a game of the first quest of some game. I also fixed a bigger translation error in chapter 113 and modified my explanation of what (probably) happpened in chapter 114 due to information from the retranslated chapter 4.

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Perfect Girl Chapter 10 Age Five(END)

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Hero King Chapter 420

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» Chapter 420 «

Ragweed Princess Interlude 10 (Part 4)

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» Interlude 10-4 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 1100

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Chapter 1100! A milestone!
I got to celebrate with my new wifi device for my PC.
Which I then couldn’t use because we had a power outage!
Luckily it only lasted two hours, but it was annoying.

Then I installed the new wifi device!
The speeds are twice as fast as they used to be, but still half as fast as downstairs.
Hm, maybe I should try moving the device?
The instructions said to avoid ground placements so maybe I should do that?

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» Vol. 12: Chapter 48 «

Two as One Princesses Intermission 8

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Hiya~! Just one more July Monday remaining before August… And as always, Monday is AinCiel-day!
Last time on AinCiel Interlude: With winter closing in, our princesses walk around a less lively town, with people busy preparing for snowfall. The younger princess (who is in warm and comfy clothes as the older princess allowed her to feel some of the cold) was quite interested about snow, since they ignored it in the past years, and was also curious about the preparations, so they asked a street vendor they’ve been acquainted with recently and they were taught about what happens in this town during winter. After that, they pondered on what to do for today, leading to them heading their favorite seamstress for some clothes.
Now then, what will happen next? What kind of clothes will our girls request for? Will Ciel and Shusii go ham with designing again? And will Ain be toyed around again this time?
Find out in this Interlude: Stall, Snow, and Clothes (Second Half – Part 1)!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Automata Maid Chapter 191

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If all goes well then today I should receive the powered wifi adapter thingy! Hurray!
I will test it out and compare the results and see what I like more.
Worst case scenario I can just refund and return it!

Well, that’s the entire point of the policy, no idea why I am acting evil.

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» Chapter 191 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 190

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I got reminded of an anime that my brain automatically sorted into “that ancient era of anime” due to what I remembered of it.
The concept and general designs felt very old school so I just accepted that I was probably right.

So I went and looked it up, and it was from 2013…

That wouldn’t be too bad, if it wasn’t for the fact the top comment on the video I used to look it up was “I remembered watching this when I was 7″…

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» Chapter 190 «

Reborn as a Transcendent Chapter 563

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» Chapter 563 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 189

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I am so tired.
It’s been really hot all day, and it’s not pleasant.
It’s still not heat death level, but just, annoyingly warm levels.
This is what the lack of cooling methods does to a person.

If only I had decent ventilation in my room, I swear.

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» Chapter 189 «

Levelmaker Chapter 211 (Part 1)

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After those seven rather dark chapters focusing on the isekai’d kids, it’s time to go back to Alim and Mika.

Chapters 45 and 46 have been retranslated. Furthermore, chapters 47 to 49 will be updated shortly after this is posted. With this, all old chapters up to Fenderson’s part have been retranslated, which should, hopefully, make fewer people run away screaming, when they read those earlier chapters.

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God’s Gofer Interlude 7

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It’s about 5am and I should be in bed.
But instead I am discussing with some people on discord about the design philosophy of AI app logos…
I am not sure why…

I just found the topic a bit interesting because I noticed so many were using generic nondescript star sparkles as their symbol.
And the few that weren’t were all using generic nondescript wavy line shapes.

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Alchemist Startover Chapter 81

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It’s been really hot here the past couple of days.
At least not heat death levels.
But uncomfortably warm levels.

Like you might sweat but it’s possible to cool down as long as you’re aware it’s warm.
Sometimes I wish UK houses had AC.
Well, my house is 100 years old at least so… yeah that wasn’t a consideration.
Also my room has awful ventilation.

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Villainess Becomes Commoner Chapter 165 (Part 2)

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» Chapter 165 (Part 2) «

Levelmaker Chapter 210

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Last time, Kanata and Sakura found out that they were summoned to fight some unspecified foe, and they’re given no choice in the matter. Could the special abilities that the god gave them offer a way out?

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