Category Archives: Ragweed Princess

Ragweed Princess Chapter 89 (Part 2)

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» Chapter 89-2 «

The Doors of Destiny and the Sealing Magic Formation (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

—Eh…what is this, a prank?!

Thinking this, I glanced around. But all the students, teachers, bodyguard adventurers, and even the clergy who had been tense just moments ago were now watching us with amused expressions.

“It’s a love triangle, a real showdown,” someone muttered.
“If you think logically, she’d choose that handsome guy over there, right?”
“Nah, women are drawn to men with a dangerous aura.”
“Oh, Saintess, please let this love come true,” another person prayed.
“No way, one of them is going to cry,” someone else remarked.
“How about a reverse harem?”
“Alright, let’s bet on it.”
“I’m putting two silver coins on the handsome guy,” one said.
“Me too,” another echoed.
“I’ll bet three silver coins on the guy with black hair.”

Are they seriously starting a betting pool over this…? Has the situation been misunderstood as some sort of romantic entanglement?!

No, no, this can’t be happening! We’re talking about me here! Little ‘ol me! The last person who’d ever be involved in such romantic events, the most unremarkable, random Jane! Everyone must be gravely mistaken! Luke, Cestlavie, exhaustion must’ve gotten to you two…

With these thoughts, I looked at them both with what I hoped was a compassionate gaze, like a saint, and yet that only tightened the grip on my hands.

Well, that just backfired…

At this point, would it be acceptable to break free and throw them off? Though, in the martial art I learned, throwing and then locking and breaking joints is a single set, so I’m not confident I can hold back.

“Who are you choosing, Jill?!”
“Which one of us is it, Jill?!”

Luke and Cestalvie urgently demanded an answer from me, who was on the verge of escaping reality. I sighed as I looked somewhat resentfully at the church door towering over the heads of the two male students.

They say the church doors are always open for lost sheep, but right now, they look like the heavy doors of destiny to me. I even feel a slight wave of malice from them.

“Fine… I understand. Could you both please let go of my hands?” Resolving myself, I asked them, and after a brief hesitation, they let go of my hands simultaneously.

With the two of them silently demanding an answer with their eyes, I sighed again. Surely, this isn’t just my misunderstanding, right…? The unexpected situation of being liked by two guys is making my stomach hurt. However, this is not the time to dawdle. We need to fortify our defenses or evacuate quickly.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward. Would it be the handsome imperial prince or the prodigy from the commoners? The tension in the air was like that of watching the climax of a heroic tale.

“Alright, let’s go, Eren, Vier. Don’t fall behind.” Without hesitation, I took Eren’s hand and picked up Vier at my feet, quickly passing through the church doors.1

“Yes, Lady Jill!”

Eren looked unusually happy, and Vier wagged her tail as we hurried inside. The crowd fell silent in astonishment—except for Liselotte, who burst into laughter, and Viola, who smirked.

‘Wha… What the heck is that—!!!’

In the next moment, a chorus of screams erupted.

It seemed like there were some loud boos chasing after us from behind, but I didn’t care. I, the one at the center of this sudden battlefield of love, chose a tactical retreat.


—She’s come…!

No phrase like “long-awaited” could truly capture the depth of his soul’s hunger, the craving so intense it seemed to bleed, awaiting this moment. The being that had entered his domain finally triggered his eruption into mad, triumphant laughter.

Then, summoning the remnants of his strength, he unleashed a wave of magical power that shook the enclosed space.

The seal placed by that woman was infuriatingly strong, almost impossible to break from within. However, it was more susceptible to interference from the outside. His former minions, followers, and even the foolish ones who sought to exploit his power had all tried to break the seal. But it was “relative” by his and his adversary’s standards, and no one had yet appeared who could shatter or destroy the seal.

Perhaps no one ever would. But if his theory was correct, the method to break this seal was remarkably simple and required only a tiny “……” to suffice.

Yet, there was little he could do from inside the seal.

Having mastered all known magical arts and transcended the limits of mortal life, admitting his lack of power was a torment worse than the fires of hell. But he had to face the facts.

Even in his sealed state, he wasn’t completely powerless. While he couldn’t directly interfere, the ripples of his magical power subtly resonated with the magical particles in the atmosphere, spreading thinly but widely.

There was a barrier to conceal and block this, but occasionally, someone would sense the anomaly, leading to this place being treated as a special holy site—a ludicrous idea. He recalled how, a few years or decades ago, someone whose magical wavelength matched his had briefly communicated with him and mentioned this. It was laughable.

That person couldn’t break the seal either, but maybe they had inadvertently helped lure that woman back to this place.

Thinking this, he glanced upwards at the darkness above.

Fortunately, tonight was a full moon, the time when a monster’s internal magical power is most active.

Would they ever step into his domain again? There was no guarantee he’d still exist. For the stars to align on such a unique opportunity—

For the first time in his life, he felt an urge to offer gratitude even to the being he always spat on, cursed, and loathed—’God.’ He let out a long, mad laugh filled with insanity.

Author’s Note:

Just to be clear, this is not a hint that Jill and Eren will have that kind of relationship in the future.2

Translator’s note:

Yuri ship is sinking! I repeat, Yuri ship is sinking!


Ragweed Princess Chapter 89 (Part 1)

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» Chapter 89-1 «

The Doors of Destiny and the Sealing Magic Formation (Part 1)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

“Ah ! Valère, chacun tient les mêmes discours ! Tous les hommes sont semblables par les paroles ; et ce n’est que les actions qui les découvrent différents.”
— “L’Avare (Acte 1, Scène 1),” Molière, 1668

“Ah! Valere, all men say the same thing; all men are alike in their words; their actions only show the difference that exists between them.”
— “The Miser (Act 1, Scene 1),” Molière, 1668


Now, here’s a question: In front of you is a sturdy door. It’s an ordinary door; in fact, it is neither locked nor magically protected. But what if there was a sign hanging there saying “Do not open”? Would you be able to open it without hesitation?

—This is not a physical issue but a psychological one.

I recall a story from a foreign land where an academic expedition tried to enter a sacred mountain worshipped by a local tribe. The villagers, unwilling participants, were forcibly taken along. The moment they crossed the ‘barrier’ separating the village from the mountain (which was merely a line drawn with stones), the villagers fainted from shock. This disturbing tale, perhaps from a ‘previous life,’ illustrates how significant a psychological taboo can be.

With such thoughts in mind, we were led by the teachers and adventurers along a dimly lit night path to minimize visibility. After about thirty minutes, we arrived at the grounds of the ‘Saint Campbell Church,’ owned by the Saintess Church.

“Welcome. You are safe now. This place is a sacred ground consecrated by Saintess Snow and the Shrine Maiden Princess Clara. The impure cannot approach here. You must be tired. We’ve prepared warm drinks, so please relax and feel at ease.”

The warm smiles and words of the monks and nuns who welcomed us eased the tension of the group. Some male students and attendants collapsed to the ground, while some female students and maids began to cry in relief.

While the kind-faced church members assisted those inside, I noticed a few stern-faced, armed priests hurrying out in shifts.

“Exorcists. They’re probably going to reinforce the barriers around the church, but unlike warrior priests, they’re not really specialists in combat, so don’t expect too much,” Cestlavie explained, noticing my gaze. I appreciated his clear explanation.

“So, we’re essentially in a defensive stance, and if something happens, we’ll have to hold out with the current forces…” A quick look around revealed about twenty adventurers as guards, fewer than ten exorcists, and around ten instructors. With this number of people, protecting fifty students and their associates, plus the non-combatants within the church, seemed a bit uncertain. “It might be wise to inform them beforehand that we can assist if necessary,” I suggested.

Cestlavie, who had fought alongside me before, nodded in agreement. Unlike the protagonists in stories who heroically leap into battle alone to save their allies, in reality, performing solo actions without prior coordination could hinder rather than help.

I don’t know who’s holding the command here, be it the guards, academy instructors, or church officials — However, since both Cestlavie and I are registered adventurers with adventurer IDs, it wouldn’t hurt to report our availability as usable forces.

Just as I was about to walk with Cestlavie to do so, someone grabbed my right wrist and pulled me back.

“Wait a moment! Jill, are you really planning to head towards danger? I’m against it,” Luke said, grabbing my hand and planting his feet firmly as if he’d never let me go.

…Well, I could easily break free from his grip, but still…

“You’re being too reckless. While your desire to help others and your belief that those with the ability should stand on the front lines is commendable, you disregard your own safety and life too much! There are people who care deeply about you and worry for you… you should value yourself more.”

I expected him to oppose from a chivalrous perspective of “protecting weak women,” but this unexpected reprimand made me close my mouth in silence.

Looking over, I saw Eren watching me with pleading eyes.

If he had opposed me head-on, I could have argued back, but being pointed out my flaws and appealing emotionally made it difficult to respond. When did Luke become so skilled in such tactics? Terrifying…

“That’s not quite right,” said Cestlavie, grabbing my other hand and pulling. “Jill isn’t your possession. Do you think keeping her locked away will keep her safe? If you believe it’s okay for capable people to sit idly by in a crisis, then you’re deluding yourself.”

Those words made Luke’s eyes, which usually retained a calm demeanor even when serious, turn cold and sharp.

“…I can’t ignore that. So, do you think you can take responsibility if something happens to Jill? Do you really think you’re qualified to do that?”
“One’s way of life is their own decision. It’s not something others should meddle with, Young Master.”
“I don’t care if you throw your life away for some heroic sentiment, but don’t lump Jill in with you.”

Luke and Cestlavie were at a standoff, each holding one of my hands and pulling in opposite directions. What is this, some kind of Solomon’s Judgment situation?

“Well, aren’t you popular, Jill,” chimed Liselotte, who had followed a bit behind, with a tone that was half amused. “Given the setting, it looks like two rivals fighting over the bride at a wedding.”

Realizing it, we had somehow moved to the church’s door.

“As I mentioned earlier, this church is famous for matchmaking. It’s also known as the ‘Church of Reminiscence.’ They say that couples who pass through its doors together will end up together. So, which one will you take by the hand and walk through?”

I was speechless at her teasing, but then I noticed that Luke and Cestlavie had both stopped arguing. They exchanged wary glances, then looked at me with an expectant gaze.


The Ogre of the Legends and the Church from the Legend (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

I changed from my one-piece room wear to a black dress, put on black boots, donned a wide-brimmed hat with a rose corsage, and finally draped myself in a new robe adjusted to my recent height, completing my preparations.

As a precaution, I retrieved my silver magic wand from the Close art and took it in hand.

“Alright. I’m ready,” I nodded satisfactorily at the familiar weight in my hand.

Eren, who had been quickly packing her belongings, looked at me with concern and cautiously asked, “Um, Lady Jill, are you planning to fight alongside the guards?”

“No. For now, I don’t intend to actively join the fray,” I replied, bending down to stroke Vier, who was playing at my feet, while organizing my thoughts aloud. “Since we don’t know the full situation, acting independently could potentially hinder rather than help. I plan to stay with everyone else and assist them as needed.”

Upon hearing my words, Eren clasped her hands in front of her chest and let out a relieved sigh. “I see. With so many guards present, it should be alright, I suppose.”

“Yes,” I agreed, feeling like this conversation might be signaling something important, but I nodded along nonetheless.

Well, judging from what I saw during the day, they seem to be quite experienced in group combat, so they shouldn’t be at a disadvantage be it against night raiders or monsters. There seemed to be quite a number of magic users besides swordsmen, so there’s no particular need for a lone witch like me to join in. Besides, if I were to interfere here, it could disrupt their coordination, and it wouldn’t be honorable to intervene as an additional hand to the guards’ assigned duty—it would go against their sentiments and sense of duty.

So, deciding to focus solely on rear support this time, I walked with Eren and Vier down the corridor, following instructions towards the central foyer of the mansion.

Upon arrival, it seemed most of the students, faculty, and instructors were already gathered. It appeared we were among the last to assemble.

“Jill! Are you alright? I couldn’t see you and got worried,” exclaimed Luke, approaching with a sword at his hip and the mysterious winged cat draped over his shoulder.

Behind him were Daniel, and a bit behind them, both Cestlavie and Elias were also present.

“Yes, I’m fine. And I see that…you’re not doing so well?” I replied with concern. “Sir Daniel and Elias, are those injuries from the attack?”

Luke and Cestlavie seemed relatively safe, but both Marquis Daniel and Elias had scrapes and bruises on their faces and hands. What happened?!

“Oh, no, don’t worry. It’s just a scratch from falling from a high place… Nothing serious at all. I apologize for causing concern,” Daniel said, touching his cheek where the scratch was, looking awkwardly towards the northeast as he explained—or rather, seemed to be making excuses.

Luke gave him a cold stare and remarked in an oddly serious tone, “If Jill had been there, I’d have challenged you to a duel over this.”

Meanwhile, Elias was looking downcast, and even Cestlavie, who should have been able to heal such injuries, said, “Reap what you sow. Learn from this,” but did not offer any assistance.

As I glanced around, I noticed the student council members who had been looking down on the guards earlier were now behaving obediently, following the adventurers’ instructions like sheep. They, too, had bandages and gauze on their faces, hands, and legs.

…What on earth had happened?

And then, as I turned my head, instructions came from a staff member.

“Be prepared for anything. We will now guide you to a safe zone. We’ll move through the back roads to the Saint Campbell Church at the rear of this mansion, and collaborate with the clergy there. The city’s defense forces stationed nearby will arrive shortly, so there’s no need to worry.”

Upon hearing these words, the students, who had been looking grim, seemed to regain some brightness.

I noticed Viola at the center of a group of girls, particularly one whose face had turned pale, soothing their anxiety with gentle whispers and a calming atmosphere.

Impressive. That’s the secret to winning over women with such skillful maneuvers.

Just as I admired this… huh?! I glanced around at the faces of the male students surrounding me, and felt perplexed all over again.

Somehow, it seemed like I was in the opposite position of Viola. No, rather, it felt like I was playing the role of a princess protected by knights…

Hmm, as I questioned my own purpose, Luke directed a sharp gaze towards the staff member who had given the instructions.

“That’s odd. If defense forces are coming from the city, wouldn’t it be safer to stay fortified in the inner rooms rather than evacuating through unfamiliar night paths to the church?”

Answering this question, Liselotte approached with her entourage. “Well, Sir Lucas’ question is quite valid. I’ve heard through the grapevine that the enemy group consists of undead, manipulated by some vile necromancer. Hence, the plan is to evacuate to the church covered by a protective barrier engraved with holy seals.”

“Shh! Don’t raise your voice. It will only unsettle those around us. Anyway, dealing with unholy beings like that is best left to the clergy. Well, I doubt there’s a magician capable of ‘purification’ in this town, so we’ll have to manage with holy water and silver weapons to weaken them.”

In response to Liselotte’s grumbling, Cestlavie nodded with a bitter expression and agreed, “Indeed.”

“Oh? Cestlavie, can you not use ‘purification’?” I asked.

He shook his head with a look of exasperation. “Of course not. Those who can use ‘purification’ are usually stylites or high-priestesses—old men and women. There’s no way I could use it, and I doubt I will be able to in the future.”

“Is that so?” I could use it, though — or so I was about to say, but Luke suddenly grabbed my hand. Startled, I looked up to find him peering into my face with a gaze so serious it was almost frightening.

‘Do not say that out loud!’ his eyes warned me, and I realized I had nearly said something careless. I quickly shut my mouth.

“Lady Jill, please don’t overexert yourself,” Eren said, her voice tinged with concern.

“…Yes, I’m fine. I understand,” I replied softly, feeling guilty for causing them to worry.

“Hmm?” Although it was a brief exchange, I hoped it went unnoticed. Liselotte, however, narrowed her eyes slightly and glanced at our joined hands, her lips curling into a smirk.

“Saint Campbell Church—I recall it being a memorable place where Lady Clara and the current Frontier Count Aulanthia once prayed together. Since then, it’s become a place where couples who visit are said to be destined to marry. Perhaps you should continue holding hands as you enter?”

We nearly toppled over at Liselotte’s teasing words, delivered with a mischievous grin.


Suddenly, the tide of battle turned, and the front lines fell into chaos, causing Orlando to feel a growing sense of urgency.

“Damn it! To be so easily outmaneuvered by a single ogre!!”

Initially, they had been effectively exterminating the undead. The dead, both human and beast, lacked proper judgment, allowing the heavy warriors with shields to restrict their movement and methodically eliminate them as planned.

With minimal losses on their side, Orlando was confident that it was only a matter of time before they completely wiped out the enemy. However, at that moment, a massive ogre burst out from the forest.

The ogre, wearing a strange mask, wielded a huge sickle with a two-meter blade. It struck the rear of their unsuspecting comrades, tore through the front lines, and even approached their main force.

Of course, it was outnumbered. Magic and arrows hit the ogre from a distance, causing it to stagger and be blown away repeatedly. Yet, in the next moment, it would rise again as if nothing had happened, unscathed.

Faced with this literally immortal monster, fear began to creep into the eyes of the once-bold adventurers.

“It’s a monster… It’s Gus the Immortal Ogre that appears from Lake Quartz on a full moon night…!”

A murmured exclamation spread rapidly among the troops, causing panic.

――This is bad. At this rate, we’ll suffer a total collapse.

Biting his lip, Orlando grabbed the spear he had stuck in the ground nearby.

“Even if it’s immortal, we can inflict damage! If we can immobilize it and burn it like the other undead, it won’t be able to resurrect. Those who are free, use spears or ropes! The rest, eliminate the smaller enemies! Let’s go!”

Responding to his rallying cry, the comrades who had been waiting near Orlando took up their long weapons and charged at the ogre.

Author’s Note:

Jill mastered purification at the age of 12, four years earlier than Clara. Normally, even those with the talent require 20 to 30 years of training, making the youngest existing healers who can use purification in their late 30s.

Because Clara was able to use it at 16, there were high hopes for her to pass on her lineage and produce even better priestesses and priests. However, she failed in that regard (she actually succeeded, but it remains a secret to the society).

Therefore, if Jill’s ability were to be discovered, there is a high possibility she would be treated as a child-bearing vessel.

Additionally, the “登塔者” (Stylites) mentioned in the story is a reference to “Simeon the Stylite.” It should be understood as a monastic saint who, after rigorous training, awakened to the power to heal people.


Ragweed Princess Chapter 88 (Part 2)

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Google docs recently got a new update where you can now create different sections in a single doc! It’s really useful for me since I can now create a master document with all of my notes without having to scroll for a minute straight just to get to a point where I want to add more notes.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 88-2 «

Ragweed Princess Chapter 88 (Part 1)

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Ooohhh noooo~! If only there was a person currently within the vicinity that could use powerful light magic arts~

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 88-1 «

The Ogre of the Legends and the Church from the Legend (Part 1)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

“「O’ Light, dispel the darkness and illuminate the land! — Light」!”

The magician positioned in the rear cast a light spell from the tip of his magic staff. This spell, known as Light, was one of the light magic arts developed roughly a hundred years ago by the legendary Saintess Snow. Though the church refers to these spells as theocracy, the incantations differ, but the effects are the same. While advanced practitioners can make the light float and move independently, the magician accompanying the group lacked such skill.

Nevertheless, the bright, pure light emitted by the spell far outshone any torch or lantern, illuminating the surroundings like daylight, thus significantly improving their chances in the night battle.

“Damn, I knew it…”

The attackers comprised of a dozen or so armed individuals wielding swords and spears accompanied by nearly twenty black-furred beasts—meran-aries—in a chaotic mixed formation.

For context, monsters are classified using the same rank system as adventurers, from F-minus to S-plus (with rare SS or US ranks representing literal monstrosities that almost never appear in the world and are more mythological, thus excluded from normal ranks). Generally, a monster’s strength is estimated such that it would take three adventurers of the same rank to defeat it.

Although matchups can vary, it’s safe to assume that monsters are about three times stronger than humans. The meran-aries are ranked at D-minus, meaning each one posed a threat equivalent to three D-rank adventurers, which is considered an average standard.

In other words, they were facing the equivalent threat of an assault by a force of seventy to eighty armed individuals, comparable to a small to medium-sized military squadron.

Normally, a retreat house modified from a noble’s mansion, even with some walls, would have been overrun in an instant by such an assault. However, this particular place was defended by over a hundred skilled adventurers, valuable magicians, elven archers, warrior monks, and on top of that, about ten top-tier instructors from the Livitium Academy’s magic department. In a straightforward confrontation, they could repel an enemy three times their number due to the disparity in strength.

Despite this, there was a palpable sense of concern among the defenders of the “Steel Wagon” group. It was evident that their attackers were not mere bandits or rogue mercenaries.

“Lazar, Billy, Mandy, Woody, Ben, Elmer, Bugs, Roger, Selma, Mumbly, Muttley… Damn it, they’re all dead.”

Orlando, the deputy leader of the “Steel Wagon” and the person responsible for this escort mission, gritted his teeth as he identified the faces of the enemies coming at them with vacant eyes and weapons drawn.

Every face was familiar. They were all members of the team he had left behind to handle the corpses of the meran-aries they had encountered earlier that day. Now, they have turned into attackers themselves. Transgression, in itself, was not particularly shocking. Although ethically unacceptable, it was not uncommon in their line of work to hear of adventurers hired to guard nobles or wealthy individuals switching sides and becoming robbers for the sake of loot or ransom.

However, it was clear that the former comrades they now faced hadn’t betrayed them out of greed or calculation. After all, they were all already dead.

Their bodies bore gruesome wounds that were obviously fatal: gashes on the necks, skulls, and over the hearts, likely inflicted by heavy blades or machetes. Such injuries were not survivable. The same held true for the meran-arieses, each bearing the same wounds and arrows from earlier in the day.

“Zombies… no, some of them have their brains spilling out, so that’s not it. They’re definitely ‘living dead,’ but it doesn’t seem like the head or heart is their weak spot. This is going to be troublesome.”

While there was surprise, there was no shock. This situation had been anticipated; otherwise, one couldn’t serve as an executive of a large adventurer group. There was also a sense of pride preventing them from showing any signs of distress in front of their employer and comrades.

“The enemy is probably a necromancer. Defeating the caster would be the quickest solution, but they’re not likely to be on the front lines… Alternatively, a white mage or a priest capable of ‘purification’ could handle this in one go.”

Though he knew it was wishful thinking, he couldn’t help but say it out loud.

Purification was an advanced form of healing magic, accessible only to those with exceptional talent who had undergone rigorous training. Such individuals were treasured and closely guarded by their respective religious orders. They only appeared when calamity-class creatures like lichs, vampire progenitors, or high-level demons showed up. An ordinary adventurer would never encounter such a person, as they were far beyond the reach of common folk.

“…They say Lady Clara reached that pinnacle at the mere age of sixteen, but there’s no such prodigy around here. We’ll have to make do with the forces we have.”

It was ironic that in this land famous for its shrine maidens, they were being attacked by the unholy undead. However, if they managed to overcome this unexpected crisis, ‘Steel Wagon’ would gain considerable prestige, and their reward might even increase. Most importantly, protecting the students of the Royal Academy, especially such high-ranking VIPs, right under the nose of Eunice’s theocracy (a key point, as this showed it was out of their control and placed the responsibility on the local authorities) would bring them great renown. This reputation would be invaluable for the group’s future.

This was a dangerous situation, but also an incredible opportunity.

And they didn’t mind this kind of gamble. If they did, they wouldn’t be in the adventuring business, which was akin to living on the edge.

Having quickly calculated the risks and steeled himself, Orlando shouted a rallying cry to his gathered comrades.

“Listen up, everyone! As you can see, Lazar and the others were taken down by some necromancers and turned into puppets. It’s a damn shame, but we can’t save them. The least we can do is lay them to rest ourselves and then crush the b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ who turned their corpses into playthings! Don’t hold back! Sending them off properly is the best thing we can do for them. —Let’s make this a battle to remember!”

“““““““““Oooooooooooooooohhh!!!!””””””””” his comrades roared in unison.

“Shoot for their legs! Immobilize them and surround them! Archers, prepare fire arrows! Anyone who can use magic, focus on putting out any fires that spread!”

If they couldn’t figure out the weak points, they’d have to destroy the bodies beyond recognition or burn them.

Following Orlando’s immediate judgment, the adventurers of ‘Steel Wagon’ boldly launched their attack.

Author’s note:

On an unrelated note, many of the adventurers turned undead were beastmen. Dogs, rabbits, etc. Lazar is an original character of mine, but if anyone recognizes the origins of the other names, well, what a nerd! (The correct answer is that the names are taken from American cartoon characters.)

Translator’s Note:

Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy);
Mandy (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy);
Woody (Woody Woodpecker);
Ben (Ben10);
Elmer (Looney Tunes);
Bugs (Looney Tunes);
Roger (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?);
Selma (The Simpsons, I guess? I can’t find anyone else but Selma Simpsons);
Mumbly & Muttley (this is tricky because the author uses Muttley for one character and Kenken (the JP localization for Muttley) for another character, so essentially they’re referencing the same character from the TV series Wacky Races. I decided to use Mumbly (from the Tom & Jerry package) due to how often they’re mistaken for each other).

Editor’s Note:

Well! We have a nerd here!


The Monologue of the Frontier Count and the Midnight Raid (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

Being suddenly praised and without understanding why, Euphemia blinked in confusion.

“It seems that Syltianna has taken an interest in the daughter of the imperial noble you often talk about, as well as the cafe you highly praise. That’s what made her decide to go out.”
“Oh my! Is that so? If Sister Syltianna had told me directly, I would have gladly introduced her to Elder Sis—I mean, Lady Julia!”

Euphemia bit her nails in frustration, while Corrad, gazing at her affectionately—not with fatherly love, but more like one would look at a cherished pet, a distinction lost on the affection-starved Euphemia—smiled joyfully.

“Well, it seems you’re quite taken with her. I’d like to meet this Lady Julia myself. How about inviting her to the mansion?”

At her father’s casual suggestion, Euphemia’s face lit up with a beaming smile.

“That’s wonderful, Father! Please, let’s do that. Once you meet Lady Julia, you’ll surely understand how wonderful she is!” Enthusiastically, she added more calmly after a moment’s reflection, “But, Lady Julia is currently away from the capital for that field study…”

“Oh, it was the Arlea region in the Eunice Theocracy, wasn’t it? I stayed there for a while when I was young. It’s a picturesque place with natural open-air hot springs scattered all around… and come to think of it, Clara was quite fond of those hot springs.”

A hint of bitterness mixed into Corrad’s gentle expression.

Nodding knowingly, Euphemia said, “Ah, yes, it’s written here. It’s famous as a ‘beauty and skin-beautifying hot spring.’ Also, there’s a seal of an evil god that Lady Clara placed.”

She glanced at the travel log about the Arlea region’s geography lying open on the desk.

“A seal of an evil god, huh…” Corrad glanced at the travelog with a slightly mocking expression. “The masses sure are ignorant. It wasn’t something so trivial, and Clara’s seal was originally—”

He caught himself mid-sentence and abruptly stopped speaking.

“No, it’s nothing. More importantly, I’d like to invite this Lady Julia the moment she returns. If Syltianna makes a friend, it will encourage her even more.”
“Yes, of course. I’m sure Lady Julia will become friends with Sister Syltianna without a doubt.”

After saying that aloud, Euphemia felt a slight unease.

(Now that I think about it, Elder Sister Julia is quite close to Lord Lucas, Sister Syltianna’s former fiancé. I hope that won’t be a problem…)

Euphemia grew a bit anxious.


After a calm moment following dinner…

What was intended to be a ladies’ gathering, or rather, a witch trial with no defense attorneys—where I was the accused, Viola the judge, Liselotte the prosecutor, and Eren and the maids her eyewitnesses—came to an abrupt end when a visibly shaken messenger burst in, interrupting everything.

“—Th-, that was close…”

While I breathed a sigh of relief, Liselotte, who had been enjoying herself until the interruption, frowned discontentedly and clicked her tongue softly.

Viola gave a wry smile and remarked, “there seems to be an ambush, so I think this takes priority.”

As if to confirm her words, staff members and the armed adventurers acting as guards were seen rushing around the resort fully armed. “Everyone, for your safety, please follow the guards’ instructions and evacuate. The number of attackers isn’t significant, but please wear clothes that allow for easy movement in case of emergencies!”

“Hmm… someone is targeting us? How unexpected. Influential public figures and people from the underworld should’ve been informed of our activities already…”

Despite this being just a vacation visit, we are a VIP group with royal and noble children, state guests of Livitium Imperial Kingdom.

While technically from a neighboring country, Liselotte is still the princess of Cilento Central State, the representative nation of the entire Livitium Imperial Kingdom. She, most likely, had done careful research and preparations behind the scene—something that the student council executives apparently lacked the consideration of, despite it was their recommendation to make Eunice Theocracy as our destination for the field trip, and they still have the gall to play the role of hosts welcoming us.

It’s only natural that Liselotte would express her disappointment when we’re still ambushed by bandits on the day of our visit despite her effort.

“There are always idiots acting on their own interests. Or perhaps it’s an ambush from a foreign nation disguised as banditry. Either way, there’s too little information to make a judgment at this stage.” Viola, who was dressed in her usual male uniform with a longsword at her waist that her maid had handed over, shrugged and tried to comfort Liselotte.

“Indeed. Attacking us head-on is extremely reckless. It could be a group of overzealous rebels or perhaps even the work of monsters.” Of course, there might be someone orchestrating this from behind the scenes, but we can confirm that after we’ve dealt with the immediate threat. Fortunately, I know some well-informed individuals who might be able to provide insights into such underhanded activities.

A somewhat dubious peddler and his subordinate, a white cat beastman, came to mind.1

“For now, let’s prioritize surviving this ordeal. Eren, come with me to change clothes and bring Vier.”
“Yes, Lady Jill!”

As I bowed and left the room, Liselotte and Viola called out to me.

“Be careful.”
“We’ll meet again later.”

I turned back to face the room and bowed once more before exiting.

“Yes, you both take care as well.”

While I can manage to protect myself and have Vier, my familiar who is as strong as an SS-rank monster, providing a significant safety margin, they only have regular guards. I’ll need to stay close to them and be mindful of their safety.

As I walked down the corridor with Eren, I noticed other noble young ladies from our group in a state of panic, frantically confronting the teachers and adventurers they encountered. Some were so shocked that they had fainted.

Liselotte and Viola remained calm, making me momentarily forget that such bold princesses are exceptions. Most noble ladies, sheltered and pampered, would naturally react as they did.

“This could be problematic,” I murmured.

The internal panic might result in injuries or, in the worst case, fatalities, even more so than the external attack. Realizing this, I quickened my pace towards my room.

While I plan to support the girls as best as I can, I’m concerned about the boys in the separate building. Hopefully, the student council can manage the chaos, but my unease persists.

The only reliable ones seem to be Cestlavie, who thrives in adversity, and Luke, with his strong sense of justice. Yet, I worry about how well they can handle this chaos.

“Please, be safe,” I prayed to no one in particular as I opened the door to my room.


Hearing the urgent warnings from the guards, Luke grabbed his protective sword and, with his familiar, a winged cat, perched on his shoulder, dashed out of his room. He almost collided with Cestlavie, who was hurrying down the hallway.


They both instinctively scowled at each other but quickly realized this wasn’t the time. Luke, adopting a businesslike tone, asked, “Why are you in such a hurry?”

“—Nothing much. My roommate Elias is missing. The guy is a bit clumsy, so I’m just looking for him to be safe,” Cestlavie replied, scratching his head in a nonchalant manner. The general class students were assigned shared rooms rather than private ones.

Luke narrowed his eyes slightly at Cestlavie’s response. (Hmm. Despite his usual demeanor, he’s surprisingly caring. That brusque attitude and way of speaking must be a cover for his embarrassment… I see.)

Cestlavie, for his part, had been observing Luke’s composed and ready stance amidst the chaos, and he held a newfound respect for him. (I thought he was just another sheltered noble, but he’s got guts. This must be what they call a ‘natural talent.’ Seriously… the world is unfair.)

Thus, they both gained a new appreciation for each other.

Meanwhile, at the hot spring open-air bath in the retreat house—

A group, including student council members (like the errand boy Elias) and some enthusiastic nobles (like Daniel), attempted to climb over the four-meter stone wall separating the men’s and women’s baths. They were startled by the urgent news brought by the teachers and adventurer guards, causing them to slip and fall from the wall.

Ten minutes into the attack.

Most of the injuries were minor scrapes, bruises, and cuts, but these unintended injuries accounted for the first casualties.


Ragweed Princess Chapter 87 (Part 2)

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Ragweed Princess Chapter 87 (Part 1)

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The Monologue of the Frontier Count and the Midnight Raid (Part 1)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

One of the four major nations on the continent, the Livitium Imperial Kingdom, is located in the northern region.

Along the coast facing the North-Dragon Ice Sea, the empire boasts numerous fishing and trading ports. These ports bustle with activity in the summer but become encased in ice during the severe winters, transforming the landscape into a bitterly cold zone. To the west, the imposing White Dragon Mountain Range acts as a formidable barrier, impeding trade with the fertile granary regions of the western countries.

To the south lies the Tenebrae Nemus, a sacrosanct territory teeming with monsters. In the east, the relatively low-lying terrain is home to the Labyrinth Forest, reputed to be inhabited by fairies and supernatural beings. To put it bluntly, the Livitium Imperial Kingdom is a land hemmed in by magical dens on all sides.

Despite these geographical challenges, it remains one of the superpowers in the northern region. The Imperial Kingdom primarily consists of the central state of Cilento, which accounts for about 40% of the total territory—mostly enclaves owned by nobles. The remaining areas are governed by various smaller states in a sort of federal structure.

This type of governmental structure is not uncommon on the continent.

In the case of smaller states centered around city-states with populations ranging from 10,000 to 300,000, this system is logical. However, for a major nation with a population exceeding 5 million, a stagnant centralized political system struggles to manage the entire country effectively. Given the current domination of the continent by the Cardinal Rose Superempire, external military efforts are deemed wasteful, leading to ongoing reductions in military strength. As a result, governance through military might has become impractical, necessitating a degree of regional political, administrative, and financial autonomy, and a loose consultative system for peaceful governance.

This setup is common among the four major nations on the continent—

Namely, the Graviol Empire, which governs most of the eastern region, is celebrated as the oldest and most powerful nation on the continent. The United Kingdom of Déra-Amítia, located in the west, is renowned as a center of agriculture and industry. The Cres Freedom United Nation, the largest nation in terms of landmass, situated in the south and predominantly inhabited by demi-human races. Lastly, the Livitium Imperial Kingdom in the north, known for its maritime activities and livestock farming.

These four countries alone occupy nearly half of the territory of the sixty nations on the continent (excluding the inviolable area of the Tenebrae Nemus in the central part of the continent) and account for about ninety percent of the continent’s economy. Despite, or perhaps because of, their power, they actively pursue a peaceful federal system.

However, each of the four major countries exhibits distinct characteristics. For instance, the Graviol Empire, with its deep history, maintains a stable and well-defined social system from the central government to the farthest reaches. In contrast, the Cres Freedom United Nation, where the majority of the population consists of nomadic demi-humans like beastmen, dwarves, and centaurs, operates with a much looser structure, and even its internal borders are somewhat ambiguous.

Among these, the Livitium Imperial Kingdom stands out for its internal strife—though calling it outright antagonistic might be an exaggeration. It is often described as a motley collection of unruly groups, an aggregation of diverse elements that struggle to unify.

Historically, the northern regions have always had a strong independent spirit. This often translated into a collection of small, comparably weak nations. Adding to the chaos were pirates, bandits, horse thieves, and various other lawless groups constantly clashing, leading to a tumultuous existence where nations could rise and fall overnight. Up until twenty to thirty years ago, this area was merely a collection of small, nominally recognized countries, truly an ‘outlying region’ and a backwater of civilization.

However, each country’s leadership eventually realized that, if they continued in this manner, they would soon be unable to withstand the pressure from the powerful United Kingdom of Déra-Amítia to the west and the Graviol Empire to the east. This would inevitably lead to one of these powerful nations absorbing them. Thus, driven by a sense of crisis, the leaders of these northern countries, after bloody conflicts and calculated negotiations—often referred to as “reconciling”—managed to form a federal state.

The process was far from smooth. When it came to selecting a leading nation to take the helm, each country fiercely competed to secure favorable conditions and position itself advantageously, leading to significant disputes. This situation, epitomizing “too many cooks spoil the broth,” nearly descended into a disastrous war fueled by foul language and threats.

It was at this critical juncture that the Cardinal Rose Supreme Empire Council intervened, issuing a stern warning—more like a threat:

“If you continue this disgraceful bickering, you will see that your countries will lose their heads. Physically.”

Reluctantly, the northern nations accepted this admonition and appointed the Cilento Central State, known for its established history and traditions in the north, as the leading nation. This arrangement, combined with measures to bolster national power by integrating compliant countries through favorable conditions, managed to establish a semblance of order.

In reality, had the declaration of the establishment of the Livitium Imperial Kingdom been delayed any further, the Cardinal Rose Superempire would have likely given up on them entirely.

Moreover, if the powerful western nation, the United Kingdom of Déra-Amítia, had not quickly thrown its support behind the Cilento Central State through royal marriages and other alliances, or if the Graviol Empire, their most vigilant neighboring country, had not been embroiled in its own turmoil (specifically the Emperor’s succession issue following the Dragon King’s attack), or if the Theocracy of Eunice and the Nation of Aulanthia (which later submitted to the Cilento Central State and became a frontier territory) had not ceased their covert operations, the outcome could have been drastically different.

Had there been a single misstep, there is no doubt they would have been swallowed up by neighboring countries during this period of upheaval.

“…Perhaps that would have been for the best,” it is rumored that a certain noble of the Superempire confided to their close aides at the time. However, the veracity of this statement remains uncertain, and the mere existence of such a rumor could be considered a fatal flaw.

Because of this origin, the Livitium Imperial Kingdom is often regarded by the other three major nations as an “immature nation, unable to stand without the support of the Superempire.” Internally, many of the former independent states continue to vie for the position of the representative nation that was given to the Cilento Central State. This leads to ongoing schemes and intrigues as they strive for dominance, resulting in a state fraught with internal and external troubles and a challenging road ahead.


“Ugh, by now, my sister must have arrived at Eunice. Not being able to see her for over a month feels like torture. I wish I could find an excuse to go to Eunice for a vacation myself.”

In a study large enough to resemble a small library, Euphemia was searching through documents about the Arlea region of the Eunice Theocracy, where her beloved sister Jill was currently staying. However, merely looking at papers only heightened her frustration. She stood up from her chair, began biting her nails, and started pacing around the room.

“If what’s written here is correct, it’s a tourist spot famous for its hot springs, and even shrine maidens from the Saintess Church visit for training. Yes, if I use Sister Syltianna’s treatment as an excuse to go along, Father might agree. Besides, staying cooped up in the mansion without attending the academy isn’t good either…”

Just as she muttered this to herself, an unexpected response with a hint of a chuckle reached her ears.

“You mustn’t use your sister as an excuse.”
“—! F-Father?! Why are you here?!”

Euphemia spun around, startled, to find a kindly-looking middle-aged man standing there. Though not particularly imposing, he had the demeanor of a third-generation proprietor of a respectable old shop. This man was none other than Corrad Simon Aulanthia, the Frontier Count with the largest territory in the Livitium Imperial Kingdom, who in another era could have been a king in his own right.

Corrad deflected his youngest daughter’s surprised gaze with a troubled expression.

“I heard you were holed up in the study even during tea time. I came to check on you, but I happened to overhear your rather dangerous plot and couldn’t help but intervene.”

“Uh… um… I didn’t mean to make use of sister Syltianna’s condition—” As Euphemia stammered out her excuse, Corrad gave her a wry smile and nodded several times, signaling that he understood.

“You’re right that it’s not good for Syltianna to be cooped up in the mansion all the time. I’ve always been concerned and want to help, but it’s ultimately up to her. She’s suffered such deep wounds, both physically and emotionally, that I can’t force her.”

With this gentle admonishment, Euphemia had no words to respond.

“…I apologize. It was thoughtless of me. I will be more careful with my words and actions from now on.”

Corrad looked back at his youngest daughter with a kindly grandfatherly smile.

“It’s alright, as long as you understand. Besides, Syltianna’s health has been much better lately. While she still avoids crowded places, as you mentioned earlier, the academy is quite empty now due to the field studies. She’s considering making a visit.”
“Sister Syltianna is going out? On her own will?”
“Yes. In fact, we might have you to thank for that, Euphemia.”

Author’s Note:

Incidentally, the last King of Aulanthia was Corrad’s father. In terms of land area, Aulanthia is about the same as Eunice. The population is about one-third of Eunice.This is what’s average though. It’s not that Aulanthia has too few people; it’s Eunice, being a religious country, that has too many people.

Because of this background, the Frontier Count of Aulanthia is still treated as king outside of official occasions, and his children are referred to as “Prince” and “Princess.”

Jill was also called “Princess Syltianna.”


Ragweed Princess Chapter 86 (Part 2)

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» Chapter 86-2 «

The Golden Haired Prince and the Soot Haired Prodigy (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

Even Eren and the other maids appeared to be listening intently, their eyes sparkling with interest and their attention fully focused.

“Well, there is no lady I am currently seeing… but come to think of it, I recall that Fräulein Liselotte has a fiancé who is three or four years older?” Viola teased, swirling her glass and watching Liselotte’s reaction through the amber wine.

“Hmm, you got me. Indeed, my fiancé, Ricky… Cedric, is currently sixteen, but our relationship extends only to that of an arranged engagement, so there’s not much to talk about,” Liselotte replied with a dismissive snort.

Despite her seemingly nonchalant attitude, Viola—along with every other young woman in the room—didn’t miss Liselotte’s momentarily darting eyes and the slight movement of her maid.

“Oh, really? Rumor has it that since your fiancé is a count’s son, there were objections. But someone was deeply in love… I mean, insisted strongly on the engagement, and as a result, your betrothed was sent to study abroad while Fräulein agreed to enroll in the academy. Is that not true?” Viola continued to probe with a playful smile.


“Wha…?! Th-, those are baseless court gossip, embellished for amusement. I enrolled in the academy to broaden my horizons as a princess, entirely unrelated to Cedric,” Liselotte protested, her face turning red, whether from anger or embarrassment.

Everyone watched with warm, amused gazes as Liselotte hastily tried to explain herself.

“Oh, is that so? It seems Lady Liselotte has someone special. That’s interesting. Out of pure curiosity, how far have things progressed? Given that he’s older, I suspect he’s quite advanced,” I asked, suddenly intrigued.

Liselotte’s mouth clamped shut, and she let out a small groan. Viola whistled softly, giving a knowing smile, while the maids all leaned in eagerly, their ears practically twitching.

“I-, I didn’t expect such a question from you of all people. What a surprise… but since I was the one who brought up the subject of love stories, I suppose I should answer honestly… um, well, in confirming our feelings for each other, we’ve—”

“—Since he studied abroad, could he be an exchange student from the Graviol Empire? Given that he’s three years older, his field of study must have been pretty advanced.”


“—A-, ahem, I should have known. …Anyway, what about you, Jill? Do you have someone you like? I mean, earlier you mentioned Prince Lucas and Priest Cestlavie, right? From what I saw during the day, both seemed interested in you. Which one is your main interest? I’d like to know.”

Immediately, Eren and the other girls in the room focused their gazes on me with intense curiosity.

Under the pressure that felt almost physically palpable, I managed to say, “Um… no comment—”

“““““NOT AN OPTION!!”””””

In an instant, they banded together to block any escape.

As I looked around at the predatory glint in their eyes, I began to search for a way to navigate this challenging situation.


“They’re late.”

It was past midnight. The retreat, devoid of streetlights, was shrouded in darkness cast by the canopy of trees surrounding the buildings. If not for the moon’s full glow, it would have been impossible to see even past your own arm’s length.

At the illuminated main gate, lit by torches and lanterns, the leader among the members of the adventurer group Steel Wagon impatiently muttered while scanning the road leading to the town.

“How long do they take to clean up a few corpses? Even with their numbers, it shouldn’t take more than half a day.”
“Ain’t they having a blast in the town nearby?”
“This place is the heartland of the church. There’s not a single brothel in sight. They’d be bored out of their minds.”
“They’re probably drowning in booze right about now. Damn lucky.”
“I wish I had stayed back.”

The adventurers, each equipped haphazardly, echoed with crude laughter.

Among them, the leader wore a grim expression, his temples visibly pulsating.

“Don’t be so careless, damn it! Think beyond your usual antics! We’ve got sons and daughters of not only major nobles but even royals. I even heard someone from the Imperial Family is here. If we catch their eye, that could mean bidding farewell to our vagrant lives. Show some dignity, at least!”
“Yeah, yeah.”

As the leader was about to shout another retort, someone interrupted, “Oh, isn’t that Lazar and the others? Looks like they’ve returned.”

Promptly, one of their beastkin comrades, keen-eyed in the dark, pointed out a group approaching from the road ahead.

“Finally, darn it. Hey, you’re late!”

Silently approaching were a dozen adventurers clad in familiar gear.

The leader, about to shout once again, noticed they were walking slowly, dragging their feet. He frowned. “Are you injured? What happened? Speak up!”

Still met with silence from the approaching group, he instinctively drew his sword halfway from his waist, pointing the tip towards them.

“Stop! Don’t come any closer! Lazar, report from where you stand!”

With a slight delay, his comrades behind him also readied their weapons, aiming torches and lanterns toward them to illuminate the area.

“ —EEK!!”

The first to notice them was the beastkin man, accustomed to the dark.

Puzzled expressions dawned on the adventurers, led by the leader, as they soon realized the state of their approaching companions—or rather, former companions—in the illuminated zone, causing them to gasp.

“L-, Lazar, and you all… those wounds…”
“They’re… they’re dead…”
“Mo-, mo-, monsters!”

Initially mistaking them for merely dirty, the Steel Wagon adventurers realized the stains on their comrades’ bodies were blood, at first wondering if it was splattered on them, and finally understanding that the blood had flowed and congealed from their own bodies. That sight sent shivers down the bodies of the battle-hardened adventurers.

At that moment, the surrounding woods came alive with a collective rustling, as if a colossal creature was slithering through.

“Enemy attack! We’ve got an ambush!”

Upon the leader’s alarming cry, a deep, beast-like roar thundered from behind their former allies—now enemies—resounding from the inky depths where light dared not reach.


“Oh? I think I hear some commotions from outside.”
“You’re still evading the question, I see.”


Ragweed Princess Chapter 86 (Part 1)

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Sorry for the late chapter! I went out with some friends and it took a lot longer than I expected to come back.

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» Chapter 86-1 «