All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 85

I just want to take this pre-chapter ramble to mention that the new translator for this uses a different font now and I still end up weirded out.

Also my Nemesis figure should be arriving soon! Like next week soon!
I also have this like anime business card thing coming soon that I spent waaaaay too much on for postage but eh whatevs.

Gotta take one for the waifu amiright?

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» Chapter 85 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 84

I was watching Misfit of Demon Academy and they constructed this castle out of magic for a duel.
“That Castle as a really odd shape with a long keep and twin towers at the front, wonder if that’s deliberate.” I thought to myself.
Later on they go to use their ultimate magic attack.
“It’s not gonna be something cliche like they manifest a giant cannon between the towers is it?”
Promptly begins to construct a giant artillery cannon in the middle of the castle

Ah yes. This is why I still watch dumb fun cliche anime.
The entire scene was just

I am a sucker for big cannons like that. The bit in Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere where they install the gravity cannon and then do a flip in that giant ship to punch a hole through the enemies formation was such an unf moment in the novels. I’m glad they animated it a bit in the finale celebration OVA.

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» Chapter 84 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 217

Rather than using my pre-chapter ramble to talk about important things like anime updates, novel releases, world news or other boring things; I’m gonna shamelessly advertised here.
When this chapter goes live I am probably in the middle of streaming on twitch. Assuming I haven’t gone for a dinner break. Might have done that.
Well anyway you can catch me streaming after my dinner break too anyway. Will let you know.
Probably playing Satisfactory…might be Valkyria. Depends on my mood.

Oh right actually I do have something important to talk about that isn’t shameless advertising.
Would you guys suggest I commission some art of my original characters or continue saving for a potential GPU upgrade?
Or a bit of both, save some money for the GPU and get one piece of art done but skip out on some new games for a bit?
Decisions decisions.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 62 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 216

My rating of Satisfactory is that it is satisfactory.
Well I managed to get a bit further in, according to the guides I’m still in the early game though. Ha.
My current bottleneck is POWAH.
However I recently researched the ability to make coal power plants! So my next step is to find coal.

My very own industrial revolution!
Does any remember that time I wanted to write a novel about a fantasy world in the middle of an industrial revolution?
That is in fact the same novel I used Chloe, from Alchemist, as a character reference.
I forgot which novel my pre-chapter ramble about that was on so you’ll just have to make do if it wasn’t DSM and you didn’t read that other novel.
Steam power is such a fun thing in concept I guess.
Romantic almost.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 61 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 215

So this will be a couple of days overdue by the time it posts.
(I completely forgot to mention it in yesterdays chapter releases!)

But IDOLM@STER just celebrated 15 years!
This is probably my favourite idol franchise despite never playing the games, but the original 765PRO group of girls are some of the most memorable characters I’ve ever come across.
I actually have figures of Miki, Iori and Chihaya.
They won out over the Love Live trio of Umi, Eli and Maki that were also contending for the idol slot on my shelf.

Speaking of anime figures, my Nemesis figure from Infinite Dendrogram shipped recently.
This is the last figure for the year (unless I order another one). My next figure is the Fate Anniversary Rin who I won’t be seeing for over a year.
That Rin figure is special because it’s the first figure I own to violate my ‘canon or iconic outfit only’ rule for figures.

Anyway I bet most of you skipped this because we all want the resolution to our collective bloodthirst!

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 60 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 214

I bought Satisfactory today.
I’m not very good at it.
But I guess it’s one of those slow start games? I dunno the game seems to be entirely about automation but it feels really hands on currently.
Although I guess I know what’s limiting me most currently.

I’ll keep throwing myself at it and see how things work out though!
Part of the problem is the way I play games like this is so inefficient and in a game about optimisation that does not mesh well.

Oh right uhm….content warning for this chapter I guess?
Yeah just uhm……be mentally prepared?

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 59 «

Blue Sky Chapter 10

I guess I will use this pre-chapter ramble to discuss games since it seems fitting. Let’s see what should we cover.

FGO smashed the mobile game charts once again for highest grossing income. Practically double it’s nearest competitors.
I started playing Alchemist Code because the original design for my original character was ripped from it. It’s not that fun.
I watched a load of videos on DOOM lore for no apparent reason, guess this is one of my whimsical trends.
Phantasy Star Online 2 is getting a new standalone MMO that’s also a tie in MMO that shares data with the original MMO but is a standalone MMO. Yeah nobody else gets it either.
I started streaming games again for a grand total of a week before I stopped for a week and I need to get back into the habit.

Guess that’s all for games.
Oh there was some other news but I don’t really care all too much.

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» Chapter 10 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 83

It came/come as a bit of a shock, but this chapter is in fact, not about food.
Scary right?
For a cooking novel to have a chapter that doesn’t involve food.

Hmmm? What was that?
flips notes
This isn’t actually a cooking novel?

Wait wait wait, then what were the past sixty chapters about?

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» Chapter 83 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 82

Since I’m in charge of scheduling like three different novels now I have long since lost track of which novels I have mentioned what things on in my pre-chapter rambles.
So I now consider all of my posts as part of the Robinxen Ramble Continuity where each one is a direct sequel to the previous one and therefore I don’t have to bother with keeping track.
For you guys that only read these (and I love you guys that actually do read these) for the novels that I happen to schedule for you this may lead to some gaps but oh well.

Anyway you may or may not know that I have tried many times to write a novel but I am a lazy person and get blocked easily.
One of the novels I got closest to publishing was when Scribble Hub first launched (actually I think my page for it still exists).

Anyway the character I was using for reference (which I originally found on google looking for copyright free art. Spoiler: She isn’t copyright free) is from a game.
Turns out that game got an anime movie last year which goes to bluray in the next few months.

Basically this means that the original embodiment of my OC will be making a cameo in a movie I guess.
I need some original art done of my original character.
You’re probably wondering what game this is?!

Well the answer comes in three forms:
Alchemist Code
Dare ga Tame no Alchemist
For Whom the Alchemist Exists

Weirdly the anime movie took an isekai route for some reason. The actual game has no isekai elements except collab events.

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» Chapter 82 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 213

J-Novel club is in the middle of going through a site overhaul, I wonder if silva will murder me if I link to them?
Well basically they’re looking for feedback on the beta version of their new site, which you can find if you go to their forums on their normal site!
Please do give them lots of useful feedback because right now the site has some weird flaws and minor annoyances.
The ones I’ve picked up have already been mentioned by others so far I think, so it looks like the process is going well.

Also you should totally buy some novels from them.
I’m not saying this because sometimes I proofread for them at all.
They’re a genuinely good company.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 58 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 212

The Atelier game got officially announced huh.
The reaction on the internet has varied from leading scientists calculating the exact percentage increase of thigh volume on the main heroine…
all the way to the elitist scum hating on the Ryza newcomers.

I actually got into a fight with one of those elitist fans and they were not impressed.
I really hate gatekeeping in fandoms so haha. Take that sucker.

I’ve never actually played an Atelier game, probably never will either sadly.
Just not enough time and not enough appeal.
I’m already overstretched with all my anime, novels and game backlog!

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 57 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 211

I finished reading Warlock of the Magus World today.
Didn’t really like it. The story was okay but the character writing just wasn’t right to me.
The author seemed overall competent but was trying too hard to make the main character different.

I get that he was a pragmatist but there was a lot of plot threads and character development in the supporting cast that were just cut because of his decisions, and it felt really pointless.
Like they spent several chapters developing one character only to abandon them and that never get mentioned ever again.
Or entire groups developed only to use them as fodder for the MC to stand on.
Or he’d give a boon to some random character for whatever reason, then that character would never show up again.
Or there’d be foreshadowing of an event but the main character would just sidestep it entirely making all the buildup null.

It just felt…pointless?
Why bother getting invested in any characters that will probably never be relevant again.

The lack of romance killed it too, but that’s a minor gripe. When A Mage Revolts is far superior and that also didn’t have romance.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 56 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 210

Do you know what I find weird. So Coca Cola sell Cherry Coke right.
Which is unsurprisingly a flavour of Coca Cola. Go figure.

The weird part is they only sell it in fridge bottles, and maybe cans.
BUT they do sell Cherry Coke ZERO in large bottles?
However they don’t sell Cherry Coke ZERO in fridge bottles!

So it’s like. You need the big bottles for Cherry Coke ZERO.
And you need fridge bottles for Cherry Coke.
Which annoys me because I like big bottles but hate ZERO.
So I always get stuck having to decide.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 55 «

Blue Sky Chapter 9

I don’t remember which novel I mentioned it on (I publish a lot of these chapter release posts okay!) but I spoke about clearing my room a while back.
I cleared two shelves to make space for more anime merch, and in the process had to add two large planks of wood to one of my storage units because it was a slatted shelf.
Meaning it had a strip of wood, then a gap, then another piece of wood, then a gap.

Obviously cheaper to make for storing boxes, but not practical for books and figures!
So I added some planks over the top so it’s a proper shelf.
Problem is I need to wait for the wood to level out since it had a curve from storage. Then I need to varnish it!

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» Chapter 9 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 81

Are you aware that Amazon has been taking down dozens of Light Novels as of late?
Even No Game No Life got booted! That juggernaut of a franchise isn’t up to amazons standards.
It’s ironic that the Japanese version is fine though.

America ruining everything again.
I hate that country.

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» Chapter 81 «