All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 111 Part 2

So one of my biggest fears when scheduling stuff on this site is accidentally copying and pasting something I really shouldn’t!
I don’t even copy and paste things that often and even if I do it’s never anything I can’t show to others (I literally only copy things to send on discord!) but sometimes I just fear I will copy something out of context that seems really bad and post that instead of the chapter I meant to paste!

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» Chapter 111 Part 2 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 111 Part 1

So the chapter title for this chapter is Proper Distance is Important.
You have to understand how difficult it was to resist going with Social Distancing Is Important.
You should all be praising me for resisting such a cheap cultural reference that even memes would frown at!

Come on!
You can do it by donating to my gacha funds charity linked here at my paypa…..huh what Silva why are you pinging me on discord?

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» Chapter 111 Part 1 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 281

Banished from the Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside is getting an anime!
Try saying that three times fast.
This adds it to the list of many light novels I love that are getting animes of late!

Hopefully something like Altina The Sword Princess is next in line!
Also soon is How A Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom’s anime!
What a time to be alive!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 6 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 280

Oh my god. Fischl is amazing.
Her personality is pure gold.
I was dying of laughter while streaming the new event quests.

I hope that the other characters also get quests like these in the future to better get to know them.
Honestly this is a largely overlooked part of gacha game design.
People are way more inclined to roll for characters they are familiar with. Gameplay is only of equal value, not superior.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 5 «

Blue Sky Chapter 29

Did I name the previous chapter as Chapter 29 by accident?
Did we skip 28…or did I do 29 twice here?
Or did I get it right and I’m just overthinking.
This entire chapter numbering thing has become a mess because the author uploaded a chapter saying they were going to be late with a chapter!
Goddaaaaammmmmiiiitttttt author! Making my life a pain! I’ve long forgotten which chapter was originally what!
Ah screw it.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 29 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 279

So World of Warships is doing another chapter of their ongoing Apreggio tie in events.
I love Arpeggio a hell of a lot.
As part of this continued event rerun type thing they’ve rereleased Takao has a buyable DLC.
Like holy hell!

I want her so bad because she’s my Arpeggio waifu but the price is just ludicrous! I could buy two or three whole games for that one ship!
Even if it was half I’d still hesitate because I barely play the game!!!!
What the hell!

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 4 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 278

I started playing Conan Exiles on a sever with the people I roleplay with on discord.
I’ve been having some great fun doing things over there.
I always enjoy games like that on multiplayer as opposed to solo, mostly because I can do less work.

Other people can do the annoying parts for me and I can do the fun bits.
Like building elevators for no reason.
Those are cool.

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 3 «

Blue Sky Chapter 28

Genshin Impact event gives a free Fischl!
I get to play a Chinese game, in England, with the Japanese VA’s while a character speaks botched German.
What a time to be alive.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 28 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 110 Part 2

Ereshkigal finally makes her return to FGO!
I’ve actually been taking a break for the past few months from this game, I’ve lost 20 of my friends list friends too in the process. Woops.
But Ereshkigal has made her return banner and of course I had to roll for that final copy!
It took just over 200 SQ but I got her to NP5 at last.
All of my regrets from last Christmas have ended.

Now to get Bradamante.

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» Chapter 110 Part 2 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 110 Part 1

Shocking news!
Not Sure, Another World original web novel got an update!
Yes that means there might actually be some more chapters on their way as we start to reach the endgame!
I don’t know if they’ll release fast enough to prevent us catching up though haha.
We do upload super regularly!
And if you want to make sure these chapters stay regular along with everything else on the site then please join the patreon!
Or at the very least please turn your ad block off. Every little counts.
I get a cut of the ad revenue so personally I’d prefer you took the second option. #NoShame

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 110 Part 1 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 277

How are you guys liking the first couple of chapters on the new volume?
Are you excited for what’s to come?
Does it really feel like a new volume?
What trials and tribulations await?!

Find out next chapter!

Also it feels really weird to see the chapter number drop so drastically.

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 2 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 276

Here it is folks, Volume 3 of Maiden!
This volume is titled Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto.
Say your fond farewells to Sakura Blizzard and let’s see how things progress together!

Not that I read ahead or anything because you know that’s not my job at all as the editor or something so I don’t have any spoilers on hand I promise you yup there is nothing to see here and you can read in absolute peace knowing that were are totally and uniformly getting the same experience at the same time.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 1 «

Blue Sky Chapter 27

Since I didn’t speak about yesterday I guess I will speak about it here today.
The Kickstarter for the light novel series I supported is now entering its final phase of reward production!
I’m super excited that in a few months it will all be delivered directly to me.

Some of the rewards look amazing too!
One of them, the boxset containers for the novels, is actually being illustrated by a guy I accidentally brought to the attention of the company owner!
I shared some of his art in the discord trying to track a source and they mentioned the possibility of contacting them about art in the future.
Who’d have guessed it’d actually happen!
So this random person got a job because I happened to share a photo.

Good job me, I pat myself on the back.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 27 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 275

Just as suddenly as it felt like it started, we’ve reached the end of Volume 2!
It’s almost like a bit of a cliffhanger really.
Oh wait maybe that’s because it is?

What have your been your guys feelings about Volume 2?
Sadly I didn’t get to finish any of my .5 chapters due to computer troubles and general nightmarish timing.
Also game addictions.
But I’m sure that Volume 3 will present some juicy potential sources for more spin offs!

Or perhaps to celebrate the end of Volume 2 you should suggest a .5 chapter you’d like me to write!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 120 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 274

Well the Genshin Impact full update news is available now.
Really the formatting was a bit of a nightmare but I managed to pick out the important stuff.

I wasn’t expecting a new spontaneous event to coincide with all the story updates but I guess they’re trying to push content hard.
Also I get a free chuuni.
Finally I might be able to build an alternative to my Amber.

Seriously a bow user has become a staple of my team construction but Amber is the only one I have so I have to use her in almost every team I set up!
The only team she’s not in are the ones for vine hacking!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 119 «